Freedom Day version 2 . The BBC in full anxiety mode over the coming End Of The World . The BBC news department must be desperate for bad news about infections with a host of “told you so “ so called ‘experts ‘lined up to condemn the efforts of the British Government to get the UK back to some semblance of normality . Prepare for the Far Left Project Fear onslaught .
Start the Week 19 July 2021
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Enough to power the light bulb in Sultana’s brain for how long?
“These electrodes have enzymes in them, which when they react with the molecules in your sweat, cause a chemical reaction that makes energy.”
They don’t say how long the enzymes last
“400 millijoules of energy.. just by wearing the device on their fingertip whilst they slept for 10 hours.”
How’s that compare to a few winds on your windup torch ?
a litre of petrol has 31,536,000 joules of energy in it.
vs 0.4J for that device in 10 hours
So 1mL of petrol is 31,536 J
that is still 79,000 times more energy that the sweat device
a AAA battery has 5071 J
That’s 10,000 times more that the sweat device
Seems to me that you’d generate the same power easily with a few turns on a windup wristwatch device
I wonder if the chemical that is left from the reaction has enough chemical activity to cause some irritation?
– BBC cub reporters are irritating enough … although I’d bet that not many of them are actually kids unless you apply the cross channel boatie age test.
Is sweat magnetic? That may be relevant.
It is after a ‘vaccine’
Our BBC’s approach to mask wearing is now apparent.
They bring on someone who has a medical condition and feels intimidated if others don’t wear a mask. By implication therefore, non-mask wearers are murderers whereas mask wearers are compassionate and virtuous.
If someone has such a sensitive medical condition, why don’t they isolate instead of dumping on everyone else?
This is the new BBC/Left mask-mantra. They are not going to let go easily.
Reminds me of Brexit 🙁
If masks actually worked I would be all for them, but they do not. They are of no use in respect of controlling Covid 19. I bet Sage and the Nudge Unit were amazed at how easily the British public went along with it all. Well, I went along with it because it had the force of law, and for no other reason. Now the law does not force me to wear a mask, I shan’t.
“Reminds me of Brexit.”
Uncanny, isn’t it? It is the same thing all over again.
Radio4 just thought they needed to tweet this
Is it news ? No . So what is it ?
Poor Lewis, he has a knighthood, gets paid about £40 million a year, is a six time world champion, and yet has to endure being called names on the internet.
Oh, the humanity!
I worked in Stevenage at the time Hamilton was growing up there, and as an estate agent I was aware of the good areas of the town and the ‘slums’ he spoke of. Well, um, actually there were no slum areas – Stevenage New Town sprung up in the 50’s/60’s of primarily council houses – the best of house building, so if he considered his 6 bed 4 bathroom council house a slum, then it was of the family’s own making.
I’ve said on here before, had he the personality of any other world champion, then his home town would have erected a statue to him.
One has to admire his mother’s silent and honourable acceptance of being second-class while he and his black father are lauded as evidently ‘mattering more’.
I was in Stevenage for a while in the sixties and what you describe Brisseles is what I remember quite clearly.
Yesterday: they decide London was unhealthily overcrowded, so built more towns up to help empty it out.
It worked.
Now: flood London with as many immigrants as possible , and allow building as few houses as possible outside London..
Whatever happened to ‘The Rising Sun’ pub, Brissles?
A distant cousin ran that place, and all my family lived a few streets away back in the twenties…
Scrobs, I seriously cant remember a Rising Sun actually in either Stevenage Old or New Towns. There is a RS just outside in a small hamlet, but I suspect the one you refer to was in the Old Town as you speak of surrounding streets, and before the New Town was built. Like a lot of pubs it may have been turned into a residential dwelling in the mists of time.
I think it was this one, Brissles, and it was some time ago that some of our family had it…
Our lot lived in Letchworth Road, then went on to build half of Letchworth in the early days!
I see that the laughably titled ‘Justice’ Nicklin is to hand down the Opinion (probably of the state) in the case of Lenon Vs Hijazi.
This is a massively unfair court case in which one side was represented by high profile lawyers funded out of the MIddle East and their massive oil wealth, and the other an ordinary bloke who had to represent himself, in a legal hearing which has to be one of the most unbalanced in Britains sorry disreputable legal history.
