Japanese tennis star Naomi Osaka’s withdrawal from the French Open has sent shockwaves through the sport and raised the prospect of some soul-searching for the authorities and media.
A) Two bodies I could care less about
B) They have souls?
C) If that is a shockwave cause, they are in for a suprise down the line
Point is that when she signed up to be in the French Open the contract said she would do the interviews.
By refusing to do them, she was in breach of contract.
Am I the only one who couldn’t give a monkeys about these after match ‘interviews’ anyway ? Most are morose and look bored witless, and then badly give an account of what we’ve just watched ! – those interviewed on the track after running to the moon and back cant speak as they are so breathless, but it still doesn’t stop some moron shoving a microphone in their face.
I think it was Clarkson who said that asking players like Andy Murray “How do you feel after that win/loss?” is a pointless exercise because, like nearly all of them, he doesn’t feel anything – he’s just a tennis-playing robot.
Someone claimed the BBC had a blackout about Saturday’s London freedom protest.
Actually at 3 am Sunday morning on BBC radio5 Live right after the news a caller had a long speech about going on the march last week and saying the media won’t cover it this weeks march.
The BBC presenter Jim Davis let him speak freely, which meant he went over the top on his claims
..like saying “1,000 people have already died, today’s march had three quarters of a million people, no a million !”
This made him sound like a fantasist.
Then right at the end Jim Davis read a seemingly prepared script saying everything the caller said was “fake news”
My local Sainsbury has a board outside saying that they support LGBTQ and Comic Relief. That will be Sainsbury, whose largest shareholder is the Qatar Investment Company. That will be Qatar, where male homosexuality is illegal and punishable by imprisonment (potentially the death penalty), same sex marriage (sic) is not recognised and it is illegal to campaign for LGBTQ rights. And that will be Comic Relief, the decidedly unfunny charidee supported by the BBC. I’m guessing that all these parties are ‘proud’ of their cooperation on this important matter.
yet again BBC RadioHumberside-news is acting as a GreenDream PR agency
promoting another Northern Powergrid PR story “They expect a big rise in electric cars in Hull
right now it’s just 3,000 but in 30 years time it could be 130,000
Jim Cardwell says
” what will drive the pace of change is the cost and attraction” waffle PR words
.. Right lets unpack that
there are 32 million cars in the UK, so about 1 for each 2 people
Hull has 321K people, so must have 160K cars
So right now it’s 2% electric and in 30 year time he reckons it will be 81%
Who the hell knows ? There are so many variables that no estimate is reliable
It’s like saying we’ll have fusion-power in 30 years time.
Glance at their Twitter
“Look we’re green”
… “We are are out again in our helicopters”
The#GreenBlob mean the UK is NOT a safe place to invest
Expensive electricity, sudden crazy rule changes etc.
The only time I ever saw electric cars in Hull were on the fairground at Walton Street, used to cost a tanner for 5 minutes, what larks bashing into each other!
Regarding this Oxford smoke free thing.
I reckon it’s a handful of councillors (or whoever is on these panels) deciding it with no consideration of the people who have to live there.
It reminds me of a time when I was in the Army and I got sent to the Mess meeting along with representatives of the other units in the Camp in Germany.
We were to bring up any points to improve the kitchens and general food matters.
I had no points to contribute,
I used to drink a lot in those days and never made it early enough for breakfast and was off out downtown at dinner time (the midday meal that is)
I had an idea, “Can we have brunch at the weekends” I said.
An open kitchen with hot plates and suchlike from about 0730 until 1330
This meant I could get a meal before going downtown.
They decided to do it.
This was a case of one person (me) causing a change which affected a couple of thousand. None of them asked for it but all had to accept it and all because I wanted to go out boozing and have something to eat at a time which suited me.
It worked well but it wasn’t what anybody asked for and probably wouldn’t want.
You could compare this with the Oxford lot imposing their will onto the population of Oxfordshire.
I love stories like those . I used to go to a lot of meetings – at some I had no ‘power ‘ at all but at others I found I had a lot of power – well above my pay grade .
If I may say – your brunch idea was a very sensible one and a bet a lot of other ‘drinkers ‘ wondered where such a good idea came from ….
Quiet propaganda news day ?
BBC news at 6 is now more like the good old “nationwide ‘ . They had foreign news from somewhere called ‘Birmingham’ . Birmingham has introduced some kind of ‘air zone ‘ – with a launch using a smoke bomb . This is news .
