US Supreme Court rejects Trump-backed challenge to Obamacare
Just reading the above article and I see right near the botton in the commentry the statement:
‘The court didn’t even bother to rule on the merits of Texas’ arguments, instead holding that the litigants lacked the standing even to bring the case.’
I don’t know what merits Obamacare has or doesn’t have, but that sounds an awful lot like how they threw out some of the election fraud charges.
The place where they publish the polls say:
‘The public has remained deeply divided on the health reform law since it was passed in March 2010.’
The BBC say:
‘But the law remains well-liked by many Americans – nearly 54% viewed it favourably’.
Just check the very careful wording there to make you think how they want you to think. It’s not well-liked by Americans, it’s well-liked by ‘many Americans’. Very different.
Which 54% like it ?. The middle-class ?. Who are the half who DON’T like it ?.
Absolutely typical BBC.
Yep the incompetent Tories have managed to lose a safe seats to the Monster Raving Liberal Democrat party!
The biggest issues seems to have been the destruction of the area by developers who seem to get a free pass under the Tories. Actually if people thought a little harder they would realize that the Lib Dems migrant friendly policies will ensure more of the dwindling British countryside will be built over.
The results are
Green ….3.9%
Reform.. 1.1%
(2 rubbish parties below that)
Note that the Labour support collapsed.
Also that the Reform party was a dismal failure, campaigning against the lockdown is not a vote winning tactic. (There goes my upticks)
Preserving green areas is a policy which would reap an untapped mine of support for a populist party and not one that has been taken up with any enthusiasm to my knowledge.
No, Yasser. No loss of uptick from me. You get an uptick from me for your good analysis although you do not mention that having a young madonna (think ‘Allo ‘Allo)-like female candidate did not hurt in that particular consTITuency.
Jeff, the Lib Dems are an established party, they can have policies on a wide range of issues. (Which they will betray) In my post I was referring to the smaller political parties of interest to people here. eg
Reform, Reclaim, For Britain, Heritage etc. I stick by what I said anti- lockdown is not a vote winner.
Nor do I believe it was for the Lib dems. It has traditionally been the party one goes to when one is sick of the two major options.
That voting group is the one that all aspiring parties should be aiming for. The anti-lockdown Freedom Party’s vote in Chesham was so abysmal I didn’t list it.
I will further suggest that if people are sceptical about my claim about anti-developer support they should look at the last three election results for the strongly Tory East Devon constituency and you will see what the Anti- mass development Independent candidate Claire Wright achieved electorally. In the last three general elections she came a good second three times in a row. Why has no minor party learnt from this? Surely she know s something we can learn from? Why haven’t the thick Tories learnt anything? I await enlightenment.
Do you really think that the righties saw this coming? A very minor contributing factor at best. It’s up to the Reform candidate to overcome those objections.
Tory complacency played a significant role in this. The truth be told, Boris ain’t no leader. Time to go.
The Tories know how to win elections, of that there’s no doubt.
Electorally Boris is absolute god dust. He’s got the Midas touch.
But he is also a complete phoney. That pathetic cobblers he spewed at the end of the ludicrous G7 meeting was par for the course. He clearly searched around for buzz words. “Build back better…fairer…greener…more inclusive…gender neutral…more feminine…” The ramblings of a charlatan.
With no opposition we desperately need an alternative voice. There’s no point spouting the same BS that the others waffle on about.
Lockdowns are economically and culturally crippling and they have failed.
We can all see what’s happening in the US. Even New York and the ultra hysterical California have come out of lockdowns.
Texas put on an indoor sporting event that housed 73,000 about a month ago. While in Blighty we’re still expected to shuffle around Tesco’s wearing face nappies. It’s insane.
HS2 is literally laying waste to leafy Bucks. Let us remember the Lib Dems support it.
No doubt the Far Left rejoice at all those racist middle class whiteys in the shires getting their just desserts.
But for every truck and bulldozer there’s a whole load of wooden fencing and yet apparent inactivity while the countryside looks more like a lunar landscape with the ground sheared of life and flattened to its grassless chalk and flint base.
I certainly wouldn’t vote for years of that.
Thanks for the details . A bi election decided on local issues … where the Lib Dem’s were against HS2 but nationally they are for it . !
I seem to be in the strange position of wanting to see the red tories undermined in order to get something like a Right wing government …
It is also incredible that the turn out was 51%! – and what an election look like without industrial postal voting fraud ….unless … of course… Biden s crew helped out the Libdems …
Another ‘landmark victory’ for the LibDems as defined, predictably enough, by Ed Davey.
So all those Labour voters swapping sides and being just a little bit tactical had no influence Ed? Course not, it’ll be the powerful LibDem message and the charisma of Layla Moron that swung it.
You have to love what the Dems are doing with the place.
In response to the news that all officers in @PortlandPolice's riot response team has resigned, antifa announced an event in the Pearl District for tonight. They have gathered in the area multiple times since last year, targeting businesses, homes & residents with violence.
The tweet above is by Andy Ngo who was beaten almost to death by an enraged Antifa mob that he was reporting on.
Incidentally, the BBC got very upset recently when one of their ‘journalists’ had some howible howible words said to their face by a handful of lockdown protestors, but I don’t remember much indignation when this fellow journalist was beaten to within an inch of his life by the leftists.
Some Journalists Matter more than others, I guess.
And Some Mobs Matter less to the ‘unbiased’ BBC.
The Post Millennial's editor-at-large Andy Ngo speaks out after he was brutally assaulted by Antifa in Portland streets
The Amol & Mishal Show continued this morning. Mishal is excited over the Conservatives loss of Amersham & Chesham or Chesham & Amersham if alphabetical order is too hard for you to take. So excited that she gets in a muddle over comparing this by-election to the Hartlepool one and the Conservatives success in the north of England at the General Election.
They are accusers not victims until someone is found guilty in a court of law.
Deciding years down the line that you regret the one night stand is not rape.
It seems to consist of a set of scenes that jump back and forth over instantly forgetable times and places, played by the same actors who may or not be playing the same character throughout the programme.
Earlier series were funny and no doubt deserved to be ‘award winning’ but this lot are too clever by half. They might just work on TV, perhaps that was his aim?
With seventeen teenagers killed in London so far this year, the city is on track for its worst year of teenage killings since 2008. @darrenadam asks: What's gone so badly wrong?
A Met Police Commander says "community leaders" must engage with the police – to avoid capital recording its highest number of teenage killings in a year since 2007. @TomSwarbrick1 asks: which "communities" aren't engaging now – and how can this be changed?
James O’Brien has described GB News as a laughing stock. Given he was sacked from Newsnight after a couple of shows and had his eponymous ITV show cancelled after one lamentable series, he’d maybe be advised not to accuse others of being TV laughing stocks.
James O'Brien questions when the people who choose "flags over facts" will accept the pitfalls of Brexit, as food exports to the EU are halved.
Both people with knives are white. It must be white people doing all the stabbing.
I just can’t work out why almost every story in the news where the perpetrator is identified (and then usually not until it reaches court), he is black or Asian.
We must obviously do something about all these white people wielding knives, if these photos are anything to go by. I didn’t know London had such a serious problem with white people and knives.
TOADY Watch #2 – China Joe lightens the mood, that other one darkened the skies
The joy in the TOADY studio may not just be the Indian sub-continent team getting another chance to spin the BBC line at length (see what I did there, some cricket, despite the EU and its Euros?) together but also because the President of the United States has instituted a new public holiday. Quote from “I’ve only been president for several months, but I think this will go down, for me, as one of the greatest honours I will have had as president,” Mr Biden said at the signing event.
Not sure the President sounded quite so coherent in the audio clip that was played on the 6 a.m. News. Hopefully that extra public holiday will stop the burning, looting and murdering that goes on in America.
Get that man Trump back into the White House, before the Chinese Communist Party destroy Firstly Europe and then America which is well on its way to doing, and with that little chap Putin watching from behind his iron curtain ready to pick up the crumbs.
.@jessphillips on @SkyNews now: The rape review describes the problem, the govt offers sorrow but there is very little action. Too slow on pilots on victims giving evidence; no extra funding; nothing about backlog in crown court system
Beth. Jess can’t even define a woman. Jess approves of male paedophiles in women’s prisons and women having to call their rapists ‘she’ if those men choose to pretend they are women
The H of C certainly has embraced the introduction of women into all corners, unfortunately many of them are not up to their task or responsibilities. Perhaps it is time for many to return to their homes and care for their families, and recognise that they hold an immense responsibility for the future of their children and for the care for the man in their lives. No I’m not against women in arears of authority, nevertheless one sees so many of them in senior management positions, in all business and academic institutions, where itshow that they may have been selected in some cases because they were female. It is begining to look as to wether there is still a place left for men in this current world? Yes what I have said may seem controversial.
Your rape score card and your free Euros 2020 pullouts.
Yesterday one complained hereabouts of our overbearing public health experts and cited two instances of overreach that had appeared in the papers – an alcohol ban for expectant mothers and the softening us up for covid jabs for our children, for an illnes which hardly affects them and with vaccines that have as yet unknown long-term health consequences.
Today in the print press there is frontpage push back on one of these fronts. And I bet fellow sceptics among you can guess which one.
That’s right: ‘It’s anti-women to tell us to stop drinking – it’s part and parcel of our lives‘ – that’s feature journo Judith Woods in the Telegraph. She goes on quite a rant: ‘The surreal, dystopian pronouncement by the WHO is treating us as walking uteruses, like something out of The Handmaid’s Tale‘
Calm down, dear, I’m sure there are valid health reasons. And dare I say – think of the children?
