“If you close your eyes and listen to Sky, BBC or even ITV news you’re not sure which one you’re listening to. They’re roughly the same voices with the same approach to stories," said @afneilhttps://t.co/NHm2A1F8gw
I’m not slating or knocking the man down until I’ve seen the programme. He’s got half decent people who have left their jobs to make a go of this. In fact I wish I had seen the comments by Simon McCoy about the ‘new’ baby in the rehearsal programme.
I’m hopeful that News GB will present a balanced view across a range of topics. In modern day terms ‘balanced’ will seem like far right to many of the Wokists. But I’m not expecting that the channel will dispute the current views of the British liberal establishment on issues such as Islamification or mass migration , which are the most important and dangerous threats to the well being of our country. Brillo has long toed the line on these issues.
It will be interesting to see the line that the channel takes on issues such as:
Foreign Aide budget, will the publc’s View be heard
The Batley and Spen by election and its aftermath if Labour loses
BLM and taking the knee and booing
NPI row with the EU
USA stories , will the Republican and Trump view get at least an airing
The French election, will MLP still be a far right rabble rouser.
If News GB is to be distinct from the rest of the achingly Woke MSM it needs to have a clearly different take on the likes of the above.
Let’s face it, there’s no such thing as unbiased news. There’s bias in the choice of stories you cover, the prominence given to them, the spin, the tone etc.
Personally I don’t want unbiased, I want a bias towards the small c conservatism of the majority of the public, to counterbalance the existing Liberal left woke bias of the metropolitan elite that all the broadcast news channels feed us 24/7.
Or at least a REAL diversity of views and opinions, not the BBC’s fake box-ticking diversity.
Ofcom is stuffed full liberal Woke folk and GB News has to be careful not to upset them too much otherwise the License will be revoked. The elite has everything nicely tied up so they win every time , except of course on Brexit which is why they are still so upset.
I was ok with the bbc until brexit where their massive agenda became obvious. And Neil was the only balanced voice. So I knew he’d not be there long. The bbc changed dramatically around 2015 and he no longer seemed in line with it.
Indeed, his leaving smacks more of personal pique than principle. Whatever the case, hopefully his news channel will inflict some damage and syphon off some viewers from the beeb.
And hopefully provide a real alternative to the homogeneous, liberal, woke news channels.
I used to switch news channels years ago to get a different take on the news, no longer. they all seem to read from the same script almost word for word. wonder you feeds them the script?
Pygmies standing on the shoulders of giants… President Kennedy committed America to go to the Moon. Vice-president Kamala can’t commit to a trip to the border, down Mexico way, to take a look at Joe’s Cages For Kids Initiative. At least in the case of Europe, she’s got the excuse of probably not knowing where it is.
“Covid: Greater Manchester and Lancashire in testing and vaccine push”
Push as much as you like, certain people are not going to comply. Those “people” are holding the rest of the country in lockdown by our government. Just like a teacher does in school keeping the whole class behind for the miss behaviour of one pupil.
Or perhaps, has it occurred, the teacher rather fancies keeping the whole class in detention and can always find at least one pupil upon whom to shift the blame?
There’s nothing to stop teach sending that naughty one metaphorically to the corner with a dunce’s hat and letting the others go home.
Note how we have so many woke politicians who are reluctant to mention the “elephant in the room”.
It is reminiscent of Basil Fawlty and his “Don’t mention the War ” mantra, in “The Germans” episode .
In any case, we’ve all had our say on Take A Knee now. Whether you agree or disagree, they’re going to keep on doing it. We can continue the row once it’s all over. It’s time to get behind the team now.
It a long time since we had an English football team and I too hope that the group supposedly representing my country lose as ignominiously as possible.
Yonks ago a school chum ended up as a Master of the Universe living in Fulham. He was a mad Chelsea supporter. Close enough.
It used to be vaguely tribal due to geographical proximity, which is why our Hooray Henry MP now is only heard from if he opens a Post Office or attends a match for ‘our team’.
However even decades past it seemed that the owner was Russian, the managers various incarnations of EU, and most players from Nigeria.
He also still votes Labour and doubtless would join Emily Heffalump in decrying any artisan silly enough to attend the new mansion in a white van sporting the flag of this country to recalibrate his wine cellar.
You know, I think you’re right.
If you read any of his comments, they are carefully written in a manner which would pass BBC moderator checking. As they would be instructed to do if it were at work.
And it would be naiive to think the BBC aren’t secretly devoting a lot of manpower to combat sites like this. I would be every single one of us has had every single post checked by this team.
Busted. What a shame we don’t have an ‘ignore’ button.
Maxi has been busted for some time . What he and his team of fools have not realised yet is that their trolling is counterproductive. People are “cancelling” Al Beeb and it’s archaic Telly Tax while viewing numbers are falling .
So can we assume men are getting a lot more than that ?. I will assume not by the typical BBC ‘omission’ of any information on that fact.
It seems ‘equality’ only applies where it suits them.
Reminds me of the big tag-line they are pushing all over the radio for their new prison drama. A strong woman telling a whitey male prisoner:
‘You are in here as punishment, not for it’.
wtf does that mean ?. The two mean exactly the same.
I wonder if the prison inmates ethnic ratios reflect those in a real jail. I am 100% certain they won’t.
BBC Outrage going to team up with BBC Pidgen on this?
A TV ad for KFC which showed two black men ordering fried chicken has been cleared by the regulator after people complained it perpetuated negative ethnic stereotypes.https://t.co/CzSsHgWqZS
Imagine Jon skipping up the stairs, tripping, but recovering at the thought of the in flight freebies, only to find Greta at the door.
And she is NOT happy.
Cicadas filled the engines of a press plane set to accompany President Biden on his trip to Europe, forcing a delay and a new plane and pilot to be called in. https://t.co/PSzNZ12eyI
America's wealthiest people, including Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, paid little to no income tax for years, according to tax returns allegedly leaked to a news website.https://t.co/PUFSxFJhO8
Agree Brissles, nevertheless I hope they Bezos et al get hammered for tax-it won’t hurt them or their organsisations that will still see massive profits, especially Amazon, as now much the UK population is cautious about buying from Stores/shops-you know the ones, that wear a mask when driving and alone, or when walking the dog out in the fresh air, probably wear a mask when cooking a meal/BBQ-dismantled spirits. How sad they have all become-are they going to become Zombies?
Needless to say, many of the folk in this race-baiting nonsense were not black, and some were only ‘African’ in the sense that George Orwell was Indian and Eric Liddell was Chinese i.e. they were born on the physical continent of Africa but were not ethnically or culturally so. Abbot Adrian of Canterbury was a Berber from North Africa, for instance. Likewise the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus, who was of (extremely well documented) Roman and Punic heritage. These two examples would have had a vaguely ‘Meditterranean’ appearance. Yes, there were vanishingly small numbers of black Africans in Britain over the centuries and some had interesting lives, but this is very much a classic case of ‘the exception that proves the rule’. Prior to the 20th Century, most people in this country would have spent their entire lives without ever having seen a living black person.
Ian……………Prior to the 20th Century, most people in this country would have spent their entire lives without ever having seen a living black person.
Very true. Talking to “an ol’ country boy” in the village where I live, who has never left the place, he spoke of being a teenager during the war and how he couldn’t believe his eyes when a black man came walking up the lane ! Working on a farm he went off to get his Dad who also came “to have a look”.
I didn’t see my first Black man until I was 8 yrs old, walking back from the cimema with my grandmother in Houslow, Middx-circa 1950 ish. Had one Indian and one Pakistani at my school-later one boy from Turkey and one from Tehran, not a nice bloke-cunning and later ended up in trouble with the Police. In fact the real introduction of coloured people/Muslims didn’t come into my life until the middle 1960’s in London’s West end where I worked. From 1990 the number rapidly increased until what we have now-have no idea as to how many of such people reside in the UK to date?
In the mid-19th century, the term ‘white slavery’ was used to describe the Christian slaves that were sold into the Barbary slave trade. The modern legal term applies more narrowly to sexual slavery, forced prostitution and human trafficking, with less focus on the race of victims or perpetrators.
I am Spartacus..! Okay mate, good luck with that, but I’m staying safe indoors.
Whatever happened to our counter-culture? Where’s all the edgy alternative anti-establishment comedians, the transgressive agitprop fringe theatre, the daring new wave punk rockers, the experimental authors, the iconoclastic avant-garde artists – we’ve not heard a peep out of any of them this past fifteen months?
Our previously much vaunted – suposedly alternative enfant terribles, free-thinkers, the independently-minded – arts and culture scene has lost its fangs – in the face of governmental lockdown policy – it has collectively rolled over to expose its tummy for a tickle like a submissive toy poodle.
And it has been left to the ugly duckling of staid respectable conventional musical theatre, the author of suburban and touristy – dare one say commercial – mums’ favourites Cats, Evita and Starlight Express, to stand up and be counted against censorious State restriction and banning orders: ‘You’ll have to arrest us to stop us reopening‘ – says Andrew Lloyd Webber in the Telegraph this morning.
They banned the night clubs and the gigs, the open mike venues, the regional theatres, moved the street performers on with the threat of arrests and fines, shutdown the alternative bookstores, locked the galleries shut, forced Glastonbury and the Edinburgh Fringe into an unnatural anticeptic online only presence – all with willing collaboration and compliance. Draw your own conclusions as to the actual bravery of our cowardly lions of the arts and culture scene.
Did they have a care for their audience, so long as furlough and support funding flowed, or were they Tin Men without a heart? Scarecrows without brains to recall their oppositional voice function in society and to think how this casual acceptance would drain away their future credibility?
Only the man behind the stage curtains, the author of the Wizard of Oz stage show deserves to take a bow – because he is the only one unwilling to bow any longer.
‘Andrew Lloyd Webber vows to defy Government if restrictions are not lifted as planned on June 21‘ (Telegraph)
Meanwhile on a morning on which even the Guardian frontpage features a photo of Elizabeth II and her former daughter-in-law under the heading: ‘Lilibet Diana what’s in a name?‘ – our national institutions continue to suffer their woke nervous breakdown: ‘Oxford college to remove Queen’s portrait over colonial links‘ (Times)
Why don’t the highly privileged less than 1% of students who landed a place at Oxford and ‘voted to remove a portrait of the Queen from their common room‘ – just bugger off and sign up at some third world college that doesn’t give them the collywobbles at the mere thought of British colonialism?
‘Judge rules staff “off sick” can visit pubs‘ (Times) – given we’ve been banned from public houses for health reasons this past year this story tends to jump the shark.
Only in Newcastle could an employment tribunal come up with such a ruling.
For this next bit – do please forgive the awkward rendering of the North East accent, as in current BBC-style, I try hopelessly to appeal to the regions…
I’m reminded of the old the Geordie joke about the lazy worker at the doctors and what he said as he was feigning a knee injury in order to obtain a sick note:
“Whatever happened to our counter-culture? Where’s all the edgy alternative anti-establishment comedians, the transgressive agitprop fringe theatre, the daring new wave punk rockers, the experimental authors, the iconoclastic avant-garde artists – we’ve not heard a peep out of any of them this past fifteen months?”
