Stephen Dempsey was murdered on Oxford Street a few days ago. There is a suggestion in the papers that it was an unprovoked attack by a man from Swansea. The BBC hasn’t given as much time to Mr Dempsey’s death that they have given to George Floyd. I assume Mr Dempsey was British and his murder was on the main streets of our capital. Surely his death is more relevant to us here than George Floyd?
You have a problem – you have to correct everything . Does it matter whether this character comes from somalia or some other 3rd world crap hole .
I saw his picture and details on a twitter last week . It might have been the Sun – maybe not .
But you have a mental issue – a need to correct every effing peccadillo.
I did nothing abnormal
I simply went to the Sun to collect the photo to post it here, to make it easy for you folks.
All I am reporting is that I couldn’t find it there nor anywhere after a deep search on Twitter.
The Sun could’ve changed its page for all I know.
@DS The page currently shows police arresting a man on floor
you can’t see anything cos the face has been blurred
same with the video.
When I check the page on Internet archive
it doesn’t show an unblurred image either
neither can I find any facial images on Twitter at all.
I can’t find any contemporaneous videos/images just irritating footage of police tape afterwards
Though people complain ‘dumb people were just stood there filming it all”
The hero skateboarders who stopped it , looked to be well tanned but not black black.
Maxi, the topic up is the media covering up the skin colour of perps if they not white.
It is relevant to mention that the heroes/rescuers who the police are asking to step forward (as described in NBBCs pist below) were non-white.
Or perhaps you don’t agree with mentioning when non-whites have been helpful.
An apparently Swansea man, Tedi Fanta Hagos has appeared in court.
And from the Police:
“In stepping forward as they did to apprehend a violent individual, they showed great courage and potentially prevented others from being attacked.
“I want to be clear that while they used force to subdue the attacker, those actions were entirely reasonable and are not in question. They can be assured that we wish to speak to them solely as witnesses.
The statement by the police is an admission by the police that the public has little faith and trust in the police, even in so obvious an incident. And they know it.
They’d be crazy to come forward . I’m sure they’d be charged with some racially motivated made up crime and the accused ‘ legal team ‘( love that ) will be after them one way £ ££ or another …
But someone will grass them up .
O/T The Dover migrant spotter tweets from his second account
I’ve deactivated my main account temporarily, I’ve not been suspended.
It’ll be active again in a few days, just need to sort a few things out. (the accounts too much of a distraction)
People thought he had been #Jackbooted by the #Twazis (kicked off by TwitterNazis)
Obviously this is some form of Right Wing training camp aimed at indoctrination of the young.
It looks like the kids , teachers and staff throughly enjoyed themselves which is not allowed in BBC world I can only imagine they and thier lefty chums will complain about.
Boys being dressed as boys.
Girls being dressed as girls.
Exclusively England attire
No BME kids at the front.
White privilege, looks a great school
Is this practice OFSTED approved ?
Teaching unions being upset.
We’re parents consulted before?
Kids faces now in public domain
Social distancing.
What chemicals are in those face pains?
Is that plastic bunting ?
Ironic then, that much of the ‘mindless hooliganism’ around football involved lads from right across the ethnic spectrum, fighting alongside and against each other. Diversity in action.
Quite ironic that our world class broadcaster becomes colourblind when another of the hoards of black stabbers is on the loose, but always available to give a desription if it is a whitey
“The British Royal Air Force, which has a base at Akrotiri near Limassol, shared images online of its helicopters taking ..”
I wonder if it all sources back to Reuter’s material prepared for an international audience.
The fires are not that far out of Limassol, and not really an area I would describe as mountains.
I remember hitching out on that road past the dams and then hiking for a couple of days, passing through ancient ruins and across country to another road.
Lots of dry olive groves, not such a surprise to have fires.
When is Al Beeb going to stand up for Great Britain and go to war on the woke culture . After all, it is paid for by the people of the United Kingdom and has British in its name ? At one time it broadcast “British” culture to the world, but now it is pumping world despotism into the UK . I am so glad I don’t pay for the rubbish anymore.
Scrap the outfit.
Masks are useless for preventing viral disease. But they do reduce O2 in the blood while increasing CO2. Makes one more susceptible to any passing pathogen, including covid.
The Gates Foundation … buys some Twitter advertising to tell us that “The Pandemic is widening the gender gap” – what does that even mean?
The pandemic is widening the gender gap. Right now, global leaders have a unique opportunity to put gender equality at the center of economic recovery. #ActForEqual
BBC1 early evening news yesterday had a piece about the Thank You day for the NHS etc.
Suddenly there’s a chap doing his bit with the name listed as Brendan Cox. Was this the sex pest one, or someone else. Being the Beeb, I assumed the worst.
It’s an utter disgrace that they wheel on such an awful convicted criminal as an ‘expert’.
That silly, ugly bitch should be consigned to some god-awful pension queue, and see what it’s really like.
What crap undermanagers they have in w1aa. I bet they’re all nasty as well, they’re fed vast amounts of money by the state, have no responsibilities, they’re unaccountable for their leftie, idiotic ‘ideals’, have dubious ‘friends’, and at every turn, they’re a waste of space and taxpayer’s money.
ThankYou day is a Jo Cox foundation project
It’s a bit strange to have that as a Praise The NHS day
Then the next day be another Praise The NHS Day, cos it’s its birthday
Can someone of a mathematical persuasion explain to me the significance of the number 73 ? As in the 73rd anniversary of “our” NHS.
Why are we even talking about this anniversary? Will there soon be an NHS Day, to go with Martin Luther King, George Floyd, Stephen Lawrence and all? I’ll have to self-isolate (for mental health reasons) when we get to the 75th!
73 is prime and not a round number like 70 and 75, or a magical one like 72.
Why do they need a special day for simply doing their job? Brings to mind Roy Keane ranting about a goalkeeper being praised because he stopped the other team from scoring.
Well we have ITV recruiting wimmin to comment on men’s football who only have a basic grasp of the English language “baw” apparently is a ball, but shes a wimmin so has to be employed
The NHS has to work with a fixed budget. With increasing demands due to an increasing population, there has to be rationing.
So how to set about it? Rationing on the basis of race, colour, or sex is out.
First, in any rationing system, the privileged will get immediate and best access. That was the way it worked in all socialist countries. After that, there will be set of rules that sets out who gets and who doesn’t.
I will guess that old men, white and working class will be last and left with virtually nothing. They have been marked for weaning out. Those who fought and died in worlds wars, those who made this country the foremost in the world, those who created the wealth we are spending now.
This is what the general hatred of White men is leading to. The NHS will be its handmaid.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC are trying to have it both ways – the hypocrites!
The BBC have spent the last four weeks moaning about Pandemic travel restrictions, airing doubts over whether summer music and other festivals could take place, giving air time to those complaining of the damage to childrens’ education, University education for adults and the problems of the hospitality industry.
Now they are whinging and airing doubts over relaxing all Pandemic restrictions in England. They are opposing the Government because they don’t like the Conservative Party and the BBC want to be the Labour Party on air. They are really stupid. I don’t think it will enhance the BBC’s standing among the public, rather the reverse.
Update: I forgot weddings – I highlighted one yesterday under a web-site watch – and funerals. The BBC has been angling for an end to restrictions on those. Next on tomorrow’s TOADY will probably be a spokesperson from the Funeral Directors Association agitating that his members would not like restrictions eased as there is only room for one in most or almost all coffins. Next will be Registrars from Local Authorities (do they have an Association or ‘Trade’ body?) stating that a relaxation of mask wearing and the threat of instant Covid infection will make their writing hands shake so badly that Marriage Certificates and Birth and Death Certificates will be unreadable. That will probably be saved for TWatO.
To wonder what a depiction of a crashed plane has to do with horticulture is to ignore the radical purposes to which it has long been put
Apologies if covered days ago.
Was a bit off-grid last week but totally astonished this racist Labour poster is legal.
Why has it not been called out by any number of anti-racism leftoid pressure groups, the EHRC, etc etc etc,
Yes, it’s a dogwhistle, but is it racist since Muslims/Hindus are not a race ?
It is the same poster we discussed last week
‘to stop Muslims voting Tory in Batley and Spen, the #LabourParty posts leaflets showing @BorisJohnson
shaking hands with Islam’s enemy, the Indian PM Modi,
a Hindu.’
