Message to Al Beeb, our Home Secretary and the Tory Government.
On number of occasions in the past, successive governments have called in our HM Armed Forces to aid with emergencies, eg the ‘firemen’s strike’ and more recently, setting up the ‘Nightingale’ hospitals.
Great Britain is experiencing excessively large amounts of Illegal Migrants landing on our shores and overwhelming our Border Farce in record numbers.
Its now time you called for emergency measures to be put in place to stop this imminent invasion. Our armed forces should now be called in to aid the The Border Farce to defend our borders. Stop wasting millions of our tax payers pounds on the French who are all but aiding and abetting this ‘invasion’. Give that funding to ‘our boys’ who will benefit from the experience of guarding our borders and will do a far, far better job.
Also take a close look at the greedy lawyers who are reaping benefits and riches defending bogus asylum claims before we all have “Lessons to be Learned”, and very expensive lessons to be learned at that.
Stopping them once will stop them for good. Then message will get back to the perpetrators.
“Lessons to learned”, yes from Australia !
How long before the ‘Rejoiners’ weaponise the ‘Covid ping fiasco’ and the mass invasion from France to get us to Rejoin the EU ?
I have already heard some ‘radio traffic’ on that subject.
“The young imam using Instagram to change opinions”
“One of Britain’s youngest imams is using social media to show that a religious leader can be someone who “knows how to have a laugh, has got a bit of banter and can wear colourful socks”.”
Been waiting all day for that huge great patch of blue with the Batman POW! ZAP! flashes on the BBC’s weather map, to give me a good drenching. Not happened yet.
Entirely usual BBC story. The comments are interesting as they unfold.
Pre 2012, when the BBC was respected, this article would have detailed the rights that Hungarian homosexuals were lacking
As they have the same rights as everybody else and nobody is threatening to remove them, the 2021 tabloid BBC just posts a headline pretending it isn't true
“Man arrested after car hits group of people on Blackpool North Pier”
“A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a car hit a group of people on Blackpool’s promenade.”
What’s going on ?
Given the revelation from Australia that bottom burps can spread the dread I’m wondering when the incisive professionals of BBC News will be regaling us with the latest in gas tight underwear to defeat the virus and tips for appropriately tensioning the elastic for a perfect seal without inadvertently triggering an emergency amputation.
The Daily Mirror (where farting’s a house specialty) has the story
BBC’s ‘Must See’ today:
‘Meet Nigerias hipster herders’
Nigerian Muslim cattle herders wearing bright colours.
Meanwhile the horrific story of the Muslim woman being burned alive by 3 Muslim men in Manchester has dropped off the UK page already. It was only a couple of paragraphs anyway. But the ridiculous story of the 11 year old who got a train to London is still up there.
This shows just what complete hypocrites the BBC and the Left are. She interferes with the agenda so they have buried it.
BBC you disgust me beyond words. As do your shameless hypocrite trolls like maxi.
Just talking to someone last night who runs various businesses and the topic somehow drifted to the police being given conviction targets for rape accusations.
He told me that anyone who reports a rape and the suspect is convicted now automatically gets a £16,000 payout. He knows of a case personally where a girl accused someone, he was found guilty and she got the money.
However she and her friends didn’t think he would go to prison but he was sentenced to 7 years. Her friends could not accept the guilt for this and told the police the accusation was fake and he was released.
As I said, I only know this from what he said – but he had absolutely no reason to lie.
If true, it confirms why so many are dropped when they have to open up all their social media accounts – which the BBC quoted as being an unacceptable invasion of privacy.
Welcome to a world run by the woke and feminists with the BBC entirely complicit.
Afghanistan curfew imposed as Taliban militants advance
‘The militant group is estimated to have captured up to half of all territory.’
‘Some US intelligence analysts fear the Taliban could seize control of the country within six months’
Yet Joe Biden, President said only 3 weeks ago:
‘He also denied that a Taliban takeover is “inevitable,” saying that the Taliban force of approximately 75,000 fighters is no match for the 300,000 Afghan security forces.’
