Heard it all now. Fatty Bolton on Sky has just asked “is cutting foreign aid racist ? ” – because “cutting aid affects those in countries that are non-white”. Words fail me.
I bloody well hope it is ‘racist’ – that’s a BBC appreciation of the word, not mine!
The people who infest the corridors of W1A get paid whatever huge sums for zilch; we here in the UK get meagre pensions and the occasional benefit (not the fat lazy feckers who never ever work), while the fat ugly despots in shitholes get handouts and keep most of the whole lot for themselves.
Milliband take note, you arsehole.
I don’t pay much tax these days, but still begrudge some fat bastard in a shite country, getting all my spare (?) dosh and spending it on his foibles, tarts, fat kids, useless flunkies, splendour and waste.
Read and weep. A total BBC whitewash in favour of overseas aid, as if it all goes direct to the starving. The major benefactors of our aid are secret Swiss bank accounts. We used to directly supervise the distribution of aid, but Gordon Brown regarded that as being Imperialistic and stopped the practice. He didn’t think that through, did he?
The UK provides twice as much of its gross income as a percentage than does woke Canada. Go on BBC, beat up woke Canada. You wouldn’t do that now, would you?
Gordon Brown probably did think it through. That would be the same Gordon Brown who referred to one of his own supporters as ‘a bigoted woman’ because she was concerned at the level of uncontrolled immigration. Not a PM noted for his level headed consideration of the views of others. After all, it was his mission to save the world. in his own way, of course, which usually meant damaging this country with any luck.
Inland Revenue please note – paid by the BBC, so please go for the revenue from a few copies; a little of nothing much is better than a kick up the arse…
I’m getting a bit cross about paying tax on everything I’ve earned from my own efforts, not from state payouts to rather plain people in w1a during my active working life.
The awful BBC people just coin it at every turn, and expect citizens to roll over and say ‘we luuuurve the bbc’.
Mariana is probably a team created BBC brand
.. probably doesn’t write her own tweets
.. so probably doesn’t write her own book.
BBC females often claim to be poorly paid
but I always say you have to count ALL INCOME including : image rights, book deals, appearance fees, free gifts/tours etc.
As usual, bbbc radio newcastle this morning continues its attack on the government by bringing all its right thinking scientists on, one after the other, to tell us all to wear face masks.
They also bring on locals and Vox pops so long as they are the right ones who agree it’s best to be cautious etc.
If we are allowed to hear the other side of the argument from the impartial bbbc it’s if they can find a Vox pop of someone who sounds either stupid or to the right of …. I was going to put Hitler but he was left wing…. but you all know what I mean.
The only break from their agenda is when they are calling us all racist for not being in the George Floyd fan club.
By the way, have you seen that GB News presenter going down on his knee to the blm. Guto Bebbo or something like that.
Read a “where’s Wally article about the recent disappearances of Sturgeon, ( her Husband..”titter ye not!) and the Elf Minister Humza Yousuf ( Celtic fc supporter) and widely recognised lightweight.
bBC Scotland failed to put 2 and 2 together and will be concocting some defence or other regarding a formal investigation called by Police Scotland into a large amount of missing money (£600k).
Message to UK GOVT….get on top of this and “lend support” to Police Scotland with an oversight role….you can see from the recent resignation of the Lord Advocate that the justiciary up here…appear nobbled by the SNP….many also think Police Scotland has been similarly nobbled.
Get someone up who can follow the money………….which might just be the tip of the surface of this particularly rotten borough!
Trubble- I think nut nut would rather Scotland just go away . I think he is scared of krankie but even more scared of being the ‘unionist ‘ PM who lost the Union – at least until the current monarch shuffles off …
#GBNews presenter has just taken the knee live on TV whilst giving a monologue supporting the gesture of taking the knee. I’ve never seen any other presenters or journalists on any other channels do this, it’s quite ironic GBNews should be the first. pic.twitter.com/XvB8nWAZCt
— Lionheart #LawAndOrder (@LoyalDefender2K) July 13, 2021
Rob in Cheshire
Then that government should be changed as it is full of Liberals dressed up as ‘Tories’ getting voted for and paid for under false pretences .
Presenter Guto Harri
left Oxford joinedthe BBC for 18 years
PR consultant, NewsUK exec
Then he was Boris Johnson’s PR chief whilst he was mayor and then preparing the Olympics.
He currently also presents on a current affairs show on S4C in Welsh
You can’t adopt BLM gestures
and then say you are NOT endorsing them.
Does anyone say
“I do go around doing Nazi salutes, not in a mocking way either, but that doesn’t mean I am supporting Nazis” ?
.. i guess he was looking for impact cos his misandry interviews weren’t getting the clicks
His guest totally ignored Belgium
and said “FEMALE leader = good Covid policies”
Driving to the DIY store I caught the BBC R4 episode of History of the World in 100 objects…
Today it was Christian Orthodox icons. as related to the Ottoman wars against mainly the Muslim Turks.
Oh how bad and deluded those Christian religious leaders were. They tried to rally and lie to their people with meaningless and fake iconography against the morally superior Muslim Ottomans.
Summing up. The Ottoman Turks were upright people guided by their unshakeable belief in Islam whilst the Christians were a bunch of duped idiots following a cult religion that had no substance.
I must be a racist. That’s all the BBC ever tell me.
In the lunchtime news today it was one thing after another. Only racists boo BLM knee taking. Only racists think Southgate chose three black players for woke reasons. An item about the bad Greeks sending “asylum seekers” back to Turkey, in defiance of their “rights”.
Yes, it seems all white people are racists. I am white. Therefore I am racist. How kind of the BBC to make things so clear for me. My KKK membership forms are in the post. Thank you, BBC.
