283 Responses to Weekend Thread 26 June 2021

  1. taffman says:

    “London protests: Thousands march through capital in day of protest”
    I see that ‘Stinking Rebellion’ have ruined the party ? Its pretty obvious now that the ‘Rebellion’ shower are just a ‘rent a mob’.


  2. taffman says:

    A very Important Message to the present British Government.
    Lead by Example !
    Message to the opposition party ………..’Where were you when the ball went in the back of the net’ ?

    The only salvation this nation has now it the aptly named ‘Reform Party’.


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Two good things today

    A football team which demeaned itself by kneeling to nothing got thrashed and is out of the Euros

    A dishonoured red Tory forced out of office – no concept of right or wrong . Such a shame there is no practical alternative to the red tories . Weakens nut nut which is no bad thing .

    By the way – with a bit of luck the other Politicised UK team will be thrashed by the Germans on Tuesday .


    • Up2snuff says:

      Maybe Gareth Bale will now get his hair cut properly and lose that silly top knot. It cannot do his footballing brain any good having that flopping around either on top of his head or at the back of his head.


      • Dobyns says:

        Up2Snuff, the top knot is a handle to be used if the Gaffer ever sees sense and wants to pull Bale(ful) from the pitch and replace him


    • taffman says:

      They were playing with the wrong shaped ball. 😀


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Looks like one of the sundays has a bedroom video 

    Time for the great revolt against these government restrictions – screw them


    • Guest Who says:

      Sunday, day of the rest.

      Dreading the thought of any office footage of John just being John and attempting the equivalent of landing a 747 on a Cessna on the flight deck of the ministerial desk.

      He’s a Lord now.


      • Fedup2 says:



        • Guest Who says:


          Used the office furniture to introduce his Secretary to a small piece of political influence.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Oh – thanks – I’d forgotten that no one – and I bet his constituents in Hull have too . I thought he was dead


            • Guest Who says:

              To be clear, Hancock should have been out with a cardboard box of his stuff the instant it hit the public forum.

              Anyone that dumb needs isolating from anything important.

              But what I can’t stand is the po-faced hypocritical sanctimony flying about from the political-media establishment now.

              Piers Morgan, Beff, but no Marr as yet.

              But it seems they were all dealing with ‘stress’ in the only way they can on full essential pay, only to be forgiven.


              • Guest Who says:

                Lucky. Being a show host today on matters political and office romances might have been awks.


  5. Beltane says:

    Some were wondering earlier if a role could be found for Mohammed Farah, now that his assisted performance days seem to be over. Well, what could find greater favour with the British public than as successor to Matt Hancock – as a worker of miracles surely ‘Our Mo’ has no better credentials?

    And should his natural modesty force him to decline such a high profile role, his demure and self-effacing lady wife has to be a serious contender. All those in favour?


  6. Fedup2 says:

    The BBC has Andrew bridgen MP on. He has demeaned himself in the last day defending Hancock – and now sliming his way along 
. If only we had a Conservative or right wing government 


  7. taffman says:

    “Angela Merkel to visit Boris Johnson in UK next week”
    This looks very suspicious to me . What secret, undercover deal is going to be done ?


  8. Foscari says:

    Listen Handycock got his just deserts. BUT I wonder who
    shopped him to the Sun and got a long distance camera
    on him? Cummings perhaps? Or could of it even of have been


  9. Fedup2 says:

    Foscari – the MSM is deluded enough to think Jeremy Hunt could return as Health Secretary – perhaps they’ve forgotten he presided of the department of health for years before the Chinese virus and is the one truly responsible for the UK being incompetetent when the virus came .


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, I think you are wrong on Hunt. He left Health three years ago and became Foreign Secretary. Then he left that job in July 2019 to run against Bojo as Party leader.

      I think the PM was foolish not to have Hunt at Health. Hunt knew the department. Hunt had won a bruising battle with the JDs. Hunt would have had several months prior to 24 March to ‘get his feet under the table’ and I think he would have taken less nonsense from the media, especially the BBC, in March, April and May last year.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Up2- I will leave the public inquiry to draw out his failure over the implementation of the exercises done to deal with pandemics 


        • Deborah says:

          And Hunt set up Public Health England which seems to be full of administrators etc full of people with opinions and little to do with healing the sick.

          I would also love to know who appointed Susan Michie to SAGE? How did she get through the vetting?

          Hasn’t Jeremy Hunt got a Chinese wife? I suspect there are two kinds of Chinese, those for the CCP and those against. Before appointing a strong remainer into Cabinet, I would want to know if there were other allegiances in their background.


          • Up2snuff says:

            Yes, Deborah, Sajid Javid is very much Cameron’s & Osborne’s man. He is also a bit of a High Tory, a Thatcherite, who believes wealthy and high earning people should pay less tax than the average earner.


