It did nothing about Savile and the other paedophiles whom it employed (and this in spite of Savile’s conduct being widely known about in London showbiz circles);
It faked the results of competitions. By its own admission, its production staff either passed themselves off as genuine winners or invented same on several occasions. The shows involved included Children in Need and Comic Relief;
It filmed a police raid on Cliff Richard’s home, leading to a civil action in which the Judge held that the BBC had breached the singer’s right to privacy; and
It covered up the falsification of financial documents and the lies told by Martin Bashir in order to gain access to a member of the Royal Family.
It’s worth bearing in mind that (a) none of these actions are of any great vintage and (b) they are the doing of an organisation that is quick to judge others to the point of persecution.
If Boris finds the guts and intelligence necessary to rid the country of the BBC, he would do well to simply adopt Cromwell’s address to the Long Parliament on 20th April, 1653. “In the name of God, go!”
That’s not the half of it
aside from official apologies, there’s a list of court cases that they lost or settled out of court.
Long list of other victims who couldn’t afford the lawyer route as well
StewGreen: if the question was “Do you trust the BBC less after the Diana interview revelations?” and 81% said no, that means 81% of respondents support the BBC, not the other way round as you claim.
Piku – very brave to put your head above the parapet – fortunately more and more people – taxpayers -are realising what your BBC is now – and walking away from it .
It’s now only a matter of time before it bleeds out .
You might get of on attacking posters to this site but how do you defend your institution ?
Contributors to this site are consistently and persistently wrong on a range of issues Fedup2. Perhaps the demise of the BBC is one of those issues. Time will tell.
I note – no defence of your BBC – just the standard troll line about people commenting on this site . I deduce that you and your type are unable to defend your BBC .
@Piku, no I am not wrong
I didn’t have anything to get wrong
since all I did was quote the Expresses question
and then the answers.
Are you gaslighting ?
Stew, you’re clearly right as the screenshot shows that 81% find it harder to trust them now.
I think the problem with Piku arose because your post at 3:19 pm today stated “… 81% no and and incredible 19% who still trust the BBC …” when what you meant was that 81% do now trust the BBC less, whereas an incredible 19% still trust them to the same degree.
So Piku was Piku-ing on a simple error of presentation, as he was determined to find fault rather than address BBC bias.
@Mustapha ah yes Piku chose one interpretation, that I don’t intend.
The survey result was clear
“Do you trust the BBC *less* ”
and answered that with the affirmative
Yes 81%, trust the BBC less
No, 19% say they still trust them
but I reworded the answer as I changed it from the first person “I” to the third person “they”
and I said “and incredible 19% who still trust the BBC”
That is what the survey says
Piku can never argue I was wrong there.
I wrote “81% no” ….. ie who don’t still trust the BBC
I see it is just about possible to read my words as if I was misquoting the survey, and saying that 81% said “no” they don’t trust the BBC *less*.
… but then if you do read it that way, then that second part of my sentence conflicts
You can’t have 81% who still trust the BBC the same, and 19% who still trust the BBC”
If Piku thought my presentation was contradictory
then he could have asked for clarification
but instead he ran on to misrepresent what I intended to say.
How about pointing out some of A Beeb’s wrongdoing for a change ?
After all, that’s what this site is for.
Or are you and maxincony just a pair of haemorrhoids hanging on the back end of Al Beeb
81% said “Yes” to the proposition that they now trusted the BBC less (after the Bashir revelations). It is clear what was meant but, I agree, he should have put “81% yes … etc” But then he doesn’t get paid for posting here (do you?) and anyone might make a mistake, if typing quickly.
Time for a general review of BBC standards and impartiality. They have their own agenda which gets in the way of reflecting events and opinions in a great democracy they need to serve better.
“Tonight you’ve got cabinet ministers… pretty much every front page… talk radio stations… the slaughterhouse of social media… the future King of Britain and his brother… all lined up against the BBC. And for an organisation that exists on the whim of public affection and respect, that is a dreadful place for the BBC to be.”
Couldn’t have put it better myself, though I’m not too sure about the ‘public affection and respect’.
