Will the fall out from the Bashir Fraud continue ? Will Prince Charles speak ? Or Tony Hall ? Or anyone from the BBC ? And will the papers follow up on other cases where the BBC has used deceit to ‘get a story ‘. After all – if they’d do it to a member of the Royal Family – isn’t everyone else fair game ?
Weekend Thread 22 May 2021
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They fabricated allegations of a bomb plot against Alex Belfield for a start. Allegedly (I have to add that until all is revealed in court).
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous threads
Two were/are running
-The Bent BBC Bashir Thread page 2
– Midweek page 4 where @FedUp2 has just quoted the new Public Accounts Committee Report on the BBC
– page 3
Votewatch complained to the bBC about LK.
The bBC sent back a reply saying
“We stand by the journalism, which was very well sourced and included a range of views on the Prime Minister’s approach to the truth.”
Jay Beecher says “This is a demonstrable lie. Not only does the article not name a single source, but – as anyone reading the article can see – a ‘range of views’ were not included.”
Votewatch are now referring the matter to OFCOM.
She might be biased, but phwoar, what a looker.
vlad, have you been to Specsavers?
She is currently letting her hair grow. It reaches down to her shoulders now.

Bit of a “Basic Instinct ” moment there ?
Shouldn’t this example of upskirting be reported as a ‘rape culture’ crime and Miss Kuennsberg offered counselling to combat her trauma?
We are all invited, after all.
Ealing, Brent,Harrow, Hounslow,Hillingdon. You may not
know what these London boroughs have in common, as
the BBC doesn’t seem to know or want you, from outside the capitol,
know what their common denominator is , and
why they are being blitzed with tests for the Indian ,
Chinese virus strain. But us indigenous Londoners who
are now in minority know exactly what has happened.
And the two week delay in stopping the planes coming in
from the Indian sub continent will spread the virus once again to the whole of
the city!
I have supported Johnson and Hancock even through the
numerous mistakes they made. This unnecessary catastrophe
ends it for me.
Worth repeating that Heathrow, with its four terminals and huge under-use, are nevertheless only now considering creating a red-list country arrivals terminal. For all these weeks, all artivals have been mixing up on the way to the Border Farce gates, passing the virus on to other passengers, and we have had to endure the feeble excuses why this was safe.
Absolutely, staggeringly incompetent.
Its close to my heart as i used T5 arrivals maybe x6 last year and was appalled at the lack of hygiene .
For Red zone types to be allowed to mix with others prior to the 10 day hotel arrest is awful .
Two week delay in stopping planes from the sub continent?. Wishful thinking Fos, old friend. I am afraid they are still very much coming. FlightRadar24 will show all you need.
Like the BBC and bent Bashir, like the illegals in Dover, this Government does absolutely nothing.
It may be unnecessary, but it will not be a catastrophe. The scamdemic is dead, despite all the Government’s efforts to keep it alive.
I was watching the BBC1 6pm news Friday evening (mainly to see if the Diana story had disappeared I must admit) but stayed watching whilst the BBC bigged up that Spain was now open for tourism from non EU countries. The BBC repeated and repeated that this mean that holiday makers could go on holiday to Spain without tests or a vaccination. They did say that Spain was on the amber list and a couple of times said that Spain hoped to go onto the green list in a couple of weeks. They did not give the number of cases of covid in Spain and nor did they remind people that ministers and Boris said quite clearly that being on the amber list meant that the country for the moment could be visited only if there was a pressing need such as a seriously ill relative and not for holidays.
Having been in so much trouble yesterday over Diana, they were just deliberately stirring trouble with this today. I know some people don’t believe in lockdowns, etc etc but I don’t believe the government is making up these rules for fun or for the BBC to use to cause trouble.
I think people at the BBC read my earlier post because the emphasis of the BBC’s report on the 10pm news had greatly changed. The report was shorter than at 6pm but people were reminded that Spain being on the amber list meant that people shouldn’t be going on holiday.
They they may not be making up rules for fun, but they are certainly making them up.
9 pm Fri.
The first 10 minutes was the usual anti Tory government propaganda, which was incredibly weak as the government hasn’t really had any massive c***ups this week.
Then we had all of 1 minute on the Bashir story. Few if any laughs and then quickly move on.
It was almost as if they were trying to bury bad news,
As if.
Indeed, one of the biggest stories going – and hugely significant for the BBC – gets barely a mention and some rather flat, half-hearted and embarrassed jokes. Clearly they couldn’t ignore it altogether, so they made a token reference to it and quickly moved on.
Why are the BBC so keen to feature disgruntled holiday makers unable to travel to EU countries?
You know, those same countries that did their damndest to undermine this country in every aspect of Brexit and the new agreement.
David Baddiel has written a book called ‘Jews don’t count’. It is about how one particular group of people doesn’t count in identity politics.
Tonight I was looking up a relation who was a survivor of the Arandora Star which was torpedoed during WWII. I wanted to know what happened and reached for google. The first few links were all BBC and I chose this one.