“MPs fail in bid to reverse overseas aid cut” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57826111
Were the MPs that were voting against the cuts about to lose some ‘kickbacks’?
Follow the money.
“The EU countries ‘pushing back’ asylum seekers at sea” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-57809909
How is the EU able to do it when we cannot ?
At the same time the French are shipping them here .
Why do so many Middle Eastern and Africans migrants want to leave the safety of France and are desperate to get to such a ‘Racist’ country like the UK?
The numbers are in and of 31m people watched the Euro 2021 final. Of which 25m chose the BBC.
A great victory for the beeb then…
Or to look at it another way, 20% of the population detests the BBC so much that they would rather watch the adverts than suffer Gary lineker during half-time…
I think the majority who watched this, or any other of the few matches that the bBbc still cover, don’t suffer Lineker at all.
They simply wait to turn the tv on just before kick-off, stretch their legs at half-time, and turn it off as soon as the final whistle blows, thus avoiding Lineker and all other “expert” bs as much as they can.
Having watched it on the ITV Hub, I’m sure that the actual match commentary from the bBbc can’t have been any worse than theirs. Sam Matterface and Emma Hayes in particular are truly awful.
BBC” those evil Israelis made a law against the kind Palestinians
.. there were a few attempts by armed Palestinians – some of them carrying a lot of explosives – who attempted to gain legal access to Israel by marrying Israeli citizens.”
Rather suspect Jamaica has watched the post match highlights here and will only be approaching any tool near a whiff of voter power happy to take a knee, with access to a social media account and with kids in charge of committing the futures of future taxpayers not on the public teat to anything that might get a like.
Dover, and also not forgetting the African tribal chiefs who sold the slaves to the Arabs for their own use and onward transition. Of course, that would be far too embarrassing for the wokery to mention, quite apart from the fact that it might make blacks look guilty too.
Anton Ferdinand accusing all media of publishing FakeNews about his opinions
Excuse me?? why wouldn’t I want a major tournament to be held here I saw what it done for our country we were united…. Did I say there needs to be consequences for this vile behaviour…. YES FOR SURE https://t.co/2YoNIRN7mh
Wait until Ceebeebies gets Rainbow Butt Monkey to convey it via the medium of dance with Nish and Champion choreographed by Banjo Boy from Deliverance.
Quickly changed channels when I saw the BBC’s Fergal Keene doing his usual pious report from anywhere that’s not the UK. This time it was the terrible Greek’s doing a “push back” of migrants back to Turkey. Shots were fired from the Greek border force boats towards the dinghies – which were filled with ….. Africans, and of course Fergal had to get the story of one of them. I turned over at that point.
I’m off on holiday – but on topic of trolls, I’m working on an investigation into discriminatory online abuse – and those coordinating it. Women in and out of the public eye have got in touch. Share your experience. https://t.co/ePbAYUzxzq
She is going on holiday?!? All she has done is a couple of 1 minute videos and then tweet the same crap, every day, about how much online abuse she gets.
Just switched on the TV and the BBC News channel came up first.
1. An outside piece about 10 black young footballers feeling like the victims because the 3 blacks England footballers got some racism directed at them – tick!
2. Then straight to the Marcus Rashford mural vigil (has he died?!?) where about 100 people with nothing better to do hang about – tick!
3. Then the outside broadcast BBC reporter talks for 5 seconds but he is black too – tick!
4. Back in the studio a piece aboit stalking with a black victim – tick!
All that in just 5 minutes. I’ve still no idea what the news is today.
And earlier Tabs, there was some BBC ‘researcher/analyst/outside reporter” whatever, going on about the foreign aid vote. I wondered if I had heard right when she said that 53% of the population said they were happy to leave the aid budget as it was.
Where in hell’s name do they get these figures from ? I’ve never been targeted in any research poll in my life ! and I suspect a good percentage, probably 90% never have either.
“No one involved in murder during the Troubles should be granted
an amnesty.”
And the IRA murdering bombers killing anyone, men, women and little children ?
“Covid: Plea to wear masks on trains from Wales to England” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57818622
These diktats coming out of the Assembly are turning out to be absurd .
Ok ok look. Sorry for RT’ing a bunch of positive tweets about the below, except… The response is utterly thrilling in its vastness and immense positivity. I am totally blown away. Overwhelmed. Please catch up on @BBCiPlayer or @BBCSounds ! pic.twitter.com/UU6fak2yBD
Amol…. this guy you interviewed represents just about the biggest Capitalist Company the World has ever seen, don’t be fooled by their attempts to appear woke, they are purely there for the bucks!
Switched on to 6pm BBC1 news late. I gathered the Fish Woman is doing something different to Boris and was told there were digs at Boris’ plans ie Nicola’s are right and stricter and Boris’ were wrong. We had a black poet, but not Benjamin Z standing in front of the Marcus Rashford mural. Was he there by chance? Of course not, this is the BBC. He was saying the British only want to support black people when they are doing well. I am no football supporter and when I switched on for the last 20 minutes of the 90 and extra time I was watching 22 players of all colours mainly walking around a pitch. I saw the ups and downs of the penalties. I saw one English player kicking the ball which didn’t need a goalkeeper to save it as it was never going in, and one young lad taking the decider who apparently hasn’t taken a penalty before. Brave of him to offer but had I been the manager I might have said something like, ‘thanks for offering, but I need someone with more experience’. Had I been bothered whether England had won, I might have been a bit cross. I am with Priti on this one. Taking the knee at these matches was gesture politics and as Dan Wooten reminded us on GB News, BLM are a Marxist organisation that want to defund the police. But a footballer who I have never heard of moans and the BBC had to report his tweets as truth. I am jolly pleased they are not getting their Downing Street reception and I hope none of them are remembered in the Honours Lists. They lost, remember.
