National ITV news “The Eastfield Estate has had no maintenance for 30 years
.. it’s managed by Britain’s largest housing association”
All from the beginning it’s been focused on a black family
Now Janet another black family
.. The 30 year claim seems flaky to me.
I’m sure it’s a euphemism for “I couldn’t understand a word the senile fool was mumbling about, except when he asked me if I had any lucrative oil deals we could funnel through his crackhead son’s money-laundering companies so they couldn’t be traced back to the Biden Crime Syndicate”.
“In Russia we have expression: This is a man I can do (crooked) business with, da.”
Before the Johnny Turk v Wales game the BBC was eager to be woke and inclusive and interview some Turkey supporters in the UK. No questions about why not supporting a british team ..
Yet after the match ended there was no post match chat with said Turkey supporters
“Sajid Javid ‘confident’ in bid to end under-18 marriages”
Perhaps he would pass a law to end under 18 voting?
Something dumped upon us in taffland when no one called for it .
So far I haven’t heard anyone say things like “moving on” or “we’re running out of time” or ‘I’m sorry to interrupt” or “some people might say” or “what you’re saying is” and a load of the other things all the lefty channels (or all the other channels as they’re all lefties) come out with if a guest strays from the ‘approved’ lefty view.
They (GBN) don’t interrupt or cut off (unless it’s a technical fault) and it’s good to be able to hear the different views.
Just watch on QT tomorrow.
Fiona will interrupt the ‘tory’ within seconds of him starting.
Last week the ‘tory’ got 4 words out before she interrupted but the others talked freely without interruption.
She will interrupt more times in tomorrow’s show than the total number of interruptions which have occurred on GB News since it started broadcasting.
And the sound is improving all the time.
So pleased with it.
Oh yes, Andrew Neil got more viewers last night than bbbc news and sky news combined.
Completely agree. GBN is refreshingly different to the rest of the GB MSM. I hope it continues to gather viewers at the expense of the BBC and Sky. If it does then it adds weight to the argument that the funding of the BBC ought to be subscription only.
I fully accept that GBN is still to the left of many of us on this site on issues like mass migration and Islamification , including me. But Ofcom acts as the watchdog of the ridiculous liberal consensus on this issue and if a broadcaster seriously attacked that consensus they would lose their license . I expect that there are thousands of SJW urging Ofcom to do that already. The government could appoint a Dacre as the new head of Ofcom and this would go someway to removing what is in effect the sword of Damocles hanging over the head of GBN and other challenger to the MSM liberal monopoly.
Further to the IKEA hoo ha, the Swedish furniture manufacturer was using slave labour to produce it’s goods in the 1970’s and 80’s. East German political prisoners were made to work for them by the Communist powers.
So where do the left whingers stand now?
When the Beeb does go commercial, as surely it must, can we the right minded people, get their advertisers not to use it?
Never again will I rub Nivea sun cream onto Mrs Vlad’s long lithe limbs while sipping a chilled Grolsch reclining on my IKEA sun lounger.
I’ve already cancelled my upcoming course at the Open University, which is a shame as I was looking forward to learning all about Critical Race Theory, Black History, Third Wave Feminism and Intersectionality.
“Migrant crossings: Eighty people cross Channel on boats”
It is never ending ! Eighty ?, I suspect that its much more.
Border Farce could be complicit in brining in to the UK a number of Terrorists . How many have been deported so far ?
Our government is harsh with its own people but soft with invading criminals. We have a shortage of houses and the NHS is in danger of collapse . We need a Government and a Home Secretary that will and can , defend our borders and keep our people safe . This Tory Government is a failure .
“Channel crossings: Claim Border Force picked up migrants in French waters”
“Reports that a Border Force ship entered French waters and took on board migrants from a UK-bound dinghy are being investigated by the Home Office.”
What was the result of the “investigation”?
How much are we paying the French ?
A minimum of 57 today.
@Steve_Laws_ and Voice of Wales were at Napier Barracks filming and the police turned up. here
However, for the leftie protest there (the illegals want their own houses) – no police.
Meanwhile @veteran_little is monitoring the shipping. The French have been accompanying the dinghies from very close to the French shore. e.g. here and here
So it could not be clearer. We have the double whammy of blatant collusion with a foreign power to swamp the country (treason) plus double-standards in domestic policing to quash the indigenous population.
This is on a par with the traitors colluding with the EU in the dying days of the May era, many of whom are still in position.
I do find it strange that Boris must have been convinced that the history of these times and his part in the downfall of the UK will never be recorded.
Brillo interviews the Chancellor – over 20 minutes before a break – challenging – fair – no gotcha s – reminds me of those Brian Walden interviews on the old LWT on Sunday afternoons when I was a kid .
Going to take time getting used to intelligent interviews again …
Brillo mentioned that at the current interest rate blighty is paying £40 billion a year in interest payments and debt is at £32000 for each person in blighty …
“Boris Johnson calls Matt Hancock hopeless in texts revealed by Dominic Cummings”
Pot & Kettle.
How long have they both got ?
Perhaps Jacob Rees-Mogg, Desmond Swayne & Liz Truss may be our salvation ?
The cost of BIDEN recent visit to the UK was revealed in the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail revealed some of the staggering costs of holding the G7 summit in Cornwall – most notably £8 million of taxpayers’ cash was spent extending the runway at Newquay airport so that US President Joe Biden’s Air Force One jet and transport aircraft could land.
Of course it all makes sense. Heavy aircraft you see full of security staff. Cornwall could have spent that on the new Spaceport being built. We could use that to fire BIDEN into outer space. (I wish). Perhaps The Mall can be extended to accommodate the approach to The Palace to meet the Queen the other day. Who knows the whims of the US president may get more expensive… than our own daft crackpots and free spenders.
The TPA is always a good read on crackpot Councils.
Another report is health care in the prison service.
One of the more ridiculous stories of the last week came from HMP Grampian where bosses forked out nearly £250,000 of taxpayers’ cash on a “roof net” to protect staff and prisoners from “divebombing seagulls”. According to The Scottish Sun, “The Scottish Prison Service defended the £234,000 net spend, insisting the seagulls posed “a danger to staff and prisoners”.
You really could not make it up. This is the great’ Global reset’ and I guess it all makes perfect sense when its reported on the BBC (who then never report it as anything but care in the community).
its an odd world. Thank to the TPA for these two stories.
The never ending battle against rotten governance and imperial ambitions of the left continues as it has through history. Now they have much more money and media channels. Global ambitions to change the world with CO2 scare and false hoods to save the planet from whatever. They can spend it all and they will, every penny.
Wow, I am always impressed by the caliber of Fox News presenters. Many of them are experienced lawyers, and you don’t hear any erring….unlike on gb news where I have not been impressed by some of their presenters, especially the females. They come across as worse than amateurs, not sure what the selection process was there.
BBC 10pm news – the White House spokesman – a Mr Sopel – reports that nothing came of the 2 hour talk between the False American president and the KGB Boss – a meeting which was listed for 5 hours without a break .
No negative spin – which would have been –
1 is Biden up to the job
2 does he have the stamina
3 does he have the detail
4 did putin wipe the floor with him ?
So – to speculate – now that putin has direct experience of Biden how soon will Putin ‘try it on ‘? – more than internet attacks – but a real military threat to NATO / US interests ?
That's more like it. Corporate advertisers effectively trying to interfere in editorial decisions, or even destroy media it dislikes by defunding, would be a grotesque attack on press freedom. Respect to Co-op for getting that point.
The latest VW car ad on tv shows nice people with electric cars parking at the supermarket while all the nasty carbon engined vehicles are in death shrouds.
So everyone, let’s stop buying the carbon offerings that VW still have on sale, what’s not to like?
This political crap needs to be resisted and stamped on, it’s your freedom of choice they are trying to delete.
Well my class action against Audi / Vw over fiddling the emissions is chugging along nicely – a might get a few bob for their deceit ….
In many countries VW has settled but not in blighty yet – I just hope there will be punative damages …
I’m in the class action too, but don’t expect a reasonable amount of compensation and the way VW/Audi are dragging out the proceedings, I hope my missus can access the email account when they eventually do settle. As they will…guilty m’lud.
"Mediocre" male managers are blocking women's development in the finance world because they are better at office politics, research suggests
.. overall it’s a free market
And if bad corps block the best people
the firms that don’t will win out
..There is no need for more & more government control
Compare and contrast all the kids suffering because of no school compared to those who have left that dunno how to right innit eh? Omg yeah ? Lol yeah ?
By funding them you're GIVING editorial independence to a right-wing propaganda channel!
See also: "Look, we're selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, but don't worry, we're not telling them whether or not to use those weapons to commit war crimes, so that makes us the good guys👍🏿".
What’s going on with Femi ?
so ‘1 SMEAR LABEL to provide a strawman to attack
“By funding BBC you’re GIVING editorial independence to a COMMUNIST propaganda channel!
millions will be dead in the gulags by the end of the month
Then #2 extreme analogy
GB news is not like Saudi,
it has no trail of victims
and it is policed by Ofcom and UK laws
It’s like Femi looks out at the world and imagines the KKK are pointing at him
and that is a cue for his own thought process
he starts behaving like a KKK bigot himself
‘them over there they’re evil , we’ve gotta kill em all”
‘So this isn’t because I don’t have willpower. This isn’t because of my fault. This is because of my body.’
She has exactly the kind of attitude and personality I associate with people that size. She is utterly self-centred.
Bottom line : all that fat comes from food. It doesn’t come from nowhere.
Sure it’s a lot harder for some people to stay slim than others. But life isn’t easy. Not eating cake when you are hungry is part of personal responsibility and self-discipline.
