Seems like the mythical TV detector vans are going to resume targeting the over 75s who haven’t got a TV Licence . The BBC is happy to induce fear in the elderly when it suits them .Remember – TV Licence inspectors have no additional powers compared to any citizen .
Midweek Thread 30 June 2021
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Vile has the bit between his teeth.
Doesn’t Mr Belfield want to have his day in court re Jeremy Vine?
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 9:30am Tuesday was full by the end
– page 2 started 2:20pm Monday
Chris Whitty
Apologies for coming across from the previous thread.
Whether or not you agree with his actions, this is a public servant who does not deserve to be accosted on his way home from the office.
More importantly, this is a man who father was murdered by terrorists. It has been reported that the Palestinian terrorists initially pretended to be drunk and bundled Kenneth Whitty in a car.
For all the jokes about PTSD, how do you think he felt when surrounded by intimidating thugs?
I totally agree with you and i am amazed that somd people on this site treated that incident so lightly .
The yobs who did that deserve the full light of publicity – which i guess will come in time .
Dear Lord, that is so tragic. Why hasn’t his father’s murder been made more prominent in the press ? Just proves the intelligence level of our journalists today. Yuni educated and straight into a job on the tele.
I saw a few seconds of the video and was so upset, I switched off. It was horrible.
Because this kind of ‘assault’ and much worse happens a hundred times every day and nobody cares.
In Hull, Gypsies just set up an illegal caravan site and roamed the Town picking fights and causing many pubs to shut their doors in fear. Some even locked their customers inside to protect them.
Far worse than Whitty got but I don’t see any of that on the BBC.
Instead we get things like this – making them out to be the victims:
Humberside PCC Matthew Grove: Travellers situation ‘appalling’
And it’s the same reason his fathers murder is not reported. It might alienate people.
Bottom line is that our country is now full of scumbags. If you want to sort it out, start with the worst.
Can anyone really expect plod to actually do anything about all this? They have an appalling reputation these days, with no leadership, fears of all sorts of woke backlash when they ‘upset someone’s feelings’, and as most of them are watching the shores of Kent to welcome the illegals, they have no time to get the real criminals we all have to endure.
I truly despair, especially when idiots like Mare Khan are still in denial about our once great capital city being a stabfest ghetto.
Allow shits from shitholes to get here – become a similar shithole.
Correct on all fronts Scroblene, as was once said by a member of the Indian sub-continent- ‘You Brits get what we don’t want’, that about sums it up. I’m an oldie now but the country I once lived and worked in, has altered beyond my comprehension. Multicultural we are not, and never will be, just as the followers of Islam will never concede to being part of our culture, so how can the word Multicultural be accepted. Sometimes although not quite where I live as yet, I feel a stranger, certainly when viewing the TV or seeing a Black/coloured face on every page of every ad no matter of what type. Like the wonderful ode written some years ago, began-‘Good bye my England….. Anyway as Kipling said ‘if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…You’ll be a man my son.
What I don’t understand is if they set up their camp illegally, why are they not liable for the costs of the court and the clean-up when they are evicted ?. That would soon stop them doing it.
As it stands, they park their caravans on a farmers land and they know it will cost 10K (or whatever) to him get a court order to move them on. So they ask for 5K (or whatever) in cash to move on immediately. It’s absolute madness.
Humberside police dont do crime anymore. Their ambit is to monitor “Hate” crime on the RoP.
Whilst I have sympathy for anyone who is accosted by louts
I don’t think the case of Chris Witty makes him a super special VICTIM
Someone posted a video of young girls being pushed by bicycle lads at the station, in the end a girl fell under the train,
…thankfully dragged out by security before it moved.
These louts don’t consider people’s backgrounds
Whilst us unkowns can walk through public parks, I think it is reckless of high profile figures like Witty to do that , cos it means they risk encounters with such louts.
If people like him don’t take special care of their own safety, then how can they be taking care of the country’s ?
Its still come to something when anyone, regardless of who they are, cannot walk through a park in broad daylight. Witty might not be a super special victim, but he doesn’t probably consider himself anything but a doctor, and assumed he was perfectly safe walking in a public space.
Very much agree.
I still couldn’t care less.
All the people who couldn’t see their dying relatives or missed early diagnosis from cancer etc, down to this pompous oafs scaremongering.
If getting hugged by yobs is all he suffers, he’s getting off lightly.
What happened in Britain due to a Bad Flu was appalling. What we know so far is that large numbers of people died in hospitals unable to say goodbye to their relatives. Meanwhile their relatives could not be present to give them their love. Priests unable to offer God’s comfort because of totalitarian impulse lurking in highly educated persons. What really happened we will never know. All done on dubious guesswork of the behaviour of the virus.
What next? Will priests not be allowed on battlefields because of the danger of being shot.
When I read of the bravery of the generation that went through the Black death, and never flinched from it, I’m ashamed of this generation that I’m off. They knew that quarantine would reduce catching death but did not flinch. And they didn’t have protective gear.
What is coming is the reason why this was done in the first place. Climate Change. Cities will be locked down by restricting the use of cars. Narrow car lanes, broad cycle and bus lanes, rapidly increasing petrol prices, till no one one travels to city centre. City centre shops die out, killing any economy still surviving. All this will be regarded success.
The problem is that this is not being driven by science, it’s being driven by fanatical people who just want total power at any cost.
