How does the Far Left Woke Anti British BBC news manage a bi election result ? It looks like the BBC ( and Labour ) want to just look at the result and broadcast it on and on . But a 350ish majority ? Labour and the BBC have a lot in common – the same political belief and a long long decline as people leave them behind .
Weekend Thread 3 July 2021
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Funny how no one ever seems to want to ask the Canadian idiots pulling down statues in the name or protest against colonialism, why they don’t put into effect what they are protesting about and decolonise themselves back to the countries they originate from.
Problem solved – for Canada at any rate, although Europe could well be a little worse for it.
Does decolonisation mean we get rid of all the people who have come here from the colonies? Or at least the stabbers, shooters, child rapists, murderers, fraudsters, drug dealers and terrorists? And the woke trouble makers from the former 13 colonies across the pond who are bringing their sickness into our institutions?
Just asking.
“why they don’t put into effect what they are protesting about and decolonise themselves back to the countries they originate from”
“The idiots” pulling down statues were indigenous Canadians protesting about the abuse of indigenous children by the, erm, British colonisers. But of course; “iF ThEy DoN’t LiKe It WhY dOn’T tHeY jUsT LeAvE”.
Why haven’t you already left?
I like it here but I certainly don’t like Al Beeb, that’s the broadcaster that hates Great Britain .
Where is the evidence they were all what you call ‘indigenous Canadians’ Maxicony, and if that is true do we indigenous Brits have a right to attack the statues of the Left we don’t like on the grounds of abuse of our children by Pakistani Muslim child rape gangs ?
North America
One is sure the bbc ‘analysis’ of this wibble will be incisive.
I expect if he manages to go into hiding then he will have ‘privacy’.
What she really means is that she doesn’t want to talk about it.
The girls way out of her depth. Talks a lot, has been getting lots of publicity on local news since the tragedy of her sister but in reality she was just being patronised. Another low grade MP for a dying political party.
A telling instance on local news, a normal Yorkshire lass paraphrased Kim’s ” strap line” ” ” we have more in common that divides us ” into ” there is more that divides us that we have in common “, and the nasty campaign proved that 100%.
“Croydon stabbing: Teen arrested after 16-year-old killed”
“David Gomoh stabbing: NHS worker killed at random by gang, Old Bailey told”
Knife culture is endemic in the tribes of London while the police are afraid to act in case they are accused of ‘racism’.
Mr Khan where are you ? What do you do for London ?
London being the capitol city of Great Britain, the nation as a whole should be allowed to vote for the next mayor not just the people living in London.
From where I sit, London is the foreign capital of an increasingly foreign country.
Dont ask Mr Khan. He belonga to the Pushtu Khan tribe. If the tribes from Africa wish to stab each other, the Khans are happy to let them get on with it.
London has serious culture problem. The met prides itself in keeping up with multi cultism as it blossoms from one poisonous ivy to the next. Now it dances to the BLM antifa tune.
Politicians created the existential catastrophe, and now the present so-called Tories ,exacerbate it by importing millions more.
Nothing about the BBC so please excuse me. Did anybody
else read Sarah Vines column in the Daily Mail “supposedly”
about Matt Hancock and find it a bit strange?
Well I did ,and told my wife that’s there was even more to
this “romp” than meets the eye. Just how much more sleaze
in this government is there?
“Michael Gove and Sarah Vine separating and ‘finalising divorce’. ”
There could be more coming out ?
Yes but she’s a right porker
Trans women in female jails policy lawful, High Court rules
‘The judge ruled barring all trans women from female prisons would ignore their right to live as their chosen gender.
Women’s prisons can house inmates who were born male but identify as female, regardless of whether they have gone through any physical transformation or have obtained a gender recognition certificate.’
Welcome to a world built by the woke. What could possibly go wrong ?.
If a male criminal can identify as female and be sent to a prison for females then using that same logic she should identify as innocent and be released!
Not entirely unrelated: I know a female whose ‘birthing person’ has now decided that they are male.
That is one level of madness but they have taken it a stage further as the daughter calls this person her father.
To my mind they could call themselves the re-incarnation of Tutankhamun or Bambi the Red-nosed reindeer but they will always be the mother.
The real question is, will ‘soap on a string’ sales plummet or rocket?
Let’s face it, you can’t have it both ways, er…well, I suppose you can now…
In what used to be the good old USA, the present Miss Nevada is a man. Next, the best mother in the USA will be a man. And so on , till the USA sinks in the oceans. The country should be quarantined.
Here we have it again : the morphing headline. We get one on the main page which basically contains a lie to push the casual reader down a particular path then it subtley changes back to what actually happened if you care to dig into the article. I’ve seen this a few times recently and it’s a clever trick : your mind quickly switches to the real story, but you have been subconsciously conditioned to view it in the light of the agenda-based slant. And of course the main article will pass the fact-checkers : the lie will disappear as it slides off the main page having done it’s job.
Not a particularly strong example here – but it reminded me that I’ve been noticing it more and more.
Main headline: ‘Warning over cannabis sweets as boys fall ill’
Article headline: ‘Cannabis sweets warning as two boys taken to hospital’
I think the boys more likely fell about laughing while raiding the tuck shop.
‘Boy’? If the bbc had been reporting he’d be up for a hate crime too.
Ponder this, Timmeh!
BBC sucks up.
BBC Online News:
“Covid: Doctors want to keep some measures after 19 July”
“The British Medical Association is calling for the continued use of face masks”
Our BBC and the BMA are hard-left and want to see restrictions/control continuing despite no deaths. The only way Labour will gain power outside Democracy is through destabilising the government.
Oh, wait….did Labour/BBC win a General Election on Thursday? It seems like it from BBC coverage. 🙁
Are they on commission for the sales of them? With billions of £££s sloshing around, corruption is guaranteed.
Bit of empire fantasy this morning . Soldier turned red Tory politician telling us about how the British Army shouldn’t be pulling out of Afghanistan.
