Freedom Day version 2 . The BBC in full anxiety mode over the coming End Of The World . The BBC news department must be desperate for bad news about infections with a host of “told you so “ so called ‘experts ‘lined up to condemn the efforts of the British Government to get the UK back to some semblance of normality . Prepare for the Far Left Project Fear onslaught .
Start the Week 19 July 2021
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Just noticed the article about the 7 people wanted for the Euro troubles.
For fun and research, I found another from the BLM trouble to see how each is written.
The Metropolitan Police said the images were of “those who we think have questions to answer”.
“The meticulous investigation will continue to identify further people of interest or indeed other offences which may have occurred,”
Not very friendly.
Meanwhile for the BLM rioters:
‘Bas Javid said while the vast majority of people had protested peacefully, “a small minority have attended with the sole purpose of attacking police officers, or violently confronting other protesters”.’
He said: “We are now asking for the public’s help in identifying people, who we need to talk to about the violence seen at the protests.
Completely different tone between the two. Or, put more plainly, racist bias.
Toady was a whitey-free zone today with presenters Mischal, incongruously and clearly uncomfortably, reporting from ‘up North’ in Scarborough, and Amol in the studio. An interview ensues with a dear old lady who likes to go to the bingo. Patronising or what?
Worse was to come. A record 400 boat people crossed the channel yesterday. Amol referred to them as ‘desperate people on a desperate journey’. They were from Sudan.
Errr no Amol. They were travelling from France. You know France. A country which millions of Brits are hacked off for not being able to visit. Comparable with our own in terms of its economy. Democratic. Pluralist. The government changes peacefully after elections.
Not desperate people Amol. Just economic chancers trying to get to the country with the most generous freebies and wokes and libtards to support them.
Perhaps they are attracted to the prospect of young white girls. In northern towns. Like Scarborough.
Sluff, this constant reporting of “desperate people on a desperate journey” is what really pisses off people the most, and how obvious it is that journos are clearly on the positive side of getting them here.
Fergal Keane is another one who bobs up and down on a boat whilst weeping his piece to the camera at the ‘plight’ of the chancers.
It’s like someone taking a dangerous journey across your roof, to break into your they’re desperate to steal your things.
Sluff you are right, they are chancers, however with the showing to be, traiterous BBC holdinhg their corner, they are on to a winner-the BBC I am now certain wants to destroy this nation one way or another.
I don’t want to hear any more lies from the lying BBC or wet Tories or Leftists about “cruel and heartless” cuts to the UK’s foreign aid budget.
It’s supposed to be down from £14 bn to £10 bn annually; many oppose even that < 30% cut. What we don't hear is the huge cost of housing (in **** hotels at times) and feeding the cross-Channel invaders. If we're spending anything like £4 bn a year on these people, then effectively there has been NO CUT at all, only the transfer of taxpayers' money from one heading (e.g. Overseas Aid) to another (e.g. welfare payments within the UK).
The dishonesty of the MSM and BBC makes me sick.
Further to my previous post on this subject, have just watched a Beeb journo on board a boat, and he handed supplies to migrants in their dinghy. Again the dialogue was ‘desperate’ people, well I had to stop myself kicking the tv ! Aren’t there any harpoons aboard these bloody boats ????
Coronavirus doctor’s diary: Unvaccinated patients with many regrets
As in many other hospitals, the number of patients being treated for Covid-19 in Bradford Royal Infirmary is sharply rising. About half of them had chosen not to be vaccinated, says Dr John Wright – which many now deeply regret.
What the BBC don’t tell you is the low take up of the vaccine in Bradford is barely above 50%. So the ratio of vaccinated/unvaccinated patients in hospital is the same as the local population. ie. the vaccine isn’t working but the BBC still try and push everyone to have it.
For the really dumb that can’t comprehend that there are six “balls” in an “over”.
Or calculate that if there are four overs left, that is 24 balls.
The Hundred commentators told to tone down traditional cricketing phrases to cater for new audience (form The Telegraph)
Commentators for The Hundred will be told to tone down traditional cricketing phrases and explain words such as yorker, googly and bouncer as broadcasters adapt to a new audience.
Both Sky and the BBC will advise commentators to be aware of the fact viewers may never have seen the game before and to be careful not to slip into cricket specific language. The likes of yorker, googly and bouncer will not be banned but will need careful explanation.
“Elite sport is at the heart of this. Getting the balance right between the new audience and existing cricket fan is really difficult,” Bryan Henderson, Sky’s head of cricket, told Telegraph Sport. “We veer towards more coverage of elite sport (than the BBC) but what we want to get away from is dressing room speak. Terminology like ‘bowling it into the pitch’ might need more of an explanation and commentators might have to challenge each other a bit. But we don’t want to dumb down. It is about simplifying the game but keeping it classy.”
Commentators will talk about ‘wickets’ but have been asked not to say ‘over’ while the description of the score will also change when the tournament launches at the Oval on Wednesday with a women’s match between the Oval Invincibles and Manchester Originals. The men’s competition starts on Thursday at the same venue, with the same teams.
