Freedom Day version 2 . The BBC in full anxiety mode over the coming End Of The World . The BBC news department must be desperate for bad news about infections with a host of “told you so “ so called ‘experts ‘lined up to condemn the efforts of the British Government to get the UK back to some semblance of normality . Prepare for the Far Left Project Fear onslaught .
Start the Week 19 July 2021
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Things are getting a bit gnarly for the FBI in the plot to kidnap the ghastly Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
12 FBI informants to infiltrate a group with 6 people in it?
Maybe that explains the Extinction Rebellion splinter groups?
Read Riotous Assembly by Tom Sharpe
My experience is it is very typical of lefty/anarchists groups that half of them are actually police.
Nietzsche wrote
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.
And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.”
Nietzsche in Beyond Good and Evil, aphorism 146
Seems to me that he’s channelling Shakespeare talking of Prospero, and also earlier writers
And that he’s talking about PROJECTON
“the abyss” : when you don’t know about your political opponent , you make up the picture by drawing up based on your own personality.
“the monster” .. having created a image in your mind that your political opponent is a MONSTER, you start behaving like a monster yourself, on the justification that bold action is necessary, cos YOU are fighting evil.
2021-07-20 23:00
“Violence against women: Top police role to be announced
By Hazel Shearing”
“A top police officer will be put in charge of tackling violence against women and girls in England and Wales,
the home secretary will announce.”
“But Labour’s shadow Home Office minister Jess Philips said the government “has completely failed to keep women and girls safe with their successive strategies”.”
Rapes, do not mention the Muslims, the BBC does not.
“A top police officer” Cressida will be too busy munching to concern itself with petty crime.
The ****ing Labour party caused the problem, imported VotusMaximus, the world’s most loving religion, then hid the evidence of their pre-Cambrian proclivities.
Nigel, time to come out of retirement, we need a fit for purpose Political Party.
That could be his long term plan after GB News.
After all, there is precedent of a TV celebrity going on to become President.
“UK and France agree deal to tackle rise in Channel crossings”
“The UK will pay more than £54m as part of the deal agreed between ministers in London and Paris.”
The French are laughing all the way to the bank. We have the most useless PM and Home Secretary in British History.
Meanwhile we have a Royal Navy and Marine force doing nothing to defend our country from invasion .
This is a disgrace .
How many terrorists and criminals have already been imported from France, all housed and looked after by the British taxpayer?
Follow the money.
Last time this happened Javid gave them some millions to do exactly the same thing. Now we are doing exactly the same because the trick of escorting them across to avoid pictures of dead people in the newspapers has finally reached breaking point.
The ONLY thing any of the politicians care about is keeping it out of the news. It’s not their money and they will never be anywhere these immigrants.
The worst part about it is that Boris is the best option. We are unable to produce politicians with strong beliefs any more. Unless they line up with the Left, they are assasinated by media.
Just look at what they have done to Jacob Rees Mogg : every time I saw him in a debate he was brilliant and pulled the lies and hypocrisy of the Left to pieces. He’s more or less been cancelled from the public now.
Putting a simple bounty on the smugglers seems to have passed the politicians by….?
Are there any French/Arabic/Farsi speaking SAS members, preferably of colour, who might volunteer for a bit of off-piste activity?
“Brexit: UK to warn it could override Northern Ireland Protocol”
“ The UK is expected to warn the EU it is prepared to unilaterally override the Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland if a simplified agreement cannot be reached.”
If the Irish Sea border is removed who will man the customs border on the Irish mainland ? The EU’s customs officers?
“ If the Irish Sea border is removed who will man the customs border on the Irish mainland ? The EU’s customs officers?”
That’s what the EUSSR is trying to do in Gib, clearly using the tricks of the NIP as a template. They want their armed forces there too.
BoJo and the Gibbers should tell Marcovic and the EU to foxtrot Oscar.
Local situation : It is sunny but feels much cooler cos of the breeze
I just went for a run around the block and didn’t sweat.