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Javid is the new health Secretary .maybe they’ll sort out elderly social care at last


  11. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    The pictures we see of snogger Hancock show a full page of him and his bit of tottie.

    I don’t know how big his office is but it seems fortunate that whoever it was who set the camera up chose the right place to catch old Romeo at it.

    This begs a couple of questions.

    Did the planter know this was a regular occurrence and therefore know where to aim the camera.
    Was his office being recorded from many other cameras planted by whoever and this was the one chosen for publication.

    Also, how many other MPs have spy cameras in their offices.

    A good thing is that Hancock cannot be blackmailed over this as it’s now out in the open. If someone sinister planted it they could have used it to blackmail Hancock for contracts or something.
    In a way he’s lucky as it appears more of a dirty tricks or smear effort.


  12. vlad says:

    Another story the BBC is assiduously ignoring: President Trump is holding a huge mega rally in Ohio, which is already attracting huge crowds, hours before kick-off.

    Readers with good memories may remember that Trump is the man who was soundly thrashed by a pathetic old man with mental problems, dodgy financial dealings and a criminal son, who could barely attract a handful of people to his staged ‘rallies’ – compared to Trump’s tens of thousands. Nevertheless he went on to win the greatest number of votes in the history of America, totally legitimately and with absolutely no election fraud.


  13. digg says:

    Chauvin’s sentence has doomed the USA police and possibly the freedom of the USA. It has sent a message to the forces of law and order in the USA that it is futile, they must bow down to BLM. This token savagery and denial of a humans life and future will end up doing unimaginable harm harm to the USA.

    I hope the judges are able to sleep at night as they imagine the anguish of his wife and young family.

    He has been sacrificed on the altar of a very crooked system.


    • vlad says:

      Biden and the Democrats have suddenly noticed that crime is sky-rocketing, mostly in Democrat-run cities.
      What a surprise, after months of encouraging Burn-Loot-Murder; defunding, defaming, demonising and demoralising the police; and turning a blind eye as cities went up in flames during ‘mostly peaceful’ riots.
      And now the police will be further demoralised and hamstrung in their dangerous work.


      • Dobyns says:

        Here you go vlad … eye openers … year on year …

        and what do they all have in common?? Democratic Mayors, some for generations

        [url=https://imgbb.com/]image uploader[/url]


        • vlad says:

          Portland: Up by 800% !!

          Didn’t they have a police-free autonomous zone there?

          Looks like it worked… for the criminals.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Interesting -homicide is the ‘go to ‘ crime stat because it is hard to fiddle . Even Biden computers might have trouble fixing the numbers. An 800 % increase means nothing without context . A 22% rise in NY – however is Huge. 

            Make yer bed – die in it

            I checked the NY online compstat numbers for murders to date – last year 180 this year 204 


            • Deborah says:

              We were due to visit New York when covid struck and whilst there were going to visit a cousin. She has now returned to work and asks when we will go. As she is a supporter of an old man and black woman and in favour of defunding the police, I have to chose my words carefully. But I am unlikely to visit, where as an obvious tourist, I would not feel safe on the streets.

              And only when talking to her, did she tell me many of the shops in the centre of New York are still closed. Could looting be part of the reason why they don’t reopen?


            • Dobyns says:

              Fedup2, the Portland Oregon increase is based off a very low number of homicides (4) Jan 01 2020 to Jun 13 2020 vs the corresponding period in 2021 (37) based on what I can glean.


  14. StewGreen says:

    Tonights TV

    9-12am BBC2 Glastonbury night
    and Cos BBC is very Diverse
    … 9-1am BBC4 more Glastonbury night

    8-10:30pm Channel Royal night as usual


  15. Sluff says:

    Am I dreaming ?

    The BBC, admittedly low down the webshite, are admitting the latest knife murderer, in Germany, was a Somali immigrant who shouted Allahu Akhbar as he murdered three women and wounded five other women. What is going on?

    What is manifestly not going on is a load of arch feminists in, say, Balham or Clapham, going on a demo to ‘reclaim the night’ or some such a la dear, innocent, Sarah Everard.

    The Far Left sisterhood is conflated when having to choose between two incompatible narratives.


    • JohnC says:

      Killed 3 women with a knife. Where he could see the fear in their eyes as he did it and smell their blood as it gushed over his knife. You don’t get more barbaric or full of hate than that. And injured another 5 and a child while shouting “Allah Akbar”.
      ‘Police say the suspect was possibly psychologically unstable and may have held extremist Islamist beliefs.’. Oh. That’s alright then.
      Or maybe he was a terrorist. But the word is only used once here to tell us none of his previous convictions were for terrorism.
      Just contrast this with the far-right guy from May:
      The word ‘terror’ appears 7 times and he didn’t even kill anybody.
      This narrative to sweep Muslim terror attacks under the carpet and make out the far-right are the biggest threat is absolutely disgusting. And absolutely typical of the outrageous double standards we see every day from the BBC to protect their agenda.


