A temporarily returned from UNI member of our household sat with us while watching a program about the devastation caused to many areas of Scotland during the Blitz.
He announced: “Of course it was mostly propaganda put about by the evil Churchill and most of it never happened and another thing he knew for certain was that the West did not defeat Nazi Germany it was all down to the Russians.”
When I asked him where he had picked up these conclusions he said it was during UNI sessions and from some very respected academic reports he was given.
I then felt obliged to tell him that my father was in the British Navy throughout the war on aircraft carriers and went on many Artic Convoy runs and had lost many friends while ferrying supplies such as tanks, planes and guns to the Soviets through Archangel as they were on their knees, running out of supplies and starving.
I also had to inform him that while Russia did successfully take back many Eastern European Countries who were already sympathetic to them, they only managed to progress a short distance into Germany to Berlin as Germany was about to capitulate anyway whereas the Allies fought long hard battles all over Europe on numerous fronts including Belgium, France, Italy, Greece etc. as well as in North Africa.
I went on to let him know that my father eventually was sent on carriers to the Far East to fight against Germany’s ally Japan and that even though the Japanese had kicked Russia out of the area there was no Russian support against the Japanese.
I didn’t know whether to feel angry or sad!
There is absolutely no doubt that the teaching profession are trying as hard as they can to eradicate patriotism from the West and are prepared to rewrite history to achieve it!
No wonder we get all this B*ll*cks from the BBC as well.
We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” – Winston Churchill
“We shall GIVE THEM the beaches, we shall GIVE THEM the landing grounds, we shall RUN THROUGH the WHEAT fields and in the streets, we shall HIDE in the hills; we shall ALWAYS surrender TO THE EU UNELECTED GOVERNMENT.” – Theresa May (made up)
You should know that speech was given to the house of commons, never broadcast, and the Tories sat their with faces like slapped arses, so much so it was commented on by Clementine Churchill.
The problem was as ever total Tory cowardice, and that party had wanted something as close to surrender as made no odds. It was solely Churchill and a few others who made it happen.
Name of donor BRIBE: BSkyB Address of donor: Grant Way, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 5QD Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Hospitality and accommodation for two nights for myself and my family at Hay Festival, with a total value of £1,072. Date of receipt: 24-26 May 2013 Date of acceptance of donation: 24 May Donor status: company, registration no 2247735 (Registered 12 June 2013)
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
28 July 2020, received £1,203.28 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 August 2020)
30 September 2020, received £6,000.57 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 14 October 2020)
20 January 2021, received £1,471.64 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 February 2021)
10 March 2021, received £742.60 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2021)
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
21 April 2021, received £1,468.23 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
28 October 2020, received £2,406.12 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 November 2020)
23 April 2021, received £482.66 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
24 January 2020, received £500 from Seabright Productions, Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Ave, London W1D 5AY, for appearing in the Iain Dale All Talk Show. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 25 February 2020)
Silicon Valley. Home of the guys who tried to ruin anyone with Chinese Virus doubts back in the day, ably abetted by the BBC, but now quietly facing reality with poor grace? Like the BBC.
When the press started on Hancock whoever was controlling the techy was allowing journos to do follow up questions when Hancock was trying to cut them off . At one stage he put up his hands in frustration –
I wonder what his next job will be ?
This was followed by the dire myrie fixated over the 21 June ‘freedom ‘ day … as Indian imported variants spread across the country courtesy of an incompetent government failing to stop flights from India… in case someone got upset …
Probably not the BBC as I was a captive listener to the dire Classic FM at the time, but no doubt the BBC will ‘find’ this same woman:
A woman whose parent was discharged from hospital with Covid-19 into a care home tells us that we ‘..need leaders that come up to the mark…’
What normal person who has lost a parent would say such a thing? Did she seriously expect the PM to be conducting the triage of every single sick person?
‘Journalists’ , broadcast and print, do not do the public any service when they promote those who are clearly political activists under the guise of ‘a member of the public’.
Posted above – “Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy”
But… but… but…
That can’t be right. Islam is a tolerant and peaceful religion.
I know that for a fact because the BBC tells me so, after every beheading, bombing, stoning, burning, shooting, knifing, mutilation, car-ramming, truck bomb, aircraft hijack, rocket attack, church arson, riot, book burning, fatwa, etc.
EMPLOYEES of the Christian Church have raped and sexually abused hundreds of thousands of children across the globe. Horrendous crimes; brushed under the carpet and excused by the LEADERS of the Christian Church for decades.
The very same Christian Church promoted by the BBC every single day and actively supported by a large number of posters on this site.
“The very same Christian Church promoted by the BBC every single day and actively supported by a large number of posters on this site.”
Well, there is R4’s ‘Thought for the Day’ at 07:45, though it’s often non-Christian, and ‘The Daily Service’ from 09:45, but only on Long Wave. I’m struggling to think of many other cases where the BBC promotes Christianity: the service of Carols from King’s College on Christmas Eve? Does ‘Songs of Praise’ still run? The BBC is strongly atheist nowadays.
Can you produce any evidence for “a large number of posters on this site” who “actively” support the Christian Church? I can’t think of one; can you?
There is a huge difference between, on the one hand, the wrongs committed despite the teachings of a religion and the example of its founder, and on the other hand, the evil committed because of the teachings of a religion and the actions of its founder.
Furthermore, the actions of those depraved Christian priests are universally condemned by both the clergy and the faithful, and are now systematically investigated and rooted out.
Absolutely right vlad.
Muslim rapists consider they actually have the right to rape white girls because they expose their skin and wear makeup. They consider them so low, they are only fit to be used for the pleasure of good Muslim men. This is a DIRECT result of what their religion teaches them.
We won’t even mention the recent anti-Palestinian car-drivers who believed the daughters of Jews should be raped to punish their parents.
You really are the lowest form form of ignorant hypocrite maxicony. I hope for your own sake you are just a pig-headed student. You might grow out of it.
I imagine he is more like Gollum.
Like all BBC supporting lefties, his hatred of the Right trumps everything. I imagine he sits reading all these comments and searching the BBC archives for anything he can find to contradict what we say.
Which is why I think he is either unemployed, a student or a BBC employee sucking on the tax-payer teat who does F-all except sit at his screen all day.
Everyone else is too busy living their lives.
At least he’s stopped clicking ‘like’ for his own posts.
Yes, People post 3 times about an execution for blasphemy in Pakistan in 2017
So not really news, not really BBC.
And then they went to imply that the justice re rape and murder by Muslims is not really good.
That seems true and that is often due to white officials fear of being called racist etc.
Maxi turns up that some Christians got away with sex abuse in the past.
Absolutely they did
But Maxi made no claim about murders.
So isn’t his claim false equivalence ?
#1 Ongoing injustice and coverup re Muslim rape/murder issues in the UK
.. (see Thursday’s Times report about missing children.)
#2 Historic sex abuse, largely in foreign countries by Christian authority figures, which is not brushed under the carpet any longer.
Maxi went on to claim the BBC promotes Christianity
cos it has Prayer for the Day etc. and has Songs of Praise.
Most would say that the the BBC’s tone is quite anti-Christian
eg they appointed Martin Bashir as head of religion and ethics.
You seem a tad bitter Maxicony. Perhaps you didn’t notice that the original story was about being decent human beings and nothing to do with Religion. I think you might be a little fixated in your West hate bubble!
Perhaps you should try another sect with a bit more human empathy such as Hinduism?
To quote from the film ‘Good Morning Vietnam’, “you don’t know if you’ve been shot, f*cked, powder-burned or snake-bit”.
You seem to claim that the BBC are avid promoters of the Christian church despite your actual phobic statement that implies ALL employees of the Church are paedophiles.
If that was truly the case then one has to wonder why you aren’t complaining about the BBC promotion of the Church in light of your claims.
But you aren’t are you – you piece of excrement.
As for the paedophilia ignored by the BBC where those Muslim gangs around the country were involved, there is no comparison – here’s just some of the evidence How the BBC Mindset Enables Paedophile Gangs
The very fact that you choose to ignore the real travesty and promote the real ongoing paedophilia shows just what type of human being you really are. Carry on supporting the BBC scum, you make our efforts even more evident as to their authenticity.
BBC1 The One Show is doing some hard hitting investigative journalism.
Earlier they were interviewing people on the high street about the weather. Every person in the video was saying “It’s been so wet… can’t wait for the sun” or “hasn’t the weather been terrible?”.
A bit later they claimed the re-homing of tortoises has doubled during the lockdown. They didn’t give the reasons why and the whole piece looked like fake news just to fill 5 minutes.
Well done BBC. Making quality progamming like this for just £5billion a year.
Our massively-funded, ground-breaking, cutting-edge national broadcaster is reporting a ground-breaking, cutting-edge story that the Wuhan Virus might – just might – have originated in a high security lab in Wuhan with links to the military.
Strangely enough, the same thought occurred to me over a year ago, within about 5 minutes of it being announced by the Chinese authorities and the WHO (same thing) that the Wuhan virus had most definitely not originated at the Wuhan facility. For me, the clue was the coincidence of the very similar sounding Wuhan and Wuhan. Also the fanatical denial by the Chinese of any connection whatsoever. They doth protest a bit too much, methought.
My suspicions were further aroused when the Big Tech companies came down very hard indeed on anyone even discussing the possibility of a connection.
If Zuckerberg says it’s false, it must be true, I thought.
Meanwhile, back in the Oval Office, the same thoughts seem to have occurred to President Trump, as he chomped down on his umpteenth Big Mac while watching the news on his multiple monitors.
For voicing such thoughts he was roundly mocked and condemned by China and her useful idiots in the US media and, of course, the BBC.
Today, however, they are proud to break the sensational news that, yes, the Wu-flu just might have originated in the Wu-lab. No apologies to Trump, naturally.
Somebody give those guys an award for investigative journalism.
Besides being delicious, cicadas align with Chef Bun Lai’s mission to encourage diners to eat in an environmentally conscious way. They’re also part of his heritage. https://t.co/vEDrYjvKsJ
“Lisa Shaw, who worked for BBC Newcastle, developed “severe” headaches a week after having the jab and fell seriously ill a few days later”
The 44 yo Newcastle radio presenter woman suddenly mysteriously died in hospital on Friday
relatives say she’d been treated for blood clots after she’d had her AZ jab
The reports don’t say when she’d had the jab.
Probably around May 7th cos that was whhen her last show/tweet was.
The BBC had poached her from commercial radio 5 years ago.
I tend not to worry about 1 in a million lifetime risks.
First time I’ve heard of a shipping container described as a ‘sustainable eco-pod’ !.
Usually it’s just because they are cheaper than actually building something.
John, the Chinese are very good at building pods for construction, they’re used on lots of the cheaper hotels built over here!
One site we built, had a whole stack of entire tiled bathrooms, all shrink-wrapped, and ready to be soldered in by the ‘plumber’ after being winched to the third floor!
