Endless rolling tributes to Saint Floyd of Fentanyl on the BBC ‘news’ channel.
I wonder if anyone at the Propaganda Corporation really believes their own crap or cares?
Or is it like in Stalin’s Soviet Union or current N Korea, where you MUST be seen to be clapping the loudest at the Dear Leader’s bullshit, or waving your fist hardest at the imperialist running dogs… OR ELSE!!
“Sooo, BBC news department, we notice you haven’t been covering Saint George 24/7…
You wouldn’t be… RACIST by any chance would you?”
(gasps of horror and crashing crescendo of dramatic music.)
And now they can prove their ideological purity by throwing Tulsa into the mix, thereby further adding fuel to the fire, inflaming racial tensions and reinforcing victimhood and rage.
If the BBC doesn’t provoke full-scale race riots, it won’t be for lack of trying.
I think the initial issue was ‘ something has to be done ‘ and when other governments got hit the reaction was to lock down – followed by a domino effect .
There was an assumption that everyone else was dealing with it better – except countries like Italy which really put the frighteners on
So much is being written about this . There will be separate book shelves of covid related books .
The major motion pictures must already be in production – tom hanks as biden – tony hopkins as the real president …
The damage is done now – without the effective vaccines where would we be ?
Isobel Oakshott on the Sky newspreview last night was the voice of reason. She was faced with the question of how deaths were up 3%, and then she said “yes, thats ONE !” She rightly says that quoting percentages (to a largely dim public) always sounds far more frightening than actual numbers per 100,000.
Unlike some on this site, I cannot join in the Government-bashing over Covid. They are in an impossible, unwinnable situation, between a rock and a hard place.
The only sure thing is that if they’re not seen to be doing enough, their enemies wii be queuing up to accuse them of murdering X thousands of men, women and children. (And thats just their enemies at the BBC, never mind Labour.)
So in a fiendishly complex situation, they HAVE to err on the side of caution, eg lifting lockdown dates etc.
Maybe, and most people might have agreed with that last year. But much of the wounds are now self-inflicted and arising from cowardice, incompetence and indecision.
It is nearly June 6th, which will be 77th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Imagine how the current government would handle it now:
“We can’t do it! What if the some of the rubber dinghies used by the Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable People ™ are unable to cross the Channel because of all our boats?”
“We need to cancel, in case our soldiers get wet or find themselves in danger.”
“Our invasion force is not diverse enough. There is not a single trans division taking part.”
“The landing craft must be powered by sustainable energy”
“Isn’t this just about Naziphobia and hatred of the Germans? What gives us the authority when we are led by a wicked racist in the form of Winston Churchill?”
“Good evening. This is the BBC news for Monday the 5th of June”.
“Troops are amassing on the southern coast of England in preparation for an invasion of Normandy in France tomorrow morning.” “Now over to our Defence Correspondent, Richard Dimbleby”.
RD: “Some say this is an operation that should never be attempted. On the one side we have the excellent defences created by Field Marshall Rommel and on the other a disorganised, poorly equipped rabble, goaded on by Winston Churchill, a self-important man seeking to make a place for himself in history”.
I tend to agree with your assessment of the situation. I strongly suspect that our elected representatives are being blackmailed by a bunch of unelected people who are pushing a very dangerous agenda.
Halifax – are you about? You were obviously someone very badly affected by Covid – I wonder what your view of the vaccine is?
I watched the 6pm news on BBC1 (at 6.30) and saw how hard they are pushing for the further opening on June 21st to be put back. But we know how the BBC hates the government and will say black is white rather than say the government is doing the right thing. Several times the reported repeated that business’ want certainty. Of course they do – but this isn’t a BBC script and however much we all would like certainty, the virus hasn’t read the script. I can picture the BBC in the early days of the war (ie the phoney war) demanding to known whether Hitler was definitely going to invade and demanding to know whether the government would send in the army if Hitler did invade.
BBC News Channel, reporters encourage women to cry because their babies were removed due to forced adoption during post war periods when Labour were in Government. They now demand an apology from Boris Johnson.
Good question Steve. *Turning Point UK have lost the plot if they consider For Britain to be far right. For Britain is essentially what the Conservatives ought to be (and the Conservatives know it – hence the smears).
Calling For Britain 'far right' is absolutely laughable.
Alan Titchmarsh, the embodiment of all things BBC. Poor baby, doesn’t want one of those horrid, smelly, environmentally unfriendly brexit-voting incinerators near to his licence -fee funded bit of millionaires row. Rather have all the crap dumped in your precious third world? Or in landfill? Or the Oceans and rivers? I live a few miles from a properly designed, maintained and regulated incinerator. To my knowledge there has never been a problem with pollution. I use exercise routes through this area. I have never experienced an air quality problem. Never any smell or throat problems. Emissions, such as they are, are vented clean. You get more emissions from someone’s wood-burner. Titchmarsh. Tit, more like.
Despite being loved by the BBC, he is not particularly well liked outside their confines. Rude and offhand are just a couple of comments I’ve heard from many about him. As was the late Cilla Black – the darling of prime time Beeb, but the backroom crew were less than complimentary.
The head dog put his paws up on the little ticket window and asked for three standing tickets. The lady behind the glass said, “Why are you and your chums wanting to listen to classical music, go on, clear off and don’t come back”?
The head dog took a quick lick of his backside and turned back to the lady…
“Madam, we know quite a lot about classical music! I Bach, he Offenbach, and this is Debussy”!
(There was a post about the Proms earlier here, but I missed some of it so here is this absolute gem for free, for anyone to use as they wish, when they’re in decent company, or maybe on a train, or a bus).
I was told by a Nurse that any doctor, who is deemed a danger to the patients due to incompetence, is promoted to an administrative job. They then get paid three times more than as a doctor. So it looks like the more incompetent they are, the more bitter they become, therefore the more left-wing they become, ending up as a highly paid Marxist on the SAGE Committee. The money comes from reducing the number of beds.
In 1948 there were 480,000 hospital beds. Between 2010 and 2020, the total number of NHS hospital beds decreased by 11% from 144,455 to 128,935. In 1989, there were 500 senior NHS Administrators, in 1994, there were 20,000 senior NHS Administrators. By 1998, there were almost 50,000 senior NHS Administrators, while the number of Nurses increased by over 7 percent, and the number of beds fell by 25 percent. The number of NHS administrators increased at three times the rate of nurses between 1998 and 2008. In 2010, the workforce of Administrators in the NHS was growing six times as quickly as the number of nurses, 374 NHS Administrators are now paid between £150,000 and £478,000. (The Prime Minister is paid £160,000). The pay statistics show there are now more than 2,000 Administrators within the NHS in England who are being paid six-figure salaries. By comparison, a new hospital doctor gets paid around £35,000, while nurses average £33,540. The average senior manager now receives £80,357.
The NHS started out with a thousand times more beds than Administrators, but by 2003, the number of NHS Administrators, overtook the number of NHS beds.
So stay at home to save NHS Administrators on the SAGE committee, because the NHS hasn’t the beds to cope with a real flue epidemic anymore. The NHS has probably now lost the ability to cope with the normal death rate.
So NHS Administrators reducing the number of NHS beds, has justified a permanent Lockdown, and created more money and power for NHS Administrators to rule Britain from important positions on the SAGE committee.
So it looks like NHS Administrators have trampled over Boris and taken over the role formally held by the European Commission.
It’s not just the Anychess, it’s any Public Service you can think of, Civil Service, Local Government, Police etc. I’m sure people can add to this never ending list.
Fed, we could hope for the ‘R’ word, no not the Covid infection rate, the Reform of the NHS. Bojo’s and Hancock’s eyes should have been opened to a few realities about our beloved NHS by now. The BBC are blind to all that, of course despite endless strings of Health Editors, Health Correspondents and other journos dedicated to the meds.
BBC news
– project fear some mouth called prof Gupta says delay end of lockdown – doesn’t talk about the morale effect or suicides
Something about bongo bongo land ( Nigeria ) kidnapping kids again
Benefits – rent arrears – government must get money out again
Project fear – virus research
Bit of American history about coloureds getting killing 100 years ago – need a statue or a stamp or apology – delete as applicable
Off switch came then as I really really could care less …back to the sunshine –
After watching that no wonder there are more ‘mental issues ‘
C4 news has there own doom and gloom expert saying we are all gonna die . Project fear is alive .
