Two days until the unwanted olympics . At the last olympics ( Rio) the BBC sent 455 people but refused – under FOI – to declare how much it cost . Let’s see how transparent the BBC is this time around .
Midweek Thread 21 July 2021
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Hope this one stays up a while.
Would be a great legacy for the spider woman ….
Good job Springster is hunkered down with her trusty Olivetti.
2 MPs are on trial today, different parties, but a common religion
Reporting seems banned for one
Live tweeting banned in the Apsana Begum case I guess but news reports just appeared
BBC : “Apsana Begum: Labour MP pleads not guilty to housing fraud”
Daily Mail : “Labour MP ‘submitted fraudulent housing claims,’ court hears”
@Jay_Beecher reports
Nothing much to report for the first day of the trial (which is set to last up to 6 days).
Apsana Begum pleaded not guilty to 3 counts of fraud.
Over 3 times her circumstances are said to have changed – making her no longer eligible for the apartment.
The prosecution say
.. she acted “deliberately and dishonestly” in failing to inform the council, so as to still obtain the apartment.
– She also lied about the number of rooms the place she was staying in had,
– as well as falsely claiming she had no room of her own.
Before this, she lived at multiple addresses but didn’t tell the council.
Prosecution say she was playing the system & knew what she was doing (she had worked for ‘Tower Hamlet Homes’ – a group specialising in obtaining social housing).
Trial continues tomorrow.
Standard Pakistani tactics…. Lying is fine to infidels.
It’s 3rd world mentality. They see no shame in doing whatever it takes to get what you want. In fact, people successful with corruption are generally admired and held as role models on how to get rich.
Our problem is we bring them here then treat them like they grew up in Western society. The Iraq war trials are an excellent example : many of those cases collapsed due to the credibility of the witness. Didn’t stop the scumbag lawyers taking it all the way to court though.
Import third world, get third world. It sounds harsh but it is absolutely true. It might work in future generations if they grew up like us – but they don’t. They do not integrate and have reproduced their Islamic societies over here.
The experiment failed.
It wasn’t an experiment, it was a plan.
ITV local news
ep2 of Natural Remedies for Climate Change
Today : peatlands
“these hold twice as much carbon as forests”
… well since they are made of dozens of layers of dead forests, that’s not a surprise
but I expect the sea could hold more CO2
“growing spagnum moss is a magic remedy
… good news all around”
BBC local news “A 51 yo Grimsby fan who refused to take the vaccine died after catching it at a gathering to watch the Croatia game”
lot of emotional blackmail
The imbalance is that the BBC doesn’t air similar items from families who died from blood clots.
Context ..we don’t know where guy caught it
#2 He looks double his natural weight.
No comments yet on the excellent “Heresies” programme on BBC Bias on the New Culture Forum channel. Will the BBC respond, I wonder? They were invited to take part but declined.
Subjects were listed that the BBC had ignored, and I thought of a few others: years of non-reporting of the plight of white farmers in South Africa; deliberate shutting of eyes to the activities of our diverse rape gangs; massive downplaying of the civil unrest in France; total lack of investigative journalism into the response to the pandemic and medical doubts about the vaccines; disinclination even to mention the huge rallies being held against vaccine passports and the lockdowns.
There were some truly excellent people on the programme.
That new prog
Liddle “the BBC bubbleworld culture is such that they think anyone who criticises them is mad”
So what is the relationship between the current government and the BBC? Surely if the government has a grasp of BBC bias it would take steps to counter it.
Or maybe the BBC is more powerful than presented here. Apart from a handful of MPs the BBC controls government
How many Tory MPs have watched that video ?
In the 1970s it was the Dimblebys but it has got worse ever since. The hate and vitriol poured on Thatcher, and her name is still brought up by them occasionally like she’s the Candyman or Bogeywoman. The attacks on Thatcher were unprecedented and were normally lies or exaggerations. Nothing else has come close until Trump.
They made John Major look like an idiot, and as wrong as he was on the EU he wasn’t a total disaster like Callaghan or Wilson had been.
The Welsh Windbag who was awful got a very easy ride, but when Blair was elected there were champagne bottles strewn all over Broadcasting House. Alistair Campbell was always treated like some great hero.
Cameron was attacked relentlessly, even when he didn’t deserve it. Same for May. People like Milliband were only attacked once they lost a general election to the hated Toreees.
Every Conservative involved in a scandal was wall to wall attack coverage for months, generally until the pressure led by the BBC forced them to resign. Labourist committing same scandal (e.g. infidelity) was treated as it’s nothing to resign for as it is a matter for him and his family.
As far as the USA is concerned, Ford was always treated llike an idiot (lead from the US MSM slavishly followed). Reagan was considered as if he was a blatant dementia sufferer. Clinton was treated as a joke but nothing worse. George W. Bush, not the brightest of presidents admittedly, was attacked relentlessly and it was claimed that he hadn’t really won the election.
Obama was treated like he was the second coming. It didn’t matter the vile things he said or the stupid things he did he was revered like he was the living God. He still probably has a few shrines dedicated to him at the BBC.
Trump however has been treated disgracefully by the BBC, despite his successes pre-Covid. It was well pointed out in the above programme. And the way they treat Biden it’s as if he’s St. Paul confirming how great Obama was.
Finally the way the BBC treat foreign affairs is, as related in the programme, totally, blindly EU sycophants. Any dispute between the UK and the EU over all the years it has been EU are right, the UK are wrong and should shut up. The other major area of blatant bias is the BBC’s constant demonisation of Israel and praise for the Palestinian terrorist whatever they do.
As was said the comedy and drama are just as biased. It goes back at least as far as “When the Boat Comes in” which was a good programme despite its obvious pro-left slant. Apart from blatant culprits like HIGNFY both the Vicar of Dibley and Monarch of the Glen had whole episodes devoted to election campaigns where the Toreees were all evil and corrupt, and the Labour candidates all pure and wonderful.
There’s a lot more but that all came off the top of my head. Sorry for being boring.
Not boring . Fair assessment . At least people are seeing the light .
I see US House Democrats Block Bill to Declassify Intel on Origins of COVID-19 Virus in Wuhan Lab.