‘What in the name of Gilead is going on at the World Health Organisation? The international body has declared that women of childbearing age should be prevented from drinking alcohol...’
For those not thoroughly immersed in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale – the dystopian novel taken as gospel and holy writ by modern day media feminists – one reads Gilead as akin to Oceana in Orwell’s 1984. The Republic of Gilead or the “Divine Republic”, is a totalitarian, theonomic, and neo-Puritanical regime that takes over most of the continental United States of America.
Meanwhile in the actual real life “Divine Republic”… of Iran, the BBC warns us: ‘Iranians are voting to elect a new president, with all but one of the four candidates to succeed Hassan Rouhani regarded as hardliners. Opinion polls suggest Ebrahim Raisi, a conservative Shia cleric who heads the judiciary, is the clear favourite.‘ – what, no LibDem revival? Damned conservatives.
But I’ve got news for Judith Woods and her moaning about the WHO. This is what happens when you outsource policy to supranational globalist entities. Do you really think western liberal values will survive?
Speaking of selfish elite supranational globalist entities: ‘Uefa threat over Euros final‘ (Times) sorry, we must here interrupt the news to return to the football: ‘Football body warns it will take match from London to Hungary unless quarantine waived for 2,500 officials‘ – would that be the covid-restrictions-eased “Divine Republic” of closed borders Hungary? And how’s that for a ‘Free Euro 2020 pullout‘? – as also available in today’s Daily Express.
‘Manchester bomb inquiry. They were failed. Terrorist able to murder 22 after string of “inexcusable” security errors. Families’ agony as they hear that loved ones “not properly proctected”‘ – bravo to the Daily Mirror which promotes this story to its frontpage. One begins to understand why Hungary is not rushing headlong for our brand of western liberalism and diversity.
Our tough-talking Home Secretary does have a plan she’s about to bring in that will protect our young women and girls: ‘Patel “deeply ashamed” at low rape prosecution rates‘ (Telegraph) and judging by Justice Secretary Robert Buckland’s little chat with the BBC‘s political editor Laura Kuenssberg (that seems to be how government policy works these day – forget all the bother of tedious House of Commons procedures – just tell it to Laura) the plan would seem to be to lock up just about any bloke who tries his luck – all on a woman’s say-so: ‘“…at all stages of the criminal justice process frankly (there has been) a failure to deal with complaints made by many thousands of victims”‘ – many thousands…
It’s beginning to sound like we’re aiming for a reverse “Divine Republic” with all the blokes in slavery.
Trial failure is in the news as we learn not all Big Pharma are on to a winner: ‘Poor trial results hit CureVac stock… latestage trial of its coronavirus vaccine has shown it to be only 47% effective‘ – well at least the FT report is glass half full – they might have said 53% ineffective: ‘A blow to a drugmaker championed by Berlin‘ – no Brexit sniggering please. ‘The group’s shares plummeted‘ – a timely reminder at the end there that Big Pharma aren’t producing vaccines simply out their love for humanity.
Back to the difficulties of banging bad blokes up on rape charges …and the solution, apparently, is: ‘Rape case “score card”‘ – as detailed in the Times: ‘Police and prosecutors will be scored on how they handle rape cases under plans to increase the prosecution rate‘ – because performance targets have worked jolly well in, for instance, education, where outcomes have of course improved exponentially* since the introduction of school performance scores. [sarc] and SARC just happens to stand for Sexual Assault Referral Centre. Spooky.
*we seem to like that word a lot hereabouts, so I thought I’d just chuck it in to ape the “experts”
AISI, many years ago, a newly pregnant colleague of a Scottish persuasion, had the news of a study relayed to her. The study, iirc by Edinburgh Uni Med School (a good one, not as good as Dundee but still good), had found that taking a little alcohol during pregnancy prevented premature birth.
At this my colleague’s face lit up.
Then we told her the amount considered safe and necessary as foundy by the study: 10 ml once a week. That’s about half a thimble full, if that. A new definition of ‘taking a wee dram’. That bottle of Scotch on the shelf would last a lifetime.
In modern-day America, there is no such thing as a bygone era. The battlefields of yesteryear are also combat zones of today. The political geography of America is increasingly being shaped by a politicised historiography.
The past is viewed through a partisan prism… Republicans overwhelmingly believe that American history should be celebrated, while Democrats think that history has to be reckoned with and atoned for.
Given his and colleagues’ books, and bbc obsessions, pretty much confirming BBC North America is a partisan Democrat Propaganda tool.
And the BBC a malign, destructive fifth column in the West.
Possible conundrum later for the bBBC and also the tannoy operator at Wembley.
England, emotionally blackmailed by their manager Gareth Snowflake, will probably take the knee, Scotland possibly won’t, which will lead to a (genuine) mix of boos and cheers.
But what will the tannoy people do? Play fake applause like last time, or do they have fake boos as well? Which one do they play?
This question is probably more interesting than the game itself….
Playing fake applause is straight from the North Korean handbook.
From what I see on twitter, you can be sure that a great many people would disappear if the Left had free rein to do what they really want.
Just like all those before them did. An ideology based on intolerance and base hatred.
On Toady this morning they were lamenting the lack of convictions in rape cases. We must state that this is a difficult area with conflicting issues but which are often selectively addressed by the BBC and others in support of an agenda.
A lady who was apparently raped gave up her anonymity to speak. She admitted being blind drunk and could not remember what had happened. It is suggested that the CPS were less than helpful or supportive which, frankly, does not surprise me in the least. Only later in the interview did we hear that she was gay. Yes, the BBC managed to find a gay victim of heterosexual rape to highlight the issue.
What are the chances of that?
On the BBC, very high.
I heard the complaints about taking mobile phones from the accuser / victim but keeping them for ages ! It’s necessary to check phones because sometimes a difference narrative arises …. But a year ! ? – that’s almost a deterrent from making the accusation ….
It’s a pity that Jess Phillips was put on to give the opposition side – and that they couldn’t find someone a bit more forensic on the issue than the rant default …
No mention of Pakistani paedo racist rape gangs either….
There have been tens of thousands of working class white girls groomed, raped and sometimes murdered, but its barely mentioned. Politicians, the police and the media just don’t want to know. Mind you, if you make an off colour tweet as an 18 year old they’ll be all over it…
It’s a similar thing with knife crime.
The overwhelming majority of both knife and gun murders in London are committed by blacks.
However, when we see any photo depicting these incidents it’s always a white hand holding the knife.
There must be forensic tools that allow the cloning of a phone or a hard drive and and the consequent release of the items … I think the evidence rules regarding phones are total crap – I met a woman earlier this week who’d sold a (£500) mobile to a scammer and the police had recovered it … it’s been in the evidence store for over 6 months…
@Tomo funny I met a POLICE-woman earlier this week who has a similar (£500) mobile
..and a docket that says it’s in the police storage room.
That could be true if it was Nottingham Police.
Is it possible to clone a phone in 30 mins ? yes
But the police are often thick so would miss things like the extra memory card.
What you need is a set of licenced contractors that provide the 30 min cloning service to police, with guaranteed security/privacy.
The fact the BBC used a gay victim
Well that legally protects them from airing a false complainant,
compared to using an unreliable heterosexual complainant.
I know about the mobile service (and disk services)
The sloppiness of many police forces in this regard actually need to be the topic of some arse kicking. I suspect that many beat officers are supervised by dunces that have an assistant that works their fax machine – or worse.
Finally, some good news associated with Covid: the Notting Hill ‘crimefest’ is cancelled for another year. Ideally it will never take place again, but if it does then it should be in a self-enclosed private area such as a park or football stadium, rather than on public streets. Our condolences to the police officers who were looking forward to some overtime that weekend. Still, at least the A&E wards in London will be a bit quieter.
I read that the WHO has started on the long march to ban alcohol consumption by targeting Women of child-bearing age.
You could see this as a logical decision, safety of the foetus etc. but somewhat blurred by their perspective on abortion which is generally pro even without medical reason.
I suspect that this is the first strike in what will become an attack on alcohol consumption generally.
So what could possibly have triggered this strategy? It couldn’t be connected to the fact that a large percentage of the senior executives of WHO and a large percentage of the Countries they operate in are religiously opposed to the consumption of alcohol could it?
I believe that because they have seen via Covid that it is possible to impose restrictions on the general global population with surprising ease, they feel empowered to grab ever more power over humanity.
It is a very dangerous path they are following and in my view we cannot meekly submit to a faceless global organisation allowing them to override personal decision-making and liberties.
“There was so much anxiety – that has all gone since I stopped drinking.”
“Not drinking is beginning to be seen… as a positive lifestyle choice, instead of something you only have to do if you’re an alcoholic,”
Extraordinary that those countries religiously opposed to alcohol are the least temperate human beings on the planet.
The sight of crowds wildly waving arms, blazing away in the air with AK47s and on occasion beating themselves bloody – by repeated head-smacking (Teheran, Cairo, Bahgdad etc) or self-flagellation (Bolton, Bury, Rotherham etc) has infected western TV screens for decades, and yet their religion is supposedly peaceful. Very odd.
The BBC of course celebrating the result but failing to reveal that the turnout was down from 76% in the general election to only 52% in this bye-election.
This suggests that the victory is less down to voter decision change but rather the non-turnout of Conservative voters.
Par for the course for most bye-elections. I guess the Conservative vote was down because many Con voters assumed it would be a walk-over and so didn’t bother to vote at all.