“I can only imagine the feelings of the Royal Family and I hope very much that the BBC will be taking every possible step to make sure nothing like this ever happens again”
Surely this is the excuse needed to revoke its Royal Charter.
OT but must be reported for comment.
Heathrow is considering opening a terminal exclusively for red list countries.
How absolutely gobsmackingly pathetic is that?
Two months too late.
Never demanded by the government?
Passengers from different countries free to mingle for weeks and weeks, an action not only letting in the virus but allowing it to spread.
Where the hell is the accountability for this appalling act of mismanagement?
The borders should have been shut to the unquarantined movement of people last February. They weren’t, thus enabling the virus to enter the country and spread with ease. The result: the country goes into lockdown.
Then came last summer. People were able to go overseas on holiday and return without going through a period in quarantine. Instead, Boris the Buffoon and his chums decided that it would be sufficient to ‘require’ some holidaymakers to self-isolate on their return.
Many didn’t, thus enabling the virus to regain the upper hand after summer. Cue another lockdown.
By now, all but the thickest of people would have realised that closing the borders is the most effective way to stop the virus. All they had to do was look at how Australia and NZ are dealing with it.
Not Boris & co. Oh no, when confronted with a new Indian variant they more or less invite anyone in India who can get on a plane to the UK to come here within a 5-day window. Thousands do. The result: the Indian variant enters the UK and the number of people being infected with the virus goes up.
At this juncture, you might be excused for thinking that Boris would finally shut the borders, allowing the virus to be brought under control and thereby enable life in the UK to return to some semblance of normality over the next few months.
But no. Good old Boris and his chums decide that foreign summer holidays are go. And yet again they allow people who’ve been to badly-hit countries to self-isolate. You’d think one of them would have heard of a quote attributed to a number of people, including the not terribly thick Albert Einstein:
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.”
Has anyone heard any of our msm channels point out the way that their boys in Gaza operate.
During the ceasefires they stock up the schools and hospitals with their rockets and when they have enough they send hundreds or thousands of them over to Israel, willy nilly and exploding all over the place.
Israel retaliates (and our msm all blame them for it)
Eventually their boys run out of rockets and they get applauded for going for a ceasefire.
During the ceasefire they start again stocking up with rockets and when the schools, hospitals and other civilian places are fully stocked up again they shoot them off into Israel.
There was a bit of ‘entertainment ‘- provided by Bowen of Hamas digging out terrorists killed in tunnels by Israel and given a permanent burial . ….
I heard on Sky Australia , a good source of real news and opinion, that Hamas was forced to sue for peace , albeit only a temporary one , because the IDF had killed so many of their terrorist fighters that they were running out of men as well as rockets.
I’m glad you think it is okay for this list of organisations and individuals to make contributions to Angie – without any return on investment , It shows your level of morality .
Meanwhile – are you continuing to avoid any comment about your BBC at all ? Even in the current circumstances ? Any defence at all ? Run the ‘bad apple ‘ defence …
Or just continue to pick fights with commentators without reference to the BBC – like you alter ego -Piku – on the daytime troll shift ?
Do we actually know who donated to Rayner for sure ?
We know what name is on the receipt
but it would be dead easy for me to make a deal with say someone called Mohammed Imran to funnel my money through him
say via giving him a discount on a deal.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch Special – nowhere near at the top of BBC concerns It is way down at level 4, below Friends reunion, below coronavirus Pandemic. It will not be long at that rate that the BBC squeeze it down to Level 42 on the web-site.
I also said that the BBC immediately should be forced to use the money they made from selling commercial rights of the interview worldwide to restore free TV licences for the elderly
lol, The Hill came up regularly on my Android pad until I got so sick of the far-Left warp, I stopped it.
Many of them are absolutely outrageous in their bias.
'Historic first' as BNP-Paribas accused of helping buy a string of luxury properties in France for Gabon's wealthy Bongo family
Bashir and Palin have some history: In December 2013, Bashir resigned from MSNBC, about two weeks after insulting Palin over comments she had made, comparing the national debt to slavery, according to The Atlantic.
The broadcaster had called Palin the nation’s “resident dunce” and a “world class idiot,” and made vulgar comments about what someone should do Palin as retribution for her statements.