I don’t see any link between a pandemic and a changing climate.
And making towns better for walking/cycling is surely a good thing? Much better for kids, surely? (But agree town centres need parking.)
I agree the bbc is more than biased (has a Marxist agenda imo) but don’t understand much of the rhetoric on this site.
It is good to make town centres free of cars and buses. But what is afoot is to stop cars going to city centre by imposing all manner of traffic regulations that cause major traffic chaos. The last does not make any difference to Climate Change, only to pollution and frustration.
This will simply turn people going to town centres. The idea that the we can bike or bus to city centre, through all weathers, load up with the weekly shop, then take bike or bus back home, followed by a walk in all weathers, is preposterous.
People will not go to the town, and the town will die. Then politicians winder why city centres are dying. Behind all this is the firm idea that politicians are wise, and should decide what is good for others. They most certainly are not.
What this guy has done with these experimental ‘vaccines’ will all come to light in the next 2-3 years. I’ll reserve judgement.
Just catch the vile and superior mocking tone of this article in the Independent and you have the concentrated essence of the “educated” but highly nasty lefty.
Lucky that no one reads the independent. And presumably is run by some dodgy russian
The independent was founded by Carrie’s father
Later he had an affair with the paper’s lawyer, who is Carrie’s mother,
current owner: Alexander Lebedev, Evgeny Lebedev
Lebedev has sat in the House of Lords as a crossbench life peer since 19 November 2020.
He moved to London at the age of eight, when his father began working at the KGB rezidentura in the Soviet Embassy.
(Later dad became the First Chief Directorate of the USSR’s KGB and later its successor, the SVR.
Upon leaving the Russian intelligence community, Lebedev Sr set up his first company, then In 1995 this bought the National Reserve Bank, a small Russian bank which was in trouble at the time. The bank subsequently grew rapidly to become one of Russia’s largest banks, he came a billionaire, now he claims not to be a billionaire.)
Not Al Beeb but lol!!
So it’s ok to identify as any gender, but not as a different race…
Is calling a BBC journalist “traitor” a criminal offence ?
Surely it’s free speech
A man accused of chasing a BBC journalist and calling him a “traitor” during an anti-lockdown protest has denied committing a criminal offence
Martin Hockridge was one of several protesters who targeted Newsnight political editor Nicholas Watt on 14 June
Trial on Nov 8
I figured it would come under ‘hate’ so I checked what the definition of a hate crime actually is:
‘A hate incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someone’s prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.’.
So when did ‘hate’ need an element of ‘predjuism’ ?.
Predjuism is basically pre-judging. Everyone does it. Calling all white people racists because of white privilege is an excellent example.
Yet another extreme word which makes an excellent label to place on whitey has been completely redefined to suit the agenda.
And then I see this underneath:
‘Not all hate incidents will amount to criminal offences, but it is equally important that these are reported and recorded by the police.’
The Nazis are back.
Didn’t someone call Anna Soubry a traitor?
My biggest concern with the knock-on-effects of the covid debacle is what is to now to follow.
The suits who were given control of the population, the lanyard wearing faceless people in the various departments, be it government, NHS, global health quangos have now tasted blood and they will not want to give up their lofty status easily.
Hence I predict that going forward we will be treated to frantic and stringent control rules every time there is a bout of for instance common flu etc. taking place or whatever.
Plus of course the BBC will be right there acting as their wingman.
So fellow travellers though life expect to be assailed by re-occurring yells of panic and regulation with every new outbreak, outbreaks that the World has lived with as a fact of life for centuries.
The worst thing is that with this one they have managed to hypnotise much of the general population into cowering down before their screeching, so this is the beginning of 1984 re-visited, not the path into the future!
Does anyone know why Angela Merkel is really coming over here next week ?
to give Boris his orders ?
I thought Princess Nut Nuts did that ?
For a job.
The most recent lie to be debunked: On June 1, 2020, Donald Trump had federal officers violently clear peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters from Lafayette Square in Washington DC so the then-president could be photographed in front of St John’s Church while holding a Bible. The mainstream media reported this as if it was an undeniable truth, and the predictable and recreational outrage ensued.
Top Dems repeated made out that was true
Later There was a 37-page report from Interior Department Inspector General Mark Lee Greenblatt which concluded that the protesters were cleared out so a contractor could install ‘antiscale fencing in response to destruction of property and injury to officers’. Greenblatt also stated that officials ‘had begun implementing the operational plan several hours before they knew of a potential presidential visit to the park’.
1985 The BBC arrogantly pirated TV-AMs exclusive princess Michael interview
and then lost in court
Bit sloppy, they don’t mean “All time high”
..they mean “highest temperature since modern records began”
(200 years ago maybe)
The Records for the heatwave stricken part Oregon only go back 80 years. BBC.
Oh, I thought it was supposed to be “unprecedented”…
EU settlement deadline: How can you register?
“Wednesday 30 June is the deadline for most European Union (EU) citizens to apply to live permanently in the UK as settled residents.
By the end of May 2021, 5.6 million people had applied for the scheme – far more than expected (it was estimated in March 2019 that there were 3.7m EU nationals in the UK).”
umm, so why don’t the numbers match?
Best guess… there’s ZERO checks on eligibility; tick all the right boxes and you’re in, even if you’ve never set foot in the UK.. and words got round. Criminal.