Well maybe he’d like to pay for it ? What does blighty get for that jolly ? Zip . Should never got involved but I guess it was another Blair megalomania.
Pity the BBC didn’t have anyone to say the above .
For anyone who wants to pull back the curtain of our involvement in Afghanistan, the corruption is there for all to see.
It originates from the 9/11 cover up by the Bush family on behalf of the Saudi Royal family for which both the Bush family and BLiars were richly rewarded.
I’m no longer even sure if Osama Bin Laden really was the supposed mastermind behind it all.
We supposedly invaded Afghanistan searching for Bin Laden whilst all the time he was being sheltered by the most ungrateful enemy state of the West which also receives the lions share of overseas aid and in return sends us child rapists drug dealers terrorists fraudsters etc etc and then harranges us if we complain about it!
Thoughtful – certainly the UK getting involved in American revenge exercises to cover for their foreign policy and defence failures is certainly dumb – or embarrassing . Particularly send our best boys out their to become targets for Iranian made IEDs .
There was no win . Now the MSM can wait for whatever current corrupt government is overthrown to be replaced by the next tribe . Then the Something Must Be Done Brigade will chirp up .
Thoughtful, Osama bin Laden was said to be in North Africa – probably training more terrorists – after 9/11. It was said he only travelled to Afghanistan much later, possibly not long before he was ‘found’ and killed.
He hated the Saudi royal family so letting him take the rap and disposing of him would be looked on favourably in such circles.
Fed, what did the UK get from Blair’s little misadventure in Afghanistan? Same as from his other little misadventure in Iraq in 2003. Young people who served their country coming home with all sorts of problems, PTSD, alcoholism, drug addiction and maybe loss of limbs or eyesight and other injuries and wounds – maybe to face a life living on the street, sleeping rough.
Up2, a retired army colonel working with homeless veterans told me the problems the boys (and these days girls too I assume) had stemmed from their lives before they went into the army. Whilst in the army they had support systems. Still need everyone’s support for serving Queen and Country.
Blair did well personally by getting the blessing of George Bush . More than that ? Nothing . Pretending to be able to take part in the ‘great game ‘ again? Joke .
I’m waiting to hear what John Reid – who was defence secretary at the time we went in -thinks of it now .
Certainly at the time he wondered what success would look like . He came out with some measure like none of ours getting hurt .
The lesson – only put ‘boots on the ground ‘ if there is a direct threat to UK/US and there is an outcome . Otherwise leave well alone . The hubris of not learning from the Russian experience should also be noted .
I fancied going there once but fortunately never got nearer than 35000 feet ….
One can regard US and allied presence in Afghanistan not about the said country but to close the gap in the ring around China.
Yes our ‘great game ‘ is long past .
#CCBGB they need to get Wendy and Springster on modding.
Delusion seems to be a very common emotion at the moment . Maybe it is a side effect of the Chinese virus .
Guest Who
Labour only won when a box of postal votes was found under the table…….Its a touch of the Bidens !
Charlie – I agree – no vote can be trusted any more . Politics will be about who can cheat the most without getting caught – or buying off the MSM not to look . But pay your taxes .
I suppose we have to be grateful She / He is not of Colour but no doubt Slimy Starmer will promote the LgbtGtxyz etc even more ….see I always think of the MGB GT cars ….. that dates me then
I fear her time in the commons will involve wearing a mask with her sista s ‘ face on it . ….
I’ve been reading about the Diana Statue – has any one pulled it down yet due to historic involvement of the Spencer family in the Slave trade ?
Just wondering …..
And a lot of help from the Tories. Tories need the excuse not to do anything about illegal migration pouring in. A labour victory is just what was needed.
Ex BBC Pidgen and LGBT?
Meanwhile the ‘disinformation unit’ at the bbc has a boss who blocks anyone non hive and a ditzy blonde who only allows her groupies to ask her how brave she is.
Wendy’s one non blonde posts….
Most of the Big Tech is doing it. Of course the left wing media is the real threat. Solzhynitsyn would know it.
‘Men Have Forgotten God’: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s 1983 Templeton Address
MSM reporting various councils going bust . Maybe the pay of senior management should be the first thing to be stopped to start filling financial gaps .
My personal small state politics hopes more councils will have to cut back . But nut nut will order more money trees . …
The head of London Haringey Council ‘earns’ more than Boris. As do many on that Council. (Remember death of Baby ‘P’ ?).
Perhaps if all the parasites took a pay cut, it would help their finances?
There is a really simple answer in solving the Licence fee
conundrum at the BBC. Instead of using thousands of hard
up over 75 year olds to pay Gary Lineker and others
exorbitant salaries ,the BBC should use advertising to pay
for their service! It’s the Occam’s razor solution, it’s so
bloody obvious !
The BBC will be killing two birds with one stone! Just imagine
for instance, instead of just showing a lot of white tennis
players , dressed in white , hitting white balls , being watched
by mainly white spectators, and just being able to show the
odd black linesman or ball boy they could show adverts at the
change overs.
The banks, building societies , the drinks firms etc etc etc.
would love it. Just imagine the great adverts we could see.
And as it would be the BBC, the virtue signalling could even
be more pronounced than it is on ITV and Sky! BIG BROTHER
head of diversity at the BBC would be in a permanent state
of orgasm ! Even I ,who have no advertising experience can
think of one great idea for a BBC Wimbledon advert during
the change over. We could see a typical advert family
playing a game of tennis and advertising a new range of
black balls !
Foscari – being outside the UK the BBC website always carries adverts . The BBC seems to hold onto some sort of 1950s thinking about the ‘stigma ‘ of advertising .
But think of all those charities that would line up to beg for ‘just £3 a week you can adopt a coloured kid / polar bear / tree / donkey / cat /dog / politician ….
They’d make a killing ….
Fed, the BBC do plenty of advertising on Radio Flaw.
BBC News posts a hate crime.
The officer wanted to prevent the activists filming him from uploading the video to YouTube.
Taylor Swift’s people are briefing her legal team about this outrageous slur.
