The Far Left Anti British BBC doesnt like some words. ‘ Populist ‘ is an example – the BBC kepy using it as a term of abuse during the visit of the Prime Minister of Hungary . Diversity of Thought or View in the BBC – no chance .
Weekend Thread 29 May 2021
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Call for UN inquiry into theory that coronavirus emerged from laboratory – from the DT
Funny how that over a year later, it’s ok to discuss this. Facebook says so! Maybe Ms Spring can look into it – did she count it as misinformation last year?
Research showing that the virus appeared to have man made inserts, not to mention the Chinese scientist that said she worked on it, have been around for months. Journals refused to publish! And of course, Trump suggested it.
Is it any wonder that conspiracy theories get traction?
Plus, first? Everyone else must be away for the weekend
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 5 started 3pm Friday
– page 4 started 5pm Thursday
– page 3
I am here !
Me too 😁 not any connection to the “other version” 😇
Loobyloo, the thought struck me about this that President Biden has done his about-turn (popped a U-ey) on the investigation of China’s role because his credibility at present on other stuff is none too good.
Oh and he also probably forgot that his previous policy had been to deny WuFlu was the China virus and to denigrate Donald Trump for claiming that.
Bridesmaid again.
Radio 4 just after 3pm I switched on to listen to Gardeners Question Time. I haven’t heard it for years and it will be years more before I listen again. They were talking about peat and every box could be ticked eg climate change, sustainability etc. It was just so predictable and woke. What a pity they couldn’t have talked about the frosts every morning in April and what damage it has done to the plants or the problems caused by a cold wet May but of course this climate don’t fit the agenda. I often wonder what happened to those makeover gardens awarded as prizes fit for the arid summers the BBC predicted we would be having every summer by 2010.
I switched off again.
I watched it too. The two, one a regulation Black female, patted out the Climate Change hypothesis as if it had just recently been drilled into them by the BBC script.
They had not got the cadence of natural speech pattern. For a moment I thought the two of them were deliberately spoiling it, as POWs do in front of enemy’s TV cameras .
Debs, think I might have gone off to sleep during GQT and woke for this bit. There was a thing about hedgerows and a woman (not one of the panel – think she may have been from a charity or campaign group) was talking about the importance of planting hedgerows in cities for the sake of children. She repeated the unscientific meme that 400,000 children were growing up in cities with ‘toxic air’.
Not if the air is really toxic, they wouldn’t be growing up at all.
They would be dead.
There was a bit of a stunned gap when it returned to the GQT Panel & questions, perhaps because Cathy Cluxton, despite years of BBC indoctrination, realised that the woman had been talking nonsense. Or it could have been just a normal type studio glitch going from a recording to a ‘live’ programme.
The GQT Panel squad do not always fastidiously toe the line on Global Warming and Climate Change. As experienced gardeners, they know all about micro climates and the vagaries of weather, especially frosts.
How sad that a once loved programme has been woked.
I know a darned sight more about gardening than most of these idiots, and will never listen to their rubbish again.
As usual, the BBBC has ruined a pastime much loved by normal citizens.
Gary Lineker loses BT job …… via AB
Re BBC’s non reporting of the Islamist attack, Hugh Schofield and @LucyWilliamson are the BBC Paris correspondents
don’t they work Fridays
Previous thread I noted Marianna would be all over this.
I was wrong.
She is, of course, on another break.
Thursday’s Times had a new report about how the police are just lost when it comes to CSE Child sexual Expoitation
“Internal police reports seen by The Times found that there is “little evidence of exploiters being investigated” – even as over 56,000 missing episodes involving children have been recorded since 2018.”
Long thread
Times : However, several forces did not comply with requests from journalists to disclose internal reports on their policing of sexual abuse cases. South Yorkshire, which is responsible for Rotherham, cited “highly sensitive information” in its refusal to co-operate.
South Yorkshire police declined to disclose its report and then did not respond to a request for an appeal for many months and until reporters complained to regulators.
As ever Times commenters push back harder against Wokemob than Times journos do
“What does society expect when it tolerates and protects an external culture that sees others as lesser beings to be exploited.”
“Taking the cowardly way out by referring to the perpetrators as *Asian* (Not Pakistani Muslim) is one small part of a much bigger abomination.”
Some top comments have been deleted
One remaining comment
basically says ‘what do you think of a community,
when they quickly take to the streets if a teacher shows a cartoon
.. but acquiesce when it comes to many members of their community being involved in sex exploitation of underage girls ?’
A decade later, thousands of children at risk of such abuse are still routinely going missing.
… officers are failing to investigate many perpetrators.
A clear change of attitude in policing leadership has brought proper focus on the issue
.. dramatically improved in the ten years since Rotherham,
but there is clearly a long way to go.
due in part to many complications
eg many victims don’t report
others refuse to cooperate
Some fear repercussions from their abusers,
others have moved away
Other articles
Friday Leader opinion:
“not only is child sexual abuse still widespread but it appears that some police forces have not learnt the lessons.
.. In Hertfordshire, for example, about half of cases in 2019 were not recorded correctly. In Lanarkshire, the county’s 15-year-old IT system was deemed inadequate for the changing nature of child sexual exploitation crime, while West Yorkshire police acknowledged their database on offenders could not easily be searched by officers.
… Ends: A decade after Rotherham, that is something that should shame us all.
There are 17 comments under the leader article
. The Times mods have edited the top comment
and put a message saying that there will be a delay in comments appearing.
One that made it through
Given that the Grooming Gang Review published last year was such a despicable whitewash
I wouldn’t be at all optimistic about the state’s will to tackle this atrocious epidemic.