And given a free-pass for this most blatant of lies. The BBC don’t reference that at all. It would have been first paragraph if it were Trump. After he said it, they would have been searching for any story to throw it back in his face.
It seems that since the fake President took office, the world has taken a very sharp turn for the worse. It’s borderline madness : this is how seismic events in history start.
Is that BBC Netherlands reporter Anna Hooligan a green activist ?
Yesterday I quoted her tweet it ended
“Wasn’t easiest week, these stories* so important to share*”
I then replied to her tweet quoting the 3 main non-climate drivers of the disaster and cited the NoTrickZone article.
Within minutes she deleted her tweet
and put up a new tweet without that ‘call to action’ last line
Why would she do that ? If not to tone down her obvious activism ?
Once Springster gets back post-promo, she can move up from feet… to legs!
An Instagram video is fuelling mistrust among a younger generation that’s already blasé about getting the jab. Vaccine passports may be the only remedy
I don’t recall ever seeing it said that children won’t get ill.
Just that they won’t die.
And he hasn’t.
The BBC making their own agenda-based news again instead of just reporting it.
What do you call a handyman you can't trust? A 'cowboy'.
They 'could' do so many things . They 'could' discontinue animal farming/killing. They 'could' maximise vaccination access around the globe to reduce mutations.
Only what they actually do or don't do matters.
— Ry Charles Studio (@RyCharlesStudio) July 25, 2021
How about going to footy without a double jab ? Yeah that’s a good one ?
How is the ping ban going ?
Yeah that’s really good as well – we ve managed to screw the country with a world beating ping.
Elsewhere – plucky knee taking Olympic competitors already on their way home to a queue at Heathrow .
Will someone badged at british get a medal ( who cares ? ) already a golden girl has been beaten by someone from the ‘refugee team ‘…. So the dinghy racers stand no chance …..
BBC must be praying for a dyke to win something – tick those boxes .
Re the Freedom rallies, we know they attract some nutters, but the point is that alternative views are not readily available, difficult to source for the general public, and are in fact banned.
In my opinion Dr Vernon Coleman talks a lot of sense. Perhaps the bBC should directly address some of his points rather than relying on articles written by ‘digital investigators.’
Heart warming to see plod in riot gear earning their overtime in parliament square on Saturday – their victims were white of course – so on firm ground as far as complaints are concerned .
Footage on Twitter ….
Guest – I think it is a charity appeal to support destitute lawyers who are suffering during the pandemic because they are having to trouser less that £100 k per year . ….
Never a shortage of lawyers , journos , trolls , politicians, ‘community activists ‘, actors – is there a theme ?
NHS workers were too busy tik tokking dances to collect the brass. Should the government not make the 3% pay rise dependent on collecting all monies owed to the NHS. To include all the NHS services used by the sub continental medical community using the NHS as a private practice. Mrs Voter worked for the NHS in a non medical capacity at a large hospital in a fishing town on the Humber, not Grimsby. In her specialist ward, the consultants would bring their private patients in to recover, and free up private beds to make more money.
I’m trying to work out what sort of thought process the Harry Windsor one went through to announce a ‘four book deal’ – to be published after the death of his grandmother .
If you put the ‘royal ‘ bit aside and just place it in context of any family – how could anyone – anyone – announce / do such a thing .
The Harry character must have some really serious mental problems . Thank God he has a loving devoted wife …
I’ve seen absolute shameless, toxic invention in the Daily Mail – more so under Geordie Grieg – I have never been an unalloyed fan but increasingly I feel the need to take a shower after reading the stuff they squeeze out on occasion.
I heard an American commentator say that Harry’s PR team were trying to position him , wait for it, ‘as a thought leader’. Surely even in America they cannot imagine Harry as a thought leader. But I suppose with Senile Joe as President anything is possible.