Shame Debs, if you had persevered you might have enjoyed the ‘Oh by the way’ news, tucked away at the end, that Boris won his attempt to save £4b off the ‘Aid (baksheesh) Bill’ and that seven MSPs have complained to the police about SNP finances and the involvement of Krankie’s husband – is that the term the Wee Wallace would use to describe him? – in the unaccounted £600k.
Were you to live in the South West, you might also have enjoyed the in-depth coverage of footballing giant Tyrone Mings whose brave challenge on racism to our Pakistani Home Secretary – irony lost to the BBC – has been applauded throughout the region. Allegedly.
Mind you, I’m sure your reaction was far more typical.
Was the “brave challenge” of Mings as “brave” as his stamp on Ibrahimovic’s head a few years ago? Or the elbow in the Austrian players face that he got away with at the Euros? Pos.
Deborah –
I’ve decided to ‘experience ‘ no MSM and no Twitter for the next couple of days – I – too – can take no more ; there is an insanity about which started off in American and is well and truly here . What can I do about it ? Nothing . And I know that the truth is so far away from the MSM narrative .
What has finished me off is a report of ex BBC journo taking the knee on GBNews – which is something I thought would never happen and consigns that outlet to the liberal rubbish bin .
BBC1 The One Show just did a bit about crash for cash insurance scams. They didn’t mention that the majority of these scams are done by Muslims but they did have a Muslim reporter.
Carol Kirkwood is also being “interviewed” so she can plug her new book for free.
Face off on Channel 4 between Red Ali Campbell and a Tory bloke.
Of course nasty racist Tories was the agenda put by C4, focusing on Priti not liking the take the knee garbage on the footie field.
Campbell trying to say this was just racist, the Tory bloke very clearly and rationally saying that the issue has nothing to do with not supporting BAME footballers but in fact NOT wanting the UK Government seen to be supporting and endorsing BLM, an organisation he described as dedicated to the overthrow of society, the family and the police and therefore no sane western Government could endorse it for one second.
This went right over the head of the crazy Campbell guy who went straight into a rant about Brexit, Covid, vaccination, public services schools, hospitals etc. etc. etc ad nauseam. In fact typical Trotsky labour noise crap.
I know which one came over as normal and rational and which didn’t and I know where my money is!
And I suspect loads of others… Labour need to get rid of these gobbies if they ever want to make any headway with the British electorate.
To me taking the knee today is the equivalent of the players raising an arm and waving a Swastika at a footie match in 1940.
This an example of a typical libmob tweet
Look at the hate and anger; they are the nasty side.
… There aren’t hundreds of tweets. I guess C4news has a very small audience.
Watching #C4news+1. @montie Tim Montgomerie is a vile bag of shit, even if he IS too stupid to even realise it.
July 17* ….the release of #KillingKelly, a film by @georgegalloway
The ‘ former power couple ‘….Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell whipped up an illegal war to kill thousands of innocent people.
and weapons expert David Kelly died on that date.
If this is how scrubs upwell really sees it they are in a parallel universe where peace is war and truth is lies (apologies to George Orwell) I think the fact is that the left response to undeniable truth that they don’t like is to throw a tantrum. Like immature children really.
It is worth remembering, that Kier Starmer Labour leader after kneeling once distanced himself from the gesture and what it stands for.
Given that even the Labour Left eschewed it surely everyone should realise just what an offensive gesture it is, and the reality that it is nothing but an anti White race hate gesture.
No point anyone expecting the media to remind the people of that though, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone even mention Labours position on taking the knee.
Reading the paper today I saw a piece about the moon wobbling and thus altering tidal patterns around the world. Apparently the west coast of America is about to be inundated with water. It must have happened in
London over the last couple of days.
Northern – back in the 60s/70s I recall the space rockets being blamed for causing unusual weather – nothing changes … I actually think it’s really all about solar winds – except at night of course when the sun shuts down to reboot …
I’ve just heard so much bull that I’d be thinking of double topping myself if I am exposed to any more of this ‘coloured as victim ‘ crap .
As for the the arras- I found that lager and darts never mixed …..
Two Ronnies fans – ITV is presenting an affectionate look back at the life and career of Ronnie Corbett in The Two Ronnies: Ronnie Corbett’s Lost Tapes.
Best remembered for his work alongside Ronnie Barker, Corbett died in 2016. The documentary airs July 14 at 9pm.
Somewhere, somewhere in those Corbett tapes there will be a comment, an innuendo, a suggestion that the woke politburo will jump on and get Ronnie despatched to room 101. They really don’t do comedy. I have a 20 something uni stepson and I can vouch for the fact that I have never heard him laugh out loud.
They are comically constipated by their education I’m afraid!
‘Coloured as victim’. A few years ago, the Deputy Commissioner of the Met was of Pakistani heritage. He took the Met to an industrial Tribunal for racism because he wasn’t the Commissioner.
Hearts of Oak today had a petition accepted by UK Government and Parliament. Stop Grooming Gang members accessing public funds to fight their convictions. Please sign & share then share again. Thank you.https://t.co/nAIhUp6QCY
University Challenge started its new season last night. It’s one of the few BBC offerings I still find mildly enjoyable despite the emphasis on questions about women and African and Asian civilisations (oh, and singers with a passion for prison reform, headed by the great Johnny Cash and Folsom Prison Blues). The teams did well on questions about Africa; not so well on questions about the Roman empire – decolonisation of the curriculum seems to be going modestly well….
Skeldings, I too was pleased to see the start of the new season of University Challenge last night, and thought how unusual for there to be a programme on the BBC that I want to watch. Well I thought, this is one programme on the BBC that won’t be tainted by the BBC’s leftist poison. How wrong I was, for all the reasons you mention. I’ll give it a second chance next week, and then I suspect that will be yet another programme from that benighted organisation that will bite the dust as far as I’m concerned.