I think we all know what the findings are going to be before they were delivered and no doubt the BBC and other far left media will be crowing about the outcome.
The last surviving pilot of the 617 squadron dam buster raid has died aged 100 . He was squadron leader ‘benny ‘ Goodman . When he flew a Lancaster on that raid he was 24 . That’s 24 .RIP
What a difference to the shower of 24 year olds we see today. Not wishing to make a sweeping statement of all that age group, but the chasm is so wide between the maturity of a 24 year old in the 1940’s to a 24 year old today.
Could not agree with you more Brissles. No discipline, no deterent to inflicted crime, no self discipline, seemingly no self respect, little or no understanding of what life is about, even though it is vastly different from what it was, and sadly in most cases no manners. Goodness I was obvioulsy born a long time ago!
You can go further. Michelangelo was 24 years old when he created La Pieta, the sculpture of Mary Magdalene holding the body of Christ, which sits in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. He sourced the piece of marble himself and took just one calendar year to craft, with hand tools, one of the most sublime examples of the form in the recent history of civilisation. Nowadays, our modern cultural experts fawn over kidults who present piles of empty boxes as art, ‘spit bars’ or make money playing video games.
I watched a good interview with long serving bBC SUE COOK, ex Crimewatch.
She carefully and with consideration provided many examples ( most of which are routinely aired on here) of just how far the bBC has fallen in terms of balanced reporting.
In particular, she asked why opposing views of the key topics were never aired highlighting Brexit, Climate change and immigration.
She concluded that unless the bBC changes direction it is finished.
Sue provided a reality check for her previous employer unlike
Guto Harri….who should be refitted with a Clown suit….the oversized shoes and a red nose….fact I,d make him wear a red white an blue nose>
Here’s a direct link to her 20 minute Telegraph interview last October
Same month Anna Brees did a 35 minute video with her
“Labour: Why would we oppose a social care tax?”
“Labour would not oppose a tax to cover social care costs if the money was guaranteed for care, says shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth.
How about less bureaucracy and more careers and nurses for a start ?
11 shot dead, 56 wounded over the weekend in Chicago….
That’ll be on the BBC – huh?
No effin chance …
Can’t see anything there yet ?
It would appear to be a very big story missed by our “impartial” broadcaster ?
news = something unusual
aren’t 10 deaths the norm for a Chicago weekend ?
Primary school kicked out
.. and parents & kids were all in the village Coop without masks
.. staff still wore them
Lewis Goodhall liked this.
Government does choose the questioners
but the media select the pool
… Beth had her turn last week, and maybe the rest of the press women weren’t walking on a Monday.
ITV local news “3 people have died in open water accidents this weekend
.. shockingly this morning people were again swimming in this Sheffield park”
… Footage showed an open water swimmer powering across the lake attached to her flotation safety device.
That is weird outrage bus stuff, from a prog that has promoted open water swimming many times in the past.
Obviously there is a big difference between drunken lads on a Sunday night and these experienced morning swimmers.
Coming up “It’s South Asian Heritage Month”
Nitya Rajan “and here’s a Sikh barrister who says he faced prejudice”
“Sometimes at court people would ask me if I am a translator”
… Wow maybe people just making small talk sometimes ask the translator if she is a barrister .
We are constantly told the dangers of water being cold and deep. We only swim in the top few inches of it, where it is warmer, and depth is of no consequence. If it is too cold we don’t go in. Der.
I do chuckle at this fancy terminology of ‘free’ swimming or ‘open water’ swimming, or ‘wild’ swimming that the media love to use.
We just used to call it swimming – be it lake, the sea or a pool.
Is Bo Jo deliberately wrecking our economy to get us back into the EU?
Call me suspicious but he is making some strange decisions ? Do we have a Parliament any more? We already have the most of the vulnerable vaccinated . Having a bankrupt country kills people.
At the same time Al Beeb maintains a Topics page dedicated to “Brexit” . Check it out .
On the other hand is Covid being used to hide a lot of skulduggery?
