The BBC has been ‘big’ on Amy Winehouse all week. TOADY carried another advertisement this morning (Friday) and it became apparent that her parents wish to make some money out of her early material. Is it fair to be suspicious about that? Today was the tenth anniversary of her tragic death.
BBC + advertising = they really should not be doing that – according to the BBC Charter.
In the ‘world of on-line’ you get some very careful, some very scrupulous people who tell you exactly when they make money from links and on-their-site advertising. The BBC, on the other hand, tend to be very silent about that. It might have been better to merely express condolences to the parents on air and leave it at that.
BBC advertise all the time
cos most content is really ADVERTISING for certain selected agendas.
Amongst that there are direct PR items a singer promoting their new album, a writer their new book.
Then you get items like local events which are generally a form of advert, but generally a benefit to the BBC viewer as well.
Then you get series like “Homes under the hammer” which is a gigantic advert for estate agents
.. You see all you do is buy a cheap house; do it up and you get £50k straight away.
In Australia there was a scandal ..cos the estate agents were secretly behind it all ..they really benefited from getting the market booming.
True story coming up. A few years back, an Australian TV company sent a large crew to a house which was up for sale by the owner. They sensed a big scoop and needed some serious numbers.They asked him about the advertisement he had placed, was it fair, and in fact was it even legal? He said, “I cant stand them, they are all thieves, crooks and they would take the shirt off your back. I don’t want them within a mile of me and if one comes near me I’ll probably shoot him”.
The Interviewer mentioned that the advertisement was probably illegal nevertheless. The man asked to see it, looking puzzled, and the interviewer showed him, pointing out the offending phrase “Absolutely no Asians”. The seller pointed out that he had dictated the advertisement to the newspaper, and that it should have read “Absolutely no agents”. I’m sure the BBC could still make an “unconscious bias” story out of it.
The BBC “advertise” by their response to events. They still push this notion that they are “The voice of the People” when if fact they are the voice of the university twats of woke.
“Police Federation says it has no confidence in Patel amid pay row”
Neither do we.
Forget that one, more importantly get on with stopping the invasion.
We have a Government by organised Chaos .
Sadly I no longer have confidence in the Police. Where were they when the Muslim men were driving up the Finchley Road threatening to rape Jewish women? And where are the police when young white girls are drugged and raped?
As for Priti, I still suspect it is the Lefties running the Home Office and the uman rights lawyers who between them make any plans to deal with illegal immigrants unworkable.
The BBC couldn’t give a flying F***k about some Northern child girls getting viciously raped. It will never affect their suburban lives and would give them difficulties in angling their coloured people are always victims shite.
I think that the rot has reached much further down the tree than the top. Many Chief Constables and their deputies are terminally infected by Wokism and so are many of the rank and file. How else do you explain constables taking the knee in homage to BLM when one of the explicit aims of that organisation is to defund the police.
It filters down from the top. They pick like-minded people for promotion.
A while back in Hull, the gypsies were running amok (again) and people were furious on social media.
The response of the Chief Constable was to threaten everybody with hate-crimes.
The trouble in higher ranks is that they were educated in universities where Marxism and liberalism is rife. So it is America, where top generals are educated in universities rather then West Point.
Too. there are far too many universities, doing subjects that should be for private study.
“Covid: Gareth Southgate urges young people to have jab”
“England manager Gareth Southgate is urging younger people to get vaccinated, saying it is a chance to “get your freedom back”.
Why ? When we get this ……………
There is no way out of this unless we kick the arses out of the cretins who are trying to take a stranglehold on society with their totally false manufactured panic restrictions.
“You can only get your freedom if you submit to mandatory vaccination”.
Something wrong.
I get this suspicion that the powers want everyone to get vaccinated so there is no sizeable numbers available for a proper comparison made as to the benefits of getting vaccinated with an untested single target vaccine, against relying on natural immunity. It seems that the present mRNA based vaccine is good for just a single variant, while natural immunity is wide spectrum, longer lasting (life),and thus far better.
In any case, the choice should be for the individual to make. Once one accepts that the government decides on what medication one uses, the next thing they will decide other matters too.
The wrong people are in charge of the stats ncbbc. It’s all people with an agenda and not people with an open mind. We need to demand this is changed! If Boris can’t see it or doesn’t care then let’s get rid of him because however much we don’t want the alternative we just can’t let him get away with this total shite.
Beeb website glorifying some athlete who thinks using sport as a conduit to protest is her right. From a young age sport was everything to me, Cricket,Football in fact anything competitive got my interest. Sad to say all interest in any of it has left me. I just don’t get these sports folk who think anybody gives a flying fig what their latest political bandwagon is. Political sports celebrities are Taylor made for the MSM and particularly the beeb but I saw a comment on another site with reference to our leaders procrastination reference Covid.”The clowns are still in the circus ring but it seems that the audience left a long time ago “.
This morning on Toady the BBC were very keen to tell us that teachers pay has gone down by 12% in real terms in the last 10 or so years. Cue outrage and demands for increases.
What they didn’t mention is that in the same period annuity rates have gone down by 25%. So their rock solid pensions cost the rest of us around 33% more. Last year, in order to protect the value of teacher pensions, school contributions rose from 16% to 23%. That’s the equivalent of a 7% pay rise hidden from view of the taxpayers who pay for it, and never reported by the BBC in the context of overall teacher remuneration. In reality ‘more spending on schools and education’ is in reality ‘more featherbedding of teacher pensions’.
Funny how all the groups moaning about pay levels and particularly pay rises are unionised authority workers who are about the only members of society who have had solid guaranteed pay structures for years.
Local authority and education pay has been the biggest cause of cost of living rises for years.
Time for a national levelling system that takes all industries median pay into account in my opinion.
These people might think they are the most important people in the World but couldn’t function without the rest such as delivery drivers, shop staff, etc etc.
Was watching GB News tonight and Shaun Bailey was being interviewed. I never saw that happen on the BBC. He might not have been a perfect fit as London Mayor but came over as a much better candidate than Sadiq Khan. He spoke about young black kids being murdered, how the streets aren’t safe and how he had pride in being British. He wasn’t far from winning office. Perhaps that was why he didn’t get much exposure on the BBC, it might have swung the election his way.
Seen a couple of interviews with the man and I don’t think Bailey has received the press coverage he deserves, a lot of people don’t even know who he is and he’s been badly let down by Boris et al.
He’d make a far better mayor of London than the incompetent incumbent currently filling the seat… probably even a better PM than the incumbent filling that seat, come to think of it.
Concern mounts for missing 11-year-old schoolgirl from Bolton
Quite often I read a headline story on the BBC and wonder wtf is going on.
This story is top, front page news. A bit of google tells me 20,000 children under 11 run away every year plus it’s totally centric to London – so why the big spread on the National BBC site just 24 hours after she went ?. And how did a girl running away to London get on BBC news so quickly ?. Full spread, interview and everything.
Then it has statements like this in it:
‘Detectives think they may know where Fatuma was going after arriving in London.’
‘He added that Fatuma may have travelled to the city to pursue her ambition of setting up a clothing business near Tower Bridge or to go sightseeing.’. What ??. The two could not be more different.
I struggle to work out if this is random nonsense by the BBC reporter or there is more to this story they are not telling us – and leaving it out has made it nonsensical.
Or is really as simple as just being an agenda article to try and make us rally round a Muslim family and we can all share the joy and relief when she is found ?.
I hope she gets home safely, but I also hope the thousands upon thousands of others not afforded this front-page treatment do too.
That’s the kind of information they would omit.
It’s even in the Radio 2 news bulletin from Sounds of the Sixties.
They are definitely hiding something.
Just had a good laugh.
After Emily Matliss let her own political bias out over Cummings:
‘The BBC has said it would be speaking to Maitlis about the issue.’
Then we got:
‘Emily Maitlis has said the BBC was wrong to find her guilty of breaching “impartiality” rules’. The talk didn’t do much good then.
Now she has done it again. The BBC response:
‘The corporation has issued a statement warning it will be speaking to miss Maitliss again’
Didn’t work last time did it BBC ?.
Then they say:
The BBC said: ‘Nothing is more important than our impartiality. ‘
So why is she still in a job then ?.
What a set of hypocrites and liars. Roll on subscription.
Maitless is poison and should go. Maybe to the Guardian?
On second thoughts no BBC please do not let her go please! We all need her to help totally fu*k up your pile of crap institution.
One day Maitless may realise that she is only talking to the metro lib wankers in central London and not the 50 odd million others who can see what a biased twat she really is.
