You and your researchers are becoming a pain. Your never post any example of Al Beeb’s bias. You are either trolling or supporting Al Beeb.
Your posts on this site are merely reinforcing readers views about Al Beeb. They want it closed down.
The George Cross was awarded to Malta by King George VI to “bear witness to the heroism and devotion of its people” during the great siege the islands suffered during the beginning of WWII.
The BBC are a liberal progressive agency on par with a POLITBURO government department with a major difference in that they are able to pay the slaves four times that they are worth in the civil service – plus – they get to set their own ‘agenda’ based on or around a relatively cheap ‘pop’ (faulty) metro consensus built around the vapid nations of the ‘The Guardian’.
The BBC spend a lot of money on consensus marketing. Proving what you say is ‘consensual’ is always the answer to doing something that would get you locked up twenty years ago. Times change and the BBC badge of depravity moves on to next target. Jimmy Saville would only get a side mention now in lefty history. They are spoilt for contenders and quickly bury the dead.
Its a movable feast. As usual I have a point to this. The BBC don’t do Science. They don’t do the Environment either and they don’t do cost benefit analysis. On top of all that they don’t have to run a business, the money rolls in even if there is a 365 power cut and the airwaves are all the same painted ‘trans’ presenter claiming doom is at half past three.
Its all bullshit, or course. A life on drugs can do that but also a privileged life where ‘investment’ is based on a collective ‘gamble’ by billionaire shakers in DAVOS. Being ‘in-the-know’ where the big cocks hang out and splash the cash in the hope that a dim government (to be) employee will take it up as an ’emergency’. A popular cause-and-effect routine that puts governments in power.
Hence Mobile phone batteries can now run Cars using the power of Windmills. Or even admitting failure (a temporary situation at best) we have the new dawn that Hydrogen storage will give us more miles per charge and promises over the rainbow. The big money is on hydrogen to replace batteries so the Times business pages will say.
And yet I am worried that Hydrogen has its limitation. Some are so bad that if not nuclear, they are close enough to be avoided in anything that moves at speed such as a car or train or bus.
The BBC does not do Science but if it were able to discriminate it would state that there is a big difference between compressed Hydrogen (in tanks) (which is being planned and produced) and the conversion of water to Hydrogen and Oxygen, both explosive.
The problem we shall never hear on the BBC is that producing Hydrogen produces prodigious amounts of CO2 as a by product. Secondly it a takes a lot of energy to produce it. Thirdly is is highly dangerous to store it compresses 400 times the state of a deep sea air tank. And then use it as Public transport. Remember the BBC think this is ‘environmental’.
Environmentally the little power we will have is made by Windmills which can never make a profit without subsidy. Cannot be recycled and are prone to stop working for several factors. Kill local birdlife and make an areas of the sea ‘off-limits ‘ to local fisherman/ Other factors will emerge over time adding to ‘unworkable’. Life expectancy 25 years max.
By that time Nuclear may or may not be on stream. The BBC are against ‘nuclear’ as it does not fit the ‘greenie’ image they represent there best shot is ‘windmills’ and (later) Hydrogen.
Let me state some facts; (from comments in Telegraph) today: ‘Hydrogen produced from gas either via electricity or gas conversion ( a major by product of which is CO2) is only 20% efficient at a vehicles drive shaft. Diesel is 30 to 40% efficient. Plus even compressed to 10,000psi hydrogen occupies 9 times the volume of the equivalent energy store of diesel and that is before you add the pressure vessel. I wonder how much of this enthusiasm is inspired by taxpayers handouts.’
All this is based on the BBC statement that CO2 is a ‘toxic’ gas. The basic building point of life on Earth. There is no such thing as too much CO2. Plants love it, we are all CO2 based. We cannot exist without CO2. Man made emissions are diddly squat to natural CO2 emissions.
And on top of all that there ‘Climate Change’ theory has never been proven.
Accepted by the G7, yes, but not conclusively except by the UN Agenda 21 (now 30).
I hate to think what will happen in year 2030. (COP 30). You can be sure the BBC will be cheering as we all face poverty, faulty healthcare and the abandonment of what once was ‘common sense’.
Energy policy will force us all to be slaves to an elite who hold all the keys of power.
Nothing will move unless it has a license. A TV license.
Around my way, they are digging up petrol forecourts and replacing them with ‘fast chargers’. Fast Chargers is what the Car industry will tell you ‘charges in an hour) perhaps 40%. What they don’t’ tell you is that the batteries are ‘damaged’ by ‘fast charging’ and shorten the life of the battery. On top of that you will be you will never ‘fully charge’ the battery (as it will shorten its life. True, the chargers will never charge 100% so lets say 85% is OK. But then NISSAN has had to admit that is last batch on cars had less than 70% after ‘ideal’ conditions i.e. a projection of compound 4% discharge/cycle over four years… and you quickly get to the bottom line. No re-sale value for the car. Not worth the cost of the battery replacement. Hence the FOCUS on next gen HYDROGEN fuels. By that time the cost of Car ownership will be but a dream.
Its a small chance the the Hydrogen Fuel Cell will save the UK from catastrophy (not thanks to the BBC) but UK innovations. But we still need vast power supply from Nuclear (to make the things work). And at the same time the Green lobby are dead against it.
And we will, still have the TV license stating that C02 is a ’Toxic’ gas despite all living things having been made from it. Our lives forced into cramped cities with curfews. Pandemics (true or false) we shall never know. Travel will be ‘restricted’ is really the small print in this brave new world they are creating with ‘fear’. The BBC crisis of fear program is in full effect.
We should fear the BBC. They are collectively mad.
I’ve been wondering where all this hydrogen cell versus diesel versus electricity mumble was coming from, and of course, the awful BBC is the main culprit, because the normal rags don’t bother, as they assume every normal citizen knows what bollocks we’re fed (no relation) by that disgusting crowd of tax-paid thirdformers in W1A.
Sweden July 3rd
“Sakariye Ahmed, 17, who was arrested for killing a policeman in Gothenburg,
had already in 2019, at the age of 15, tried to stab a person in a tram.
Bob Geldof, Guru-Murphy, Bercow, May, Hammond, Farron, Sir Kier, Hezza, Rigby and Burley, Chukka, Blair, Campbell, Femi, Osborne, Codswallop, Gauke, Maugham, Peston, O’Brien, Major, A C Grayling, Grieve, Gina, Terry Christian, Dr Lee, Mandy, Soubry, Soares, Alibaba-Brown, Marr, Owen Jones, Cherry, Krankie, Chakrabarti, Cable, Clegg, Rachel Johnson, pinhead Mrs Balls, Lammy, Call Me Dave, Ed Davey, Jon Snow, Maitlis, Newman the snowflake, Boulton, Fogerty, Benn, Heidi Allen, Blackford, The son of the bus driver Khan, Olney, Kinnock senior and junior, the appalling Ollie Robbins (remember him ?).
That is a very sobering list when written down . It makes Brexit look easy in comparison to the resistance we are fighting .it is a long process because people are slow to move from rolling their eyes at them latest woke propaganda to doing something – namely refusing to pay for it.
I was imagining the BBC meeting about the NHS getting a medal . The BBC management thinking they deserve one too .
But then again by giving that medal to the NHS – it insults those who rightly got it .
Watch out, watch out maxincony is about.
If he was so enamoured by Al Beeb he would set up an ‘Al Beeb Supporters’ site. Unfortunately it would get more negative comments than he would like .
He knows it .
I simply could not bothered to join a Lefty forum and spend so much time researching everything they all say to cherry-pick something I could throw back in their faces. Life is just too short.
It sums up people on the left perfectly. At their core, they are spiteful people full of anger and hate towards those they disagree with. It gives them fire to take action. This is why so many become journalists : they are activists who want to force their ideology on everyone else.
Maxi is either just a sad-but-typical lefty or trolling forums is his actual job. In which case I can only feel sorry for him. What a place to have ended up in life. No wonder he is full of hate.
“I understand that Al Beeb are paying lots of licence payers dosh for a new logo”
It’s an old story regularly trotted out by the right-wing press in order to keep poor saps like yourself in a near permanent state of outrage. Got to get that advertising revenue somehow…
He didn’t ask to be insulted maxi, he asked how much.
It was a fair question seeking an authoritive answer before passing judgement.
What a shame you didn’t give it.
(btw ‘i’ is about as biased as you are).
Nah – they much prefer the guaranteed free money from pensioners instead of having to provide a quality service people will choose to watch and thus attract advertisers.
I can’t even begin to imagine how few people watch or listen some of the woke tripe they churn out now. And I can’t find out because it is kept well hidden.
What I find particularly telling is that however much he is derided by everyone else, his comments are always written in such a manner they would pass a BBC moderator. It’s pretty obvious that he has been told his comments must fit within guidelines in case he or his comments are exposed as officially BBC.
I’m 99% certain that forum ‘research’ is his job.
I hope my moderator views are known – this character never comments about the BBC – therefore he should be gone from the site .
This is the first time he has referred to the BBC – but only a new old logo
Every time he posts something which is not linked to the bias of the BBC, you should change his comment to be:
‘Comment removed because it broke the house rules’.
That’s how the BBC do it. They carefully choose the articles they open for HYS then enforce the ‘off topic’ rule vigorously to make sure the agenda is never questioned.
hello maxi, where is that apology that you claimed you have given me? You know you never apologised, don’t you. You know I was correct about pogroms and you and the BBC were wrong.
While we consider ‘incorrectness’ – please explain how the design of a new typography, at some cost to the BBC, saves the BBC money?
Woolwich stabbing: Teenage boy killed in street
‘Three knives were visible in the street, and a police cordon remains in place.’
No more details given.
This deliberate concealing of information because of agenda (whether police or BBC) would be boring by now if it wasn’t so absolutely anti-white/pro-black racism of the highest order.
I’m reaching the opinion now that we should just let these barbaric 3rd-world scumbags go at it and leave the rest to Darwin.
Of course I may be wrong and they are all white. There’s always a first time.
Ahead of the Olympic send-off match versus Mexico, members of the US women's soccer team (@USWNT) turned their backs as 98-year-old World War II veteran Pete DuPré played the national anthem.
They missed the word ‘black’ from the description of those who turned away.
This is what this whole BLM thing means to me. They are a movement built on racist hate. That’s why they don’t care if it’s black people doing their disproportionate amount of killing. They are only interested in going after whitey.
Those women don’t deserve the freedom they have been given in the USA. They disgust me. They should be suspended from the team immediately.
It’s coming this way.
This country would be a far better place to live in if those that did not like it here just quietly left.
They don’t deserve the freedoms they enjoy hard one by our servicemen in the Second World War.
Boris Johnson discusses travel curbs with Angela Merkel on final UK visit
Another appalling article. I can only assume the BBC is staffed by diverse young people who got the job because of skin colour, knicker contents or campness.
‘The pair will dine on an three-course meal featuring British produce including an English asparagus tart and Oxfordshire beef fillet during a working lunch.’. What on Earth is that bumf doing in the article ?.
‘He is expected to announce the creation of an annual £10,000 award for a UK or Germany-based female scientist who has excelled in the field of astrophysics.’. Why isn’t it open to everyone ?. What kind of ‘equality’ do they call that ?.
I expect better for 4 billion a year.
Lefty Envy – only 3 courses ? The travel restrictions our enemy – the krauts inflicted has been reduced . Merkel /Macron may be losing power so she will have warned nut nut about the NI border .
With a bit of luck economic conditions in the republic will encourage a bigger number of the Irish to want to leave – although I guess 1 million of the 4 million were born in another EUreich country .