Interesting article off to the side of that page which reports game 3 of the NBA finals has seen a viewership drop of nearly a third in just two years. Outkick claims the finals are now averaging just under 9 million viewers. In 2017 they pulled in over 20 million. That gets a LOL from me.
How satisfying that the race baiting and anti-white rhetoric of LeBron James – one of America’s most visible and successful black men – has almost single-handedly killed the product which provided his vast wealth and fame.
Lots of BLM professionally printed identical banners. Compare that to the London anti lockdown protests where each protestor brings their own sign written on a scrap of cardboard.
Perhap Marianna could investigate who is paying for the BLM signs.
On Toady at about 0750 we had what amounted to a party political broadcast by the Marcus Rashford party.
Uncritical, no questioning. A ‘statement by Marcus Rashford’ .
Erudite, thoughtful. Intelligent. Not to my taste but the description can still hold.
Just a couple of issues.
1. When interviewed, mr Rashford is barely able to string a whole sentence together. The idea that he could havevwritten the statement is highly implausible in my humble opinion.
2. Mr Rashford did not actually read the statement. It was read by someone like a spokesperson or possibly an actor.
The whole thing is thus based on a totally false premise.
But for the BBC, St Marcus is untouchable.
I had a look back at the penalty shoot-out which took place when England v Colombia ended 1-1 after extra time in the World Cup of 2018 (first k.o. round).
Rashford took a penalty then and was successful. He was up against David Ospina of Arsenal and Colombia, who may well have been thoroughly prepared for penalties by any Premier League player representing England on that night.
Rashford did the same “stuttering” indirect run up to the ball as in his recent penalty v Italy, trying to commit the goalkeeper; but, crucially hit it hard and accurately into the bottom left corner; whereas this time, he came to more of a halt and then rather scuffed the ball onto the outside of the post with the ‘keeper stranded … sadly opening the way to the eventual defeat.
The other four missed penalties did owe quite a lot to good anticipation and saves by Donnarumma for Italy and Pickford for England.
I felt that the BBC could have given a bit more “technical” analysis about the benefits and risks of Rashford’s style of penalty. The pundits said that anyone might miss and wanted to avoid singling out any one player (poor old Southgate was the only one of twelve to miss in England v Germany in Euro 1996!) but could have contrasted the Kane and Maguire hits (struck harder and higher) with the three subsequent misses (lower and thus more reachable).
Below is a list of red Tory Traitor MPs who think taxpayers’ ( your ) money ( borrowed ) is better spent overseas than at home –
David Amess – Southend West
Harriett Baldwin – West Worcestershire
Peter Bottomley – Worthing West
Karen Bradley – Staffordshire Moorlands
Steve Brine – Winchester
Rehman Chishti – Gillingham and Rainham
Stephen Crabb – Preseli Pembrokeshire
David Davis – Haltemprice and Howden
Tobias Ellwood – Bournemouth East
Roger Gale – North Thanet
Damian Green – Ashford
Simon Hoare – North Dorset
Neil Hudson – Penrith and The Border
Jeremy Hunt – South West Surrey
Paulie Latham – Mid Derbyshire
Tim Loughton – East Worthing and Shoreham
Theresa May – Maidenhead
Johnny Mercer – Plymouth, Moor View
Andrew Mitchell – Sutton Coldfield
Caroline Nokes – Romsey and Southampton North
Neil Parish – Tiverton and Honiton
Mark Pawsey – Rugby
Bob Seely – Isle of Wight
Tom Tugendhat – Tonbridge and Malling
I’m sure that if the above traitors clubbed together with their personal wealth they could help make up the shortfall ….know your enemy – useful for the Whips when the next coup attempt comes along
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Our BBC did her best to destroy Brexit –
Our BBC did her best to weaponise Covid and destroy the Tories –
Our BBC is doing her best with BLM to destroy society –
What will be the next trick for our BBC?
After all, democracy has failed her favourite party. What else is a girl to do? 🙁
Heard it all now. Fatty Bolton on Sky has just asked “is cutting foreign aid racist ? ” – because “cutting aid affects those in countries that are non-white”. Words fail me.
I bloody well hope it is ‘racist’ – that’s a BBC appreciation of the word, not mine!
The people who infest the corridors of W1A get paid whatever huge sums for zilch; we here in the UK get meagre pensions and the occasional benefit (not the fat lazy feckers who never ever work), while the fat ugly despots in shitholes get handouts and keep most of the whole lot for themselves.
Milliband take note, you arsehole.
I don’t pay much tax these days, but still begrudge some fat bastard in a shite country, getting all my spare (?) dosh and spending it on his foibles, tarts, fat kids, useless flunkies, splendour and waste.
BBC Online News:
“Foreign aid: MPs to vote on cut to UK budget”
Read and weep. A total BBC whitewash in favour of overseas aid, as if it all goes direct to the starving. The major benefactors of our aid are secret Swiss bank accounts. We used to directly supervise the distribution of aid, but Gordon Brown regarded that as being Imperialistic and stopped the practice. He didn’t think that through, did he?
The UK provides twice as much of its gross income as a percentage than does woke Canada. Go on BBC, beat up woke Canada. You wouldn’t do that now, would you?
Gordon Brown probably did think it through. That would be the same Gordon Brown who referred to one of his own supporters as ‘a bigoted woman’ because she was concerned at the level of uncontrolled immigration. Not a PM noted for his level headed consideration of the views of others. After all, it was his mission to save the world. in his own way, of course, which usually meant damaging this country with any luck.
Londoner – correction – damaging England if he could benefit Scotland . Never took the peerage …£££ … like Cameron ££ …major …££… funny that ….