So much for Bo Jo’s “Freedom Day” .
We can’t tell, cos there isn’t much transparency.
We know the NI Protocol is a poisoned chalice and needs ditching.
(see also
We know we haven’t got back control of our territorial waters.
We know our fishermen have been knifed in the back (again).
We know we have a large fifth column of civil servants and MPs importing more and more of the third world and ‘co-operating’ with the likes of the EU by, for example, trying to keep us enmeshed in their ‘defence initiatives’ and all that entails.
The bBC is the mouthpiece of them and their global masters.
At best, BoJo is spineless
He could be waiting for the oldies to die off before he call for another Brexit Referendum ? The EU always goes for a second referendum. Just why was Merkel over here the other day ?
Using the argument that we need their finance .
What secret deal has been made to ship in lots of illegals ?
Something fishy going on, after all, Al Beeb is clinging to its Brexit page.
Where is the rest of the Tory Government ?
Taffman you can be quite certain that this Covid debarcle is at the centre of any sculduggery proceeding forward to better control the lives of this nations populace-no discussion, no debate, the tentacles of WEF et al are coming ever closer. Very unhappy with the people to whom, we gave our generous vote for them, to uphold the freedoms and democracy, now slowly being destroyed.
New Sargon video about amazing government censorship
Thanks for posting that, Stew. I suggest everyone watches it if they have the time. Sargon has really spelled it out accurately in regards to the Biden administration. I do not normally use the term fascist in response to things I don’t like, but the situation in the USA is rapidly deteriorating and becoming akin to the structure pre war Germany and Italy that I don’t think it is an exaggeration any more. In addition to the corporate state they have had the dubious election with the media blackout of dissenting material, the Reichstag fire type hoax of the January sixth incident with the subsequent militarization of Washington DC. That they are using the Covid emergency to take control of every area of public life they can. They are an illegitimate government in my opinion and they know it and will shut down anything to prevent their own population from knowing it.
Sargon is also right about New Zealand and Jacinda Ardern.
Her government was one of the first to start using the terms disinformation and misinformation to shut down disagreement with the official narrative. In conversation with a government official over a year ago it was made clear to me that this was to be their method of stifling dissent on a number of issues. I had the opportunity to challenge her again this year. She repeated the same and to my question as to they would apply it to the climate issue. I got the answer “If we need to.”
I should point out that the Labour victory at the last election was completely legitimate, but it was largely due to the self inflicted collapse of the main opposition (tory). To get the picture look at what the British Labour Party has done to itself and double it! So Jacinda has a comfortable majority for the next two years and is looking to restructure the country’s democracy. There are proposals being considered to those ends in a report titled ‘He Puapua’. I won’t go on about it here but anyone interested can look it up. Dissent is being labelled racist by supporters of the UN backed(yes!) report. Much grief to come I fear.
Where Sargon was wrong was to call Australia a tyranny. Australian Politicians including the PM are sick of Jacinda Adern lecturing them on what they should do on immigration and other issues. Scott Morrison and his Liberal/National party are a lot less woke than NZ, Canada, or Boris Johnson’s lot. Australia is a federal country with state governments also has a bicameral legislature so there is less room to become dictatorial. By contrast NZ is a centralised country with a unicameral legislature.
Freedom of speech is fast slipping away across the Anglosphere.
It must be maintained.
Thanks Stew. Check out the look on the interpreters face at 2:42. It’s like she has just realised what he said and what she has translated! Hilarious!
Speaking of misinformation, Springster is also an ‘award winning bbc journalist’.
Vis a vis all the outrage about Lewis, Christine Hamiltons love child, I read that on the beeb somewhere, but I doubt the veracity (maxi, that is a word not the answer to what’s Newcastle), any way said driver was only taking part in the Formula 1 retraining programme. He’s getting ready
for when he retires. He’ll be joining the other efnicks in the cash for crash insurance scam.
Perhaps someone can throw some light on how in the area where I live, the cell with the highest vaccine uptake (close to 90% of over 16s) now have one of the highest infection rate in the North West at 1400 per 100K.