The worst part is how the BBC try to make everybody a victim. They say ‘Living with obesity’ as if it’s a disease.
The only possible consequence of this apalling article is to make people think it’s OK to be obese : that it’s not their fault they get hungry and like chips. We all do.
That BBC article tries to claim that obesity is caused by a gene and then they present Sarah’s story where she got fatter by eating too much and not exercising. Every time she went on a diet or fitness regime she lost loads of weight.
It then mentions her fat friend Jed who lives opposite 8 fast food shops.
‘You and Yours’ on daily before TWATo is called the ‘Whinge Hour’ in this household. Al Beeb put adverts in soshul meeja or FaceAche asking for ‘victims’.
They, like most of the respondents, are pathetic.
Peter – it has a ‘partner ‘ programme called the ‘food programme ‘ which was – in the time I gave up,the BBC week after week of ‘our food is killing ‘ – yawn …
You can bet your boots that Our Marianna of the Rack, possessor of what looks to me like a superb chassis, would be one of the most severe critics, albeit silently, of this unfortunate woman’s appearance.
BIDEN: "To be a good reporter, you've gotta be negative. You've gotta have a negative view of life, ok, it seems to me — the way you all — you never ask a positive question.”
Biden complaining about his treatment by the press!!
– who always cover for him and give him the softest of softball questions, often in advance.
He should ask his predecessor what it’s like to have the entire partisan press corps snarling with rage and hatred at you, systematically downplaying your achievements and highlighting your shortcomings, hellbent on removing you from office, destroying your career and obliterating your legacy.
Just checkout their election campaign going on in Batley and Spen as we speak. Palastine, Kasmir, no mention of the thugs outside a local school or the teacher and his family in hiding because of death threats. What about the workers ?
What that article finally articulates shamelessly into words is that everything the Left do to appease Islam is to get their vote. That idiot who wrote it absolutely doesn’t care about anything else.
Unfortunately the rest of us have to live with the consequences. Including keeping an eye on the dark-skinned guy with a beard and a rucksack while we wait for a train.
100% agree. A decade or two ago chasing the Muslim vote was probably a good tactic. An extra 3 million Muslim votes to add to their core 20 million working class votes gave Labour a chance at winning an election.
But over the years the obession with keeping the 3 million Muslim voters has angered the other 20 million. Now Labour are incorrectly worried the Muslim voters may leave them.
If they just dumped the Muslim appeasing they would win back the traditional Labour voter in a flash.
In 1968 the London dockers marched in support of Enoch Powell. The Labour Party realised that the white working class were a disappointment, and that a new voting base had to be imported. This has worked very successfully for them, and the so-called Conservative party have never done a thing about it.
As for the areas the white working class used to live in, in East London, Bradford, Oldham, Batley, well, what can you say? They have been ethnically cleansed, there is no other word for it.
Just listening to a debate on GB news questioning one of things I say many times:
How the Left can preach about love and tolerance then turn into the most nasty and vindictive bigots of all towards people they disagree with. Particularly the hate directed towards GB News before they even started broadcasting.
At last I don’t feel like the only one who sees it. It will be very interesting to see what happens to the viewing figures after a few weeks.
UK aid cuts risk millions of lives, warns World Health Organization
A terrible article full of incinuation and unrelated facts mentioned to make the reader infer they are because of the budget cut.
Like this nonsense:
‘Nearly 280 million lifesaving tablets are likely to expire and have to be incinerated due to the withdrawal of UK money, the United Nations agency said.’
So if we give them money, they will be ‘unlikely to expire’ and not be incinerated ?.
I’ve seen the incredible corruption in schemes like this and think we would be much better off doing something about that. I suspect a very low percentage of the money actually reaches the people it is meant for, particularly in Africa.
Biden and Putin praise Geneva summit talks but discord remains
The fact that the BBC are putting a positive spin on the headline but the reality is that they were a complete waste of time is to be expected.
The interesting part is the press release where Joe cracks just a little and we get a glimpse of the typical nasty little Lefty inside trying to get out.
But what stood out most to me after seeing a few of these recently is how the Amercian media seem unable to simply ask a question. They have to make a little speech to agressively push their own left-leaning political agenda first then ‘dare him’ to contradict them.
Joe will be very happy to get back to the ‘pre-approved questions only’ routine.
Why does the Labour Party score so many ‘own goals’? They are so out of touch with the working class people of Great Britain. Despite all the help they get from Al Beeb.
Mornin’ all. Well Taffman, It’s by-election day in Bucks to day. Chesham and Amersham to be precise. The Labour Party may be an also ran. It’s a Tory Remain constituency and The Lib Dems could be in with a chance. No body feels more confident about that than the Lib Dems themselves.
They could be right. I remember the shock of Orpington back in … I hate to think.
Anyway if that happens it would a good reason to ditch Boris.
(There are plenty of other reasons of course)
Let’s see how Reform do! This should prove whether they have become a damp squib or not.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
You may well be right ?
As I have not seen anything on Al Beeb about them, lets give them a little plug here…………..
It is because they get help from Al Beeb and the likes of Owen Jones that they are so out of touch with anyone. If Labour distanced itself from the far left activists they would start winning votes back.
They couldn’t win a coconut shy at the moment.
They way that they are performing in Parliament they could just as well have joined the Conservative party?
‘Unforgivable’ security mistakes before arena bomb
Paul Price does not know how close he was to death on the night of the Manchester Arena bombing. Though he remained awake in the horrific minutes that followed, he has barely any memory of it, and for that he is grateful.
His injuries were catastrophic, a seemingly endless catalogue of destruction from which his body will never fully recover. Dozens of surgeries. Shrapnel still embedded in his body. Permanent loss of function in his hand and leg. Weekly painful rehab sessions.
But nothing compares to the loss of his partner Elaine McIver, who was among the 22 people killed when suicide bomber Salman Abedi detonated his home-made device. “She was the love of my life, I was the love of her life”, he said. For a long time he could not bring himself to talk about her.
Read full article >
Sallie George
BBC News
Sallie a bit cursory on the circumstances behind Salman’s arrival and motivations.
vlad, that was interesting. Thanks. It was also scary – seeing Boris Johnson in that post-G7 Press conference. I’m now wondering whether he had Covid last year or ‘something else’.
Looking at his eyes and his new hesitancy, the phrase ‘the lights are on but no-one is at home’ comes to mind.
There was a lovely little video (can’t find it) of the G7 leaders on the beach at Carbis Bay, when there was an explosion and D. Trump popped out of a hole in the sand and did a little dance. His enemies can’t do without him, just as they couldn’t/can’t do without Mrs Thatcher.
Coco probably stays put but alco is definitely out for mums to be
In phraseology and in terms that echoes that used by the BBC, on the odd occasion such as the recent Martin Bashir Dianagate scandal when our national broadcaster is called upon to mark its own homework, the Daily Star this morning sums up today’s political flash in the pan, which gets undue acres of coverage in the press this morning, with the pithy comment: ‘We think we’ve got this right... Hopeless bloke said hopeless bloke is hopeless, says hopeless bloke‘ – which, in that no nonsense tabloid way, nicely implies the fact that if you already don’t like these three stooges – Cummings, Johnson and Hancock – then can you really make that much additional political traction out of their side bar comments and tetchy text messages about one another?
‘Hopeless Bozo Johnson called his Health Secretary Coco Hancock “f***ing Hopless” says PM ex-aide‘ – is all very well but tell us something we didn’t know, or couldn’t have guessed. And it all tends to leave Sir Keir Starmer and the opposition on the sidelines, as per usual.
And as usual it is the cartoonists who bring light relief where the political op-ed columns produce only heat and scant enlightenment. Matt in the Telegraph lasers in on the absurdity of the moment as he has the PM’s spokesman explain: ‘Boris sent Mr Cummings a text describing Matt Hancock as “really excellent”. Unfortunately, the PM’s phone autocorrected that to…‘
Our public health experts are a funny lot. On the one hand we have the mass promotion of a drug to children with unknown long-term side effects: ‘Vaccine hubs in schools if children are offered jabs‘ (‘i’) and on the other hand: ‘Women of childbearing age warned not to drink alcohol‘ (Telegraph) – I’ll need a stiff drink to concentrate my mind to work on that conundrum.
I hear that no otherwise healthy child under 15 has as yet died of covid in the UK.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if you nationalise the health sector and put it under State control, you won’t be allowed to make your own health decisions any longer. But someone will and who knows what might motivate their decisions taken on your behalf? Sage member and card carrying communist Sue Michie (nicknamed Stalin’s Nanny) would likely desire the destruction of the entire UK capitalist economy as a happy side effect as she calls for the extention of covid restrictions in perpetuity. Others in positions of power may be less socialistic in their motivation as they perhaps pocket Big Pharma backhanders.
I’m afraid actress Kym Marsh’s plea on behalf of her old dad will fall on deaf ears: ‘Kym’s cancer plea. As her dad fights for his life, Corrie actress urges us all NOT to delay checks due to Covid‘ (Sun) – sadly, the decision is not ours to make – we’ve outsourced it to our glorious NHS.
Before the Inquisition torturers set to work (and I’ll bet you didn’t expect that analogy?) they would show you “the instruments” – this action alone would often do the trick of quickly bringing about the prisoner’s repentance.