The Times puts on record this morning a political fact we’ve been living with since at least as early as the Brexit vote: ‘“Wokeism” and the culture wars are on course to become the biggest dividing line in British politics, a prominent pollster has said after a study of voter attitudes‘
And right on cue one set of culture warriors say they don’t want us to believe the pandemic is over: ‘Backlash from scientists as Johnson prepares to lift all Covid restrictions‘ (Guardian)
This is a manifestation of the culture of what they call safetyism.
It has been the fear of what the opposition in the form of the left-leaning media would say, the death shrouds they would wave, that has made Boris so timid.
There’s a very telling report in the Guardian about ministers planning to take firmer control of the NHS where we read this rather astounding line: ‘Sajid Javid will spark a political row this week by announcing plans to seize greater control of the NHS in England, despite warnings that the “power grab” will lead to ministers being blamed for delays in treatment and closure of local hospitals‘
As if they weren’t blamed enough already. I recall an American observer attempting to understand the British NHS as he witnessed a typical Prime Minister’s question time where the incumbant was closely quizzed over the delay to Mrs Jones of Humberside’s hip operation.
Isn’t nationalised central control of health the very epitome of a leftwing policy? But this is the Tories in power – heads they lose and tails the opposition win.
Like it or not – free at the point of access inevitably means rationing by queueing and waiting lists. Particularly if you’re going to operate open borders.
‘Queen gives NHS the George Cross‘ (Daily Mail) – I can’t quite decide if this move is ludicrous or utter genius – perhaps it’s both.
We know her father presented the island of Malta with the same decoration for bravery in WW2 and they put it on their flag. How does silver look set on rainbow colours, I wonder?
Can’t help feeling this would be like the defenders of Malta throwing up their hands and pleading protect us please, protect us, and Churchill putting out the slogan protect Malta and everyone else suffering all the stress and privations… and then Malta gets the medal.
On matters medical: ‘Half of trainee doctors shun full-time hours‘ (Telegraph) – that’s our George Cross winning heroes right there. Seriously, that’s what you get when you feminise the profession.
It gets worse: ‘A quarter of senior consultant physicians are expected to retire in the next three years‘
For some reason I’m distracted by the widely held media notion that England football hero Harry Kane was keen to move on from Spurs – not for the cash, mind you – but because he wanted to win something before the end of his career. Does a George Cross medal also come with a Euros victory? I ask because I really don’t know what Spurs would do without him.
This idea of consolation medals for front line institutions could catch on.
The yank’s military have the purple heart but our fire service guys and girls could soon be in line for the Grenfell green heart. Special recognition for the squad traumatised by the fact that they didn’t have a ladder long enough and told people to stay put in their flats as the fire raged.
Expect perhaps to see ribbons with the distinctive two yellow stripes proudly displayed on the broad chest of your local African lady parking enforcement officer.
Our Met Commissioner already has a good deal of egg yolk on her cap. Now perhaps her boss, little man Khan, could put her up for the NHS GC by proxy, for gallantly clapping her colleagues, despite the rules. And that will be another gong to add to her exotic foreign award – the Brasilian sniper’s citation.
Speaking of heads the Tories lose and tails the opposition win – how about this one in the left-leaning ‘i’: ‘Mobile ban planned for schools in January‘ – OK, so what’s the problem? ‘Many schools already operate bans and some headteachers have objected to proposal as infringement on automomy‘ – one feels these teachers forget who pays their wages and who they are supposed to work for. Well, that’s what their mates in the NHS have done lately – and it has all worked out ok for them – they even got a medal for it.
In addition to a few other things I’d like to do but lack the time and Craig-style skills to manage, I fancy creating an online chart, similar to Mishal’s but without the wishing death on Jews, tracing back and logging the actual sources of these tabloid terms from such as oddly vague scientists with Pr departments to Love Island slappers with Pr departments to Megaharrys dedicated BBC liaison team, and what happens to what the issue to who runs it and how.
Now that really like.
Truth is, it’s been around for years in the form of the Road Safety Act 1996. Which obliges councils to improve road safety.
Twenty five years later they still have this same remit. So ever more weird and wonderful schemes have to be invented, at ever greater cost for ever less benefit.
The marxists who want to collectivise transport ( public good, private car bad) are now teamed up with the eco warriors and their natural council and government traffic department buddies.
What do we get? ‘We must reduce speed limits to save lives’. If ever there was a reductio ad absurdum argument then that is it. Remember the adverts proclaiming that you can survive an impact at 30mph but not at 40mph? Now we are told that ‘20s plenty’. What next?
The Wrexham bypass, built to near motorway standard, has a 50 mph speed limit ‘to reduce pollution’. It is surrounded by fields in places.
So how about 10 mph speed limits on all our motorways? I mean, it must be safer than 70 mph and ‘safety is our top priority’, yes? Surely 4 mph with a person walking in front with a big warning flag would be even safer? We could call it the ‘Red Flag Act 1865’.
You know it makes sense…….errr……..nonsense.
And this is official policy, remember.
Truth is, we need, and do not really have, effective arguments against safetyism and its proponents.
TOADY Watch #2 – remember the Golden Rule of radio broadcasting, Rick Nobinson!
The 8.10 a.m. main interview with Minister of State for Social Care, Helen Whately MP and Nick Robinson insists on breaking the Golden Rule of radio. He talks over an interviewee. Nick Robinson appears to be obsessed with wearing a face mask; the Robber Robinson of the Radio.
He certainly robbed listeners of a chance to hear what Helen Whately wanted to say.
It is a strange thing. The BBC have been casting doubts about the effectiveness of facemasks for fighting Covid all year. In fact, I think in the last week they had an article on the BBC web-site that demonstrated that they do not work. Unfortunately, I did not book mark it and an initial brave attempt with the BBC’s useless search engine on the web-site did not reveal it.
Robber Robinson, who I guess doesn’t wear a facemask – think of the others, Nick – even indoors in a place of work in front of the microphone with other people alongside, apparently thinks we should be made to wear them all the time just because the Chinese and Japanese do. Robber Robinson appears to be (deliberately?) unaware that the reason why Chinese and Japanese people wear facemasks outdoors in those countries is because of high levels of air pollution in those nations that we do not have in the UK.
Robber Robinson then goes on to lie on air. He claims that Sajid Javid said at the weekend that Covid-19 is the same as influenza. Helen Whately had to correct him. Helen Whately 2 : 0 Robber Robinson. Strictly speaking, it is the same as influenza as Covid is another virus of the family known as viiridae. What the SoS for Health, Sajid Javid said and other Government Ministers have echoed, is that we have reached the point where we have to learn to live with the Covid virus as we live with the influenza virus and the common cold virus and the Varicella Roster virus and the Epstein Barr virus and the ….. I could go on. Robber Robinson hopefully will read this and learn.
Having worked in the broadcast “industry” (what does it actually produce?), I can assure you that the Golden Rule of radio is “No Dead Air”, talking over someone is an attempt to achieve that, and to dominate the interviewee.
That’s one thing that’s annoying about about radio; how they cut out even natural gaps, eg when playing a clip, it starts instantly, jutting up to the previous voice.
AWOL, the BBC regularly have ‘dead air’ on R4 due to ‘little hiccoughs’. It was so long the other day that I wondered when the nuclear missiles would be flying out of our submarines … if we have any left.
No, Robber Robinson, definitely wasn’t concerned about that.
Straight talking physics teacher said
“coursework was organised cheating… You were expected to have 100% on coursework and if you didn’t the teacher got told off…”
I did try and listen carefully to this programme and there were some insightful comments.
Sadly, we had the usual suspect on the Al Beeb guest speed dial. The odious, Eton educated, ‘Professor’ David Runciman, 4th Viscount Runciman of Doxford, no less, apparently a ‘political scientist’ was on his favourite subjects, democracy and Brexit.
Superbly set up question from Amol about privilege and the educational divide led Rancidman to spout out something on the lines of …. you can find out how someone voted on Brexit if you ask one question, did you go to ‘Uni’ then you voted remain, if you did not go then you are an ignorant idiot and you voted leave..simples.
Stunning and brave analysis from someone who gladly takes the BBC’s coin.
Generalising is a theme of the Left. They’re all about broad strokes, with details and human nature swiftly brushed under the carpet, along with intellectual honesty. I’ve successfully been to university twice and proudly voted to Leave. Still would now.
BBC Radio 4 and immigration.
It’s all about the children init ? Children left in the wilds of Calais – EU . Whose parents trail blazed across the wilderness of Italy , Spain , France – EU ,fighting off charities that would deflect them from the promised land of milk and money , the UK .
