Two days until the unwanted olympics . At the last olympics ( Rio) the BBC sent 455 people but refused – under FOI – to declare how much it cost . Let’s see how transparent the BBC is this time around .
Midweek Thread 21 July 2021
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Old Laurel Hubbard went to the Games
To beat all the girls on her own
When she went there she still had chest hair
And found that she still had a bone.
blurb : Iwan Thomas, Olympic medallist and current British 400m record holder, speaks about trans athletes competing in sports
‘If I was an athlete now,
if I was up against someone who naturally had an unfair advantage, it would be difficult to take.’
“It’s not a level playing field
I don’t know what the answer is
Maybe a competition for trans athletes”
Perhaps the Paralympics? If being a woman but having a cock isn’t a disability then I don’t know what is.
BS liked American BS posting…
An explanation of how these two ever get called anything to do with coherent journalism will be welcome.
What’s going on is a typical driveby shooting in DC being used by Democrat PR people.. to say this is what gun freedom does.
Police said “2 men were shot at 14th & R Street around 8:20pm
Both will survive
Shooter wearing a green hoodie & drove off in a black sedan ”
Later “Police have released photos and a video of the suspects and the vehicle”
..Both look black of course, no white faces or hands visible
Though they do use hoodies
If only criminals were not allowed to carry guns we should all be safe. Or even if there were a law that forbade them to shoot anybody.
Trending on YouTube : catch your own car thief
“dragged him out by his dreadlocks”
… Thief refused to press assault charges.
Imagine if a white victim had done that !
Full chronological version …
Note her fruity language “bitch”
9m50s “You’ll know how , you’ll get an N-word?
Beat that N-word ass”
Then N-word used a few times after that
According to the BBC (and later other channels) the GB team have, for the first time, a Muslim carrying the flag for the nation. I’m going to be honest, if the person is female and wearing a hijab I shall weep. All vestiges of our heritage is rapidly being eroded.
One hundred percent agree Brissles-maybe you to but I have lived not only with pride but also with the feeling of safety-safe in the knowledge that I could ask a Policemen, that I could rely on the Police force to uphold without issue our laws, that vestiges of decency and honsety prevailed mostly. Won’t go on but you get my drift-Britain has allowed the presence and pressure from America to invade our land, altering to a large degree as to how our people now see their country and behave towards it-Oh yes the media/BBC and the recent Governments have made matter worse. Certain in 20 years Britain may still be called Britain BUT it will not a Christian land.
I heard an interesting take on this recently, Brissles and Tarien.
We all know that South Africa is going to the dogs, and will eventually end up like Zimbabwe, but my chum has this theory, which he can prove right.
When a country decides to homogenise it’s people, religions etc, and make them all the same with no culture, there will always be a ‘super-race’ – not an elite as we know it in the UK, because most of that lot are just state-paid troughers, but a new raft of entrepreneurs, who will ignore the type of new race and go their own way. They’ll certainly become richer, and that has happened in SA as far as he can see!
I certainly won’t ever become entangled with muslims, or any other ‘religious’ crowd if told to by a civil serpent or worse, they’ll have a hard job trying to stop me too!
The awful BBC, of course, is after every non-woke, non-pc person, (like most of us here, minus the odd troll), and it’s their persisitent hatred of all things truly British, which will eventually be their downfall, because the next GE will have their W1AAsmug existence as a big, big issue – and not the comic either…
I think the rot has already started Scrobs, the CEO of many of our largest companies are either Oriental or Indian, with a few Russian and Arabs thrown in for good measure. Then we look at the heads of the public sector institutions and we might as well man our dinghies and take ‘perilous’ journeys somewhere else.
Agree the rot as already started-Indeed every face we are shown on TV or other is coloured and in a position of power, if I may add there appear to be more females in such poistions than there are men. When I retired in 2007 and had worked at Director level, I had never held a management position where the boss/Director was a woman, however I did work with and employ many ladies. Nearly every American film shows a woman in charge, Black or White. Life is definitely not what is was and never will be again.