Greenwood explains the FOI investigation in his 20 tweet thread
Maggie Oliver highlights the failure of the care system in regards to sexual violence against children.
And guess where the Muslim rape gangs find most of their victims – not online.
One comment:
“There are up to 850,000 people who pose a sexual risk to children in Britain,”
750,000 of them are named “Mohammad”.
And who are we to presume are the perpetrators? Think we know, but political secrecy keeps it hidden. Whilst we witter on about non-existant threats such as global warming, our media/BBC and government ignore the elephant in the room and do not one thing to liberate ourselves from ever increasing Muslim opression. Socialist brainwashing during stste education has rendered us defenceless and supine before a threat that seemingly our authorities seem unable to recognise.
They drive around in cars now in convoys shouting from their cars what they intend to do.
I am 100% behind the campaign to defund what we laughably call ‘the Police’. Miller Vs College of Policing found all the evidence that they no longer operate as Police, but as a politically motivated squad of woke loons, the judge describes as being more akin to the Gestapo.
Khan once crowed he had over 1000 officers dedicated to hurty feelings and once you stop arresting or even investigating certain sections of society on the grounds of race, that only leaves the White majority to harass which is simply unacceptable.
When Khan speaks, there are more decent citizens deciding not to go to London, and work from home.
He’ll be there when the city starves, the Isle of Dogs just festers, and he’ll wonder what went wrong.
He’s a clown, and an idiot.
FullFact have unusually come out against their Labour mates Starmer and Rayner
“Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner have both claimed that the UK has the worst Covid-19 death toll in Europe.
But when you adjust for different population sizes, the UK is actually about 14th.”
.. There FullFact quite correctly state you can’t go around shouting the UK has the worst death toll in Europe
cos even though that is true on the first count , it leads to the public imagining the UK has the worst performance in Europe
which it nowhere near does cos when you take account of population size some smaller countries have a death per million of almost twice ours
Thread :
Great Britain would be a much better country if those people that hated it simply left.
The world is their oyster.
Brilliantly succinct comment which sums up exactly the mess we are in and the solution.
The problem is that the vast majority of those who hate Britain are indigenous.
These are who were elected and then continued immigration of people who actually hate Britain for doctrinal reasons and are willing to kill and rape. The last are relatively easy to manage.
The former not so. Even if we got shot of Jihadis, the former are now moving in to kill Britain for good, by brainwashing a generation of children who know nothing of Britain except that they were slavers.
Stew, a further adjustment has to be made to the Covid death figures for those misattributed to Covid. You also could or have to adjust for density of population.
“Fishmongers’ Hall: Usman Khan unlawfully killed Cambridge graduates”.
“Failings by the police, probation service and MI5 contributed to the deaths of two graduates killed by a convicted terrorist, a jury has found.”
“unlawfully killed ” shouldn’t that be murdered?
I am afraid that the MI5 and the security forces are inundated with ‘Clients’ to monitor as our borders are leaking like the proverbial sieve.
So the Fishmongers’ Hall murders are only unlawful killings, whereas the death of George Floyd is murder rather than, at worst, manslaughter. It’s a funny old world.
I do understand the point, but the term ‘unlawful killing’ is a verdict specific to English Law and does not have a statutory definition. It is an umbrella term and murder, manslaughter and death by dangerous driving are all examples of ‘unlawful killing’. Examples of lawful killing would be a policeman shooting dead a terrorist in action, or doctors turning off life support to a patient in agreed medical circumstances. The phrase does not exist in US Law, although there are analogues, based around the term ‘justifiable’.
@Mustapha I saw a lot of comments similar to yours
Bottomline It’s not a murder trial it’s a Coroner’s court so Unlawful Killing is the only verdict open to them, so to speak.
Saturday morning Toady, the Fishmonger Hall murders were the government’s fault ie the headline was that ‘the government will learn lessons’. I thought it was a do-gooding charity that had put on the event and not the government.
I puzzled over the term unlawful killing.
When is a killing lawful? Perhaps when dying from blood clots after taking an experimental MRNA genetic modification jab?
Perhaps Mis Spring could focus her spotlight and do some fact checking.
Still on spring break?
Then back to feet.
* Cameron Deriggs, 18, of #Lewisham, will appear at Westminster Mags tomorrow charged with conspiracy to murder.*
Finally at the last moment of 48 hour limit police charge
Sasha Johnson’s alleged shooter.
BBC story 10:42pm
Was this really all too late for Friday’s TV news ?
De rigger acquires a whole new meaning.
Weird coincidence there, with your pun yesterday.
Gibbs’ Rules No #101 – there are no such things as coincidences 😎
Metropolitan Police appear to be without a clue as to motive. It appears to have the hall marks of a ‘hit’. Could it be that the Police do not wish to offend – again?
c. 250 illegals today, 25 yesterday
Follow @Steve_Laws_ for updates.
It has become so frequent that it does not get reported any more.
Republicans block 9/11-style congressional probe of Capitol riot
This article is full of deliberately misleading quotes and statements laced with irrelevant details intended to sway your emotions. It is like a mini-Panorama:
Quote from Biden: “I can’t imagine anyone voting against establishing a commission on the greatest assault since the Civil War on the Capitol.”. Note ‘On the Capitol’ qualifier. Have there been any others ?.
Stand alone paragraph so you see it: ‘The riot left five dead, including a Capitol police officer.’. Yes BBC – but only one was killed on purpose. And that was an unarmed woman protestor. Who gets no mention.