On the BBC?
but MonkeyPox… ? >>> HOLD THE FRONT PAGE!
So our NHS heroes are to get a 3% pay rise. Above inflation and above what most will get unless they change jobs. Which will transfer to future rock solid guaranteed pension entitlement, to go with unbeatable job security.
Everyone will get it.
From genuine front line workers who have put in big shifts when covid was at its pre-vaccination peaks.
To redeployed consultants doing relatively junior tasks.
To hospital staff cancelling critical operations for the public.
To those releasing the elderly into care homes, having picked up covid in hospital and being released untested.
To GPs working from home and not actually seeing any patients.
To the consultant’s secretary who didn’t answer the phone for 4 months.
Absolutely deplorable.
But a triumph for one of the world’s biggest unreformed nationalised industries.
including the physio who did their appointment with a friend last week via a phone call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With the almost total abrogation of care the caring profession as displayed by the GP’s have shown in the past few months by hiding behind the bloody elusive virus I have to say It makes me puke! Let’s go for private medicine. It will be probably cheaper and you don’t have to pay for what you don’t get! Plus everyone who works there would need to justify what the fuck they are doing all day.
I am sure that it once was a noble profession but now I am more and more convinced it’s another gravy train and a home to all manner of shysters, union gobsters and such.
22:00 BBC4 doco 90 mins long about American Church called Hillsong
blurb : “one dark incident that hangs over it, …
Why do millions of media-savvy young people follow a religion whose values do not always align with their own? ”
they don’t specify but reviews speak of allegations of “slave labour” and homophobia swirling in the press.
and “Carl Lentz, former Hillsong pastor who baptized Justin Bieber, accused of sexual abuse ..and sacked”
It is clear now that the BBC along with the other MSM want Western Religion, especially Christian Religion to be crushed. I have no idea why they hate and fear it so much but they really do!
Possibly it’s to do with it frowning on so much of the behaviour that they indulge.
Don’t worry BBC, if it’s all a fairy tale you have nothing to worry about as you lie on your deathbed. On the other hand…..???
9pm ITV Les Dawson “lost tapes”
10:30pm Sky Arts is reporting it’s drama digging at Trump’s relationship with Any Warhol
It’s titled Urban Myths , I guess so they can include untruths
I’m developing a theory that teams which ‘take the knee’ are more likely to lose than stand up decent teams . America got thrashed in some Olympic thing today I understand . …..
Are you one of the 71%?
Interesting item from ‘the Lotus Eaters’ pointing out that just about every poll carried out by YouGov finds that 71% of people want tougher anti-Covid measures and support the government position – more lockdowns, more masks, more vaccines etc. Always 71%. You will not agree with their views and you will not personally have met anyone who does, but apparently 71% of the population think that way. Are these polls restricted to members of SAGE committees? Or is 71 a special number for Bill, Klaus and George?
P.S. The founder of YouGov is Nadhim Zahawi, who just happens to be the Minister for Vaccines these days.
71% of Nadhim Zahawi’s family believe in these polls…
Just like the mythical 97% of Climate Scientists
means ’84 out of 86 people we cherrypicked on one particular question’
These “people” have quickly realised the degree of protection they are automatically given by our “enlightened” fools so as to not rock the boat and spoil their happy clappy World view and so will get ever more adventurous in their despicable activities.
It is sad and outrageous that the happy crew seem to include so many high up legal people who are supposed to be there to protect the general public as opposed to ignoring the fate they receive from the despicable behaviour of the filth coming from the third World.
71% is like an area the size of Wales, or the size of an Olympic swimming pool.
One I missed Sun in Jan 2020
Child Rape Grooming Gang consisting of 55 Asylum Seekers kept Secret by Scottish Police for 3 years
The Sun quotes it’s source as the Daily Express
yet the Express has deleted its story
A page gives Quick detail and links to the Police PDF
Operation Cerrar – Suspects
• 55 suspects
• 46 identified – Kurdish, Afghani, Egyptian, Algerian, Moroccan,
Turkish, Pakistan and Iraqi,
all are either asylum seekers or
naturalised asylum seekers
• 22 remain within Greater Glasgow area
• 8 outwith Glasgow area
• 14 deported
The Black Broadcasting Corporation in its happy place with Uprising, the 3-part doco on a fire that no-one was ever prosecuted for.
But that doesn’t stop the miserabilist beeb from spraying unfounded accusations and insinuations all over the place, that it was a racist attack.
Hey beeb, instead of raking up unsubstantiated rumours and conspiracy theories about past events, how about a daring report on current grooming gangs throughout the country, or spiralling knife crime in London and elsewhere?
No? Wrong kind of criminals?
The fire at 439 New Cross Road was a tragedy, but from the forensic evidence, it was not a racist crime.
I was brought up there in the late 1950’s, lived on Lewisham Way just up from the Marquis of Granby, went to school at Childeric School at the bottom of Clifton Rise and used to skip along the front gardens of the houses opposite 439 New Cross Road (they had front gardens then) on my way to Saturday morning pictures in a cinema opposite the top of Deptford High Street. I’ve written before that I rarely if ever saw other than white faces. I moved out of the area in 1970, thankfully.
What a change 20 years later.
Peter – unfortunately – the truth – facts get in the way of the current narrative . I had a particular view about the Lawrence murder – where a street fight was portrayed as a ‘ racially motivated ‘ crime when Lawrence’s ‘ mate may have been the antagoniser …. But became a full time ‘victim ‘ instead
The fire was started on purpose by somebody lighting some curtains, but you won’t hear that discussed at any length, anywhere.
As we consistently see in regards to ‘tragic’ incidents involving the black community, certain individuals know the truth but either retreat or are silenced as the race-grifters load up and batter Whitey with their supercharged hate-machine. Happens time and time again in the US as violent black males pull crazy shit with law enforcement and wind up dead. Play stupid games etc.
I’ve been watching Heresies episode 5 which was mentioned slightly earlier. Thanks.
Here’s one fact I learned from Lord Pearson.
The BBC’s Today programme:
Of 4,275 guests between 2005-2015, only 132 (3.2%) supported leaving the EU.
