Faisal Islam has had to turn up to work two days running, but he only gets about £205,000 a year. Much less money than ‘Part-time’ who is back on her hols, apparently, after the Handy hhHancock thing. Shouldn’t Part-time be around to add her voice of opposition to the loosening of Lockdown restrictions?
Anyway, in her absence, Simon Jack was available to give a cool reception to the good news for Vauxhall workers in Cheshire. They will be building lots of electric vans. Simon’s maths is a bit dodgy (tricky for a Business Editor!) when he states that a million punds is ten per cent of a billion. Well, we all get things wrong at times. The new Dutch owners of Vauxhall appear to have voted for Brexit.
Will UK ‘Remoaners’ admit they were wrong about Brexit?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – funny they don’t normally have the numbers this fast, I wonder what else could have happened?
With the BBC in opposition-mode to the Government’s plan to end Lockdown on 19 July, I find the Covid-19 figures were made extra early today and up on the BBC web-site while TWatO was in progress. What a surprise!
Unfortunately for the opponents of HMG, the new cases only show a slight increase over yesterday. Oh dear! That won’t do.
In addition, the BBC are in bit of a muddle in their rush to bring bad news and have some figures left on the page from yesterday. Oooops!
Quite right, taffman, and they are testing more children and students at Yooni on a daily basis. It’s a shame that the age grouping is not a little more detailed. At present it’s a straight split between under 60s and over 60s.
BECTU the broadcast union tweeted Our research with @bbcfileon4 has revealed the shocking extent of bullying and sexual harassment in the film and TV industry.
Workers fear if they speak out, they won’t work again.
Following Boris’s announcement re mask wearing or not after the 21st. The Communist SAGE political activists have decided to try to go around his back and are actively approaching and encouraging store owners directly to ban people from entering without masks.
Basically incitement! and possibly leaving the stores open to being sued for damages.
I can promise any store who try this garbage with me that they will never have another penny off me!
“US left Bagram Airbase at night with no notice, Afghan commander says” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-57682290
Expect more Channel invaders making the crossing in the near future as the rest of the EU move them west.
The government we have here do not look that far ahead because they are a reactive government not a proactive one.
More bad news for the BBC Vauxhall expanding ellsemere port. More jobs – but don’t worry – they are not real jobs – and it’s got nothing to do with Brexit . Let’s thank the EU for not being able to do anything about it at all . Pity for the BBC – who sent a lightweight to report it …
Two more ‘teens’ killed by ‘gangs’. But never mind, eh beeb, let’s pretend we don’t know who the killers are, and look instead for imaginary racism. Eh Khan?
BBC1 The One Show doing a moan about the English buying a 2nd home in Wales. They showed a Welsh heavily tattooed heavily set woman moaning about living in her small council house unmarried with 4 kids and a parrot. I wonder if she ever thinks what size house should she be given for free to house that lot.
It was presented by Welsh weatherman Owain Wyn Evans and the One Show is usually presented by Welsh Alex Jones. The irony is that both of them have bought homes in England to work for the BBC.
The whole article was a perfection in promoting socialism whilst simulataneously being anti English. Well done BBC, you only missed out Brexit for a full house.
Jeremy Vine always seems to have a camera handy to show the bad behavior of drivers of various vehicles, as on owner of such a vehicle, I am considering purchasing a camera, not whilst driving, but to demonstrate the bullying attitude of cyclists on shared paths get out of my way is the general attitude
The BBC’s greed knows no bounds. Now they are starting to make things worse for the OAPs they robbed! Talk about adding injury to insult … at least the BBC observe in their article that the UK State Pension is one of the lowest in Europe.
Surely the Vauxhall electric van factory news is BAD news
.. Electric cars are still a bit crap for the money
hence they need subsidies and the banning of their competition
Thus causing extra costs
.. Who pays ? Magic unicorns ?
…………… no granny does
Costs of everything will go up
..and that means less nurses on the wards
Watching Spain v Italy (I’m not watching England till they stop taking the knee) and you’ll note that no BME players on either side , just like the top 4 in the Eurovision (as voted by the European public) song contest. Is this a trend or am I missing somthing ?????