They certainly beat having some builder buggering up the plumbing on the fourth floor, and drenching the couple shagging on the floor below!
Now you’ve got me thinking – could the virus have come over here via a Chinese lavatory bowl, and contained an infected funnel-web spider under the seat, waiting for the inevitable, inviting danglers…
(I jest of course, the seats are fitted afterwards)!
I don’t doubt it !.
I mean I expected a futuristic ‘eco-pod’ to be 3D printed from some special concrete or something like that.
You may be right about the virus, spiders are tricky things. Though I am leaning towards it being the hundreds of flights we let in from China as it all flared up and people just walked out of our airports also being a plausible theory :-).
Meanwhile the 5.3 million (and counting) EU immigrants out of the 3.2 million who we were told were here in 2016!! are up in arms because a 5 days visit to the UK in 2020 isn’t enough to qualify for settled status.
From the Independent
“A 10-year-old girl has been refused EU settled status despite the fact that all of her immediate family members have been granted it.
Sara Bajraktari, an Italian national who turns 11 next month, has been told by the Home Office that she is not eligible for post-Brexit immigration status under the EU settlement scheme, (b)even though her parents have been living in the UK since last year and have that status(/b).
She and her brother, Erik, 16, moved to the UK to join their parents earlier this month after staying with relatives in Italy to finish their school year – but while he was granted settlement, Sara was refused.
Following Brexit, EU citizens who wish to stay in Britain must apply for the new form of status through the scheme by 30 June. Those who do not will be at risk of becoming undocumented – leaving them unable to access state support and liable for deportation.
EU nationals who can prove they have been in the UK for a continuous five-year period are eligible for settled status, while those who have been in the UK for a shorter period of time are eligible for pre-settled status, for which they only need to prove that they were in the UK prior to 31 December 2020.
Sara’s father, Mark Bajraktari, told The Independent he was left “speechless” after discovering that his daughter had been refused, and expressed concern about his family’s future in the UK.
He and his wife, Leonora, moved to Britain in December – a move that had been postponed because of the pandemic. They both applied under the settlement scheme and were granted pre-settled status.
In order to meet the criterion for pre-settled status, the two children visited the UK for five days in December. They both applied under the scheme in March 2021.
However, while Erik has a bank card and was able to present a bank statement showing that he had bought items in Britain, Sara had only a flight boarding pass as evidence – which the Home Office did not accept as evidence that she was in the country.
“What you have provided is not sufficient because online boarding passes provide no evidence of residency […] Therefore, your application has been refused,” the refusal letter states.
Mr Bajraktari, 42, who decided to move to Britain to be closer to relatives who live in the country, said of the moment they received the letter: “My wife and I were speechless. Sara is a child and we all have pre-settled status.
“I was more worried for my wife and I because we didn’t have a long residency in the UK. I never thought our child would get refused. It’s been a real shock.
“Sara got really worried when she found out. She was worried she would be left in Italy without us.”
Christopher Desira, director of law firm Seraphus, is assisting the family and said the Home Office was informally reviewing the decision.
He said the case indicated “either poor decision-making or a poorly understood application”, adding: “The child should have been granted pre-settled status based on the evidence submitted (airline ticket) to demonstrate the child was resident in the UK before 31 December 2020.
“I suspect it will get overturned by the Home Office EU settlement team […] They tend to be pretty helpful when reviewing decisions which appear on the face of it to be wrong.
“But in the interim it’s very stressful for the family, and there will be others out there facing this problem who aren’t in touch with the organisations that can help them raise these issues with the Home Office.”
Cristina Tegolo, service coordinator at charity Settled, said the organisation was receiving many enquiries from “worried” parents whose children have been refused EU settlement or who were struggling to make an application for their child because of a lack of evidence.
“We hope that such cases can be resolved quickly and that families who call the UK home are not at risk of falling foul of this scheme,” she added.
A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are urgently looking into this case and are contacting the family to advise on next steps.
“We are determined to ensure all eligible children secure the status they deserve in UK law, and urge anyone who is eligible to apply to the EU settlement scheme before the 30 June deadline. More than 5.4 million applications have already been received, with thousands of people being granted status every day.”
So EU nationals (but check the names) could come here in 2020 and spend ONLY FIVE DAYS to qualify for settled status? This country is a complete joke!
Does “Ecommunist” mean eco- / environmental communist? “Experts predict …” usually means “this is what we want you to do” disguised as futurology, in my experience, e.g. “you will own nothing and you will be happy”.
Just seen ITV London news.
One year after George Floyd, Camden Council have introduced diversity lessons in their primary schools.
Little 10 year olds are subject to institutionalised brain-washing, where for every white role model, hero, good thing, there has to be a claimed equivalent from a black person.
Marcus Rashford complaining about racist abuse on his ….???? Twitter is it?
Interesting question. If you are a multi-millionaire paid thousands of pounds a week, and sign up with an agency to manage your off-field activities, and you miss an open goal from 6 yards and as a result ultimately lose a European football final, are you absolved of responsibility and immune from criticism because of the colour of your skin?
Whilst I sympathise with those who lost loved ones to the pandemic, the media are now hell bent on interviewing and signing up relatives holding the obligatory photographs to tell ‘their story’, and claiming ‘they want answers’.
Well, without stating the ‘bleedin’ obvious, will that bring their relatives back ? Aside from those in Care Homes – whose owners should have bolted the doors from the outset, (and yes the NHS hospitals can carry some of the blame for offloading the elderly asap without doing the necessary testing), then those who contracted the virus clearly mixed ad infinitum with others , so what did they expect ?
On the one hand we have the public moaning the Government act like a nanny state telling us what to do, then when they leave us to use our common sense – then that doesn’t work either and see crowds not social distancing/not wearing masks, and then whinge they they have mixed messages ! Jesus I don’t know about nanny state, the thicko public need their a…..es wiping and their faces slapped !
Same on IMDB reviews. You can spot the ‘insiders’ a mile away.
They all speak about the people behind the scenes as if we all know who they are.
‘Broadcast Awards’ website seems very eager for me to see the sponsors list but doesn’t seem to want me to know who decides who gets these awards. Do the public get a say or is it yet another corrupt, incestuous industry self-promotion ?.
While Mateless was putting on her tragic face at the fate of all those poor girls trafficked by Epstein, I’m sure the furthest thing from her mind was: If this doesn’t get me an ef’ing award…!
Being a savvy journo, she would have known instantly, each time Randy Andy put his foot in it (every 10 seconds), just how damning it would sound on air. Being so compassionate for the victims, I’m sure her little heart wasn’t singing ‘Yee-ha, this is interview GOLD!’
#BLM co-founder & communist activist steps down following investigative report by @nypost which revealed she had spent millions on multiple homes across the US. Patrisse Cullors said that reporting was white terrorism. https://t.co/0p8jI4V6dS
Or, as the BBC put it: “Black Lives Matter’s co-founder says she is resigning from its foundation, but not because of what she called right-wing attempts to discredit her.”
Ah yes, those nasty white supremacists again.
Bad week for BLM, one way or another, what with their UK activist getting shot by da bros in – allegedly – a gang dispute over drugs.
Notice R4 said a few sentences aboutthis woman of colour…. but really the message was nothing to see here..now if it was a Trump person accused of stealing money…
There’s a boffin here says our plans for meteorite preparedness are shockingly inadequate. The worst in Europe. We’ve no stocks of space nukes. Lucrative contracts for laser blasters are handed out willy nilly to the personal cronies of ministers… or anyone who happens to have a laser… and Boris was once overheard saying that impact craters around Red Wall constituencies might as well pile high.
Oh how different things might have been had the last general election gone differently. We might have been watching PM Jeremy Corbyn’s special technical advisor, his nutty brother Piers Corbyn, give evidence in front of a select committee about how superbly well we handled the meteorite crisis. Foreign Secretary, Sir Keir Starmer, persuaded the EU (with a cute selfie of himself taking the knee to the Brussels cheeky statuette the Manneken Pis – oh that crazy euro humour) to gift us 60 million French manufactured bicycle safety helmets. Jeremy Vine always wears one to work. He calls it his “Maginot Hat”. We all learnt the slogan: “Don’t leave home without one – Protect The NHS” Which was all just as well since the colonial zionist entity in the middle east flatly refused to share their Iron Dome technology with us. Somehow or other PM Corbyn and his friends had upset them.
From that extraordinary flight of fancy to this one: ‘Russia bars EU airlines in row over Belarus‘ (Telegraph)
‘France and Austria carriers hit. EU discusses Minsk sanctions. Fears of politicised airspace’ (FT) – I’m afraid that flight has already flown.
Minsk-Kapinsk ! Enough already ! What possible interest could we here in the UK have in the EU’s further expansion eastward?
The pedagogic Guardian – pedagogic… that’s relating to teaching and is nothing to do with ‘...predominantly Asian criminal gangs in northern towns including Rotherham, where more than 1,400 children were exposed to severe levels of violence and sexual abuse by groups of men‘ (Times) ahem, the pedagogic Guardian is rather taken with Science of late where their frontpage goes all Einstein a go go: ‘Clever as Einstein. But did he get his celebrated theory wrong?‘ – discuss, you have 45 minutes, you may turn over your papers now – reading the Guardian on a regular basis must feel akin to going back to school.
‘£11bn cost of repairing schools in England‘ (Guardian) – one is tempted to demand of the Guardianistas that they show their workings. It is an oddly large prediction since most of us recall our most favourite lessons taking place not inside the school building but outdoors in the hot summer weather… and what with all this global warming…
In the Moaning Emole Covid Mary has found typical Scot.
Surviving one of UK’s longest lockdowns
Alicia Macrae has taken positive steps to cope with pandemic pressures, such as counselling and giving up alcohol. But local travel restrictions have presented further challenges for her family of five – who live in a tenement flat in the south side of Glasgow.
Having to remain within the council boundaries for so long has meant they have visited most green spaces in the city – and what used to be a pleasure for her children is “almost like punishment” now. “We still manage to go walks but it’s no longer an adventure.”
Read full article >
Mary McCool
BBC Scotland
And clearly she and Mr. Macrae miss their small shot of Buckfast after tucking the bairns abed of an evening.
Morning Fedup2
R4 just had Prof Christine Pagel…another maths modeller who clearly worries about which shoe to put on which foot every morning…when pressed with straightforward question as to why we should be worried about a few covid deaths she just blabbered…how do these people get on BBC….and how the hell are they professors?…standards have fallen..
If Boris stops June 21st I will be on next anti lockdown march…
I’m out of Blighty probably until July – in a warm empty bit of the med which is healthier than the bit of Londonistan I left .
Judging by the accelerating rate of Indian infection -spread by Indian returners from India – you will be marching on the 21st – although marches will be declared ‘illegal ‘ unless you take a knee …
I did hear a bit about Israel opening at 75% vaccinated but we are on 45% …..