And where are all those Gina Miller-types and make-up-law Supreme Court judges who were so concerned about our ‘rights’ over Brexit?
Not at all. The caption says this is not actually activist @GretaThunberg but Great Thunberg – with which I'd agree: (Greta) Thunberg is great! 😆 pic.twitter.com/ALUl9UBQJx
— ER #FBPE #GTTO #ProgressiveAlliance 🇪🇺 🔶 (@ER_EJR) June 8, 2021
Greenpeace claims the UK Government is not protecting the UK’s marine protected areas from destructive fishing, a key Brexit promise.
The Oceana pressure group today published data indicating that so-called bottom trawlers, which drag huge nets along the sea bed, spent 68,000 hours fishing in UK protected areas set up specifically to protect the seabed in 2020.
“Our analysis of 2020 data released today has found that there was a large increase in fishing with destructive bottom towed gear in UK Marine Protected Areas despite the pandemic.”
… the Government has not so far delivered on two of its Brexit promises, namely better marine protection and a better deal for the UK’s fishermen.
Greenpeace is calling for the government to ban both bottom trawlers and supertrawlers from operating in all UK protected areas by restricting the licences of these vessels to operate in UK waters, as provided for by the new Fisheries Bill 2020.
No protection of either our borders or our territorial waters then?
If I were the Queen, I would take a very dim view of the new arrival being given the name “Lilibet”, especially if I had not been consulted beforehand. Family names shared by many individuals down the generations are no problem but nicknames – No! A nickname is something personal and inviolable in my opinion.
Probably the tone-deaf, stupid and impertinent Meghan’s idea.
I think her choice of names serves a twofold purpose: cementing her royal connection (essential for her business, and without which she is nothing) and perhaps an attempt at re-ingratiating herself with the Firm.
She needs to be just ‘in’ enough for the public to give a damn about her absurd books and woke projects, while being on the fringes enough to keep slandering them and playing the victim.
A tough balancing act, but hey, she’s an actress, ie a professional faker and liar.
I’d guess the overriding reason for the choice of ‘Lilibet’ was nothing to do with bridge mending, more simply that it is contentious and automatically creates more airtime discussion and column inches for the ‘high-profile pair’.
That has become their style and function, no less. Without it, like all such vapid attention seekers, they are pointless.
Absolutely spot on, Beltane.
It’s the old ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’ routine.
Keep the profile up and enough gullible folk will be suckered in.
Its been ‘reported’ that an “olive branch” has been held out to the pair with the Queen inviting the gruesome twosome to her Platinum Jubilee next year.
She could hardly do otherwise really, but why the press continue to use the term ‘olive branch’ from the Royal Family is ridiculous, why the hell should they ? so this couple can continually throw his family under the bus, but that’s alright then as they will always be ‘much loved members of the family’.
Yeah right, I know exactly what the reaction would be in mine and many other families — get stuffed ! But they have to keep in with Granny as she is the one who can scupper their lifestyle plans by stripping them of their much needed titles.
There was a piece in one of the dailies, Mail or Express I forget which, that said a lawyer I believe had been sacked because she tweeted a friend ” they should have named the child Georgina Floydina. Her friend was sacked for saying it should have been ” Doprah”
This crisis in the world, and particularly in the West is not about Covid 19. I dont believe this was all about Donald Trump as a person either.
Its greater then that. What the socialists have been after since the fall of the USSR, was global socialism, or communism in the long run. For that purpose they have tried to scare us of AGW and tax on coal and gas.
As that did not work out, they shifted to Climate Change (heads I win, tails you lose). But that would not work as Donald Trump would not allow global taxation over a fraud Climate Change. So they had to get rid if him. Note how quickly the G7 has put a tax on fossil fuels. Of course they state the “existential” Climate Change as the reason.
Covid-19 came along , and it too was used to bring down Donald Trump. Nothing could be allowed to mitigate Covid-19. So HCL+ Zinc+ Ivermectin was stopped. The result – millions unnecessary deaths. The question is, was this deliberate.
Students have defaced a mural featuring Rudyard Kipling’s If in a stand against his “racist” work.
The author’s 1895 poem was painted on a wall of Manchester University’s newly renovated union building.
But student leaders erased the work, replacing it with a piece by Maya Angelou in a bid to reverse “black and brown voices” being written out of history.
The union has apologised for failing to consult students on its choice of poem.
“Being a student is about more than studying. It’s about exploring and debating ideas. It’s sometimes about provoking the older generation. Looks like that isn’t so hard to do these days.”
Throughout history newer generations have had a tendency to despise previous generations. Younger people see the World through their own cliche ridden mantras rather than actuality so as to feel empowered and valued. In many cases the actual cause is far less important than the need to be signed-up, be involved so as to fit in with their bed-fellows.
Of course this leads to hazy ideas about what they deem acceptable and what they don’t. It is metered by what their peer group accepts and promotes rather than what is actually the case.
It’s all about the vital need to feel new and different and included.
However in time they of course will be the ones that their own progeny will be trying to demonise and consign to history.
As someone once said in a song “It’s a race, a race of rats!”
I revered my father and mother and their generation, and still do their memory.
Beyond the obvious they were also the ‘make do and mend’ generation and all I practice now was from them.
Even seeing some small measure of success with their grandkids as the last several birthdays has seen gifts of tools to build up their kit for when they leave home.
They are actually fixing stuff and making things now.
I never cease to wonder how hypocritical our mainstream media services are. In the Tweet by Dan Hodges earlier (Posted By Guest Who), It is all lets move on reconciled to support the England team. Meanwhile they are dragging up comments and quotes from England cricketers as the speed of light, trying to out woke each other. The FA and The ECB promptly support this. They are beyond saving.
Imagine in earlier decades. Cricket would be banning Botham, Boycott, Close and even D’Oliveira for controversial language .
As for Brian Clough he wouldn’t be allowed near a football ground. I liked the story about him letting a reporter, Clive Tyldesley, who wanted to travel with the team on the train know he should be wearing a tie. Clive Tyldesley had three hints ,’Young man, you’re very welcome to travel with the official Nottingham Forest party but when you do travel with the official Nottingham Forest party, you do wear a tie’. Finally Clough gave him ten shillings to go and buy one.
Hypocrisy and shamelessness make for enduring bedfellows in the media.
They can do it now because they rule.
The BBC claim to speak for a nation who has consistently flown in the face of BBC vote rigging efforts at election time infuriates, not least because the clowns getting or staying in let them keep it up.
TOADY Watch #1 – a very different person to last year and earlier this year
The 8.10 Prime Interview Slot was an interesting encounter with Andy Burnham, Labour Mayor of Manchester. The BBC started it with their usual, for Covid times, cutaway elsewhere for comment. Not by Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg who appears to be on a lengthy early summer holiday – again. Gotta keep that tan topped up and the sun is shining on Edinburgh back gardens.
No beech for Labour man Burnham and no (Scottish) beef either – the Government sending the Army in to Manchester – appears enough to have put the frighteners on Covid and on Mayor Burnham. Or could his emollient air be due to a likely upcoming Labour leadership vacancy?
We got rid of Greater Manchester Council under Mrs Thatcher. George Osborne brought it back as part of his “Northern Powerhouse”, because nothing says “economic success” like another layer of unwanted government. The man was a complete bell end.
Quite so. But the actual ‘county ‘ remained…with county wide police, fire and ambulance etc.
I’m from a moorland bit of Rochdale borough….which used to be an Urban District council on its own.
I don’t like the idea of some political Manchester nit imposing will on an area quite distinct from such townies.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/ Scroll down to Lifestyle and you will see a picture of a ‘so-called’ miniature garden for indoors that appears to be outdoors. Doh! Apparently it is a must have for these Pandemic Times which may or may not be about to end.
You’ll need to be quick on the scrolling. The BBC have a habit of taking things down quite quickly, especially if they attract comments. Speaking of which, there appear to no HYS (Have Your Say) on the BBC web-site.
The Green Party has withdrawn its candidate from the Batley & Spen by-election after it was revealed he made a series of “highly offensive” homophobic tweets as a teenager.
Rugby league international Ross Peltier, 29, had been selected by the party to contest the 1 July vote.
However, his candidacy was revoked after the tweets came to light.
Green Party “role model” hosted by the lib petard
.. although I accept that the of course he’s changed since he was in that atmosphere when he sent the tweets
The Green Party have axed their candidate for the #BatleyAndSpenByelection after a series of sexist and homophobic tweets emerged.@rossco_peltz had previously been described as "a role model for so many".
The Green Party also have another guy who got an angry reaction when spoke against child trans “The transphobe is Shahrar Ali
who has been high up for ages
but they’ve just given him their “domestic safety” brief.
Local BBC radio host is pushing Lineker
cos of his pushing of Southgate’s long new POLITICAL statement
..wonder how many PR professionals were in the team that crafted it ?
1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office:
We are joining Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Cori Bush, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, and others who are demanding Trump be immediately convicted in the United States Senate. Trump must also be banned from holding elected office in the future. Call your members of Congress and demand they support conviction by dialing (202) 224-3121.
2. Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack:
More than half the Republican representatives and multiple senators stoked Trump’s conspiracy theories and encouraged the white supremacists to take action to overturn the election. We are supporting Rep. Cori Bush’s resolution to expel them from Congress for their dangerous and traitorous actions. We also support steps to bar them from seeking another office.
3. Launch a full investigation into the ties between white supremacy and the Capitol Police, law enforcement, and the military:
The Capitol was able to be breached and overrun by white supremacists attempting to disrupt a political process that is fundamental to our democracy. We know that police departments have been a safe haven for white supremacists to hide malintent behind a badge, because the badge was created for that purpose. We also know off-duty cops and military were among the mob at the Capitol on January 6th. Guilty parties need to be held accountable and fired. We are supporting Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s COUP Act to investigate these connections.
4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms:
Trump has always used his digital media platforms recklessly and irresponsibly to spread lies and disinformation. Now it is clearer than ever that his digital media is also used to incite violence and promote its continuation. He must be stopped from encouraging his mob and further endangering our communities, even after inauguration.
5. Defund the police:
The police that met our BLM protestors this summer with assault rifles, teargas, and military-grade protective gear were the same police that, on Wednesday, met white supremacists with patience and the benefit of the doubt, going so far as to pose for selfies with rioters. The contrast was jarring, but not for Black people. We have always known who the police truly protect and serve. D.C. has the most police per capita in the country; more funding is not the solution.
6. Don’t let the coup be used as an excuse to crack down on our movement:
In response to the coup, Politicians have already introduced the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021. We’ve seen this playbook before. These laws are used to target Black and brown communities for heightened surveillance. Republicans are already busy trying to create an equivalence between the mob on January 6th and our Freedom Summer. We don’t need new domestic terror laws, facial recognition, or any other new police power for the state. Our government should protect righteous protest and stay focused on the real issue: rooting out white supremacy. There are enough laws, resources, and intelligence, but they were not used to stop the coup. Our elected officials must uncover why.