Classic biased BBC. How do they get away with it?
Here’s the programme:
Excellent. Here’s a link to the New Culture Forum YouTube channel with lots more good vids.
Thanks Vlad. I’ll check that out later. Lots of great stuff out there, but our BBC doesn’t really help us find it 🙂
Just finished watching (more accurately listening) to the BBC bias video. Seems well put together. With some good input from ex insiders. Covers a lot of stuff from Thatcher through Brexit, Trump and BLM.
A good point was made by one contributor (can’t recall who) that many at the BBC don’t see themselves as biased. They assume any intelligent civilised person would be anti Brexit/Trump etc. Which is indicative of the modern left mindset.
Excellent programme, clearly put together by proper journalists and researchers who’ve had enough of the awful left-wing, anti-Britain, anti-white citizen crowd of over-paid nobodies fantasizing as ‘interesting persons’.
I’m sure their assumptions are based on having a university education – whether culminating in a degree or, in the cases of some contemporaries, spending their grants on drum kits.
That admittedly, pre-dates the modern experience but, in the final analysis, we are now paying the price of Blair’s absurd ‘uni for all’ mantra.
Whatever the level of success, all it proves for the vast majority of graduates is that they have a reasonably good memory – whether that be for hairdressing skills, ‘media studies’ or social science.
Looks like as per the last few sporting events, the upcoming Far Eastern Olympics are to be dominated by stories about what my dad would have called “people of a certain persuasion”…
That’s if the inscrutable eastern people allow the shit-show to go ahead.
There is an overwhelming feeling of utter desperation in this story from the BBC.
A bit like a mum trying to get uninterested children to take part in a “let’s all clap” at a kids party.
heard some female 100 cricketess waffling on about equal pay on radio 4 this morning.
resulting in wild celebrations from the youthful London crowd – believed to be a record for a domestic women’s professional match.
lets see what the mens match tomorrow brings shall we
Ha ha ha!
Absolutely, Digg!
And what a lot of graphs, to make it all look as though it’s important!
I sat next to Kate Hoey at The Oval once – it was one of the best days I can remember there, lovely lady!
How many days has Bo Jo got ?
IMHO I think D C has one or to revelations up his sleeve.
BBC Online News about wimmin:
“The Hundred: Oval Invincibles beat Manchester Originals in opening-night thriller”
Note to BBC. Nobody is interested. Nobody.
Black candidate in US governor race, almost blocked by state from running wins court case. I’m sure the BBC will be all over this story. Oh wait, he’s a black conservative (Larry Elder) running against a white lefty incumbent, so probably not.
“Covid: Shops try to keep shelves stocked as more staff isolate”
It looks as if the Covid-app is closing the country down . It is doing more damage than COVID ?
After all we have had the “game changing” vaccine . Boris has had COVID and presumably been vaccinated . Why is he self isolating ?
Something doesn’t sound right . Could it be the ‘ping’ of the NHS app?
BBC ramping up panic buying – it’s not that difficult to show that the current nut nut government is incapable of running the show – I don’t know much about the ping app – but if no one thought through the implications of forcing hundreds of thousands to stay away from key work then it’s not worthy of being called a government .
I’ve got experience of this kind of dumbness . I had to take over a big project which had been running for years before delivering . It was very complex . As soon as I looked at the practical implementation of the project in real world I knew it would fail at the start . I fixed it .
The app has gone the same way . It should be fixed by now – end of .
And after today there will be no parliamentary scrutiny as they go on their holidays …. No loss ..
BBC Moaning Emole in complement… via the fragrant Nateesa…
By Nafeesa Shan
Shops try to keep shelves stocked as staff isolate
Story detail
Ministers need to “act fast” to allow fully vaccinated retail staff or those who have tested negative for coronavirus to go to work. That’s the message from a trade association as it warns pressure is mounting on shops to keep their shelves stocked as more and more staff are told to self-isolate after being pinged by the NHS Covid app. The latest warning, from the British Retail Consortium, comes just days after supermarkets issued a similar one saying opening hours would have to be cut and stores closed if an increasing number of staff were forced to stay at home. One supermarket, Iceland, has revealed almost 4% of its staff, about 1,000 employees, were currently off for Covid-related reasons, opening hours have been reduced and it’s recruiting 2,000 temporary staff to cover absences.
“With community cases soaring, the number of healthy retail staff having to self-isolate is rising fast, disrupting retail operations,” says Andrew Opie, director of food and sustainability at the British Retail Consortium. A fall in HGV drivers, who are not exempt from the 10-day self-isolation – like a “small number” of fully vaccinated critical workers who are – was also “resulting in minor disruption to some supply chains”, he adds. Retail staff and suppliers should be allowed to go to work if they are double vaccinated or test negative for Covid “to ensure there is no disruption to the public’s ability to get food and other goods”, according to the consortium. The government’s position is that it’s crucial people isolate when contacted to stop the spread of the virus. It’s necessary to keep isolation rules largely unchanged until 16 August, when people who are fully vaccinated and under-18s will be able to avoid self-isolating by taking daily Covid tests, it says.
It has a very BBC Getty image of an exotic lady in an exotic section of an exotic store. Not Icelandic.
I was intrigued and it is repeated…
Becky gets her biscuits the same place the rest of the cubicle garden gels get their £200 coats?
Surprised they did not use a market scene from Murder in Paradise.
Luckily the BBC remains essential and exempt.
Of course, when it comes to the BBC and ‘news’, mere anger is not enough…
Anger and upset over 3% pay offer for NHS staff – union
Nurses and other NHS workers have been offered a 3% pay rise by the government “in recognition of unique impact of the pandemic” on staff. It’s a 2% increase on the previous proposal made by the Department for Health and Social Care which said only a rise of 1% was affordable. That was heavily criticised. And this latest offer has left staff “really angry and upset”, the Royal College of Nursing told the BBC, and after a consultation it could lead to a strike. The union had called for a 12.5% pay increase, which it says would help fill vacancies and retain staff. It claims the 3% – or an additional £1,000 a year for the average nurse – being put on the table is effectively a pay cut once inflation is factored in. Patricia Marquis, England director of the union says the offer made its members feel they were not “valued for what they do”. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the pay rise, recommended by an independent NHS pay review body then accepted by the government, was a recognition of the “extraordinary efforts” of NHS workers.