As for who runs the website – that line at the weekend the
‘British Royal Air Force ‘ might provide a clue . And if you are a bit slow – it suggests someone unfamiliar with the UK – culture and history – and also a bit thick .
To try and persuade Boris to re-join the EU-maybe to ask him if he will also make a play for being Chancellor after she has gone, OK that is a bit far fetched-I suspect they were discussing the issues concerning the bringing about of the New World Order pushed by that Schwab individual. Mind you I have been considering that we are already aboard the good ship NWO.
Three or four years ago we were in Berlin, staying just around the corner from the British embassy. A cavalcade swept through the iron gates. Only on our return to Blighty did we find it was Theresa meeting with Angela. I presume it was when they cooked up the withdrawal agreement.
I get very confused. At the time of Brexit, I understood there were 7 presidents of Europe. Yet whenever there is something to be decided, it is Angela who seems to be the one making the decisions. I am not sure how that works.
I'm reporting tomorrow on the America heatwave. Professor Sir Brian Hoskins, tells me: “The extreme nature of the record (4.6C higher) is a cause for real concern. The models' behaviour may be too conservative." Plainly climate change could be worse than we thought.
Out of all the virtue signalling I wonder which organization
is numero uno in the this woke exercise? Of course the BBC
is very high up on the list with their obsessive diversity ,
“positive discrimination” etc etc agenda. But they are
challenged by many others. It looks like that the England
football team will now forever subjugate themselves to BLM
forever more now. But as long as the go on winning matches
we will be understanding, I suppose.
Barclays Bank is another matter. They have encompassed
virtue signalling as much as anybody. If any of you use
Barclays internet banking ,you will know that you are
greeted by an advertising frame .
Over the years every few weeks it has changed . Two or three
years ago you may of seen a Caucasian family group. But
this is a very rare occurrence, and we may well never see it
again as their virtue signalling has got out of control.
The default frame which we have had for six weeks now is one
for Gay Pride and how Barclays supports the LGBT community.
Good for Barclay’s . But like the England football team and
the BBC’S obsessions, is this type of virtue signalling just
going to be their default position? And are we to expect the
80% of us now who are now considered an irrelevant minority
by the establishment just supposed to accept, the now status
Foscari – I really think the BBC leads on far left woke – but that is a historic view because my consumption of the BBC is so low now .
For instance I wanted to hear the sports thing on `toady but instead got the half wit shadow health sec being wrong on policy for vaccinating kids for flu .
On that point – do you notice how poor the front benches og]f both main parties are ? Some say this was don by respective leaders to make themselves look better …
I felt sorry for someone as sharp as Cummings have to deal with a ‘mr toad ‘ character as PM .
Can anyone here give some insght on the obvious fact that schoolchildren are wandering the street from 2pm onwards, apart from the teachers who are always repeating the mantra that they are not child minders
It’s not difficult to observe that the squealing classes – the BbBC, vegans, spurious leftie groups, charities, underprivileged civil servants, NHS staff, etc., are all on the ME ME ME bandwagon.
The ME ME ME ‘culture’ shouts and screams at everything and everyone, claiming victimhood at every turn. The perpetrators just hate citizens who get anywhere by personal graft, and rely on collective moaning against every being which challenges their miserable existence. Funnily enough, racism doesn’t figure highly in such groups as these whingers ignore the plight of their sistas, while paying lip service to them as ‘underprivileged’, while knowing full well that most normal citizens don’t give a toss anyway. But they still whinge on.
So the ME ME ME bunch festers on. The BBC makes up trashy stories about them all, calling it ‘investigative journalism’, which is a euphemism for bollocks in their case, and makes normal citizens furious at their waste of public money, which could be spent on finding proper stories, or perhaps doing honest reporting. They love ‘pride’ rubbish, and ‘victims’ are the best story they can come up with with boring regularity.
The awful BBC promotes all this nonsense at every turn. It encourages dissent by letting ME ME ME losers scream, shout and pretend to be important, in much of their programming. Perhaps their investigative journos (do they actually have any – I think not), could do programmes on how many immigrants – legal or illegal, actually pay the TV tax? Do charities get a free ride? Are vegans exempt from the TV tax? Are homos the way to prolong a race? Is the NHS fit for purpose? Are the undermanagers in the NHS overpaid twats? Do you hate the elderly so much you want to tax them as well? What exactly is being enriched by foreigners in Great Britain? Do you really think normal citizens enjoy watching women’s football?
The ME ME ME bunch is usually crowded with unknown ‘celebs’ like wags and other hangers-on, and of course, the BBC love these nonentities, as the thick watcherati can drool into their smelly burgers and admire the huge tits and bums, while the beeboid has to do absolutely nothing for a programme, except sit back and lazily toss in a question or two, and never expect an educated answer.
What an awful, sorry bunch we have to endure in W1A. Third rate comes to mind, Third world is more exact.
BoJo “Second: We will change the basic tools we have used to control human behaviour …”
I'm sorry, they'll what?? They'll change the tools used to the control human behavior?? 😳 they really need to word their statements so as to not make it so obvious 🙈🙈🤣🤣
— Refusenik Nat 🏴🌸🏴🌸 (@pureangel40) July 5, 2021
Just in case you were still in any doubt about the extent to which the left have decided lockdown is the political hill they swear we are all about to die on…
…let me just arrange this mornings’s national newspaper headlines in ascending (or is that descending?) order of left-leaningness for you.
‘It’s now or never, says Johnson‘ – quotes the Telegraph as it puts the conservative case for curbing the pervading tendency toward all encompasing State control of every aspect of our daily conduct: ‘Restrictions will end on July 19, as Government urges individuals to take responsibilty for their own lives‘
The Daily Mail echoes the It’s Now Or Never line that Elvis Presley sang in 1960, a tune which Wall’s Ice Cream adapted for their Venetian gondolier’s request for just one cornetto (give it to me) and which Pavarotti employed as O Sole Mio for the theme song for the 1990 Italian World Cup. Considering our remarkable luck of the draw our boys Kane, Sterling et al, hopefully realise for England it’s probably now or never this week.
The Mail celebrates the end of lockdown, indentifies the opponents of positivity, but tends to imply Boris may yet be dragging his feet: ‘Freedom at last as PM declares… It’s now or never. Britain (almost) back to normal on July 19 “big bang”. Boris defies gloomy scientists – and Starmer. But confusion on masks, holidays and home working‘
The formerly thundering now wiffle-whaffly Times introduces the element of doubt and second thoughts: ‘Now is right time to end Covid rules, declares Johnson. PM set to lift restrictions on July 19 but warns against being “demob happy”. And with this, Britain’s great gamble begins‘
One is reminded of the world-weary rather aloof character of Sergeant Wilson of Dad’s Army who stood at Captain Mainwarings’s side and whose response to the bullish platoon commander’s bold plans would often come as a mild cautionary “Do you think that’s wise?”
Interestingly, the Times tends to trim its sails in a rather female oriented direction these days. Don’t believe me? One of their front page items this morning features the subject of the football and teases an article on the fanciability of the England team coach: ‘How to be a Gareth. Why decent blokes are hot‘ – Really, girls, a Gareth over a Harry or a Raheem? No wonder these days the Times tends to articulate the politics of a typical Karen.
The globalist FT is the voice of the big corporates and they’re loving the prolonged lockdown squeeze on their small private competitors. Preferring to side with the left and perhaps with the lawyeristic centre-left visualising a future of expanding government contracts with ever more scope for corporate cronyism: ‘Johnson brushes aside warnings over lifting of Covid restrictions. Rules in England to end on July 19. Cases continue to rise. Labour scorns “reckless” policy‘
The freebie giveaway Metro has been enjoying enormous amounts of top rate advertising largess from government departmental PR budgets and naturally fears the bracing winds of a post-lockdown free market. What, we have to go out into the market and actually compete for our advertising revenue? That sounds like a casino. Competition could kill us.: ‘Boris rolls the dice. Feedom comes with warning cases could rise to 50,000-a-day‘
Cases, cases. More like Casey’s Court – that’s the old music hall related saying used to describe unruly child-like mob behaviour.
My old dad had two women, presumably working for the NHS, come to his door and despite being double-jabbed and in reasonable health for an 82-year-old they insisted on leaving a covid test kit with him. He hasn’t got a clue how to use it but they seem to have convinced him he should have a go. He’s hard of hearing so didn’t understand the verbal instructions. Also he can’t read small print easily. If he returns a postive result and chalks up another “case” it won’t have been under what you might call laboratory conditions – let’s leave it at that.
So let’s now see what the hard line opposition are saying.
The ‘i’ newspaper, in the style of the BBC, feigns neutrality in such a way that it gives disproportionately elevated promenance to leftist voices with the excuse they are representing minorites – case in point: ‘City mayors say face coverings should remain compulsory on public transport otherwise it will be “loss of freedom day” for vulnerable people‘
The unabashed Labour supporting Mirror makes no bones about their memento mori of a headline: ‘Freedom day confirmed. Masking for trouble‘ – I had to think carefully what exactly that meant. Of course they are punning: Asking for trouble.
The overly – I almost said overly intellectual wing of the left – but I’ll refine that thought as the overly pedagogic and academic wing – is of course represented by the Guardian as they take up the gambling theme: ‘Johnson sweeps away lockdown restrictions in Covid-19 gamble‘ – the Graun is not a hundred percent pessimistic for their side. It still holds out some hope of a U-turn. And who knows, they may get their way yet?: ‘“Big bang” in England condemned as reckless amid calls for rethink‘
The median age of death with (not of) covid 19 in the UK is 83 according to the National Office for statistics. The normal meidan is 81.5 so it’s hardly a surprise !
How many 83 year olds are considering attending these large events, or could it be that BLiar is talking through his orifice again.
AISI, who has been taking a pop at the PM? Apart from the BBC and increasing numbers of Trade Unions and Labour Party Mayors? That’s a nasty looking bruise on the right side of the PM’s face, as pictured on the front of the Guardian today?
Context righty thinktanks tend to keep funders secret
Why ?
Cos if you publish the list, lefty activists harass the donors until they stop giving
Like Greenpeace guys sending “we know where you live” letters.
Oh FFS David Perrett’s chart is FakeNews
It’s misrepresentation the favourite trick of lefty activists and people like Maxi.
For a fan of transparency it’s strange he leaves his Twitter profile blank
(Some clues tell me which town, so he’s not the University of St Andrews prof of the same name)
What’s Perrett saying ? .. ‘Oh look the BBC are bad, cos they are airing the IEA
and look the IEA are bad,
I have proof, it’s this official looking chart
that say’s they rank in the lowest for TRANSPARENCY !
.. OrangeManBad .. IEA bad !
OK David Perrett you got me there with that chart .. I’ll pack up and go home.
.. Oh hang on David Perrett are you being TRANSPARENT ?
– When was the chart produced ? 2012
– Is it true that the org that made it no longer exists ? Yes
– Is it true that orgs were put in that category merely cos they declined to answer the questionnaire send out by the lefty org ?
– Is it true that some of those lefty orgs marked highly actually acted trickily by declaring front group/funds that finance them, but not declaring who funds those front groups ?
Many answers are in the 2012 Telegraph article
.. The org WhoFundsYou stopped functioning in Oct 2019, has never tweeted then, and its website is dead
The person named as behind it is still alive @Paul0Evans1 seems to be a Broadcast union official
Novara Media is the org with the dodgy financials in recent years
.. “was forced to dissolve in 2018 by Companies House, the United Kingdom’s registrar of companies, after it failed to provide the government agency with a confirmation statement due on August 17, 2017. [9]
As of February 1, 2019, Novara Media became a trading name of the non-profit company Thousand Hands Ltd. ”
Bottomline “who funds you ?”
is a fallacious line used to deplatform people
#1 Actually arguments depend on the evidence presented not the messenger.