We will of course find out at the next general election!
The BBC are also being less than vocal about the appalling result for Labour suggesting that Labour voters chose Lib Dem in this election rather than their own party.
Liberal Democrats 21,517 from 14,627 last time .. (voteshare up 30.4%)
They got 7,000 new votes on a reduced turnout
Where from ? Labour and Greens
Labour went from 7,000 last time to 616 .. so that is where the Libs votes came from
Conservative 13,489 from 30,850 (voteshare DOWN 20%)
…16,500 voters deserted the Tories
Maybe they stayed at home, though some anti-HS2 may have voted Lib
TOADY Watch #3 – I’m left with a big question: has John been ‘turned’ ?
The John in question is Professor John Curtice of Aberdeen Univerity. Mishal did the 8.10 Prime Interview Slot with him in a bid to understand the Chesham and Amersham by-election result. The Prof is someone who I have a great respect for as an unbiased, neutral, voice on UK politics on a biased BBC.
John Curtice, I noticed, mentioned Brexit and Remain a lot during his five minute contribution. He did not mention Pandemic and business owners at all. I wonder if the Remainly Lib Dems had ‘got’ to him and ‘turned’ him in John le Carré style?
You know things in America are getting unbelievably bad when defectors from North Korea are telling you that American Universities are so intolerant and far Left they are actually worse than Kim Jong Un’s North Korea !
Name : Ivory Hecker in Houston
The censorship
#1 instructed to “cease and desist” on content that would present hydroxychloroquine as a feasible treatment for COVID-19,
#2 Bitcoin will not be reported at the 5pm show
The manager said Poor black people don’t care about bitcoin so we won’t cover it “I have passed on Bitcoin stories…Bitcoin for poor African American audience at 5, it’s probably not going to play. That’s a choice I’m making. An editorial choice,”
#3 No negative coverage of vaccines just Pro Vaccine PR
Allegations this policy is driven by advertising
She says she want’s out cos the newsroom system is *CORRUPT* and that is not good for society.
Now O’Keefe appeals for more media whistleblowers.
“What’s happening within Fox Corp is an operation of prioritizing corporate interests above the viewer’s interest and, therefore, operating in a deceptive way,”
“It is unspoken, but if you accidentally step outside the narrative, if you don’t sense what that narrative is, and go with it, there will be great consequences for you,”
“My newsroom kind of groups everyone into racial groups.”
Seems to me that some of it’s about a couple of bad managers at her local station.
Although pro Vax pro advertiser policies may come from higher up
BREAKING: Fox 26 Reporter Releases tape of ‘Corruption,’ ‘Censorship.’ Fox Corp Boss told Hecker “cease & desist” posting on Hydroxychloroquine & ‘Poor African-Americans’ don’t care about Bitcoin. “Viewers being Deceived”
You should be careful with this because it’s not as clear cut as the bent media want you to believe.
“Reminder that Fox is still part of the establishment”
But this is NOT Fox, it’s Fox 26 Houston, a small sub division of the larger Murdoch owned empire perhaps, but not the main part of it which is how this is being presented.
It is as of the last reports I have seen where these instructions originated, whether they were local instructions or came from a higher centralised source.
Seeing as this has not been reported as happening across the Fox empire the suspicion has to be that it is localised, but that hasn’t stopped the bent left wing media using it as a means by which to smear the entire Fox network.
There must be other Countries looking at GB News and seeing that it is beating Sky, ITV and the bbbc news channels.
So far it’s a big success and that is even with the sound problems (which are getting sorted day by day and will soon be the same quality as the rest)
They can see the huge reaction to the wokies who thought they were being clever by saying they don’t want to advertise with GBN.
Could it result in other Countries getting a news channel like GBN because of its apparent success?
That would be a welcome domino effect.
I’m not sure if the left completely dominate all the tv in other Countries as they do … sorry….did, here.
I only know of Fox News in the USA which is not left wing. We had it here but they stopped us getting it.
I think other Countries will be getting worried that an impartial news program will catch on and spread to them.
The people didn’t know what they were voting for , it’s too close to call , Parliament should block it unless there’s an agreement, Bollox to By elections, there should be another vote.
It is heartening that both the culture Secretary and the chair of the commons oversight committee have chirped up in favour of a media with differing views ( I will no longer use a word with a similar meaning )…
… I think as more people become aware of GB News the figures will only be going up …
I’m increasingly concerned about this sudden outbreak of hand albinism among certain communities and I demand to know what Khan’t is doing to help those poor kids!
(I believe Michael Jackson suffered from a similar affliction, poor soul, and look what happened to him!)
Oh that was a bit subtle for me
The large image shows a white hand wielding a knife
whereas the reality is that London knife crime is mostly a non-white thing
Such misleading framing is a BBC trick
So when GBnews do the same
It’s ‘ Meet the New Boss, same as the Old Boss’.
… However if you look at the top of our page there is an LBC tweet that uses the same image
As if it was MetPolice or Sadiq that provided the image to the media in a PR pack.
It might have helped to find someone that knows how to hold a knife – as I’m sure most involved are fully aware – but perhaps the photographer didn’t want to risk meeting a real criminal.
Finger past the choil, ready to slide up the edge ‘in action’ is a bit amateur.
1pm will the local news do some #PRasNews ?
Of course they will “Teachers will benefit from £third of a million, in Science/Maths training over the next 5 years from Dogger Bank wind-farm corp
The money will train teachers and stimulate youngsters”
OK the firm put out their PR today’s actually a £1m programme , but split through 3 regions.
And during 5 years electric customers will probably be subsidising that wind farm by £5 BILLION.
We’ll be investing £1m during the construction of our world-leading wind farm and working with education providers to support the development of skills for the future of green energy.
(The mean they’re INDOCTRINATING the kids)
We are passionate about inspiring young people for a working life in a net-zero world. During the construction of the wind farm we will increase and expand STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) provision in local communities with bespoke programmes in each key area.
I know this because on the BBC 1 1 pm news we had coverage of Scottish supporters drinking and socialising in a South East England city centre. This was immediately followed by a Scottish reporter reporting from the stadium where the match is to be played.
Does anyone know who they are playing? The BBC seem very reluctant to give any time at all to the other team.
There is more. On the handover to the weather forecast, Clive Myrie asks about the weather in terms of its effect on the Scottish supporters.
Sluff and digg, I missed the start of TWatO (R4 rather than Beeb1) didn’t bother to listen and then I thought I’d catch the end of the prog plus the headlines. Yes, they were on the same subject as the telly channel, and the thought struck me: ‘The BBC really don’t like England very much’.
Is it because the BBC believe the lie that England voted to leave the EU and the other three home nations voted to remain? It is certainly a lie that the BBC have said on air on Radio4 many, many, times, despite David Cameron and all the Government literature stating the vote was to be counted and result assessed on a UK-wide basis, not constituency, region or UK nation.
When I came to the United States as a wide-eyed teenager in the mid-1980s, one of the things that seduced me about America was its preoccupation with the future. Almost four decades on, I'm struck by how it remains captive to its past. My farewell piece.
Ronaldo gets warned by EUFA because he moved some sponsors coke bottles and replaced with water bottles… V Bad lad, don’t do it again, there are rules!
“Uefa’s Euro 2020 tournament director Martin Kallen said players were contractually obliged “through their federation of the tournament regulations to follow”.
Pogba however let off when he moved a beer bottle because…
“However, he said he understood the actions of players who, like Pogba, did such things for religious reasons.”
So Pogba is fine earning money from the brewers but doesn’t want to be pictured with their product.
Plus the beer in question was Heineken 0:0 which is alcohol free FFS!
Why are these outfits always prepared to walk on egg shells for certain communities. If they don’t like it they should go play elsewhere in my opinion.
Somebody told me that the market reaction to Ronnie Ronaldo moving the coke bottles was a $4 billion loss of coke market value …if that is true – and top ball kickers can do that ? What is the value of anything relating to footy ..
Pity that it wasn’t Pepsi rather than Coca Cola, as the parent company PepsiCo owns Walkers Crisps, as promoted by Woke Warrior and TV Licence Tax benefactor, Mr Gary Lineker.
Andrew Neil is fighting back all guns blazing against the loathsome Stop Funding Hate and their vile boycott campaign against GB News.
I sense he’s having some mischievous fun in the process.
To one company considering pulling their ads because of GBN’s alleged ‘hate’, Neil replied:
“Have a look at our content. You’ll find no hate. Let me know if you want to advertise. And I’ll let you know if we want your ads. Or whether we organise a boycott of you.”
Turning the tables on the boycotters, Neil added: “I will be looking at brands to decide if they are fit to advertise with us. I will have something to say about that and more on a special Media Watch tonight GB News at 8pm on Andrew Neil.”
"Not a single example of hate has been given in evidence for this boycott, so this programme offers a standing invitation to the boss of any company that thinks to the contrary… our studio door is always open."
Just learnt that the England v Scotland game is on ITV – so with a bit of luck it won’t be a 2 hour propaganda piece for the SNP ….
…..and no doubt the travelling Scots supporters in London will behave themselves …. Didn’t hear anything about not travelling ….
Channel 5 are showing Braveheart at 10:00 tonight.
Too much to expect any channel to show something patriotically English for balance.
When Laurence Olivier died on 11th July 1989, the Beeb famously commemorated his life by screening Henry V, just as the French were celebrating their bicentenary.
Would never happen today!