Bashir later apologized and Palin accepted his apology, but she also referred to Bashir’s comments as “evil” and “vile,” The Atlantic reported. The former governor also stood by her remarks regarding the national debt, the report said.
Typical Left wing smear technique. Vague inference and no awkward details. Is it one guard or 20 ?.
As they don’t mention otherwise, I’ll assume Trump is perfectly within the rules to do that and I’ll bet Obama’s guards put their accomodation through expenses as well.
I’ve completely disconnected from the mainstream media. I regard them as ethically barren scumbags. I’m looking for the omissions or deliberately misleading statements in everything I read now.
Another current tactic is the selective use of ‘experts’ to promote the internal BBC view of the world – seldom is there an equality of arms – just the ‘expert’ and the BEeboid chatting to each other.
If you add to that the widespread introduction of ‘speakers ‘ to promote a ‘cause ‘ – often in case of doctors or nurses for example – the BBC will fail to introduce them as lefty activists .
In fact being a lefty activist should disqualify some one from that standard demand of ‘more money for the public services ‘ crap unless there is someone of the Right there to counter .
Glad I don’t witness it that often any more …
BTW .. is there anything else Tony hall can resign from …?
Julian Knight, chair of the Commons Media Committee, says he has written to BBC director general Tim Davie about why Martin Bashir was rehired by the BBC when it was known he had previously lied #R4Today
Times comment are now back working on my browser
On The Times article about bashir being rehired
what they made him religion editor !’.
On what grounds?
Because he spent most of his time
*praying* that his prior deeds would remain undiscovered.
And the last few weeks *praying* it’d all go away.
I would call it the Martin Bashir culture at the BBC. Martin
Bashir was one of the first of the modern day box tickers
at the BBC. From Bashir this box ticking culture has
mushroomed out in the BBC and now has no boundaries.
Bashir was perhaps the first of now many who have not
been properly investigated into , let us call misdemeanours
at the BBC because of reasons which one is not allowed
to talk about. Whom at the BBC would take the chance
of being cancelled if they became a whistle- blower.
Yes John Humphrey’s in his Daily Mail column today can do
it after he has left the BBC. But he dared not of attempted it
during his employment at the rabidly woke BBC.
I am wondering whether the whitewashing of the sepulchre was taken up the Panel on last night’s Any Questions? I am steeling myself to listen to the repeat at 1.15 p.m. today. And really steeling myself to endure Anita Anand and listen to Any Answers afterwards.
Anita Anita has confirmed that on AA but only as part of her usual rambling, lengthy, time-wasting introduction.
I listened to a lot of sepulchre decorating during Any Questions with a slightly amnesiac – no mention of the BBC’s bad Brexit behaviour – Gisela Stuart and a rainy Street, Andy – a suddenly wet Conservative in relation to questions about the future of the BBC.
To Boris and the Tories
Despite all the ‘de-fund’ petitions and ………….
The Bashir scandal.
Brexit Bias.
Cliff Richard scandal.
Saville scandal.
Harris scandal.
Hall scandal.
Something tells me it is staying .
Just what does it take to get rid of the Telly Tax and the rubbish it pays for?
John Humphries has written a rambling piece in the Mail about the troubles of the BBC – but the writing is so poor it doesn’t deserve a place here . How are you spending that pension Mr Humphries ?
I’ve agreed to take down my earlier tweet because it’s encouraged more attacks on @BBCNews colleagues. That’s the last thing I want. They deserve praise for the work they do. 🙏🏻
Twitter ” Sweeney’s disgraceful fake report about the Harlow ‘racist’ murder of a Polish man! #ScumMedia”
Someone found the full version of a 1996 discussion redacted part of the report
The Full text calls for a cull of the “trouble-maker” @BBCPanorama reporters.
.. is one of them Sweeney ?
(he’s actually tweeted that clip himself)
GW that tweeted doesn’t how up as embedded here
maybe cos of
the ?s=21 ending ..which can be stripped off
The text “Wondering why thugs with Palestinian flags are on the rampage in our country?
