The Far Left Anti British BBC doesnt like some words. ‘ Populist ‘ is an example – the BBC kepy using it as a term of abuse during the visit of the Prime Minister of Hungary . Diversity of Thought or View in the BBC – no chance .
Weekend Thread 29 May 2021
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Surely angry and bitter is a condition of employment?
Guest Who – im guessing more than 99.999% of the UK population missed the sermon .
Fairly typical for someone whose family have their snouts in the BBC trough …
.,,,,,, not seen it for decades
We watched this and the Mitchell anti- anyone who criticises the BBC about anything tirade, unedited naturally, was the most disgusting piece of unadulterated bias I have witnessed in a long time, almost matched by the positive applause that his invective received from the audience.
Yet there was a little hint of good news. His thesis seemed to be that by trashing the news, people like us are also trashing the natural history, documentaries, ‘quality’ programmes. The implication perhaps that criticism of the news is valid.
Long ago I used to think the panelists on HIGNFY were quick witted. Then I found out that they discussed all the “questions” beforehand, and that each recording took about six hours in total. In other words, everything was set up and rehearsed beforehand. So Mitchell’s impassioned rant on behalf of his employer (handy that) had been written, passed by the producer and well rehearsed. The whole programme is as fake as one of Martin Bashir’s bank statements.
Mitchell = bubbleworld
typical Beeboid lack of self awareness.
What they are REALLY upset about is the possibility of losing that giant pot of funding they all dip into.
It is my observation that Lefties are typically shallow and greedy people who get spiteful and nasty very quickly when something threatens their money.
What, exactly, is there to ‘investigate’?
Need to have a red team focus group interaction to see if anyone knows who Hitler was ….
Meanwhile the BBC has Kankie’s free bikes pedalling furiously.
Can you hear the glee in their voice as the BBC newsreaders proudly tell us that their favourite corpse in the White House is embarking on the biggest spending spree since the world began?
Well of course they’re happy: spending other people’s money lavishly – they understand that.
Socialism, yippee.
8 trillion is for climate change.
Indeed. Not just big government spending, but on state-approved projects such as climate nonsense, diversity training from schools to companies, etc. No wonder the beeb are salivating, its their wet dream for the UK too – a dream they strive ceaselessly to implement. They must be stopped.
Might as well post about 2 observations.
1. It would appear that the lady shot in the head isn’t actually a BLM activist she is, and to quote the BBC…A man has appeared in court charged over the shooting of black equal rights activist Sasha Johnson. So as they see support for BLM disapperaing they are changing the narrative and now its all about equal rights. Remind me please what rights do I have in the UK as a 64 white male that a person of colour doesn’t have ???
2. Taking the knee at the Champions leauge final roundly booed.
That’s it for now.
Halifax, good to see you posting on here again. How is the Covid recovery going? Every day a little better than the day before, I hope.
Thanks Up2. I’m fine had my second jab and all is well with me. I hope you and all my fellow posters ( and friends) on here are well.
And in none of the bbc reports is the ethnicity of the suspect mentioned. If he was white it would be front and centre of every bulletin.
Bullet in……
Had a whisky sorry
Ha Ha Ha there is a God !
Atlanta Mayoral Candidate Who Voted to Defund Police Gets Carjacked by Children
He called 911 for the police, and the operator reportedly put him on hold for five minutes.
A councilman and mayoral candidate in Atlanta who backs the ‘Defund the Police’ movement and voted to cut the police budget by $73 million, was dragged from his car while it was being stolen Wednesday, by kids as young as 7 !
“Brown also claims it took 45 minutes for police to arrive because it was assigned as a low-priority dispatch.”
Karma is not mocked
Funnily ebough, I’ve just been chatting with a chum in Georgia, because the politicians gave all the vaccine to the outlying areas of the state, who voted for them, and left the rest without a jab!
The whole of the US seems to be tainted with cheating and lying these days, so sod the lot of them – they get what they deserve with that silly old man, and it’ll get much worse when Camilla Norris gets in the WH!
Marry in May and rue the day.
Marry in January and you’ll be sad
Marry in February and it will be bad
Marry in March you’ll not go far
Marry in April is fatal
Marry in May and rue the day
Marry in June and your sure of gloom
Marry in July and live a lie
Marry in August she’ll always be awkward
Marry in September not a day to remember
Marry in October it will soon be over.
Marry in November not a day to remember
Marry in December you’ll want to dismember.
Apologies to all those happily married.
London protest a video someone tweeted to Wendell/Spring
Tonight’s TV
8:30pm Channel4 : Bashir : The Truth Behind the Scandal
Tweeters say it said Bashir is a psychopath, completely lacking in conscience.
Tonight’s TV
Didn’t have as many rubbish gameshows as usual so filled space by having a double episode of Casualty
9-11:40pm BBC2 Cher night
9:30pm Channel5 Queen mother doco ep 2/5
CI don’t know what the viewing figures are for Casualty. I caught 5 minutes before the Saturday night 10pm news. It was dire. Charlie is still in it. But we had a doctor talking about vaginal meshes (Sorry, but I don’t think we need this on a Saturday night) and the script had been written with all the finesse of the ministry of Information. There was a black man talking to an Asian lady (I think) and she had run away from pearl earrings and have a tattoo (his response was doesn’t everyone have a tattoo? Note to scriptwriters, I don’t). Then we had a black woman in a bed telling the doctor that she had lost her *forever person’. Do patients really talk like that to their doctors? And, with an English accent, she used the word ‘gotten’. We don’t need Americanisms.
