Two days until the unwanted olympics . At the last olympics ( Rio) the BBC sent 455 people but refused – under FOI – to declare how much it cost . Let’s see how transparent the BBC is this time around .
Midweek Thread 21 July 2021
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South Asian Heritage Month: Five South Asian sportspeople you should know more about
By Miriam Walker-Khan
BBC Sport
Last updated on19 July 202119 July 2021
Two not really South Asian and no Muttiah ‘Murali’ Muralitharan who is really a proper South Asian.
In Crawley the paki Labour mayor is being forced out after a road rage fight was filmed . I don’t know if he won . Plod seem not to want to know …
4;30pm Radio 4 ”Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent. Hayley Fowler has been researching the links between weather systems, climate change and heat and flood we are currently experiencing.”
Hayley Fowler of Newcastle Uni
Anything like Jonathan Overpeck’s “research”, I wonder? Tony Heller puts him right…
Last couple of days the weathermen have been saying that new records for temperatures have been set for Northern Ireland – 31.3 degrees Celsius.
To understand high temperatures I have to change to Fahrenheit. 31.3 degrees Celsius is 88 and a tad Fahrenheit. I am not denying it is hot, but I am surprised that Northern Ireland has never had it hotter.
That is obviously tripe.
When the Three Gorges Dam was built, 39 trillion kilograms of water from the Yangtze River built up behind it to 175 meters above sea level. This altered the Earth’s moment of inertia changed ever so slightly, causing the rotation to move more slowly. This is the same principle behind why figure skaters tuck in their arms to spin faster.
NASA has calculated that the dam only slows the rotation by 0.06 microseconds, which is six hundredths of a millionth of a second. Our planet’s rotation speed actually fluctuates fairly often, as it can be influenced by earthquakes, the moon, and the climate change-induced movement of the North Pole.
Hold the Press
My favouritest MP – dawn butler has been put on the house of commons naughty step after accusing nut nut of lieing to parliament .
I doubt whether nut nut knows the difference between truth and lies – a skill learnt at Eton .
Dawn for PM …
Nut nut is mr johnson
Free Jamie Oliiver and his beef ..

The same Dawn ‘honesty and integrity’ Butler who claimed to have a letter of endorsement from Barry Obama which was in fact written by one of her mates.
The very same.
In her culture, that kind of behaviour is entirely normal.
I expect she is still in shock at getting kicked out of the House for behaving like someone from the third world.
She appears to be getting consumed by hate and spite. Like so many before her.
The Nut-Nut sofa-screaming incident was a defining moment.
Boris has gone downhill ever since. I suspect much of what he does is to avoid her having reason to do it again.
I see “whose real name is” has as predicted lost his court case and has been ordered to pay £100K in damages to the Muslim kid involved, bring Britains already laughably discredited legal system into further disrepute.
It is obvious that no amount of evidence was ever going to win when English law is based on a protection racket where whoever pays the most into the pot wins, and Hijazi, backed by Middle Eastern Oil Money had an enormous amount the greedy weasels were anxious to get their hands on.
How on Earth can a school kid legitimately have suffered losses to the tune of £100K ? it’s utterly laughable, but not so laughable as the fact that the people stabbed or otherwise physically injured will receive nothing like that amount.
Of course Robinson will no doubt declare himself bankrupt and the whole farce will be nothing more than a Muslim back exercise in attacking someone they see as their enemy.
The BBC will be cock a hoop of course and won’t even pause for a moment to consider the implications of the issue.
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
Council leader Roger Stone said he would step down with immediate effect.
Mr Stone, who has been the leader since 2003, said: “I believe it is only right that as leader I take responsibility for the historic failings described so clearly.”
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
“It is obvious that no amount of evidence was ever going to win…”
Here’s a link to the court judgement. It goes into great detail about the evidence of what actually happened. I suggest you read it in full.
What’s obvious is that Robinson used playground gossip, witness coercion and outright lies to manufacture a narrative that was completely false. He exploited everyone involved for nothing more than his own relentless grift.
But never mind any of that. Let’s just use it as an opportunity to blame the Muslims.
In what way is putting another view of that situation, whether proved right or wrong , blaming all Muslims ?
“In what way is putting another view of that situation, whether proved right or wrong , blaming all Muslims ?”
Perhaps you should ask “Thoughtful” why she described it as a “Muslim back(ed) exercise…”, or why MarkyMark thought it relevant to Rotherham child sex abuse.
No I’m asking you why YOU think like that ?
I note nibor that you received no reply to your question, however I can provide the evidence which Maxi refused to take note of.
Page 4 para 4 “Since the trial, in May 2021, the Claimant turned 18. Prior to that point, in the litigation, he was represented by a litigation friend.”
Who do you think that litigation friend was? Do you even know what a litigation friend is?
If you had bothered to look further you would have found out the name “Jamal Hijazi (by his litigation friend Abdulnaser Youssef)”
So who is Abdulnasser Youssef? He is a senior legal council based in the Middle East and as a lawer he is most likely acting on behalf of his clients who are unknown.
This has serious implications. British ‘justice’ is a saleable commodity like any other and the one with the most money nearly always wins.
If we have actors from other countries with limitless funds behind them moving to attack those who criticise their religion or beliefs then our freedoms are compromised.
The hearing was manifestly unfair when one party has access to representation to the top lawyers of the day and the other side has no representation at all.