And after all the talk of treason, what crimes were committed to prompt these demands for a 9-11 style enquiry ?.
‘trespassing in a federal building, violent entry and disorderly conduct.’
What a complete f*cking joke. The socialist Nazis are trying to rise again. One small step at a time. Just like they did last time. Drafting in 20,000 troops to guard the President while he is sworn in is not a sign of a free, democratic country. I expect it from a 3rd world corrupt dictatorship.
There was this amazing FakeNews tweet from Hillary 6 hours ago
.. An officer was not killed by protesters
he had a pre existing condition
and had a stroke back at the office, according to the inquest.
And why is twitter not banning her for such clear fake news ?.
I’m 100% certain she knows it’s a lie.
She is a disgusting, ethically barren, spiteful old hag.
I keep confusing her with Pelosi.
Twitter knows who has truthiness on their side.
As does the BBC.
Just witness Tala Halawa of BBC Monitoring.
Hillary is a woman scorned twice. Once due to Obama, and again due to Donald Trump. Maybe even three times if one includes Bill. She is bitter as she fervently believes she was robbed of the WH.
It was very mysterious how it took so long for the cause of Siknik’s death to come out. And what a surprise : natural causes. But the delay allowed them to make the completely fake claim he was killed by protesters for the crucial weeks for them to impeach Trump and pass their new laws.
This is corruption at the highest level. As was the delay for the vaccine announcement until the week after the election.
But the worst thing by far is how the mainstream media have gone along with it. I haven’t seen a single one question either of these or anything else the Left are doing in the USA.
They are slowly building their own version of Nazi Germany and somebody must stop it before their grip is too tight.
I notice Hillary said nothing about the real murder that occurred at the Capitol: that of unarmed Trump supporter Ashly Babbit, who was shot at point blank range by a (BLM?) DC ‘police officer’, whose name is known, and against whom no charges will be pressed.
I agree with you JohnC. It seems the Devil has got into the States.
For any member of the Clinton crime family, lying comes as easy as breathing.
Hungary is not the BBC favourite nation by a long way. Hungary does not believe in Open Borders. And particularly Muslim border invaders
Here is Kirsty getting a lesson from Hungary’s foreign minster.
An own goal by Al Beeb if there ever was one. Has Priti seen it ?
Priti is a good woman, but I dont think she feels the same way as Hungarians do – the defence of their traditional Christian heritage.
This is an existential war we are in, and we don’t even know it. Churchill would. He had an instinct in his bones what the struggle was about.
Ooo, little Kirsty is in full SJW mode, bless.
She’s got her angry face on.
I feel so embarrassed when foreign politicians are rudely grilled by our aggressive, lefty, virtue signalling BBC.
It is embarrassing yes. Emily Maitlis (not Kirsty), thought she was dealing with a dumbed down “new man” from our new unis.
I have met and talked with East Europeans. They know the reality of communism and the worse reality of Islamic colonialism.
Spain Relives Its Ancient History with Islam
By Raymond Ibrahim
Thank you so much for putting up that refreshing 7.38 second clip. The hatred in the Beeboids’ eyes at losing the argument and being put in her place was something to see.
I really hope others here watch it – particularly the trolls ….
There was an interesting’ contact logic ‘ thing where the beeboid said Hungary didn’t have a refugee immigrant problem – when the answer is ‘we have laws and border controls ‘ to stop the rubbish from turning up …
Indeed NCBBC /Fedup, Why would one of the world’s most densely crowded islands, with a naturally growing population and a growing work force or hopefully-and not so far suffering from a demographic time bomb, with deperately over-stretched public services, suffering from road congestion and over crowded public transport, suffering from a housing crisis, a few millions out of work, really why would such a country need immigration at such levels that it more than quadruples the rate of population growth, creates parallel societies and brings enough people into the country to almost fill cities. Immigration is unsustainable and both detrimental to the interests of many people in Britain and against the wishes of the majority of Brits. The BBC and other media outlets know the situation weel but prefer to hide their faces from the truth.
Maitlis, “Hungary didn’t have a refugee immigrant problem “-she didnt even realise that she had put a dagger into the heart of her own argument.
He was adroit to ignore it. He knew that the audience got it, and let the viewer draw his/her conclusions. From that moment Kirsty had lost the argument. The remainder was just mopping up ops.
I think that in the eyes of the BBC , and the rest of the Woke wankerati, not having a refugee problem , because a country won’t allow allow any invaders into its territory, is a huge irredeemable sin. Their bottom line is that you should have wide open borders and welcome all comers regardless of what they do to the existing population. Of course this only applies to white countries all of which suffer from the Woke equivalent of the Christian concept original sin.
Fabulous interview, where Maitless is put well in her place, and has the body language of a loser at all her ‘statements’.
That bloke should be in charge of our problems over here!
Maitless doesn’t understand issues that Hungary has faced over the years, she should get back to something like Blue Peter or similar kids’ dross.
Are you putting forward the idea, that for the Wokeratti, not having a refugee problem is akin to not having Original Sin.
For the woke and liblabs, having abandoned Christianity, they have latched onto Slavery as their Original sin. We (they postulate) all inherit it, like Original sin, from our ancestors. None of us are innocent. For salvation we have to redeem ourselves by taking in vast numbers of refugees,.
That woman is coming directly from the Socialist Workers Party.
That woman is both arrogant, rude and pompous at the same time. She is disgusting.
Emily Maitlis lecturing a foreign country what their policy should be, how many people they should let in etc
She is a journalist who thinks she can dictate to world leaders what policy they should -in her view- implement in their countries. Deluded or what?