Absolutely right Fed
Author! Author!
So… joining Nick, Jon and BS propping up Sleepy’s table?
Or bbc pr promo time worth millions?
Move over Champion. Someone knows someone.
She has got to be after an autocue readers’ job . Gender ok but race ? Forget it …
Marianna – the musical – the movie – the world ….
She likes to talk about herself a lot. No matter what the tweet is about she always includes a photo of herself.
More and more convinced she’s a Saudi AI bot.
Probably headed West, young woman, as we speak.
Won’t be very big book!
Inland Revenue please note – paid by the BBC, so please go for the revenue from a few copies; a little of nothing much is better than a kick up the arse…
I’m getting a bit cross about paying tax on everything I’ve earned from my own efforts, not from state payouts to rather plain people in w1a during my active working life.
The awful BBC people just coin it at every turn, and expect citizens to roll over and say ‘we luuuurve the bbc’.
Scrobs doesn’t.
Mariana is probably a team created BBC brand
.. probably doesn’t write her own tweets
.. so probably doesn’t write her own book.
BBC females often claim to be poorly paid
but I always say you have to count ALL INCOME including : image rights, book deals, appearance fees, free gifts/tours etc.
As usual, bbbc radio newcastle this morning continues its attack on the government by bringing all its right thinking scientists on, one after the other, to tell us all to wear face masks.
They also bring on locals and Vox pops so long as they are the right ones who agree it’s best to be cautious etc.
If we are allowed to hear the other side of the argument from the impartial bbbc it’s if they can find a Vox pop of someone who sounds either stupid or to the right of …. I was going to put Hitler but he was left wing…. but you all know what I mean.
The only break from their agenda is when they are calling us all racist for not being in the George Floyd fan club.
By the way, have you seen that GB News presenter going down on his knee to the blm. Guto Bebbo or something like that.
Read a “where’s Wally article about the recent disappearances of Sturgeon, ( her Husband..”titter ye not!) and the Elf Minister Humza Yousuf ( Celtic fc supporter) and widely recognised lightweight.
bBC Scotland failed to put 2 and 2 together and will be concocting some defence or other regarding a formal investigation called by Police Scotland into a large amount of missing money (£600k).
Message to UK GOVT….get on top of this and “lend support” to Police Scotland with an oversight role….you can see from the recent resignation of the Lord Advocate that the justiciary up here…appear nobbled by the SNP….many also think Police Scotland has been similarly nobbled.
Get someone up who can follow the money………….which might just be the tip of the surface of this particularly rotten borough!
Trubble- I think nut nut would rather Scotland just go away . I think he is scared of krankie but even more scared of being the ‘unionist ‘ PM who lost the Union – at least until the current monarch shuffles off …
Who will be first to take the knee on the BBC?
That’s the one GWF.
That outfit won’t make 1 year .
When will this Tory Government stand up for the majority of the people of Great Britain and traditional British values ?
“Never” is the way to bet.
Rob in Cheshire
Then that government should be changed as it is full of Liberals dressed up as ‘Tories’ getting voted for and paid for under false pretences .
Presenter Guto Harri
left Oxford joinedthe BBC for 18 years
PR consultant, NewsUK exec
Then he was Boris Johnson’s PR chief whilst he was mayor and then preparing the Olympics.
He currently also presents on a current affairs show on S4C in Welsh
Probably never done a real job in his privileged life ?
You can’t adopt BLM gestures
and then say you are NOT endorsing them.
Does anyone say
“I do go around doing Nazi salutes, not in a mocking way either, but that doesn’t mean I am supporting Nazis” ?
.. i guess he was looking for impact cos his misandry interviews weren’t getting the clicks
His guest totally ignored Belgium
and said “FEMALE leader = good Covid policies”
Excellent point.
He should be sacked. But we all know that he won’t be. Ifno action is taken by GBN against him then the channel is opening the floodgates.
Driving to the DIY store I caught the BBC R4 episode of History of the World in 100 objects…
Today it was Christian Orthodox icons. as related to the Ottoman wars against mainly the Muslim Turks.
Oh how bad and deluded those Christian religious leaders were. They tried to rally and lie to their people with meaningless and fake iconography against the morally superior Muslim Ottomans.
Summing up. The Ottoman Turks were upright people guided by their unshakeable belief in Islam whilst the Christians were a bunch of duped idiots following a cult religion that had no substance.
Oh how very BBC!
prog is 11 years old
Jul 6, 2010
Neil MacGregor tells the story of a 14th-century icon from the Byzantine Empire
Diarmaid MacCulloch, an admirer of islam ?
BBC chairman’s statement
I must be a racist. That’s all the BBC ever tell me.
In the lunchtime news today it was one thing after another. Only racists boo BLM knee taking. Only racists think Southgate chose three black players for woke reasons. An item about the bad Greeks sending “asylum seekers” back to Turkey, in defiance of their “rights”.
Yes, it seems all white people are racists. I am white. Therefore I am racist. How kind of the BBC to make things so clear for me. My KKK membership forms are in the post. Thank you, BBC.
You forgot about the item on racism in racing ..
I did indeed. There is just too much. All I know is that I am white, and so must be a racist.
I don’t think the BBC has thought this one through. What happens when all the white people realise they are racists?
Now I remember, there was an item about otters. They did not mention the otters’ race.
Yes, but no but, there are more brown and black horses racing than white.
“MPs fail in bid to reverse overseas aid cut”
Were the MPs that were voting against the cuts about to lose some ‘kickbacks’?
Follow the money.
“The EU countries ‘pushing back’ asylum seekers at sea”
How is the EU able to do it when we cannot ?
At the same time the French are shipping them here .
Why do so many Middle Eastern and Africans migrants want to leave the safety of France and are desperate to get to such a ‘Racist’ country like the UK?
