We are heading for the end of the first week of broadcasting by GBNews . What can be said ? It has a different style – presenters allow their guests / interviewees time to speak – the BBC habit of attacking – interrupting – closing down – or just not allowing air time – isn’t there. There have been a few technical issues and some excellent advertising by advertisers refusing to advertise – but for a new kid on the block it can only be a good thing .
Weekend Thread 19 June 2021
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Julie Burchill on Labour
Where has she been for the last sixty years…?
Mind, change the T-shirt to orange or blue and it would be just as valid.
Arizona police shoot driver who crashed into charity bike ride
‘.. the suspect, described as a 35-year-old white male, fled the scene.. ‘
When did you last see as suspect described as ‘black’ ?.
And underneath the article I saw:
‘More people in more places trust BBC news than any other news source. Register for a BBC account see why’.
Last survey I saw they didn’t.It’s deliberate weasel words to make it suggestive but meaningless. Like ‘Persil washes whiter’. Such statements are banned in advertising for being dishonest. But clearly fine for the likes of the BBC.
“… trust BBC news …” Yes, we can most certainly trust the BBC to be biased and slipshod!
Slipshod example first:
“OWN GOAL Bungling BBC tried to book World Cup hero Gordon Banks for a show even though he died two years ago”
If you were not a football fan yourself, but read the headlines and obituaries, you would almost certainly not have slipped up the way the BBC did. It really is quite inexcusable. What next – will the BBC next year be asking Diego Maradona to host a show?
Biased example in terms of hiring (and hardly the first one):
“Joe Ventre, digital campaign manager at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: ‘BBC bosses shouldn’t be supporting race-based recruiting with taxpayers’ money. Taking an approach like this further undermines confidence in the Corporation and their use of licence fee payers’ cash.’”
Hear, hear!
Rating 1.1/5.
“Horrendous organisation”.
“BBC is the most racist and sexist…”
“Disgusting, corrupt, myopic, PC rubbish”
Another set of reviews cover BBC.com
1 star: Bad 1,877 reviews | TrustScore 1.1
Skynews | skynews.co.uk
2 stars: Poor 30 reviews | TrustScore 2.1
Just reading an article in The Telegraph about Biden and it has some interesting points:
‘His approval rating was 48 per cent, down six points from April and below 50 per cent for the first time in a Monmouth poll.’
‘The number of Democrats who think the country is “moving in the right direction” has plummeted from 83 per cent in April to 59 per cent now.’
‘Meanwhile, Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician under Donald Trump, who is now a congressman representing Texas, called on Mr Biden to take a cognitive test.’
‘The approval rating for Congress, where Democrats control both chambers, has fallen from 35 per cent in April to just 21 per cent now.’
Strangely I can’t find any such report on the BBC but the last one I did find from April where they were touting how popular he is actually had this in very large characters right across the middle of Lurch’s article:
‘Biden is more popular than Trump was’ !!. I kid you not.
It’s pathetic. Those fake caller names to GB News trying to trash it were absolutely embarassing and show them as the spiteful children they really are.
Good God – just when you think the BBC can’t stoop any lower in their relentless agenda programming:
In pictures: 1,000 Dreams to mark World Refugee Day
About as lop-sided and biased as you can possibly get. See how many of the descriptions you can get through before you simply cannot take any more of their sentimental overloading.
There is an enormous amount you can read between the lines about these poor, innocent victims.
One example: ‘Wafa provided for her mother and sister for three years, until she was offered refuge in Germany and once again had to make the difficult decision to leave her family behind.’
In other words, she left her mother and sister destitute.
Another: Khashayar left Iran more than three years ago. “I had house, I had car, I had bank account, I had money,” he says, “but I left everything in my country, you know, like I don’t have nothing right now.
No mention of why he left.
They have no shame whatsoever.
How many illegal, bogus asylum seekers have been returned? How many are returning terrorists?
There are millions in the UK that are a huge cost . What exactly does the Border Force do? The Home Secretary and her office are a complete failure and a danger to national security. Al Beeb as a national broadcaster should be continually reporting and pointing this danger out. We are being invaded while our Conservative government do absolutely nothing about it. No one is holding them to account.
The Border Force seem to be there solely to check that you and your family are entitled to return to your own country from your fortnight-long package holiday.
Failed peelers, dour-faced and dull, checking the passports of your teenage daughters with the same disdainful intent as those of the numerous swarthy-skinned lone males, they seem determined in ensuring that the experience of touching down on home soil at 2 in the morning is as unpleasant and time-consuming as possible.
