Freedom Day version 2 . The BBC in full anxiety mode over the coming End Of The World . The BBC news department must be desperate for bad news about infections with a host of “told you so “ so called ‘experts ‘lined up to condemn the efforts of the British Government to get the UK back to some semblance of normality . Prepare for the Far Left Project Fear onslaught .
Start the Week 19 July 2021
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First? Really ? Me? and I’ve nothing to say !
I don’t give a monkey’s about any stuff the awful BBBC spouts, as it’s my birthday, and we had a great day yesterday with our daughter – she gave me an iPhone – and we all got merry and bright!
I now have a slight hangover, and have bbq poisoning after a mountain of bangers, chops and ribs, so please join me – online – for several tinctures from noon onwards…
Oh, and sod the bbc too.
and I’ve nothing to say !
Thats the problem of being first.
Thoughtful – good effort . I will expect the usual ‘ gratuity ‘.
Bottle of moonshine on its way to you !
Thoughtful – single malt moonshine is fine !
Ah, but it might be 75cl of Scrobie’s Moonshine. 😉
It’s a’bubbling as we speak, Snuffy!
Quite nice with a little tonic too…
Frequently in the recent weeks I have heard the weathermen/women on BBC telling us ‘it is the hottest day of the year so far’ in some named town or other. It has been turning from spring to summer and I guess somewhere it is, ‘the hottest day of the year so far’.
Now imagine the 1st January. The following day it is a little bit colder. Does the weatherman/woman say ‘it is the coldest day of the year so far’. I don’t think I have ever heard them say it.
But the push on the BBC at the moment to link everything to climate change, possibly ahead of the November meeting is getting unbearable. I didn’t count the number of times it was mentioned on Countryfile, but I should have. The links at times are so say the very least tenuous.
Around where I live, this year, the start of harvest must be at least 2 weeks behind where it was at the millenium. A local agricultural show was moved back a week because it always fell on the day that farmers started harvest, ie was dry and warm. They needn’t have bothered as it was held last week and as I said, we are still weeks away,
From my own calibrated data, my garden has seen the hottest day since records began.
So when did records begin ?
I am pretty sure that there are more thermometers about now than there was before before .
So when did records begin ?
I am pretty sure that there are more thermometers about now than there was before then .
My point is that climate change believers always use the “since records began” to make everyone believe that their temperature data is a historic record, so must be accepted as fact, and forecasts based on such data as valid. Its not. It may be true for their particular point crossing a path. But in the long game of climate change, their records are no more historic then mine.
And yes there are far more thermometers now then the past. But the places they are sited are still very limited in space and time.
I see the Germans are blaming the Swiss for allowing all that rainwater to drain down from the higher slopes and inundate Germany and Belgium. The krauts ought to build better dams.
Guy Gibson would disagree.
NV, the German ought to ensure their rivers are dredged properly und zo the ze vater can effiziently flow to ze Nord See. I’m sure that German rivers, even if they rise in Switzerland are not full of shopping trolleys, traffic cones, general waste and plastic waste like our British ones.
Merkel is blaming climate change.
Why is it that climate change always heads to sustained bad weather/climate? If the forecasts of increasing worse climate change scenarios of the last two years were correct, we should be in death and doom by now.
But its clear that sustained increasing worse climate change scenario has not occurred – Not one bit. What is obvious is that weather is sometimes bad, too hot or lots of rain, but soon returns to pleasant conditions.
It has to be so, for if sustained increasing doom forecasts of the last three years were correct, we would be in a death situation by now. We aren’t. The doom climate change hypothesis is thus false. Climate changes. It changes in cycles within cycles.
Politicians should stop believing badly educated environmentalists posing as scientists, with their temperature recordings and spreadsheets, and dubious extrapolation.
Gosselin has a good article
“Officials left dams full to the brim at least 3 weeks long during a rainy period and then failed to undertake a controlled release even when 150 mm of rain were forecast 4 days before the floods”
I can believe that. Here in the UK the national waterways were ‘nationalsied’ under an EU body called the EA (Environment Agency). When the rains fell and flooded Somerset, the head of the EU was none other than am ex Blair Labour Minister who blames it all on Climate until a local (and knowledgeable local resident pointed out the blinding obvious). not reported by the BBC as factual – only as ‘hysteria’ of the locals.
1. The EU was instructed to flood low areas for ‘wildlife’ EU preservation project
2. EU failed to maintain ‘sluices’ that were designed to prevent such flooding.
3. Somerset was drained by the Romans using ‘sluices; to allow excess water to drain away. She pointed out the word ‘Somerset’ was always prone to flooding, the EU made it a total certainty.
Of course Labour would rather blame it on biblical floods, rather than a fault of the (Rivers) Environment Agency. All rivers in the UK are usually now owned by the EU, which they usually maintain badly, if at all. And rightly despised by all boat owners or anyone connected to proper conservation of the waterways.
Reported in the Telegraph and most broad sheets at the time.
You might have come across a Company calked OVU Energy. They are trumpeting their green credentials on TV ads with gusto. I have done my research and they are in fact a startup trying to elbow their way into the power reseller business by trying to claim green credentials. In actual fact they are no different to any other energy supplier apart from their great claims to be “green”.
They are in fact reselling power from the major energy creation companies whether that be coal, gas or nuclear.
They are typical of the weasels trying to hide behind the “Climate Emergency” crap to profit off your conscience.
Avoid like the plague!
My wife used to work in the telecoms reseller business which pioneered the reseller model so I know their business model and exactly how they try to manipulate people.
The simple fact is that unless they recable the entire UK with their own trunking system they just can’t do what they claim.