By contrast one of the lowest Vaccine uptake areas (around 50%) now has the lowest infection rates at fewer than 250
This strange phenomenen is mirrored across other cells with high vaccine uptake having high infection rates, and low uptake cells having low infection rates.
This would appear paradoxical and I cannot think of a rational explanation.
cant find the link I was looking for that said covid was spiking in the most vaccinated countries and completely flat in the least
but there is this
nothing makes sense, I would say anymore, but it never did.
Oops! Did he accidentally report the truth. Can’t see it mentioned on Al Beeb.
An inconvenient truth?
Isn’t this the exact same problem with mRNA vaccines found during animal testing?
In my opinion, nothing about this pantomime is what it seems. I become more and more convinced that we have been subjected to a Global control experiment by people who wish to dismantle society, particularly in the West, so that they can rebuild it into the vision of the future they want. i.e all people are to become equal as long as they do as they are told, except the leaders of course.
In other words pure communism.
Also why are deaths higher this July on the corresponding day when compared to 2020 and when nobody was vaccinated and we were all helping out to eat out?
Very odd.
I agree. I suppose it’s the two variants we’ve had since then. But it is v concerning to see so many vaccinated people catching the virus. And I’d like to know if the per test picks up anything from the vaccine?
Human Trafficking Advertised In Facebook Groups
Go Fund me for traffickers
Beach landings all over the place today
Last year it was 8,444 illegal immigrants that arrived by dinghy. We have now passed that figure and if current trends continue it’ll be over 20,000 by the end of the year.
“Our borders are wide open and the lack of action from the government is like a beacon to the rest of the world.”
See also
Beach landing at Oldstairs Bay, Kingsdown, Kent
Meanwhile 9pm Channel4 : ‘Taken: Hunting the Sex Traffickers’ at about South American women brought to IK brothels
#TakenC4 ep 1/3
My view also. There’s a lot to be said for instinct.
“The Archers” (R4 Mon-Thur from 19:02) is fond of the microcosm. In other words, something happens in the imaginary Ambridge which echoes a real event somewhere in the UK.
Today a story was developed where Helen (the stabber of abusive ex-husband Rob) has been getting on-line trolling within her housing estate community. Neighbour Kyle has been posting spiteful things about Helen: he knew that the previous people in her house were the convicted slave-owner Phil Moss and innocent – but naive – ex-wife Kirsty Miller; now he has potential psycho Helen to deal with.
Kyle is designed to sound rough. He has a Brummy accent and is the sort of man who is obviously “inferior” to the more Middle Class types like Helen and Lefty mum Pat, with their RP accents and woke values. Demonization of the lower class White male is, of course, nothing new in the Archers.
But here’s where it starts to get interesting. Kyle isn’t just a baddy. He appears to have political views, describing himself as “hard-working” and wanting to start a family somewhere safe; he explicitly mentioned his right to free speech and resentment that other people were trying to stop him posting comments on-line. Some of the words put into his mouth by the script-writers were rather sermonizing and clunky, leaving you with the feeling of being preached at.
Call me paranoid if you like … but I had the strong impression that free speech as an idea was being challenged, and that Helen’s hurt feelings were meant to count for more. Helen’s very physically fit partner Lee nearly battered Kyle but restrained himself; she was calm and reasonable when asking Kyle to desist from these comments, down at The Bull where he was drinking.
Agenda is frequently shoehorned into the script: when Helen was exonerated in court over the stabbing of nasty controlling White male Rob, her lawyer was the hitherto unknown daughter of another character who turned out to be a lesbian, and has since disappeared from the Ambridge sky like a once-bright comet, never to be seen again.
8:30pm Panorama : Horse Racing industry = bad
Darragh MacIntyre investigates what can happen to racehorses when their careers end.
The industry says that racing is now safer than ever, that the number of deaths on the track is falling and that the animals are looked after in retirement.
Panorama discovers that off the track, many horses suffer career-ending injuries, and rather than being rehabilitated or retrained for life outside the sport, race horses that have been owned and trained by some of the biggest names in the industry have been put down, some meeting grisly deaths.
I see a problem for the BBC. With racehorses often owned by very rich (and no doubt ‘enriching’) families like the al-Maktoums (Godolphin Racing) the Beeb will have to be cautious about being too critical. One has to tread so carefully these days.