I think I can see how it will go for 21 June – there will be a ‘lock down ‘ but not a lock down – enough regulation to upset every one – but keep the MSM bitching ….this stuff really needs to be avoided . People – I think – have had enough .
Referring to the hairdressing thing earlier, Mrs Voter was watching the Tennis on the gogglebox this afternoon. One of the players was Heather Watson, who arrived on the scene some years ago. She appeared to be your usual tennis player, you know pushy parents, lot’s of brass, members of the local tennis club etc. Well what got me, was the fact that she now sports afro style hair. I.e not straightened as it used to be. Has any one noticed that in the last couple of years all the bames that were in the public eye now have to be identified as black rappers, witness Lewis Hamilton.
The silence from BBC News and Sky News is deafening after up to 1 million people marched for your Freedom on May 29th
The Freedom March happened this weekend just gone, and although the Mail and the Grauniad ran an article about protectors ‘invading’ a shopping mall in Shepherds Bush, they did not run anything about the size of the march.
I believe the BBC have a facility at or near Shepherds bush and must have been aware of it taking place and the scale of it. Unless there was a government D notice then the scale of the cover up is quite simply terrifying.
Even Google doesn’t appear to want to give results covering this march.
The fact is that at 3 am Sunday morning on BBC radio5 Live right after the news a caller had a long speech about going on the march last week and saying the media won’t cover it this weeks march.
The BBC presenter let him speak freely, which meant he went over the top on his claims
..like saying “1,000 people have already died, today’s march had three quarters of a million people, no a million !”
This made him sound like a fantasist.
Then right at the end “he read a seemingly prepared script saying everything the caller said was fake news”
I do hate it when people deal with a complicated situation by saying “it’s a conspiracy” and then giving no proper evidence.
..cos that is lazy thinking
… “There is something strange, that edition of the Jim Davis show is NOT on Iplayer, yet the next episode is. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09dvxnp
oops my error that’s the the wrong link, that’s the Jim Davis show from 4 week ago, not last Sunday morning, so that explained why it’s no longer on iplayer
Pretty obvious D notice stuff . I reckon we never know about most D notices because the subject never comes to light . But when there are large numbers of witnesses how can they fully cover it up ?
The government doesn’t want covid dissent
Certain racial groups being blamed for spread new variants
Certain groups avoiding vaccination – third world illegals and the like
The screw ups made by the NHS infecting patients or failing to manage outbreaks
The failure of track and trace
Border control
Let’s just hope it’s going to be a little more accurate than their attempt at dramatizing the life of Anne Boleyn.
OMG have you seen the adverts for this drivel? A black Anne Boleyn! FFS!
I find this both offensive and deeply disturbing. They’re not content with robbing me of my present culture, they’re also invading my past culture as well.
How is it that if a daft white bimbo pop star has her hair in dreadlocks, or some gobby chef cooks jerk chicken, there are questions in the house? It’s amazing, but predictable.
Either Dawn Butler or the idiots Abbott and Lammy will jump up and accuse all and sundry of “cultural appropriation.”
But a black Anne Boleyn, oh don’t worry old boy, perfectly okay…nothing to work up a sweat about. It’s only English history after all.
I dread to think what Queen Elizabeth the first will look like…
In the Telegraph today some ‘academic’ writes that there were plenty of blacks in Tudor England, as many as 200 ! The population was about 3 million then so given the population is about 23 times higher today that would pro rata up to less than 5000 . I think everyone would be happy with that. It just goes to show how lucky Anne was that Henry fancied a bit of a change from white girls. Perhaps it goes with the names. Mind you I think that the latter day Harry will find it harder to rid himself of this one.On the other hand I’m sure that in school rooms across the country teachers will be explaining that the execution of Anne, who was black because it was on telly , is an example of white patriarchy.
I totally agree Jeff that it feels, and has felt for a few decades, that our country , it’s culture and history is being stolen from us and the worst of it is that the invasion has been planned and executed by our own leadership who actively suppress any resistance from the indigenous population.
Jeff, many of these ‘colour-blind’ dramas have been pushed front and centre by a production company known as Shondaland. Owned by one Shonda Rhimes, – Bridgerton and this version of Anne Boleyn came under her remit. So we can expect more. Its almost as though two fingers are being shown to us white and privileged.
Arthur Scargill started with a small house and a big union, ended up with a big house and no union. It is not universally known but Scargill never worked below ground.
It was a pretty one sided documentary, all about the reactions and emotions of striking miners. From what I remember of the dispute, it was primarily about the ego of one man – Arthur Scargill. His ambition was to be chief commissar of the Soviet Republic of Britain, and he was quite prepared to use miners and their families to further that ambition.
Londoner – it struck me that it needs a kind of ‘world at war ‘ approach to documentary – not 26 episodes but maybe 13 – there’s enough material and a few of the players are still about – including kinnock senior – unfortunately ….
Maybe the comrades at the BBC can make it – with an episode on trannies in Derbyshire pit villages …
new from Crimebodge : “Man gets 5 years for having 3 lawful books and THE WRONG VIEWS”
He asserts that the establishment are so desperate to even up the balance of Muslim terrorists by finding these largely mythical hordes of “Far right” terrorists, that they manufacture a “terrorist2
In this case a nut who wasn’t a member of any terrorist org, had no terrorist plans
… but did openly collect Nazi memorabilia and had downloaded 3 books which are NOT actually illegal
but they charged him with terrorist offences anyway and successfully prosecuted him
The seemingly left wing judge jailing him for a longer term, than the terms he gave actual Muslim terrorists who had been violent.
… And if they send him to a terrorist prison, he could end up incited to terrorism by the experience.
Commenters then pleaded with CrimeBodge to look at Judge Jeremy Lee
– A mother says he ignored her clear evidence of child abuse by her husband against her sons Oct 2020 testimony video
From the outside it’s “She said, he said stuff”
I don’t know the evidence
but Her Twitter has more Her Richie Allen show episode
The opportunities for self-promotion and publicity are dwindling as the number of people dying drops away to nothing.
We will see more and more increasingly desperate attempts to grab the spotlight by academics until the vaccination is complete and the media lose interest.
“How climate change could be making our mental health worse
Mitzi from the Philippines has nightmares that she will drown in her bedroom.
She’s one of many people whose mental health has been impacted by extreme weather events, like floods and typhoons, made more likely by climate change.
(via BBC World Service)”
I’ve been in the Philippines I have never seen such a country for natural disasters.
They have them all the time
There are weather ones , like floods, typhoons
but seems most are not weather related
rather they’re volcano, earthquakes, tsunamis
No bBbc, the mental health of a whole generation is being made worse by you, the bBbc, by you and the rest of our manipulative media scum continually shit-stirring, doom-mongering, exaggerating and sensationalising a non-existent climate ‘crisis’.
Your incessant and opportunistic exploitation of so many easily influenced young, purely for the financial gain and political kudos of the privileged few, through the regurgitation of poorly researched churnalism and agenda-driven lies and misinformation is what is depressing the shit out of them, not the weather.
They have them all the time here in Thailand too. Particularly flooding. And it’s always the poor who live in shacks by the river who suffer.
But the Left don’t care about that. They have to be victims of the capitalist Right and no self-respecting Lefty is complete without some cause to satisfy his shallow and self-obsessed character that he is morally superior to everyone else.
Hence everything has to be blamed on climate change when the truth is they vary enormously from year to year.
The role of media over staffing, desperation for content and grief porn obsession cannot be ignored.
Did Mitzi call into BBC Manila during a break at the call centre, or did a BBC moppet pop on her biker flip flops and head off on her Honda to search for the perfect Vox pop?
Both seem to avoided the topic of ferries, which tip over a lot out there due to physics.
I’ve noticed that ‘Have Your Say’ comments are rarer than hen’s teeth now. Exclusively reserved for football and bad-news-Brexit. I haven’t seen anything which people actually care about opened by OUR BBC for quite a while.
Checking today, I find one is open. The topic ?.
‘Morecambe will play in the Football League’s third tier for the first time in their history, after Carlos Mendes Gomes’ contentious penalty sent them to League One at Newport County’s expense.’
A game from League 2 no less.
Complete with picture featuring 2 black players in the foreground.
Another gentle form of fascism. Oppress opinions you don’t like.