As Michael Palin would announce on behalf of the Monty Python Spanish Inquision: “Our chief weapon is surprise… fear and surprise… fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency… surprise, fear, ruthless efficiency… and an almost fanatical devotion…” – well you know how that sketch used to go…
And so it is that Cardinal Government, Cardinal Public Health Expert and his éminence grise – somewhere in the background – the shady Cardinal Big Pharma, burst onto the scene to present before us the Instruments… their assorted sinister devices… the carrots and sticks of the latter day nudge politics: ‘Staycation warning as Cornwall sees Covid rate rise after half-term‘ (‘i’) – any link to the G7 shenanigans is purely coincidental; ‘Return of holidays if you are vaccinated‘ (Telegraph) – you get the hint – just don’t ask where they might insert the carrot if you should choose to refuse to take the stick.
‘Shock plans to work from home for ever‘ – reveals the Daily Mail as a million public sector slackers shout “Yes, yes, yes! Give it to me now! Lock me down, lock me down! Lock me down harder and for longer!“
6 a.m. News and China blasts a manned rocket into space with a crew of three. They will spend time on the Chinese Space station in low earth orbit. I hope it doesn’t bump into the other one in low earth orbit. Needless to say TOADY did not raise any concerns over the CO2 in the bits of the programme I have listened to this morning.
I’m surprised to see the BBC peddling that click bait headline after one of its journalists was attacked by a mob of right wing extremists who had been radicalised by GBNEWS’ Dan Wootton.
— Absolute power corrupts absolutely (@Nikhedonia11) June 15, 2021
As a shareholder in Vodafone I will be selling my shares if they “withdraw” advertising from GB News when they put ads with other “leftist” broadcasters (the same goes for any other companies in which I hold shares). It is not for the advertisers to dictate editorial policy. If on the other hand analysis shows it to be non-productive then I can understand it.
In my opinion what this outfit has tried to do to GBNews is nothing less than toxic slander. Any rational person can see this and I also wish GBNews will now hire the best legal team they can and go after them with both barrels. The penalties could run into millions of lost revenue by GB News plus defamation etc.
I am sure that if they crowdfunded for the costs of the action they would get mass support.
The key problem will be finding a judge who isn’t tainted by wokery which is probably no easy task these days.
We have been drowning in this liberal lefty crap for some time and GBNews offered a lifebelt which these people want to puncture with their hate like spoiled brats.
I wish GBNews all the luck and hope they are aware that there are millions of UK citizens who feel the same.
Judging by the number of promising coloured athletes I have witnessed jumping the gates at tube stations I think I can guess why the transport plod would encounter more ‘resistance ‘ …
I too have noticed the gate-jumping phenomenon, many times, and always by young black men.
I guess it’s a cultural thing, and who are we to judge?
After all, we like Morris dancing – is it really so very different?
Bottomline In a transport police world where force is used only 3% of the time against blacks
That would be 5 events per WEEK
Does that sound credible ?
Or does 25 times/week seem more credible ?
“BTP figures show 17.5% of all use-of-force incidents were against a black person.”
OK and since ACROSS the WHOLE of the country black people are 3%, you say it’s 6 times more than expected
but is it fair to compare it that way ?
Certainly not cos in the areas where BTP mostly work the population is not just 3% black
It’s not the case that 3% of the trouble makers are black
it could be 10, 20 or even 50%
ie white trouble makers might have force used against them at a higher rate than black ones.
Officers used force 6,325 times in 2019-20,
That’s about 20 times /day
3.5 times against blacks
and 16.5 times against non-blacks
In a situation where force is used only 3% of the time against blacks
You’d have 140 incidents per week against all people
0f which only 5 per week were black
Does that seem credible ?
Covid watch
The psychological war the government is waging against the British people is —- a bit messy .
The scheme was –
1 frighten people with the virus
2 sacrifice freedom to stop nurses crying
3 impose restrictions like distancing and masks
4 vilify dissenters
5 promise jam tomorrow with a vaccine
6 deliver a vaccine but have doubts about it
7 have variations to ensure the fear continues
8 keep promising jam tomorrow
9 keep a bit of hope by having a roadmap
10 keep fear going by moving dates of the map
11 have regular doom and gloom experts re all 10 above
12 groom the public to give up freedom and choice
13 repeat
Use the constant misery and anti British outlook of the BBC to do the above in exchange for an easy time – and licence taxes .
In my region 18 people in 100,000 each week
have a positive test
so what is the chance of me getting coughed on by an infected person ?
The risk routes are many for health care workers, but then they use PPE.
The article was jam packed full of quotes and soundbites from experts, specialists and knowledgeable sages proclaiming their wisdom on the ‘virus’, lockdowns, social cohesion, labour markets….
It’s the dismissal that has been overturned, not the actual court verdict.
The court was not saying she was a paedophile or enjoyed sharing paedo pics
but rather she hadn’t been truthful nor followed procedure
as if she was protecting her sister and brother-in-law.
So it was lawbreaking under duress after a good career.
But in future police work a criminal might say in court, ‘we can’t trust this officer’s evidence, cos she cheats under duress’
But courts should never take any officer as a saint anyway, so I’m not sure if her conviction does make that much difference.
So basically the police are now overruling our courts, which can’t be healthy, but don’t expect the BBC to raise this issue.
And presumably giving a person “put on the sex offenders register for five years” their job back and no doubt a suitcase of compensation.
I read this case and could not work out how she was prosecuted or found guilty . I always thought there was another element to it …
… anyway – a woke court has allowed someone senior with a criminal record to carry on enforcing laws after breaking them – par for the course .
But I don’t think a white male in the same position would get much mercy – in fact he’d probably get time …
She’s fireproof and a full time victim now . Maybe she’ll start the police branch of the American Marxist coloured outfit I refuse to name –
– she could defund herself then…
Just get Candice Owen to sort this one-she does not mince her words- and being black herself (married to a white British man) she would most probably destroy in a few words this Black Police Officer behaviour. Seriously are we British subjects being made complete fools of? Yes Fedup2 give me your answer.
We all know that these latest “Cummings revelations” must be true.
If Boris hadn’t referred to Hancock as being “bleeping useless” Downing Street would have immediately denied it. Cummings isn’t stupid enough to make this up.
Not only that… Hancock IS “bleeping useless”
Three things about this…
Cummings has made himself virtually unemployable…good!
He’s acting like a jealous schoolgirl whose former boyfriend has gone off with her best friend. It’s very unseemly for a grown man to behave in this way.
Still… it’s bleeping entertaining…
Boris kept someone in post even though he holds him in such obvious contempt. I know this isn’t unusual in politics, but this is an incredibly important position in the midst of a pandemic.
And Hancock! Despised, incompetent and clearly a liar. His handling of the care homes turned a crisis into an utter catastrophe. Many elderly and vulnerable people died due to his panic.
And to make matters worse, he’s tried to blame others.
On a walk with mates yesterday there was a general conclusion that although most if us and our contacts are undoubtedly Tory supporters overall, we are fully able and are very critical of the government when they c*** up, as they do depressingly frequently.
I doubt this freedom of thought is shared by the wokist and Corbynista hard left.
Jeff, last March and April we were being ‘told’ that tests for Covid-19 were not available in the NHS because Matt Hancock had not personally ordered them by ‘phone or letter or e-mail from a provider. I have discovered they were available in February 2020.
We were ‘told’ that supplies of PPE in the NHS were inadequate to the point of non-existent because Matt Hancock had not personally ordered them by ‘phone or letter or e-mail from a provider. Both the OBR and the NAO, if I recall correctly, have checked and there were completely adequate supplies of PPE in the NHS at the start of the Pandemic.
The most telling snippet for me (provided by Cummings WhatsApp) was the ‘revelations’ that Doris would shut down debate on serious matters during cabinet, tell some stories to distract the idiots then give everyone a big thumbs up before leaving the room.
I suspect the buffoon has yet to make/take a decision off his own back.
The rumours about Communist/Green SAGE and Whitless/Valence running the country would seem to be more than just tabloid gossip if this leak from Cummings is to be believed.
TOADY Watch #2 – and the devastating repercussions are …
… not to be mentioned in the bits of TOADY I have listened to this morning. Those devastating repercussions have been threatened on Russia by Beijing Biden – apparently – during the first meeting between President Putin and President Biden. The BBC were big on the word President. Funny. The BBC completely forget it as a prefix for Donald Trump from January 2017 to January 2021. These repercussions will be visited upon Putin and the country he leads if they continue cyber-warfare against US tech giants.
Now everyone knows, thanks to the BBC, how to get Vlad and Russia into trouble: hack a US tech giant and make it look like it came from the Democratic Party or one of its supporters at Election timeRussia. That will get the nuclear missiles dropping onto Moss – coww.
Here’s an example of great BBC bias which says a lot about their editorial policy and yet is not really political.
On Toady, there was much coverage of a report into Children’s Services and how the attitude of the state authorities often cause rather than alleviate problems.
This was covered quite extensively between 0700 and 0755, ending with a further interview with someone critical of the service. Which is what we heard throughout. Criticism.
But at 0755 bringing the whole thing to a conclusion, Amol Rajan said in terms ‘ we should say that the report also makes a lot of positive recommendations and solutions, details can be found online’..
So. Ignoring the actual issues, the overall balance from the BBC was 55 minutes on the negatives and 20 seconds on the positives.
When precisely did the BBC mission become to undermine and focus only on doom and gloom, rather than to educate and inform in a balanced way?
I think I’d call that proven bias of the highest order.
The BBC has a long history of reporting health scares of the ‘eating bacon doubles your risk’ variety, (they miss out the bit that the ‘risk’ has doubled from ‘damn all’ to twice ‘damn all’ or that the referenced ‘study’ has never been replicated).
Following the BBC’s own logic does it never occur to them that feeding we ‘lab rats’ a continual diet of negativity might be bad for us, even by just a teeny bit?