Couldn’t agree more with the view expressed there. They’ve also started employing failed pub bouncers at the ferries to check vehicles…. I had one sour and aggressive git rummage my car at Calais a couple of months back.
One pal had his (Costa Rican) daughter in law caged and the other three travellers UK passports seized at Plymouth ferry – took several hours to get away >>> cvnts
Another day.
Another March.
Another BBC ‘report’.
Can’t wait for the one here.
To clarify, Israel has them.
Which often passes the BBC by in its ‘reporting’ of the region.
Will that feature at 7:10am on the R4 Religion show ?
Probably not
Usually that show’s main purpose is promote the BBC’s Wokism Religion
with its holy dogmas of GreenDream, Global Warming Alarmism and love for the US Democrat Party
topics today
– Rowan Williams plugging his new book
– Why are robots handing out holy water in Mecca ?
Oh some actual religion topics today
– The 1981 project to smuggle 1 million bibles into China
– American Catholic bishops vote to take action against pro abortion politicians like Biden .. I guess the prog will defend Biden
– People being told that if they take more expensive Marriage Registry Office options they can get to jump the queue caused by Covid regulations.
otherwise you have to wait months for a civil marriage slot
Religious news
would be a discussion about the St David’s City bishop and her anti-Tory tweets
Surely tweeting “never trust a Tory” is inciting hate” ?
Wow, other progs against the normal BBC grain too
7:55am charity appeal
“SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity
Radio 4 Appeal
Matt Hill, a former soldier, makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity.”
8:45am Opinion piece
“Anti-Zionism and the Death of Tragedy”
.. with Lefty writer Howard Jacobson.
Oh other topics on today’s religion show
– Campinology
– “thousands will be driven into debt by end of Covid support” says Christian charity
Rowan’s book is about his administration for the Eastern Orthodox concept of Christian community
eg a Russian activist nun Maria in Paris who devoted herself to refugees in the 30s and 40s
The presenter fed him lines so he could put his points that G7 should have helped African countries with Covid Vaccines and “their heavier burden from Climate Change”
Given our tenant took Jeremy Corbyn’s advice to heart and saw the rent as an afterthought behind Stella, fags and Benidorm, not feeling too charitable frankly.
So uniquely funded do gooders on full wedge can do one.
The charity CAP made the ridiculous claim
“without the £20 weekly Covid uplift payment the poor won’t be able to buy fresh fruit”
eventually a voice mentioned he was afraid to put the heating on
OK that is an expensive thing.
Then the charity mentioned their clients have often got debt problems
..yeh that is not fruit debt
..more like scratch cards, drugs, drink, debt.
Does anyone have any doubt whatsoever that if Iran gave Hamas a bomb, they would use it ?.
Ebrahim Raisi…
“grave concern”
– the graves of thousands that this murderous git presided over in the 1980s perchance?
It takes a bit of reading to discover the ‘LGBT-free’ towns the BBC describe have actually declared themselves free of “LGBT ideology”. Gay people are still allowed, they just have to keep quiet and get on with their lives like everybody else.
No bad thing IMHO. I’m absolutely sick of them ramming it down our throats. Figuratively speaking of course.
New BBC staff mandatory headwear for Pride month?
Has @bbcnorthamerica replaced Katty Kay with a JoBrandism Editor yet?
Throwing unidentified liquid over people as a political symbol should be designated a terrorist offence.
The victim has no idea if they are throwing acid and we all know from the delicious Ms Brand (who I suspect drinks more than her fair share) that some of them would do it. As one will eventually.
Who ate all the pies ?
GB News will probably not report this.
So far, today has been hilarious.
Happy Patriarchal Oppressor Day to all persons of… er… dangly bits.
Sir David King ….
– he should be preceded by a mental health warning
It’s what makes bbc staff essential, on full pay.
4pm R4 Book Show
4:30pm R4 Poetry Show
Seeing a lot of ‘promoted’ literary ads at the moment.
Bronzed Strumpet must be jelly.
They had an interesting interview with Jeffrey Archer on GB news the other day. I must say he came across as not quite the complete pr1ck I thought he was.
He was saying how his publisher now dictates what his books must contain. His example was he could not have 4 men. He must have 2 woman, 1 man and 1 gay man.
That explains why all the recent books I have been reading have turned great authors work into completely unbelievable rubbish.
He mentioned that his first book was about a woman (was it Prodigal Daughter ?)
.. but that didn’t take off
It was his next book about 4 men that did.
He did say times have changed.