Dont post here much these days as I have almost completely washed the evil BBC from my life. But I still drop in regularly to read your posts – so keep it up.
If the BBC supports it then I will now always take the opposite view. And one of these things will be the introduction of the
vaccine “passports”
This is how the kommy PM Johnson and his regime will be introducing tyranny and control to our society. This will be less about forcing us to take a partially effective “vaccine” and more about compliance and control and introducing a system that will be the basis for a Chinese style social credit system.
This is why the BBC is still here as it is now the official mouthpiece of those evil and cowardly, lying creatures that inhabit Parliament and the WEF.
Just to let you all know there is to be a huge demonstration in London today about the above subject. Dont expect to read about it much on the BBC or if you do they will probably misrepresent it in some fashion – either in numbers violence etc. Normally meeting somewhere near Hyde Park at 1pm – if you are there just ask someone with a placard.
I went to the last couple and there were truly hundreds of thousands there. Unfortunately I cannot make it this time.
If you believe in freedom and can get there easily I urge you to go,
I think it will not be long before they start to take down sites that are a nuisance to them. Consider also Stand in the Park (normally meeting at major parks throughout the country (normally at bandstands between 10am to 11am on sundays)
Congratulations on purging the BBC. I try to do the same – but its’ State monopoly on everything makes that difficult .
Plus im in a place where i can only get the basic TV channels – but no licence is required .
The way in which events are just ignored now is frightening – and freedom has been casually removed while we watch .
Unapproved Opposition is crushed – in the name of ‘community safety’
Having said that – I still have to suffer the Talk Radio “News” which seems just as woke as much of the BBC, but at least they have Hartley Brewer and Mike Graham who though deliberately uncurious about the “why” of covid policies, still ask the right questions to MPs.
If you look at the current policies that the Tories are pushing through – they would not be out of place in East German in the 1970s.
I check the BBC purely to see what absurd stories they are running as part of the agenda.
If anything looks actually interesting, I always search for it on google then scroll down past the BBC, the Guardian, Metro, inews, the FT and all the other left-wing rags which Google always puts at the top.
My interest in the Olympics has waned over the years. Professionalism, suspicion of widespread doping, tiresome political gestures, political boycotts, wall-to-wall BBC TV broadcasting, incomprehensible totalitarian-style opening ceremonies, mega-corporate advertising, opportune switching of nationality for advantage, a council tax levy when London hosted the thing, creeping woke diversity messaging – don’t get me started on the Paralympics and wheelchair racing – confusion over athletes’ genders – they do say there’s nothing new under the sun – it used to be the Eastern Bloc that had us rubbing our chins quizzically when we caught sight of some female competitor’s five o’clock shadow… now it’s the woke West.
The best term I can think of for the current games named Tokyo 2020 but happening in 2021 is borrowed from computer science – virtual reality.
The Telegraph provides some numbers on the opening ceremony:
‘Just 900 stakeholders and guests, and 3,500 members of the media, packed the stands, roughly the same as the number of athletes who attended’
‘With most of them terrified of catching covid or being identified as “close contacts” of those who do’
‘Just 23 of Britain’s 376-strong team showed up‘
To lighten the mood and perhaps make a point of some kind I’m reminded of Morcambe & Wise and one of those funny historical drama sketches they used to do. This was one set in India at the time of the Raj – which gave Eric the opportunity to don his familiar oversize khaki shorts.
Following tiffin on the veranda, as we suppose after a hard day’s tiger hunt, our chums retire to the billiard room in the officers’ mess where the camera alights on a sepia photograph on the wall depicting rows of uniformed men.
“Ah the old regiment – bunch of cowards the lot of them” remarks Eric. “Don’t believe me? Watch this… boo!” – cue the visual gag of the photograph rapidly altered as the soldiers disappear to reveal rows of empty benches.
There is great value to be had at these Olympics if men pretending to be women win gold. Surely if this happens it will bring home to everyone how ridiculous it is to pretend men can become women . Once one part of the leftist Woke facade cracks the absurdity and danger of the rest of the post modernist posturing will be condemned to the dustbin.
The bbbc is screaming about every little scrap of the ‘limpics, but of course, it has to justify all those ‘commentators’ who claim know everything about some sort of game. It’s pathetic. I don’t know anyone who has the slightest interest in all these sorts of genders and freaks doing things which normal citizens don’t give a toss about!
Why can’t the awful bbc try and do something to make normal British citizens feel safer in their homes and streets, feel proud of the efforts our normal working people in the private sector make to provide the taxes to fund their profligacy?
Because they’re funded by the taxpayer – a week’s pension paid to someone who’s worked all their lives for peanuts, now goes into the hideous pockets of parasites like lineker and ball – they don’t care at all about their poor quality, failed ‘message’, desire to corrupt by not reporting the truth, and generally being a bunch of over-paid layabouts.
AFAIK that is a throwaway line some charity activist made in the interview
“Some of these kids have never been to THIS beach”
What happens is when you live in a place like that
you tend not to go to the same place as the tourists
or even the same place as the bullies at school go.
And not every kid likes beaches
Half of those kids have probably been to Disneyland.
In the face of the complete rejection of the renegotiation of the Northern Ireland Protocol – despite this being foreseen in the Treaty which the EU signed – it is clear that the UK will have to take action in defence of peace, sovereignty, and freedom.
Prior to this, however, the UK must embark immediately on a major world public relations exercise …
To this point the EU’s propaganda machine has had things its own way, with the Remainers of the United Kingdom’s Foreign Office seemingly being ‘away from their desks’ in the capitals of the world when it comes to Brexit issues. In this vacuum it has been the EU narrative which has gained acceptance internationally.
In Washington in particular there is no understanding of what the EU really is and how a large part of Europe is being consumed by a cabal of homogenising, autocratic, and authoritarian ‘elites’…
It is now essential that Foreign Secretary Dominic Rabb instructs his own staff to mount an immediate ‘facts, hearts and minds’ campaign across the globe. Bringing it home to our American cousins
In July last year (2020) the ‘new NAFTA’ trade agreement called the USMCA came into force between the US, Canada, and Mexico. Can Americans imagine new Texan laws being made by Mexicans, with no say by Texan or other US citizens, as a direct result of this deal? Or that products from other US States would only be allowed into Texas if they were ‘exported’ there from within the USA? Supposing the Mexicans demanded reams of paperwork for every single pallet in a rig (truck) crossing the state line from any other US state? And that all this paperwork was to ensure that US goods entering Texas had to comply with Mexican product standards? Can Americans imagine an entire rig being stopped because the driver was eating a donut, and that the rig was then impounded until the driver had filled out a hundred pages of Mexican forms to prove the half-eaten donut was safe to bring into Texas?
This is precisely what is now happening in a sovereign part of the United Kingdom: Northern Ireland. This is due entirely to the EU’s dogma and behaviour.
[Note to UK Government: Forget employing hugely expensive consultancies. The Facts4EU.Org team can churn out these ideas at a very modest cost].
On a wider point raised by Deborah and others above [“Lefties running the Home Office and the uman rights lawyers”], the likes of Starmer and his chambers are in bed with such government departments and their serpents – the HO, the FCO and the rest. This is why he was manoeuvred into the job of Labour leader. Unfortunately for the globalist/establishment cabal they failed to understand that his sit-on-the-fence duplicity, which had worked so well for him previously, would soon be recognised for what it is by a large percentage of the public. Presumably this is why Bliar keeps popping up to ‘plug the gaps’ and keep us all on the ‘right path’. Gove for one seems happy to assist.
With Trump out of power we won’t get any support from the US over NIP. Nor with their Woke governments from Canada or NZ , Australia will be supportive especially after the trade agreement. So we will be pretty much on our own , and we can expect the MSM attention home and abroad to give us a good beating claiming that we are reneging on a deal to protect the peace and therefore will be responsible if the IRA resort to violence ( it has already probably been agreed by the EU and IRA the extent to which the IRA will run a campaign against the British government ) Every effort will be made across the global liberal establishment , including of course our Remainers, to use this as a demonstration why Brexit was such a retrograde and dangerous step.
It’s either abandon NI or have a very bumpy ride . Strap yourself, baton down the hatches because it’s going to be rough weather for a while, at least I hope it is because we cannot possibly countenance abandoning part of the country against its will.
DCMS Minister @dianabarran emphasises "Government absolutely agrees that the BBC should be a beacon in setting standards" and that in "some instances it has fallen far short"
There are two sports in the Olympics that are purely in the remit of wimmin. Rhythmic gymnastics and Synchronised swimming. You won’t see many gender benders taking part in either, their toggles and two would be blatantly obvious.