“The currency of conversation is runs and balls,” said Henderson. “First innings it will be runs scored, balls faced. Second innings, it will be runs required and balls left so you will not hear things like 130 for two. It is going to be much more ‘London Spirit have scored 100 off 60 balls’. That is a slight shift. The word over remains in the playing conditions because of laws of the game but it is not going to be used much or at all in presentation on television. It will be ‘change of end’. But that is it really.”
I agree about the cricket language – which is more ‘exclusive ‘ than a lot of sports and one of the many reasons I would not follow it . Golf it the same with its ‘birdies ‘ and similar .
Mind you I have never understood what a ‘holding midfielder ‘ is in footy – nor ‘the bye line ‘.
In tennis games the commentators don’t even tell you the whole match is coming to the end until one says in passing ‘it’s match point ‘.
While on sport – do you notice how sports star parents vary in publicity – do you ever hear of Lewis chip Hamilton mum or dad ? Yet for a certain Scottish tennis player his mum never shuts up . Funny that .
Tis simple.
You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.
Each man OR woman that’s in the side that’s in goes out, and when he/she is out he/she comes in and the next man/woman goes in until he/she’s out.
When they are all out, the side that’s out comes in and the side that’s been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out.
Sometimes you get men/women still in and not out.
When a man/woman goes out to go in, the men/women who are out try to get them out, and when he/she is out he/she goes in and the next batter in goes out and goes in.
There are two men/woman called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the men/women who are in are out.
When both sides have been in and all the men/women have been out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men/women have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!
An even simpler guide, remembered from school games.
The ball is as hard as a rock and kind of hurts when it hits you, which it invariably did.
You have to do a silly bowling motion rather than a good old fashioned throw.
School games timetable:
Cold, windy, muddy, wet weather – rugby
Icy cold, windy, dry weather – football
Stinking hot weather – cricket
Eddy LOL !!! a great summing up of school – as it used to be.
Us girlies had the same.
The devil’s past time in all weathers – Hockey (wearing plimsolls from a communal box ! imagine that these days)
If it wasn’t snowing – Rounders (glorified Baseball with equally hard bat and ball)
90deg in the shade – tennis, netball, and swimming in the local water authority pool which was always ridden with leaves and the water was black – God knows what lived in there, but we got changed in a grubby tent and swam for our certificates in it. I don’t think today’s terminology of wild or free swimming would suffice – more like plague ridden swimming would cover it.
How on earth did you qualify for a certificate by swimming in a tent Brissles?
Just reading the BBC report on shootings in the USA this weekend as a sort of game to spot where the report is biased to the agenda.
What caught my eye immediately was how a 6 year old girl was shot and killed and 5 of her family injured. Can you even begin to imagine what kind of outrage we would be subjected to if it suited them ?. Remember the immigrant boy who drowned ?. I checked her name and sure enough she is black. I will bet my house she was shot by other blacks. None of it mentioned : it gets two sentences.
As expected, the article makes no mention of race – which in these times of BLM is very important. So I went to investigate.
I ended up at Chicago. The very recent ones keep the race secret. They are listed previous to July 15th and for the first 15 days of the month we have 49 black people murdered, 4 hispanic and 1 white.
In a city where only 30% are black.
This is the truth of BLM. The Left go into meltdown when a career criminal high on drugs gets killed by a policeman but they are all silent about things like this. Particularly the 6 year old girl.
That’s why I will never take the knee to BLM. It’s an utterly racist organisation.
Their website is an absolute hoot. Overt gay and trans rights activism couched within repetitious screeching about white supremacy and Trump-based tantrums. The cliche about angry black lesbians so beloved of Richard Littlejohn has become a reality; pity none of Garza, Cullors or Tometi have one leg for that complete authentic experience.
Overall it just screams Poundshop Black Panthers; an art school project selling crap t-shirts that brainwashes clueless white liberals to embarrass themselves on it’s behalf. Hardly the stuff of inspiration. That young people all over the Western world have been taken in by this cobblers just shows how intellectually lazy our youth has become.
Huw Edwards liked this.
On a fair wedge for reading a TelePrompter and speaking Welsh.
Er, now, not a very good one at that. But ever so pleased with himself.
Better not get the fact checker to see what % of BBC on screen people went to a non state school eh ?
And whether that represents the ‘diversity ‘ of the British public ….
Our English Channel has protected us for 1,000 years.
We now need a floating fence.
Clearly Hitler missed a trick.
Interesting to see how much on-line promotion for Dominic Cummings’ latest words of wisdom are being pushed by the absurdly named ‘Independent’.
One of life’s many coincidences is that Bojo’s new lady wife, the delightfully balanced eco-warrior Princess Nut-Nut, was more than passingly instrumental in getting DC the push – with all the petty ramifications and loss of direction that has incurred as a result.
Another coincidence is that Princess Nut-Nut’s father founded the ‘Independent’.
Small world, eh?
PS: In case you missed it, Laura K is allowing DC full rein for more disruptive and vengeful misinformation on BBC2 at 7pm.
Very interesting assessment of something not really covered by the media at all, is the audit of votes in Maricopa county Arizona, and it appears increasingly likely that the result will be overturned and it will show Trump actually won!
The Democrats have already hired 74 lawyers in anticipation of the announcement, but it would make Bidens Presidency illegitimate, and there would be further calls for increased voter reforms which this Democrats strongly oppose.