The ‘Must See’ section has a new entry today:
‘The couple keeping black wall street alive’ https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-57309938
It’s the Tulsa story again. This time with the usual BBC treatment of mournful piano music and every trick in the book to pull your heartstrings.
Just watch the video : it’s hard to imagine a more desperate attempt to rake up racist attitudes from 100 years ago and try to make them current again.
I wonder if we are going to have any re-enactments of the deaths of the thousands of black people killed by other black people. What about a dramatisation of the young girl shot in the head in a drive-by shooting ignored by the media while the career-criminal George Floyd was being martyred ?.
And another one:
Kingstanding stabbing: Hunt for attackers after boy 14, stabbed to death https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-birmingham-57311581
No description of the attackers or the victim.
If you have any information about these people who they are not telling you anything about, please call the police.
Taking bets now. Anyone want to take a chance that any of the people doing the stabbing were white ?.
Does the “game changing” vaccine work or not ?
Come mid June will there be another third wave coming down the track. It could be the ‘Hs2 variant’ that will complete the wrecking of our economy? Employment will go through the roof with thousands of unqualified kids leaving school.
Does the “game changing” vaccine work or not ?
Come mid June will there be another third wave coming down the track. It could be the ‘Hs2 variant’ that will complete the wrecking of our economy? Unemployment will go through the roof with thousands of unqualified kids leaving school.
The Japanese tennis star, who refused media interviews at the French Open, said she had “suffered long bouts of depression” since winning her first Grand Slam title in 2018.
Intriguing the link between those with mental issues, odd behaviour, activist leanings and media coverage seem to be constantly on the BBC.
She’ll be next either demanding she plays in the Men’s or sporting pink and blue hair. Or maybe insisting her real achievement is her natural Japanese hair.
Which will send the girls at the bbc wild. Plus the women.
A Londoner has offered her spare room to someone in need through the charity @RoomForRefugees
She now houses a bright and amicable student from a #refugee background and who, like her, is vegetarian and shares an interest in fashionhttps://t.co/5ZgtPOIShZ
Sometimes you read a headline in our left-leaning press and – providing you have your wits about you – you just know a false narrative is being pushed.
‘Police fail to tackle racism by officers‘ (‘i’)
‘Concerns at far-right activity in UK military‘ (Guardian)
I’m reminded of John Cleese as Basil Fawlty, on one occasion caught by one of his Torquay hotel guests in an embarassing situation cowering in their wardrobe – unable to articulate any feasible explanation for his eccentric behaviour instead he extemporises “Oh, my god, look over there!”
Not content with claiming our city statues, street names, stately homes, the proms, universities, football, the countryside, farming, etc, etc, the list goes on and on… are all racist, the tiny obsessive politically motivated groups pushing these notions and crucially their friends in the media, have set their sights on delegitimising law and order and defence.
Behind the ‘i’ report is a Freedom of Information Request telling us little more than the cops get a lot of claims of racism made against them and not many of those allegations result in sackings. Quite obviously you can take that data and apply it in one of two ways. Either the police are very racist and are covering their own backs or perhaps people who find themsleves on the wrong side of the law are shouting racist!
The campaign group which the ‘i’ newspaper politely terms a “charity” turns out to be “drug law group” Release. Besides their interest in narcotics and other presently illegal street drugs they run a “Stop & Search Project” and also are interested in “Sex Workers’ Rights” Legalise it, they’ll advertise it.
You may be interested to know Release are proud to claim Lloyds Bank among their funders.
Lloyds charity work tends to be of this tokenistic form and centred on sexy issues rather than being broadly philanthropic toward their actual customers: ‘Lloyds fined £64m for unfair treatment of mortgage customers. City watchdog rules bank mishandled cases of 526,000 customers who fell into difficulties‘ (Guardian July 2020)
I wonder if you have an account with Lloyds?
The Guardian cause for concern report on the army quotes campaign group Hope Not Hate as concerned the military was not following through with their zero tollerance promise against “active far right extremists” – scary sounding but in fact a fairly loose term. Judging by their website one Boris Johnson would seem to fall into their definition of that broad category of people they dislike politically. A rather hangdog expressioned pic of the PM appears above their caption: ‘Tory Islamophobia report: our response‘
Funding for Hope Not Hate is a little opaque but we do find this slim reassurance: ‘HNH is funded by parochial money, charitable trusts, trade union funding and individual donations. HNH receives no government or EU funding‘ (Wikipedia) – I should hope not. I’d hate it if they did.
Hot on the heels of Corbyn demanding all landlords fund his core voters’ fag, Buckfast and Benidorm habits, here’s the BBC running with a very BBC stirring headline.
The BBC Moaning Emole sees an outing, 75 miles round trip mix, by an old friend doubtless able as a Chief to now morally justify and bbc afford his Tesla after ditching the motor for show.
Why electric cars will take over sooner than you think
You probably haven’t driven one yet, let alone seriously contemplated buying one, so the prediction may sound a bit bold but bear with me. We are in the middle of the biggest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford’s first production line started in 1913.
And it is likely to happen much more quickly than you imagine. Many industry observers believe we have already passed the tipping point where sales of electric vehicles will very rapidly overwhelm petrol and diesel cars. It is certainly what the world’s big car makers think.
Read full analysis >
Justin Rowlatt
Chief environment correspondent
Given the not full analysis does not cover purchase costs, rare Earth shortages, charging issues and grid supplies, maybe he should stick to flying to exotic places to emote?
I live in a long cul-de-sac of terraced houses around 400 yards long. Every evening there is a scramble to even find a space to park with some houses having multiple cars, teenage kids driving etc.
There are no public parking areas anywhere near where charging points could be installed.
I guess when the new EV revolution becomes law we will just be banned from driving en-masse?
“I guess when the new EV revolution becomes law we will just be banned from driving en-masse?”
Got it in one. That is the plan. EVs are too expensive and impractical for most people.
Bonking Boris has the effrontery to think he can “ban” the sale of ICE cars by 2030, without increasing the country’s capacity to generate electricity to power millions of EVs. Windmills do not count. It is a thoroughly decadent policy which will lead to a total collapse in support of the Conservative Party, which will be well deserved.
This caught my eye as the main headline has a Brexit-blame in it: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-57310154
‘Dominos said Brexit uncertainty and pandemic hires departing were responsible for the shortage’.
So in I went to see how they managed to blame Brexit:
Not a peep through the whole lot. What has happened is that all the hairdressers have taken part-time jobs (along with claiming furlough I am willing to bet) and now they can go back to hairdressing, they are telling the likes of McDonalds where to stick it.
The only other reason the actual staff gave was that they have had such an easy time on furlough, they really don’t want to go back to such a sh!t job. I expect employment will pick up once they have spent their furlough money.
Quite how they can blame Brexit is beyond me. Particularly as the very first thing mentioned in the main headline. All those leaving the UK because of Brexit will be long gone by now. It’s all consequences of the pandemic.
Maybe they blame Brexit because when we were in the EU they had an endless supply of poor people from Eastern Europe willing to work for minimum wage (or less).
You would think that trade unions and the Labour Party would oppose a system which gives bosses access to limitless cheap labour. But you would be wrong.
47% of Conservative Party members believed that Islam is “a threat to the British way of life”, while 58% believed that “there are no-go areas in Britain where Sharia law dominates and non-Muslims cannot enter”. This is a grave concern, writes @ItsSaraTor
It’s a fact that Muslims are told not to go to the police. They are told any issues are to be sorted out according to Sharia law by the local religious leaders.
But – in true Lefty style – it’s been mixed in with other information so as an overall statement, it can be said it’s not true.
And Islam has already changed the British way of life by it’s terrorists. One example is venues not happening because of insurance costs.
“Islam has already changed the British way of life by its terrorists. One example is venues not happening because of insurance costs.”
Don’t forget all those ‘pillars of Islam’ guarding pedestrian zones in town centres and the disappearance of ‘kiss and go’ parking at airports and stations.
Bbbc radio newcastle this morning going flat out to stop the ending of the lockdown on the 21st.
They have had a string of scientists, experts, doctors, professors, medical people and the like and every one has the same message, don’t end the lockdown on the 21st.
Not one view from the other side of course.
Still, we had one death yesterday which is somehow connected to covid so…..if it saves one life etc.
When all diseases have vanished and everybody lives forever, will that be enough for the bbbc and their specially picked scientists who hold the ‘correct’ view?