They have a flimsy dodge where they claim to plant a few conifers but this is so obviously nonsense.
I hate these shysters.
@Digg surely OVO Energy
“an energy supply company based in Bristol,
– founded by Stephen Fitzpatrick and began trading energy in September 2009.
It’s a big player since in 2019 it bought SSE customer services base.
“February 2019, Mitsubishi Corporation bought a 20 percent stake in OVO, valuing the company at £1bn”
Their sales line is “Cut Your Carbon Footprint At Home With 100% Renewable Electricity”
Yet in Nov 2019 Wired said “Over half (61 per cent) of the company’s energy is generated from natural gas”
ASA refuses to enforce the false advertising rules against green corps.
OVO must be having real problems just now.
Current live status electricity generation figures are
Gas 50%
Wind 2%.
Whenever governments promulgate falsehoods, there will be snake oil merchants.
OVU and others like it, are the consequence of the lie of climate change pedalled by western governments for reasons – social control.
Thank you for that . I don’t use much juice so pay a lot of attention to the daily ‘fee’ – I use dual fuel shell which is one of the cheapest …
…….. anyway – that is off subject . I’ve just read a hilarious piece in th Guardian about the false US Presidents’ first 6 months which happens on the 20th .
Guess what the review leaves out ?
– is it his dementia ?
Or the huge increase in killings as a result of police withdrawing from law enforcement because of his Partys’ use of the killing of a criminal ….
I’ll tell you – it’s both .
A few American lives are as nothing compared to the Grand Plan of a socialist World even if they are anything but socialists. FedUp
It’s simply a case of “If the population want socialism, we will pretend to be socialists”
Our BBC has a total disconnect with our population outside of London.
Yet, they continue their incestuous biased propaganda without constraint.
Our BBC are the paedophile in the nursery. The parents know they are there, but have to stand back and pay for the greed of the paedophile monster.
Far fetched? No. Remember Sir Jimmy Savile, Rochdale, Rotherham and more than a score of British cities and towns?
Our BBC stood back from saving our children and from supporting Democracy.
Our BBC is corrupt, criminal and vile. Remove them this day.
The BBC are single-minded Dover. They want a new socialist World order where their ilk will be top of the heap. They do not deserve their name as they are anything but British. Time is overdue for a reckoning. They are anti-British in everything they do. If only we had a true conservative government who would take the fight into their nest of vipers.
I hate their faux pretence to be our national broadcaster
I hate their dodging and weaving
I hate their manufactured agenda driven headlines.
I hate their half concealed contempt for the majority of people of this Country.
We do however have one significant power over them because they rely on a mandated financial model so just use it and stop funding them.
I agree that the BBC has to be brought back to sense. But I dont wish to lose the great name the BBC, established over the past decades.
Paul Homeword’s Climate debunking blogposts are so often anti-bbc, but today there was a special one.
BBC : Rotten To The Core
There has been a longstanding concern about blatant bias at the BBC, not least in matters of climate change
He expresses his exasperation
– at the BBC’s culture
– It’s complaints process “It mark’s its own homework
– Ofcom ‘when it reaches them, they’ll reject you”
He focuses on the recent drought, not usual in centurywide terms.
..and the Victoria Falls tricky cherrypick.
Yet our Tory Government does nothing about it ? It continues to enforce an archaic law prosecuting the poorest of British Society to pay a Telly Tax just because they watch any ‘live’ TV in times of economic disaster. We have a Rotten and Corrupt Parliament!
How can we be rid of them ? The Tory Party must be very embarrassed having chosen such a bumbling and incompetent leader .
I have just watched the first episode of Baptiste on BBC1 and was intrigued to see it was set in right-of- centre, immigration resistant Hungary. I wonder whether the thought controlled writers employed by our national treasure will be able to resist painting the Hungarian democracy as the heart of darkness.
They did slip in their mixed race couple, though, with the black male able to employ a nanny for their children…who he was shagging (the nanny that is). Mixed race, well off to be able to employ a nanny and stay in an old-fashioned grand hotel, and virile enough to commit adultery with a younger woman.
How many Al Beeb boxes ticked was that?
Our BBC Online News:
“From today, there will be no limits on how many people can meet or attend events, nightclubs can reopen, and table service will not be necessary in pubs and restaurants.”
“Face coverings will be recommended in some spaces, but not required by law.”
“But the PM, chancellor and the health secretary are self-isolating, and there are warnings cases will surge.”
“Some scientists are predicting that UK infections – currently at about 50,000 a day – could reach 200,000 a day later in the summer.”
Our BBC are sucking on a lemon. They have lost again.
Some woke guy praising an “anti-racism trailer” shown on BBC one at 8pm
I wonder if it was the same one at this 9pm one ?
The 8pm .. BBC1 ident clip was “black women knitting”
Phew! If it had been black men they might have been sharpening knives.
BBC rule :
big weather events in the PAST = weather
big weather events in the PRESENT = Global Warming
Seems like a job for Springster.
Unlike the BBC, a few corrections acknowledged.
Forget the Tories , this is the party that was the biggest party in the EU . Their members were the ones that got us Brexit .
ie UKIP and The Brexit Party…………………………
This clip is what YouTube removed from the Reform TV YouTube channel.
YouTube has informed us this was because we went against its “Medical Misinformation Policy”, which states:
YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authority information or World Health Organization (WHO) medical information about COVID-19.
It specifically gives the following as an example of this:
Claims that masks do not play a role in preventing the contraction or transmission of COVID-19.
The only party that can get the UK back to normality .