She needs to be fired.
Quite true vonrecht, but when your ego is vastly inflated by massive unearned overpayment, coupled with marriage to an ‘investment’ (hedge-fund) manager, being grittily determined to maintain your socialist principles becomes so much easier.
Crikey, don’t you wish we had someone of this calibre in the British government?
No apologising, no swerving, just upfront and honest.
Our lot would be sitting there simpering, sweating and claiming that they love multiculturalism.
Emily isn’t used to people speaking to her like that. The superannuated Barbie Doll was looking decidedly harassed by the end.
Its refreshing to see the likes of the Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto or Jordon Peterson.
That video is dated 26 Jun 2018
BBC does not allow comments on it.
Downing Street flat: PM cleared of misconduct but acted unwisely, says watchdog
Well, what a surprise. This one will slip off the main page very quickly.
They just can’t bring themselves to simply say he has been cleared. They have to add a ‘but ..’ in the main headline through their typical spite.
And no mention of the huge Left-Wing smear campaign around it which has been proved to be entirely false. A campaign in which the BBC were eager participants. How about some apologies from Kuenessberg from time to time for her disgusting bias BBC ?.
I detest these people and their agenda-based double-standards a little more each day.
Sorry John, but Boris is a liar and a bullshitter. Always has been, always will be. What sort of a man has a£200k makeover of a perfectly decent flat done to appease his needy girlfriend, without bothering to ask where the money came from? Has that ever happened to you? It’s never happened to me.
Boris is a sponger, he thought the Conservative Party was going to pay, and then it was going to be Conservative donors, and when he was found out, eventually had to pay it himself. How? I don’t know, he is famously skint what with all the kids to support. Maybe he got a “donation” or a “loan”. Whatever it is with Boris, just don’t expect it to be straightforward or honest. He is a lying toad.
Corby stabbing: Teen charged with Rayon Pennycook murder
Another one of the 3% got murdered. 17 year old boy charged but no details given ‘for legal reasons’.
Lets guess what the murderer looks like. Answers on a postcard please. To select the winner in the event of multiple correct entries, complete the following in under 10 words : ‘Cultural enrichment is a good thing because … ‘
Cultural enrichment is a good thing because ” it makes money for left leaning solicitors ” Keith Starmer
I am sure there are many law abiding De Riggs all over
world. But one fact you wont hear about on the BBC is
that the name has a certain amount of association of
impropriety in South London.
BBC 4 radio news watch
You know how an assertion is often made here that the BBC doesn’t do comedy ? Well I would strongly recommend the R4 BBC news coverage – and play ‘spot the woke ‘.
Today we had
1 Minimum unit charge for booze
2 ‘giving back ‘ blood samples taken from ‘First Nation Citizens ‘ ( abo’s to you ) in Australia
3 taxpayers ‘ money for ‘gigs’ so that lefties have somewhere
to go
4 I might leave off the coloured party shooting out of politeness
Because they didn’t mention the colour of the alleged
Some of these woke elements of the National News is actually so tick box that it becomes funny .
Foscari, far too obscure a reference given any search will only pick up the current arrest. More detail, please.
Peter- I reiterate from my previous “contribution” that
I am sure that there are many law abiding Deriggs
living around the world. It just happens that in
the South London environs you will find on Google
under Deriggs . Several gentlemen with the name Deriggs
involved in lets say not quite law abiding activities.
If you miss these references. Perhaps look under ” Terrible
attack in Battersea” or ” London prisoner escapes from Jail.
Or instead of looking up Cameron Deriggs , you could look up
Leroy Derrigs or Dwain Deriggs. I do not know the ethnicity
of young Mr Cameron Derrigs. But I just think it was a
bit hasty of Dianne Abbot to call it a racist attack.
Just reading a link for GB news and it had a clip with Philip Schofield talking about us getting 0 points at Eurovision because of Brexit.
The only interesting part was when they said how much money the BBC pay towards it. The most recent figures they have disclosing how much licencepayer cash was given were from 2012 !!!. And even then it was over £300,000 !!!. It seems the BBC have stopped telling anyone the real amount. No doubt they know we will be shocked.
Like so many things under the surface at the BBC, it absolutely stinks.
I haven’t seen this clip before.
Was this bloke interviewed by the BBC at any stage?
While the loathsome BBC ‘journalist’ kept accusing Viktor Orban of being anti-immigration and islamophobic, the latter should have just said: and how’s it working for you these days?
Couple of seemingly random press cuttings for you this morning. Torn willy nilly from our national newspaper frontpages and arranged – if you will – almost in the manner of some cryptic semi-derranged ransome note; or perhaps reminissant of the luridly coloured first album cover of the Sex Pistols, if you were that way inclined.
What rude coercive demands with menaces does our media make of us?
‘Emma Stone plays Cruella De Vil in a new Disney film that tells the story of the 101 Dalmations villain, with one crucial difference‘ (Daily Telegraph) – does she, heaven forbid, cook the puppies after skinning them for their spotty fur? We do hear Disney, like other major Holywood studios, is rather keen to adapt their creative output to the sensitivities of the Far Eastern market. Giving a whole new meaning to a dogs breakfast – that would be Korea but the Chinese eat some unusual animals. We hear about it in the news. It could put a whole new slant on the next remake of Batman. But I digress. Holy smokes, Batman, get back to Cruella: ‘... she no longer smokes her trademark cigarettes. The actress said “that is not allowed in 2021”‘ – It’s funny what you miss when you cancel your TV Licence. I guess I must have missed the passing of the global statute banning the portrayal of smoking tabacco in the arts and media. They should now do something internationally to protect dogs.