Second guess, an extension to the scheme will be quietly announced, maybe another year
telegraph : CBBC’s trans messaging is damaging children, says mother
Woman claims her son was ‘groomed’ into taking hormone treatment by guidance from charities and media
Thanks. Individual’s voices need to be heard loudly against these ideas – this site is so important in not only bringing these matters to the attention of others but oppossing doctrines that ultimately do so much more harm than good.
Absolutely, Lynette!
This site is the top place to go for proper news these days, as more intersting chaps – and chapettes, have done much of the work needed to weed out the dross from the rags, and of course, the awful BBC!
We have so many good chums here, having to endure the relentless woke/leftie rubbish coming from W1AA and I must admit that even some of the links are just not worth looking at, because we all know that if it’s the BBC, it’ll be pretty trashy.
We’ve got several more years of their crap to put up with, but I may be long gone by then, so I enjoy a few minutes each day, seeing everyone here ‘poking mullock’ at a once loved and respected, now totally failed, bunch of losers spouting borrocks.
(I hope you will not be offended by some of the naughty words – I have this affliction which sort of gets my goat)!
Don’t worry about the naughty words- we’re all, I expect, driven to think and utter worse after a dose of the BBC!
The bBC should be closed down on the content of its children and young person’s propaganda output alone, quite apart from the rest of the dross.
So schools would become nothing more than playgroups for kids whilst the BBC take on the mantle of re-educating children to become good Marxists hey?
However it would mean the education department could get rid of all the highly paid teachers and heads and replace them with unpaid carers?
Last year they used a K-pop (think that’s it) article as a way of telling kids where the blm events were, next to another article about why kids should go. In the height of the pandemic.
Or…. a ‘specialist disinformation martyr’.
They could hire Springster.
So they subcontract it to private industry to keep their distance then Eh?
Newsnight alumni are the best alumni.
Rog, Matt, Justin so on the dots….
Al Beeb ………………“Settled status: EU citizens urged apply to stay in UK now or lose rights”
I thought that many were going to leave when we voted for Brexit Independence? Apparently there are far more living here than originally thought. At the same time, our next to useless Home Office cannot control our borders while illegal criminals are flooding in .
Yes, Build Back Better . Start with a Better government.
Warning : Great Britain is over populated and we do not have sufficient resources.
Hold a binding referendum on the future of the TV licence
“The Petitions Committee (the group of MPs who oversee the petitions system) have considered the Government’s response to this petition. They felt that the response did not directly address the request of petition and have therefore written back to the Government to ask them to provide a revised response.”
Quite right too – the original response was mealy-mouthed to say the least.
Re the assault on Whitty – I did know about his father here – but it’s all a matter of the degree of assault and the hypocrisy of the outrage for some crimes and the wilful ignorance of others, which are more serious.
Be like taffman, just stop paying it .
Correct taff.
By the way how is Drakeford’s drive for an independent Wales going?
And where is the English parliament?
As we know the EU/globalists (see Bliar, Starmer etc.) desire the collapse of the UK and for England to be a non-country and broken up into regions.
Jeff Taylor on the matter.
I’ve noticed a playing down of the idea of the country of England on the bbc over the past 10 years or so. Not really before that.
My Scottish partner sees it too, so not my imagination.
In David Lammy’s office, a phone call from every BBC producer rings….
Guest Who
Where are their black fathers?
Remand ?
One block over?
BBC News
What does how you smell say about your love life? 👃
Jimmy Saville smelled of sweeties and camper van upholstery?
Toenails clearly psyched for Glasto.
I thought he’d be wearing a German or Scotland shirt …
So Robinson and Mariana both got lucky in the ticket allocation ?
If they got in through the BBC is that corruption ?
Looks like he’s pulled!
C&A Catalogue shot …
Is that 1 c and 2 a’s?
Feeling suicidal ? Why not let the BBC help you on your way? Just listen to 30 minutes of the Toady programme- particularly the news .
A stream of carefully chosen negatives – with a bit of ‘ approved ‘ positives – such as imposter politicians pretending to be th England Team at the moment.
Wait for the feature on the lack of muslim footballers – or disabled ones – or blind referees being discriminated against .
Shame The Krauts were so poor.
Totally agree Fed.
My ‘slot’ is 6.30 to 7 containing ‘the climate’ bit, the’ obscure pressure group anti-government bit’, the ‘sneery headlines bit’, ‘the edited toady in parliament bit’, ‘the friendly lab/lib interview bit’ with added chummy banter.
Needless to say I’m usually in the shower by 6.50 !
If you are not feeling suicidal ( please ) – can I draw your attention to a ‘car crash ‘ interview between a BBC air head called Martine Croxall and One George Galloway . It’s on the you tube – it’s just over 6 minutes long .
Now I am no fan of mr Galloway – who I see as a political chancer addicted to self love . But the interview has echos of the ‘Cathy Newman ‘ one where her lack of depth is shown up for the snowflake mindset these characters possess.
The Labour bias – btw – is there from the start …. And he really really gives it to her . I hope he wins .
Wow that is explosive
“Is this a Labour Party Political Broadcast or a BBC interview ?”
“You’re no Jeremy Paxman, you don’t even know this constituency will be abolished in the next election”
“I’d be lying if I said thankyou back”
Love him or loathe him, how delicious to see him hammering the BBC in his usual pugnacious style.
If only the Tories would treat it with the same contempt it so richly deserves.