Some people will do anything for votes, and they’re the same people who accused Trump of insurrection!”
photo : Labour MP John McDonell
“In truth, I’m not sure how you bring about change, given that the BBC is a massive beast with its tentacles in many domains. There are parts of the organisation that do commendable public service work. These need keeping.
Perhaps making the BBC a subscription service could have the desired impact instead of forcing people to pay. If BBC products are so much in demand, the public can subscribe. If not, then the Beeb will need to change or disappear.
Lastly, I must applaud the Duke of Cambridge for his eloquent and heartfelt statement. In all this madness, he presented himself as steadfast, moderate in tone but deeply sincere. He’s starting to look like a future King. Well done, Sir!”
Or, if “There are parts of the organisation that do commendable public service work”, let it be funded by voluntary contributions like any charity.
I am not paying for it are you ?
“…warn ministers…” I think the warning to restore trust in the BBC is a warning to the public rather than to the BBC. The BBC will not be put in its place so easily.
Well, he’s certainly joining in the toadying via the Sunday Times today. “I didn’t mean it.” “It wasn’t my fault.” He might have been smarter to maintain a low profile and keep very, very, quiet.
And what’s this with the heart attack? I thought we were told he had resigned from the BBC because he had ‘long Covid’ or is my memory defective on that?
(Oh, just kidding, by the way, on that item of Breaking News. I hope.)
Champion might want to have a word next time invited in on screen at the home of June Sarpong.
When societies stop using race (among other things) to decide which humans have access to a happy, healthy, and safe lives, then I'll stop talking about it.
Anna seems excited. Interesting story for such a reporter.
The lead singer of the Italian band who won the Eurovision song contest will undergo a drug test this morning after footage from the event led to speculation he was taking drugs.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
The BBC has quite a rap sheet:
It did nothing about Savile and the other paedophiles whom it employed (and this in spite of Savile’s conduct being widely known about in London showbiz circles);
It faked the results of competitions. By its own admission, its production staff either passed themselves off as genuine winners or invented same on several occasions. The shows involved included Children in Need and Comic Relief;
It filmed a police raid on Cliff Richard’s home, leading to a civil action in which the Judge held that the BBC had breached the singer’s right to privacy; and
It covered up the falsification of financial documents and the lies told by Martin Bashir in order to gain access to a member of the Royal Family.
It’s worth bearing in mind that (a) none of these actions are of any great vintage and (b) they are the doing of an organisation that is quick to judge others to the point of persecution.
If Boris finds the guts and intelligence necessary to rid the country of the BBC, he would do well to simply adopt Cromwell’s address to the Long Parliament on 20th April, 1653. “In the name of God, go!”
That’s not the half of it
aside from official apologies, there’s a list of court cases that they lost or settled out of court.
Long list of other victims who couldn’t afford the lawyer route as well
Nobody seems to have mentioned how the BBC put Tommy Robinson’s life and his family’s life in danger through the lies they told about him.
What about Jill Dando.
She was about to expose a paedophile ring within the bbc but was shot and killed before she could do this.
The pop up heavy Yahoo News
has reduced it into a poll
“Have your say: Do you trust the BBC less after the Diana interview revelations?”
81% no and and incredible 19% who still trust the BBC
2,000 votes
You’re wrong again StewGreen.
Nope. it is littered with ads. like BBC America.
We are all wrong sometimes.
So ‘again’ is an inevitability, even if just twice.
Quite how the BBC and its boosters manage the daily rate they do is however impressively unique.
I’m talking about the pop-up video screen which comes up bottom right
when you click to close
it then reappears when you scroll
StewGreen: if the question was “Do you trust the BBC less after the Diana interview revelations?” and 81% said no, that means 81% of respondents support the BBC, not the other way round as you claim.
Piku – very brave to put your head above the parapet – fortunately more and more people – taxpayers -are realising what your BBC is now – and walking away from it .
It’s now only a matter of time before it bleeds out .
You might get of on attacking posters to this site but how do you defend your institution ?
Contributors to this site are consistently and persistently wrong on a range of issues Fedup2. Perhaps the demise of the BBC is one of those issues. Time will tell.
