All Perspectives Ltd. was founded as the holding company of GB News in September 2019, and was granted a licence to broadcast by Ofcom in January 2020. GB News was founded by Andrew Cole and Mark Schneider, two executives associated with the chairman of Liberty Global, John C. Malone.
Frangopoulos left the News Corp-owned Sky News Australia in 2018 and is now chief executive officer of GB News – a job which makes him a central player in the biggest upheaval in British broadcasting for more than three decades.21 Feb 2021
As we predicted, the BBC have gone very quiet on the story of BLM activist Sasha Johnson since it emerged who the shooters were, and that this was not at all the narrative the BBC was hoping for.
They killed the story quicker than a bullet to the head.
But hey, as soon as one story of mayhem and murder on the wonderfully diverse streets of London disappears, up pops another… discreetly tucked away in Regions, of course.
“Two gunmen convicted over mistaken identity killing”
(If there’s one thing worse than a gunman, it’s a stupid gunman who can’t read a postcode on his hit-list.)
Covid stats weekly trends adjusted per million population
: Cases …. Deaths
UK : 268 and : 0.7
Sweden:1,243 and 0.6 (2 lowest death rates for proper countries in Europe)
.. So Sweden doing quite well… East Europe is generally much worse than Western Europe
USA : 519 and 12
Germany : 555 and 12
France : 1,105 and 13
India 1,193 and 20 (Greece is worse 1,187 and 33 )
Some countries have deaths week/1M popn of 50 to 113
..largely South American countries in winter now
Looking at death performance overall per million population
The UK has held firm at 17th and a few countries like Italy, Poland, Brazil have over took it
A lot of European countries like Germany & Netherlands have a rate half of the UKs
but may have different counting systems.
The bash boris corporation in full swing hanging on every word cumming utters. Yet a year ago he was persona non grata to the bbc.
What we need is the bbc to be defunded and the Bashir case has been ignored. After all Bbc knows best
Yep BBC are now loving Cummings..funny that. Bet Peston is his best mate now…
I have to say he does appear to be a man scorned…bitter and twisted
Disappointing…he seems to forget he was part of it all but now wants us to believe he was the only one that knew what he was doing.
I suspect BBC will run with all the Boris inept stuff…suits their narrative but average person will ignore it all.
Cummings worked for Boris as Mayor…if he thought he was so inept why continue to work for him?
I really like listening to Cummings . But some of the MPs on the questioning committee and as thick as mince and completely out of their depth .
By the looks of it – as discussed at the time – the practice of sending elderly people – with covid – back to care homes to spread the disease – is going to hang on the current government …..
It should hang on NHS and care homes. I know a care home owner who had no cases or deaths because he didnt accept anyone who hadnt been tested from the start…
Others not so careful…NHS not so careful. Doesnt matter what Govt says if NHS don’t do it. But we know BBC will blame Govt because NHS is perfect….full of angels 🙂
“The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah’s last name was Al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيرة الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign, which was run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah’s testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.”
The BBC said it no longer does cover ups after the Jimmy Savile business. Then we had the Martin Bashir cover up last week. Now this cover up. It’s a good job the BBC don’t do it any more isn’t it?
I think the edit is just a coincidence
cos #1 they have put out a tweet naming her
with unmuted video
Basically he says the LK was the main journo he spoke to, but even then not much “just 3 or 4 times a month”
An ABC report found that “patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait’s nurses and doctors … fled” but Iraqi troops “almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die.”[4] Amnesty International reacted by issuing a correction, with executive director John Healey subsequently accusing the Bush administration of “opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement”.[5]
From the BBC News website: The Met said five males, aged between 17 and 28, have been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, as well as other offences.
Decoding the BBC secret code… all 5 are black and also drug dealers.
“Officers first arrested a 17-year-old boy on Tuesday afternoon following a stop-and-search in south London.”
First suspect arrested after a “stop and search”.
Darn the police don’t want to be doing any of that nasty Stop and Search and finding any potential murderers.
I guess they’ll do that normal thing of making us wait for 48 hours for the names.
BTW Sasha ‘racial equality’ Johnson has a pending court date for racially abusing a police officer.
Fed – up re your comment there about the dispatching of untested elderly from NHS hospitals to care homes and the subsequent fatalities.
This is exactly the same in Scotland and if Boris takes a hit this Krankie cretin we,re saddled with should also be removed.
BASHIRGATE….You have to wonder when ,Bashir, don,s the robes of the Martyr…………..” I was a mere pawn in the hands of a very large group of hideously white males, whit put me up to it!!
I think the buck with that one stops at sec state health – who may well have lied to the UK Parliament about this . Some idiot mp asked Cummings about ‘corporate manslaughter ‘.. the quality of questioning is 50% dire …
I’m not personally affected by the care home tragedy but if I was I would want heads on pikes …
I wonder if there will be a new health sec this weekend ( I know Johnson will circle the wagons )…
The Beeb reports that Iran has extended the deal to keep IAEA monitoring cameras in place for another month.
What it doesn’t mention is that Iran refuses to give the IAEA any of the videos that the cameras are recording!!!
Cummings has always been right in his assessment of the mandarins in the Whitehall civil service, but in his slaying of Boris – and others will agree, – does he suggest anyone – in any party who is any better ? He even agreed that Bill Gates or anyone else in the world would have struggled to deal with the chaos at the beginning.
We’ve all had bosses in our working career that we’ve thought are complete dickheads or are bloody useless and wonder how they got the job, and the post of PM is no different – whoever has the job.
3 teachers hide in their homes in Batley as the PM sends gun boats to Jersey and an Armada to the Med. As 409 dinghyrush appear every day on UK shores.
This is one amazing book. Published in 1996 it predicts with remarkable accuracy the growing destructive power the Liberal-Left in American society and by extension, Western society in general.
What Sowell calls “the annointed” we now commonly refer to as the metropolitan liberal elite or the intelligentsia. This elite have an unshakable belief in their moral and intellectual superiority over the masses. His analysis of their baleful influence on the lives of ordinary citizens (or “the benighted” as Sowell calls them) is remarkably clear. The annointed are unwilling to face up to the damaging social and economic consequences of their very many failures.
Unfortunately, in the years since this book was written the annointed have reached unprecedented levels of power and influence in all the most important areas of public life – politics, criminal justice, education, healthcare, social services, mass media (even the military to some extent). If this progression continues we find ourselves living under an all pervasive system of social/moral control of enforced “politcal correctness”.
When politicians or the media speak of “a crisis which must be addressed” you know the annointed have spotted an opportunity to take the moral high ground with all the self-congratulation that will involve.
There will be lots of words no one reads . The PM and handcock will shelter behind the 2022 2023 2024 public inquiry and 2025 report to be published after the next election .
Labour will fail to behave as a proper opposition as usual .