TOADY Watch # 1 – the BBC don’t do history, don’t do geography, don’t do mathematics. What are all those clocks on the studio wall and your fingers for, BBC?
Time Zones. Repeatedly on the TOADY Programme we were told, in the News and in the Sports segments by a shouty gent, that it is Day 1 of the Olympic Games. No. It is not. Can you not count BBC? It is Day 2 of the Olympic Games, the opening ceremony was reported yesterday by yourselves, if I recall correctly, on the lunchtime news.
The first gold medal was won yesterday and reported last evening, therefore today is Day 2 of the Olympic Games. Got it BBC?
(In reality, some events started in mid-week, arguably the Games started then but officially, it is the opening Ceremony – yesterday – at which the Games commence.)
To make up for losing all these promising young footballers who are being stabbed or shot, aren’t we lucky that we are getting hundreds of new Britons arriving daily who are all accomplished sailors.
As skateboarding has become, EG, it could be a future Olympic event: RIB paddling – a marathon, stipulated distance at least 22 miles, maybe rounded up to 26 miles and a bit.
Biden’s behaviour is degenerating from odd to downright bonkers.
The BBC continues to cover for him and pretend not to notice.
Here Sky Aus calls him out.
“Media protection racket hides Joe Biden’s ‘comically bizarre gaffes’ at CNN town hall”
When they first ignored his dementia, it was outrageous. Now it’s turned into a sad spectacle as this senile old duffer is being paraded in front of TV cameras to embarass himself and his office with his very clear degradation.
The whole world is laughing at the USA and the Left are pretending there is no problem. They have really outdone themselves this time.
I feel sorry for Joe now. They should let him go with some dignity.
Just checked the bbc website and it seems that they last mentioned him via some sort of interview with his son!
If the US is supposed to be our closest ally, why aren’t the BBC doing more? We know we can’t rely on Sopes and the rest, but you’d think they could try a bit harder, or do they know something from CNN or Huffpo that we don’t?
I didn’t think they’d covered their a***s then, maybe I didn’t look hard enough, but why bother really, the old fool’s a complete tosser, and hung out to wither by his manipulators!
The BBC might still have some sort of file on what to do when Kamliia Norris takes over, but let’s hops Sopes and co get their act in gear, otherwise, the whole place will be a laughing stock – but maybe it is already…
When you watch Biden you must wonder how the whole journo breed has conspired to cover for him . Will it take a public appearance where he soils himself ?
Although I suspect even if he did that they’d cut away ….
One of the Australian commentators said that not holding Biden to account is ‘a threat to democracy ‘. Well I’d say there is no democracy when the election is so obviously fixed .
And unless anti Biden protests are being non reported I cannot see how Americans have accepted what has been done to them .
I guess I have to revise my prediction for the political end of Biden from June 2021 to Christmas
Elsewhere – I’ve got no time for royals – but I see that the royal nut nut is doing a book . Better he not go near under passes in dodgy Mercedes …
TOADY Watch #2 – oh dear, I wonder why they haven’t taken her to their hearts?
The BBC report in the first shouty sports segment (maybe the reporter couldn’t get a line or mobile signal in Tokyo?) we were told, slightly mournfully, that the Japanese people in that City ‘have not taken Naomi Osaka to their hearts’.
I wonder why?
It’s not like the people of Japan are racist, is it? Or could it be that they place loyalty to country of birth quite highly in their value systems?
I think Ms Osaka identifying herself as ‘black’ would not have endeared her to a nation which chose sakoku – a rigidly enforced and near total isolation from all outside influences and contact, save for a small, firmly (instant death for any transgression) policed and entirely restricted Portuguese enclave – for over 200 years.
The Japanese are perhaps the most racially pure nation on earth – and signally proud of the fact.
The destructive power of water is often underestimated… until it’s too late.
I witnessed the worry – as well as the wreckage – on the ground.
Wasn’t easiest week, these stories so important to share
Blurb: The destructive power of water is often underestimated until it’s too late.
Large areas of Europe and China are still reeling from the damage left by some of their worst floods for decades. Across Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, there were over 200 deaths and billions of Euros of damage done.
Now there are questions over whether this disaster will make voters more concerned about the effects of climate change.
Although the Netherlands was least affected by the latest floods, water management is an existential threat for such a low-lying country.
Anna Holligan has seen the worry – as well as the wreckage – on the ground there and in Germany.
For context see NoTrickZone the German climate blogger
Orla Guerin usual hit job against
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro was recently briefly admitted to hospital after intestinal problems made him hiccup uncontrollably.
He appears to have recovered and has been out and about, talking to the media and to the public.
But his political worries are not over – in fact they’re only growing more acute.
Many of his former allies are beginning to peel away.
The country’s Senate is now investigating his government’s record of decision-making on Covid, from refusing to lock down to failure to procure medical supplies and vaccines.
There are allegations swirling of corrupt vaccine-purchasing deals. Yet Mr Bolsonaro can still count on solid support from some of those who helped to elect him.
The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan for control of Nagorno Karabakh, is over – for now.
Colin Freeman recently returned to one town which he’d last seen at the centre of a fierce battle.
– South Africa is counting the costs of a mass outbreak of looting and destruction. In and around the cities of Johannesburg and Durban, businesses and homes were burned and ransacked.
The police were fiercely criticised in some places for not doing enough to stop the violence.
As well as criminal investigation, the country is now also doing plenty of soul-searching about the root causes of such widespread chaos.
Gregory Mthembu-Salter and his family share the national concern, as his wife’s side of the family live where the looting was worst, in Kwa Zulu -Natal.
(I bet a lot of black people died and suffered etc. )
The Mexican state of Sinaloa is deeply enmeshed in the drug trade.
Profits from organised crime are an important driver of the local economy, especially in the state’s capital. In Culiacán , luxury cars can often be seen cruising the streets.
Restaurants, bars, and designer fashion outlets all depend on the cash brought in from narcotics.
And there’s another expensive consumer fixation fuelled by narco culture – widespread plastic surgery.
Linda Pressly talked to one of the city’s busy cosmetic surgeons.
TOADY Watch #3 – all the Beeboids are away at festivals or in foreign countries
I know some on here are fans (?! ) of Lewis Goodhall, the BBC’s Editor of the BBC’s ‘Newsnight’. It was a surprise to hear him this morning on radio during TOADY as a mere, lowly ‘correspondent’. Obviously Broadcasting House and Salford Quays are empty at present with Beeboids spending taxpayers’ money on expensive holidays abroad and equally expensive festival tickets.
Revealed A mother of eight living on housing benefit in a £2.6million home provided by her London council said today: "I'm not going to pretend it isn't great." Francesca Walker told of her new life in the Notting Hill townhouse which costs taxpayers £90,000 a year.
— DEFUND BBC. White lives matter. Forget scotland (@dustybin33) July 23, 2021
@TheIsland It is kind of FakeNews as @Slaw says
Someone has put the GBNews logo in their Twitter profile to add credibility
Then they have posted a photo and words from 12 year old story
with no link, so you can check it.
You’ve been conned into thinking it’s new news.
True story coming up. A few years back, an Australian TV company sent a crew to a house which was up for the sale by the owner. They asked him about the advertisement he had placed, was it fair, and in fact was it even legal? He said, “I cant stand them, they are all thieves, crooks and they would take the shirt off your back. I don’t want them within a mile of me and if one comes near me I’ll probably shoot him”.
The Interviewer mentioned that the advertisement was probably illegal nevertheless. The man asked to see it, looking puzzled, and the interviewer showed him, pointing out the offending phrase “Absolutely no Asians”. The seller pointed out that he had dictated the advertisement to the newspaper, and that it should have read “Absolutely no agents”. I’m sure the BBC could still make an “unconscious bias” story out of it.
An 11 year old girl has absconded from Bolton to London.
Her parents are distraught.
However they do not speak for themselves, their (claimed) words are spoken by someone else.
Another triumph for diversity snd multiculturalism. I really hope the girl is OK but I wonder what her motives might be, and if something to do with her resistance to her upbringing, I wonder how, or whether, the BBC might report such a thing.
Celebrating a wonderful holiday, writing a book – and becoming ✨senior ✨ specialist disinformation and social media reporter!
Back to reporting on how online conspiracies have muddled with anti-lockdown movements, anti-vax tactics – and investigating online abuse.