There will be calls for more voter audits and it might well come to pass that Trump really did win the election and it was as he said, stolen from him.
I really don’t see how the Left can allow it. It shows every single one of them up as liars and cheats. All the MSM have said ‘falsely claimed the election was fraudulent’ along with all the social media companies. Plus it gives legitimacy to the Capitol riot.
It will be the mother of all cover-ups and you can sure that if it ever goes before a Judge, he/she will be a liberal. Even if people have to die to make it happen.
I hope it happens : then we will see how far the rot really goes.
Predict a massive diversion from the announcement.
Perhaps the arrest of Trump.
Agree. The deep , and very dark, state will do everything in its power to stop a pro Trump report from becoming public. Those compiling the report will be bribed and intimidated , the law will be used to keep the report secret, if the report still hits the streets the MSM will go all out to wreck the credibility of the report. The consequences for many hundreds of powerful people of a pro Trump report being released arefar too serious for it to be allowed to happen . If the report is issued and supports the view that the election was rigged then I salute those courageous folks who have compiled it and made it public.
The media are already attacking it on the grounds that the auditors are independant and not part of the deep state. That of course is a cyclical argument that it can only have legitimacy if they themselves undertake to audit what they themselves have already done.
The Supreme court is thankfully now majority Republican, so not the danger of bias occuring there if it gets that far.
Apols if you saw this on a previous post, JohnC, but it makes for worrying reading!
Premier League footballer held over child sex allegations
“The 31-year-old man, who has not been named for legal reasons…”
Other news sources say he is an Everton married player. Googling the team shows there are two 31 year players both married. One is white and the other is black. I wonder what the “legal reasons” are for not releasing his name?
The player plays regularly for his country and lives in a £2 million house.
People with health issues need to be careful.
I have zero clue what the point to this ‘report’ is.
The move from poignant piano to guitar to violin was novel.
In there was something about ‘support’ and ‘not enough’, but what do they actually want?
Bad cards dealt. But enjoying the sun with family… could be worse. How does the BBC find them?
Guest – Our BBC narrative. Only compassionate and virtuous people wear masks. This will run and run…
Classic BBC playbook.
Search out someone, anyone, among our 65 million population with some rare combination of circumstances that the BBC can insinuate have been overlooked by the ‘heartless Tory government’.
Repeat ad nauseam.
Actually its a weird inversion. Normally the avowed position of the BBC is statist, collectivist e.g public transport, NHS, state broadcasting.
But paradoxically the BBC love to focus on the individual -when it suits them as a tactic to undermine the government.
The BBC war on non woke continues. Laurence Fox has just published a basis for a free speech law with a foreward by Lord Sumption.
“The report In Protection of Freedom of Speech proposes three key reforms designed to give UK citizens the same protection as the First Amendment to the US Constitution:
1. The police should lose the power to investigate so-called “non-crime hate incidents” and the Scottish Hate Crime Bill should be scrapped
2. Websites should be prevented from censoring content posted by users unless a criminal offence or civil wrong is committed
3. Employers should no longer be able to sack people for their speech
Commenting on the 50-page report drawn up for Reclaim, Mr Fox, the party’s leader, warns that free speech in Britain is under unprecedented attack.
“Never before have I seen such suppression of free speech, such censoring of perfectly moderate opinion, and perhaps most perniciously, the censorship of the self. New speech codes – vocabulary, syntax, pronouns, etc – are forced into everyday parlance.
“Gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, the definitions of gender, climate change, Covid decisions, vaccinations, decisions taken by the NHS, national identity and British history – can no longer be debated openly in this country.’
A lot as changed to the ‘climate’ of democracy. Its under attack on several fronts. The war on woke is not won, it is still in play and fronted by the BBC and goes deep into abolishing nations national identity, abolishing the right to object, or the right to debate reduced to a ‘hate crime’.
I think it deserves our support.
She keeps this up the MSM will ban her.
He said 60% of hospital admissions were from people who had had the full two doses.
That is completely the wrong way around screenshot
His correction was that 60% of hospital admissions were from people who hadn’t had ANY vaccinations
(and that is a small pool of people)
(It will be some something like the pool of non-vaccinated people is an eighth the size, and is largely unvulnerable people
yet they comprise MOST of the hospital admissions.
Pointed that out last night. Did he make a mistake or was he reporting the truth?
Stew I wouldn’t say 60% is most…just under two thirds, but 40% admissions from vaccinated people? I think that’s concerning. And I think the last time I saw data, 50% of deaths were vaccinated people. What would be more useful is age breakdown, comorbidities, true cause of death etc. As well as actual numbers admitted. I’ve looked on ONS for that data but couldn’t easily see it. Otherwise it starts to look like the vaccine isn’t that effective.
@Loobyloo actually anything over 50% is most
The antivaxxers want a narrative that most people who die are vaccinated
saying that over 50% who died have been double vaccinated gives them comfort.
but in reality almost all oldies have been double vaccinated, and once Covid gets through to an oldie they are more vulnerable
So of course double vaccinated are 50% of deaths
But if you took a pool of a million unvaccinated people
and a pool of a million double vaccinated people, there’d probably be more death in the first pool
TWatO Watch #1 – Labour Party BBC cannot decide which way to jump
I missed the first fifteen minutes of the programme through concentrating on food. 🙂 But when I flick the ON switch, vaccine passports are under consideration. The BBC Labour Party are uncertain whether to jump with the Parliamentary Labour Party on the subject of vaccine passports for the young, in order to enable them to safely enter sweaty, crowded, noisy nightclubs late at night to project armpit odours around and leave drips of sweat on the floor.