As you say, it isn’t even really political**. We get ‘the pound is up’ = ‘exporters will be unable to export’ or ‘the pound is down’ = ‘holidaymakers will be unable to holiday abroad’, followed by ‘interest rates are up’ = ‘mortgage holders will be ruined’ or ‘interest rates are down’ = ‘savers/pensioners miss out’.
In the BBC world every cloud has a tarnished lining, every ray of sunshine creates a shadow.
** It probably is political as any change is ‘the fault of the government’.
The negativity is cos we voted for the wrong government
Now “the right” side in the American government
things that used to be reported as a negatives get reported as a positive I bet.
Interesting none of the meja appear to have picked on the real motivation behind Borises latest oppressive ideas to continue lockdown, forcing companies to allow work for home to continue indefinitely.
Now I happen to think that in this digital age it’s probably a more sensible idea than attempting to allow millions of people to make a journey into a city and back again to visit an office block in order to carry out tasks which could be done remotely.
I also believe that remote working might just go a long way to destroying Londons enormous economic imbalance by spreading the work more faily throughout the country.
However! Those are not the reasons why Boris is implementing this. It’s quite simply to meet the ridiculous CO2 comittments Millipede signed us up to at the Paris accord, a 68% cut in UK emissions by 2030, something the current coward in office has subscribed to and is not going to back away from.
By in effect banning commuting he gets a more or less free reduction in the CO2 emissions.
But what a reason to do it when there are so many positives for this. Dormatory towns and villages which disgorge their population to far away cities during the day can begin to live again and small business to thrive there. The opportunities are huge.
Back in the day this is how Britain worked. A few people travelled into London but most worked within walking distance of their homes, or short distances away, and this is a much healthier way for everyone, especially regarding the time wasted commuting each day.
The digital age has to a large extent made projects like HS2 obsolete (it was obsolete when conceived), but that’s a vanity project which will alas continue.
So yet again for all the wrong reasons we find ourselves led by fools and blind dumb luck in the right place !
Dunno living near your job is a green thing
but so many green measures are counterproductive and are less green than doing nothing
They get obsessive about public transport
which means building it increases CO2
then you thought you were reducing local car journeys, but it turns out people use the new public transport to travel much further than they used to.
“Right everyone needs to get electric cars
electric cars are too expensive, so we’ll take some tax money off granny and use it to subsidise the rich people who buy electric cars”
Those rich people like to long trips, so they will keep their diesel
and use the EV for short trips
Trips which will cause more tyre wear, cos the car weighs twice as much due the huge heavy battery.
Yes the internet is wonderful isn’t it! It uses no electricity and needs no infrastructure, one just taps the screen of one’s mobile phone and everything that you want is all there for free!
The reality is that ten years ago the internet was probably using about 10% of our electricity and it is bound to be even more now. Those green and grey boxes at the side of the road are no longer silent as the sound of cooling fans leaks out of the louvres that older boxes didn’t need.
The ‘City’ could have moved out of London years ago but didn’t. The infrastructure just moved in. Sitting on top of a global data hub gives that micro-second edge for auto-trading.
The suburbs and dormitory towns weren’t built to do anything else but house people or if they were the factory sites, offices and shops have now been made over for yet more housing.
Back in the 1950s dad cycled to the factory two miles away with thousands of others. (The factory still exists but the bike racks are no more and the employees now drive in from 20 miles away). Every mum had a pram large enough to carry baby and shopping. Too large to fit on the bus, now needed to get to the supermarket. Mums are now expected to be ‘economically active’ so wages have tended to halve and cost tended to double!
Sadly in order to achieve your accidental utopia we would need to demolish half the buildings and deport half the population.
I think you’re missing a very obvious point here, and that is that people whether working from home or in an office are still plugged into the internet via a computer which is using power.
Really doesn’t matter whether its accidental or not it’s happening because Boris has made it so.
We had all this as you say not only in the 1950s but much of it remained into the 1980s until Thatchers biggest mistake – Sunday opening killed a large part of it off.
We can of course go back there again, and we are going to have to because there is little alternative.
“I also believe that remote working might just go a long way to destroying Londons enormous economic imbalance by spreading the work more faily throughout the country.”
or as is happening at my work spreading the jobs via zoom OUT of the country
Youtube : Scottish Feminist Arrested For “Offensive Tweets”
(ie in 2018/19 some tweets that implied trans are not real women)
Count Dankula makes some points
#1 This isn’t under the NEW Scottish hate speech laws,
#2 SNP pleaded they eeded the NEW Scottish hate speech laws, cos the old ones were too weak
So hang on how come they can use the old ones here ?
#3 The creeping North Korean style free speech laws in Scotland now mean that American tourists are warned
“Now the coach is crossing the Scottish border,
so we all have to be especially careful what we say from now on”
Again I don’t agree with what she says one little bit, but I do agree she should have the right to voice her poison without the states intervention.
However she has to be as thick as mince and totaly full of toxic femininity to give voice to such words in a country known for its intolerance and National socialist oppression.
There are many problems in this futile arguement buy lunatic women and the leftist nutters on the other side.
Firstly what on Earth does it matter if someone trans is a real woman or not? Why the hell cares? This is an argument about haow many grains of rice there are in a jar, or the number of angels on the head of a pin, but toxic femininity means they simply cannot allow this to pass them by and they are like a dog with a bone.
Secondly they are moaning about a paper tiger they have created, a lie about the government making it easier to legally change gender. There is no such plan nor any legislation in the pipeline. What there is, is a move to remove some of the civil service beaurocracy which was created after the government created this legislation and is leading to numerous failures because of incorrect box ticking.
We should not take these derranged womens side in this debate out of hate for trannies, not much chance of anyone here supporting the trannies side though.
Their side comes from the same marxist stable as critical race theory so beloved of the cowardly useless incompetent Tories. It is not generally pushed by trannies but by far left activists looking to stir the pot.
Octopus Energy & its chair Greg Jackson seem slippery
I paraphrase ‘No even though we let Ripples say that we are boycotting GBnews
we are not actually boycotting GBNews
We just have a BRAND NEW : wait and see policy
We have this NEW policy cos there has never been a new channel in recent history’ (that’s a lie)
Actual quote :So despite the trailing of “Fox News of the UK” this may not transpire.
Oh a “guilty till proven innocent” policy as a Business Value.
A corp that cares about balance
\\ Greg Jackson who until the end of of 2019 was a director of @LabourList //
Oh Ripples the anti-Hate group are throwing around the race-hate word “gammon”
(It’s a label similar to the N-word
It intimidates people of a certain skin colour to behaving in a conforming way, otherwise the label will be applied to them)
Gammon logic:
People asking Specsavers not to advertise on GB News = cancel culture! Them boycotting Specsavers for pulling its ads = … defending free speech?
Digg – perhaps swamping the company ‘customer service ‘ website is a good technique – since it is legal and all part of the information war – destroying the reputation of IKEA or Specsavers or anyone who withdraws their campaign from UKNews is fair game …
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
National ITV news “The Eastfield Estate has had no maintenance for 30 years
.. it’s managed by Britain’s largest housing association”
All from the beginning it’s been focused on a black family
Now Janet another black family
.. The 30 year claim seems flaky to me.
Tonight’s TV
7:55pm BBC1 local news
9pm BBC2 Horizon doco about Covid vaccine
ITV football
10pm Suzy Lamplugh doco
11pm Doco about Eritrea’ repressive dictatorship
BBC4 doco about old cruise liners
then doco about The Titanic’s sister ship sinking
Sky Arts looks a bit more classy
BBC ‘analysis’ from American Booty.
One is sure.
I’m sure it’s a euphemism for “I couldn’t understand a word the senile fool was mumbling about, except when he asked me if I had any lucrative oil deals we could funnel through his crackhead son’s money-laundering companies so they couldn’t be traced back to the Biden Crime Syndicate”.
“In Russia we have expression: This is a man I can do (crooked) business with, da.”
Bang goes the internet ….
BBC footy coverage –
Spoiler alert …
Before the Johnny Turk v Wales game the BBC was eager to be woke and inclusive and interview some Turkey supporters in the UK. No questions about why not supporting a british team ..
Yet after the match ended there was no post match chat with said Turkey supporters
Maybe they all felt a bit stuffed ..?
“Sajid Javid ‘confident’ in bid to end under-18 marriages”
Perhaps he would pass a law to end under 18 voting?
Something dumped upon us in taffland when no one called for it .
Breaking – July 19th is our next so called “freedom day”.
Bo Jo is a joker.
He is only there because the opposition is so poor, very, very poor .
MPs vote for a four week delay to England’s lockdown easing
GB News.
So far I haven’t heard anyone say things like “moving on” or “we’re running out of time” or ‘I’m sorry to interrupt” or “some people might say” or “what you’re saying is” and a load of the other things all the lefty channels (or all the other channels as they’re all lefties) come out with if a guest strays from the ‘approved’ lefty view.
They (GBN) don’t interrupt or cut off (unless it’s a technical fault) and it’s good to be able to hear the different views.
Just watch on QT tomorrow.
Fiona will interrupt the ‘tory’ within seconds of him starting.
Last week the ‘tory’ got 4 words out before she interrupted but the others talked freely without interruption.
She will interrupt more times in tomorrow’s show than the total number of interruptions which have occurred on GB News since it started broadcasting.
And the sound is improving all the time.
So pleased with it.
Oh yes, Andrew Neil got more viewers last night than bbbc news and sky news combined.
Completely agree. GBN is refreshingly different to the rest of the GB MSM. I hope it continues to gather viewers at the expense of the BBC and Sky. If it does then it adds weight to the argument that the funding of the BBC ought to be subscription only.