At long last the news came on. The only headlines were that Chelsea won the cup and Brentford in the league which sandwiched the charging of the man who shot the BLM woman. No mention that it wasn’t a far right shooter.
I switched to Plank of the Week.
Every single program put out by the mainstream media and most particularly the BBC is now brainwashing and manipulation of fact without shame. They are desperate to build the World as they want it and will use their platforms relentlessly to achieve it if they can.
We desperately need a force to combat this as the end game is serious for the future of our nation and mankind.
The BBC are the most dangerous threat to our nation and it’s mental health stability in the last 40 years.
R4 today
8pm-9pm Alvin Hall had found a hidden black American history event ..typical BBC fodder
9pm The BBC ultra long ancient islam drama series starts
The Sultan appears to be in bed with a man
Alvin’s show “I wonder why had never heard of this great black American 1921 tragedy,
did you know it was upgraded from a riot to a MASSACRE in 2017
The official history always said there were 25 black dead and 12 white deaths
but some say it was 100-300 Black deaths”
“so why after the event did no black talk about it much, ah they wanted to get on and rebuild the area”
… so hang on this sounds like massive revisionism
The reason why Alvin never heard of it before and has heard of it now
must be cos of MODERN politics and the way they’re rehyping the story, talk of reparations etc.
And now it’s the 100th anniversary there is a new frenzy.
I bet that there was worse suffering generally for blacks in the event
and that KKK really did have a big hand in it
but I bet the real history is more complicated that the modern narrative makes out
The prog didn’t seem to say anything about how 12 white people came to die.
The prog using witness descendants made out that all black houses were burnt and fleeing men shot at
but then later said 10,000 black people were made homeless
so that put the rate of black deaths at 1% or 3%” ie 97-99% were not shot (99.75% by official stats)
The prog was also on the World Service at 2pm
All accounts seem to say that the first actual deaths were of 10 whites, at the hands of a black mob who were protecting an arrested black man from a potential lynching
(of course once the shooting started some of the 10 could of died indirectly from screwups like falling down. crushing etc.
A neighbour just visited in quite a bad way. Her 11 year old daughter is giving her hell. And why? Because the girl is having problems with her “girlfriend” at school. Saying that all her other classmates are happy with their girlfriends!
What the hell are our teachers up to, it’s evil!
This is child abuse on a National scale.
And it’s anything but funny any more.
Wokery and whakery at work.
Where are NSPCA and our MPs on this ?
The biggest problem is that we have trusted our teachers to be sane upright members of society in the past but now that is no longer true. The new batch of teachers are more than likely to embrace the new vogue concepts of normality and thus try to inject this into their pupils. Young people at the very start of their life journey deserve the most unbiased guidance into their future and it seems they are not going to get this from our current crop of so called teachers who appear to want to mould them into clones of themselves.
“This is child abuse on a National scale.”
LOL. 11 Year old girls have girlfriends. Shock. Horror.
maxincony, you old troll you.
11 Year old girls also have “groomers” that abuse them on an Industrial scale. Most come from a certain part of the world and a certain religion.
Real “Shock. Horror.” Where do you come from ?
\\Plans for new national flagship to promote ‘best of British’//
Better still build a new warship . We are going to need one shortly .
Take note Bo Jo.
“Dover: Anti-immigration protest blocks road to port”
Mrs Elphicke said police had had a “challenging year”, adding: “They deserved a proper bank holiday break this weekend – not being sworn at by loud-mouthed protesters from London or Essex or wherever.”
Did anyone see this or report it here ? Who the heck is Mrs Elphicke ?
Take note Priti, expect more Channel Invaders next week.
Elphicke was so confident that she banned replies to her tweet
so there are 88 quote tweet replies instead
People of Dover take note.
Apparently there were more police than protesters, which shows how paranoid the government are about it, and how successfully ‘they’ squash any publicity. The Elphicke woman shows how out of touch, manipulated, left wing, cowardly, unintelligent and arrogant the average MP is.
Sasha Johnson: Man, 18, appears in court over activist’s shooting
Well ! – we have a hand drawn ‘picture’ of the accused who shot the BLM activist.
Though – given the context of what she stood for – the text of the article seems to be missing the most relevant piece of information of all. As it always does when it doesn’t fit the agenda.
And what on earth is a degree in ‘Social Care’ ?. Is it what ‘Media Studies’ dropouts switch to ?. And why do they seem to want to tell us she has it in every article ?. Is it in any way relevant ?.
It’s relevant if they’re trying to rebrand her from extremist revolutionary calling for whites to be their slaves and black militias, to soft-focus carer who just wants justice and equality,. And look, she’s got an ology, must be a scientist. If she dies, the beeb will have their new Floyd / MLK martyr.
The artist’s impression appears to show three shades of skin colour. Very subtle. Do you think they are trying to tell us something?