The BbC will use it to avoid bashir
People will rewatch Jaws and Independence Day. Others will rewatch ‘the thick of it ‘
4pm R4 Migrants and London
FFS complete bubbleworld again
The 3pm show was promoting electric cars.
“MIGRANTS IN LONDON: how has London been shaped by the history of immigration?
Laurie Taylor talks to Panikos Panayi, Professor of European History at De Montfort University,
& author of a new study which examines the contribution of immigrants to London’s economic success and status as a global capital
– from Jewish & Irish immigrants in the 19th century to the Windrush generation and beyond.
They’re joined by Esther Saraga, a retired sociologist, whose recent book charts the emotional journeys of her parents,
two German Jewish refugees,
She argues that their contradictory experiences of welcome and restriction challenge simple views of Britain’s liberal tradition of welcoming refugees.
‘They’re sophisticated, clever – and they always deliver’: from the ports of Europe to the streets of London, one criminal network is now at the top of the UK’s £5bn trade
Yes, BBC distortion – again. You’ve hit the nail on the head.
Some may have been ‘slave grabs’ from Africa and the Middle East but I suspect the majority were thoroughly Italian and pale skinned. After assignment to Hadrians Wall before or after their laying the foundations for London, they would have ended up pretty pale facing the Picts through the wind and rain.
Two of the committee members in particular seem to be incredibly thick and can barely put together coherent sentences, and further they seem more interested in gaining cheap gotcha moments ( by repeatedly asking closed questions) than in taking time to really drill down into forensic questions.
They were both black, female Labour MPs. Which in its way is really damning.
When Cressida Dick played that role in 2017, she agreed to pay £ 40,000 less than her predecessor. She was offered, like Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, to be offered £ 270,648 per year. However, Dick volunteered to get a lower salary of £ 230,000 instead.15 Mar 2021
What I am about to relate to you is absolutely true, although it will appear so fantastical as to be the stuff of fantasy.
It is another story of self destructive Jews and a Democrat party so steeped in corruption and crime that it has completely lost its morality.
It concerns the appalling crime rate in San Francisco and the rise in crimes across the board, but also in race hate crimes.
The DA is the man responsible his name is Chesa Boudin, which is allegedly a composite of Che for Che Guevara and SA for South America. Needless to say both his parents were extremely left wing in fact, both of them joined Nazi / Communist terror group Weather Underground allied to Black Supremecists group the Black Panthers, where they committed a terrorist atrocity on a Brinks armoured car in 1981 killing a security guard and two Police officers:
His mother one Kathy Boudin also took part in the terrorist attack on the armoured car and was released from prison on parole in 2003 only to be appointed an adjunct professor at Columbia university !
Back to the disastrous DA however, he was just 14 months old when his irresponsible and uncaring parents were incarcerated, and he was adopted claiming he did not learn to read until he was age 9
He attended St Anthonys college Oxford (England) on a scholarship, he earned two master’s degrees, one in forced migration and the other in public policy in Latin America. He earned his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School in 2011.
Before law school, Boudin traveled to Venezuela and served as a translator in the Venezuelan Presidential Palace during the administration of Hugo Chavez. The reality here is that he was treated as far Left ‘royalty’ being taken to the Miraflores palace and staying there.
Since he was sworn in as DA in January 2020 crime has gone from bad to worse, in fact they have become so bad that there is now a recall petition from an independent pressure group (although as one of them is a Republican the Dems claim they all are), and there is also the possibility of a Democrat recall petition as well which would be more succesful.
Friends in higher places however will donate money his was as Jewish leftie George Soros supported his election and has indicated assistance for any recall event.
Boudin however is not the only Soros backed DA to be the subject of a recall – things really are that bad in the ‘progressive’ Californian cities right now.
Thoughtful, things are bad all the way up the US west coast, including in sleepy Oregon and also in the home of Microsoft in Seattle in Washington State.
While diverse Londonistan gets more murderous by the day (ask Sasha Johnson and her mostly-peaceful party friends), how reassuring that Mayor Khant is busy painting gay zebra crossings and installing trans-friendly pedestrian lights.
How sweet.
But personally I don’t think they go far enough: why not depict them engaged in full-on sodomy to rub conservative traditionalists’ noses in it?
Phillip Schofield pays tribute to his ‘incredible’ wife of 27 years as he reveals he is gay: Emotional TV star thanks the woman he met when he was a teen heartthrob on Going Live!… and who he proposed to in the nude
I’ve often thought that Phillip Schofield and Sadiq Khan look very similar. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a photo where they are together at the same time. Just saying…
So yesterday we were talking about the Welsh Tory politician Rob Roberts now suspended for 6 weeks due to the way he came out as gay although married and tried to proposition an office junior.
Boris Johnson’s former advisor has testified before committee that it was Carrie Symonds — Boris’s girlfriend — behind getting government appointees fired.
This is wildly unconstitutional and merits a full investigation of who is really running the country.
7:30pm Panorama Will China overtake the US to win the race for Artificial Intelligence?
Former Google Chief Executive, Eric Schmidt, has warned that beating China in AI is imperative
But others say that China’s “vision of the world is not convergence but co-existence”
… If only the US had a president that stands up to China
“Nissan ‘in talks to build huge UK battery factory”
Dare I say it, despite BREXIT?
There is a HYS open . Get your comments in now , I have .
GB News is now due to launch on Sunday 13th of June.
I wish Andrew Neil good luck: his enemies at the BBC and elsewhere will be lining up to destroy him. If the channel is successful it could be one more nail in the coffin of the evil beeb. Or perhaps a stake through the heart might be a more fitting image.
Meanwhile, Channel 236 is currently just showing the logo with the words GB News Coming Soon, to some background muzak. But already it’s more interesting than anything I’ve seen on the beeb for a long time; and refreshingly free of bias, lies and forged bank statements. A promising start!
“We’re launching!
GB News is coming to your screens on Sunday 13th June. We’ll be kicking off with a special programme at 8pm, called “Welcome to GB News.”
You can join us on Freeview and YouView channel 236, Freesat channel 216, Sky, Virgin Media and online. Become part of the GB News family by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.”
Good to see the imminent launch of the Brillo news channel. 96% coverage apparently. Well, not all Freeview channels are available to Freeview viewers, only those broadcast by enhanced transmitters, ie the full range of HD channels and some others such as Sony Classics, for instance. Bearing in mind the make up of the Freeview consortium I hope it gets full coverage. Unenhanced transmitters cover great swathes of the country and have nothing to do with reception problems. I have always wondered if advertisers have been made aware of this anomaly. The Freeview consortium contains the usual suspects. We shall see.
10:45pm-midnight BBC1
Mobeen Azhar investigates the story of Gurvin Singh, a 20-year-old medical student who one evening near Christmas decided to hand out free cash to unsuspecting strangers in Plymouth town centre.