Taylor swift – who does he play for ?
The Democrat Party?
TOADY Watch #1 – In which the BBC become ‘Strictly Come Impartial’ all of a sudden
Uhuh, Sajid Javid (SoS for Health) is going to have some opposition on 5 July and it has turned up already. The BBC can be very neutral when they want. I only listened sporadically to the programme today but I get the impression – as news of some doctors, including Chris Whitty – opposition to an end to lockdown on 19 July, that the BBC were being suddenly strictly impartial.
Neither for or against the sainted doctors and nurses on NHS Birthday day that the Left appear to have infiltrated into our calendar, the BBC have remained neutral for a change. Maybe they could not afford to have any further cancellations of Licence Fees by enraged ‘members of the public’ ?
Will Uncle Fester make a brave stand against the Lockdown Fanatics?
On what planet is there ‘stigma’ that requires a bunch of easy to see persons not of color to share, other than the BBC?
It’s a medical inevitability. Can be mild, often problematic.
My dad and I spent a few years getting mum through and… why has my missus brought a baseball bat u…..?
From left, Michelle Gildernew and Michelle O’Neill, both Sinn Fein, then Kellie Armstrong from the Alliance Party, then Marie-Louise Connolly, BBC NI Health correspondent.
Not really representative of Northern Irish society, much more reflective of the political views of BBC NI. The attempt to “normalise” those who hold extreme and dangerous political views, Sinn Fein/ IRA, is insidious and incessant, pictured pleasantly as they are alongside those who appease.
It seems that the bBbc and their fellow socialists want to introduce employment legislation to “protect” working women experiencing the menopause from discrimination at work, yet more bBbc campaigning masked as “news”. Another piece of complicated and ultimately unworkable “guidance” open to manipulation and abuse by those who habitually swing-the-lead. Seriously, how the hell are employers supposed to manage this, especially any who are men?
As someone who used to live the nightmare of managing in an office full of women, I’m just glad I don’t anymore.
Anything from BBC priority groups with speaking up, opening up or reveals is a guarantee of a Friday Girls Night early bubbly outing mass share at that BBC Director Bijou venue.
Sinn Fein IRA
Oh, for Christ’s sake. I am sick to death at reading of endless women’s stories about their menopausal ‘experiences’. Countless celebrity women are making a bloody mint from writing columns/books and tv interviews about something that is the ‘rite of passage’ for every female on the planet. It has only become a ‘stigma’ because of the MSM, – in my mother and grandmother’s time it was known as ‘the change’ and just got on with it.
Plenty of medication is on the market now, so no-one has to suffer sweat drenching nights or drastic mood swings and all the other rubbish symptoms that are endured, but then, that’s never mentioned by the likes of Davina McCall, and the rest who want their few minutes of fame.
These are just birthing wimin people. What about non-birthing wimin?
Slowly but surely the West is going mad. When China takes over, these people will be assigned to education camps.
Did you hear the one about the great panjandrum and the courtesan?
Sadly there’s little diversity of stories on the newspaper frontpages this weekend. It’s mostly football-themed.
No paranoia, anorexia, dyslexia… There’s just the one female celeb angst feature – if you count: ‘Liz Hurley’s fury as Damien cut out of £200m fortune‘ (Daily Mail)
That’ll be: ‘Liz Hurley’s lookalike son Damian‘ (Daily Mirror – April 2021) – lookalike son sounds a bit weird, but is actually crucial to the story. He turned 18 recently: ‘The teenage model has admitted he’s left facing subdued celebrations on his big day as he spends lockdown with his mum at their country mansion.’
Some have had it tougher.
‘Damian was born in 2002 as the result of his mother’s fling with billionaire Steve Bing. The businessman initially denied he was Damian’s dad, but a paternity test eventually proved the family connection.’
The left-leaning Mirror today abandons frontpage campaigning for social justice and instead, under the pretext of reporting on the football, brings us good old capitalist corporate advertising promotions for William Hill: ‘Free £5 bet with voucher – be gamble aware‘ and Sports Direct: ‘Save £5 when you spend £25 or more‘
A Nike England 2020 shirt (sizes XS to 3XL) with Harry Kane’s or Raheem Sterling’s name on the back will set you back £89.99.
Coincidentally, the new basic full State Pension is £179.60 per week (Pounds Sterling). So grandad could afford to kit out two of his diverse grandkids. Although even with a £5 off voucher it will give his bank account a bit of a caining.
I heard a very naughty joke the other day. A chap complained he’d had an vasectomy, but it didn’t work. All it did was change the colour of his kids.
‘Gove split raises Covid distancing questions‘ (Telegraph) – and what a shame it is that Michael Gove our covid passport pioneer and his missus Sarah Vine are to separate after 20 years of marriage. It must be something to do with the dodgy crowd he’s fallen in with.
However, we are assured by a friend no one else is involved. While journo Mrs Gove wrote in her Daily Mail column in reference to Matt Hancock: ‘Climbing that far up Westminster’s greasy pole changes a person‘ – she goes on: ‘And when someone changes, they require something new from a partner, Namely, soemone who is as much a courtesan as a companion, one who understands their brilliance and, crucially, is personally invested in it‘ – oooh er. Some might interpret that as projection.
Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph senses: ‘The drifting PM has lost touch with the British people‘
Whilst the liberal freewheeling anything goes let it all hang out Guardian for some reason goes with a rather straight-laced conservative call from their beloved Labour Party: ‘Starmer hails Labour win as a victory for “decency”‘
Don’t be at all surprised if Labour PR focus groups have found the British people are still conservatively-minded and the attack line now becomes focused on those libertarian bonking Tories.
Want to sound like a climate expert like Harrabin or other BBC experts. The Conservative woman lists the words you will require.
Rog been scrambled yet? Again.
A new coal mine? Really?