The pressure on the BBC is increasing … YAY!! Here’s the latest:
“Rebecca Ryan, campaign director of Defund the BBC said: “The BBC’s outrageous cover up of Martin Bashir’s deceit has really exposed the BBC for what it is: Arrogant, out of touch and beyond reform.””
““The British people voted to leave one bloated, out of touch institution in 2016. I am confident they will vote to leave another. Defund the BBC will now focus its efforts on securing and winning a referendum on this important issue.””
“Jonathan Gullis, the Conservative MP for Stoke-on-Trent North, added: “There is serious concern across the country about the quality, impartiality and relevance of the BBC. The licence fee is a considerable amount [out] of the pockets of hardworking Brits and therefore it is perfectly reasonable for people to want to have a vote on whether they want it to continue.””
More power to the elbow of Defund the BBC!
I thought I would give the ‘Sunday ‘ programme a listen to see how they react to mr and Mrs nut nut getting married in a RC cathedral .
Declaration – I am a very imperfect practicing RC and recognise JC as saviour. ( JC – by the way – is someone the BBC doesn’t mention ).
Anyway – the Eddie Sturton was as interested in some crap pagan tradition of ‘marriage ‘ as in the RC version – very BBC and far more interesting to the woke liberals that poor old traditional Christian marriage .
It seems Nut Nuts ‘ husband is a convert to RC – well done Boris – but please don’t give her a seat in the Cabinet as a wedding present .
After the long chat about godless pagan ‘marriage ‘ a nice chat about a 700 year old church now having non Christian female images to put up to replace current images and statues . Naturally the vicar is female …
Examples include a female astronaut – the coloured nurse)
( seacole ) … the chosen wimmin are not all Christian ….
Which is when the’ off ‘which was applied . I despair .
“ but please don’t give her a seat in the Cabinet as a wedding present .”
I thought that she already had a seat there ?
Yes I think that’s a fair point . Meanwhile – more seriously – the number 10 propaganda machine is softening up the ground for the exit of the health secretary over the sending of elderly out of hospital to spread death in Care Homes …..
(But it kept the NHS dancing so that was okay and they were going to die anyway so it’s no great loss anyway so it did us a favour in a way didn’t it – as they were old yeah- not that they mattered or did anything right ? ( narrative ) …).
Are Mr and Mrs Symonds as Catholics under an obligation to submit to Islam?
Apparently the wimmin’ have been chosen on the basis of their achievements and connection with the local area (Hull). Mary Seacole… a restauranteur from Jamaica with the same medical qualifications and training as Bill Gates i.e. none. Yep, definitely a local with major achievements.
Now, if there was only someone in the Christian faith who was female that could be celebrated? Maybe that Mary, wasn’t she something to do with Jesus?
OT, but this lady introduced by bbc expert commentator Femi.
I assumed a spoof, but seems destined for panel glory.
A 6 month old shares his toys – what, his teething ring and the mobile hanging over his bed?
I also note the past tense, “I’ve. . . raised” – Is he about to be shuffled over to nanny?
Lord Botham bats for England again. In the Telegraph he writes that there is rebellion amongst BBC License Fee payers and that the over 75’s regard the nasty letters that they get from the TVLA with increasing contempt and ignore them. Comments are allowed under this article and after sampling about 50 of them I can say that only one has anything but harsh words for the corporation.
If Sir Ian , sorry Lord Botham, is willing to continue to lead from the front the people can defund the BBC without any government help and bring it to its kneees within a few months. We just need his leadership and the publicity that he will be able to generate. Momentum is building.
Interesting. ‘Views their own’ no doubt?
‘Permeates all existence ‘ – to quote one of those kidults …
Perhaps humanity now divides into those born before the internet and those born after it . Can the latter live without it ?
How would they adapt to looking in books for information ?
It’s like when this site went down – is it bad ? Yes . Sad ? Yes – but live without it ? Yes .
I think the BBC sees itself as important as the internet . It isn’t .
I at least now know a measure of human reality is being a Scot with unfortunate stapler technique.
Ok. Watched ‘The Senator’ on streaming. Kennedys put Bushes and Clintons in the shade.
What and African female presidents haven’t been daughters of presidents ?
The president of Angola’s daughter was the richest woman in Africa
Benazhir Bhutto was daughter of President
Aung San Suu Kyi is daughter of the founder of Myanmar from 1943 to 1947 he was either deputy PM, or PM
Joyce Hilda Banda, President of Malawi (April 2012 – May 2014) (no actually related to President Hastings Banda)
Bangladesh PM : Sheikh Hasina
from 6 January 2009- now
Her father served as the first President of Bangladesh and later as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh from 17 April 1971 until his assassination on 15 August 1975.
“What and African female presidents haven’t been daughters of presidents ?”
So you’ve come up with a list of three women who were PM’s of non-African nations, a President’s daughter who wasn’t a President and a female African President not actually related to any former Presidents.
Excellent work, Stew.
India had a female PM : Mrs Ghandi; who was her father ?
“Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian independence activist and, subsequently, the first Prime Minister of India, ”
Omar Bongo (ex-President of Gabon
His daughter Pascaline Bongo Ondimba is Foreign Minister of Gabon, current Presidential Cabinet Director
BTW he was married to the ex-president’s daughter
Margaret Kenyatta (Mayor of Nairobi) is the daughter of Jomo Kenyatta (President, 1964–78)
Korea : Park Geun-hye President 2013–2017 is the daughter of Park Chung-hee (President of the Republic of Korea, 1963–1979)
Ghana Jerry Rawlings (resident, 1979, 1981–2000
His wife was then presidential candidate
currently his daughter is an MP
“India had a female PM : Mrs Ghandi; who was her father ?”
Erm, last time I looked India wasn’t in Africa, but admittedly I haven’t checked for a couple of minutes.
Have they stuck you on ‘nights’ again as the rest at Al Beeb are on holiday? Never mind the outfit will be closed down shortly . You could always try for a post at ‘GB News’ which will be starting up on the 13 June at 8 PM ………………
Have you paid your Telly Tax yet ?
Bumper Sunday edition
Oh dear, it looks as though there’s no way back for Boris and Dom. The pair may never rekindle their former Bromance now. Today we learn after the messy breakup and all the harsh words: ‘Boris and Carrie get married in secret‘ (Mail on Sunday)
‘He couldn’t keep his eyes off the bride‘ we’re told. So now the old philanderer is happily married. We assume she is finally satisfied in the bedroom (decor) department. But will he give up Hancock? ‘Fresh questions for Hancock over carehomes‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
The Labour-leaning papers are keen to spoil the celebratory Tory mood: ‘Hancock must go now over care deaths‘ (Sunday People)
‘Nice day for a whitewash wedding‘ carps the Sunday Mirror rather spitefully. ‘As country rages at chaos‘ – or so Sir Keir & Co would wish.
‘Blue heaven‘ (Times) – no, not Tory MPs reading the polls, this was the european football: ‘Chelsea beat Man City’ (Observer) – spare a thought for the Guardianistas at the weekend, they had to report a blue English win whichever way the match went.
At least the Observer is bold enough to nail their colours to their man, unlike the Labour tabloid frontpages who simply play the man and not the ball: ‘Starmer PM’s chaos could hit 21 June plan to lift lockdown‘ – but we thought Labour policy on lockdown was earlier, harder and for longer. Ooh er missus… but there’s no reports as to the details concerning the Johnson honeymoon.
We are, however, given to understand it was a Catholic ceremony – so presumably all former sins are forgiven. Luke tells us there’s “more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents…”
Talking of honeymoons, it seems cruising could be coming back into fashion: ‘Best of British! Full steam ahead for HMS Duke of Edinburgh‘ (Sunday Express) – this is the new royal yacht, although given the age of the Queen by the likely time of launch of this best of British project it might be better termed royal care boat [see below]
The Sunday Times interupts this quasi-Churchillian brief period of rejoicing with a gag from Newman who lampoons the Health Secretary by drawing an elderly Darby and Joan couple in a care home [we used to call them old people’s homes – what happened there?] remarking “If Matt Hancock can survive, there’s hope for us all!”
Oddly, under the heading ‘News Briefing‘ the Telegraph reports that their house cartoonist is apparently unavailable for comment: ‘Matt is away‘
Rumours that the amusing satirical sketch artist employed by the Telegraph and our psychopathic health minister are one and the same can be filed under the heading of tin foil hat conspiracy.
The BBC tells us: ‘Hospitals in England are calling for an informed debate over ending coronavirus restrictions‘ – the argument goes like this: OK, so there’s ‘no rapid spike in coronavirus admissions‘ BUT… ‘hospitals are dealing with more urgent care cases and a large backlog‘ – well, get on and do your jobs then.
Physician, heal thyself – as they used to say: ‘NHS staff to face compulsory vaccination‘ (Telegraph) implying of course that our medics have been somewhat circumspect, shall we say, in their take up of the wonderous jab.
There’s so such apparent reluctance on the part of the royals: ‘“Grateful” Kate joins jab race‘ (Sunday Express) – there are conspiracy theorists who will claim celeb vaccination photo ops are done with nothing but a saline solution. I’m willing to believe: ‘Kate’s great shot‘ (Sunday People) it’s all the pics that just happen to include random hijabed nurses that I take with a sizeable pinch of salt.
It’s funny how yesterday’s daft, politically unacceptable conspiracy can so suddenly become today’s reasonable explanation of events: ‘Wuhan lab leak is “feasible” say British spies‘ (Times)
Why was this Occam’s razor theory of how covid happened to be inaugurated at a wet market located just an old cracked test tube’s throw from the Wuham virology lab slammed in the media as the demented ravings of zenophobic idiot speaders of fake news? I think you’ll find because Donald Trump suggested it and wanted to put in a China travel ban, that’s why.
‘Catherine Zeta-Jones: I would never consider myself a beauty‘ (Telegraph) – no, of course not, luv, it was all down to yer acting ability.
We may have crashed out of the Eurovision with nul points but there’s a flush of nostalgic schoolboy pride to be had in the Mirror as they promote: ‘Free inside Panini UEFA Euro 2020 Tournament Edition stickers‘ – by the way, that’s not my typo, UEFA trademarked the thing 2020 prior to it getting postponed. There’s a future pub quiz tie-breaker question.
Quick tip for parents: by the time you’ve bought your kids all the several hundred stickers to complete the set, you’ll find it’s cost you more that the price of a ticket to the final.