Zoe Ball in scrubs was inconsolable.
And…. They’re off!
How much is enough?
As the debate over nurses’ 1% pay rise rages on, Guido suggests the government could make the whole affair slightly easier for themselves if they at least learned how to stop wasting money. New job listings on the NHS website reveals the Service is now on the look-out for eight ‘diversity, equality and inclusion managers’ across the country, with salaries ranging from £38,000 to as much as a whopping £62,000. A hefty price tag for someone to ‘provide subject matter expertise, perspective, advice and guidance on all matters pertaining to equality, diversity and inclusion’…
By the mid-60’s there were up to 5,000 nurses in British hospitals from Jamaica alone. How on earth did they make that work without diversity managers?
Do they think it’s too much?
Toenails in complement.
Seems in a rush, and this bbc editorial trend with “quotes” is getting worse.
The political purpose of the Two Minutes Hate is to allow the citizens of Oceania to vent their existential anguish and personal hatreds towards politically expedient enemies: Goldstein and the enemy superstate of the moment. In re-directing the members’ subconscious feelings away from the Party’s government of Oceania, and towards non-existent external enemies, the Party minimises thoughtcrime and the consequent, subversive behaviours of thoughtcriminals.[2]
TOADY Watch #1 – I noticed your snide remark, Nick Robinson
Kwasi Kwarteng was the sacrificial lamb for the 8.10 a.m. interview. He put up a fairly robust performance with JustRemainIn Webb. After it was all over, Rick Nobinson interjected something like “Not a lot of answers there.”
Knob currently locked in the executive squat dunny with the last of the toilet rolls.
Note to the sneering third-rate Robinson: it should be “panicking” not “panicing”, a mistake which wasn’t a typo error as you made it twice. Go back to school and pay attention this time.
“Community cases soaring” – don’t these people make you SICK!
taffman, since you ask, the masks don’t work and now, ‘post-Javid’ we know that the vaccines don’t work. Test and Trace is causing havoc with its very own Pingdemic (Barunka O’Shaughnessy must be loving that) so the nation is about to collapse into oblivion. Or not.
One of the things about human’s is that – if they want to – they often find ‘workarounds’.
The government needs to act fast .
Scrap the App.
Unfortunately, HMG has been scared rigid into now ignoring all the data and just looking at dates. 16th August is the date.
I may have missed something here but surely it’s not a law that you have to have the app? So ignore it or delete it, or is that not what the brainwashed subservient herd are supposed to do?
Aaugh, just seen my misplaced apostrophe and I cannot edit. Oh dear. That’s me off Ed Reardon’s Christmas Card list then.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch – the Cummings Interview #2
I did not watch the Panorama programme, for obvious reasons, and have yet to listen to Laura’s Podcast of the extended interview. I will try to unpack some of the points that ‘Part-time’ has in her BBC web-site article here: Yesterday, I tackled the low hanging fruit of the BBC’s deceitfulness of their titling of Point number 4.
Today it is another claim by Cummings and Laura and the BBC that displays that there is something strange behind all of this. When you work as Cummings did and come into contact with all sorts of different people you learn from them. I learned things years ago from a colleague who had left the UK military in a senior rank on reaching first retirement age and some of these things related to Royal protocols.
2) Boris Johnson wanted to keep seeing the Queen in person
Well, Boris may have wanted to do that but it was not up to him. As I understand it, the Queen grants a weekly audience to her First Lord of the Treasury. Laura Kuenssberg, of all people at the BBC, should know that! The Palace officials in the Royal Household would have decided whether it would have been wise to do that during a Pandemic and no doubt the Queen would have sought advice from them, her Doctors and no doubt also from her ‘rock’, her late husband. I feel sure Her Majesty would have known of the likely spread of infection and knowing her husband’s health vulnerabilities would have chosen to forego a face-to-face meeting.
In addition, we know that Her Majesty is computer literate, so a ‘Zoom’ or ‘Skype’ meeting would not have been a problem to her.
That’s another claim by the BBC and Cummings to bin, then.
Wonder how you ‘bow’ on a Zoom chat?
Can you stand up, and waggle the iPad up and down, or get someone to hold it for you, while you duck?
A gentle inversion of the head would do, I am sure Scrobie.
The only possible contact in a face-to-face-meeting would have been the ‘handshake’ and the protocol for that, as I have been taught, is that the PM would place his hand, palm upward, toward the Queen and she would place her hand gently on top. No squeezing, please. Her Majesty would have possibly been wearing gloves, maybe medical ones.
Scrobie, aaaughh again – my brain is getting addled by something – probably the BBC. Or the heat. Or the heat from the BBC for HMG.
I really intended to write ‘inclination of the head’ in my post but then ‘gentle inversion’ would probably suit the present PM who seems to be upside down much of the time.
Ha ha ha, Snuffy!
Seeing BoJo and Biden prancing around clanging elbows, was enough to make me laugh just as loud!
Lord God – I ve nearly broken the digital wireless –
mark c word Easton – putting the 700 illegal arrivals across the channel on Monday /Tuesday INTO CONTEXT .
‘It’s not as many as it was “ then proceeded to describe the desperation on the Kent coast .
And we are paying british taxpayers ‘ cash to the French for the service . …..
I cannot say what Mr Easton ( BBC ) deserves ….
This was followed by our Justin having a chat with an apologist for illegal invaders who smugly hid behind the ‘law’ and ‘conventions ‘ to approve what is going on. Well that’s easy – withdraw from harmful conventions and change the law .
Confront the French at sea and stop those boats entering UK water by any and all means .
The character who was given such an easy d was someone called Nick Thomas Simmonds .
“withdraw from harmful conventions and change the law .”
“Confront the French at sea and stop those boats entering UK water by any and all means”
Wise words of common sense.
Far too much for our PM and our Home Secretary to handle. In the meantime we are being invaded .
When was this country last invaded ?