Charles Walker MP (Con) is being interviewed as I turn on the wireless. [ I did enjoy typing that word: wireless 🙂 ] I get the sense that one bit of the BBC wishes to go with the ‘infringement of Civil Liberties’ thing and another part of the BBC realises that position displease Der Starmer.
R4 drama today and tomorrow
It’s August 2019. Kashmir is under curfew and communications blackout. And half-widow Zameera (Mita Rahman) is forced to make a terrible choice By Avin Shah.
Zameera….Mita Rahman, Yusuf…..Narinder Samra, Javed…..Gavi Singh Chera, Aaliyah…..Aysha Kala, Sergeant Patel…..Emilio Doorgasingh, Gashe…..Avin Shah, Journalist…..Ronny Jhutti
Directed by Emma Harding, Sound design by Alison Craig, Production co-ordination by Maggie Olgiati
12 people on the BBC pay roll there
Thankfully none of them seem to be white males
#InvertedRacism ?
Al BBC1 1 pm news.
A prolonged feature on another Muslim festival. Eid.
Featuring women in the full garb with strong English London accents.
Interspersed with men with distinctly non English non London accents.
Followed by…another article about the channel crossing ‘desperate’ people. All male. All young.
Perhaps they are looking for love in London.
Or a variety of northern towns.
The BBC. A British culture free zone.
Nathan has a view
All well ded and although having paid the traffikers large sums of money, they still appear well dressed, not in rags as one might have thought-Britain a small country by comparison and thousands of miles away from the real home of these illegal immigrants, and very far away from our culture-so why are they coming here in droves? Are we the only nation to offer board and lodging at no cost? Who are the fools here, those that risk a long journey or those that open the gates wide to let in disruptive peoples, who will feed of the country and when possible breed exstensively, then demand a house and car and at least £ 2000, 00 per month benefits. Yes I thought you would agree as to who is the fool.
Apparently the news was from a Mosque in Stockwell, focussed on Eritreans
Good bye Britain, Labour have sold us out to those that follow the teachings of Islam-we will be their slaves in less than 20 years.
But if we pay the Jizya (extortion tax for non-muslims) they might not be too harsh on us.
I’m a regular but not exhaustive reader of comments on the site so may have missed mention of GBNews and a very obvious point. Now Alex Belfield has taken it up, for which all credit to him.
GBNews is a channel without news. Yes, there are Mixed Doubles pairs offering great helpings of comment and discussion. To this has now been added a top-seeded Men’s Singles player at 7.00 pm every evening to provide, er, comment and discussion. But still no news. What was Mr Neil thinking?
Square – look – why not be an exhausted reader of comments on this site ( like me ) .as I read I do detect a theme – but I can’t pinpoint exactly what it might be ….
I- for one – cannot stomach the ‘this morning ‘ format – now the weather -but not the news …
Em it’s not true it’s without news
It’s just that is a comment channel NOT a news channel.
However half of news is government/parliament footage and press releases and it does have access to those.
It does have reporters on the ground in the regions, so reports views on the street from there
instead of that there London place
Belfield Vids
Dumped GB News Knee Dropper Brands Viewers “Far Right” 😱 Ratings & PR Disaster …
“Did Guto think it was going to be the Guardian ?”
DOOMED 😂 Listen 👂 BBC DJ Meltdown 😳 Slams Moronic & Clueless Bosses Choices “Utter Crap” 💩
Oxford Uni Cover-Up The Worst sex Crimes …
Sacked police officer used riot van to stalk his ex
The Belfield-haters club put out excited tweets on Monday
‘he’s in court on the 19th the police are seeking an anti-stalking order against him’
However it never happened
… maybe the usual thing of the police delaying things again.
He does have a full court appearance on the 29th
about harassment charges.
He says he is happy about that cos once in court he will be free to outline the corruption and intimidation against himself.
No longer owned by BBC, BBC Food magazine have a Middle Eastern edition
TWatO Watch #2 – vaccine hesitancy among young people
Aside from whether we ought to be turning UK children into pin cushions between the ages of 0-18 years of age, vaccine hesitancy came under discussion as far as the young adults were concerned. Sarah was worried about the lack of vaccine among young adults.
She brought on a Professor to comment. A female Professor and guess what?
Aw, you guessed! Spoilsports. 🙂
Yesterday (freedom day) myself and Mrs Wright visited M&S,Tesco, and B&Q.
Today we visited our local Asda. On no occaision did we don a facial sanitary towel. However, we were part of a very small minority.
I think Herr Goebells would certainly have felt justified in his belief that if you tell the same lie often enough it becomes the truth.
Wow not the same around here
In town today it was different to the village Coop where no one wears a mask, but still most people didn’t wear masks
about 20-30% did
Stew, my village Co-op expects masks to be worn. Lincolnshire folk are obviously made of sterner stuff than Kent wimps. You do see folk outdoors wearing masks about the place but they may have just forgotten to take them off – or – they may have a good reason for wearing one eg. compromised immune system.
