How does one begin a thread after all the soccer comments?
Perhaps a bit of nostalgia going back to the days of my youth when commentators were commentators!
Hard luck. After all, it was down to penalties. Perhaps they should concentrate more on scoring goals than taking the knee? Some say that we would have a super team if it was a GB team ? All four nations in one?
The Gods of Football have spoken . Lefty politics was dragged into the national game . Maybe a bit of sanity will return . But somehow I doubt it . Was the game any good as I had more important things to do ?
From what I read Southgate will get his knighthood . The next debacle will be in Qatar – over the bodies of slave workers .. must put a bet on Italy ….
Although it’s my birthday next week, Senora O’Blene has bought me a pair of Kevlar gardening gloves, as we are plagued with brambles which can rip your mitts to shreds!
I was interested to note that Jordan Pickford has a similar pair, but more the size of Kenny Everett’s!
You’re photo reminds me of yet another episode of Tory cowardice when the Left including the media and the BBC deliberately misinterpreted the jokes as being serious intent, and although Margaret Thatcher did not apologise, others did.
So, how did it go? After history was made by winning a semi final in a regional event did galactic glory get secur… oh.
When the politico media establishment sees opportunity in imposing its ridiculous grasp of expectation management into matters of chance with their unique blend of spin (see ‘Mare Khan) things seldom go well.
Not a footballistism follower, but as with all sport I am interested in elite level strategic skill and individual talent. Did not watch live as no tvl. Que sera, sera.
But from what I could gather throughout the competition the actual game, as it is played, was all but irrelevant.
From Toenails to SurKnee, it was about colors, flags, staged photo ops of badly fitting shirts on unfit slobs and ‘messages’.
Hardly the jumpers for goal posts inspiration of my youth.
Guest, it was really noticeable that in just 20 minutes of TOADY this morning 6 – 6.20 a.m. the final England penalty taker (who did not miss the target) was mentioned several times but the first England player to miss from the spot was ‘glossed over’ with the briefest of name-checks.
The end of toady was a celebration of the Destruction of white England with a couple of wokes and Robinson the woke . Lucky there wasn’t any diversity of thought in that one .
I’m so glad they lost .
Fed, I only listened to the first 20 mins then OFF switch. I just couldn’t take what I suspected would occupy most of the programme. Am disappointed England lost but … .
Didn’t watch, no Licence (hurrah!) and hopefully a few more, lots even, of the UKs footie fans will be cancelling their TVLs if the obnoxious BBC keep this up.
“Eee lad, tha wer lucky, we had no jumpers and no ball and had t’make do w’paper tissues for vests under our shirts just to stay warm while jumping up and down and running round field.”
Black Penalties Matter?
Southgate’s gamble to give the honour of victory to three black players fails miserably? Poor decision making or was he pressured by the diversity lobby?
TOADY Watch #1 – Don’t mention Mista Mista, MR BBC
It is strange how, having huge publicity from the BBC at various times in the past year a certain footie player, a very well-known footie player, only gets the briefest of mentions, a single rapid name-check, in the first twenty minutes of the programme this morning.
I wonder why?
Anyway. Well tried, England. They think it’s all over – it is now, so let us concentrate on some cricket during the cricket season – what is left of it, non-Global Warming weather permitting.
"Leagues and teams have urged Twitter and Facebook to address the unfiltered hatred spewed on their platforms," @RorySmith wrote in February about racism in soccer. "But the game indulges, and sometimes even directs, that same outrage."
If you thought the football built your hopes up, only to deliver the usual disappointment, then wait until you read this: ‘Johnson has dropped claims that the end of restrictions is “irreversible” after scientists warned him that the decision to open up fully was a gamble that could go wrong‘ (Times)
‘More than 6,000 “golden visas” given to oligarchs and wealthy foreigners between 2008 and 2015 are being reviewed over potential risks to national security‘ (Times)
And what about the 6,000+ migrants and foreign chancers per year now rocking up in Dover?
Seems the government can revoke anything these days, how about an MBE they awarded somewhat… rashly?
‘Tears of hurt. Manager Gareth Southgate comforts Bukayo Saka after his penalty miss cost England the Euros title last night‘ (Metro) – as I recall Gareth has an old brown paper bag he wore in those pizza restaurant adverts he did. Never mind, the lad will soon buck up, comforted no doubt by the wise ministrations of his agent, business manager, PR advisor, social media guru, media trainer, car dealer, tax expert, jeweller and estate agent…
‘Dead in an instant‘ (Times) – no not England’s footballing hopes and dreams. This was the assassinated president of Haiti, the second independent nation in the western hemisphere mind you and probably not the one most people on the planet would wish to live in. I trust BLM are monitoring the situation?
‘Boom “on horizon”‘ says the Times – don’t get your hopes up.
I am proud to identify with the England manager and every member of that team. They showed honour, decency, commitment, skill. And I could not say that of most England teams in my lifetime
Don’t forget the Psychologist AslSeelt for both Southgate and Saka-really I have never heard, because I’m not a soccer fan, so much hype over just a game-what real contribution does the sport and the millionare players make to our society? Would we have seen or had as much national support for the United Kingdom as has been seen over this rather boring game? Doubt it. Usual big money got involed and the BBC gave away most of the TV Licence fee to obtain the TV rights.
Who comes up with this drivel? Southgate is probably a very nice man is some people’s minds, but really what has he done exactly?
However he could go into politics – he is woke enough and looks down on those very people who support his party(team)…
I am now avoiding all TV for the next 3 days unless somebody asks the question that all my football friends are asking – why did he bring on and use inexperienced players and not use those with proven penalty taking skills? I wonder? Doesn’t sound like great leadership ..
Meanwhile the bbc continues to make it about anything other than sporting skills.
55 years of hurt seems incidental this morning. It’s the never-ending scourge of racism that’s heartbreaking. A thought that raises the spirits is that Marcus Rashford, Jadon Sancho and Bukayo Saka will be representing England, on and off the field, for years to come.
By coincidence, Guest, I’ve just got a (freebie) Times from Waitrose, and the article seems correct. It’s written by a David Brown, whom I presume is some sort of sporting journo. The article goes on about Southgate’s career to date, his family etc., and paints a picture of quite a normal bloke.
As I know absolutely zilch about the game, I can’t really comment either way, but saying he’s more popular than Churchill is just stupid!
We have nobody left in this country who is worthy to be a hero. Anyone who sticks their neck out gets assasinated by the bitter and spiteful Lefties.
Hence we will probably knight someone who manages a game of football for coming second. And after the interview of him I just watched on youtube, he should definitely stick to football.
I wonder if any of the media will dare to speculate what looks very likely to me : he picked those 3 to take the last penalties for BLM-flavour racist reasons because of their colour and it probably cost us the title.
As you say, terrible leadership.
James, ha ! ha ! at least he’s good for insomnia and will have them asleep on the back benches in no time. Yes, he’s probably a very nice man, but has as much personality as a septic foot.
Ticking the correct diversity boxes and successfully managing failure. Yep, I think the Times have that about right. I forsee bright personal prospects for our Gareth.
There’s a theory, too involved to go into fully here- and now-abouts, that our great institutions have one by one been hollowed out as the former bulwarks of society. And now our institutions merely serve as platforms for self-serving leaders who have no genuine love or care for their institions but are really in the business of self-promotion.
Maybe that’s why the England football coach reminds us of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who reminds us of the Met Police chief, who reminds us of….
The free and open internet is under attack in countries around the world, Google boss Sundar Pichai has warned. He says many countries are restricting the flow of information, and the model is often taken for granted. In an in-depth interview with the BBC, Pichai also addresses controversies around tax, privacy and data. And he argues artificial intelligence is more profound than fire, electricity or the internet.
Pichai is chief executive of one of the most complex, consequential and rich institutions in history. Over the past 23 years, Google has probably shaped the mostly free and open internet we have today more than any other company. According to Pichai, over the next quarter of a century, two other developments will further revolutionise our world: artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
Read full article >
Amol Rajan
BBC media editor
“Mostly peac… free”.
Google hoovered up such as Newsnight’s Editor early on and has pioneered #propagandabackedbycensorship ever since.
But were the England penalties scored by white players and missed by black players?