Just watched the half time comments on the BBC’s coverage of the Sweden/Slovakia game. It may as well have been an African derby as all 3 guest commentators were black, oh and the presenter was a woman. No white man in sight!
Is it wrong to admit that as an England supporter I hope they lose every game as for as long as they’re unable to stand upright before a game? And Southgate should be sacked for his political posturing.
“In what way is not wearing something a symbol of anything?”
Since you ask, Guest, I am told that naturism is a revolt against the judgement and provision of God after The Fall (see Genesis ch.3) oh, and also against ‘the conventions of society’. As the weather is a tad chilly, I will revolt against the Naturist Revolution if that’s OK with them. And even if it is not OK with them.
Alok Sharma… after being re-elected in 2017, he wrote on his website: “Having grown up locally in Reading and being very much a local Reading man, I am delighted to have been re-elected for a constituency in my home town”. . In this instance, the Inconvenient Truth is that he was actually born in Agra, India (he moved to the UK as a child).
Coming soon from Al Gore Movies:
‘Piltdown Man – Definitely Real’
‘The Hitler Diaries – Are they true, after all?’
‘The Roswell UFO Crash – Sounds good to me’
‘Mary Seacole – A Life in Nursing’
This would be the “Inconvenient Truth” which was a complete load of bollocks? No wonder Bozo’s government is running into the sand with its extreme green policies if it’s based on that mendacious crap.
What the hell is cop26? Being a wrinkly,if not a crumbly I remember PC 49, a copper who did the right thing every time and wasn’t woke, or took the knee.
Ok am not an impartial judge, but think this is a really good fun #Americast – well give it a listen and tell us what you think
Dear @Delta Just returned from Geneva on the @WhiteHouse charter that took us to Cornwall, Brussels, Switzerland and back to DC on the @POTUS trip. Wanted to give big shout out to all your crew. They were fantastic. And not easy to keep a plane full of journalists happy…
How long will it take the wokies to find something in her past to whinge on about.
WHITE cliffs of Dover?
It will be chucked over the cliffs if they get their way.
Make no mistake, if they can cancel the Queen at Oxford Uni they will find something on our Vera.
New Belfield video : he has been charged
#1 It’s a bit strange for cops to wait and then come around on a Friday afternoon
#2 He didn’t let them in
but rather spoke to them through the upstairs window
This time they didn’t attempt to smash down the door
but rather put the summons through the letter box
#3 He says charging is a good thing cos it means he will get tto speak all in court
However it does make some discussion sub judice
So my guess that they’ll use it to shut him up
and then string him along for years
by keeping cancelling court dates
#4 So far I don’t see what they have charged him with
They accused him of harassing the Radio Northampton guy before, but then said there wasn’t any proper evidence.
The entire Radio Today article that went up at 3:34pm as if they had been tipped off
The former BBC presenter has been reported for summons for 12 counts of stalking involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress.
The offences relate to a series of incidents reported by eight complainants, some of which date back over the last ten years.
Alex Belfield was formally reported for summons today (Friday) and will appear at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 1 July, where he will be formally charged with the offences.
Detective Chief Inspector Clare Dean, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Stalking offences can have a devastating impact on people’s lives and we are committed to thoroughly investigating every report we receive
Some theatre insiders who hate Belfield were quickly retweeting the article
Correction actually he’s been summoned to court on July 1st
So I think that is when the formal charging will take place
and maybe sub judice rules don’t begin until then.
It was to be expected that tptb in Nottinham would escalate – I hear that the lodge has all the right members.
It’ll go straight to Crown Court – Mr.Bellfield will need an effective lawyer – and one from out of area… But if he’s really needled them then the precedents for a world of pain are there for all to see.
it’s not like Assange doesn’t have a tick in those boxes.
While I applaud his uppitiness – if they jail him, oppose bail, chuck him into a series of gang dominated hellholes – it’ll take the shine off fairly quickly…..
Probably a bit late and seen before, but Scrobs’ list of losers who won’t advertise on GBNews is here: –
Green Flag
Ikea (Has expressed interest in advertising again in the future)
Johnson & Johnson
Just Eat
Moneysupermarket (Has expressed interest in advertising again in the future)
National Lottery
People’s Postcode Lottery
Premier Inn
Rana Pasta
Richmond sausages/Strings & Things (Cheesestrings)
Taylors coffee
Unfortch I need Google and gatesempire, but happily, none of the others!
there’s an outfit that sail so close to the charitable wind that a tour of their antics would make for a good piece of investigative journalism (imho larcenous scum)
as I understand it they’re an outpost from the Dutch mothership who iirc have the champagne socialist thing down to a “T”. Seriously heavy handed gormless ‘sleb filled PR.
Somehow I got Twitter ads for them until I blocked them a few years ago – iirc (not reliable) – they’ve actually had some legal troubles with the qualifying criteria for “charidee”
I’d add that they get a quite extraordinary amount of editorial coverage in NewsQuest UK’s fleet of 200++ local papers 20 or 30 bylined advertorials a year in individual titles.
ITV local news … any #PRasNews?
Yes, “It’s International Clean Air Day”
presented by the weatherman Jon Mitchell.
He used expert Alistair Lewis of York Uni.
says cities are the problem. Made grand claims about man-made pollution forgetting about pollen etc
(asthma attacks correlate with grass pollen
.. although manmade pollution doesn’t help)
He made the claim pollution causes 28K to 36K deaths per year
( ..FakeNews … he’d be pushed to show us 1 death certificate nevermind 36K)
Next unamed expert made asthnma claims
Ah it’s Prof Jonathan Grigg (he founded a campaign group DoctorsAgainstDiesel which helped the Times promote electric cars, but fell a bit flat)
The ITV Jon highlights the new AQI Air Quality Index graph, that they’ll be using on future shows.
He made no mention of today’s pollution levels … Why’s that ?
cos today air pollution is zero .. it’s been raining all day so it’s all been washed out.
He finally mentioned natural stuff like Sahara dust quickly at the end.
Actually, Guest, I am growing carrots in buckets again this year – that way they survive the dreaded carrot fly, and as ‘carrot’ is an unfortunate hair colour experienced by the odd pseudo-yank ‘royal’, and the occasional bloke down the pub, the chilli bucket sounds a reasonable substitute, as I have six growing in my greenhouse as we speak!
Now, about your geraniums – er – the answer lies in the soil…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
US Supreme Court rejects Trump-backed challenge to Obamacare
Just reading the above article and I see right near the botton in the commentry the statement:
‘The court didn’t even bother to rule on the merits of Texas’ arguments, instead holding that the litigants lacked the standing even to bring the case.’
I don’t know what merits Obamacare has or doesn’t have, but that sounds an awful lot like how they threw out some of the election fraud charges.
The place where they publish the polls say:
‘The public has remained deeply divided on the health reform law since it was passed in March 2010.’
The BBC say:
‘But the law remains well-liked by many Americans – nearly 54% viewed it favourably’.
Just check the very careful wording there to make you think how they want you to think. It’s not well-liked by Americans, it’s well-liked by ‘many Americans’. Very different.
Which 54% like it ?. The middle-class ?. Who are the half who DON’T like it ?.
Absolutely typical BBC.
LIB DEMS win big in Chesham and Amersham!
Yep the incompetent Tories have managed to lose a safe seats to the Monster Raving Liberal Democrat party!
The biggest issues seems to have been the destruction of the area by developers who seem to get a free pass under the Tories. Actually if people thought a little harder they would realize that the Lib Dems migrant friendly policies will ensure more of the dwindling British countryside will be built over.
The results are
Green ….3.9%
Reform.. 1.1%
(2 rubbish parties below that)
Note that the Labour support collapsed.
Also that the Reform party was a dismal failure, campaigning against the lockdown is not a vote winning tactic. (There goes my upticks)
Preserving green areas is a policy which would reap an untapped mine of support for a populist party and not one that has been taken up with any enthusiasm to my knowledge.
Champagne popping at the BBC.
Possibly on the table. Or not.
Dilemma time for the BBC/Ad community cosy relationship.
No, Yasser. No loss of uptick from me. You get an uptick from me for your good analysis although you do not mention that having a young madonna (think ‘Allo ‘Allo)-like female candidate did not hurt in that particular consTITuency.
Shallow voters in Chesham and Amersham ?
“…campaigning against lockdown is not a vote winning tactic…”
Hmm, aren’t the Liberals the only mainstream party that is against the lockdown?
Also a “Remainer” and anti-Hs2 seat?
Jeff, the Lib Dems are an established party, they can have policies on a wide range of issues. (Which they will betray) In my post I was referring to the smaller political parties of interest to people here. eg
Reform, Reclaim, For Britain, Heritage etc. I stick by what I said anti- lockdown is not a vote winner.
Nor do I believe it was for the Lib dems. It has traditionally been the party one goes to when one is sick of the two major options.
That voting group is the one that all aspiring parties should be aiming for. The anti-lockdown Freedom Party’s vote in Chesham was so abysmal I didn’t list it.
I will further suggest that if people are sceptical about my claim about anti-developer support they should look at the last three election results for the strongly Tory East Devon constituency and you will see what the Anti- mass development Independent candidate Claire Wright achieved electorally. In the last three general elections she came a good second three times in a row. Why has no minor party learnt from this? Surely she know s something we can learn from? Why haven’t the thick Tories learnt anything? I await enlightenment.
@YB voting Reform would have been a protest vote
that split the righty vote
Tories probably get back handers
for greenlighting construction projects
Do you really think that the righties saw this coming? A very minor contributing factor at best. It’s up to the Reform candidate to overcome those objections.