You platform a messenger if they have something interesting to say
#2 Unfortunately whether an org is left or right, it is really difficult to work out who the ultimate funders are, cos funds are often funnelled through foundations etc.
#3 Funding is relevant when allocating time listening to arguments. eg GreenPeaceUK and Led By Donkeys are really the same people
Likewise if Soros funds 10 NGOs it can make it look like lots of NGOs in the marketplace support the same idea.
Likewise a panel should not consist of orgs from the Tory linked Tuffnell St building.
Likewise Climate conferences often feature a host of NGOs based in a similar green/left building.
Not reported in the UK at all is the murder of a 24 year old Spanish gay man outside a nightclub.
There have been protests in 70 Spanish cities all have gone unreported in the British media, and despite the attackers clearly having been witnessed by onlookers, there has been no description of them – wonder why?
As is the actual Top Trumps mentality anyone can witness as cubicle ‘news’ room kindergarteners struggle with special stuff editorial guidelines more and more.
On radio bbbc newcastle this morning, after having their scientists on, all saying we should carry on wearing masks (after the 19th) the DJ came out with something he has said before and that was “all the scientists we have on are saying the same thing and that is to keep on wearing the masks”
As I mentioned before. If you only invite scientists who want to keep the mask then don’t be surprised when they all say to keep wearing the mask.
The reason you get all the scientists saying the same thing is that you never invite any scientists on who have a different view to the bbbc.
The one on GB News, Karol Sikora could come on and give a different opinion to the bbbc one.
There are many many others to chose from.
The scientists were played in between a local mp (keep wearing masks) Emma Buck Lowell (spelling?) and chosen Vox pops to suit their keep wearing masks message.
Jesus H Christ, can you imagine the conversation between her and poor old sleepy Joe?
She is either completely rat arsed…we’ve all been there…or she has real problems.
Stew, the poor dear has looked really ill in the recent past. She has a better colour in the header pic for that video clip. Abbott is known to have at least one medical condition but also has been known to take alcohol at times. Not sure that helps with her medical condition. She should really retire and look after herself and her son who also needs help.
The Manchester arena inquiry is going from bad to worse . Now some jobs worth senior plod has admitted telling lies about his conduct in the plod control room .
The next bit of the inquiry is about the response – or lack of response by the ‘emergency services ‘ – a prize to any one who comes out well – lessons will be learnt – but the dead are still dead – fortunately one Islamic mass murderer is amongst them …
You may recall another Islamic murderer killed 4 women in Germany last week – heard nothing about the victims – whitee people I suppose . …
Strange how enthusiast the BBC normally is about the Reich
The blood of those children is on the hands of all those who made everyone else scared of criticising or in any way offending any Muslim or black person for fear of being labelled a racist. As are the stabbings in Londonistan.
Just a few more for the tally through history where the left have sacrified millions upon millions in the name of the socialist intellectual ideology.
Unfortunately the outrageous double standards which come with such immense self-righteousness and certainty everyone else is inferior means you can be sure they do not accept any responsibility at all.
Worth noting the speed of career termination of anyone in authority straying even a smidge on an outlawed opinion vs. the quiet longevity of any complicit in violent death.
TOADY Watch #1 – in which the BBC is in lock-step with Labour over Lockdown ending
Will the PM do anything about the BBC? He has now got them into a dangerous place where they have abandoned political impartiality (yeah, I know – not for the first time) again. He has a golden opportunity to call the D-G, Tim Davie, into No.10 to inspect the colour and warp and weft of the carpet in the PM’s office. Will the PM take it?
I listened on and off since 6 a.m. and the whole programme has been anti-Government, anti-Lockdown relaxation with one small exception. Mishal Husain caught out the useless John Ashworth, Labour Party Sadow Health Secretary. Ashworth is also Shadow to SoS for Health, Sajid Javid, as well as being a Sadow. Time for Starmer to reshuffle his opposition.
Almost as soon as Boris announced “Freedom Day” (Yippee!) London’s diminutive Muslim mayor jumped in and told us he was thinking of making mask wearing mandatory on London’s underground and bus system. I loathe anything that is mandatory. I’d much rather we left it to people to make their own decisions. Of course, that’s never an option for an authoritarian far leftist.
I barely recognise my own capital city these days. It’s a violent, unpleasant, brutish place, I just don’t feel I belong there. If you live, work or visit London being met with something really unsavoury seems to be an occupational hazard.
I really wish Khan invested as much time and energy in trying to reverse London’s horrifying epidemic of black gang violence and drug related knife crime.
Last week I made a rare trip to Brent Cross shopping centre, and because of its location has generally been ‘the corner shop’ for the large Jewish community in the area. This time I thought I was in down town Tehran ! even to hearing Middle Eastern music in a couple of shops. I don’t doubt the local Jews still make up a huge presence there, but it seemed to me the demographic had changed.
The demographics of the country have changed enormously. Sixty years ago, the Jewish population of the UK was around the 300,000 mark, and there were around 30,000 Muslims. The Jewish population is still around 300,000 (give or take), but the Muslim population has increased a hundredfold to about 3 million. This has enormous consequences; a generation ago, a party political leader would ‘do the rounds’ in the hope of obtaining a million pounds in donations from businessmen in the Jewish community. These days, a party political leader is far more interested in and dependent upon obtaining a million Muslim votes. This is one of the reasons why the Labour Party continues to be dogged by allegations of anti-semitism.
The number of people shopping at Brent Cross had been dropping for years. When I go I like to park on the 2nd floor of the multi storey car park, straight into the shops. Sometimes it could be difficult to find a space. But over the last few precovid years I could get nearer and nearer the doors. The Jewish community using BC were wealthy and liked expensive clothes. Marks and Spencer used to have the top of their range stuff there. Now it looks like a jumble sale with clothes having fallen onto the floor and no staff picking them up. The last few times I was in Brent Cross there were be gangs of obviously Middle Eastern males, happily pushing themselves and other shoppers around. They carried few or no purchases. Even before covid I stopped shopping ther.
In the 80s I worked as a junior at a business in London, between Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus. I was last in the area about 18 months ago and the difference was staggering.
The Trocadero always seemed to be mocked but it was a well turned-out little shopping centre. Walk into what was the main entrance now and you’ll find all the escalators and the steel, glass and marble fittings are gone. In their place is a dirty open plan area full of Asian stalls hawking the same crap as every other souvenir shop in the West End (something suspicious about that, surely?).
The Ashley-owned Lillywhites, once a pretty posh shop, now just looks like another branch of Sports Direct. I can’t imagine anyone looking forward to a weekend’s shopping in the W.E. these days.
Or try walking along Oxford Street. Or then again, don’t. The last time I was there (near the Disney Store – take the kids!) I ignored a black man who tried to get in my face. He responded by making a stabbing motion with an empty hand. And I’m not even Jeremy Vine!
Americans used to joke that the Miami tourist board slogan ought to be “Maybe you won’t get shot!” Perhaps, if he was honest, the Mayor could think up a proper one for London.
TOADY Watch #2 – the newspaper review is often very revealing
It was this morning with three newspapers singled out – by the BBC – as being in opposition to the loosening of Lockdown restrictions: the Guardian and the Mirror are no surprise as Labour supporting newspapers but the third one of the trio chosen by Nick at 6.10 a.m. was. It was the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail – nicknamed ‘The Fail’ by Lefties and Remainers (especially the latter group) – has moved significantly towards socialism and ‘the Left’ under its new Editor.
Totally agree Up2. I’ve been a Mail reader for decades – because its tabloid size , but like you say, there has been a ‘shift’ since the advent of the new Editor. Not only in its reporting, but stories that would normally be found in the red tops are more common place in the Mail now. I’m buying it less and less, as there is too much ‘filler’ with pages denoted to health recipes/campaigns/quiz polls/ and very little serious reading.
Re earlier posts about the Scotland , “highest infection rates of Covid in Europe”
I would acknowledge the tolerance of Londoners in accommodating the Scotland supporters who came to London for the recent game.
That same tolerance would not have been shown by Sturgeon
and her gang of incompetents had it been to other way about.
The UK Govt. should follow up the latest data by issuing Sturgeon with a “default” notice and putting Health in Scotland into special measures.
Be assured the guy who calls himself “Health Minister” is a serial incompetent, despiser of pro unionism and dangerous through bias.
And who only recently replaced a self confessed communist who has the deaths of children on her watch.
PS The State organ should be ordering this and doing proper job for once.
Following on from a previous post by Guest Who (thanks). ‘Liked by Extinction Rebellion’!
A TWITTER quote (by none other than by a BBC ‘super-hero’ (quote) ‘worse than we thought’ as told by Roger Harrabin from his arm chair. His blog: https: Muck rack is (not endorsed by the BBC) but that is then ‘approved’ by the BBC…. ‘From Roger Harrabin BBC Environment Analyst’ (fame for which he is a pioneer in cancel culture).
The real reason for Harrabins ‘endorsement’ of the absurd is a global tax administered by the ‘select’ few and benefiting a very select few very rich billionaires like SOROS. They help fund the BBC political media funding for global favoured projects. A hybrid ‘world socialism’ Frankenstein coupled with (protected) corporate monopoly ‘to charge what they like’. It all starts here:
key words are ‘sustainability, diversity, equality, climate’ etc. -all words you hear daily at the BBC as a public service (as it was). Harrabin ‘was speaking in his own capacity’ is a typical BBC response statement (usually applied to Gary Linekar when sounding off his obvious talents). And BBC ‘yoof’ (even if old hippy crappers) are welcome to take part (anarchist welcome to take part) – as they do. XR for morons. Harrabin endorsed (his own world of Guardian news and views). Political clap trap provided by the BBC as ‘hot news’.
Meanwhile: Tim Davie promised a programme of reform when he took over as director general in September, and the reduced pay bill is a sign of “real and tangible progress”, a BBC source said.
“We’ve made changes in the last year and the report will show we’re on the right path, but at the same time we’re not complacent and we know we need to continue the hard work,” the source added.
Lineker’s reduced five-year pay deal was announced last year. The cut meant Ball replaced the Match of the Day host as the BBC’s highest-paid presenter.
Her mammoth salary increase – which was accompanied by a drop in audience of one million listeners when she replaced Chris Evans in the Radio 2 breakfast slot – was heavily criticised. That left her “uncomfortable” with her £1.36 million salary.
Nick Grimshaw (£240,000-£245,999) and Annie Mac (£170,000-£174,999) are to leave Radio 1, while Shaun Keaveny (£160,000-£164,999) announced that he is leaving 6 Music after 14 years.
Alas – not yet – Harrabin. He will never be laid off by the BBC as long as he keeps coming up with news scare stories for this little-world of anxiety corner in EU remain basket cases.. The BBC stage of perversity will need more money (the savings are just a token effort, his predecessor (Lord Hall) did the same and now the BBC is in deeper debt as it expands (to compete) with lower cost operators. DeFund the BBC is the only way we can alter the end-game. All the BBC cost cutting, is all about ‘parliamentary inquiry into expenses’. A fig leaf to public funding based on a ‘Trust’ – they offer in part exchange; that never existed and has provided much funding for left wing causes and political lobbying. Abolish the Charter and BBC problems will disappear. Along with Harrabin who is a small scrounger on the XR spectrum.
The report that Gary Lineker remains the highest earner at the BBC on £1.35m contains major errors.
This should of course have read: ‘….Linaker receives £1.35m, the majority of which is unearned income, in addition to undisclosed sums relating to advertising revenues, normally in breach of BBC guidelines and contractual restriction….’