9-12pm BBC4 All about sculpture art
For anyone who missed it, here’s Nigel Farage, all guns blazing, on his new 7pm slot at GB News.
The link is to the YouTube channel where segments of his first hour-long slot can be found, including pieces on Covid ‘Freedom Day’ and Immigration.
The vid below is his 3 minute mission statement, delivered with his usual gusto.
I don’t know if Farage can save GB News, but he can at least save the 7pm slot.
Ha Vlad I came here to post them , but you’ve already done it.
i always watch at double speed
#0 Full 52 min show
#1 Nigel Farage: Intro
#2 Boris, man up. Open the workplace pilot to the entirety of this country’
#3 Migrants boat numbers are about to explode
.. the boats are bigger
Today at Dover cliffs 47 MALES, no women or children
#4 Pub set : talking Pints with Graham Brady
#5 Barrage the Farage: Viewers Questions
min 43 had live coverage of the Downing St anti-lockdown rally, but was cut off cos the with a blonde (NZ ?) woman shouting into the camera “You w*nker, you are scum
You Nazi fcking w*nkers you are scum”
That is great to see. I have been critical of Farage in the recent past but I think his move to broadcasting and away from party politics is a welcome one. He could do very well in a position like this for himself, for GB News, and for Britain.
I look forward to hearing his “juno woh” back in debate with the political elite as he shreds them.
Thanks vlad – I can’t watch live.
It looks like he DID mention the dinghies here although I think he is underestimating the number who have crossed.
3 stabbed in the same incident in Isle of Dogs 4 hours ago, nothing on the BBC. I wonder why ????????
Three males were attacked on Pepper Street near Canary Wharf.
following the stabbings.
Officers were called at 5.47pm today (Monday, July 19) to reports of a disturbance in East London and found three men with stab injuries.
Now not in a life-threatening condition
Thin end of the wedge?
Sorry sir, you may not enter this venue because your NHS records show you have not been vaccinated.
Sorry sir, you may not enter this venue because our computer check on your file shows you have not been vaccinated.
Sorry sir, you may not enter this venue because our checks show you have not completed the governments Critical Race Theory or Diversity courses.
Sorry sir, you may not enter this venue because from the look of you, you are a straight, white unwoke fellow.
Bercow’ broke his pension promise
I am afraid he’s not the only one to break his promises .
I am sure that you all know who I am referring to.
Wearing a Mask is akin to taking the knee.
“Covid: Boris Johnson resisted autumn lockdown as only over-80s dying – Dominic Cummings”
The knives are out but not the usual ‘knives’ of London ………………………..
Time for Boris to go?
The problem is the replacement. If we leave it to them, the establishment will insert another Theresa May.
No time for Boris. Less for any alternatives the BBC are paving the way for.
“We can’t kill the economy just because of people dying over 80.”
Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson’s former aide, claims the UK prime minister “put his own political interests ahead of people’s lives”.
The BBC Moaning Emole
Cummings makes fresh claims | Channel crossings | Prince Harry memoir
PM resisted lockdown as only over-80s dying, Cummings says
Dominic Cummings speaking to BBC News
At one point he was the prime minister’s closest aide, a hugely powerful figure at No 10. But Dominic Cummings has become one of Boris Johnson’s fiercest critics, first via his blog, then under questioning from MPs. Now, in his first TV interview, the former chief adviser says his old boss did not want to tighten Covid restrictions in the face of rising cases last autumn because he thought those dying were “essentially all over 80”. Mr Johnson had wanted to let Covid “wash through the country” rather than destroy the economy, Mr Cummings says. He tells our political editor Laura Kuenssberg the prime minister messaged him: “I no longer buy all this NHS overwhelmed stuff.”
A Downing Street spokesperson said Mr Johnson had three times prevented the NHS from being overwhelmed by imposing national lockdowns. “Since the start of the pandemic, the prime minister has taken the necessary action to protect lives and livelihoods, guided by the best scientific advice,” they added. If you’re wondering who Mr Cummings is, here’s our profile of a man who was forced out of his Downing Street role in an internal power struggle. But chances are you’ll remember his press conference amid public anger over him driving from London to Country Durham during lockdown, when all but essential travel was banned. He now admits: “The way we handled the whole thing was wrong.”