I note – no defence of your BBC – just the standard troll line about people commenting on this site . I deduce that you and your type are unable to defend your BBC .
@Piku, no I am not wrong
I didn’t have anything to get wrong
since all I did was quote the Expresses question
and then the answers.
Are you gaslighting ?
Here’s a screenshot
Stew, you’re clearly right as the screenshot shows that 81% find it harder to trust them now.
I think the problem with Piku arose because your post at 3:19 pm today stated “… 81% no and and incredible 19% who still trust the BBC …” when what you meant was that 81% do now trust the BBC less, whereas an incredible 19% still trust them to the same degree.
So Piku was Piku-ing on a simple error of presentation, as he was determined to find fault rather than address BBC bias.
@Mustapha ah yes Piku chose one interpretation, that I don’t intend.
The survey result was clear
“Do you trust the BBC *less* ”
and answered that with the affirmative
Yes 81%, trust the BBC less
No, 19% say they still trust them
but I reworded the answer as I changed it from the first person “I” to the third person “they”
and I said “and incredible 19% who still trust the BBC”
That is what the survey says
Piku can never argue I was wrong there.
I wrote “81% no” ….. ie who don’t still trust the BBC
I see it is just about possible to read my words as if I was misquoting the survey, and saying that 81% said “no” they don’t trust the BBC *less*.
… but then if you do read it that way, then that second part of my sentence conflicts
You can’t have 81% who still trust the BBC the same, and 19% who still trust the BBC”
If Piku thought my presentation was contradictory
then he could have asked for clarification
but instead he ran on to misrepresent what I intended to say.
Piku -Trust the BBC ? The BBC is an enemy of the state
How about pointing out some of A Beeb’s wrongdoing for a change ?
After all, that’s what this site is for.
Or are you and maxincony just a pair of haemorrhoids hanging on the back end of Al Beeb
One of ex BBC OFCOM trolls has ‘stepped down’. How can anyone who has worked for the BBC be in OFCOM .? Muppets
note I am right and Piku was wrong
note the survey said; “81% yes”.
StewGreen said; “81% no”.
81% said “Yes” to the proposition that they now trusted the BBC less (after the Bashir revelations). It is clear what was meant but, I agree, he should have put “81% yes … etc” But then he doesn’t get paid for posting here (do you?) and anyone might make a mistake, if typing quickly.
Cheers, I wrote “81% no” ….. ie who don’t still trust the BBC, 19% who do
I accept that the question was phrased the other way around
“81 % yes” to “do you trust the BBC *less* ?”
Brave of you to show your face, if that is what you are doing.
Anyone sacked yet?
Anyone resigned yet?
Lord Hall handed back his Peerage?
John Redwood
Moving on might take a while.
Some staff seem… less convinced it was just a thing.
For once I agree with the BBC:
“Tonight you’ve got cabinet ministers… pretty much every front page… talk radio stations… the slaughterhouse of social media… the future King of Britain and his brother… all lined up against the BBC. And for an organisation that exists on the whim of public affection and respect, that is a dreadful place for the BBC to be.”
Couldn’t have put it better myself, though I’m not too sure about the ‘public affection and respect’.
“I can only imagine the feelings of the Royal Family and I hope very much that the BBC will be taking every possible step to make sure nothing like this ever happens again”
Surely this is the excuse needed to revoke its Royal Charter.
Come on Bojo, get a grip, the BBC are in a temporary weak position. Move now and defund them.
Blue tarp time.
No chance of that, alas. As his mealy-mouthed statement confirms, he has no backbone.
The BBC have become indispensable to him as the propaganda arm of Government during the scamdemic.
OT but must be reported for comment.
Heathrow is considering opening a terminal exclusively for red list countries.
How absolutely gobsmackingly pathetic is that?
Two months too late.
Never demanded by the government?
Passengers from different countries free to mingle for weeks and weeks, an action not only letting in the virus but allowing it to spread.
Where the hell is the accountability for this appalling act of mismanagement?
The borders should have been shut to the unquarantined movement of people last February. They weren’t, thus enabling the virus to enter the country and spread with ease. The result: the country goes into lockdown.