A new law is being introduced that would make it illegal to arrive in the UK without permission. That will stop them . Why didn’t TPTB think of that before and dispense with the RAF in 1940 ? Except that it is already illegal, a Tory wet admitted . At least he had the honesty to blame the French for facilitating the invasion .
Yes it was all about the children and their right and their relatives right to live and sponge in the UK .
NEW – A vocal minority have made their antipathy to vaccines and Covid rules strongly felt. But some have come under the influence of evidence-free conspiracy theories and threats. Where is this movement headed?
Um, has anyone mentioned to thicky Femi, that HE can still wear a mask. Dear Lord, there are cries of ‘nanny state’ , but doesn’t this show that the unintelligent still need to be told what to do because they’re incapable of using their brain for common sense.
The BBC are determined that we are going to be ordered to keep wearing masks forever!
There has been an onslaught from them on TV and website, rolling on all sorts of dubious characters to demand we keep them and now are saying that “The Unions” say we have to keep wearing them.
This is nothing more than a political push by the left and Boris MUST resist it.
I posted yesterday why it appears the left want to keep everything locked down in order to weaken the Country and the Government. This charade has to be resisted at all costs!
I predict that there will be massive street protest if Boris buckles to these scheming idiots.
The rest of the website has been turned into a future dystopia,
where the RSPB is “shutting down”,
and instead of a section on “Birds and Wildlife”
… we have a section on “Birds and Wildlife of the Past.”
A recent study titled Cats and Wildlife reveals how many birds are killed in the UK by our domestic cats alone (not including the feral cats in our country). Currently, the estimates stand at 55million birds are killed by cats each year.
Disgusting, what a shame. I have stopped donations to major charities and gave to several local ones…got nice letters of thanks in return. Think we had this discussion a while ago but , go woke, go broke.
Also received a reply from Nivea when I said I wouldn’t be buying their products while they ‘assessed’ the new channel, which is what they are doing.
From the Department of the Environment and Rural Affairs:
‘In 2019, the all-species index in the UK, based on the aggregated population trends of 130 breeding species, was 10% below its 1970 value. The indicator declined between the late 1970s and the late 1980s, driven mostly by relatively steep declines in woodland and farmland birds. The all-species index has since levelled off and the smoothed index shows little change (-0.5%) between 2013 and 2018.’
The decline in rural populations is almost exclusively down to urban human expansion and changes in agricultural practices. It has nothing to do with the climate. At all.
Rebecca Ryan of ‘Defund the BBC’ seems to be feisty enough to cause some red faces, and pathetic execs in W1A hiding behind closed doors, but as she says, it’s public money, so who cares!
Well I bloody well do! My bank statement shows £41.00 being stolen from our account today, and I could have used that for just about anything else which has real value.
Yeah yeah yeah, I’ll get bollocked here for still paying the tax, but I won’t bore you why, yet again.
As Boris will probably bottle the Overseas Aid debate, like he’s bottled the TV tax debacle, I’ll certainly change the habits of a lifetime and tell the Tories to eff off. I’ve had enough.
GB News.
Once again I have watched quite a lot of GBN over the week end and it is certainly much closer to my politics and views than is the rest of the MSM on a wide range of topics except for the very important topics of Islamification.
The format of the channel allows for long discussions and this allows points to be made and developed rather than just short sound bites. To give some illustrative examples of the differences to the BBC et al for anyone who hasn’t watched it, very few I expect on this site.
Ex US ambassador ( presumable a Obama appointee) took a pot shot at Brexit and was pulled up by the presenter for doing so and told he was way off the mark.
Solid line on not allowing Begum to get her British citizenship back
BLM as an organisation being subject to heavy criticism for its political agenda.
Strongly antiwokist panel making great fun of all things Woke. Just the opposite of what you would see or hear on the BBC. People who had been cancelled by the Wokists allowed ample time to tell their story and given support whilst doing so.
Long interview , an hour, with Kate Howie , in which Remainers were put to the sword as feeble minded anti democrats who were most ignorant fools or had great self interest in supporting the EU and told lies relentlessly. Clarity that the EU was using the NIP as a political tool to try to force us back into the customs union and were stoking the fires of violence. Again just the opposite of the BBC.
Leftists who had been invited on to a discussion being occaisionally interrupted , albeit respectfully, by the presenter . On the BBCif a non leftist was interviewed there would be constant interruptions and they wouldn’t be respectful. A leftist would be allowed to spout without challenge.
Apart from its timidity on Islam and mass migration , which I acknowledge as two critical issues, GBN is doing ok.
I agree DT. However, I would get rid of all the female halfwits that take up space on the sofa. They screech, giggle and ask stupid questions, and are more suitable for kids tv.
I appreciate that Carrie Gracie is not everyone’s cup of tea and has received a lot of flack, but her time as sidekick to Simon McCoy before she had cancer and went rogue, was the best duo of male/female anchors on any channel. She had the gravitas but had a grown up banter with McCoy, unlike the silly bint he’s paired with now.
#2 Is going ‘woke’ the best way for the WI to embrace new members, or the best way to lose them?
We are invited to meet Petra, transgender speaker and activist who is ‘overwhelmed by the WI’s welcome’.
‘The WI welcomed me to the sisterhood’ features as the cover story on the July/August edition of WI Life magazine
Here’s a youtube piece I came across about the so called shortage of truck drivers in the UK and the lying UK media still trying to blame Brexit for the issues.
As you will see the hauolage industry simply won’t pay adequate wages in order to retain its staff. It used the wage compression from the EU Eastern Europeans first from Poland and then from Romania but even they weren’t prepared to work for such low amounts in the end.
So the next time you watch something about the so called HGV driver shortage you will be aware of the real truth of this fake ‘shortage’. The drivers are there, but the companies simply won’t pay enough to make it worth their while leaving other jobs, some of which are paying minimum wages.
The issue of the use of Paramedics needs to be aired in the media . There is a shortage of them. Their hours are long if they want to earn a decent wage but there should be compensation because they feel they are helping people in emergency situations.. But the public uses them because they cannot get to see a Dr !!. It is unsatisfactory use of their skills and is demoralising for those that chose to save lives.
Further to my earlier post regarding the George Cross and the expected recipient for the NHS.
I have further explored this topic and cannot see how the Wokey NHS and the Trotsky Unions could possibly accept. You see the George Cross was introduced to award the Island of Malta for its resistance to Italian and German bombing during WW2 (I suppose you knew that already) However at the time of the award Malta was a Crown Colony and therefore subject to British Colonialism. The Crown Colony of Malta became independent under the Malta Independence Act 1964.
So why would the Wokey NHS and its Trotsky Unions accept a symbol of Colonialism ?
Anybody wish to stir it through “Have Your Says” or a well worded letter to the Guardian or MIDWIFE Monthly….????
TWatO Watch #1 – the BBC are busy bringing out the opposition to the relaxation of Pandemic regulations and requirements
And to help them do it, Sarah Montague introduces a squeaky voiced American woman, an academic at Uni both names I have forgotten in the barrage emanating from Broadcasting House and their allies guns. I’m suffering from shell-shock already.
The Trade Unions are in opposition: Transport and Shop Workers. They want to keep face masks. Andy Burnham is in opposition; he wants face-mask wearing to continue as he can only control face mask wearing on Manchester trams, apparently. They all want us to turn Japanese!
“In the absence of effective mass vaccination, governments must take alternative measures to protect their populations, including public-health and social measures (such as mask-wearing) and enhanced surveillance and sequencing to identify the presence of variants and track transmission.”
So the message is jab, jab, jab and if the plebs are ‘hesitant’ then it is mask, mask, mask.
ti, the plebs haven’t been hesitant for vaccine take up in England. About 75% have had one jab; over half of England has had two. Think that includes the over 20s. Don’t know about the devolved areas. In a smallish island if Boris Johnson wished to take overall control of UK health back to Westminster – taking health away from the deovolved Parliaments and Assemblies – he is starting to be given some good excuses.
Our BBC Online news headline. But, she has not been vaccinated and has asthma. This headline serves to promote restrictions. Our BBC/Left fully support restrictions.
“Stephanie Davis: Former Hollyoaks star in hospital with ‘horrific’ Covid.”
“She signed off by telling her followers: “Please stay safe, wear your masks, wash your hands. This is absolutely horrific.””
Something odd here – I definitely heard in the past that asthma sufferers were not high on the list to receive a vaccination as they are not at any higher risk of serious illness or death from Covid. Yet it is being used more frequently now as an ‘at risk’ factor. Unless the advice has changed.