It was written by a member of the public in 2004 and is still on line in the BBC’s archives of WWII memories. It talks of the 1560 Italian prisoners of war, but not a mention of the Jewish internees who were also on board. Even though written by a member of the public the BBC could have bothered to correct it – but as David Baddiel says, ‘Jews don’t count’. Imagine if they were Windrush people.
It’s no surprise anti-Semitism is rising in Europe when the EU can’t present a united front on Israel-Palestine hostilities
When RT preaches the EU that its inaction in the face of anti-semitism is the cause of the Jew hatred rising again in Europe, then you know that the situation is very bad.
Muslims will wage Jihad. It is their religion. Many wont, but they will support it, and they are the sea which the Jihadis swim in.
If our politicians didn’t know this would happen, its their fault and our tragedy.
One certainly can’t blame Muslims, as they have been quite open about their intentions to seize control of Infidel lands.
The Ginger Whinger has an interesting take on Diana’s death: it was all about racism, you see – the same racism that seeks to kill the Duchess of Woke, apparently.
Mrs Whinger has clearly coached the demented dope very thoroughly.
In his latest vomitorium of self pity with the repulsive Oprah, the unhinged whinger whines:
“My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone who wasn’t white.
And now look what’s happened. You want to talk about history repeating itself?
They’re not going to stop until she dies.”
(‘She’ being Meghan the Manipulator.)
Some of us would be quite pleased if the media ignored them and we did not have to hear from Ginge and Whinge ever again.
The big question that Harry has to face up to: if he hates the media chasing him and his wife and family, why do they deliberately go out to place themselves in the public eye? Why do they release constantly PR photos?
Stay home and shut up, Harry. Go work in an office somewhere.
“My mother was chased to her death while being driven by a drunken idiot who had no right to be behind the wheel of a high powered car. On top of that both she and Dodi should have been wearing seatbelts.”
Ginger was once our cheerful prince, always ready with a quip and a smile. Since Megan he’s become a miserable pontificating, sanctimonious bore.
Before he and Mrs Whinger left he’d become national embarrassment.
Now he’s an international laughing stock.
Shut up Harry.
It’s excruciating…
I noticed that in one part of his ‘statement’ he used the term ‘they should own it’ (the BBC). This was the term that Mrs Whinger used when moaning about Kate making her cry , but then said “she owned it….” in other words admitting it.
So I cant see hapless Ginge doing his own speech, and clearly this was written by a Yank in their own lingo.
The Bashir-gate scandal would be incomplete without the inimitable Andrew Lawrence’s take on it.
Basically, it’s all down to BBC-hating racists who are after Bashir because he’s brown.
New Maltesers advert comes on TV ..one white lady one black lady.
New Hotels.com advert comes on TV ..one white lady one black guy.
Flipping heck good luck to black actors
but for every 3 of them there are 97 non-black actors looking for work. 85+ of whom are white.
Can anyone imagine this sort of blatant reverse racism in an African country.
There should be no quotes. And if there has to be then it must be for the native White working class of Britain, who have been the most oppressed.
Is that your best shot tonight Maxi? Or are you just warming up?
For the hard of understanding; this might help…
“People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information…”
What planet are you on Maxi? We all know about confirmation bias.
That’s one of the main things we are struggling against with the BBC.
Also we have to be on our guard not to engage in it ourselves. We all know that! Stew Green knows that! I suggest you have a good think about it.
I’ll mention something similar I’ll call it ideological bias. Whereby ideologies stifle critical thinking resulting in inability to resist bias in favour of the dogma or group-thought that one is attached to.
It’s a sad thing to see in real life and I’ve seen many examples of it. But if you want a public example of it you can certainly do no better than watch the BBC.
Yasser Dasmibehbi,
“We all know that! Stew Green knows that!”
Is that why he only mentioned two adverts out of; how many?
Don’t you think it’s a little bit sad that someone spends their life counting how many black people they can see in TV adverts and then thinks they’re doing someting useful?
And anyway, isn’t this website supposed to be about bias at the BBC?
Yes this is a “bias” website. So why don’t you post up some examples of Al Beeb’s bias instead of trolling ?
Here’s the story-The Left has looked at the atrocities committed by the fascists in World War Two and drawn completely the wrong conclusion. Instead of opposing intolerance in all its guises it has turned on its own people and attacked the very culture, national pride, history and homogeneity that allowed evil to be defeated in the first place. Instead of embracing decency and family they have adopted the same kind of superstitious, hate-filled, violent ideology that brought the world to war in the first place… Broadly speaking the Labour Party and your taxpayer funded national opinion former, the BBC, are run by a cabal of unreconstructed student radicals who never lost faith in the propaganda drip-fed to them by their Marxist lecturers in the ’70s and ’80s. Many are followers of the Frankfurt School that waved the red flag for the tactics of Gramsci and Marcuse, a blueprint for controlling organisations funded by the state.