…. Meanwhile the medical mafia is after more money to do surgery ( surprise ) having done zip for over a year …..
… and toady really doesn’t like Victor Orban because he doesn’t like Muslim invaders ….
Fedup2 you beat me to my next post..BBC making big deal about stress on medics etc but at same time not now questioning who and how are they going to run all these ‘extra’ weekend clinics to do routine surgery..
Many in NHS have been paid for doing bugger all, but are all stressed – now suddenly they will work on weekends….and how much do you think they will be charging???
Yep , medical mafia indeed but why no questions about exactly what everyone has been doing whilst this backlog has built – cos it wasn’t looking after covid patients
The BBC keen to blame Govt for everything but probing journalism – nah..
and on a final whinge
Have you noticed how BBC keep calling what Cummings said – “evidence”…but when Trump gave his views they were unsubstantiated opinions and ‘faceblocked’
The function of the BBC is to give any self interested pressure group air time – provide a heart rending example – and then get the government to give it taxpayers ‘ cash .
Cummings made that point about ‘rashford ‘ and the free food for everyone thing – govt should have either preempted it or just given in straight away – in his view – and mine .
Btw – the bbc made much of a coloured Manchester footballer having a chat with a coloured civil rights American who was President ….
…………. Apart from being make and coloured can you think of anything they have in common … ?
The border has not been closed , it never has. How else would the Indian variant get here ?
In reality we ain’t going to open up because certain “communities” are not getting their jabs.
How long has Boris got ?
Who is charge of our borders ?
“Lessons to be learned “.
News coming in about child grooming is still going on and lots of young girls going missing . Who has the responsibility for this , The NSPCC , the Government ?
“lessons to be learned” , again.
We in Great Britain are in dire need of a Leader , a strong Leader.
He’s got as long as he wants. The Tories have no one to replace him because they don’t do ‘competence’ and no one who is competent would do the job for the poverty pay on offer.
A decent competent person could expect to be paid North of £1 million pa, an MP is paid just £79K and is expected in most cases to live away from home all week, and work at the weekends and evenings dealing with other peoples problems.
The head of a primary school earns more than this! No wonder the job isn’t attracting any kind of quality people.
But it works for box tickers, where on earth would the likes of Dawn Butler as an example and most of the Labour party earn more than the minimum wage ? £100k + and lots of overseas jollys. You just need the two cards race and sexism. Any hard questions just use the cards. In the right constituency you have a life times income. Think the Beast of Bolsover £4m+ and no legacy.
Bris – no they won’t call it out because it is the same psychiatric disorder which enveloped the Paki racist rape paedophile gangs infesting towns and cities across the country .
Euphemisms like ‘multi generational households ‘ is about as near as they get . NHS vans with loudspeakers calling out in Urdu and gudjerati would never make the news ….
And R4 has a documentary ( propaganda piece ) about slavery – makes a change .
Interesting. Is it about the slave raids on England by the Muslim Corsairs from the Barbary coast during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries? Maybe it’s about the millions of East Europeans taken by the Crimean Tartars – so many that it’s the likely origin of the term ‘Slav’? Or is it about the Vikings enslaving the natives of this country and taking them to Dublin, Europe’s largest slave market, a city established specifically for this purpose? Or perhaps even the Arab slave trade in Africa, which resulted in more than 10 million black Africans being bought and sold? Answers on a postcard, please.
Blink and you missed it.
On BBC Breakfast they mentioned an initiative to measure the amount of insect splat on car number plates.
Naga Munchetty then said ‘driving normally…(slight pause)…well under 30 mph.’
In those milliseconds a lot of computing was going on. How fast can I say? Will admission to driving be against leftoid public transport principles? What is driving normally? Shall I quote the 20 mph speed limits relentlessly proposed by council traffic officials with literally nothing else to do?
An interesting glimpse into the out-of-touch leftoid fantasyland bubble world that is the BBC. I thought the pause spoke volumes.
Alex Belfield news from his YouTube video
#1 He says that at 4pm today he’ll release some big anti-bbc story.
#2 New London arrest
“after BBC received a message via Facebook, on March 24, 2021, threatening that the London Road centre, Nottingham, would be bombed.
Officers have now detained a 36-year-old man in London this morning (Thursday, May 27) on suspicion of malicious communications.
He remains in custody while enquiries continue.”
“Police have asked people not to speculate”
Remember Belfield’s door was smashed in by police on March 25th.
So if someone impersonated Belfield on Facebook
and police convinced themselves they had enough evidence the account was really run by Belfield,
and they convinced themselves the bomb thread was credible and not just a kids thing
then they might send someone to interrogate him.
And then go completely over the top.
My concern on establishment selectivity with stitch ups is growing hourly.
It seems now unsubstantiated claims are not only de rigger for ‘news’ reporting again, but false flags all that are needed to send the boys round without Marianna doing a few basic checks.
Surely that guy promoted after his Cliff face glory is firing up the bbc electric Huey again?
The usual biased Radio 4 presentation on ‘Today’: Viktor Orban, who’ll be meeting with BoJo, is introduced with the scare-adjective “populist” and we get plenty of Labour and LibDem condemnation of him for daring to question Islam and mass immigration. Meanwhile, the unelected Marcus Rashford (extremely rich Black footballer and child poverty campaigner) is featured after his chat with Obama, who no longer has any democratic mandate whatsoever … unlike Mr Orban.
Orban and his Visegrad colleagues are Nationalist Populists, who believe in sovereign Nation States. This puts them at odds with the globalists, like Merkel and Biden, who don’t, and the big corporate interests who put/keep them in power.
This is the real field of battle now: not ‘right’ versus ‘left’ but populist (democratic) Nationalists and globalists who couldn’t care less about democracy, and who want open borders and unhindered ‘migration’.
The Rahsford/Obama combination is simply a little message to show you who the bbcR4 bunch see as legitimate actors. Rashford is a nobody in practice, but a media darling -the relationship is mutual; Obama may actually be running the show in the US in a sort of ‘third term’. I should not be the least bit surprised if Rashford is setting himself up for a political career; all the signs are there -including the cultivation of/by the media. First black British Labour PM as a long term goal? I don’t have to explain any further..
That mentality of demanding apology / ‘justice ‘ – apologise for hillsborough – killing the IRA – wimmin giving up babies in the 1960s – slavery – West Indians imported on a boat – Waterloo – colonianism – cladding –
And what does any of that shallow woke nonsense achieve ?
Those are some of the traits associated with the essence of journalism. Not sympathy with the Nazis. But a series of tweets unearthed by GnasherJew, responsible for rooting out scores of antisemites and Holocaust deniers, has exposed vile antisemitism espoused by a journalist employed by the British Broadcasting Corporation, better known simply as the BBC.
After a horrendously slanted video report titled, “Israel-Gaza: What Bella Hadid’s Stance Says About Changing Conversations” was posted to the BBC website, it emerged that the presenter, Tala Halawa, has made a number of clearly antisemitic and genocidal statements on social media.
Perhaps the most objectionable tweet was posted in July 2014, and called Israel “more #Nazi than #Hitler” before going on to state, “#HitlerWasRight.”
Who would have thought, in their wildest dreams, Hitler would be subject to a revival and new ‘respectability’? Certainly not me. But then, he was a Socialist, albeit of the national variety.
Tells you where we are at?
The BCC at its very best; https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/golf/57274563
Is there no angle (no matter how contrived) that the BBC won’t use to big-up Muslims and their ilk?
For Iain Carter, golf is never diverse enough.
Carter is to golf what the ill-informed Harrabin is to climate science – that is, yet another reporter with an agenda.
Malik says “I want to change this idea that golf is only played by white, middle class, rich men,”
“I look at the religion itself and it is so badly tainted and it’s not the religion, the religion is very pure”
” we create these factions and privileges so that it is only accessible by certain people.
I want to remove that myth – that’s why I’ve created the Muslim Women’s Association as well.”
so because you are anti-faction you have created a double faction : Muslim Women
“We’ve just created *a safe* environment, that’s all we’ve done.
Women teaching women with like minded people”
… So when you exclude men (like me) from contact with women, they are safe ?
Well, no, cos most men are NOT sex abusers.
A lot are but when you classify a whole gender like that, that is SEXISM.
Likewise you have said that women are SAFE with other women
.. No that is not true some women are abusers sexual or otherwise.
What makes a SAFE sports training environment is proper safety management, not just simply segregating the sexes.
MEN article “Amir Malik, 37, from Luton is the founder of the organisation.
He fell in love with golf six years ago but found that a lot of the clubs he was going to were not inclusive to Muslim players.
“I’ve been fortunate to go to a lot of golf clubs and I noticed that as a brown face, you weren’t always welcome.” He said.
“Also, I found that I couldn’t get involved in the social scene in terms of sitting and drinking alcohol at a bar and when it came to praying, you almost had to go hide and pray.”
Interesting line
“when it came to praying, you almost had to go hide and pray.”
.. When I am in Muslim countries the public parks are full of women with their bums in the air as they pray … NOT
cos generally they “go hide and pray”, away from the male gaze.
Wuhan Lab by Sky News Australia
“Facebook has retracted its ban on posts that claim COVID-19 was man-made or manufactured as support grows for a wider investigation into the origins of the virus.
The social media giant banned any content that asserted COVID-19 was man-made or manufactured in February but told Politico the decision has now been reversed.” https://youtu.be/rTNqFJYZ4zk
Reality has “confronted” the taxpayer-funded ABC after it spent so long dissing the theory COVID-19 was leaked from a lab in Wuhan, according to Sky News host Chris Kenny. https://youtu.be/jrRhwbvLqkk
Does this mean that President Trump is no longer in office and that he was correct about there being no Russian dossier or massive 2020 election fraud either. Will the Democrats and those fraudsters Obama/Clinton/Biden now apologise and Biden resign so that a fair election can take place?
Intelligence sources were saying as far back as March 2020 that it was strongly suspected the virus was man-made and probably released unintentionally from the lab.
It appears most likely that COVID-19 is in fact a Chinese biological weapon that got out unintentionally as a result of activities of unauthorised profiteers. That does not affect how we deal with it, but should affect the way we regard China in future. https://t.co/FjfhRXxgT9… https://t.co/2frpa27WuY
The story appeared in the Mirror in June 2020. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/sinister-links-trace-coronavirus-back-22140342
Intelligence sources thought at the time that it was probable the virus came from an animal that had been involved in testing in the Wuhan Institute of Virology and had ended up in the wet market, i.e. that an unscrupulous member of staff sold it for personal profit without considering it may be infected. Richard Kemp added “I was also led to believe governments were very unlikely to come out and say it outright, but that China had been made aware that intelligence agencies had significant evidence.”
Our government would have been aware of this at the time but held the the official (global) line that no evidence had been seen that the virus was man-made.