“The school raised concerns that Hussein ‘may have been displaying vulnerability to radicalisation’ ”
“Detectives now question whether Hussein may already have been set on a path to rightwing extremism”
“Hussein, who has Iraqi Kurdish heritage, had been referred to a de-radicalisation programme at the age of 15 by his school who feared he was ‘vulnerable to grooming'”
Are we now going to see this used to justify the states oppressive Gestapo cracking down even harder on the hated Whites and how much will people stand before they begin to disobey.
I have often seen figures quoted for “far right extremist” murders that seemed way above anything on the news. This being surprising as anything negative connected with the right or the mythical far right gets trumpeted very loudly by the MSM.
It would appear that they may have been including Islamist murders in their “far right” murder tallies for a long time. No doubt they will find a way, in their twisted minds, to count all murders by BLM and fellow travellers as far right in the future.
Far-right stories are usually about someone arrested before they even did anything and are accompanied by the words ‘far-right’ multiple times and a mug-shot of whitey with the swastika icon they found on his laptop as they explain everything about him and his hate-driven activities for the past 5 years.
Islamic attacks are covered up until the story dies down. We get no details other than multiple people got run down by a truck or stabbed. There is NEVER any insight to the motives and hate of these people. We get sterile reporting of what happened. The words terror and Muslim are never used.
It’s only recently that I found it that this is actually official BBC policy. The excuse is that the BBC is a global organisation and – and I quote – ‘one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter’. They never called Hamas terrorists even though they were launching hundreds of unguided rockets at civilian populations.
This is outrageous IMHO. If the UK designate any organisation as terrorist, the BBC should be duty bound to call anyone acting on their behalf a terrorist. One B stands for ‘British’.
@JohnC the other thing about long media stories shouting far right man convicted”
is that so often not only have they not done any actual violence
.. they are not adults but rather teenagers, some very young teenagers of say 15
@Thoughtful \\tactic of classing Islamic extremists “far Right extremists” //
.. actually I don’t see they did that
cos the guy was NOT Islamic ..he just happens to be Kurdish
They then in their twisted thinking way try to associate him with Far right”
with a particular misleading headline “far-right links”
and an article that uses the words “far right” “fa-right” 5 times
The media tend to use the term “far right” as a vague SMEAR label.
I tend not to use the words Nazi, fascist cos that is forever associated with the actual Holocaust and it is disrespectful to Holocaust victim to equate their oppressors with some kid who likes a particular short hairstyle or wearing pagan jewellery.
Likewise I think the term far-right is so vague it’s useless for the media to use it.
Rather they should more accurately describe what happened.
When an antifa guy/girl is arrested for their violence
of course it could well turn out that they have looked at some weird righty groups websites and even copied some tactics
So the media might as well attach the label “with far-right links” to them as well.
The guy is a nutter and probably someone somewhere has unpacked the BBC article.
The mother of the two murdered ladies got a lot of coverage – quite rightly . But where were the parents of the murderer ? A lot of detail seems to have been left out of this case ….
… was there a parent who noticed that their little Mohammed was making blood promises to the devil in order to win the lottery ?
“Covid: Wales’ festivals ‘disadvantaged’ by no lockdown end date”
“The Royal Welsh Agricultural Society’s Steve Hughson said Wales’ “cautious approach” was now becoming untenable.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57741381
The Welsh ‘Ashambles’ First Minister trying to prove a point that he has ‘power’.
Like Al Beeb, the ‘Ashambles’ should be scrapped. Covid does not recognise borders, we are one island and one nation, ie Great Britain. The only border is the sea .
“Untenable” ? Just look at the state of the NHS in Wales that’s “Untenable” when you can’t get to see a bleeding doctor !
Sislin Fay Allen: Britain’s first black policewoman dies aged 83 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-57742700
The BBC will have been happy to learn that : just the kind of thing they love. Plenty of sympathy and emotion to mix in with liberal amounts of agenda-messaging.
Mind you, things have certainly changed. I watched Vera the other day and at least 50% of policewomen are black now. And brilliant at their job whilst standing up to bigotted old whitey colleagues as well as being young and pretty. So much experience and confidence in ones so young !. And this is Newcastle where blacks make up only 2%.