Tory complacency played a significant role in this. The truth be told, Boris ain’t no leader. Time to go.
@YB to be clear I don’t mean Reform did split the vote
after all they only took 414 votes away from the Tories
I mean people CHOSE to not vote Reform
cos they didn’t want to let the lefties get in
In a proportional representation system Reform could have won
The Libs did OK by getting 7,000 lefties to switch to them
But the Tories FAILED by losing 16,500 voters
And in the end were 8,000 votes short of victory
Would another Tory leader have kept those 8,000 votes ?
“oh yeh we have raving mad green policies,
we’re concreting over all the local nature
… but the other parties are worse”
As @Digg says 16,500 former Tory voters, stayed at home and gave the Tories a bloody nose that they deserve.
If Thatcher or Rees Mogg were head a an actual righty party with different policies it would be a different matter.
The Tories know how to win elections, of that there’s no doubt.
Electorally Boris is absolute god dust. He’s got the Midas touch.
But he is also a complete phoney. That pathetic cobblers he spewed at the end of the ludicrous G7 meeting was par for the course. He clearly searched around for buzz words. “Build back better…fairer…greener…more inclusive…gender neutral…more feminine…” The ramblings of a charlatan.
With no opposition we desperately need an alternative voice. There’s no point spouting the same BS that the others waffle on about.
Lockdowns are economically and culturally crippling and they have failed.
We can all see what’s happening in the US. Even New York and the ultra hysterical California have come out of lockdowns.
Texas put on an indoor sporting event that housed 73,000 about a month ago. While in Blighty we’re still expected to shuffle around Tesco’s wearing face nappies. It’s insane.
Nice typo – mine are not as god as yours …
Fed, Ha, you noticed my deliberate (cough) mistake…:)
I read all the comments – and I know when I write something either my big fingers or the spell check doesn’t always hit the spot …
HS2 is literally laying waste to leafy Bucks. Let us remember the Lib Dems support it.
No doubt the Far Left rejoice at all those racist middle class whiteys in the shires getting their just desserts.
But for every truck and bulldozer there’s a whole load of wooden fencing and yet apparent inactivity while the countryside looks more like a lunar landscape with the ground sheared of life and flattened to its grassless chalk and flint base.
I certainly wouldn’t vote for years of that.
Thanks for the details . A bi election decided on local issues … where the Lib Dem’s were against HS2 but nationally they are for it . !
I seem to be in the strange position of wanting to see the red tories undermined in order to get something like a Right wing government …
It is also incredible that the turn out was 51%! – and what an election look like without industrial postal voting fraud ….unless … of course… Biden s crew helped out the Libdems …
Another ‘landmark victory’ for the LibDems as defined, predictably enough, by Ed Davey.
So all those Labour voters swapping sides and being just a little bit tactical had no influence Ed? Course not, it’ll be the powerful LibDem message and the charisma of Layla Moron that swung it.
Suze sounds a shoo in for BBC political editorial.
You have to love what the Dems are doing with the place.
The tweet above is by Andy Ngo who was beaten almost to death by an enraged Antifa mob that he was reporting on.
Incidentally, the BBC got very upset recently when one of their ‘journalists’ had some howible howible words said to their face by a handful of lockdown protestors, but I don’t remember much indignation when this fellow journalist was beaten to within an inch of his life by the leftists.
Some Journalists Matter more than others, I guess.
And Some Mobs Matter less to the ‘unbiased’ BBC.
@Vlad many left/libs thumbed up milkshaking attacks
people like Karl Turner the Hull Labour MP.
Guest – Maybe next time they’ll decide to go inside their house and let the BLM/Antifa mob rampage through their property, like craven cowards.
They are lawyers and they know how deep the pockets of the prosecution are.
right next to that McLoskeys tweet was:
To mangle metaphors the Dems have turned up the wrong creek, have a dissolving paper paddle which obviously won’t dig a hole big enough …
They didn’t do a thing wrong, but America is now a sick and divided society. I expect this was plea bargain to save the face of the left wing DA.
The Soros funded “the left wing DA.”?
TOADY Watch #1 – In which Mishal gets in a muddle
The Amol & Mishal Show continued this morning. Mishal is excited over the Conservatives loss of Amersham & Chesham or Chesham & Amersham if alphabetical order is too hard for you to take. So excited that she gets in a muddle over comparing this by-election to the Hartlepool one and the Conservatives success in the north of England at the General Election.
“Justice Secretary Robert Buckland ‘sorry’ for failing rape victims”
Were they all rape victims ? Will this mean a witch hunt of all men?
They are accusers not victims until someone is found guilty in a court of law.
Deciding years down the line that you regret the one night stand is not rape.
@PRMcMurphy “complainant” is a better word
Then “victim” after someone has been found guilty
When a trial fails that doesn’t prove a complainant was lying.
It’s probably best to try to PREVENT sex crimes, by pro-active policing
instead of trying to deal with it afterwards.
Has anyone got a clue what John Finemore’s Souvenir Programme – S9E6 is about? I have listened to it twice now and I haven’t got a clue.
It seems to consist of a set of scenes that jump back and forth over instantly forgetable times and places, played by the same actors who may or not be playing the same character throughout the programme.
Earlier series were funny and no doubt deserved to be ‘award winning’ but this lot are too clever by half. They might just work on TV, perhaps that was his aim?
OT, but these LBC posts rather summarise the state of media.
London, Labour, Lunatic, Left.
With added propaganda techniques.
A reminder of what happens to bbc hires.
The mirror in his bunker gave up long ago.
At least he is paid by other suckers now.
Both people with knives are white. It must be white people doing all the stabbing.
I just can’t work out why almost every story in the news where the perpetrator is identified (and then usually not until it reaches court), he is black or Asian.
I would like to ask Sadiq two questions:
Why are there so many albino-handed killers on our streets and when is he going to resign?
Belfield has a new video about Sadiq’s action
of ignoring knifecrime whilst publicising his Oxford Circus pedestrian scheme and cycle schemes etc.
This one?
London Is Destroyed By Lefty Woke Pilchards 🤮 Cyclists More Important Than 🔪 Crime
We must obviously do something about all these white people wielding knives, if these photos are anything to go by. I didn’t know London had such a serious problem with white people and knives.
Those white hands holding knives – such a common sight in London!
TOADY Watch #2 – China Joe lightens the mood, that other one darkened the skies
The joy in the TOADY studio may not just be the Indian sub-continent team getting another chance to spin the BBC line at length (see what I did there, some cricket, despite the EU and its Euros?) together but also because the President of the United States has instituted a new public holiday. Quote from “I’ve only been president for several months, but I think this will go down, for me, as one of the greatest honours I will have had as president,” Mr Biden said at the signing event.
Not sure the President sounded quite so coherent in the audio clip that was played on the 6 a.m. News. Hopefully that extra public holiday will stop the burning, looting and murdering that goes on in America.
Get that man Trump back into the White House, before the Chinese Communist Party destroy Firstly Europe and then America which is well on its way to doing, and with that little chap Putin watching from behind his iron curtain ready to pick up the crumbs.
OT, but…
Phwoooooahhhh. Scored with the new audience.
Guest, I think there is a danger that we might end up with a House of Commons full of female Jayne Mansfield, Lana Turner and Jane Russell-types.
Given the current Jess, Fick Ange and Dawn of the Brayne collection, no bad thing.
Speaking of Itchy and Scratchy.
Little also on proof of guilt being a fundamental.
The H of C certainly has embraced the introduction of women into all corners, unfortunately many of them are not up to their task or responsibilities. Perhaps it is time for many to return to their homes and care for their families, and recognise that they hold an immense responsibility for the future of their children and for the care for the man in their lives. No I’m not against women in arears of authority, nevertheless one sees so many of them in senior management positions, in all business and academic institutions, where itshow that they may have been selected in some cases because they were female. It is begining to look as to wether there is still a place left for men in this current world? Yes what I have said may seem controversial.
I’m against positive discrimination, so we agree on that. But most of your post is just male chauvinist.
PJW put out a video about the Victoria’s Secrets thing yesterday
Your rape score card and your free Euros 2020 pullouts.
Yesterday one complained hereabouts of our overbearing public health experts and cited two instances of overreach that had appeared in the papers – an alcohol ban for expectant mothers and the softening us up for covid jabs for our children, for an illnes which hardly affects them and with vaccines that have as yet unknown long-term health consequences.
Today in the print press there is frontpage push back on one of these fronts. And I bet fellow sceptics among you can guess which one.
That’s right: ‘It’s anti-women to tell us to stop drinking – it’s part and parcel of our lives‘ – that’s feature journo Judith Woods in the Telegraph. She goes on quite a rant: ‘The surreal, dystopian pronouncement by the WHO is treating us as walking uteruses, like something out of The Handmaid’s Tale‘
Calm down, dear, I’m sure there are valid health reasons. And dare I say – think of the children?
‘What in the name of Gilead is going on at the World Health Organisation? The international body has declared that women of childbearing age should be prevented from drinking alcohol...’
For those not thoroughly immersed in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale – the dystopian novel taken as gospel and holy writ by modern day media feminists – one reads Gilead as akin to Oceana in Orwell’s 1984. The Republic of Gilead or the “Divine Republic”, is a totalitarian, theonomic, and neo-Puritanical regime that takes over most of the continental United States of America.