If so clearly our racist country needs to provide more help for those pampered millionaires……errrr….I mean underprivileged young people. Feeling the effects of our colonial past, they need help. Where is the EHRC when you need them?
Clearly the successful privileged white penalty takers must have had unfair benefits during their lives.
A full enquiry is needed. I think Dianne Abbott should chair it.
I’m reliably informed that too much kneeling damages the bones and joints, as well as sending out a message of weakness and unmanliness to the other side.
(Yes, I know, Italy did too; but much less, and only to be polite. They even put out a disclaimer:
“As Chiellini explained, the team will kneel in solidarity with the opponents. Not for the [Black Lives Matter] campaign itself, which we don’t share.”)
Could someone please explain to me why the England team were taking their losers’ medals off within a fraction of a second of receiving them? Is it traditional, or are they just being bad sports?
BBC: ‘Jaipur: Lightning strike kills 11 taking selfies in India’
‘The victims were taking selfies in the rain on top of a watch tower’
‘A senior police officer told the media that the most of the people among the dead at the fort’s tower were young.’
[“the most of the people” might perhaps be a direct quote rather than a BBC typo]
‘Lightning strikes kill some 2,000 Indians on average every year’
“Harry Ram Ram!” – I think that’s what Peter Sellers exclaimed in the Blake Edwards comedy movie The Party [1968] when he played the hapless Indian actor Hrundi V. Bakshi
‘The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has said that deaths by lightning strikes have doubled in the country since the 1960s – one of the reasons they cited was the climate crisis.’
Nothing to do with youngsters taking selfies then?
” ‘The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has said that deaths by lightning strikes have doubled in the country since the 1960s – one of the reasons they cited was the climate crisis.’ ”
Or – more likely – the colossal increase in the Indian population, soon to be the world’s most populated nation?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I know it has been a very cold, wet, summer in the UK but parka and scarf?
Doesn’t she know there’s a Global WARming on? Send Horror Bin and McGrath round. Or do they need to visit the BBC’s Art Director/Picture Editor and give them a ticking off. And why is it always a female with Long Covid on the Home Page? Interestingly, in the article itself a male is pictured in the header photo.
As ever be quick, the BBC will probably take it down shortly: pic is top right along with footie gloom. It’s actually a BBC staffer, Lucy Adams. It’s a plug for Panorama, I have discovered, after reading the article: Panorama: Long Covid: Will I ever get Better? BBC One on Monday 12 July at 19:35 (for those of you with a TV Licence, if any).
For anyone needing solace today – look up some of the “Harry and Paul ‘ sketches on YouTube relating to footy -‘ the paquador national anthem ‘ is a gem ….’
And with a small lacuna – sports fans can look forward to watch the unwanted empty olympics at 9 in the morning . Thank god that’s not coming home either ….
Is the BBC gonna replay the whole thing ?
Will there be pictures of engerland players hiding under hats and sunglasses as they make their way to sunny climates for the traditional losers’ holiday …?
I suspect he is just releasing a raspberry.
Or maybe it’s a blackberry ?.
Is it racist just to allude to the colour of someones skin now ?. I’m not sure what the latest definition is. Need to check Wikipedia again.
The BBC are pleased to inform us that in the wake of online abuse received by the three penalty-missers, that the Metropolitan Police is investigating the abuse and said “it will not be tolerated”.
Once again, how reassuring that the overstretched and underfunded Met will be deploying its resources to combat hurty words as opposed to, say, the almost daily killings on the streets and other crimes they no longer even investigate.
..Wait what am condemning
It seems tome examples of racist posts are not included in news articles.
The Twitter story ends in lots of tweets & photos from Medhi Hasan the PR guy who now has a US TV show.
People point to a handful of Instagram replies that used monkey emojis
… newish accounts with few followers
That could be 12 year old kids, Russian troll farms etc.
but somehow it’s supposed to represent Britain.
A random screen shot of a few supposed comments on Instagram with no reference as to who’s account they’re on or who they’re from or when the screen shot was taken. And this is your proof that their comments were ‘swarmed’ by racist abuse and you’re now in fear of your life?
The bbc are often very keen on ‘people are saying’. Why depends on who, about what.
That way they can speak for the nation. Or disgrace it. And most certainly use unsubstantiated claims by vague individuals to suit generic predjudicial media tropes of their own.
I do see 150+ tweets about ‘3 n-word missed the penalties’ etc.
They come from either
– lefties saying that will be the Daily Mail headline
– profiles which have a black person as the profile image
If any hate crime has been committed by any white people, they will be arrested.
This does not apply to Muslim’s of course. As The Guardian told me, you can’t fight racism with racism – and I’m sure it is racist to target any minority group for anything, no matter what they did.
Quite rightly all sorts of people have come out and condemned the racist comments towards the three players who missed their penalties. Before we go on, I don’t blame them – they at least were brave enough to get up and try. Very stressful for them and they have my deepest sympathies as they will still be feeling sick about it, and will for some time.
However, among the people who condemned the racists were Boris Johnson and Priti Patel. Gary Neville has attacked Johnson and is blaming him personally for the racism because Johnson said that fans have a right to boo the kneeling. Despite being a United fan, I now consider Neville to be scum. I have thought that he is a nasty shit for a long time but allowed him a little leeway in my mind as he was such a good full back for United. No more.
Now Tyrone Mings, who I had thought was quite intelligent and certainly very pleasant, has had a go at Priti Patel because she had called the kneeling “gesture politics”. He claimed that she cannot say that and then also condemn racism. For me he’s also dropped from hero to zero in an instant. The kneeling is clearly gesture politics and is also very racist as the BLM movement, they are genuflecting to, is a distinctly racist organisation. It’s also openly marxist and murderous. Many people in the USA have been murdered by BLM.
I hope Mings never plays for England again (unlikely) and that Neville gets sacked (even less likely). The fact that they are pushing for a nakedly political and racist organisation rather than concentrating on improving their football skills gives the fans, who pay their wages, every right to boo.
Goat – no – it’s not over – days of torment coming … stories of Italians being attacked – stabbings – actually – back to normal really .
One dead teenager in Londonistan now brings the teenager stab killings to exceeding 2020 – with over 5 months to go ! Thoughts are with …..
Funny old world, driven by media staffed by kindergarteners overseen by middle aged Wolfies and legislated by other inept ideologues who hire idiots into £80 grand roles of national importance.
So I learn via #prasnews that a very rich man built a plane that almost got to space and ‘we’ are inspired by a group of overpaid entertainers not winning having made history by winning a regional event a while ago.
The minister for stron’ statements – priti (Useless ) Patel has stron’ly condemned naughty words on the Twitter about coloured ‘loser ‘ footballers .
And whoever vandalised the st Marcus rashford mural in Manchester will be caught . But at least they didn’t miss their target ….
BBC journo who is supposed to a campaigner against conspiracy theories
fuels conspiracy theories by taking a BBC salary
then conspiring with other media to spread her work that licence payers not the Independent have paid for
Internalised white repression bought on by over exposure of Islington Marxists who led the Labour Party to a glorious defeat ( only to be replaced by the same thing but claiming to be blue ).
Here we go. Southgate being questioned in the press conference, and I’m thinking “how old are these bloody reporters ?” one can’t even articulate, saying ‘impor’an (important), and puerile questions from the rest.
This interview could have been replayed from every decade by other England managers since the 66 world cup. The players should hold their heads up high, we did this, we did that, etc etc… and doesn’t Southgate drone on.
I caught a TV show yesterday evening, forgot which channel but it was a look back at your ancestor sort of thing.
Of course the lady looking back was Indian and talked about her great grandfather who left India for a new life in the Bahamas.
It was towards the end of the last century and the deal was that in return for the journey and accommodation you would have to work in the fields for the first 5 years.
Her Great Grandfather and some of his brothers did so and then went on to become wealthy shop owners and traders.
At the end the interviewer asked “So he was a slave then?” to which the lady replied “Of course, yes he was!”
Onto another story, my mother once told me in detail about her grandfather who lived and worked in Lancashire at a private coal mine all his life as a coal hewer in the seams. So it would have been around the same period as the last story.
Apparently the deal was that the men would arrive hours before the shift started because the managers would only accept enough for the shift and that those picked were healthy and could cope with the heavy work on their knees in water in coal seams often only 18 inches high. The rejected men went home without pay.