I fully accept that GBN is still to the left of many of us on this site on issues like mass migration and Islamification , including me. But Ofcom acts as the watchdog of the ridiculous liberal consensus on this issue and if a broadcaster seriously attacked that consensus they would lose their license . I expect that there are thousands of SJW urging Ofcom to do that already. The government could appoint a Dacre as the new head of Ofcom and this would go someway to removing what is in effect the sword of Damocles hanging over the head of GBN and other challenger to the MSM liberal monopoly.
Further to the IKEA hoo ha, the Swedish furniture manufacturer was using slave labour to produce it’s goods in the 1970’s and 80’s. East German political prisoners were made to work for them by the Communist powers.
So where do the left whingers stand now?
When the Beeb does go commercial, as surely it must, can we the right minded people, get their advertisers not to use it?
Boycotts cut both ways!
Never again will I rub Nivea sun cream onto Mrs Vlad’s long lithe limbs while sipping a chilled Grolsch reclining on my IKEA sun lounger.
I’ve already cancelled my upcoming course at the Open University, which is a shame as I was looking forward to learning all about Critical Race Theory, Black History, Third Wave Feminism and Intersectionality.
Get Woke, Go Broke.
I can’t boycott IKEA, vlad. Pickled herring in a honey mustard sauce …. yummhhhh!
“Migrant crossings: Eighty people cross Channel on boats”
It is never ending ! Eighty ?, I suspect that its much more.
Border Farce could be complicit in brining in to the UK a number of Terrorists . How many have been deported so far ?
Our government is harsh with its own people but soft with invading criminals. We have a shortage of houses and the NHS is in danger of collapse . We need a Government and a Home Secretary that will and can , defend our borders and keep our people safe . This Tory Government is a failure .
“Channel crossings: Claim Border Force picked up migrants in French waters”
“Reports that a Border Force ship entered French waters and took on board migrants from a UK-bound dinghy are being investigated by the Home Office.”
What was the result of the “investigation”?
How much are we paying the French ?
A minimum of 57 today.
@Steve_Laws_ and Voice of Wales were at Napier Barracks filming and the police turned up. here
However, for the leftie protest there (the illegals want their own houses) – no police.
Meanwhile @veteran_little is monitoring the shipping. The French have been accompanying the dinghies from very close to the French shore. e.g. here and here
So it could not be clearer. We have the double whammy of blatant collusion with a foreign power to swamp the country (treason) plus double-standards in domestic policing to quash the indigenous population.
This is on a par with the traitors colluding with the EU in the dying days of the May era, many of whom are still in position.
I do find it strange that Boris must have been convinced that the history of these times and his part in the downfall of the UK will never be recorded.
GB News watch
Brillo interviews the Chancellor – over 20 minutes before a break – challenging – fair – no gotcha s – reminds me of those Brian Walden interviews on the old LWT on Sunday afternoons when I was a kid .
Going to take time getting used to intelligent interviews again …
Brillo mentioned that at the current interest rate blighty is paying £40 billion a year in interest payments and debt is at £32000 for each person in blighty …
“Boris Johnson calls Matt Hancock hopeless in texts revealed by Dominic Cummings”
Pot & Kettle.
How long have they both got ?
Perhaps Jacob Rees-Mogg, Desmond Swayne & Liz Truss may be our salvation ?
The cost of BIDEN recent visit to the UK was revealed in the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail revealed some of the staggering costs of holding the G7 summit in Cornwall – most notably £8 million of taxpayers’ cash was spent extending the runway at Newquay airport so that US President Joe Biden’s Air Force One jet and transport aircraft could land.
Of course it all makes sense. Heavy aircraft you see full of security staff. Cornwall could have spent that on the new Spaceport being built. We could use that to fire BIDEN into outer space. (I wish). Perhaps The Mall can be extended to accommodate the approach to The Palace to meet the Queen the other day. Who knows the whims of the US president may get more expensive… than our own daft crackpots and free spenders.
The TPA is always a good read on crackpot Councils.
Another report is health care in the prison service.
One of the more ridiculous stories of the last week came from HMP Grampian where bosses forked out nearly £250,000 of taxpayers’ cash on a “roof net” to protect staff and prisoners from “divebombing seagulls”. According to The Scottish Sun, “The Scottish Prison Service defended the £234,000 net spend, insisting the seagulls posed “a danger to staff and prisoners”.
You really could not make it up. This is the great’ Global reset’ and I guess it all makes perfect sense when its reported on the BBC (who then never report it as anything but care in the community).
its an odd world. Thank to the TPA for these two stories.
The never ending battle against rotten governance and imperial ambitions of the left continues as it has through history. Now they have much more money and media channels. Global ambitions to change the world with CO2 scare and false hoods to save the planet from whatever. They can spend it all and they will, every penny.
I thought he flew from Suffolk to Cornwall by helicopter??
Dive bombing seagulls or drug-delivering drones?
Here’s a less ‘rosy’ assessment of the Putin/Biden summit than the BBC’s.
“Putin had free rein to spew propaganda in solo press conference.”
Clearly Biden was too afraid to appear side-by-side with Putin, which would have shown up his weakness and confusion by comparison.
Wow, I am always impressed by the caliber of Fox News presenters. Many of them are experienced lawyers, and you don’t hear any erring….unlike on gb news where I have not been impressed by some of their presenters, especially the females. They come across as worse than amateurs, not sure what the selection process was there.
It would be good to see the Putin press conference – I wonder if he mentioned anything about the Stolen Election . ?
BBC 10pm news – the White House spokesman – a Mr Sopel – reports that nothing came of the 2 hour talk between the False American president and the KGB Boss – a meeting which was listed for 5 hours without a break .
No negative spin – which would have been –
1 is Biden up to the job
2 does he have the stamina
3 does he have the detail
4 did putin wipe the floor with him ?
So – to speculate – now that putin has direct experience of Biden how soon will Putin ‘try it on ‘? – more than internet attacks – but a real military threat to NATO / US interests ?
I give it a week .
Radical antibody treatment that ‘cured’ Trump will be offered by the NHS
– in the DT
Another example of the media indirectly contributing to deaths…Trump promoted it and orange man baaaad!
This time Coop is not buckling to Labour front group “Stop-funding-People-we-don’t-like” (StopFundingHate)
Last time Andrew Neil wisely told them
‘advertisers should be trying to reach customers
NOT trying to INFLUENCE editorial policy’
So they’ve learnt ..
The latest VW car ad on tv shows nice people with electric cars parking at the supermarket while all the nasty carbon engined vehicles are in death shrouds.
So everyone, let’s stop buying the carbon offerings that VW still have on sale, what’s not to like?
This political crap needs to be resisted and stamped on, it’s your freedom of choice they are trying to delete.
If everyone stopped buying their petrol and diesel cars tomorrow, Volkswagen would be broke within the week, and serve them right too.
Well my class action against Audi / Vw over fiddling the emissions is chugging along nicely – a might get a few bob for their deceit ….
In many countries VW has settled but not in blighty yet – I just hope there will be punative damages …
I’m in the class action too, but don’t expect a reasonable amount of compensation and the way VW/Audi are dragging out the proceedings, I hope my missus can access the email account when they eventually do settle. As they will…guilty m’lud.
Luckily June Sarpong broke though.
See she is just blocking them
.. overall it’s a free market
And if bad corps block the best people
the firms that don’t will win out
..There is no need for more & more government control
Wot about all those “A” stars grades that our “fantastic teachers” are delivering?
Compare and contrast all the kids suffering because of no school compared to those who have left that dunno how to right innit eh? Omg yeah ? Lol yeah ?
A vile regular writes…
Can’t wait for when Jez Meets YAB.
What’s going on with Femi ?
so ‘1 SMEAR LABEL to provide a strawman to attack
“By funding BBC you’re GIVING editorial independence to a COMMUNIST propaganda channel!
millions will be dead in the gulags by the end of the month
Then #2 extreme analogy
GB news is not like Saudi,
it has no trail of victims
and it is policed by Ofcom and UK laws
It’s like Femi looks out at the world and imagines the KKK are pointing at him
and that is a cue for his own thought process
he starts behaving like a KKK bigot himself
‘them over there they’re evil , we’ve gotta kill em all”
Bbc is FORCING people to pay fir globalist propaganda.
BBC #backendofbusism again steers clear of an industry open secret.
Don’t eat so much?
‘So this isn’t because I don’t have willpower. This isn’t because of my fault. This is because of my body.’
She has exactly the kind of attitude and personality I associate with people that size. She is utterly self-centred.
Bottom line : all that fat comes from food. It doesn’t come from nowhere.
Sure it’s a lot harder for some people to stay slim than others. But life isn’t easy. Not eating cake when you are hungry is part of personal responsibility and self-discipline.
The worst part is how the BBC try to make everybody a victim. They say ‘Living with obesity’ as if it’s a disease.
The only possible consequence of this apalling article is to make people think it’s OK to be obese : that it’s not their fault they get hungry and like chips. We all do.
How long before Marianna gets in on the act?
The BBC could do a story on the mental health of those who get though to the bbc, or who the bbc seek out for broadcast.
That BBC article tries to claim that obesity is caused by a gene and then they present Sarah’s story where she got fatter by eating too much and not exercising. Every time she went on a diet or fitness regime she lost loads of weight.
It then mentions her fat friend Jed who lives opposite 8 fast food shops.
But of course it’s down to “genetics”.
Breakfast like a king lunch like a prince – supper like a pauper –
The ultimate diet ( as opposed to ‘just (don’t ) eat’
“…her fat friend Jed who lives opposite 8 fast food shops.”