Meanwhile in the actual real life “Divine Republic”… of Iran, the BBC warns us: ‘Iranians are voting to elect a new president, with all but one of the four candidates to succeed Hassan Rouhani regarded as hardliners. Opinion polls suggest Ebrahim Raisi, a conservative Shia cleric who heads the judiciary, is the clear favourite.‘ – what, no LibDem revival? Damned conservatives.
But I’ve got news for Judith Woods and her moaning about the WHO. This is what happens when you outsource policy to supranational globalist entities. Do you really think western liberal values will survive?
Speaking of selfish elite supranational globalist entities: ‘Uefa threat over Euros final‘ (Times) sorry, we must here interrupt the news to return to the football: ‘Football body warns it will take match from London to Hungary unless quarantine waived for 2,500 officials‘ – would that be the covid-restrictions-eased “Divine Republic” of closed borders Hungary? And how’s that for a ‘Free Euro 2020 pullout‘? – as also available in today’s Daily Express.
‘Manchester bomb inquiry. They were failed. Terrorist able to murder 22 after string of “inexcusable” security errors. Families’ agony as they hear that loved ones “not properly proctected”‘ – bravo to the Daily Mirror which promotes this story to its frontpage. One begins to understand why Hungary is not rushing headlong for our brand of western liberalism and diversity.
Our tough-talking Home Secretary does have a plan she’s about to bring in that will protect our young women and girls: ‘Patel “deeply ashamed” at low rape prosecution rates‘ (Telegraph) and judging by Justice Secretary Robert Buckland’s little chat with the BBC‘s political editor Laura Kuenssberg (that seems to be how government policy works these day – forget all the bother of tedious House of Commons procedures – just tell it to Laura) the plan would seem to be to lock up just about any bloke who tries his luck – all on a woman’s say-so: ‘“…at all stages of the criminal justice process frankly (there has been) a failure to deal with complaints made by many thousands of victims”‘ – many thousands…
It’s beginning to sound like we’re aiming for a reverse “Divine Republic” with all the blokes in slavery.
Trial failure is in the news as we learn not all Big Pharma are on to a winner: ‘Poor trial results hit CureVac stock… latestage trial of its coronavirus vaccine has shown it to be only 47% effective‘ – well at least the FT report is glass half full – they might have said 53% ineffective: ‘A blow to a drugmaker championed by Berlin‘ – no Brexit sniggering please. ‘The group’s shares plummeted‘ – a timely reminder at the end there that Big Pharma aren’t producing vaccines simply out their love for humanity.
Back to the difficulties of banging bad blokes up on rape charges …and the solution, apparently, is: ‘Rape case “score card”‘ – as detailed in the Times: ‘Police and prosecutors will be scored on how they handle rape cases under plans to increase the prosecution rate‘ – because performance targets have worked jolly well in, for instance, education, where outcomes have of course improved exponentially* since the introduction of school performance scores. [sarc] and SARC just happens to stand for Sexual Assault Referral Centre. Spooky.
*we seem to like that word a lot hereabouts, so I thought I’d just chuck it in to ape the “experts”
AISI, many years ago, a newly pregnant colleague of a Scottish persuasion, had the news of a study relayed to her. The study, iirc by Edinburgh Uni Med School (a good one, not as good as Dundee but still good), had found that taking a little alcohol during pregnancy prevented premature birth.
At this my colleague’s face lit up.
Then we told her the amount considered safe and necessary as foundy by the study: 10 ml once a week. That’s about half a thimble full, if that. A new definition of ‘taking a wee dram’. That bottle of Scotch on the shelf would last a lifetime.
Thought the zero impartiality weasel had gone.
BBC Moaning Emolecast:
Once the future, US captive to its past
In modern-day America, there is no such thing as a bygone era. The battlefields of yesteryear are also combat zones of today. The political geography of America is increasingly being shaped by a politicised historiography.
The past is viewed through a partisan prism… Republicans overwhelmingly believe that American history should be celebrated, while Democrats think that history has to be reckoned with and atoned for.
Given his and colleagues’ books, and bbc obsessions, pretty much confirming BBC North America is a partisan Democrat Propaganda tool.
And the BBC a malign, destructive fifth column in the West.
Read full analysis >
Nick Bryant
BBC News, New York
Envy of the world.
“We’re going to milk it; we’re going to milk it, milk it, milk it…”
Possible conundrum later for the bBBC and also the tannoy operator at Wembley.
England, emotionally blackmailed by their manager Gareth Snowflake, will probably take the knee, Scotland possibly won’t, which will lead to a (genuine) mix of boos and cheers.
But what will the tannoy people do? Play fake applause like last time, or do they have fake boos as well? Which one do they play?
This question is probably more interesting than the game itself….
Playing fake applause is straight from the North Korean handbook.
From what I see on twitter, you can be sure that a great many people would disappear if the Left had free rein to do what they really want.
Just like all those before them did. An ideology based on intolerance and base hatred.
On Toady this morning they were lamenting the lack of convictions in rape cases. We must state that this is a difficult area with conflicting issues but which are often selectively addressed by the BBC and others in support of an agenda.
A lady who was apparently raped gave up her anonymity to speak. She admitted being blind drunk and could not remember what had happened. It is suggested that the CPS were less than helpful or supportive which, frankly, does not surprise me in the least. Only later in the interview did we hear that she was gay. Yes, the BBC managed to find a gay victim of heterosexual rape to highlight the issue.
What are the chances of that?
On the BBC, very high.
I heard the complaints about taking mobile phones from the accuser / victim but keeping them for ages ! It’s necessary to check phones because sometimes a difference narrative arises …. But a year ! ? – that’s almost a deterrent from making the accusation ….
It’s a pity that Jess Phillips was put on to give the opposition side – and that they couldn’t find someone a bit more forensic on the issue than the rant default …
No mention of Pakistani paedo racist rape gangs either….
There have been tens of thousands of working class white girls groomed, raped and sometimes murdered, but its barely mentioned. Politicians, the police and the media just don’t want to know. Mind you, if you make an off colour tweet as an 18 year old they’ll be all over it…
It’s a similar thing with knife crime.
The overwhelming majority of both knife and gun murders in London are committed by blacks.
However, when we see any photo depicting these incidents it’s always a white hand holding the knife.
Do they think we’re stupid?
I’m afraid the answer is yes…
There must be forensic tools that allow the cloning of a phone or a hard drive and and the consequent release of the items … I think the evidence rules regarding phones are total crap – I met a woman earlier this week who’d sold a (£500) mobile to a scammer and the police had recovered it … it’s been in the evidence store for over 6 months…
@Tomo funny I met a POLICE-woman earlier this week who has a similar (£500) mobile
..and a docket that says it’s in the police storage room.
That could be true if it was Nottingham Police.
Is it possible to clone a phone in 30 mins ? yes
But the police are often thick so would miss things like the extra memory card.
What you need is a set of licenced contractors that provide the 30 min cloning service to police, with guaranteed security/privacy.
The fact the BBC used a gay victim
Well that legally protects them from airing a false complainant,
compared to using an unreliable heterosexual complainant.
I know about the mobile service (and disk services)
The sloppiness of many police forces in this regard actually need to be the topic of some arse kicking. I suspect that many beat officers are supervised by dunces that have an assistant that works their fax machine – or worse.
Finally, some good news associated with Covid: the Notting Hill ‘crimefest’ is cancelled for another year. Ideally it will never take place again, but if it does then it should be in a self-enclosed private area such as a park or football stadium, rather than on public streets. Our condolences to the police officers who were looking forward to some overtime that weekend. Still, at least the A&E wards in London will be a bit quieter.
Notting Hill Festival – an opportunity for police to integrate wiv da communitee
Is he integrating or penetrating?
Either way it’s put me off my lunch.
I read that the WHO has started on the long march to ban alcohol consumption by targeting Women of child-bearing age.
You could see this as a logical decision, safety of the foetus etc. but somewhat blurred by their perspective on abortion which is generally pro even without medical reason.
I suspect that this is the first strike in what will become an attack on alcohol consumption generally.
So what could possibly have triggered this strategy? It couldn’t be connected to the fact that a large percentage of the senior executives of WHO and a large percentage of the Countries they operate in are religiously opposed to the consumption of alcohol could it?
I believe that because they have seen via Covid that it is possible to impose restrictions on the general global population with surprising ease, they feel empowered to grab ever more power over humanity.
It is a very dangerous path they are following and in my view we cannot meekly submit to a faceless global organisation allowing them to override personal decision-making and liberties.
On cue
Australia’s growing thirst for alcohol-free wine and beer
“There was so much anxiety – that has all gone since I stopped drinking.”
“Not drinking is beginning to be seen… as a positive lifestyle choice, instead of something you only have to do if you’re an alcoholic,”
Extraordinary that those countries religiously opposed to alcohol are the least temperate human beings on the planet.
The sight of crowds wildly waving arms, blazing away in the air with AK47s and on occasion beating themselves bloody – by repeated head-smacking (Teheran, Cairo, Bahgdad etc) or self-flagellation (Bolton, Bury, Rotherham etc) has infected western TV screens for decades, and yet their religion is supposedly peaceful. Very odd.
Sopes now being sedated.
The BBC of course celebrating the result but failing to reveal that the turnout was down from 76% in the general election to only 52% in this bye-election.
This suggests that the victory is less down to voter decision change but rather the non-turnout of Conservative voters.
Par for the course for most bye-elections. I guess the Conservative vote was down because many Con voters assumed it would be a walk-over and so didn’t bother to vote at all.
We will of course find out at the next general election!