He told the local paper that he was ‘giving back to the community’, having made thousands of pounds through forex trading.
But weeks later rumours were rife that Gurvin’s trading claims were a scam
a repeat from BBC3
The problem with this is not one of them has a scintilla of shame.
So stop and search was instrumental in the arrests if 5 people accused of the attempted murder of Sasha Johnson. Your comments please:@DavidLammy@SadiqKhan@Diane Abbott, Dawn Butler & Claudia Webbe.
More stop and search might even have prevented the gunman getting to her, armed, in the first place.
Still want to defund the police, BLM?
Here’s a suggestion: why not campaign to defund the BBC instead, who are doing untold damage to the black community and race relations in general?
For an organization that claims to have a unique role in bringing the nation together, the BBC does seem to spend a lot of time promoting division and resentment.
Radio 4’s news reports were still repeating the story about the BLM activist being shot but with no mention of the (now certified) colour of the arrested alleged perp’s. It is almost as if the BBC wants you still to believe that it was White “racists” who did it …
7pm Alice Roberts repeat
about graves under the new Euston rail development
“One such celebrity was black champion boxer Bill Richmond. Born into slavery in colonial America, Richmond gained his freedom fighting for the British in the American War of Independence.”
9pm The Black American Fight For Freedom
10pm Alleged comedy with Nish Kumar, Luisa Omielan
Fifty years on from the promise of equality and the Civil Rights Act, this documentary reveals the moments where America had the chance to become more equal and why that didn’t happen.
— Save Redland Library (@SaveRedlandLibr) May 26, 2021
Still instead of the BAME programming on BBC1 and BBC2 tonight you could listen to the radio
9-11pm 1Xtra : DJ Edu “The hottest sounds out of Africa – Afrobeats from all corners of the motherland.”
9pm BBC Asian Network : Bobby Friction
Tonight’s R4 Art’s show : Pauline Black talking about Two Tone in Coventry
Yesterday’s show : Black Grime artist
and “As the Rijkmuseum in Amsterdam opens a landmark exhibition, Slavery, exploring the Netherlands’ 250 years involvement in the trade of human beings
I presume the Romans also took slaves from there for 400 years 2000 years ago, they did everywhere else
I imagine none of the left wing media are going to want to report that stop and search provided a hugely positive result in a criminal investigation.
Khans entire screwed up policy on Policing has been based on stopping stop & search, and yet her we see how very much needed it is.
Thoughtful-It must make Riz Lateef and her editorial
bosses on the Londonistan programme on the BBC feel sick to the
even have to mention the fact that five arrests have been made
at the end of the programme . When she has to report
the main points of the national news including the attempted
murder of BLM activist Sasha Johnson. For two nights the
programme has stayed “stumm” on the tragedy from Peckam
which I believe is in London. But not enough of an important
feature for Riz and her editor,s because it might involve
five of Sasha’s “brothers” instigating the attack.
BLM does not apparently apply when its black on black.
We get the number of COVID cases and deaths each day and I have a question.
How many people are tested to get the number of cases.
Is it the same number each day.
It would be much clearer if they said something like 500,000 people were tested today and 2,000 were positive.
Or they could give a percentage where the above number would give 0.4% positive tests.
Or they could say 1 in every 250 tested were positive.
Just giving out the number with no reference is meaningless.
2,000 tested positive out of 2,000 tests or out of 2 million tests,
Does anyone publish these numbers (total number of tests)
Cummings – there is a bit in The Thick of it where the civil servants think theyve lost the crime data .
At the end someone finds it on a disc but they cover it up to prevent more embarrassment.
Today cummings said there was no detailed contingency plan for covid .
I reckon there was one on a disc somewhere – but no one knew where . So they made it up on the hoof . And as recent events in the indusn hotspots show – they are still making dumb decisions and communications.
Emmanuel, google ‘daily summary’ and there you will find the numbers tested each day and it does vary quite a lot. However they realised fairly recently that people who had a positive lateral flow test were then going for a PCR test, conflating the figures. Apparently PHE are more concerned about false negatives than false positives.
Does it matter how many are tested, or how many test positive (even supposing the tests are accurate)? What matters is, how many are ill, or worse, and the answer to that is, hardly any. What is the fuss about?
why aren’t the bbc finding out who owns that big house, how much is it worth? in ‘deprived’ Peckham…
My guess what happened: the new men arrived at the party, Sasha waded in with her big aggressive mouth, it all kicked off, 4 vrs a whole party, so gun comes out..bang bang.
Here she is in action, inviting a black guy, with a different opinion the hers, to come outside so she can deliver the violence she promised him.
Eddy, you make a good point about the house and Sasha’s ‘tendencies’.
The BBC are claiming it was a ‘pray and spray’ drive-by shooting but that doesn’t appear possible ina back garden. Or – if the BBC claimed death threats were real – it could have been a proper ‘hit’. Lure the victim to a place, at a specific time, and ….
Police to investigate. BBC journos and presenters to ask questions. Us to be patient.
Eddy Booth: I see this sort of behaviour several times a week in my part of London, often directed at a white person, but also at fellow blacks. It’s intimidating and unpleasant, and makes ‘white flight’ fully understandable. Of course such behaviour would never been shown on the broadcast media, least of all the BBC.
It makes many of the remaining English residents of London feel that London is no longer the English people’s capital city, but I’m sorry to say that I’ve often encountered the attitude among white people living in the provinces that ‘it’s only London so it doesn’t matter’.
I wouldn’t get too carried away
I don’t think Sasha is a string puller
She looks like a crazy person in the front, who is so crazy she’ll say anything.
Of course if you video her for 4 hours you’ll get something that looks really bad.
I have not posted for a while as I have been upsetting them on the Guardian. Surprisingly some of the comments are not the usual Guardian stuff.
Anyway this Cummings business looks to me to be all about the care homes and who gave that order to empty out the hospitals and put sick and very vulnerable old people in a situation that directly imperiled their lives .
I knew back in Feb at the latest that the virus was very infectious and spread mainly by aerosols .Any cursory examination of what happened in Italy told me that and anyway I had been tipped off from Taiwan . That meant the care homes were sitting ducks if even one person with the virus was present.
The same sorry tale is present in Canada, US and even Sweden.
Cummings knows what happened and knows who gave that order. I am sure he does not want to take the blame.
Dave – the other thing was the failure to learn from the experience of other nations –
the failure to even consider ‘ brutal’ but necessary border closures and the like
In spring 2020 i dont think anyone would have stood for it with MSM stories of destitute british families banned from returning to blighty ..
This website talked about the stream of aircraft arriving in blighty despite the population being locked down . A joke .
I see that the EU, that paragon of all that is worthy and just, according to Woke Central, has just got it between the eyes from the Swiss after the Gauleiters tried the usual bully-boy tactics in trade talks. Oh dear, all those years of strong-arming down the toilet. Cue more BBC misery. A cuckoo clock right up the jacksie. Bottle of Fendant and a large chunk of Toblerone I think!