Stop press
Red tories fail to stop small cut to overseas give away fund – dump it completely next please – or at least make it defence money .
(Taffman – u best me by 10 minutes ) good news travels fast .
Lies, damn lies…
The numbers are in and of 31m people watched the Euro 2021 final. Of which 25m chose the BBC.
A great victory for the beeb then…
Or to look at it another way, 20% of the population detests the BBC so much that they would rather watch the adverts than suffer Gary lineker during half-time…
I think the majority who watched this, or any other of the few matches that the bBbc still cover, don’t suffer Lineker at all.
They simply wait to turn the tv on just before kick-off, stretch their legs at half-time, and turn it off as soon as the final whistle blows, thus avoiding Lineker and all other “expert” bs as much as they can.
Having watched it on the ITV Hub, I’m sure that the actual match commentary from the bBbc can’t have been any worse than theirs. Sam Matterface and Emma Hayes in particular are truly awful.
BBC” those evil Israelis made a law against the kind Palestinians
.. there were a few attempts by armed Palestinians – some of them carrying a lot of explosives – who attempted to gain legal access to Israel by marrying Israeli citizens.”
actually Numerous terror attacks were carried out by Palestinians who received Israeli citizenship through family reunification, killing 135 Israelis and injuring over 700.
Camera article 11/7/2021
And…18% of Israelis are Muslim. There are Mosques in Israel but no Synagogues in Arab countries.
And Labour say that Israel is racist.
7:15pm R4 Art’s show : more GREEN-AGENDA pushing
Monbiot etc.
And they’re off!
Half of the BBC off to get a word of wisdom from Bolty’s management’s PR’s writers?
Will Jamaica approach the Muslim Arab counties who facilitated the trade and without their help, slavery would not have been possible?
Of course not.
Black African slaves were taken to Arab countries in their hundreds of thousands. There are no descendants. Go figure…
Rather suspect Jamaica has watched the post match highlights here and will only be approaching any tool near a whiff of voter power happy to take a knee, with access to a social media account and with kids in charge of committing the futures of future taxpayers not on the public teat to anything that might get a like.
Dover, and also not forgetting the African tribal chiefs who sold the slaves to the Arabs for their own use and onward transition. Of course, that would be far too embarrassing for the wokery to mention, quite apart from the fact that it might make blacks look guilty too.
Exactly, Londoner.
Tribal chiefs were very happy with slavery. They got a good price for those they did not want. Abolition destroyed their cash flow.
Nothing like getting on the bandwagon if there’s a wiff of £££.
Anton Ferdinand accusing all media of publishing FakeNews about his opinions
The same Anton Ferdinand who beat up a white man in a nightclub for looking at his watch? That Anton Ferdinand?
Was it a Blancpain?
Strange R4 trailer keeps getting repeated
where she says she thought all women wear knickers under their PJs
.. I suppose R4 think it is right on and edgy, and OK if children are listening.
Wait until Ceebeebies gets Rainbow Butt Monkey to convey it via the medium of dance with Nish and Champion choreographed by Banjo Boy from Deliverance.
Quickly changed channels when I saw the BBC’s Fergal Keene doing his usual pious report from anywhere that’s not the UK. This time it was the terrible Greek’s doing a “push back” of migrants back to Turkey. Shots were fired from the Greek border force boats towards the dinghies – which were filled with ….. Africans, and of course Fergal had to get the story of one of them. I turned over at that point.
Part time has competition.
Sounds like a bestseller already.
She is going on holiday?!? All she has done is a couple of 1 minute videos and then tweet the same crap, every day, about how much online abuse she gets.
All these messages… from whom? The glee club she has not blocked?
Will it be in Swedish?
ITV local news – Pig farming in hard times
Now an item on Muslim cheese
…. prog is half based at the Yorkshire Agricultural Show.
“And tomorrow Climate Change”
Just switched on the TV and the BBC News channel came up first.
1. An outside piece about 10 black young footballers feeling like the victims because the 3 blacks England footballers got some racism directed at them – tick!
2. Then straight to the Marcus Rashford mural vigil (has he died?!?) where about 100 people with nothing better to do hang about – tick!
3. Then the outside broadcast BBC reporter talks for 5 seconds but he is black too – tick!
4. Back in the studio a piece aboit stalking with a black victim – tick!
All that in just 5 minutes. I’ve still no idea what the news is today.
Nothing at all is happening in South Africa.
And earlier Tabs, there was some BBC ‘researcher/analyst/outside reporter” whatever, going on about the foreign aid vote. I wondered if I had heard right when she said that 53% of the population said they were happy to leave the aid budget as it was.
Where in hell’s name do they get these figures from ? I’ve never been targeted in any research poll in my life ! and I suspect a good percentage, probably 90% never have either.
Everyone knows that 82.5% of all BBC statistics are made up on the spot.
And the other 17.5% are made up by the BBC before transmission!
“Bloody Sunday: Colum Eastwood names Soldier F in parliament”
“No one involved in murder during the Troubles should be granted
an amnesty.”
“No one involved in murder during the Troubles should be granted
an amnesty.”
And the IRA murdering bombers killing anyone, men, women and little children ?
BBC agendas
Bottle Blonde. Written a book yet? Got all her agent details in the bio.
“Covid: Plea to wear masks on trains from Wales to England”
These diktats coming out of the Assembly are turning out to be absurd .
Amol and Springster have way too much in common.
Amol…. this guy you interviewed represents just about the biggest Capitalist Company the World has ever seen, don’t be fooled by their attempts to appear woke, they are purely there for the bucks!