BBC News page story about Australians protesting about lockdowns. Waiting for the anti vax-passport marches going on now in major UK cities to be mentioned. Waiting….
According to one national paper punters watching the BBC olympics are complaining that there isn’t enough ‘live ‘ stuff . That was only from the headline as I can’t be bothered with the rest .
GranadaReports tweeted the news at 3:46pm
BBC local radio news at 4pm led with “Police have stepped up the search for the missing Bolton girl ”
Strange that in 15 mins the bbc hadn’t caught up and was saying she was still missing.
The full police statement is short
“She was found in London earlier today .. ”
“We would now ask that their family privacy be respected”
England manager Gareth Southgate is urging younger people to get vaccinated, saying it is a chance to “get your freedom back”.
But Gareth haven’t the goalposts changed now?
Not Al Beeb but …………..
“Channel crossings: Nigel Farage predicts 20,000 illegal migrants will make journey in 2021”
Soon there will be more illegals here than we have a in the standing British Army.
I hope that Priti does do something other than shout at her ‘Covert Marine Commander’.
She shold get Parliament to pass an emergency law scrapping the ECHR., in the interest of the safety and welfare of the people that live in Great Britain .
Imagine what Churchill would have said and done if 20,000 Germans turned up on the beaches of Dover from France in the 1940s all claiming ‘asylum’?
taffman, they did but it was not the 1940s but the 1930s and they were really children and teenagers, and there were girls among them. They generally shared one characteristic: they were Jewish.
lefties seem a bit outraged at a surprise line in this BBC story
“A 15-year-old girl has been raped by a teenage boy in the sea off Bournemouth beach, police said.”
I guess police get the description from the crowd of kids
Sure how would they know a Hindu or Sikh from a Pakistani
maybe one of them picked up on something like Urdu words.
“Brexit: No breakthrough on NI protocol after PM speaks to EU chief”
IMHO., the PM and the Tory party won the last General Election with such a stomping victory was due to Nigel Farage and The Brexit Party . Now known as The Reform Party.
Tory MPs beware! Your jobs are on the line, particularly in the North and West . Your PM and your party are wrecking the economy .
Using Corbyn and Starmer as the ‘bogey’ men to scare people will no longer work.
“Brexit: No breakthrough on NI protocol after PM speaks to EU chief”
IMHO., the PM and the Tory party won the last General Election with such a stomping victory was due to Nigel Farage and The Brexit Party . Now known as The Reform Party.
Tory MPs beware! Your jobs are on the line, particularly in the North and West . Your PM and your party are wrecking the economy .
Using Corbyn and Starmer as the ‘bogey’ men to scare people will no longer work.
Cases ..our local BBC news said that in the whole Humber/Lncs regions there are 88 covid patients in hospital
That seems very low cos the population is 1-1.5million
And probably not true Stew, it’s highly likely that those 88 are simply people with other conditions where COVID might be a risk. I now firmly believe we are being lied to on a national scale by the NHS, the Government and the ONS. They all have power beyond their wildest dreams over COVID. This is a scandal when you consider the impact on our economy, our national mental health, our young people. A very intensive investigation is needed and some serious heads should roll over this total farce!
I see no reason why any government could refuse an independent inquiry into what really happened unless they have stuff to hide.
Finally I note that the most knee-jerk countries reacting to the COVID mantra are those under the thumb of the Globalist WHO. In my opinion the most dangerous organisation in the Western World.
I can only conclude that we are being shaped and manipulated by these faceless unelected people.
That should be required reading Guest Who. We need a real leader who will take a hard cold look at this and come out fighting. It ain’t going to be Boris….
“To keep audiences frightened around the clock, journalists seek out Cassandras with their own incentives for fearmongering: politicians, bureaucrats, activists, academics, and assorted experts who gain publicity, prestige, funding, and power during a crisis.”
"Mr Heal's (fully electric) house does have a wood-burning stove … But the stove is there mainly because it looks nice, not because it is their main source of heat."
Watched the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games with a group of mates and we decided to drink a small glass of sake every time we heard the word ‘diversity’ mentioned.
When I regained consciousness this morning, I discovered that three of my friends had died of alcohol poisoning.
The Tokyo Olympics should be abandoned because drug abuse is rife.
It became immediately obvious at the opening ceremony, when the athletes started waving to the crowd in an empty stadium.
Harry – I think you took the right approach and I am guilty of taking it far too seriously . It is almost a parody – BS bingo is most ( appropriate ) ( heritage ) ( vulnerable ) -and of course your favourite ( diverse ) – in Japan – probably -luckily for them – the least diverse country in the world .
They didn’t feel the need for ( enrichment ) or ( multi culturalism ) – did that do them any harm ( droid trolls need not comment )…
The Japanese can be very racist. In the past, senior politicians – even prime ministers – have made public statements to the effect that the decline of the US was inevitable – or that the US could not compete with Japan – because of the high number of blacks and minorities lowering the national IQ, or being lazy and bad workers.
Or conversely that Japan would outperform the US because they were of a single race and homogeneous.
No-one in Japan was particularly shocked by such comments, but they caused international outrage and politicians are now careful not to say such things openly.
As I’ve said before, Taff – We’d be better off with a wall that they can’t cross. That way we could hold them off. But an imaginary line in the Channel has no effect. Once they’ve crossed it, they’re home and dry.
But this has been going on for years and years. Power boats have been pulling up at marinas on the south coast, dropping off their ‘fares’ on a pontoon, and then heading back for more. I’ve seen it happen. Once they’re here, nothing can be done.
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KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
The BBC has been ‘big’ on Amy Winehouse all week. TOADY carried another advertisement this morning (Friday) and it became apparent that her parents wish to make some money out of her early material. Is it fair to be suspicious about that? Today was the tenth anniversary of her tragic death.
BBC + advertising = they really should not be doing that – according to the BBC Charter.
In the ‘world of on-line’ you get some very careful, some very scrupulous people who tell you exactly when they make money from links and on-their-site advertising. The BBC, on the other hand, tend to be very silent about that. It might have been better to merely express condolences to the parents on air and leave it at that.
BBC advertise all the time
cos most content is really ADVERTISING for certain selected agendas.
Amongst that there are direct PR items a singer promoting their new album, a writer their new book.
Then you get items like local events which are generally a form of advert, but generally a benefit to the BBC viewer as well.
Then you get series like “Homes under the hammer” which is a gigantic advert for estate agents
.. You see all you do is buy a cheap house; do it up and you get £50k straight away.
In Australia there was a scandal ..cos the estate agents were secretly behind it all ..they really benefited from getting the market booming.
You were listening to the TODAY Prog today, obviously, Stew. 😉 Apparent BBC campaigning against the Cumbrian coal for steel making.
True story coming up. A few years back, an Australian TV company sent a large crew to a house which was up for sale by the owner. They sensed a big scoop and needed some serious numbers.They asked him about the advertisement he had placed, was it fair, and in fact was it even legal? He said, “I cant stand them, they are all thieves, crooks and they would take the shirt off your back. I don’t want them within a mile of me and if one comes near me I’ll probably shoot him”.
The Interviewer mentioned that the advertisement was probably illegal nevertheless. The man asked to see it, looking puzzled, and the interviewer showed him, pointing out the offending phrase “Absolutely no Asians”. The seller pointed out that he had dictated the advertisement to the newspaper, and that it should have read “Absolutely no agents”. I’m sure the BBC could still make an “unconscious bias” story out of it.
The BBC “advertise” by their response to events. They still push this notion that they are “The voice of the People” when if fact they are the voice of the university twats of woke.
“Police Federation says it has no confidence in Patel amid pay row”
Neither do we.
Forget that one, more importantly get on with stopping the invasion.
We have a Government by organised Chaos .
Sadly I no longer have confidence in the Police. Where were they when the Muslim men were driving up the Finchley Road threatening to rape Jewish women? And where are the police when young white girls are drugged and raped?
As for Priti, I still suspect it is the Lefties running the Home Office and the uman rights lawyers who between them make any plans to deal with illegal immigrants unworkable.
No – when they uniformly enforce laws they might be worth something – now ? Nothing . Go woke go broke .
Agree 100% . The police are woke, as is a large slice of the judiciary and most other of our ruling institutions.
The police only investigate if there is hate speech against Muslims.
The BBC couldn’t give a flying F***k about some Northern child girls getting viciously raped. It will never affect their suburban lives and would give them difficulties in angling their coloured people are always victims shite.
We don’t have confidence in the police .
The Keystone Cops and Carry On Constable make more effort in catching criminals .