Dover and Loobyloo, I heard that asthmatics were being given vaccines as a priority. She opted not to take a vaccine apparently because of her allergies.
Budesonide, which is an asthma inhaler is, I understand, one of the treatments the NHS uses for covid. Many asthmatics will have their inhaler already and should be able to take more doses as soon as they need to, without waiting for a prescription.
Absolutely no mention of CO2. Funny that. I wonder why?
I know the jet fuel tends not to be oil-based but manufacturing the whole unnecessary kit must emit some CO2. And any radio use must require electricity and thus consume CO2.
The MSM – what do they want ? one minute they’re screaming that we ‘need our freedom’ and give all relevant reasons why. Now that its on the horizon, they’re squealing about is it too soon and giving arguments as to what could happen if they’re lifted. Jesus, doesn’t it make you vomit.
Just going back to Scotland infection rate being the highest in Europe . Why ? Does anyone have an answer ? Was it train loads of Scots coming to London to trash it ? 5 hours crammed on the train ?
I don’t know but would like to know – but I won’t be getting an answer from the BBC .
And sturgeon giving a daily party political via the BBC . What effect has that had ?
Time to ban travel to and from Scotland ? Using the SNP model .
And she’d be complainin’ and whinin’ if they continued lockdown, and standin’ up for those who wouldn’t be gettin’ back their freedoms that they’d been longin’ for as expected. Isn’t that right Beff ?
It’s called playing the table Brissles. Nothing happens, they pretend it never happened and it goes into room 101, something happens they crow and demand scalps!
It’s a lovely place Southgate. Mind you, I like Enfield, Epping and Walthamstow, too. Chingford is charming, Loughton lovable and Woodford is wonderful.
Do you notice how much the BBC likes shortages – HGV drivers – because of Brexit – a shortage of drunk ‘ tired polish lorry drivers in foreign plated heavy lorries using UK roads without paying tax . Miss them .
“Covid-19 in the UK: How many coronavirus cases are there in my area?”
More testing = more results .
People that catch Covid are not dying. Many don’t know that they even have it . Surely getting it means that they will have an immunity to it in future.
Something fishy going on , are we being told the truth ?
taffman, we know the symptoms of Covid mimic influenza. We know the PCR and LF tests are dubious on accuracy. We know that deaths are being mis-attributed to Covid. We know that variants (not mutations) have been brought in to the UK. We know that young people want to do what young people do and that that puts them at risk. We know that the NHS is or at least has been a super-spreader of infections of something including Covid.
In addition, I suspect that the vaccines may – if incorrectly or carelessly administered – lead to new infections.
The only statistic I want to see – the only one that matters – is the comparison between Covid-related deaths outside of a hospital to those of admissions. I think we all know the truth.
Auger-Aliassime gets a break in the decider
*Auger-Aliassime 6-4 7-6 (8-6) 3-6 3-6 1-0 Zverev
What a match the fans are seeing on Court One, with Emma Raducanu to come later on tonight.
Auger-Aliassime v Zverev is already up to three hours 18 minutes, but Auger-Aliassime now has a route to the quarter-finals as he has broken the German fourth seed right at the start of the decider.
Hold his serve from here on and it’s the last eight for the Canadian.
Indeed, the ‘Canadian’ is Black, naturally.
This decisive break of serve was achieved because Zverev served three double faults in one game!
The BBC neglected to mention this, rare as hens teeth, event.
I recall some nauseating BBC bias around 40 years ago, in a Wimbledon Men’s Doubles match between Mitton & Patterson of apartheid South Africa (Boo! Hiss!) and Ashe (USA) and Noah (France) who were both Black, so double plus good! There was tangible identification from the late commentator Dan Maskell with the two Blacks, who fought back to win (in 5 sets?) Maybe some tennis fan on here remembers that match?
The rot set in within the ghastly BBC many years ago … …
Always worth a check of the twitter feed of people who write comments like that.
Brian is a far-left activist and a particularly obsessed and nasty one.
Seems to average about half a dozen whines a day. All of them political and full of hate. The content of which should embarass a 10 year old.
“New Elections Bill to ‘protect democracy,’ says government”
I don’t think the lefty mob will like this.
This bill should go further and include the scrapping of postal voting.
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StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
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Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Stephen Dempsey was murdered on Oxford Street a few days ago. There is a suggestion in the papers that it was an unprovoked attack by a man from Swansea. The BBC hasn’t given as much time to Mr Dempsey’s death that they have given to George Floyd. I assume Mr Dempsey was British and his murder was on the main streets of our capital. Surely his death is more relevant to us here than George Floyd?
Somalian region of Swansea . The Sun published his picture .
Nothing to see – move along – nice and diverse …
Ethiopian name
Needed a translator in court
I don’t see a photo in the Sun
just “Hagos, from Swansea, has also been charged with possession of an offensive weapon.”
You have a problem – you have to correct everything . Does it matter whether this character comes from somalia or some other 3rd world crap hole .
I saw his picture and details on a twitter last week . It might have been the Sun – maybe not .
But you have a mental issue – a need to correct every effing peccadillo.
Its tedious – try changing .
I love this site, but I don’t like to see people have a go at each other
Its seems counter productive.
I did nothing abnormal
I simply went to the Sun to collect the photo to post it here, to make it easy for you folks.
All I am reporting is that I couldn’t find it there nor anywhere after a deep search on Twitter.
The Sun could’ve changed its page for all I know.
They did.
@DS The page currently shows police arresting a man on floor
you can’t see anything cos the face has been blurred
same with the video.
When I check the page on Internet archive
it doesn’t show an unblurred image either
neither can I find any facial images on Twitter at all.
I can’t find any contemporaneous videos/images just irritating footage of police tape afterwards
Though people complain ‘dumb people were just stood there filming it all”
The hero skateboarders who stopped it , looked to be well tanned but not black black.
“I really do not care for dividing the world up by skin colour but it is the lefty/lib establishment’s hobby”
“The hero skateboarders who stopped it, looked to be well tanned but not black black”.
Maxi, the topic up is the media covering up the skin colour of perps if they not white.
It is relevant to mention that the heroes/rescuers who the police are asking to step forward (as described in NBBCs pist below) were non-white.
Or perhaps you don’t agree with mentioning when non-whites have been helpful.
He may be from Swansea but he aint no taffman!
Al Beeb hiding the truth as usual.
From the Independent
An apparently Swansea man, Tedi Fanta Hagos has appeared in court.
And from the Police:
“In stepping forward as they did to apprehend a violent individual, they showed great courage and potentially prevented others from being attacked.
“I want to be clear that while they used force to subdue the attacker, those actions were entirely reasonable and are not in question. They can be assured that we wish to speak to them solely as witnesses.
The statement by the police is an admission by the police that the public has little faith and trust in the police, even in so obvious an incident. And they know it.
They’d be crazy to come forward . I’m sure they’d be charged with some racially motivated made up crime and the accused ‘ legal team ‘( love that ) will be after them one way £ ££ or another …
But someone will grass them up .
The top echelon of the London MET has been woke before the word “woke” was invented.
“Swansea Man” not just the BBC
There’s quite a lot of feral MH cases in central London
Murderous bunch, those Welsh.
Remember the coverage when another welsh man travelled to London and drove into a group of Muslims…
“Man” is now a fairly racial term, and “British man” is precise.
O/T The Dover migrant spotter tweets from his second account
I’ve deactivated my main account temporarily, I’ve not been suspended.
It’ll be active again in a few days, just need to sort a few things out. (the accounts too much of a distraction)
People thought he had been #Jackbooted by the #Twazis (kicked off by TwitterNazis)
School video quite different from the ones typically aired on the BBC
Obviously this is some form of Right Wing training camp aimed at indoctrination of the young.
It looks like the kids , teachers and staff throughly enjoyed themselves which is not allowed in BBC world I can only imagine they and thier lefty chums will complain about.
Boys being dressed as boys.
Girls being dressed as girls.
Exclusively England attire
No BME kids at the front.
White privilege, looks a great school
Is this practice OFSTED approved ?
Teaching unions being upset.
We’re parents consulted before?
Kids faces now in public domain
Social distancing.
What chemicals are in those face pains?
Is that plastic bunting ?
We could go on….
Blimey; Vile headed there on his bike to lead the demands for the teachers to be sent into hiding?
But despite it being clearly good-natured fun, Twitter’s woke brigade pounced on the harmless footage.