Compare and contrast.
BBC news this morning. Not a mention or utterance of the health or wellbeing of the BLM activist leader shot in the head last weekend in what appeared to be a gangland spat.
Or for that matter the assailant. Who is Black. And had a gun. Banned in the UK apprently.
Now let’s remember Saint George of Floyd. An American, who died in America. That country overseas that takes about 8hrs in a plane to get to and where owning a firearm is legal.
This Floyd fella was black, a Blackman and an innocent pilar of da communidddy brutally murderded, yep murdered by an evil whitey cop.
I’m sure you all remember it, the BBC broadcast it 24/7.
Seems the BBC has found a new vehicle for Nadiya after cancelling her ‘never mind the beheadings, feel the diversity’ return to the old country.
Provisionally titled ‘Cooking Meth with Floyd’ around America.
Ends up in Washington for a girls drive by out wiv da squad and Kamala.
For the laughs.
Hope they don’t accidentally take out a sister.
WW – You’re not kidding! I awoke, unaware of the time, switched on my radio, and found the Sunday morning R4 Church Service dedicated to commemorating Saint George and ‘social justice’ for blacks, which had apparently been Christ’s mission!
I usually look forward to starting Sunday with a little Spiritual inspiration, but –grasping for the off switch, I nearly knocked over my glass of water…There was even something about ‘not being able to breathe’? Talk about milking Floyd’s death is a thing, but this is getting ridiculous?
It seems there is no escape?
On switch, forty minutes later. I’ts Paddy O’Connell, very excited about the Cummings ‘bombs’. Off switch again. Broadcasting on behalf of Labour on R4 will probably only end tonight, when ‘The Westminster Hour’ ends?
I was half asleep and went into a weird dream
..but I thought I heard the choir acting it out “I can’t breathe”, “I can’t breathe” was shouted
BBC news at 08.30 trying to convince us how wonderful ‘r any chess’ is and how hard they are all now working. So says the Head of NHS England.
And now the spin on lifting the lockdown in June and taking the MRNA Emergency Gene Therapy Jab. It’s on a knife edge and we need to be careful…
The propaganda is brazen and relentless.
And nowt on the dinghy loads of invaders or incoming flights.
But now football and the experience of the travelling European Cup team fans.
Expect more lockdowns soon……
You couldn’t make it up.
Should the cup fans be allowed back into the UK-or should they only be allowed back after having stayed in isolation for 2 weeks?
What a conundrum.
But Shayan deputising on P&Qs for Marianna as she has logged off.
No feet though.
I listen to Al Beeb only when making breakfast on Sundays, the Sunday Service, and The Whinge About the Tories (More Funding Edition…Again) followed by a bit of TWATo on weekdays when eating lunch. I generally only manage about 15 minutes of the latter but sometimes enjoy the Sunday Service. Today I switched on with the coffee machine and immediately heard a paean for the Black criminal George Floyd and ‘inhale..exhale’.
15 seconds and off.
Give it up… Bad for digestion.
Cancel the telly tax.
vlad, it was radio. I was also listening and suddenly found I needed to cut my toenails at that point – radio off and into the bathroom.
Pandy Marr trying, feebly, to stop the gobby flow of Sefcovic, the EU Commissar in charge of markets.
Marr concentrating on Article 16 and the vaccine rather than Poots having stressed that there are more checks between UK and NI than between EU and the rest of the world let alone between EU and non-EU EE, and that economic damage was being done to NI and the UK single market.
If the new Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill becomes law, and for the first time grants animals the same levels of awareness, emotions and experience of pain as human beings, at what point are we to expect the banning of Halal slaughter?
The Bill in its current form (2nd Reading) does not make any reference to Halal slaughter, as its main purpose is to establish a committe to review matters relating to animal sentience/welfare. In general, legislation on such matters specifically exempts the preparation of meat on religious grounds in licensed premises (this is the current situation in the UK). For legislation to ban or restrict Halal slaughter (strictly speaking it is called dabihah) it would also need to restrict the Jewish equivalent, called shechita. The Bill is proposed by Lord Goldsmith, who is Jewish.
My question was in a way rhetorical Ian. Thanks to the new Mrs Johnson’s aims, dubious friendships and influence, the committee will surely concentrate on aspects of game shooting and deer culling – those field sports which give pleasure and a sense of achievement to thousands but will never meet the BBC standards of approval. Except for sport fishing which the BBC is happy to promote because of the numbers and personalities involved – although that, following the report from the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation – another of Carrie’s passions – is currently under pressure too.
She’s one to watch, is that one. But Dominic knows that, to his cost.
I was just reading the newspapers on my iPad, looked up and the telly was still on after Marr. Piece about an Asian former football hooligan, luckily a Leicester City not a Tigers fan.
Having been shocked by the rise of far-left and far-right violence, he got religion…and guess which religion it was?
Now a proud Master, teacher, lecturer, author and playwright, is he a shining role model, or as Al Beeb would have us believe in their relentless propaganda, just one amongst millions?
“Having been shocked by the rise of far-left and far-right violence, he got religion …”
Sleight of hand.
This is a thinly-veiled attempt to introduce the casual viewer/listener to the notion that Islam is the ‘moderate’ choice.