Then 5pm Radio 4Extra on Poetry Extra
Daljit Nagra the Hayes born Sikh poet presented ..and selected the poems
A headline ? Bercow joins Labour ( to finally get a peerage )?
Lord Bercow of Brussels in the 2022 New Year Honours ‘List .
The idea that a Speaker should be neutral and ‘quiet ‘ after holding the office is gone . There has been a discussion this week about the concept of ‘institutional corruption ‘ such as in the police or BBC – but to see a so obvious example really is something .
On the upside – the repulsive – revolting Bercow -is the Remainer Traitor made flesh – and must always be reminder of how the political class attempted to defeat Brexit .
7:15pm Alastair Campbell is on the BBC AGAIN
on “The Confessional”
What will he confess to ?
Is it a special 36 hour long show ?
They do need to mix things up a bit between Femi, Adonut and YAB. Plus now there is Bercow… for ‘balance’.
On my screen at this particular moment, I see the names of Bercow, Campbell, Yassermin, Femerist all at the same time!
It’s bad enough getting used to the early start to the day, withourt being reminded that there is still a surfeit of complete a*******s filthifying our beloved country!
Anyway, I’ve a great joke for everyone…
Jimmy Savile was looking forward to going to a Beeboid’s wedding, because he’d been informed that the Radio Times would be organising ‘an eight-Page pullout’…
I think it’s disgusting, that someone mentioned the Radio Times.
Far from presenting The Confessional Stephen Mangan should be in the stocks, wearing sack cloth and covered in ashes, for having anything to do with Episodes.
I know that Fedup has already mentioned this, but it’s just too delightful… John Bercow has defected to Labour!
Can you imagine any better news…if you’re a Conservative?
The Poison Dwarf is almost universally despised. His embarrassing behaviour brought the office of Speaker into disrepute. It was often painful listening to this repulsive creature, hectoring and grandstanding. He’s a flamboyant big mouth. An arrogant, bellowing, bullying little man. Eugh!
Kier Starmer, Diane Abbott (and now) John Bercow all in the same party…
Boris must be doing cartwheels.
Don’t forget Lammy and bring back Steptoe.
I find it ironic that the people making the most noise and trying to change the world are those absolutely rejected by the people at the ballot box. They must have extremely thick skin.
Goes deeper than that.
Jeff, I thought I would not have to put up with Bercow any more after December 2019. And now his smug mug – looking smugger than ever – is all over the Observerfront page this morning. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
The ‘story’ is way down in normal rags too, Up2…
Comments in the DM are pretty funny too!
Was there a ‘toxic midget’ in Fawlty Towers too?
Scrobie, don’t know the answer to that last one but the much-loved Manuel was a little bit vertically challenged. Definitely not toxic.
Had I had The Observer delivered this morning, that photo would have ruined my breakfast. And if I had already eaten it, there would have been danger of it being regurgitated over that photo.
If their performance on Friday night is anything to go by, Gareth Southgate’s England team of knee-takers will soon bow out of the Euros. Cashing in while they can our newspapers have meanwhile had more pullouts than a Catholic couple. But, football fans: ‘Don’t panic: Kane promises England will come good at Euro 2020‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
‘Did the Earthling move for you? Woman who says she’s hooked up with alien‘ or so the Daily Star Sunday tells us. And these days we believe women, right?
Former soap actress Sherrie Hewson, 70, gives an exclusive to the Sunday People: ‘Famous director stripped off and sexually assaulted me at flat‘
Nowadays it seems football stars are the new movie stars and what used to be done face-to-face has become virtual: ‘Married England star scandal: Michael Owen begged me for nude pics‘ – Ex-Big Brother contestant Rebecca Jane, 36, tells the Sunday Mirror.
One jokes about the media treatment of celeb sexual assault allegations but we know it can be a very serious issue for the unfamous ordinary folk: ‘One third of convicted childabusers avoid jail‘ – says the Observer and they reveal a lot of detailed statistics – whilst apparently withholding some others from its readership. Someone with a more conservative mindset ought to reform the justice system… if only!
‘Pitchfork: I want to be a carer‘ (Star) – the Tory government will make sure you get your jabs, son. Safety first.
Former Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow reminds us of the BBC. A dyed-in-the-woolsack Remainer, he tried to convince us for years he was unbiased, when all along it was an open secret he was anything but: ‘John Bercow defects to Labour with withering attack on PM‘ (The Observer) – should Sir Keir now feel it’s time to step down, Labour possess an absolute smorgasbord of leadership talent to replace him – there’s the female option of one of Corbyn’s many babes, little man Khan of stab city central, or how about our friend in the north Captain Scarlet’s stunt stand in, Andy Burnham. I vote Bercow. He’s now going one better than Sadiq Khan for political scheming, graft, and general short-arsery. Only Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage could top him.