A Hull car park is to to clos, cos of anti-social behaviour
…which car park ?
Osborne Street. the one *in front of the police station*
If the police can’t keep that area safe, what hope is there ?
anything about fauci on the BBC today
Well well well, the BBC has finally noticed that illegal immigrants (sorry, refugees and asylum seekers) are pouring in over the Channel.
I don’t suppose that has anything to do with Farage banging home the message on GB News?
‘Record 430 migrants cross English Channel in single day
Published1 day ago’
Yasser – no – waste of air .thanks for putting it up though . Done with GB no news ..
I wish we has a list of sites running down the side of this site.
As quick links. Many sites are regular contributor blogs we point too, and some may be totally new. One of those I would consider would be but there are plenty of other candidates. I think we should also point to ‘defund-the-bbc’ which shares many of our views if not contributors.
We used to have such a list, but its got lost along the way and it makes us sounding off (guilty m’Lord) seem unconnected to the mass of negativity regarding the BBC determination to ignore the far wider complaints against the BBC – which it is able to smugly ignore – as does OFCOM (that states you have to complain to BBC first!) . They are (BBC) large enough to shrug us all off but there are a lot of other anti-BBC sites who we should consider friends. And we don’t list the here. We should.
I live in hope that eventually we can overthrow the tyranny of the BBC (which is very well funded – thanks to its Charter).
Only be removing the Charter can we hope it will be forced to survive withing its means (the confines of the Guardian readership and Morning Star). Simply it cannot survive without a total media reformat and zero funding.
The BBC owns outright several private freeview channels BBC worldwide) on Advertising alone. It also has BBC ‘YouTube channels’ for reasons that are not clear to me. It also own BritBox< (which is mainly paid for by ITV), using just Ads. So the BBC does use ads as most other broadcasters do. Just like CNN.
The BBC abused its privilige by using and financing the Anti-BREXIT votes. The BBC used Google Ads extensively (they know how to play the system). This is almost as bad as Biden abusing voting machines.
So when the BBC says it cannot survive on ‘Ads’ alone. MP’s should be aware that everyone else does in broadcasting. The left are just as prone to ads as everybody else is in the media.
Including CNN, which is the latest to state that it is opening streaming services here in the UK. And CCN is just as biased as the BBC and can easily (using Ads) to pay for itself.
So why not the BBC?
The trouble is the BBC is not that unique. Its just another. global Quango. There are a lot of them around the world, mostly tin-pot dictatorships funded minority ‘elites’.
The BBC is often behind ‘Twitter’ and ‘facebook’ which was adopted (by the BBC) back in the 80’s as a mark of being ‘trendy’. It still encourages staff (and pays for staff to ‘tweet’)
The problem with the BBC is the BBC itself, it cannot reform, cannot make a profit, cannot change its recruitment process that leans on the smallest Guardian newspaper readership in the UK. That is the problem – its a relic of a bygone age (1970’s).
It will collapse when the vast pay awards are no longer sustainable due to falling viewers. In which its pays itself even more money to attract TOP (so they say) ‘talent’. The rest you know and reported here, which is why the BBC does not deserve our funding…..
Yes I agree on the need for coordination . If any one here has the techy capability to list our ‘friendly ‘ sites then maybe a separate thread could go up as a reference .
I’m a comparative new by to this so do not know what went before .
The chances of a charter review are favourable I reckon . However there is a dreadful residual reliance on the BBC at times of crisis – such as covid – which will be exploited by the BBC to promote its’ validity as a state funded broadcaster .
However more and more are seeing through the propaganda onslaught and rebelling with us .
Sorry if this has been covered guys, but I nearly spat out my drink when trawling through the Wales area of the cesspits’ webshite…
The arrogant fat cat chef blaming brexit for him closing his restaurant…. Perhaps if he paid his staff a decent wage instead of a fortune for himself, perhaps he would be able to employ local people.
God these toff-nose winkers 😜 need to get a life 😳