Oh dear – more murder
Daniel Boulton: Man wanted after woman and child found dead in Louth https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-57313745
This guy even gets his name in the headline and a full face picture at the top of the article.
And would you believe he is black ??. No ?. Neither would I. And he isn’t.
Seems the BBC choose not to report this boat parade for memorial day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CqYHfezBo8&ab_channel=USHub
And this interesting video popped up after it. Sky news in Australia seems somewhat different to ours. Can you imagine anything like that on the news here ?.
I’ve said it many times: we need a Sky News Aus here, instead of our feeble Sky, indistinguishable from the Beeb.
Sadly, I’m not convinced GB News will be it. Neil will be constantly constrained by worries about being labelled right wing, or far right.
A commentator (BBC or Guardian, I forget) once called Douglas Murray ‘the thinking man’s racist’. Neil will forever be dodging such slurrs, and trying to maintain mainstream respectability. But in today’s climate, to speak the truth on many matters means you cannot remain respectable to polite society, you have to go over to the dark side.
The Social Workers Party front – Unite Against Fascism – which provides the ideology for the BBC, are already referring to ordinary Tories as far right.
Brillo’s bunch will soon be labelled far right and later as fascists.
And this despite the grovelling reports they will produce on Islamists.
The lockdown loving BBC dislikes Brazil’s president Bolsonaro with a passion and takes every opportunity to criticize his easy-going Covid policies. Yet, Peru has had one of the longest and strictest lockdowns of any country in the world so please see fourth para below.
From today’s BBC website:
Peruvians had long suspected they weren’t getting the true picture of the country’s dire coronavirus situation from the government.
The revised figure for Covid-19 related deaths shows they were right to be doubtful. In fact, the government has admitted the real number is more than twice the previous figure.
A government working group of experts, formed to analyse Peru’s data, published the revised figures after establishing broader criteria by which deaths from coronavirus were recorded.
Now that the narrower definition has been abandoned, the country’s per capita death toll is in fact much higher than Brazil’s.
“Sinéad O’Connor: My life is actually really boring.”
A good place to end the interview, I’d have thought.
But wait, the ghastly singer is now a muslima called Shuhada Sadaqat, and, as one of the Chosen Few – the BBC’s favourite cult – deserving of reverential attention.
Not BBC – but can anyone remember when the Chinese virus crisis began ? ( actually don’t bother ) . But guess what – on 1 June 2021 Heathrow airport has opened a terminal for people coming from ‘red zones ‘ .. 400 plus days late ….
I think some text got chopped off that slide. Here is what the original might have been:
Vaccines alone won’t stop Covid spreading – here’s why:
The people in this picture do not really consider themselves to be British and don’t really think they have to follow the laws and rules made by the British government. Hence they do what they want – which has led to COVID hotspots in all the places they have displaced white people. They are allowed to do this because we at the BBC and Lammy will call them racists if they target these hotspots. They won’t have the vaccine because they never bothered going to school and someone told them they could be tracked by police while out with the gang if they get it.
I thought the general consensus of opinion, was that if any passenger gets on a plane with a cold, or even the covids, the internal air circulation spreads the whole lot around everyone else!
Maybe technology has changed all that, but I’ll never know, as I don’t have a passport now!
In other news, (not BBC), I’ve just learned that some wine regions in France have lost 80% of their grape harvest to frost, so clearly global warming didn’t do much for that particular region, and Chateau Harrabin will be at a premium next year…
After an attempt to switch off from covering the impact of online conspiracy theories for the past week, specialist disinformation reporter back on duty!
The truth of it is that this woman is a cynical move by the BBC in the hope younger people indentify with her and hence tend will believe whatever propaganda she comes out with.
If you think about it, it’s a dirty and dishonest thing to do. Having watched her on youtube, it’s clear she is primed by her bosses before she speaks. I wonder how low they would be prepared to go if things got really desperate.
I would say about February last year. I came to Thailand in January and there was no sign of it. After I’d been here a couple of months, people were cautious that I might have brought it (not knowing I’d been here that long).
Just been reading an article in The Telegraph from a female academic trying to defend the black Anne Boleyn from Channel 4.
She says ‘Producers are accused of pandering to the “woke” agenda. But the hot air says a lot about how little we understand our own history.’
Then in some kind of bizarre attempt to justify this wokery and explain how it should not be at all shocking, she proceeeds to tell us that in Tudor times, one court trumpeter and a Southwark silk weaver were black.
Hence, she tells us, ‘people shouldn’t be surprised to see a black person in Tudor dress.’.
Then we discover she is pushing her book called ‘Black Tudors: The Untold Story ‘.
I wonder what this brazen hypocrite has to say about the cries of ‘cultural appropriation’ when a white person plays a role originally written for an ethnic character.
When we think of ethnic cleansing, we tend to think of gangs of men with guns, or camps and prisons where foul deeds are done. That is ‘hard’ ethnic cleansing. But there is another type; ‘soft’ ethnic cleansing. This is where life is made difficult for a people through discrimination, population replacement through migration, and assaults on their culture, history, language and values. Often, it takes the form of lies and false narrative, typically of the ‘we were here first’ variety.
Portraying Anne Boleyn as black is, quite simply, an example of ethnic cleansing. And ethnic cleansing is a war crime, by any definition.
It’s okay for a black actress to play Anne Boleyn because a court trumpeter and a Southwark silk weaver were black?
There are lots of black people in London now, so who should play Queen Elizabeth II in “The Crown” when Olivia Colman is done? Whoopi Goldberg?
BBC Petitions debated in Parliament
Revoke the TV licence using legislation 110,839 signatures
Debated 1 March 2021
Government responded – 14 May 2020
The Royal Charter maintains the licence fee funding model until 2027. The government will look at the licence fee funding model in advance of the next Charter.
Privatise the BBC and make them self-funding
Government responded – 26 January 2021
The government has committed to maintaining the BBC funding model until 2027. The BBC plays a central role in providing trusted and reliable news and distinctive content for all UK audiences.
11,114 signatures
seems the vast majority of petitions get rejected from the outset
basically cos the government doesn’t have the power to do what the petition asks etc.
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
Endless rolling tributes to Saint Floyd of Fentanyl on the BBC ‘news’ channel.
I wonder if anyone at the Propaganda Corporation really believes their own crap or cares?
Or is it like in Stalin’s Soviet Union or current N Korea, where you MUST be seen to be clapping the loudest at the Dear Leader’s bullshit, or waving your fist hardest at the imperialist running dogs… OR ELSE!!
“Sooo, BBC news department, we notice you haven’t been covering Saint George 24/7…
You wouldn’t be… RACIST by any chance would you?”
(gasps of horror and crashing crescendo of dramatic music.)
And now they can prove their ideological purity by throwing Tulsa into the mix, thereby further adding fuel to the fire, inflaming racial tensions and reinforcing victimhood and rage.
If the BBC doesn’t provoke full-scale race riots, it won’t be for lack of trying.
This is the only thing of any importance about Tulsa:
wow ! memories memories. Saw him perform live at Dover, back in the day.
I think the initial issue was ‘ something has to be done ‘ and when other governments got hit the reaction was to lock down – followed by a domino effect .
There was an assumption that everyone else was dealing with it better – except countries like Italy which really put the frighteners on
So much is being written about this . There will be separate book shelves of covid related books .
The major motion pictures must already be in production – tom hanks as biden – tony hopkins as the real president …
The damage is done now – without the effective vaccines where would we be ?
Isobel Oakshott on the Sky newspreview last night was the voice of reason. She was faced with the question of how deaths were up 3%, and then she said “yes, thats ONE !” She rightly says that quoting percentages (to a largely dim public) always sounds far more frightening than actual numbers per 100,000.
Unlike some on this site, I cannot join in the Government-bashing over Covid. They are in an impossible, unwinnable situation, between a rock and a hard place.
The only sure thing is that if they’re not seen to be doing enough, their enemies wii be queuing up to accuse them of murdering X thousands of men, women and children. (And thats just their enemies at the BBC, never mind Labour.)
So in a fiendishly complex situation, they HAVE to err on the side of caution, eg lifting lockdown dates etc.
Maybe, and most people might have agreed with that last year. But much of the wounds are now self-inflicted and arising from cowardice, incompetence and indecision.
It is nearly June 6th, which will be 77th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Imagine how the current government would handle it now:
“We can’t do it! What if the some of the rubber dinghies used by the Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable People ™ are unable to cross the Channel because of all our boats?”