The BBCs “impartial” approach to the news is in fine form this morning.
A quick perusal reveals…
Partner of Tory peer’s son held over Belize death.
They seem very keen to get some rather tenuous, but lurid association with the Conservatives, even if it is at a distance.
Man in court over Sasha Johnson shooting…After nearly a week of numerous people insinuating that this BLM activist was shot by a white supremacists, the BBC seem to be rather vague about the racial identity and motives of the suspect. We’ve been force fed the usual utter drivel spewed out by race hustlers like Diane Abbott, surely, just in the interests of fair play, the Beeb would try to put the record straight.
Sadly no…
And apparently there were “hundreds marching against oppression in Belarus…” which they tell us about, but there’s not a mention of the many tens of thousands (some say over a million) marching in London against lockdown.
If Lord Haw-Haw were alive today he’d be working for the BBC.
Fair play? The BBC? You jest, mon ami.
Jeff -You have to have some sympathy for Cameron Deriggs.
If you google Deriggs on Google. You will find a number from
South London who have been engaged in let’s say
inappropriate activities.
I am sure with better guidance Cameron could of become
at the very least a continuity voice on the BBC. I expect he
speaks very good patois. Or a step up, being on the adverts
on the TV we all now see , and love.
Did the bBC report anything about the anti-lockdown protest in London yesterday?
People had gathered from far and wide and for a variety of reasons. Some were against the vaccines, some against the introduction of vaccine passports, others against the mandatory masks and for some it was a simple opportunity to meet up with like-minded people. What united them though was their cry for their basic human rights to be restored after a year of draconian lockdowns and restrictions.
David Mitchell’s hissy fit on HIGNFY has gone viral, apparently. Perhaps that was the intention all allong. Perhaps it wasn’t a spontaneous outburst but a planned statement. What’s certain is that, as the BBC comes under pressure, they will use their considerable means to fight back, overty and covertly. They have huge expertise in the dark arts of propagsnds: they’ve been doing it for decades.
The text is below.
Note the hatred of the Tories. How very BBC.
Cynics might say young Mitchell is rattled because him and his missus are doing rather well out of the BBC as it is.
Cynics might also say it’s a clever piece of propaganda. “OK, the news is boring, but look at the other stuff, the jewels in the Crown, the comedy, the drama, the documentaries”
To which I say: the news isn’t boring so much as highly biased, as we expose here every day.
Furthermore that same bias pervades the comedy, the drama and the documentaries… everything.
Sadly, Mitchell’s points will resonate with many. The lefties of course, but even those who are redpilled enough to see the bias in the news. “We mustn’t jeopardise those wonderful soap operas, game shows and nature programmes.”
The fight will be hard.
“The thing that makes people love the BBC is not the ruddy news. The news is a boring programme. We all know it.
And in their desperate attempts to make the news watchable they have stooped to tabloid tactics and that is going to destroy a corporation that is loved for the drama and comedy and documentaries it has produced for decades.
“And the Tories will cheerfully get rid of that and use this bull**** as an excuse. And Martin Bashir may have unwittingly been the executioner of the BBC.”
Apologies for typos. Smartphones are fiddly.
I caught a little bit of R4 Toady on Sunday this morning.
Well, I say it was Toady on Sunday. It may have just been a special programme about CND and pacifism.
But lucky for the speakers, our forefathers fought and died so he/she has the freedom to express their opinion.
On the BBC late news last night Kate Silverton kept saying “army troops” had been deployed on the streets of Colombia. I had to fight down the impulse to shout “Tautology!” like the school swot.
On reflection, I suppose they feel they have to make the distinction from the “police troops” who are all too common a sight in Western societies these days.
I well remember being under the stern gaze of a traditionally uniformed, unarmed PC as a teenager, and I was well-behaved.
These days armed and armoured cops address criminals as “mate,” I presume out of fear, or possibly because they aren’t unalike!
And the progressives insist that their methods have improved us all. . .
TC, When I was a child the local Police Station would send an Officer in to my Primary School to remind us of road safety and various other safety matters. Same in the first few years of Secondary School. We would see those Officers on the beat and would then greet them by name and rank if necessary. They would always smile and say hello in return.
At middle school we competed against other schools in a police-organised quiz. We also had occasional visits whenever trouble with the school up the road threatened to break out.
Road safety was courtesy of an elderly (to us) gent with a scarily loud voice. His impersonations of road accidents (“BANG!”) had every kid in the room jumping out of their seat!
Trick – to ‘ army troops ‘add ‘train station ‘ …
For those interested the DT has a piece on skys’ position with Brillo news on the way – there is a survey which over 20000 replies have been made asking whether readers will be watching Brillo TV
The response is 88% yes – suggesting a Telegraph TV station – however woke the DT is going …
No more DT cut and pastes from me .
Its relentless. I generally like to have Songs of Praise on in the background – mainly to hear the old hyms again that I sung in school and which are rarely heard now. This week it was from Newstead Abbey in Notts. Then I heard the word that’s used in every other BBC programme – ‘slavery’, which accompanied an item on a well known solicitor in the area amassing a fortune in the sugar trade. We cant even listen to some good old music now without a history lesson in how godawful we are. Any chance we can attack Italian tv and demand compensation for what the Roman invaders did to our population ???