BBC star Emma Barnet tells the Telegraph: ‘A lot of people who make a noise about Women’s Hour don’t listen to it‘ – which if you think about it pretty much encapsulates the BBC’s problems right there. The more whacky opinions it tries to accommodate – the smaller the audience.
Sunday Telegraph cartoonist Matt scores another bullseye with his sketch of two mates down the pub: ‘I suffered an unpleasant side-effect after my second jab – I was asked to go back to the office‘
Fear not commute refusniks and workshy public sector slackers, the Sunday People tells us the Unions are here to help: ‘TUC in plea to class condition as a disablity. Help the 1.1m Long Covid victims. Frontline casualties. Sufferers including doctor Kaveri Jalundhwala are calling for action‘ – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – expert modellers reveal the growth in the rate of long covid cases will mirror in direct correlation to the growth in press column inches mutiplied by the broadcast media minutes telling us about it.
Hold the Tory frontpages… look out Priti, we have a new Parliamentary loudmouth spokes gob for strong statements and inertia: ‘Dido Harding: End NHS reliance on foreigners‘ (Sunday Times) – how dare she make a statement like that… it should be End OUR NHS reliance.
Our press review was back-to-front, kicking off with what ought to be the backpage sport, but we end with the problems page. Over to you, Phillipa Perry the Observer’s new agony aunt. Looking every inch the Dear Phillipa from her zebra striped bobbed hair to her librarianish glasses – one wonders is she real or is she just a byline for the newbie journo in the office and a stock photo?
Questions, questions…
And it’s a universally tricky one as we return to the Star – or is it the Stars – with their star-crossed lovers: ‘Abbie Bela is so fed up with dating men that she’s landed a lover from outer space‘
Excellent teetering on outstanding again, AISI. Just looking at the pic of the new Agony Aunt …. gave me …. some agony.
Absolutely brilliant AISI, “I vote Bercow. He’s now going one better than Sadiq Khan for political scheming, graft, and general short-arsery”.
Clarkson on the bookburners
The Sun: Don’t pine for Ikea. They’ve got a screw loose on GBNews….
Express: GB News hails boycott victory – Full list of advertisers BACKING Andrew Neil’s channel.
Daily Express: BBC’s Bashir story is fake news, says RICHARD MADELEY.
Daily Mail: Exposed: How Border Force tries to cover up missions to pick up migrants in the Channel.
Daily Mail: PETER HITCHENS: Now even this North Korean warns we’re being brainwashed!.
Meanwhile the Guardian has
The Guardian: From Tudor courts to BLM, a new book brings London’s black history to life.
The Guardian section marked “funded by Bill Gates” says
David Miliband charity pushes ‘white supremacy culture’, workers allege
The last section of that piece is so telling.
The BBC had known for years that Saville was a bad un.
He wasn’t just “a bit dodgy”. He was a very dangerous and disgusting paedophile that had preyed on vulnerable young females for decades. They all knew!
And what do the BBC do?
Well, quite naturally, they gave him his own show, Jim ‘ll Fix It, where the disgusting old pervert became the nation’s favourite uncle and had access to hoards of impressionable schoolgirls…
What could possibly go wrong?
NCF against SFH ..the ambush named NGO
Daily Express: Sadiq Khan salary: London Mayor UPS his own wages to eye-watering sum.
Daily Mail:
Glasgow BBC sparks discrimination row after banning white people from applying for £18,000 trainee job.
Bristol too “A trainee researcher position with the Corporation’s Bristol-based Natural History Unit was also recently advertised as being open only to candidates from ethnic minority backgrounds”
The Times: Dormouse scurrying to extinction in warming Britain.
Don’t worry doormouse, it was cold enough for the heating to be used yesterday – in mid June – and it is cold again today. Good weather for hibernation.
Cambridge : ‘The Racial Consequences of Mr Churchill’
talk by Priya Gopal, Kehinde Andrews and friends
I wonder if somebody could coax Elon Musk into getting a “B Ark” arranged – The Law Society are running a recruitment campaign.
Not everybody’s on board in the comments 🙂
Will the Law Society insist that members wear Pride head boppers for the entire month ?
– I’d rather like the judges to give their wigs a rest.
Pronouns belong to the describee not the describer.
Hands off my pronouns!
Pronouns belong to the English language. People can choose to speak private versions of it, but nobody else is obliged to understand them.