The costs for this on Hijazis side run to a half a million pounds! Who do you know either rich enough – or more likely malevelolent enough to be able to throw that money away just for what is effectively a prrhic victory?
What will be next ? Middle Eastern oil money used to bring private prosecutions against teachers who dare show a cartoon of Mohammed? Anyone who dares criticise the Islamic religion might find themselves ruined by mutli million pound lawsuits with no access to legal representation themselves.
It represents a terrifying new development in the untrammeled greed of lawyers and a Middle East looking to expand its religion at any cost and the funds to cause mayhem along the way.
So who’s responsible for the mass bombings and slaughter in this country over the last twenty years?
Go watch Robinson’s interview Maxi.
This was never going to end any other way.
Tell me someone else who got arrested, charged and sentenced within five hours.
“Go watch Robinson’s interview Maxi.”
Which interview are you talking about?
“This was never going to end any other way.”
Well yes, because it was obvious he was lying about what happened.
“Tell me someone else who got arrested, charged and sentenced within five hours.”
No idea. You know he pleaded guilty?
This one. Is that all lies too Maxi ?.
I did notice how difficult it has become to find these days. I had to use a different search engine from google. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
All part of your brave new world ?.
‘No idea. You know he pleaded guilty?’
What’s that got to do with it all happening in 5 hours ?.
That report is interesting reading. It seems all the children lied for no reason at all. They didn’t admit the lies of course, they got pulled apart under cross-examination until they contradicted things they said earlier.
The Judge himself said:
‘I have paused to consider why Charly Matthews and OTP would be willing to come to a High Court trial and lie for the Defendant. I cannot readily identify any explanation why they would be prepared to do so. Charly stated in evidence that she is in the first year of a law degree. Objectively, therefore, she has much to lose by giving false evidence in court proceedings. Ultimately, however, whilst identifying a motive or reason for giving false evidence can sometimes provide support for the conclusion that the evidence is untrue, it is not necessary to identify a reason. People can lie for reasons that make no sense; sometimes for no reason at all. I am quite satisfied that the evidence of both Charly Matthews and OTP about the Hockey Stick Incident is false. ‘.
And when I flick forward I find statements like this:
“I think it was while I was in Year 10 that I became aware of a new student called Jamal Hijazi. He was in the school year above me. I would mostly see him around school or occasionally walking home from school, or at the shop which was across from my home and up the road from where his family lived.
I never had reason to talk to him at school, but I was aware that he used to just start on girls, mostly younger than him, for no reason at all. Mostly he would call them names or given them dirty looks. This behaviour started as soon as he joined the school. I never thought he would start on me though.
A few months before the incident with Bailey McLaren, I was walking home from school and up towards the shop. Jamal was there and just started calling me names, he called me ‘a tramp, ner, ner, ner… you tramp’. I was alone but there were people around, a few younger pupils walking home, but they thought nothing of it because he did this all the time. I said to him ‘what have I done, why are you starting on me?’ I was more shocked than anything. The he started spitting at me, all over, I was covered, my school uniform was covered. I tried moving away from him, and then he went to hit me.
He just caught my face. I shouted ‘what’s your fucking problem?’ He just shouted back, ‘fuck off you tramp’ and stuff like that, then he turned around towards his home down a cul de sac.’
Followed by the Judge saying:
‘I do not accept AYQ’s evidence. It is not credible, and it is not supported or corroborated by any other evidence.’
Really ? ANOTHER child simply making it up and being prepared to make a statement about in in the High Court just to help Tommy Robinson ?.
Considering how Muslim males regard women – especially white girls, that has a disturbing ring of truth about it.
So in summary Maxi, it’s all children giving evidence and the Judge deciding they are lying. It seems everyone in that school is a liar. Except Jamal.
And even if they are lying, it’s not Tommy who lied. He reported what they told him believing it to be true.
So that make you the liar.
“Considering how Muslim males regard women – especially white girls, that has a disturbing ring of truth about it.”
Congratulations, John; you have demonstrated the true nature of bigoted, racist prejudice more clearly than I could have possibly imagined.
Two words maxi: ‘Rape gangs’
Any reason ALL their victims are underage and white ?.
And so many hundreds guilty of it. And no shame about it either : that’s why they are gangs and not individuals.
But of course they got away with it because of people like you throwing the word racist around if anyone dare even suggest it.
In a way you are guilty for those peodophile rapes too. I suppose it fits with anyone who is also ethically comfortable to be a forum troll. Lowest of the low.
Max’s claim “You know he (Tommy Robinson) pleaded guilty?”
I contest that,
It’s up to Max provide a proper source to his claim .
and I don’t mean earlier incorrect MSM reports
(on the previous page he ridiculed my idea that the more MSM you watch the more disinformed you are.)
Appeal court transcripts posted on Twitter say he did NOT plead guilty to contempt in Leeds May 2018.
No point to prove maxi wrong. He just drops the topic completely and trolls elsewhere.
It’s what people like him do without any shame or conflict of ethics.
You should be ashamed for taking money to do this. If you are doing it simply because you think you are right, then you are lost.
By the way maxi, you can’t be racist against a religion. But don’t like things like that stop you spouting your foul and absolutely typical Lefty insults.
I suspect you have an extremely limited imagination considering you support the BBC. ‘Drone’ would be accurate.