Although guido has described how mr and Mrs John and sally berkow have received substantial furlough payments for their company of two people ‘Fedhead Limited’ I wish to make it perfectly clear that I have no financial connection to Said company –
– or unlike this immoral pair – have not claimed or received furlough payments . Nor did I have £400k in the bank – like those scumbags …
Guido thinks John furloughed Sally …
I can see another point of view
Yes they are scum in other ways.
But the furlough scheme shouldn’t just be for business people who have no money in the bank.
Cos you could have a shoddy business claiming furlough
..then their frugal competitor who ha kept money aside then being penalised by not being able to claim furlough money.
The Speaker gets the same level of Pension as the PM and Leader of the Opposition – minted – but suffered loss of bribes by not getting his peerage … that traitor will never be forgotten .
GBNews 5 min introduction video
part 1 https://youtu.be/DKBx80WayjA
part 2 https://youtu.be/9TVUVofXet0
London liberals plus 3 from Yorkshire and Neil Oliver & Andrew Neil from Scotland
Includes a Labour remainer MP “I accepted the result”
“Three French gendarmes were wounded in an operation that resulted in the arrest of the suspect in a stabbing attack on a policewoman that left her badly injured”
La Chapelle-sur-Erdre is a small town of 20,000 inhabitants just north of Nantes near the French Atlantic coast.
“unidentified assailant stabbed a police officer at her station in France then shot two other officers, authorities said. The motive for the attack is unclear. The attacker was gravely wounded; none of the officers’ injuries were life-threatening.” (now says attacker died)
“The slain suspect’s identity is being verified” https://apnews.com/article/europe-55b168757e91b98f639db904eb7ffc14
How dare the Chinese grow their economy and improve the quality of life the China people ! It’s still a suburban myth that they are building coal power fire stations with added co2
Along the lines of a rough calculation made by Alan Jones (on Sky News Australia) I estimate that the UK is responsible for just 0.00066 of the world’s CO2.
(1) UK is roughly 1% of the world population (70m / >7bn) but causes 1.1% of CO2 emissions (Christopher Booker, in “Global Warming: A Case Study in Groupthink”, on page 68).
(2) 84% of all earthly CO2 is from plants, 10% from volcanic activity and just 6% from human activity, chiefly the burning of fossil fuels.
So 0.011 * 0.06 = 0.00066; or 2/3 of 1/1000 of the world’s total CO2.
Meanwhile, China emitted 24% of the global total (2017) and planned to double that by 2030, while India would treble its emissions in the same period.
Pointless doesn’t even begin to describe this sort of gesture politics; Nick Timothy (Mrs May’s then joint Chief-of-Staff) called the Climate Change Act “a unilateral and monstrous act of national self-harm”.
Yes – virtue signalling becomes serious when it is economic and personal self harm – such as nonsense about removing gas boilers – the level of co2 emission is going up whatever the west does – I for one an glad .
The idea is that non-manmade CO2 is in balance
So that changes in that 6% might make a difference
Then they go into fantasies about positive feedback , but never negative feedback.
eg the idea that temp increases might melt ice and release trapped methane another methane gas.
Negative feedback might be higher temps causing more plant growth causing CO2 reduction etc.
Isn’t it 4 percent of the 400ppm of CO2 being man-made and volcanic. That’s 10ppm for Volcanic and 6ppm for Man-made CO2.
Ice core data shows that there is a 800 year lag for natural CO2 level increase. The Medieval Warm period peaked 800 years ago, so that proves that most of the increase was natural CO2 from the deep Ocean which has a 275 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a period of 800 years. The upper Ocean has a 50 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a seven year period.
“Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, (1997) by Tom Segalstad” shows up the scientific fraud in the Carbon Cycle for man-made CO2.
The IPCC has “Cancelled” Henrys law, isotopic evidence in tree rings and Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller’s findings about Venus, which has a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide that the Earth.
That means that Man-made carbon dioxide has contributed only 0.000798 Kelvin to Global Warming.
The scientists that proved that Svante Arrhenius produced an error are James Clerk Maxwell, Max Planck, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
So my question: In calibrating Carbon Dioxide Warming, how much does Carbon Dioxide contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The Answer is this: Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas at 100.6 Kelvin and Oxygen imparts 30.3 Kelvin. Argon is third accounting for 1.7 Kelvin, and Water vapour is fourth accounting for 0.3 Kelvin. Carbon Dioxide only produces 0.0532 Kelvin by molar mass.
But then isotopic evidence says that only a maximum of four percent of CO2 in the Atmosphere could be man-made or volcanic, that’s 10ppm for Volcanic and 6ppm for Man-made CO2, so therefore in two hundred years, man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.000798 Kelvin to Global Warming.
It slightly above 400ppm, so Man-made carbon dioxide has contributed eight ten thousandths of a degree Kelvin to Global Warming.
So if Britain is responsible for 1.1 percent of the 0.0008 Kelvin. Then Britain has contributed 0.0000088 Kelvin to Global Warming.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
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Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
Yeah I’ve got a link to slavery – my job .
In MECCA they have a Happy Christmas projected onto the black box?
The cancellation comes amid claims that the BBC became nervous. ‘The word here is that senior executives got cold feet about promoting Islam,’ an insider tells me.
Off target but a telling story…
A temporarily returned from UNI member of our household sat with us while watching a program about the devastation caused to many areas of Scotland during the Blitz.
He announced: “Of course it was mostly propaganda put about by the evil Churchill and most of it never happened and another thing he knew for certain was that the West did not defeat Nazi Germany it was all down to the Russians.”
When I asked him where he had picked up these conclusions he said it was during UNI sessions and from some very respected academic reports he was given.
I then felt obliged to tell him that my father was in the British Navy throughout the war on aircraft carriers and went on many Artic Convoy runs and had lost many friends while ferrying supplies such as tanks, planes and guns to the Soviets through Archangel as they were on their knees, running out of supplies and starving.
I also had to inform him that while Russia did successfully take back many Eastern European Countries who were already sympathetic to them, they only managed to progress a short distance into Germany to Berlin as Germany was about to capitulate anyway whereas the Allies fought long hard battles all over Europe on numerous fronts including Belgium, France, Italy, Greece etc. as well as in North Africa.
I went on to let him know that my father eventually was sent on carriers to the Far East to fight against Germany’s ally Japan and that even though the Japanese had kicked Russia out of the area there was no Russian support against the Japanese.
I didn’t know whether to feel angry or sad!
There is absolutely no doubt that the teaching profession are trying as hard as they can to eradicate patriotism from the West and are prepared to rewrite history to achieve it!
No wonder we get all this B*ll*cks from the BBC as well.
“You think Churchill was racist? Holy shit, wait until you hear about the guy he beat..”
We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” – Winston Churchill
“We shall GIVE THEM the beaches, we shall GIVE THEM the landing grounds, we shall RUN THROUGH the WHEAT fields and in the streets, we shall HIDE in the hills; we shall ALWAYS surrender TO THE EU UNELECTED GOVERNMENT.” – Theresa May (made up)
You should know that speech was given to the house of commons, never broadcast, and the Tories sat their with faces like slapped arses, so much so it was commented on by Clementine Churchill.
The problem was as ever total Tory cowardice, and that party had wanted something as close to surrender as made no odds. It was solely Churchill and a few others who made it happen.
Not a bribe …. not a bribe …
Name of
donorBRIBE: BSkyB Address of donor: Grant Way, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 5QD Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Hospitality and accommodation for two nights for myself and my family at Hay Festival, with a total value of £1,072. Date of receipt: 24-26 May 2013 Date of acceptance of donation: 24 May Donor status: company, registration no 2247735 (Registered 12 June 2013)Register of Members’ Interests Matthew Hancock
Register of Members’ Interests Boris Johnson
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
28 July 2020, received £1,203.28 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 August 2020)
30 September 2020, received £6,000.57 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 14 October 2020)
20 January 2021, received £1,471.64 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 February 2021)
10 March 2021, received £742.60 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2021)
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
21 April 2021, received £1,468.23 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
28 October 2020, received £2,406.12 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 November 2020)
23 April 2021, received £482.66 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
Until February 2019, I employed my husband, Tom Phillips, as Constituency Support Manager. (Registered 07 June 2015; updated 14 March 2019)
24 January 2020, received £500 from Seabright Productions, Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Ave, London W1D 5AY, for appearing in the Iain Dale All Talk Show. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 25 February 2020)
Silicon Valley. Home of the guys who tried to ruin anyone with Chinese Virus doubts back in the day, ably abetted by the BBC, but now quietly facing reality with poor grace? Like the BBC.
Not becoming the story so often is working gangbusters.
Nick Clegg? One time roving Newsnight ‘reporter’ to crush Brexit?
That Nick Clegg?
Mancock covid briefing
When the press started on Hancock whoever was controlling the techy was allowing journos to do follow up questions when Hancock was trying to cut them off . At one stage he put up his hands in frustration –
I wonder what his next job will be ?
This was followed by the dire myrie fixated over the 21 June ‘freedom ‘ day … as Indian imported variants spread across the country courtesy of an incompetent government failing to stop flights from India… in case someone got upset …
Ok, OT, but for fun.
All pure allegation. Just like Sky and the BBC. So… oops.
Probably not the BBC as I was a captive listener to the dire Classic FM at the time, but no doubt the BBC will ‘find’ this same woman:
A woman whose parent was discharged from hospital with Covid-19 into a care home tells us that we ‘..need leaders that come up to the mark…’
What normal person who has lost a parent would say such a thing? Did she seriously expect the PM to be conducting the triage of every single sick person?
‘Journalists’ , broadcast and print, do not do the public any service when they promote those who are clearly political activists under the guise of ‘a member of the public’.
Global News is risible.
I now kill off the radio well before it kicks in.
Frankly greed is likely to do for Classic FM, despite the music appealing.
I find the odds of switching on to get a commercial break of several minutes higher than any music.
And the ads are beyond dire too.
Surkeer channeling his inner Ed.
Even with full BBc support… how did that go?
A public inquiry just as long as it’s stuffed with his chums from Doughty Street Chambers?
How many died necessarily?
Posted above – “Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy”
But… but… but…
That can’t be right. Islam is a tolerant and peaceful religion.
I know that for a fact because the BBC tells me so, after every beheading, bombing, stoning, burning, shooting, knifing, mutilation, car-ramming, truck bomb, aircraft hijack, rocket attack, church arson, riot, book burning, fatwa, etc.
And the BBC never lie, right?
EMPLOYEES of the Christian Church have raped and sexually abused hundreds of thousands of children across the globe. Horrendous crimes; brushed under the carpet and excused by the LEADERS of the Christian Church for decades.
The very same Christian Church promoted by the BBC every single day and actively supported by a large number of posters on this site.
“But… but… but…”
“The very same Christian Church promoted by the BBC every single day and actively supported by a large number of posters on this site.”