Stew – thank you for putting this up – it deserves viewing on so many levels . Poor croxall so far out of her depth when given the opportunity to be the new maitliss – lady go back to the autocue reading … all she is fit for …. And hugely over paid .
She is playing to the gallery; hear her reminding voters how their vote might let in the dreaded tories.
To be fair, my life has improved since I switched to radio 3 in the mornings. Lockdown proper they abandoned the 7 o’clock news completely.
Khaa – but sadly they’ve become very woke in their choice of composers. They are now telling us that Beethoven’s Kreuzer Sonata should be renamed after an 18th century African virtuoso violinist. Radio3 is as biased as the rest of the BBC.
Just noticed on ‘Guido’s’ website that around half the questioners at ‘PM’s Questions’ today are Conservative MPs.
What’s the betting that, as usual, on tomorrow morning’s ‘Today’ programmme review of ‘Yesterday in Parliament’, the BBC will be barely able to squeeze in even one of those questions (unless they happen to be critical of the government in some way), but somehow Starmer, Blackford, Davey, and every other possible Labour/SNP/LibDem question of a negative nature will manage to get broadcast, using direct recordings of the questioner (to preserve the ’emotion’ of the questioner, of course). Also, true to form, the BBC will hardly ever let the PM’s direct response to the questions be broadcast, rather a brief BBC ‘explanation’ of the responses will be given.
Now, I have no doubt that some of the questions posed by Tories might be self-serving or sycophantic, but how will I ever know ? The BBC chooses to omit Conservative questions whilst carefully highlighting primarily negative comments and questions from opposition parties.
Biased ? The BBC ? Surely not !
Another hour, another bbc post…
Really? Less than 1%? Then GCSE English Lit students must be studying at least 100 different authors. That’s GCSE Maths for yer.
File this one under dubious statistics.
Othello here kills us with his mocking bird.
I guess 1% here is used not in the European-centric notion of 1 in a 100 but rather in the Black African maths concept of not very many.
He ought to mind his own effin’ business.
I agree. Replace Shakespeare with Rap.
When push comes to shove it might be that middle class white Englishmen can hold their own at rap.
heavily CCBGB’ed
about 100 to 4
eg “Every single tweet from this disgraceful organisation has an agenda! #DefundTheBBC”
“It’s *English* literature.
The great writers of the past were all white.
If we were studying *African* literature, they would all be black.
That’s not racist it’s factual.”
On 28 June vlad posted about Douglas Murray being on GBNews here.
Douglas Murray at 13:22 said “If you don’t understand the society that you’re in then you should go and find another society that you do understand and live there.”
He was talking about the Islamic response to the Batley schoolteacher’s ‘blasphemy’, but it applies to all the usual suspects who don’t appear to understand or want to be part of our country and culture – including most lefties and ‘aggrieved’ minorities.
So yes – English Literature is English Literature and not some other country or culture’s literature.
Hi Stew,
Serious question here. You’ve looked at the BenZeph video, and put “Comments could be going better”. I’ve not picked on you in particular, but where are these comments? Sometimes I look at an article (Not necessarily BBC) and there are comments, for and against at the end. Here, as often, nothing. Are you referring to comments on sites such as this, twitter, or elsewhere? Thanks!
@MickNotMike , it’s simple @GuestWho 8:25 AM opened the discussion here by posting a tweet
I clicked at the bottom of the embedded tweet
that doesn’t cause the BBC article to open
rather it opens a new tab showing the tweet
..that is where the comments are
the Twitter algorithm usually elevates Lefty comments to near the top
Then it hides most of the Righty comments behind the “show more replies” button
It hides further Righty comments behind the “show more replies even offensive ones” button
The BBC title misrepresents by its title
cos the video is not about Benjamin Zephaniah’s opinion
Rather it’s a carefully crafted brainwashing advert to push an agenda. It’s got plinky plonk music and slick graphics
In the 2 minute video BZ only speaks in the first 50 seconds.
Diversity : means including writers like BZ who “treated my ex-girlfriends in a terrible way” sometimes beating them
and served borstal time for running a gang of thugs stealing cars and garage equipment
He moved on of course.
BBC depts that tweeted this 2 min video
@BBCNews, BBC Midlands Today @bbcmtd, BBC Radio WM @bbcwm
Also : OperationBlackVote, Editor-in-Chief @PenguinUKBooks, UNISON Regional Black Members Officer
I thought the someone being interviewed by bbc quoted that a third of school children were from ethnic minority. It wasn’t questioned and find that figure magnified by 10 or should we all be worried .
BBC Moaning Emole
By-election spotlights what’s at stake for parties
Voters go to the polls on Thursday to elect a new MP for the seat of Batley and Spen. The West Yorkshire constituency voted for Labour’s Tracy Brabin at the last general election, but she stood down following her election as West Yorkshire’s mayor in May.
The parties contesting the seat have a lot riding on the result. So what’s at stake?
Existential questions will be raised if it looks like the Labour Party is on a losing streak while the Conservatives locally have the weight of expectation upon their political shoulders. For the Liberal Democrats there will be no repeat of the Chesham and Amersham victory in Batley and Spen and the Workers’ Party candidate George Galloway hopes a Labour defeat will put pressure on Sir Keir Starmer to resign. Meanwhile the Yorkshire Party is hoping to pick up votes from people disillusioned with Westminster.