7. Pass the BREATHE Act:
The police were born out of slave patrols. We cannot reform an institution built upon white supremacy. We need a new, radical approach to public safety and community investment. President Biden has already drawn on the BREATHE Act in his executive actions calling for racial equity screens in federal programs, investing in environmental justice at historic levels, and engaging with system-impacted communities. The BREATHE Act paints a vision of a world where Black lives matter through investments in housing, education, health, and environmental justice.
The advertisers and sponsors demand TTK they are so mindful of thier image. I belive that advertising and the associated industry are far far bigger threat than the BBC and SKY….follow the money.
Check out The Suns tv advert for its euro coverage called something like ‘eur all invited’…heart string tugging family activities based around watching the euros – fine. But, non diverse cast (careful targeting?) and right at the end, the white father is on one knee seeing to a bike (not a euphemism). I don’t think that is a coincidence.
Millionaire footballers take the knee in support of this.
Black Lives Matter protestors in Kansas City Sunday carrying a casket through downtown, resting it on the steps of police HQ. A pig dressed as an officer inside. “Abolish the police” and “the other white meat” painted on the exterior. pic.twitter.com/e8y0pTH0m9
This is slightly off topic. But as Bill gates is a huge and major sponsor of the BBC (one of the biggest private donators for the BBC ventures to ‘educate’ the poor illiterate masses of Africa ) and as Emperor BIDEN is in town (Cornwall) for the G7 summit on how to advantage the ‘global reset’, and plans for ‘Climate change’ and taxing the populous globally and keep and charge more tax for LIBERAL and MARXIST world adventures. So they need more money and they find ‘offshore accounting’ of US global companies who prefer ‘off shore’ taxes a good target.. That would be multi-national tax avoidance (something the EU has tried to do to get Google and Facebook to pay more taxes than they do). There is an argument there, but the left have also exploited this for years. This is based in and around the notion of ‘Corporation Tax’ (which is a tax on profits i.e. 40%). But it all depends where your profit centre is located so the Cayman Islands, Antibes, Monte Carlo, Luxembourg, Switzerland are all in the running but for global companies as opposed to private CASH stuffed into briefcases by BBC presenters under PPC (Private Personal Contracts) tax-free whilst working at the BBC solely are something different. Avoidance yes, but the globalist prefer IRELAND as they have ‘inheritance’ and a family was once there when it suits them politically.
You see Ireland has the lowest comfy Corporation Tax rate in Europe and American global companies prefer Ireland as its ‘in Europe’ but outside the clutches (so far) of Brussels. They pay minimal tax there. And don’t forget BIDEN claims Irish parentage (don’t they all – Clinton even!). Only Bulgaria is cheaper.
And that brings me to the G7 summit this weekend. Biden wants a global Corporation tax hike and ban ‘tax havens’ like Ireland. He wants us in the UK to comply in a ‘deal’ to match US Corporate rates (when he presses the button). This effectively will kill of Ireland’s current ‘tax haven’ status and the EU wants it to stop this as well. Ireland has not got a lot going for it – when compared to the UK, it only does well as its cheaper than the UK whilst offering ‘access to the UK’. So BIDEN is a disaster for Ireland, if and when his plans do go through on the ‘nod’. Like Climate change proposals (of which GATES is clearly part of).
Many of those generous donators to the BBC are the likes of billionaires like Bill Gates, and the sums are staggering. Gates is worth about £89 Billion personal fortune and has to submit his Microsoft Subsidiary accounts in Ireland (to get Corporate Tax relief), last year he made £222 billion profits, whilst paying effectively NO tax. Giving money to the BBC (for example) he pays no tax. The BBC pays NO tax, and to top it all, the BBC never pays ANY Corporation tax (as its part of the BBC Charter that it is totally EXEMPT in the UK). It mirrors ‘GATES’ global ambitions and its cheap. Its funded by the UK taxpayer – who do pay taxes.
If BIDEN gets his way, the Ireland will suffer (quiet rightly) as it already ‘honeymoon’ period with the EU has ended. Ireland is bound to the UK trade (smuggling usually) so we can only wonder how the Northern Ireland Trade treaty is going to play out with the EU. It was a bad treaty, when Remainers forced a rash treaty with the EU ‘to get it sorted’. It means we are bound to pay and collect EU taxes in Northern Ireland (and the EU is de-facto) in charge of movement of goods in and out of Northern Ireland. BORIS should rip up the treaty, but it all depends on how BIDEN treats the UK and it could come down to this weekend G7 summit, if BORIS takes the bait from BIDEN. HE will try to squeeze us between the EU demands and the US for a ‘deal’.
As BIDEN is a liability Ireland is already stuffed either way by BIDEN or by the EU. Gates will scarper and stuff his money elsewhere, but donations will always filter back to the BBC ‘global agenda’. That means Pandemic and Climate change, food crisis and population control globally for ever more. Combine that with CO2 charges and that can only benefit SOROS and Bill GATES ‘investments’ in the BBC – so we are scared into submission that ORWELL global corps is a really good idea and they will pay no tax and they wont need Ireland (or BIDEN) either. Perpetual serfdom of the masses and no democracy to get in the way.
It stinks. But the BBC is really grateful for all TV license donations it can get. Its not illegal (and they know it). They can butter the toast both sides.
In June 2015, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation strengthened further their ongoing cooperation on nutrition
following the Nutrition for Growth event in London in 2013.
Since Nutrition for Growth, the foundation has taken its commitment to nutrition even
further in recognition of the fact that nutrition is a major driver of child mortality and
undermines children’s ability to thrive.
Between 2015 and December 2020 the foundation will spend a total of USD $776
million on nutrition, exceeding its N4G commitment by USD $360 million. This, in turn,
is sufficient to unlock additional UK resources of USD $180 million (GBP £115) (based
on the 2:1 matching ratio). These funds will allow the DFID to further expand its
investment in high impact nutrition-specific interventions in the period to 2020.
By strengthening work together and aligning resources, DFID and the foundation will be
better able to support wider donor coordination efforts in support of national plans, and
achieve greater impact on reducing undernutrition among women and children.
This statement will be publicly available as par
I wonder what the police who are at the games to stop any trouble happening feel when they see the millionaires grovelling to burn loot murder who want to defund the police.
Same as the 1938 football team all doing the nazi salute before the game to appease Hitler (that worked well) we have these virtue signallers kow tow’ing to the burn loot murder to appease them.
I think many of them don’t want to do it but are scared to be seen not doing it as it will end their international career.
What a classic bBC stitch up on that Newsnight last night.
I dont know who the beeboid was due to rarely watching this , however the guests comprised
Neale Richmond – a hard line EU placeman and probably hardcore irish republican
Antionette Sand Bog , an ex conservative Brexit rebel sacked by Boris. and reeking of revenge.
The Beeboid….bog standard Wokist, Tory hater , DJ
Lord Lilley, a pro Brexiteer but who must surely reflect on his judgement to join a stitch up and volunteer for a “kippering”
I noticed that his connection seemed to be poorer than the other 3 and his facial contortions probably signified his belated recognition , as the prog unfolded….that he was indeed in the role of the Kipper!
Of course, the topic was this Northern Ireland protocol…..which most would probably cast off with a yawn
That is until pink sausages of the ckhilled variety are used for traction….like the bBC fascination with chlorinated chicken.
The interview was unedifying and served only to underline that the EU,s single market border point should be entierly constructed on the ROI side of the border and they can have as many checks as their heart desires AT THEIR COST.
And the bBC inpurt…..no suggestions just happy to stir their pro REMAIN narrative and put Boris in a bad light.
defund/Sell/outsource/Close…..anything but just get rid of it!
I like the pantomime of PMQ – so I switched on the 5live coverage -being careful not to hear ms
Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah holding far left court .
But come 1235 – they pulled away from the PM answering a question in order to ‘do the news ‘ and an advert for R2 about some ethnic dancing crap …..
The thought process of the BBC – “ doesn’t look like the PM is coming out of this badly so we will cancel him “ . I don’t know how much longer PMQs went on – but that is not public service broadcasting ……
Usually at the start of PMQs the PM wishes the ‘home countries ‘ ‘good luck’ in forthcoming sports tournaments. Not today – until prompted . Yes I know it’s a little thing .
I really hope any team taking the knee gets thrashed …
StewGreen, from your figures I would guess that the upkeep of a single person without work or home would cost at least £100 a week, I make Kent County Councils bill for this to be around £154,700 a week or £7.8 million per year… I expect there will be a damn lot of potholes unrepaired in Kent in the next 12 months plus healthy rate rises for all working folk.
Multiply this by every Council in England and the overall cost must be frankly hideous and of course does not include the added costs of all the border farce workers, police, caseworkers and legal eagles busily being paid to bed these people into their new freeloading life amongst us.
No bloody wonder they are scrambling onto boats to get here!
Plus when Kent County Council claim they are suing the Government for more money than don’t mean the actual Government they mean all the taxpaying mugs like you and I, the Government don’t have money they simply pass it on from all of us lot.
Well she joins good company, I am still banned from posting on the Telegraph web site. I don’t why but it happened after I posted that the editor was an enemy of free speech and far more Woke than his readers. The list of topics on which Telegraph readers can’t comment on grows exponentially . Perhaps it’s a bit like the BBC web site and have your say, they simply don’t agree with the posters and don’t want the ordinary punters to be able to reinforce each other’s views because it dilutes the brainwashing process .
So I read that Gareth Southgate thinks footballers are role models and should not be booed for taking a knee in support of #BlackLiesMatter
OK, let’s see the paragons of virtue in the PL for your children and grandchildren to emulate.
• Rio Ferdinand and his drugs tests
• Rio Ferdinand and his family values, the names are too numerous to list
• The married Ryan Giggs showing his family values with Imogen Thomas
• The (surprisingly still) married Ryan Giggs continuing to show his family values with his brother’s wife
• The also married John Terry showing HIS family values with his teammate Wayne Bridge’s wife
• Wayne Rooney … ’nuff said
• Ashley Cole … check with Cheryl on this
• The aforementioned John Terry, that’s right he’s BAAAACK – just ask Anton Ferdinand
• Kolo Toure and his diet pills
• Patrice Evra and Luis Suarez and their little racism spat
• Phil Foden and Mason Greenwood bringing girls back to the team hotel in Iceland breaking team curfew and COVID-19 isolation rules.
• Ask “Big Sam” about the bung game
• Marlon Jones – involved in almost every crime known to man; from drink driving and robbery to sexual assault and credit card fraud
• The always gentle and civil Joey Barton
• The child grooming Adam Johnson
Yeppers, models of propriety all.
Southgate has an exaggerated sense of his own importance and the importance of football. Footballers are NOT role models, they are men getting paid obscene sums of money for having the physical talents to play a child’s game.
Role models are the surgeon walking out of theatre after operating 14 hours straight along with his nurses, first responders putting their lives on the line every day, exhausted soldiers returning to base after a 3 day firefight carrying the corpses of their mates to name but a few.
Dobyns: ” Footballers are NOT role models, they are men getting paid obscene sums of money for having the physical talents to play a child’s game.” . . ….
…. . . and often doing so not very well.
(Think: an England forward unable to trouble an opposing goalkeeper because at best, his shots pass the goal line halfway between the goal and the corner flag. Either that or ten to twenty feet over the crossbar.)