A jolly fat house as well.
‘You and Yours’ on daily before TWATo is called the ‘Whinge Hour’ in this household. Al Beeb put adverts in soshul meeja or FaceAche asking for ‘victims’.
They, like most of the respondents, are pathetic.
Peter – it has a ‘partner ‘ programme called the ‘food programme ‘ which was – in the time I gave up,the BBC week after week of ‘our food is killing ‘ – yawn …
You can bet your boots that Our Marianna of the Rack, possessor of what looks to me like a superb chassis, would be one of the most severe critics, albeit silently, of this unfortunate woman’s appearance.
ie, I bet she is a prize bitch!
And real trouble after a bottle of red ( been there ) …
Its a gene problem now, I seem to remember it used to be a thyroid problem. If you don’t want to store fat, don’t eat it.
Well, that’s them told.
Biden complaining about his treatment by the press!!
– who always cover for him and give him the softest of softball questions, often in advance.
He should ask his predecessor what it’s like to have the entire partisan press corps snarling with rage and hatred at you, systematically downplaying your achievements and highlighting your shortcomings, hellbent on removing you from office, destroying your career and obliterating your legacy.
Another BBC fave.
For some reason.
Expect Labour to make ever more concessions to muslims to win them back.
Just checkout their election campaign going on in Batley and Spen as we speak. Palastine, Kasmir, no mention of the thugs outside a local school or the teacher and his family in hiding because of death threats. What about the workers ?
Islam trumps workers every time.
Anyway, Labour has lost the workers; aggrieved minorities are their last hope.
Have been for 10 years at least.
What that article finally articulates shamelessly into words is that everything the Left do to appease Islam is to get their vote. That idiot who wrote it absolutely doesn’t care about anything else.
Unfortunately the rest of us have to live with the consequences. Including keeping an eye on the dark-skinned guy with a beard and a rucksack while we wait for a train.
100% agree. A decade or two ago chasing the Muslim vote was probably a good tactic. An extra 3 million Muslim votes to add to their core 20 million working class votes gave Labour a chance at winning an election.
But over the years the obession with keeping the 3 million Muslim voters has angered the other 20 million. Now Labour are incorrectly worried the Muslim voters may leave them.
If they just dumped the Muslim appeasing they would win back the traditional Labour voter in a flash.
In 1968 the London dockers marched in support of Enoch Powell. The Labour Party realised that the white working class were a disappointment, and that a new voting base had to be imported. This has worked very successfully for them, and the so-called Conservative party have never done a thing about it.
As for the areas the white working class used to live in, in East London, Bradford, Oldham, Batley, well, what can you say? They have been ethnically cleansed, there is no other word for it.
NI Vets campaigner
Just listening to a debate on GB news questioning one of things I say many times:
How the Left can preach about love and tolerance then turn into the most nasty and vindictive bigots of all towards people they disagree with. Particularly the hate directed towards GB News before they even started broadcasting.
At last I don’t feel like the only one who sees it. It will be very interesting to see what happens to the viewing figures after a few weeks.
UK aid cuts risk millions of lives, warns World Health Organization
A terrible article full of incinuation and unrelated facts mentioned to make the reader infer they are because of the budget cut.
Like this nonsense:
‘Nearly 280 million lifesaving tablets are likely to expire and have to be incinerated due to the withdrawal of UK money, the United Nations agency said.’
So if we give them money, they will be ‘unlikely to expire’ and not be incinerated ?.
I’ve seen the incredible corruption in schemes like this and think we would be much better off doing something about that. I suspect a very low percentage of the money actually reaches the people it is meant for, particularly in Africa.
Biden and Putin praise Geneva summit talks but discord remains
The fact that the BBC are putting a positive spin on the headline but the reality is that they were a complete waste of time is to be expected.
The interesting part is the press release where Joe cracks just a little and we get a glimpse of the typical nasty little Lefty inside trying to get out.
But what stood out most to me after seeing a few of these recently is how the Amercian media seem unable to simply ask a question. They have to make a little speech to agressively push their own left-leaning political agenda first then ‘dare him’ to contradict them.
Joe will be very happy to get back to the ‘pre-approved questions only’ routine.
Why does the Labour Party score so many ‘own goals’? They are so out of touch with the working class people of Great Britain. Despite all the help they get from Al Beeb.
Mornin’ all. Well Taffman, It’s by-election day in Bucks to day. Chesham and Amersham to be precise. The Labour Party may be an also ran. It’s a Tory Remain constituency and The Lib Dems could be in with a chance. No body feels more confident about that than the Lib Dems themselves.
They could be right. I remember the shock of Orpington back in … I hate to think.
Anyway if that happens it would a good reason to ditch Boris.
(There are plenty of other reasons of course)
Let’s see how Reform do! This should prove whether they have become a damp squib or not.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
You may well be right ?
As I have not seen anything on Al Beeb about them, lets give them a little plug here…………..
It is because they get help from Al Beeb and the likes of Owen Jones that they are so out of touch with anyone. If Labour distanced itself from the far left activists they would start winning votes back.
They couldn’t win a coconut shy at the moment.
They way that they are performing in Parliament they could just as well have joined the Conservative party?
Let’s see which ‘news’ the BBC covers.
And which not.
BBC Moaning Emole investigates.
‘Unforgivable’ security mistakes before arena bomb
Paul Price does not know how close he was to death on the night of the Manchester Arena bombing. Though he remained awake in the horrific minutes that followed, he has barely any memory of it, and for that he is grateful.
His injuries were catastrophic, a seemingly endless catalogue of destruction from which his body will never fully recover. Dozens of surgeries. Shrapnel still embedded in his body. Permanent loss of function in his hand and leg. Weekly painful rehab sessions.
But nothing compares to the loss of his partner Elaine McIver, who was among the 22 people killed when suicide bomber Salman Abedi detonated his home-made device. “She was the love of my life, I was the love of her life”, he said. For a long time he could not bring himself to talk about her.
Read full article >
Sallie George
BBC News
Sallie a bit cursory on the circumstances behind Salman’s arrival and motivations.
If this was the BBC, the geezer in the balaclava would be a mysterious aside.
Farage telling it straight on Trump, Biden, China, Russia, G7, Boris Johnson, Brexit, the EU and more.
vlad, that was interesting. Thanks. It was also scary – seeing Boris Johnson in that post-G7 Press conference. I’m now wondering whether he had Covid last year or ‘something else’.
Looking at his eyes and his new hesitancy, the phrase ‘the lights are on but no-one is at home’ comes to mind.
Looking at the whole sorry bunch I am minded to revisit…
Up2 – Chronic Wokeism perhaps? Known to damage the brain.
There was a lovely little video (can’t find it) of the G7 leaders on the beach at Carbis Bay, when there was an explosion and D. Trump popped out of a hole in the sand and did a little dance. His enemies can’t do without him, just as they couldn’t/can’t do without Mrs Thatcher.
This one?
Coco probably stays put but alco is definitely out for mums to be
In phraseology and in terms that echoes that used by the BBC, on the odd occasion such as the recent Martin Bashir Dianagate scandal when our national broadcaster is called upon to mark its own homework, the Daily Star this morning sums up today’s political flash in the pan, which gets undue acres of coverage in the press this morning, with the pithy comment: ‘We think we’ve got this right... Hopeless bloke said hopeless bloke is hopeless, says hopeless bloke‘ – which, in that no nonsense tabloid way, nicely implies the fact that if you already don’t like these three stooges – Cummings, Johnson and Hancock – then can you really make that much additional political traction out of their side bar comments and tetchy text messages about one another?
‘Hopeless Bozo Johnson called his Health Secretary Coco Hancock “f***ing Hopless” says PM ex-aide‘ – is all very well but tell us something we didn’t know, or couldn’t have guessed. And it all tends to leave Sir Keir Starmer and the opposition on the sidelines, as per usual.
And as usual it is the cartoonists who bring light relief where the political op-ed columns produce only heat and scant enlightenment. Matt in the Telegraph lasers in on the absurdity of the moment as he has the PM’s spokesman explain: ‘Boris sent Mr Cummings a text describing Matt Hancock as “really excellent”. Unfortunately, the PM’s phone autocorrected that to…‘
Our public health experts are a funny lot. On the one hand we have the mass promotion of a drug to children with unknown long-term side effects: ‘Vaccine hubs in schools if children are offered jabs‘ (‘i’) and on the other hand: ‘Women of childbearing age warned not to drink alcohol‘ (Telegraph) – I’ll need a stiff drink to concentrate my mind to work on that conundrum.
I hear that no otherwise healthy child under 15 has as yet died of covid in the UK.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if you nationalise the health sector and put it under State control, you won’t be allowed to make your own health decisions any longer. But someone will and who knows what might motivate their decisions taken on your behalf? Sage member and card carrying communist Sue Michie (nicknamed Stalin’s Nanny) would likely desire the destruction of the entire UK capitalist economy as a happy side effect as she calls for the extention of covid restrictions in perpetuity. Others in positions of power may be less socialistic in their motivation as they perhaps pocket Big Pharma backhanders.
I’m afraid actress Kym Marsh’s plea on behalf of her old dad will fall on deaf ears: ‘Kym’s cancer plea. As her dad fights for his life, Corrie actress urges us all NOT to delay checks due to Covid‘ (Sun) – sadly, the decision is not ours to make – we’ve outsourced it to our glorious NHS.
Before the Inquisition torturers set to work (and I’ll bet you didn’t expect that analogy?) they would show you “the instruments” – this action alone would often do the trick of quickly bringing about the prisoner’s repentance.