Old person dies is not actual news
By all means mention her in the local obituary show.
News to me is some useful info that something unexpected has happened.
Frankly 83 year old dies, is NOT unexpected
nor is it useful to me
whereas news about a 23 year old dying, might give me useful information about how to prolong my own life.
When it’s covering topics the BBC won’t go near, it’s totally refreshing. But they do go on a bit too much about certain stuff such as lockdown.
I wish they would concentrate on the things the BBC and the other media deliberately misrepresent – but it seems they are trying to be slightly-right wing mainstream. I’m hoping that changes once they are established and they don’t have 1,000 Lefties watching carefully with their phone in their hand and OFCOM on speed dial.
Have we really got to watch England versus Italy on Sunday?
I don’t know which programme it’s on, I don’t know any of the players, I don’t know any of the birds/blokes describing the game, I actually thought it was going to be played in Rome, so Wemberly is a new one on me…
Some very normal persons ask me if I saw last week’s game against Denmark, (?), and I said no, because the ball’s the wrong shape, and then I thought that Sterling taking a dive and the Denmark blokes cheated by closing in on a free kick, were something for the Financial Times!
I’m a confused old phart, and need some assistance in telling me what on earth I should be doing on Sunday evening, because we never watch the awful BBC, and life’s too short to stuff a mushroom…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
TWatO Watch #1 – busy week for some at the BBC
Faisal Islam has had to turn up to work two days running, but he only gets about £205,000 a year. Much less money than ‘Part-time’ who is back on her hols, apparently, after the Handy hhHancock thing. Shouldn’t Part-time be around to add her voice of opposition to the loosening of Lockdown restrictions?
Anyway, in her absence, Simon Jack was available to give a cool reception to the good news for Vauxhall workers in Cheshire. They will be building lots of electric vans. Simon’s maths is a bit dodgy (tricky for a Business Editor!) when he states that a million punds is ten per cent of a billion. Well, we all get things wrong at times. The new Dutch owners of Vauxhall appear to have voted for Brexit.
Will UK ‘Remoaners’ admit they were wrong about Brexit?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – funny they don’t normally have the numbers this fast, I wonder what else could have happened?
With the BBC in opposition-mode to the Government’s plan to end Lockdown on 19 July, I find the Covid-19 figures were made extra early today and up on the BBC web-site while TWatO was in progress. What a surprise!
Unfortunately for the opponents of HMG, the new cases only show a slight increase over yesterday. Oh dear! That won’t do.
In addition, the BBC are in bit of a muddle in their rush to bring bad news and have some figures left on the page from yesterday. Oooops!
Don’t forget, more testing means that more the number will go up .
Especially if the test kits in use are next to U/S.
Quite right, taffman, and they are testing more children and students at Yooni on a daily basis. It’s a shame that the age grouping is not a little more detailed. At present it’s a straight split between under 60s and over 60s.
“Covid: Doctors and campaigners demand Welsh investigation”
This looks interesting, perhaps the rest of the doctors in Great Britain will follow?
BECTU the broadcast union tweeted
Our research with @bbcfileon4 has revealed the shocking extent of bullying and sexual harassment in the film and TV industry.
Workers fear if they speak out, they won’t work again.
Read more below and listen to @BBCfileon4 tonight at 8pm
Following Boris’s announcement re mask wearing or not after the 21st. The Communist SAGE political activists have decided to try to go around his back and are actively approaching and encouraging store owners directly to ban people from entering without masks.
Basically incitement! and possibly leaving the stores open to being sued for damages.
I can promise any store who try this garbage with me that they will never have another penny off me!
“The Communist SAGE” ?
Oh yes! taffman….
Lets hope that our MI5 have their ‘finger on the pulse’ and are not overstretched ?
They are probably Communists too taffman sadly…
“US left Bagram Airbase at night with no notice, Afghan commander says”
Expect more Channel invaders making the crossing in the near future as the rest of the EU move them west.
The government we have here do not look that far ahead because they are a reactive government not a proactive one.