For the Marxist Left in the Labour Party and the BBC the mass migration of Third World poor to suckle at the teat of Britain’s welfare state was just payment for the imagined injustices of the detested British Empire and the white men who administered it. Of course, those who would have to deal with this influx were never going to be politicians or BBC producers, now nicely tucked away with gold-plated pensions.
This was originally from an article by Paul Western-how farseeing and clear thinking was this man, we could do with more like him.
Actually its not necessary to count the number of black people. They appear on every advert ! (which makes the number of out-of-work white actors now a disproportionate number compared to the population figure)
A bit like the BBC do for EVERY agenda driven article maxi ?.
The BBC do not lie, They omit. Which is just the same.
Can you even see it ?. Or is your denial simply your own ‘confirmation bias’ ?. Which do you choose : idiot or hypocrite ?.
Panorama is the absolute classic for it : decide on the conclusion then spend an hour showing anything you can drag up to support it. Ignore everything else.
Ah. Wikipedia. The goto reference for cut n paste trolls.
Hey maxi, what about Bashir forging bank statements?
Why don’t you make a constructive comment about your beloved BBC and those scum ‘journalists’ they employe for once?
Keep your eyes open as they may be advertising a few vacancies at Al Beeb shortly. Sackings ?
Best response is not to buy Maltesers. Or if offered one, politely refuse and say why.
If you think the Maltesers advert is bad, take a look at the ‘Dreamies’ website from the same company (Mars). It’s a treat for cats (sic), but they are ‘Supporting Mental Health with Pride’ on the back of it. Pride as in LGBT. As if aged lonely lesbians with purple hair were previously denied the right to buy treats for their feline companions.
Other products from Mars include:
Altoids. Wrigleys. Bounty. Celebrations. Galaxy. M&Ms. Milky Way. Twix. Dolmio. Uncle Bens. Masterfoods. Seeds of Change. Pedigree. Whiskas. IAMS. Spillers.
Other confectionery, food items and pet foods are available from elsewhere, as they say.
I had thought I was supporting a small independent company when I bought Altoids. Lesson learned – never assume anything.
All junk food.
Junk ideology, junk ads, and junk material to stuff in the mouth.
Mars by name. Alien by outlook.
Not sure if it’s just the Central region but a new advert has appeared for The Silverstone Experience and guess what the make up is of the featured family.White man black woman brown kids Very similar to the family in the new Aldi ad and very similar to the family in the Expedia ad and very similar to….and so on and so on.One thing they aren’t similar to though is real life!
In the last Lidl weekly catalogue there was a double spread of children’s things. It depicted five children, all mixed race.
I see someone earlier tried to close down by post
by shouting “Confirmation bias”
and complained that I wasn’t listing every new advert with white males.
Well can you close down an argument by shouting “Confirmation bias” when someone starts listing injustices or inequalities ?
.. well you certainly introduce the idea that gran-narratives can be based on distorted collection of data
ie say that BLM might be failing to count lots of police injustices against whites etc.
But I don’t think you can shut down the entire argument, jut by shouting “Confirmation bias”
Should I go down the police station everyday to report that I have been robbed ?
Is police data ruined by Confirmation Bias in the way that people only report a robbery when one has actually happened ?
No, that’s daft
No-one did any shouting StewGreen and no-one tried to close anything down.
Deliberately or otherwise you have missed the point in the post about confirmation bias.
P.S. What’s a gran-narrative? Is it a story about an elderly lady?
Still no examples of Al Beeb’s Bias from you despite the Bashir scandal ? Do you care to comment on that one instead of Trolling ?
What motivates you ?
The Swansea riot event wasn’t exactly George Floyd
“It is believed the violence broke out at a vigil for local 19-year-old Ethan Powell,
who collapsed hrs after watching Swansea City’s play-off football match against Barnsley on TV on Tuesday.
cause of death is unknown”
As a person of the city, I was disgusted by the behaviour of these idiots. They should have brought in armed police and started using live ammo on the little sh1ts – they all deserved it and whilst at it do the same to their useless parents.
This is what happens when discipline is taken away at school level and now the moronic socialist welsh government have stopped smacking in the home.
This, I’m afraid is a screenshot of things to come in our pathetic woke and pc nation. I’m ashamed to be a jack, a Welshman and a Brit 😳😩
I am with you there as are most decent taffmen.
More good news: a recent Express poll asked, “Should the BBC be turned into a subscription service?”
93% said Yes.
7% said No.
Your days are numbered, BBC.
A poll?
Careful. The Semantic Stasi are about and desperate.
Very, very desperate.
“The BBC should take “every possible step” to ensure that nothing like its deceit of the Princess of Wales to secure an interview ever happens again, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said.”
Does that mean that the outfit will be allowed to carry on?
It would be perverse for the PM not see an opportunity to clip the wings of a lefty anti-conservative broadcaster.
To that effect, Boris Johnson’s statement can be seen as an unspoken threat.
As any naughty child knows threats are meaningless unless they are carried out once in a while.
It’s been a long, long while and it looks to me as if Boris is talking hot air again.
He is such a pathetic liberal I would be shocked if he had an intention of doing anything.
However, I would be pleasantly shocked.