‘The intelligence agencies are helping the US to investigate whether Covid-19 leaked from a Chinese laboratory, after US President Joe Biden ordered American intelligence officials to “redouble” efforts to identify the origins of the pandemic‘ (Telegraph) – I’m not sure how much help British secret agencies will be. Our bumbling spooks tasked with tracking the movements of tiny invisible microbes on the other side of the world? ‘An Inquest jury found failures by MI5 and police contributed to their deaths …Saskia Jones and Jack Merrit who were stabbed in 2019 by the convicted terrorist Usman Khan‘ (Times)
‘Plan to keep facemasks if infections go on rising‘ (Times) – now this is an odd one. Apart from in banks – where for obvious security reasons masks were once banned under the old normal – the voluntary adoption of a face covering could be left to the public as an option. If they are so inclined as to fear infection. Where’s the harm in that? If you want to look like a Korean school girl visiting the Tower of London then be our guest. Masks are a very emblematic issue covering a lot going on beneath the mask. There’s two further underlying rather telling points made in the Times report. One is that Michael Gove, the apparent champion of internal covid passports, is now backing off the idea. He and his officials seem to fear they can’t proceed with that scheme in what they term a “low-prevalence world“. In other words, there’s not enough covid to justify forcing ID papers on us. Making us mask up on public transport and within indoor public spaces would certainly impress on us the notion of a continuing pandemic, even if the actual illness receeds. The second linked factor is the notion that government messaging may continue to ask us to work from home – if we are able. This is arrant nonsense of course. How on earth can a virus differentiate between those who have a broadband connection and zoom diversity training seminars to host and those of us who have to empty the bins and deliver the Amazon packages on a regular basis? I sense public sector union laziness at work here.
All official efforts seem to be focused on awareness rather than actual health measures, which is odd.
I might have said something about the Daily Mail’s campaign for a ‘Cathedral Covid memorial‘ – but apparently it’s a very touchy subject hereabouts and I don’t want to come over as some Cruella de Vile.
Bet that came as a press release.
I might add that the bbc use of ‘sunny’ is worth running by BBC Monitoring.
Electric cars?
Having attempted to cut the grass with a battery powered lawnmower yesterday but reverted to petroleum and internal combustion model after the ‘green’ version failed, I can confirm fossil fuels are the future.
Yes, I agree with the exception of ‘the future’ if the greenie campaigners and politicians get their way and if the oil companies start to leave the stuff in the ground. The ICE is doomed from probably before 2030.
The politicians should have made hybrids the stepping stone to an electric future but they don’t do science in the House of Commons.
The manufacture of EV is far more expensive then petrol engine cars. The battery requires rare earth materials. The very name tells us that it will be more expensive.
As the batteries are expensive, they have to be recycled. The minerals used are such that the recycling is very energy intensive. More inefficiency and expense.
Petrol engines gives power from the primary source to where it is used- in the car, within seconds when it is needed. The “fuel” for the EV, that is electricity, is produced from the very same fossil fuel, but at a considerable distance. More expense for transporting it by cables. It isn’t produced when required, and so has to be stored. More inefficiency and expense.
EV batteries are pollutant in the long term. Petrol engines pollutant is CO2, which is not a pollutant but a harmless and life sustaining gas.
All this tells me that the EV is going to expensive to buy and run, despite what the governments are telling me.
My position is that doesn’t require guvmint funding to convince us that EVs are good, if they were genuinely so. Its like AGW, which doesn’t exist, and the EV a vehicle designed for a problem that is a government fabrication.
Electrification of vehicles of any kind will not be possible as at present and for the foreseeable future whilst the National Grid is as is-indeed where will the electricity be generated from? and by what means? It really is one massive propaganda exercise being played out to pacify those intent on downgrading our present style of life. The World will remain as it has been for eons to come no matter what the little creatures (humans) try and alter thinking they know best, which of course they don’t.
“Andrew Cole, the co-founder of the new UK news service, GB News, which is due to start broadcasting at 8pm on Sunday the 13th of June with Andrew Neil fronting it, has said that the channel could go after those in authority or in the limelight who acted in the interests of the EU against Brexit UK and expose them. And also campaign for a public inquiry into the worst of them.”
I sincerely hope this is true and includes crooked colluder Starmer.
I’m not holding my breath.
Good luck to them. That’s a very very large and well connected swamp.
I am certain that there are thousands of RSP’s ( Remainers Still in Post) in influential positions who are working to get us back into the EU by whatever mean least 20,000 of them work at the BBC for instance.
Katty and Nick leaving because they cannot prop this up any more without corpsing?
Lurch and American Booty are long haul still.
Madam President… coming soon, complete with witch’s cackle.
The audience went w…. ut?
London crime watch
Going for the record – 3 murders in 24 hours – but don’t worry – only one of them was a shooting and no teenagers …. – and just one 74 year old …
As opposed the ones the bbc no longer has to stand on?
“Ich bin eine typische Berliner”.
Wot! No donuts?
Michael Mosley (Dr) clearly doesn’t ‘do’ patients anymore, but is earning a fair old crust by conjuring up ‘healthy’ recipes every few weeks for the D/Mail, then other weeks devising exercises for us to keep the weight off. Who the hell follows (or reads) this stuff is beyond me, but it certainly helps Mosley pay the bills. I find all celebrity doctors the pits actually.
I’ve just read it. He’s right about processed food.
Mind you he says he does 40 press ups every day……at 65!
Btw. They said I was too old at 50! But I’m not bitter…..