Taffman – the interpretation of the law of the sea is a duty to ‘rescue ‘ those ‘in peril ‘ . I bet it wasn’t drawn up for thousands who purposely ‘risk’ going into the Channel knowing they will be picked up .
The apologist on ‘today’ said that our worldwide reputation would be harmed if we did anything . What is actually happening is that our reputation as a soft touch is being magnified with the connivance of the French – who get a free ride and no responsibility for what they are allowing to happen .
As for priti useless Patel – career ended and due a move …. But I can’t think of anyone in the red tories with the steel to deal with this ….
Fed, Javid did as HS but promptly drew a lot of flak from the MSM, especially the BBC bit.
What is HS
Home Secretary? Perhaps that is not what you were asking.
HS = Home Sec, Fed, or Home Secretary in real joined-up longhand.
Thanks I was trying to think of a person .
I wonder what difference throwing all that money at the french is actually doing . ? Has the HS ! Quantified the gain ?
It just seems an insult on top of what is happening . And the fury people are experiencing is completely ignored by the nut nut government . So sad there is no real alternative – like a real right wing government .
22 Lost in Manchester … 1 picked up in the Med.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
MM, I seem to recall the Polish Ambassador or equivalent of our SoS for Health begging for Poles, especially Doctors and Nurses, to return home during Labour’s time in office.
His real name is ‘John’ – jack was to make him more blokey . A complete fool .
Vile campaigning again. Where did Stuart Hughes go?
If you want lots more pollution, especially from older vehicles, why not?
Mayor Khan is said to be anti-pollution but he allowed some London boroughs to impose a 20mph limit and states he would like to see that as a blanket limit across London except on orbital roads. Mayor Khahane has also said that he wants to cut pollution for school children but has not yet removed the ‘traffic humps’, ‘sleeping policemen’ and speed tables from outside schools.
“By their deeds ye shall know them.”
Electric cars don’t suffer from this problem – so I imagine it’s a way to push towards them.
Probably, MM. John Kerry in his TOADY interview made it obvious that the politicos want the hoi polloi cleared off the streets, no doubt so the politicos’ armoured electric Limos can whisk them from airport to city centre to meet and greet the great and the good.
That was a bit of the central theme in the TV series ‘1999’ starring Edward (“Mr Callaannn”) Woodward. Cannot remember when that series aired (during the 1980s?), but elements of it now appear to be prophetic.
John Kerry rides a horse then eats it for lunch?
20 mph universal limit on ordinary roads, whilst a network of 90mph Zil lanes all over the country is laid down. That will satisfy every one.
The ultimate reductio ad absurdam argument, courtesy of the 1996 Road Traffic Act.
An absurd suggestion from the untouchable cyclists group who don’t have to get around like the rest of us.
BTW car pollution is down about 50% in the last 10 years. They always conflate overall pollution with car pollution, have you noticed that?
Marianna’s book seems likely based on what she reads from those she follows. And no one else.
It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy. But this particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most. Once when they passed in the corridor she gave him a quick sidelong glance which seemed to pierce right into him and for a moment had filled him with black terror. The idea had even crossed his mind that she might be an agent of the Thought Police.
In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell, the Two Minutes Hate is the daily, public period during which members of the Outer Party of Oceania must watch a film depicting the enemies of the state, specifically Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers, to openly and loudly express hatred for them.[1]
Seek victimhood Emmanuel!
Nothing in bbc editorial happens without an agenda.
The American Booty ‘analysis’ using Springster’s Yank go to source will be awesome.
Least Racist Countries 2021 …
% Against Neighbors of Another Race
% (Low End)
% (High End)
2021 Population
United States 0% – 4.9% 0.00% 4.90% 332,915,073
Brazil 0% – 4.9% 0.00% 4.90% 213,993,437
United Kingdom 0% – 4.9% 0.00% 4.90% 68,207,116
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
Newspaper images of bikini babes won’t guarentee us a continuing heatwave – despite the Sun feature on Love Island’s Amber: ‘Contestants are more likely to get fashion deal than find love‘
One recalls ITV’s sitcom Rising Damp and the character Philip who once tricked Rigsby over some African magic Love Wood with which he hoped to woo the evasive Miss Jones. Rigsby initially had his suspicions arosed along with his libido and asked why this supposed traditional powerful aphordisiac material had been planed? Philip replied with the immortal words: “Everything’s commercialised these days, Rigsby” – I digess.
Concentrate, man. Where was I? Oh yes, frontpage press pics not necessarily extrapolating to reality…well, there’s the Mail’s click baity claim: ‘Why women are celebrating freedom day… by ditching their bras forever. Femail Magaine starts page 37‘ – do let us know what’s new at your local park whilst you’re out there counting the butterflies for Chris Packham – but don’t count your chickens.
Some months back frontpage press images of lime green ambulances parked up outside hospitals likewise didn’t necessarily equate to any reality of an overwhelmed NHS.
But given the public have been trained to respond lemming-like to prompts of late this morning’s piled high stacks of frontpage pics of empty supermarket shelves may very well translate into panic buying and real localised shortages.
Given that our press have scrupulously refrained from publishing scientific critiques of the pandemic and vaccine policy – in the public interest – one wonders why they now risk the damage a panic buying spree might cause?
The Sun, Mail, Star, giveaway Metro, Express and Mirror all carry the empty shelf pics whilst titles like the Telegraph and Times assume their readers are readers and don’t need the visual prompts – a suggestive headline will do the job: ‘Pingdemic disrupts supermarket food supplies‘ (Telegraph); ‘Fears over shortages as stores hit by “pingdemic”‘ (Times)
Credit where crdeit is due here – I do admire the freebie Metro’s punny headline: ‘Shelf isloation‘ – that’ll be news that Sean Connery has been pinged?
Meanwhile a bugbear of mine is the sort of headline that tells me how to feel emotionally about the news – such as the Times ordering me to join in their ‘Fears‘ over shortages being among the most egregious.
Or the Guardian prompting me to join them in exhibiting: ‘Dismay at attempt to axe Brexit protocol‘
On that subject the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper rather encourages one to join with them in finding their own news story tiresome: ‘Brexit hardball again‘ – let me translate… yeah, the bad news is that Brexit happened and we’re sorry to keep banging on about it and it’s boring and all that but we’re still out of the EU.