Then came last summer. People were able to go overseas on holiday and return without going through a period in quarantine. Instead, Boris the Buffoon and his chums decided that it would be sufficient to ‘require’ some holidaymakers to self-isolate on their return.
Many didn’t, thus enabling the virus to regain the upper hand after summer. Cue another lockdown.
By now, all but the thickest of people would have realised that closing the borders is the most effective way to stop the virus. All they had to do was look at how Australia and NZ are dealing with it.
Not Boris & co. Oh no, when confronted with a new Indian variant they more or less invite anyone in India who can get on a plane to the UK to come here within a 5-day window. Thousands do. The result: the Indian variant enters the UK and the number of people being infected with the virus goes up.
At this juncture, you might be excused for thinking that Boris would finally shut the borders, allowing the virus to be brought under control and thereby enable life in the UK to return to some semblance of normality over the next few months.
But no. Good old Boris and his chums decide that foreign summer holidays are go. And yet again they allow people who’ve been to badly-hit countries to self-isolate. You’d think one of them would have heard of a quote attributed to a number of people, including the not terribly thick Albert Einstein:
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.”
Has anyone heard any of our msm channels point out the way that their boys in Gaza operate.
During the ceasefires they stock up the schools and hospitals with their rockets and when they have enough they send hundreds or thousands of them over to Israel, willy nilly and exploding all over the place.
Israel retaliates (and our msm all blame them for it)
Eventually their boys run out of rockets and they get applauded for going for a ceasefire.
During the ceasefire they start again stocking up with rockets and when the schools, hospitals and other civilian places are fully stocked up again they shoot them off into Israel.
Go to paragraph three and keep on repeating.
I’ve not heard any of our msm point this out.
There was a bit of ‘entertainment ‘- provided by Bowen of Hamas digging out terrorists killed in tunnels by Israel and given a permanent burial . ….
I heard on Sky Australia , a good source of real news and opinion, that Hamas was forced to sue for peace , albeit only a temporary one , because the IDF had killed so many of their terrorist fighters that they were running out of men as well as rockets.
Labour accused Boris over wallpaper
and said he was in debt to his donors
Please re-post the above in new thread – it deserves to be known.
Why ? I mean it’s only a quarter of a million ? ( if MPs were paid a proper wage they wouldn’t have to take bungs ) ….
( this is me being ironic – by the way ) …. And we should be good to Angie – she is another reason red Labour won’t make a government ….
StewGreen, you’re missing the point.
We know who donated to Angela Rayner’s Deputy Leadership Campaign.
We don’t know who donated to Johnson’s wallpaper.
Hello maxi, where’s that apology that you owe me?
I’ve replied to you several times already.
Ah, maxi, a lie: how just like the BBC! Are you sure you do not work for them. I know that you said you didn’t.
Perhaps we should take a Poll on here: how many trust maxi to tell the truth? You might struggle to get a 19% ‘Yes vote’, maxi.
Now, where’s that apology? In full. No weasel words.
I’m glad you think it is okay for this list of organisations and individuals to make contributions to Angie – without any return on investment , It shows your level of morality .
Meanwhile – are you continuing to avoid any comment about your BBC at all ? Even in the current circumstances ? Any defence at all ? Run the ‘bad apple ‘ defence …
Or just continue to pick fights with commentators without reference to the BBC – like you alter ego -Piku – on the daytime troll shift ?
Do we actually know who donated to Rayner for sure ?
We know what name is on the receipt
but it would be dead easy for me to make a deal with say someone called Mohammed Imran to funnel my money through him
say via giving him a discount on a deal.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch Special – nowhere near at the top of BBC concerns It is way down at level 4, below Friends reunion, below coronavirus Pandemic. It will not be long at that rate that the BBC squeeze it down to Level 42 on the web-site.
Sky Australia clips
#1 UK police to investigate BBC inquiry ..
#2 BBC staff voiced concerns during Princess Diana interview ..
#3 ‘Pretty awful, deceitful behaviour’ to induce Princess Diana interview…
Still bubbling.
How much money have they made from the Bashir interview?