Irony being that he is a limited company so has unmonitored income from others – such as Sky and the crisp company he works for . Huge reduced tax bill…
I thing I’m normally applaud ( having studied tax avoidance schemes ) but for someone supporting Marxist organisations – is a bit rich ..
BIASED BBC TV is clearly listed alongside all details of Roger Harrabin (being linked to other BBC absurdities) and claims from 2010. My search put BIASED BBC in the top five listings.
(search phrase): BBC, Roger Harrabin, Guardian…..
There is flashback to our good selves at BiasedBBC (from 2010.) Proof positive that history repeats and the old BBC is as corrupts as it always was. That’s why we are here.
I don’t think we would, be ranked that highly on – GOOGLE -for example or – BING. So at least DuckDuckGo searches are ‘bias free’ from those that pay to get ++ ‘positive’ search engine results. The BBC pays a lot of money for ‘search results’ on its platform to GOOGLE for example and you tube.
Despite its claims for unfair competition, it out spends them all on ‘ads’ for itself.
Unlike others who use and abuse this site – I’m not very good at cut and paste –
( in my working life I’d get a staffer to do it )
So below is a muddled list of BBC ‘earners ‘ – sourced from the DT but which in turn from the BBC annual report .
Enjoy – or not – pity they don’t list the pay by number of licence tax these leaches take .
The highest paid BBC stars in 2020/21
Name Principal programme Lower pay limit Upper pay limit Change on 2020 (%)
Gary Lineker Men’s football £1,360,000 £1,364,999 -22.3
Zoe Ball BBC Radio 2 £1,130,000 £1,134,999 -16.9
Steve Wright BBC Radio 2 £465,000 £469,999 -2.1
Huw Edwards BBC News at Six / BBC News at Ten £425,000 £429,999 -8.6
Fiona Bruce Question Time £405,000 £409,999 -10.0
Stephen Nolan Multiple stations £405,000 £409,999 3.8
Lauren Laverne BBC 6 Music £395,000 £399,999 0.0
Vanessa Feltz Multiple stations £390,000 £394,999 -3.7
Alan Shearer Men’s football £390,000 £394,999 0.0
Scott Mills BBC Radio 1 £375,000 £379,999 8.7
Ken Bruce BBC Radio 2 £365,000 £369,999 -5.2
Andrew Marr The Andrew Marr Show £335,000 £339,999 -6.9
Emily Maitlis Newsnight £325,000 £329,999 -12.2
George Alagiah BBC News at Six / BBC News at Ten £325,000 £329,999 0.0
Greg James BBC Radio 1 £310,000 £314,999 12.7
Jeremy Vine BBC Radio 2 £295,000 £299,999 -7.8
Nicky Campbell BBC Radio 5 live £295,000 £299,999 -1.7
Dan Walker News and Sport £295,000 £299,999 13.5
Sophie Raworth BBC News at Six / BBC News at Ten £280,000 £284,999 1.8
Jo Whiley BBC Radio 2 £275,000 £279,999 -1.8
Mishal Husain Today £275,000 £279,999 3.8
Nick Robinson Today £270,000 £274,999 -8.5
Jason Mohammad Radio and Sport £270,000 £274,999 -5.3
Sara Cox BBC Radio 2 £270,000 £274,999 -1.8
Evan Davis PM £270,000 £274,999 -1.8
Laura Kuenssberg On-air editors and correspondents £260,000 £264,999 -10.3
Justin Webb Today £255,000 £259,999 2.0
Naga Munchetty BBC Breakfast £255,000 £259,999 30.8
Martha Kearney Today £250,000 £254,999 -2.0
Mark Chapman Multiple Sports £250,000 £254,999 0.0
Sarah Montague World at One £245,000 £249,999 -2.0
Emma Barnett BBC Radio 5 live £240,000 £244,999 -7.7
Nick Grimshaw BBC Radio 1 £240,000 £244,999 0.0
Amol Rajan On-air editors and correspondents £240,000 £244,999 17.1
Jonathan Sopel On-air editors and correspondents £230,000 £234,999 -2.1
Trevor Nelson BBC Radio 2 £230,000 £234,999 4.5
Tina Daheley News and Radio £225,000 £229,999 -11.8
Jeremy Bowen On-air editors and correspondents £220,000 £224,999 0.0
Katya Adler On-air editors and correspondents £220,000 £224,999 4.8
Mary Berry Television £215,000 £219,999 0.0
Kirsty Wark Newsnight £210,000 £214,999 -2.3
Clive Myrie BBC News Channel £205,000 £209,999 -4.7
Fergal Keane On-air editors and correspondents £205,000 £209,999 0.0
Rachel Burden BBC Radio 5 live £205,000 £209,999 17.1
Faisal Islam On-air editors and correspondents £205,000 £209,999 32.3
Louis Theroux Television £200,000 £204,999
Jermain Jenas Men’s football £195,000 £199,999 -2.5
Simon Jack On-air editors and correspondents £190,000 £194,999 0.0
Charlie Stayt BBC Breakfast £190,000 £194,999 0.0
Mark Easton On-air editors and correspondents £190,000 £194,999 2.7
Louise Minchin BBC Breakfast £185,000 £189,999 -14.0
Sarah Smith On-air editor £185,000 £189,999
Reeta Chakrabarti BBC News Channel £175,000 £179,999 -2.8
Jonathan Agnew Cricket £175,000 £179,999 2.9
Michael Vaughan Cricket £175,000 £179,999
Victoria Derbyshire Victoria Derbyshire £170,000 £174,999 -20.9
James Naughtie On-air editors and correspondents £170,000 £174,999 0.0
Annie Mac BBC Radio 1 £170,000 £174,999 0.0
Ben Brown BBC News Channel £170,000 £174,999 3.0
Gabby Logan Multiple Sports £165,000 £169,999 -10.8
Clara Amfo BBC Radio 1 £165,000 £169,999 6.5
Simon McCoy BBC News Channel £160,000 £164,999 0.0
Orla Guerin On-air editors and correspondents £160,000 £164,999 0.0
Shaun Keaveny BBC 6 Music £160,000 £164,999 0.0
Graham Norton Radio and Television £155,000 £159,999 -78.6
Steve Lamacq BBC 6 Music £155,000 £159,999 3.3
Joanna Gosling BBC News Channel £155,000 £159,999 3.3
Nihal Arthanayake BBC Radio 5 live £150,000 £154,999 -11.8
Carolyn Quinn Westminster Hour £150,000 £154,999 0.0
Mary Anne Hobbs BBC 6 Music £150,000 £154,999 0.0
Winfred Robinson Radio 4 £150,000 £154,999
Isa Guha Cricket £150,000 £154,999
BBC Group Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21
Many of the above earn a nice supplementary income doing conferences and the after dinner circuit – exploiting their exposure on the BBC to private gain …
Pity – too that they don’t discern those on the payroll directly or those on ‘production companies ‘….thus avoiding Income Tax …
It would be interesting to see how many hours they worked a week on average for their 3k (and up).
Same people who want to flood the country with East Europeans to suppress the working class wage to subsistence levels.
I wonder if maxincony and his team of researchers are on the same sort of salary, perhaps he can enlighten us when he sneaks up tonight ?
It might make him ‘green with envy’?
Do you not think that there would be a ‘flat rate’ for auto cue readers and others ? If there is no commercial value to high viewing figures why would you pay more for a ‘top name ‘?
I’ve yet to see a BBC story about a shortage of TV people – when people would do anything – anything – to get to be ‘famous’ – reference the ladies in the Film industry ….
“Wembley park stabbings: Danyal Hussein guilty of murdering sisters”
“It can be reported for the first time that Hussein had previously been referred by his school to the government’s counter-extremism programme, Prevent.”
“In October 2017, aged 15, he was referred to the de-radicalisation scheme because of content he had accessed on school computers, including far-right material.”
It doesn’t look as if the “Prevent” thing is working.
He is Muslim and killed 2 beautiful young ladys. However as a Muslim it Reay doesn’t count in BBC world. The BBC report centres on failures to PREVENT and of course his mental state. HIM BEING MUSLIM IS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MURDER.
“Borders Bill: Post-Brexit overhaul of asylum rules unveiled”
“A record 6,000 people crossed the English Channel in small boats in the first six months of 2021, meaning last year’s figure of 8,417 could soon be eclipsed over the summer.”
More Bluster ? By the time it gets passed many more will have illegally got here . Ferried across the Channel by the French navy and Border Farce.
Fait accompli. Tory supporters, fait accompli.
If our Tory Government was serious they would scrap the useless Border Farce and give the job to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. God knows how many terrorists and criminals are getting here ?
IMHO the EU are secretly behind the invasion.
'The migrant crisis is a really difficult topic and unfortunately there is no easy or magic answer.'
GB News' South East reporter Ellie Costello reports live from Dover after plans for tougher punishments of illegal migrants was announced.
No need for that either, just threaten to leave the asylum treaty unless Europe agrees to take them back.
Once the Asylum treaty no longer applies they can be returned to the country they claim to come from immediately. Just watch how many of them on the steps of the plane admit they didn’t actually come from a dangerous country at all and are unwilling to go there.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
When is the ‘Culture’ Minister going to attack woke culture and Al Beeb ?
Does anyone know what he/she does exactly ?
You and your researchers are becoming a pain. Your never post any example of Al Beeb’s bias. You are either trolling or supporting Al Beeb.
Your posts on this site are merely reinforcing readers views about Al Beeb. They want it closed down.
Fancy a square go Maxi?
The George Cross was awarded to Malta by King George VI to “bear witness to the heroism and devotion of its people” during the great siege the islands suffered during the beginning of WWII.
Malta was the most bombed place on earth.
How does this compare with the NHS?
It means nothing basically. They might just as well have got the Order of Dennis the Menace for all the good it does.
Tonight’s TV
7pm-1am BBC4 All progs are about paintings
Covid : I had a look at the graphs …
They are not too frightening.
Do our BBC and their mates of the Left think that moaning about Brexit will make it all go away? Really?
The BBC are a liberal progressive agency on par with a POLITBURO government department with a major difference in that they are able to pay the slaves four times that they are worth in the civil service – plus – they get to set their own ‘agenda’ based on or around a relatively cheap ‘pop’ (faulty) metro consensus built around the vapid nations of the ‘The Guardian’.
The BBC spend a lot of money on consensus marketing. Proving what you say is ‘consensual’ is always the answer to doing something that would get you locked up twenty years ago. Times change and the BBC badge of depravity moves on to next target. Jimmy Saville would only get a side mention now in lefty history. They are spoilt for contenders and quickly bury the dead.
Its a movable feast. As usual I have a point to this. The BBC don’t do Science. They don’t do the Environment either and they don’t do cost benefit analysis. On top of all that they don’t have to run a business, the money rolls in even if there is a 365 power cut and the airwaves are all the same painted ‘trans’ presenter claiming doom is at half past three.
Its all bullshit, or course. A life on drugs can do that but also a privileged life where ‘investment’ is based on a collective ‘gamble’ by billionaire shakers in DAVOS. Being ‘in-the-know’ where the big cocks hang out and splash the cash in the hope that a dim government (to be) employee will take it up as an ’emergency’. A popular cause-and-effect routine that puts governments in power.
Hence Mobile phone batteries can now run Cars using the power of Windmills. Or even admitting failure (a temporary situation at best) we have the new dawn that Hydrogen storage will give us more miles per charge and promises over the rainbow. The big money is on hydrogen to replace batteries so the Times business pages will say.
And yet I am worried that Hydrogen has its limitation. Some are so bad that if not nuclear, they are close enough to be avoided in anything that moves at speed such as a car or train or bus.