One troll branded the innocent children ‘a sea of aggressive white faces’ while another called it ‘disgusting behaviour’ and ‘mindless hooliganism’.
Too boisterous and unabashedly unashamed.
Ironic then, that much of the ‘mindless hooliganism’ around football involved lads from right across the ethnic spectrum, fighting alongside and against each other. Diversity in action.
Quite ironic that our world class broadcaster becomes colourblind when another of the hoards of black stabbers is on the loose, but always available to give a desription if it is a whitey
Here we go this about sums up the BBC. It relates to the wildfires in Cyprus, and I quote…..
The British Royal Air Force, which has a base at Akrotiri near Limassol…….
The Israeli Air Force is on the case.
Wildfires in Cyprus killed a load of British Army folk back in the EOKA days
@Halifax the earlier Mail story did the same
“The British Royal Air Force, which has a base at Akrotiri near Limassol, shared images online of its helicopters taking ..”
I wonder if it all sources back to Reuter’s material prepared for an international audience.
The fires are not that far out of Limassol, and not really an area I would describe as mountains.
I remember hitching out on that road past the dams and then hiking for a couple of days, passing through ancient ruins and across country to another road.
Lots of dry olive groves, not such a surprise to have fires.
BBC Cut Through The Noi…the BS
“We weren’t living. We were just existing.”
The pandemic has driven ten of thousands of young Americans out of big cities, and this has created opportunities for change in smaller communities.
Across the country, at least 40 cities have been offering incentives to attract new residents. Would you do it? #CutThroughtheNoise
Fourth Vox pop is from Eddie Izzard’s Granny.
Maybe ‘young people’ are a bit fed up living with media dreams of urban living, Men from Swansea and Antifa BBQ evenings too?
When is Al Beeb going to stand up for Great Britain and go to war on the woke culture . After all, it is paid for by the people of the United Kingdom and has British in its name ? At one time it broadcast “British” culture to the world, but now it is pumping world despotism into the UK . I am so glad I don’t pay for the rubbish anymore.
Scrap the outfit.
That’s why the bBC doesn’t get a capital ‘b’ at the beginning from me.
It is now definitely not ‘British’ in any shape or form.
Taffman . It is woke culture – it can’t go to war with itself .
Just another average BBC doctor.
Why isn’t she covering her face?
Masks are useless for preventing viral disease. But they do reduce O2 in the blood while increasing CO2. Makes one more susceptible to any passing pathogen, including covid.
Not BBC but likely will be in 3,2,1 ….
The Gates Foundation … buys some Twitter advertising to tell us that “The Pandemic is widening the gender gap” – what does that even mean?
“Twitter advertising to tell us that “The Pandemic is widening the gender gap” – what does that even mean?
Sort of thing hapless Harry would say, perhaps he should be asked !
So, the name of the dunnies along from Frankie Howerd sorted without a competition? Well, there was one, but, you know…
Maggie wouldn’t stand for all the sh1t we currently have to endure.
Bathroom? Where was she brought up?
BBC1 early evening news yesterday had a piece about the Thank You day for the NHS etc.
Suddenly there’s a chap doing his bit with the name listed as Brendan Cox. Was this the sex pest one, or someone else. Being the Beeb, I assumed the worst.
‘Fraid it is, Anne.
The awful BBBC do this to us at every turn with trash like campbell, price etc. Fed to us by over-paid, under-talented nobodies.
I was disappointed to see gb news using Vicky Price as a guest the other day
Same here, LL!
It’s an utter disgrace that they wheel on such an awful convicted criminal as an ‘expert’.
That silly, ugly bitch should be consigned to some god-awful pension queue, and see what it’s really like.
What crap undermanagers they have in w1aa. I bet they’re all nasty as well, they’re fed vast amounts of money by the state, have no responsibilities, they’re unaccountable for their leftie, idiotic ‘ideals’, have dubious ‘friends’, and at every turn, they’re a waste of space and taxpayer’s money.
ThankYou day is a Jo Cox foundation project
It’s a bit strange to have that as a Praise The NHS day
Then the next day be another Praise The NHS Day, cos it’s its birthday
Can someone of a mathematical persuasion explain to me the significance of the number 73 ? As in the 73rd anniversary of “our” NHS.
Why are we even talking about this anniversary? Will there soon be an NHS Day, to go with Martin Luther King, George Floyd, Stephen Lawrence and all? I’ll have to self-isolate (for mental health reasons) when we get to the 75th!
73 is prime and not a round number like 70 and 75, or a magical one like 72.
Why do they need a special day for simply doing their job? Brings to mind Roy Keane ranting about a goalkeeper being praised because he stopped the other team from scoring.
Well we have ITV recruiting wimmin to comment on men’s football who only have a basic grasp of the English language “baw” apparently is a ball, but shes a wimmin so has to be employed
Sounds as if she is Scotch.
To clap for the NHS or not.
The NHS has to work with a fixed budget. With increasing demands due to an increasing population, there has to be rationing.
So how to set about it? Rationing on the basis of race, colour, or sex is out.
First, in any rationing system, the privileged will get immediate and best access. That was the way it worked in all socialist countries. After that, there will be set of rules that sets out who gets and who doesn’t.
I will guess that old men, white and working class will be last and left with virtually nothing. They have been marked for weaning out. Those who fought and died in worlds wars, those who made this country the foremost in the world, those who created the wealth we are spending now.
This is what the general hatred of White men is leading to. The NHS will be its handmaid.
There has to be two tier NHS.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC are trying to have it both ways – the hypocrites!
The BBC have spent the last four weeks moaning about Pandemic travel restrictions, airing doubts over whether summer music and other festivals could take place, giving air time to those complaining of the damage to childrens’ education, University education for adults and the problems of the hospitality industry.
Now they are whinging and airing doubts over relaxing all Pandemic restrictions in England. They are opposing the Government because they don’t like the Conservative Party and the BBC want to be the Labour Party on air. They are really stupid. I don’t think it will enhance the BBC’s standing among the public, rather the reverse.
Meanwhile elsewhere on social media the national stirrer is covering the workers ‘pushing back’.
The BBC does like to create discord.
People who think they are victims would obviously say that.
Update: I forgot weddings – I highlighted one yesterday under a web-site watch – and funerals. The BBC has been angling for an end to restrictions on those. Next on tomorrow’s TOADY will probably be a spokesperson from the Funeral Directors Association agitating that his members would not like restrictions eased as there is only room for one in most or almost all coffins. Next will be Registrars from Local Authorities (do they have an Association or ‘Trade’ body?) stating that a relaxation of mask wearing and the threat of instant Covid infection will make their writing hands shake so badly that Marriage Certificates and Birth and Death Certificates will be unreadable. That will probably be saved for TWatO.
Can’t wait for the next Gardener’s World.
jeez thats some drivel talking about some other drivel,
did Jane Shilling 🤨 actually get paid for writing that waste of ink.
Aunty ditching Graun for the Fail?
Better yet, he got to chat with Oprah too.
BBC News
Dowry was paid in 95% of the marriages studied in rural India even though it’s been illegal since 1961, World Bank research has found.
Next they’ll be finding FGM is prevalent in Swansea.
NHS presented the George Cross.
What’s the chances of a female BME NHS worker being picked as the recipient representative?
For the Georgina Cross?
Apologies if covered days ago.
Was a bit off-grid last week but totally astonished this racist Labour poster is legal.
Why has it not been called out by any number of anti-racism leftoid pressure groups, the EHRC, etc etc etc,
Well, I think actually I know exactly why.
Paywalled site so can’t see it
Yes, it’s a dogwhistle, but is it racist since Muslims/Hindus are not a race ?
It is the same poster we discussed last week
‘to stop Muslims voting Tory in Batley and Spen, the #LabourParty posts leaflets showing @BorisJohnson
shaking hands with Islam’s enemy, the Indian PM Modi,
a Hindu.’
Good. It has been covered already.
What do you want, a medal?
The Times puts on record this morning a political fact we’ve been living with since at least as early as the Brexit vote: ‘“Wokeism” and the culture wars are on course to become the biggest dividing line in British politics, a prominent pollster has said after a study of voter attitudes‘
And right on cue one set of culture warriors say they don’t want us to believe the pandemic is over: ‘Backlash from scientists as Johnson prepares to lift all Covid restrictions‘ (Guardian)
This is a manifestation of the culture of what they call safetyism.