To be fair to the Labour-supporting Mirror their pro-NHS staff payrise headline today doesn’t directly assume my feelings on the subject so as to coerse me. They might have said: ‘Insult to NHS heros‘; or ‘Your priorities are wrong, Boris‘ – but they’ve used those already, so today we get a question: ‘Is that really all they are worth?‘
Now I’m doing a quick mental arithmatic – as prompted by the Mirror. On the plus side there’s the everyday emergency sawbones-type stuff we get from A&E, despite the waiting – and not forgetting those underwhelmingly entertaining ironic TikTok routines which made us laugh…
…but on the debit side there’s millions paid out in medical malfeasance compo, Harold Shipman, that annoying Danny Boyle London Olympics show that still rankles – which was about the last time we ever caught sight of a nurse in a dress, although given their svelte figures, I do believe they were real dancers rather than typical lard buckets off the NHS payroll.
Then there’s the whole pandemic thing which really ought to have been the NHS’s moment to shine. However, as I recall Basil Fawlty once mused as a fire extinguisher went off in his face – you keep the bloody thing for years and the moment you really need it…!
Problem is we need some form of health service and everything is commercialised these days.
So my considered verdict is close but the NHS wins and is about 3% positive on balance.
No pay rise for plod . Maybe they have to buy their own kneeling pads ..
The last vestiges of humour on R4 are disappearing . Now ‘Just a minute ‘ is to be chaired by an on message dyke . Giles brandreth – not everyone’s cup of coffee – laments his loss of the ( prospective ) job in the DT and explains the obvious – white old male . No chance .
The other one dying is ‘clue ‘ which I gave up when lightweight box tickers started turning up . I don’t know if `Graeme Garden / Barry Cryer still does it but once they is gone really the game over …
The BBC will have endless meetings to try to work out why comedy died . It’s easy – they killed it .
“Any person, no matter how creative, does not have the right to mock the victims of the Nazi genocide,” Rabbi Abraham Cooper, of the US-based Holocaust research body Simon Wiesenthal Center, said
New Comedy … “Halima Aden, the world’s first hijab-wearing supermodel, meets US fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger in a BBC 100 Women exclusive to talk about why she quit the industry, and how to tackle racism and discrimination in fashion.”
The fond memory of I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue is now nothing more than a boiler plate response to BBC complaints and Mornington Crescent is surely about to be translated into the muezzin’s dawn call to prayer.
Fed, you are right. With some exceptions: Ed Reardon is excellent – still – and Dead Ringers can be good at times. Claire in the Community appears to have finished. That had its high points including some wry looks at ‘woke culture’ and ‘woke Public Service culture’.
The thing that killed off BBC Radio Flaw comedy was the extension of TWatO by fifteen minutes. A complete waste of time and one of Gwyneth’s ‘reforms’. What a disaster that woman was for the BBC.
The former home secretary Jack Straw has admitted that dropping immigration restrictions on eastern European migrants was a “spectacular mistake” on Labour’s part.
The Labour MP said handing immediate working rights to Poles and other nationalities who joined the EU in 2004 was a “well-intentioned policy we messed up”. Writing in the Lancashire Telegraph, Straw said: “However careful you are, as a minister, in your analysis, many decisions are based upon predictions about the future, where, ultimately, your fate is in the lap of the gods.
“…..was a “spectacular mistake” on Labour’s part.”
No, it was a mistake by Jack Straw. Trying to shift the blame.
Hamas are our friends (c) Jeremy Corbyn
And never forget, NEVER, that Jonathan Portes, then adviser to Blair’s/Straw’s government, confidently predicted 15k EE immigrants per annum.
Portes, professor of economics at Kings London and formerly of NIESR, is still trotted out by Al Beeb as being a trusted and authoritative pundit.
About as trusted as a wet finger or peeing into the wind.
Migration Watch had to apologise to a Parliamentary Committee for supplying it with *obviously* fabricated numbers – and then replaced them with equally bogus ones. Facts matter, indeed.
The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.[2]
Migrant housing crisis sorted by celebrities?
Benedict Cumberbatch considered housing Syrian refugees but didn’t as he has a baby
ACTOR Benedict Cumberbatch considered opening his £2.7million home to Syrian refugees after becoming incensed by the Government’s refusal to accept them into Britain.
PUBLISHED: 13:43, Fri, Sep 22, 2017
What a putz.
BBC Social Media Pile On
“I can tell you already that the members of the Royal College of Nursing are really, really angry and upset at the indication that this pay award sends to them, that they really aren’t valued for what they do.”
Patricia Marquis, a director from the Royal College of Nursing, describes the reaction to the government’s 3% pay increase for most NHS staff in England and Wales.
BBC Newsnight
Interestingly the audience of non state sector unique funders is unimpressed with both Pat and the BBC in the comments.
Time for Emily to do another Tatler shoot in solidarity?
What, those ‘sainted’ nurses are greedy? Shock! Horror!
Some comedian bloke in Japan loses his job over a remark he made in a joke 23 years ago…
Meanwhile celeb lovey Coren keeps his job with the Times after expressing delight on social media over the early death of a woman who made remarks about his privilege.
Situation A = pile-on, Situation B = tumbleweed.
President must fall ….

The Dead woman Dawn Foster was often the lefty speaker on TalkRadio when they did their Left vs Right segments Darren Grimes or Patrick Christys would be the righty
If you can be bothered to read the article Coren has sent some vile tweets that righties wouldn’t get away with
Amy seems nice.
Bit better off now too.
Amy has been a presenter and news reporter at the BBC for 17 years – spending seven of those working for BBC Midlands Today.
If NHS 1% is not enough and 3% is not enough then ask how much do they want and work back from that!
Dilemma time for all BBc staff and arts reviewers.
Old white bloke vs. Young blonde girl… I reckon the rack will get the coverage due to her… ‘expertise’.
Gammon man comments on Gammons – racist?
“Rubbish. We’re never going to run out of gammon in this country.”