The BBC are also being less than vocal about the appalling result for Labour suggesting that Labour voters chose Lib Dem in this election rather than their own party.
Liberal Democrats 21,517 from 14,627 last time .. (voteshare up 30.4%)
They got 7,000 new votes on a reduced turnout
Where from ? Labour and Greens
Labour went from 7,000 last time to 616 .. so that is where the Libs votes came from
Conservative 13,489 from 30,850 (voteshare DOWN 20%)
…16,500 voters deserted the Tories
Maybe they stayed at home, though some anti-HS2 may have voted Lib
Nice research Stew – though unlikely to be aired on Newsnight.
Or anywhere on the BBC.
TOADY Watch #3 – I’m left with a big question: has John been ‘turned’ ?
The John in question is Professor John Curtice of Aberdeen Univerity. Mishal did the 8.10 Prime Interview Slot with him in a bid to understand the Chesham and Amersham by-election result. The Prof is someone who I have a great respect for as an unbiased, neutral, voice on UK politics on a biased BBC.
John Curtice, I noticed, mentioned Brexit and Remain a lot during his five minute contribution. He did not mention Pandemic and business owners at all. I wonder if the Remainly Lib Dems had ‘got’ to him and ‘turned’ him in John le Carré style?
Aaagh, memory! brain! Prof John Curtice is at University of Strathclyde, not Aberdeen.
You know things in America are getting unbelievably bad when defectors from North Korea are telling you that American Universities are so intolerant and far Left they are actually worse than Kim Jong Un’s North Korea !
Reminder that Fox is still part of the establishment
Fox Affiliate Fires Reporter After Release Of “Censorship” Clips Via Project Veritas
Name : Ivory Hecker in Houston
The censorship
#1 instructed to “cease and desist” on content that would present hydroxychloroquine as a feasible treatment for COVID-19,
#2 Bitcoin will not be reported at the 5pm show
The manager said Poor black people don’t care about bitcoin so we won’t cover it
“I have passed on Bitcoin stories…Bitcoin for poor African American audience at 5, it’s probably not going to play. That’s a choice I’m making. An editorial choice,”
#3 No negative coverage of vaccines just Pro Vaccine PR
Allegations this policy is driven by advertising
She says she want’s out cos the newsroom system is *CORRUPT* and that is not good for society.
Now O’Keefe appeals for more media whistleblowers.
“What’s happening within Fox Corp is an operation of prioritizing corporate interests above the viewer’s interest and, therefore, operating in a deceptive way,”
“It is unspoken, but if you accidentally step outside the narrative, if you don’t sense what that narrative is, and go with it, there will be great consequences for you,”
“My newsroom kind of groups everyone into racial groups.”
Seems to me that some of it’s about a couple of bad managers at her local station.
Although pro Vax pro advertiser policies may come from higher up
You should be careful with this because it’s not as clear cut as the bent media want you to believe.
“Reminder that Fox is still part of the establishment”
But this is NOT Fox, it’s Fox 26 Houston, a small sub division of the larger Murdoch owned empire perhaps, but not the main part of it which is how this is being presented.
It is as of the last reports I have seen where these instructions originated, whether they were local instructions or came from a higher centralised source.
Seeing as this has not been reported as happening across the Fox empire the suspicion has to be that it is localised, but that hasn’t stopped the bent left wing media using it as a means by which to smear the entire Fox network.
There must be other Countries looking at GB News and seeing that it is beating Sky, ITV and the bbbc news channels.
So far it’s a big success and that is even with the sound problems (which are getting sorted day by day and will soon be the same quality as the rest)
They can see the huge reaction to the wokies who thought they were being clever by saying they don’t want to advertise with GBN.
Could it result in other Countries getting a news channel like GBN because of its apparent success?
That would be a welcome domino effect.
I’m not sure if the left completely dominate all the tv in other Countries as they do … sorry….did, here.
I only know of Fox News in the USA which is not left wing. We had it here but they stopped us getting it.
I think other Countries will be getting worried that an impartial news program will catch on and spread to them.
LibDims win an election by 52% .
The people didn’t know what they were voting for , it’s too close to call , Parliament should block it unless there’s an agreement, Bollox to By elections, there should be another vote.
The LibDims , the party of two faces .
And Labour lost their deposit on 650 votes …
It is heartening that both the culture Secretary and the chair of the commons oversight committee have chirped up in favour of a media with differing views ( I will no longer use a word with a similar meaning )…
… I think as more people become aware of GB News the figures will only be going up …
It starts with adopting a habit of bullying people.
You start to acquire progressive ideas and values.
Gradually you lose touch with reality.
Finally you get a job with the BBC.
Article on GB News. ‘ Meet the New Boss, same as the Old Boss’. ……and in the meantime, black kids continue to be slaughtered on our streets
I’m increasingly concerned about this sudden outbreak of hand albinism among certain communities and I demand to know what Khan’t is doing to help those poor kids!
(I believe Michael Jackson suffered from a similar affliction, poor soul, and look what happened to him!)
Oh that was a bit subtle for me
The large image shows a white hand wielding a knife
whereas the reality is that London knife crime is mostly a non-white thing
Such misleading framing is a BBC trick
So when GBnews do the same
It’s ‘ Meet the New Boss, same as the Old Boss’.
… However if you look at the top of our page there is an LBC tweet that uses the same image
As if it was MetPolice or Sadiq that provided the image to the media in a PR pack.
London is “on track” to suffer the worst year for teenage killings in more than a decade if youth violence continues at the current rate, the UK’s biggest police force has warned.
I can change the width setting in the URL to get a half size picture
It might have helped to find someone that knows how to hold a knife – as I’m sure most involved are fully aware – but perhaps the photographer didn’t want to risk meeting a real criminal.
Finger past the choil, ready to slide up the edge ‘in action’ is a bit amateur.
1pm will the local news do some #PRasNews ?
Of course they will
“Teachers will benefit from £third of a million, in Science/Maths training over the next 5 years from Dogger Bank wind-farm corp
The money will train teachers and stimulate youngsters”
OK the firm put out their PR today’s actually a £1m programme , but split through 3 regions.
And during 5 years electric customers will probably be subsidising that wind farm by £5 BILLION.
As with the EU ‘funding’ and equally unique ‘reporting’ of same by the MSM, it’s all about what is left after the vig to feed the machine.
Same with lottery money and charities.
Scotland are playing football tonight.
I know this because on the BBC 1 1 pm news we had coverage of Scottish supporters drinking and socialising in a South East England city centre. This was immediately followed by a Scottish reporter reporting from the stadium where the match is to be played.
Does anyone know who they are playing? The BBC seem very reluctant to give any time at all to the other team.
There is more. On the handover to the weather forecast, Clive Myrie asks about the weather in terms of its effect on the Scottish supporters.
Absolutely appalling.
If Scotland win, front page no doubt… if England win bottom of the sports page for an hour.
It’s just the way their anti-england mantra works and must be an agreed stance by all their producers, sooner they are gone the better!
Sluff and digg, I missed the start of TWatO (R4 rather than Beeb1) didn’t bother to listen and then I thought I’d catch the end of the prog plus the headlines. Yes, they were on the same subject as the telly channel, and the thought struck me: ‘The BBC really don’t like England very much’.
Is it because the BBC believe the lie that England voted to leave the EU and the other three home nations voted to remain? It is certainly a lie that the BBC have said on air on Radio4 many, many, times, despite David Cameron and all the Government literature stating the vote was to be counted and result assessed on a UK-wide basis, not constituency, region or UK nation.
The long goodbye…………..
She and Nick here are as deranged as Sopes’ BS are there.
Sticking ‘analysis’ on a blatant propaganda punt is getting tiresome.
The soccer stars messing about with drinks bottles during press conferences thingy is eye-opening…
Ronaldo gets warned by EUFA because he moved some sponsors coke bottles and replaced with water bottles… V Bad lad, don’t do it again, there are rules!
“Uefa’s Euro 2020 tournament director Martin Kallen said players were contractually obliged “through their federation of the tournament regulations to follow”.
Pogba however let off when he moved a beer bottle because…
“However, he said he understood the actions of players who, like Pogba, did such things for religious reasons.”
So Pogba is fine earning money from the brewers but doesn’t want to be pictured with their product.
Plus the beer in question was Heineken 0:0 which is alcohol free FFS!
Why are these outfits always prepared to walk on egg shells for certain communities. If they don’t like it they should go play elsewhere in my opinion.
Somebody told me that the market reaction to Ronnie Ronaldo moving the coke bottles was a $4 billion loss of coke market value …if that is true – and top ball kickers can do that ? What is the value of anything relating to footy ..
Pity that it wasn’t Pepsi rather than Coca Cola, as the parent company PepsiCo owns Walkers Crisps, as promoted by Woke Warrior and TV Licence Tax benefactor, Mr Gary Lineker.
Andrew Neil is fighting back all guns blazing against the loathsome Stop Funding Hate and their vile boycott campaign against GB News.
I sense he’s having some mischievous fun in the process.
To one company considering pulling their ads because of GBN’s alleged ‘hate’, Neil replied:
“Have a look at our content. You’ll find no hate. Let me know if you want to advertise. And I’ll let you know if we want your ads. Or whether we organise a boycott of you.”
Turning the tables on the boycotters, Neil added: “I will be looking at brands to decide if they are fit to advertise with us. I will have something to say about that and more on a special Media Watch tonight GB News at 8pm on Andrew Neil.”
Delicious. Go get ’em Andrew!
IKEA and others libel GBNews .
Nibor Could libel IKEA .