Very good documentary on New Culture Forum by Robin Aitken about bias in the BBC. He and his contributors are a little lenient when they put the extraordinary level of bias down to group think of BBC employees who believe any view other than their own liberal Woke one is only held by the insane. The truth is far worse , they know that their view is a minority one but they are determined to do whatever it takes to force the rest of us to comply with it.
He also makes a serious error when he says that if you own a TV set you must pay the LF .
Despite the above reservations the programme is good and to be recommended.
Its on the Telegraph today Doublethinker. They don’t link to the actual video or New Culture Forum directly. Just the name ‘Heresies’. But its a good read and here is some memorable quotes from that Robin Aitkin article:
One of the most enraging aspects of the BBC is its disdainful attitude towards its critics. In broad terms this can be summarised as “we do not hear you, we do not see you, we do not recognise your complaints. Go away.” I say this at the end of a film project about BBC bias; for the last couple of months I have been putting together a programme detailing allegations of bias made by some of the Corporation’s critics. And at the start of the process I contacted the BBC to say I would like to put these criticisms to someone who could answer for the Corporation.
But of course it didn’t. Towards the end of this traditional journalistic courtship ritual he said he would have to clear it with the BBC press office and then ensued a long silence. So the film is now out there on YouTube without any BBC input.
When things go wrong at the BBC – which they have with alarming frequency in recent years – the BBC has a standard response which is to set in motion the grinding gears of an internal investigation. At the end of this process what then happens is that the BBC produces a report which is published, various senior executives then appear on the BBC’s own programmes to offer profound apologies, and it’s a case of “sackcloth and ashes all round”. And then that’s the end of the matter and we are supposed to accept that whatever it was that went wrong is now put right.
There is a bulky dossier called “Producer Guidelines” which is issued to every BBC producer and sets out how every BBC programme-maker should proceed. One of its central precepts – one of the “10 commandments” if you like – is that whoever/whatever is under investigation they should be given the right of reply. So my request was exactly in-line with BBC best practice. Their response , alas, was not.
I think this refusal to be held to account, this obdurate determination not to engage with its critics is a minor scandal. The BBC is a public institution – that is our money they are spending. How dare they refuse to answer questions about their shortcomings? So here is a challenge: my film makes certain allegations about BBC bias so I now publicly invite the BBC to put up someone to answer these questions.
Robin Aitken’s ‘Heresies BBC bias exposed: An Insider’s story’
I had to look up myself to see the links to New Culture Forum and I could see its also on the You tubers -so its not hard to find. I have not seen it myself yet (but I can see that some of us have given it a five star rating) So I may see that after Farage tonight – on GB news. Maybe he will comment on it.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
The Vision of the Anointed is a book by economist and political columnist Thomas Sowell which brands the anointed as promoters of a worldview concocted out of fantasy impervious to any real-world considerations. Wikipedia
Originally published: 1995
Author: Thomas Sowell
“Gary Lineker to host new ITV gameshow, Sitting on a Fortune”
Does he know something we don’t ?
Is he ‘riding two horses’ to make more riches, or ‘jumping ship’,
before Al Beeb loses its Telly Tax funding or is he getting ‘pushed ?
Is the game show named after his wallet?
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
Anyone seen the Tommy Robinson section where he was sued by a Syrian Boy who it appears attacked a girl savagely and beat up another boy. The case goes against and the Syrian Boy who is apparently awarded £ 100.000 by the Court. No I have not read the whole case, but on the face of it comes across as incomprehensible.
Dawn Butler called Boris a liar – maybe take it to court?
Members of the House speaking in the House are not liable for defamation under Parliamentary Privilege.
“No I have not read the whole case, but on the face of it comes across as incomprehensible.”
Let me explain. This: “a Syrian Boy who it appears attacked a girl savagely and beat up another boy”, did not happen. It was a lie, completely manufactured by Tommy Robinson for the sole benefit of Tommy Robinson.
I had a feeling in my bones that you would be along to Troll.
Anything to point out to us about Al Beeb’s Bias ?
I think that Al Beeb is biased that is why I post here. I don’t pay the Telly Tax that robs from the poor to feed the rich.
Do you , or do you get yours free ?
OK Maxi ,
Would you defend Tommy Robinson against baseless charges ?
No Nibor, Maxi would invent them and spread them.
So did Tommy force or bribe those kids to give evidence in court maxi ?.
And the Syrian boy wasn’t even asked to give evidence in his defence. How convenient : I reckon he would have been totally exposed under cross examination.
Seems the Judge simply decided on his own that the multiple children were lying under oath. Though he couldn’t come up with any reason for them to do so – nor why they would stick with it all the way to the high court. His best effort was ‘some people lie for no reason at all’. But all of them ?.
Not sure how you say it was ‘completely manufactured’ considering the witnesses. Another far-Left hate-based lie on your part ?.
No it was not a lie.
“Websites hit by global outage”
“We are actively investigating the issue,” i
I wonder who is doing this ?
I bet ‘The Five Eyes’ know . Perhaps the culprits should be fed some of their ‘own medicine’ by our intelligence services ?
“UK has no idea of EU fishing catch in its waters, says Labour”
The party has accused ministers of losing control of UK waters and “letting down” fishing fleets
Its time we got our Royal Navy back to strength . Not on Labours shopping list I suppose ?
Once again we are going to realise what we need The Royal Navy for.
What successive governments never get right is the “Lessons to be Learned”.