“Diana interview: BBC will get chance to make changes itself – government source”
What source ?
Lets hope he does. He has a 80 seat majority, and can use that to bring the lying BBC to heel, and thus bring some electoral integrity in the UK.
BBC, a monopoly state funded broadcaster, is an affront to electoral integrity.
I am sure they will be allowed to carry on. They are much too useful to the Government in promoting the propaganda about “vaccination”, mutant variants, and so on.
BBC seems to have closed it’s Have Your Say pages
to protect itself from backlash over Bashir
I just checked their Facebook options
They have a BBC World Have Your Say page which has sporadic posts, usually woke agenda pushing https://www.facebook.com/BBCWHYS/
Meanwhile the BBCnews Facebook page has a Bashir item posted 1pm Friday with 2,000 replies, but kinda buried as they seek to move on.
The replies are mostly from BBC fans, anti-Royal family and pro Harry/Meghan
I guess that is the audience they curated.
If we can see this so can the Tory Cabinet and all the other Tory MPs.
– bit of nose thubing?
That missing image is a screenshot of the Lord Hall BBC news story
,,and someone has already posted a working copy on the Bashir thread anyway.
I see the BBC articles are sprinkled with people telling us how none of the BBC managers were to blame if they knew then what they know now, Bashir would not have got the job.
Of course what they know now is that they have been caught.
We all know the blatant dishonesty of the BBC in pursuit of it’s agenda and I’m absolutely certain Bashir is just one rotten apple which has fallen out from a whole barrel full.
I sincerely hope Boris uses this as the moment to put the BBC on a subscription basis. The trouble is the BBC gravy train runs right through politics and the House of Lords and Boris does not want to upset the people who will boost his careeer post No 10.
What a shame Cummings isn’t there to be set loose.
So what outrage do The Guardian express in the main front page headline after the BBC complete dishonesty has been exposed ?.
‘Fears of BBC feeding frenzy over Diana Report’.
Fears by a former chair of the BBC it turns out. And by The Guardian too I expect – who are basically the print-side of the same people.
Oh – and Harry has completely lost the plot. We all live through hardships Harry and we didn’t have the silver spoon you had to ease the pain. It’s called life. Get a grip and grow up you pathetic creature.
Oh dear, yet another R5’basher’ car-crash (pun)?, with Jim Davis chucked at the callers – consisting of the short-diallers who get rung up regularly, then lovely Doris from Berkshire took the stage!
Fabulous woman – articulate, well-mannered and to be fair to Jim, he did listen – mostly! Worth playing again!
The sad under-managers in W1A are handling all their phone-ins like their comments sections now, cancelling the complaints or trivialising them to the point of tiresome boredom.
Time for Rog to throw another graphic designer in the wood burner?
British Gas Homecare are desperate for us to upgrade our boiler. Even offering £200 off…. a lot… to be seduced.
As with our car, in this current environment do they think we are daft?
A lot of folk have jobs in this area too, beyond voters keen to stay warm and not enjoying the perks of state support as MPs or journalists.
The underlying problem is that the Climate Change hypothesis made up by government scientists, at the behest of the government for political purposes, has been heavily promoted by the state funded BBC. It is lefty and requires state control of humans actions, and even thought. What could the BBC not like here.
“Incestuous”, is what comes to mind.
But apart from that, Climate Change hypothesis is crooked as it relies on government subsidy. And so does all that emanates from it – like Wind electricity generation. And this attack on the most efficient generation of heat, is again due to Climate Change nonsense. Trying to reduce % CO2 will fail, as most of it is produced naturally. Besides it will have no effect on temperature as CO2 is not significant enough. If the government knows this and still carries on its policy, then it it is doing it for political and taxation purposes and not for the planet.
Even if it were, surely it must know that China and India are not going to follow. And thats the end of that.
Even if it were doing it for the planet, surely it must know that China and India are not going to follow. And thats the end of that.
Which bring us back to the option left – It is doing it for political purposes.
Another “British” company (British Gas) that rivals the Beeb for the title as the most useless company this country has spawned.
Having paid Homecare for around 40 years, it took a month to get an engineer out in February – I had no hot water or heating, and now another problem has arisen so after a 3 week wait for the engineer last Wednesday, I had a call to say it was cancelled and he would now appear in June !!! I’m not holding my breath.
When the problem is fixed, here’s another customer who will cancel her contract.
If you can find a local heating engineer that will offer a yearly premium for service and repair, it is worth considering.
Frequent flyers Sopes and Shayan also liked this.
If a bbc wallet, she likely needed a trolley.
The national broadcaster of a nation of 70,000,000.
Unvarnished realness and other wonderful things
Just a couple of press cuttings this morning to lighten the gloom.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown commenting in the ‘i’ newspaper provides us with an unintentionally amusing example of leftwing ultra doublethink: ‘Diana was deceived – but she also knew what she was doing‘
I’m not sure if our batty Yasmin is out there batting in defence of Bashir or the BBC, or whether she’s wanting to claim Diana as a anti-patriarchy feminist icon?