  16. Sluff says:

    Reference Matt Handoncock, I don’t care that much who took the video. Fact is an independent press, flawed and all, has successfully exposed the appalling hypocrisy of a leader in government. They didn’t blow up a music arena.
    Would that certain statist media did an investigative job as good as we have seen today.


    • taffman says:

      “Reference Matt Handoncock”
      I think he is going to get what is coming to him ?


    • JohnC says:

      I don’t care 2 hoots about Hancock but I care a lot about knowing how The Sun got the video.
      Funny how all these things help the Left. From bugging Trump before he was elected to the audio of Nut-Nut screaming at Boris which went straight in The Guardian.


      • G.W.F. says:

        At least the Handoncock story has deflected interest away from Priti and her Border gang’s latest achievements in importing men of military age


  17. Twin_Town says:

    I’m sorry if anyone else has covered this but I almost barffed when I saw it


    A diverse crew
. Do me a favour – there were probably loads of slaves on board not a 70-30 mix of black/white as the rancid company would have us believe. A “story” invented as they checked 8 bodies and 4 were “mixed ethnicity” or some kind of woke nonsense. They were the ones that didn’t escape from deck as they were probably shackled in the midship. There were 415 crew and they found 4 that weren’t whitey, so we must have been a nice bunch back in the day and promoted harmony đŸ˜©.

    How glad I am I don’t pay for this kind of crap to be written anymore.


    • StewGreen says:

      I wonder if it’s the normal fallacy of finding strontium indicating living in North Africa
      and then asserting the person was black
      ..which would be the least likely thing
      compared to the person being Berber or a European who lived in North Africa


    • taffman says:

      “Cardiff University has been analysing the bones to find out their origins and they believe some sailors may have come from as far as southern Europe and Africa.”

      Note, the operative word “some” sailors.
      How many is “some”. Is it two or three?


    • StewGreen says:

      The BBC first did this story 16 Mar 2019
      and Simon Webb called it BS for the reasons I already mentioned.

      I don’t know if now they have some magic proof one sailor was actually *black*


  18. taffman says:

    Dover is being invaded on a daily basis . Last year our Home Sec warned the invaders that they would be ‘sent back’. Of course, we all know that by the time Priti makes a move to that end it will be ‘fait accompli’.
    She and Bo Jo know this, that’s why we get the inactivity .
    What other country would allow a foreign navy to ferry in illegal invaders?

    We have a fantastic navy and marine force who are amazed that they are not called in to protect our nation’s security and borders, because that’s what their job is.
    Priti next ?


    • JimS says:

      One would have thought that a proper ‘Border Force’ would be challenging any unauthorised entry into UK territorial waters and, if neccessary, backing it up with a few rounds of GP machine gun fire if they persisted.

      As it is we might as well offer free passage on Eurostar with onward travel to Scotland, which suffers from an extreme whhhite problem – apparently, according to their Hate Justice Minister.


  19. Eighthdimension says:

    In news that will shock no-one, Doctor Who ‘to cast Olly Alexander as first gay actor to play Time Lord’




    • JohnC says:

      Any aliens in their saucers who watch the BBC must think 50% of the UK population are gay, 75% are black and 90% are women.


      • StewGreen says:

        BBC-land is another dimension to the one we live in.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        Put it this way: the Alpha Centaurians have abandoned their plans to collect human DNA in order to revive their dying race. From now on, it’s strictly crop circles and mutilating cattle only.


    • Zelazek says:

      After a female Dr Who, a gay one. I presume they think this will revive the show’s fortunes.

      They never learn, do they?


      • JohnC says:

        They don’t have to care : they get funded even if nobody watches it.
        I see it more as a symbolic ‘f*ck you’ to the Right.
        The Left are unpleasant, spiteful creatures when you dust away the hypocrisy.


      • G.W.F. says:

        Dr Who will get on with the gay daleks


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      The ultra woke Jodie Whittaker series finally put paid to my watching Dr Who, something I had done since the days of Jon Pertwee. But I must hand it to the BBC’s gay mafia, they really do want to test the brand to destruction. I think they will succeed.


  20. StewGreen says:

    The media pantomime have got people screaming “Hancock broke the rules grrrh”
    I still don’t think he did
    And in the real world the rules are about preventing Covid, and since we know that once you’ve had proper Covid you 99% sure don’t get it again, I don’t think you should treat the rules the same as if you’d never had it.
    Hancock had had Covid in March 2020.