Was today’s Prayer For The Day political ?
It ended
“Prevent us from perpetuating economic warfare, taking lands from indigenous peoples,
*burning rainforests and trashing ecosystems*. Amen”
A Tweeter replies
“Let’s hope those concerned with @COP26 hear and answer your prayer.
So far the people best qualified to talk there are least likely to do so”
BTW May 25 “Thought for the Day” on Talking about the “*execution* of George Floyd”.
Tweeter “Execution”?? Really?
Very bad – yes. Execution – utterly inflammatory.
Was today’s Thought For The Day POLITICAL ?
Professor Robert Beckford of the dept of *Climate* and Social Justice at Winchester Uni https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09kyjnp
“1976 a metal work teacher racially abused me in class
..’If you don’t get this right you’ll be back on a banana boat to Jamaica
… booing taking the knee and the cricketers tweets took me back
… my father spoke to the teacher and it never happened again’
Racist ? what if the teacher had said the farmers kid, “you’ll be stuck mucking out the pigs all your life” ?
Being a survey, that suggests what the bbc likes to pass on, this might soon make it here.
I, like most, am an omnivore, and engage in my food choices fairly unobtrusively. Certainly those I share with of similar tastes seem a cheery lot and none of us feel obliged to share certain personal dietary quirks unless health related.
Those from planet V on the other hand, on a purely empirical basis seem miserable twats who either talk about themselves constantly or try and impose on others.
Made me think of the old ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’ joke. The modern version is:
Q: Why did the Vegan cross the road? Then run the length of the street, turn the corner, go across the zebra crossing and run down another road?
A: To tell a complete stranger that’s she a vegan.
Radio4 tweet they’ve won an award
for Jessica Beck (Snapshots from Black America)
Women in Media Foundation (AWMF) announced the winners of the 46th Annual Gracie Awards. The Gracie Awards Gala will take place September 27, 2021 at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles
and will honor some of the most talented women in television, radio and digital media,
including Kerry Washington, Catherine O’Hara, Lena Waithe, Kelly Clarkson,
*Hillary Rodham Clinton*, DeDe McGuire, Danielle Monaro and Erin Andrews
.. lefty bubbleworld
God has made a first appearance.
Anybody care to guess what he is.
you’re all correct.
On the news I see that 80% of all adults now have antibodies against the Chinese flu. On the 21st you can add another 7 or 8 million. Something like 90% protected.
What have they come up with now!
“We don’t know how long we are protected, we don’t know how long the antibodies will stay in our system”
This must be the next phase of the ‘new variant’ excuse they normally use to extend their lockdown controls.
Extract of DT report on the spat between the ex royals and the BBC – priceless
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have accused the BBC of libel after the corporation claimed the Queen was not asked by the couple about naming their daughter Lilibet.
In an extraordinary escalation of the briefing war between Buckingham Palace and Harry and Meghan, the couple instructed lawyers to tell media organisations the BBC’s story was “false and defamatory”.
The BBC quoted a Palace source as saying Her Majesty was not asked for her permission to use her pet name of Lilibet for the Sussexes’ second child, who was born on Friday.
The Duke and Duchess raised eyebrows with their decision to use the Queen’s highly personal nickname, particularly in the wake of their repeated criticism of the Royal family in recent months.
The BBC began reporting claims that the couple had not sought the Queen’s blessing this morning, and shortly after 8am – 1am in California, where the couple live – media organisations were sent a letter by the Sussexes’ London solicitors warning them not to repeat the allegation.
While Palace sources are not denying the BBC story, a spokesman for the Sussexes insisted that the Duke did discuss his daughter’s name with his grandmother and would never have used it had she not been supportive.
But the BBC reported a Palace source as giving a different account of events, saying the Queen was “never asked” about its use.
The couple’s spokesman told The Telegraph: “The Duke spoke with his family in advance of the announcement, in fact his grandmother was the first family member he called.
“During that conversation, he shared their hope of naming their daughter Lilibet in her honour. Had she not been supportive, they would not have used the name.”
Yet another example of the meaningless lefty bully word ‘racism’ only applying when the left says it does, as Kamala Harris mouths virtually verbatim the words Donald Trump said when the Democrats called him ‘racist’ for saying them:
“Jihadists Massacre at Least 130 in Burkina Faso as West African Violence Surges. The atrocity sparks concerns that the West and its local allies are losing the battle against Islamists in the impoverished Sahel nations”
Did the BBC cover this? It’s certainly not on their website now, even under Africa.
And lest we forget, in the last month alone there have been nearly 2000 injured and killed in 205 islamic attacks in 24 countries – mostly ignored by the biased BBC.
But, shock horror: some spectators booed some woke players abjectly kneeling to our new masters, and Rio Ferdinand wants them re-educated. (In camps?)
Just had my ears assaulted by the link announcer on BBC this afternoon. No concept of the letter ‘T’ so it was …. fur’ee free, anfum and for’ (thirty three, anthem, fort).
No comment on the ethnicity. Once upon a time the Beeb was well known throughout the world for the news announcers and the rest, to speak the Queen’s English – a great help for learning English in the colonies when listening to the radio.
God knows what language anyone of them are speaking now.
Radio4 Media Show :Radio takes on the tech giants
.. no mention of the Independents like Belfield, Lotuseaters, the irish Talk show guy Richie Allen, Jon Gaunt
Or that TalkRadioTV will launch before GBNews
“One of the UK’s commercial radio groups is launching ad-free versions of their stations for a monthly fee.
Is this radio’s secret weapon to defeat Spotify and the streaming services?
Or should more presenters follow Iain Lee’s lead and swap network radio for digital platforms?
Plus, an Ofcom report shows the new dominance of TikTok and the music streaming platforms.
Guests: Paul Keenan, President of Audio at Bauer; Iain Lee and Katherine Boyle,
Yih-Choung Teh, Strategy and Research Director at Ofcom; Madhumita Murgia, European Tech Correspondent at the Financial Times.”
Presenter Datshiane Navanayagam
BBC diversity replace brown Amol with another brown , whilst having 2 BAME specialist stations and a global station as well.
► James Max | 5am-6.30am ► Julia Hartley Brewer | 6:30am-10am ► Mike Graham | 10am-1pm ► Ian Collins | 1pm-4pm ► Mark Dolan | 4pm-7pm ► Kevin O'Sullivan | 7pm-10pm ► James Whale | 10pm-1am https://t.co/qipHQD4yei
Certainly not offering a defence for that Shadow Health Secretary, but as is the norm these days, had barely opened his mouth before the ignorant interviewer was jumping in and having an orgasm with further questions. I’d make a rubbish politician, if I was faced with an idiot like that I’d say “what the hell have you got me on for if you want to listen to the sound of your own voice ?”.
While I agree with you about the interviewer, the Labour man said nothing that would make me return to being a staunch Labour voter.
Could it be that the MSM is belatedly attempting to make the voters believe that their output is always politically nuetral? If it is then my reaction would be “Pull the other one – it’s got bells on it.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Well, D’uh.
Hard to respect the reason for not staying in that case.
He loved the BBC when they paid him.
You can take the man out of the BBC but can you take the BBC out of the man?
He certainly has plenty of flaws and an ego the size of a planet but at the moment he is as near to ‘unbiased ‘ as we are likely to see for a while .
The bo jo over the top thing just made him look stupid ….
But remember – the left hate him – I think mainly because if a Labour politician sits down with him they are shredded in a couple of minutes .
I’m not slating or knocking the man down until I’ve seen the programme. He’s got half decent people who have left their jobs to make a go of this. In fact I wish I had seen the comments by Simon McCoy about the ‘new’ baby in the rehearsal programme.
I shall not forgive him for his disdainful treatment of Tommy Robinson. I hope one day there will be a reversal.
Ignored Bately and Channel crossings like the plague. Stays in safe zone with Islam.
I’m hopeful that News GB will present a balanced view across a range of topics. In modern day terms ‘balanced’ will seem like far right to many of the Wokists. But I’m not expecting that the channel will dispute the current views of the British liberal establishment on issues such as Islamification or mass migration , which are the most important and dangerous threats to the well being of our country. Brillo has long toed the line on these issues.
It will be interesting to see the line that the channel takes on issues such as:
Foreign Aide budget, will the publc’s View be heard
The Batley and Spen by election and its aftermath if Labour loses
BLM and taking the knee and booing
NPI row with the EU
USA stories , will the Republican and Trump view get at least an airing
The French election, will MLP still be a far right rabble rouser.
If News GB is to be distinct from the rest of the achingly Woke MSM it needs to have a clearly different take on the likes of the above.
Let’s face it, there’s no such thing as unbiased news. There’s bias in the choice of stories you cover, the prominence given to them, the spin, the tone etc.
Personally I don’t want unbiased, I want a bias towards the small c conservatism of the majority of the public, to counterbalance the existing Liberal left woke bias of the metropolitan elite that all the broadcast news channels feed us 24/7.
Or at least a REAL diversity of views and opinions, not the BBC’s fake box-ticking diversity.
Ofcom is stuffed full liberal Woke folk and GB News has to be careful not to upset them too much otherwise the License will be revoked. The elite has everything nicely tied up so they win every time , except of course on Brexit which is why they are still so upset.
Except ironically now they aren’t liberal.
I was ok with the bbc until brexit where their massive agenda became obvious. And Neil was the only balanced voice. So I knew he’d not be there long. The bbc changed dramatically around 2015 and he no longer seemed in line with it.
i was disenchanted way before then , the 911 QT being the last straw, I honestly thought it was just me, which is what later led me to this place,
Brexit though was maybe the time the mask fell off for millions of people
Indeed, his leaving smacks more of personal pique than principle. Whatever the case, hopefully his news channel will inflict some damage and syphon off some viewers from the beeb.
And hopefully provide a real alternative to the homogeneous, liberal, woke news channels.
Not really liberal, imo.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 4 started 11pm Tuesday so 10 posts there
– page 3 started 8am Tuesday
I used to switch news channels years ago to get a different take on the news, no longer. they all seem to read from the same script almost word for word. wonder you feeds them the script?
Europe’s loss.
Imagine when she does; the bbc will go ins…
Jon is going to need to bring a bigger apple.
Pygmies standing on the shoulders of giants… President Kennedy committed America to go to the Moon. Vice-president Kamala can’t commit to a trip to the border, down Mexico way, to take a look at Joe’s Cages For Kids Initiative. At least in the case of Europe, she’s got the excuse of probably not knowing where it is.
The bio confirms just your typical bbc guest.
Alistair Campbell on yet another R4 prog last night. Something about Fee and Joan or similar.
Why, when he faked that dossier?
“Covid: Greater Manchester and Lancashire in testing and vaccine push”
Push as much as you like, certain people are not going to comply. Those “people” are holding the rest of the country in lockdown by our government. Just like a teacher does in school keeping the whole class behind for the miss behaviour of one pupil.
Or perhaps, has it occurred, the teacher rather fancies keeping the whole class in detention and can always find at least one pupil upon whom to shift the blame?
There’s nothing to stop teach sending that naughty one metaphorically to the corner with a dunce’s hat and letting the others go home.