He said he doesn’t do the 40 press ups all in a row, but in batches.
I could run 5 miles no problem
so I tried his pressups idea
Darn it must use different muscles I could only manage 10 last week
now I can do 20 in a row but not yet 40
She is doing a Yogic stance. This is a blatant case of cultural theft.
Playing the radio tuning game this morning. Keep hitting the auto select mode until music is heard. It’s a way of avoiding beeboids and a plethora of ‘scientists’ on Toady, all whom appear to be shrilling for more masks, lockdowns…. yawn.
Did anyone hear the female beeboid weather wimmin saying ‘‘temperatures above average’’… ‘’there’s a phrase I’ve not used in a long time’’.
Gosh. Coming out with phrases like that on the time of climate emergency??? Not sure we will be hearing from you again honey. Best hope as it’s a bank holiday the bosses aren’t listening.
OT, but knowing the bbc #prasnews editorial is a sucker for a petition, are emailing like fury they are over halfway to their million target for NHS staff being paid more.
Call it 700k.
Imagine if the bbc ran one?
So that will be less than 50% of NHS employees voting for themselves…prob 25% plus their families…
These things are a waste of time…
When will these idiots realise NHS are paid well to do a job…by taxes raised from the private sector…no NHS jobs lost in pandemic…many NHS workers did F.all work….infuriates me this constant angel bull…
TOADY Watch #1 – a game of two halves
On a Saturday just two hours to fill. Dominic O’Connell comes off the subs bench. Have JustRemainIn Webb and Nick Robinson (if I recall correctly a Manchester United supporter) gone off to the footie in Portugal? Using some BBC privilege to afford the trip and also blag some tickets?
Simon Webb on the Cameron Deriggs charging
Famous “Deriggs” mentioned in London court reports include Leroy, Jermaine, Dwain
His previous video points out the double standard in the way police often choose not to enforce the 1936 Public Disorder act when it’s black or non-white people
She analyses bbc editorial ‘integrity’ well.
Stew, is Sasha Johnson wearing a stab vest or bullet proof vest in that photo?
Avi’s new gotcha video
Melbourne police cancelled their press scheme
… Their next step, they try to arrest him for not having a press pass !
The BBC still resolutely not carrying the story of the muslim man who stabbed and severely wounded a French policewoman, then shot and wounded two others.
Even the Metro has the story.
Incidentally, the French public are getting wise to the tricks of their authorities and press, just as we are here. At first the man was described in the media as ‘French, born in France’.
When his identity was eventually revealed, this meme went around, with the sarcastic comment: For you fascists complaining about immigration, that has nothing to do with it, the terrorist Ndiaga Dieye was as French as you and me.
BTW they did cover the mass shooting in San Jose
released a story at 1;30am Wednesday
the 9 dead include mostly white workers and one Sikh
Belfield : cop from dirty images depart arrested, for making dirty images
Found guilty in 2021 for 2019 crime, not jailed, image withheld
Metropolitan Police cover up –
Dr Shola all over the media as a guest on black issues
Yet when a black person challenges her on Twitter she blocks him
His video : The Londoner (Micah) tears apart Dr Shola after she blocks him on Twitter for calling out her race-baiting nonsense.
Claire Fox blasts “tone deaf” BBC in epic takedown of public broadcaster
A good critique, but she still wants to reform the BBC to help it survive.
Too late for that, the gangrene has spread too deep and too wide.
Defund the BBC.
Yes she shows signs of being absorbed into the Borg of group think which happens in that awful place .
Trying to reform the BBC is analogous to the East German authorities on 9th November 1989 deciding that there’s nothing really wrong with the Berlin Wall – it just needs a lick of paint and everything will be fine.
Ian – laugh out loud . The repainting committee is due to report its’ findings in a while . Who paid for it ? Did they breach some rule ? There needs to be a full independent public judge led inquiry – to report in 2030…
“Hate Crime Unit Indirectly Helps Grooming Gangs”
The Lotus Eaters :
It says they hid the fact that in their own stats white people are the biggest victims of racial hate crime making 41% of cases
(hardly surprising when one BAME could be racist to 5 white people , as there are 5 times more white people as BAME)
Here’s an oddity on Toady.
Commenting on the approaching Champion’s League final, Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein stated categorically that her family required her to cook supper and have it finished by around 7 pm in time for the kick off.
Now I stand to be corrected but just wonder how many readers have ‘supper’ at that time? As a kid, we had breakfast, dinner, and tea (around 6pm). Supper was reserved for a snack, such as toast or soup, around 9 pm, and usually reserved for a situation where we had arrived back late and famished from something. When I became all grown up and ‘middle class’, Mrs S insists on ‘dinner’ at around 7pm, usually the day’s main meal.
Thus I am left wondering whether ‘supper’ is the in-word for an evening meal in leftoid rich metropolitan elite households? It appears that wikipedia of all things seems to suggest there is mileage in this.
Perhaps I’m being unfair to Mischal. But then again, when is she fair to us on the centre-right?
Ha. Exactly right.
The producer of my BBC 2 series got all snotty and defensive when I challenged him on that.
And he was rabidly anti thatcher, tories, British in NI, Fox TV, Murdoch etc etc.
Sluff, I think you’re right – that ‘supper’ is a term used for evening meals by those who think they are just below royalty.
Not so long ago, my old boss, who had amassed quite a fortune through his property dealings, invited me to ‘supper’, which threw me in a tizz – what does one wear to ‘supper’ ?
Having parents from Yorkshire, like your assumption it was around 9pm when the cry went up ” duz tha want sum sooper lass ?”