  21. Scroblene says:

    I don’t really feel either way about Matt Hancock. He’s had possibly one of the worst years-and-a-half any minister would endure. He’s been sent to all sorts of ‘briefings’, whether he agrees or not, he’s had ‘advice’ from hundreds of parties, many of which were at the best slightly useful, and at the worst, spurious. There’s been nobody to challenge all this advice, because as soon as one lot says something, another lot disagree!

    He caught the covids himself and had a rough time; he was seen at every opportunity for government to get their heads round the problem of the pandemic, and certainly made several cock-ups in the process which must have riled him. And all this time, he was probably getting flak from family and friends for being hardly there and everywhere at the same time. He got little support from other ministers, and some of the old lags should hold their heads in shame at the way they threw him to a hostile press and definitely the BBC, with their smug ‘gotchas’ at every turn.

    Everyone knows that most of Parliament contains people with egos the size of a small elephant, and some of them are the whole bodies as well, especially in the opposition, so ‘rock and a hard place’ seems to fit the bill ‘Chez Scrobs’…

    The issue of spying cameras is nasty though. Sting? Real security lapse? I don’t know, but if film of every snog, shag and fumble was collected on all the other occasions in the past, it’d better come out in the open pretty soon, because this can of worms isn’t going away soon. And where are the cameras in W1AA? Can we have a peek please?

    And anyway, who knows if the Gina lady wasn’t doing a fair bit of angling herself? I’d be interested in a Marr interview, ‘So what’s it like being caught doing a naughty then’? 

    ‘It’s supposed to be me asking you the questions, Mr Hancock’!


    • theisland says:

      Let us not forget – Hancock loves the bBC.

      Commons: 9 January 2018 – Debate on BBC Pay
      “Like most Members, I strongly support the BBC, and, like most of the licence fee payers who fund it, I would go so far as to say that I love it.”

      (That was before he ‘loved’ the NHS of course)


      • JohnC says:

        Surely that’s ‘and, like most of the licence fee payers who fund it (without providing any evidence), I would go so far as to say that I love it.”
        Then after a couple of weeks for people to get used that, the line in the sand would be moved to:
        ‘and the false claim that like most of the licence fee payers who fund it, I would go so far as to say that I love it.’
        Or does that trick only work from Left to Right ?.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Scrobie, good post. Penultimate para – think you may have caught the camera placement operative. She now has what she was after.

      There might be a side benefit for all of us in the UK. Can we trust SAGE? Could they be up to the same malarkey of bugs and hidden cameras? There may well be a big security sweep of Ministerial offices and other rooms in Westminster and Whitehall. I would be surprised if there was not but anything goes with Bojo as PM.


      • Scroblene says:

        Thanks, Snuffy!

        In fact, I cocked that para up, as it should have meant Marr v Hancock, and not Gina…

        But there again, it’s all the sort of stuff we’re used to on the awful bbbc.

        BTW, I listened to a bit of The Moral Maze late last night! Didn’t understand a single, solitary word they all said…

        Must be getting sealion…


        • Up2snuff says:

          Scrobie, I gave up on the MM last night as well. The psychobabble of the, I think, fourth witness was a bit too much for me. I was still chuckling at the thought of Ash Sarkar being described by Michael Buerk as a ‘Libertarian and Marxist’ as I would think those ‘tags’ are in reality mutually exclusive so I went off to bed in a good mood.

          PS: Don’t know where you get sealions, retail, but IKEA do a nice line in pickled herring in jars. You and the Senora had better lobby for an IKEA store to be opened on the site of the Dungeness Power Station which is, I understand, threatened with closure.


          • Scroblene says:

            Ha ha ha, Snuffy!

            It was Jennings telling his chum Derbyshire that he was forgetting things so was turning ‘sealion’…

            I’ve never been to an Ikea store, and as they shunned GBN, probably never will now! We used to go to the ‘farting tent’ in Ashford though…

            As for Dungeness, blimey, they only finished building it a few years ago! All I can recall from a visit back then, was a seawater inlet (for cooling?), being full of bloated fish!


  22. StewGreen says:

    R4 now the Hospitality Pledge to open your home to refugees
    Here’s the woman who has opened her home over the years, to 15 teenage boys”

    … As if most refugees are not adults.
    All very friendly she mentions no problems.
    “They only come, cos they are desperate”

    The item is #PRasNews for the campaigning org

    … claim it’s only 8,000 boat people per year

    Now Adrian Hilton warns of the danger to householders

    … He adds “these people are not fleeing danger, they are fleeing Calais”


  23. Guest Who says:

    The bbc appears to think this is a sakes point.