IMHO , It’s the politicised commissioners in charge of the police is where the problem lies.
I think that the rot has reached much further down the tree than the top. Many Chief Constables and their deputies are terminally infected by Wokism and so are many of the rank and file. How else do you explain constables taking the knee in homage to BLM when one of the explicit aims of that organisation is to defund the police.
I think you need a degree to be in the police.
If that is true then they’ve all been brainwashed in the woke universities.
We then get pc pc’s.
It filters down from the top. They pick like-minded people for promotion.
A while back in Hull, the gypsies were running amok (again) and people were furious on social media.
The response of the Chief Constable was to threaten everybody with hate-crimes.
The trouble in higher ranks is that they were educated in universities where Marxism and liberalism is rife. So it is America, where top generals are educated in universities rather then West Point.
Too. there are far too many universities, doing subjects that should be for private study.
“Covid: Gareth Southgate urges young people to have jab”
“England manager Gareth Southgate is urging younger people to get vaccinated, saying it is a chance to “get your freedom back”.
Why ? When we get this ……………
“Covid: Double-jabbed students denied quarantine exemption”
“get your freedom back”.
What freedom ?
We have a Government by organised Chaos .
There is no way out of this unless we kick the arses out of the cretins who are trying to take a stranglehold on society with their totally false manufactured panic restrictions.
It’s a total panotomime
Enough, time we told them to just F off.
digg and taffman
“You can only get your freedom if you submit to mandatory vaccination”.
Something wrong.
I get this suspicion that the powers want everyone to get vaccinated so there is no sizeable numbers available for a proper comparison made as to the benefits of getting vaccinated with an untested single target vaccine, against relying on natural immunity. It seems that the present mRNA based vaccine is good for just a single variant, while natural immunity is wide spectrum, longer lasting (life),and thus far better.
In any case, the choice should be for the individual to make. Once one accepts that the government decides on what medication one uses, the next thing they will decide other matters too.
The wrong people are in charge of the stats ncbbc. It’s all people with an agenda and not people with an open mind. We need to demand this is changed! If Boris can’t see it or doesn’t care then let’s get rid of him because however much we don’t want the alternative we just can’t let him get away with this total shite.
Beeb website glorifying some athlete who thinks using sport as a conduit to protest is her right. From a young age sport was everything to me, Cricket,Football in fact anything competitive got my interest. Sad to say all interest in any of it has left me. I just don’t get these sports folk who think anybody gives a flying fig what their latest political bandwagon is. Political sports celebrities are Taylor made for the MSM and particularly the beeb but I saw a comment on another site with reference to our leaders procrastination reference Covid.”The clowns are still in the circus ring but it seems that the audience left a long time ago “.
Hear, hear !
It’s selective reporting time (again) at the BBC.
This morning on Toady the BBC were very keen to tell us that teachers pay has gone down by 12% in real terms in the last 10 or so years. Cue outrage and demands for increases.
What they didn’t mention is that in the same period annuity rates have gone down by 25%. So their rock solid pensions cost the rest of us around 33% more. Last year, in order to protect the value of teacher pensions, school contributions rose from 16% to 23%. That’s the equivalent of a 7% pay rise hidden from view of the taxpayers who pay for it, and never reported by the BBC in the context of overall teacher remuneration. In reality ‘more spending on schools and education’ is in reality ‘more featherbedding of teacher pensions’.
See what I mean about selective reporting .
Funny how all the groups moaning about pay levels and particularly pay rises are unionised authority workers who are about the only members of society who have had solid guaranteed pay structures for years.
Local authority and education pay has been the biggest cause of cost of living rises for years.
Time for a national levelling system that takes all industries median pay into account in my opinion.
These people might think they are the most important people in the World but couldn’t function without the rest such as delivery drivers, shop staff, etc etc.
Was watching GB News tonight and Shaun Bailey was being interviewed. I never saw that happen on the BBC. He might not have been a perfect fit as London Mayor but came over as a much better candidate than Sadiq Khan. He spoke about young black kids being murdered, how the streets aren’t safe and how he had pride in being British. He wasn’t far from winning office. Perhaps that was why he didn’t get much exposure on the BBC, it might have swung the election his way.
I for one would be much happier seeing Shaun Bailey as mayor than that absolute joke Khan.
Seen a couple of interviews with the man and I don’t think Bailey has received the press coverage he deserves, a lot of people don’t even know who he is and he’s been badly let down by Boris et al.
He’d make a far better mayor of London than the incompetent incumbent currently filling the seat… probably even a better PM than the incumbent filling that seat, come to think of it.
To the BBC there are degrees of diversity and being black and Muslim is better than just being black so Khan holds the ace cards.
Concern mounts for missing 11-year-old schoolgirl from Bolton
Quite often I read a headline story on the BBC and wonder wtf is going on.
This story is top, front page news. A bit of google tells me 20,000 children under 11 run away every year plus it’s totally centric to London – so why the big spread on the National BBC site just 24 hours after she went ?. And how did a girl running away to London get on BBC news so quickly ?. Full spread, interview and everything.
Then it has statements like this in it:
‘Detectives think they may know where Fatuma was going after arriving in London.’
‘He added that Fatuma may have travelled to the city to pursue her ambition of setting up a clothing business near Tower Bridge or to go sightseeing.’. What ??. The two could not be more different.
I struggle to work out if this is random nonsense by the BBC reporter or there is more to this story they are not telling us – and leaving it out has made it nonsensical.
Or is really as simple as just being an agenda article to try and make us rally round a Muslim family and we can all share the joy and relief when she is found ?.
I hope she gets home safely, but I also hope the thousands upon thousands of others not afforded this front-page treatment do too.
Absolutely John, just read the same article online and thought what are they not telling us?! This can’t just be bad journalism… can it?
Hope she’s found safe and sound, it’s every parent’s worst nightmare, but really, what are we NOT being told here?
Or maybe she off to an AQ training camp with the sistas.
That’s the kind of information they would omit.
It’s even in the Radio 2 news bulletin from Sounds of the Sixties.
They are definitely hiding something.
Maybe she doesn’t want to marry a 40 year old “cousin” from Pakistan?
Shaun Bailey v George Floyd .
Which side would the BBC be on ?
The real George Floyd or the fantasy version they invented for the political agenda ?.
Just had a good laugh.
After Emily Matliss let her own political bias out over Cummings:
‘The BBC has said it would be speaking to Maitlis about the issue.’
Then we got:
‘Emily Maitlis has said the BBC was wrong to find her guilty of breaching “impartiality” rules’. The talk didn’t do much good then.
Now she has done it again. The BBC response:
‘The corporation has issued a statement warning it will be speaking to miss Maitliss again’
Didn’t work last time did it BBC ?.
Then they say:
The BBC said: ‘Nothing is more important than our impartiality. ‘
So why is she still in a job then ?.
What a set of hypocrites and liars. Roll on subscription.
Maitless is poison and should go. Maybe to the Guardian?
On second thoughts no BBC please do not let her go please! We all need her to help totally fu*k up your pile of crap institution.
One day Maitless may realise that she is only talking to the metro lib wankers in central London and not the 50 odd million others who can see what a biased twat she really is.
“Covid-19: Sadiq Khan urges PM to change isolation rules earlier”
He’s changed his tune .
Dont post here much these days as I have almost completely washed the evil BBC from my life. But I still drop in regularly to read your posts – so keep it up.
If the BBC supports it then I will now always take the opposite view. And one of these things will be the introduction of the
vaccine “passports”
This is how the kommy PM Johnson and his regime will be introducing tyranny and control to our society. This will be less about forcing us to take a partially effective “vaccine” and more about compliance and control and introducing a system that will be the basis for a Chinese style social credit system.
This is why the BBC is still here as it is now the official mouthpiece of those evil and cowardly, lying creatures that inhabit Parliament and the WEF.
Just to let you all know there is to be a huge demonstration in London today about the above subject. Dont expect to read about it much on the BBC or if you do they will probably misrepresent it in some fashion – either in numbers violence etc. Normally meeting somewhere near Hyde Park at 1pm – if you are there just ask someone with a placard.
I went to the last couple and there were truly hundreds of thousands there. Unfortunately I cannot make it this time.
If you believe in freedom and can get there easily I urge you to go,
I think it will not be long before they start to take down sites that are a nuisance to them. Consider also Stand in the Park (normally meeting at major parks throughout the country (normally at bandstands between 10am to 11am on sundays)
Congratulations on purging the BBC. I try to do the same – but its’ State monopoly on everything makes that difficult .