House journal sets up Sarnie Goof for a week of BBC studio glory.
Cease fires do not apply to propaganda.
BBC News
“His death is a catastrophe.”
Dr Ayman Abu al-Ouf, an internal medicine specialist, was killed along with 12 members of his family in an Israeli raid.
Polls, semantics and interpretations being all the rage… from the BBC Noooope BS RT of choice….
lol, The Hill came up regularly on my Android pad until I got so sick of the far-Left warp, I stopped it.
Many of them are absolutely outrageous in their bias.
OT, but when the subject of aid returns…
He and a relative go on a spree, is it a Bongo Bongo land grab?
The Sun missing a key point here?
Bashir and Palin have some history: In December 2013, Bashir resigned from MSNBC, about two weeks after insulting Palin over comments she had made, comparing the national debt to slavery, according to The Atlantic.
The broadcaster had called Palin the nation’s “resident dunce” and a “world class idiot,” and made vulgar comments about what someone should do Palin as retribution for her statements.
Bashir later apologized and Palin accepted his apology, but she also referred to Bashir’s comments as “evil” and “vile,” The Atlantic reported. The former governor also stood by her remarks regarding the national debt, the report said.
WaPo is another BBC Nope BS TDS source of favour.
Interesting thread ensues.
Typical Left wing smear technique. Vague inference and no awkward details. Is it one guard or 20 ?.
As they don’t mention otherwise, I’ll assume Trump is perfectly within the rules to do that and I’ll bet Obama’s guards put their accomodation through expenses as well.
I’ve completely disconnected from the mainstream media. I regard them as ethically barren scumbags. I’m looking for the omissions or deliberately misleading statements in everything I read now.
Another current tactic is the selective use of ‘experts’ to promote the internal BBC view of the world – seldom is there an equality of arms – just the ‘expert’ and the BEeboid chatting to each other.
If you add to that the widespread introduction of ‘speakers ‘ to promote a ‘cause ‘ – often in case of doctors or nurses for example – the BBC will fail to introduce them as lefty activists .
In fact being a lefty activist should disqualify some one from that standard demand of ‘more money for the public services ‘ crap unless there is someone of the Right there to counter .
Glad I don’t witness it that often any more …
BTW .. is there anything else Tony hall can resign from …?
Graun starts the distraction campaign.
Of course she and the BBC share culpability: the BBC and the Guardian are joined at the hip.
dcms… OFCOM once removed from reality.
Times comment are now back working on my browser
On The Times article about bashir being rehired
Huge response.
I would call it the Martin Bashir culture at the BBC. Martin
Bashir was one of the first of the modern day box tickers
at the BBC. From Bashir this box ticking culture has
mushroomed out in the BBC and now has no boundaries.
Bashir was perhaps the first of now many who have not
been properly investigated into , let us call misdemeanours
at the BBC because of reasons which one is not allowed
to talk about. Whom at the BBC would take the chance
of being cancelled if they became a whistle- blower.
Yes John Humphrey’s in his Daily Mail column today can do
it after he has left the BBC. But he dared not of attempted it
during his employment at the rabidly woke BBC.
I am wondering whether the whitewashing of the sepulchre was taken up the Panel on last night’s Any Questions? I am steeling myself to listen to the repeat at 1.15 p.m. today. And really steeling myself to endure Anita Anand and listen to Any Answers afterwards.
The DT is reporting that Lord Clueless has resigned as Chairman of the National Gallery
Anita Anita has confirmed that on AA but only as part of her usual rambling, lengthy, time-wasting introduction.
I listened to a lot of sepulchre decorating during Any Questions with a slightly amnesiac – no mention of the BBC’s bad Brexit behaviour – Gisela Stuart and a rainy Street, Andy – a suddenly wet Conservative in relation to questions about the future of the BBC.
BBC supporters scoffed at the idea there is a list of BBC victims/events
TCW article about some :
To Boris and the Tories
Despite all the ‘de-fund’ petitions and ………….
The Bashir scandal.
Brexit Bias.
Cliff Richard scandal.
Saville scandal.
Harris scandal.
Hall scandal.
Something tells me it is staying .