Read full analysis >
Iain Watson
BBC political correspondent
Watty’s analysis seems at odds with even Unilad or
Neither lefty wing media extremes are going near the rather odd candidate priorities for a supposedly local British election.
Odd, so what, let them loose- There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it hardly becomes any of us to talk about the rest of us.
This by election has brought to world wide notice, well at least the Times of India is interested in it, that the UK is rapidly descending into sectarian politics. Of course it’s the logical outcome of importing millions of third worlders of different religions and cultures who bring their problems with them and are placed under no obligation to conform to British values.
The Muslims will soon begin to form their own political party. The dumbo commentariat claim there are many different Muslim communities eg Somali , Afghan , Arab etc but they all put the well being of fellow Muslims and the growth of Islam at the top of their agenda, Muslim first, British never . Labour will be ripped apart in this process which is good , particularly as Labour is responsible for the madness of the mass immigration and multiculturalism in the first place. But as the Muslim population grows they will campaign for Sharia Law areas , which already exist , to be officially recognised and steadily expanded. Quite rapidly large swathes of the country will become fully Islamic , they expand and merge and with in twenty years large tracts of England will be run by Imams. Sooner or later Brits will be faced with the choice of submit or resist. That will be Blair’s legacy !
And when established the rivalries between Moslem sects will re-emerge leading to war.
But don’t expect the Yanks to liberate us; once they have lost their cities they will be finished as an influential nation
After sitting trapped on a bus, watching in disbelief whilst the police did nothing as some of that faith passed by shouting for the death/murder of an innocent man, at the behest of a foreign authority, in 1990 or thereabouts, I contest it started earlier then Blair.
It’s just another day in madville, the BBC asking on TV if the Germans lost because of online hate and the Guardian telling us that dozens of people have died in Canada in the heatwave, with way down the article the fact they were all very old or very ill.
So they have covered both of their pet causes so far and it’s not 9am yet.
Did they mention the hundreds of thousands who died from heat in Paris a few hundred years ago, when atmospheric CO2 was much less? Bet they didn’t….
9am R4 Covid-19 cases are on the rise in Scotland,
– will your town be under water by 2030?
The UK’s Covid cases are still rising and Scotland is being hit particularly hard – so are we speeding up our vaccination programme in response?
(last night I said Their rate is twice Englands and growth rate is 100% )
Will many of the UK’s coastal towns, not to mention central London, be underwater in the next few years?
(no cos we have drainage)
Do the country’s poorest households really pay more than half their income in tax?
(no I guess)
What are the top five places with the best vaccination rates in the world? The answers may surprise you.
We speak to Tom Chivers, a science journalist who has written a book called “How to Read numbers” with his cousin the economist David Chivers.
Coastal flooding, the newspaper reports are all cutNpaste from Global Warming PR site Climate Central.
“Their map of the Netherlands shows it 60% under water”
.. this of course won’t happen cos of flood defences.
ClimateCentral said oh our website has a disclaimer saying we don’t include flood defences in our calculations.
The expert recklessly claimed Bangladesh has no flood defences… and claimed lots of land will be lost
… I’m not sure that’s true.
Amphibious vaccine buses
Ah, fond football memories. Sadly, for most of us, it will all have been filtered through the distorting lens of our corporate media – apart from a far-from-capacity crowd at Wembley – and a fair number of those lucky Uefa hangers on and VIPs. Our corporate media, not satisfied with the cross of St George, just had to force a narrative of knee-taking and rainbow armbands on us.
A favourite fond memory of a media sport interaction of mine dates from the later 1980s – in that era when Kenny Dalglish was Liverpool player manager and Luton Town pioneered an all-weather artificial playing surface.
After the league-topping scouse super stars had been unexpectedly trounced at Kenilworth Road in a upset the TV reporter opened his post-match interview with Dalglish with what barristers would call a leading question:
“Kenny, I know you’re not a man to make excuses, but what about that plastic pitch?”
Ah, memories… that little vignette still warms the cockles – as they say.
The Guardian joins all the leading national titles with an England Germany frontpage match report and we assume they were pleased with the result, although Barney Ronay their Chief Sports Writer’s opening remarks tend to linger on England’s prior disappointments. We’ll give him the benfit of the doubt.
There’s no doubting the Gruan’s discomfort elsewhere in sport – and this is the one that reminded this reader of Mr Dalglish: ‘Worries over slippery grass as Serena Williams crashes out‘
From slippery grass to lingering questions over how and by whom was Matt Hancock dobbed in? Questions for another day.
Meanwhile its business as usual: ‘Business travellers from multinationals receive quarantine waiver in England‘ (FT)
When will it end for the rest of us plebs?
‘Ministers eye keeping some covid curbs. Whitehall officials have revealed that ministers are examining retention of some limited measures… including giving organisers of events the choice to require a virus-free certificate‘ (FT) – choice? One doubts event insurers will leave that loophole open, thereby we will have covid passports by the back door – your papers will be examined at the front door.
You thought you’d be back to normal by July 2021?
‘The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee plans revealed. Next year’s… street pagent will be like a “reopening ceremony for the country”… on Sunday June 5 2022 organiser said‘ (Telegraph)
God bless Her. Let’s hope she’s still with us. We don’t want to give them yet another excuse to kick the can down the road to a coronation in 2023.