Not always a good thing either Tarien, it may not be pc to admit, but give me a male boss everytime. If you’re female, you’ve struck gold if you do get a decent woman boss who doesn’t take an instant dislike to you, or is threatened by you, or continually finds fault and has her own power ‘agenda’.
It has been rumoured that a new Delta varient is attacking young people. As said this so called new Delta varient may well attack young folk, nevertheless their immune systems are strong and should be able to defend well. Of course the Media/BBC will by dictates from the Government, blow this new varient up to something it is not but thereby give the Government powers to instigate new restrictions upon us all. Begins to feel that we are in a Vortex-a whirling motion of suspect virus varients perhaps.
“Rumoured.” The “Delta variant” is indeed rumoured, and the rumour is directed from the authorities.
Just watching the BBC’s coverage of the Olympic opening ceremony. From their intro, I can only assume that one of the catchphrases of the games will be “Polly Swann, who’s an NHS doctor.”
I don’t think I’m going to stay the distance, with bug-eyed Clare Balding and the truly awful “street,” or should I say “shtree” delivery of Alex Scott.
I’ve just seen this onAmbush Predator’s excellent blog, so will try and use it hear about the ‘limpics…
(It doesn’t appear here but a click does the trick)! I’ll thank her anyway!
It’s only a pic a of “don’t give a fk” meter
The coverage reminds me of one of those North Korean bashes where there is no dissent – only up – with a strong undertone of socialism provided by the BBC .
It is dire – desperate – and some might say – medals won wont be a true reflection of competition because of the chinese and their virus .
Guido stories
– Dawn Butler’s PR success
her own Twitter clip is currently on 1.4 million views,
total 6.3 million for all versions in about half a day.
She even had a speedily filmed and produced Byline TV interview
– Starmer tells Peston “the road will run out for Johnson”
– More Tory MPs Come Out Against Tory Conference potential vaccine passport policy
– Anti-Vaxxer Denies Harassing Newsnight Editor Nick Watt A second anti-lockdown crank has pleaded not guilty to the harassment of the BBC’s Nick Watt, who was accosted by a mob of protesters in Whitehall last month. Christopher Aitken, who admits being part of the mob yet still insists he “did nothing wrong”, was caught on camera chasing the Newsnight editor..
A trial is now set for 29th November….
Comment “Perhaps it is not the person against Lockdown who is the crank but the pro lockdown reporter,”
… “Two wrongs don’t make a right, but the crowd only did what the journos themselves do”
– Queen Tells Heath he’s “Expendable” in Resurfaced G7 Footage from 1991 drinks reception
– George Eustice has said the army remain “on stand-by” to help with the shortage of key staff, however they’re not needed yet.
Looks from the full 3 min footage that yes the small crowd pursuing Nick Watt did get a bit out of hand in the same way that antifa mobs do all the time.
There was no threat of violence against him, but it is confusing when people block your way.
Repeatedly the police lines allowed him through whilst blocking the protesters, but the lines were not complete so the protesters went around them
He tried to walk away down an ally so he got surrounded. He turned and fast-walked then came close but didn’t generally touch
Back on the road he runs for 2 seconds, then he’s through a police line and joined by 2 blue-waistcoated officers
Then he’s at the barriers around a building and allowed through, whilst the crowd stand back outside the barriers.
That looks like he had a pre-organised escape plan. That’s good H&S
But surely the BBC had broken H&S laws in the first place by sending him out to such a hostile environment without a security guard ?
… The incident wouldn’t have happened without their laxness
The Resistance GB protesters were also lax in not having their own stewards to step in to say “OK folks that’s enough step back”
The police and their blue waistcoat team were lax in not stepping in.
What’s the magnitude of the crowd offence ? Getting caught up in hounding someone for a minute
It’s a lower magnitude than the guy who turned on Tommy and in the spur of the moment threw his milkshake
And it’s certainly lower than copycat people who went intending to milkshake.
The courts weren’t used against them, so it is a double standard.
In this case GOOD police could have stepped in immediately after to say “this is a breach of the peace, so steward yourselves properly from now on”
Using the courts now is hugely disprortionate.