  24. Guest Who says:

    Beff still has Kay though.


  25. StewGreen says:

    Coming up : non-lefty allowed on Radio4

    Zoe Strimpel argues that the culture war is no fake or proxy war – but rather ideas about what is acceptable to know, to teach and to think.
    Thirty years after the US sociologist James Davison Hunter wrote his book ‘Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America’, Zoe looks at how those ideas are playing out around the world today.
    ‘There is a sense of menace about,’ she writes,
    ‘of pent-up, complicated grievance.
    I worry that the culture war could tip into something far more deadly.’

    well BLM protests have led to harm and deaths

    Oh they are playing Jerusalem now… again unusual on the BBC


  26. Guest Who says:




    But the girls in the media have gone wild. And the wimmin.


  27. Thoughtful says:

    The BBC has done the inevitable and chosen the first openly gay Doctor Who.


    The BBC can only produce such outrageous shite because of the unique way they are funded i.e. by foricible seizure of TV owners money by threat of criminal sanction. No one or only very few would pay their hard earned to watch such drivel.

    In moving to the extremes the BBC is alienating and driving a wedge into British society. Large swathes who weren’t already turned off by the outrageous promotion of homosexuality.

    Just take a look at this guy:

    The show is already banned in most Muslim and devout Christian countries because of the offence it causes

    That takes in Arabia, Africa, and South America plus large parts of Asia, and it is only shown in extreme loony left wing countries such as Canada and on certain US networks.

    The BBC could not produce such divisive crap if it had to have an eye to commercial returns.
    How come it’s OK for the BBC to offend and alienate almost every minority group it claims to be oppressed, when it wants to?
    This is not only driving a wedge on a world scale I can’t believe there will be many Muslim families allowing their kids to watch this, I know I wouldn’t allow mine to, regardless of the fact I don’t pay the TV tax.

    How on Earth have the far Left cowardly useless incompetent Tories allowed this coroporation to become so blatantly biased to the left on their watch and with their own DG appointment in charge?


  28. StewGreen says:

    A member of the public found British top secret documents about Russia strewn in Kent, and *contacted the BBC*.
    … well they are not trustworthy.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Beat me to it, Stew, was going to post on that. You have to wonder at the intelligence of the ‘finder’ in not contacting the Defence Ministry directly or the police as an alternative. Instead the ‘finder’ contacts the BBC ….. hmmmnn. I wonder what political Party the un-named ‘finder’ might be involved with?

      Maybe Marianna could Spring into action?

      Or maybe not.


  29. Guest Who says:

    Another classic BBC inanimate object subbing effort..



  30. Guest Who says:

    Vile goes full Abbott.


    Maybe if the Fail charged a compulsory fee unless you voluntarily withdraw access to all press?


  31. AsISeeIt says:

    Hancock bumper edition

    Opponents of the Tories (with a little technical assistance from… pick your villain… Dom Cummings scribbled note books, Vladimir Putin’s Kompromat spies, or was it Xi Jinping’s Huawei software?) they may try to put their own gloss on it… but it is the Sun newspaper that has their scalp this morning: ‘Matt finished‘ – albeit that scalp is whispy, thin and receding: ‘Health Sec out after Sun scoop… two days after we exposed his office snog

    The tabloidese punning metaphores may proliferate – like the Delta varient in Bradford – exponentially – and according to officials – inexplicably.

    Our Matt may be remembered for his emergency press conferences that were like watching paint dry but today’s Mail on Sunday frontpage feature on Mrs Martha Hancock is surely rather cruelly playing with her emulsions: ‘Brave face… near her home yesterday as it emerged her husband told her on Thursday their marriage was over

    I favour this suggestive phrasing:

    Cheating Matt Hancock finally fell on his sword last night‘ (Sunday Mirror) – nasty.

    Which unpleasantly segways into this snippet of european news from the BBC: ‘Germany knife attack: Three killed were all women‘ – I’ll give you three guesses…

    Well, I’m sorry, even on this morning after we can’t remain forever in the happy afterglow of Hancock’s apparent self-sacking.

    The BBC are uncharateristically quick to get on top of the story: ‘The 24-year-old suspect, a Somali immigrant, grabbed a knife from the kitchen section of a department store, attacking several inside. He then lashed out at people outside. Five women and a child were also injured in the attack. Police say the suspect was possibly psychologically unstable and may have held extremist Islamist beliefs… A witness reported that the suspect shouted “Allah Akbar” during the attack‘ – that’s covered just about every angle. Now forget it.

    Remind me what the entire news and current affairs agenda has been about this last fifteen months… oh yeah… public health and safety.