Looking at the published photo of Princess Nut Nuts in her wedding dress, with flowers in her hair.
Just wondering if the wedding should have taken place somewhere else. Say, early morning on June 21st at Stonehenge.
Stand by for araft of new eco-warrior collectivist policies from our pretend individualistic, market economy, government.
Thanks to your post I just looked that up.
Where’s she taking Boris on honeymoon? Summerisle?
You know what happened to Edward Woodward. . .
But Summer Is A Cummin(gs) In.
4pm R4 book show
Presenter : Johny_Pitts whose black father was in a New York soul band grew up in Sheffield
Guest1 : Tahmima Anam born in Bangladesh, grew up in New York, now Hackney
Guest2 : Mateo Askaripour Born to a Jamaican mother and an Iranian father, Askaripour grew up in New York.
Talks about his book Black Buck about a guy who is the first and only African American employee in a New York tech startup
prog also features deaf blogger Deafinitely Girly who helped a West Midlands crime writer with his deaf character
then 4:30pm Poetry show is part 2 of 3 about an iranian type of verse
“We meet Syima Aslam, director of Bradford Literature Festival, who tells us about the importance of the ghazal to her community.
Our Guest poet, award winning poet writer Mona Arshi describes how her experimental English ghazals draw on the Indian and Spanish traditions,
and Afghan refugee poet Suhrab Sirat explains why the ghazal has given him a home in language“
BBC Web page has the heart-warming story of how a 12-year old Afghan boy has become an architect. He said, “The amount of help I got here was tremendous”. Well yes, besides being fostered by two “ethnic” professionals (and I assume being paid the £400 per week fostering grants) he would have, as being the responsibility of the country, got his university education free of charge and getting a maintenance grant too.
But it is nice to see a success story. Now, perhaps, for the sake of balance for which the BBC is so famous (/sarc) they could do a programme about certain towns where over 80% of the women do not work and over 60% of the men are on benefits.
The ONS, at the touch of a button, could show a colour map of the UK by post-code comparing benefits (excluding state pensions for which the vast majority of recipients have contributed) paid against taxes collected. This would answer, at a stroke the question of whether immigration is beneficial or not, just like the election audit in Arizona would show, once and for all, that Joe Biden was legitimately elected.
But for some reason the Social Justice Warriors in this country and the Democrats in the USA don’t want either to happen. I wonder why not?
As we are continuously told by the bbbc and the rest of the wokerati, our enrichers pay in more than they take out and are a net benefit.
I think the best thing we could do for all these third world Countries where everyone is starving and in dire poverty would be to send them all our enrichers to vastly improve their living standards just as we are told they do here for us.
I think we would just about be able to manage if about 5-10 million of the enrichers were to go somewhere else (to enrich them instead of us)
We shouldn’t keep all of them for ourselves (like the vaccines)
Share them out. You could shift the lot to Africa for example and I sure they would enrich them and make Africa seriously wealthy very quickly.
(Unless somebody is telling us lies)
Enrichment appears to have different forms.
The main one in ascendancy in the west is frankly not one I feel adds much of benefit.
This is of course based on stats. Once Marianna has logged back on it might be worth asking her to check.
Hope she has not been hiking round Morocco or Malmo taking selfies with the sun in her blonde locks.
The R4 charity appeal is on 3 or 4 times each week
This week it’s black footballer Andy Cole
Mostly guests are BAME ..6 of the last 10 were
9:30pm “Shahidha Bari explores the influence of Michel Foucault in Britain.”
dunno seems he is based in Marxist Feminism and talk avout patriarchy etc.
… and here I thought he was going to talk about his pendulum
I think it clashes with a programme about slavery on a different BBC channel . Never mind . Theyll repeat it and repeat it and …,
From my limited exposure to the BBC i notice that they are putting that Gordon Brown up to suggest the entire remaining wealth of blighty be spent vaccinating to rest of the planet .
These characters never run out of schemes to make us poorer and put them on an ever higher moral cloud
( see blair , milliband …)
Fed, I listened to the 7 a.m. News and noticed that Gordy used the rather sinister phrase – and did it in a way that sounded extra sinisterly to me – “No-one is safe until we are all safe.” Gordy sounded just like a Mafia Don!
I also endured Jonny Disjointed on TWoTWeeee and he brought Alan Johnson (Lab – exMP & Minister) on to talk about the Cummings Revelations. Alan Johnson – a Beeb favourite – applied a whitewash brush with copious amounts of whitewash to Gordon Brown’s handling of Mexican Swine ‘flu’. And while liars are in the frame (hHancock’s h h hHard Week, and all that) I also noted that Alan Johnson, appeared to lie on air by stating in effect that that Mexican Swine ‘flu’ was the first time a virus had raised its head since Spanish ‘flu’ after WW1. Either that or Johnson is developing amnesia or dementia and has forgotten both Chicken ‘flu’ and Bird ‘flu’ – originating in China – at the start of the twenty-first century.
I am sure I heard Blair recently talking about SARS – what he said caught me because I was due to be in Hong Kong on the taxpayers dime at the time so got blocked ‘for health reasons ‘.