Philip Johnston in the Telegraph is in grumpy mood, his byline pic has him arms folded with irritation. A stuffy old Telegraph writer makes an unlikely people’s freedom tribune – but the world is upside down – (just ask Labour leader Sir Keir if he wants our freedoms back?) as the column asks: ‘How much longer will people obey pointless and unjust lockdown laws?‘
One thing is for sure – the government are determined they are going to run that experiment.
I was slightly surprised to hear that one of my young nephews was off school again – since one child in his class had tested positive. A positive test result used to be good news for school kids and was welcomed by their teachers, but these days… not so much.
‘Williamson plans easing of classroom restrictions as number of isolating pupils quadruples to 375,000‘ (Times)
I caught a Talk Radio debate clip on You Tube yesterday between a lockdown protester and a university-based academic virologist. The scientist insisted he was not a politician as he made his case for caution and a seemingly never ending set of restrictions. I’m a scientist, that was his trump card. However, he did refer to that peculiar Boris Johnson-employed notion of a race between vaccination and virus.
His argument failed for me when despite his protestations of his supposed scientific standpoint he alluded to our “moral” obligation to vaccinate. Tell that to the “selfish-gene”.
A number of people here suffer something called ‘country file ‘ which I understand isn’t about ‘country ‘ or ‘files ‘ .
Anyway – if you are looking for something about the country – can I recommend “clarksons’ Farm ‘ on Amazon prime .
Apparently clarkson used to be a BBC employee – thus he can afford a farm in the cotswolds .
I’m on about episode 3 or 8? And a second series has been commissioned . Enjoy the ‘colour count ‘…. Moderately recommended for those cold wet summer evenings when there is no PC footy – or Venus Williams – or a coloured tennis kid called ‘coco ‘? Really .?
PMQs today – mr Starmer will demand a public inquiry about the booing of the Kraut Team . Nut nut will apologise on behalf of the English nation . The SNP will complain that they were not included in the apology and call for an indref 2 whatever that is .
The Welsh girl – born in Eltham – will demand a peerage for their top goal scorer.
Meanwhile more demands from mad coloured lefty wimmin MPs ( so many )that the country be searched for covert CCTC cameras in the after glow of the Hancock 60 seconds …
Elsewhere – Russia invades Ukraine so the English political team will be playing them in Rome .
The funny thing is that everyone has given it good reviews except some Lefty bell-end in The Guardian who gave it one star.
Truth and honesty come a distant joint-last to the agenda of such spiteful people.
JohnC – maybe it’s because it’s not ‘diverse ‘ or ‘inclusive ‘ and certainly not ‘approved thought ‘.
Isn’t it weird that in order to get British TV you have to pay for an American private Channel ?
We watch The Yorkshire Shepherdess. I really don’t think BAME people have reached that part of Yorkshire. I am still not sure about farming in a short skirt and wellies. The girls all dress in their best party frocks for skipping round the fells whilst the boys play with screwdrivers and hammers. The children all speak well and are polite (at least in front of the camera). I don’t think woke has reached them and I guess they don’t eat mashed avocado on granary toast very often.
TOADY Watch #1 – the sneers have turned to cheers
No pottylics for Mishal for the big 8.10 a.m. interview – it is footie all the way. How happy Handy Hancock must be to be displaced from the news in this way.
Mishal introduces the 8.10 a.m. by stating how England footie players were diverse.
Er, actually Mishal, no they were not diverse because the whole idea of the footie game is to play as a team. England have lost in the past by being too diverse on the pitch. (Don’t mention the penalty shoot-outs!) Last night they put in a great team performance.
Shame really because if the groping video came out yesterday the incident would have been forgotten today -…. they didn’t totally suppress the booing at the kneeling stage I notice …
Actually ‘ shame ‘ is the wrong word as I care less about red tories and their hoes
And so very very very and I could go on- Boring-that such a relatively simple game such as Association Football should be exemplified into the realms of such importance beyond that of what at present is so urgently pressing on the minds of millions of people-the way forward for our nation, its future which appears when one watches the BBC to be all bright and breezy-it is not, there is a hill to climb of proportions beyond most imaginations. I fear as we watch they way matters are gradually being presented, must lead to confrontation. What did Thomas Jefferson say- ‘When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.’
BBC always looking for new ways to abuse kids
What epidemic would that be? The influenza outbreak, conveniently temporarily rebadged as Covid? It’ll never be behind us, in some form or another – the government will make sure of that.
One can only gape at the seemingly appalling comment made this Professor Edmunds- This serious threat to children is underlined by a letter to the MHRA (Medicine and Health products Regulatory Agency) signed by numerous deeply concerned doctors and biomedical scientists that details the very serious risks the vaccine subjects children to. An open letter led by Dr Ros Jones sent earlier this May to MHRA signed by more than 40 scientists – professors, medics and academics – on the profound ethical and safety concerns associated with child Covid vaccination.The critical concern they need to understand is that vaccinating children is certain to kill many tens of them soon after vaccination, and there is also no way of knowing what other long-terms harms (infertility, cancer, auto-immune disorders, shortened lifespan for example) these new technology genetic vaccines might cause. Against this, the risk of covid for children is virtually zero. This professor will have to answer all the very serious concerns from highly qualified individuals as are being questioned right now.
Nick Clegg is to be our online policeman
removing comments which are LEGAL
but in his OPINION are harmful
eg posting that Covid could have leaked out of the lab.
Interesting to see that GBnews have a Bitchute channel
TalkRadio should have done that when their YouTube account was censored.