“We need to cancel, in case our soldiers get wet or find themselves in danger.”
“Our invasion force is not diverse enough. There is not a single trans division taking part.”
“The landing craft must be powered by sustainable energy”
“Isn’t this just about Naziphobia and hatred of the Germans? What gives us the authority when we are led by a wicked racist in the form of Winston Churchill?”
“Good evening. This is the BBC news for Monday the 5th of June”.
“Troops are amassing on the southern coast of England in preparation for an invasion of Normandy in France tomorrow morning.” “Now over to our Defence Correspondent, Richard Dimbleby”.
RD: “Some say this is an operation that should never be attempted. On the one side we have the excellent defences created by Field Marshall Rommel and on the other a disorganised, poorly equipped rabble, goaded on by Winston Churchill, a self-important man seeking to make a place for himself in history”.
What was Exercise Cygnet and what did it find?
Anyone ?
I tend to agree with your assessment of the situation. I strongly suspect that our elected representatives are being blackmailed by a bunch of unelected people who are pushing a very dangerous agenda.
Halifax – are you about? You were obviously someone very badly affected by Covid – I wonder what your view of the vaccine is?
I watched the 6pm news on BBC1 (at 6.30) and saw how hard they are pushing for the further opening on June 21st to be put back. But we know how the BBC hates the government and will say black is white rather than say the government is doing the right thing. Several times the reported repeated that business’ want certainty. Of course they do – but this isn’t a BBC script and however much we all would like certainty, the virus hasn’t read the script. I can picture the BBC in the early days of the war (ie the phoney war) demanding to known whether Hitler was definitely going to invade and demanding to know whether the government would send in the army if Hitler did invade.
BBC News Channel, reporters encourage women to cry because their babies were removed due to forced adoption during post war periods when Labour were in Government. They now demand an apology from Boris Johnson.
Good question Steve. *Turning Point UK have lost the plot if they consider For Britain to be far right. For Britain is essentially what the Conservatives ought to be (and the Conservatives know it – hence the smears).
*Turning Point UK says it is an organisation dedicated to educating students and other young people on Conservative values.
Alan Titchmarsh, the embodiment of all things BBC. Poor baby, doesn’t want one of those horrid, smelly, environmentally unfriendly brexit-voting incinerators near to his licence -fee funded bit of millionaires row. Rather have all the crap dumped in your precious third world? Or in landfill? Or the Oceans and rivers? I live a few miles from a properly designed, maintained and regulated incinerator. To my knowledge there has never been a problem with pollution. I use exercise routes through this area. I have never experienced an air quality problem. Never any smell or throat problems. Emissions, such as they are, are vented clean. You get more emissions from someone’s wood-burner. Titchmarsh. Tit, more like.
Despite being loved by the BBC, he is not particularly well liked outside their confines. Rude and offhand are just a couple of comments I’ve heard from many about him. As was the late Cilla Black – the darling of prime time Beeb, but the backroom crew were less than complimentary.
Please tell me this is a spin off from W1A.
Two dogs and a cat wanted to go to the proms.
The head dog put his paws up on the little ticket window and asked for three standing tickets. The lady behind the glass said, “Why are you and your chums wanting to listen to classical music, go on, clear off and don’t come back”?
The head dog took a quick lick of his backside and turned back to the lady…
“Madam, we know quite a lot about classical music! I Bach, he Offenbach, and this is Debussy”!
(There was a post about the Proms earlier here, but I missed some of it so here is this absolute gem for free, for anyone to use as they wish, when they’re in decent company, or maybe on a train, or a bus).
Very good, Scrobie. 🙂
Scroblene – your story made me laugh out loud.
I was told by a Nurse that any doctor, who is deemed a danger to the patients due to incompetence, is promoted to an administrative job. They then get paid three times more than as a doctor. So it looks like the more incompetent they are, the more bitter they become, therefore the more left-wing they become, ending up as a highly paid Marxist on the SAGE Committee. The money comes from reducing the number of beds.
In 1948 there were 480,000 hospital beds. Between 2010 and 2020, the total number of NHS hospital beds decreased by 11% from 144,455 to 128,935. In 1989, there were 500 senior NHS Administrators, in 1994, there were 20,000 senior NHS Administrators. By 1998, there were almost 50,000 senior NHS Administrators, while the number of Nurses increased by over 7 percent, and the number of beds fell by 25 percent. The number of NHS administrators increased at three times the rate of nurses between 1998 and 2008. In 2010, the workforce of Administrators in the NHS was growing six times as quickly as the number of nurses, 374 NHS Administrators are now paid between £150,000 and £478,000. (The Prime Minister is paid £160,000). The pay statistics show there are now more than 2,000 Administrators within the NHS in England who are being paid six-figure salaries. By comparison, a new hospital doctor gets paid around £35,000, while nurses average £33,540. The average senior manager now receives £80,357.
The NHS started out with a thousand times more beds than Administrators, but by 2003, the number of NHS Administrators, overtook the number of NHS beds.
So stay at home to save NHS Administrators on the SAGE committee, because the NHS hasn’t the beds to cope with a real flue epidemic anymore. The NHS has probably now lost the ability to cope with the normal death rate.
So NHS Administrators reducing the number of NHS beds, has justified a permanent Lockdown, and created more money and power for NHS Administrators to rule Britain from important positions on the SAGE committee.
So it looks like NHS Administrators have trampled over Boris and taken over the role formally held by the European Commission.
Richard – just re enforces my view that much of the NHS should be sold off – I’d clap for that – can never happen now .
Also – no change in the medical mafia – keeping numbers down to keep pay up.
It’s not just the Anychess, it’s any Public Service you can think of, Civil Service, Local Government, Police etc. I’m sure people can add to this never ending list.
Fed, we could hope for the ‘R’ word, no not the Covid infection rate, the Reform of the NHS. Bojo’s and Hancock’s eyes should have been opened to a few realities about our beloved NHS by now. The BBC are blind to all that, of course despite endless strings of Health Editors, Health Correspondents and other journos dedicated to the meds.
Up2, It’s only public money, so OK for these people!
I’m 74 next month, so won’t notice the difference, but loads of kids will later on.
Sorry, Babes, it’s your problem now.
“UK set for stronger post-Covid recovery, says OECD”https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57306596
Oh! and what about “Despite Brexit” ?
BBC news
– project fear some mouth called prof Gupta says delay end of lockdown – doesn’t talk about the morale effect or suicides
Something about bongo bongo land ( Nigeria ) kidnapping kids again
Benefits – rent arrears – government must get money out again
Project fear – virus research
Bit of American history about coloureds getting killing 100 years ago – need a statue or a stamp or apology – delete as applicable
Off switch came then as I really really could care less …back to the sunshine –
After watching that no wonder there are more ‘mental issues ‘
C4 news has there own doom and gloom expert saying we are all gonna die . Project fear is alive .
I think I can see how it will go for 21 June – there will be a ‘lock down ‘ but not a lock down – enough regulation to upset every one – but keep the MSM bitching ….this stuff really needs to be avoided . People – I think – have had enough .
Referring to the hairdressing thing earlier, Mrs Voter was watching the Tennis on the gogglebox this afternoon. One of the players was Heather Watson, who arrived on the scene some years ago. She appeared to be your usual tennis player, you know pushy parents, lot’s of brass, members of the local tennis club etc. Well what got me, was the fact that she now sports afro style hair. I.e not straightened as it used to be. Has any one noticed that in the last couple of years all the bames that were in the public eye now have to be identified as black rappers, witness Lewis Hamilton.
The silence from BBC News and Sky News is deafening after up to 1 million people marched for your Freedom on May 29th
The Freedom March happened this weekend just gone, and although the Mail and the Grauniad ran an article about protectors ‘invading’ a shopping mall in Shepherds Bush, they did not run anything about the size of the march.
I believe the BBC have a facility at or near Shepherds bush and must have been aware of it taking place and the scale of it. Unless there was a government D notice then the scale of the cover up is quite simply terrifying.
Even Google doesn’t appear to want to give results covering this march.
“up to a million” or as Marianna Spring would say “more than a thousand”.
The fact is that at 3 am Sunday morning on BBC radio5 Live right after the news a caller had a long speech about going on the march last week and saying the media won’t cover it this weeks march.
The BBC presenter let him speak freely, which meant he went over the top on his claims
..like saying “1,000 people have already died, today’s march had three quarters of a million people, no a million !”