Memoirs are made of this.
Springster’s dodging sniper fire as she ran from the helo is a core story in hers.
As told to Laura K.
Thought I heard in Cummings’s own words that Lockdowns don’t work-that is one thing he is right about, they don’t only brings misery and in the case of Sage utter confusion-still is. Out this morining I found that those wearing a mask against those that did not was about 50/50-I certainly did not, hate such dirty germ carrying peices of cloth stuck to one’s mouth and nose, more infectious thatn without-but the population has been and still is bullied with fear mongering. Why do we keep copying the Americans ?
Not sure why Cummings or anybody else thinks that’s news – even amongst the usually moderate and anti-Left Spectator commentariat, I’ve read precisely the same observation being trotted out since last Summer. In fact, it’s one of the prime directives of the anti-lockdown brigade: ‘they’re all going to die soon anyway so why should we suffer as well’.
Never underestimate the wickedness of the human spirit.
Here is a message to Al Beeb and our so called government, Al Beeb and the ‘Greens’. Shipping in thousands of illegals will increase our so called ‘Carbon Footprint’.
Our Home Office is ‘Pretty’ useless. What say you ?
Media fill hours with Trivia
#1 Lewis Hamilton may have had a dozen hurty tweets amongst the millions of supportive tweets he got
#2 Katie Hopkins may have been caught in a Covid hotel not wearing a mask on one occasion
.. an offensive so insignificant police took 48 hours to act
Yet Sasha Johnson was shot by a black gang
and there has been no updates or background info for weeks
Surely one has to fear the bad news that she is not recovering well.
The Sasha Johnson story being dropped like a stone the second they discovered the shooters were black is a spotlight on the anti-white racism of the Left and particularly the BBC.
Black lives only matter when white people kill them. Total racist hypocrisy.
Message to our government and the MOD.
We are being invaded by foreign illegals . While Nero plays with his fiddle.
I see the ‘Trial of the Century’ after the worst insurrection since the civil war (or whatever it was) has put down it’s first insurrectionist.
Such big news, it’s a BBC front page headline. Stabbing murders and some terrorist attackes don’t make it that far.
When is the execution you are asking. Or will he rot in jail for the rest of his life. Neither. ‘.. pleaded guilty in June to one felony count of entering the Capitol to obstruct Congress. He was jailed for eight months.’.
‘The FBI has so far arrested more than 535 people for criminal activity on the day of the siege.’. Surely the BBC cannot say that until they are convicted. It should be ‘suspected’.
I also read that the Left are complaining about how many got arrested after the BLM riots. So I went to find out how many got charged with what. Guess what – nobody wants to tell me. Every article I found was to imply someone’s innocence. And they did a lot more than just enter a building.
This is the ‘equality’ of the Left.
Just listening to some idiot from the FA being given airtime on BBC news criticising Priti Patel for not endorsing taking the knee. He says they mean it for anti-racism and not the BLM version.
In that same spirit, I propose to adopt the Nazi salute and say it represents freedom from Left-wing fascism and not the Hitler version.
I wonder if the BBC will support me like they are supporting him.
I also noticed in the ‘Harri on his knees before BLM’ interview, they omitted the most important part of all : that such a gesture is a breach of standards on ANY news channel. Otherwise the BBC would have all the presenters doing before every single program.
Taking the knee indicates endorsement of the Marxist agenda. Period. It might even become the official new salute for the modern Nazis if their current campaign is successful.
They’re lying of course. At the beginning of last season all players’ shirts were emblazoned with Black Lives Matter instead of their names. As we’ve seen numerous times, the Pigs shamelessly talk whatever nonsense they’ve made up today to twist the narrative further, hoping we don’t notice, or don’t care, or are too stupid to remember.