Removing Anonymity is not a magic bullet to stopping hatey comments
#1 They’d just hack your account and post in your name
#2 People often need to speak anonymously to keep their job etc.
We know that Big Tech social media did all in its power – and it has terrifying power – to simultaneously hobble Trump and shield Biden at the rigged election.
What is less known – and what the likes of the BBC won’t tell you – is that the shielding of Biden continues in many forms today, by both the media and Big Tech.
Despite ‘winning’ the election, Biden remains hugely unpopular, as can be measured by the derisory levels of interest his public appearances and press conferences attract. Worse still, videos of him get massively ‘ratioed’, meaning they receive hugely more ‘dislikes’ than ‘likes’, often by as much as 10 to 1.
So what does YouTube do? Why, it simply suppresses the dislikes.
“There is a relatively new website that tracks the popularity of Joe Biden’s video channel — the same man that smashed all US records and received 81 million votes in the 2020 election while campaigning from his basement.
The website tracks the YouTube page of Joe Biden’s White House. And after several weeks of results can confirm that far-left YouTube is suppressing the dislikes on Joe Biden’s videos.
In fact the dislikes on the White House YouTube page are being manipulated on every single Joe Biden White House video!
I have one web browser on one machine that’s been left with Chrome and Google search.
As is my present habit, I thought to look for some of Tucker Carlson’s latest pieces.
Wow – three pages of hit pieces on Carlson himself – most with crafted link titles, made to resemble links to actual Carlson output… No links to actual TC pieces until result page 5 and then 10 days old or more.
The flak / over target thing applies in spades.
Biden-Harris have lost control of the borders:
It’s of note that Fox News have deliberately gone to some lengths to avoid exposing embed video ….
I used to be a regular poster on both the Times and Telegraph until I stopped my Times subscription and was banned from the Telegraph, and I know that both newspapers are acting in a similar manner to the above.
The Times censor simply deletes any comments that contain certain words or views but does at least say that this comment has been deleted.
The Telegraph now only allows readers comments on about half of its articles , no comments allowed on Ginge and Winge , or articles with racial overtones etc etc. But it also manipulates the numbers of likes , certainly deducting likes for readers views it doesn’t agree with and who knows perhaps boosting likes for it favoured views.
The current editor of the Telegraph is moving the newspaper wokewards despite this being opposed by most of its readership. The same is true of the Mail. The whole MSM is far more Woke than their audience and this ought to create space for centre right outfits but in the UK we can see from GBN that there are many areas where new entrants have to toe the MSM line either willingly or because they are compelled to do so.
Or start demanding quotas.
UK diversity, a map showing areas where 8+% are foreign born
Good find Stew
apart from its well out of date , is this from the last census?
The first link opens a map
when you mouse over the map on the bottom half on the left of the screen it gives you the source
It’s always “Calculated from National Statistics open data from the 2011 Census.”
.. newer census data is not yet available is it ?
al beeb at it again
11:19am Guido catches up with us
… @Fedup2’s comment here was at 9:43 AM
Not a George fan but he’s right about the bBC and its non-stop political BIAS.
She says “we’re here because we’re talking to a lot of voters and a lot of candidates.” I’m betting there is no bBC interview with e.g. Anne Marie Waters though.
I am in no way a supporter, in any way, shape, or form of Geoirge Galloway, but that’s an absolutely classic clip, unlikely ever to appear on the BBC again, in any form. The Beeboid had absolutely no answer to any of the points he made – possibly because he had her ‘dead to rights’ every time ?
Brilliant! Thanks for posting.
👍 👍
Labour “those racist Brexit supporters and Tories, get BAME names wrong ..disgraceful”
There is also ‘fragrant ‘ versus ‘flagrant ‘ .,,
I heard the interview live because I always enjoy the intellectual depth of the deputy leader of the Labour Party – but couldn’t believe my ears so could not comment here on this scum …( her word not mine )
Oxfam Corp have sent out a staff form
saying “don’t look at any of the bad stuff we do, we are really good cos we shout WHITE PRIVILEGE”
“white people created racism”
paraphrase : I’m a black minority cos 85% of people are white, I don’t want white people to be afraid and thinking ‘she might think ‘m racist’
Oxfam’s own wording
Discussed here
Who are the racists ? Who sees the world primarily in terms of skin colour ?
Full Times screenshot
Oxfam screenshot
There are extra charges from last week too
It would follow that giving to overseas charities is an act of racism because it is recognising the inferiority of non white races at being able to arrange their affairs without a hand out from whitee.
Maybe an African oxfam could send money to whitee countries …..
That statement says so much
1 they have lost any core priorities
2 they can afford to waste time and money on ‘policy ‘
3 they hate whitee
4 they have no place as a charity – they are a political business
5 they are still allowed to operate in the UK with all that tax relief charity status receives
Defund Oxfam – they should have gone out of existence after their numerous previous scandals (sexual, misuse of funds, etc.), but have managed to survive like the cockroaches they are, to inflict further damage on humanity.
My local Oxfam outlet was shuttered last week – I wonder how many times that’s happened across the country recently – how much dosh do they get from UK taxpayers and what’s the CEO’s salary.?
Sadly I think the shops are ‘lost leaders ‘ . The real cash comes from the DDs and bequests – as well as the corporate division .- not forgetting the free money that is the department for giving away taxpayers cash to bongo bongo land ( sponsored by Range Rover / BMW)…
Well, I got it wrong. The Arizona recount results were not announced on Monday, so apologies to all concerned.