Plus im in a place where i can only get the basic TV channels – but no licence is required .
The way in which events are just ignored now is frightening – and freedom has been casually removed while we watch .
Unapproved Opposition is crushed – in the name of ‘community safety’
Having said that – I still have to suffer the Talk Radio “News” which seems just as woke as much of the BBC, but at least they have Hartley Brewer and Mike Graham who though deliberately uncurious about the “why” of covid policies, still ask the right questions to MPs.
If you look at the current policies that the Tories are pushing through – they would not be out of place in East German in the 1970s.
Freedom rallies are taking place in various locations across the UK and worldwide today.
See @HeartsofOakUK
here and here.
The bBC will again ignore or denigrate via their “senior specialist disinformation and social media reporter”.
@Island BBC staff seem to be making a big effort to debunk the rallies
Sardarizadeh has a big thread …
I do wonder if the words he quotes are accurate or a bit spun.
I have no problem in being vaxxed
but those people have the right to free speech just the same as XR and Greta
This is quite ironic.
The BBC knows its audience.
As you say, it’s the effort devoted to this in comparison to other ‘news’ that puts bbc efforts in focus.
I check the BBC purely to see what absurd stories they are running as part of the agenda.
If anything looks actually interesting, I always search for it on google then scroll down past the BBC, the Guardian, Metro, inews, the FT and all the other left-wing rags which Google always puts at the top.
My interest in the Olympics has waned over the years. Professionalism, suspicion of widespread doping, tiresome political gestures, political boycotts, wall-to-wall BBC TV broadcasting, incomprehensible totalitarian-style opening ceremonies, mega-corporate advertising, opportune switching of nationality for advantage, a council tax levy when London hosted the thing, creeping woke diversity messaging – don’t get me started on the Paralympics and wheelchair racing – confusion over athletes’ genders – they do say there’s nothing new under the sun – it used to be the Eastern Bloc that had us rubbing our chins quizzically when we caught sight of some female competitor’s five o’clock shadow… now it’s the woke West.
The best term I can think of for the current games named Tokyo 2020 but happening in 2021 is borrowed from computer science – virtual reality.
The Telegraph provides some numbers on the opening ceremony:
‘Just 900 stakeholders and guests, and 3,500 members of the media, packed the stands, roughly the same as the number of athletes who attended’
‘With most of them terrified of catching covid or being identified as “close contacts” of those who do’
‘Just 23 of Britain’s 376-strong team showed up‘
To lighten the mood and perhaps make a point of some kind I’m reminded of Morcambe & Wise and one of those funny historical drama sketches they used to do. This was one set in India at the time of the Raj – which gave Eric the opportunity to don his familiar oversize khaki shorts.
Following tiffin on the veranda, as we suppose after a hard day’s tiger hunt, our chums retire to the billiard room in the officers’ mess where the camera alights on a sepia photograph on the wall depicting rows of uniformed men.
“Ah the old regiment – bunch of cowards the lot of them” remarks Eric. “Don’t believe me? Watch this… boo!” – cue the visual gag of the photograph rapidly altered as the soldiers disappear to reveal rows of empty benches.
There is great value to be had at these Olympics if men pretending to be women win gold. Surely if this happens it will bring home to everyone how ridiculous it is to pretend men can become women . Once one part of the leftist Woke facade cracks the absurdity and danger of the rest of the post modernist posturing will be condemned to the dustbin.
AISI, unfortunate juxtaposition on the front page of the Guardian this morning, bottom right.
Definitely an ‘Oooops!’ moment.
It would be old-fashioned of us to garnish it or attempt to stir that one. The woke out there might get shaken by it – so let’s put it on ice.
Funny how the BBC tries to revert to a former self – with over the top support for with a union flag – even more if coloured or with a ‘back story ‘.
It loves those wimmin who had a couple of kids a week ago and has now got a medal – yes you can have it all .
But the interest and pride has been kicked out . Gay boy swimmers – dyke rowing partners – humble beginnings – who gives a Damn any more ?
Finally – the medal table . No wins ? Vanunu has more medals than the UK ? Who cares about that- apart from the BBC –
Bread and circuses ….and chinese variants …
The bbbc is screaming about every little scrap of the ‘limpics, but of course, it has to justify all those ‘commentators’ who claim know everything about some sort of game. It’s pathetic. I don’t know anyone who has the slightest interest in all these sorts of genders and freaks doing things which normal citizens don’t give a toss about!
Why can’t the awful bbc try and do something to make normal British citizens feel safer in their homes and streets, feel proud of the efforts our normal working people in the private sector make to provide the taxes to fund their profligacy?
Because they’re funded by the taxpayer – a week’s pension paid to someone who’s worked all their lives for peanuts, now goes into the hideous pockets of parasites like lineker and ball – they don’t care at all about their poor quality, failed ‘message’, desire to corrupt by not reporting the truth, and generally being a bunch of over-paid layabouts.
Robbing from the poor to give to the rich.
Regarding this bloke who says he’s a wimmin and is competing against proper wimmin in the Olympic Games.
There are two solutions but neither will happen.
1. He is a man and should compete against men and not against wimmin.
2 . Disregard all sexes/genders or whatever it is today and have men, wimmin and all those in between (the miscellaneous lot) all compete together.
For example, a football side would have the 11 best players chose from all people, men, wimmin and misc.
I might watch Meg Rainbowlox Rapfailure vs. Steph Stunned Ox at Breakfast compete for the formation synchronised underwater Dykeputting.
Be like Jutland all over again.
Odd one this.
BBC News
“They’ve said they’ve never been to the beach before.”
Despite the beach being just one mile away, some children on this estate in Scarborough say they’ve never visited.
If the BBC thinks about it.
No obvious escorted landings to contend with.
AFAIK that is a throwaway line some charity activist made in the interview
“Some of these kids have never been to THIS beach”
What happens is when you live in a place like that
you tend not to go to the same place as the tourists
or even the same place as the bullies at school go.
And not every kid likes beaches
Half of those kids have probably been to Disneyland.
In the face of the complete rejection of the renegotiation of the Northern Ireland Protocol – despite this being foreseen in the Treaty which the EU signed – it is clear that the UK will have to take action in defence of peace, sovereignty, and freedom.
Prior to this, however, the UK must embark immediately on a major world public relations exercise …
To this point the EU’s propaganda machine has had things its own way, with the Remainers of the United Kingdom’s Foreign Office seemingly being ‘away from their desks’ in the capitals of the world when it comes to Brexit issues. In this vacuum it has been the EU narrative which has gained acceptance internationally.
In Washington in particular there is no understanding of what the EU really is and how a large part of Europe is being consumed by a cabal of homogenising, autocratic, and authoritarian ‘elites’…
It is now essential that Foreign Secretary Dominic Rabb instructs his own staff to mount an immediate ‘facts, hearts and minds’ campaign across the globe.
Bringing it home to our American cousins
In July last year (2020) the ‘new NAFTA’ trade agreement called the USMCA came into force between the US, Canada, and Mexico. Can Americans imagine new Texan laws being made by Mexicans, with no say by Texan or other US citizens, as a direct result of this deal? Or that products from other US States would only be allowed into Texas if they were ‘exported’ there from within the USA? Supposing the Mexicans demanded reams of paperwork for every single pallet in a rig (truck) crossing the state line from any other US state? And that all this paperwork was to ensure that US goods entering Texas had to comply with Mexican product standards? Can Americans imagine an entire rig being stopped because the driver was eating a donut, and that the rig was then impounded until the driver had filled out a hundred pages of Mexican forms to prove the half-eaten donut was safe to bring into Texas?
This is precisely what is now happening in a sovereign part of the United Kingdom: Northern Ireland. This is due entirely to the EU’s dogma and behaviour.
[Note to UK Government: Forget employing hugely expensive consultancies. The Facts4EU.Org team can churn out these ideas at a very modest cost].
On a wider point raised by Deborah and others above [“Lefties running the Home Office and the uman rights lawyers”], the likes of Starmer and his chambers are in bed with such government departments and their serpents – the HO, the FCO and the rest. This is why he was manoeuvred into the job of Labour leader. Unfortunately for the globalist/establishment cabal they failed to understand that his sit-on-the-fence duplicity, which had worked so well for him previously, would soon be recognised for what it is by a large percentage of the public. Presumably this is why Bliar keeps popping up to ‘plug the gaps’ and keep us all on the ‘right path’. Gove for one seems happy to assist.