FT Weekend knows the likes of Yasmin are on a sticky wicket: ‘Diana revelations offer opening to BBC’s enemies‘
The Guardian too sees the danger of the moment: ‘Fears of BBC “feeding frenzy” over Diana report‘
Already the Mirror is widening the net to score more celeb Bashir victims: ‘Cruel Bashir cheated my love George Best, Tragic football icon’s ex says he betrayed them in TV documentary‘
The BBC, mind you, seems confident they’ve got this one under control as they tell us: ‘BBC will get chance to make changes itself – government source‘
I might take up the Sun’s offer of a free £5 bet – if the terms & conditions allow me to place my fiver on the BBC going merrily on just as before just as soon as the current furore dies down. Of course the BBC could keep the News of the World hacking story in the news for months and provoked the Leveson Inquiry but with their donimation of the mainstream news and Boris’s lack of spine this one will instantly melt to nothing like a spring snowflake.
Speaking of which: ‘Prince Harry opens up‘ in the Guardian. It would be news if he ever shut up.
The Guardian are starstruck this morning: ‘Style icon of the pandemic. How Kate Winslet’s unvarnished realness… has hit a fashion nerve‘ – not with me it ain’t.
Meanwhile, Marcus Rashford gets an interview with the Gruan plus a promotion for his book wot he wrote You Are A Champion. Perhaps that’s his ghost writer addressing Marcus? Fact checking that it turns out it was his noisey neighbours Manchester City wot won the league.
BBC favourite Roman historian Mary Beard takes up the theme of defending the apparently indefensible in the Telegraph: ‘Nero the hero?‘ – perhaps afterall we’ve been led to believe that much ‘maligned emperor‘ wasn’t such as fiddler as Bashir… or Savile?
Speaking of archaeology, I’ve been meaning to excavate what exactly BBC online news has under their rather inviting Brexit tab. What ancient treasures do I unearth still close to the surface in the Key Guides?
‘Brexit: How did the first month go?‘
‘Can I still go to Spain? And other Brexit questions‘
As Egyptologist Howard Carter declared, breathlessly, as he broke the seal and opened the door to Tutankamun’s tomb, he spied ‘Wonderful things‘.
“Diana was deceived – but she also knew what she was doing.”
Well, which is it? Did she or didn’t she?
She thought that she knew what she was doing , based on the lies and deception of Martin Bashir.
JezBo sees a ceasefire bounce.
Katty on the good stuff.
Nick draws the crowds.
Lurch is ‘us’.
Lurch is a squad groupie.
As the faces in Congress change, so too does the Democratic Party’s political centre of gravity, writes the BBC’s Anthony Zurcher.
Biden is out of step even with himself. That’s why he keeps tripping.
I love how the BBC keep pretending he’s a normal President, who won legitimately, who has policies, makes his own decisions and gives proper speeches.
Anyway, he’ll soon be retired and something even worse will take over.
Certainly the BBC is struggling not to get too close in news from there.
The government , incredibly, is playing down the BBC Bashir story and giving them time to reform from within. This clearly does not include the ceaseless left wing, woke agenda. How telling that The Guardian on its front page today, counsels against precipitate action. Just what you expect from the in-house magazine. QED.
But given this, I offer for your entertainment a piece of Rugby League commentary you may have missed.
For the referee, named Campbell, think Boris.
For the commentator, think the considered opinion of this esteemed web site.
And for the offending player, think BBC.
The parallels are as wonderful as the first 50 seconds of the clip.
The lack of any alternative is the only thing keeping Boris’ cabal in power.
That he seriously thinks this event was a single lesson to be learned and the bbc can sweep up its own soil… again… is risible.
Diana interview: BBC will get chance to make changes itself – government source
According to Newsnight, ministers are interested in a proposal by the former BBC chairman Lord Grade to introduce a new independent editorial board that would report to the current management.
The idea is set to be considered next year as part of a mid-term review of the BBC’s royal charter. The Royal Charter is an agreement with the government over what the BBC intends to do – including how it is funded and run – and the current charter lasts until 2027.
But Newsnight understands that the corporation will be given a chance to introduce the changes itself.
“The BBC may be able to do it themselves,” said a government source.
In the absence of not knowing who or what to believe/trust nowadays the default position is to trust nobody and just believe one’s own eyes. We see that our government allows illegals to enter and remain. We see the breakdown of law and order on the streets and in the courts. We see the demise of our values and culture. We see divisions being created and perpetuated. We see that all the main political parties are the same. Their motives (globalism/communism), or who is better or worse, are largely irrelevant. We see that they all have a symbiotic relationship with the bBC who desire the same outcome. All want to see the death of our national identity and none are capable of reform.
An Editorial Board? Who will pay for this cost? Expect we can all guess, but what will the real purpose of this Editorial Board be? The BBC maybe tinkering on the brink but government and its hands deep in the pockets advisers, will never allow it to fall away-we are stuck with it, good, bad, or infifferent.