Fortunate that he could take refuge in Downing Street! How many of us could have done that?
Olympics watch
They had a ‘refugee team’ at the start of the opening ceremony march – they will apparently be taking part in ‘ olympic dinghy racing ‘ – helped along by the French .
The whole thing is a xenophobes ‘ dream .. ahhhh
Teams have male and female flag carriers leading them.
The UAE had only a man carrying theirs.
BBC commentators failed to notice.
Indonesian team had two….?
Tweeters say the BBC did comment
but the fact is the entire team is 5 males
“Discus thrower Fatima Al Hosani was offered a wildcard but is ineligible to compete as she has not taken part in international competition for more than two years.”
Other teams only had a female flag carrier, no male apparently
eg Angola
10 member team, with man MONTINHO Matias also listed as flag bearer.. I don’t know what happened
CBC is getting a lot of stick for its mistakes
They said “Australia has 2 female flag”
but Patty Mills isn’t a woman. He plays in the NBA and is the first indigenous flag bearbearer for Oz.
Ghana female carrier only
Actually StewGreen, Ghana is very much a matriarchal society as I discovered when in West Africa some years ago. In fact there were many woman who ran multimillion pound businesses and were themselves Millionaires. Not surprised they a female Flag carrier.
@Tarien I used to live in Ghana 97/98
I certainly wouldn’t generalise it as matriarchal, like say one Muslim tribal area in Sumatra is.
Generally it’s very patriarchal
However women do often come into some position of power, say hotel owners.
But a portion of that is through men dying early
There is vast diversity I could walk out of the village to a village with a completely different main language and then onto a village with another completely different language.
Seen places where the local big man has dozens of wives
but not the other way around.
God, show me any woman on earth who could stomach more than one husband !!! 🙂
Interesting StewGreen, of course one can only speak of such places as one finds them. In my case when in Ghana 80/81 seemingly women held the upper hand. As in most cases the men were lazy-nothing new there- the women who were in the way of business controlled the money and liked to see their man dressed as fashionably as possible-the business I was transacting in Ghana brought me in close with major government operators most totally corrupt-our Agent was a black woman whose experience was very valuable to the project, however she even pointed out how powerful many of the women were, but interstingly not so much in the bureaucratic area of government where my business was transacted. As you probably know there is a large fabric market held in Kumasi and I was told that it is run by women many of whom are Millionaires. I must add how poorly kept were some of the lovely houses that once graced the avenues, had become, their food supplies were ragged, shops not well stocked, Islam was well entrenched as one could not be mistaken. I went into Togo still then under French control and the difference was quite marked-clean streets, very well kept houses and the people appeared well dressed-shops busy, the restaurants excellent, the Hotel was 5 star as well as the staff.
No I have been back and I don’t intend to! Too hot.
Cheers Tarien yes I was there 20 years after you.
It is certainly the case that as in most of the world men seem to have all the front seat jobs like PM, King, church minister
but then it turns out that those men are a bit crap and it’s often the supposedly oppressed women behind them who are wearing the trousers.
West Africa is pretty deadly through Aids and malaria so many men died young anyway.
when I was in Togo the French had left and some military government was in charge. Togo and Benin were as bad as Ghana. The poorest countries in Europe were streets ahead.
Apparently Yemen and Oman only had male flag carriers
but do have females on their team
At the closing ceremony there will also be flag carriers.
Incomplete list
Paraguay are dressed as Bully, the mascot from Jim Bowen’s Bullseye.
Or maybe they all have part-time jobs at TGI Fridays.
That’s just your Asuncion.
Boom! Boom!
Trick good point – I was hoping the BBC droids would mention which of the ‘countries ‘ received overseas UK taxpayers ‘aid ‘ and how much ?
And did it go to paying for their olympics ?
Nice shot a moment ago of the AK-47 on Mozambique’s flag.
Yes plenty of box ticking about slaves and queers and the like – as predictable as a plod kneeling .
BBC News
The Indonesian man wore a full-face veil to board, while carrying his wife’s passport and her negative Covid test result.