With Trump out of power we won’t get any support from the US over NIP. Nor with their Woke governments from Canada or NZ , Australia will be supportive especially after the trade agreement. So we will be pretty much on our own , and we can expect the MSM attention home and abroad to give us a good beating claiming that we are reneging on a deal to protect the peace and therefore will be responsible if the IRA resort to violence ( it has already probably been agreed by the EU and IRA the extent to which the IRA will run a campaign against the British government ) Every effort will be made across the global liberal establishment , including of course our Remainers, to use this as a demonstration why Brexit was such a retrograde and dangerous step.
It’s either abandon NI or have a very bumpy ride . Strap yourself, baton down the hatches because it’s going to be rough weather for a while, at least I hope it is because we cannot possibly countenance abandoning part of the country against its will.
I approve of equality in sport.
Only if…
The first game involves a wimmin rugby team v a men’s rugby team.
The second game involves a wimmin football team v a men’s football team….
Off Topic, but seeing the Dover RFC ground again on the website takes me right back to our first game of the season, every year…
I don’t think wimmin were invented then!
Mind you, I was so unfit from a summer of lounging around in the pubs or the cricket pavs, I’d spend most of the first half gasping for breath!
Back in the day, Dover had over 360 pubs. One for each day of the year!
Fabulous years, Dover! I didn’t know that!
When it was a Garrison town and our first point of defence against invaders. How ironic…
A mealy mouthed response to say the least.
There are two sports in the Olympics that are purely in the remit of wimmin. Rhythmic gymnastics and Synchronised swimming. You won’t see many gender benders taking part in either, their toggles and two would be blatantly obvious.
TOADY Watch # 1 – the BBC don’t do history, don’t do geography, don’t do mathematics. What are all those clocks on the studio wall and your fingers for, BBC?
Time Zones. Repeatedly on the TOADY Programme we were told, in the News and in the Sports segments by a shouty gent, that it is Day 1 of the Olympic Games. No. It is not. Can you not count BBC? It is Day 2 of the Olympic Games, the opening ceremony was reported yesterday by yourselves, if I recall correctly, on the lunchtime news.
The first gold medal was won yesterday and reported last evening, therefore today is Day 2 of the Olympic Games. Got it BBC?
(In reality, some events started in mid-week, arguably the Games started then but officially, it is the opening Ceremony – yesterday – at which the Games commence.)
Swings and roundabouts.
To make up for losing all these promising young footballers who are being stabbed or shot, aren’t we lucky that we are getting hundreds of new Britons arriving daily who are all accomplished sailors.
As skateboarding has become, EG, it could be a future Olympic event: RIB paddling – a marathon, stipulated distance at least 22 miles, maybe rounded up to 26 miles and a bit.
Biden’s behaviour is degenerating from odd to downright bonkers.
The BBC continues to cover for him and pretend not to notice.
Here Sky Aus calls him out.
“Media protection racket hides Joe Biden’s ‘comically bizarre gaffes’ at CNN town hall”
When they first ignored his dementia, it was outrageous. Now it’s turned into a sad spectacle as this senile old duffer is being paraded in front of TV cameras to embarass himself and his office with his very clear degradation.
The whole world is laughing at the USA and the Left are pretending there is no problem. They have really outdone themselves this time.
I feel sorry for Joe now. They should let him go with some dignity.
Just checked the bbc website and it seems that they last mentioned him via some sort of interview with his son!
If the US is supposed to be our closest ally, why aren’t the BBC doing more? We know we can’t rely on Sopes and the rest, but you’d think they could try a bit harder, or do they know something from CNN or Huffpo that we don’t?
There’s this from 1 day ago
“Joe Biden says he’s self-conscious as president”
The bBC are just pretending he is normal and not a laughing stock.
Thanks, The Is!
I didn’t think they’d covered their a***s then, maybe I didn’t look hard enough, but why bother really, the old fool’s a complete tosser, and hung out to wither by his manipulators!
The BBC might still have some sort of file on what to do when Kamliia Norris takes over, but let’s hops Sopes and co get their act in gear, otherwise, the whole place will be a laughing stock – but maybe it is already…
When you watch Biden you must wonder how the whole journo breed has conspired to cover for him . Will it take a public appearance where he soils himself ?
Although I suspect even if he did that they’d cut away ….
One of the Australian commentators said that not holding Biden to account is ‘a threat to democracy ‘. Well I’d say there is no democracy when the election is so obviously fixed .
And unless anti Biden protests are being non reported I cannot see how Americans have accepted what has been done to them .
I guess I have to revise my prediction for the political end of Biden from June 2021 to Christmas
Elsewhere – I’ve got no time for royals – but I see that the royal nut nut is doing a book . Better he not go near under passes in dodgy Mercedes …
Excellent comment, Fed!
Sums up what I was going to say a few minutes ago, so thank you from the heart of my bottom!
TOADY Watch #2 – oh dear, I wonder why they haven’t taken her to their hearts?
The BBC report in the first shouty sports segment (maybe the reporter couldn’t get a line or mobile signal in Tokyo?) we were told, slightly mournfully, that the Japanese people in that City ‘have not taken Naomi Osaka to their hearts’.
I wonder why?
It’s not like the people of Japan are racist, is it? Or could it be that they place loyalty to country of birth quite highly in their value systems?
I think Ms Osaka identifying herself as ‘black’ would not have endeared her to a nation which chose sakoku – a rigidly enforced and near total isolation from all outside influences and contact, save for a small, firmly (instant death for any transgression) policed and entirely restricted Portuguese enclave – for over 200 years.
The Japanese are perhaps the most racially pure nation on earth – and signally proud of the fact.
Yes, I think you are right, Beltane. I think the Japanese also prize loyalty and that would include loyalty to one’s land of birth.
11:30am FooC
@annaholligan Foreign correspondent @bbcnews Journalist.
Blurb: The destructive power of water is often underestimated until it’s too late.
Large areas of Europe and China are still reeling from the damage left by some of their worst floods for decades. Across Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, there were over 200 deaths and billions of Euros of damage done.
Now there are questions over whether this disaster will make voters more concerned about the effects of climate change.
Although the Netherlands was least affected by the latest floods, water management is an existential threat for such a low-lying country.
Anna Holligan has seen the worry – as well as the wreckage – on the ground there and in Germany.
For context see NoTrickZone the German climate blogger
Orla Guerin usual hit job against
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro was recently briefly admitted to hospital after intestinal problems made him hiccup uncontrollably.
He appears to have recovered and has been out and about, talking to the media and to the public.
But his political worries are not over – in fact they’re only growing more acute.
Many of his former allies are beginning to peel away.
The country’s Senate is now investigating his government’s record of decision-making on Covid, from refusing to lock down to failure to procure medical supplies and vaccines.
There are allegations swirling of corrupt vaccine-purchasing deals. Yet Mr Bolsonaro can still count on solid support from some of those who helped to elect him.
The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan for control of Nagorno Karabakh, is over – for now.
Colin Freeman recently returned to one town which he’d last seen at the centre of a fierce battle.
– South Africa is counting the costs of a mass outbreak of looting and destruction. In and around the cities of Johannesburg and Durban, businesses and homes were burned and ransacked.
The police were fiercely criticised in some places for not doing enough to stop the violence.
As well as criminal investigation, the country is now also doing plenty of soul-searching about the root causes of such widespread chaos.
Gregory Mthembu-Salter and his family share the national concern, as his wife’s side of the family live where the looting was worst, in Kwa Zulu -Natal.
(I bet a lot of black people died and suffered etc. )
The Mexican state of Sinaloa is deeply enmeshed in the drug trade.
Profits from organised crime are an important driver of the local economy, especially in the state’s capital. In Culiacán , luxury cars can often be seen cruising the streets.
Restaurants, bars, and designer fashion outlets all depend on the cash brought in from narcotics.
And there’s another expensive consumer fixation fuelled by narco culture – widespread plastic surgery.
Linda Pressly talked to one of the city’s busy cosmetic surgeons.
TOADY Watch #3 – all the Beeboids are away at festivals or in foreign countries
I know some on here are fans (?! ) of Lewis Goodhall, the BBC’s Editor of the BBC’s ‘Newsnight’. It was a surprise to hear him this morning on radio during TOADY as a mere, lowly ‘correspondent’. Obviously Broadcasting House and Salford Quays are empty at present with Beeboids spending taxpayers’ money on expensive holidays abroad and equally expensive festival tickets.
Paul Lewis says ‘ the grant people get when they leave prison is to increase – but is it enough to stop them committing more crime ?”
My ears said to me “wtf ?“ …..