We are an island, with an island race that was once guarded by the sea. But alas, we have to learn the hard way once again and put up with criminals invading our land.
Lessons to be Learned my friends ? We better start learning them again, this time before its too blo#dy late!
Eddie Izzard demands free skirts for all men who fish.
And fishnet tights,
taffman, I thought the fishnet were for criminologists and lumberjacks
BBC continue to focus on Scarborough.
In particular, of course, the underprivileged.
We are introduced to Veronica, a mother struggling on a council estate.
She has six children. And is a single mother.
The BBC make no comment at all.
Hair dye situation?
Scarborough Unfair!
Because of course we mustn’t be judgemental …
Some fifteen years after wrongly being accused of theft, former sub postmasters, who as a result variously lost everything, and were sent to prison because of a dodgy IT system the authorities knew about, have FINALLY been declared innocent and have received compensation of £100,000.
Which is apparently exactly the same amount Tommy Robinson has to pay a Syrian boy for libelling him in 2018.
Whatever those two things are, they are not equivalent in my book.
No wonder the channel ‘ferries’ are full.
Luckily not a windy day.
And girls! 104 Genders are important to LibDerms!
The Honourable Daniel …
The Honourable Daniel .
Who he ?
ITV local news
ep3 Natural Remedies for Climate Change seagrass absorbs CO2 way faster than trees.
… Narrative it’s a magic CO2 absorber
( Hmm just like trees it grows drops matter which decays and rots back into the atmosphere .. certainly the case if it ends up on the beach.
Maybe different if such sea forests can decay in such a way that the carbon compounds fall to the sea bed )
Richard Unsworth of project Seagrass was on
“92% of UK seagrass has been lost since ..” claimed Yasmin Meeda
… That is not a believable number
it sounds made up to me.
Sure fishing and oil rigs can destroy nature, but the sea area is vast.
It like saying putting a few houses in the Sahara Desert diminishes the sand area.
And how can they have accurately surveyed seagrass area 100 years ago )
I do wonder if effluent into the ocean increases seagrass growth.
Stew, if I recall correctly, sea grass tends to grow close to the tide line. It is more of a swamp plant. Plenty of healthy patches just off-shore if I visit the Swale or Whitstable.
Do you go to Elmley, Snuffy?
Gorgeous spot for a bird and nature sanctuary! Mate of mine owns it, lucky s**!
BBC local news : long item with the narrative that a 3% pay rise for NHS is somehow a huge paycut
… The prog did make a comparison with proposed pay freezes for teachers and police.
… About 7 mins
I can’t take any union seriously if they don’t acknowledge the difference between staff who had a hard Covid time
and the majority who’ve had a less busy year than normal.
Next item : Care Home deaths from Covid in the last year.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #the PM edition in which the BBC obviously wish to re-inforce ‘a narrative’
That narrative is ’empty shelves in supermarkets’ and ‘food shortages’
Please notice the nearly full section that the non-obese male (have the obese females cleared the shelves of pizzas?) has yet to reach as well as the very full sections of shelving in the background. Deceitful BBC!
Is Al Beeb causing ‘panic buying’? Did I not see them reporting empty shelves in their morning news reports?
Could they be partly to blame ?
Scrap the “ping”Bo Jo, scrap the U/S “ping”!
Do it now before it is too late. It serves no useful purpose.
The story has changed a little now ………………………..
“Covid: Supermarkets say shortages are not widespread”
taffman, the BBC just like to attack the Government. Causing some panic buying will enable the BBC to interview a nurse, who became famous last year for not buying her food on the way in to work (when the supermarkets gave NHS workers priority) but waiting until the evening when the shelves were empty. She is threatening to leave the NHS and was on Radio Flaw this week.
I guess that when 16 August comes around, Der Starmer will be up on his back legs in the Commons insisting that the PM keeps Test & Trace – which the BBC will gleefully report – while at the same time the BBC will complain about the billions that have been wasted on it.
Did you see the BBC piece quoted on UK Column today, with a picture of empty supermarket shelves. It was noted that the customers in the picture were all wearing winter clothing, so the picture must be an old one. Question: What is the BBC’s interest in showing pictures of empty supermarket shelves? What is their game? The supermarkets I frequent are all as full as usual.
“NHS Wales: A&E waits longest in nine years as hospital admissions rise”
The Useless Welsh Assembly. Too many bureaucrats, not enough doctors and nurses.
“Covid in Wales: Isolation for vaccinated contacts to end in August”
“The Welsh government said it intends to ease the restriction on isolation during the next three week review period, which begins on 7 August – but a precise date has not been set.”
A month to go . Until………
All you moaners and groaners on or reading these posts would do yourselves a very big favour by de-funding Al Beeb by not paying you Telly Tax. Take it from me there is great satisfaction from doing this and there is the bonus of saving yourself some money.
The more the merrier .
Dawn Butler’s dodgy racism story
Dawn Butler is famous for her bullshit. She once claimed that 90 per cent of giraffes are gay. She has insisted that babies are born without a biological sex. She claimed she was endorsed by Barack Obama – it later transpired that the ‘Obama endorsement’ letter was in fact written by her own aides. She boasted about having reduced by 3,000 the number of rough sleepers in her constituency of Brent in London. Which would be truly mind-blowing considering there are only around 5,000 rough sleepers in the whole of the UK. Did Brent really have two-thirds of Britain’s rough sleepers before Ms Butler came along?