Lefty, I was in some stores yesterday and I saw people without masks, lots were wearing masks. In one, I wore a mask – the bandit’s hankerchief – in the other I did not but had a hidden disabilities, the official GovdotUK download, badge in plain sight.
Some of the non-mask wearers were young adults but many which I’d describe as such were wearing masks.
The squeaky voiced American woman Professor (sorry, cannot remember Uni – think it was one of the London ones) did not opine on masks, only on possible vaccine take up among the young.
Lesser reported Eid event
The Religion of Peace strikes again.
And again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again… 82 times in the last 30 days alone.
“During this time period, there were 82 Islamic attacks in 17 countries, in which 424 people were killed and 650 injured.”
None of this matters. Just remember to wear a mask.
Come on Priti – you must be able to up it to a round thousand a day – think big girl ….
( I wonder when the Home Secretary) job turned into – nothing ….
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Well, what do you expect with black roof, black walls?
9pm Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday the BBCone will educate you
There is this weird narrative mong the public that black people suffer death at the hands of the 3% of people who also black
ie youth on youth stabbings
but the BBC will educate you with
It’s all actually the fault not just of whiteys, but of white culture
Uprising is a word that sounds like “insurrection”
ep 1 the 1981 Newcross Fire 14 killed
ep2 the Black People’s Day of Action
ep3 the riots : tensions escalated when a massive stop-and-search operation was launched, targeting black people on the streets of Brixton.
In April, the situation boiled over into one of the biggest riots in British history. Buildings were burned down and hundreds of police injured.
Riots then flared up all over the country, from Southall to Toxteth, but by the year’s end, the people of New Cross were no closer to knowing who started the New Cross fire or why – and a lack of answers and justice has lingered over the case ever since.
Yet the Times review goes on about the National Front
That college Sociology dept also tweets support for George Floyd
I think it’s near Leeds ..
What a disappointment Steve McQueen has proved to be. After that thrilling motor-bike ride to the Swiss border, now he’s getting bogged down in racial tension. Such a waste.
The #2 Times comment says
\\ From the initial fire incident report, it was always clear the windows had been blown outwards.
Not a sliver of window glass was found inside.
Later, the fire investigators could identify exactly which part of the room had been the first to combust.
The cause was also identified by the occupants, who stated that one of the teenagers doing her nail polish had spilled it,
and then used a whole bottle of varnish remover to clean the carpet.
Mobs, incited by trendy people from Hampstead etc., adamantly refused to believe it.
They told everyone that it was a racist incident, with a petrol bomb thrown into the building from the street.
Police in Lewisham and Catford include a large number of black officers.//
The Times :front-page news for a day, then all but disappeared from public consciousness, eclipsed by the Iran hostage crisis and the wedding of Charles Di
It was widely believed at the time that the fire had been the result of a racist attack.
The National Front had a solid presence in the area and the homes of black and Asian families had been firebombed along with two West Indian clubs, but police found insufficient proof. Subsequent forensic evidence indicated that the fire started inside the house, beside an armchair.
After two inquests Open Verdict”
Uprising is what the commies at the BBC are hoping to provoke if they can stoke up enough rage in certain communities.
ITV local news “we are at Yorkshire’s largest mosque”
First 5 mins was 100% male and interviews with males inside the mosque
one guy didn’t speak English.
Then they switched to footage from outside as the females exited there section and there were interviews with them
All had head coverings or burqas.
It makes me sick to see-sick because we are allowing Britain to be overrun by millions of Muslims, and their deliberate dilution of an indigenous people that has never before happened on such a scale.If the United Nations guidelines on genocide are taken quite lieterally you could claim that it amounts to the ethnic cleansing of the English. White children are and have been a minority in London schools and in many other schools within British Cities. Islam is already a massive problem in Britian, and as their numbers grow, so will their demands on traditional Britian. With the help of the BBC and other social media outlets I see a very difficult time ahead for us all. The BBC is now fully a labour supporter, eager as is being shown by the extraordinary interview with Dominic Cummings to shove a knife in the back of this Conservative Government. Good bad or indifferent, I for one certainly do not wish to see an anti-Christian culture enslaving this nation.
No doubt going to be followed by bigger and better mosques around the country,
“London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques”
The creeping Islamization of London is almost complete, with hundreds of official sharia courts operating in the capital, and mosques opening where famous Christian churches have stood for many hundreds of years.
“London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together“, according to Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, one of the Islamic preachers who now lead “Londonistan“, as the journalist Melanie Phillips has called the English capital. No, Rizvi is not a right-wing extremist.
Nobel Laureate for Literature,Wole Soyinka, was less generous. He called the UK “a cesspit for Islamists“.
“Terrorists can not stand London multiculturalism“, London’s mayor Sadiq Khan said after the deadly terror attack at Westminster last year. The opposite is true: British multiculturalists are feeding Islamic fundamentalism.
Above all, Londonistan, with its 423 new mosques, is being built on the sad ruins of English Christianity. Many iconic Christian churches in London have been converted into mosques.