Never in my long life have I wished “misery” on anyone but for the BBC I will, very sadly, make an exception . They have, like their Labour Party friends, lost the respect and trust of the
BRITISH WORKING CLASS who they now portray as the enemy within. They will very much regret their mistake.
I note the Chair of the National Trust has been forced to resign his position by members who had tabled a vote of no confidence in his leadership.
He was regarded by them as too woke to carry on the role, and they claimed he had called everyone a ‘racist’. Readers should be aware however that he was a Tory appointment, and not only to the NT, but to head the Post Office (through the scandal), and also head of the courts & tribunals.
The evidence that the Tories are the wokest of the woke is there for anyone to see.
Officer Tatum’s entire YouTube channel deserves a shout-out for speaking the kind of truths the BBC are terrified to even contemplate.
Because if they allowed themselves to entertain those truths for even a nano-second, their entire rotten edifice of lies, racism and divisiveness would be exposed and would crumble away.
Darkness cannot bear the light, so keep the shutters tightly closed.
Wow doesn’t Alex Bellfield get his facts wrong! BLM was not formed as a result of George Floyds death, Derek Chauvin did not kneel on Floyds neck, and you can bet that they knew exactly who Officer Tatum was before they invited him on.
They don’t just invite random you tubers on their news channel, that would be ridiculous!
‘So you’re objecting firstly to some of the things which happened around the trial which now there is a conviction I think we should probably park that’.
Note how distracted the BBC presenter is as he says that. Clearly he is being given instructions in his earpiece.
Erm isn’t the title of Dom Cummings – The PMs Special Advisor – a bit of a misnomer ? If what he is saying is true (hard to pick out one bit), then what the hell was he doing as ‘special advisor’ ??? stood around listening and taking notes for a future book by the sound of it, because listening to him there wasn’t much advising done !
Quite right, lefty, the palpable hatred for the British working classes expressed by both the BBC and the Labour Party epitomises both their arrogance and yet also their almost sublime stupidity. First rule of anyone performing in the public arena is don’t alienate your audience. Labour effectively died after the Gordon Brown “that woman” incident over 10 years ago. The BBC, likewise, daily commits the same error. It only survives due to forced public funding backed by a telecommunications act that has no place in British law. However, the increasing ground swell of discontent over this abominable ship of fools may well indeed sink it.
Well, the BBC have finally done it: they’ve airbrushed out all mention of the ethnicity of the suspects in the shooting of Sasha Johnson (BLM). Which is, let’s be honest, the one detail everyone is interested in.
Funny how the BBC can be extremely colour-conscious when it suits their racist agenda, and completely colour-blind when it doesn’t.
This time last year, the BBC – along with most of the MSM – were casting doubts on the veracity of Dominic Cummings’s reasons for his trip back to stay in a cottage on his parent’s farm. He, like his boss the Prime Minister, was ‘a stranger to the truth’.
Now, every word from Dominic Cummings’s mouth is gold plated, accepted as gospel, totally true. In a Parliamentary report, a BBC Correspondent (may have been Norman Smith) is almost honest enough to say the BBC are changing their view through 180°, doing a ‘volte face’, as my American friends say ‘popping a U-ey’ and changing their view on Cummings’s veracity.
But they couldn’t really own up to that. And did not.
pug, I hope someone is digging into that – absurd, as far as I am concerned – Cummings’s claim that in the late winter of 2019/2020 (January or February or early March) President Trump wanted the UK to join with the USA to bomb Iraq.
Marianna, time for you to spring into action.
Anyone at the BBC?
Hello, hello, anyone at the BBC? Nick?, Laura?, Norman? …. hello!
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
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Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
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Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
All Perspectives Ltd. was founded as the holding company of GB News in September 2019, and was granted a licence to broadcast by Ofcom in January 2020. GB News was founded by Andrew Cole and Mark Schneider, two executives associated with the chairman of Liberty Global, John C. Malone.
Frangopoulos left the News Corp-owned Sky News Australia in 2018 and is now chief executive officer of GB News – a job which makes him a central player in the biggest upheaval in British broadcasting for more than three decades.21 Feb 2021
China is emerging as a leader in green finance say experts at Imperial talk
by Laura Singleton
22 February 2018
Pretty clear to anybody who looks closely that CCP “green finance” is what’s got academics drooling about income possibilities….
What a miserable parade of low priced whores.
As we predicted, the BBC have gone very quiet on the story of BLM activist Sasha Johnson since it emerged who the shooters were, and that this was not at all the narrative the BBC was hoping for.
They killed the story quicker than a bullet to the head.
But hey, as soon as one story of mayhem and murder on the wonderfully diverse streets of London disappears, up pops another… discreetly tucked away in Regions, of course.
“Two gunmen convicted over mistaken identity killing”
(If there’s one thing worse than a gunman, it’s a stupid gunman who can’t read a postcode on his hit-list.)
They don’t look like the sharpest of knives in the cutlery drawer do they? The quality of hitmen these days is absolutely shocking.
Hopefully, Priti’s tough new immigration requirements will include: ability to read postcodes accurately and to recognise a target from his photo.
Covid stats weekly trends adjusted per million population
: Cases …. Deaths
UK : 268 and : 0.7
Sweden:1,243 and 0.6 (2 lowest death rates for proper countries in Europe)
.. So Sweden doing quite well… East Europe is generally much worse than Western Europe
USA : 519 and 12
Germany : 555 and 12
France : 1,105 and 13
India 1,193 and 20 (Greece is worse 1,187 and 33 )
Some countries have deaths week/1M popn of 50 to 113
..largely South American countries in winter now
Looking at death performance overall per million population
The UK has held firm at 17th and a few countries like Italy, Poland, Brazil have over took it
A lot of European countries like Germany & Netherlands have a rate half of the UKs
but may have different counting systems.
Man runs whilst someone shouts questions and says he ignored it… ha ha ha ha …
Coronavirus Cases:
Coronavirus Cases:
Coronavirus Cases:
Yes I took my stats from Worldometer
The problem with China’s stats is that they are not reliable.
Indeed – they admitted to missing a block of data.
The bash boris corporation in full swing hanging on every word cumming utters. Yet a year ago he was persona non grata to the bbc.
What we need is the bbc to be defunded and the Bashir case has been ignored. After all Bbc knows best
Yep BBC are now loving Cummings..funny that. Bet Peston is his best mate now…
I have to say he does appear to be a man scorned…bitter and twisted
Disappointing…he seems to forget he was part of it all but now wants us to believe he was the only one that knew what he was doing.
I suspect BBC will run with all the Boris inept stuff…suits their narrative but average person will ignore it all.
Cummings worked for Boris as Mayor…if he thought he was so inept why continue to work for him?