It has been the fear of what the opposition in the form of the left-leaning media would say, the death shrouds they would wave, that has made Boris so timid.
There’s a very telling report in the Guardian about ministers planning to take firmer control of the NHS where we read this rather astounding line: ‘Sajid Javid will spark a political row this week by announcing plans to seize greater control of the NHS in England, despite warnings that the “power grab” will lead to ministers being blamed for delays in treatment and closure of local hospitals‘
As if they weren’t blamed enough already. I recall an American observer attempting to understand the British NHS as he witnessed a typical Prime Minister’s question time where the incumbant was closely quizzed over the delay to Mrs Jones of Humberside’s hip operation.
Isn’t nationalised central control of health the very epitome of a leftwing policy? But this is the Tories in power – heads they lose and tails the opposition win.
Like it or not – free at the point of access inevitably means rationing by queueing and waiting lists. Particularly if you’re going to operate open borders.
‘Queen gives NHS the George Cross‘ (Daily Mail) – I can’t quite decide if this move is ludicrous or utter genius – perhaps it’s both.
We know her father presented the island of Malta with the same decoration for bravery in WW2 and they put it on their flag. How does silver look set on rainbow colours, I wonder?
Can’t help feeling this would be like the defenders of Malta throwing up their hands and pleading protect us please, protect us, and Churchill putting out the slogan protect Malta and everyone else suffering all the stress and privations… and then Malta gets the medal.
On matters medical: ‘Half of trainee doctors shun full-time hours‘ (Telegraph) – that’s our George Cross winning heroes right there. Seriously, that’s what you get when you feminise the profession.
It gets worse: ‘A quarter of senior consultant physicians are expected to retire in the next three years‘
For some reason I’m distracted by the widely held media notion that England football hero Harry Kane was keen to move on from Spurs – not for the cash, mind you – but because he wanted to win something before the end of his career. Does a George Cross medal also come with a Euros victory? I ask because I really don’t know what Spurs would do without him.
This idea of consolation medals for front line institutions could catch on.
The yank’s military have the purple heart but our fire service guys and girls could soon be in line for the Grenfell green heart. Special recognition for the squad traumatised by the fact that they didn’t have a ladder long enough and told people to stay put in their flats as the fire raged.
Expect perhaps to see ribbons with the distinctive two yellow stripes proudly displayed on the broad chest of your local African lady parking enforcement officer.
Our Met Commissioner already has a good deal of egg yolk on her cap. Now perhaps her boss, little man Khan, could put her up for the NHS GC by proxy, for gallantly clapping her colleagues, despite the rules. And that will be another gong to add to her exotic foreign award – the Brasilian sniper’s citation.
Speaking of heads the Tories lose and tails the opposition win – how about this one in the left-leaning ‘i’: ‘Mobile ban planned for schools in January‘ – OK, so what’s the problem? ‘Many schools already operate bans and some headteachers have objected to proposal as infringement on automomy‘ – one feels these teachers forget who pays their wages and who they are supposed to work for. Well, that’s what their mates in the NHS have done lately – and it has all worked out ok for them – they even got a medal for it.
Media backlashism is fascinating.
In addition to a few other things I’d like to do but lack the time and Craig-style skills to manage, I fancy creating an online chart, similar to Mishal’s but without the wishing death on Jews, tracing back and logging the actual sources of these tabloid terms from such as oddly vague scientists with Pr departments to Love Island slappers with Pr departments to Megaharrys dedicated BBC liaison team, and what happens to what the issue to who runs it and how.
See also… outcry over.
Hopefully Pumza not going to get in trouble with Jon and June over the Cracker %.
Now that really like.
Truth is, it’s been around for years in the form of the Road Safety Act 1996. Which obliges councils to improve road safety.
Twenty five years later they still have this same remit. So ever more weird and wonderful schemes have to be invented, at ever greater cost for ever less benefit.
The marxists who want to collectivise transport ( public good, private car bad) are now teamed up with the eco warriors and their natural council and government traffic department buddies.
What do we get? ‘We must reduce speed limits to save lives’. If ever there was a reductio ad absurdum argument then that is it. Remember the adverts proclaiming that you can survive an impact at 30mph but not at 40mph? Now we are told that ‘20s plenty’. What next?
The Wrexham bypass, built to near motorway standard, has a 50 mph speed limit ‘to reduce pollution’. It is surrounded by fields in places.
So how about 10 mph speed limits on all our motorways? I mean, it must be safer than 70 mph and ‘safety is our top priority’, yes? Surely 4 mph with a person walking in front with a big warning flag would be even safer? We could call it the ‘Red Flag Act 1865’.
You know it makes sense…….errr……..nonsense.
And this is official policy, remember.
Truth is, we need, and do not really have, effective arguments against safetyism and its proponents.
TOADY Watch #2 – remember the Golden Rule of radio broadcasting, Rick Nobinson!
The 8.10 a.m. main interview with Minister of State for Social Care, Helen Whately MP and Nick Robinson insists on breaking the Golden Rule of radio. He talks over an interviewee. Nick Robinson appears to be obsessed with wearing a face mask; the Robber Robinson of the Radio.
He certainly robbed listeners of a chance to hear what Helen Whately wanted to say.
It is a strange thing. The BBC have been casting doubts about the effectiveness of facemasks for fighting Covid all year. In fact, I think in the last week they had an article on the BBC web-site that demonstrated that they do not work. Unfortunately, I did not book mark it and an initial brave attempt with the BBC’s useless search engine on the web-site did not reveal it.
There are plenty of articles to choose from and even a radio programme:
these all cast doubt on the effectivness of facemasks.
Robber Robinson, who I guess doesn’t wear a facemask – think of the others, Nick – even indoors in a place of work in front of the microphone with other people alongside, apparently thinks we should be made to wear them all the time just because the Chinese and Japanese do. Robber Robinson appears to be (deliberately?) unaware that the reason why Chinese and Japanese people wear facemasks outdoors in those countries is because of high levels of air pollution in those nations that we do not have in the UK.
Robber Robinson then goes on to lie on air. He claims that Sajid Javid said at the weekend that Covid-19 is the same as influenza. Helen Whately had to correct him. Helen Whately 2 : 0 Robber Robinson. Strictly speaking, it is the same as influenza as Covid is another virus of the family known as viiridae. What the SoS for Health, Sajid Javid said and other Government Ministers have echoed, is that we have reached the point where we have to learn to live with the Covid virus as we live with the influenza virus and the common cold virus and the Varicella Roster virus and the Epstein Barr virus and the ….. I could go on. Robber Robinson hopefully will read this and learn.
The BBC are despicable.
Having worked in the broadcast “industry” (what does it actually produce?), I can assure you that the Golden Rule of radio is “No Dead Air”, talking over someone is an attempt to achieve that, and to dominate the interviewee.
That’s one thing that’s annoying about about radio; how they cut out even natural gaps, eg when playing a clip, it starts instantly, jutting up to the previous voice.
AWOL, the BBC regularly have ‘dead air’ on R4 due to ‘little hiccoughs’. It was so long the other day that I wondered when the nuclear missiles would be flying out of our submarines … if we have any left.
No, Robber Robinson, definitely wasn’t concerned about that.
Toenails so needs to get a whippet and a spread in Baldy Monthly.
No other way he’s going to win an award.
9am R4 Amol’s daily show
The entire weeks topic is education reforms, that’s three and three quarter hours of programme
Straight talking physics teacher said
“coursework was organised cheating… You were expected to have 100% on coursework and if you didn’t the teacher got told off…”
I did try and listen carefully to this programme and there were some insightful comments.
Sadly, we had the usual suspect on the Al Beeb guest speed dial. The odious, Eton educated, ‘Professor’ David Runciman, 4th Viscount Runciman of Doxford, no less, apparently a ‘political scientist’ was on his favourite subjects, democracy and Brexit.
Superbly set up question from Amol about privilege and the educational divide led Rancidman to spout out something on the lines of …. you can find out how someone voted on Brexit if you ask one question, did you go to ‘Uni’ then you voted remain, if you did not go then you are an ignorant idiot and you voted leave..simples.
Stunning and brave analysis from someone who gladly takes the BBC’s coin.
Remainer’s just don’t get it…
from 7m…
Generalising is a theme of the Left. They’re all about broad strokes, with details and human nature swiftly brushed under the carpet, along with intellectual honesty. I’ve successfully been to university twice and proudly voted to Leave. Still would now.
BBC Radio 4 and immigration.