Rainbow £ wigs …
Woke and mental illness – the same page of the current book .
The BBc mocks GB News.
BBC Politics again acting as Labour PR.
Pols of color using the BBC to drive convictions based not targets rather than justice might work out poorly, unless he and the BBC have their usual exemptions in mind.
Renewables as a safe and certain way to keep the power on
An interesting article about the upcoming Batley and Spen by election, a seat which was once Labour safe, and held by the appalling Jo Cox.
Her Lesbian sister Kim Leadbeater is standing for Labour and looks like she’s going to come in third place.
Muslim convert George Galloway appears to be set to steal the Muslim vote, but there are reports of huge amounts of dirty politics going on here, both by him and by Momentum activists determined to depose the hapless Starmer.
The evil rumour mill behind the scenes is that Labour candidate Leadbeater being gay is going to force and LGBTQIqwerty agenda on the Muslims, as well as an anti semtism program which as we know Muslims don’t like.
It’s been made worse by Starmers wife being Jewish and raising their kids in the Jewish faith (this is the dirty politics)
Meanwhile, the White working class correctly perceive that Labour HATE them with a passion and will be welcomed by the Blue Labour Tory party.
Galloway has learned some interesting tricks which is going to possibly allow him to win, and if Labour want to stand a chance of even surviving in the future they need to learn these lessons and fast!
Galloway is staunchly anti woke and condemns the stupid intolerance at every opportunity. This is the only way Labour can recover the White working class vote. Carrying telling these people that they are the ones responsible for evert false ism and fauxbia under the sun is only going to alienate them further, and they are not going to vote for a party which clearly at best dislikes them and at worst HATES them.
Galloway is pro Brexit, Labour need to turn itself to at least a neutral party on this if it want to regain the Leave voting working class.
Galloway is strong on law and order. Like the Muslims or not, they don’t like crime any more than anyone else and Labour have destroyed Policing when Labour sympathiser Cameron habded them control. They have turned the Police into the Gestapo concentrating on political issues which aren’t even crime, and hurty feelings.
Labour love crime and criminality, that’s never going to fly with voters.
There is only one course of action Labour can take if it wants to regain power, and that is becoming ever more clear. Go woke go broke has again destroyed Labours electoral chances. They have to unequivocally distance themselves from identity politics and the woke agenda if they want any hope of re-engaging with the White working class.
Minority pandering will not win elections, only majorities can do that, and alienating the majority is why Labour finds itself unelectable today.
If I remember correctly the bi election is on the 1st of July – next Thursday week .
It will be interesting on so many fronts
1 the effectiveness of election fraud through postal votes
2 the emotional ‘traction ‘ the dead Labour MP has
3 whether anything either nut nut or Starmer says has value
4 whether the vaccine dividend will win it for the Tories
5 whether there is talk of reducing restrictions at that time
6 whether there are local issues
7 turn out level –
8 the sort of coverage the MSM give – inc GBNews
9 whether the left vote is split by Galloway
Yes – I know – it’s Westminster village anorak stuff but anything which pushes the current regime even a little but to the Right will be welcome .
At the moment it’s a contest for who is least incompetent / corrupt ….
Don’t know about the crime bit Thoughtful.
The idea of what actually constitutes criminal behaviour held by many within the British Muslim community seems to differ a hell of a lot from what most of the rest of us consider to be right or wrong or legal.
I don’t think any of us want sharia law.
Correlation is not causation
The vaccines watchdog is “closely monitoring” reports from 4,000 women who suffered period problems after having their Covid jab (The Times)
Hmm if 40 million people have been vaccinated
about 10 million are females who have periods
So the incidence is 4 in 10,000
one in 2,500
and at least some will be a coincidence
What about the men who suffer period problems after the jab.
Can’t remember where I read it, possibly here, but the wokies have demanded it’s accepted that men also get periods so they join the 100 or so miscellaneous genders of the lgbbbbcitvwtf+ lot.
Can’t be having any of that (whatever ‘ist it is) on here Stew.
Statistical significance is a reasonable test to apply – given that we are volunteering to be guinea pigs and the vaccine manufacturers are getting a bye with unfortunate consequences – I feel it isn’t unreasonable to expect that the present balkanisation of stats gets sorted out for the next round of whack-a- bug.
I feel at the moment that I can’t rely on almost all of the numbers presented as mendacity, stupidity and ignorance are all too common.