Here is a comment from one Malcolm Parkin below the ConWom article which you linked:
“Part of the BBC problem is surely due to the decline of personal morality in society and the professions, and the ‘anything goes’ attitude that prevails with those who want to get on in life. The truth for many people these days is simply what they think other people want to hear, and what serves them best. The days of telling the truth without bias are gone, as are the days of Empire and personal integrity.”
This is the very crux of the BBC problem, in my opinion. The BBC’s many failings are, essentially, moral failings.
One for Wendy to block?
Or Muricane Booty?
Guest, I would suggest doing the 22 and 23 years olds first would be a smarter move.
It’s not a vaccine for Covid 19 as it’s yet to be isolated. It contains synthetic virus proteins that are designed to create a reaction from the immune system. That and other unspecified nasties that are normally included in inoculations. It’s a medical intervention that was previously banned from use.
Dangerous for this age group who will still have, in most cases strong immune systems-it is still recognised an experimental vaccine by a number of scientific groups. Stealth taking us further into a world of subjugation.
To answer Fed’s question’s in the header for this Thread:
Not at present – dignified silence maintained
Maybe – who knows
Yes – endlessly see below
Yes – and the paranoia has also been talked up
TOADY Watch #1 – whitewashing the sepulchre
Mild mannered Snuffy is starting to seethe at the obvious internally-organised whitewashing apparent on TWatO yesterday and TOADY this morning.
The PM has made yet another bad decision: let the BBC reform themselves. That will only increase the problem because it will involve more money from the taxpayer and we know what is the big problem at the BBC – it is of Biblical proportions – in St Paul’s wise words to the young evangelist Timothy; “the love of money is root of all evil.” It is the guranteed income of £5bn p.a. that guarantees bad behaviour by the BBC.
I can spiel ‘guaranteed’ – honetsly. My proof reader has been sacked and the keyboard thrown out of the window into a skip.
Well it should come as no surprise that the cowardly Boris the bottler has announced his intention to do absolutely nothing about the Bashir affair at the BBC.
In fact he has signalled to the BBC that under his premiership it will be business as usual save for the fact that he will create some highly paid non jobs to form an ‘oversight body’ which as we know from past iterations will do absolutely nothing.
It is a great shame that there isn’t another party on the centre right which voters can turn to, now that the Tories have become Blue Labour.
Thoughful, yes, it is buck-passing of – yet again – Biblical proportions on the part of the Prime Minister.
His biggest flaw is that he appears to take the word of ‘experts’ as gospel. That’s how SAGE have managed to get him to remove our freedoms with ease.
BBC News channel about 9:10am had their usual Q&A with the usual 2 covid expert doctors. Previously the experts were at home but this week they are in the studio.
Charlie Stadt asks, “when was the first time you 2 met each other because you have never seen each other before?”
The male experts says, “in the lobby was the first time”.
They then run a video of the 2 experts arriving at exactly the same time, going through 2 different doors (even though a one way system was in place) at the same time, turn to look at each other at the same time and then realising who each other is and do a elbow bump.
Stadt says, “that wasn’t choreographed? That really happened?”
Male expert, “yes”
Yeah right. Luckily there was 3 different cameras in the lobby to capture this random fake news event.
If the BBC can so easily lie about this insignificant event what else do they lie about?
Edit: now the 2 experts are claiming they have some psychic link as they keep wearing the same colour clothes.
This is one for Marianna Spring to investigate.
I saw that piece. I also had subtitles on during the discussion. I laughed when i spotted that Naga came up as maggot on the subtitles. Was this an accident?
TOADY Watch #2 – whitewashing the sepulchre – again
JustRemainIn Webb brings on Jonathan Dimbleby to cover a few bare patches with a broad brush. The Bumblebee (although that nickname now seems highly disrespectful to bees, sorry Martha) manages to waffle quite a bit on how “people are out to get the BBC” and sections of the print media are using the Bashir scandal as an “opportunity to attack the BBC”.
Try using a large paintbrush with whitewash on it, Jonathan. Using a small dollop of paranoia will not get the job done – we can still see the bare patches.
YouTubers setting up their own sites
says he has left YouTube and is charging £3/month for his vids/news/forums
on their own website have a lot of free news
Then some free video content as well.
One worry about going for paysites is that the Youtubers traditionally use content from others without paying them : eg news and video clips
I hope they don’t run into legal complications later.
Mahyratousi channel is not worth the money. I used to watch on YouTube.
It’s primarily click bait and ‘what if’ stories that if happened would be good but never actually happen.
A step in the right direction. The Telegraph editorial today calls for the BBC License Fee to be abolished and replaced with a subscription only model. Hopefully this signals to the timid Tory Government that there is growing popular support for this move , it’s a vote winner. Eventually even this spineless lot may be cajoled into freeing the people from the burden of the BBC. Meanwhile the people themselves can take direct action and refuse to pay the License Fee.
Here we go – there were two extensive interviews on the ‘Today’ Programme this morning – Caroline Thomson (Former Deputy Director General of the BBC and long-term Chair of Digital UK, partly owned by the BBC) and Jonathan Dimbleby (a very long-standing paid employee of the BBC). BBC ‘grandees’ both, n’est-ce pas ?