Switched on to 6pm BBC1 news late. I gathered the Fish Woman is doing something different to Boris and was told there were digs at Boris’ plans ie Nicola’s are right and stricter and Boris’ were wrong. We had a black poet, but not Benjamin Z standing in front of the Marcus Rashford mural. Was he there by chance? Of course not, this is the BBC. He was saying the British only want to support black people when they are doing well. I am no football supporter and when I switched on for the last 20 minutes of the 90 and extra time I was watching 22 players of all colours mainly walking around a pitch. I saw the ups and downs of the penalties. I saw one English player kicking the ball which didn’t need a goalkeeper to save it as it was never going in, and one young lad taking the decider who apparently hasn’t taken a penalty before. Brave of him to offer but had I been the manager I might have said something like, ‘thanks for offering, but I need someone with more experience’. Had I been bothered whether England had won, I might have been a bit cross. I am with Priti on this one. Taking the knee at these matches was gesture politics and as Dan Wooten reminded us on GB News, BLM are a Marxist organisation that want to defund the police. But a footballer who I have never heard of moans and the BBC had to report his tweets as truth. I am jolly pleased they are not getting their Downing Street reception and I hope none of them are remembered in the Honours Lists. They lost, remember.
I switched off, I could stand no moe.
Shame Debs, if you had persevered you might have enjoyed the ‘Oh by the way’ news, tucked away at the end, that Boris won his attempt to save £4b off the ‘Aid (baksheesh) Bill’ and that seven MSPs have complained to the police about SNP finances and the involvement of Krankie’s husband – is that the term the Wee Wallace would use to describe him? – in the unaccounted £600k.
Were you to live in the South West, you might also have enjoyed the in-depth coverage of footballing giant Tyrone Mings whose brave challenge on racism to our Pakistani Home Secretary – irony lost to the BBC – has been applauded throughout the region. Allegedly.
Mind you, I’m sure your reaction was far more typical.
Was the “brave challenge” of Mings as “brave” as his stamp on Ibrahimovic’s head a few years ago? Or the elbow in the Austrian players face that he got away with at the Euros? Pos.
Be fair Rich. With that haircut it’s difficult for him to see where he is, or the ball, or the other team for that matter.
But mind you, his political acumen is in a league of its own.
Deborah –
I’ve decided to ‘experience ‘ no MSM and no Twitter for the next couple of days – I – too – can take no more ; there is an insanity about which started off in American and is well and truly here . What can I do about it ? Nothing . And I know that the truth is so far away from the MSM narrative .
What has finished me off is a report of ex BBC journo taking the knee on GBNews – which is something I thought would never happen and consigns that outlet to the liberal rubbish bin .
That is IT for me with GB News. I suppose it is naive of me to be disappointed, but I am.
BBC1 The One Show just did a bit about crash for cash insurance scams. They didn’t mention that the majority of these scams are done by Muslims but they did have a Muslim reporter.
Carol Kirkwood is also being “interviewed” so she can plug her new book for free.
Face off on Channel 4 between Red Ali Campbell and a Tory bloke.
Of course nasty racist Tories was the agenda put by C4, focusing on Priti not liking the take the knee garbage on the footie field.
Campbell trying to say this was just racist, the Tory bloke very clearly and rationally saying that the issue has nothing to do with not supporting BAME footballers but in fact NOT wanting the UK Government seen to be supporting and endorsing BLM, an organisation he described as dedicated to the overthrow of society, the family and the police and therefore no sane western Government could endorse it for one second.
This went right over the head of the crazy Campbell guy who went straight into a rant about Brexit, Covid, vaccination, public services schools, hospitals etc. etc. etc ad nauseam. In fact typical Trotsky labour noise crap.
I know which one came over as normal and rational and which didn’t and I know where my money is!
And I suspect loads of others… Labour need to get rid of these gobbies if they ever want to make any headway with the British electorate.
To me taking the knee today is the equivalent of the players raising an arm and waving a Swastika at a footie match in 1940.
“a Tory bloke” = Tim Montgomerie (@montie)
There is a 9 minute video https://youtu.be/m7oxgFDbvaU
This an example of a typical libmob tweet
Look at the hate and anger; they are the nasty side.
… There aren’t hundreds of tweets. I guess C4news has a very small audience.
July 17* ….the release of #KillingKelly, a film by @georgegalloway
The ‘ former power couple ‘….Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell whipped up an illegal war to kill thousands of innocent people.
and weapons expert David Kelly died on that date.
If this is how scrubs upwell really sees it they are in a parallel universe where peace is war and truth is lies (apologies to George Orwell) I think the fact is that the left response to undeniable truth that they don’t like is to throw a tantrum. Like immature children really.
It is worth remembering, that Kier Starmer Labour leader after kneeling once distanced himself from the gesture and what it stands for.
Given that even the Labour Left eschewed it surely everyone should realise just what an offensive gesture it is, and the reality that it is nothing but an anti White race hate gesture.
No point anyone expecting the media to remind the people of that though, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone even mention Labours position on taking the knee.
Reading the paper today I saw a piece about the moon wobbling and thus altering tidal patterns around the world. Apparently the west coast of America is about to be inundated with water. It must have happened in
London over the last couple of days.
Northern – back in the 60s/70s I recall the space rockets being blamed for causing unusual weather – nothing changes … I actually think it’s really all about solar winds – except at night of course when the sun shuts down to reboot …
Hopefully it will take the form of a tidal wave two hundred feet high that only affects the area from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
I suspect that taking the knee will disappear when the football season starts. Crowds will not be supportive.
Snooker and darts players are not expected to take the knee… 😉
Would I be right in thinking quite a few darts players might not be able to get up again ?
Very ‘Dartist’ of you Fed, I’m shocked. You’ve missed the point and best you take flight.
180 Dover . …
I’ve just heard so much bull that I’d be thinking of double topping myself if I am exposed to any more of this ‘coloured as victim ‘ crap .