Please somebody tell me this is ‘fake news’.
“Mother of 8”
I wonder what the back story is?
– really……
That happened in 2012.
@TheIsland It is kind of FakeNews as @Slaw says
Someone has put the GBNews logo in their Twitter profile to add credibility
Then they have posted a photo and words from 12 year old story
with no link, so you can check it.
You’ve been conned into thinking it’s new news.
True story coming up. A few years back, an Australian TV company sent a crew to a house which was up for the sale by the owner. They asked him about the advertisement he had placed, was it fair, and in fact was it even legal? He said, “I cant stand them, they are all thieves, crooks and they would take the shirt off your back. I don’t want them within a mile of me and if one comes near me I’ll probably shoot him”.
The Interviewer mentioned that the advertisement was probably illegal nevertheless. The man asked to see it, looking puzzled, and the interviewer showed him, pointing out the offending phrase “Absolutely no Asians”. The seller pointed out that he had dictated the advertisement to the newspaper, and that it should have read “Absolutely no agents”. I’m sure the BBC could still make an “unconscious bias” story out of it.
An 11 year old girl has absconded from Bolton to London.
Her parents are distraught.
However they do not speak for themselves, their (claimed) words are spoken by someone else.
Another triumph for diversity snd multiculturalism. I really hope the girl is OK but I wonder what her motives might be, and if something to do with her resistance to her upbringing, I wonder how, or whether, the BBC might report such a thing.
Hair dye is the way to get ahead.
Or, youthful enthusing.
As predicted she’s on the case.
Has the bBC Truthbending department GROOMED her they can use her as a front for their political agendas and bashing their political enemies ?
in the photo she looks well-groomed and plied with drinks.
.. Is that the system ?
She does have a habit of putting herself out there doesn’t she ? Is it a snowflake – kidult type practice ? Me me me ….
BBC News page story about Australians protesting about lockdowns. Waiting for the anti vax-passport marches going on now in major UK cities to be mentioned. Waiting….
Qn “So will you be watching the Olympics on the BBC ?”
Ans “No, I am not that interested in *politics*
… I’m only interested in sport”
According to one national paper punters watching the BBC olympics are complaining that there isn’t enough ‘live ‘ stuff . That was only from the headline as I can’t be bothered with the rest .
“Fatuma Kadir: Missing 11-year-old Bolton girl is found”
I wonder if we will ever know the true reason for the girl to go missing ?
GranadaReports tweeted the news at 3:46pm
BBC local radio news at 4pm led with “Police have stepped up the search for the missing Bolton girl ”
Strange that in 15 mins the bbc hadn’t caught up and was saying she was still missing.
The full police statement is short
“She was found in London earlier today .. ”
“We would now ask that their family privacy be respected”
What a relief! And now what about front page BBC coverage for the thousands of other 11 year olds who go missing every year??
@DS : As soon as the BBC tweeted, replies made same obvious point as you about #TwoTierBritain
.. Working class provincial kids are ignored
The BBC fans replied “WhatAbout Madeleine McCann ?”
The McCann’s get press coverage cos they are plugged in, through being top London lawyers
McCann disappeared, probably murdered. That’s what I’d reply to the BBC fans.
England manager Gareth Southgate is urging younger people to get vaccinated, saying it is a chance to “get your freedom back”.
But Gareth haven’t the goalposts changed now?
Not Al Beeb but …………..
“Channel crossings: Nigel Farage predicts 20,000 illegal migrants will make journey in 2021”
Soon there will be more illegals here than we have a in the standing British Army.
I hope that Priti does do something other than shout at her ‘Covert Marine Commander’.
She shold get Parliament to pass an emergency law scrapping the ECHR., in the interest of the safety and welfare of the people that live in Great Britain .
Imagine what Churchill would have said and done if 20,000 Germans turned up on the beaches of Dover from France in the 1940s all claiming ‘asylum’?
taffman, they did but it was not the 1940s but the 1930s and they were really children and teenagers, and there were girls among them. They generally shared one characteristic: they were Jewish.
Indeed ! They were not hostile and there was much more space here then .
And really fleeing persecution.
“Government rules out searching Matt Hancock’s private emails”
Why ?
lefties seem a bit outraged at a surprise line in this BBC story
“A 15-year-old girl has been raped by a teenage boy in the sea off Bournemouth beach, police said.”
“He is described as possibly of Pakistani descent and with tanned skin”
I guess police get the description from the crowd of kids
Sure how would they know a Hindu or Sikh from a Pakistani
maybe one of them picked up on something like Urdu words.
I don’t believe it was a muslim. No self-respecting muslim would rape an old woman of 15.
“Brexit: No breakthrough on NI protocol after PM speaks to EU chief”
IMHO., the PM and the Tory party won the last General Election with such a stomping victory was due to Nigel Farage and The Brexit Party . Now known as The Reform Party.
Tory MPs beware! Your jobs are on the line, particularly in the North and West . Your PM and your party are wrecking the economy .
Using Corbyn and Starmer as the ‘bogey’ men to scare people will no longer work.
“Brexit: No breakthrough on NI protocol after PM speaks to EU chief”
IMHO., the PM and the Tory party won the last General Election with such a stomping victory was due to Nigel Farage and The Brexit Party . Now known as The Reform Party.
Tory MPs beware! Your jobs are on the line, particularly in the North and West . Your PM and your party are wrecking the economy .
Using Corbyn and Starmer as the ‘bogey’ men to scare people will no longer work.
Cases ..our local BBC news said that in the whole Humber/Lncs regions there are 88 covid patients in hospital
That seems very low cos the population is 1-1.5million
And probably not true Stew, it’s highly likely that those 88 are simply people with other conditions where COVID might be a risk. I now firmly believe we are being lied to on a national scale by the NHS, the Government and the ONS. They all have power beyond their wildest dreams over COVID. This is a scandal when you consider the impact on our economy, our national mental health, our young people. A very intensive investigation is needed and some serious heads should roll over this total farce!
I see no reason why any government could refuse an independent inquiry into what really happened unless they have stuff to hide.
Finally I note that the most knee-jerk countries reacting to the COVID mantra are those under the thumb of the Globalist WHO. In my opinion the most dangerous organisation in the Western World.
I can only conclude that we are being shaped and manipulated by these faceless unelected people.
Sound familiar?
That should be required reading Guest Who. We need a real leader who will take a hard cold look at this and come out fighting. It ain’t going to be Boris….
“To keep audiences frightened around the clock, journalists seek out Cassandras with their own incentives for fearmongering: politicians, bureaucrats, activists, academics, and assorted experts who gain publicity, prestige, funding, and power during a crisis.”
Pretty much says it all …
This might have been mentioned already
BBC “look here’s a green home”
MZ debunks them
Stolen from Sickipedia.
Watched the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games with a group of mates and we decided to drink a small glass of sake every time we heard the word ‘diversity’ mentioned.
When I regained consciousness this morning, I discovered that three of my friends had died of alcohol poisoning.
The Tokyo Olympics should be abandoned because drug abuse is rife.
It became immediately obvious at the opening ceremony, when the athletes started waving to the crowd in an empty stadium.
The Tokyo olympics has a new 4x400m mixed relay. That’s 1 man, 1 woman, 1 trans and 1 disabled.
Harry – I think you took the right approach and I am guilty of taking it far too seriously . It is almost a parody – BS bingo is most ( appropriate ) ( heritage ) ( vulnerable ) -and of course your favourite ( diverse ) – in Japan – probably -luckily for them – the least diverse country in the world .
They didn’t feel the need for ( enrichment ) or ( multi culturalism ) – did that do them any harm ( droid trolls need not comment )…
The Japanese can be very racist. In the past, senior politicians – even prime ministers – have made public statements to the effect that the decline of the US was inevitable – or that the US could not compete with Japan – because of the high number of blacks and minorities lowering the national IQ, or being lazy and bad workers.
Or conversely that Japan would outperform the US because they were of a single race and homogeneous.
No-one in Japan was particularly shocked by such comments, but they caused international outrage and politicians are now careful not to say such things openly.
As I’ve said before, Taff – We’d be better off with a wall that they can’t cross. That way we could hold them off. But an imaginary line in the Channel has no effect. Once they’ve crossed it, they’re home and dry.
But this has been going on for years and years. Power boats have been pulling up at marinas on the south coast, dropping off their ‘fares’ on a pontoon, and then heading back for more. I’ve seen it happen. Once they’re here, nothing can be done.
Dover Sentry
See next page ‘Newer Comments’ ……………