“supper” is the word after “pie and pea”
… in every working man club
Isn’t the Scottish version of ‘fish n’ chips’ a ‘fish supper’?
I think I’d prefer that to a ‘Glasgow handshake’ any day…
……with mint sauce?
As per Nottingham Goose Fair.
But honestly, if that was the sort of thing our Mischal was referring to, I’ll stand you a supper myself, though I suspect my cash is safe.
Dinner (evening) is often called supper by people who don’t want to sound posh, or don’t want a informal meal to sound formal. Men will wear jerseys.
Yet another ‘man’ has been arrested for a shooting.
One Mr. Deriggs.
I think we can safely assume he is not white, for if he was, the incident would be plastered wall to wall across the BBC for days on end, portrayed as a racist attack on a BLM activist, and mass demos would be first on the news.
But no. They are as silent as the grave. Tumbleweed.
I guess in BBCland. 18 year olds shooting people in the head in the black ‘community’ is just a cultural norm unworthy of mention for the act itself. But then again, being a whitey and therefore by definition racist, I guess I just don’t understand……
Or could it be embarrassment – that the white on black narrative cannot be used this time around, and that the BLM hypocritically requires the services of the very institution they want to ‘cancel’ and ‘defund’ to bring the perpetrator to the justice in which many of us whiteys still believe?
Sluff et al the big game is the Championship playoff – Brentford v Swansea …..
But I understand the BT sports app is showing the game between millionaires in Portugal Free …. Unfortunately it will be ‘hosted’ by the red multimillionaire from Leicester who sell fried potato slices to children …
A day on R4
545 – farming – Muslim collective farming for greens
0600- Toady – 3 hours of tickbox lefty anti British propaganda
0900- guardian writer on naughty whites and slavery
1000- Wimmins hour – men are awful arnt they ?
1100- someone who didn’t get benefits wants answers
1130- something anti Christian
1200 you and yours – get more benefits – electric wheelchairs
1300 news at one – beat up the red Tory government
1345 book about a Rasta in England and it’s bad
1400 gay serial
1415 10 year old ‘coming out ‘ drama
1500 documentary about bad white men
1530 program about more girls going mental
1600 documentary about eating disorders
1630 religious programme saying Islam is great
1700 news – scandal about the PM by swamp
1800 ditto
1830 comedy – just don’t
1900 gay soap
1915 lefty arts programme – more funding
2000 documentary about something bad from 100 years ago
2100 documentary about cuts in something
2200 world tonight – no one listens
2245 lefty poet having a go at any thing Right Wing
2300 documentary about great presidents – Obama –
2330 documentary about rejoining the EU
I seem to have been banned from posting on the Telegraph web site, although there has been notification of this. I suspect that my crime is that I have in recent months been increasingly critical of the editor’s policy of which articles the readers are allowed to comment and which they are not.
At least in the Times they merely removed comments that they deemed unsuitable rather than ban a reader outright. Mind you they were a hell of a lot of unsuitable comments.
The problem with the Telegraph is that the editorial stance is becoming increasingly Woke but the readership is not and he doesn’t want to be constantly reminded of this growing chasm. It isn’t a sustainable long term position because I don’t think that the readers will change their views .
Double – I’m paying £4 a month for the telegraph and was keeping it up in order to post content about the BBC here . But after last week – when I discovered I need not have gone to the effort I will be cancelling my subscription .
I’m about a year in – I don’t read the comments and never say anything myself . I prefer getting a laugh out of the poor lost souls at the Guardian out Woking each other – not many from Woking though .
I achieved that momentous position years ago, then went to Guido, then to Going Postal (and here, of course).
Spot on, Olders!
We gave up the Grout (DT) years ago, and they even kept ringing us up to get us to re-subscribe!
I have a book of their fabulous croswords by me most of the time, and read the news here first, then Guido, then the Daily Mash for some reality…
I’ll try Going Postal – never heard of it until now! Thank you for the tip!
The number of fact checkers is matched only by the facts they don’t check, or check badly.
Clearly the activists in Kennington and Hoxton are hurting.
Full Fact
People rely on good information to stay safe in this pandemic.
But we’ve seen almost every major newspaper misreport studies and data about the coronavirus since the pandemic began.
Can you help us fight for good information by setting up a regular donation today?
Ignoring broadcasters, especially the BBC, is not going to help much.
So The Times what woke stuff are you pushing at me today ?
– Magazine has 5 pages with Clive Myrie looking serious about black people in America
– Review of the Ed Milliband book,
the reviewer rips into it
‘All we need to do is all get more hopey, here’s some anecdotes I read in the newspapers’
Dam sick of the whole saga-overly propagandised and the authorities know it-continued provision for pushing Multiculturalism.
Myrie has risen the ranks quickly just recently, from being a news reader on shift, to being a foreign correspondent and quiz show host. He has this annoying habit of talking in an overtly gravitas stance while refusing to take off that bloody scarf ! (or is it just me?)
Wait till he’s on Mastermind, his specialist subject will be George Floyd.
Neck cloth seems to denote middle class and worthy. There’s a lot of it about.
If you wore a scarf on our street when I was a kid….you were in for a beating.
Not bbc
I was thinking about how nut nut and husband have put off the covid inquiry until 2022 or beyond . This seems more than senseless because – supposing we had another ‘attack ‘ ? How ready would we be ?
What arrangements are in place right now ? What would need to be done now to prepare ? Some right thinking people would think ‘don’t worry they are doing that anyway “. Does anyone believe that ?