    Hancock quits: “Those of us who make these rules have got to stick by them”‘ (Sunday Telegraph) – so I vote Home Secretary Priti Patel has the next batch of Somali immigrants that rock up in Dover moved in next door to her and her family.

    One tends to criticise our daily press editorials for their stodgy predictability and instead praise the political cartoonists for their quick wit, but the Sunday People have raised a smile with a naughty out of context quote from Boris on Hancock: ‘PM: “Be very proud of what you have achieved‘ – punching well above his weight, I think you’ll agree. Come on ladies, be honest, hand on heart, tell me you don’t rank the chaps on some scale – perhaps awarding scores from one to ten?

    For all the ‘breaking guidance‘ in his ‘rule-breaking clinch‘ (Mirror) it is from the Mail that we learn via a handy quote from a friend: ‘it all started in May, but it is serious‘ – no not the new Omega Varient from Bangladesh now heading for Tower Hamlets – this is Hancock’s quick work. You see Tory ministers can get the job done when they put their shoulder into it.

    Sadly we search the tabloid frontpages in vain for the once familiar term love rat but we do spot a rare reference this week to Sir Keir who has been lying lower than a a crocadile’s belly with problems of his own looming in Batley and Spen – which sounds to me like an old music hall turn.

    Despite his many failures, betrayals and multiple shortcomings, the Observer still bravely stands by their man: ‘Sir Keir Starmer, Labour leader on Twitter…‘ – which just about sums him up – had this to say: ‘“Matt Hancock is right to resign. But Johnson should have sacked him”‘ – how do we know he didn’t?

    And it is ladies day this Sunday. Seems the females are getting all the action: ‘How I was dragged to the bottom of a lagoon in a crocodile’s jaws – and saved by my twin sister‘ (Mail)

    Zoe Ball: The ex-“ladette” who’s cheering up the nation‘ (Observer)

    Anna Pasternak: The unseen side of Ghislaine Maxwell‘ (Sunday Telegraph)

    Laura Whitmore exclusive: Love Island‘ (Mirror) – otherwise known as the fifth floor of the Department of Health?

    On the subject of Love Island: ‘Sizzler Shannon Singh stars in the new season… “I’m proud dad was a stripper”‘ (Sunday People)

    Diana: Her life, her loves, her legacy‘ (Express – of course it is)

    And finally, if you ever worried whether our left-leaning media thought clearly, then think about the Observer’s peculiar offer of ‘Subscribers save up to 43%‘ – not 50% or 40%, mind you. That’s right folks… 43%

    And from that confusion over the simple matter of consumer marketing to their dubious political leanings: ‘From Mao to Xi. 100 years of the party in China‘ – they do say Mao killed 45 million of his countrymen in four years. Some party.


  32. Guest Who says:

    Pesto raises what is oddly less news.


    • digg says:

      It doesn’t take much figuring out that the incident appears to take place in a vestibule rather than an office, a place where CCTV cameras would be expected for security reasons. (Thus rather proving the lack of intelligence of Hancock I guess!)

      They are clearly shown on the ceiling.

      The key question that the BBC feel unable to ask is who had access to the footage and decided to send this to the newspapers, lefty-security guard maybe, or maybe the left in Government have had access to the footage for some time in case they could trawl and use something of this nature? This would of course point to collusion between the HOC security services and Labour would it not?

      Possibly MH may even have a case for an invasion of privacy charge?


  33. StewGreen says:

    Hull : I did mention that local BBC had mentioned a large investigation involving 34 men
    but left us guessing who.

    It was the group you’d predict
    Six young women bravely spoke to Hull Live about their ordeal at the hands of abusers they describe as being men of Asian and Middle Eastern backgrounds, including Turkish, Kurdish and Bangladeshi.

    All but one of the victims we spoke to were under 16 at the time and targeted at school, a children’s home and even a medical setting.

    One victim describes being tied to a radiator while wearing her school uniform before being raped by a man in his sixties.
    Witnesses said another girl was raped by eight men while unconscious.


    Sex gangs preyed on young girls as part of a suspected child grooming ring in Hull, we can exclusively reveal.

    Girls, including some of primary school age, have told how they were subjected to repeated rapes, sexual assaults and degrading treatment at locations around the city over several years.
    They say they were also trafficked further afield to be abused by more men.


    • Fedup2 says:

      No doubt it would be the first time Prescott heard anything about it 
 too busy counting the taxpayer cash he has been trousering all these years 
. And the croquet and jags of course 

      Elsewhere – I wonder when we’ll get our first dose of sajid ? On GBNews last night – whilst watching another tedious Euros game ( so many ) – they were saying how Cummings is already laying into the new Health Minister as a ‘no hoper’.