After years of this brutal existence my great grandfather’s legs began to give way due to being submerged in freezing water for hours at a time and being bent double all day. I can only imagine the struggle that this must have been.
So to keep earning he adopted the practice of running rope down his trouser legs tied to his feet so that he could walk into the mine cage using his arms to help operate his legs, just so that he could earn another days wages. He had a big family to support so he obviously felt had no other option.
So was he a white slave or did such things never exist? I know they didn’t according to the the folk in W1A.
Absolutely FedUp, I believe it’s known as “an inconvenient truth” so best to pretend it never happened and remove all references to it in literature and history. Big Brother would be proud!
I can identify with that Digg. My grandfather was the same, AND had the ignominy in having to save up if a doctor was needed at 1/- a visit. (5p) Nothing was given by the Pit owners back then.
Reminds me, digg, of someone that I knew really well. In (or is it on?) Trinidad there are a variety of races and a natural born, indigenous, Trinidadian – who can trace their family back through several generations – can be quite scathing about the Indians or Chinese or Jamaicans. This friend used to make my ears pop out on stalks, turn bright red and drop off with their opinions voiced about other races, especially Jamaicans.
I was looking up, after the claim at 9:26am on Radio4
“There is no hard evidence that ex-British military are at any higher risk of suicide than the general population”
.. that was said to round off an item about a biker charity helping veterans and the case of an ex-soldier committing suicide.
The line is true, and some context is that US NGOS are known for trading off hyperbolic claims of military suicides to get donations
using a mythical “22 suicides” per day.
To an extent UK stats are a result of UK charities succeeding in their effort to reduce veteran suicides
but I wonder if some categories are being masked by including them in a big pot.
eg is there a high rate in those from Afghan frontline and a low rate among those that do back office roles in the UK ?
There is a contradiction in that there are no official UK figures for veterans suicides
cos the government says coroners cannot be expected to check and record if each suicide case has a military background.
Furthermore UK coroners record the “narrative” (cause unkown) verdict, when other countries would mark a death as suicide.
.. The gov then responded to a petition by saying they would collect figures somehow.
There was also a ‘culture ‘ amongst coroners to avoid suicide verdicts across the board – if possible – for financial and stigmatic ? Reasons – that might have died out now ( no pun intended At All ) …
The horror story of a corporal being dead from suicide for 3 weeks – 3 weeks ! In barracks before being discovered is beyond me – but the report deduct explain how his senior officers missed it … or maybe ex senior officers …
Our BBC should ask the following – Why were no black slaves imported into Britain from Africa?
An uncomfortable truth was that the majority of the British working classes were slaves and there was no need to import more.
A factory worker would receive a wage for working in atrocious conditions. The wage would be spent on rent for housing to the factory owner and the purchase of food from the factory shop. An African slave would have free food and lodgings but no pay.
You are right, that Europe didn’t have a great shortage of cheap labour
but also AFAIK the process was that the Spanish colonisers first used local labour
.. but found this unworkable as locals were bad workers or died from disease
So they came across the idea of importing heat-resistant slaves from Africa.
And once they found that worked they continued.
People tended not to import slaves into cold countries like Canada.
The winds blew the slave ships easily across to the Caribbean but getting ships back to Europe direct from Africa meant fighting against the winds.
The mistake you are making is thinking BLM and everything else has anything whatsoever to do with slavery.
It’s the Left trying to start a culture war against the right using racist black people as pawns. Scargill was trying to do the same thing in the 80’s – but he was using miners.
John, you are right. The Left ie. ‘the Wrongists’ (Communists/Marxists/Leninists/Stalinists/Maoists/Socialists/UK Labour Party) like to exploit and weaponise everything and everyone. A week ago and all week up to and including the weekend it has been facemasks. The latest weapon for ‘The Wrongists’. Drakeford making their use mandatory in Wales. Khan making their use mandatory on TfL trains and buses. The NHS wanting them to be mandatory for GP surgeries and hospitals.
The fact is that until relatively recent times most people in the UK were slaves in all but name. You’ve mentioned the truck system (whereby a factory owner paid his workers in tokens that could only be spent in shops owned by him), but the plight of agricultural labourers was just as bad. The poor (i.e. most of the population) received little in the way of education, there was an absence of health care for those unable to afford it, and the workhouses and debtors’ gaols claimed their share of souls.
The same people who profited from the misery of poor white people were, by and large, the same people who profited from that of black people taken into slavery (not forgetting the role played by some black people in selling others into slavery).
You know, as I’ve been reading the ‘outrage’ over the racist tweets, I’m pretty certain that this outrage was going to happen no matter what. Once the trio missed their penalties, the anti-white racists will have been on the case scouring social media for something to flag up.
All I can find on the internet is ‘hit by ‘disgusting’ racist abuse’ everywhere. If I am to form any kind of conclusion I need to know how many comments and from how many people are involved. All of this could be from one person for all I know.
After everything I’ve seen in the last couple of years, it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if some Lefty trolls made some comments in order to have ammunition which people like the BBC greedily take up and blow out of all proportion.
Completely agree. After the Trump years and the war against him by the whole international liberal establishment I think it quite possible that agent provocateurs are at work raising false flags, possibly with the full knowledge of the likes of the BBC, to provide the excuse for another assault on free speech.
However, it is not surprising that after decades of mass migration, societal and demographic change , none of which was or has been put to the democratic vote, there are still pockets of resistance to the Brave New World which the elite wish to impose upon the rest of the population. Many are taking the soothing potions served up by the elite and serenely pursuing their lives oblivious to the possibility of the dystopian future that awaits us all, but not everyone drinks their daily dose and see the present reality and where it might lead.
This is beauty of Twitter for the BBC.
They can push absolutely any agenda by pointing us at tweets with the caption ‘The BBC is not responsible …’
When I look at them, I don’t read the tweet, I go to the profile of the tweeter to see what else they tweeted. They are almost always left-wing activists.
So Wimbledon and the football are over.
If you’re sick of watching rich, expensively hairstyled, extensively tattooed sports people on the telly, you could always give Traffic Cops on C5 a try.
PCs Alex Boniface and Jason Potts, they often appear like this on the programme.
Maybe they’ve got that Dirty Harry ethos –
“When the hell are you going to get a haircut?”
“Who’s got time?!”
One of the things that comes out of these programmes is that the police are quite friendly with many of the lowlifes, having arrested them repeatedly.
Soon back out on the streets. . .
They are Kew Gardens security officers hired to protect James Wong from the racism, nationalism, plantism, wormism, leafism and other forms of homophobia which infest Britain’s once peaceful World of Horticulture.
Just happened to tune into You and yours ( radio 4) and found a conversation 10 minutes about Ebays new payments . The one person interviewed said she was margianlly better off than previously being paid by PAYpal and the other said he he had to wait 2 days for getting payment now for the vintage trainers that he was selling on ebay and this didn’t suit him . Wow, so important! A waste of BBC tax payers money .
I think it was Lady Broke on Radio 4 news who was desperately pushing the idea that, in refusing to comdemn people who boo the footbally kneeling, Boris Johnson is guilty of encouraging racism against non white footballers. (Small implication that it’s Boris’s fault they lost?). The interviewee agreed and persisted in claiming that the kneeling is just a nice symbol of agreement with anti-racism, dismissing the Marxist nature of BLM as just some of the BLMers.
The kneeling should never have been allowed, because it is hugely controversial in all aspects of it’s symbolism. Didn’t it start with some American footballer (the armored kind) refusing to get up and salute the Stars and Stripes thus disrespecting his own Country. Is that what the England players wanted to copy? Boris Johnson was right in this.
She did, Despa, on TWatO. I switched off in disgust at the racist race baiting that was being indulged in by the BBC. The Montacutie was stirring like mad. Apparently Sucker Starmer has accused the PM of not showing any leadership over racism. That was a really good laugh. But what came next was just obnoxious BBC and after about ten minutes I could not take any more.
With news articles and commentators looking for excuses and citing age and how young the ones who missed the penalties got me thinking. During WW2 there were commissioned officers about their ages. Even the elder George H Bush was an lieutenant junior grade flying combat missions in Avengers at their age.
In the Falklands the commanding Marine officer on South Georgia was 22 and was under a wee bit more pressure.