But the trusty BBC had plenty of subtitles about some kid in an Arab country about refugees or something – my attention filters were fully switched off as I considered the level of coverage the inquest into the Muslim terrorist shot 20 times on London Bridge after slaughtering 2 misguided naive s trying to fix him
( yeah right )
And I think they spent 5 minutes on some new £1million drug to fix babies . No question about the value of the medication apart from their NHS getting a ‘discount ‘.
Oh yeah – gazumping in the housing market is back because everyone wants a garden and will never be commuting to work again .
Meanwhile on the ITV news the coloured ‘anchor’ asks another journo
‘Zero covid deaths today -should we see this as a positive sign ?”
Can you guess the answer ?
6pm BBC1 news. I can see the remnants of the script prepared demanding the government delayed lifting restrictions. Damn there being no covid deaths today…but they were able to go to Nicola in Scotland.
They haven’t aired it yet, but they previewed that they have a reporter in Henley…..breathless voice…..’for the hottest day of the year’. Well it is 1st June (summer?) and up until now it has been ruddy cold. I am sure they will suggest this heat (slightly warm weather) is due to climate change.
I long for the TV weather forecasts in Brazil when I was living there. It consisted of a man dressed in weird get ups, such as Dracula costume pointing at a map. At each city he would say (loosely translated) “Here maybe rain, maybe sun” Pretty accurate.
“Channel crossings: Migrant crossings continue amid good weather”
“The Bank Holiday weekend saw 568 people make the crossing, according to the Home Office”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-57316661
The Home Sectary, The Home Office along with the Border Farce are useless. Expect more terrorist attacks a on the British people . We have been betrayed by the Tory Government .
BBC News website, 29-year old Daniel Boulton arrested on suspicion of murdering a mother and her child.
Terrible story, but you can’t help noticing the difference in coverage from the times “A Man” is involved.
digg, there used to be a Bible Study group on the US Tour. This was in the 1960s. Couple of decades later and Bernhard Langer became an enthusiastic member. A recent US Masters winner Jordan Spieth is RC and attends the PGA Bible Study group. Danny Willetts is the son of a Church of England vicar. Think one of the Canadians on the US Tour is a Christian.
“Not a single course would turn people away but we create these factions and privileges so that it is only accessible by certain people. I want to remove that myth – that’s why I’ve created the Muslim Women’s Association as well.”
“I genuinely think someone can play golf in a dress, with a headscarf. As long as they’ve got the right footwear there is no reason why they can’t hit a ball,” Malik said.
“We’ve just created a safe environment, that’s all we’ve done. Women teaching women with like minded people with lunch thrown in at a beautiful golf course – it becomes a day out.”
Reading Notes…..
1. Women will only be welcomed in their own groups.
2. They will be expected to play wearing the proscribed clothing.
3. They will only ever be coached by other women.
Sounds nice and inclusive to me!
Malik insists change is difficult when so many positions of authority are held by people who are “old, pale, male and stale”.
…and back to a little more ageism, racism, genderdism and insult-ism to wind up!
“The Archers – an everyday story of LGBTQIxyz folk.”
In today’s episode, gay husband-and-husband Adam and Ian had a mealtime chat with Ruari, who is staying with them because his half-sister Alice has marital/drink problems and needs what was his room at Brian & Jennifer’s now small home (… it’s a long story.)
When Adam brought the conversation round to sexuality, Ruari told the couple he was bisexual and already “out” among college friends. He fancies who he fancies. He has a mate called Troy and they sometimes go a bit further but both are relaxed about it. Ruari is 18, studying for A-levels, and 15-year old eco-warrior Mia has a crush on him; in fact more than that, she told Emma that she is in love with him.
Reading the papers this past week more than the usual radio news briefings… and its not just Biden (who has his own reasons) that Scientist – medical Virologists can find no ‘Bat’ link or any evidence to ‘cross-species’ avian flue jump that the likes of the BBC would have us believe are true.
I share this link as I originally read it last week in The Telegraph but the news was discouraged on media platforms (banned all postings on Facebook). So its unlikely the BBC ever spoke of The Great Barrington declaration (https://gbdeclaration.org) or gave anyone any time or credence to those who had suspicions that the disease was man made.