“To the voting booth, Batman!”
The BBC doom department tell us that the ONS reckon there are 800,000 people with Covid in the UK. They don’t of course tell us at the same time how many of these are in hospital. I would guess very low hundreds or so. That being the case isn’t it time they had a rethink on the whole thing and started to regard Covid in the same vein as seasonal flu?
Never experienced all the lockdown fever in the multiple flu seasons I have lived through in my life including getting seriously ill myself in the 1970’s with the HK version of it.
I think it is actually an enormous experiment in social and political engineering and these press announcements by the ONS and WHO are simply being manufactured to keep us all cowering while they move the goalposts.
Pingdemic was simply another tool in their armoury.
Believe me, I don’t think they will ever let go now they have tasted power.
If the public want to be released they are going to have to demand it in droves.
“low hundreds”
Nope much higher ..remember a lot are already in hospital when they catch it
Seems to be plateauing at 5,000 admissions per week
A new uptick could happen but seems flat right now , not a steep curve
“On July 18th, there was a total of 788 admissions, compared to 587 a week previous.”
Interesting that at the last peak 40K were in hospital
but now 4,861 people are currently in hospital
that suggests that as 700 come in the entrance every day about 600 go out the exit
probably 520 in a taxi and 80 in a hearse
the average age of death ? No one is screaming claiming that it has fallen
So most deaths WITH covid are over 80 yo
Good comment. What do they mean by “with covid”? If you aren’t ill, it doesn’t matter if you are “with” it or not, and scarcely anybody is ill. They are trying to keep us all scared and under control. Anyway, as a serial asymptomatic spreader I shall go on my merry unmasked way, leaving a trail of healthy people in my wake.
I see the ‘Virtue Signalling Games’ are opening soon, the crowd (outside) are going wild.
Got the opening ceremony on only half watching as replying to some work emails but in the last five minutes I’ve heard…
A competitor I didn’t catch where from but presume some small island somewhere had made a documentary about climate change the Beebiod says ‘we should watch it very informative but very scary!’
‘Testosterone levels’
They picked out another competitor ‘they’re a campaigner for LGBTQ rights’
Just about to press send and we get ‘their island is suffering from rising see levels’
Quick edit ‘slavery’ now mentioned.
Channel Four News last night were absolutely in their element reporting on US wildfires – during one short segment on California lasting around 45 seconds, the newsreader used the phrase ‘climate change’ on four separate occasions. It’s almost as if these people have a form of Tourettes.
When you think of it – the Olympic Games has got to the ideal way for the Chinese to try out another virus variant – maybe it will be called the ‘Olympic ‘ variant . Insane .
Seen it noted that this is the first competitive VS Games, with those competing possibly allowed to briefly demonstrate some sporting ability at the podium.
How that might translate into audience ratings is another matter.
My family were unaware it was on.
What is it about the Commons? – the last speaker became a monster – and the current one casually puts the rights of MPs above the punters who want to go to night clubs .
Tyranny in the name of ‘health regulation ‘ comes to mind…
New Guido post
Maitlis Turns on BBC Over Cummings Monologue
says the BBC was wrong to find her in breach of impartiality rules (twice) and accuses the BBC’s management of caving into political pressure from Downing Street. The Newsnight presenter added that she would not let the current affairs show become a “public announcement tannoy” for ministers.
* No doubt Jess Brammar, whom Emily showers with sugary praise, will agree with Maitlis…
long article continues
She’s not Tucker Carlson
More like a Careless F*cker
About the only thing certain not to turn on anyone at W1A.
Silly old bat thinks she’s Naga coated.
A gob and a dog is not enough.
Craig at ITBB on it
Meanwhile, over at the UK Press Gazette, someone is having a right old go at the BBC and the BBC’s handling of complaints.
This person lays into the the BBC for criticising her, and completely rejects their criticisms of her. She thinks she got it right and they got it wrong.
Perhaps surprisingly, this person still works for the BBC as a high-profile news presenter.