The only party you have left to vote for . The party of common sense . At present we have a rotten parliament that got in on the word ‘Brexit’ . Do we have a Brexit in name only? They will be censored by the MSM as they grow in numbers.
From whatever perspective you might have Boris’s Freedom Day looks like a right kerfuffle. His push me – pull you, policies have pleased no one.
He surely must have realised a fair chunk of chattering class opinion has either been scared out of their wits by his government’s prior pandemic messageing, are doing very nicely under lockdown thank you, or because they are his political opponents will never willingly help him out of the mouse trap he has caught his own tail in.
The escape route out of lockdown was never backtracking gradualism but to set a date, lift the full set of contradictory restrictions on that date – and bloodywell stick to it.
The Times claims: ‘Poll reveals most voters don’t back unlocking’ – that’s as maybe. I’m willing to bet most voters suspect we’ll be back under lockdown by next winter. So I guess with that in mind there really is no point in unlocking now – or ever. The public may be susceptible to propaganda, they may hold simultaneously contradictory vews – but are never completely to be ignored.
The job of a true leader is to lead – not to follow the latest polls – that’s the job of the leader of the opposition.
The Daily Star describes Boris’s position in simple tabloidese: ‘Flop flopping fop’s a flippin flop’ – and one couldn’t really have put it better. The Star is reacting here specifically to the track and trace ping dilemma Bojo has got himself into because he didn’t scrap that daft system at the same time as other restrictions. So he and his financial advisor have been shamed into abiding by it:
‘PM and Sunak isolating on “freedom day” after trying to dodge rules’ (‘i’) – which appears to be such a gift to his pro-lockdown opponents that one is almost inclined to the conspiracy theory that the whole tedious soap opera being played out before our eyes is nothing more than a psy-ops plan by the New World Order.
How did the new health secretary, just days into the job, manage to get himself tested positive? If I were the baldy Sajid turning up for work at my new ministry, even before I arranged my desk ornaments, first I would have told my officials you can switch off the CCTV in my office thanks and then you can throw that test kit away. If I feel a bit dodgy at all I’ll take the afternoon off and if it doesn’t clear up I’ll phone my GP. Now lets get on with the job in hand… I want the NHS working at full capacity… there’s a very long waiting list, you know!
2 items in Rita’s Reality Check
: Ice Age Now
: Male-born from trans couple expressing surprise he can’t produce milk
Another Outsiders segment on Australia’s current cold weather
The Guardian going biggly on their front page with an expose on project “Pegasus” as they cutely name it. So what is it?
Apparently an unsubstantiated claim that some Israeli spyware has been surreptitiously installed on the phones of journalists, lawyers and like, I suppose to gather intel, but the G don’t go into that.
Typically the story gets weaker and weaker as you traverse down the column inches. It comes across in the end down to our lovely media people along with those mystical people “activists” are being targeted by nasty Israelis.
Then you get to the real reason. Arch villain Victor Orban “could be using it”.
Aaahh…. So it’s really all about attacking an unbeliever in the great reset EU project when it all boils down to it.
Amazing lengths on such feeble facts.
Where goes the Graun….
Bbc Moaning Emole.
Spyware targeting activists, leak suggests
Software intended to tackle terrorism is being used to target the phones of human-rights activists, according to an investigation by the Forbidden Stories network of journalists and human rights group Amnesty International. They say the Pegasus spyware has been sold to countries including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Hungary, Morocco and Rwanda, in reports carried by the Washington Post, Guardian and others. Reports say the phone numbers of targeted rights activists, journalists and lawyers are among up to 50,000 on a leaked list of those believed to be of interest to clients of Israeli surveillance firm NSO. The company says the investigation is “full of wrong assumptions and uncorroborated theories”. It says the software is made available only to agencies from countries with good human-rights records for use against criminals and terrorists.
Also littered with editorial swerves from baseless camp BBC.
Is that the Grauniad which went all in on the Wiki and ‘Chelsea Manning’ leaks?
2 videos on US/UK state censorship
#1 Outsiders
#2 @WGAP
Our BBC Online News:
“Katie Hopkins to be deported from Australia over quarantine rules”
“The right-wing commentator, a favourite of ex-US President Donald Trump, has called migrants “cockroaches” and described Islam as “repugnant”.”
Our BBC just HAD to mention Trump somewhere. Two birds with one biased BBC stone!
A mega boost for Katie. I’m sure she’ll exploit it. She should be on GB News, or whatever it’s called now, with Nigel. That’d liven it up a bit!
On R4’s 8 a.m. news, Katie Hopkins was “Far Right”, so your epithet from the BBC Online News (“right-wing”) seems mild by comparison.
Rhetorical question: is there anybody whom the BBC would describe as “Far Left”?
No blue tarps found in the garden?
Racehorses and abattoirs – an investigation
Thousands of racehorses – including some once owned and trained by some of the biggest names in the sport – are being sent to slaughterhouses in Britain and Ireland, according to a BBC investigation. Panorama says covert recording by charity Animal Aid shows how rules designed to protect horses from a cruel death appear to be regularly ignored at one of the UK’s biggest abattoirs. The slaughterhouse involved told the BBC it did not accept any form of animal abuse. Read the investigation report in full.
Wrong period of celebration to…. ‘Investigate’?
And bbc ‘analysis’ via a collection of ladies who likely meet up Fridays at that BBC directors coffee bar to discuss importing £200 coats, plus tax.
Home-educated numbers soar by 75%
More than 40,000 pupils were formally taken out of school in the UK between September 2020 and April 2021, compared with an average of 23,000 over the previous two years. When the pandemic hit the UK in March 2020, Novena-Chanel was worried about other children potentially showing symptoms of coronavirus. She also felt her son Imari, now five, wasn’t thriving in a classroom environment.