It was also convenient and well planned ‘finale’ to the end of the UN Agenda 21 protocol (a global success to ensure the ‘vaccine’ cure) and yet the start of another ‘climate projection’ global (COPT) ‘apocalypse’ prediction to keep us all locked-up, drugged-up media-hyped to full mental-anxiety – for children mainly, who particularly believe the media (CBBC) can be trusted. We know different and I don’t trust Biden and his business links to China who will (no doubt) declare he has looked into it and can see NO links to China’s Bat flue!
And that is because there was none to begin with, but there was a plan to reduce the populations of the world drastically and create a climate of fear. (My italics).
All other viruses have since been ignored on a world wide basis. Nobody dies of old age either, just ‘COVID’. And there are a lot of ‘other’ diseases and viruses to keep us in quarantine until the end of time as another climate ’emergency’ will always be top priority for political advantage by the same players and media with a left wing slant to blame is all on ‘conservatism’. Now Biden get the chance to decide if COVID was from China. The truth is that we will never be allowed to know. BBC included.
Sinade Obumma (who renamed to Shuhada something or other but still uses her original name in tweets so people will know who she is for ratings purposes) in a spat with Womans Hour.
9pm – 10:30pm Channel4
The Anti-Vax Conspiracy
An investigation into the international anti-vaccination movement and its message that Covid-19 is a myth and part of a government plot to inject people with dangerous vaccines.
Who are the people behind the international anti-Covid-vaccine movement and why are they doing it?
Ep 1 An investigation into the international anti-vaccination movement and its message that Covid-19 is a myth and part of a government plot to inject people with dangerous vaccines. The documentary goes inside the world of the `anti-vaxxers’, ranging from those profiting from lethal fake cures to Piers Corbyn,
From the blurb it seems to be a loaded hit piece
“among others Piers Corbyn , who argues that the vaccine rollout is on a par with experiments carried out in Nazi concentration camps.
and MMR doctors Andrew Wakefield”
Kelvin mckenzie reports that Oliver Dowden at the culture ministry is full ahead with the sell off of C4. Hope there is some truth in that . Haven’t seen it reported anywhere else.
Hardly new The Times had the story 21 hours ago Ministers are exploring a sale of Channel 4 amid a surge in dealmaking in the entertainment industry.
The government-owned broadcaster has been placed on a list of assets that could be offloaded as the Treasury seeks to repair the country’s Covid-scarred finances.
The government has begun sounding out investment banks to advise on a deal, according to City sources. It is understood that Oliver Dowden, culture secretary, has an open mind on the structure of a disposal. Options include a trade sale or stock market listing.
The discussions are at an early stage but suggest that Channel 4 could be placed on the auction block sooner than industry insiders had expected.
This month Dowden, 42, said that a privatisation of the company was “on the table” as part of an official review of public service broadcasting. He said that the government would “not rule out” selling Channel 4 by 2024 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/channel-4-facing-sale-as-treasury-seeks-to-cash-in-lm8kdzjxq
I don’t know how old the McKenzie Twitter was – the sale of C4 was discussed here a while ago – but if they are speeding up the sell off it might send a signal to the BBC for the ‘negotiation s’ next year .
I don’t look at the Times because of the paywall .
There is always hope .thanks for your dismissive response to my post – stew – very in character ..
Sorry, please allow me to defend myself, there is no dismissal from me
I merely confirmed the story had a much earlier source
I didn’t dismiss the story at all did I ?
You asserted that the story came from Kelvin Mckenzie on Twitter I searched and immediately found the Times reported it today
Yes that contradicts your idea, ..but that is the actual truth
that is seems the Times was much earlier than Kelvin Mckenzie
I didn’t need to go beyond the paywall to see the story and it’s time of publishing
A lot of info is in the intro and the tweets
I see your best mate Claire Enders is quoted “This is absolutely the right time to be considering a sale,”
Claire Enders, of Enders Analysis, said. “A deal fever has descended on the media sector and barely a day goes by without a mega merger.”
I di then go beyond the paywall and quote some of the main lines of the article
byee ..enjoy your day
“good news” i wonder if @Fed is actually quoting this 7 month old tweet video
where Kelvin Mackenzie uses the phrase “good news” about WHITTINGDALE talking about selling channel4 ?
@Fed Basically you asked if there was some truth in the story
I relayed that yes the Times had reported it earlier, so that is another earlier source that confirmed the idea you’d got from someone quoting Kelvin Mckenzie .