The BBC does not do Science but if it were able to discriminate it would state that there is a big difference between compressed Hydrogen (in tanks) (which is being planned and produced) and the conversion of water to Hydrogen and Oxygen, both explosive.
The problem we shall never hear on the BBC is that producing Hydrogen produces prodigious amounts of CO2 as a by product. Secondly it a takes a lot of energy to produce it. Thirdly is is highly dangerous to store it compresses 400 times the state of a deep sea air tank. And then use it as Public transport. Remember the BBC think this is ‘environmental’.
Environmentally the little power we will have is made by Windmills which can never make a profit without subsidy. Cannot be recycled and are prone to stop working for several factors. Kill local birdlife and make an areas of the sea ‘off-limits ‘ to local fisherman/ Other factors will emerge over time adding to ‘unworkable’. Life expectancy 25 years max.
By that time Nuclear may or may not be on stream. The BBC are against ‘nuclear’ as it does not fit the ‘greenie’ image they represent there best shot is ‘windmills’ and (later) Hydrogen.
Let me state some facts; (from comments in Telegraph) today:
‘Hydrogen produced from gas either via electricity or gas conversion ( a major by product of which is CO2) is only 20% efficient at a vehicles drive shaft. Diesel is 30 to 40% efficient. Plus even compressed to 10,000psi hydrogen occupies 9 times the volume of the equivalent energy store of diesel and that is before you add the pressure vessel. I wonder how much of this enthusiasm is inspired by taxpayers handouts.’
All this is based on the BBC statement that CO2 is a ‘toxic’ gas. The basic building point of life on Earth. There is no such thing as too much CO2. Plants love it, we are all CO2 based. We cannot exist without CO2. Man made emissions are diddly squat to natural CO2 emissions.
And on top of all that there ‘Climate Change’ theory has never been proven.
Accepted by the G7, yes, but not conclusively except by the UN Agenda 21 (now 30).
I hate to think what will happen in year 2030. (COP 30). You can be sure the BBC will be cheering as we all face poverty, faulty healthcare and the abandonment of what once was ‘common sense’.
Energy policy will force us all to be slaves to an elite who hold all the keys of power.
Nothing will move unless it has a license. A TV license.
Around my way, they are digging up petrol forecourts and replacing them with ‘fast chargers’. Fast Chargers is what the Car industry will tell you ‘charges in an hour) perhaps 40%. What they don’t’ tell you is that the batteries are ‘damaged’ by ‘fast charging’ and shorten the life of the battery. On top of that you will be you will never ‘fully charge’ the battery (as it will shorten its life. True, the chargers will never charge 100% so lets say 85% is OK. But then NISSAN has had to admit that is last batch on cars had less than 70% after ‘ideal’ conditions i.e. a projection of compound 4% discharge/cycle over four years… and you quickly get to the bottom line. No re-sale value for the car. Not worth the cost of the battery replacement. Hence the FOCUS on next gen HYDROGEN fuels. By that time the cost of Car ownership will be but a dream.
Its a small chance the the Hydrogen Fuel Cell will save the UK from catastrophy (not thanks to the BBC) but UK innovations. But we still need vast power supply from Nuclear (to make the things work). And at the same time the Green lobby are dead against it.
And we will, still have the TV license stating that C02 is a ’Toxic’ gas despite all living things having been made from it. Our lives forced into cramped cities with curfews. Pandemics (true or false) we shall never know. Travel will be ‘restricted’ is really the small print in this brave new world they are creating with ‘fear’. The BBC crisis of fear program is in full effect.
We should fear the BBC. They are collectively mad.
Excellent post, Philip.
I’ve been wondering where all this hydrogen cell versus diesel versus electricity mumble was coming from, and of course, the awful BBC is the main culprit, because the normal rags don’t bother, as they assume every normal citizen knows what bollocks we’re fed (no relation) by that disgusting crowd of tax-paid thirdformers in W1A.
Sweden July 3rd
“Sakariye Ahmed, 17, who was arrested for killing a policeman in Gothenburg,
had already in 2019, at the age of 15, tried to stab a person in a tram.
IP addresses clustered on Hermitage, Berkshire perchance?
Friends of our BBC:
Bob Geldof, Guru-Murphy, Bercow, May, Hammond, Farron, Sir Kier, Hezza, Rigby and Burley, Chukka, Blair, Campbell, Femi, Osborne, Codswallop, Gauke, Maugham, Peston, O’Brien, Major, A C Grayling, Grieve, Gina, Terry Christian, Dr Lee, Mandy, Soubry, Soares, Alibaba-Brown, Marr, Owen Jones, Cherry, Krankie, Chakrabarti, Cable, Clegg, Rachel Johnson, pinhead Mrs Balls, Lammy, Call Me Dave, Ed Davey, Jon Snow, Maitlis, Newman the snowflake, Boulton, Fogerty, Benn, Heidi Allen, Blackford, The son of the bus driver Khan, Olney, Kinnock senior and junior, the appalling Ollie Robbins (remember him ?).
And many more.
That is a very sobering list when written down . It makes Brexit look easy in comparison to the resistance we are fighting .it is a long process because people are slow to move from rolling their eyes at them latest woke propaganda to doing something – namely refusing to pay for it.
I was imagining the BBC meeting about the NHS getting a medal . The BBC management thinking they deserve one too .
But then again by giving that medal to the NHS – it insults those who rightly got it .
Watch out, watch out maxincony is about.
If he was so enamoured by Al Beeb he would set up an ‘Al Beeb Supporters’ site. Unfortunately it would get more negative comments than he would like .
He knows it .
I simply could not bothered to join a Lefty forum and spend so much time researching everything they all say to cherry-pick something I could throw back in their faces. Life is just too short.
It sums up people on the left perfectly. At their core, they are spiteful people full of anger and hate towards those they disagree with. It gives them fire to take action. This is why so many become journalists : they are activists who want to force their ideology on everyone else.
Maxi is either just a sad-but-typical lefty or trolling forums is his actual job. In which case I can only feel sorry for him. What a place to have ended up in life. No wonder he is full of hate.
Some here find the 0145 postings entertaining . And the response – including this one gives him an affirmation that he has value . He has none .
I understand that Al Beeb are paying lots of licence payers dosh for a new logo .
Anyone know how much ?
“I understand that Al Beeb are paying lots of licence payers dosh for a new logo”
It’s an old story regularly trotted out by the right-wing press in order to keep poor saps like yourself in a near permanent state of outrage. Got to get that advertising revenue somehow…
“They take us for fools”.
He didn’t ask to be insulted maxi, he asked how much.
It was a fair question seeking an authoritive answer before passing judgement.
What a shame you didn’t give it.
(btw ‘i’ is about as biased as you are).
So maxincony , how much did it cost ?
Perhaps Al Beeb could make some honest money by advertising instead of robbing the poor to give to the rich?
Nah – they much prefer the guaranteed free money from pensioners instead of having to provide a quality service people will choose to watch and thus attract advertisers.
I can’t even begin to imagine how few people watch or listen some of the woke tripe they churn out now. And I can’t find out because it is kept well hidden.
Anyone else get the feeling that maxincony is actually a computer generated “Siri”?
Nothing but predictable auto-generated blurb!
It would be refreshing if maxi actually came out fighting with some words of his own rather than the programmed bullshit he pings back.
What I find particularly telling is that however much he is derided by everyone else, his comments are always written in such a manner they would pass a BBC moderator. It’s pretty obvious that he has been told his comments must fit within guidelines in case he or his comments are exposed as officially BBC.
I’m 99% certain that forum ‘research’ is his job.
I hope my moderator views are known – this character never comments about the BBC – therefore he should be gone from the site .
This is the first time he has referred to the BBC – but only a new old logo
Every time he posts something which is not linked to the bias of the BBC, you should change his comment to be:
‘Comment removed because it broke the house rules’.
That’s how the BBC do it. They carefully choose the articles they open for HYS then enforce the ‘off topic’ rule vigorously to make sure the agenda is never questioned.
Indeed. Though might I suggest instead of ‘removed’ it says ‘for review’ to tease a bit more? Then sit on it until OFCOM actually dies its job?
Notice Wendy is still blocking and Springster still asking for questions from her small, self selected groupie pool.
hello maxi, where is that apology that you claimed you have given me? You know you never apologised, don’t you. You know I was correct about pogroms and you and the BBC were wrong.
While we consider ‘incorrectness’ – please explain how the design of a new typography, at some cost to the BBC, saves the BBC money?
£50,000, I read somewhere.
Woolwich stabbing: Teenage boy killed in street
‘Three knives were visible in the street, and a police cordon remains in place.’
No more details given.
This deliberate concealing of information because of agenda (whether police or BBC) would be boring by now if it wasn’t so absolutely anti-white/pro-black racism of the highest order.
I’m reaching the opinion now that we should just let these barbaric 3rd-world scumbags go at it and leave the rest to Darwin.
Of course I may be wrong and they are all white. There’s always a first time.
Some Yanqui lady footy
They missed the word ‘black’ from the description of those who turned away.
This is what this whole BLM thing means to me. They are a movement built on racist hate. That’s why they don’t care if it’s black people doing their disproportionate amount of killing. They are only interested in going after whitey.
Those women don’t deserve the freedom they have been given in the USA. They disgust me. They should be suspended from the team immediately.
It’s coming this way.
This country would be a far better place to live in if those that did not like it here just quietly left.
They don’t deserve the freedoms they enjoy hard one by our servicemen in the Second World War.
They just want. And the more they are given, the more they will want. They are activists. It will never end.
“Vauxhall to build electric vans at Ellesmere Port”
Despite Brexit ?
Anyone know the true reason why Mrs Merkel was meeting Bo Jo the other day ?
Boris Johnson discusses travel curbs with Angela Merkel on final UK visit
Another appalling article. I can only assume the BBC is staffed by diverse young people who got the job because of skin colour, knicker contents or campness.
‘The pair will dine on an three-course meal featuring British produce including an English asparagus tart and Oxfordshire beef fillet during a working lunch.’. What on Earth is that bumf doing in the article ?.
‘He is expected to announce the creation of an annual £10,000 award for a UK or Germany-based female scientist who has excelled in the field of astrophysics.’. Why isn’t it open to everyone ?. What kind of ‘equality’ do they call that ?.
I expect better for 4 billion a year.
Lefty Envy – only 3 courses ? The travel restrictions our enemy – the krauts inflicted has been reduced . Merkel /Macron may be losing power so she will have warned nut nut about the NI border .
With a bit of luck economic conditions in the republic will encourage a bigger number of the Irish to want to leave – although I guess 1 million of the 4 million were born in another EUreich country .
As for who runs the website – that line at the weekend the
‘British Royal Air Force ‘ might provide a clue . And if you are a bit slow – it suggests someone unfamiliar with the UK – culture and history – and also a bit thick .
To try and persuade Boris to re-join the EU-maybe to ask him if he will also make a play for being Chancellor after she has gone, OK that is a bit far fetched-I suspect they were discussing the issues concerning the bringing about of the New World Order pushed by that Schwab individual. Mind you I have been considering that we are already aboard the good ship NWO.
Three or four years ago we were in Berlin, staying just around the corner from the British embassy. A cavalcade swept through the iron gates. Only on our return to Blighty did we find it was Theresa meeting with Angela. I presume it was when they cooked up the withdrawal agreement.
I get very confused. At the time of Brexit, I understood there were 7 presidents of Europe. Yet whenever there is something to be decided, it is Angela who seems to be the one making the decisions. I am not sure how that works.
” I have a piece of paper in my hand that says it will all be ok”
Kate Hoey speaks to Andrew Doyle about Brexit, Labour and the NI Protocol.
53 mins long.