“He was starting to regress – they were doing phonics and he can read already,” she said. “The school said they couldn’t give him higher-level work.” By November, Imari had been officially withdrawn from school. Novena-Chanel, who also runs a film club for home-educated children in south London, says he is now thriving academically and socially.
Read full analysis >
Alix Hattenstone & Eleanor Lawrie
BBC News
Bet the NUT would not like to comment.
Teachers hate home-schooling. Our eldest is being home-schooled and he’s ahead of his contemporaries.
Maybe he would have been anyway? But schools are not there to teach. About one hour a day or less is spent on teaching in schools. The rest…??
Kids don’t start school until they are 8 in Finland.
To be fair to schools, they have progressively been converted into a sort of annexe of social services.
I don’t think the schools asked for it but many children now need to have some sort of ‘disadvantage’ label and schools need to be on the safeguarding lookout all the time. Not to mention drugs and sexual abuse. Then there’s covid testing to organise.
It’s a wonder any teaching gets done at all.
Not only social services, but are a substitute home training. My niece works in an infants school, and little ones arrive not knowing how to use a knife and fork, or even toilet trained ! Imagine having to change a child’s underwear while teaching them to read !!!
Peter Hitchins in the weekend paper hit the nail when discussing obesity – when we had parents who all sat down to a meal together that Mum had home cooked, obesity was less prevalent. Fat parents spawn fat kids.
Conclusion ? a lot of this and the previous generation of parents just haven’t a clue in rearing their offspring, and leave the responsibility to someone else.
A lot of teachers don’t only hate home-schooling; they hate schooling.
The Mail is carrying some guff about Lewis Hamilton being sent some tweets theat Hamilton and the Left regard as ‘racist’ and it’s only going to be a matter of time before the BBC pick it up.
There are a number of issues arising from this, some of them incredibly serious.
They are just words, nothing else, and man children like Hamilton should be more than capable of dealing with words as an adult – which he clearly isn’t.
This could well not be ‘racism’ but an act of rebellion, they see Hamilton doing the new Fascist salute know that certain words are going to trigger him, and then use those words to do exactly that. Not because of any ‘racist’ intent but out of rather more intelligent abuse.
We must however all be mindful that the Left is set on an inevitable path towards a White genocide, which even they probably don’t know they are doing, and yet the left have a long record of genocides in modern times.
“We must eliminate ‘racism'” say the Left – “All White people are ‘racist'”
There’s only one way that ends, and it is the anhiliation of the White race in the West.
It is impossible to stop unless people begin to speak out about it.
The Left, Black people and Muslim’s are guilty of institutional anti-white racism.
And I’m sure they would call me a racist for even saying it – whereas it’s fine for them to say it about me. Which proves it. Not that they would ever admit it.
you forgot the redefinition of terms need to promote the mantras need to get us to this place
Only Huwhites can be waycist cos reasons
Islamaphobia is a form of waycism rooted in waycism
All Huwhites are waycist
If Muslims were merely racist, it would be fine. But Islam lays out in clear language that Infidels are to be killed or driven out
Australia is sharia compliant.
I dream about Princess Meghan divorcing Hapless Harry Windsor when he has served her purposes, and hitching up with Hamilton. They could do an update opera by Lin-Manuel Miranda, probably after commissioning research to ‘prove’ that ‘our’ Lewis is descended from Alexander Hamilton.
Rebel without a water cooler.
Vile’s little chocolate brown bear expert on all things.
Historians might also look into who invites who on what why.
Vile wants us worried.
What a mess he looks without a tie on. Who started that fashion, was it Blair?
A PM sporting the Jimmy Savile look too.
“There were also fresh warnings in North Korea’s official newspaper against adopting the fashions, hairstyles and music…”
So need those outfits for my drapes.
And here’s hoping Rach has been triple jabbed.
Had his hair done too.
GB might do well not to trawl the same shallow pond all others do. Xe’s bio suggests a BBC NE go to gob in waiting.
Why is the bloke sporting a jacket using the design of the old Al Beeb screen filler when they were off air?
(Yes, I’m very old!)
I use that picture on my computer for the opening screen. And it used to play Lilliburlero on startup, but I lost the file. Once when some one in an Indian call centre had told me to switch my computer off then on again, the music played, and he said, “Ah! BBC World Service!” It was something to be proud of then, alas!
So *media diversity” doesn’t mean getting a wide variety of different voices on through different networks.
but rathe THE SAME outlier voice across all networks, including GBnews
… The thing is it’s how they treat him that counts
… ie will the challenge his arguments properly.
Like many words these days, ‘Diversity’ is a clever word because it has no limits.
‘Media equality’ means everyone is treated equally. So for every 8 white people, you can expect 3 blacks. Everyone has an equal chance.
But diversity in the UK – and particularly at the BBC – implicitly implies non-white. A diverse group at the BBC would mean one white, one black and one Asian as all their powerpoint graphics they churn out show. Which – in a country 80% white – is racist and discriminatory against white people. They didn’t get a fair chance.
They often put equality and diversity in the same sentence to program us all they mean the same thing – but they are very different.
Yep, he looks like a typical pub landlord to me!
Some pandemic is always going on.
Headline news on BBC sport. Repeat. BBC sport.
Open Golf final round ?
British grand prix?
Tour de France final stage?
England T20 win?
Nope. It’s ‘Breaking News. Hamilton racially abused online’.
That’s the BBC priority right there.
Stir up the race-baiting, anti white narrative.
BBC revs up the righteous…
So far, #ccbgb in response.