Women’s makeup should be banned to save the climate?
When at M&S before the government got involved, demanded 5p from me for each carrier bag, I explained if each child in this country gave up one toy then I could have my plastic bags for a year. I then usually got told piously that the money ‘went to charity’. I then asked what happened if it went to a charity I didn’t support. The staff had been well trained, and just looked blank. I used to come out of the store (with things I couldn’t get elsewhere) looking like someone out of Crackerjack who had dropped a cabbage (in the days of Peter Glaze and Leslie Crowther). You see, I can link most things to the BBC.
Unlikely BBC News Headline:
“Is Biden Up to the Job?”
Puff piece … Joe Biden says he’s self-conscious as president
Published 8 hours ago
Mr Biden also used the evening to promote his ambitious $600 billion infrastructure bill.
A question please for the wise heads on here. I can’t stomach BBC News any more but I will admit to visiting their (only slightly) less awful website. I used to be able to choose what categories I saw, eg news, business and serious stuff. Now I’m subjected to tabloid poor-me drivel like Society and Real Life Stories. Is there any way I can rid myself of these? I emailed BBC but no reply of course.
Yup, they’ve developed a strategy to target the bottom 75% of society because then you win by numbers. Hence how they get away with a lot of the completely biased and misleading drivel. Their audience don’t see it.
A quick look at the world page then a quick look at the UK page. If a story looks agenda-based then have a look at that. Otherwise get out quick.
It’s apparent to me now that their agenda is to be the ethical reference point for the entire world. They really are the modern day Nazis.
“Yup, they’ve developed a strategy to target the bottom 75% of society…”
I’d be interested to hear just who you define as “the bottom 75% of society”, John?
“…no self respecting Lefty is complete without some cause to satisfy his shallow and self-obsessed character that he is morally superior to everyone else.”
I understand that you don’t pay the Tax? Would I be correct ?
I’ll define it for you Maxi .
The decent ordinary folk who aren’t Gramscians infesting institutions like the BBC .
As a forum troll, you are in the lowest 1% maxi.
@MarkH Why bother trying to read “news” ?
it’s not education
The more you watch, the more disinformed you are
Just step away and read a decent book, instead.
With news 90% of the stories are omitted anyway
why subject yourself to the 10% they and their PR mates serve up.
“Why bother trying to read ‘news’ ?”.
“The more you watch, the more disinformed you are”.
“Ignorance Is Strength”.
Maxi ,
The BBC certainly shows , despite their billions of enforced payments that what you say is true .
Ignorance Is Strength.
Taken from 1984 , the classic George Orwell novel.
Which he based the above on the BBC .
Of course it is distressing that deaths from Covid are rising again.
And of course it is every ones right not to be vaccinated.
I know that many ultra orthodox folk from all religions
believe it is up to their god if they live or die. But I say to
these folk or for anybody not being vaccinated because they
believe that the vaccination is all a conspiracy. Just Google
Edward Jenner. Just a family doctor from Gloucestershire gave
his invention of vaccination to James Phipps an eight year old
boy against cowpox and smallpox in 1796.
These were deeply religious times much much more than today.
Folk believed that GOD through Jenner had saved the boy with
this miracle. So to all the fundamentalists of any religion, just
say to yourself that your GOD wants you to be vaccinated.
Honestly, Honestly it’s not against God’s will. Which ever God
that is.
Having had debates with brainwashed people in the past, I can tell you that contradicting what they believe with logic and reason simply makes them frustrated and angry when they have no response against what you said, but won’t accept it.
Not worth even trying. That’s how you get stabbed.
That’s a perfect description of Mare Kaan’s ‘london assembly’, John!
Have an OBE, and a bar as well – preferably Eddie’s Bar in ‘Hustle’, as you’ll be keeping Mickey Bricks and Co in order too…
…mind you if the stunningly beautiful Kelly Adams asked me to keep her in order, I bloody well would…for as long as it took, and more…
My God is Cthulhu and as his follower I believe in an unending and unravelling state of chaos, therefore the current situation suits me just fine.
The US MSM (+ Youtube / Twitter) are scrambling to snuff out any unedited video of the latest scrap between Senator Rand Paul an Dr. Fauci – as in the bits where Fauci dances around definitions and flat out lies ….
A trivial search can’t find any mention on the BBC
Orwell wrote, “the most powerful form of lie is the omission, and it is the duty of the historian to make sure that those ties do not creep into the history books.”
tomo, very interesting that Dr Fauci mentioned SARS-Cov-2 in that session before Congress. Did I hear that right? I’m fascinated how SARS-Cov-2 keeps popping up every now and then in relation to Covid-19 (said to be a novel coronavirus) and yet there is no mention of SARS-Cov-1 which occurred, if I recall correctly, also in China but the year before. I also find it interesting that the date of origin of SARS-Cov-2 seems to slip around a bit.
Fauci looks really rattled in that video clip. Disappointing that Rand Paul keeps interrupting him.
Strange times at the Guardian
Wednesday there was a critical piece about the loss of world heritage status in Liverpool caused by a Corrupt ( allegedly ) Labour Council ..
Then today – Thursday – a column about Clarkson ‘s Farm describing it as ‘enjoyable’ and celebrating the news that there is a second series . Even the comments section is mildly favourable – without the vituperative stings which normally gush from those hateful lefties .
Is it the weather ? The moisture content ?
Clarkson pays for advertising?
Leopards do not change their spots. Guardianista scum remain scum just as Beeboid scum remain scum. Give no quarter in the culture war , triumph or die.
Double – i write as i find. And i have seen the original review. There is mention of this in the piece .
Did you see the original review ?.
You won’t find a more spiteful example of Left wing hypocrisy driven by political hatred and jealousy.
Unfortunately for them, everyone else said it was great and their bias stuck out like a sore thumb.
Reading double page spread of the ‘migrant crisis’, the term “perilous journey” was mentioned numerous times, and referring to crossing the Channel.
Well, despite the Channel being recognised as the world’s busiest shipping lane, and the prevailing tides, this ‘perilous journey’ how many have actually died on this route ? So I did chuckle when I read this, because to my recollection there have been no incidents where bodies have been floating about wholesale due to this ‘perilous’ attempt, and appears to be safer than crossing the road !