I find it bizarre you call that a dismissal
but then I don’t walk in your shoes
The C5 Anne Boleyn – maybe I’ve seen too much about this period of history but there storyline ? Editing ? Understanding ? What the hell was going on ? Yet alone the coloured girl playing a white queen who Cannot Act ….!
And that’s the first 10 minutes ….
Where are the Australian , Chinese and Eskimo actors in this Crap ?
Consumers could face more expensive shopping bills in the autumn as costs climb and Brexit red tape increases. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-57314680
So yet again Brexit mentioned in the headline. Whereas in the story we discover:
‘as global food prices hit their highest for seven years.’
‘furniture and electricals saw prices rise as retailers felt the lingering impact of disruption to global supply chains earlier this year.’
‘Consumers will be seeing the impact of higher energy and fuel costs in household bills’
Whats clear by the only actual facts they give is that prices have risen because of the effects of the pandemic. Nothing to do with Brexit.
I commented on something similar the other day. It’s clear now the BBC are going to find any small Brexit issue to report alongside pandemic issues and deliberately not make it clear that the vast proportion of the huge problems we are facing are due to the pandemic and the massive debts governments have run up.
The usual lies by omission and more of the steady drip-drip-drip to push their own agenda. Just imagine the stories they would be running about Brexit if we had struggled and lashed out like the EU have been doing over COVID.
Only those as arrogant as the BBC can behave like such ethically barren gutter-press while simultaneously looking down their noses at everyone and sneering. What a bizarre bubble they live in.
The story is/should be that EasyJet allowed an unauthorised boarding.
So much for security.
Also there appears to have been more than one person[?] since the statement from EJ refers to them and their.
“As soon as the mistake was realised, it was arranged for them to fly back to Manchester and on to Belfast, their original intended destination.”
The VD addled groupies are out in force, talking about ‘cultists’ ironically.
Contact @ukcolumn they would LOVE to talk with you. The BBC/SKY/C4 didn't report any march happening on Saturday, there was 100s of thousands in London alone, (some say close to a Million) Previous marches have reported several hundred, vastly under reporting.
Today Virgin Media and O2 have merged together. The two firms which are actually owned by Liberty Global and Telefonica creating a £31 Bn group.
This group will provide internet telephone, cable TV and mobile comms and will be a rival to Sky and BT.
The groups mentioned are established and have good market share, and the longer BBC privatisation is put off the more difficult it is going to be to be able to make a subcription based alternative viable.
For a privatised BBC to be a viable business it would need to compete with Sky BT and now Liberty / O2 offering internet, cable TV and mobile communications. A few years ago it would have been a plum time to have done this, but with Brexit and what is assumed to be a dodgy deal with Cameron to support remain.
How could a newly privatised BBC survive in an established marketplace is difficult to see now, and I expect that would be the excuse the hapless Tories would use in order to force people to fund their far left propaganda machine by adding the bill to household rates making it a compulsory tax regardless of whether people even own a TV !
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DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Heathrow announce they are reopening a terminal for passengers from high risk Countries again.
So while we are being threatened by a lockdown extension we are quietly informed of this!
Why is the UK accepting ANY passengers from high risk Countries I would like to know!
And the first flight that arrived was from… India. Gosh. Who’da thunk it?
BBC News
Japanese tennis star Naomi Osaka’s withdrawal from the French Open has sent shockwaves through the sport and raised the prospect of some soul-searching for the authorities and media.
A) Two bodies I could care less about
B) They have souls?
C) If that is a shockwave cause, they are in for a suprise down the line
On this – am I right that some one who makes a living from tennis finds giving interviews a ‘nuisance ‘? And has a tantrum about it ?
Find a real job ( although I guess a lot of those characters are minted through bank of mum and dad any way ) or is it mum and mum or dad and dad ?
Point is that when she signed up to be in the French Open the contract said she would do the interviews.
By refusing to do them, she was in breach of contract.
Am I the only one who couldn’t give a monkeys about these after match ‘interviews’ anyway ? Most are morose and look bored witless, and then badly give an account of what we’ve just watched ! – those interviewed on the track after running to the moon and back cant speak as they are so breathless, but it still doesn’t stop some moron shoving a microphone in their face.
I think it was Clarkson who said that asking players like Andy Murray “How do you feel after that win/loss?” is a pointless exercise because, like nearly all of them, he doesn’t feel anything – he’s just a tennis-playing robot.
Bris – I withdraw what I writed about the lady tenniser- as I just discovered she has depression and getting Qs from the press wouldn’t help .