She is worth her weight in popcorn . A Future Labour Leader ( and the last)
Would it be too kind to suggest that Dawn Butler is actually mad, possibly certifiably so?
No – just incredibly Thick .
“The government |(TAX PAYER) has agreed (DID NOT AGREE) to fund the initial payments.”
Courageous Labour MP
has just been told to leave the Chamber by Deputy Speaker for raising my film which public have sent to 27 MILLION VIEWS in protest at Prime Ministers rampant lying in Parliament & calling PM a lier
Thank you for your courage Dawn
Is there anything about the ‘Tory Covid Passport’ on Al Beeb ?
You see, I don’t watch ‘Al Telly Beeb’. I stopped paying their ‘Protection Money’ some years ago, although their Goons visit me occasionally with their demands, I have successfully shown them my solid polished Welsh oak door.
“Big Brother Watch”
Will the Tory cabinet be changed by September because by then, there may a Tory Rebellion aided by Labour and the LimpDems ?
Anyone ……….?
But was wondering what the opening of the Jap olympics will be like – recreation of the slaughter on nanking – pearl harbour – torturing alied POWs – oops – sorry – not meant to commemorate those – move on …
Here is the British team for the Olympics.
Perhaps a re-enactment of the the final words of the Mayor of Hiroshima – ” What the f*** was that…!”
I’m slightly coloured because I’ve been listening to some of the stuff they did to allied service personnel – particularly captured air crew – including live vivisection and cannibalism .
And for various reasons few saw justice – pity they didn’t drop more bombs ….
The Japs got off lightly at the end of the war because Russia was the new enemy and the US needed bases.
Interesting that more Japs were killed in one firebomb attack on Tokyo than by any single atom bomb. Our BBC won’t tell you that, though.
Yes – and the RAF trained to drop the big one from Lancasters because the superfortress was so unreliable ….
And in news of more poetic justice, the Marcus T Rashford Mural which was defaced by possibly maybe perhaps oh go then it might well be waycist grafitti, has been washed off the wall by a thunderstorm!
Apparently it hasn’t , rather the shrine of support messages around it have
just before they were due to be archived tomorrow
The question is whether contact with the destroyed messages will still have the miraculous power to cure Covid?
“UK food workers to be exempt from Covid isolation”
How long has Bo Jo and his flying circus got ?
The cracks are beginning to show. The behavioural phycologists have been rumbled.
The usual adage applies ………………“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
“Covid cases at record levels for 20 to 29-year-olds”
More tests = more results .
I understand that we test more people in GB than the total of the rest of the EU?
Please can anyone correct me ?
BBC News priorities
Why the constant prattling of record temperatures. When ………
For 15 consecutive days, from June 23 to July 7 , temperatures reached 32.2 °C (90 °F) somewhere in England.
The year ? 1976
Could be a case of ……….
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”?
Short selective memory syndrome Brissles.
Youngsters today believe the World started in the year 2000.
Everything before that was racist !
News channels, the media, telling us all not to panic buy. So what will happen ………… ?
Its not rocket science that if you want the public to do something then don’t publicise it.
Shelves are full around hear except the second week of the bottled water shortage (not run out , but reduced supply)
I for one hope all the supermarkets get totally emptied and have to close. It would change the perspective on this bloody contrived and false living dead existence we are being forced to swallow by the Globalists. It would be refreshing to see individuals fighting for themselves instead of swallowing the total controlling guff that they are being spoon fed right now by those rather nasty payrolled pseudo scientist twats that infest our lives.
Both Andrew Lawrence and Katie Hopkins are back
Katie has gone in softly by releasing a video where a Tory MP points out that the House wouldn’t require MPs to have a medical procedure …ie a vaccine
so why should other employers
Despite lefty claims 2 weeks ago Andrew Lawrence was not banned from Twitter for his non-racist tweet
rather he put his account in the dormant state as I predicted.
Yesterday he put up a new YouTube sweary skit ..
and today resurrected his Twitter account
… OK almost all of his tour was cancelled by woke-minded venues
Sorely missed.
We appear to be close to a situation where the first local authority in Great Britain will come under Sharia Law. That being Oldham.
Now tell me that uncontrolled immigration is a good idea you bloody “diversity” blinded idiots.
Your grandchildren will be fighting in the streets for their lives because of you cretins!
The demographic future of Europe and civilization’s conflict that, seems likely to occur sooner than one might have thought- If you were told that within twenty years Europe could find itself engaged in a civil war so bloody it made WWII look like a bun fight, you might logically consider that person a candidate for the men in white coats. You would be wrong, however. Based on the demographic evidence collated such a scenario looks not merely possible, but inevitable. In 2005 European males aged 20-40 outnumbered Muslim males of a similar age by 18:1. By 2025 this ratio could drop to a mere 2:1.
There is a common misconception that a significant erosion of our present 95% non-Muslim European majority could not possibly occur for many decades to come. People such as historian Bernard Lewis, a man whose views on Islam are held in high esteem, exacerbate this. The Muslim population, with its birth rate of 3.5 children per women effectively doubles its next generation, whilst the European birth rate of 1.5 children per woman ensures the next generation is 25% smaller than that of its parents.