Well, there is R4’s ‘Thought for the Day’ at 07:45, though it’s often non-Christian, and ‘The Daily Service’ from 09:45, but only on Long Wave. I’m struggling to think of many other cases where the BBC promotes Christianity: the service of Carols from King’s College on Christmas Eve? Does ‘Songs of Praise’ still run? The BBC is strongly atheist nowadays.
Can you produce any evidence for “a large number of posters on this site” who “actively” support the Christian Church? I can’t think of one; can you?
There is a huge difference between, on the one hand, the wrongs committed despite the teachings of a religion and the example of its founder, and on the other hand, the evil committed because of the teachings of a religion and the actions of its founder.
Furthermore, the actions of those depraved Christian priests are universally condemned by both the clergy and the faithful, and are now systematically investigated and rooted out.
Absolutely right vlad.
Muslim rapists consider they actually have the right to rape white girls because they expose their skin and wear makeup. They consider them so low, they are only fit to be used for the pleasure of good Muslim men. This is a DIRECT result of what their religion teaches them.
We won’t even mention the recent anti-Palestinian car-drivers who believed the daughters of Jews should be raped to punish their parents.
You really are the lowest form form of ignorant hypocrite maxicony. I hope for your own sake you are just a pig-headed student. You might grow out of it.
He seems to have easy access to BBC archives, so possibly an employee.
And usually operates at night. Night shift?
A creature of the dark, anyway.
I imagine he is more like Gollum.
Like all BBC supporting lefties, his hatred of the Right trumps everything. I imagine he sits reading all these comments and searching the BBC archives for anything he can find to contradict what we say.
Which is why I think he is either unemployed, a student or a BBC employee sucking on the tax-payer teat who does F-all except sit at his screen all day.
Everyone else is too busy living their lives.
At least he’s stopped clicking ‘like’ for his own posts.
“hundreds of thousands… brushed under the carpet and excused by the LEADERS of the Christian Church for decades.”
Vlad, *But Muslims*
JohnC, *But Muslims*
“But… but… but…”
It’s called getting things in proportion you dolt.
Yes, People post 3 times about an execution for blasphemy in Pakistan in 2017
So not really news, not really BBC.
And then they went to imply that the justice re rape and murder by Muslims is not really good.
That seems true and that is often due to white officials fear of being called racist etc.
Maxi turns up that some Christians got away with sex abuse in the past.
Absolutely they did
But Maxi made no claim about murders.
So isn’t his claim false equivalence ?
#1 Ongoing injustice and coverup re Muslim rape/murder issues in the UK
.. (see Thursday’s Times report about missing children.)
#2 Historic sex abuse, largely in foreign countries by Christian authority figures, which is not brushed under the carpet any longer.
Maxi went on to claim the BBC promotes Christianity
cos it has Prayer for the Day etc. and has Songs of Praise.
Most would say that the the BBC’s tone is quite anti-Christian
eg they appointed Martin Bashir as head of religion and ethics.
Hating on your pal Welby now?
You seem a tad bitter Maxicony. Perhaps you didn’t notice that the original story was about being decent human beings and nothing to do with Religion. I think you might be a little fixated in your West hate bubble!
Perhaps you should try another sect with a bit more human empathy such as Hinduism?
To quote from the film ‘Good Morning Vietnam’, “you don’t know if you’ve been shot, f*cked, powder-burned or snake-bit”.
You seem to claim that the BBC are avid promoters of the Christian church despite your actual phobic statement that implies ALL employees of the Church are paedophiles.
If that was truly the case then one has to wonder why you aren’t complaining about the BBC promotion of the Church in light of your claims.
But you aren’t are you – you piece of excrement.
I have loads of evidence accumulated over 10 years that shows just how rubbish is your claim
The Holey Beeble replacing the Holy Bible – Anti-Religion (Except Islam)
As for the paedophilia ignored by the BBC where those Muslim gangs around the country were involved, there is no comparison – here’s just some of the evidence How the BBC Mindset Enables Paedophile Gangs
The very fact that you choose to ignore the real travesty and promote the real ongoing paedophilia shows just what type of human being you really are. Carry on supporting the BBC scum, you make our efforts even more evident as to their authenticity.
You are trying too hard.
BBC1 The One Show is doing some hard hitting investigative journalism.
Earlier they were interviewing people on the high street about the weather. Every person in the video was saying “It’s been so wet… can’t wait for the sun” or “hasn’t the weather been terrible?”.
A bit later they claimed the re-homing of tortoises has doubled during the lockdown. They didn’t give the reasons why and the whole piece looked like fake news just to fill 5 minutes.
Well done BBC. Making quality progamming like this for just £5billion a year.
Presenters with mentality of 12 years olds being directed by 12 year olds – what else can we expect ??
It is erring beyond farce.
They’ll be banning Stan from The People’s Front of Judea next…
Is it an honour, or even a blessing, to banned from Twotter?
Do you have to hand back the extra vertebrae that kids grow from gawping at their mobiles at the bus stop?
The bbc is of course renowned for its use of denial, but…. dudes… really?
Our massively-funded, ground-breaking, cutting-edge national broadcaster is reporting a ground-breaking, cutting-edge story that the Wuhan Virus might – just might – have originated in a high security lab in Wuhan with links to the military.
Strangely enough, the same thought occurred to me over a year ago, within about 5 minutes of it being announced by the Chinese authorities and the WHO (same thing) that the Wuhan virus had most definitely not originated at the Wuhan facility. For me, the clue was the coincidence of the very similar sounding Wuhan and Wuhan. Also the fanatical denial by the Chinese of any connection whatsoever. They doth protest a bit too much, methought.
My suspicions were further aroused when the Big Tech companies came down very hard indeed on anyone even discussing the possibility of a connection.
If Zuckerberg says it’s false, it must be true, I thought.
Meanwhile, back in the Oval Office, the same thoughts seem to have occurred to President Trump, as he chomped down on his umpteenth Big Mac while watching the news on his multiple monitors.
For voicing such thoughts he was roundly mocked and condemned by China and her useful idiots in the US media and, of course, the BBC.
Today, however, they are proud to break the sensational news that, yes, the Wu-flu just might have originated in the Wu-lab. No apologies to Trump, naturally.
Somebody give those guys an award for investigative journalism.
“Strangely enough, the same thought occurred to me over a year ago…”
As reported by the BBC “over a year ago”…
Posted this earlier in forum but just for Maxi’s benefit…
“As reported by the BBC “over a year ago”…
@Maxincony. Two likes! How many of you are there?
“…the coincidence of the very similar sounding Wuhan and Wuhan.” You have been overthinking this.
Well, unless you are BBC staff.
OT, but the best part is it is exactly like a BBC news ‘report’.
Meanwhile American Booty hits send on his RT…
oh dear where will they go with this
“Lisa Shaw, who worked for BBC Newcastle, developed “severe” headaches a week after having the jab and fell seriously ill a few days later”
The 44 yo Newcastle radio presenter woman suddenly mysteriously died in hospital on Friday
relatives say she’d been treated for blood clots after she’d had her AZ jab
The reports don’t say when she’d had the jab.
Probably around May 7th cos that was whhen her last show/tweet was.
The BBC had poached her from commercial radio 5 years ago.
I tend not to worry about 1 in a million lifetime risks.
KT Hopkins has put out Lisa Shaw video
First time I’ve heard of a shipping container described as a ‘sustainable eco-pod’ !.
Usually it’s just because they are cheaper than actually building something.
John, the Chinese are very good at building pods for construction, they’re used on lots of the cheaper hotels built over here!
One site we built, had a whole stack of entire tiled bathrooms, all shrink-wrapped, and ready to be soldered in by the ‘plumber’ after being winched to the third floor!
They certainly beat having some builder buggering up the plumbing on the fourth floor, and drenching the couple shagging on the floor below!
Now you’ve got me thinking – could the virus have come over here via a Chinese lavatory bowl, and contained an infected funnel-web spider under the seat, waiting for the inevitable, inviting danglers…
(I jest of course, the seats are fitted afterwards)!
I don’t doubt it !.
I mean I expected a futuristic ‘eco-pod’ to be 3D printed from some special concrete or something like that.
You may be right about the virus, spiders are tricky things. Though I am leaning towards it being the hundreds of flights we let in from China as it all flared up and people just walked out of our airports also being a plausible theory :-).
Spot on there, John!
Their passports were as good as the bunch we pay for landing on our Kent beaches every day!
At least the spider we have by the door in our greenhouse (Sid), keeps out of the way when we walk in! The BBC don’t.
Meanwhile the 5.3 million (and counting) EU immigrants out of the 3.2 million who we were told were here in 2016!! are up in arms because a 5 days visit to the UK in 2020 isn’t enough to qualify for settled status.
From the Independent
“A 10-year-old girl has been refused EU settled status despite the fact that all of her immediate family members have been granted it.
Sara Bajraktari, an Italian national who turns 11 next month, has been told by the Home Office that she is not eligible for post-Brexit immigration status under the EU settlement scheme, (b)even though her parents have been living in the UK since last year and have that status(/b).
She and her brother, Erik, 16, moved to the UK to join their parents earlier this month after staying with relatives in Italy to finish their school year – but while he was granted settlement, Sara was refused.
Following Brexit, EU citizens who wish to stay in Britain must apply for the new form of status through the scheme by 30 June. Those who do not will be at risk of becoming undocumented – leaving them unable to access state support and liable for deportation.
EU nationals who can prove they have been in the UK for a continuous five-year period are eligible for settled status, while those who have been in the UK for a shorter period of time are eligible for pre-settled status, for which they only need to prove that they were in the UK prior to 31 December 2020.
Sara’s father, Mark Bajraktari, told The Independent he was left “speechless” after discovering that his daughter had been refused, and expressed concern about his family’s future in the UK.
He and his wife, Leonora, moved to Britain in December – a move that had been postponed because of the pandemic. They both applied under the settlement scheme and were granted pre-settled status.
In order to meet the criterion for pre-settled status, the two children visited the UK for five days in December. They both applied under the scheme in March 2021.
However, while Erik has a bank card and was able to present a bank statement showing that he had bought items in Britain, Sara had only a flight boarding pass as evidence – which the Home Office did not accept as evidence that she was in the country.
“What you have provided is not sufficient because online boarding passes provide no evidence of residency […] Therefore, your application has been refused,” the refusal letter states.
Mr Bajraktari, 42, who decided to move to Britain to be closer to relatives who live in the country, said of the moment they received the letter: “My wife and I were speechless. Sara is a child and we all have pre-settled status.
“I was more worried for my wife and I because we didn’t have a long residency in the UK. I never thought our child would get refused. It’s been a real shock.
“Sara got really worried when she found out. She was worried she would be left in Italy without us.”
Christopher Desira, director of law firm Seraphus, is assisting the family and said the Home Office was informally reviewing the decision.