4 British Airways pilots have died within a week of the second jab. It’s an odd thing because pilots are subject to regular medical check ups to make sure they are safe to fly so eveything about a humans medical history is known about them, and there is no connecting factor or health weakness as to why they should have died prematurely. The only connecting factor is the vaccination.
It is inexplicable any other way, and unsurprisingly it is being kept as quiet as possible.
This is a genuinely alarming development. It seems the fact of the four deaths is not a rumour or false news or baseless gossip but completely and verifiably true. So it’s therefore even more alarming that none of the major media outlets have touched it or investigated the deaths. Just incompetent oversight? Or something else?
The media silence is deafening.
English Heritage webpage about the statue of RAF legend Bomber Harris on the Strand has been updated to reflect loony left arguments that his wartime bombing of Nazi Germany “was a war crime”.
thread where they just answered back.
Stew – being a student of the period – I do muse on what the reaction would have been if the Bomb was dropped on Berlin if it had been ready a bit earlier ….
How anyone can view what Bomber Command had to do as a ‘war crime ‘ is just beyond me . As far as I am concerned Germany (west ) got a too easy time after 1945 and should still be paying us ….
Stew, it was his dog.
(Can’t recall it’s name)
There was a famous war time dog with a peculiar name
The “age” restricted thing again – time that Google has their feet held to the fire.
Jigger, or something…
The Harris black labs name is a common nickname for anyone called Nigel where I’m from.
Imagine that I could be accused of racism or convicted of a “hate-crime” simply for greeting a mate by the name I’ve always known them by in a 99.99999% white North Antrim town.
We’re living in Clown World.
So John Bercow, the worst Speaker in history and Britain-hating remainer has joined the Labour Party. What a surprise. As Guy Opperman says ‘Labour are welcome to him’. It says a lot about him, and his contempt for the British constitution as Speaker, and it says a lot about Labour.
Lord Berkow to you, son
What a surprise? It would appear to have been so to the cowardly useless incompetent Tories who couldn’t see another far left politico in their number and elected him as speaker.
The fact Bercow crossed the floor says more about the state of the fat left Tories than anything else.
This’ll have al beeb all in a twist. I can already hear the rending of garments, wailing and gnashing of teeth, followed by mournful expressions of sorrow.
From the Telegraph …
No Toady Watch today obviously as it is the Sabbath but I might have been doing one after R4 News at 8 a.m.. The newsreader stated that a wedding has to be ‘solemnised’ (my word, not his) indoors in the UK. That is not true. For twenty years or more, weddings have been able to take place outdoors as long as the venue and area is licensed for the solemnisation of marriages.
Can you trust the BBC?
Not when an error like that enters the main news on Radio 4. There must have been someone in the newsroom who would have known that is not true just through personal experience of attending an outdoor wedding.
Main Defendant in Champs-Élysées Terror Attack Case Gets Just Ten Years in Prison, No Terror Conviction
BBC News
June marks Pride month and from the high street to social media feeds, pride branding and merchandise can be seen everywhere.
But campaigners are calling out big brands for what they say is “rainbow capitalism”.
The loudest call of any activist campaign, especially in this arena, has 20,000 staff, a £5B completed funding and zero accountability.
But yes, brands are currently beyond a joke.
Spiked questions whether Political Correctness kills
I damn racism trumping all else, the lives and safety of innocent people MUST come first so if someone gets fingered in error it’s too bad, it is totally necessary until the barbarians stop murdering innocent people.
If it has to upset some innocent individuals, so be it, the heartless murderers have made it 100% a requirement.
If you are innocent then you have nothing to fear.
We now witness ordinariny individuals grabbed by plod for flouting face-mask or social gathering rules because of some bug but authorities backing off suspicious potential bombers due to their “Race” fragility.
You can’t make this shit up!
Yes and Mother’s day is the day for celebrating all parents ?
And Eid is the day for celebrating all religions ?
What is the point in selecting a special day, for a special topic and then including everyone ?
Would that include police, magistrates, and probation officers?
Interesting to see you are now supporting the far Left feminazis Pug! I wrote a piece about this not so many days ago pointing out that we should not take either side as the whole thing is a complete red herring.
Do you have a personal stake in this? If not then what does it matter to you?
TO most of us it’s as important as the number of angels which can dance on the head of a pin.
It might serve you well to do some research on how all this originated with a Communist refugee from Nazi Germany to America way back before WWII.
The damage these refugees are capable of is incalculable. This trans theory along with critical race theory came from him and is designed purely to damage society.
Don’t get deflected by this, it’s very easy, and once you have they just apply the usual labels to you and your argument is over.