Dear Fran,
The proposed Cumbria Coal Mine has still not been scrapped despite Roger Harrabin’s campaigning. [1] You’d think it was a simple choice: economic and personal survival or subsidising Vince? Apparently not. But with the UK hosting a crucial climate summit this year, it could undermine global efforts to end coal use. [2]
Local politicians listening to the actual public continue to push for the mine to go ahead. [3] These politicians – and the mine company itself – argue it will create 500 new local jobs. That means people in Cumbria are only hearing one side of the story. The other side? Local green investment could create 9,000 jobs instead! [4] We like the word could almost as much as the BBC likes unique funding.
So here’s the plan.
If we can shift local opinion against the mine, the government will have no choice but to scrap it. But this kind of project is complicated – and doesn’t come cheap. We need to:Prod the BBC again.Figure out who supports the mine and who doesn’t – by running local surveys and focus groups.
Work out messages and images that will get the attention of people who support the mine – and then create them!
Run ads for months – helping people to understand the benefits of scrapping the coal mine and focusing on green energy instead.
Do more local research – so we can prove to local politicians that Cumbrian people want green investment, not a new coal mine.
As you can see, it’s a big job! But it could make a massive difference in the fight to save our London weighting – locally, nationally and internationally. And if all of you chip in a few quid today to us, we’ll be able to kick start it as early as next week.
So Rube, will you chip in a few quid today to us and help us battle misinformation Springster styly about the Cumbria coal mine – and shift opinion towards Vince instead?
Ending the use of fossil fuels like coal is a vital part of the fight to tackle the climate crisis. And the UK’s global leadership on this issue needs to start at home by ignoring the public and running scared of the BBC and activists. But with local politicians pushing ministers to keep the mine alive – instead of see what Rog writes in West One Eh? – everything is still to play for.
This project isn’t a small job, Tim. But it is important. And when have 38 BeeGees members ever backed down from a stupid PR as News effort? If all of you chip in a few pounds today to us we’ll be able to start this project next week – and get the Cumbria coal mine up somewhere North scrapped for good.
So can you donate a few pounds today to help us run this important project – which could have a local, national, and international impact? Taking Rog, Justin and Matt out for dinner is not cheap.
CHIP IN Botney’s weekly pension
Thanks for being involved, Helen
Matt, Megan, Kate and the 38 BeeGees team
The left politicise everything so they can achieve absolute power. Climate Change fraud, which predicts nothing except uncertainty with 100% certainty, is merely a way to seize power by controlling energy creation, distribution and use.
It must be opposed by all means.
The precession of the earth’s axis is a major reason for climate to change. We can do nothing about it.
Of course we can make a good day out to London ad protect about climate changing, see some statuary and topple them. We can even have a policeman pose by a photoshot , if one can find one.
The left in the western world ; against coal mines
The left in communist China ; open new coal mines .
Somewhere Sopes’ and Lurch’s brains exp… would explode.
Not the best of arguments, after all why would anyone fly Bryan Air or SleazyJet?
It pays to be a ‘victim’ in the West.
(Is it just me or do the two lasses on the right look to be in a different class than the one on the left? I don’t meant skin colour either.)
Republicans do themselves no favours by tweeting bullying images like that
The topic is immigrants
Gwen Berry didn’t just turn up in America through choice
She was born there and her ancestors were probably brought as slaves
Gwen Berry, Olympian and third-place finisher in the hammer throw on Saturday, turned away from the flag as the national anthem played.
“hammer throw” that is why the women look chunky
I do believe her excuse that she was caught out cos the music was played at the wrong time
but then she did do a protest at the end anyway.
\\ near the end of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” held up a T-shirt reading “Activist Athlete” and draped it over her head.//
Fat Camp, by the looks of it.
Because they might get Reparations by the millions. If they dont its the racist whitey as usual, re-writing history.
The Covid Power game is becoming rather like a game of snakes and ladders with the public hoping for ladders and the BMA bigwigs wanting snakes.
Daily Mail
The suits in the health quangos definitely want to keep their iron grip of power don’t they?
I suspect this is coming straight from WHO and I think it has more to do with firming up social control then any health perspective.
Anybody else being subjected to a procession of grunting ball kickers awkwardly “advertising” diversity/inclusivity to the tune of the Football Association in their online advertising? (surprised that BLM didn’t get an overt namecheck)
Many of the participants are obviously not used to public speaking… innit.
It doesn’t speak much to the FA’s skill at targeting ads – this punter hasn’t watched a footy match for likely 20 years and hasn’t attended one for over 50 years.
Tomo – I prefer the ‘scrambled ‘ channel . …
Deep gloom will be declared by the BBC is their approved football team loses to Ukraine / Russia….
Our plucky heroes returning from Rome to lucrative sponsorship deals – including ‘kneeling pads ‘…
11:30am FooC
– Russia The rollout of Sputnik V grows more urgent
..She says Russia played it down so no one wants a vaccine
but now bosses are demanding workers have them
And nightlife demands a QR, you can get a fake certificate and QR code , so clubbers may well be carrying Covid
.. She hinted that Putin had had another vaccine , not Sputnik
– China’s moves to ‘restore stability’ in Hong Kong;
– under the heat dome in Canada
– rural lockdown in south India
– Chile fights the flab.
Everything in Hong Kong these days points to tighter control from Beijing. The draconian national security law recently introduced in the territory is being applied to stifle protests, criminalise dissent and to get its previously lively press working within stricter limits. China’s government calls this “restoring stability”. Danny Vincent
Western Canada is still reeling from a week of record temperatures on the Pacific coast. A freakish heatwave caused snowmelts, which in turn triggered flood warnings; tinder-dry forests burst into flame; and deaths spiked in cities simply not built for the heat. Neal Razzell lives on Vancouver Island and reports on life under the ‘heat dome.’
(hmm, I worked on the Island cleaning the king of Afghanistan’s carpets. it has a maritime climate .. i guess it never got super hot, cos of sea breezes
ah he talked about the mainland instead)
He’s superhyping “426 deaths, 3 times more than normal” ( I bet there is some double counting or something)
He went on about Lytton the heat and then claims it all burnt down.