He is pissed cos princess nut nuts got her way….
How low has this country sunk…
I really like listening to Cummings . But some of the MPs on the questioning committee and as thick as mince and completely out of their depth .
By the looks of it – as discussed at the time – the practice of sending elderly people – with covid – back to care homes to spread the disease – is going to hang on the current government …..
It should hang on NHS and care homes. I know a care home owner who had no cases or deaths because he didnt accept anyone who hadnt been tested from the start…
Others not so careful…NHS not so careful. Doesnt matter what Govt says if NHS don’t do it. But we know BBC will blame Govt because NHS is perfect….full of angels 🙂
touches nose with forefinger ….
“need to know” basis …
1400+ raped kids did nothing … more interesting news will appear … 20 mins from nukes from Iran …
“We’re supporting around 300 victims and survivors of CSE through investing over half a million pounds.
“But, let me be very, very clear – we still have a long way to go.”
MP, thick as mince + out of depth?
shocked, not.
Diane Abbott did say that Chairman Mao did more good than harm
22 NOVEMBER 2019
“Correct. During an episode of This Week in 2008 she said “I suppose that some people would judge that on balance Mao did more good than harm”.”
Some people might think that on balance Mao was God Almighty. So what?
“The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah’s last name was Al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيرة الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign, which was run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah’s testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.”
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
The BBC said it no longer does cover ups after the Jimmy Savile business. Then we had the Martin Bashir cover up last week. Now this cover up. It’s a good job the BBC don’t do it any more isn’t it?
The bbc does not engage in cover ups.
They have a policy of mostly selective memory ‘investigations’.
Still recall the institutional Alzheimer’s that pervaded the top floor for Pollard.
I think the edit is just a coincidence
cos #1 they have put out a tweet naming her
with unmuted video
Basically he says the LK was the main journo he spoke to, but even then not much “just 3 or 4 times a month”
An ABC report found that “patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait’s nurses and doctors … fled” but Iraqi troops “almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die.”[4] Amnesty International reacted by issuing a correction, with executive director John Healey subsequently accusing the Bush administration of “opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement”.[5]
Soldiers stealing incubators? Yes, that rings true.
Breaking news BBC
”Five people have been arrested after a prominent Black Lives Matter activist was shot in the head at a party in south London.”
Are they people of colour? Or are they Trump supporters and climate change deniers who voted for Brexit?
From the BBC News website:
The Met said five males, aged between 17 and 28, have been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, as well as other offences.
Decoding the BBC secret code… all 5 are black and also drug dealers.
“Officers first arrested a 17-year-old boy on Tuesday afternoon following a stop-and-search in south London.”
First suspect arrested after a “stop and search”.
Darn the police don’t want to be doing any of that nasty Stop and Search and finding any potential murderers.
I guess they’ll do that normal thing of making us wait for 48 hours for the names.
BTW Sasha ‘racial equality’ Johnson has a pending court date for racially abusing a police officer.
Hate Crime people!
prominent Black Lives Matter – terrorist
Even the police have Diane Abbott’s number:
“Ex-Met Police detective Mick Neville accused the MP of “stirring up tensions with false rumours”
But hang on, isn’t that a criminal offence?
And shouldn’t the Abbopotamus at the very least be banned from Facebook, YouTube and Twitter?
Many have been shut down for far less.
Police delegates jeer Diane Abbott over comments on spit hoods
This article is more than 4 years old
Shadow home secretary runs into difficulty at Police Federation conference as she fails to back use of controversial protection
I’m surprised thier wasn’t an uproar for her being called “shadow”.
Fed – up re your comment there about the dispatching of untested elderly from NHS hospitals to care homes and the subsequent fatalities.
This is exactly the same in Scotland and if Boris takes a hit this Krankie cretin we,re saddled with should also be removed.
BASHIRGATE….You have to wonder when ,Bashir, don,s the robes of the Martyr…………..” I was a mere pawn in the hands of a very large group of hideously white males, whit put me up to it!!
I think the buck with that one stops at sec state health – who may well have lied to the UK Parliament about this . Some idiot mp asked Cummings about ‘corporate manslaughter ‘.. the quality of questioning is 50% dire …
I’m not personally affected by the care home tragedy but if I was I would want heads on pikes …
I wonder if there will be a new health sec this weekend ( I know Johnson will circle the wagons )…
The Beeb reports that Iran has extended the deal to keep IAEA monitoring cameras in place for another month.
What it doesn’t mention is that Iran refuses to give the IAEA any of the videos that the cameras are recording!!!
Cummings has always been right in his assessment of the mandarins in the Whitehall civil service, but in his slaying of Boris – and others will agree, – does he suggest anyone – in any party who is any better ? He even agreed that Bill Gates or anyone else in the world would have struggled to deal with the chaos at the beginning.
We’ve all had bosses in our working career that we’ve thought are complete dickheads or are bloody useless and wonder how they got the job, and the post of PM is no different – whoever has the job.
3 teachers hide in their homes in Batley as the PM sends gun boats to Jersey and an Armada to the Med. As 409 dinghyrush appear every day on UK shores.
This is one amazing book. Published in 1996 it predicts with remarkable accuracy the growing destructive power the Liberal-Left in American society and by extension, Western society in general.
What Sowell calls “the annointed” we now commonly refer to as the metropolitan liberal elite or the intelligentsia. This elite have an unshakable belief in their moral and intellectual superiority over the masses. His analysis of their baleful influence on the lives of ordinary citizens (or “the benighted” as Sowell calls them) is remarkably clear. The annointed are unwilling to face up to the damaging social and economic consequences of their very many failures.
Unfortunately, in the years since this book was written the annointed have reached unprecedented levels of power and influence in all the most important areas of public life – politics, criminal justice, education, healthcare, social services, mass media (even the military to some extent). If this progression continues we find ourselves living under an all pervasive system of social/moral control of enforced “politcal correctness”.
When politicians or the media speak of “a crisis which must be addressed” you know the annointed have spotted an opportunity to take the moral high ground with all the self-congratulation that will involve.
Brissles: Even Starmer in a rare moment of honesty said that he thought any government would have struggled with the pandemic.
They certainly did struggle, MM: to keep the lid on the story and also to stop the WHO Inspection team seeing what they wanted to so.
Sunak or Raab
Watching cummings ( still ) – the MPs seem taken aback by the ‘straight forward ‘ way he is answering questions and disclosing his version of events .
The pressure to bring forward the public inquiry is going to build – but who will run it and how – is going to be a proper argument .. battle …
What is your verdict so far, Fed?
There will be lots of words no one reads . The PM and handcock will shelter behind the 2022 2023 2024 public inquiry and 2025 report to be published after the next election .
Labour will fail to behave as a proper opposition as usual .