Different times.
gb This is what progress is like…… grown men of 22 crying on a shoulder, and in comparison, Digg’s comment further up about his great grandfather wading in water down a coal mine at a similar age.
At what age now is classed as being ‘grown up’. Never, by the specimens seen in my Co-op with back to front baseball caps, their fleshy bellies on show, arses hanging out of shorts and hairy feet wearing flip flops, while carrying a crate of beer. And that ladies and gentlemen is what my Dad at 21 served in the Fleet Air Arm for in the war.
You just reminded me of how numeracy has declined when dealing with cash. I think it was a Mini Morrisons, when they had them, where I saw the till fail and the cashier was using a calculator to work out change for an item costing £1.75 when given a £5 note.
Twitter is a cesspit, you can’t take things at face-value.
The witch-burning mob are after a Savills worker
cos his account tweeted
“N word ruined it for us”
Who sent the tweet ? maybe him, maybe someone else
Quickly I spot someone claiming a second worse tweet from another account is also him
Buried in the pile-on of replies someone says “That is not Andrew Bone’s account.
It’s a different and have just used his picture.
Look through his account. He is a troll trying to stir things up. (The other Andrew Bone’s did still tweet racist abuse though).
.. Other people seem to confirm this , once the Savills guy tweet came up, the second account changed its pictures to his and then starts putting out racist tweets.
That is believable, why would someone make a second account, with an anonymous name using the same photo as their first ?
And then tweet the almost the same message from this second account.
This guy also known as Andrew Bone he's a manager at Savills in Manchester tou can call Andrew on 0161 236 8644
— Rob Young #TheUKResistance#IAmEuropean🕷🌊💙#FBPE (@robyoung20) July 12, 2021
Oh I didn’t mean to post that quote tweet from the FBPE account
The main thing is the reply that points out the offensive account is highly likely to be a school kid,
causing trouble by suddenly changing his profile name and picture to look like the Savills guy.
As we await our Liberal PM’s so-called ‘freedom day’ announcement at 5pm, remember …………….
The things the Tory Government has failed to do.
End foreign aid.
End immigration.
End Illegal criminals invading our country.
End Al Beeb.
Have any illegals been prosecuted yet ?
Have any criminals been sent back yet ?
Yet you, the people of Great Britain are forced with the threat of jail if you do not pay the telly tax and watch live TV broadcasts.
The Tory Party , the party of ‘law and order’ ?
More outrage bus against Lee Hurst and Andrew Lawrence
\\ Andrew Lawrence has sparked outrage with tweets “stirring up racism”.
Several comedy clubs have now cancelled upcoming appearances from him// claims BritishComedy Guide
First tweet“All that time Rashford spent virtue-signaling, he could have been practicing penalties.”
Reply “All I am saying is white guys scored”
Next reply “I can see that this has offended a lot of people, and I’m sorry that black guys are bad at penalties.”
Then a couple of tweets saying “Hate won’t win”
I don’t know the context, like if he was acting a character. etc.
But he should have expected an account closing pile-on, from the FPBE people. Like Lammy
His account has gone, but you can delete your own account and reactivate it the week after, when the mob has gone off.
Lee Hurst doesn’t seem to have done anything
It just looks like FBPE people are trying to group him in with Andrew Lawrence.
Lee Hurst is just powering on
with the FBPE mob trying to pull him down.
It turns out that many of the England fans who got into Wembley uninvited without tickets cleverly entered by dinghy and were in many cases helped in by officials.
— Lee Hurst – Not voting LibLabCon + Proud Covidiot (@LeeHurstComic) July 12, 2021
There is little doubt that innocent citizens will suffer for the maniacal rush to demolish Western Society for purely political ends.
They are throwing totally unfounded accusations into the face of all the peoples of the Western World. The accusations are based purely on the distorted perspective of left-wing academics and politicians.
Hitler did much the same thing in reverse when he made the Jews non-people.
The UN now demands that the entire Western World become non-people and go on their knees and into their wallets to atone.
These people are using false equivalents to stir up grudge and bad feeling towards the West. The end game of this as history tells will probably be paid in blood and lives I fear.
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
How does one begin a thread after all the soccer comments?
Perhaps a bit of nostalgia going back to the days of my youth when commentators were commentators!
Hard luck. After all, it was down to penalties. Perhaps they should concentrate more on scoring goals than taking the knee? Some say that we would have a super team if it was a GB team ? All four nations in one?
The Gods of Football have spoken . Lefty politics was dragged into the national game . Maybe a bit of sanity will return . But somehow I doubt it . Was the game any good as I had more important things to do ?
From what I read Southgate will get his knighthood . The next debacle will be in Qatar – over the bodies of slave workers .. must put a bet on Italy ….
Al Beeb………
“Wednesbury: Two women hit by car in ‘deliberate attack’.”
Hello, hello, what’s going on here then?
No information I’m afraid. Doesn’t help the appeal for witnesses.
In my efforts to discover what happened, I also found this:
Probably a good indicator for the type of people involved.
The BBC did cover it:
But I never saw it even though I check the headlines every day. Must have slid through to the sub-pages in record time.
‘deliberate attack’ in Wednesbury
yet under the tweets there is no hint what is going on
Although it’s my birthday next week, Senora O’Blene has bought me a pair of Kevlar gardening gloves, as we are plagued with brambles which can rip your mitts to shreds!
I was interested to note that Jordan Pickford has a similar pair, but more the size of Kenny Everett’s!
I watched the match on ITV of course.
You’re photo reminds me of yet another episode of Tory cowardice when the Left including the media and the BBC deliberately misinterpreted the jokes as being serious intent, and although Margaret Thatcher did not apologise, others did.
Yup, it was all faux hand-wringing, and finger-wagging back then, nowadays, it’s spitting hatred and bile.
So, how did it go? After history was made by winning a semi final in a regional event did galactic glory get secur… oh.
When the politico media establishment sees opportunity in imposing its ridiculous grasp of expectation management into matters of chance with their unique blend of spin (see ‘Mare Khan) things seldom go well.
Not a footballistism follower, but as with all sport I am interested in elite level strategic skill and individual talent. Did not watch live as no tvl. Que sera, sera.
But from what I could gather throughout the competition the actual game, as it is played, was all but irrelevant.
From Toenails to SurKnee, it was about colors, flags, staged photo ops of badly fitting shirts on unfit slobs and ‘messages’.
Hardly the jumpers for goal posts inspiration of my youth.
The Vile Show looks set to be epic.
Phrasing is all, BBC News…
Watch the highlights as Italy beat England 3-2 in a tense penalty shootout to become European champions at Wembley.
Also BBC News
“Too much pressure at the end of the day. Too much pressure.”
Here’s how fans reacted as Italy beat England 3-2 after a tense penalty shootout to become European champions.
Uh huh.
I honestly cannot believe I have just read that, Guest!
What a stupid statement!
Going to need to narrow that down as today is quite the day for them.
Spoofs aplenty too.
Bless. And, despite the caps, no.
Try the other side of bed.
If you can’t grasp satire clearly identified, your problem. As is making demands like that.
Now, block me but not Maxi? Dilemma.
Mr D chortled for several minutes when I showed him Dawn Butler’s comment. Does she really believe it?
To be fair to the often single if fast tracked Ms. B, that might not be an actual quote of hers in the Grauniad.
But in true bbc style, something she might have said and, evidently many unsurprising gobs are getting close to already.
Guest, it was really noticeable that in just 20 minutes of TOADY this morning 6 – 6.20 a.m. the final England penalty taker (who did not miss the target) was mentioned several times but the first England player to miss from the spot was ‘glossed over’ with the briefest of name-checks.
I wonder why? Er, no I do not. Not really.
It has long been noticeable that what is put, or left in vs. out is controlled by the agenda of those who have power over the edit.
‘Twas ever thus.
Bloke whose statue Toenails reveres, reportedly, stands outside the BBC building knew all about it.
There’s a quote too, though many feel it does not apply when they are in charge.
The end of toady was a celebration of the Destruction of white England with a couple of wokes and Robinson the woke . Lucky there wasn’t any diversity of thought in that one .
I’m so glad they lost .
I wish I’d stayed up to watch the pain .