He claims Climate Change will get worse.
The lockdown is working – that seems to be the message from India. Daily case numbers and death rates are now far lower than just a few months ago. As very few people have yet been vaccinated, the dip in new cases is being put down to strict lockdown measures imposed in states across the country. But isolation is far from easy to sustain – even if you’re in a rural area. Writer and poet Tishani Doshi has spent the time in a secluded spot in Tamil Nadu where even grocery shopping has become a complex process.
Chile introduced laws a few years ago to limit the advertising of junk food and to ensure healthy school meals. But three out of four adults and more than half of all children in the country are still overweight or obese. In Santiago, Jane Chambers has seen just how resistant some Chileans can be to well-meaning efforts to cut their calories.
(A capital is not a country)
Interesting that they left out the church burning and statue distraction . Statues are probably safer in `Hong Kong than they are in the superior western democracies …..
The calibre of correspondents really has diminished – I suppose they are all ‘friends of the management ‘ now ..
I wondered why the guy didn’t talk about himself feeling high temperatures where he is on Vancouver Island
..Well although some parts did have a hot Monday & touch 40C
generally the heatwave was it reaching 30C at Monday lunchtime
You can see there were sea breezes
Since Tuesday temps have been around 22C daytime and 10 at night
I decided to walk to my spit and sawdust local last night for a quick pint for the first time since lockdown.
Approaching the door I was greeted by a huge array of warning signs not unlike the ones you would expect around a minefeld…. STOP!….Do not enter without a mask!… Use hand gel!… Leave an empty table between yourself and any other customer!… Wear a mask to visit the toilets!…
A large lady stood in the doorway completely with mask, rubber gloves and fixed stare as I approached…
My desire for a pint instantly evaporated so I turned around and went home to open a bottle.
Do you notice that the psychological warfare being used and waged by the government against its own people has changed ?
The ‘extra four weeks ‘ to freedom is now becoming ‘freedom ‘ lite. So restrictions will still be needed – you understand – to ‘protect the NHS ‘and -‘ prevent the spread ‘,
I am also willing to bet on a new ‘varient ‘ far worse than anything gone before .
In fact it is so infectious that you get it if you look at an infected person . There is , therefore , a need for everyone to wear blind folds everywhere all the time – to save the NHS.
Same here! I hate being told to ‘sit’ and drink. Perhaps they should bring my beer in a dog bowl with a bone and biscuit?
I concur completely sir.
So much for mine host.
Arranging to meet friends at a well known London watering hole, ironically one formerly famous as a venue for the alternative music scene, I found the doorway blocked by a huge yeti of a security guard.
I felt like a 16-year-old summoning the courage to blag my way into the pub for the first time.
I turned around and texted one of my friends to check if he had arrived – oddly intimidated by this example of the so-called hospitality industry, I didn’t feel encouraged to enter the place first.
Happily there was someone I knew already inside.
As you may imagine, I am a track and trace refusenik – because of course I didn’t have a mobile on me – despite the texting.
Instead I was directed to write my nom de guerre and my old dad’s land line number – a chat with him should entertain potential NHS track n tracers for a good while – on a sheet attached to a clip board in a way vaguely reminiscent of a street petition.
Goodness only knows who collates these things? What’s our fabulous data protection quango up to these days?
The perspex shields around the bar reminded me of the post office – and were about as welcoming.
I have come to the conclusion that I live in a bubble, a bubble of the UK as it was forty or fifty years ago. I know that inside my bubble life isn’t reality. When I look outside my bubble I see such an awful place that I really don’t want to live there.
The capital city which I always enjoyed visiting has become inhabited by people who aren’t even European let alone British.
Teachers who had done nothing wrong in my book are left by the authorities to hide from Muslim mobs who want their heads cut off. But despite this people in the same constituency vote for someone who dare not condemn the Muslim mob and vote in pitiful numbers for the woman who dares to take them on. Free Speech, of which we were once so proud as a nation , is now dead, at least for white people although a BAMEs still seem able to say exactly what they want as we once able to. If anyone does dare to challenge the Woke nonsense they get dealt with severely by the Wokist and they know that the timid intimidated establishment will do nothing to save them.
The leader of the opposition kneels to honour an organisation which aims to defund the police, force white people to their knees , dismantle the family and overthrow capitalism. The ‘English’ football team do likewise before every game with the blessing of the FA.
If you watch TV adverts well over 50% of the actors are black. You would be forgiven for thinking we lived in a white minority country.
The state broadcaster , which we have to fund or face prison , has for a long time been virulently anti British but a Tory Government daren’t bring it to heel.
A free fully democratic referendum result took four years to implement because the anti democratic establishment didn’t like the way the vote went.
I could go on but I’m off back to my bubble , a few glances out of the window everyday fills me with horror.
Well said Doublethinker. When it comes to ethnic minorities taking the lead role in tv advertisements what I can’t understand is that imported ads, often poorly dubbed, seem to feature mainly white actors. Presumably they are required to comply with the same rules as UK advertisers so why are we bombarded with minority groups selling us anything from mortgages to supermarket branded clothes when 85% of the population are white?
Dont let the bubble burst .
Doublethinker – A perfect summing up of society in the UK today. Unfortunately I often get quite depressed about this situation, as I really believe it’s too late to do anything about it. We have experienced a hostile invasion equally as dangerous as the one this country faced in 1940. There is one major difference in that in 1940 nearly all British people recognised the enemy, whereas today there is an enormous fifth column ready to fight for the invader against the indigenous population.
As usual, DT, a very good post.
I’ve been watching ‘Ashes to Ashes’ again on DVD (with earphones as Senora O’Blene says it’s very sad – which is true), and having had to watch the very last episode four times…
a) I still don’t totally understand what the last bit of the story was about, besides being a superb series, and…
b) You’ve just helped me a lot in understanding ‘a’…
BTW, we’ve decided never to go to London again – it’s not the fabulous place we all used to know and love! I worked there for fifty plus years, we lived there, all our friends were there, but it is now unrecognisable, and not a good place to visit.