Is she allowed to say such things? Doesn’t it breach BBC guidelines – and Fran Unsworth’s specific warnings about criticising BBC colleagues – for her to do so?
It doesn’t matter of course. She can do and say what she likes because she knows she’s safe and can sail on regardless.
She also thinks the audience supports her [perhaps confusing the public with Twitter].
The BBC wouldn’t dare to sack her.
It’s Emily Maitlis of course.
Her use of #wefiles is, of course, very bbc…
Actually a bunch of great new comments and extra posts.
Press Gazette page
Update: After this story was published, the BBC issued another statement rebuking Maitlis, this time – apparently – for speaking out to Press Gazette.
A BBC spokesperson told Mail Online: “Nothing is more important than our impartiality. All BBC journalists must abide by the BBC’s editorial guidelines and social media rules. There are no exceptions. We will be taking this up with Emily.”
In reference to her suggestion that the BBC issued its apologetic Cummings statement because of Downing Street pressure, the spokesperson
said: “This is false. Decisions about the BBC’s editorial standards are made by the BBC.”
There are only 2 reader comments
both back her
Meanwhile, for which #CCBGB was made…
Claymores and slit trenches with a bunker …
Device to block anything to do with the BBC. Reduces hot air induced by raging anger.
Guido – new XR newspaper had to print correction about the first article they wrote
Extinction Rebellion Accidentally Calls Sports Writer An “Ultra-Rich Media Baron”
Extinction Rebellion’s plan to tell “the scary truth” about “ultra-rich media barons” by launching their own national tabloid (and in a stroke of genius, calling it “Not The Sun“) went about as well as you’d expect this week.
In their hotly-anticipated first edition, the lunatic activists revealed they don’t even know who those ultra-rich media barons even are – by confusing Telegraph owner Frederick Barclay with author and sports journalist Patrick Barclay, and running a story which headlined the latter as a “Lord of the Lies”.
The paper immediately issued a grovelling correction, apologising to Patrick for accidentally calling him a “Fat Cat media baron” with a net worth of £4.3 billion
XR have a slogan #TellTheTruth
and even run a special Twitter account
“Media Tell The Truth XR
Calling on the media to tell the truth about the climate and ecological emergency with increased, accurate coverage and editorial priority.”
Back in the day when they first switched from calling themselves Occupy-London
they did a sit-in against the BBC
Today in their new Twitter thread that I featured in the previous comment
they are still using that Occupy account to defend themselves.
What could be the reason that the French are contacting Border Farce Ferries to come and fetch them?
Some secret deal between the two governments?
Efforts were made to hide publicity of the ‘landings’?
If our ‘so called’ Tory government were serious about this farce they would have stated to use HM Forces by now to stop them.
Stop them now and stop them ever .
I feel sorry for Patel. It is clear the Government has plans to bring these men of military age here and will continue to do so. Perhaps they have served the government in some way and are being rewarded.
So Priti is the stooge who has to face a public who demand border control, and is destined to take the rap for failing to do so.
More out of her depth than an invaders ‘ dinghy …
They split the 20% smuggler fee between them …
“Daily Covid cases down for fourth day in UK”
Less testing or What ?
It would appear that our government is hell bent in wrecking our economy?
So much for the ‘Game changing’ vaccine .
taffman, vaccines don’t work #1a, hence recent increase in cases, eg. Sajid Javid, vaccines don’t works #1b, hence recent increase in cases because people are getting sick from the vaccines, vaccines don’t work #1c, hence the recent increase in cases because people are catching Covid at the vaccination site, tests don’t work #2a, eg recent increase in cases from false negatives, tests don’t work #2b, eg number of children out of school at all time high from false positives, Track and Trace doesn’t work #3, eg. recent increase in cases and ‘pinging’ is wrecking the economy as you say, Lockdown doesn’t work #4a, eg. recent increase in cases, it has wrecked the economy, Lockdown doesn’t work #4b, eg. recent increase in cases, it has wrecked peoples’ mental health, destroyed marriages, created alcoholics and drug users, Facemasks don’t work #5 eg. recent increase in cases.