Note how we have so many woke politicians who are reluctant to mention the “elephant in the room”.
It is reminiscent of Basil Fawlty and his “Don’t mention the War ” mantra, in “The Germans” episode .
At least Basil had the excuse that he had been concussed by the moose’s head. I don’t know what sort of mental malfunction affects the wokerati.
The presumption of media always impresses.
Almost as much as its self delusion.
On what planet have they EVER left anything be to resolve down the line?
Mr hodges still wants work in the MSM – I will be supporting whatever opposition the England team play – until the kneeling stops ….
It a long time since we had an English football team and I too hope that the group supposedly representing my country lose as ignominiously as possible.
Yonks ago a school chum ended up as a Master of the Universe living in Fulham. He was a mad Chelsea supporter. Close enough.
It used to be vaguely tribal due to geographical proximity, which is why our Hooray Henry MP now is only heard from if he opens a Post Office or attends a match for ‘our team’.
However even decades past it seemed that the owner was Russian, the managers various incarnations of EU, and most players from Nigeria.
He also still votes Labour and doubtless would join Emily Heffalump in decrying any artisan silly enough to attend the new mansion in a white van sporting the flag of this country to recalibrate his wine cellar.
“…I too hope that the group supposedly representing my country lose as ignominiously as possible.”
I think perhaps it’s time we introduced the “Tebbit test”, for all those folk who argued in favour of a “Tebbit test”.
Such as, oh…
Doublethinker, (August 24, 2020)
“The only BAMEs that will ever accept as British are those who pass the Tebbit test. Otherwise I believe that their loyalties lie elsewhere.”
So where do your loyalties lie maxi?
“So where do your loyalties lie maxi?”
Well, I’m not ashamed of my nationality.
Unlike, oh…
Twin_Town, (May 8, 2021 at 12:30am)
“I am ashamed to say that I am welsh….”
taffman, (May 8, 2021 at 12:51am)
“Me too.”
Taken out of context maxi.
From your statement I deduce that you originate from foreign lands.
Good God maxi, you are obsessed. I bet you’ve gone back years for every member on here just looking for something like that.
Get a life you zero.
Maxi does not work alone. He is the frontman for a team of Beeboids
You know, I think you’re right.
If you read any of his comments, they are carefully written in a manner which would pass BBC moderator checking. As they would be instructed to do if it were at work.
And it would be naiive to think the BBC aren’t secretly devoting a lot of manpower to combat sites like this. I would be every single one of us has had every single post checked by this team.
Busted. What a shame we don’t have an ‘ignore’ button.
Maxi has been busted for some time . What he and his team of fools have not realised yet is that their trolling is counterproductive. People are “cancelling” Al Beeb and it’s archaic Telly Tax while viewing numbers are falling .
Not a bag for life?
Oh, the humanity.
Men as well?
Don’t do the crime …don’t do the other thing …
( excluding post office computers of course )
So can we assume men are getting a lot more than that ?. I will assume not by the typical BBC ‘omission’ of any information on that fact.
It seems ‘equality’ only applies where it suits them.
Reminds me of the big tag-line they are pushing all over the radio for their new prison drama. A strong woman telling a whitey male prisoner:
‘You are in here as punishment, not for it’.
wtf does that mean ?. The two mean exactly the same.
I wonder if the prison inmates ethnic ratios reflect those in a real jail. I am 100% certain they won’t.
I think the plastic bag is to protect these homeless women from black footballers, our new master race.
BBC Outrage going to team up with BBC Pidgen on this?
Imagine Jon skipping up the stairs, tripping, but recovering at the thought of the in flight freebies, only to find Greta at the door.
And she is NOT happy.
Very BBC.
Lewis Goodhall liked this.
Bet he pays as little tax as possible.
The media of course famous for stumping up.
Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elton Musk, clearly had to make money as a career because how else could they attract a wife ???
Clearly worked gangbusters for Major Jeff.
Just hope someone has checked the programming of the landing coordinates of the boosters.
And Mrs. Z must be wondering if getting hitched to the Stepford Zombie was worth it.
Agree Brissles, nevertheless I hope they Bezos et al get hammered for tax-it won’t hurt them or their organsisations that will still see massive profits, especially Amazon, as now much the UK population is cautious about buying from Stores/shops-you know the ones, that wear a mask when driving and alone, or when walking the dog out in the fresh air, probably wear a mask when cooking a meal/BBQ-dismantled spirits. How sad they have all become-are they going to become Zombies?
Where goes the Graun, so shall the bbc surely follow…
Needless to say, many of the folk in this race-baiting nonsense were not black, and some were only ‘African’ in the sense that George Orwell was Indian and Eric Liddell was Chinese i.e. they were born on the physical continent of Africa but were not ethnically or culturally so. Abbot Adrian of Canterbury was a Berber from North Africa, for instance. Likewise the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus, who was of (extremely well documented) Roman and Punic heritage. These two examples would have had a vaguely ‘Meditterranean’ appearance. Yes, there were vanishingly small numbers of black Africans in Britain over the centuries and some had interesting lives, but this is very much a classic case of ‘the exception that proves the rule’. Prior to the 20th Century, most people in this country would have spent their entire lives without ever having seen a living black person.
Ian……………Prior to the 20th Century, most people in this country would have spent their entire lives without ever having seen a living black person.
Very true. Talking to “an ol’ country boy” in the village where I live, who has never left the place, he spoke of being a teenager during the war and how he couldn’t believe his eyes when a black man came walking up the lane ! Working on a farm he went off to get his Dad who also came “to have a look”.
I didn’t see my first Black man until I was 8 yrs old, walking back from the cimema with my grandmother in Houslow, Middx-circa 1950 ish. Had one Indian and one Pakistani at my school-later one boy from Turkey and one from Tehran, not a nice bloke-cunning and later ended up in trouble with the Police. In fact the real introduction of coloured people/Muslims didn’t come into my life until the middle 1960’s in London’s West end where I worked. From 1990 the number rapidly increased until what we have now-have no idea as to how many of such people reside in the UK to date?
“Prior to the 20th Century…” Much later than that for most people.
In the mid-19th century, the term ‘white slavery’ was used to describe the Christian slaves that were sold into the Barbary slave trade. The modern legal term applies more narrowly to sexual slavery, forced prostitution and human trafficking, with less focus on the race of victims or perpetrators.
I am Spartacus..! Okay mate, good luck with that, but I’m staying safe indoors.
Whatever happened to our counter-culture? Where’s all the edgy alternative anti-establishment comedians, the transgressive agitprop fringe theatre, the daring new wave punk rockers, the experimental authors, the iconoclastic avant-garde artists – we’ve not heard a peep out of any of them this past fifteen months?
Our previously much vaunted – suposedly alternative enfant terribles, free-thinkers, the independently-minded – arts and culture scene has lost its fangs – in the face of governmental lockdown policy – it has collectively rolled over to expose its tummy for a tickle like a submissive toy poodle.
And it has been left to the ugly duckling of staid respectable conventional musical theatre, the author of suburban and touristy – dare one say commercial – mums’ favourites Cats, Evita and Starlight Express, to stand up and be counted against censorious State restriction and banning orders: ‘You’ll have to arrest us to stop us reopening‘ – says Andrew Lloyd Webber in the Telegraph this morning.
They banned the night clubs and the gigs, the open mike venues, the regional theatres, moved the street performers on with the threat of arrests and fines, shutdown the alternative bookstores, locked the galleries shut, forced Glastonbury and the Edinburgh Fringe into an unnatural anticeptic online only presence – all with willing collaboration and compliance. Draw your own conclusions as to the actual bravery of our cowardly lions of the arts and culture scene.
Did they have a care for their audience, so long as furlough and support funding flowed, or were they Tin Men without a heart? Scarecrows without brains to recall their oppositional voice function in society and to think how this casual acceptance would drain away their future credibility?
Only the man behind the stage curtains, the author of the Wizard of Oz stage show deserves to take a bow – because he is the only one unwilling to bow any longer.
‘Andrew Lloyd Webber vows to defy Government if restrictions are not lifted as planned on June 21‘ (Telegraph)
Meanwhile on a morning on which even the Guardian frontpage features a photo of Elizabeth II and her former daughter-in-law under the heading: ‘Lilibet Diana what’s in a name?‘ – our national institutions continue to suffer their woke nervous breakdown: ‘Oxford college to remove Queen’s portrait over colonial links‘ (Times)
Why don’t the highly privileged less than 1% of students who landed a place at Oxford and ‘voted to remove a portrait of the Queen from their common room‘ – just bugger off and sign up at some third world college that doesn’t give them the collywobbles at the mere thought of British colonialism?
‘Judge rules staff “off sick” can visit pubs‘ (Times) – given we’ve been banned from public houses for health reasons this past year this story tends to jump the shark.
Only in Newcastle could an employment tribunal come up with such a ruling.
For this next bit – do please forgive the awkward rendering of the North East accent, as in current BBC-style, I try hopelessly to appeal to the regions…
I’m reminded of the old the Geordie joke about the lazy worker at the doctors and what he said as he was feigning a knee injury in order to obtain a sick note:
“Wark? I canny even wark!“
Good post.
Where are the rebels indeed?!
You lot are ‘it’ mate.
Is that the brave Lloyd Webber who compared unvaccinated people to drunk drivers?
“Whatever happened to our counter-culture? Where’s all the edgy alternative anti-establishment comedians, the transgressive agitprop fringe theatre, the daring new wave punk rockers, the experimental authors, the iconoclastic avant-garde artists – we’ve not heard a peep out of any of them this past fifteen months?”
And where are all those Gina Miller-types and make-up-law Supreme Court judges who were so concerned about our ‘rights’ over Brexit?
The BBC: ‘subliminal’? Who, us?
Does the BBC constantly have a ‘foreign teenage autistic crackpot’ box to tick on their ‘inclusivity’ list?
Greenpeace claims the UK Government is not protecting the UK’s marine protected areas from destructive fishing, a key Brexit promise.
The Oceana pressure group today published data indicating that so-called bottom trawlers, which drag huge nets along the sea bed, spent 68,000 hours fishing in UK protected areas set up specifically to protect the seabed in 2020.
“Our analysis of 2020 data released today has found that there was a large increase in fishing with destructive bottom towed gear in UK Marine Protected Areas despite the pandemic.”
… the Government has not so far delivered on two of its Brexit promises, namely better marine protection and a better deal for the UK’s fishermen.
Greenpeace is calling for the government to ban both bottom trawlers and supertrawlers from operating in all UK protected areas by restricting the licences of these vessels to operate in UK waters, as provided for by the new Fisheries Bill 2020.
No protection of either our borders or our territorial waters then?
The bBC presents a slightly different angle Fish ‘not as carbon friendly’ as previously thought.
If I were the Queen, I would take a very dim view of the new arrival being given the name “Lilibet”, especially if I had not been consulted beforehand. Family names shared by many individuals down the generations are no problem but nicknames – No! A nickname is something personal and inviolable in my opinion.
Probably the tone-deaf, stupid and impertinent Meghan’s idea.