Of course, they were both very ‘umble regarding the ‘terrrible news’ of the Bashir/BBC hierarchy fraud and coverup, but of course, both very clear that this should not be used to attack the BBC.
Gosh, who would have believed that the BBC somehow could only find and extensively interview people whose livelihood depends, or has depended on, the BBC, to a significant extent – and gives them tons of airtime to basically defend their paymasters.
Or, as it might have been presented by the BBC itself “honestly, we contacted numerous people who would have been quite happy to lay into the Corporation on this subject, but, sadly, none were available to come on the programme. So let’s move on to another supporter.’
Whilst eating my popcorn and sipping my Brandy and watching the BBC squirm. One realizes that it only took the Guardian-reading Marxists approximately 35 years to reduce the Beeb to Globelink news from Drop the Dead Donkey.
One other thing which has been strongly promoted on the left-wing BBC over the past couple of days has been the contention that the Martin Bashir escapade took place something like 25 years ago – and therefore, because it’s not the same people exactly who are employed by the BBC today, then today’s BBC journalists and employees should not be tarred by the same brush, and we just have to let go, and get on with life.
Hmm….. lovely concept. So let’s apply that generally, shall we, and dismiss any other, similar issue – long-past and therefore irrelevant……..oooooh, I don’t know, such as slavery and the slave trade. for example, and the current strident demands for reparations.
After all, according to the left-wing BBC supporters, none of us living today in the UK should be held in any way accountable for the actions of people more than 20 years ago, let alone 200 years ago.
Have I got the hang of this game yet ?
Charles Moore in the Telegraph today points out that the BBC are still using deceit to this day – and gives the example of Laura Kuensberg describing James Dyson as a ‘Tory donor’.
TOADY Watch #3 – a break from the painting over exercise – some sit-down science instead
Although lying down would be more correct, as I listened to the first half-hour of TOADY from under the duvet. The 7 a.m. News told me another Uni, a UK one this time, was pouring money down the drain, despite the Spanish trying the same thing last year. Without any successful results, as I recall.
Apparently, this UK Uni study seems to think they will be more successful at 1. finding viruses in the sewers, and, 2. predicting when the next wave of Covid and its various mutations will occur. Apparently, they will only be looking for an old virus, CARS-Cov-2, not the latest ones, which makes me more than slightly suspicious.
Anyway, from under my duvet, without going into a sewer or spending any taxpayer or charitable grant money, I can predict that if you look hard enough and microscopically enough you will find the leftovers of viruses in UK sewers. You will also find lots of bacterias, too. Oh, and watch out for Weil’s Disease. That’s really nasty.
This Pandemic and University researchers get sillier by the day. The have obviously forgotten the first bit of the ‘Hands-Face-Space’ mantra repeated by the PM and his Ministers and advisors. They also appear to be quite ignorant of what cleaning products (and other things!) that get flushed down sewers and the effects of those cleaning products on the other contents.
Clean round the bend.
H/t a post from noted BBC spotter Frank Fisher, I locate this:
Posted at 11:1811:18
Analysis: Germany fears UK’s Indian variant
Damien McGuinness
BBC News, Berlin
As he noted, it appears the isms of Covid mutate in mysterious ways depending on where from, and to.
Funny if not idiotically BBC.
One of the things I was taught in science, Guest, was to be careful about definitions and to be careful about the use of language. It has struck me how strangely this ‘novel’ coronavirus can morph into a 16/17/18/19/20 year old one and back again at will. And how mutations (it’s what viruses do; it’s their job) are now not mutations but ‘variants’.
All very strange.
This is even more strange, all things considered.
Where’s bbc N nnaaaa BS when they are clearly needed?
In India I hear the “Indian variant” (where it is not causing any trouble) is known as the “English variant”.
Amazing foresight from a Prime Minister in a different league to the clowns we have today:
We had a putsch in this country in 1990 and 99.9% of the population did not know it had happened…
“Soon after being ambushed over the exchange rate mechanism by (predictably) Geoffrey Howe and ( still bafflingly) Nigel Lawson, Mrs Thatcher had understood at last what she was dealing with. From the 1970s until 1990, she had gone along with the falsehood that the EU was an economic project with some political costs. But when she came to deliver her defiance of the EU (‘No! No! No!’ 30th October 1990), she instantly faced a putsch against her premiership.” – Peter Hitchens, Mail on Sunday, January 18th 2017
My God, what a woman, and we never fully realised how fortunate we were! What perception and insight, and that was more than 30 years ago. And I still know lefties in London who proudly say that they demonstrated against her, and consider themselves somehow instrumental in her downfall.
In a big organisation there will always be some rotten apples.
Its a statistical certainty.
So the issue becomes how does an organisation deal with them?
Set aside what Bashir did and why and how.
Focus on the organisation’s response.