It’s all about the children init ? Children left in the wilds of Calais – EU . Whose parents trail blazed across the wilderness of Italy , Spain , France – EU ,fighting off charities that would deflect them from the promised land of milk and money , the UK .
A new law is being introduced that would make it illegal to arrive in the UK without permission. That will stop them . Why didn’t TPTB think of that before and dispense with the RAF in 1940 ? Except that it is already illegal, a Tory wet admitted . At least he had the honesty to blame the French for facilitating the invasion .
Yes it was all about the children and their right and their relatives right to live and sponge in the UK .
Hack with the Rack is out again.
So is Vile, and squad*
* Another squad of color.
Angela Raynor?
Um, has anyone mentioned to thicky Femi, that HE can still wear a mask. Dear Lord, there are cries of ‘nanny state’ , but doesn’t this show that the unintelligent still need to be told what to do because they’re incapable of using their brain for common sense.
oh come on femi is the brightest genius the msm have found since the brexit vote
he is a world renowned expert
the EU
european law
and now a medical expert as well
I probably missed a few things he is also an expert in , but im sure I will find out soon enough
I dunno about masks but Femi would look good in one of those 2 ft conical white cardboard hats with a big red “D” on the front.
– just so’s you know what to expect before he opens his mouth.
The BBC are determined that we are going to be ordered to keep wearing masks forever!
There has been an onslaught from them on TV and website, rolling on all sorts of dubious characters to demand we keep them and now are saying that “The Unions” say we have to keep wearing them.
This is nothing more than a political push by the left and Boris MUST resist it.
I posted yesterday why it appears the left want to keep everything locked down in order to weaken the Country and the Government. This charade has to be resisted at all costs!
I predict that there will be massive street protest if Boris buckles to these scheming idiots.
There is the Real World
… and there is the PR Trickery World
RSPB have just thrown their lot in, with the latter
They even created their own new Twitter brand “Nature’s Voice” ..
This is what the RSPB’s homepage looks like these days.
It’s got me thinking about ways to defund them.
The rest of the website has been turned into a future dystopia,
where the RSPB is “shutting down”,
and instead of a section on “Birds and Wildlife”
… we have a section on “Birds and Wildlife of the Past.”
Yes, I got an email from them about that. I didn’t like their attitude at all especially as we do all we can for wild birds here.
I’ll unsubscribe from all this, they seem to have quite enough attention without my intervention.
Are the BBC in on the scam? I presume they are, but as we don’t bother watching anything they do, but listen to the radio, I’ll check it out.
Another lie.
A recent study titled Cats and Wildlife reveals how many birds are killed in the UK by our domestic cats alone (not including the feral cats in our country). Currently, the estimates stand at 55million birds are killed by cats each year.
Obviously they are white cats.
Disgusting, what a shame. I have stopped donations to major charities and gave to several local ones…got nice letters of thanks in return. Think we had this discussion a while ago but , go woke, go broke.
Also received a reply from Nivea when I said I wouldn’t be buying their products while they ‘assessed’ the new channel, which is what they are doing.
From the Department of the Environment and Rural Affairs:
‘In 2019, the all-species index in the UK, based on the aggregated population trends of 130 breeding species, was 10% below its 1970 value. The indicator declined between the late 1970s and the late 1980s, driven mostly by relatively steep declines in woodland and farmland birds. The all-species index has since levelled off and the smoothed index shows little change (-0.5%) between 2013 and 2018.’
The decline in rural populations is almost exclusively down to urban human expansion and changes in agricultural practices. It has nothing to do with the climate. At all.
More PR trickery , the contortions they go to to pretend cold-weather deaths are not magnitudes more than hot-weather deaths.
I noticed that you’d had a look in there, Stew!
I’ll get it bookmarked on my blog, as there’s a lot of very interesting info collected there!
The awful bbc have spent thousands of the TV tax on changing their logo.
Rebecca Ryan of ‘Defund the BBC’ seems to be feisty enough to cause some red faces, and pathetic execs in W1A hiding behind closed doors, but as she says, it’s public money, so who cares!
Well I bloody well do! My bank statement shows £41.00 being stolen from our account today, and I could have used that for just about anything else which has real value.
Yeah yeah yeah, I’ll get bollocked here for still paying the tax, but I won’t bore you why, yet again.
As Boris will probably bottle the Overseas Aid debate, like he’s bottled the TV tax debacle, I’ll certainly change the habits of a lifetime and tell the Tories to eff off. I’ve had enough.
Me too Scrob. Andy pandy has paid the tv licence tax as he won’t risk missing any sport…be it on his head!
GB News.
Once again I have watched quite a lot of GBN over the week end and it is certainly much closer to my politics and views than is the rest of the MSM on a wide range of topics except for the very important topics of Islamification.
The format of the channel allows for long discussions and this allows points to be made and developed rather than just short sound bites. To give some illustrative examples of the differences to the BBC et al for anyone who hasn’t watched it, very few I expect on this site.
Ex US ambassador ( presumable a Obama appointee) took a pot shot at Brexit and was pulled up by the presenter for doing so and told he was way off the mark.
Solid line on not allowing Begum to get her British citizenship back
BLM as an organisation being subject to heavy criticism for its political agenda.
Strongly antiwokist panel making great fun of all things Woke. Just the opposite of what you would see or hear on the BBC. People who had been cancelled by the Wokists allowed ample time to tell their story and given support whilst doing so.
Long interview , an hour, with Kate Howie , in which Remainers were put to the sword as feeble minded anti democrats who were most ignorant fools or had great self interest in supporting the EU and told lies relentlessly. Clarity that the EU was using the NIP as a political tool to try to force us back into the customs union and were stoking the fires of violence. Again just the opposite of the BBC.
Leftists who had been invited on to a discussion being occaisionally interrupted , albeit respectfully, by the presenter . On the BBCif a non leftist was interviewed there would be constant interruptions and they wouldn’t be respectful. A leftist would be allowed to spout without challenge.
Apart from its timidity on Islam and mass migration , which I acknowledge as two critical issues, GBN is doing ok.
I agree DT. However, I would get rid of all the female halfwits that take up space on the sofa. They screech, giggle and ask stupid questions, and are more suitable for kids tv.
I appreciate that Carrie Gracie is not everyone’s cup of tea and has received a lot of flack, but her time as sidekick to Simon McCoy before she had cancer and went rogue, was the best duo of male/female anchors on any channel. She had the gravitas but had a grown up banter with McCoy, unlike the silly bint he’s paired with now.
TCW posts
#2 Is going ‘woke’ the best way for the WI to embrace new members, or the best way to lose them?
We are invited to meet Petra, transgender speaker and activist who is ‘overwhelmed by the WI’s welcome’.
‘The WI welcomed me to the sisterhood’ features as the cover story on the July/August edition of WI Life magazine
Here’s a youtube piece I came across about the so called shortage of truck drivers in the UK and the lying UK media still trying to blame Brexit for the issues.
As you will see the hauolage industry simply won’t pay adequate wages in order to retain its staff. It used the wage compression from the EU Eastern Europeans first from Poland and then from Romania but even they weren’t prepared to work for such low amounts in the end.
So the next time you watch something about the so called HGV driver shortage you will be aware of the real truth of this fake ‘shortage’. The drivers are there, but the companies simply won’t pay enough to make it worth their while leaving other jobs, some of which are paying minimum wages.
The issue of the use of Paramedics needs to be aired in the media . There is a shortage of them. Their hours are long if they want to earn a decent wage but there should be compensation because they feel they are helping people in emergency situations.. But the public uses them because they cannot get to see a Dr !!. It is unsatisfactory use of their skills and is demoralising for those that chose to save lives.
Further to my earlier post regarding the George Cross and the expected recipient for the NHS.
I have further explored this topic and cannot see how the Wokey NHS and the Trotsky Unions could possibly accept. You see the George Cross was introduced to award the Island of Malta for its resistance to Italian and German bombing during WW2 (I suppose you knew that already) However at the time of the award Malta was a Crown Colony and therefore subject to British Colonialism. The Crown Colony of Malta became independent under the Malta Independence Act 1964.
So why would the Wokey NHS and its Trotsky Unions accept a symbol of Colonialism ?
Anybody wish to stir it through “Have Your Says” or a well worded letter to the Guardian or MIDWIFE Monthly….????