This loss of almost one third of tomorrow’s generation necessitates massive immigration in order to prop up our welfare states, the majority of which is set to come from Muslim countries. It is predicted that Europe will need massive immigration in order to prop up our welfare states, the majority of which as we can now see is set to come from Muslim countries-estimated Europe will need 2.2 million immigrants per year through to 2050. So I’m on the next slow boat to China.
We are paying the price of delaying childbirth, on the one hand, and free access to abortion, on the other.
“‘Serious’ crash as car hits people outside Pontyclun pub”
Not much more info on that story yet ?
Six people, including *a 79-year-old driver* have been taken to hospital after a car crashed into pedestrians outside The Windsor pub in Pontyclun on Thursday evening #HeartNews
* driver “experienced a medical episode”
I wasn’t exactly expecting ISIS
Up date …………
A 79-year-old local man was believed to have suffered a “medical episode” and his silver Ford Puma hit the pub and the pedestrians.
Watch out watch out our pet Troll is about!
He is back in on ‘Nights’ again .
maxincony, dear friend and companion on night shift, I understand that Al Beeb’s viewing figures have dropped again but, these figures have not been released as yet ? Please can you enlighten us all .
Will you have to check this out with your team ?
Sorry if its a bother , but we would really like to know.
Thank you as ever,
“The Taffman”
20 minutes ……….?
He must be checking with his team?
Right, I am off for a cup of coffee.
I think it’s about time anyone who routinely tries to go for members, not the stories and never stays on-topic about the bias of the BBC get their comments deleted as Off-Topic.
Just like they do to anything not in line with the agenda.
BBC UK front page. First 3 main stories:
‘Foodworkers to be exempt from COVID isolation.’
Picture of black woman working in supermarket. Random chance : 1/100
‘More than 600,000 people pinged by COVID app’.
Picture of black woman checking her phone. Random chance: 1/100.
‘COVID cases at record levels’
Picture: one black woman, one white woman, one bloke who does not look white. Random chance: 1/833
Or do we call it ‘diversity of race and sex’ in this case Maxi ?.
Disgusting hypocrites.
What’s the weather like in Thailand this morning?
I Asked Alexa- she asked me ‘which city ?’ I said ‘Bankok ‘ cos it’s the only one I know – she said it’s 30 degrees with storms .
About right everywhere here at the moment. The dogs don’t like the thunder at all. You would think they would get used to it.
I’d be more specific but maxi is one of those sinister types who tries to say ‘I know where you live’. It’s a nasty, psychological trick that trolls use in the hope to cause insecure people anxiety.
Unluckily for him I’m not insecure in the slightest. The only effect is to confirm my opinion of his ethics.
Yes – only a fool would put their life on the internet ( see Facebook ) and I believe the trolls gather bits of information to build a picture of users .
So I am careful to include plenty of disinformation for their benefit . Enjoy .
I’m still amazed no one wants the trolls taken down . I d do it in a blink now – having moved from a ‘let them have their say ‘ stance to just F off ….
Well, I kind of like letting him expose the hypocrisy of the Left. The last few times he’s tried to be clever misrepresenting data with the apparently large amount of research he or his colleagues must do, he’s been shot down as a complete liar and/or hypocrite.
He’s a reminder of the unpleasant, low-ethical standards the BBC types have. Just being a troll speaks volumes. Only those driven by hate can be bothered to do it.
My rationale for keeping the unknown troll soldiering on, burning with rage, as a reminder.
Until they vanish, like bbc omission editorial, when things go awks.
So true : keep your enemies closer.
JohnC. What Maxi is doing is very creepy.
‘ JohnC,
What’s the weather like in Thailand this morning?’
I dread to think what his other internet trawling interests are.
I have saved your reply, and other comments on this thread to post on his next night shift post if you don’t mind….
Feel free : it’s not his first time.
It’s a shallow and spiteful way of trying to intimidate someone. Two of the dominant characteristics of lefties like him. He probably learned it from twitter.
I imagine it might work on the snowflakes he usually trolls. It just makes me think he is more of a tw@t than I thought he was already.
Previous trolls, or ones PKA, have proudly used access to BBC data protection act breaches to try the same.
Not smart.
and your point is…………?
Other than trolling, why do you waste valuable work time posting here?
Oh! And the viewing figures?
“Why do you waste valuable work time posting here?”
What if this is his valuable work time?
The Daily Express has a go at the failing BBC!
‘Black hole’! Surely the awful BBC can’t say that – can they?
How about a ‘hole of colour’, or maybe a ‘funk hole’?
Any other ‘holes’ – could describe some of the dreadful persons who ‘work’ there…
Not directly the BBC
Do you wonder how the red Tory government landed up putting out a NHS app which lands up with people panic buying and services failing through lack of staff ?
Who thought that one up ? Who is responsible ? Will that be included in the Public Inquiry ?
Meanwhile I understand cases are falling – despite projected increases due to the football . Do the experts who predicted a rise get named and shamed . ?
Or do they continue to be rolled onto TV to spout more doom and gloom ?
And now it seems that double vaccination isn’t worth much – the continuing incompetence shows that the government ‘ civil service ‘ experts are not serving Blighty well.
Why are the idiots at the awful BBC bigging up their over-paid, under-talented fooboller on another channel’s prog for morons?
Yet another channel I won’t watch!
Is Friday Bad News Day ( more than usual ?). Parliament went on its holidays on the 22nd and isn’t due back until mid September ….