Fed, I only listened to the first 20 mins then OFF switch. I just couldn’t take what I suspected would occupy most of the programme. Am disappointed England lost but … .
Didn’t watch, no Licence (hurrah!) and hopefully a few more, lots even, of the UKs footie fans will be cancelling their TVLs if the obnoxious BBC keep this up.
The view figures – apparently hit 31 million . What the make of BBC / ITV was isn’t clear yet . How they get to those numbers is a mystery .
I hope the campaign to boycott the World Cup gets going . Although I suspect Qatar money will silence a lot of dissent …
You would think that with the support of an intellect like that, Labour would be unstoppable.
‘ Hardly the jumpers for goal posts inspiration of my youth.’
You had jumpers?
C&A parkas mostly.
Stopped wearing them as they became de rigger for Northern Irish rioters of faith.
Never was clear on how the opposing mobs carried out IFF.
Peter, you’d need to keep your jumper on this morning, kinda chilly round here.
We had jumpers, but no ball
“Eee lad, tha wer lucky, we had no jumpers and no ball and had t’make do w’paper tissues for vests under our shirts just to stay warm while jumping up and down and running round field.”
Black Penalties Matter?
Southgate’s gamble to give the honour of victory to three black players fails miserably? Poor decision making or was he pressured by the diversity lobby?
I was thinking exactly the same thing. Just imagine what heroes they would have been.
Backfired big style.
TOADY Watch #1 – Don’t mention Mista Mista, MR BBC
It is strange how, having huge publicity from the BBC at various times in the past year a certain footie player, a very well-known footie player, only gets the briefest of mentions, a single rapid name-check, in the first twenty minutes of the programme this morning.
I wonder why?
Anyway. Well tried, England. They think it’s all over – it is now, so let us concentrate on some cricket during the cricket season – what is left of it, non-Global Warming weather permitting.
The NYT also skilfully shaped by the ex BBC editor in chief too.
It’s an interesting news outlet.
How they handle this will be interesting…
What? Discontent in the People’s Paradise?
Next you’ll be telling us that Communism never worked, anytime, anywhere.
All the Beeboids who grew up with Che and Castro posters on their walls will have to rethink their entire ideology.
(But probably won’t.)
The short don’t get your hopes up edition
If you thought the football built your hopes up, only to deliver the usual disappointment, then wait until you read this: ‘Johnson has dropped claims that the end of restrictions is “irreversible” after scientists warned him that the decision to open up fully was a gamble that could go wrong‘ (Times)
‘More than 6,000 “golden visas” given to oligarchs and wealthy foreigners between 2008 and 2015 are being reviewed over potential risks to national security‘ (Times)
And what about the 6,000+ migrants and foreign chancers per year now rocking up in Dover?
Seems the government can revoke anything these days, how about an MBE they awarded somewhat… rashly?
‘Tears of hurt. Manager Gareth Southgate comforts Bukayo Saka after his penalty miss cost England the Euros title last night‘ (Metro) – as I recall Gareth has an old brown paper bag he wore in those pizza restaurant adverts he did. Never mind, the lad will soon buck up, comforted no doubt by the wise ministrations of his agent, business manager, PR advisor, social media guru, media trainer, car dealer, tax expert, jeweller and estate agent…
‘Dead in an instant‘ (Times) – no not England’s footballing hopes and dreams. This was the assassinated president of Haiti, the second independent nation in the western hemisphere mind you and probably not the one most people on the planet would wish to live in. I trust BLM are monitoring the situation?
‘Boom “on horizon”‘ says the Times – don’t get your hopes up.
Lewis Goodhall and Huw Edwards liked this.
Comparing with reactions from non overpaid media bubbleheads is interesting.
Don’t forget the Psychologist AslSeelt for both Southgate and Saka-really I have never heard, because I’m not a soccer fan, so much hype over just a game-what real contribution does the sport and the millionare players make to our society? Would we have seen or had as much national support for the United Kingdom as has been seen over this rather boring game? Doubt it. Usual big money got involed and the BBC gave away most of the TV Licence fee to obtain the TV rights.
Churchill did not come second to Italy, but M’kay.
Who comes up with this drivel? Southgate is probably a very nice man is some people’s minds, but really what has he done exactly?
However he could go into politics – he is woke enough and looks down on those very people who support his party(team)…
I am now avoiding all TV for the next 3 days unless somebody asks the question that all my football friends are asking – why did he bring on and use inexperienced players and not use those with proven penalty taking skills? I wonder? Doesn’t sound like great leadership ..
I had assumed it was satirical. But who knows?
Meanwhile the bbc continues to make it about anything other than sporting skills.
Has Sleepy read his book yet?
The irony is that I suspect those 3 were chosen because of the scourge of racism. The BLM kind.
By coincidence, Guest, I’ve just got a (freebie) Times from Waitrose, and the article seems correct. It’s written by a David Brown, whom I presume is some sort of sporting journo. The article goes on about Southgate’s career to date, his family etc., and paints a picture of quite a normal bloke.
As I know absolutely zilch about the game, I can’t really comment either way, but saying he’s more popular than Churchill is just stupid!
When one looks at the ‘talent’ at the BBC and among some MPs, Southgate would be a credible candidate for many roles.
Except of course that by being male, hideously white, able-bodied, and straight, he would have absolutely no chance.
We have nobody left in this country who is worthy to be a hero. Anyone who sticks their neck out gets assasinated by the bitter and spiteful Lefties.
Hence we will probably knight someone who manages a game of football for coming second. And after the interview of him I just watched on youtube, he should definitely stick to football.
I wonder if any of the media will dare to speculate what looks very likely to me : he picked those 3 to take the last penalties for BLM-flavour racist reasons because of their colour and it probably cost us the title.
As you say, terrible leadership.
James, ha ! ha ! at least he’s good for insomnia and will have them asleep on the back benches in no time. Yes, he’s probably a very nice man, but has as much personality as a septic foot.
Ticking the correct diversity boxes and successfully managing failure. Yep, I think the Times have that about right. I forsee bright personal prospects for our Gareth.
There’s a theory, too involved to go into fully here- and now-abouts, that our great institutions have one by one been hollowed out as the former bulwarks of society. And now our institutions merely serve as platforms for self-serving leaders who have no genuine love or care for their institions but are really in the business of self-promotion.
Maybe that’s why the England football coach reminds us of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who reminds us of the Met Police chief, who reminds us of….
Please don’t make me laugh.
Not entirely clear, but given the flurry of activity in Wendy’s unit, she might be referring to Indiana Spingster.
Maybe if the BBC hired people based on actual skills than screeching about stuff unrelated to the topics things would be less… tense?
The BBC Moaning Emole is, inevitably, painful.
So let’s go with… Amol!
Google boss warns of threats to free internet
The free and open internet is under attack in countries around the world, Google boss Sundar Pichai has warned. He says many countries are restricting the flow of information, and the model is often taken for granted. In an in-depth interview with the BBC, Pichai also addresses controversies around tax, privacy and data. And he argues artificial intelligence is more profound than fire, electricity or the internet.
Pichai is chief executive of one of the most complex, consequential and rich institutions in history. Over the past 23 years, Google has probably shaped the mostly free and open internet we have today more than any other company. According to Pichai, over the next quarter of a century, two other developments will further revolutionise our world: artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
Read full article >
Amol Rajan
BBC media editor
“Mostly peac… free”.
Google hoovered up such as Newsnight’s Editor early on and has pioneered #propagandabackedbycensorship ever since.
Don’t be evil, mate, you utter tool.
Standing, as ever, to be corrected.
But were the England penalties scored by white players and missed by black players?
If so clearly our racist country needs to provide more help for those pampered millionaires……errrr….I mean underprivileged young people. Feeling the effects of our colonial past, they need help. Where is the EHRC when you need them?
Clearly the successful privileged white penalty takers must have had unfair benefits during their lives.
A full enquiry is needed. I think Dianne Abbott should chair it.
OT but LBC is truly digging holes better than most.
Projection is a libmob characteristic is they who divide society.
I’m reliably informed that too much kneeling damages the bones and joints, as well as sending out a message of weakness and unmanliness to the other side.
(Yes, I know, Italy did too; but much less, and only to be polite. They even put out a disclaimer:
“As Chiellini explained, the team will kneel in solidarity with the opponents. Not for the [Black Lives Matter] campaign itself, which we don’t share.”)