It was bad enough when livingstone began to trash the place, but mare khan is finishing off what that loonie leftie did. Boris could have done better, but is probably thinking he’s still mare these days.
– Just saw 300 likes wiped off the tweet
NF’s tweets always bring out the mad remainers and lefties in response. I have my own issues with NF, but here he is merely showing just another of the innumerable examples of why the dreadful Tories do not deserve to be in power any more than the even more dreadful Labour party.
Meanwhile hundreds continue to pour in at Dover – 133 yesterday and a landing at Camber Sands. Another busy day today.
Invasion is the correct word – and all the main political parties and their cowardly representatives encourage it. Both also tolerate (and even promote) sharia, and protect savages and savagery in all its forms.
He’s every right to be worried about his daughters – he doesn’t mention their age, but in light of today’s news item re the reconstruction of the hymen to satisfy the animals who are worshippers of Islam , then of course its concerning, as they’ll be far more of them in decades to come, and those Islamic young men of present are still entrenched in the medieval practices of their religion, so there’s no hope for change in the future.
Escape to the country ….. is there a programme ?
We cannot stop it as Mrs May agreed to it before she departed her position. The UN regular and orderly migration compact to be precise. I do not believe that she bothered the House of Commons before doing so. It would be in keeping with her capitulation to EU enemy forces.
Breaking : A Vatican judge ordered 10 people, including an Italian cardinal, to stand trial for alleged #financial crimes including #embezzlement, money laundering, fraud, extortion and abuse of office.
Those indicted include Cardinal Angelo Becciu as well as the former heads of the Vatican’s financial intelligence unit and two Italian brokers involved in the Vatican’s purchase of a building in a luxury area of London.
trial Jul 27
Craggyisland beckons – it was resting in the account …
‘That would be an ecumenical question’…
Brissles, come back, it’s alright, The Isle of Thanet isn’t an island any more!
But had ‘The Wantsum’ stayed its course, well, you could have come and lived nearer to us in the southern bits – great place so far from Brixton and Croydon.
I wonder how the bbbc will handle tonight’s pre match grovel.
So far it’s been all home games and the wokies have been able to use the pre recorded crowd sounds (as used during empty stadium games shown on tv) to drown out most of the booing.
In Rome the bbbc cannot control the crowd sounds. I expect they will be given a feed to show on our tv’s although I don’t know for sure.
I cannot imagine the Ukrainian supporters being a snowflake virtue signalling lot and I would expect them to either boo or jeer at our lot doing their pre match grovel to blm.
Maybe they (bbbc) have some tricks such as asking a studio guest something when the virtue signalling is taking place so that they can cut away from our embarrassing bunch making fools of themselves.
Otherwise, we might get a sense of what is really happening and I expect we will hear loud booing.
There will be plenty of nice soccer moms with their nice children – citizens of the globe …
I believe that the German ref curtailed the unedifying spectacle and told Sir Harry to get off his knees.
My son was at the match (don’t ask) of the 16000 crowd 90% were English and he told me the .0098 sec taking of the knee was very very loudly booed. I suspect the BBC superimpose clapping at the point of TTK., after all they probably have a sound department with a billion pound budget.
Our BBC Online News:
“Oxford Circus stabbing: Man charged with murder”
“Tedi Fanta Hagos, of Swansea is accused of murder and has appeared before Westminster Magistrates’ Court.”
“….he was assisted by an interpreter during the hearing earlier”.
Fortunately, The Sun has a photo of our man. Our BBC couldn’t find one, it seems. Strange, that…is it coz he’s not white? 😎
Did he miss the cut off date for EU citizens to remain in the UK?
Not linked to terrorism so that’s OK then? From Swansea, apparently. It’s those Welsh yet again….
We don’t need a picture.
If we aren’t told he is white, he is black or Muslim and they are trying to keep that information quiet until the story dies down.
They are at ease with this dishonesty because they believe they are morally superior to the untermensch.
He surely must be a relation or descendant of the Fanta Hagos who won the bardic chair at the National Eisteddfod some years ago.
3pm Drama is supposed to be set in the video-games industry
15 mins in and there is a line
“She’s sick of working for white college boys who think that diversity is a dirty word”
I note this time the boss was not a BAME
but rather a stereotypical nasty Yorkshireman
that ran a scheme to infiltrate workers who were trying to unionise
so he could sack and blacklist them from the industry .
.. The main character hero was a young female lesbian.
StewGreen, JUNE 20, 2021:
“I really do not care for dividing the world up by skin colour but it is the lefty/lib establishment’s hobby”
StewGreen, JULY 3, 2021:
“I note this time the boss was not a BAME but rather a stereotypical nasty Yorkshireman”
As ever your attempts at gotchas using misrepresentation don’t stand up to scrutiny.
Your points are aimed at spoiling debate;
rather than having debates in good faith.
“As ever your attempts at gotchas using misrepresentation don’t stand up to scrutiny.”
Please explain how I’ve misrepresented your two conflicting statements?
Maxi ,
What is the conflicting statement?
Maxincony: wtf are you talking about ?. He just pointed out that the lefties have done exactly what he was talking about yet again.
Seriously : you are not nearly as bright as you think you are. Look in the mirror – you are a low-grade forum troll. You can’t get much lower than that in life.
I recommend you stick to twitter maxi. You are doing people like yourself no favours at all here. Get some self-respect ffs.
Why do you bother? Do you ever consider contributing positively to a discussion, rather than finding fault? If you did you might find it interesting and even rewarding.
Some intellectual giant from XR has daubed ‘TELL THE TRUTH BBC’ on the HQ windows.
Which is truly ironic since, having published some – truly and uniquely truthful – positive aspects of climate change the poor saps now don’t know which way to turn.
Although they could always take an entirely fresh and rewarding stance, tell the truth and make this site redundant.
This guy gives the corrupt Australian covid stasi both barrels, we need this to start here…
@veteran_little has just had an operation so he has been recuperating and monitoring shipping movements online.