……however – I’d put money on a demand for a Recall so that expense accounts can be boosted and MPs can think they have value again…. Ping
Does that mean the useless Lords have to come back as well?
Sign on – pick up mobile – get ‘pinged’, and out again in two minutes, about £300 richer…
Plus expenses…
Yes – all 1440 members of the Parliament …
And presumably their various sh*gs as well!
What a blasted cess pit we have to endure!
Earlier the value of the BBC as a source of ‘news’ was seriously raised.
The Moaning Emole
Did the US fund risky virus research in China?
As the debate continues over the origins of the coronavirus, a fresh row has erupted over virus research being carried out in China using US funds. It’s linked to the unproven theory that the virus could have leaked from a lab in Wuhan, the Chinese city where it was first detected. This idea centres on research carried out on bat viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Republican Senator Rand Paul alleges that US money was used to fund research there that made some viruses (not the coronavirus) more infectious and more deadly, known as “gain-of-function”. But his assertion has been firmly rejected by Dr Anthony Fauci, the US infectious diseases chief.
Read full analysis >
Reality Check team
BBC News
Just about every bbc editorial guided trick in the book in that ‘analysis’ summary.
Isn’t it funny for an ‘impartial’ organisation, you can always tell which side the BBC take?
Guest, I know I’m on the thicker side of a lot of good people here, but what exactly is ‘The Moaning Emole’ please?
I’m sure it’s not a resident troll or something, but I would like to know before I bike up to Waitrose, as I might be able to buy a pack…
Amongst many other propaganda platforms disguised as the ‘news’ certain funny folk persist in trying to claim keeps people informed, the BBC has a daily email summary of stuff it thinks the public needs to be steered to the correct way of thinking around.
Usually three or four key Beeboid talking points ‘refined’ in the same way as their tweets to serve to shape opinion before getting to links onward to what is laughingly called ‘analysis’.
It seems collated by a dedicated collection of cubicle garden dwellers, citing often unfamiliar country editors, or long serving ones who can be relied upon to serve the narrative: Sopel, Harrabin, Easton.
Then under this are bbc lists of things off the website again selected based on Beeboid value sets, quaintly headed such as “If we think you should read one more thing it is this”, “Something from people of color we like you need to hear” or “What barely read papers like the Guardian are saying that we like”.
I subscribe to see what the BBC is up to. Or not. Or for the lolz.
I call it the Moaning Emole because I am prone to play with words. And 99.99% is Moaning, or Stirring. Or stirring based on BBC shallow pond life Moaning and having direct #prasnews access to editorial.
Short answer ” ‘The Moaning Emole’” = BBCnews Morning Email
Cool kids here… are prone to use slang instead of the actual words
so leaving some readers confused
eg saying “The Whinger” instead of Megan Markle etc
Woo hoo…. I am cool! Apparently.
And a kid. Sources close claim.
Ok got it – thanks for the clarification .
I have no idea either
BBC specialist reporting editorial glory, and a book deal surely beckons.
Aaaah, thank you Guest and Stew!
Fed, we are in the midst of such good reporting here, I bow down to you all!
Bugger, that hurt…
At last! I am so glad you asked. I didn’t, because I thought it was something everybody knew except me.
To get news about Katie Hopkins I went to look at her Gab account since she is banned from Twitter.
As I typed “” the Google page flashed up a summary
Gab is an American alt-tech social networking service known for its far-right userbase.
Widely described as a haven for extremists including neo-Nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists,
that comes from Google drawing on Wikipedia as a source.
Seems to me lefty activists have rigged the Wikipedia page
and that it is a smear job
Meanwhile at the Olympics…..
Our flag, that is the GB Union Flag, will be carried by one Hannah Mills and one Mohamed Sbihi.
The BBC inform us of his gold medal winning rowing prowess.
Ever heard of him? No?
A gold medal is a gold medal, even though he is not in the Redgrave/Pinsent category.
Oddly, conveniently omitted, is detail of another reason Mr Sbihi may have been chosen.
The religion of Ms. Mills, in contrast, does not appear to warrant attention.
Noting the MSM in America at least is walking a tricky line on POC athletes never heard of going large on their right to protest vs. how such protest and MSM credulous or complicit support is going down outside New York, Washington, LA and Katty’s basement.
Should any of the British contingent of something struggle to the podium in any form, the temptation to boost their Ben & Jerry sponsorship thereafter with massive BBC free pr will be tempting.
But will the BBC suddenly pretend to be British again ? Interviews with plucky ‘Brits ‘ wrapped in the flag doing a victory lap for coming 5/6 ?
Does anyone actually care ? It seems the dirt japs would have preferred to have not – but just want to get the embarrassment out of the way .
Must be time for another jap to resign ……
OT, but entities that have ‘British’ in their brand who operate outside any coherent public service remit can be funny.
That’s Channel4 personality Steph McGovern
standing in front of her local cinema screen in 1963
Auditioning for the next Dr. Who incarnation.
Got the green screen acting down pat.
Heatwaves ‘R BBC
Actual story is : Manchester government departments are so incompetent;
they first undertook to preserve memorial messages
and then left them out in the rain.
That shows they have insufficient respect for Saint Rashford.
… There’s probably someone accusing them of racism in this
Who is Marcus Rashford? Has he been murdered?
And by whom.
Maybe Springster could fly over and bunk with Sopes to add a chapter to the ‘book’.