As we say in Italy: Get woke-a, go broke-a.
Could someone please explain to me why the England team were taking their losers’ medals off within a fraction of a second of receiving them? Is it traditional, or are they just being bad sports?
I noticed the same. I think just petulance.
Calling them “losers’ medals” might explain their reluctance to wear them. Technically they’re Silver Medals or Runners-Up Medals.
But I can partly understand the feeling that it was sort of rubbing salt in the wound.
Goodness gracious me
BBC: ‘Jaipur: Lightning strike kills 11 taking selfies in India’
‘The victims were taking selfies in the rain on top of a watch tower’
‘A senior police officer told the media that the most of the people among the dead at the fort’s tower were young.’
[“the most of the people” might perhaps be a direct quote rather than a BBC typo]
‘Lightning strikes kill some 2,000 Indians on average every year’
“Harry Ram Ram!” – I think that’s what Peter Sellers exclaimed in the Blake Edwards comedy movie The Party [1968] when he played the hapless Indian actor Hrundi V. Bakshi
‘The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has said that deaths by lightning strikes have doubled in the country since the 1960s – one of the reasons they cited was the climate crisis.’
Nothing to do with youngsters taking selfies then?
Clearly the main issue is no teams of H&S managers based on high points and around golf courses.
Maybe teaching curricula too.
” ‘The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has said that deaths by lightning strikes have doubled in the country since the 1960s – one of the reasons they cited was the climate crisis.’ ”
Or – more likely – the colossal increase in the Indian population, soon to be the world’s most populated nation?
The Indian population has trebled since 1950, from about 450 million to about 1.4 billion.
So, pro rata, lightening strikes have DECREASED during that period.
An inconvenient truth that clearly does not fit the climate crisis narrative.
But I must admit, I do feel sorry for them. The Amer fort is absolutely stunning.
And maybe it’s because the population of India has doubled in the same time.
And maybe that fact is contributing to climate change.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I know it has been a very cold, wet, summer in the UK but parka and scarf?
Doesn’t she know there’s a Global WARming on? Send Horror Bin and McGrath round. Or do they need to visit the BBC’s Art Director/Picture Editor and give them a ticking off. And why is it always a female with Long Covid on the Home Page? Interestingly, in the article itself a male is pictured in the header photo.
As ever be quick, the BBC will probably take it down shortly: pic is top right along with footie gloom. It’s actually a BBC staffer, Lucy Adams. It’s a plug for Panorama, I have discovered, after reading the article: Panorama: Long Covid: Will I ever get Better? BBC One on Monday 12 July at 19:35 (for those of you with a TV Licence, if any).
A parody of a news site. As denoted by the logotype.
They also censor wildly and selectively.
For anyone needing solace today – look up some of the “Harry and Paul ‘ sketches on YouTube relating to footy -‘ the paquador national anthem ‘ is a gem ….’
I’ll see your Harry & Paul & raise you Dave Mitchell’s Watch the Football
Michael Palin’s Ripping Yarns featuring Barnstoneworth United is also worth a replay
And with a small lacuna – sports fans can look forward to watch the unwanted empty olympics at 9 in the morning . Thank god that’s not coming home either ….
Is the BBC gonna replay the whole thing ?
Will there be pictures of engerland players hiding under hats and sunglasses as they make their way to sunny climates for the traditional losers’ holiday …?
Vile has the solutions.
Asking idiots idiot questions.
He should get Femi, Champion and YAB on his BBC show.
The first thing that I notice there is that Jeremy has no problem with the concept of banning people from saying things not on the approved list.
Lunchtime Loather will empathise.
It’s what the BBC do.
Why is that coloured gentleman standing on one leg? Does his knee hurt from over-kneeling?
I suspect he is just releasing a raspberry.
Or maybe it’s a blackberry ?.
Is it racist just to allude to the colour of someones skin now ?. I’m not sure what the latest definition is. Need to check Wikipedia again.
The BBC are pleased to inform us that in the wake of online abuse received by the three penalty-missers, that the Metropolitan Police is investigating the abuse and said “it will not be tolerated”.
Once again, how reassuring that the overstretched and underfunded Met will be deploying its resources to combat hurty words as opposed to, say, the almost daily killings on the streets and other crimes they no longer even investigate.
I strongly condemn
.. I strongly condemn
..Wait what am condemning
It seems tome examples of racist posts are not included in news articles.
The Twitter story ends in lots of tweets & photos from Medhi Hasan the PR guy who now has a US TV show.
@MrAndyNgo tweeted Mar 20, 2019
I find Mehdi a fantastically dishonest person.
I would even call him a propagandist for Qatari FP interests
Used to be wall to wall BBC impartial gob.
Surely considered now in case Jess Brammar’s deleted tweets emerge again?
People point to a handful of Instagram replies that used monkey emojis
… newish accounts with few followers
That could be 12 year old kids, Russian troll farms etc.
but somehow it’s supposed to represent Britain.
The bbc are often very keen on ‘people are saying’. Why depends on who, about what.
That way they can speak for the nation. Or disgrace it. And most certainly use unsubstantiated claims by vague individuals to suit generic predjudicial media tropes of their own.
It can all be sorted in post.
Someone posts screenshots of Rashford complaining he got monkey emojis in his Direct Messages
one from a maths teacher.
…emm, that is an old story from March
I do see 150+ tweets about ‘3 n-word missed the penalties’ etc.
They come from either
– lefties saying that will be the Daily Mail headline
– profiles which have a black person as the profile image
If any hate crime has been committed by any white people, they will be arrested.
This does not apply to Muslim’s of course. As The Guardian told me, you can’t fight racism with racism – and I’m sure it is racist to target any minority group for anything, no matter what they did.
Quite rightly all sorts of people have come out and condemned the racist comments towards the three players who missed their penalties. Before we go on, I don’t blame them – they at least were brave enough to get up and try. Very stressful for them and they have my deepest sympathies as they will still be feeling sick about it, and will for some time.
However, among the people who condemned the racists were Boris Johnson and Priti Patel. Gary Neville has attacked Johnson and is blaming him personally for the racism because Johnson said that fans have a right to boo the kneeling. Despite being a United fan, I now consider Neville to be scum. I have thought that he is a nasty shit for a long time but allowed him a little leeway in my mind as he was such a good full back for United. No more.
Now Tyrone Mings, who I had thought was quite intelligent and certainly very pleasant, has had a go at Priti Patel because she had called the kneeling “gesture politics”. He claimed that she cannot say that and then also condemn racism. For me he’s also dropped from hero to zero in an instant. The kneeling is clearly gesture politics and is also very racist as the BLM movement, they are genuflecting to, is a distinctly racist organisation. It’s also openly marxist and murderous. Many people in the USA have been murdered by BLM.
I hope Mings never plays for England again (unlikely) and that Neville gets sacked (even less likely). The fact that they are pushing for a nakedly political and racist organisation rather than concentrating on improving their football skills gives the fans, who pay their wages, every right to boo.
More telling comments.
It’s all kicking off!
Forget the footie , there’s a better ‘game’ going on here …………………
Is it over? Is it safe to come out of the non-football bunker, yet? I do hope so…
Goat – no – it’s not over – days of torment coming … stories of Italians being attacked – stabbings – actually – back to normal really .
One dead teenager in Londonistan now brings the teenager stab killings to exceeding 2020 – with over 5 months to go ! Thoughts are with …..
Funny old world, driven by media staffed by kindergarteners overseen by middle aged Wolfies and legislated by other inept ideologues who hire idiots into £80 grand roles of national importance.
So I learn via #prasnews that a very rich man built a plane that almost got to space and ‘we’ are inspired by a group of overpaid entertainers not winning having made history by winning a regional event a while ago.
History belongs to the editors.
Vile should be made a Dame for services to community harmony. Or something.
George cross – or George unhappy –
The minister for stron’ statements – priti (Useless ) Patel has stron’ly condemned naughty words on the Twitter about coloured ‘loser ‘ footballers .
And whoever vandalised the st Marcus rashford mural in Manchester will be caught . But at least they didn’t miss their target ….
Who best to get to check this?
Wendy and Spingster?
Or Sopes and Lurch?