More bad news for the BBC Vauxhall expanding ellsemere port. More jobs – but don’t worry – they are not real jobs – and it’s got nothing to do with Brexit . Let’s thank the EU for not being able to do anything about it at all . Pity for the BBC – who sent a lightweight to report it …
Two more ‘teens’ killed by ‘gangs’. But never mind, eh beeb, let’s pretend we don’t know who the killers are, and look instead for imaginary racism. Eh Khan?
This statement describes so many people at the beeb.
It is predicted that Remainers will continue to wear a mask after the 19th.
Deep joy.
Maskless, I shall cough and splutter in their presence.
BBC1 The One Show doing a moan about the English buying a 2nd home in Wales. They showed a Welsh heavily tattooed heavily set woman moaning about living in her small council house unmarried with 4 kids and a parrot. I wonder if she ever thinks what size house should she be given for free to house that lot.
It was presented by Welsh weatherman Owain Wyn Evans and the One Show is usually presented by Welsh Alex Jones. The irony is that both of them have bought homes in England to work for the BBC.
The whole article was a perfection in promoting socialism whilst simulataneously being anti English. Well done BBC, you only missed out Brexit for a full house.
Jeremy Vine always seems to have a camera handy to show the bad behavior of drivers of various vehicles, as on owner of such a vehicle, I am considering purchasing a camera, not whilst driving, but to demonstrate the bullying attitude of cyclists on shared paths get out of my way is the general attitude
They should get on-the-spot fines for not using cycle lanes where they are available. Just like Jeremy Whine wasn’t in the last one I saw.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – the BBC are happy to take away free TV Licences from OAPs but are starting to campaign against the Pension ‘Triple Lock’
The BBC’s greed knows no bounds. Now they are starting to make things worse for the OAPs they robbed! Talk about adding injury to insult … at least the BBC observe in their article that the UK State Pension is one of the lowest in Europe.
Surely the Vauxhall electric van factory news is BAD news
.. Electric cars are still a bit crap for the money
hence they need subsidies and the banning of their competition
Thus causing extra costs
.. Who pays ? Magic unicorns ?
…………… no granny does
Costs of everything will go up
..and that means less nurses on the wards
Watching Spain v Italy (I’m not watching England till they stop taking the knee) and you’ll note that no BME players on either side , just like the top 4 in the Eurovision (as voted by the European public) song contest. Is this a trend or am I missing somthing ?????
Deeply deeply worrying that the media has changed to a new horrifying tactic of classing Islamic extremists “far Right extremists”.
As we know there is a central control point for the media and this will probably apply to all media outlets.
“The school raised concerns that Hussein ‘may have been displaying vulnerability to radicalisation’ ”
“Detectives now question whether Hussein may already have been set on a path to rightwing extremism”
“Hussein, who has Iraqi Kurdish heritage, had been referred to a de-radicalisation programme at the age of 15 by his school who feared he was ‘vulnerable to grooming'”
Here is the BBC making the same allegation:
Are we now going to see this used to justify the states oppressive Gestapo cracking down even harder on the hated Whites and how much will people stand before they begin to disobey.
“far Right extremists”.
All in the interest of “Social Cohesion” I would say.
Just like the Rotherham and Manchester cover up scandal.
I have often seen figures quoted for “far right extremist” murders that seemed way above anything on the news. This being surprising as anything negative connected with the right or the mythical far right gets trumpeted very loudly by the MSM.
It would appear that they may have been including Islamist murders in their “far right” murder tallies for a long time. No doubt they will find a way, in their twisted minds, to count all murders by BLM and fellow travellers as far right in the future.
Far-right stories are usually about someone arrested before they even did anything and are accompanied by the words ‘far-right’ multiple times and a mug-shot of whitey with the swastika icon they found on his laptop as they explain everything about him and his hate-driven activities for the past 5 years.
Islamic attacks are covered up until the story dies down. We get no details other than multiple people got run down by a truck or stabbed. There is NEVER any insight to the motives and hate of these people. We get sterile reporting of what happened. The words terror and Muslim are never used.
It’s only recently that I found it that this is actually official BBC policy. The excuse is that the BBC is a global organisation and – and I quote – ‘one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter’. They never called Hamas terrorists even though they were launching hundreds of unguided rockets at civilian populations.