I don’t know anything about tennis – is there a Wimbledon this year ? Will boris father another ‘love child ‘ ?
She has managed to communicate to the media about her mental problems. Many of us might prefer not toreveal such personal information.
Having won 5 million dollars and earned 22 million dollars in sponsorship deals, the only mental problem would be how to spend it.
Someone claimed the BBC had a blackout about Saturday’s London freedom protest.
Actually at 3 am Sunday morning on BBC radio5 Live right after the news a caller had a long speech about going on the march last week and saying the media won’t cover it this weeks march.
The BBC presenter Jim Davis let him speak freely, which meant he went over the top on his claims
..like saying “1,000 people have already died, today’s march had three quarters of a million people, no a million !”
This made him sound like a fantasist.
Then right at the end Jim Davis read a seemingly prepared script saying everything the caller said was “fake news”
link https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09hgdhs
Open forum call on coronavirus
2h04m20s Paul in the Wirral
What are you pushing at me today Twitter ?
My local Sainsbury has a board outside saying that they support LGBTQ and Comic Relief. That will be Sainsbury, whose largest shareholder is the Qatar Investment Company. That will be Qatar, where male homosexuality is illegal and punishable by imprisonment (potentially the death penalty), same sex marriage (sic) is not recognised and it is illegal to campaign for LGBTQ rights. And that will be Comic Relief, the decidedly unfunny charidee supported by the BBC. I’m guessing that all these parties are ‘proud’ of their cooperation on this important matter.
I see Pink News are praising Biden
yet again BBC RadioHumberside-news is acting as a GreenDream PR agency
promoting another Northern Powergrid PR story
“They expect a big rise in electric cars in Hull
right now it’s just 3,000 but in 30 years time it could be 130,000
Jim Cardwell says
” what will drive the pace of change is the cost and attraction” waffle PR words
.. Right lets unpack that
there are 32 million cars in the UK, so about 1 for each 2 people
Hull has 321K people, so must have 160K cars
So right now it’s 2% electric and in 30 year time he reckons it will be 81%
Who the hell knows ? There are so many variables that no estimate is reliable
It’s like saying we’ll have fusion-power in 30 years time.
Glance at their Twitter
“Look we’re green”
… “We are are out again in our helicopters”
The#GreenBlob mean the UK is NOT a safe place to invest
Expensive electricity, sudden crazy rule changes etc.
BTW visit the NorthernPowerGrid website
and you can see the PR story the BBC “news” story derives from
The only time I ever saw electric cars in Hull were on the fairground at Walton Street, used to cost a tanner for 5 minutes, what larks bashing into each other!
Wot! Affluence in ‘ull? It’s not far from Hartlepool.
Regarding this Oxford smoke free thing.
I reckon it’s a handful of councillors (or whoever is on these panels) deciding it with no consideration of the people who have to live there.
It reminds me of a time when I was in the Army and I got sent to the Mess meeting along with representatives of the other units in the Camp in Germany.
We were to bring up any points to improve the kitchens and general food matters.
I had no points to contribute,
I used to drink a lot in those days and never made it early enough for breakfast and was off out downtown at dinner time (the midday meal that is)
I had an idea, “Can we have brunch at the weekends” I said.
An open kitchen with hot plates and suchlike from about 0730 until 1330
This meant I could get a meal before going downtown.
They decided to do it.
This was a case of one person (me) causing a change which affected a couple of thousand. None of them asked for it but all had to accept it and all because I wanted to go out boozing and have something to eat at a time which suited me.
It worked well but it wasn’t what anybody asked for and probably wouldn’t want.
You could compare this with the Oxford lot imposing their will onto the population of Oxfordshire.
Last time I looked at the Oxford Low Emission Zone
it covered very few streets
most people could easily avoid them and pay no charge
I love stories like those . I used to go to a lot of meetings – at some I had no ‘power ‘ at all but at others I found I had a lot of power – well above my pay grade .
If I may say – your brunch idea was a very sensible one and a bet a lot of other ‘drinkers ‘ wondered where such a good idea came from ….
Quiet propaganda news day ?
BBC news at 6 is now more like the good old “nationwide ‘ . They had foreign news from somewhere called ‘Birmingham’ . Birmingham has introduced some kind of ‘air zone ‘ – with a launch using a smoke bomb . This is news .