The BbC will use it to avoid bashir
People will rewatch Jaws and Independence Day. Others will rewatch ‘the thick of it ‘
4pm R4 Migrants and London
FFS complete bubbleworld again
The 3pm show was promoting electric cars.
“MIGRANTS IN LONDON: how has London been shaped by the history of immigration?
Laurie Taylor talks to Panikos Panayi, Professor of European History at De Montfort University,
& author of a new study which examines the contribution of immigrants to London’s economic success and status as a global capital
– from Jewish & Irish immigrants in the 19th century to the Windrush generation and beyond.
They’re joined by Esther Saraga, a retired sociologist, whose recent book charts the emotional journeys of her parents,
two German Jewish refugees,
She argues that their contradictory experiences of welcome and restriction challenge simple views of Britain’s liberal tradition of welcoming refugees.
‘They’re sophisticated, clever – and they always deliver’: from the ports of Europe to the streets of London, one criminal network is now at the top of the UK’s £5bn trade
It is claimed that some immigrants from Italy and elsewhere actually laid the foundations of London, Stew. What have the Romans really done for us?!
@Up2snuff those Romans in London were mainly black according to BBC revisionist history.
Yes, BBC distortion – again. You’ve hit the nail on the head.
Some may have been ‘slave grabs’ from Africa and the Middle East but I suspect the majority were thoroughly Italian and pale skinned. After assignment to Hadrians Wall before or after their laying the foundations for London, they would have ended up pretty pale facing the Picts through the wind and rain.
Been watching the Dominic Cummins hearings.
Two of the committee members in particular seem to be incredibly thick and can barely put together coherent sentences, and further they seem more interested in gaining cheap gotcha moments ( by repeatedly asking closed questions) than in taking time to really drill down into forensic questions.
They were both black, female Labour MPs. Which in its way is really damning.
When Cressida Dick played that role in 2017, she agreed to pay £ 40,000 less than her predecessor. She was offered, like Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, to be offered £ 270,648 per year. However, Dick volunteered to get a lower salary of £ 230,000 instead.15 Mar 2021
Wow she began the job at a lower salary than the more experienced officer left it at
isn’t that normal ?
What I am about to relate to you is absolutely true, although it will appear so fantastical as to be the stuff of fantasy.
It is another story of self destructive Jews and a Democrat party so steeped in corruption and crime that it has completely lost its morality.
It concerns the appalling crime rate in San Francisco and the rise in crimes across the board, but also in race hate crimes.
The DA is the man responsible his name is Chesa Boudin, which is allegedly a composite of Che for Che Guevara and SA for South America. Needless to say both his parents were extremely left wing in fact, both of them joined Nazi / Communist terror group Weather Underground allied to Black Supremecists group the Black Panthers, where they committed a terrorist atrocity on a Brinks armoured car in 1981 killing a security guard and two Police officers:
The Father one David Gilbert was sentenced to 75 years to life and remains in prison where he belongs to this day:
His mother one Kathy Boudin also took part in the terrorist attack on the armoured car and was released from prison on parole in 2003 only to be appointed an adjunct professor at Columbia university !
Back to the disastrous DA however, he was just 14 months old when his irresponsible and uncaring parents were incarcerated, and he was adopted claiming he did not learn to read until he was age 9
He attended St Anthonys college Oxford (England) on a scholarship, he earned two master’s degrees, one in forced migration and the other in public policy in Latin America. He earned his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School in 2011.
Before law school, Boudin traveled to Venezuela and served as a translator in the Venezuelan Presidential Palace during the administration of Hugo Chavez. The reality here is that he was treated as far Left ‘royalty’ being taken to the Miraflores palace and staying there.
Since he was sworn in as DA in January 2020 crime has gone from bad to worse, in fact they have become so bad that there is now a recall petition from an independent pressure group (although as one of them is a Republican the Dems claim they all are), and there is also the possibility of a Democrat recall petition as well which would be more succesful.
Friends in higher places however will donate money his was as Jewish leftie George Soros supported his election and has indicated assistance for any recall event.
Boudin however is not the only Soros backed DA to be the subject of a recall – things really are that bad in the ‘progressive’ Californian cities right now.
Thoughtful, things are bad all the way up the US west coast, including in sleepy Oregon and also in the home of Microsoft in Seattle in Washington State.
Up2, that’s why it’s called the Left Coast
🙂 … the Left Bank ….. Florida, I am told, is sinking into the sea – therefore tilting to the Right. 😉
While diverse Londonistan gets more murderous by the day (ask Sasha Johnson and her mostly-peaceful party friends), how reassuring that Mayor Khant is busy painting gay zebra crossings and installing trans-friendly pedestrian lights.
How sweet.
But personally I don’t think they go far enough: why not depict them engaged in full-on sodomy to rub conservative traditionalists’ noses in it?
Everything is OK …
Oh, and here’s a gay zebra-crossing.
And here’s a gay zebra, crossing.
Ride with …
Phillip Schofield pays tribute to his ‘incredible’ wife of 27 years as he reveals he is gay: Emotional TV star thanks the woman he met when he was a teen heartthrob on Going Live!… and who he proposed to in the nude
Thanks, but too much information.
(And I’m sure the missus was delighted when he ‘came out’.)
Seeing Schofield’s face is quite enough.
I’ve often thought that Phillip Schofield and Sadiq Khan look very similar. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a photo where they are together at the same time. Just saying…
So yesterday we were talking about the Welsh Tory politician Rob Roberts now suspended for 6 weeks due to the way he came out as gay although married and tried to proposition an office junior.
Out of all the stuff from Cummings today
THIS is what should end BoJo’s tenure
Investigate – Hamas are out friends – 3 teachers in Batley in hiding.
7:30pm Panorama
Will China overtake the US to win the race for Artificial Intelligence?
Former Google Chief Executive, Eric Schmidt, has warned that beating China in AI is imperative
But others say that China’s “vision of the world is not convergence but co-existence”
… If only the US had a president that stands up to China
One that can stand up would be a start.
“Nissan ‘in talks to build huge UK battery factory”
Dare I say it, despite BREXIT?
There is a HYS open . Get your comments in now , I have .
So much explained.
I imagine for the past 4 years, their enlightening chats went something like:
– That Trump, eh? What a tosser.
– Yeah, complete and utter tosser.
– Yeah, loser.
– Yeah.
– Right.
– He’s evil.
– Yeah, kills babies.
– Yeah, and eats them.
– Alive apparently.
– Yeah.
– Jon hates him too.
– We all do.
– Tosser.
GB News is now due to launch on Sunday 13th of June.
I wish Andrew Neil good luck: his enemies at the BBC and elsewhere will be lining up to destroy him. If the channel is successful it could be one more nail in the coffin of the evil beeb. Or perhaps a stake through the heart might be a more fitting image.