He said the case indicated “either poor decision-making or a poorly understood application”, adding: “The child should have been granted pre-settled status based on the evidence submitted (airline ticket) to demonstrate the child was resident in the UK before 31 December 2020.
“I suspect it will get overturned by the Home Office EU settlement team […] They tend to be pretty helpful when reviewing decisions which appear on the face of it to be wrong.
“But in the interim it’s very stressful for the family, and there will be others out there facing this problem who aren’t in touch with the organisations that can help them raise these issues with the Home Office.”
Cristina Tegolo, service coordinator at charity Settled, said the organisation was receiving many enquiries from “worried” parents whose children have been refused EU settlement or who were struggling to make an application for their child because of a lack of evidence.
“We hope that such cases can be resolved quickly and that families who call the UK home are not at risk of falling foul of this scheme,” she added.
A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are urgently looking into this case and are contacting the family to advise on next steps.
“We are determined to ensure all eligible children secure the status they deserve in UK law, and urge anyone who is eligible to apply to the EU settlement scheme before the 30 June deadline. More than 5.4 million applications have already been received, with thousands of people being granted status every day.”
So EU nationals (but check the names) could come here in 2020 and spend ONLY FIVE DAYS to qualify for settled status? This country is a complete joke!
It is worth directing attention to the middle word.
Does “Ecommunist” mean eco- / environmental communist? “Experts predict …” usually means “this is what we want you to do” disguised as futurology, in my experience, e.g. “you will own nothing and you will be happy”.
eco-pod = a caravan without wheels
Just seen ITV London news.
One year after George Floyd, Camden Council have introduced diversity lessons in their primary schools.
Little 10 year olds are subject to institutionalised brain-washing, where for every white role model, hero, good thing, there has to be a claimed equivalent from a black person.
Absolutely unbelievably appalling.
Marcus Rashford complaining about racist abuse on his ….???? Twitter is it?
Interesting question. If you are a multi-millionaire paid thousands of pounds a week, and sign up with an agency to manage your off-field activities, and you miss an open goal from 6 yards and as a result ultimately lose a European football final, are you absolved of responsibility and immune from criticism because of the colour of your skin?
Emily Thornberry is on QT AGAIN. !!!!!
Does the BBC have no other options ?
There’s always…. their boy.
So easy to ignore these two nobodies!
Whilst I sympathise with those who lost loved ones to the pandemic, the media are now hell bent on interviewing and signing up relatives holding the obligatory photographs to tell ‘their story’, and claiming ‘they want answers’.
Well, without stating the ‘bleedin’ obvious, will that bring their relatives back ? Aside from those in Care Homes – whose owners should have bolted the doors from the outset, (and yes the NHS hospitals can carry some of the blame for offloading the elderly asap without doing the necessary testing), then those who contracted the virus clearly mixed ad infinitum with others , so what did they expect ?
On the one hand we have the public moaning the Government act like a nanny state telling us what to do, then when they leave us to use our common sense – then that doesn’t work either and see crowds not social distancing/not wearing masks, and then whinge they they have mixed messages ! Jesus I don’t know about nanny state, the thicko public need their a…..es wiping and their faces slapped !
Emily Maitlis boasting about Newsnight winning Best News and Current Affairs Programme at the Broadcast Awards.
If you scroll down throught the Twitter replies a large majority all use the word ‘deserved’. Looks like fake positive reviews to me.
Same on IMDB reviews. You can spot the ‘insiders’ a mile away.
They all speak about the people behind the scenes as if we all know who they are.
‘Broadcast Awards’ website seems very eager for me to see the sponsors list but doesn’t seem to want me to know who decides who gets these awards. Do the public get a say or is it yet another corrupt, incestuous industry self-promotion ?.
While Mateless was putting on her tragic face at the fate of all those poor girls trafficked by Epstein, I’m sure the furthest thing from her mind was: If this doesn’t get me an ef’ing award…!
Being a savvy journo, she would have known instantly, each time Randy Andy put his foot in it (every 10 seconds), just how damning it would sound on air. Being so compassionate for the victims, I’m sure her little heart wasn’t singing ‘Yee-ha, this is interview GOLD!’
Just watched ‘The Interview’ on streaming.
Not a great Seth fan, but actually quite funny.
Especially the earlier part that explores the mindset of tv talent and producers.
Eminem a good sport too.
Exactly. Eminem is GAY!
Interviewer: ‘must… keep… straight… face.’
Andy: I don’t sweat.
Mateless: ‘Must… keep… straight… face…’
On second thoughts, she does deserve her award, for acting tragic in the face of overwhelming comedy.
One is reporting.
One gets you and your mutt spreads in Vogue.
Or, as the BBC put it: “Black Lives Matter’s co-founder says she is resigning from its foundation, but not because of what she called right-wing attempts to discredit her.”
Ah yes, those nasty white supremacists again.
Bad week for BLM, one way or another, what with their UK activist getting shot by da bros in – allegedly – a gang dispute over drugs.
Notice R4 said a few sentences aboutthis woman of colour…. but really the message was nothing to see here..now if it was a Trump person accused of stealing money…
Caption competition…
Andrew – “I did it three times that day”
Maitless – “Excuse my hunch, I’ve just wet my knickers”.
Andrew: I distinctly remember the pizza had three toppings.
Maitlis: So what you’re saying is, it wasn’t a Four Seasons?
The BBC all a-twitter because Saint Obama said something nice to Marcus Rashford.
I wonder if they get equally excited when Trump makes a call.
Currently on their Home page: Barack Obama praises Marcus Rashford in Zoom meeting
Are they BOTH clients of RocNation?
There’s a boffin here says our plans for meteorite preparedness are shockingly inadequate. The worst in Europe. We’ve no stocks of space nukes. Lucrative contracts for laser blasters are handed out willy nilly to the personal cronies of ministers… or anyone who happens to have a laser… and Boris was once overheard saying that impact craters around Red Wall constituencies might as well pile high.
Oh how different things might have been had the last general election gone differently. We might have been watching PM Jeremy Corbyn’s special technical advisor, his nutty brother Piers Corbyn, give evidence in front of a select committee about how superbly well we handled the meteorite crisis. Foreign Secretary, Sir Keir Starmer, persuaded the EU (with a cute selfie of himself taking the knee to the Brussels cheeky statuette the Manneken Pis – oh that crazy euro humour) to gift us 60 million French manufactured bicycle safety helmets. Jeremy Vine always wears one to work. He calls it his “Maginot Hat”. We all learnt the slogan: “Don’t leave home without one – Protect The NHS” Which was all just as well since the colonial zionist entity in the middle east flatly refused to share their Iron Dome technology with us. Somehow or other PM Corbyn and his friends had upset them.
From that extraordinary flight of fancy to this one: ‘Russia bars EU airlines in row over Belarus‘ (Telegraph)
‘France and Austria carriers hit. EU discusses Minsk sanctions. Fears of politicised airspace’ (FT) – I’m afraid that flight has already flown.
Minsk-Kapinsk ! Enough already ! What possible interest could we here in the UK have in the EU’s further expansion eastward?
The pedagogic Guardian – pedagogic… that’s relating to teaching and is nothing to do with ‘...predominantly Asian criminal gangs in northern towns including Rotherham, where more than 1,400 children were exposed to severe levels of violence and sexual abuse by groups of men‘ (Times) ahem, the pedagogic Guardian is rather taken with Science of late where their frontpage goes all Einstein a go go: ‘Clever as Einstein. But did he get his celebrated theory wrong?‘ – discuss, you have 45 minutes, you may turn over your papers now – reading the Guardian on a regular basis must feel akin to going back to school.
‘£11bn cost of repairing schools in England‘ (Guardian) – one is tempted to demand of the Guardianistas that they show their workings. It is an oddly large prediction since most of us recall our most favourite lessons taking place not inside the school building but outdoors in the hot summer weather… and what with all this global warming…
The UK, EU can’t get into a flight ban war with Russia, cos we need to fly over Siberia to get to North East Asia.
In the Moaning Emole Covid Mary has found typical Scot.
Surviving one of UK’s longest lockdowns
Alicia Macrae has taken positive steps to cope with pandemic pressures, such as counselling and giving up alcohol. But local travel restrictions have presented further challenges for her family of five – who live in a tenement flat in the south side of Glasgow.
Having to remain within the council boundaries for so long has meant they have visited most green spaces in the city – and what used to be a pleasure for her children is “almost like punishment” now. “We still manage to go walks but it’s no longer an adventure.”
Read full article >
Mary McCool
BBC Scotland
And clearly she and Mr. Macrae miss their small shot of Buckfast after tucking the bairns abed of an evening.
The BBC has decided to be fixated on the 21 freedom day for a long long coming 14 days .
Will the Indian variant mean suspending it = failure of government to close the border
Will the government press ahead causing massive number of covid victims = failure to close the border and reckless loss of life .
It gets away from the Bashir issue
And R4 has a documentary ( propaganda piece ) about slavery – makes a change .
Morning Fedup2
R4 just had Prof Christine Pagel…another maths modeller who clearly worries about which shoe to put on which foot every morning…when pressed with straightforward question as to why we should be worried about a few covid deaths she just blabbered…how do these people get on BBC….and how the hell are they professors?…standards have fallen..
If Boris stops June 21st I will be on next anti lockdown march…
I’m out of Blighty probably until July – in a warm empty bit of the med which is healthier than the bit of Londonistan I left .
Judging by the accelerating rate of Indian infection -spread by Indian returners from India – you will be marching on the 21st – although marches will be declared ‘illegal ‘ unless you take a knee …
I did hear a bit about Israel opening at 75% vaccinated but we are on 45% …..
…. Meanwhile the medical mafia is after more money to do surgery ( surprise ) having done zip for over a year …..
… and toady really doesn’t like Victor Orban because he doesn’t like Muslim invaders ….
Fedup2 you beat me to my next post..BBC making big deal about stress on medics etc but at same time not now questioning who and how are they going to run all these ‘extra’ weekend clinics to do routine surgery..
Many in NHS have been paid for doing bugger all, but are all stressed – now suddenly they will work on weekends….and how much do you think they will be charging???
Yep , medical mafia indeed but why no questions about exactly what everyone has been doing whilst this backlog has built – cos it wasn’t looking after covid patients
The BBC keen to blame Govt for everything but probing journalism – nah..
and on a final whinge
Have you noticed how BBC keep calling what Cummings said – “evidence”…but when Trump gave his views they were unsubstantiated opinions and ‘faceblocked’
The function of the BBC is to give any self interested pressure group air time – provide a heart rending example – and then get the government to give it taxpayers ‘ cash .
Cummings made that point about ‘rashford ‘ and the free food for everyone thing – govt should have either preempted it or just given in straight away – in his view – and mine .
Btw – the bbc made much of a coloured Manchester footballer having a chat with a coloured civil rights American who was President ….