The BBC’s online press round up’s brief preamble will tell you today’s newspaper headlines concentrate on: ”Ping peril’ and pupils isolating ‘needless”. One might add that the frontpages are also at pains to ram the Olympics down our throats.
One senses – since one cashed in the TV licence one is left with only second hand impressions mostly garnered hereabouts – that the broadcasters and the BBC in particular are likewise Olympic-obsessed, seeing themsleves, to borrow a cliche, as latter day lords of the Olympic rings.
But like one of those 1970s TV shows that used to open with a presenter pretending to just happen to be discovered doing some craft activity as the camera started rolling, I’ll say “Hello there…” and putting it to one side promise “…more of that later, but first…”
One’s critical eye is drawn to the FT and their familiar frontpage feature ‘Datawatch‘ – afterall in the now hackneyed phraseology of the day – it’s all about the data. Don’t run away with the idea that the financial gospels according to global mammon as delivered by the FT confines its interest to market movements. Datawatch reflects a keen interest in political and social trends and to put one of the more benign of interpretations on the feature, one might suspect the readership looks to somehow monetise such matters.
I digress here to relate a fond memory of a former hero of mine. A London tube driver of west indian heritage – I believe that to be the presently acceptable nomenclature although appropriately enough for an underground worker that’s something of a moving target, or moveable feast if you will. This chap was colloquially dubbed Cosmic Wilson. Any association with Sacha Baron Cohen’s comic incarnation of Ali G, who had a fictional bus driver pal known as Dangerous Dave, is coincidental and anyway I believe Cosmic’s public transport career predates by some years the TV debue of Cohen’s UK hip hop culture alter ego.
About the time in question tube drivers were being encouraged to keep their passengers informed by way of intercom of the fact of delays – if not their actual cause or likely duration. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. These pointless apologies and superfluous information that the train had become stationary were enlivened by Cosmic Wilson with humorous observations and pop culture references. “You are now entering a tube system that time forgot” was a favourite of mine. Sadly the powers that be didn’t see the funny side of this and I read one day in the Evening Standard the sad news that Cosmic and London Underground had parted company. This was where I first learned of his amusing nickname. There was a hint that recreational drugs may have been involved.
To return to the job in hand, another amusing observation Cosmic would deliver to his morning city commuters was the sound advice: “remember to buy low and to sell high”
FT’s Datawatch this morning focuses on ‘Criminal trends‘
‘Patterns of crime have been significantly affected by the pandemic and lockdown‘ – I’m interested and frankly surprised the FT separates the two factors here which habitually our media are at pains to conflate.
Perhaps that small lapse by the reliably on-message FT occurred in the rush to highlight apparently good news: ‘Falls in a range of crimes, particularly theft‘ – since the measurement of levels of crime (like immigration) is for our government more of an art than a science I’ll take that assertion with a pinch of salt. Perhaps our criminal classes have been simply too busy submitting their furlough applications to bother going out on the rob?
It’s not all good news, this was of course: ‘offset by rises‘ – otherwise we wouldn’t need so many coppers. Have a guess in what sub-category of crime?
‘Computer misuse‘ – up by in excess of 80% – but what statute made it a crime to misuse a computer and what precisely is the definition of misuse? For goodness sake, I might be unwittingly doing it right now. Are we talking BBC employees having their last year’s model home use laptops nicked – nudge-nudge-wink-wink, Nigerian internet fraud, or people typing hurty things on Twitter? Could we not be more specific?
By the way this is England & Wales in the year to March 2021 and the source is apparently some mash up between Home Office police recorded crime and ONS crime and telephone surveys. So I think we can probably call foul and put this one down to yet another plank in the rickety bridge authorities are constucting toward internet regulation and control.
The Times features a photo of two young ladies they term: ‘Two of the 40,000 revellers expected yesterday for Latitude, the first big music festival since 2019‘ – Hey man, that’s like crazy, let it all hang out. Or perhaps not: ‘Fans must show proof of a negative coronavirus test or two jabs to join the Suffolk gathering, one of the government’s test events‘ – not giving music fans much latitude lockdown-wise then? And not quite in the spirit of Woodstock and not exactly rock and roll, is it? Anything less counter-culture with that billing is hard to imagine. Revellers? I wonder what the recreational drug situation might be at this so-called festival. Sounds to me more like the sort of state choreographed festival beloved of Nicolae Ceaușescu the Romanian communist dictator.
And so moving on to the Olympics – you know what… I’m giving it a miss, thanks.
Heroine! New PM!
Dawn Butler thrown out of Commons for PM lie accusation
Published20 minutes ago
However, Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner defended Ms Butler tweeting: “Just to confirm Boris Johnson is a liar regardless of who calls him a liar or where they call him a liar.”
BBC: The Brent Central MP cited past statements on economic growth, nurses’ bursaries and investment in the NHS as proof of the prime minister’s dishonesty.
Of all the lies, in all of Johnson’s career, she had to pick on that one.
And for your next task – find a journo/politician who has never lied . ….
I think Dawn has a great future ahead of her . After all – the red tories had a bigger choice for HS AKA ( also known as ) Home Secretary – and still they installed a blitherin’ idiot in the job .
It’s either her or the raisin sultana bukake one ….
On a loop across the MSM 24/7.
JO’bsworth got her on now. Newsnight later?
Gammon and Pudding of dubious memory.
Meanwhile Sleepy, lying through his teeth… tumbleweed.