ITV local news “This week we have a daily series on natural remedies”
Today how trees growing naturally absorb CO2″
– “Here magic moss towers that remove pollution” at this school playground
Sorry I don’t believe kids intake much pollution in a playground.
Their biggest daily doses will not be in the home
… probably from their on deodarant spray and dope smoking.
I have just heard it on the BBC so it must be true. It is the hottest day of the year so far. 32degrees at Heathrow. I just wonder how many ‘hottest day of the year’ days we can have in a year.
I expect by September we will have to switch to ‘hottest September day since….*.
Heathrow eh? Is that from one of the runways, or just off to the side?
That little word “SINCE” always compromises the climate nutter’s arguments . The word “SINCE” is sometimes followed by the qualifier “records began.”
The planet Earth is SO much older than humans.
This morning, the mums. Now, the unfortunate kids.
StewGreen, et al
I’d just like to add what wonderful timing by the BBC. Giving it the title ‘Uprising’ and the victim and victimisation messages to follow (3 episodes). They will sow discord in young impressionable minds during a period of a hot summer when it is likely to find many young and armed men on the streets of London as the lockdown eases. At a time when George Floyd is still being used, taking the knee is still being argued, and ‘racist’ and ‘racism’ tags are being placed on anything and anyone by the mess/mass media. What could possibly go wrong. Are the BBC prize idiots or possibly worse, do they know where this can lead. I really and sincerely hope I am well of the mark here but why would they chance it. I bet the Met are delighted!
Heat brings street disorder .
BBC1 6pm news and an aspiring actor from Grimsby thinks it unfair that he will have to move away from there if he wants work. The BBC took him seriously. There have been a couple of famous actors from Grimsby over the years (Patrick Cheeseman in the 1960s and Patricia Hodge from Cleethorpes) and Bernie Taupin who collaborated writing with Elton John. But I don’t think any of them thought they could make it staying in Grimsby.
Wind-dream vs wind reality
#gas produced 45.3% of British electricity followed by
… wind 4.0%, coal 2.5%”
BBC local news showed Scunthorpe Hospital implementing “ready rooms”
A pop-up tent with air-conditioning which is fixed around your bed until they are certain you are Covid- negative.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – BBC exaggeration?
Exaggeration is the representation of something as more extreme or dramatic than it really is. Exaggeration may occur intentionally or unintentionally.
Although in the case of the BBC and ‘Part-time’, I suspect it is intentional.
PH’s parents ran the County Hotel
I thought Taupin is from Tealby
He writes the lyrics and Elton the music.
If you live in Grimsby what commercial theatres/studios can you work in apart from Grim and Hull, Lincoln ?
Howeve if you work abroad I guess you can hop on the plane at Humberside or Doncaster.
Nigel Farage just gave a very easy ride to the arrogant sanctimonious creep from Amnesty International who thought we should make it EASIER for MORE illegal migrants to come.
What is it with GB News? Has word gone out to all employees that on no account must they appear right-wing in case Ofcom come for them? Has Neil been on the blower to Nige saying “I want to maintain my reputation for serious journalism – don’t say anything controversial”?
It’ll probably be posted on their YouTube channel soon.
Disappointing from NF and one comment says he should have been better prepared to push back on some of the points made by the Amnesty person (Steve Valdez-Symonds), who was/is indeed a smug and nasty piece of work.
Was Farage unprepared or was he being restrained because his position as interviewer cannot be seen to be too partisan? Big Brother Ofcom is watching after all. Nigel should now be in a position to get spokesmen from both sides on now. He has to make sure an anti-immigration advocate not only gets on, but is given a fair chance to put their views across without constant interruptions. This is something you would never see on the msm.
I can’t even begin to imagine how many Lefties watched Nigel and hate him with a passion – just hoping he says something they can interpret in their own way and post their spiteful, schoolboy-level bile on twitter.
I suspect GB News are still waiting until the attention from these people dies down and they go back to other things they hate.
I noticed that the BBC – in their spite – refused to report anything at all about GB News (like they won’t report about Trump) right up until that personality-devoid teacher-type who is no use to the world pulled his stunt and went straight to them to give an interview.
I’m certain BBC knew he would do it and readily to agreed the interview beforehand.
Not the BBC, but is one of their pet subjects: world CO2 emissions. I have just been trying to fin the CO2 emissions figure for 2020 but in doing so I came across this ‘interesting’ and I would have thought, very wrong chart.
It shows emissions falling during the last years of war (WW1 & WW2) rocketing during the influenza Pandemic a century ago but not falling during the major global recessions of the 1980s and 1990s with only a small dip for the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis.
I wonder if the BBC refer to this at all?
I’m guessing that this chart is the best possible guess of climatologists.
I’m watching the Cummings interview .it’s 2 thirds of the way through . It is breathtaking . The timing – on the evening before PMQs – is brutal . The interview is brutal .
Nut nut will have to say he never saw the interview and a disgruntled former employee just had a dump .
But the allegations are pure nitric acid . The whips will have every red Tory MP standing up to pour praise on nut nut .
Cummings big point about the defective political system – giving a choice of a red nutter ( Corbyn ) or a blue /red nutter
( Johnson) is a valid one .
Update on Cummings
I very sold on his version of events . He is the opposite of nut nut – an analyst – an options man – a strategist – in the sense that nut nut is a joker – mr toad .