We have the evidence, it is time to look at the data, not dates and switch to a new plan. Live with the virus? Develop herd immunity? Learn from our mistakes?
You mean “Lessons to be learned”?
For Britain Manifesto p. 4 ‘Coronavirus’
The Coronavirus Act was passed in March, and the British people became subject to almost total control of their lives. The Act gives public authorities unprecedented powers over our daily lives and led to such extraordinary occurrences as being prevented from speaking to our neighbours, having get togethers, or even singing. This Act has a two-year limit and will be reviewed every six months. Criticisms of the Act include the overwhelming power it grants to government, but also the lack of debate or opposition in Parliament. The Labour Party, for example, has not questioned the wisdom of these powers, or indeed of lockdown itself.
The final aim of government appears to be to conquer the virus via vaccination; little else is entertained as a solution. In the United States, for example, doctors who claimed the virus can be controlled or cured via other means have been fired from their jobs. There is much suspicion surrounding this, and many believe that drug companies, who stand to make billions in profit from a vaccine, are largely responsible for convincing governments that vaccination is the sole appropriate response to the virus. Drug companies have for many years advocated mass vaccinations, and doctors who question the safety of vaccinations have had their
careers destroyed or been denounced as conspiracy theorists or cranks by the mainstream press. The question that remains unanswered, however, is this: if those who raise concerns about vaccination are absurdly wrong, why not expose this through open debate? No such debate has taken place. Labour even called for criminal penalties for those who question vaccination
The virus has practically been gone a long time. Vaccines are pointless. Testing is pointless. “Cases” are meaningless. Test & Trace is pointless. Isolation is pointless. Vaccine passports are a control-freak’s dream. How did we come into this madhouse?
British team led by Moe Sbihi and Hannah Mills — er Mohamid Shibi.
Just for a change …
Shortly before the 6 pm news, Neil Nunes did a trailer for Radio 4’s “A Point of View” tonight at 20:50.
Bernardine Evaristo on the racist trolling of some England footballers after the Euro 2020 Final.
Keep it nice and fresh, ey BBC?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – BBC playing with fire and encouraging imitators?
What do we have here? Another woman with mental health ‘issues’ as well as a defined medical illness. The problem with publicising this is not that it draws attention to the need for help for people in this situation but that it almost puts it up as something to be aspired to.
It could spawn a host of imitators among impressionable young women.
The first gold medal of the unwanted games has been awarded .
It went to the person who managed to sit through the opening ceremony without yawning … I never made it to the final bell …
Fedup -Aren’t you pleased that Scotland are still in the UK ?
We would of missed the dulcet tones of Hazel Irvine and
Andrew Cotter. Doesn’t Andrew Cotter fill you with
enthusiasm ?
It’s close but the fellow who introduced the programme in
a kind of patois may well of juiced up the opening ceremony
commentary . I gave up after ten minutes. It was like watching
paint dry with commentary from mundane snooker and golf presenters. If we had to have Scottish presenters I would
of preferred Billy Connolly.
Foscari. – the obvious candidate would be Ian ‘the people of Scotland ‘ blackford …I did learn that the next Olympics in 2024 is Paris – so full on EU flags – if it still exists .
Why couldn’t they just do it in ‘it’s a knock out ‘ format ,…
James McAvoy in character as Bruce Robertson?
I believe Yaw Ning was held up in traffic, otherwise she’d have been beside the eventual winner.
Oh Beltane Lol as I believe they say – yaw Ning bought the latest variant – or should it be mutation ….
Dr Fow Chi would know about that, Fedup.
“German TV apologises for smearing mud on clothes at flood site”
People , or broadcasters in glasshouses comes to mind.
Saw that one – the kraut lady ( a kind of BBC clone ) obviously never saw ‘drop the dead donkey ‘…I’m sure Kate Adie never did such a thing …
Olympics watch
Being 6’4 on a good day – I am very ‘heightism’
Some clown organising the sort of red square parade seemed to think having the tallest bloke in the team with the shortest lady person was a good idea . I think there was on 6’8” coupled with a 5’2” flag carrier … it was the nearest thing to humour I could find .