Just what does it take to get rid of the Telly Tax and the rubbish it pays for?
PS Alex Belfield and his treatment .
John Humphries has written a rambling piece in the Mail about the troubles of the BBC – but the writing is so poor it doesn’t deserve a place here . How are you spending that pension Mr Humphries ?
Ramble on, Jon.
Ok, now it’s getting out of hand; someone has activated Sweeney!
Twitter ” Sweeney’s disgraceful fake report about the Harlow ‘racist’ murder of a Polish man! #ScumMedia”
Someone found the full version of a 1996 discussion redacted part of the report
The Full text calls for a cull of the “trouble-maker” @BBCPanorama reporters.
.. is one of them Sweeney ?
(he’s actually tweeted that clip himself)
Sweeney and Panorama also lied and tried to demonise Tommy Robinson with their tricks.
Definitely the media has some interesting heroes.
GW that tweeted doesn’t how up as embedded here
maybe cos of
the ?s=21 ending ..which can be stripped off
The text “Wondering why thugs with Palestinian flags are on the rampage in our country?
Some people will do anything for votes, and they’re the same people who accused Trump of insurrection!”
photo : Labour MP John McDonell
Walter De Havilland’s blogpost on Bashir and the BBC’s decay into bias
BBC gets dishonourable mention.
Sopes must be proud.
Conclusion to the article:
“In truth, I’m not sure how you bring about change, given that the BBC is a massive beast with its tentacles in many domains. There are parts of the organisation that do commendable public service work. These need keeping.
Perhaps making the BBC a subscription service could have the desired impact instead of forcing people to pay. If BBC products are so much in demand, the public can subscribe. If not, then the Beeb will need to change or disappear.
Lastly, I must applaud the Duke of Cambridge for his eloquent and heartfelt statement. In all this madness, he presented himself as steadfast, moderate in tone but deeply sincere. He’s starting to look like a future King. Well done, Sir!”
Scrap it !
Or, if “There are parts of the organisation that do commendable public service work”, let it be funded by voluntary contributions like any charity.
I am not paying for it are you ?
Iirc many charities are funded by the public via the state hiving off tax money unknown to them.
Even a few not working in the best interests of said public, like the BBC.
Don’t give them ideas.
Sweet, on a variety of levels.
restore ?
“…warn ministers…” I think the warning to restore trust in the BBC is a warning to the public rather than to the BBC. The BBC will not be put in its place so easily.
“Martin Bashir: I never wanted to harm Diana and don’t believe we did”
“We”, more than one person involved in this scandal?
Probably the entire Panorama team and half the BBC management.
Or maybe he’s doing that new trans thing of using plural pronouns.
Well, he’s certainly joining in the toadying via the Sunday Times today. “I didn’t mean it.” “It wasn’t my fault.” He might have been smarter to maintain a low profile and keep very, very, quiet.
And what’s this with the heart attack? I thought we were told he had resigned from the BBC because he had ‘long Covid’ or is my memory defective on that?
(Oh, just kidding, by the way, on that item of Breaking News. I hope.)
I understand he did an exclusive interview with the Sunday Times . Did he get paid ? Did he keep it ? How much was it ? Was it under caution ?
By the way I don’t think plod will go after anyone regarding this – a primary witness died in a Paris Underpass….
Tell it often enough meets tell it to the Marines.
Shafting the vets might come back to haunt you, BBC.
And a ‘specialist’ monitoring reporterette no less.
But of course this was looooong ago, right?
I’d ask Mike Wendling, but he blocks anyone asking things like that.
Seems it was a few years ago.
Guido is on it.
Timmeh and Franny probably in the tunnels by now.
Who will get put up? Amol? JezBo? Huw? Simpo!!!!!
It’s raining too. Horrible day.
Champion might want to have a word next time invited in on screen at the home of June Sarpong.
It is possible the public has now noticed the ‘talent’ that gets the market rates.
BBC News
Anna seems excited. Interesting story for such a reporter.
BBC ‘news’ vs. Bbc ‘not news’.
The raft of bbc defenders is hilarious.
BBC all over it.
Key points being discussed.
“Shami? Is QT recording today?”