Meanwhile, Channel 236 is currently just showing the logo with the words GB News Coming Soon, to some background muzak. But already it’s more interesting than anything I’ve seen on the beeb for a long time; and refreshingly free of bias, lies and forged bank statements. A promising start!
“We’re launching!
GB News is coming to your screens on Sunday 13th June. We’ll be kicking off with a special programme at 8pm, called “Welcome to GB News.”
You can join us on Freeview and YouView channel 236, Freesat channel 216, Sky, Virgin Media and online. Become part of the GB News family by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.”
ITV local news
#3 item Calls for caste discrimination laws
.. It’s a national syndicated item. promo tweet
Sky has a similar item.
Good to see the imminent launch of the Brillo news channel. 96% coverage apparently. Well, not all Freeview channels are available to Freeview viewers, only those broadcast by enhanced transmitters, ie the full range of HD channels and some others such as Sony Classics, for instance. Bearing in mind the make up of the Freeview consortium I hope it gets full coverage. Unenhanced transmitters cover great swathes of the country and have nothing to do with reception problems. I have always wondered if advertisers have been made aware of this anomaly. The Freeview consortium contains the usual suspects. We shall see.
10:45pm-midnight BBC1
Mobeen Azhar investigates the story of Gurvin Singh, a 20-year-old medical student who one evening near Christmas decided to hand out free cash to unsuspecting strangers in Plymouth town centre.
He told the local paper that he was ‘giving back to the community’, having made thousands of pounds through forex trading.
But weeks later rumours were rife that Gurvin’s trading claims were a scam
a repeat from BBC3
Unprofessional courtesies.
The problem with this is not one of them has a scintilla of shame.
More stop and search might even have prevented the gunman getting to her, armed, in the first place.
Still want to defund the police, BLM?
Here’s a suggestion: why not campaign to defund the BBC instead, who are doing untold damage to the black community and race relations in general?
For an organization that claims to have a unique role in bringing the nation together, the BBC does seem to spend a lot of time promoting division and resentment.
Radio 4’s news reports were still repeating the story about the BLM activist being shot but with no mention of the (now certified) colour of the arrested alleged perp’s. It is almost as if the BBC wants you still to believe that it was White “racists” who did it …
7pm Alice Roberts repeat
about graves under the new Euston rail development
“One such celebrity was black champion boxer Bill Richmond. Born into slavery in colonial America, Richmond gained his freedom fighting for the British in the American War of Independence.”
9pm The Black American Fight For Freedom
10pm Alleged comedy with Nish Kumar, Luisa Omielan
Still instead of the BAME programming on BBC1 and BBC2 tonight you could listen to the radio
9-11pm 1Xtra : DJ Edu “The hottest sounds out of Africa – Afrobeats from all corners of the motherland.”
9pm BBC Asian Network : Bobby Friction
Tonight’s R4 Art’s show : Pauline Black talking about Two Tone in Coventry
Yesterday’s show : Black Grime artist
and “As the Rijkmuseum in Amsterdam opens a landmark exhibition, Slavery, exploring the Netherlands’ 250 years involvement in the trade of human beings
I presume the Romans also took slaves from there for 400 years 2000 years ago, they did everywhere else
GB News will be on Sky channel 515
Starts JUNE 13 (Sunday)
Even better if Kay (Chukkie Doll) Burley is not on the team.
The stop and search of a 17-year-old boy has led to five arrests over the attempted murder of a Black Lives Matter activist.
I imagine none of the left wing media are going to want to report that stop and search provided a hugely positive result in a criminal investigation.
Khans entire screwed up policy on Policing has been based on stopping stop & search, and yet her we see how very much needed it is.
Can’t imagine the BBC wanting to mention this.
Thoughtful-It must make Riz Lateef and her editorial
bosses on the Londonistan programme on the BBC feel sick to the
even have to mention the fact that five arrests have been made
at the end of the programme . When she has to report
the main points of the national news including the attempted
murder of BLM activist Sasha Johnson. For two nights the
programme has stayed “stumm” on the tragedy from Peckam
which I believe is in London. But not enough of an important
feature for Riz and her editor,s because it might involve
five of Sasha’s “brothers” instigating the attack.
BLM does not apparently apply when its black on black.
We get the number of COVID cases and deaths each day and I have a question.
How many people are tested to get the number of cases.
Is it the same number each day.
It would be much clearer if they said something like 500,000 people were tested today and 2,000 were positive.
Or they could give a percentage where the above number would give 0.4% positive tests.
Or they could say 1 in every 250 tested were positive.
Just giving out the number with no reference is meaningless.
2,000 tested positive out of 2,000 tests or out of 2 million tests,
Does anyone publish these numbers (total number of tests)
Cummings – there is a bit in The Thick of it where the civil servants think theyve lost the crime data .
At the end someone finds it on a disc but they cover it up to prevent more embarrassment.
Today cummings said there was no detailed contingency plan for covid .
I reckon there was one on a disc somewhere – but no one knew where . So they made it up on the hoof . And as recent events in the indusn hotspots show – they are still making dumb decisions and communications.
Lions and donkeys
Emmanuel, google ‘daily summary’ and there you will find the numbers tested each day and it does vary quite a lot. However they realised fairly recently that people who had a positive lateral flow test were then going for a PCR test, conflating the figures. Apparently PHE are more concerned about false negatives than false positives.
Does it matter how many are tested, or how many test positive (even supposing the tests are accurate)? What matters is, how many are ill, or worse, and the answer to that is, hardly any. What is the fuss about?

Sasha Johnson: Five held on suspicion of attempted murder
why aren’t the bbc finding out who owns that big house, how much is it worth? in ‘deprived’ Peckham…
My guess what happened: the new men arrived at the party, Sasha waded in with her big aggressive mouth, it all kicked off, 4 vrs a whole party, so gun comes out..bang bang.
Here she is in action, inviting a black guy, with a different opinion the hers, to come outside so she can deliver the violence she promised him.
Eddy, you make a good point about the house and Sasha’s ‘tendencies’.
The BBC are claiming it was a ‘pray and spray’ drive-by shooting but that doesn’t appear possible ina back garden. Or – if the BBC claimed death threats were real – it could have been a proper ‘hit’. Lure the victim to a place, at a specific time, and ….
Police to investigate. BBC journos and presenters to ask questions. Us to be patient.
Eddy Booth: I see this sort of behaviour several times a week in my part of London, often directed at a white person, but also at fellow blacks. It’s intimidating and unpleasant, and makes ‘white flight’ fully understandable. Of course such behaviour would never been shown on the broadcast media, least of all the BBC.
It makes many of the remaining English residents of London feel that London is no longer the English people’s capital city, but I’m sorry to say that I’ve often encountered the attitude among white people living in the provinces that ‘it’s only London so it doesn’t matter’.
London today, the rest of the country tomorrow.
Nasty piece of work.
I once lived in Brixton. Aggression every day.