I think her choice of names serves a twofold purpose: cementing her royal connection (essential for her business, and without which she is nothing) and perhaps an attempt at re-ingratiating herself with the Firm.
She needs to be just ‘in’ enough for the public to give a damn about her absurd books and woke projects, while being on the fringes enough to keep slandering them and playing the victim.
A tough balancing act, but hey, she’s an actress, ie a professional faker and liar.
I’d guess the overriding reason for the choice of ‘Lilibet’ was nothing to do with bridge mending, more simply that it is contentious and automatically creates more airtime discussion and column inches for the ‘high-profile pair’.
That has become their style and function, no less. Without it, like all such vapid attention seekers, they are pointless.
Absolutely spot on, Beltane.
It’s the old ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’ routine.
Keep the profile up and enough gullible folk will be suckered in.
Using nicknames as first names might catch on. I had an uncle whose nickname was fat arse
Its been ‘reported’ that an “olive branch” has been held out to the pair with the Queen inviting the gruesome twosome to her Platinum Jubilee next year.
She could hardly do otherwise really, but why the press continue to use the term ‘olive branch’ from the Royal Family is ridiculous, why the hell should they ? so this couple can continually throw his family under the bus, but that’s alright then as they will always be ‘much loved members of the family’.
Yeah right, I know exactly what the reaction would be in mine and many other families — get stuffed ! But they have to keep in with Granny as she is the one who can scupper their lifestyle plans by stripping them of their much needed titles.
There was a piece in one of the dailies, Mail or Express I forget which, that said a lawyer I believe had been sacked because she tweeted a friend ” they should have named the child Georgina Floydina. Her friend was sacked for saying it should have been ” Doprah”
“Georgina Floydina” is funny, but I can’t understand “Doprah”.
A combination of Doria and Oprah !!!
Iranian name Firdaus ?
This crisis in the world, and particularly in the West is not about Covid 19. I dont believe this was all about Donald Trump as a person either.
Its greater then that. What the socialists have been after since the fall of the USSR, was global socialism, or communism in the long run. For that purpose they have tried to scare us of AGW and tax on coal and gas.
As that did not work out, they shifted to Climate Change (heads I win, tails you lose). But that would not work as Donald Trump would not allow global taxation over a fraud Climate Change. So they had to get rid if him. Note how quickly the G7 has put a tax on fossil fuels. Of course they state the “existential” Climate Change as the reason.
Covid-19 came along , and it too was used to bring down Donald Trump. Nothing could be allowed to mitigate Covid-19. So HCL+ Zinc+ Ivermectin was stopped. The result – millions unnecessary deaths. The question is, was this deliberate.
How BBC employees think ?
In reply to a tweet that had said R4Today treats news stories as human interest instead of attacking the government.
Manchester students deface poem by ‘racist’ Kipling
Published19 July 2018commentsComments
Bloody gits. I suppose they wouldn’t like it if they were defaced?!
Weird that vandalism as a form of legitimate critique is tolerated and, in the case of the BBC, often lauded.
Given some are still teenagers the message gathered will not see them do well once balance is restored.
Taking a sledge to George in the foyer might see Toenails disobliged.
Students have defaced a mural featuring Rudyard Kipling’s If in a stand against his “racist” work.
The author’s 1895 poem was painted on a wall of Manchester University’s newly renovated union building.
But student leaders erased the work, replacing it with a piece by Maya Angelou in a bid to reverse “black and brown voices” being written out of history.
The union has apologised for failing to consult students on its choice of poem.
Sounds like these students have a promising career ahead at the BBC Monit…BBC Tren… BBC Kremlin Balcony Unit.
No wonder Blair wanted to get at least half the youth into Yooni.
What better way to mass indoctrinate them into leftist wokeism.
Seems to be working too.
Go go to University? What better way to increase ignorance and increase arrogance.
Manchester : George Floyd mural been defaced 3 times.
Mar 2 : Boy, 17, arrested after George Floyd mural defaced in Manchester | Metro News
The kid has been charged
with “A Race Hate Crime” FFS
BBC Unerring Speaking for the nation ‘news’
“Being a student is about more than studying. It’s about exploring and debating ideas. It’s sometimes about provoking the older generation. Looks like that isn’t so hard to do these days.”
Queen’s portrait removed after vote by Oxford University students
Now, guess who the quote is actually from?
Throughout history newer generations have had a tendency to despise previous generations. Younger people see the World through their own cliche ridden mantras rather than actuality so as to feel empowered and valued. In many cases the actual cause is far less important than the need to be signed-up, be involved so as to fit in with their bed-fellows.
Of course this leads to hazy ideas about what they deem acceptable and what they don’t. It is metered by what their peer group accepts and promotes rather than what is actually the case.
It’s all about the vital need to feel new and different and included.
However in time they of course will be the ones that their own progeny will be trying to demonise and consign to history.
As someone once said in a song “It’s a race, a race of rats!”
I’d err on ‘some’.
I revered my father and mother and their generation, and still do their memory.
Beyond the obvious they were also the ‘make do and mend’ generation and all I practice now was from them.
Even seeing some small measure of success with their grandkids as the last several birthdays has seen gifts of tools to build up their kit for when they leave home.
They are actually fixing stuff and making things now.
Young Archie and Greta calling theirs Ginger Nuts will be poetic.
I never cease to wonder how hypocritical our mainstream media services are. In the Tweet by Dan Hodges earlier (Posted By Guest Who), It is all lets move on reconciled to support the England team. Meanwhile they are dragging up comments and quotes from England cricketers as the speed of light, trying to out woke each other. The FA and The ECB promptly support this. They are beyond saving.
Imagine in earlier decades. Cricket would be banning Botham, Boycott, Close and even D’Oliveira for controversial language .
As for Brian Clough he wouldn’t be allowed near a football ground. I liked the story about him letting a reporter, Clive Tyldesley, who wanted to travel with the team on the train know he should be wearing a tie. Clive Tyldesley had three hints ,’Young man, you’re very welcome to travel with the official Nottingham Forest party but when you do travel with the official Nottingham Forest party, you do wear a tie’. Finally Clough gave him ten shillings to go and buy one.
Hypocrisy and shamelessness make for enduring bedfellows in the media.
They can do it now because they rule.
The BBC claim to speak for a nation who has consistently flown in the face of BBC vote rigging efforts at election time infuriates, not least because the clowns getting or staying in let them keep it up.
TOADY Watch #1 – a very different person to last year and earlier this year
The 8.10 Prime Interview Slot was an interesting encounter with Andy Burnham, Labour Mayor of Manchester. The BBC started it with their usual, for Covid times, cutaway elsewhere for comment. Not by Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg who appears to be on a lengthy early summer holiday – again. Gotta keep that tan topped up and the sun is shining on Edinburgh back gardens.
No beech for Labour man Burnham and no (Scottish) beef either – the Government sending the Army in to Manchester – appears enough to have put the frighteners on Covid and on Mayor Burnham. Or could his emollient air be due to a likely upcoming Labour leadership vacancy?
Greater Manchester. I don’t get it…..what are all those town councils for?!
We got rid of Greater Manchester Council under Mrs Thatcher. George Osborne brought it back as part of his “Northern Powerhouse”, because nothing says “economic success” like another layer of unwanted government. The man was a complete bell end.
Quite so. But the actual ‘county ‘ remained…with county wide police, fire and ambulance etc.
I’m from a moorland bit of Rochdale borough….which used to be an Urban District council on its own.
I don’t like the idea of some political Manchester nit imposing will on an area quite distinct from such townies.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – sack the Picture Editor
https://www.bbc.co.uk/ Scroll down to Lifestyle and you will see a picture of a ‘so-called’ miniature garden for indoors that appears to be outdoors. Doh! Apparently it is a must have for these Pandemic Times which may or may not be about to end.
You’ll need to be quick on the scrolling. The BBC have a habit of taking things down quite quickly, especially if they attract comments. Speaking of which, there appear to no HYS (Have Your Say) on the BBC web-site.
Why is this not their lead story?
The Green Party has withdrawn its candidate from the Batley & Spen by-election after it was revealed he made a series of “highly offensive” homophobic tweets as a teenager.
Rugby league international Ross Peltier, 29, had been selected by the party to contest the 1 July vote.
However, his candidacy was revoked after the tweets came to light.
Green Party “role model” hosted by the lib petard
.. although I accept that the of course he’s changed since he was in that atmosphere when he sent the tweets
The Green Party also have another guy who got an angry reaction when spoke against child trans
“The transphobe is Shahrar Ali
who has been high up for ages
but they’ve just given him their “domestic safety” brief.
Local BBC radio host is pushing Lineker
cos of his pushing of Southgate’s long new POLITICAL statement
..wonder how many PR professionals were in the team that crafted it ?
The retweets are from Starmer, Rayner,
and blue-ticks from the media leftyverse like Channel4, Victoria Derbyshire, Primal Scream etc.
BLM’s 7 Demands
1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office:
2. Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack:
3. Launch a full investigation into the ties between white supremacy and the Capitol Police, law enforcement, and the military:
4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms:
5. Defund the police:
6. Don’t let the coup be used as an excuse to crack down on our movement:
7. Pass the BREATHE Act:
If Donald Trump turns out to be the legitimate president , BLM should be shown the same courtesy and fair treatment they show Donald Trump.
BLM is very racist organisatioin. They hate Whites. They hate Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Phillipino, Indians, Latinos and possibly Blacks too.
1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office:
We are joining Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Cori Bush, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, and others who are demanding Trump be immediately convicted in the United States Senate. Trump must also be banned from holding elected office in the future. Call your members of Congress and demand they support conviction by dialing (202) 224-3121.
2. Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack:
More than half the Republican representatives and multiple senators stoked Trump’s conspiracy theories and encouraged the white supremacists to take action to overturn the election. We are supporting Rep. Cori Bush’s resolution to expel them from Congress for their dangerous and traitorous actions. We also support steps to bar them from seeking another office.
3. Launch a full investigation into the ties between white supremacy and the Capitol Police, law enforcement, and the military:
The Capitol was able to be breached and overrun by white supremacists attempting to disrupt a political process that is fundamental to our democracy. We know that police departments have been a safe haven for white supremacists to hide malintent behind a badge, because the badge was created for that purpose. We also know off-duty cops and military were among the mob at the Capitol on January 6th. Guilty parties need to be held accountable and fired. We are supporting Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s COUP Act to investigate these connections.
4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms:
Trump has always used his digital media platforms recklessly and irresponsibly to spread lies and disinformation. Now it is clearer than ever that his digital media is also used to incite violence and promote its continuation. He must be stopped from encouraging his mob and further endangering our communities, even after inauguration.
5. Defund the police:
The police that met our BLM protestors this summer with assault rifles, teargas, and military-grade protective gear were the same police that, on Wednesday, met white supremacists with patience and the benefit of the doubt, going so far as to pose for selfies with rioters. The contrast was jarring, but not for Black people. We have always known who the police truly protect and serve. D.C. has the most police per capita in the country; more funding is not the solution.