Some useless jobsworth in ‘NHS procurement ‘( joke ) would be ready to say ‘not my job description ‘…. And we’d be back to that chaotic mess at the start of 2020….
So – a fast limited inquiry about preparation right now ….
………….and for a modest fee Fedup2 enterprises Ltd will do it ….
Nut Nut and Hubs have had far more important things on their minds Feds, although little interest has been shown by the media. The Queen’s Speech announced three new bills: the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, the Kept Animals Bill and the Animals Abroad bill. Collectively these introduce the concept of vertebrate animals as sentient beings into UK law for the first time and will be managed by a newly formed committee to oversee a plethora of animal welfare aspects.
And a good thing too, on the surface, though the committee members should require close scrutiny. Giving police more powers to deal with out of control dogs worrying sheep, improving farming methods and limiting animal rearing and housing conditions has obvious benefits. But the potential ramifications of bills which accept human emotions as equal to those of animals and the ability to impose penalties as a result might not be quite so benevolent as you’d be inclined to think. The scrutiny of that committee could well be of paramount importance, though the reality will be unlikely.
Longer term, all well and good if you’re vegan, not so rosy for the rest of us. As the Nutty People’s Princess well knows.
Im guessing the BBC isnt reporting the implications of the Swiss saying no to the Reich EU
…. And whether Brexit had anything to do with it .
After all – 5 months on and the Heavens havent fallen -,with or without covid and the NI border .
The view that the EU needed the UK more thsn visa versa should hold sway . It UK and the swiss say ‘ no’ – why shouldnt others who want to take back a bit of control?
Not an enlightened discussion to be heard on thr Brussells Broadcasting Crap
Forgive as I may have missed someone talking about it-but why is the UK having to take the Serbian monster Vladavich or something… into one of our prisons. Certainly don’t want him here and not at our/tax payers expence. Who arranged that idiocy?
Anyone got a BBC News link for the London protest today? I can’t find it anywhere.
Tabs – very dry . Lawrence Fox twitter feed shows thousands – which in BBC world never happened …
BBC News channel, 3pm.
Seem to be running with a theme of irresponsible English footie fans endangering the local Portuguese by going maskless. “We’re going to put our masks on when we move,” says the bare-faced reporter.
Also, “a teenager” has appeared in court for the Sasha Johnson shooting. No other description but the Court drawing shows a black person with their hair in a bun at the back of their neck.
I see the tv magazines and colour supplements are in overdrive with their coverage of the black Anne Boleyn drama that’s about to start. Amazing how the journalists writing the pieces on this manage to cover every aspect of the story, costumes, planning, set design, etc without ever mentioning the fact that the lead actress is black, as is the actor playing her on screen brother !
I find it staggering that its woke enough to depict an historical time in our history in this way, but its ok for gay celebrities to call out straight actors in playing gay characters which should be played by homosexual actors. The woke brigade cannot have it both ways. White historical people should be played by white actors, or the life story of Billie Holliday should have Billie Piper in the lead role !
I wont be watching, – I’m not THAT colour blind.
Films and TV are on a slippery slope whose incline seems to increase by the day.
I remember going to see the movie version of The Other Boleyn Girl. We all know what Henry VIII looked like – when Eric Bana disrobed for the bedroom scene in that movie, you could have heard the audience laughter on the moon at his rippling Aussie torso.
It’s far more ridiculous now. Expect only worse to come.
I don’t remember scene you mention but in his young days Henry VIII was very athletic. The one that got me was ‘The Tudors where Henry was played by the shortest actor they could find when in reality Henry was much taller than most of his contemporaries.
In one about the Civil War, Charles I was played by Peter Capaldi. A very tall actor playing a very short man. The same for one I saw where short Julius Caesar was played by a tallish actor. Why they consistently choose small men to play tall and vice versa is beyond anything I can think of but I do wonder if there is a woke plot behind it. Maybe height is now a construction like gender.
This is the scene I was talking about – many in the comments section for this video say the same as you, Henry was athletic in his youth. Just seems too buff and glossy to me (and got a big laugh when I saw it). A bit like Michael Sheen getting “Hollywood Smile” dentistry – and then playing Brian Clough.
As for casting tall/short actors, yeah those decisions are weird – average height American Matt Damon playing 6’3″-plus South African Francois Pienaar was especially odd.
Anyone wanting to see Eric Bana with his shirt off can skip to 1:55, I’m no judge but he seems a decent example of masculine beauty.
I’m not complaining at seeing any young buff male body – it brightens the day when all you have are memories 🙂
They are going down an odd rabbit hole with Anne Boleyn, and I wonder if it is deliberate. Her daughter, Elizabeth 1st , could hardly be whiter with her makeup. If they have a back actress playing Elizabeth with a white face how does that square with unconscious bias?
Nor will my wife and I Brissles-we just laughed out loud when we first saw the advertisement introducing this prog-even my youngest grandson at 10 saw how riddiculous the depiction of a black woman playing a white woman in such a well recorded piece of our history was. In fact he asked quite understandably as to why the producers should think it acceptable, as he knew that a vice versa situ would definitely not be tolerated-but such an attitude in todays world has now become the norm.
They’ll be having Dick van Dyke as a cockney in Mary Poppins next!
Good lighting – I hope she isn’t heading for GBTV – go get lost on Times Wireless – don’t forget to count the tvlicencing funded pension …
The BBC’s token black autocue reader is drawing lessons from Floyd’s death and lecturing to us.
Here’s a lesson you missed: don’t commit crimes, don’t do drugs and don’t resist arrest.
Then you might live.
What rhymes with petrol tanker?
Neither am I.