As Michael Palin would announce on behalf of the Monty Python Spanish Inquision: “Our chief weapon is surprise… fear and surprise… fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency… surprise, fear, ruthless efficiency… and an almost fanatical devotion…” – well you know how that sketch used to go…
And so it is that Cardinal Government, Cardinal Public Health Expert and his éminence grise – somewhere in the background – the shady Cardinal Big Pharma, burst onto the scene to present before us the Instruments… their assorted sinister devices… the carrots and sticks of the latter day nudge politics: ‘Staycation warning as Cornwall sees Covid rate rise after half-term‘ (‘i’) – any link to the G7 shenanigans is purely coincidental; ‘Return of holidays if you are vaccinated‘ (Telegraph) – you get the hint – just don’t ask where they might insert the carrot if you should choose to refuse to take the stick.
‘Shock plans to work from home for ever‘ – reveals the Daily Mail as a million public sector slackers shout “Yes, yes, yes! Give it to me now! Lock me down, lock me down! Lock me down harder and for longer!“
Without #sourceswhosay modern ‘news’ would cease.
Inquisition: “Bring on the comfy armchair!”
TOADY Watch #1 – don’t mention the CO2
6 a.m. News and China blasts a manned rocket into space with a crew of three. They will spend time on the Chinese Space station in low earth orbit. I hope it doesn’t bump into the other one in low earth orbit. Needless to say TOADY did not raise any concerns over the CO2 in the bits of the programme I have listened to this morning.
What’s the diversity situation?
Guest, and vibrancy situation? I bet it certainly was vibrant on take-off!
When Greg Channeled Gerald
BBC audience. Possibly ex staff. Allegedly.
Social media teams tend to be populated by inexperienced activist twerps overseen by cynical activist older gits. Like Mike Wendling.
Eventually it gets to the top floor who hired these clowns.
Only in some cases there are no shareholders above them.
As a shareholder in Vodafone I will be selling my shares if they “withdraw” advertising from GB News when they put ads with other “leftist” broadcasters (the same goes for any other companies in which I hold shares). It is not for the advertisers to dictate editorial policy. If on the other hand analysis shows it to be non-productive then I can understand it.
In my opinion what this outfit has tried to do to GBNews is nothing less than toxic slander. Any rational person can see this and I also wish GBNews will now hire the best legal team they can and go after them with both barrels. The penalties could run into millions of lost revenue by GB News plus defamation etc.
I am sure that if they crowdfunded for the costs of the action they would get mass support.
The key problem will be finding a judge who isn’t tainted by wokery which is probably no easy task these days.
We have been drowning in this liberal lefty crap for some time and GBNews offered a lifebelt which these people want to puncture with their hate like spoiled brats.
I wish GBNews all the luck and hope they are aware that there are millions of UK citizens who feel the same.
Now, let us think how this is phrased, and why.
Judging by the number of promising coloured athletes I have witnessed jumping the gates at tube stations I think I can guess why the transport plod would encounter more ‘resistance ‘ …
I too have noticed the gate-jumping phenomenon, many times, and always by young black men.
I guess it’s a cultural thing, and who are we to judge?
After all, we like Morris dancing – is it really so very different?
It’s the opposite of limbo dancing.
Bottomline In a transport police world where force is used only 3% of the time against blacks
That would be 5 events per WEEK
Does that sound credible ?
Or does 25 times/week seem more credible ?
“BTP figures show 17.5% of all use-of-force incidents were against a black person.”
OK and since ACROSS the WHOLE of the country black people are 3%, you say it’s 6 times more than expected
but is it fair to compare it that way ?
Certainly not cos in the areas where BTP mostly work the population is not just 3% black
It’s not the case that 3% of the trouble makers are black
it could be 10, 20 or even 50%
ie white trouble makers might have force used against them at a higher rate than black ones.
Officers used force 6,325 times in 2019-20,
That’s about 20 times /day
3.5 times against blacks
and 16.5 times against non-blacks
In a situation where force is used only 3% of the time against blacks
You’d have 140 incidents per week against all people
0f which only 5 per week were black
Does that seem credible ?
Covid watch
The psychological war the government is waging against the British people is —- a bit messy .
The scheme was –
1 frighten people with the virus
2 sacrifice freedom to stop nurses crying
3 impose restrictions like distancing and masks
4 vilify dissenters
5 promise jam tomorrow with a vaccine
6 deliver a vaccine but have doubts about it
7 have variations to ensure the fear continues
8 keep promising jam tomorrow
9 keep a bit of hope by having a roadmap
10 keep fear going by moving dates of the map
11 have regular doom and gloom experts re all 10 above
12 groom the public to give up freedom and choice
13 repeat
Use the constant misery and anti British outlook of the BBC to do the above in exchange for an easy time – and licence taxes .
In my region 18 people in 100,000 each week
have a positive test
so what is the chance of me getting coughed on by an infected person ?
The risk routes are many for health care workers, but then they use PPE.
Uh huh.
If there is a new market, there is a likely explanation.
#1 Sounds like PRasNews
#2 Alcohol isn’t cheap in Australia
wonder if a lot of alkies have worked out to buy Alcohol Free and then add illicit alcohol to get cheap wine.
They are not real Australians.
If you go to the Mail On Line headline you will see
‘WTF forever ‘
Read it again and youll see it really says
‘WFH forever’
Crazy times – a whole silly season in a year and more
Fed, are you sure you are not taffman in disguise?
‘WFH forever’ = Wales Football Heroes forever?
Any national team which does Jonnie Turk like that will always get an uptick .. no time for Jonnie Turk …
Ha, I misread the same headline earlier….
The article was jam packed full of quotes and soundbites from experts, specialists and knowledgeable sages proclaiming their wisdom on the ‘virus’, lockdowns, social cohesion, labour markets….
It became unreadable.
Lucky Robyn.
It’s the dismissal that has been overturned, not the actual court verdict.
The court was not saying she was a paedophile or enjoyed sharing paedo pics
but rather she hadn’t been truthful nor followed procedure
as if she was protecting her sister and brother-in-law.
So it was lawbreaking under duress after a good career.
But in future police work a criminal might say in court, ‘we can’t trust this officer’s evidence, cos she cheats under duress’
But courts should never take any officer as a saint anyway, so I’m not sure if her conviction does make that much difference.
So basically the police are now overruling our courts, which can’t be healthy, but don’t expect the BBC to raise this issue.
And presumably giving a person “put on the sex offenders register for five years” their job back and no doubt a suitcase of compensation.
I read this case and could not work out how she was prosecuted or found guilty . I always thought there was another element to it …
… anyway – a woke court has allowed someone senior with a criminal record to carry on enforcing laws after breaking them – par for the course .
But I don’t think a white male in the same position would get much mercy – in fact he’d probably get time …
She’s fireproof and a full time victim now . Maybe she’ll start the police branch of the American Marxist coloured outfit I refuse to name –
– she could defund herself then…
Just get Candice Owen to sort this one-she does not mince her words- and being black herself (married to a white British man) she would most probably destroy in a few words this Black Police Officer behaviour. Seriously are we British subjects being made complete fools of? Yes Fedup2 give me your answer.
We all know that these latest “Cummings revelations” must be true.
If Boris hadn’t referred to Hancock as being “bleeping useless” Downing Street would have immediately denied it. Cummings isn’t stupid enough to make this up.
Not only that… Hancock IS “bleeping useless”
Three things about this…
Cummings has made himself virtually unemployable…good!
He’s acting like a jealous schoolgirl whose former boyfriend has gone off with her best friend. It’s very unseemly for a grown man to behave in this way.
Still… it’s bleeping entertaining…
Boris kept someone in post even though he holds him in such obvious contempt. I know this isn’t unusual in politics, but this is an incredibly important position in the midst of a pandemic.
And Hancock! Despised, incompetent and clearly a liar. His handling of the care homes turned a crisis into an utter catastrophe. Many elderly and vulnerable people died due to his panic.
And to make matters worse, he’s tried to blame others.
On a walk with mates yesterday there was a general conclusion that although most if us and our contacts are undoubtedly Tory supporters overall, we are fully able and are very critical of the government when they c*** up, as they do depressingly frequently.
I doubt this freedom of thought is shared by the wokist and Corbynista hard left.
Jeff, last March and April we were being ‘told’ that tests for Covid-19 were not available in the NHS because Matt Hancock had not personally ordered them by ‘phone or letter or e-mail from a provider. I have discovered they were available in February 2020.
We were ‘told’ that supplies of PPE in the NHS were inadequate to the point of non-existent because Matt Hancock had not personally ordered them by ‘phone or letter or e-mail from a provider. Both the OBR and the NAO, if I recall correctly, have checked and there were completely adequate supplies of PPE in the NHS at the start of the Pandemic.
Good points Jeff,
The most telling snippet for me (provided by Cummings WhatsApp) was the ‘revelations’ that Doris would shut down debate on serious matters during cabinet, tell some stories to distract the idiots then give everyone a big thumbs up before leaving the room.
I suspect the buffoon has yet to make/take a decision off his own back.
The rumours about Communist/Green SAGE and Whitless/Valence running the country would seem to be more than just tabloid gossip if this leak from Cummings is to be believed.
TOADY Watch #2 – and the devastating repercussions are …
… not to be mentioned in the bits of TOADY I have listened to this morning. Those devastating repercussions have been threatened on Russia by Beijing Biden – apparently – during the first meeting between President Putin and President Biden. The BBC were big on the word President. Funny. The BBC completely forget it as a prefix for Donald Trump from January 2017 to January 2021. These repercussions will be visited upon Putin and the country he leads if they continue cyber-warfare against US tech giants.