A cover up for 25 years. The appointment of the offender to a new job in 2016, at which time the DG who oversaw this was the same person responsible for the whitewash report of Bashir back in 1996.
You have a fundamentally ingrained corrupt organisation. Which unlike Greensill or Enron cannot fail because it disgracefully receives guaranteed income courtesy of government edict. Its natural tendency is to circle the wagons, throw whistleblowers under the bus, and protect itself.
Meanwhile while all eyes are on this specific issue of management policy, the BBC’s statist, collectivist, entitled, left wing bias continues with barely a mention and, astonishingly, no raised eyebrows from the supposedly Tory government.
This website has never been so sorely needed.
Sluff the bad apple narrative might have worked in other curcumstances . But the consequences of what Bashir did are enormous- including getting Tony Hall to the top of the organisation and inflict what the BbC has done – onto captive taxpayers.
Im really hoping that one of the Sunday papers has a new revelation to keep the fire burning .
And sooner or later the likes of Hall and Bashir will have to surface – perhaps after arrest …
Agree with everything you say Fedup.
But if we overfocus on Bashir’s misdemeanours we allow the BBC to use the argument ‘it was 25 years ago and everthing has now changed’.
By focussing on what has happened since then, especially Bashir’s 2016 re-hiring and Lord Hall Hall’s selection as DG around 2010, they cannot use that defence and we can argue that they have been totally complicit in maintaining an unethical culture all the way along.
And being in so entrenched a culture, which is clearly proven as above, they are thus unreformable.
Point of information: I checked the dates and the George Entwhistle fiasco (he was DG for less than two months, coming after £750,000-per-annum Mark Thompson and before Lord Hall of Birkenhead) was 2012 rather than 2010.
Indeed Sluff, more than the evil doings of one little creep, the real scandal is the institutional bias and propaganda that this site exposes every day.
However, Bashirgate and, as you say, the 25 year cover-up by a rotten institution, have caught the public imagination and are drawing flak from all quarters.
Perfect timing for Alex Belfield’s upcoming court cases which might get more attention and traction in the current climate.
The launch of GB News might benefit too, if people are red-pilled enough to be at least curious about an alternative.
“Lee Rigby” Trending
8 year anniversary RIP
8 years of free bed, board, halal food, prayers 5 times a day and all conveniences for the two pieces of sub human fifth responsible for his murder.
All at the UK taxpayers expense.
I’ll say it again, Lee’s murder and murder it was, cannot be considered by the Police other than First Degree Pre-Meditaded Murder which should carry the death penalty-no if’s or but’s-that individual is being housed and fed at the tax payers expense-how can that be right? Seemingly little real thought by our Judicary and or Government has been attributed to this evil crime-truly impossible to know or understand how Lee Rigby’s lovely young wife and mother must have felt and no doubt still feels this nation has let her down-The traitor political puppets have imported dark, malevolent legions from every corner
of the earth and set them loose upon native Britons in an orgy of violence, theft, fraud, rape, murder corruption, and every other wickedness known to mankind. These puppets have deliberately facilitated the systematic colonisation, dispossession and genocide of our people, the native British. You allow scum to enter and scum will rise to the surface.
2013 – Lee Rigby
2017 – Manchester Arena
Never forget who did this and who facilitates them.
One for Damien (above) to decide is ‘not news’ ©️BBC Editorial ?
There is something very chilling about that convoy of cars festooned with flags, blaring out obscene anti-semitic hate speech.
It looks like a conquering army.
Did the BBC show it?
Violence runs through the religion of peace like Brighton rock. In its scriptures, its history and in the news every day.
2005 wasn’t a great year either.
Not to mention various examples of poor driving standards.
Lee Rigby’s not trending on Al-Beeb – at least I couldn’t find any mention of him.
Guess who Labour run Norwich City Council are commemorating today.
Could be anyone: Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao…
But I’d guess the career criminal who died of a drug overdose in Minneapolis.
Screen cap from bbc.com just now
I see today that following the hint that the police may investigate the BBC over the Diana shenanigans that it’s mouthpiece The Guardian has run a whole section dedicated to denouncing police action on journalists.
See the related stories section below this piece…
Obviously not a coincidence but a clear threat to the police force. “Go after our mates at the BBC and we will go after you” sort of thing.
This is not journalism it’s activism…
Figure out where *you* are in the pecking order
” Lord Hall it’s BIG BROTHER from the Diversity Dept. I think
that we at the BBC should be more inclusive in picking a
new religious editor , it is 2016. I think Martin Bashir would
be a good choice .He is a Muslim and I reiterate that here at
the BBC we must be diverse . There is no reason why we
shouldn’t employ him for the post. Certainly not a religious one
Don’t you agree Lord Hall? He ticks all the right boxes so far
as we are concerned at the BBC.”
Look who Al-Beeb found to illustrate their latest piece on Covid. I’m sure it’s completely random and coincidental.
The propaganda is relentless.
I’ve just noticed this image was posted earlier.
Never mind – the propaganda needs repeating.
The DT is reporting that Lord Clueless has resigned as Chairman of the National Gallery