I could care less what some brand of queer calls themselves . But I won’t have the English language perverted because ones ‘ feelings are hurt ….
And as a result the Communists win. Was it worth your outrage though?
Speaking of wimmin, Springster again walking in footsteps of Dickey Chappelle. Well, from behind her lappy.
Quite how anyone gets in touch with her or Wendy when they block anyone asking the wrong kind of questions about corporate purveyors of fake news escapes me.
Looks remarkably like Banksy’s work below!
The BBC carrying a big warning story about the rocketing costs of importing goods.
Shipping disruption: ‘We’re doing our best – but this is crippling’
… say furniture Company Peppermills.
The unsaid inference of course is that it’s the evil effect of Brexit and an incompetent Government.
Turns out that this company are having to pay lots more to hire containers to ship their product in from China.
The real truth is that they are not suffering from rising costs due to any UK interference, they are simply falling victim to the Chinese grand plan.
For years China has been carbon copying consumer goods in the West using practically slave labour and undercutting UK and Western World prices thereby. In my opinion this is not so much a trade war as a political one.
Look around your homes and check the manufacturing country on all your stuff and I’ll be prepared to bet that much if not most of it is made in China.
Much of the goods on Amazon are from China.
So why would China embark on manufacturing goods at little profit to get high sales in Europe and the USA?
It’s to drive western companies out of business, as simple as that. This will have the effect of both reducing the strength of those countries and making them in due course beholden to China.
Of course UK companies such as Peppermills have been attracted by the opportunity to make huge mark-ups simply by buying Chinese then adding hefty profit margins, it makes for a very temporary successful business with very little effort.
Of course the Chinese have been able to take control of much of the international shipping business into the bargain thereby tightening their stranglehold on the West.
Western governments need to wake up to what’s really going on here and start to retaliate by investing much more in local manufacturing.
It has reached the stage where even well-known brands such as Black & Decker, Apple, and zillions of others products will now be bearing the Made in China mark in small print on the back.
You can only blame the greed of these Western Companies for falling for this trickery. They have been able to profit off the backs of the massive low-paid Chinese workforce.
My guess is that China is about to move to stage 2 by turning the screw, hence the shipping cost hikes. The West, unable to play catch-up will have to bow down to the Chinese eventually just to have goods on sale at any price as there are now so few domestic producers who have been either priced out or have sold out to China in the quest for quick profit.
It is a dangerous situation for the West as reduction in manufacturing inevitably leads to a huge reduction in local raw material production which will eventually have a spin-off into other areas such as defence. Of course China will be more than happy to see that.
So wake up politicians and take a look at what’s going on, it’s a very scary situation!
The BBC of course could have covered this possibility in their story but chose to red-flag the Government of the UK!
Are there still 11,000 container-fulls of shite Chinese PPE ordered by Handcock & Co. constipating Felixstowe container port?
How quickly people forget!
The rise in shipping costs is in no small part due to the ship which got stuck in the Suez canal causing a weeklong backlog which is still having a knock on effect.
Supply now being shorter means prices rise as a consequence. Air freight has been affected by Covid with fewer passenger planes meaning less airfreight – apparantly many passenger planes carried a lot of airfreight too.
Early days for GB News, but it is not entirely open.
I have concerns but will comment later.
Kirsty Brimelow hails from the same barrister’s chambers as soon to be ex Labour leader Starmer
The scientists have tasted power and blood now and have a massively over-inflated impression of how important they now are. I think we are in for years of this absolute circus and carnage.
I am waiting for the first National Retailer to announce that facemasks and hand-gel stations are set to be a permanent feature to enter their stores forever. My money is on IKEA….
digg, I think you are right but you could add ‘and the NHS’ after the word ‘scientists’.
Advisers and sage are far too keen on public statements. This is poor government. They need to hold their peace and advise not try to make policy.
Ex BBC DG Marmaduke Hussey has said that he thought at the time Martion Bashir was crooked. He died in 2006 and his testimony from beyond the grave proves that anotehr ex DG Lord Birt has been lying when he said “nobody in charge at the BBC had doubted ex-religion editor Mr Bashir’s integrity”
The real fact is that the BBCs enormous Left wing bias meant they were incapable of seeing that Bashir who is a Pakistani Muslim was a fraud. For the rest of us, knowing his heritage immediately raises suspicions because so many of them are as bent as 9 bob notes that there’s a greater chance of them being crooked than being straight !