But the trusty BBC had plenty of subtitles about some kid in an Arab country about refugees or something – my attention filters were fully switched off as I considered the level of coverage the inquest into the Muslim terrorist shot 20 times on London Bridge after slaughtering 2 misguided naive s trying to fix him
( yeah right )
And I think they spent 5 minutes on some new £1million drug to fix babies . No question about the value of the medication apart from their NHS getting a ‘discount ‘.
Oh yeah – gazumping in the housing market is back because everyone wants a garden and will never be commuting to work again .
Meanwhile on the ITV news the coloured ‘anchor’ asks another journo
‘Zero covid deaths today -should we see this as a positive sign ?”
Can you guess the answer ?
Quality journalism eh?
6pm BBC1 news. I can see the remnants of the script prepared demanding the government delayed lifting restrictions. Damn there being no covid deaths today…but they were able to go to Nicola in Scotland.
They haven’t aired it yet, but they previewed that they have a reporter in Henley…..breathless voice…..’for the hottest day of the year’. Well it is 1st June (summer?) and up until now it has been ruddy cold. I am sure they will suggest this heat (slightly warm weather) is due to climate change.
I long for the TV weather forecasts in Brazil when I was living there. It consisted of a man dressed in weird get ups, such as Dracula costume pointing at a map. At each city he would say (loosely translated) “Here maybe rain, maybe sun” Pretty accurate.
Look at this today.
1621 illegal immigrants arrived by boat in May.
“Channel crossings: Migrant crossings continue amid good weather”
“The Bank Holiday weekend saw 568 people make the crossing, according to the Home Office”.
The Home Sectary, The Home Office along with the Border Farce are useless. Expect more terrorist attacks a on the British people . We have been betrayed by the Tory Government .
BBC News website, 29-year old Daniel Boulton arrested on suspicion of murdering a mother and her child.
Terrible story, but you can’t help noticing the difference in coverage from the times “A Man” is involved.
Are those two cops for real? It looks like they are holding on to him for support!
We are the polithhhh!
“The Louth Polithe dismisseth uth” …
The BBC are very proud to announce:
Muslim Golf Association: Amir Malik has big plans for his new venture
Just out of interest I wonder how they would report another hypothetical version of this story?
Imagine setting up a Christian Golf Association for instance.
It would be Racist! Racist! Racist! all the way…
digg, there used to be a Bible Study group on the US Tour. This was in the 1960s. Couple of decades later and Bernhard Langer became an enthusiastic member. A recent US Masters winner Jordan Spieth is RC and attends the PGA Bible Study group. Danny Willetts is the son of a Church of England vicar. Think one of the Canadians on the US Tour is a Christian.
Reading on what Malik has to say is enlightening…
“Not a single course would turn people away but we create these factions and privileges so that it is only accessible by certain people. I want to remove that myth – that’s why I’ve created the Muslim Women’s Association as well.”
“I genuinely think someone can play golf in a dress, with a headscarf. As long as they’ve got the right footwear there is no reason why they can’t hit a ball,” Malik said.
“We’ve just created a safe environment, that’s all we’ve done. Women teaching women with like minded people with lunch thrown in at a beautiful golf course – it becomes a day out.”
Reading Notes…..
1. Women will only be welcomed in their own groups.
2. They will be expected to play wearing the proscribed clothing.
3. They will only ever be coached by other women.
Sounds nice and inclusive to me!
Malik insists change is difficult when so many positions of authority are held by people who are “old, pale, male and stale”.
…and back to a little more ageism, racism, genderdism and insult-ism to wind up!
An excuse to show Woody Allen’s joke, not about The Muslims but about The Moose.
Kind of relevant to this subject. Eventually.
“The Archers – an everyday story of LGBTQIxyz folk.”
In today’s episode, gay husband-and-husband Adam and Ian had a mealtime chat with Ruari, who is staying with them because his half-sister Alice has marital/drink problems and needs what was his room at Brian & Jennifer’s now small home (… it’s a long story.)
When Adam brought the conversation round to sexuality, Ruari told the couple he was bisexual and already “out” among college friends. He fancies who he fancies. He has a mate called Troy and they sometimes go a bit further but both are relaxed about it. Ruari is 18, studying for A-levels, and 15-year old eco-warrior Mia has a crush on him; in fact more than that, she told Emma that she is in love with him.
Watch this space for further “developments” …
Reading the papers this past week more than the usual radio news briefings… and its not just Biden (who has his own reasons) that Scientist – medical Virologists can find no ‘Bat’ link or any evidence to ‘cross-species’ avian flue jump that the likes of the BBC would have us believe are true.