Or Rog, Matt and Justin?
Oh, Springster is on ‘it’.
Get in touch if on the approved list.
BBC journo who is supposed to a campaigner against conspiracy theories
fuels conspiracy theories by taking a BBC salary
then conspiring with other media to spread her work that licence payers not the Independent have paid for
Did not take long for GB speed dialing to reach BBC depths.
Who advises her on hairstyles?
Her wig maker perhaps.
But hang on, isn’t straight hair cultural-appropriation?
Internalised white repression bought on by over exposure of Islington Marxists who led the Labour Party to a glorious defeat ( only to be replaced by the same thing but claiming to be blue ).
In the Vile Green room?
It was always going to be Di or this clown or Lammy.
“I’m just sat”? Who sat him? Can’t he sit without help.
Here we go. Southgate being questioned in the press conference, and I’m thinking “how old are these bloody reporters ?” one can’t even articulate, saying ‘impor’an (important), and puerile questions from the rest.
This interview could have been replayed from every decade by other England managers since the 66 world cup. The players should hold their heads up high, we did this, we did that, etc etc… and doesn’t Southgate drone on.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the cricket season and it may stop raining one day) Southgate has a nice set of teeth.
We can now categorically state that ‘Diversity is not a strength, it is a weakness’
Indeed that is a truth ….in a week or so’s time we are going to be hearing about Japanese diversity …. ‘Look -,a Korean ‘
Can you tell by looking?
I caught a TV show yesterday evening, forgot which channel but it was a look back at your ancestor sort of thing.
Of course the lady looking back was Indian and talked about her great grandfather who left India for a new life in the Bahamas.
It was towards the end of the last century and the deal was that in return for the journey and accommodation you would have to work in the fields for the first 5 years.
Her Great Grandfather and some of his brothers did so and then went on to become wealthy shop owners and traders.
At the end the interviewer asked “So he was a slave then?” to which the lady replied “Of course, yes he was!”
Onto another story, my mother once told me in detail about her grandfather who lived and worked in Lancashire at a private coal mine all his life as a coal hewer in the seams. So it would have been around the same period as the last story.
Apparently the deal was that the men would arrive hours before the shift started because the managers would only accept enough for the shift and that those picked were healthy and could cope with the heavy work on their knees in water in coal seams often only 18 inches high. The rejected men went home without pay.
After years of this brutal existence my great grandfather’s legs began to give way due to being submerged in freezing water for hours at a time and being bent double all day. I can only imagine the struggle that this must have been.
So to keep earning he adopted the practice of running rope down his trouser legs tied to his feet so that he could walk into the mine cage using his arms to help operate his legs, just so that he could earn another days wages. He had a big family to support so he obviously felt had no other option.
So was he a white slave or did such things never exist? I know they didn’t according to the the folk in W1A.
A history which has been wiped .
Absolutely FedUp, I believe it’s known as “an inconvenient truth” so best to pretend it never happened and remove all references to it in literature and history. Big Brother would be proud!
I can identify with that Digg. My grandfather was the same, AND had the ignominy in having to save up if a doctor was needed at 1/- a visit. (5p) Nothing was given by the Pit owners back then.
Reminds me, digg, of someone that I knew really well. In (or is it on?) Trinidad there are a variety of races and a natural born, indigenous, Trinidadian – who can trace their family back through several generations – can be quite scathing about the Indians or Chinese or Jamaicans. This friend used to make my ears pop out on stalks, turn bright red and drop off with their opinions voiced about other races, especially Jamaicans.
Old Tweet from September complains about Lenny Henry mocking veterans’ suicides.
I was looking up, after the claim at 9:26am on Radio4
“There is no hard evidence that ex-British military are at any higher risk of suicide than the general population”
.. that was said to round off an item about a biker charity helping veterans and the case of an ex-soldier committing suicide.
The line is true, and some context is that US NGOS are known for trading off hyperbolic claims of military suicides to get donations
using a mythical “22 suicides” per day.
To an extent UK stats are a result of UK charities succeeding in their effort to reduce veteran suicides
but I wonder if some categories are being masked by including them in a big pot.
eg is there a high rate in those from Afghan frontline and a low rate among those that do back office roles in the UK ?
There is a contradiction in that there are no official UK figures for veterans suicides
cos the government says coroners cannot be expected to check and record if each suicide case has a military background.
Furthermore UK coroners record the “narrative” (cause unkown) verdict, when other countries would mark a death as suicide.
.. The gov then responded to a petition by saying they would collect figures somehow.
There was also a ‘culture ‘ amongst coroners to avoid suicide verdicts across the board – if possible – for financial and stigmatic ? Reasons – that might have died out now ( no pun intended At All ) …
The horror story of a corporal being dead from suicide for 3 weeks – 3 weeks ! In barracks before being discovered is beyond me – but the report deduct explain how his senior officers missed it … or maybe ex senior officers …
Our BBC should ask the following – Why were no black slaves imported into Britain from Africa?
An uncomfortable truth was that the majority of the British working classes were slaves and there was no need to import more.
A factory worker would receive a wage for working in atrocious conditions. The wage would be spent on rent for housing to the factory owner and the purchase of food from the factory shop. An African slave would have free food and lodgings but no pay.
What was the difference?
You are right, that Europe didn’t have a great shortage of cheap labour
but also AFAIK the process was that the Spanish colonisers first used local labour
.. but found this unworkable as locals were bad workers or died from disease
So they came across the idea of importing heat-resistant slaves from Africa.
And once they found that worked they continued.
People tended not to import slaves into cold countries like Canada.
The winds blew the slave ships easily across to the Caribbean but getting ships back to Europe direct from Africa meant fighting against the winds.
I agree with what you say, but I was trying to make a simple point with regard to a complex matter.
Additionally, the injury and death rate for workers in the mines, industry and agriculture was huge. There was also physical, mental and sexual abuse.
The mistake you are making is thinking BLM and everything else has anything whatsoever to do with slavery.
It’s the Left trying to start a culture war against the right using racist black people as pawns. Scargill was trying to do the same thing in the 80’s – but he was using miners.
And with that the first idiotic petition has arrived in my in box from one of the several activist outfits who need strife to exist.
There will be more. Then the BBC can claim a few thousand speak for a nation.
John, you are right. The Left ie. ‘the Wrongists’ (Communists/Marxists/Leninists/Stalinists/Maoists/Socialists/UK Labour Party) like to exploit and weaponise everything and everyone. A week ago and all week up to and including the weekend it has been facemasks. The latest weapon for ‘The Wrongists’. Drakeford making their use mandatory in Wales. Khan making their use mandatory on TfL trains and buses. The NHS wanting them to be mandatory for GP surgeries and hospitals.
The fact is that until relatively recent times most people in the UK were slaves in all but name. You’ve mentioned the truck system (whereby a factory owner paid his workers in tokens that could only be spent in shops owned by him), but the plight of agricultural labourers was just as bad. The poor (i.e. most of the population) received little in the way of education, there was an absence of health care for those unable to afford it, and the workhouses and debtors’ gaols claimed their share of souls.
The same people who profited from the misery of poor white people were, by and large, the same people who profited from that of black people taken into slavery (not forgetting the role played by some black people in selling others into slavery).
WGAP says …CNBC’s maths is even worse than Diane Abbott’s
You know, as I’ve been reading the ‘outrage’ over the racist tweets, I’m pretty certain that this outrage was going to happen no matter what. Once the trio missed their penalties, the anti-white racists will have been on the case scouring social media for something to flag up.
All I can find on the internet is ‘hit by ‘disgusting’ racist abuse’ everywhere. If I am to form any kind of conclusion I need to know how many comments and from how many people are involved. All of this could be from one person for all I know.
After everything I’ve seen in the last couple of years, it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if some Lefty trolls made some comments in order to have ammunition which people like the BBC greedily take up and blow out of all proportion.
Completely agree. After the Trump years and the war against him by the whole international liberal establishment I think it quite possible that agent provocateurs are at work raising false flags, possibly with the full knowledge of the likes of the BBC, to provide the excuse for another assault on free speech.
However, it is not surprising that after decades of mass migration, societal and demographic change , none of which was or has been put to the democratic vote, there are still pockets of resistance to the Brave New World which the elite wish to impose upon the rest of the population. Many are taking the soothing potions served up by the elite and serenely pursuing their lives oblivious to the possibility of the dystopian future that awaits us all, but not everyone drinks their daily dose and see the present reality and where it might lead.