Liked by Extinction Rebellion
June Sarpong and Jon Snow have been isolated.
But isn’t, Roger.
How something ‘plainly’ ‘could’ be something is very BBC.
OT, but the promoted ads on Twitter backfire wonderfully.
Out of all the virtue signalling I wonder which organization
is numero uno in the this woke exercise? Of course the BBC
is very high up on the list with their obsessive diversity ,
“positive discrimination” etc etc agenda. But they are
challenged by many others. It looks like that the England
football team will now forever subjugate themselves to BLM
forever more now. But as long as the go on winning matches
we will be understanding, I suppose.
Barclays Bank is another matter. They have encompassed
virtue signalling as much as anybody. If any of you use
Barclays internet banking ,you will know that you are
greeted by an advertising frame .
Over the years every few weeks it has changed . Two or three
years ago you may of seen a Caucasian family group. But
this is a very rare occurrence, and we may well never see it
again as their virtue signalling has got out of control.
The default frame which we have had for six weeks now is one
for Gay Pride and how Barclays supports the LGBT community.
Good for Barclay’s . But like the England football team and
the BBC’S obsessions, is this type of virtue signalling just
going to be their default position? And are we to expect the
80% of us now who are now considered an irrelevant minority
by the establishment just supposed to accept, the now status
Foscari – I really think the BBC leads on far left woke – but that is a historic view because my consumption of the BBC is so low now .
For instance I wanted to hear the sports thing on `toady but instead got the half wit shadow health sec being wrong on policy for vaccinating kids for flu .
On that point – do you notice how poor the front benches og]f both main parties are ? Some say this was don by respective leaders to make themselves look better …
I felt sorry for someone as sharp as Cummings have to deal with a ‘mr toad ‘ character as PM .
The 3% are certainly punching (or should that be stabbing) above their weight.
Vote with your money Foscari, I do!
BBC Tik Tok Sofa Sloth fare
Can anyone here give some insght on the obvious fact that schoolchildren are wandering the street from 2pm onwards, apart from the teachers who are always repeating the mantra that they are not child minders
To pay for more ladies of color?
To pay for the new logo!
It’s not difficult to observe that the squealing classes – the BbBC, vegans, spurious leftie groups, charities, underprivileged civil servants, NHS staff, etc., are all on the ME ME ME bandwagon.
The ME ME ME ‘culture’ shouts and screams at everything and everyone, claiming victimhood at every turn. The perpetrators just hate citizens who get anywhere by personal graft, and rely on collective moaning against every being which challenges their miserable existence. Funnily enough, racism doesn’t figure highly in such groups as these whingers ignore the plight of their sistas, while paying lip service to them as ‘underprivileged’, while knowing full well that most normal citizens don’t give a toss anyway. But they still whinge on.
So the ME ME ME bunch festers on. The BBC makes up trashy stories about them all, calling it ‘investigative journalism’, which is a euphemism for bollocks in their case, and makes normal citizens furious at their waste of public money, which could be spent on finding proper stories, or perhaps doing honest reporting. They love ‘pride’ rubbish, and ‘victims’ are the best story they can come up with with boring regularity.
The awful BBC promotes all this nonsense at every turn. It encourages dissent by letting ME ME ME losers scream, shout and pretend to be important, in much of their programming. Perhaps their investigative journos (do they actually have any – I think not), could do programmes on how many immigrants – legal or illegal, actually pay the TV tax? Do charities get a free ride? Are vegans exempt from the TV tax? Are homos the way to prolong a race? Is the NHS fit for purpose? Are the undermanagers in the NHS overpaid twats? Do you hate the elderly so much you want to tax them as well? What exactly is being enriched by foreigners in Great Britain? Do you really think normal citizens enjoy watching women’s football?
The ME ME ME bunch is usually crowded with unknown ‘celebs’ like wags and other hangers-on, and of course, the BBC love these nonentities, as the thick watcherati can drool into their smelly burgers and admire the huge tits and bums, while the beeboid has to do absolutely nothing for a programme, except sit back and lazily toss in a question or two, and never expect an educated answer.
What an awful, sorry bunch we have to endure in W1A. Third rate comes to mind, Third world is more exact.
BoJo “Second: We will change the basic tools we have used to control human behaviour …”
The guy signing deserves a George Medal.
Just in case you were still in any doubt about the extent to which the left have decided lockdown is the political hill they swear we are all about to die on…
…let me just arrange this mornings’s national newspaper headlines in ascending (or is that descending?) order of left-leaningness for you.
‘It’s now or never, says Johnson‘ – quotes the Telegraph as it puts the conservative case for curbing the pervading tendency toward all encompasing State control of every aspect of our daily conduct: ‘Restrictions will end on July 19, as Government urges individuals to take responsibilty for their own lives‘
The Daily Mail echoes the It’s Now Or Never line that Elvis Presley sang in 1960, a tune which Wall’s Ice Cream adapted for their Venetian gondolier’s request for just one cornetto (give it to me) and which Pavarotti employed as O Sole Mio for the theme song for the 1990 Italian World Cup. Considering our remarkable luck of the draw our boys Kane, Sterling et al, hopefully realise for England it’s probably now or never this week.
The Mail celebrates the end of lockdown, indentifies the opponents of positivity, but tends to imply Boris may yet be dragging his feet: ‘Freedom at last as PM declares… It’s now or never. Britain (almost) back to normal on July 19 “big bang”. Boris defies gloomy scientists – and Starmer. But confusion on masks, holidays and home working‘
The formerly thundering now wiffle-whaffly Times introduces the element of doubt and second thoughts: ‘Now is right time to end Covid rules, declares Johnson. PM set to lift restrictions on July 19 but warns against being “demob happy”. And with this, Britain’s great gamble begins‘
One is reminded of the world-weary rather aloof character of Sergeant Wilson of Dad’s Army who stood at Captain Mainwarings’s side and whose response to the bullish platoon commander’s bold plans would often come as a mild cautionary “Do you think that’s wise?”
Interestingly, the Times tends to trim its sails in a rather female oriented direction these days. Don’t believe me? One of their front page items this morning features the subject of the football and teases an article on the fanciability of the England team coach: ‘How to be a Gareth. Why decent blokes are hot‘ – Really, girls, a Gareth over a Harry or a Raheem? No wonder these days the Times tends to articulate the politics of a typical Karen.
The globalist FT is the voice of the big corporates and they’re loving the prolonged lockdown squeeze on their small private competitors. Preferring to side with the left and perhaps with the lawyeristic centre-left visualising a future of expanding government contracts with ever more scope for corporate cronyism: ‘Johnson brushes aside warnings over lifting of Covid restrictions. Rules in England to end on July 19. Cases continue to rise. Labour scorns “reckless” policy‘
The freebie giveaway Metro has been enjoying enormous amounts of top rate advertising largess from government departmental PR budgets and naturally fears the bracing winds of a post-lockdown free market. What, we have to go out into the market and actually compete for our advertising revenue? That sounds like a casino. Competition could kill us.: ‘Boris rolls the dice. Feedom comes with warning cases could rise to 50,000-a-day‘
Cases, cases. More like Casey’s Court – that’s the old music hall related saying used to describe unruly child-like mob behaviour.
My old dad had two women, presumably working for the NHS, come to his door and despite being double-jabbed and in reasonable health for an 82-year-old they insisted on leaving a covid test kit with him. He hasn’t got a clue how to use it but they seem to have convinced him he should have a go. He’s hard of hearing so didn’t understand the verbal instructions. Also he can’t read small print easily. If he returns a postive result and chalks up another “case” it won’t have been under what you might call laboratory conditions – let’s leave it at that.
So let’s now see what the hard line opposition are saying.
The ‘i’ newspaper, in the style of the BBC, feigns neutrality in such a way that it gives disproportionately elevated promenance to leftist voices with the excuse they are representing minorites – case in point: ‘City mayors say face coverings should remain compulsory on public transport otherwise it will be “loss of freedom day” for vulnerable people‘
The unabashed Labour supporting Mirror makes no bones about their memento mori of a headline: ‘Freedom day confirmed. Masking for trouble‘ – I had to think carefully what exactly that meant. Of course they are punning: Asking for trouble.
The overly – I almost said overly intellectual wing of the left – but I’ll refine that thought as the overly pedagogic and academic wing – is of course represented by the Guardian as they take up the gambling theme: ‘Johnson sweeps away lockdown restrictions in Covid-19 gamble‘ – the Graun is not a hundred percent pessimistic for their side. It still holds out some hope of a U-turn. And who knows, they may get their way yet?: ‘“Big bang” in England condemned as reckless amid calls for rethink‘
The median age of death with (not of) covid 19 in the UK is 83 according to the National Office for statistics. The normal meidan is 81.5 so it’s hardly a surprise !
How many 83 year olds are considering attending these large events, or could it be that BLiar is talking through his orifice again.
Why would he say that? He’s not interested in saving lives – he wants to remove them, being a subscriber to the over-population mentality.
That c*nt’s death pre Iraq war would also have saved over 10,000 lives. Filth.
AISI, who has been taking a pop at the PM? Apart from the BBC and increasing numbers of Trade Unions and Labour Party Mayors? That’s a nasty looking bruise on the right side of the PM’s face, as pictured on the front of the Guardian today?
A fave riven with fear.
She of course has been a BBC go-to before. Probs runs a special gym for cubicle gardeners.
Champion Hunt!
Not a Mishal chart.
Context righty thinktanks tend to keep funders secret
Why ?
Cos if you publish the list, lefty activists harass the donors until they stop giving
Like Greenpeace guys sending “we know where you live” letters.
Indeed. Meanwhile The BBC can usually be relied upon to ‘forget’ to mention the fealties of ‘experts’ and audience invitees.
Oh FFS David Perrett’s chart is FakeNews
It’s misrepresentation the favourite trick of lefty activists and people like Maxi.
For a fan of transparency it’s strange he leaves his Twitter profile blank
(Some clues tell me which town, so he’s not the University of St Andrews prof of the same name)
What’s Perrett saying ?
.. ‘Oh look the BBC are bad, cos they are airing the IEA
and look the IEA are bad,
I have proof, it’s this official looking chart
that say’s they rank in the lowest for TRANSPARENCY !
.. OrangeManBad .. IEA bad !
OK David Perrett you got me there with that chart .. I’ll pack up and go home.
.. Oh hang on David Perrett are you being TRANSPARENT ?
– When was the chart produced ? 2012
– Is it true that the org that made it no longer exists ? Yes
– Is it true that orgs were put in that category merely cos they declined to answer the questionnaire send out by the lefty org ?
– Is it true that some of those lefty orgs marked highly actually acted trickily by declaring front group/funds that finance them, but not declaring who funds those front groups ?
Many answers are in the 2012 Telegraph article
.. The org WhoFundsYou stopped functioning in Oct 2019, has never tweeted then, and its website is dead
The person named as behind it is still alive
@Paul0Evans1 seems to be a Broadcast union official
IEA have a webpage dealing with Guardian/Greenpeace’s conspiracy theories about its funding.
And a document Who Funds You? FAQ
That page mentions the abuse their workers and funders get when they appear on the BBC second part of BBC 90 second clip
Literally a Champion.
Novara Media is the org with the dodgy financials in recent years
.. “was forced to dissolve in 2018 by Companies House, the United Kingdom’s registrar of companies, after it failed to provide the government agency with a confirmation statement due on August 17, 2017. [9]
As of February 1, 2019, Novara Media became a trading name of the non-profit company Thousand Hands Ltd. ”
Bottomline “who funds you ?”
is a fallacious line used to deplatform people
#1 Actually arguments depend on the evidence presented not the messenger.