      Personally I have a theory that sajid will try to get popularity by ending some restrictions early –
      And I reckon he is more likely to do something – any thing about Elderly Care – or ‘social care ‘ as some call it 

.I’m not sure how long it is before parliament goes on its holidays again so sajid might have a bit of time . 

      As things stand the tories could open up EU travel and blame Merkel for no one being able to go anywhere because of her demands for quarantine on arrival 


      • Fedup2 says:

        While all the love rat stuff has been going on there are rumours of a challenge to Starmer with dawn butler in the frame to attack from the left 
. Please please please do 

        Dawn is my favourite of a Hugh choice of thick Labour wimmin to choose from . There is even a YouTube channel for them 


  34. G.W.F. says:

    The BBC failed to cover their Trot demo in Batley which marched through the town in opposition to a proposed demo by the ‘fash’, consisting of Ann Marie Walters and TR. But the fash never turned up, and the Trots marched through a column of coppers shouting ‘Oooze streets r streets’ accompanied by a few jeers from behind the police lines.
    Unite Against Fascism
    From the Pennines to the sea, Yorkshire will be fascist-free!
    Hundreds of antiracists and antifascists gathered in Batley to oppose threats of fascists and racists marching through the town where Jo Cox was murdered by a Far Right extremist.
    Facist Tommy Robinson had been set to Join For Britain’s Anne Marie Waters in the town – to boost her campaign in the Batley & Spen by-election but Robinson and For Britain were a no show today.
    Despite a very big police presence trade unionists, campaigners and members of the Muslim community rallied and eventually marched through town.
    Whose Batley? Our Batley.


    • theisland says:

      It looks like FB did a bit of quiet canvassing away from ‘rent-a-mob’ and AMW faced a hostile interview from dumb Channel 4.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Best result all round – different bits of the enemy are ripping each other apart – why have someone universally hate by them – such as TR – go there to unite them?

      Although there would be a peeing contest about who can hate him the most 


  35. Foscari says:

    What with my 2-0 prediction for Italy to beat Austria. I
    am prone to error , which is obvious. But I admit I can’t
    understand how somebody with , I would expect high security
    clearance is able to flog to the Sun what he or she finds on a security camera from a government ministers office. OK this
    time it was just, a not allowed snog. But I would think that
    more serious visuals could be sold to Russia or China . And
    worse of all the BBC ! Or was Hancock set up at a very high


    • Up2snuff says:

      Qui bono, Foscari?

      Who has won something … or someone?


      • Foscari says:

        Up2-I just think that something stinks here. Boris felt that
        he could not sack him because on the face of it Hancock
        was just doing something that Boris had been doing for most
        of his adult life. And that the only way to get rid of this
        “useless idiot” was to get him to fall on his sword, so to speak.


        • Up2snuff says:

          But who set the camera, who had a motive …. ?


          • Fedup2 says:


            Maybe the right question is

            ‘Who didn’t have a motive ?’

            That office must have been covered with cameras .

            The lady herself is the likeliest candidate to get into nice shot for the camera 


  36. BRISSLES says:

    I can count on one hand the number of acquaintances/colleagues/friends that I’ve known to have an ‘affair’. Yet I’d need an A4 folder to list all the MPs of all parties over the years who have had extra maritals –

    Robert Boothby was a serial adulterer
    John Profumo – well what DIDN’T he do ?
    Robin Cook – poor sod got caught at the airport about to go on hols with wifey,
    Prescott had rumpy in his office – making love with a sea lion, what was she thinking ??
    Cecil Parkinson was the rat who had a love child he didn’t want to recognise
    Paddy Pantsdown Ashdown ! what fun we had with him !
    David Mellor – his lover must have kept her eyes shut
    Edwina & John – well, who’d have thought ???
    David Blunkett – not saying anything


    • G.W.F. says:

      You missed out Cameron with a pig’s head


      • BRISSLES says:

        BLIMEY ! I had to look that one up !!! ewwwwww ! I won’t look at a sausage the same ever again.


    • TrickCyclist says:

      At the time of Prescott’s affair somebody – no doubt a female columnist – wrote that ‘going to bed with him must be like having a wardrobe fall on you with the key still in.’


      • Guest Who says:

        IIRC that was about Nicholas Soames.

        At least a bed was involved.

        L’affaire Rapporteur must have been like enduring a Richter Nine but on top of the table.


  37. Guest Who says:

    Vile has gone from kindergarten jokes to high horse to cute questioning.


  38. Guest Who says:

    OT, but she does not appear to be an albino.


  39. Guest Who says:



  40. theisland says:

    A huge crowd has descended on central London today to make their feelings known to the Government about the endless restrictions we have been living under since March last year.