I noticed the BBC trick for this one was to cover up the naughty words and tell us he had been abused. Then, in the next sentence report how Manchester police are investigating accusations of racist slurs.
They knew full well the graffiti was not racist but deliberately led us to believe it was. And how come it took the Police all that time to realise it wasn’t ?. The statement should have been made the same day considering how it was being abused for the Lefty narrative. Instead it slipped out once it had all died down.
All of it deliberate.
Just checked her twitter feed.
That Annie should get an award for being a complete snowflake. What a useless human being.
“Covid: Home-education numbers rise by 75%”
Maybe a good thing for the nation?
Less Marxist indoctrination by lefties and more common-sense from parents. What say you ?
Agree. My parents taught me to read before I started at school.
There is a lovely young lady regular in my library who homeschools her 10 year old daughter full-time and I can’t recall meeting a brighter, self-aware and more curious child, not to mention well-mannered and attentive. The girl was attending ballet and horse-riding and learning Chinese by the time she was six. No television at home. Greatness awaits?
Are reports about Channel Invaders being censored ?
Remember when the police tried to close Nigel Farage down when he was doing the job that the national press should have been doing ?
He was embarrassing the Government and its Border Farce. They get away with it because there is no effective opposition.
We hardly hear a peep from the so called ‘Conservatives’ . Remember the inaction of your MPs in the next election. More importantly , tell them now.
Face-Nappies –
‘Standard face coverings are just “comfort blankets” that do little to reduce the spread of Covid particles, a scientist advising Sage on ventilation has said.”
“Dr Colin Axon, who has advised the government on minimising the risk of cross-infection in supermarkets, accused medics of presenting a “cartoonish” view of how how tiny particles travel through the air.”
“He warned some cloth masks have gaps which are invisible to the naked eye, but are 500,000 times the size of viral Covid particles.”
“The small sizes are not easily understood but an imperfect analogy would be to imagine marbles fired at builders’ scaffolding, some might hit a pole and rebound, but obviously most will fly through,” he told The Telegraph.’
Dover Sentry
Face-Nappies? They have become the ‘flag of pride’ worn by virtue signallers.
…..and Remainers.
Our BBC Online News:
“How to cool your home in a warming world”
They just can’t shut-up, can they?
I see the BBC are in full panic mode this morning and once again they’ve dug up Professor Ferguson to tell us we’re all going to Hell in a handcart.
“It’s going to be a difficult summer” says scientist. Oh joy…
“Covid cases reaching 200,000 a day…could be as many as 2,000 hospital admissions a day…which would cause major disruption to the NHS.”
At no point do the BBC enlighten their audience about Professor Pantdown’s appalling record. He’s always wrong. Massively!
Foot and mouth in 2001, predicted 150,000 deaths…reality: 200
BSE 2002, predicted 50,000 deaths…reality: 282
And now for the big one…
Bird flu 2005, predicted 150,000,000 deaths worldwide…reality: 150
I’ve looked up an article he wrote for (guess where?) The Guardian, in 2005 where he was even more hysterical and predicting 200,000,000 deaths. The bloke’s a bloody liability.
The BBC are still giving this geezer air time. His predictions are taken seriously.
You’d be better off listening to Mystic Meg…
I haven’t met anybody or heard of anyone I know having Covid since December last, and that was the last of four work colleagues who’d all gone down ill in a six week spell from early November. Office space.
Whatever you think about Katie Hopkins there is little doubt that the woke Ozzies and the production Company have responded to her humour like spoilt brats.
The production Company are particularly repugnant, they obviously head-hunted Katie because her confrontational personality would attract big audiences but dropped her like a ton of bricks when the water got a little warm like scared children.
I hope people voice their opinion in droves via the off switch come series release time.
There has to be a stand against this trend for the “professionally offended” to call all the shots.
They don’t even have the balls to say they are deporting her because she doesn’t toe their woke line, they have mumbled about “Quarantine Rules” even though she as abided by them albeit with a little sharp humour.
Yes “Humour” Australians, along with most of the West you dried up zombies are rushing to cancel that too.
Grow up!
In their usual snide habit of setting the official tone the BBC footnote the story with a sad little tale (with tearful eyes photo etc.) of some ozzies who haven’t been able to visit their family (Due no doubt to the wicked Hopkins non-person).
“Quarantine Rules”
I thought she spoke about breaking their stupid rules in her video
Like the Quarantine hotel rule was that when they knocked to bring food etc you had to wait 30 seconds before opening the door.
And she spoke of how she tried to open the door much quicker than that.
Now been deported, that makes it difficult to come back to Australia or possibly get into some other countries.
Twitter has thousands of abusive tweets towards her from the be kind mob.
It’s not the magnitude of her offence that irks them .. she’s not Covid ..and was of no Covid danger to them.
It’s the fact that she dared to stick two fingers up instead of kowtowing.
Like Britain can’t deport people convicted of multiple rapes
The libmob do no screaming to say those dangerous people should be removed from the UK.
Ah none of the articles say that she was caught breaking any Covid rules
Katie claimed she declined to wear a mask and instead jumped out of her room naked to receive her meals – a statement she now says was intended as a joke.
Re-sharing the clip, Katie wrote: “THAT Katie’s Arms WARNING: EXTREME HUMOUR. I have never broken quarantine.”
Sure the government has the freedom to revoke people’s visas on flimsy grounds like saying she brought Australia into disrepute.
But the Covid fine has to be illegal
In a fair court it would get overturned.
.. Not that courts are fair these days.
Ah my error i do spot this in some articles
Police confirmed the fine in a statement this afternoon.