This is outrageous IMHO. If the UK designate any organisation as terrorist, the BBC should be duty bound to call anyone acting on their behalf a terrorist. One B stands for ‘British’.
@JohnC the other thing about long media stories shouting far right man convicted”
is that so often not only have they not done any actual violence
.. they are not adults but rather teenagers, some very young teenagers of say 15
@Thoughtful \\tactic of classing Islamic extremists “far Right extremists” //
.. actually I don’t see they did that
cos the guy was NOT Islamic ..he just happens to be Kurdish
They then in their twisted thinking way try to associate him with Far right”
with a particular misleading headline “far-right links”
and an article that uses the words “far right” “fa-right” 5 times
The media tend to use the term “far right” as a vague SMEAR label.
I tend not to use the words Nazi, fascist cos that is forever associated with the actual Holocaust and it is disrespectful to Holocaust victim to equate their oppressors with some kid who likes a particular short hairstyle or wearing pagan jewellery.
Likewise I think the term far-right is so vague it’s useless for the media to use it.
Rather they should more accurately describe what happened.
When an antifa guy/girl is arrested for their violence
of course it could well turn out that they have looked at some weird righty groups websites and even copied some tactics
So the media might as well attach the label “with far-right links” to them as well.
The guy is a nutter and probably someone somewhere has unpacked the BBC article.
The mother of the two murdered ladies got a lot of coverage – quite rightly . But where were the parents of the murderer ? A lot of detail seems to have been left out of this case ….
… was there a parent who noticed that their little Mohammed was making blood promises to the devil in order to win the lottery ?
And just who is the ‘devil’ in disguise as ?
“Covid: Wales’ festivals ‘disadvantaged’ by no lockdown end date”
“The Royal Welsh Agricultural Society’s Steve Hughson said Wales’ “cautious approach” was now becoming untenable.”
The Welsh ‘Ashambles’ First Minister trying to prove a point that he has ‘power’.
Like Al Beeb, the ‘Ashambles’ should be scrapped. Covid does not recognise borders, we are one island and one nation, ie Great Britain. The only border is the sea .
“Untenable” ? Just look at the state of the NHS in Wales that’s “Untenable” when you can’t get to see a bleeding doctor !
Sislin Fay Allen: Britain’s first black policewoman dies aged 83
The BBC will have been happy to learn that : just the kind of thing they love. Plenty of sympathy and emotion to mix in with liberal amounts of agenda-messaging.
Mind you, things have certainly changed. I watched Vera the other day and at least 50% of policewomen are black now. And brilliant at their job whilst standing up to bigotted old whitey colleagues as well as being young and pretty. So much experience and confidence in ones so young !. And this is Newcastle where blacks make up only 2%.
Old person dies is not actual news
By all means mention her in the local obituary show.
News to me is some useful info that something unexpected has happened.
Frankly 83 year old dies, is NOT unexpected
nor is it useful to me
whereas news about a 23 year old dying, might give me useful information about how to prolong my own life.
GB News is such a wonderful breath of fresh air. It’s a bit amateur sometimes, but that doesn’t really matter.
When it’s covering topics the BBC won’t go near, it’s totally refreshing. But they do go on a bit too much about certain stuff such as lockdown.
I wish they would concentrate on the things the BBC and the other media deliberately misrepresent – but it seems they are trying to be slightly-right wing mainstream. I’m hoping that changes once they are established and they don’t have 1,000 Lefties watching carefully with their phone in their hand and OFCOM on speed dial.
Midweek Thread now up
Have we really got to watch England versus Italy on Sunday?
I don’t know which programme it’s on, I don’t know any of the players, I don’t know any of the birds/blokes describing the game, I actually thought it was going to be played in Rome, so Wemberly is a new one on me…
Some very normal persons ask me if I saw last week’s game against Denmark, (?), and I said no, because the ball’s the wrong shape, and then I thought that Sterling taking a dive and the Denmark blokes cheated by closing in on a free kick, were something for the Financial Times!
I’m a confused old phart, and need some assistance in telling me what on earth I should be doing on Sunday evening, because we never watch the awful BBC, and life’s too short to stuff a mushroom…