…………. Apart from being make and coloured can you think of anything they have in common … ?
The border has not been closed , it never has. How else would the Indian variant get here ?
In reality we ain’t going to open up because certain “communities” are not getting their jabs.
How long has Boris got ?
The non closure of the border is my point . It should have been a draconian closure and if you were stuck outside – tough .
Whether this was practical – i cant say – but it would have saved on the variant threat .
I can personally testify to the impracticality of the home lock down having gone throught it x3 last year .
As for Boris – he wont be going anywhere any time soon . But richie is in the wings – but richie might be the fall guy if interest rates head up
Who is charge of our borders ?
“Lessons to be learned “.
News coming in about child grooming is still going on and lots of young girls going missing . Who has the responsibility for this , The NSPCC , the Government ?
“lessons to be learned” , again.
We in Great Britain are in dire need of a Leader , a strong Leader.
See whether nut nut s husband and victor orban have nice pictures …
Variants are not a threat. They are also inevitable.
He’s got as long as he wants. The Tories have no one to replace him because they don’t do ‘competence’ and no one who is competent would do the job for the poverty pay on offer.
A decent competent person could expect to be paid North of £1 million pa, an MP is paid just £79K and is expected in most cases to live away from home all week, and work at the weekends and evenings dealing with other peoples problems.
The head of a primary school earns more than this! No wonder the job isn’t attracting any kind of quality people.
A *decent person* would do the job cos they love their country
… and not think about their own financial gain.
But it works for box tickers, where on earth would the likes of Dawn Butler as an example and most of the Labour party earn more than the minimum wage ? £100k + and lots of overseas jollys. You just need the two cards race and sexism. Any hard questions just use the cards. In the right constituency you have a life times income. Think the Beast of Bolsover £4m+ and no legacy.
FED ……” in reality we ain’t going to open up because certain “communities” are not getting their jabs.”
Please can just ONE person ON AIR come out and refer to the Muslim communities !!!
Bris – no they won’t call it out because it is the same psychiatric disorder which enveloped the Paki racist rape paedophile gangs infesting towns and cities across the country .
Euphemisms like ‘multi generational households ‘ is about as near as they get . NHS vans with loudspeakers calling out in Urdu and gudjerati would never make the news ….
And R4 has a documentary ( propaganda piece ) about slavery – makes a change .
Interesting. Is it about the slave raids on England by the Muslim Corsairs from the Barbary coast during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries? Maybe it’s about the millions of East Europeans taken by the Crimean Tartars – so many that it’s the likely origin of the term ‘Slav’? Or is it about the Vikings enslaving the natives of this country and taking them to Dublin, Europe’s largest slave market, a city established specifically for this purpose? Or perhaps even the Arab slave trade in Africa, which resulted in more than 10 million black Africans being bought and sold? Answers on a postcard, please.
Sopes stays impartial.
And Jon Sopel is turning the serious story of lots of grannies dying
… into a joke, to mock his political opponents.
One for Marianna?
Ben at Full Fact
No, getting a Covid-19 vaccine doesn’t mean you can connect to Bluetooth
Blink and you missed it.
On BBC Breakfast they mentioned an initiative to measure the amount of insect splat on car number plates.
Naga Munchetty then said ‘driving normally…(slight pause)…well under 30 mph.’
In those milliseconds a lot of computing was going on. How fast can I say? Will admission to driving be against leftoid public transport principles? What is driving normally? Shall I quote the 20 mph speed limits relentlessly proposed by council traffic officials with literally nothing else to do?
An interesting glimpse into the out-of-touch leftoid fantasyland bubble world that is the BBC. I thought the pause spoke volumes.
‘Let them eat cake’.
The bbc has a report, that suggests….
In other news, my concerns on the correlation between hair dye and bbc heroines, plus women, is further enhanced.
“OLD PEOPLE disproportionately DEAD by pandemic”
…. reality says
Alex Belfield news from his YouTube video
#1 He says that at 4pm today he’ll release some big anti-bbc story.
#2 New London arrest
“after BBC received a message via Facebook, on March 24, 2021, threatening that the London Road centre, Nottingham, would be bombed.
Officers have now detained a 36-year-old man in London this morning (Thursday, May 27) on suspicion of malicious communications.
He remains in custody while enquiries continue.”
“Police have asked people not to speculate”
Remember Belfield’s door was smashed in by police on March 25th.
So if someone impersonated Belfield on Facebook
and police convinced themselves they had enough evidence the account was really run by Belfield,
and they convinced themselves the bomb thread was credible and not just a kids thing
then they might send someone to interrogate him.
And then go completely over the top.
My concern on establishment selectivity with stitch ups is growing hourly.
It seems now unsubstantiated claims are not only de rigger for ‘news’ reporting again, but false flags all that are needed to send the boys round without Marianna doing a few basic checks.
Surely that guy promoted after his Cliff face glory is firing up the bbc electric Huey again?
( For our foreign readers “de rigueur” is used in English to say something is absolutely in fashion, amongst a group or clique. )
The usual biased Radio 4 presentation on ‘Today’: Viktor Orban, who’ll be meeting with BoJo, is introduced with the scare-adjective “populist” and we get plenty of Labour and LibDem condemnation of him for daring to question Islam and mass immigration. Meanwhile, the unelected Marcus Rashford (extremely rich Black footballer and child poverty campaigner) is featured after his chat with Obama, who no longer has any democratic mandate whatsoever … unlike Mr Orban.
Typical BBC crap.
Orban and his Visegrad colleagues are Nationalist Populists, who believe in sovereign Nation States. This puts them at odds with the globalists, like Merkel and Biden, who don’t, and the big corporate interests who put/keep them in power.
This is the real field of battle now: not ‘right’ versus ‘left’ but populist (democratic) Nationalists and globalists who couldn’t care less about democracy, and who want open borders and unhindered ‘migration’.
The Rahsford/Obama combination is simply a little message to show you who the bbcR4 bunch see as legitimate actors. Rashford is a nobody in practice, but a media darling -the relationship is mutual; Obama may actually be running the show in the US in a sort of ‘third term’. I should not be the least bit surprised if Rashford is setting himself up for a political career; all the signs are there -including the cultivation of/by the media. First black British Labour PM as a long term goal? I don’t have to explain any further..
Any politician who isn’t a populist – definition “follows the will and interests of the people” – shouldn’t be in politics at all.
BBC in their happy place.
Germany officially recognises colonial-era Namibia genocide
Big claims coming Berlin’s way. Perhaps Soros will help out?
BBC in their happy place, Part 2.
Macron asks Rwanda to forgive France over 1994 genocide role
(Slightly misleading title as France had nothing to do with it: “But France had not been an accomplice in the killings, Mr Macron added.”)
That mentality of demanding apology / ‘justice ‘ – apologise for hillsborough – killing the IRA – wimmin giving up babies in the 1960s – slavery – West Indians imported on a boat – Waterloo – colonianism – cladding –
And what does any of that shallow woke nonsense achieve ?
Unless there is cash attached of course
Not sure if this one has already been noted hereabouts:
Independence, impartiality, objectiveness, fairness.
Those are some of the traits associated with the essence of journalism. Not sympathy with the Nazis. But a series of tweets unearthed by GnasherJew, responsible for rooting out scores of antisemites and Holocaust deniers, has exposed vile antisemitism espoused by a journalist employed by the British Broadcasting Corporation, better known simply as the BBC.
After a horrendously slanted video report titled, “Israel-Gaza: What Bella Hadid’s Stance Says About Changing Conversations” was posted to the BBC website, it emerged that the presenter, Tala Halawa, has made a number of clearly antisemitic and genocidal statements on social media.
Perhaps the most objectionable tweet was posted in July 2014, and called Israel “more #Nazi than #Hitler” before going on to state, “#HitlerWasRight.”
Who would have thought, in their wildest dreams, Hitler would be subject to a revival and new ‘respectability’? Certainly not me. But then, he was a Socialist, albeit of the national variety.
Tells you where we are at?
BBC in their happy place, Part 3,
“Viktor Orban: No 10 criticises Hungarian PM ahead of Boris Johnson talks”
BBC in their extremely unhappy place, so completely ignore: Islamist attacks, past few days alone.
Much more fun to dig out historical wrongs by colonial whitey than expose the daily slaughter taking place, now, today, very day.
2021.05.26 Afghanistan Qaisar 4 6
2021.05.26 Pakistan Panjgur 1 0
2021.05.25 DRC Kisima Fototolia 22 0
2021.05.25 Afghanistan Anchoi 2 0
2021.05.24 Kenya Wajir 1 0
2021.05.23 Iraq Nasiriyah 1 0
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Guzargah-e Noor 8 3
2021.05.23 Nigeria Kwi 14 0
2021.05.23 Nigeria Dong 8 4
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Sayedkhil 1 0
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 2 0 .
2021.05.22 Nigeria Tse Ancha 9 0
2021.05.22 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 2
2021.05.22 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 0
2021.05.22 Afghanistan Khanabad 4 0
2021.05.22 Pakistan Peshawar 3 0
2021.05.21 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 0
2021.05.21 Afghanistan Shas Metra 1 2
2021.05.21 Iraq Junainah 1 1
2021.05.21 Kenya Banisa 3 3
2021.05.21 Somalia Garasbaley 3 0
2021.05.21 Nigeria Sokoto 1 1
2021.05.21 India Majuva 1 25
2021.05.21 Afghanistan Guzargah-e-Noor 8 6
2021.05.21 Nigeria Kpachudu 2 0
2021.05.20 Nigeria Miango 2 0
2021.05.26 Afghanistan Qaisar 4 6
2021.05.26 Pakistan Panjgur 1 0
2021.05.25 DRC Kisima Fototolia 22 0
2021.05.25 Afghanistan Anchoi 2 0
2021.05.24 Kenya Wajir 1 0
2021.05.23 Iraq Nasiriyah 1 0
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Guzargah-e Noor 8 3
2021.05.23 Nigeria Kwi 14 0
2021.05.23 Nigeria Dong 8 4
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Sayedkhil 1 0
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 2 0 .