This made him sound like a fantasist.
Then right at the end “he read a seemingly prepared script saying everything the caller said was fake news”
I do hate it when people deal with a complicated situation by saying “it’s a conspiracy” and then giving no proper evidence.
..cos that is lazy thinking
… “There is something strange, that edition of the Jim Davis show is NOT on Iplayer, yet the next episode is.
oops my error that’s the the wrong link, that’s the Jim Davis show from 4 week ago, not last Sunday morning, so that explained why it’s no longer on iplayer
Correct link https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09hgdhs
Open forum call on coronavirus
2h04m20s Paul in the Wirral
Pretty obvious D notice stuff . I reckon we never know about most D notices because the subject never comes to light . But when there are large numbers of witnesses how can they fully cover it up ?
The government doesn’t want covid dissent
Certain racial groups being blamed for spread new variants
Certain groups avoiding vaccination – third world illegals and the like
The screw ups made by the NHS infecting patients or failing to manage outbreaks
The failure of track and trace
Border control
Fed, there’s a bit of the dot.Gov.dotty.UK web-site that lists the D notices in place. I had a link on a previous PC but cannot access it at present.
Im sure theres the public consumption list – and the other one – which will never exist.
Fed up “D notice, check Kathryn Blair, suicide attempt 2004. Kept out of main stream media.
9pm Channel 5 Thatcher vs The Miners
Let’s just hope it’s going to be a little more accurate than their attempt at dramatizing the life of Anne Boleyn.
OMG have you seen the adverts for this drivel? A black Anne Boleyn! FFS!
I find this both offensive and deeply disturbing. They’re not content with robbing me of my present culture, they’re also invading my past culture as well.
How is it that if a daft white bimbo pop star has her hair in dreadlocks, or some gobby chef cooks jerk chicken, there are questions in the house? It’s amazing, but predictable.
Either Dawn Butler or the idiots Abbott and Lammy will jump up and accuse all and sundry of “cultural appropriation.”
But a black Anne Boleyn, oh don’t worry old boy, perfectly okay…nothing to work up a sweat about. It’s only English history after all.
I dread to think what Queen Elizabeth the first will look like…
A film about Martin Luther King is required. It would need a very good actor. I suggest Michael Caine
In the Telegraph today some ‘academic’ writes that there were plenty of blacks in Tudor England, as many as 200 ! The population was about 3 million then so given the population is about 23 times higher today that would pro rata up to less than 5000 . I think everyone would be happy with that. It just goes to show how lucky Anne was that Henry fancied a bit of a change from white girls. Perhaps it goes with the names. Mind you I think that the latter day Harry will find it harder to rid himself of this one.On the other hand I’m sure that in school rooms across the country teachers will be explaining that the execution of Anne, who was black because it was on telly , is an example of white patriarchy.
I totally agree Jeff that it feels, and has felt for a few decades, that our country , it’s culture and history is being stolen from us and the worst of it is that the invasion has been planned and executed by our own leadership who actively suppress any resistance from the indigenous population.
Jeff, many of these ‘colour-blind’ dramas have been pushed front and centre by a production company known as Shondaland. Owned by one Shonda Rhimes, – Bridgerton and this version of Anne Boleyn came under her remit. So we can expect more. Its almost as though two fingers are being shown to us white and privileged.
Arthur Scargill started with a small house and a big union, ended up with a big house and no union. It is not universally known but Scargill never worked below ground.
10pm Channel4 The Truth About Police Stop and Search
presenter Former English footballer Jermaine Jenas
He’s been on every WokeTV today plugging it
“Jermaine Jenas warns of a repeat of 2011 riots if police fail to address racism”
..is that a threat ?
“Jermaine Jenas reduced to tears during stop-and-search aged 10 ”
The prog page is blank
Twitter says there will be lots of first hand account from black men.
Watching the C5 documentary about the miners strike i was struck by the views of the queer and coloured community not being taken into account 😎
It was interesting that c5 never said that the miners wanted the lights turned off again -,-and a 3 day week.
It was a pretty one sided documentary, all about the reactions and emotions of striking miners. From what I remember of the dispute, it was primarily about the ego of one man – Arthur Scargill. His ambition was to be chief commissar of the Soviet Republic of Britain, and he was quite prepared to use miners and their families to further that ambition.
Londoner – it struck me that it needs a kind of ‘world at war ‘ approach to documentary – not 26 episodes but maybe 13 – there’s enough material and a few of the players are still about – including kinnock senior – unfortunately ….
Maybe the comrades at the BBC can make it – with an episode on trannies in Derbyshire pit villages …
new from Crimebodge : “Man gets 5 years for having 3 lawful books and THE WRONG VIEWS”
He asserts that the establishment are so desperate to even up the balance of Muslim terrorists by finding these largely mythical hordes of “Far right” terrorists, that they manufacture a “terrorist2
In this case a nut who wasn’t a member of any terrorist org, had no terrorist plans
… but did openly collect Nazi memorabilia and had downloaded 3 books which are NOT actually illegal
but they charged him with terrorist offences anyway and successfully prosecuted him
The seemingly left wing judge jailing him for a longer term, than the terms he gave actual Muslim terrorists who had been violent.
… And if they send him to a terrorist prison, he could end up incited to terrorism by the experience.
I suspect his truly unforgivable crime – the one that pushed the lefty judge over the edge – was to have been photographed wearing a MAGA hat.
Commenters then pleaded with CrimeBodge to look at Judge Jeremy Lee
– A mother says he ignored her clear evidence of child abuse by her husband against her sons Oct 2020 testimony video
From the outside it’s “She said, he said stuff”
I don’t know the evidence
but Her Twitter has more
Her Richie Allen show episode
“Covid-19: UK in early stages of third wave – scientist”
Time once more to move the goalposts again ?
But of course taffman, but of course
The opportunities for self-promotion and publicity are dwindling as the number of people dying drops away to nothing.
We will see more and more increasingly desperate attempts to grab the spotlight by academics until the vaccination is complete and the media lose interest.
BBC-Future on facebook Sunday at 10:18 AM ·
4 minute video Facebook link
I’ve been in the Philippines I have never seen such a country for natural disasters.
They have them all the time
There are weather ones , like floods, typhoons
but seems most are not weather related
rather they’re volcano, earthquakes, tsunamis
No bBbc, the mental health of a whole generation is being made worse by you, the bBbc, by you and the rest of our manipulative media scum continually shit-stirring, doom-mongering, exaggerating and sensationalising a non-existent climate ‘crisis’.
Your incessant and opportunistic exploitation of so many easily influenced young, purely for the financial gain and political kudos of the privileged few, through the regurgitation of poorly researched churnalism and agenda-driven lies and misinformation is what is depressing the shit out of them, not the weather.
Your faux concern offends me, f#@% off.
They have them all the time here in Thailand too. Particularly flooding. And it’s always the poor who live in shacks by the river who suffer.
But the Left don’t care about that. They have to be victims of the capitalist Right and no self-respecting Lefty is complete without some cause to satisfy his shallow and self-obsessed character that he is morally superior to everyone else.
Hence everything has to be blamed on climate change when the truth is they vary enormously from year to year.
The role of media over staffing, desperation for content and grief porn obsession cannot be ignored.
Did Mitzi call into BBC Manila during a break at the call centre, or did a BBC moppet pop on her biker flip flops and head off on her Honda to search for the perfect Vox pop?
Both seem to avoided the topic of ferries, which tip over a lot out there due to physics.
Give over?! Are bad dreams mental health issues now?
Blimey…I have tons of them.
I’ve had a recurring dream about alien invasion since being a kid. I blame H. G. Wells.
There are a lot of Filipinos here on IoM. Nice people. I’ll ask them.
I’ve noticed that ‘Have Your Say’ comments are rarer than hen’s teeth now. Exclusively reserved for football and bad-news-Brexit. I haven’t seen anything which people actually care about opened by OUR BBC for quite a while.
Checking today, I find one is open. The topic ?.
‘Morecambe will play in the Football League’s third tier for the first time in their history, after Carlos Mendes Gomes’ contentious penalty sent them to League One at Newport County’s expense.’
A game from League 2 no less.
Complete with picture featuring 2 black players in the foreground.
Another gentle form of fascism. Oppress opinions you don’t like.