I kept thinking the BBC in house undertaker – fergal Keene – should have been doing it – particularly since he wrote a book about jap WW2 atrocities ..
You must be referring to Team GB, as pointed out, we clearly haven’t learned any lessons from the 89 Brit Awards fiasco.
“Covid: New testing plan will not work, says CBI”
The Government of Organised Chaos.
But where are the rest of the Tories?
The anti-Brexit-fanatic CBI
9pm-12:30am Amy Whitehouse
starts on BBC2 then over to BBC4 after 10:30pm
Vis a vis the Olympic games, reading the Daily Express today, there was a small puff piece “what does the GB Olympic kit look like and where you can buy it”. Picture showing 4 people wearing running gear. Apparently we have no white athletes in Tokyo this time round.
Talking of Tokyo and British Black athletes, it will be interesting to see the composition of the Men’s 4x400m team.
When Britain won the Silver medals in the Tokyo Olympics of 1964, all four athletes were Whites, viz. Graham, Metcalfe, Cooper & Brightwell. When Britain surprisingly beat the USA to the Golds in the 1991 World Champ’s in Tokyo, the team of Black, Redmond, Regis & Akabusi contained just one White athlete, amusingly named Black (i.e. Roger Black).
When the British 4x100m team won a technically perfect Gold in Athens (2004) all four sprinters were Black.
You could also be describing adverts on TV there Mustapha!
One of the papers shows the special public viewing are at the Westfield Centre in Londonistan emptyish during the opening ceremony .
I’m sure the locals gangs must be ready to target the brainwashed innocents being told to support the plucky UK team
We are also going to suffering the ‘medal table ‘ …
via ITBB… bBC doesn’t know whether cases are rising or falling
Title #1 “Covid infections around the UK continue to *rise*”
(kept through versions 0-5 till
five hours after the article was first published when, in version 6, it suddenly changed
Title #2 “Daily Covid cases *down* for fourth day in UK”
– which is quite a u-turn!
Just now
Title #3 Daily Covid cases down for third day in UK
The article has open comments
15 min after initial publication a commenter posted the government tallies
15/7 60676
16/7 53998
17/7 37216
18/7 34798
19/7 44686
20/7 32155
Stew – without more detail the numbers are meaningless aren’t they ? Is Scotland still the main area of covid infections ? What it the main age range ? Are those people double jabbed ? Is it still fat ethnics as the main covid victims ?
Without such data what do those numbers mean ?( not aimed at you – obviously – but we are purposely badly informed )
Firstly that commenter’s figures might be the 7 day average

Here are the actual daily tallies.
..“the numbers are meaningless ” without detail
I disagree, they are not gospel but are good for trendspotting
.. if most other things stay the same.
This weeks day by day numbers are generally lower than last weeks
Yet we were told to expect a rapid rise to 100k/day with opening up
the golden rule is that MORE tests = MORE cases
And it may be that some case that some kids already broke up up for summer holidays and have stopped testing and have actually caught covid, so are missing from the stats
Busy times . A new thread …
Agree I think we are being sold a fast one. Consider The PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction used for testing has its limitations. Such a limitation that even the smallest amount of contaminating DNA can be amplified, resulting in misleading or ambiguous results. That is why so False/Positives are found but often not achknowledged so as to keep the fear alert through the public. Out of interest, some people take Humic Acid for stimulating the immune system-treating flu (influenza) if samples are taken from someone who has or is using humic acid it may inhibit PCR amplification leading to inaccurate results. Makes one query the numbers of cases that we are given to beleive are really postive.
Ladling out the smear willy-nilly on the BBC website today.
While there are moonbats about – I reckon that most people turned up to show their dissatisfaction with the handling of the epidemic and the consequences government officials aren’t prepared to presently acknowledge and the assorted power grabs that are absolutely in play.
I’m quite curious about how the events are organised and who pays the assorted cost for travel, admin and the ‘scoority etc. that is part of a large public gathering that isn’t banned…