His view that the party system is poisonous has to be right . God – look at either bench in the commons – people so out of their depth it’s painful.
Cummings 3
I was thinking that perhaps the BBC has got scared of GBNews – hence have a 1 hour interview – I cannot remember the last time there was one .
Interesting that koonsberg got the gig and not one of the other big ‘stars ‘ maitliss must have been spitting .
Exactly Fed. Cummings is not a servile politician and provides balance. Boris should have kept him on.
“But, ‘er indoors must be obeyed, Terry.”
Yes quite unusual emergency scheduling
When I prepared the preview of tonight’s TV
I used the Times TV guide, and I avoid BBC news
so I was totally unaware of the prog.
If you now accept that everything Cummings says about Boris is true then it follows that you suspend all reality and accept that, last year, he drove to Barnard Castle to test his eyesight.
The ‘ security ‘ reason being put forward for the Barnard Castle may well be true . I don’t care about barnard castle.
But what I don’t get – is that if Cummings is the hot stuff he thinks he is – does he really think he’d win against nut nut ( the wife ) and
As he admits he was rubbing plenty of people up the wrong way surely he’d know the knives would be out ?
And he said too many idiots were in the wrong job – again enemies
And taking on the civil service – enemies
And taking on the Party system – enemies .
In a way Cummings reminds me of hitler – who got lucky and so everybody thought he was ‘great ‘ then he comes up against the Russian winter without preparation and its over from there .
Will anything come of the revelations ? No – not yet . Will anything come of the public inquiry ? No – lessons learned and forgotten .
Nut nut will bluster as Starmer pretends to do the clever lawyer act – which Joe public don’t like – Cummings will be a footnote . Shame he didn’t have the strategic thinking to play a longer game . He should have known better .
Certainly a bunch of Beeboids telling each other what a scoop it was is hardly persuasive.
Barnard Castle to me was always a non-story
Whereas the pathetic school-bully-gang media ran around going “gotcha, gotcha”
The reason you don’t travel is cos you might spread Covid
and all the family had both had it and got over it
.. there was no public danger.
It is nowhere near the same as the Scottish MP who got her diagnosis and then got on a public train.
to me Barnard Castle is not a guaranteed LIE
It is perfectly normal after a big illness, to do a moderate test drive, like having a day out.
Cummings always made sense to me
It was him against the establishment. He was trying to get allies into #10 but the press ridiculed them as cranks.
Then there was a turning point when Boris got Covid , maybe then Team Nut Nut took charge whilst Boris wasn’t there.
Fed, you need to ask what makes Cummings do it? Four or five possibilities.
1. Complete change of political belief
2. Money
3. Threats against person or family
4. Revenge
5. Something else
1. Possible but extremely unlikely
2. Cummings is, I think, independently wealthy. It is true that the rich often, not always, want to become richer. That is a well-known fact. He doesn’t need it and doesn’t have the alimony problems that, say, the current PM has.
3. Highly likely, especially in light of what was already known about that trip back to his parents home.
4. Cummings timing is a bit off if he wants to unseat the PM, he is two to three years too early.
5. What could that be? Getting a disorganised PM out of a hole with the woman he has brought into No.10 to manage the Press and the new Civil Serpent running the Cabinet Office? Possible? Nailing the BBC for all time? We, on this site, would wholeheartedly wish it to be that.
Up2 – whilst waiting to be ripped off getting my scooter fixed -I’ve been ruminating on the Cummings .
The only reason I can think of for doing it with the BBC would be the promise of a series railways have been done – so maybe a history of UK politics maybe – or baking – singing or ice dancing with Cheryl .
The counter argument is that he is white male and british which amounts to triple disqualification .
Surely he would have got serious bucks doing it on ITV with Peston ( spellcheck turns that into Eton ) ….
On the money front – moderately wealthy politicians do have their heads turned by exposure to extreme wealth – major – Cameron and Blair are prominent example of sold souls .
I don’t get this argument at all.
I’ve had times when I’ve felt pretty ill and been concerned about driving in busy traffic. I can absolutely understand Cummings going for a drive somewhere quiet to see how he feels.
The contentious point is that he dared to go somewhere interesting at the time.
And in any event, it’s absolutely irrelevant fi he stayed in his car. The fact the Labour MP who actually went on a train knowing she had COVID was many, many times worse. But the Left didn’t want rid of her did they ?.
John, we now know that ‘drive to check his eyes’ was a visit to Pfizer’s HQ. Covert mission or just to tackle some business at request of DoHealth?
Whoa where are you #BiasedBBC & UK media ?
Whilst you bang on about some British black sportsmen getting 30 abusive tweets
322 family pet cats have died
The Ava virus contaminated cat biscuits thing is a big story
It’s normal in our society
that a tiny percentage of people send weird tweets
but cat’s getting poisoned is not normal.
The BBC would have a ‘racist abuse’ headline even if there was only one tweet which only had one monkey emoji. It’s about pressure for their current agenda.
No doubt we will have a woke campaign on twitter to remove monkey emoji soon and all the messenger companies will comply to avoid being called racists.
Sorry about the cats, but I’m a dog person. I like it that they have a logical link between the brain and the tail. Lets me know where I stand.