The ‘Must See’ section has a new entry today:
‘The couple keeping black wall street alive’
It’s the Tulsa story again. This time with the usual BBC treatment of mournful piano music and every trick in the book to pull your heartstrings.
Just watch the video : it’s hard to imagine a more desperate attempt to rake up racist attitudes from 100 years ago and try to make them current again.
I wonder if we are going to have any re-enactments of the deaths of the thousands of black people killed by other black people. What about a dramatisation of the young girl shot in the head in a drive-by shooting ignored by the media while the career-criminal George Floyd was being martyred ?.
And another one:
Kingstanding stabbing: Hunt for attackers after boy 14, stabbed to death
No description of the attackers or the victim.
If you have any information about these people who they are not telling you anything about, please call the police.
Taking bets now. Anyone want to take a chance that any of the people doing the stabbing were white ?.
I’ve just noticed Bill Cash MP has started tweeting again and he appears to be (at least partly) on side.
Does the “game changing” vaccine work or not ?
Come mid June will there be another third wave coming down the track. It could be the ‘Hs2 variant’ that will complete the wrecking of our economy? Employment will go through the roof with thousands of unqualified kids leaving school.
Does the “game changing” vaccine work or not ?
Come mid June will there be another third wave coming down the track. It could be the ‘Hs2 variant’ that will complete the wrecking of our economy? Unemployment will go through the roof with thousands of unqualified kids leaving school.
BBC News
The Japanese tennis star, who refused media interviews at the French Open, said she had “suffered long bouts of depression” since winning her first Grand Slam title in 2018.
Intriguing the link between those with mental issues, odd behaviour, activist leanings and media coverage seem to be constantly on the BBC.
She’ll be next either demanding she plays in the Men’s or sporting pink and blue hair. Or maybe insisting her real achievement is her natural Japanese hair.
Which will send the girls at the bbc wild. Plus the women.
And yet, the smiles…
OT, but looks like BBC ‘News’.
Sometimes you read a headline in our left-leaning press and – providing you have your wits about you – you just know a false narrative is being pushed.
‘Police fail to tackle racism by officers‘ (‘i’)
‘Concerns at far-right activity in UK military‘ (Guardian)
I’m reminded of John Cleese as Basil Fawlty, on one occasion caught by one of his Torquay hotel guests in an embarassing situation cowering in their wardrobe – unable to articulate any feasible explanation for his eccentric behaviour instead he extemporises “Oh, my god, look over there!”
Not content with claiming our city statues, street names, stately homes, the proms, universities, football, the countryside, farming, etc, etc, the list goes on and on… are all racist, the tiny obsessive politically motivated groups pushing these notions and crucially their friends in the media, have set their sights on delegitimising law and order and defence.
Behind the ‘i’ report is a Freedom of Information Request telling us little more than the cops get a lot of claims of racism made against them and not many of those allegations result in sackings. Quite obviously you can take that data and apply it in one of two ways. Either the police are very racist and are covering their own backs or perhaps people who find themsleves on the wrong side of the law are shouting racist!
The campaign group which the ‘i’ newspaper politely terms a “charity” turns out to be “drug law group” Release. Besides their interest in narcotics and other presently illegal street drugs they run a “Stop & Search Project” and also are interested in “Sex Workers’ Rights” Legalise it, they’ll advertise it.
You may be interested to know Release are proud to claim Lloyds Bank among their funders.
Lloyds charity work tends to be of this tokenistic form and centred on sexy issues rather than being broadly philanthropic toward their actual customers: ‘Lloyds fined £64m for unfair treatment of mortgage customers. City watchdog rules bank mishandled cases of 526,000 customers who fell into difficulties‘ (Guardian July 2020)
I wonder if you have an account with Lloyds?
The Guardian cause for concern report on the army quotes campaign group Hope Not Hate as concerned the military was not following through with their zero tollerance promise against “active far right extremists” – scary sounding but in fact a fairly loose term. Judging by their website one Boris Johnson would seem to fall into their definition of that broad category of people they dislike politically. A rather hangdog expressioned pic of the PM appears above their caption: ‘Tory Islamophobia report: our response‘
Funding for Hope Not Hate is a little opaque but we do find this slim reassurance: ‘HNH is funded by parochial money, charitable trusts, trade union funding and individual donations. HNH receives no government or EU funding‘ (Wikipedia) – I should hope not. I’d hate it if they did.
Moral of the story missed by the free advertising given by Al Beeb?
“Despite Brexit” .
Hot on the heels of Corbyn demanding all landlords fund his core voters’ fag, Buckfast and Benidorm habits, here’s the BBC running with a very BBC stirring headline.
#CCBGB mostly.
Another pointless BBC post.
I might read it later, but one suspects there may be a correlation to be found the bbc can or will not.
Just one of the consequences of treating children like adults.
Watch how nature does it. All those who didn’t do it like that died out.
The BBC Moaning Emole sees an outing, 75 miles round trip mix, by an old friend doubtless able as a Chief to now morally justify and bbc afford his Tesla after ditching the motor for show.
Why electric cars will take over sooner than you think
You probably haven’t driven one yet, let alone seriously contemplated buying one, so the prediction may sound a bit bold but bear with me. We are in the middle of the biggest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford’s first production line started in 1913.
And it is likely to happen much more quickly than you imagine. Many industry observers believe we have already passed the tipping point where sales of electric vehicles will very rapidly overwhelm petrol and diesel cars. It is certainly what the world’s big car makers think.
Read full analysis >
Justin Rowlatt
Chief environment correspondent
Given the not full analysis does not cover purchase costs, rare Earth shortages, charging issues and grid supplies, maybe he should stick to flying to exotic places to emote?
I live in a long cul-de-sac of terraced houses around 400 yards long. Every evening there is a scramble to even find a space to park with some houses having multiple cars, teenage kids driving etc.
There are no public parking areas anywhere near where charging points could be installed.
I guess when the new EV revolution becomes law we will just be banned from driving en-masse?
The cheapest runabout is around £20,000.
Our tenant already prioritises their pocket rocket…£15k tops… over rent.
Awaiting Surkeer’s shadow warriors demanding landlords fund tenant transport soon.
“I guess when the new EV revolution becomes law we will just be banned from driving en-masse?”
Got it in one. That is the plan. EVs are too expensive and impractical for most people.
Bonking Boris has the effrontery to think he can “ban” the sale of ICE cars by 2030, without increasing the country’s capacity to generate electricity to power millions of EVs. Windmills do not count. It is a thoroughly decadent policy which will lead to a total collapse in support of the Conservative Party, which will be well deserved.
No point blaming Boris, he’s not in charge, his wife is.
My sister had a Mitsubishi hybrid.
They just swapped cars. They didn’t get another.
This caught my eye as the main headline has a Brexit-blame in it:
‘Dominos said Brexit uncertainty and pandemic hires departing were responsible for the shortage’.
So in I went to see how they managed to blame Brexit:
Not a peep through the whole lot. What has happened is that all the hairdressers have taken part-time jobs (along with claiming furlough I am willing to bet) and now they can go back to hairdressing, they are telling the likes of McDonalds where to stick it.
The only other reason the actual staff gave was that they have had such an easy time on furlough, they really don’t want to go back to such a sh!t job. I expect employment will pick up once they have spent their furlough money.
Quite how they can blame Brexit is beyond me. Particularly as the very first thing mentioned in the main headline. All those leaving the UK because of Brexit will be long gone by now. It’s all consequences of the pandemic.
Maybe they blame Brexit because when we were in the EU they had an endless supply of poor people from Eastern Europe willing to work for minimum wage (or less).
You would think that trade unions and the Labour Party would oppose a system which gives bosses access to limitless cheap labour. But you would be wrong.
That last would BBC ‘BBC Newsnight Brexit roving reporter Nick Clegg’, handed the airwaves to try and rig another election.
Saz gunning for a QT slot?
I have never felt adding religious dogma to one’s bio helps much.
It’s a fact that Muslims are told not to go to the police. They are told any issues are to be sorted out according to Sharia law by the local religious leaders.
But – in true Lefty style – it’s been mixed in with other information so as an overall statement, it can be said it’s not true.
And Islam has already changed the British way of life by it’s terrorists. One example is venues not happening because of insurance costs.
“Islam has already changed the British way of life by its terrorists. One example is venues not happening because of insurance costs.”
Don’t forget all those ‘pillars of Islam’ guarding pedestrian zones in town centres and the disappearance of ‘kiss and go’ parking at airports and stations.