6. Don’t let the coup be used as an excuse to crack down on our movement:
In response to the coup, Politicians have already introduced the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021. We’ve seen this playbook before. These laws are used to target Black and brown communities for heightened surveillance. Republicans are already busy trying to create an equivalence between the mob on January 6th and our Freedom Summer. We don’t need new domestic terror laws, facial recognition, or any other new police power for the state. Our government should protect righteous protest and stay focused on the real issue: rooting out white supremacy. There are enough laws, resources, and intelligence, but they were not used to stop the coup. Our elected officials must uncover why.
7. Pass the BREATHE Act:
The police were born out of slave patrols. We cannot reform an institution built upon white supremacy. We need a new, radical approach to public safety and community investment. President Biden has already drawn on the BREATHE Act in his executive actions calling for racial equity screens in federal programs, investing in environmental justice at historic levels, and engaging with system-impacted communities. The BREATHE Act paints a vision of a world where Black lives matter through investments in housing, education, health, and environmental justice.
And if Donald Trump turns out to be legitimate president, then in fairness, the same should be applied to them.
Do not prescribe for others that you wouldn’t want done to you.
The BREATHE act is, if it is as stated above, is systemically, congenitally and fundamentally racist, and worse then that evil.
PJW tweets
The advertisers and sponsors demand TTK they are so mindful of thier image. I belive that advertising and the associated industry are far far bigger threat than the BBC and SKY….follow the money.
Check out The Suns tv advert for its euro coverage called something like ‘eur all invited’…heart string tugging family activities based around watching the euros – fine. But, non diverse cast (careful targeting?) and right at the end, the white father is on one knee seeing to a bike (not a euphemism). I don’t think that is a coincidence.
Andrew Lawrence sums it up
Spot on, Lawrence.
Yes spot on – sadly a bit toned down from the usual ..
Charlie Peters
“Many will continue to clap and support the kneeling, falsely believing it is a mere anti-racism demonstration, failing to note the insidious, divisive baggage it carries.
They’ll dismiss the booing fans as racist
.. while fawning over a trend that seeks to dismantle the police and tear society apart.
It could never be me. Don’t let it be you.”
Millionaire footballers take the knee in support of this.
This is slightly off topic. But as Bill gates is a huge and major sponsor of the BBC (one of the biggest private donators for the BBC ventures to ‘educate’ the poor illiterate masses of Africa ) and as Emperor BIDEN is in town (Cornwall) for the G7 summit on how to advantage the ‘global reset’, and plans for ‘Climate change’ and taxing the populous globally and keep and charge more tax for LIBERAL and MARXIST world adventures. So they need more money and they find ‘offshore accounting’ of US global companies who prefer ‘off shore’ taxes a good target.. That would be multi-national tax avoidance (something the EU has tried to do to get Google and Facebook to pay more taxes than they do). There is an argument there, but the left have also exploited this for years. This is based in and around the notion of ‘Corporation Tax’ (which is a tax on profits i.e. 40%). But it all depends where your profit centre is located so the Cayman Islands, Antibes, Monte Carlo, Luxembourg, Switzerland are all in the running but for global companies as opposed to private CASH stuffed into briefcases by BBC presenters under PPC (Private Personal Contracts) tax-free whilst working at the BBC solely are something different. Avoidance yes, but the globalist prefer IRELAND as they have ‘inheritance’ and a family was once there when it suits them politically.
You see Ireland has the lowest comfy Corporation Tax rate in Europe and American global companies prefer Ireland as its ‘in Europe’ but outside the clutches (so far) of Brussels. They pay minimal tax there. And don’t forget BIDEN claims Irish parentage (don’t they all – Clinton even!). Only Bulgaria is cheaper.
And that brings me to the G7 summit this weekend. Biden wants a global Corporation tax hike and ban ‘tax havens’ like Ireland. He wants us in the UK to comply in a ‘deal’ to match US Corporate rates (when he presses the button). This effectively will kill of Ireland’s current ‘tax haven’ status and the EU wants it to stop this as well. Ireland has not got a lot going for it – when compared to the UK, it only does well as its cheaper than the UK whilst offering ‘access to the UK’. So BIDEN is a disaster for Ireland, if and when his plans do go through on the ‘nod’. Like Climate change proposals (of which GATES is clearly part of).
Many of those generous donators to the BBC are the likes of billionaires like Bill Gates, and the sums are staggering. Gates is worth about £89 Billion personal fortune and has to submit his Microsoft Subsidiary accounts in Ireland (to get Corporate Tax relief), last year he made £222 billion profits, whilst paying effectively NO tax. Giving money to the BBC (for example) he pays no tax. The BBC pays NO tax, and to top it all, the BBC never pays ANY Corporation tax (as its part of the BBC Charter that it is totally EXEMPT in the UK). It mirrors ‘GATES’ global ambitions and its cheap. Its funded by the UK taxpayer – who do pay taxes.
If BIDEN gets his way, the Ireland will suffer (quiet rightly) as it already ‘honeymoon’ period with the EU has ended. Ireland is bound to the UK trade (smuggling usually) so we can only wonder how the Northern Ireland Trade treaty is going to play out with the EU. It was a bad treaty, when Remainers forced a rash treaty with the EU ‘to get it sorted’. It means we are bound to pay and collect EU taxes in Northern Ireland (and the EU is de-facto) in charge of movement of goods in and out of Northern Ireland. BORIS should rip up the treaty, but it all depends on how BIDEN treats the UK and it could come down to this weekend G7 summit, if BORIS takes the bait from BIDEN. HE will try to squeeze us between the EU demands and the US for a ‘deal’.
As BIDEN is a liability Ireland is already stuffed either way by BIDEN or by the EU. Gates will scarper and stuff his money elsewhere, but donations will always filter back to the BBC ‘global agenda’. That means Pandemic and Climate change, food crisis and population control globally for ever more. Combine that with CO2 charges and that can only benefit SOROS and Bill GATES ‘investments’ in the BBC – so we are scared into submission that ORWELL global corps is a really good idea and they will pay no tax and they wont need Ireland (or BIDEN) either. Perpetual serfdom of the masses and no democracy to get in the way.
It stinks. But the BBC is really grateful for all TV license donations it can get. Its not illegal (and they know it). They can butter the toast both sides.
£20.000,000 to Bliar last year alone from Bill (and Melinda ) Gates Foundation too.
Bliar – I believe he is advising Gove on how to introduce vaccine apartheid.
In June 2015, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation strengthened further their ongoing cooperation on nutrition
following the Nutrition for Growth event in London in 2013.
Since Nutrition for Growth, the foundation has taken its commitment to nutrition even
further in recognition of the fact that nutrition is a major driver of child mortality and
undermines children’s ability to thrive.
Between 2015 and December 2020 the foundation will spend a total of USD $776
million on nutrition, exceeding its N4G commitment by USD $360 million. This, in turn,
is sufficient to unlock additional UK resources of USD $180 million (GBP £115) (based
on the 2:1 matching ratio). These funds will allow the DFID to further expand its
investment in high impact nutrition-specific interventions in the period to 2020.
By strengthening work together and aligning resources, DFID and the foundation will be
better able to support wider donor coordination efforts in support of national plans, and
achieve greater impact on reducing undernutrition among women and children.
This statement will be publicly available as par
Click to access Gates-DFID-match-funding.pdf
Blimey. How does one get into the Foundation business ?!
BLM Demands as Sponsored by Gareth Southgate and Keir Starmer
BLM’s 7 Demands
1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office:
2. Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack:
3. Launch a full investigation into the ties between white supremacy and the Capitol Police, law enforcement, and the military:
4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms:
5. Defund the police:
6. Don’t let the coup be used as an excuse to crack down on our movement:
7. Pass the BREATHE Act:
I wonder what the police who are at the games to stop any trouble happening feel when they see the millionaires grovelling to burn loot murder who want to defund the police.
Same as the 1938 football team all doing the nazi salute before the game to appease Hitler (that worked well) we have these virtue signallers kow tow’ing to the burn loot murder to appease them.
I think many of them don’t want to do it but are scared to be seen not doing it as it will end their international career.
What a classic bBC stitch up on that Newsnight last night.
I dont know who the beeboid was due to rarely watching this , however the guests comprised
Neale Richmond – a hard line EU placeman and probably hardcore irish republican
Antionette Sand Bog , an ex conservative Brexit rebel sacked by Boris. and reeking of revenge.
The Beeboid….bog standard Wokist, Tory hater , DJ
Lord Lilley, a pro Brexiteer but who must surely reflect on his judgement to join a stitch up and volunteer for a “kippering”
I noticed that his connection seemed to be poorer than the other 3 and his facial contortions probably signified his belated recognition , as the prog unfolded….that he was indeed in the role of the Kipper!
Of course, the topic was this Northern Ireland protocol…..which most would probably cast off with a yawn
That is until pink sausages of the ckhilled variety are used for traction….like the bBC fascination with chlorinated chicken.
The interview was unedifying and served only to underline that the EU,s single market border point should be entierly constructed on the ROI side of the border and they can have as many checks as their heart desires AT THEIR COST.
And the bBC inpurt…..no suggestions just happy to stir their pro REMAIN narrative and put Boris in a bad light.
defund/Sell/outsource/Close…..anything but just get rid of it!
I like the pantomime of PMQ – so I switched on the 5live coverage -being careful not to hear ms
Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah holding far left court .
But come 1235 – they pulled away from the PM answering a question in order to ‘do the news ‘ and an advert for R2 about some ethnic dancing crap …..
The thought process of the BBC – “ doesn’t look like the PM is coming out of this badly so we will cancel him “ . I don’t know how much longer PMQs went on – but that is not public service broadcasting ……
Usually at the start of PMQs the PM wishes the ‘home countries ‘ ‘good luck’ in forthcoming sports tournaments. Not today – until prompted . Yes I know it’s a little thing .
I really hope any team taking the knee gets thrashed …
Mike graham on Tuesday claimed Kent council is suing the government cos it can’t care for all the CHILD refugees.
And Children can be “25 years old”
Is that true ?
Technically yes
” Once the child reaches the age of 18, their ‘child in care’ status changes to that of ‘care leaver’, which continues until they are 21 years old or *25 years old* if in university or higher education”
Guardian Aug 2020
“Kent county council is currently caring for 602 under-18s and 945 care leavers aged 18 to 25.”
StewGreen, from your figures I would guess that the upkeep of a single person without work or home would cost at least £100 a week, I make Kent County Councils bill for this to be around £154,700 a week or £7.8 million per year… I expect there will be a damn lot of potholes unrepaired in Kent in the next 12 months plus healthy rate rises for all working folk.
Multiply this by every Council in England and the overall cost must be frankly hideous and of course does not include the added costs of all the border farce workers, police, caseworkers and legal eagles busily being paid to bed these people into their new freeloading life amongst us.
No bloody wonder they are scrambling onto boats to get here!
Plus when Kent County Council claim they are suing the Government for more money than don’t mean the actual Government they mean all the taxpaying mugs like you and I, the Government don’t have money they simply pass it on from all of us lot.
Andrew Neil on GB News: “I have one more big gig in me – I am taking on woke culture”
Let’s hope he does and let’s hope he wins.
Apparently his news shows will have a 5 minute segment called Woke Watch.
Read that Julie Birchall is no longer writing for the Telegraph, because in response to the new baby ……..