“Police attached to the hotel quarantine operation were notified of an alleged breach of the Public Health Order at a hotel on Sussex Street, Sydney, about 8.45pm on Friday,” a NSW Police statement read.
“Following inquiries, a 46-year-old woman was issued a $1000 Penalty Infringement Notice for not wearing a face covering yesterday.
That is a bi strange : In a hotel full of police they reckon they caught her on Friday
took 2 days to decide to fine her on Sunday
and then made a statement on Monday.
I propose compulsory Covid masks for the emu population.
She said she was joking. Joking? Can’t have that.
How do you think bbbc radio newcastle are reporting ‘freedom day’?
Yes, you’re all correct.
First, their scientists all saying we should still wear masks.
Their Vox pop. Every one we are allowed to hear are from fearful ‘people in the street’ all saying we should wear masks.
They have a restaurant manager (Waseem something or other..tick) who is keeping full restrictions in his restaurant and said “ if it saves just one life we should all keep wearing masks for another year”
They even found a pub owner who wants to keep the restrictions going.
In about 2 hours I never heard one positive thing, it was all fear and keep your masks on.
Prof Ferguson warning of 200,000 cases daily.
Dr. Hodcroft … she’s on every Monday and you could play her first interview from last year as she just repeats herself.
She said we have one of the highest number of cases in the world.
How many other Countries are testing 1.2 million every day I wonder.
So, all in all no surprise. The impartial bbbc totally biased against ‘freedom day’
EG “even found a pub owner who wants to keep restrictions going”
… He’s mentioned a few posts up this page.
The BBC divide us into 2 types.
Type one are the ones they like, enlightened, diversity loving ones who voted remain and are happy to welcome anyone at all into this Country just because they want to come.
Type 2 are the ones who are self-driven, probably voted leave, don’t agree with unlimited free-for-all immigration and don’t like ridiculous and pointless rules.
Type one took a bit of a slap in the face over the Brexit vote and are still smarting.
Face masks represent a way of getting an odd sort of revenge on that group. “You will do what we say or else!”
The BBC folk are probably praying for an upsurge in classes now so that they can get their pointy little fingers out at the Brexit voting morons who spoiled their party.
You can bet your life that when the stories start to break about nasty non-mask wearers causing mayhem they will all be white, probably male and look like track-suited brexit voters.
They will never ever forget Brexit, it must wake them up in the night in a cold sweat.
Victoria Derbyshire asked a final loaded question to the owner of a coffee shop (or nightclub owner I cant remember)……. “and what do you think about Boris saying he won’t be self isolating but is part of a pilot testing scheme ? ……………” and got the reply she wanted, about one rule for us and blah blah blah.
Why doesn’t someone think quick enough and say “well, they got voted in and until the next election we have to live with it” – and see what the Beeb reply to that would be.
Boris has already had Covid
Plus he’s been double jabbed
Sure elites do play “the one rule for them, one for us game”
but it’s not as if Labour are any different
… it extends out through media people like Kay Burley as well.
Without the ‘one rule’ rule there would be no VIP lounges
If Boris has had the bat flu, surely he ought not to have had the injections? He was already immune, and his own natural immunity would be better than anything he has been injected with.
Radio4 this morning, within a few minutes tick-box agendas are piling in your ears
9:20am in a prog about problem solving
the guest is going on about baddies not believing as he reels off a list Global Warming is real. the oceans will be acidic by 2030 ..FFS of course they won’t
9:45 The Book of the week is Covid Vaccine, obviously full of spin, including how they are so happy they have made special provision for “Muslims”
stew – got a name for that hyperbolizing half wit “guest”?
Which vaccines are halal? – have the “scholars” opined yet?
What special provision did the moslems require (along with all the other special provisions they must have to enable them to live in this country)? Is there a dog ingredient, or a Jewish ingredient, that must be excluded?
‘Old Goat’ previously suggested here that Katie Hopkins should join Lord Farage on GB News.
Now, there’s a thought!
The Wokes/BBC would self-combust! Maybe that’s Andrew Neil’s strategy. Start GB News as middle of the road. Get it established.
Then go full on!
Dover Sentry
Why not let Tommy Robinson appear on GBLM News?
They might let him have his say without bawling across about his original name
As soon as Katie opened her mouth Ofcom would revoke GBN License to Broadcast and shut the channel down. GBN can only gently, very gently, push the boundaries set by the Woke Ofcom. Until Ofcom is removed or drastically reformed GBN will never be able to go anywhere near full on.
Yes, indeed. The political/social weather is hot and the Overton Window needs to be forced open to help cool things down. But, gently does it, or else the window will break and then be boarded up for good … …
On the subject of excluded people, I see Lauren Southern is back with her films about what is happening in S. Africa, etc, subjects that the BBC does not like to touch. She is so dangerous, she has been banned for life from coming to this country.
Is the BBC becoming less biased about Israel and Palestinians?
From Hugh Fitzgerald in Jihad Watch (18/7/2021):
“… … … …
In an interview [Jeremy] Bowen gave to Paul Blanchard, he claimed that “plenty of Palestinians feel very threatened by settlers, armed settlers, by soldiers, by raids in the middle of the night, by helicopters, you name it. And many Israelis have been hurt by and continue to be worried about attacks by Palestinians, though there haven’t been all that many in recent years.”
What Bowen means by “recent years” is not entirely clear, but in 2015 there were 2,398 terror attacks in Israel (of which the BBC reported 3.2%). In 2016, there were 1,415 attacks (of which the BBC covered 2.8%), in 2017 there were 1,516 attacks – less then one percent of which were reported by the BBC – and in 2018, the BBC covered at most 30.2% of the 3,006 attacks launched. During the first nine months of 2019, the BBC reported 23.6% of the 1,709 attacks which took place.