Not a Toady watch again – must be #2: I was struck by the lead item in the 8 a.m. R4 News. Brazil and the ‘Far Right’ President of Jair Bolsanaro. The second highest deaths from the Covid virus after the USA. Of course the Far Left BBC (what is good for the goose is good for the gander) did not question why such a virus might have been visited up those two countries – and the United Kingdom for that matter.
Instead they just played a sound clip of a demonstration, purporting to be against Bolsanaro and mentioned that there are calls for the President to be impeached. Now, where have I heard that before?
Oh yes, on the BBC.
November 2016 to November 2020.
pug, bizarre isn’t it? You will have to be patient for my next Web-site Watch.
Guardian running a piece about BBC upping security because of online abuse and the like . God who cares . If it was journalism it would matter- but it is just far left woke propaganda pretending to be news . It’s good they worry .
“Anti-Vaxxer death threats”
Marianna is so on it.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – funny the ‘F’ ‘R’ word is not mentioned at all
An exhibition is being created in a Science Museum outpost in Manchester (bit like the BBC in Salford) about Factory Records and its then key bands, Joy Division, Happy Mondays and New Order, Jeremy Vine’s favourite band. It is strange that the article on the BBC does not include the words ‘Far’ and ‘Right’ together. I seem to recall that that was an aspect of the music content and part of the appeal of The Hacienda night-club and the bands that played there.
The BBC love to drop the ‘Far Right’ tag in front of anyone they disapprove of, new PM of Israel, Naftali Bennett for example. Suddenly, that is all forgotten. I wonder why?
I’m also puzzled why the young lady putting Ian Curtis’ Vox Phantom guitar in the display cabinet is afraid that it will breathe on her and give her the Covid virus. Bizarre.
You mean the Nazi names ?
“Originally called Warsaw, they changed their name to Joy Division in January 1978, taking the title from the term given to the prostitution wings of Nazi concentration camps in World War II.
The name was taken from a graphic paperback novel written by a Holocaust survivor called House Of Dolls, but the decision would cause the Manchester band no end of controversy, from people who thought the musicians themselves had right wing sympathies.
When Ian Curtis died from suicide the members continued their pact to make a fresh start.. and through some coincidences . came up with the name The New Order.
What the band failed to appreciate was that “New Order” was already a heavily loaded term – the phrase gets a few mentions in the book Mein Kampf by none other than Adolf Hitler, as a description of how his planned Holocaust was going to change the face of Germany …and the world.
Coincidentally Stooge front man Ron Asheton has earlier used the name the New Order for one of his bands and he did collect Nazi memorabilia.
Yes, Stew, the National Socialist bit. I seem to recall – about two decades ago(!) – that when Jeremy Vine cited New Order as his favourite band he attracted quite a lot of excited comment (not necessarily from the BBC) and spent magazine articles explaining he liked them just for the tunes in the music, that sort of thing.
You know, the Tony Hall, weaseling, in front of the HoC Committeet type stuff. 😉
Snuffy, I understand you posting this, but whenever I highlight it to read the article I keep getting asked to open a Bloody BBC account!
NV, do you not get a ‘No thanks, not now’ option?
I suspect the Beeb are getting ready for privatisation. Running advertising – they do enough of it right now – and asking for a subscription for web-site access. The BBC are greedy for money and will want to keep the cash flowing in.
Sat down to watch the Wales match. Wales took the knee. Off switch activated.
7pm Countryfile : Art in the Countryside
sounds boring.
– Gloucestershire, the world’s first museum and art gallery dedicated to art inspired by nature
– how old make-up can do just as good a job as fancy pencils. Ellie – a look through the archives to find out how the countryside has been an abiding influence artists
Wicked skills.
7 minutes between his typo and the correction tweet
I would’ve just deleted the first tweet
and put up one with the corrected spelling
I would just like to tell chums here, that our little dog gave me a Father’s Day card today!
She’s a sweet little JRT, and nearly fifteen years old, and still remembers…
We love her to bits!
And that’s a little bit of Britishness that no leftie, ignorant, foreign, unpleasant s*d can copy!
Local ITV news ..any PRasNews ?
– Sickle cell anaemia
they said 865 people in the region have it
They didn’t give the context ..that is 1 in every 6,500 people as generally in effect Afro Caribbean people , and there aren’t many up north.
+Guy raising money for the Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity
Chrome users need to update
cos today a security concern was raised
After update the version number ends in 114
Oh on Android the new version ends in 101 for me
I really do not care for dividing the world up by skin colour
but it is the lefty/lib establishment’s hobby
new NCF video : Prof. Doug Stokes: Anti-White Racism Is Rampant In Universities
.. https://youtu.be/Dlntg1qnyHM