Now everyone knows, thanks to the BBC, how to get Vlad and Russia into trouble: hack a US tech giant and make it look like it came from
the Democratic Party or one of its supporters at Election timeRussia. That will get the nuclear missiles dropping onto Moss – coww.Here’s an example of great BBC bias which says a lot about their editorial policy and yet is not really political.
On Toady, there was much coverage of a report into Children’s Services and how the attitude of the state authorities often cause rather than alleviate problems.
This was covered quite extensively between 0700 and 0755, ending with a further interview with someone critical of the service. Which is what we heard throughout. Criticism.
But at 0755 bringing the whole thing to a conclusion, Amol Rajan said in terms ‘ we should say that the report also makes a lot of positive recommendations and solutions, details can be found online’..
So. Ignoring the actual issues, the overall balance from the BBC was 55 minutes on the negatives and 20 seconds on the positives.
When precisely did the BBC mission become to undermine and focus only on doom and gloom, rather than to educate and inform in a balanced way?
I think I’d call that proven bias of the highest order.
This this not something their hero Sleepy mentioned only yesterday?
Maybe Amol might like to discuss this with Marianna?
The BBC has a long history of reporting health scares of the ‘eating bacon doubles your risk’ variety, (they miss out the bit that the ‘risk’ has doubled from ‘damn all’ to twice ‘damn all’ or that the referenced ‘study’ has never been replicated).
Following the BBC’s own logic does it never occur to them that feeding we ‘lab rats’ a continual diet of negativity might be bad for us, even by just a teeny bit?
As you say, it isn’t even really political**. We get ‘the pound is up’ = ‘exporters will be unable to export’ or ‘the pound is down’ = ‘holidaymakers will be unable to holiday abroad’, followed by ‘interest rates are up’ = ‘mortgage holders will be ruined’ or ‘interest rates are down’ = ‘savers/pensioners miss out’.
In the BBC world every cloud has a tarnished lining, every ray of sunshine creates a shadow.
** It probably is political as any change is ‘the fault of the government’.
The negativity is cos we voted for the wrong government
Now “the right” side in the American government
things that used to be reported as a negatives get reported as a positive I bet.
Interesting none of the meja appear to have picked on the real motivation behind Borises latest oppressive ideas to continue lockdown, forcing companies to allow work for home to continue indefinitely.
Now I happen to think that in this digital age it’s probably a more sensible idea than attempting to allow millions of people to make a journey into a city and back again to visit an office block in order to carry out tasks which could be done remotely.
I also believe that remote working might just go a long way to destroying Londons enormous economic imbalance by spreading the work more faily throughout the country.
However! Those are not the reasons why Boris is implementing this. It’s quite simply to meet the ridiculous CO2 comittments Millipede signed us up to at the Paris accord, a 68% cut in UK emissions by 2030, something the current coward in office has subscribed to and is not going to back away from.
By in effect banning commuting he gets a more or less free reduction in the CO2 emissions.
But what a reason to do it when there are so many positives for this. Dormatory towns and villages which disgorge their population to far away cities during the day can begin to live again and small business to thrive there. The opportunities are huge.
Back in the day this is how Britain worked. A few people travelled into London but most worked within walking distance of their homes, or short distances away, and this is a much healthier way for everyone, especially regarding the time wasted commuting each day.
The digital age has to a large extent made projects like HS2 obsolete (it was obsolete when conceived), but that’s a vanity project which will alas continue.
So yet again for all the wrong reasons we find ourselves led by fools and blind dumb luck in the right place !
Dunno living near your job is a green thing
but so many green measures are counterproductive and are less green than doing nothing
They get obsessive about public transport
which means building it increases CO2
then you thought you were reducing local car journeys, but it turns out people use the new public transport to travel much further than they used to.
“Right everyone needs to get electric cars
electric cars are too expensive, so we’ll take some tax money off granny and use it to subsidise the rich people who buy electric cars”
Those rich people like to long trips, so they will keep their diesel
and use the EV for short trips
Trips which will cause more tyre wear, cos the car weighs twice as much due the huge heavy battery.
Yes the internet is wonderful isn’t it! It uses no electricity and needs no infrastructure, one just taps the screen of one’s mobile phone and everything that you want is all there for free!
The reality is that ten years ago the internet was probably using about 10% of our electricity and it is bound to be even more now. Those green and grey boxes at the side of the road are no longer silent as the sound of cooling fans leaks out of the louvres that older boxes didn’t need.
The ‘City’ could have moved out of London years ago but didn’t. The infrastructure just moved in. Sitting on top of a global data hub gives that micro-second edge for auto-trading.
The suburbs and dormitory towns weren’t built to do anything else but house people or if they were the factory sites, offices and shops have now been made over for yet more housing.
Back in the 1950s dad cycled to the factory two miles away with thousands of others. (The factory still exists but the bike racks are no more and the employees now drive in from 20 miles away). Every mum had a pram large enough to carry baby and shopping. Too large to fit on the bus, now needed to get to the supermarket. Mums are now expected to be ‘economically active’ so wages have tended to halve and cost tended to double!
Sadly in order to achieve your accidental utopia we would need to demolish half the buildings and deport half the population.
I think you’re missing a very obvious point here, and that is that people whether working from home or in an office are still plugged into the internet via a computer which is using power.
Really doesn’t matter whether its accidental or not it’s happening because Boris has made it so.
We had all this as you say not only in the 1950s but much of it remained into the 1980s until Thatchers biggest mistake – Sunday opening killed a large part of it off.
We can of course go back there again, and we are going to have to because there is little alternative.
“I also believe that remote working might just go a long way to destroying Londons enormous economic imbalance by spreading the work more faily throughout the country.”
or as is happening at my work spreading the jobs via zoom OUT of the country
Its generally more sustainable.
Youtube : Scottish Feminist Arrested For “Offensive Tweets”
(ie in 2018/19 some tweets that implied trans are not real women)
Count Dankula makes some points
#1 This isn’t under the NEW Scottish hate speech laws,
#2 SNP pleaded they eeded the NEW Scottish hate speech laws, cos the old ones were too weak
So hang on how come they can use the old ones here ?
#3 The creeping North Korean style free speech laws in Scotland now mean that American tourists are warned
“Now the coach is crossing the Scottish border,
so we all have to be especially careful what we say from now on”
The hateful Kim Yung Sturgeon is trying to turn Scotland into North Korea so she can be in power for ever.
Again I don’t agree with what she says one little bit, but I do agree she should have the right to voice her poison without the states intervention.
However she has to be as thick as mince and totaly full of toxic femininity to give voice to such words in a country known for its intolerance and National socialist oppression.
There are many problems in this futile arguement buy lunatic women and the leftist nutters on the other side.
Firstly what on Earth does it matter if someone trans is a real woman or not? Why the hell cares? This is an argument about haow many grains of rice there are in a jar, or the number of angels on the head of a pin, but toxic femininity means they simply cannot allow this to pass them by and they are like a dog with a bone.
Secondly they are moaning about a paper tiger they have created, a lie about the government making it easier to legally change gender. There is no such plan nor any legislation in the pipeline. What there is, is a move to remove some of the civil service beaurocracy which was created after the government created this legislation and is leading to numerous failures because of incorrect box ticking.
We should not take these derranged womens side in this debate out of hate for trannies, not much chance of anyone here supporting the trannies side though.
Their side comes from the same marxist stable as critical race theory so beloved of the cowardly useless incompetent Tories. It is not generally pushed by trannies but by far left activists looking to stir the pot.
A plague on all your houses !
Tweets by BoycottGbnews
has had it’s account suspended on Twitter.
A big surprise but also maybe a ray of light or simply panic about Twitter getting sued?
This story should be all over the MSM but don’t hold your breath!
@Digg is that their main account ?
They are still carrying on under Ripples
but huge CCBGB problem for them
eh up bookburning corps starting to backtrack
Octopus Energy & its chair Greg Jackson seem slippery
I paraphrase ‘No even though we let Ripples say that we are boycotting GBnews
we are not actually boycotting GBNews
We just have a BRAND NEW : wait and see policy
We have this NEW policy cos there has never been a new channel in recent history’ (that’s a lie)
Actual quote :So despite the trailing of “Fox News of the UK” this may not transpire.
Oh a “guilty till proven innocent” policy as a Business Value.
A corp that cares about balance
\\ Greg Jackson who until the end of of 2019 was a director of @LabourList //
#GoWokeGoBroke is trending
Oh Ripples the anti-Hate group are throwing around the race-hate word “gammon”
(It’s a label similar to the N-word
It intimidates people of a certain skin colour to behaving in a conforming way, otherwise the label will be applied to them)
I suspect lots of things are happening under the radar with the GBNews boycott.
I now see on the IKEA website they have turned OFF the ability to contact via chat or email, odd for a major Company to do this.
“Chat with us…
Our chat channel is currently closed due to exceptionally high demand, or our Customer Support Centre is closed.”
“Email us….
Our email channel is currently closed. Please try another channel or check back later.”
My guess is that they are getting what they didn’t bargain for.
Power to the people as Wolfie would say, but not as they expected!
Once again don’t expect to see this anywhere on MSM which is EXACTLY why we need GBNews..
Digg – perhaps swamping the company ‘customer service ‘ website is a good technique – since it is legal and all part of the information war – destroying the reputation of IKEA or Specsavers or anyone who withdraws their campaign from UKNews is fair game …
Just visited Facebook and was confronted with an Octopus sponsored ad that was crafted by BBC PR.
Oh, and… #CCBGB
Kindi weenies hitting social media to try and dig out of another social media hole backfiring awesomely.