It seems like supporters of the people smugglers would like to put the brown skinned Home Secretary against the wall
In 2019, Sarah Thomas, a 37-year-old cancer survivor, swum across the English Channel not once, but four times in succession, a journey during which she was stung in the face by a jellyfish.
So no, a bunch of swarthy, shell-suited Moroccans laughing as they’re gently guided here in a secure craft by La Royale is not a ‘perilous’ journey.
There’s something strange about the BBC (and to be fair) other media’s sudden remarkable obsession with the economic chancers, sorry I mean desperate vulnerable traumatised people, coming over from that despotic country, France.
What is it? Were they hoping and expecting to support a woke attack on Priti Patel’s pretty hopeless new attempts to improve matters? But the attack never happened. I’m really stuck for an explanation.
But I couldn’t help but notice a strange feature.
When the chancers leave the French beaches they so confident and capable as sailors that the French see no danger for them and so no need to intervene. The French authorities literally wave them on their way. The international ‘perils of the sea’ protocols seem not to apply.
Then the boats cross the maritime border into UK waters and amazingly the same confident, capable people in the same boats magically transform into being desperate, vulnerable and in great danger and so need to be rescued immediately by the Border Farce.
Strangely the BBC seem not to have noticed this remarkable mid- channel transformation as they have made no attempt whatever to investigate it.
PS the attitude of EU countries on another sea crossing, between Scotland and Northern Ireland, is, ahem, rather different.
Relax ….
UK: Shia Muslims beat chests in Manchester’s self-flagellation procession 2017
I remember the Whit Walks in Manchester.
Still, we have the benefits of multiculturalism
Utter savagery. These people are absolutely mad. And we are even madder for letting them in.
Rob in Cheshire,
“Utter savagery. These people are absolutely mad. And we are even madder for letting them in.”
MarkyMark’s picture isn’t from Manchester in 2017; it’s from Iraq in 2016.
Here’s some Christians in 2015:

Where is that Maxi ?
Why are they doing that ?
Any more pictures ? From Europe ? South America etc ?
Here’s an English man in 2021:

And what , pray , is that supposed to prove ?
Outside Source / BBC Breakfast
BBC World News and BBC News Channel; BBC Online, Thursday 17 June 2021 / BBC One, Saturday 19 June 2021
In a report produced in London about the spread of the Delta variant we used a map of India which did not show Indian-administered Kashmir and the area separated by the line of control.
The map was not checked for accuracy when it was sourced from an incorrect file. We have now deleted the file from our systems.
We are sorry for the mistake.
Im on my lunch so not much time.
Here is an extract regarding the law for use of a boat in French waters. Obviously the “immigrant” dont have the licences or equipment so why arent they arrested by the Fren in thier own waters.
When it comes to sailing or gaining a permit for your boat, you must realize when it is that you actually require a license. Permits and licenses are not necessary for sailing a vessel that has a horsepower less than 6 or that is less than 4.5 kilowatts. However, vessels such as jet skis and other crafts which are similar exceed the limit and require the presence of a permit or license. There are three categories available in gaining a sailing license in France. They are:
•La Carte Mer
•Le Permis Mer Côtier
•Le Permis Mer Hauurier
Recreational Permit (Permis Plaisance)
The recreational permit is a newly introduced system in France. Also known as the Permis Plaisance, the system was introduced in the 1st January 2008. It is divided into four parts; these parts function differently and outline different purposes. There are also four permits. There is a permit that is dedicated to sea waters, and also another that is for inland expeditions. To apply for any of the licenses; however, the applicant must be above a certain age and must also pass through a theoretical and practical examination to determine their knowledge in times of crisis. The testing process is known to be taxing and requires much effort from the applicant. A maximum of only four error is allowed in the theoretical test, and a minimum of 3 hours of practical training is necessary at a training center.
Each type of permit for sailing can be extended. However, this can only be accomplished through the completion of additional tests to refresh and test your knowledge on how to deal with a boat and to also check your decision-making skills. Permits such as deep-sea and large ricer craft, require not only more testing but also more hours of training in the field to maximize the knowledge.
Glad you are back at work, Halifax. Stay healthy!!
I wrote on much the same lines to yourview@gbnews.
I even found some links, albeit a bit dated, to yachties discussing the measures Jonny Frog takes to regulate boats in their coastal waters. UK owners were warned that French authorities were ultra strict in applying the letter of their maritime laws, so woe betide any Brit who, for example, had an out of date flare. I suggested to GBNews that the UK government might sue the Frog authorities in international or their own courts for manifest disregard of their own safety at sea laws as they applied to coastal waters ie their 6 mile limit, not even the international 12 mile limit let alone international maritime law.
I tried to reference a piece I read in the Express a few weeks back by a former UK coastguard commander who said that strict limits on occupancy, safety and other equipment applied, even in their 6 mile limit, including carrying sufficient fuel for their planned journey, but couldn’t find it.
Halifax, do you not also require a Radio Licence for French waters?
Sounds like a perfect topic for an award winning investigative reporter to get interested in.
Maybe write a book, eh, Jon, Jon, Nick, Katty, Marianna….?
Following on from the front page news about the Muslim woman leader of Oldham council and her burned out car Raja Miah on his twitter page has the CCTV footage of it happening.
Two men in a car drive to the car where one in the passenger seat gets out while the driver turns it around. He opens the door of Arooj Shahs car – which is allegedly not on the street where it was reported to be by the press.
He opens the door which does not appear to be locked, and then for no good reason smashes the window of it, he then throws something (petrol bomb?) inside which ignites and nearly sets him on fire as well before getting back in the car and speeding away.
There are allegations that the two arrested for the ‘crime’ are in fact the brothers of Shahs alleged boyfriend and convicted gangland drug dealer Irish Immy.
Shameful that the local MP Jim McMahon attempted to smear White people for this episode and he should be forced to apologise for this appalling race hate incident he has perpetrated.
Yoy can view the footage for yourself here:
It is some way down the page. I doubt the scum media will be reporting any of this.