2021.05.22 Nigeria Tse Ancha 9 0
2021.05.22 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 2
2021.05.22 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 0
2021.05.22 Afghanistan Khanabad 4 0
2021.05.22 Pakistan Peshawar 3 0
2021.05.21 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 0
2021.05.21 Afghanistan Shas Metra 1 2
2021.05.21 Iraq Junainah 1 1
2021.05.21 Kenya Banisa 3 3
2021.05.21 Somalia Garasbaley 3 0
2021.05.21 Nigeria Sokoto 1 1
2021.05.21 India Majuva 1 25
2021.05.21 Afghanistan Guzargah-e-Noor 8 6
2021.05.21 Nigeria Kpachudu 2 0
2021.05.20 Nigeria Miango 2 0
2021.05.20 Nigeria Bassa 2 0
2021.05.20 Pakistan Tariqabad 1 0
2021.05.20 Mali Gao 16 6
2021.05.20 Afghanistan Sheberghan 1 0
2021.05.20 Afghanistan Western 3 0
2021.05.19 Afghanistan Nad Ali 9 3
2021.05.19 Afghanistan Ghor 4 0
2021.05.19 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 1 0
2021.05.19 Somalia Jowhar 4 3
2021.05.19 Kenya Baure 7 1
2021.05.18 Afghanistan Torghondai 4 0
2021.05.18 Afghanistan Mitun Darsh 4 2
2021.05.18 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 15 1
2021.05.18 Israel Eshkol 2 8
2021.05.18 Nigeria Ungwan Gaida 8 0
2021.05.18 DRC Beni 1 0
2021.05.18 Syria Daraa 2 0
Sky is just as bad with this racism issue. All channels are going for it big time because its ‘George Floyd week’
I thought it was still George Floyd Year.
No, it’s just Groundhog Day. Forever…
The BCC at its very best;
Is there no angle (no matter how contrived) that the BBC won’t use to big-up Muslims and their ilk?
For Iain Carter, golf is never diverse enough.
Carter is to golf what the ill-informed Harrabin is to climate science – that is, yet another reporter with an agenda.
@iaincartergolf BBC Sport Golf Correspondent tweeted it
Malik says “I want to change this idea that golf is only played by white, middle class, rich men,”
“I look at the religion itself and it is so badly tainted and it’s not the religion, the religion is very pure”
” we create these factions and privileges so that it is only accessible by certain people.
I want to remove that myth – that’s why I’ve created the Muslim Women’s Association as well.”
so because you are anti-faction you have created a double faction : Muslim Women
“We’ve just created *a safe* environment, that’s all we’ve done.
Women teaching women with like minded people”
… So when you exclude men (like me) from contact with women, they are safe ?
Well, no, cos most men are NOT sex abusers.
A lot are but when you classify a whole gender like that, that is SEXISM.
Likewise you have said that women are SAFE with other women
.. No that is not true some women are abusers sexual or otherwise.
What makes a SAFE sports training environment is proper safety management, not just simply segregating the sexes.
MEN article “Amir Malik, 37, from Luton is the founder of the organisation.
He fell in love with golf six years ago but found that a lot of the clubs he was going to were not inclusive to Muslim players.
“I’ve been fortunate to go to a lot of golf clubs and I noticed that as a brown face, you weren’t always welcome.” He said.
“Also, I found that I couldn’t get involved in the social scene in terms of sitting and drinking alcohol at a bar and when it came to praying, you almost had to go hide and pray.”
The MGA and Muslim golf days are open to everyone,
however, the events are run on Islamic values.
Only halal food is served, no alcohol or gambling is involved and prayer arrangements will be made for players.
Interesting line
“when it came to praying, you almost had to go hide and pray.”
.. When I am in Muslim countries the public parks are full of women with their bums in the air as they pray … NOT
cos generally they “go hide and pray”, away from the male gaze.
What happens if a muzzy gets a hole in one.
Isn’t it etiquette to go to the nineteenth hole (clubhouse bar) and buy everyone a drink?
Muslim golf days sound like a lot of fun, I’m sure they will catch on. Who doesn’t want to golf’n’pray?
Rob in Cheshire
Golf’n’Rape White Girls
So many more choices !
Wuhan Lab by Sky News Australia
“Facebook has retracted its ban on posts that claim COVID-19 was man-made or manufactured as support grows for a wider investigation into the origins of the virus.
The social media giant banned any content that asserted COVID-19 was man-made or manufactured in February but told Politico the decision has now been reversed.” https://youtu.be/rTNqFJYZ4zk
Reality has “confronted” the taxpayer-funded ABC after it spent so long dissing the theory COVID-19 was leaked from a lab in Wuhan, according to Sky News host Chris Kenny. https://youtu.be/jrRhwbvLqkk
You want to hear Peter Navarro on the subject…
Does this mean that President Trump is no longer in office and that he was correct about there being no Russian dossier or massive 2020 election fraud either. Will the Democrats and those fraudsters Obama/Clinton/Biden now apologise and Biden resign so that a fair election can take place?
For ABC read bBC.
Intelligence sources were saying as far back as March 2020 that it was strongly suspected the virus was man-made and probably released unintentionally from the lab.
The story appeared in the Mirror in June 2020.
Intelligence sources thought at the time that it was probable the virus came from an animal that had been involved in testing in the Wuhan Institute of Virology and had ended up in the wet market, i.e. that an unscrupulous member of staff sold it for personal profit without considering it may be infected. Richard Kemp added “I was also led to believe governments were very unlikely to come out and say it outright, but that China had been made aware that intelligence agencies had significant evidence.”
Our government would have been aware of this at the time but held the the official (global) line that no evidence had been seen that the virus was man-made.
Official announcement
Although guido has described how mr and Mrs John and sally berkow have received substantial furlough payments for their company of two people ‘Fedhead Limited’ I wish to make it perfectly clear that I have no financial connection to Said company –
– or unlike this immoral pair – have not claimed or received furlough payments . Nor did I have £400k in the bank – like those scumbags …
Guido thinks John furloughed Sally …
I can see another point of view
Yes they are scum in other ways.
But the furlough scheme shouldn’t just be for business people who have no money in the bank.
Cos you could have a shoddy business claiming furlough
..then their frugal competitor who ha kept money aside then being penalised by not being able to claim furlough money.
The Speaker gets the same level of Pension as the PM and Leader of the Opposition – minted – but suffered loss of bribes by not getting his peerage … that traitor will never be forgotten .
Furloughed Sally? Is that a new sex act description!
The dopey slapper preferred being ploughed, I understood.
Just another term, she doesn’t mind how it’s described.
This English language is so, so rich and expressive.
GBNews 5 min introduction video
part 1 https://youtu.be/DKBx80WayjA
part 2 https://youtu.be/9TVUVofXet0
London liberals plus 3 from Yorkshire and Neil Oliver & Andrew Neil from Scotland
Includes a Labour remainer MP “I accepted the result”
‘ Norwegian shot dead after French stabbing frenzy – look cute squirrels ‘
“Three French gendarmes were wounded in an operation that resulted in the arrest of the suspect in a stabbing attack on a policewoman that left her badly injured”
La Chapelle-sur-Erdre is a small town of 20,000 inhabitants just north of Nantes near the French Atlantic coast.
“unidentified assailant stabbed a police officer at her station in France then shot two other officers, authorities said. The motive for the attack is unclear. The attacker was gravely wounded; none of the officers’ injuries were life-threatening.” (now says attacker died)
“The slain suspect’s identity is being verified”
Nothing yet on Al-Beeb, nach.
Well, if they won’t publish the story, it falls upon us to do so.
“Three police officers injured by knifeman in France who is shot during arrest”
‘Police said the attack saw the assailant “slash the woman officer several times”.
The victim, in her 40s, has been rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries to her legs and thighs, it is said.’
What is it about the religion of peace and violence to women, in particular? Perhaps the feminists at the BBC could explain?
StewGreen beat me to it while I was typing.
May 21 “The BBC’s shameful smearing of the French police”
Stew – I NEVER expect any balanced reporting/comment from Huw Edwards…notwithstanding the ‘sweet reason’ tone of voice he cultivates.
Its George Floyd week
What’s that song?
‘Floyd George knew my father
My father knew Floyd George,
Floyd George knew my father
And father knew Floyd George’.
Is Switzerland really going WTO
after declaring EU negotiations a swizz ?
@Fed one for you
How dare the Chinese grow their economy and improve the quality of life the China people ! It’s still a suburban myth that they are building coal power fire stations with added co2
Along the lines of a rough calculation made by Alan Jones (on Sky News Australia) I estimate that the UK is responsible for just 0.00066 of the world’s CO2.
(1) UK is roughly 1% of the world population (70m / >7bn) but causes 1.1% of CO2 emissions (Christopher Booker, in “Global Warming: A Case Study in Groupthink”, on page 68).
(2) 84% of all earthly CO2 is from plants, 10% from volcanic activity and just 6% from human activity, chiefly the burning of fossil fuels.
So 0.011 * 0.06 = 0.00066; or 2/3 of 1/1000 of the world’s total CO2.
Meanwhile, China emitted 24% of the global total (2017) and planned to double that by 2030, while India would treble its emissions in the same period.
Pointless doesn’t even begin to describe this sort of gesture politics; Nick Timothy (Mrs May’s then joint Chief-of-Staff) called the Climate Change Act “a unilateral and monstrous act of national self-harm”.
Yes – virtue signalling becomes serious when it is economic and personal self harm – such as nonsense about removing gas boilers – the level of co2 emission is going up whatever the west does – I for one an glad .
The idea is that non-manmade CO2 is in balance
So that changes in that 6% might make a difference
Then they go into fantasies about positive feedback , but never negative feedback.
eg the idea that temp increases might melt ice and release trapped methane another methane gas.
Negative feedback might be higher temps causing more plant growth causing CO2 reduction etc.
Isn’t it 4 percent of the 400ppm of CO2 being man-made and volcanic. That’s 10ppm for Volcanic and 6ppm for Man-made CO2.
Ice core data shows that there is a 800 year lag for natural CO2 level increase. The Medieval Warm period peaked 800 years ago, so that proves that most of the increase was natural CO2 from the deep Ocean which has a 275 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a period of 800 years. The upper Ocean has a 50 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a seven year period.
“Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, (1997) by Tom Segalstad” shows up the scientific fraud in the Carbon Cycle for man-made CO2.
The IPCC has “Cancelled” Henrys law, isotopic evidence in tree rings and Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller’s findings about Venus, which has a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide that the Earth.
That means that Man-made carbon dioxide has contributed only 0.000798 Kelvin to Global Warming.
The scientists that proved that Svante Arrhenius produced an error are James Clerk Maxwell, Max Planck, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
So my question: In calibrating Carbon Dioxide Warming, how much does Carbon Dioxide contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The Answer is this: Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas at 100.6 Kelvin and Oxygen imparts 30.3 Kelvin. Argon is third accounting for 1.7 Kelvin, and Water vapour is fourth accounting for 0.3 Kelvin. Carbon Dioxide only produces 0.0532 Kelvin by molar mass.
But then isotopic evidence says that only a maximum of four percent of CO2 in the Atmosphere could be man-made or volcanic, that’s 10ppm for Volcanic and 6ppm for Man-made CO2, so therefore in two hundred years, man-made CO2 has contributed only 0.000798 Kelvin to Global Warming.
It slightly above 400ppm, so Man-made carbon dioxide has contributed eight ten thousandths of a degree Kelvin to Global Warming.
So if Britain is responsible for 1.1 percent of the 0.0008 Kelvin. Then Britain has contributed 0.0000088 Kelvin to Global Warming.