As for the the arras- I found that lager and darts never mixed …..
Three in a bed..?
Two Ronnies fans – ITV is presenting an affectionate look back at the life and career of Ronnie Corbett in The Two Ronnies: Ronnie Corbett’s Lost Tapes.
Best remembered for his work alongside Ronnie Barker, Corbett died in 2016. The documentary airs July 14 at 9pm.
Somewhere, somewhere in those Corbett tapes there will be a comment, an innuendo, a suggestion that the woke politburo will jump on and get Ronnie despatched to room 101. They really don’t do comedy. I have a 20 something uni stepson and I can vouch for the fact that I have never heard him laugh out loud.
They are comically constipated by their education I’m afraid!
‘Coloured as victim’. A few years ago, the Deputy Commissioner of the Met was of Pakistani heritage. He took the Met to an industrial Tribunal for racism because he wasn’t the Commissioner.
He lost. Could only happen in racist UK.
This was on the same thread. Courtesy of Paul Joseph Watson, from the Fail in March this year.
I think most of us suspected this anyway.
University Challenge started its new season last night. It’s one of the few BBC offerings I still find mildly enjoyable despite the emphasis on questions about women and African and Asian civilisations (oh, and singers with a passion for prison reform, headed by the great Johnny Cash and Folsom Prison Blues). The teams did well on questions about Africa; not so well on questions about the Roman empire – decolonisation of the curriculum seems to be going modestly well….
Skeldings, I too was pleased to see the start of the new season of University Challenge last night, and thought how unusual for there to be a programme on the BBC that I want to watch. Well I thought, this is one programme on the BBC that won’t be tainted by the BBC’s leftist poison. How wrong I was, for all the reasons you mention. I’ll give it a second chance next week, and then I suspect that will be yet another programme from that benighted organisation that will bite the dust as far as I’m concerned.
The Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey causing labour some problems that fence sitting aint gonna answer
Interesting article off to the side of that page which reports game 3 of the NBA finals has seen a viewership drop of nearly a third in just two years. Outkick claims the finals are now averaging just under 9 million viewers. In 2017 they pulled in over 20 million. That gets a LOL from me.
How satisfying that the race baiting and anti-white rhetoric of LeBron James – one of America’s most visible and successful black men – has almost single-handedly killed the product which provided his vast wealth and fame.
Marcus Rashford: Hundreds gather at mural for anti-racism demo
Lots of BLM professionally printed identical banners. Compare that to the London anti lockdown protests where each protestor brings their own sign written on a scrap of cardboard.
Perhap Marianna could investigate who is paying for the BLM signs.
Simple it’s George Soros….
Been v busy today so late to the party.
On Toady at about 0750 we had what amounted to a party political broadcast by the Marcus Rashford party.
Uncritical, no questioning. A ‘statement by Marcus Rashford’ .
Erudite, thoughtful. Intelligent. Not to my taste but the description can still hold.
Just a couple of issues.
1. When interviewed, mr Rashford is barely able to string a whole sentence together. The idea that he could havevwritten the statement is highly implausible in my humble opinion.
2. Mr Rashford did not actually read the statement. It was read by someone like a spokesperson or possibly an actor.
The whole thing is thus based on a totally false premise.
But for the BBC, St Marcus is untouchable.
I had a look back at the penalty shoot-out which took place when England v Colombia ended 1-1 after extra time in the World Cup of 2018 (first k.o. round).
Rashford took a penalty then and was successful. He was up against David Ospina of Arsenal and Colombia, who may well have been thoroughly prepared for penalties by any Premier League player representing England on that night.
Rashford did the same “stuttering” indirect run up to the ball as in his recent penalty v Italy, trying to commit the goalkeeper; but, crucially hit it hard and accurately into the bottom left corner; whereas this time, he came to more of a halt and then rather scuffed the ball onto the outside of the post with the ‘keeper stranded … sadly opening the way to the eventual defeat.
The other four missed penalties did owe quite a lot to good anticipation and saves by Donnarumma for Italy and Pickford for England.
I felt that the BBC could have given a bit more “technical” analysis about the benefits and risks of Rashford’s style of penalty. The pundits said that anyone might miss and wanted to avoid singling out any one player (poor old Southgate was the only one of twelve to miss in England v Germany in Euro 1996!) but could have contrasted the Kane and Maguire hits (struck harder and higher) with the three subsequent misses (lower and thus more reachable).
New thread now up…
Already ?
Below is a list of red Tory Traitor MPs who think taxpayers’ ( your ) money ( borrowed ) is better spent overseas than at home –
David Amess – Southend West
Harriett Baldwin – West Worcestershire
Peter Bottomley – Worthing West
Karen Bradley – Staffordshire Moorlands
Steve Brine – Winchester
Rehman Chishti – Gillingham and Rainham
Stephen Crabb – Preseli Pembrokeshire
David Davis – Haltemprice and Howden
Tobias Ellwood – Bournemouth East
Roger Gale – North Thanet
Damian Green – Ashford
Simon Hoare – North Dorset
Neil Hudson – Penrith and The Border
Jeremy Hunt – South West Surrey
Paulie Latham – Mid Derbyshire
Tim Loughton – East Worthing and Shoreham
Theresa May – Maidenhead
Johnny Mercer – Plymouth, Moor View
Andrew Mitchell – Sutton Coldfield
Caroline Nokes – Romsey and Southampton North
Neil Parish – Tiverton and Honiton
Mark Pawsey – Rugby
Bob Seely – Isle of Wight
Tom Tugendhat – Tonbridge and Malling
I’m sure that if the above traitors clubbed together with their personal wealth they could help make up the shortfall ….know your enemy – useful for the Whips when the next coup attempt comes along