Given those figures, no fair-minded person would agree with Bowen’s dismissive remark about attacks by Palestinians against Israelis, that “there haven’t been all that many in recent years.” And it was a shock for me, and I assume for you, to find out just how many terror attacks the Israelis have endured since 2015 – more than 7,000 separate attacks – and how the BBC, on which so many around the world depend for their news, chose to report only 1370. And that number reflected a sudden, unexplained, great increase in the last two years, where someone at the BBC decided the under-reporting of terror attacks in Israel was scandalous, leaving the organization open to severe criticism, and thus more of them had to be reported. That is why there was the astonishing upswing from reporting on less than 1% of such attacks in 2017 (15 instead of 1516), to reporting on 30% of them in 2018. Reporting on 30% of terrorist attacks is still not acceptable, but at least it’s not unspeakable.
… … … …”
The BBC must be pleased with Israel’s totalitarian vaccination policy.
Ok peeps! I decide to take an hour off from my day job and walk to the local Morrisons supermarket. I thought it might be interesting to do a little investigative journalism. (for any BBC visitors who don’t understand that it’s what you do when you find out exactly what is going on instead of making it up).
From a discrete distance I carried out a mask poll.
And these are the rough scores on the door!
Percentage of people entering Morrisons without a mask on 52%
and 48% with a mask (Now where have I seen those figures before I wonder?)
Profiles of those wearing a mask.
Teen to mid 20’s = 70% wearing
Mid 20’s to 40’s = 10% wearing
40’s to 60’s = 20% wearing
Over 60’s = 85% wearing
Now male V female overall stats for mask wearing.
Women = 75% wearing
Men = 25% wearing.
Rough estimates based on probably 200 people I watched.
Make of that what you will.
I then walked down our pedestrian shopping street with smaller stores.
Percentage of small shops still displaying Achtung Minen! mask regulations and sheep dip stations = 50%
Percentage of people putting on a mask before entering smaller shops= 80%
Interesting, digg. Thanks for posting. I wonder how many felt obliged to wear one from peer pressure?
Today, I saw a woman in her twenties wearing a mask whilst driving an open-topped sports car. She was on her own.
Well done digg, good work.
I’ve just been cycling and noted a couple of people sitting alone in their cars wearing masks.
Okay, it’s no skin off my nose, but I do wonder about their sanity…
Here’s another interesting one. Just returned from the local retail park, and in B & Q everyone wore a mask – average age 60. M & S everyone wore a mask – average age 40. Matalan – wot’s a mask? – average age 25.
That is fascinating, and puzzling (to me).
“Covid: ‘Virus doesn’t know whether we’re in England or Wales”
Their headlines is right for a change.
Like the Telly Tax, the stupid Welsh Assembly is a total waste of tax payer’s money. Scrap the both.
Gutless Hari has told the BBC he has left GBNews – naturally he has given an interview to the BBC website and will try to extract maximum publicity and money about being a ‘victim ‘.
They really need to be more discerning about who they employ rather than using ex BBC dregs like him
One of the drawbacks to the BBC’s poll-tax funded monster share of the UK media market, is that it trains up so many people, some of whom then move elsewhere and spread the “ungospel” with them. I was alarmed a few years ago when Robert Peston and Allegra Stratton started doing that late-night ITV thing (called “Peston”, with an amusing lack of originality?) and before that when Jonathan Dimbleby did work for ITV. It does look increasingly like a one-party state as far as genuine broadcasting diversity is concerned.
“Guto Harri quits GB News over taking the knee row”
“Guto Harri is a former GB News and BBC journalist, who was also a former advisor to Boris Johnson when he was Mayor of London”
The above says it all .
IMHO he was ‘a plant’ put there by Al Beeb who would lose even more viewers to GB News and the likes of Alex Belfield etc.
Come to think of it my threatogram for this month has not arrived yet?
Crapita must be losing money – not enough goons employed ?
‘In his resignation letter, seen by the BBC, ..’. How did they get that then ?.
Harri went out like the shallow and unpleasant little Lefty schoolboy we expect.
I’m pretty sure he will have been feeding the BBC any dirt he could find – but there has been so little of it. He finally decided to get out in a fit of Left-wing spite with a dirty trick hoping to get GB news labelled as racists.
Definitely a plant from the beginning. I wonder if he will go straight back to the BBC. If he does, I hope he gets some flak for it.
Katie Hopkins is no hero, She is a rude insensitive g..s…e on a par with Jess Phillips, just different politics.
To go to another country to break the rules is stupid, rude and detrimental to her own credibility and to many of the causes she claims to stand for.
Good on the Aussies for booting her out.
Sorry to many good fellow posters on here but one of the reasons I left the Left many years ago was that I couldn’t stand the group think. I ain’t going to do it for the Right either.
Yasser how specifically did she break the rules ?
Stew, I read beforehand that she intended to break the rules. Sorry, I don’t know where I read it, but she has obviously done exactly that and she started off by not cooperating with the staff re the receiving of meals at the quarantine facility. A stupid way to start.
The press has just denounced her as a far right figure, which of course she isn’t but it has given the msm a chance to smear alternative thinkers in general and strengthen the hand of those who want to ban conservative speakers from entering Australia and NZ. I don’t believe the aussie facility workers would have acted out of malice towards her. They take their quarantine rules strictly there.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
I think that she is an incredibly brave lass and probably speaks for most of Great Britain.
Our maxincony is in this “group think”. He thinks a lot, a lot for Al Beeb that is .