Taking the knee has been synonymous with BLM since Colin Kaepernick bought it to mainstream attention, long before it hit our streets. The FA already had a perfectly serviceable anti-racism directive in Kick It Out, which we also haven’t forgotten. Perhaps the poor little lambs who can’t cope with monkey emoji’s would prefer to play in Italy, where blacks are still considered foreign to that society and black players still routinely have bananas thrown at them whilst on the pitch. In the six months up until March of 2020, there were 58 racial discrimination cases in Italian football and across wider sports – how many occurred in the UK across the same timescale?
After the great ‘Racism’ lies by the Left after the football, the bar has now been lowered – which was the whole point.
Today BLM activist Lewis Hamilton is jumping on the bandwagon. Of course he is.
The BBC headline: ‘Lewis Hamilton racially abused online after British Grand Prix win’
They have now made it aceptable that they do not need to back this up with any evidence whatsoever. Such as the number of comments, how bad the racist part of the abuse was or the crucial information of where the tweets came from.
The best I can find to highlight this abuse was The Independent with this horrific tweet directed at poor, black Lewis:
“I was his fan before this race! very bad… Sir Lewis Hamilton,” said a user adding a gorilla emoji.
The rise of the modern day Nazis.
“David Cameron lacked judgement over Greensill, MPs’ report says”
Lessons to be learned? – He’s not the only one.
Al Beeb ………“Record 430 migrants cross English Channel in single day”
“ The department said it was taking “substantial steps to tackle the unacceptable problem of illegal migration”.
The job of the Home Secretary is care for the safety of the people of the UK, not the invaders .
It appears that our government is allowing this ‘invasion’ ? Why haven’t the armed forces been called in to defend our borders? Why isn’t there fury in parliament? There is no opposition.
This is getting serious . At the same time we in Great Britain are subject to draconian measures .
taking “substantial steps to tackle the unacceptable problem of illegal migration”.
If the problem is “unacceptable” why are the illegals being accepted ?
Freedom day ? Only for the invaders, because we are being run by buffoons.
Illustrated with this picture.
Don’t let them stay in the UK for more than a week before sending them back one way or another-it is lunacy to provide any support as that only encourages further illegal immigration.
In effect, this is now legalised human trafficking, since the authorities are doing nothing to prevent these arrivals or track down the people who profit from it.
The enduring shame of what has become of this formerly-great country is now all I will know until the day I die. My home, my England. Destroyed in a single generation.
A perfect disgrace.
The report on Cameron gets as near as it can to saying that David Cameron was corrupt in his atttempt to extract taxpayers cash for his personal gain . His refusal to state his shareholding / direct financial interest in Greensil shows a lack of candour from a previous PM .
Papers say he’d have made £60 million of greensil could have hidden its ‘dodgy operation and floated on the stock market – presumably using Cameron as its PR .
As I’ve said here many times – politicians are self serving and hide behind frankly insulting words like ‘serving the public ‘ when it is all about getting out money .- and the high end civil service is no different .
It is just a matter of time before one person gets too greedy and gets caught. Then begins to squeal.
This reminds me of a Sci Fi short story I read called “To serve Man”. The aliens come across as being friendly and altruistic. The humans find an alien book, “How to serve Man”. It is a cookery book.
(To Serve man by Damon Knight).
The report says that strictly speaking Cameron did not break rules of the Code of Practice . Well who writes and approves Codes of Practice ? Cameron and his Government .
I wonder how many politicians – any politicians – just do their job for the benefit of their constituents and not for personal gain ?
Not Al Beeb, but before I go ………I bet the paper mills in China are working flat out producing toilet rolls for future export . The Chinese must be laughing their socks off !
Vile’s production team are in touch with her as a change from Femi and Ash.
They know who they like.
Checking twitter feeds of Lefties is becoming a hobby of mine.
Dr Shola is full of anger and hate.
That Femi idiot is what you get when overconfidence meets stupidity. Just like Lammy.
Sometimes people see what they want to see
A shame Carole Malone is’nt around to take him on, she used to wipe the floor with him on The Pledge.
Off topic really, and of course, no news on the awful bbbc, but has anyone noticed that timber supplies to the UK, (nothing to do with Brexit), are all being snapped up by the Yanks?
Is the old fool Biden building a load of arks or something? Has his nurse told him something about what Noah did?
Surely Horribin knows at least something, as he is an ‘expert’ – or so they tell us…
Sorely missed.