“Ms Burchill tweeted: “What a missed opportunity! They could have called it Georgina Floydina!”
And of course there was a bit of a backlash on Twatter. I had to laugh though, and wish I’d thought of it.
Well she joins good company, I am still banned from posting on the Telegraph web site. I don’t why but it happened after I posted that the editor was an enemy of free speech and far more Woke than his readers. The list of topics on which Telegraph readers can’t comment on grows exponentially . Perhaps it’s a bit like the BBC web site and have your say, they simply don’t agree with the posters and don’t want the ordinary punters to be able to reinforce each other’s views because it dilutes the brainwashing process .
So I read that Gareth Southgate thinks footballers are role models and should not be booed for taking a knee in support of #BlackLiesMatter
OK, let’s see the paragons of virtue in the PL for your children and grandchildren to emulate.
• Rio Ferdinand and his drugs tests
• Rio Ferdinand and his family values, the names are too numerous to list
• The married Ryan Giggs showing his family values with Imogen Thomas
• The (surprisingly still) married Ryan Giggs continuing to show his family values with his brother’s wife
• The also married John Terry showing HIS family values with his teammate Wayne Bridge’s wife
• Wayne Rooney … ’nuff said
• Ashley Cole … check with Cheryl on this
• The aforementioned John Terry, that’s right he’s BAAAACK – just ask Anton Ferdinand
• Kolo Toure and his diet pills
• Patrice Evra and Luis Suarez and their little racism spat
• Phil Foden and Mason Greenwood bringing girls back to the team hotel in Iceland breaking team curfew and COVID-19 isolation rules.
• Ask “Big Sam” about the bung game
• Marlon Jones – involved in almost every crime known to man; from drink driving and robbery to sexual assault and credit card fraud
• The always gentle and civil Joey Barton
• The child grooming Adam Johnson
Yeppers, models of propriety all.
Southgate has an exaggerated sense of his own importance and the importance of football. Footballers are NOT role models, they are men getting paid obscene sums of money for having the physical talents to play a child’s game.
Role models are the surgeon walking out of theatre after operating 14 hours straight along with his nurses, first responders putting their lives on the line every day, exhausted soldiers returning to base after a 3 day firefight carrying the corpses of their mates to name but a few.
Get a grip Gareth, you need to get out more.
Dobyns, send this to Richard Littlejohn !
Dobyns: ” Footballers are NOT role models, they are men getting paid obscene sums of money for having the physical talents to play a child’s game.” . . ….
…. . . and often doing so not very well.
(Think: an England forward unable to trouble an opposing goalkeeper because at best, his shots pass the goal line halfway between the goal and the corner flag. Either that or ten to twenty feet over the crossbar.)
Was today’s Prayer For The Day political ?
It ended
“Prevent us from perpetuating economic warfare, taking lands from indigenous peoples,
*burning rainforests and trashing ecosystems*. Amen”
A Tweeter replies
“Let’s hope those concerned with @COP26 hear and answer your prayer.
So far the people best qualified to talk there are least likely to do so”
BTW May 25 “Thought for the Day” on Talking about the “*execution* of George Floyd”.
Tweeter “Execution”?? Really?
Very bad – yes. Execution – utterly inflammatory.
Was today’s Thought For The Day POLITICAL ?
Professor Robert Beckford of the dept of *Climate* and Social Justice at Winchester Uni
“1976 a metal work teacher racially abused me in class
..’If you don’t get this right you’ll be back on a banana boat to Jamaica
… booing taking the knee and the cricketers tweets took me back
… my father spoke to the teacher and it never happened again’
Racist ? what if the teacher had said the farmers kid, “you’ll be stuck mucking out the pigs all your life” ?
Which school was that?
wherever Beckford went to achool.
Professor Robert Beckford of the dept of *Climate* and Social Justice at Winchester Uni
Climate and Social Justice!
omfg …. I thought you were joshing
The Institute of Climate and Social Justice no less…. it’s real…
That is enough Internet for today
Afghanistan 10 mine clearers murdered
“Nothing to do with the Taleban” said BBC Today
” Taleban’s fault” said 2pm news
2pm news reported that the #Taliban are being blamed for the massacre of 10x @TheHALOTrust
employees in #Afghanistan
At 9am #HALO’s CEO told the #BBC that the #Taliban had come to their aid & STOPPED the attack by chasing away the attackers
NGO’s interfering. Simply not meant to be there.
When will they learn?
Being a survey, that suggests what the bbc likes to pass on, this might soon make it here.
I, like most, am an omnivore, and engage in my food choices fairly unobtrusively. Certainly those I share with of similar tastes seem a cheery lot and none of us feel obliged to share certain personal dietary quirks unless health related.
Those from planet V on the other hand, on a purely empirical basis seem miserable twats who either talk about themselves constantly or try and impose on others.
Made me think of the old ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’ joke. The modern version is:
Q: Why did the Vegan cross the road? Then run the length of the street, turn the corner, go across the zebra crossing and run down another road?
A: To tell a complete stranger that’s she a vegan.
Radio4 tweet they’ve won an award
for Jessica Beck (Snapshots from Black America)
Women in Media Foundation (AWMF) announced the winners of the 46th Annual Gracie Awards. The Gracie Awards Gala will take place September 27, 2021 at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles
and will honor some of the most talented women in television, radio and digital media,
including Kerry Washington, Catherine O’Hara, Lena Waithe, Kelly Clarkson,
*Hillary Rodham Clinton*, DeDe McGuire, Danielle Monaro and Erin Andrews
.. lefty bubbleworld
Just watching ‘Lucifer’ on Netflix.
Series 5
God has made a first appearance.
Anybody care to guess what he is.
you’re all correct.
On the news I see that 80% of all adults now have antibodies against the Chinese flu. On the 21st you can add another 7 or 8 million. Something like 90% protected.
What have they come up with now!
“We don’t know how long we are protected, we don’t know how long the antibodies will stay in our system”
This must be the next phase of the ‘new variant’ excuse they normally use to extend their lockdown controls.
Extract of DT report on the spat between the ex royals and the BBC – priceless
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have accused the BBC of libel after the corporation claimed the Queen was not asked by the couple about naming their daughter Lilibet.
In an extraordinary escalation of the briefing war between Buckingham Palace and Harry and Meghan, the couple instructed lawyers to tell media organisations the BBC’s story was “false and defamatory”.
The BBC quoted a Palace source as saying Her Majesty was not asked for her permission to use her pet name of Lilibet for the Sussexes’ second child, who was born on Friday.
The Duke and Duchess raised eyebrows with their decision to use the Queen’s highly personal nickname, particularly in the wake of their repeated criticism of the Royal family in recent months.
The BBC began reporting claims that the couple had not sought the Queen’s blessing this morning, and shortly after 8am – 1am in California, where the couple live – media organisations were sent a letter by the Sussexes’ London solicitors warning them not to repeat the allegation.
While Palace sources are not denying the BBC story, a spokesman for the Sussexes insisted that the Duke did discuss his daughter’s name with his grandmother and would never have used it had she not been supportive.
But the BBC reported a Palace source as giving a different account of events, saying the Queen was “never asked” about its use.
The couple’s spokesman told The Telegraph: “The Duke spoke with his family in advance of the announcement, in fact his grandmother was the first family member he called.
“During that conversation, he shared their hope of naming their daughter Lilibet in her honour. Had she not been supportive, they would not have used the name.”
Yet another example of the meaningless lefty bully word ‘racism’ only applying when the left says it does, as Kamala Harris mouths virtually verbatim the words Donald Trump said when the Democrats called him ‘racist’ for saying them:
“Jihadists Massacre at Least 130 in Burkina Faso as West African Violence Surges. The atrocity sparks concerns that the West and its local allies are losing the battle against Islamists in the impoverished Sahel nations”
Did the BBC cover this? It’s certainly not on their website now, even under Africa.
And lest we forget, in the last month alone there have been nearly 2000 injured and killed in 205 islamic attacks in 24 countries – mostly ignored by the biased BBC.
But, shock horror: some spectators booed some woke players abjectly kneeling to our new masters, and Rio Ferdinand wants them re-educated. (In camps?)
Attacks 205
Killed 1043
Injured 800
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 24
@Vlad, Yes they covered it
I searched Twitter : Burkina Faso bbcWorld
Dated June 5th and now updated
Just had my ears assaulted by the link announcer on BBC this afternoon. No concept of the letter ‘T’ so it was …. fur’ee free, anfum and for’ (thirty three, anthem, fort).
No comment on the ethnicity. Once upon a time the Beeb was well known throughout the world for the news announcers and the rest, to speak the Queen’s English – a great help for learning English in the colonies when listening to the radio.
God knows what language anyone of them are speaking now.
Yes. That letter has been eradicated on Channel 4 also.
There’s no glory in ignorance.
I speak with a thick northern accent…..but I use the correct English.
I have no problem with accents.
Incomprehensible ignorance, however…
Global News was the usual just now… EU, Biden trashing the U.K. and… Fick Ange.
How I crave a competent government, an opposition not comprising remedial kindergarteners and an actually impartial media holding all to account.
Received Pronunciation is classist, colonial bigotry, White Supremacy, and Margaret Thatcher all rolled into one doncha know
Interesting. Women do not watch footyballism. Apparently.
Or have friends.
Was the black guy pasted in from another photo
or was the photo set up that way ?
Europeans are white and Africans are black and yet Europeans are the only ones called upon to make a sacrifice. Drain the swamp!
Only 2 pints on the table.
I have seen approximately zero men of color in this country looking like that.
Radio4 Media Show :Radio takes on the tech giants
.. no mention of the Independents like Belfield, Lotuseaters, the irish Talk show guy Richie Allen, Jon Gaunt
Or that TalkRadioTV will launch before GBNews
“One of the UK’s commercial radio groups is launching ad-free versions of their stations for a monthly fee.
Is this radio’s secret weapon to defeat Spotify and the streaming services?
Or should more presenters follow Iain Lee’s lead and swap network radio for digital platforms?
Plus, an Ofcom report shows the new dominance of TikTok and the music streaming platforms.
Guests: Paul Keenan, President of Audio at Bauer; Iain Lee and Katherine Boyle,
Yih-Choung Teh, Strategy and Research Director at Ofcom; Madhumita Murgia, European Tech Correspondent at the Financial Times.”
Presenter Datshiane Navanayagam
BBC diversity replace brown Amol with another brown , whilst having 2 BAME specialist stations and a global station as well.
TalkRadioTV has already launched today
Here’s a Labour party you tube piece many might find interesting as well as amusing.
Certainly not offering a defence for that Shadow Health Secretary, but as is the norm these days, had barely opened his mouth before the ignorant interviewer was jumping in and having an orgasm with further questions. I’d make a rubbish politician, if I was faced with an idiot like that I’d say “what the hell have you got me on for if you want to listen to the sound of your own voice ?”.
While I agree with you about the interviewer, the Labour man said nothing that would make me return to being a staunch Labour voter.
Could it be that the MSM is belatedly attempting to make the voters believe that their output is always politically nuetral? If it is then my reaction would be “Pull the other one – it’s got bells on it.