You platform a messenger if they have something interesting to say
#2 Unfortunately whether an org is left or right, it is really difficult to work out who the ultimate funders are, cos funds are often funnelled through foundations etc.
#3 Funding is relevant when allocating time listening to arguments. eg GreenPeaceUK and Led By Donkeys are really the same people
Likewise if Soros funds 10 NGOs it can make it look like lots of NGOs in the marketplace support the same idea.
Likewise a panel should not consist of orgs from the Tory linked Tuffnell St building.
Likewise Climate conferences often feature a host of NGOs based in a similar green/left building.
Good post.
Champion ‘works’ where now?
I remember even the BBc had to avoid the Novara top babe as she made Stalin seem sweet and sane.
Or is Ash now solely funded by the TVL payer to keep smiles on producers and Vile’s faces?
Not reported in the UK at all is the murder of a 24 year old Spanish gay man outside a nightclub.
There have been protests in 70 Spanish cities all have gone unreported in the British media, and despite the attackers clearly having been witnessed by onlookers, there has been no description of them – wonder why?
Oh dear, is the pact between the far left, (here the LGBT wing) and the religion of peace breaking down‽
Orders beer and popcorn.😃
As is the actual Top Trumps mentality anyone can witness as cubicle ‘news’ room kindergarteners struggle with special stuff editorial guidelines more and more.
On radio bbbc newcastle this morning, after having their scientists on, all saying we should carry on wearing masks (after the 19th) the DJ came out with something he has said before and that was “all the scientists we have on are saying the same thing and that is to keep on wearing the masks”
As I mentioned before. If you only invite scientists who want to keep the mask then don’t be surprised when they all say to keep wearing the mask.
The reason you get all the scientists saying the same thing is that you never invite any scientists on who have a different view to the bbbc.
The one on GB News, Karol Sikora could come on and give a different opinion to the bbbc one.
There are many many others to chose from.
The scientists were played in between a local mp (keep wearing masks) Emma Buck Lowell (spelling?) and chosen Vox pops to suit their keep wearing masks message.
Impartial my ‘arris.
Diane Abbott is not just stumbling over her words like we all do from time to time, it seems more serious like a brain disease.
Biden disease
Jesus H Christ, can you imagine the conversation between her and poor old sleepy Joe?
She is either completely rat arsed…we’ve all been there…or she has real problems.
Not sure which…
Stew, the poor dear has looked really ill in the recent past. She has a better colour in the header pic for that video clip. Abbott is known to have at least one medical condition but also has been known to take alcohol at times. Not sure that helps with her medical condition. She should really retire and look after herself and her son who also needs help.
Isn’t it time she let Baldric have his wig back?
LOL. It does look like a wig. May be another clue as to Diane Abbott’s health.
Springster ploy by Labour and their PR agencies.
No way should she be any longer in power or on screen.
Unfortunate but simply a fact of leadership and common decency.
But she serves to keep the faithful raging at anyone not totally supportive of a person of competence problems.
Just think of the nightmare if she had ever become Home Secretary!
BBC still got a base in Singapore?
The Manchester arena inquiry is going from bad to worse . Now some jobs worth senior plod has admitted telling lies about his conduct in the plod control room .
The next bit of the inquiry is about the response – or lack of response by the ‘emergency services ‘ – a prize to any one who comes out well – lessons will be learnt – but the dead are still dead – fortunately one Islamic mass murderer is amongst them …
You may recall another Islamic murderer killed 4 women in Germany last week – heard nothing about the victims – whitee people I suppose . …
Strange how enthusiast the BBC normally is about the Reich
The blood of those children is on the hands of all those who made everyone else scared of criticising or in any way offending any Muslim or black person for fear of being labelled a racist. As are the stabbings in Londonistan.
Just a few more for the tally through history where the left have sacrified millions upon millions in the name of the socialist intellectual ideology.
Unfortunately the outrageous double standards which come with such immense self-righteousness and certainty everyone else is inferior means you can be sure they do not accept any responsibility at all.
Yes – 2 separate murder stabbings of male teenagers in Londonistan yesterday . The numbers dont seems to have been affected by the chinese virus .
The ‘ cause of death ‘ lisr for coloured male teenagers must be stabbing most likely . Cultural enrichment i suppose
Worth noting the speed of career termination of anyone in authority straying even a smidge on an outlawed opinion vs. the quiet longevity of any complicit in violent death.
TOADY Watch #1 – in which the BBC is in lock-step with Labour over Lockdown ending
Will the PM do anything about the BBC? He has now got them into a dangerous place where they have abandoned political impartiality (yeah, I know – not for the first time) again. He has a golden opportunity to call the D-G, Tim Davie, into No.10 to inspect the colour and warp and weft of the carpet in the PM’s office. Will the PM take it?
I listened on and off since 6 a.m. and the whole programme has been anti-Government, anti-Lockdown relaxation with one small exception. Mishal Husain caught out the useless John Ashworth, Labour Party Sadow Health Secretary. Ashworth is also Shadow to SoS for Health, Sajid Javid, as well as being a Sadow. Time for Starmer to reshuffle his opposition.
Almost as soon as Boris announced “Freedom Day” (Yippee!) London’s diminutive Muslim mayor jumped in and told us he was thinking of making mask wearing mandatory on London’s underground and bus system. I loathe anything that is mandatory. I’d much rather we left it to people to make their own decisions. Of course, that’s never an option for an authoritarian far leftist.
I barely recognise my own capital city these days. It’s a violent, unpleasant, brutish place, I just don’t feel I belong there. If you live, work or visit London being met with something really unsavoury seems to be an occupational hazard.
I really wish Khan invested as much time and energy in trying to reverse London’s horrifying epidemic of black gang violence and drug related knife crime.
Too much to ask…
Along with almost all media, everywhere, politics is all about the left doing anything, variably, to ‘get’ ideological foes.
And here, as with Trump, they can be assured BBC ‘analysis’ will change along with their hypocrisies.
That isa £5,000,000,000 assault on democracy and free speech annually.
Last week I made a rare trip to Brent Cross shopping centre, and because of its location has generally been ‘the corner shop’ for the large Jewish community in the area. This time I thought I was in down town Tehran ! even to hearing Middle Eastern music in a couple of shops. I don’t doubt the local Jews still make up a huge presence there, but it seemed to me the demographic had changed.
The demographics of the country have changed enormously. Sixty years ago, the Jewish population of the UK was around the 300,000 mark, and there were around 30,000 Muslims. The Jewish population is still around 300,000 (give or take), but the Muslim population has increased a hundredfold to about 3 million. This has enormous consequences; a generation ago, a party political leader would ‘do the rounds’ in the hope of obtaining a million pounds in donations from businessmen in the Jewish community. These days, a party political leader is far more interested in and dependent upon obtaining a million Muslim votes. This is one of the reasons why the Labour Party continues to be dogged by allegations of anti-semitism.
The number of people shopping at Brent Cross had been dropping for years. When I go I like to park on the 2nd floor of the multi storey car park, straight into the shops. Sometimes it could be difficult to find a space. But over the last few precovid years I could get nearer and nearer the doors. The Jewish community using BC were wealthy and liked expensive clothes. Marks and Spencer used to have the top of their range stuff there. Now it looks like a jumble sale with clothes having fallen onto the floor and no staff picking them up. The last few times I was in Brent Cross there were be gangs of obviously Middle Eastern males, happily pushing themselves and other shoppers around. They carried few or no purchases. Even before covid I stopped shopping ther.
In the 80s I worked as a junior at a business in London, between Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus. I was last in the area about 18 months ago and the difference was staggering.
The Trocadero always seemed to be mocked but it was a well turned-out little shopping centre. Walk into what was the main entrance now and you’ll find all the escalators and the steel, glass and marble fittings are gone. In their place is a dirty open plan area full of Asian stalls hawking the same crap as every other souvenir shop in the West End (something suspicious about that, surely?).
The Ashley-owned Lillywhites, once a pretty posh shop, now just looks like another branch of Sports Direct. I can’t imagine anyone looking forward to a weekend’s shopping in the W.E. these days.
Or try walking along Oxford Street. Or then again, don’t. The last time I was there (near the Disney Store – take the kids!) I ignored a black man who tried to get in my face. He responded by making a stabbing motion with an empty hand. And I’m not even Jeremy Vine!
Americans used to joke that the Miami tourist board slogan ought to be “Maybe you won’t get shot!” Perhaps, if he was honest, the Mayor could think up a proper one for London.
TOADY Watch #2 – the newspaper review is often very revealing
It was this morning with three newspapers singled out – by the BBC – as being in opposition to the loosening of Lockdown restrictions: the Guardian and the Mirror are no surprise as Labour supporting newspapers but the third one of the trio chosen by Nick at 6.10 a.m. was. It was the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail – nicknamed ‘The Fail’ by Lefties and Remainers (especially the latter group) – has moved significantly towards socialism and ‘the Left’ under its new Editor.
Totally agree Up2. I’ve been a Mail reader for decades – because its tabloid size , but like you say, there has been a ‘shift’ since the advent of the new Editor. Not only in its reporting, but stories that would normally be found in the red tops are more common place in the Mail now. I’m buying it less and less, as there is too much ‘filler’ with pages denoted to health recipes/campaigns/quiz polls/ and very little serious reading.
And – whoopie – the mail reports an new varient – the Australia one . Bigger – nastier- and so timely . Are the borders closed ?
Its almost as though there is a script ?
Wonder how their flu season is going ?
They are also floating a new “Delta” variant BTW….
Just saying!
Re earlier posts about the Scotland , “highest infection rates of Covid in Europe”
I would acknowledge the tolerance of Londoners in accommodating the Scotland supporters who came to London for the recent game.
That same tolerance would not have been shown by Sturgeon
and her gang of incompetents had it been to other way about.
The UK Govt. should follow up the latest data by issuing Sturgeon with a “default” notice and putting Health in Scotland into special measures.
Be assured the guy who calls himself “Health Minister” is a serial incompetent, despiser of pro unionism and dangerous through bias.
And who only recently replaced a self confessed communist who has the deaths of children on her watch.
PS The State organ should be ordering this and doing proper job for once.
2 children stabbed to death in London is the eleventh most important story on the BBC website.
Says it all really.
Following on from a previous post by Guest Who (thanks). ‘Liked by Extinction Rebellion’!
A TWITTER quote (by none other than by a BBC ‘super-hero’ (quote) ‘worse than we thought’ as told by Roger Harrabin from his arm chair. His blog: https: Muck rack is (not endorsed by the BBC) but that is then ‘approved’ by the BBC…. ‘From Roger Harrabin BBC Environment Analyst’ (fame for which he is a pioneer in cancel culture).
The real reason for Harrabins ‘endorsement’ of the absurd is a global tax administered by the ‘select’ few and benefiting a very select few very rich billionaires like SOROS. They help fund the BBC political media funding for global favoured projects. A hybrid ‘world socialism’ Frankenstein coupled with (protected) corporate monopoly ‘to charge what they like’. It all starts here:
key words are ‘sustainability, diversity, equality, climate’ etc. -all words you hear daily at the BBC as a public service (as it was). Harrabin ‘was speaking in his own capacity’ is a typical BBC response statement (usually applied to Gary Linekar when sounding off his obvious talents). And BBC ‘yoof’ (even if old hippy crappers) are welcome to take part (anarchist welcome to take part) – as they do. XR for morons. Harrabin endorsed (his own world of Guardian news and views). Political clap trap provided by the BBC as ‘hot news’.
Tax the world from the comfort of his sitting room. Another ‘get-rich’ scheme in action.
Tim Davie promised a programme of reform when he took over as director general in September, and the reduced pay bill is a sign of “real and tangible progress”, a BBC source said.