What did happen, according to the Epoch Times, was that a documentary film was released about the election fraud, “The Deep Rig.” The trailer can be viewed on the Internet.
It seems we shall have to wait until August before the report on the Arizona audit is published. The wheels of justice sometimes turn very slowly.
That’s fine Square=eyed. There are quite a number of internet channels giving out incorrect information regarding things ‘about to happen’ when it comes to Trump election news. Some are giving out fantasy on purpose others are Chinese whispers. Also the Democrat Lawyers are trying very hard to stop any audit of the votes. You’ll know when it is completed, as the Democrats will want be trumpeting it as proof there was no fraud anywhere if the result favours them. Should the result be a victory for the Republicans, however, then the swamp will really have their work cut out trying to censor that!
I see that despite BBC claims
The hottest days in Oregon are still from 1898 ..119F
Recently Dallesport (WA) Airport hit 118°,
matching Wahluke, WA in 1928 & Ice Harbor Dam in 1961.
Yet again it’s amazing stupid people
chose the HOTTEST PLACE in a region
to build a tarmac filled airport
then filled it with hot jet engines
That last bit is about WA : Washington State
TOADY Watch #2 – pay attention to your own news broadcasts bbc and ask more questions!
An early item on TOADY this morning was the claim, apparently quite false claim, by the Checkatrade boss, Richard Harpin. He was allowed to speak unquestioned by Mishal or Martha or Dominic. His claim was that there was a shortage of skilled bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers, plasterers, etc., because of Brexit. Harpin wanted immigration rules relaxed.
In the 6 a.m. News and repeated hourly thereafter, it was stated that today was the last day for EU nationals to file application for leave to remain in the UK. With that was the news that 3.5 million EU nationals had already chosen to remain in the UK and had applied to date. They couldn’t possibly all be doctors, nurse, nanies and au pairs, could they? There must be plenty of bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers, plasterers, etc, among the 3.5m.
The R4 TOADY listener doesn’t know because Richard Harpin wasn’t challenged with this fact.
There is a shortage of many trades people for the needs of ordinary folk in the South East, for a reason which needs no words but just three letters.
Thursday, there is a parliamentary debate about community energy
R4 seems to be pushing them with a 30 minute positive prog now
no negatives allowed.
“oh yes the community is saving £7,000 a year ”
Except of course they aren’t
cos whilst they have bought into a solar power shareholder scheme, the taxpayer is putting much more in subsidies
which of course the community ultimately pays for.
The taxpayer will be maybe £25,000/year down on the deal
You,ve got to admire the total arrogance of the bBC in calling the Capita Goons “Customer care operatives” when they start banging old nan’s door.
I would question the relationship between Capita and the bBC.
They are being set up by the bBC cowards to be portrayed as “loathsome”………..If I was an executive on tha Capita Board would certainly be asking questions about brand damage through being utilised in this act.
Otherwise it shows that Capita are equally loathsome and well overdue some extremely negative publicity.
Old nan collapsing on some wet doorstep might just provide that…though frankly, I dont think bBC or Capita would care a jot.
And it should be noted and has never been challenged properly (to my knowledge);
“Why are the bBC being allowed to renege on a previous Charter commitment without a formal legal challenge?
‘Why are the BBC being allowed to renege on a previous Charter commitment without a formal legal challenge?’
Because they quite shamelessly blame the government – despite doing a deal potentially worth far more than the licence fee costs for over-75s – and far too many believe the propaganda, without bothering to check out the details.
The BBC’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. They are now bringing to light the plight of disabled people suffering from the exclusive focus on Covid over the last year, a policy which they did so much to support. When did we hear from them about the implications of this for the disabled (and others similarly neglected) when they were busily stoking up maximum fear about Covid?
Never to be reported on by al beeb
“When I was president, I delivered on my promise to build a border wall to protect our country. All Joe Biden had to do was paint it.”
Good line!
Vile speaks for the nation.
Meanwhile in the USA, the media fall in love with a blue-lipped cultural appropriator.
A classic case of virtue signalling, as he knows full well hardly any Germans will even see his Tweet. It’s meant for his woke followers.
Meanwhile all half dozen Germans who do see his Tweet will be asking themselves: Wer ist dieser Jeremy Vine?
Can’t watch GBNEWS online because I have a ad-blocker. Their loss.
@RPM try incognito mode
BTW the GBnews players has a control options on the bottom right
You can reduce the resolution and increase the playback speed
… not sure how that works when the feed is supposed to be live.
I guess you can pause the live make a coffee etc.
and come back and watch
then when the adds come on change the speed to skip past them faster.
Sudden last minute schedule changes to put Scotland’s favourite tennis star on BBC1
6:15pm Local news
6:30pm Andy Murray
ex BBC1 shows moved to BBC2 until 8:30pm
10pm trans child doco
11:25pm LBGTQ+ special part1/2
Petite Fille (Little Girl) is a moving and sensitive portrait of a young French girl called Sasha, who was assigned male at birth.
This poignant and emotional documentary follows the shy seven-year-old and her parents over the course of a year, documenting her progress with delicate intimacy.
As her family come to terms with her gender dysmorphia
I would have watched this but unfortunately our cesspit needs a good clean out.