John, cats do as well. Have you never watched a domestic cat hunt something? Just like their bigger, distant cousins on the veldt and in the jungle. Cats talk with their tails.
I’ve patented covid cat and dog masks – the goldfish is a bit trickier …
After all the fanfare leading up to “Freedom Day” it’s nice to see the lefty MSM back in their happy places.
The BBC have their palsy chat with sneaky Dom, (we never really hated him!) so rubbishing Boris is back for them.
The Guardian have decided to go after Jews and Israel with their laughable schoolboy Israeli spying nonsense, also enlisting a resident “mole” Snowden. (No doubt Ben and/or Jerry) will be pleased! Somebody tell them that Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc have been doing this for year please!
Meanwhile Channel 4 have gone for broke on end of the World apocalypse due to getting a few days of hot summer, and monsoons of all things in India (reminds me of the Tigers in Africa! sketch on Monty Python)…. their mole turns out be Obama man John Kerry….
Alls well with the World!
Last week my grandaughter saw a TV sob program pleading for people to adopt a tiger to save it from extinction which she promptly did only to find that it’s torn her pet poodle to pieces.
Such is life.
New Tesco’s advert
“When you buy Tesco’s Home range you help little boys like me ”
I think it’s something about foodbanks
oh did you miss last years Tesco’s Halal advert by @TezIlyas
@WGAP : Dominique Samuels Skillfully Uses GMBs Own Race Baiting Against Them In 3 Vs 1 Jab Passport Debate
Libmob “yeh black people are victims, they are much less likely to be vaccinated”
Libmob “Yeh everyone should get a vaccine passport to go in a nightclub
It’s the only way”
Dominic Samuels “so you are discriminating AGAINST BLACKS”
Libmob “Yeh but, yeh but …”
I was trying to work out why there is so much attention to ‘night Clubs ‘ . Who gives a damn .
Em it’s a fundamental principle breach
Boris “There will be no vaccine passports”
.. Boris “In September there will be vaccine passports for nightclubs”
Every night on the BBC News it is pubs and the hardship suffered by their landlords.
Now its the nightclubs
Students. The target audience of the Left as they are the only ones gullible enough to believe socialism can work and will vote for them.
Everyone else grew up or became a journalist.
Fed, it’s the substitute religion for the 16-40 year olds plus its a way to find a mate, of the temporary, semi-temporary or permanent variety.
I thought it was all about out of hours pharmaceutical supplies ..
I heard a rumour that Cummings is destined for GB News. Now there’s a thought…
Won’t happen – Farage won’t last either .
Fed, I hope you’re wrong about Farage. I watched his slot on GBN for the first time this evening and thought it was lively and interesting and seemed to inject new life into what has become a rather lacklustre channel sadly.
They still seem to have a certain amount of technical problems especially with sound quality, but with one or two more presenters like Nigel I think their audience ratings would vastly improve.
Guido stories today
– Meet the Far Left Loonies Protesting NEC Zoom Meeting
– SNP Frontbencher Schooled on EU Trade Figures by Minister
– Show Racism the Red Card’s Latest Speaker Howard Beckett – who was suspended from Labour after tweeting that Priti Patel should be “deported” – has been booked to speak at tomorrow’s Show Racism the Red Card Facebook Live event.
– Labour Running Out of Money Labour is now officially heading towards bankruptcy
– Public Switching Off Covid App, Young in Particular
but almost half of all online British adults (47%) do still currently have it installed.
“a third have turned off their Bluetooth…
– Gove’s Jolyon Put Down
– Farage predicted “in the space of the next few weeks, dingy divers will become the biggest non-Covid story in this country”
– Government’s Manifesto-Breaking Social Care Tax Rise Would Hit Young People Hardest
– Minister’s Non-Denial Over Rumoured National Insurance Hikes for Social Care
Australia’s ABC ‘You public need to have your information input controlled and I am the man to do that controlling
Oh hang on I got something wrong’
The World at One on Radio 4 has degenerated into 40 minutes of anti-Government propaganda and 5 minutes of a feature about some aspect of pop music. How I weep at the deterioration of this once-fine news programme and the loss of the standards of integrity and impartiality set by William Davis and William Hardcastle in the 1960s. How they must be weeping in their graves.
Agree totally, which is why I seldom bother with it these days. The format seems to be to go straight onto the attack against some/any element of government policy. ‘Bias’ doesn’t even begin to cover it, it’s more like advocacy or campaigning.
GB News need to become a news and features channel. News is significant, particularly the way it is twisted by our BBC to their own agenda.
Lord Farage can’t broadcast 24/7. They need more.
I’m available for free.
I got tears.
Blimey – thought someone was dead …
What say you Tory voters ?
Bob The Builder and his “Build Back Better” .
Build back better from what ? A wrecked Great Britain . A bloody disaster!
Why do you allow him to reap so much havoc?
taffman, had a quick look: Headline – “We have got Brexit done”
Er, except they haven’t. Boris bodged it. Frost is now trying to clear up the mess.
The video where 3 year into his presidency Hillary says Trump is an illegitimate president
.. is allowed to stay up on Youtube
… Yet Trump questioning the 2020 election is not allowed
.. That’s very 1984
I just found this on the net.
Don’t give up on GBnews