“We’ve made changes in the last year and the report will show we’re on the right path, but at the same time we’re not complacent and we know we need to continue the hard work,” the source added.
Lineker’s reduced five-year pay deal was announced last year. The cut meant Ball replaced the Match of the Day host as the BBC’s highest-paid presenter.
Her mammoth salary increase – which was accompanied by a drop in audience of one million listeners when she replaced Chris Evans in the Radio 2 breakfast slot – was heavily criticised. That left her “uncomfortable” with her £1.36 million salary.
Nick Grimshaw (£240,000-£245,999) and Annie Mac (£170,000-£174,999) are to leave Radio 1, while Shaun Keaveny (£160,000-£164,999) announced that he is leaving 6 Music after 14 years.
Alas – not yet – Harrabin. He will never be laid off by the BBC as long as he keeps coming up with news scare stories for this little-world of anxiety corner in EU remain basket cases.. The BBC stage of perversity will need more money (the savings are just a token effort, his predecessor (Lord Hall) did the same and now the BBC is in deeper debt as it expands (to compete) with lower cost operators. DeFund the BBC is the only way we can alter the end-game. All the BBC cost cutting, is all about ‘parliamentary inquiry into expenses’. A fig leaf to public funding based on a ‘Trust’ – they offer in part exchange; that never existed and has provided much funding for left wing causes and political lobbying. Abolish the Charter and BBC problems will disappear. Along with Harrabin who is a small scrounger on the XR spectrum.
Paedophile ring sentenced in Germany
Among the allegations the men faced was that they drugged a group of boys and kept them in a building in a garden in Münster over a number of days.
Stange because only only Germany appears under ‘Related Topics’ no LGBT links, for some reason🤔
The report that Gary Lineker remains the highest earner at the BBC on £1.35m contains major errors.
This should of course have read: ‘….Linaker receives £1.35m, the majority of which is unearned income, in addition to undisclosed sums relating to advertising revenues, normally in breach of BBC guidelines and contractual restriction….’
In my opinion virtually all his income is unearned..
Irony being that he is a limited company so has unmonitored income from others – such as Sky and the crisp company he works for . Huge reduced tax bill…
I thing I’m normally applaud ( having studied tax avoidance schemes ) but for someone supporting Marxist organisations – is a bit rich ..
BIASED BBC TV is clearly listed alongside all details of Roger Harrabin (being linked to other BBC absurdities) and claims from 2010. My search put BIASED BBC in the top five listings.
(search phrase): BBC, Roger Harrabin, Guardian…..
There is flashback to our good selves at BiasedBBC (from 2010.) Proof positive that history repeats and the old BBC is as corrupts as it always was. That’s why we are here.
I don’t think we would, be ranked that highly on – GOOGLE -for example or – BING. So at least DuckDuckGo searches are ‘bias free’ from those that pay to get ++ ‘positive’ search engine results. The BBC pays a lot of money for ‘search results’ on its platform to GOOGLE for example and you tube.
Despite its claims for unfair competition, it out spends them all on ‘ads’ for itself.
Unlike others who use and abuse this site – I’m not very good at cut and paste –
( in my working life I’d get a staffer to do it )
So below is a muddled list of BBC ‘earners ‘ – sourced from the DT but which in turn from the BBC annual report .
Enjoy – or not – pity they don’t list the pay by number of licence tax these leaches take .
The highest paid BBC stars in 2020/21
Name Principal programme Lower pay limit Upper pay limit Change on 2020 (%)
Gary Lineker Men’s football £1,360,000 £1,364,999 -22.3
Zoe Ball BBC Radio 2 £1,130,000 £1,134,999 -16.9
Steve Wright BBC Radio 2 £465,000 £469,999 -2.1
Huw Edwards BBC News at Six / BBC News at Ten £425,000 £429,999 -8.6
Fiona Bruce Question Time £405,000 £409,999 -10.0
Stephen Nolan Multiple stations £405,000 £409,999 3.8
Lauren Laverne BBC 6 Music £395,000 £399,999 0.0
Vanessa Feltz Multiple stations £390,000 £394,999 -3.7
Alan Shearer Men’s football £390,000 £394,999 0.0
Scott Mills BBC Radio 1 £375,000 £379,999 8.7
Ken Bruce BBC Radio 2 £365,000 £369,999 -5.2
Andrew Marr The Andrew Marr Show £335,000 £339,999 -6.9
Emily Maitlis Newsnight £325,000 £329,999 -12.2
George Alagiah BBC News at Six / BBC News at Ten £325,000 £329,999 0.0
Greg James BBC Radio 1 £310,000 £314,999 12.7
Jeremy Vine BBC Radio 2 £295,000 £299,999 -7.8
Nicky Campbell BBC Radio 5 live £295,000 £299,999 -1.7
Dan Walker News and Sport £295,000 £299,999 13.5
Sophie Raworth BBC News at Six / BBC News at Ten £280,000 £284,999 1.8
Jo Whiley BBC Radio 2 £275,000 £279,999 -1.8
Mishal Husain Today £275,000 £279,999 3.8
Nick Robinson Today £270,000 £274,999 -8.5
Jason Mohammad Radio and Sport £270,000 £274,999 -5.3
Sara Cox BBC Radio 2 £270,000 £274,999 -1.8
Evan Davis PM £270,000 £274,999 -1.8
Laura Kuenssberg On-air editors and correspondents £260,000 £264,999 -10.3
Justin Webb Today £255,000 £259,999 2.0
Naga Munchetty BBC Breakfast £255,000 £259,999 30.8
Martha Kearney Today £250,000 £254,999 -2.0
Mark Chapman Multiple Sports £250,000 £254,999 0.0
Sarah Montague World at One £245,000 £249,999 -2.0
Emma Barnett BBC Radio 5 live £240,000 £244,999 -7.7
Nick Grimshaw BBC Radio 1 £240,000 £244,999 0.0
Amol Rajan On-air editors and correspondents £240,000 £244,999 17.1
Jonathan Sopel On-air editors and correspondents £230,000 £234,999 -2.1
Trevor Nelson BBC Radio 2 £230,000 £234,999 4.5
Tina Daheley News and Radio £225,000 £229,999 -11.8
Jeremy Bowen On-air editors and correspondents £220,000 £224,999 0.0
Katya Adler On-air editors and correspondents £220,000 £224,999 4.8
Mary Berry Television £215,000 £219,999 0.0
Kirsty Wark Newsnight £210,000 £214,999 -2.3
Clive Myrie BBC News Channel £205,000 £209,999 -4.7
Fergal Keane On-air editors and correspondents £205,000 £209,999 0.0
Rachel Burden BBC Radio 5 live £205,000 £209,999 17.1
Faisal Islam On-air editors and correspondents £205,000 £209,999 32.3
Louis Theroux Television £200,000 £204,999
Jermain Jenas Men’s football £195,000 £199,999 -2.5
Simon Jack On-air editors and correspondents £190,000 £194,999 0.0
Charlie Stayt BBC Breakfast £190,000 £194,999 0.0
Mark Easton On-air editors and correspondents £190,000 £194,999 2.7
Louise Minchin BBC Breakfast £185,000 £189,999 -14.0
Sarah Smith On-air editor £185,000 £189,999
Reeta Chakrabarti BBC News Channel £175,000 £179,999 -2.8
Jonathan Agnew Cricket £175,000 £179,999 2.9
Michael Vaughan Cricket £175,000 £179,999
Victoria Derbyshire Victoria Derbyshire £170,000 £174,999 -20.9
James Naughtie On-air editors and correspondents £170,000 £174,999 0.0
Annie Mac BBC Radio 1 £170,000 £174,999 0.0
Ben Brown BBC News Channel £170,000 £174,999 3.0
Gabby Logan Multiple Sports £165,000 £169,999 -10.8
Clara Amfo BBC Radio 1 £165,000 £169,999 6.5
Simon McCoy BBC News Channel £160,000 £164,999 0.0
Orla Guerin On-air editors and correspondents £160,000 £164,999 0.0
Shaun Keaveny BBC 6 Music £160,000 £164,999 0.0
Graham Norton Radio and Television £155,000 £159,999 -78.6
Steve Lamacq BBC 6 Music £155,000 £159,999 3.3
Joanna Gosling BBC News Channel £155,000 £159,999 3.3
Nihal Arthanayake BBC Radio 5 live £150,000 £154,999 -11.8
Carolyn Quinn Westminster Hour £150,000 £154,999 0.0
Mary Anne Hobbs BBC 6 Music £150,000 £154,999 0.0
Winfred Robinson Radio 4 £150,000 £154,999
Isa Guha Cricket £150,000 £154,999
BBC Group Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21
Many of the above earn a nice supplementary income doing conferences and the after dinner circuit – exploiting their exposure on the BBC to private gain …
Pity – too that they don’t discern those on the payroll directly or those on ‘production companies ‘….thus avoiding Income Tax …
It would be interesting to see how many hours they worked a week on average for their 3k (and up).
Same people who want to flood the country with East Europeans to suppress the working class wage to subsistence levels.
Eddy – well – sopel has plenty of time to write his anti trump books – and the likes of Linacre has time to be on BT …..
Must be time for the fans of politicians to pop up telling us they deserve more ….
Comments on Guido are rather like ours here…
Seems most normal citizens aren’t well pleased with these pocket civil servants getting all that dosh for very little.
Good. Name and shame.
I wonder if maxincony and his team of researchers are on the same sort of salary, perhaps he can enlighten us when he sneaks up tonight ?
It might make him ‘green with envy’?
Do you not think that there would be a ‘flat rate’ for auto cue readers and others ? If there is no commercial value to high viewing figures why would you pay more for a ‘top name ‘?
I’ve yet to see a BBC story about a shortage of TV people – when people would do anything – anything – to get to be ‘famous’ – reference the ladies in the Film industry ….
In complement
Twitter will be fun.
You beat me to it, Guest, so the link is yours!
Seems impressed.
“Wembley park stabbings: Danyal Hussein guilty of murdering sisters”
“It can be reported for the first time that Hussein had previously been referred by his school to the government’s counter-extremism programme, Prevent.”
“In October 2017, aged 15, he was referred to the de-radicalisation scheme because of content he had accessed on school computers, including far-right material.”
It doesn’t look as if the “Prevent” thing is working.
He is Muslim and killed 2 beautiful young ladys. However as a Muslim it Reay doesn’t count in BBC world. The BBC report centres on failures to PREVENT and of course his mental state. HIM BEING MUSLIM IS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MURDER.
“Borders Bill: Post-Brexit overhaul of asylum rules unveiled”
“A record 6,000 people crossed the English Channel in small boats in the first six months of 2021, meaning last year’s figure of 8,417 could soon be eclipsed over the summer.”
More Bluster ? By the time it gets passed many more will have illegally got here . Ferried across the Channel by the French navy and Border Farce.
Fait accompli. Tory supporters, fait accompli.
If our Tory Government was serious they would scrap the useless Border Farce and give the job to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. God knows how many terrorists and criminals are getting here ?
IMHO the EU are secretly behind the invasion.
bBC salary list.
Anyone reckon this list is incomplete ?
These charlatans will have devised methods to allocate different costs to different buckets.
Then there all those layers of executive lumps of wood.
This is half a list not a list!
It’s not difficult.
Turn them back.
Leave the ECHR.
E.G., Australia.
No need for that either, just threaten to leave the asylum treaty unless Europe agrees to take them back.
Once the Asylum treaty no longer applies they can be returned to the country they claim to come from immediately. Just watch how many of them on the steps of the plane admit they didn’t actually come from a dangerous country at all and are unwilling to go there.