    Stop Press: BBC News has actually covered the protest, although it describes the number of protestors as “thousands” and is at pains to point out that the numbers aren’t just made up by anti-lockdown protestors: “

    [As noted by posters to this site]
    Whether it was austerity or Palestine, lockdown or the NHS, campaigners of all ages and backgrounds wanted to make their voices heard today.”

    Stop Press 2: The Evening Standard covered the protest in a surprisingly balanced way. The Guardian, on the other hand, did not.


  41. Guest Who says:

    House journal in the BBC happy place.

    As is, it seems, the Norwegian lad.


  42. StewGreen says:

    Belfield : Pride Week On Emmerdale 😂 They’ve Booked A Drag Queen



  43. theisland says:

    The independent report, whose authors were (with one exception) all ethnic minorities, recognised that racism is still something many ethnic minorities experience, but that the term “white privilege”, far from helping to combat racism, is actually stoking divisions and marginalising the most disadvantaged.

    However, in a BBC Bitesize video designed for children which has over 3 million views, it was claimed that white privilege “brings us closer to those that are different” and white children have a duty to understand their privilege so society is “fairer and more equal”.


  44. StewGreen says:

    Young lady, please step into my office, to receive your jab.


  45. theisland says:

    ‘JUST UNLUCKY?’ Andrew Marr reveals he had ‘nasty bout’ of Covid despite having both vaccines & may have picked up virus at G7 summit


    • Up2snuff says:

      Has he had time to have a nasty bout of Covid and be back at work at the BBC? Two weeks is not long enough, Andy. Cold? Influenza? Misdiagnosis?


  46. theisland says:

    David Vance podcast 7 mins
    The double vaccinated are 50% of new cases in Israel


    • StewGreen says:

      Yes that’s how math works
      You have a massive pool of vaccinated in Israel
      vs a tiny pool of unvaccinated
      so most of the new cases will be in the vaccinated pool
      even though their individual risk is a tenth of an unvaccinated person.

      If you have a pool of 100 unvaccinated and they all meet a contagious person .. the max number of cases is 100
      – If you have a pool of 2,000 vaccinated with a 90% effectiveness and they all meet a contagious person .. 10% get Covid so you get 200 actual cases.


      • Up2snuff says:

        In addition, if the UK photos of vaccinations are replicated in practice in Israel, I suspect that – although the Covid vaccines are different to the influenza vaccine – some vaccine is allowed to escape onto the skin and you get new infections. Vaccinate more people and get more new infections.

        I like to think that medical practice in Israel is perhaps rather better than in the UK but even so ….. where humans are involved mistakes can happen.


      • StewGreen says:

        David Spiegelhalter in the Guardian deals with the DEATH angle
        Without a vaccine an old person has a chance of dying
        Without a vaccine an young person has near zero chance of dying
        – With a vaccine an old person STILL has a chance of dying though reduced by 90%
        – With a vaccine an young person STILL has near zero chance of dying
        So most of the deaths will still be in old people
        But vaccinating the young limits the virus pool
        and prepares them for when they get old.


        When you are halfway through a vax campaign
        ..all the pool of vaccinated are old
        ..all the pool of unvaccinated are young
        So all practically ALL DEATHS come from the vaccinated
        none of the unvacinated die ..cos they are all young anyway

        (In practice there is a pool of old people too ill to be vaccinated
        … so some of them the unvaccinated do end up dying)


        • Up2snuff says:

          That’s right, Stew.

          I know a nonegenarian who is said to have had Covid and recovered. Patient is also on third bout of cancer.

          That’s what I call a fighter and survivor.


      • Banania says:

        “Yes that’s how math works.” Gosh, I feel better after reading that.


  47. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC new Doctor Who is to be gay, say The Mail. Well, the outgoing female Doctor is a lesbian. The previous Doctor (Capaldi) is gay. Both out of the closet.

    I suspect that this new one will be as camp as a row of tents and ensure viewing figures approach zero. But that won’t matter. They’ll all still get paid with our money.



  48. tomo says:

    I see the BBC weren’t on the shit delivery list

    XR delivers shit to UK MSM HQs

    I wonder if GB News got a tipper load?


    • StewGreen says:

      They used a *DIESEL* truck

      and diesel truck will be used to take it away again

      Gloabl warming PR, is NOT really about reducing CO2


      • tomo says:

        was it ULEZ compliant? – did they pay a congestion charge?

        as an aside …. the scumbucketry of Sadiq and TfL’s is endless.

        I just revisited LPG emissions statistics

        Why aren’t the Green tosser contingent embracing the known, well quantified benefits of gas powered vehicles/


  49. StewGreen says:

    Belfield “Evil BBC & Gov GAME OVER ”
    ..unfortunately it’s one of his clickbait headlines.


  50. Dobyns says:

    From the DM …

    and this …