I share this link as I originally read it last week in The Telegraph but the news was discouraged on media platforms (banned all postings on Facebook). So its unlikely the BBC ever spoke of The Great Barrington declaration (https://gbdeclaration.org) or gave anyone any time or credence to those who had suspicions that the disease was man made.
It was also convenient and well planned ‘finale’ to the end of the UN Agenda 21 protocol (a global success to ensure the ‘vaccine’ cure) and yet the start of another ‘climate projection’ global (COPT) ‘apocalypse’ prediction to keep us all locked-up, drugged-up media-hyped to full mental-anxiety – for children mainly, who particularly believe the media (CBBC) can be trusted. We know different and I don’t trust Biden and his business links to China who will (no doubt) declare he has looked into it and can see NO links to China’s Bat flue!
And that is because there was none to begin with, but there was a plan to reduce the populations of the world drastically and create a climate of fear. (My italics).
All other viruses have since been ignored on a world wide basis. Nobody dies of old age either, just ‘COVID’. And there are a lot of ‘other’ diseases and viruses to keep us in quarantine until the end of time as another climate ’emergency’ will always be top priority for political advantage by the same players and media with a left wing slant to blame is all on ‘conservatism’. Now Biden get the chance to decide if COVID was from China. The truth is that we will never be allowed to know. BBC included.
Worth a read.
Sinade Obumma (who renamed to Shuhada something or other but still uses her original name in tweets so people will know who she is for ratings purposes) in a spat with Womans Hour.
To me she comes across as the drunk idjet in the pub who doesn’t know why but just wants to abuse, shock and fight with everybody else.
Tonight’s TV
9pm Channel5 : Black Anne Boleyn
9pm – 10:30pm Channel4
The Anti-Vax Conspiracy
An investigation into the international anti-vaccination movement and its message that Covid-19 is a myth and part of a government plot to inject people with dangerous vaccines.
Who are the people behind the international anti-Covid-vaccine movement and why are they doing it?
Ep 1 An investigation into the international anti-vaccination movement and its message that Covid-19 is a myth and part of a government plot to inject people with dangerous vaccines. The documentary goes inside the world of the `anti-vaxxers’, ranging from those profiting from lethal fake cures to Piers Corbyn,
From the blurb it seems to be a loaded hit piece
“among others Piers Corbyn , who argues that the vaccine rollout is on a par with experiments carried out in Nazi concentration camps.
and MMR doctors Andrew Wakefield”
Piers Morgan sits down for an interview with the leader of the Labour party
Twitter watch
Kelvin mckenzie reports that Oliver Dowden at the culture ministry is full ahead with the sell off of C4. Hope there is some truth in that . Haven’t seen it reported anywhere else.
Next up – sell off bits of the BBC next year …..
Hardly new The Times had the story 21 hours ago
Ministers are exploring a sale of Channel 4 amid a surge in dealmaking in the entertainment industry.
The government-owned broadcaster has been placed on a list of assets that could be offloaded as the Treasury seeks to repair the country’s Covid-scarred finances.
The government has begun sounding out investment banks to advise on a deal, according to City sources. It is understood that Oliver Dowden, culture secretary, has an open mind on the structure of a disposal. Options include a trade sale or stock market listing.
The discussions are at an early stage but suggest that Channel 4 could be placed on the auction block sooner than industry insiders had expected.
This month Dowden, 42, said that a privatisation of the company was “on the table” as part of an official review of public service broadcasting. He said that the government would “not rule out” selling Channel 4 by 2024
I don’t know how old the McKenzie Twitter was – the sale of C4 was discussed here a while ago – but if they are speeding up the sell off it might send a signal to the BBC for the ‘negotiation s’ next year .
I don’t look at the Times because of the paywall .
There is always hope .thanks for your dismissive response to my post – stew – very in character ..
Sorry, please allow me to defend myself, there is no dismissal from me
I merely confirmed the story had a much earlier source
I didn’t dismiss the story at all did I ?
You asserted that the story came from Kelvin Mckenzie on Twitter
I searched and immediately found the Times reported it today
Yes that contradicts your idea, ..but that is the actual truth
that is seems the Times was much earlier than Kelvin Mckenzie
I didn’t need to go beyond the paywall to see the story and it’s time of publishing
A lot of info is in the intro and the tweets
I see your best mate Claire Enders is quoted
“This is absolutely the right time to be considering a sale,”
Claire Enders, of Enders Analysis, said. “A deal fever has descended on the media sector and barely a day goes by without a mega merger.”