This is beauty of Twitter for the BBC.
They can push absolutely any agenda by pointing us at tweets with the caption ‘The BBC is not responsible …’
When I look at them, I don’t read the tweet, I go to the profile of the tweeter to see what else they tweeted. They are almost always left-wing activists.
So Wimbledon and the football are over.
If you’re sick of watching rich, expensively hairstyled, extensively tattooed sports people on the telly, you could always give Traffic Cops on C5 a try.
Perhaps that was taken when all the barbers were shut …?
PCs Alex Boniface and Jason Potts, they often appear like this on the programme.
Maybe they’ve got that Dirty Harry ethos –
“When the hell are you going to get a haircut?”
“Who’s got time?!”
Trick – ok then – maybe they do ‘plain clothes ‘ to blend in with bad hair cut criminals …
One of the things that comes out of these programmes is that the police are quite friendly with many of the lowlifes, having arrested them repeatedly.
Soon back out on the streets. . .
They are Kew Gardens security officers hired to protect James Wong from the racism, nationalism, plantism, wormism, leafism and other forms of homophobia which infest Britain’s once peaceful World of Horticulture.
Isn’t he a bit short to be a stormtrooper?
Just happened to tune into You and yours ( radio 4) and found a conversation 10 minutes about Ebays new payments . The one person interviewed said she was margianlly better off than previously being paid by PAYpal and the other said he he had to wait 2 days for getting payment now for the vintage trainers that he was selling on ebay and this didn’t suit him . Wow, so important! A waste of BBC tax payers money .
I see the BBC web “front page” is slathered with a froth of waycist footie victimhood wallowing in the wake of the shoot-out fail.
I daresay the airwaves are also similarly chock-full of overreaction and quite possibly made-up BS.
Anybody care for some Left Wing Yoga?
h/t Robert Swan
I know which shot I prefer…… (I cant upload URL’s)
Briss – you must have enjoyed “valdez is cuming” !!!
As predicted by several on this site, they’re really hitting it hard.
“Racist abuse of England players Marcus Rashford, Jadon Sancho & Bukayo Saka ‘unforgivable'”
Southgate; “the national team stands for everybody.”
Yes, and kneels for a minority view.
Apparently a fan has been banned from Leyton Orient for three years in connection with the abuse
Orient fan banned ? The other one is going to get lonely watching them on his own ( apart from the dog of course )
Jasper Carrott on being a Birmingham City fan: “I turned to the bloke next to me and said. . . OIII!!!”
I think it was Lady Broke on Radio 4 news who was desperately pushing the idea that, in refusing to comdemn people who boo the footbally kneeling, Boris Johnson is guilty of encouraging racism against non white footballers. (Small implication that it’s Boris’s fault they lost?). The interviewee agreed and persisted in claiming that the kneeling is just a nice symbol of agreement with anti-racism, dismissing the Marxist nature of BLM as just some of the BLMers.
The kneeling should never have been allowed, because it is hugely controversial in all aspects of it’s symbolism. Didn’t it start with some American footballer (the armored kind) refusing to get up and salute the Stars and Stripes thus disrespecting his own Country. Is that what the England players wanted to copy? Boris Johnson was right in this.
She did, Despa, on TWatO. I switched off in disgust at the racist race baiting that was being indulged in by the BBC. The Montacutie was stirring like mad. Apparently Sucker Starmer has accused the PM of not showing any leadership over racism. That was a really good laugh. But what came next was just obnoxious BBC and after about ten minutes I could not take any more.
Covid vaccine: Thailand decides to mix jabs as cases spike
There’s no floor to how retarded BBC staff can be…even comma useage challenges them; glaring typos aren’t noticed.
“Overall, Thailand has seen more than 330,00 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 2,7111 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.”
With news articles and commentators looking for excuses and citing age and how young the ones who missed the penalties got me thinking. During WW2 there were commissioned officers about their ages. Even the elder George H Bush was an lieutenant junior grade flying combat missions in Avengers at their age.
In the Falklands the commanding Marine officer on South Georgia was 22 and was under a wee bit more pressure.
Different times.
gb This is what progress is like…… grown men of 22 crying on a shoulder, and in comparison, Digg’s comment further up about his great grandfather wading in water down a coal mine at a similar age.
At what age now is classed as being ‘grown up’. Never, by the specimens seen in my Co-op with back to front baseball caps, their fleshy bellies on show, arses hanging out of shorts and hairy feet wearing flip flops, while carrying a crate of beer. And that ladies and gentlemen is what my Dad at 21 served in the Fleet Air Arm for in the war.
You just reminded me of how numeracy has declined when dealing with cash. I think it was a Mini Morrisons, when they had them, where I saw the till fail and the cashier was using a calculator to work out change for an item costing £1.75 when given a £5 note.
I would expect £8.75 ( I gave you £10 – not £5 )
The new religion of the Left with a God called ‘ekwalitee’ and a devil called ‘Waycism’.
Twitter is a cesspit, you can’t take things at face-value.
The witch-burning mob are after a Savills worker
cos his account tweeted
“N word ruined it for us”
Who sent the tweet ? maybe him, maybe someone else
Quickly I spot someone claiming a second worse tweet from another account is also him
Buried in the pile-on of replies someone says
“That is not Andrew Bone’s account.
It’s a different and have just used his picture.
Look through his account. He is a troll trying to stir things up. (The other Andrew Bone’s did still tweet racist abuse though).
.. Other people seem to confirm this , once the Savills guy tweet came up, the second account changed its pictures to his and then starts putting out racist tweets.
That is believable, why would someone make a second account, with an anonymous name using the same photo as their first ?
And then tweet the almost the same message from this second account.
Oh I didn’t mean to post that quote tweet from the FBPE account
The main thing is the reply that points out the offensive account is highly likely to be a school kid,
causing trouble by suddenly changing his profile name and picture to look like the Savills guy.
As we await our Liberal PM’s so-called ‘freedom day’ announcement at 5pm, remember …………….
The things the Tory Government has failed to do.
End foreign aid.
End immigration.
End Illegal criminals invading our country.
End Al Beeb.
Have any illegals been prosecuted yet ?
Have any criminals been sent back yet ?
Yet you, the people of Great Britain are forced with the threat of jail if you do not pay the telly tax and watch live TV broadcasts.
The Tory Party , the party of ‘law and order’ ?
One for climate expert Harrabin to resolve. It’s call shadow flicker, caused by turbines.
More outrage bus against Lee Hurst and Andrew Lawrence
\\ Andrew Lawrence has sparked outrage with tweets “stirring up racism”.
Several comedy clubs have now cancelled upcoming appearances from him// claims BritishComedy Guide
First tweet“All that time Rashford spent virtue-signaling, he could have been practicing penalties.”
Reply “All I am saying is white guys scored”
Next reply “I can see that this has offended a lot of people, and I’m sorry that black guys are bad at penalties.”
Then a couple of tweets saying “Hate won’t win”
I don’t know the context, like if he was acting a character. etc.
But he should have expected an account closing pile-on, from the FPBE people.
Like Lammy
His account has gone, but you can delete your own account and reactivate it the week after, when the mob has gone off.
Lee Hurst doesn’t seem to have done anything
It just looks like FBPE people are trying to group him in with Andrew Lawrence.
Lee Hurst is just powering on
with the FBPE mob trying to pull him down.
So the UN has now declared that every last one of us in the West are criminals.
The Marxist Communist UN bandwagon pushes onwards, no doubt with the full support and blessing of the Soros Foundation…
UN rights boss urges ‘wide range’ of reparations over racism
There is little doubt that innocent citizens will suffer for the maniacal rush to demolish Western Society for purely political ends.
They are throwing totally unfounded accusations into the face of all the peoples of the Western World. The accusations are based purely on the distorted perspective of left-wing academics and politicians.
Hitler did much the same thing in reverse when he made the Jews non-people.
The UN now demands that the entire Western World become non-people and go on their knees and into their wallets to atone.
These people are using false equivalents to stir up grudge and bad feeling towards the West. The end game of this as history tells will probably be paid in blood and lives I fear.