The French have escorted illegals into our waters 19 times since 7/6/21.
In many instances they were escorting them for 1.5 hours. Why didn’t they turn them back and what are we paying them for?
What are we paying them for? Have a word with our Home Secretary .
Word to the wise.
Don’t buy Ukrainian boxer shorts…
…Chernobyl fallout.
© Ben Elton 1986
There is a rule in science
to show there is a difference between the absolute real world and computer modelling
.. “All models are wrong”
I have just realised the same applies to new stories
“All stories are wrong”
Why ? cos they never have the full complexity of the real world.
That couples with “You can never understand something unless you experience it”
and the way I’ve actually been standing next to a journo at an event, who then then wrote up the story completely differently to what I saw with my own eyes.
Paul Joseph Watson *NEW VIDEO*
m o d e r n i t y 6 : White Boy Summer edition.
Tonight’s match. Anyone else like me? I support the fans but not the team.
If you are watching, please avoid Linacre who will earn his millions from 7pm to kick off.
I’ve been able to stream every game in this tournament, mainly with coverage from ESPN with recognisable English commentators and co-commentators, without having to once set eyes on either Lineker or the bBbc.
I could easily have avoided ITV totally as well but find McCoist good value and had to experience the co-commentary of Emma Hayes and the “diverse” studio punditry on offer just to confirm for myself how truly awful they are.
It”s changed times when American “soccer” commentators, an ex-player called Taylor Twellman is pretty good, are easier to listen to than our own and an occasional live stream stutter and start is little sacrifice to enjoy some decent games without the bBbc/ ITV bs.
Team Jo Cox kill another 43 they drown off Tunisia
… Creating Pull-Factor has this consequence

it was self inflicted . They took their chance paying for the illegal trip across the Med to brake into another country under false pretences.
You have conflated the two situations.
Have you anything to post about Al Beeb’s Blatant Bias ?
“You have conflated the two situations.”
Perhaps you should read the text of the article I posted. Sound familiar at all?
I have and no.
Have you and your team any Al Beeb bias to post?
Maxi ,
Well done , comparing a people facing genocide with people fleeing ___ the EU ?
Lol ! good one, and the last I heard it was, er, safe there ?
“Lol ! good one, and the last I heard it was, er, safe there ?”
It’s safe in Libya. 43 people drowned. Lol!
Yep. They drowned in the ocean.
NOT in Libya..
The ceasefire agreement between the Libyan Army and LNA works for the time being.
No need to flee….
Are they Libyans Maxi ?
“Well done , comparing a people facing genocide with people fleeing ___ the EU ?”
Try to keep up, Nibor. The 43 people who drowned were fleeing Libya.
Set off from Libya to head this way via Europe ?
Were they Libyans Maxi ? Were they genuine refugees ?
Tonight’s TV
9:30-1am BBC2 Gay programming
Meanwhile Channel5 the Royal channel
repeats it’s hatchet job
Mountbatten Hero or Villain
‘Overpromoted, scheming and responsible for many unnecessary deaths.’
I wonder if they’ll mention the Dieppe Raid which he was responsible for ..?
Channel 5, not the BBC but no doubt with their blessing are having another attempt to smear Mountbatten. Mountbatten was a hero with an amazing record in both WW1 and WW2 for serving this Country in the best possible way. How these office-bound reptiles can even begin to question his veracity is staggeringly repugnant and repulsive. He was blown to bits by thugs in Ireland and these Channel 5 twats share the dubious honour of celebrating those neanderthal murderers..
Not to forget that the Republic of Ireland supported Hitler in WW2.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – How not to give an injection – no further comment required!
(First item on left underneath the banner footie item)
@Up2Snuff Seems a real pic
In the PA Image library there are 2 versions
In one the needle is in his arm, she’ lifted her index finger up and then pushed down the plunger
Strange that that image popped up last week
and since then ALL UK media are using it
Even France 24. That makes it look like Dept of Health put it out
Here on June 28th in an ITV article
Image Library data Nurse Sonia Wilson (right) vaccinates eighteen-year-old Cameron Ladd (left)
with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination,
at a mass coronavirus vaccination centre at Adwick Leisure Centre, in Doncaster,
as the NHS �Grab a jab� vaccine drive continues in England.
Picture date: Sunday June 27, 2021.
That is interesting, Stew. The Practice Nurse I knew many years ago, who taught me the proper way to inoculate, would wince at the dartboard approach, with no gloves and no second alcohol swab at the ready.
There are suggestions around that despite the Covid vaccines being very different to Influenza vaccines, some people are either catching Covid from the vaccine or infecting others.
Poor swab discipline and lack of medi-gloves might explain that.
Watching England . The BBC are sipplying camera feed. So far main single close up images of crowd..1 blond female 2 man of indian? Origin 3. Black girl.
Hmmmm could swear most of crowd there are white men…you would never know it.
BBC at its best
Suck it up James, they will not give up! In the end it will inflict a lot of harm on race relationships and harmony with the massive majority in this Country who happen to be white but they are too blinded by their mantra to see it.
I have friends who are quite “right on” unwittingly commenting on this now. The BBC is a joke!
I have no doubt that they have a face colour vet on hand to make sure all shots meet their race targets. It’s the sort of thing that can only happen in a giant stupid organisation like the BBC.
A closing line “ hey BBC , we really hate you doing this! “ (the general public)
“In the end it will inflict a lot of harm on race relationships…”
(A two second shot of a “not-white” person in the crowd).
“I have friends who are quite ‘right on’ unwittingly commenting on this now.”
Yeah, of course you do.
Evening Maxi ,
You seem to use a non sequitur there , can you explain ?
“The BBC are sipplying camera feed”
Nope. The camera feed comes from UEFA.
“ So far…”
Wow. 56 Minutes into the match there was a two second shot of a “not-white” person in the crowd and this affected you so much you just had to tell someone.
Have a lie down in a quiet room James and perhaps, given time, you might be able to get on with your life as if nothing happened.