The George Cross was introduced in 1940, and not specifically for Malta.
comedy video : The Van man on masks
TWatO Watch #1 – the BBC are busy bringing out the opposition to the relaxation of Pandemic regulations and requirements
And to help them do it, Sarah Montague introduces a squeaky voiced American woman, an academic at Uni both names I have forgotten in the barrage emanating from Broadcasting House and their allies guns. I’m suffering from shell-shock already.
The Trade Unions are in opposition: Transport and Shop Workers. They want to keep face masks. Andy Burnham is in opposition; he wants face-mask wearing to continue as he can only control face mask wearing on Manchester trams, apparently. They all want us to turn Japanese!
Keir Starmer is, however, keeping very quiet.
Starmer will be fully on board with whatever he thinks will advance his personal prospects at any particular time.
Bliar’s ‘Institute’
The paper is about Africa but the following is the likely overall globalist view:
“In the absence of effective mass vaccination, governments must take alternative measures to protect their populations, including public-health and social measures (such as mask-wearing) and enhanced surveillance and sequencing to identify the presence of variants and track transmission.”
So the message is jab, jab, jab and if the plebs are ‘hesitant’ then it is mask, mask, mask.
ti, the plebs haven’t been hesitant for vaccine take up in England. About 75% have had one jab; over half of England has had two. Think that includes the over 20s. Don’t know about the devolved areas. In a smallish island if Boris Johnson wished to take overall control of UK health back to Westminster – taking health away from the deovolved Parliaments and Assemblies – he is starting to be given some good excuses.
Our BBC Online news headline. But, she has not been vaccinated and has asthma. This headline serves to promote restrictions. Our BBC/Left fully support restrictions.
“Stephanie Davis: Former Hollyoaks star in hospital with ‘horrific’ Covid.”
“She signed off by telling her followers: “Please stay safe, wear your masks, wash your hands. This is absolutely horrific.””
Something odd here – I definitely heard in the past that asthma sufferers were not high on the list to receive a vaccination as they are not at any higher risk of serious illness or death from Covid. Yet it is being used more frequently now as an ‘at risk’ factor. Unless the advice has changed.
Dover and Loobyloo, I heard that asthmatics were being given vaccines as a priority. She opted not to take a vaccine apparently because of her allergies.
Apparently it depends on type and history of the illness.
Budesonide, which is an asthma inhaler is, I understand, one of the treatments the NHS uses for covid. Many asthmatics will have their inhaler already and should be able to take more doses as soon as they need to, without waiting for a prescription.
Porn site Xhamster is trending
Is that cos some charity person has been exposed as a pedo
.. or is it a Photoshop job ?
+ ” a few historical tweets taken out of context”
£50,000 of our money to produce the new bBC logo
AltNewsMedia tweets
“Well over 300 pensioners bullied for their licence fee to pay £50,000 on this design overhaul
(that you wouldn’t even notice) of the BBC logo.”
I’d have done that for a fiver if they’d asked.
That new bBC logo needs a strapline surely,,
” shrinking not sinking ”
” trust us we’re downsizing”
“licence fee to champagne in 1 easy payment”
New Logo……’Reducing Capital ism’
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #something or other – have I done #1 already? (Note: apparent new Business Reporter. Is there no end to the BBC’s rescruitment profligacy?)
Absolutely no mention of CO2. Funny that. I wonder why?
I know the jet fuel tends not to be oil-based but manufacturing the whole unnecessary kit must emit some CO2. And any radio use must require electricity and thus consume CO2.
The run up to the 1700 PM briefing – doom gloomy comrade burnham followed by a comrade from the SNP – doom gloom .
The WHO has awarded Scotland the highest infection level in Europe . Did the bbc droid ask about the reason for this ? No .
Was there someone from the freedom side of the tracks demanding a full opening up ? No
So no balance . No surprise . The BBC is hoping for failure and praying for more British people to suffer – vote kier .
The MSM – what do they want ? one minute they’re screaming that we ‘need our freedom’ and give all relevant reasons why. Now that its on the horizon, they’re squealing about is it too soon and giving arguments as to what could happen if they’re lifted. Jesus, doesn’t it make you vomit.
Just going back to Scotland infection rate being the highest in Europe . Why ? Does anyone have an answer ? Was it train loads of Scots coming to London to trash it ? 5 hours crammed on the train ?
I don’t know but would like to know – but I won’t be getting an answer from the BBC .
And sturgeon giving a daily party political via the BBC . What effect has that had ?
Time to ban travel to and from Scotland ? Using the SNP model .
Fed, time to end devolution – at least in health.
Scrap all devolution . Scrap Al Beeb also.
Beth Rigby is trending
…”Rigby is on now chastising the government for lifting lockdowns
… when she was suspended for doing so during the last one.
The audacity #scummedia”
And she’d be complainin’ and whinin’ if they continued lockdown, and standin’ up for those who wouldn’t be gettin’ back their freedoms that they’d been longin’ for as expected. Isn’t that right Beff ?
It’s called playing the table Brissles. Nothing happens, they pretend it never happened and it goes into room 101, something happens they crow and demand scalps!
T<hey are basically a bunch of weasles!
If some skullduggery came out involving Gareth Southgate would the press call it Southgategate.
Lucky Southgate isn’t from Southgate ( up the road from me )
It’s a lovely place Southgate. Mind you, I like Enfield, Epping and Walthamstow, too. Chingford is charming, Loughton lovable and Woodford is wonderful.
I’ll go with you on the last three but Enfield is an absolute armpit. Nearby Ponders End is easily the biggest hovel in London.
Demographics? Take a guess…
Do you notice how much the BBC likes shortages – HGV drivers – because of Brexit – a shortage of drunk ‘ tired polish lorry drivers in foreign plated heavy lorries using UK roads without paying tax . Miss them .
Brexit – Europe exports more to us than we do to them.
Al Beeb propaganda again. Scrap the outfit!
“Covid-19 in the UK: How many coronavirus cases are there in my area?”
More testing = more results .
People that catch Covid are not dying. Many don’t know that they even have it . Surely getting it means that they will have an immunity to it in future.
Something fishy going on , are we being told the truth ?
taffman, we know the symptoms of Covid mimic influenza. We know the PCR and LF tests are dubious on accuracy. We know that deaths are being mis-attributed to Covid. We know that variants (not mutations) have been brought in to the UK. We know that young people want to do what young people do and that that puts them at risk. We know that the NHS is or at least has been a super-spreader of infections of something including Covid.
In addition, I suspect that the vaccines may – if incorrectly or carelessly administered – lead to new infections.
What else is there?
Fear, project Fear and propaganda.
How accurate are the testing kits?
The only statistic I want to see – the only one that matters – is the comparison between Covid-related deaths outside of a hospital to those of admissions. I think we all know the truth.
Load of Showaddywaddy from Boris as usual.
I would love to see a Spitting Image satire of his speech.
BBC Live Tennis reporting from Wimbledon
Auger-Aliassime gets a break in the decider
*Auger-Aliassime 6-4 7-6 (8-6) 3-6 3-6 1-0 Zverev
What a match the fans are seeing on Court One, with Emma Raducanu to come later on tonight.
Auger-Aliassime v Zverev is already up to three hours 18 minutes, but Auger-Aliassime now has a route to the quarter-finals as he has broken the German fourth seed right at the start of the decider.
Hold his serve from here on and it’s the last eight for the Canadian.
Indeed, the ‘Canadian’ is Black, naturally.
This decisive break of serve was achieved because Zverev served three double faults in one game!
The BBC neglected to mention this, rare as hens teeth, event.
I recall some nauseating BBC bias around 40 years ago, in a Wimbledon Men’s Doubles match between Mitton & Patterson of apartheid South Africa (Boo! Hiss!) and Ashe (USA) and Noah (France) who were both Black, so double plus good! There was tangible identification from the late commentator Dan Maskell with the two Blacks, who fought back to win (in 5 sets?) Maybe some tennis fan on here remembers that match?
The rot set in within the ghastly BBC many years ago … …
Trubble in paradise.
Always worth a check of the twitter feed of people who write comments like that.
Brian is a far-left activist and a particularly obsessed and nasty one.
Seems to average about half a dozen whines a day. All of them political and full of hate. The content of which should embarass a 10 year old.
“New Elections Bill to ‘protect democracy,’ says government”
I don’t think the lefty mob will like this.
This bill should go further and include the scrapping of postal voting.
Tonight’s Panorama ..hitjob against Brexit
I see the Save The BBC PR woman supports the first tweet
I was looking for something to watch . The answer – a documentary about Wetherspoons – on BBC4! – actually – Channel 5 . Curry club .