I could say ;
IKEA products are made by child labourers in sweat shops in Uighur district of China , to inferior and dangerous standards .
But I won’t .
Not yet .
Just learnt that the England v Scotland game is on ITV – so with a bit of luck it won’t be a 2 hour propaganda piece for the SNP ….
…..and no doubt the travelling Scots supporters in London will behave themselves …. Didn’t hear anything about not travelling ….
Channel 5 are showing Braveheart at 10:00 tonight.
Too much to expect any channel to show something patriotically English for balance.
When Laurence Olivier died on 11th July 1989, the Beeb famously commemorated his life by screening Henry V, just as the French were celebrating their bicentenary.
Would never happen today!
Trick – it’s a wonder ITV didn’t put it on before the match – strange to be hoping both teams lose – I’m supporting the ref …if he doesn’t kneel …
Just watched the half time comments on the BBC’s coverage of the Sweden/Slovakia game. It may as well have been an African derby as all 3 guest commentators were black, oh and the presenter was a woman. No white man in sight!
No surprises there.
Her people concocted it, sent it to the BBC, who ran it.
Is it wrong to admit that as an England supporter I hope they lose every game as for as long as they’re unable to stand upright before a game? And Southgate should be sacked for his political posturing.
It’s a dilemma I agonised over for a full 2 seconds… before finally coming down on your side.
I shall not be supporting the kneelers, even though a skotch victory will please Sturgeon
CNN is of course the main source for BBC Naaaaaaa BS.
Has Keir Starmer resigned yet?
The hack with the rack is now choosing who can engage, bless her.
This is about as daft a post as many a BBC moppet has tried before.
In what way is not wearing something a symbol of anything?
And does one now assume Antifa are all dedicated vax fans?
“In what way is not wearing something a symbol of anything?”
Since you ask, Guest, I am told that naturism is a revolt against the judgement and provision of God after The Fall (see Genesis ch.3) oh, and also against ‘the conventions of society’. As the weather is a tad chilly, I will revolt against the Naturist Revolution if that’s OK with them. And even if it is not OK with them.
“The COVID Conspiracy Movement”
I think most grown-ups might just see what you did there darling.
Teeing up a rent-a-quoter isn’t a good look girl.
Free Thinking? Peace is War, Truth is False, that kind of ‘free thinking’?
@GuestWho “Not wearing a mask has become an emblem of the
COVID conspiracyanti -lockdown movement.That is true, Often they say
“went to the shops and all the sheeple were wearing masks
.. so did the thumbs up to the one enlightened guy I saw” etc.
Toenails in awe of a bloke in awe of a billionaire shyster.
Alok Sharma… after being re-elected in 2017, he wrote on his website: “Having grown up locally in Reading and being very much a local Reading man, I am delighted to have been re-elected for a constituency in my home town”. . In this instance, the Inconvenient Truth is that he was actually born in Agra, India (he moved to the UK as a child).
Coming soon from Al Gore Movies:
‘Piltdown Man – Definitely Real’
‘The Hitler Diaries – Are they true, after all?’
‘The Roswell UFO Crash – Sounds good to me’
‘Mary Seacole – A Life in Nursing’
This would be the “Inconvenient Truth” which was a complete load of bollocks? No wonder Bozo’s government is running into the sand with its extreme green policies if it’s based on that mendacious crap.
Yes the BBC Politics tweet was mocked by the 30 people that noticed it .
What the hell is cop26? Being a wrinkly,if not a crumbly I remember PC 49, a copper who did the right thing every time and wasn’t woke, or took the knee.
Sopes in a rare moment of inadvertent honesty.
Seems Delta kept the duty free on free flow.
Bet Greta was bladdered.
A free bar was the only option.
Why am I thinking Hunter S Thompson and the Nixon entourage?
It never got weird enough for me …
Despite everything, D-diddy amazingly did not get the hand model job photoshoot he thought the BBC had to give him by right.
A statue to Vera Lynn?
How long will it take the wokies to find something in her past to whinge on about.
WHITE cliffs of Dover?
It will be chucked over the cliffs if they get their way.
Make no mistake, if they can cancel the Queen at Oxford Uni they will find something on our Vera.
New Belfield video : he has been charged
#1 It’s a bit strange for cops to wait and then come around on a Friday afternoon
#2 He didn’t let them in
but rather spoke to them through the upstairs window
This time they didn’t attempt to smash down the door
but rather put the summons through the letter box
#3 He says charging is a good thing cos it means he will get tto speak all in court
However it does make some discussion sub judice
So my guess that they’ll use it to shut him up
and then string him along for years
by keeping cancelling court dates
#4 So far I don’t see what they have charged him with
They accused him of harassing the Radio Northampton guy before, but then said there wasn’t any proper evidence.
The entire Radio Today article that went up at 3:34pm as if they had been tipped off
The former BBC presenter has been reported for summons for 12 counts of stalking involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress.
The offences relate to a series of incidents reported by eight complainants, some of which date back over the last ten years.
Alex Belfield was formally reported for summons today (Friday) and will appear at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 1 July, where he will be formally charged with the offences.
Detective Chief Inspector Clare Dean, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Stalking offences can have a devastating impact on people’s lives and we are committed to thoroughly investigating every report we receive
Some theatre insiders who hate Belfield were quickly retweeting the article
That article is a copy of the police statement which was first tweeted about at 3:05pm
By 3:08pm major anti-Belfield accounts were talking about it
Correction actually he’s been summoned to court on July 1st
So I think that is when the formal charging will take place
and maybe sub judice rules don’t begin until then.
It was to be expected that tptb in Nottinham would escalate – I hear that the lodge has all the right members.
It’ll go straight to Crown Court – Mr.Bellfield will need an effective lawyer – and one from out of area… But if he’s really needled them then the precedents for a world of pain are there for all to see.
Belfield sounds confident. Let’s hope he’s well advised, well represented, well defended and well funded.
And may he do maximum damage to the rotten BBC.
it’s not like Assange doesn’t have a tick in those boxes.
While I applaud his uppitiness – if they jail him, oppose bail, chuck him into a series of gang dominated hellholes – it’ll take the shine off fairly quickly…..
Probably a bit late and seen before, but Scrobs’ list of losers who won’t advertise on GBNews is here: –
Green Flag
Ikea (Has expressed interest in advertising again in the future)
Johnson & Johnson
Just Eat
Moneysupermarket (Has expressed interest in advertising again in the future)
National Lottery
People’s Postcode Lottery
Premier Inn
Rana Pasta
Richmond sausages/Strings & Things (Cheesestrings)
Taylors coffee
Unfortch I need Google and gatesempire, but happily, none of the others!
People’s Postcode Lottery?
there’s an outfit that sail so close to the charitable wind that a tour of their antics would make for a good piece of investigative journalism (imho larcenous scum)
Greenpiece sugar daddies too….
Do you mean this lot, Tomo?
Surprised Milliband isn’t in there somewhere – maybe he is, those pseudo-yanks infiltrate everywhere, it beats working in ‘politics’ for a living.
as I understand it they’re an outpost from the Dutch mothership who iirc have the champagne socialist thing down to a “T”. Seriously heavy handed gormless ‘sleb filled PR.
Somehow I got Twitter ads for them until I blocked them a few years ago – iirc (not reliable) – they’ve actually had some legal troubles with the qualifying criteria for “charidee”
I’d add that they get a quite extraordinary amount of editorial coverage in NewsQuest UK’s fleet of 200++ local papers 20 or 30 bylined advertorials a year in individual titles.
Had all those companies had the chance to watch some GBN programmes before deciding not to advertise with them?
ITV local news … any #PRasNews?
Yes, “It’s International Clean Air Day”
presented by the weatherman Jon Mitchell.
He used expert Alistair Lewis of York Uni.
says cities are the problem. Made grand claims about man-made pollution forgetting about pollen etc
(asthma attacks correlate with grass pollen
.. although manmade pollution doesn’t help)
He made the claim pollution causes 28K to 36K deaths per year
( ..FakeNews … he’d be pushed to show us 1 death certificate nevermind 36K)
Next unamed expert made asthnma claims
Ah it’s Prof Jonathan Grigg (he founded a campaign group DoctorsAgainstDiesel which helped the Times promote electric cars, but fell a bit flat)
The ITV Jon highlights the new AQI Air Quality Index graph, that they’ll be using on future shows.
He made no mention of today’s pollution levels … Why’s that ?
cos today air pollution is zero .. it’s been raining all day so it’s all been washed out.
He finally mentioned natural stuff like Sahara dust quickly at the end.
Of course it wasn’t the only show doing PRasNews on “Clean Air”
Paul has an article
and in the comments there i list a few more shows
Each year there are 3 different days “Day of Clean Air” !
Why the twins who had everything ‘fell apart’
Yet another BBC article about mental illness . This one is about twins, with dyed hair, who both comitted suicide.
Does hair dye cause mental illness or does mental illness make you dye your hair?
That American footballista who doubtless looks awesome in something skimpy does seem a few nachos short of a chilli bucket.
Actually, Guest, I am growing carrots in buckets again this year – that way they survive the dreaded carrot fly, and as ‘carrot’ is an unfortunate hair colour experienced by the odd pseudo-yank ‘royal’, and the occasional bloke down the pub, the chilli bucket sounds a reasonable substitute, as I have six growing in my greenhouse as we speak!
Now, about your geraniums – er – the answer lies in the soil…
OT, but almost 3 hrs and just over 100 reactions.
If anyone should be worried it is Sky media sales.