Maxi ,
What is the ratio of the two second shot and the other shots of the crowd ?
Can you show footage of two second shots from African and Asian crowds ?
Can you show footage of crowds in Eastern Europe ?
As I posted here before , maxincony is our Aunt Sally in a coconut shy. He’s there to take flak from all the anti Al Beeb poster on this site who want some sport. He has not twigged it yet ?
Fire away !
Nibor, clearly the camera man is the same one seconded to attend Antiques Road Show.
Where do you post, apart from on here?
The feeds might come from UEFA , Maxihoney but Al Beeb chooses the bits to show. Not as if the crowd are part of the action, is it?
Yes I’d like to see evidence from Maxi that
“The camera feed (singular) comes from UEFA.”
Media companies discussions seem to say that camera feeds (multiple) come from UEFA to Salford and the BBC has a choice in the mixing it chooses to output to viewers.
I do guess smaller countries take a singular raw UEFA feed.
Been watching the England game on BBC1.
Linekar talks about ‘England’. (BBC Crisp seller).
Shearar talks about ‘us’.
Lampard talks about ‘us’.
The German ref was quite fair. I missed the knee dance.
How to talk to CNN
Meanwhile the US media continues to excel.
Watch out, watch out our pet troll is about ! He has come out of his safe space .
He has been given a part time job again at Al Beeb and they have put him on night shift .
Notice that he predominately comes out at night. A bit like a vampire.
Hardly needs a warning as Maxi sails under plain colours and usually only fires rare shots at the careless poster!
Far more dangerous is the daily troll, sailing under a false flag. He, to answer Dover Sentry’s question, posts on many sites, often making the same comment on each, disrupting whatever conversation might be taking place.
An outsider looking at this site for examples of BBC bias would quickly skip over Maxi’s grape shot but could hardly ignore the smokescreen of the daily troll – the self-important, non-BBC related, half-baked, illiterate, arcane posts that make rich-pickings for anyone wanting to disparage this site.
Which is a pity, as many here do take the time to properly and rightly point out BBC bias.
@JimS Sorry that you are unhappy,
The whole point is, in open discussion there are posts, one disagrees with.
One then address the argument and puts ones counter points.
You post your news and I post mine.
I wouldn’t try to intimidate someone from posting their views/news in the first place
#1 “a false flag” … Nope, I am not dishonest, I have no hidden agenda
#2 “He, … posts on *many* sites, often making the same comment on each, disrupting whatever conversation might be taking place”
… Em ‘that’s not true
as for “non-BBC related”
All my posts here are about the BBC’s world.
There is sometimes cross-over when a Green religion topic comes up on the BBC,
I do then copy that post over to Paul Homewood’s blog.
I’ve never noticed that disrupting the conversation .. it doesn’t.
(I spend all day every day, unpaid, citing examples of BBC bias
I don’t do that in expectation of thanks, I do it cos it is the right thing to do
to push back against an army of people who are PAID to promote its agendas )
‘Hiking as a black person in the US can be nerve-racking’
Straight away we get:
‘The keen hiker has experienced discrimination from some white people while out exploring nature.’
Every instinct told me to close the page but I forced myself to look and see what outrageous discrimination this poor black woman had to suffer and the hands of whitey.
She starts by telling us that ‘Being black in the US means you are very likely to be exposed to hatred, anger, over-policing no matter where we are’. Very likely. Not more likely. The she witters on about how whe might not be helped or protected if she is attacked and calls the police. Clearly not the sharpest tool in the box and desperate to push the ‘all whites are racist’ agenda, she obviously forgot that the person she calls can’t actually see her face.
So lets discover the hatred and anger she experiences on her hiking. Bear in mind she is in thick snow on mountains so it’s dangerous.
‘When I as a black woman am hiking – and often it’s men in particular – will question my preparedness, examine my gear and generally just act in condescending or patronising way’.
If you watch the video of this woman, you quickly realise she is absolutely bonkers – cross country skiing down a road whilst singing and dancing for example. No wonder people are concerned. What a shame this ungrateful woman calls them racist for doing it.
‘While hiking with two other black women, we all had different hairstyles. We were stopped many times by hikers asking us about our hair’.’It serves to makes us feel that we are ‘other’ and ‘different and not expected to be seen in a place such as the woods or on a trail’.
Well – as we are told next – just 7% of pass holders are black, thats absolutely to be expected. No question raised about why black people don’t go hiking. Might bring up the ‘lazy’ stereotype.
And of course the video gets the usual full treatment of mournful ‘victim’ background music.
An absolutely desperate attempt to force the ‘all whites are racist’ agenda where there isn’t one.
The BBC (and those like maxi who defend it) are pathetic. They would curl up and start crying if they were forced to live in the real word.
Our local Tory hooray affects a dubiously sincere affection for the local team. To the extent it appears he is paid mainly to attend matches. Meanwhile….
Left hand, lefter hand…
The masked minion is sweet.
Marianna liked this.
Gunning for the Katty void?
Emily liked this. She knows what Sopes likes.
Sopes and BS likely not going near this… in journalistic terms at least.
Far too contentious.
There are many tweets by @MrAndyNgo showing their beloved Antifa assaulting protesters and rioting.
He’s the actual journalist who actually suffers physical battery that the BBC finest seem not to notice whilst hurty words get them in a huddle in the lobby with a roll of soft adhesive masking tape of color? Not at the same time as the hog roast, obvs.
This will not end well. Eventually.
Aaaaah, dear old King Street…
I used to share a flat with eight others in 1969, (one bedroom). It was quite a nice area back then; Vencourt House for evening classes, a horrible pasty and chips for two bob, and some sod trod on my fingers when I was trying to crawl back from The Coach and Horses…
But they were happy days!
I don’t remember anyone called Vine though, so probably why we were so happy…
Jeremey proving yet again what a complete and utter tw@t he is.
He would be your nightmare neighbour. I spend my life trying to avoid anywhere that has people like him.
Team leader.