So are you in any “group think” ?
Taffman are you equating me with Maxi?
Good grief!
I am not following any group think, can’t you read?
If Katie Hopkins speaks for most of Great Britain’ then it is further down the tube than I thought.
I seem to remember when Katie Hopkins was going to be a UKIP candidate a few years ago several people were outraged on this site. She had just made an typical unpleasant comment following the death of a popular TV figure. If my memory serves me right one chap on here rang Nigel Farage to ask him to prevent it and reported back to us that he Farage confirmed she would not be considered for a candidate to his relief and no doubt others.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Yes I read.
Presumably this a “group think” about Al Beeb’s Bias .
Why are you here now then ?
I am here because I oppose the bbc bias it’s political slant, it’s deception, it’s support of sickening ideologies and political movements that are harmful not just to Britain but to western civilization. It spreads the poison far and wide. I’ve been posting on here about it for years as you should well know.
Contrary to your statement this site is not a ‘group think’. To avoid it becoming so you have to accept people disagreeing with you from time to time. To hell with the hive mind. I leave that to the invertebrates. I support the aims of this site. But hell will freeze over before I support Katie Hopkins.
I see you don’t like the BBC then ? I am with you there, and so are many other posters on this site. Go on don’t hold back .
I stopped paying the Telly Tax a long time ago .
She is indeed rude and insensitive, but those qualities are part of her greatness. All the right people are offended.
So it’s right she got deported because you think she deserved it ?.
That sounds an awful lot like Lefty cancel culture to me.
If someone goes to another country intent on breaking the law on arrival then they deserve to be sent back. Do you think people who arrive in the Uk to cause trouble should be sent back. I do.
You sound like a Lefty to me.
Australia has quite a successful result in getting rid of covid within its borders and the Aussie people should be proud of that. The situation there is very different from the UK where an incompetent Boris government has never implemented a proper lockdown let huge numbers of undesirables to spread the virus.
Most of them will not want some pommy whinger coming out to tell them they are idiots and break their quarantine laws.
I thought you were a well traveled man, John. You should know this will not go down well in the antipodes. We went through a very strict lockdown here in NZ and we have no covid in the country except at the borders facilities where the Brits seem to arrive with it. It was a tough time in lockdown and we are all glad we got through it. The majority of people won’t take kindly to the Brits telling them what to do in an areas where the British government and people has failed so dismally. Abysmally.
Point being she never actually broke any laws, just joked about it. It was a political decision by lefties in OZ, nothing less.
I’ve met Katie just the once, and she was surprisingly calm and engaging. The ‘public’ Katie, I suspect, is largely a contrivance which appears to have paid off handsomely, since she’s still getting mainstream airtime long after the lunatic fringe was unsuccessful in canceling her. The problem Lefties have is they simply can’t help themselves – restraint is not a word in their lexicon. The gift that keeps on giving.
BBC Five-live have a Facebook post about Katie Hopkins
Seems to be 178 people being nasty and hateful
That is the kind of audience the BBC have cultivated
Bottomline “two wrongs do not make a right”
an iddy widdy bit waycist ?
of course the BBC will report on it?
“Iceland and Greene King shut sites amid ‘pingdemic ”
Bo Jo better do something about this ‘pingdemic’.
He is allowing Great Britain to go bust .
Isn’t it a bit sneaky that we are told wearing masks is to protect others.
This leaves those who don’t mask up open to be shamed as people who don’t care about anyone else and are selfish.
You can’t take your chance by not wearing one as the mask doesn’t protect you. You have to think about other people.
A virtue signallers paradise.
I bet whoever came up with this will be fast tracked up the ministry of propaganda ranks.
Sneaky is what psychology SAGE do…
“Sneaky SAGE”, a bit like “sideshow Bob”?
@Emmanuel Goldstein: multiple upticks for that. It is moral blackmail, and the Govt is thereby encouraging people to tell other people what to do. The idiot Whitty said the desire to avoid disturbing other people is sufficient reason on its own for wearing a mask. Why is the same desire not equally a reason for not wearing one?
Lee Hurst:
I’ll bet Neil Ferguson predicted England would win the Euros
by 62,000 goals to nil.
“Covid: Lifting all restrictions at once is reckless, says Sir Keir Starmer”
Yet another ‘own goal’ by Labour. Its almost as if they want Great Britain wrecked.
By the way, it looks as if the front page photograph was taken in the winter? If not, those girls will have been sweltering ?
BBC Midlands Today Lunchtime News.They were at New Street station and asked three sets of people about wearing masks.Two very pro mask and one thought most situations he’d be okay without one.I’m sure if they tried hard enough they could have found somebody very anti mask after all they managed to find a bloke dressed as a woman!
Strange that no people of colour were interviewed they normally interview plenty maybe non were wearing masks?
Guido is reporting that some Lib Dem MP for Bath has said in the HoC that poor people want and need guidance from posh people . No doubt she thinks of herself as one of the posh folks. Her condescending attitude and belief in her own superiority sums up whyso many Remainers are after 5 long years , still besides themselves with rage at the referendum result, ‘how dare the oiks reject our advice? ‘ Once they regain power, as one day they will, they will make sure that in future the democratic process isn’t free and fair and merely rubber stamps what they want.That is exactly what has happened in the US and you can bet that the MSM will be right behind them.
Wera [that’s Whisky not Victor] Hobhouse [or should that be Hobhound?] the Sap-Dem MP for the increasingly woke and insane Bath. Wiki says “She cites Barack Obama and William Wilberforce as her political idols.”
“Wo mit!” as she might say in her native German.
Animal Farm made flesh.