I di then go beyond the paywall and quote some of the main lines of the article
byee ..enjoy your day
That’s the way you come across . Defend away – I care less .
I put up a ‘good news ‘ comment and the response I get is that dismissal . Not the first time . Wish it was the effing last .
New thread now
“good news” i wonder if @Fed is actually quoting this 7 month old tweet video
where Kelvin Mackenzie uses the phrase “good news” about WHITTINGDALE talking about selling channel4 ?
BTW various news media reported Dowden saying that at DCMS meeting on May13th eg the Guardian
there was also a TalkRadio discussion
@Fed Basically you asked if there was some truth in the story
I relayed that yes the Times had reported it earlier, so that is another earlier source that confirmed the idea you’d got from someone quoting Kelvin Mckenzie .
I find it bizarre you call that a dismissal
but then I don’t walk in your shoes
The C5 Anne Boleyn – maybe I’ve seen too much about this period of history but there storyline ? Editing ? Understanding ? What the hell was going on ? Yet alone the coloured girl playing a white queen who Cannot Act ….!
And that’s the first 10 minutes ….
Where are the Australian , Chinese and Eskimo actors in this Crap ?
All modern telly seems to be about image and attitude…..with lots of poses struck.
Consumers could face more expensive shopping bills in the autumn as costs climb and Brexit red tape increases.
So yet again Brexit mentioned in the headline. Whereas in the story we discover:
‘as global food prices hit their highest for seven years.’
‘furniture and electricals saw prices rise as retailers felt the lingering impact of disruption to global supply chains earlier this year.’
‘Consumers will be seeing the impact of higher energy and fuel costs in household bills’
Whats clear by the only actual facts they give is that prices have risen because of the effects of the pandemic. Nothing to do with Brexit.
I commented on something similar the other day. It’s clear now the BBC are going to find any small Brexit issue to report alongside pandemic issues and deliberately not make it clear that the vast proportion of the huge problems we are facing are due to the pandemic and the massive debts governments have run up.
The usual lies by omission and more of the steady drip-drip-drip to push their own agenda. Just imagine the stories they would be running about Brexit if we had struggled and lashed out like the EU have been doing over COVID.
Only those as arrogant as the BBC can behave like such ethically barren gutter-press while simultaneously looking down their noses at everyone and sneering. What a bizarre bubble they live in.
The bbc see the Nick Whiteheads as their true core.
Meanwhile we still have BRINO in the form of the NI Protocol and no proper control over our territorial waters/fishing.
Hold. The. Presses!
The story is/should be that EasyJet allowed an unauthorised boarding.
So much for security.
Also there appears to have been more than one person[?] since the statement from EJ refers to them and their.
“As soon as the mistake was realised, it was arranged for them to fly back to Manchester and on to Belfast, their original intended destination.”
Lurch has reactivated.
Really can’t see the need for trump rallies – the election is already fixed .
How American BS will gush this one lord knows…
Just saw the latest post of Spring.
Hill…. freaking… larious what she is pushing.
Remember on ‘approved thought ‘ is authorised . They are very touchy about the wrong sort of ‘dissent ‘ arnt they?
The VD addled groupies are out in force, talking about ‘cultists’ ironically.
Can’t wait for the BBC Mullah Lite version of this one once the top floor signs off.
Brewing up a curry on the camping Gaza in the magazine?
Today Virgin Media and O2 have merged together. The two firms which are actually owned by Liberty Global and Telefonica creating a £31 Bn group.
This group will provide internet telephone, cable TV and mobile comms and will be a rival to Sky and BT.
The groups mentioned are established and have good market share, and the longer BBC privatisation is put off the more difficult it is going to be to be able to make a subcription based alternative viable.
For a privatised BBC to be a viable business it would need to compete with Sky BT and now Liberty / O2 offering internet, cable TV and mobile communications. A few years ago it would have been a plum time to have done this, but with Brexit and what is assumed to be a dodgy deal with Cameron to support remain.
How could a newly privatised BBC survive in an established marketplace is difficult to see now, and I expect that would be the excuse the hapless Tories would use in order to force people to fund their far left propaganda machine by adding the bill to household rates making it a compulsory tax regardless of whether people even own a TV !