Couldn’t get out fast enough.
I wouldn’t get too carried away
I don’t think Sasha is a string puller
She looks like a crazy person in the front, who is so crazy she’ll say anything.
Of course if you video her for 4 hours you’ll get something that looks really bad.
I have not posted for a while as I have been upsetting them on the Guardian. Surprisingly some of the comments are not the usual Guardian stuff.
Anyway this Cummings business looks to me to be all about the care homes and who gave that order to empty out the hospitals and put sick and very vulnerable old people in a situation that directly imperiled their lives .
I knew back in Feb at the latest that the virus was very infectious and spread mainly by aerosols .Any cursory examination of what happened in Italy told me that and anyway I had been tipped off from Taiwan . That meant the care homes were sitting ducks if even one person with the virus was present.
The same sorry tale is present in Canada, US and even Sweden.
Cummings knows what happened and knows who gave that order. I am sure he does not want to take the blame.
Dave – the other thing was the failure to learn from the experience of other nations –
the failure to even consider ‘ brutal’ but necessary border closures and the like
In spring 2020 i dont think anyone would have stood for it with MSM stories of destitute british families banned from returning to blighty ..
This website talked about the stream of aircraft arriving in blighty despite the population being locked down . A joke .
Let’s not forget that the *UK has a consulate in Wuhan itself* and has maybe 300 diplomats in PRC and surrounding countries…
Is it unreasonable to ask what the ever-livin F these folk we occupying themselves with in the first few months of 2020?
Eating Ferrero Rochers, perhaps? And what of MI6 and the attaches?
I see that the EU, that paragon of all that is worthy and just, according to Woke Central, has just got it between the eyes from the Swiss after the Gauleiters tried the usual bully-boy tactics in trade talks. Oh dear, all those years of strong-arming down the toilet. Cue more BBC misery. A cuckoo clock right up the jacksie. Bottle of Fendant and a large chunk of Toblerone I think!
Never in my long life have I wished “misery” on anyone but for the BBC I will, very sadly, make an exception . They have, like their Labour Party friends, lost the respect and trust of the
BRITISH WORKING CLASS who they now portray as the enemy within. They will very much regret their mistake.
I note the Chair of the National Trust has been forced to resign his position by members who had tabled a vote of no confidence in his leadership.
He was regarded by them as too woke to carry on the role, and they claimed he had called everyone a ‘racist’. Readers should be aware however that he was a Tory appointment, and not only to the NT, but to head the Post Office (through the scandal), and also head of the courts & tribunals.
The evidence that the Tories are the wokest of the woke is there for anyone to see.
Woke = brainwashed
Why would anyone admit to being Woke?
The black man (Officer Tatum) in the second half of this video tells the BBC some home truths they really don’t like.
Black man says trial of officer Chauvin in Floyd case was unjust. Beeboid: does not compute.
Black man says US is not racist: does not compute.
Black man says Biden is a racist and an idiot: does not compute.
Black man on side of police: does not compute.
Black man says blacks commit disproportionately more crimes: does not compute.
Warning, Warning, Too much Truth, Red Alert, System overload, System failure, Beeboid brain meltdown… Abort Interview… Abort… Abort…
Officer Tatum’s entire YouTube channel deserves a shout-out for speaking the kind of truths the BBC are terrified to even contemplate.
Because if they allowed themselves to entertain those truths for even a nano-second, their entire rotten edifice of lies, racism and divisiveness would be exposed and would crumble away.
Darkness cannot bear the light, so keep the shutters tightly closed.
Wow doesn’t Alex Bellfield get his facts wrong! BLM was not formed as a result of George Floyds death, Derek Chauvin did not kneel on Floyds neck, and you can bet that they knew exactly who Officer Tatum was before they invited him on.
They don’t just invite random you tubers on their news channel, that would be ridiculous!
‘So you’re objecting firstly to some of the things which happened around the trial which now there is a conviction I think we should probably park that’.
Note how distracted the BBC presenter is as he says that. Clearly he is being given instructions in his earpiece.
Erm isn’t the title of Dom Cummings – The PMs Special Advisor – a bit of a misnomer ? If what he is saying is true (hard to pick out one bit), then what the hell was he doing as ‘special advisor’ ??? stood around listening and taking notes for a future book by the sound of it, because listening to him there wasn’t much advising done !
Quite right, lefty, the palpable hatred for the British working classes expressed by both the BBC and the Labour Party epitomises both their arrogance and yet also their almost sublime stupidity. First rule of anyone performing in the public arena is don’t alienate your audience. Labour effectively died after the Gordon Brown “that woman” incident over 10 years ago. The BBC, likewise, daily commits the same error. It only survives due to forced public funding backed by a telecommunications act that has no place in British law. However, the increasing ground swell of discontent over this abominable ship of fools may well indeed sink it.
Well, the BBC have finally done it: they’ve airbrushed out all mention of the ethnicity of the suspects in the shooting of Sasha Johnson (BLM). Which is, let’s be honest, the one detail everyone is interested in.
Funny how the BBC can be extremely colour-conscious when it suits their racist agenda, and completely colour-blind when it doesn’t.
As I have posted before………..”Ask not what Al Beeb tells us but what it does not tell us.”
With Just how much contempt does the outfit have to show the nation before the Tory Government closes it down ?
“April’s lowest average minimum temperatures since 1922”
Did we see that reported on Al Beeb?
taffman, was that worldwide? Or was it just northern hemisphere or limited to the UK with its CET (central England temperature)?
Was it on Al Beeb ?
Who will Al Beeb back in the enquiry, the Tories , Labour or Cummings?
Operation Cygnus
“Coronavirus: Outbreak exercise showed ‘clear gap’ in readiness”.
One headline that got reported.
TOADY Watch #1 – what a difference a year makes
This time last year, the BBC – along with most of the MSM – were casting doubts on the veracity of Dominic Cummings’s reasons for his trip back to stay in a cottage on his parent’s farm. He, like his boss the Prime Minister, was ‘a stranger to the truth’.
Now, every word from Dominic Cummings’s mouth is gold plated, accepted as gospel, totally true. In a Parliamentary report, a BBC Correspondent (may have been Norman Smith) is almost honest enough to say the BBC are changing their view through 180°, doing a ‘volte face’, as my American friends say ‘popping a U-ey’ and changing their view on Cummings’s veracity.
But they couldn’t really own up to that. And did not.
Dishonest, BBC?
The future is written by those who can be bothered to write it.
pug, I hope someone is digging into that – absurd, as far as I am concerned – Cummings’s claim that in the late winter of 2019/2020 (January or February or early March) President Trump wanted the UK to join with the USA to bomb Iraq.
Marianna, time for you to spring into action.
Anyone at the BBC?
Hello, hello, anyone at the BBC? Nick?, Laura?, Norman? …. hello!
Looks like they have all gone home.