Anyway – I heard Blair say he ‘got away with SARS ‘because he took a look at it and said ‘risk it ‘ not make any preparations in the UK and ‘hope for the best ‘….very candid I think . Was the post man in the cabinet at the time …?
Cannot remember, Fed, think he may a have been a Junior Minister, just checked the Wiki. Appointed Minister of State for Universities 2003. I also remember Chicken ‘flu’ because friends were adopting an unwanted Chinese girl at the time and were worried that they might not be able to collect her.
SARS was a natural virus. It had not been subject to gain of function research to make it particularly dangerous to humans.
Rob – I just recall Blair said he ‘winged it ‘ and just hoped it would be okay . Perhaps the mentality of those last winter who didn’t prepare was the same . The difference being that the Devil looked after his own – Blair .
EG “As we are continuously told by the bbbc and the rest of the wokerati, our enrichers pay in more than they take out and are a net benefit.”
Yeah right.
Total Benefit is capped supposedly
In a couple or have children and live outside London £384.62 a week
In a couple or have children and live in London £442.31 a week *
Single and live outside London £257.69 a week
Single and live in London £296.35 a week
* Equivalent to £1,916.67 per month £23K/year
“You can usually claim universal credit if you’re granted: refugee status”
More detail for this case
“The man has a 2 bed flat in Hampstead, London.
Living in a poor area is not good enough for him”
The poster has more info in his recent tweets
Asylum seekers don’t get Universal Credit.
The evil Al Beeb is coming to an end . Give up and post some of Al Beeb’s Bias instead of trolling .
Where have you been?, the Full Moon has gone its now waning , just like you and Al Beeb.
“The evil Al Beeb is coming to an end”
I wouldn’t get too excited just yet, taffman;
“UK stuck with BBC licence fee until 2038 after broadband rollout failure, say MPs”
“Britain is stuck with the licence fee until 2038 because the Government’s failure to roll out super-fast broadband has left no viable alternative, MPs have concluded.”
Perhaps you should have voted to support Jeremy Corbyn’s tax payer funded super-fast broadband policy.
Something tells me that recent “events” will alter that? Stay tuned maxi, stay tuned …………………..
6pm Countryfile : any Islington PR buzzwords ?
Llŷn Peninsula, North Wales
– plans for a major *blue energy* project that involves harnessing the power of the tide
(tidal power is difficult cos the sea generally smashes up the machinery ..startups do i for the subsidy grants)
This may tackle energy issues, but what do residents make of it ?
…. and what will be the impact on wildlife and fishing?
– helping to check the health of a critical crop of *carbon-capturing* sea grass
– launching new research into mountain goats
– hoping for a close encounter with angel sharks to find out why they are appearing more frequently in Welsh waters.
(Probably aren’t, we just have better detection rather than Global Warming)
– Adam on the success of the rare breeds revival
– Tom Heap investigates planning loopholes that could see park holiday homes become permanent residences and *threaten* some of the most beautiful parts of our countryside.
(Surely homes that are used 365 are better, than dead winter business ?)
BBC Countryfile already did a PR article for that “Blue Energy” corp in November
Bloody hell. It’s alright by me…..we’re going to need one of those ‘chalets’ to live in soon!
The media world perhaps don’t have to worry about that?!
12/11/2020 Nova Innovation has secured £1.2 million in backing from the Welsh Government for its Enlli tidal energy project in north Wales.
16 Jul 2020 Nova Innovation wins share of £1.4m wave energy funding
7 Aug 2017 Nova Innovation nets £265k grant
Nov 21, 2016 Scottish tidal energy specialist Nova Innovation awarded grant of €2.25m (£1.9m) by European Commission to develop new technology.
Be interesting to know who has made how much from this jamboree so far!
Tonight’s Telly
9pm BBC1 Ten year of Call the Midwife a docomentary special after today’s episode
9pm BBC2 Brian Cox : extra-terrestrial life
Bottomline : The universe is so big of course ET exists
The universe is so big of course ET probably won’t get to us.
7-10pm BBC Retro Children’s TV night
Any Pandy, Blue Peter , Bagpuss etc.
Never to be seen on al beeb …
What are the top issues facing Black Americans today? The left claims it is white supremacy and racial discrimination, but is that the truth?
Taleeb Starkes, author of Amazon #1 bestseller Black Lies Matter, sits down with Candace Owens to discuss the tactics of the racial grievance industry.
Candace is great.
That embedded video no longer shows up on my screen here, as if it has been deleted off Facebook.
However when I check I still see that at 4pm Sunday PragerU posted it on their Facebook page ..and it does work there.
(BTW when I looked at the html here the Facebook link came up as massive, about 150 lines)
There is the Youtube version from Dec 2019
FLower seller stabbed to death in London.
Police appeal for witnesses.
He was seen in an altercation with another man.
A man was seen running away.
No description of the man.
Islington flower seller Tony Eastlake 55 stabbed to death near his stall
– on Saturday afternoon while trying to prevent mugging
now 9pm on channel-All-4 repeat of the doco about Bashir and BBC Panorama.
Max Hastings claiming Diana told her their was a great plot against her
he didn’t think it was credible and that she got into thinking things, cos she wasn’t very bright.
New Thread Time
One last thing : new Nintendo advert, older black family
Father, mother, grown up son