Never heard of him, but sorely missed.
Who pays for all the leaving parties?
BBC – Only with a name like ‘Cum is Key’
Yes you have.
The BBC is certainly eager to provide Cummings with yet another platform to attack Boris. He has been pretty much given free rein as the lead news item, still today it’s the lead web item, and apparently a full length version is due later. Laura K did admit that Cummings is, of course, driven by his own agenda – I guess that’s her way of showing good old BBC “balance” in her reporting. It just so happens that Cummings’s agenda exactly mirrors the BBC’s own anti Government agenda. How convenient.
BBC News
Boris Johnson wanted to meet the Queen face-to-face at the start of the pandemic, Dominic Cummings claims.
The former aide has spoken about his time at No 10 in an exclusive interview with the BBC.
The BBC do like its claims.
In other news, Laura up close in HD…. Shudder…
Toady has gone abroad to deliver the same old propaganda ? The foreign clime? Yorkshire .
It must be brutal for meeshall to be in such unfamilar territory. ….do they speak english there ?
Guessing the chapter in Springster’s book on this will be fun, if there is time or space to include.
“Monitor that which you want monitored; ignore that which the public needs not be troubled by”.
Will the BBC mark the 1st months of the Fraud Pressident today ? I think not . They are just happy that the True President was deposed . But the attacks on President Trump continue …
Not really the BBC
But the news is reporting that a prem league footballer has been arrested for child sex abuse ? He cannot be named for legal reasons
Yes a 30 second search on the internet puts up 3 separate tweets of the same player .
How can that be right . ? I only did it to see if the identity really has been protected . Seems not .
Marianna liked this, as did her co ‘fact’ checker.
I wish Boris had married Jennifer Arcuri, she looks like fun, not at all like Princess Nut Nuts. I bet Jenny would not have forced us to drive useless electric cars and eat tofu.
Plus she is right about Biden!
For those of us of a mind to have awakened to the fact that not everything the BBC tells us is true we perhaps also sense that our one central duty in life might not be to protect and preserve the institution of the NHS (arguably that would be the government’s job, but that’s moot, not holy writ) we furthermore tend to date the Blair years as the source and first real manifestation of this safetyism and sentimentality cultural shift that – despite Brexit – has landed us with perpetual lockdowns.
There’s a news report this morning that hints things might have been worse: ‘Dome nearly became shrine to Diana‘ (Telegraph) – rather than becoming a huge entertainment venue (“O2”) which might now eventually reopen to young people under a vaccine passport regime even amnesiac goldfish will recall Boris so recently promised would not happen: ‘The Prime Minister announced that everyone who goes to a nightclub from the end of September will have to show a proof of having received two doses of a covid vaccination‘ (Telegraph) – so the publicly funded albatros around ministers’ necks that was the Millennium Dome which now stands transmogrified into a private hospitality industry furlough-funded white elephant could instead have been: ‘…scrapped by Tony Blair and the site converted into a memorial to Diana Princess of Wales‘ (Telegraph)
Come on Boris, you’re surely missing a trick here. Follow the polls mate: ‘Ipsos Mori found quarter of people would like nightclubs and casinos to remain permanently closed‘ (Mail on line 13th July)
The Puritan Oliver Cromwell satisfied his noisy bossy contemporary roundhead miserablist minority opinion and after closing the theatres and banning Christmas his military dictatorship ordered the May Polls pulled down. So how about the government respond to the media-fed fears they have previously engendered in the public and repurpose the Dome site as a massive national open air NHS shrine… or something to do with Climate Change?
Because additional public servants on vast wedge really help.
Still up.
Not going near sleepy. RTing Boris bashers.
Oily little weasel. As is BS.
BBC Doctors are the best.
Lived in some hot places for many decades; but getting expert input from a local is always useful.
Being forced to completely cover up because of religious reasons can’t help.
Still – they WANT to cover up right ?. It’s for their own good and they are grateful for it. That’s what I keep getting told anyway.
Well wearing a headscarf indoors is not something I will be doing – but reclining in a cold bath certainly helps.
Clearly some have taken on board the dress code.