BBC World just deleted a tweet.
It read:
The couple inspired by Tulsa’s black entrepreneurs
Tulsa Massacre: How we are keeping Black Wall Street alive
It would appear an adult turned up early for work and saw that.
history debunked did this last week
32 dead 10 whites in tit for tat killings
radio 4 this morning put the figure at 300 no white dead mentioned
Jez also in historical mood.
Gaza proving unsatisfactory on the Mishal scale?
BBC World seems more BBC Sh*t St*r now.
This is not it.
This ‘was’ it.
ITV decided to join the bandwagon too.
Sleepy has been woken up and has decided to make bad, worse, to keep the MSM entertained.
From Reuters.
“Biden to visit Tulsa massacre site as U.S. confronts racial legacy”
American Booty will need an extra box of tissues.
Bbbc radio newcastle this morning going flat out to stop the ending of the lockdown on the 21st.
They have had a string of scientists, experts, doctors, professors, medical people and the like and every one has the same message, don’t end the lockdown on the 21st.
Not one view from the other side of course.
Still, we had one death yesterday which is somehow connected to covid so…..if it saves one life etc.
When all diseases have vanished and everybody lives forever, will that be enough for the bbbc and their specially picked scientists who hold the ‘correct’ view?
Oh dear – more murder
Daniel Boulton: Man wanted after woman and child found dead in Louth
This guy even gets his name in the headline and a full face picture at the top of the article.
And would you believe he is black ??. No ?. Neither would I. And he isn’t.
Seems the BBC choose not to report this boat parade for memorial day:
And this interesting video popped up after it. Sky news in Australia seems somewhat different to ours. Can you imagine anything like that on the news here ?.
I’ve said it many times: we need a Sky News Aus here, instead of our feeble Sky, indistinguishable from the Beeb.
Sadly, I’m not convinced GB News will be it. Neil will be constantly constrained by worries about being labelled right wing, or far right.
A commentator (BBC or Guardian, I forget) once called Douglas Murray ‘the thinking man’s racist’. Neil will forever be dodging such slurrs, and trying to maintain mainstream respectability. But in today’s climate, to speak the truth on many matters means you cannot remain respectable to polite society, you have to go over to the dark side.
The Social Workers Party front – Unite Against Fascism – which provides the ideology for the BBC, are already referring to ordinary Tories as far right.
Brillo’s bunch will soon be labelled far right and later as fascists.
And this despite the grovelling reports they will produce on Islamists.
That is how journalism and news reporting used to be. Long gone, regrettably.
The lockdown loving BBC dislikes Brazil’s president Bolsonaro with a passion and takes every opportunity to criticize his easy-going Covid policies. Yet, Peru has had one of the longest and strictest lockdowns of any country in the world so please see fourth para below.
From today’s BBC website:
Peruvians had long suspected they weren’t getting the true picture of the country’s dire coronavirus situation from the government.
The revised figure for Covid-19 related deaths shows they were right to be doubtful. In fact, the government has admitted the real number is more than twice the previous figure.
A government working group of experts, formed to analyse Peru’s data, published the revised figures after establishing broader criteria by which deaths from coronavirus were recorded.
Now that the narrower definition has been abandoned, the country’s per capita death toll is in fact much higher than Brazil’s.
“Sinéad O’Connor: My life is actually really boring.”
A good place to end the interview, I’d have thought.
But wait, the ghastly singer is now a muslima called Shuhada Sadaqat, and, as one of the Chosen Few – the BBC’s favourite cult – deserving of reverential attention.
Not BBC – but can anyone remember when the Chinese virus crisis began ? ( actually don’t bother ) . But guess what – on 1 June 2021 Heathrow airport has opened a terminal for people coming from ‘red zones ‘ .. 400 plus days late ….
That family unit ticks so many boxes.
BBC is on it.
I think some text got chopped off that slide. Here is what the original might have been:
Vaccines alone won’t stop Covid spreading – here’s why:
The people in this picture do not really consider themselves to be British and don’t really think they have to follow the laws and rules made by the British government. Hence they do what they want – which has led to COVID hotspots in all the places they have displaced white people. They are allowed to do this because we at the BBC and Lammy will call them racists if they target these hotspots. They won’t have the vaccine because they never bothered going to school and someone told them they could be tracked by police while out with the gang if they get it.
I thought the general consensus of opinion, was that if any passenger gets on a plane with a cold, or even the covids, the internal air circulation spreads the whole lot around everyone else!
Maybe technology has changed all that, but I’ll never know, as I don’t have a passport now!
In other news, (not BBC), I’ve just learned that some wine regions in France have lost 80% of their grape harvest to frost, so clearly global warming didn’t do much for that particular region, and Chateau Harrabin will be at a premium next year…
It’ll all get a bit complicated, once the zones start changing, I would have thought…
January 20
vlad – from your link –
“O’Connor was ordained as a priest in 1999”
she seems a bit “O’Connor is the first to admit that much of the last 30 years has been a bit of a blur” addled, to put it mildly.
Sheeeeeeeee’s back!
With FEET!
Self (ie) love is a powerful thing isn’t it ?
I guess the BBC haven’t been checking facts for a while …
The truth of it is that this woman is a cynical move by the BBC in the hope younger people indentify with her and hence tend will believe whatever propaganda she comes out with.
If you think about it, it’s a dirty and dishonest thing to do. Having watched her on youtube, it’s clear she is primed by her bosses before she speaks. I wonder how low they would be prepared to go if things got really desperate.
They know what sells, and young producers like. Champion Ash is going to have to work on the neck and hem lines.
Oh, sorry to lower the tone!
her page touts – “Award-winning specialist reporter covering disinformation and social media”
what awards & from who I wonder ?
I would say about February last year. I came to Thailand in January and there was no sign of it. After I’d been here a couple of months, people were cautious that I might have brought it (not knowing I’d been here that long).
BBC Helo out helping the Global warming?
There’s a similar thing in Bilbao
Just been reading an article in The Telegraph from a female academic trying to defend the black Anne Boleyn from Channel 4.
She says ‘Producers are accused of pandering to the “woke” agenda. But the hot air says a lot about how little we understand our own history.’
Then in some kind of bizarre attempt to justify this wokery and explain how it should not be at all shocking, she proceeeds to tell us that in Tudor times, one court trumpeter and a Southwark silk weaver were black.
Hence, she tells us, ‘people shouldn’t be surprised to see a black person in Tudor dress.’.
Then we discover she is pushing her book called ‘Black Tudors: The Untold Story ‘.
I wonder what this brazen hypocrite has to say about the cries of ‘cultural appropriation’ when a white person plays a role originally written for an ethnic character.
When we think of ethnic cleansing, we tend to think of gangs of men with guns, or camps and prisons where foul deeds are done. That is ‘hard’ ethnic cleansing. But there is another type; ‘soft’ ethnic cleansing. This is where life is made difficult for a people through discrimination, population replacement through migration, and assaults on their culture, history, language and values. Often, it takes the form of lies and false narrative, typically of the ‘we were here first’ variety.
Portraying Anne Boleyn as black is, quite simply, an example of ethnic cleansing. And ethnic cleansing is a war crime, by any definition.
All part of the Great Replacement, one lie at a time, one migrant at a time…
How dare she appropriate my whiteness!
Bet c5 gets its biggest audience since -er – I don’t know what’s on channel 5 ….
It’s okay for a black actress to play Anne Boleyn because a court trumpeter and a Southwark silk weaver were black?
There are lots of black people in London now, so who should play Queen Elizabeth II in “The Crown” when Olivia Colman is done? Whoopi Goldberg?
FWIW and for thoseso inclined, I came across this petition
Thanks, Dobyns – signed. Only 750 or so, thus far.
BBC Petitions debated in Parliament
Revoke the TV licence using legislation 110,839 signatures
Debated 1 March 2021
Government responded – 14 May 2020
The Royal Charter maintains the licence fee funding model until 2027. The government will look at the licence fee funding model in advance of the next Charter.
Privatise the BBC and make them self-funding
Government responded – 26 January 2021
The government has committed to maintaining the BBC funding model until 2027. The BBC plays a central role in providing trusted and reliable news and distinctive content for all UK audiences.
11,114 signatures
seems the vast majority of petitions get rejected from the outset
basically cos the government doesn’t have the power to do what the petition asks etc.