Personally if a member of my family had done half what that little sh..t had done, then ‘forgiveness’ would be swapped for f….. off and don’t darken our door again!
Many commentators and columnists have bleated about Harry and William having ‘their heads banged together’ – er, eh why ? what’s that poor sod William done ? His brother is letting hand grenades off yet somehow William is complicit ?
Everyone knows that Harry is not the sharpest knife in the box, but once his revelations/memoirs/truths have all been committed to print, what else is there ? A book on ornamental statues in the royal gardens ???? he can’t forever live on how he lost his Mum at an early age, or telling everyone to be kind to each other, even the yanks will get bored at some point. No its best that her Maj put them and us out of our misery and just take the bloody titles away from them.
To confirm, ‘thought leader’ is the most Orwellian thing I’ve heard this week, although it is still only Monday so there’s plenty of time for the Pigs to come up with something even more sinister/absurd.
Apathy, swirling uncertainty and widespread anxiety – for which gift snippet of near poetic purple prose one must congratulate the Observer this Sunday. Read on…
We notice rather less Olympics frontpage coverage this morning, perhaps the press are realising we’re not that interested? The Observer persists however, of course celebrating Team GB’s women footballers – well, they’ll be more than used to playing their games inside the eerie echoing atmosphere of empty stadiums.
What is with the left and these fabulously expensive supranational events that leave local taxpayers picking up the bill for years afterward?
The Observer could hardly be more fawning: ‘After a year of apathy, swirling uncertainty and widespread anxiety about Covid, the Japanese public appeared to suddenly catch Olympic fever yesterday as the games exploded into life on the opening day of competition‘
This apparent mass fever (dodgy analogy these days, do we not think?) manifested itself by way of TV audience figures – presumably the Japanese were keen, if nothing else, to see how their money had been spent. I felt that way about the London Olympics curtain raising show… Danny Boyle.
Meanwhile the BBC as broadcaster has a vested interest and insists we tune in for no less than: ‘Top 10 days for Team GB at the Olympics‘ – so that’s most of it then.
However, the Telegraph quoted our star British swimmer admitting the obvious: ‘“It doesn’t feel like an Olympics”, says Adam Peaty after breaststroke heat victory‘
Observer: ‘Peaty admitted that he wished that spectators had been in the aquatics centre‘
Perhaps our athletes should get used to it, take some coaching from our lady footballers who regularly challenge the philosophical thought experiment that if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Alternatively Team GB might visualise themselves starring in an epsidode of Black Mirror, that dystopian sci-fi television series created by Charlie Brooker. In this one all mass gatherings at sporting or entertainment events are sternly discouraged by the ruling authorities. Afterall the UK government is already leaning in this direction: ‘All mass events with more than 20,000 spectators set to require full vaccination by October 1‘ (Telegraph)
We note with interest this headline in the Telegraph presumably focus grouped to show the Tories in a caring animal-loving light: ‘Patel to phase out animal tests‘ – well, let’s face it, if big pharma can now unilaterally circumvent safety rules and, with government backing, launch their experimental drugs directly on us human guinea pigs, then why bother anymore with the lab rats?
Anna Pasternak, the great niece of the author of Doctor Zhivago, mischievously links our very own Prince of Woke Harry with his abdicated great-great uncle* Edward VIII nicknamed Berie, in a Telegraph feature: ‘What Harry can learn from Duke of Windsor’s memoirs‘ – As I recall Edward met with and rather admired Hitler before we all realised his downside – whereas Harry, nicknamed plank, tried on the uniform for fun.
* I’ll have to confirm that precise relationship with a Windsor family tree and a bit of genealogy – and perhaps one of those DNA kits – if Harry were willing – he said mischievously.
The Tory PR focus groups – unlike our civil servants – have evidently been working overtime. As anyone who has tried to phone a government department and then read the frontpage of the Sunday Express will note ruefully: ‘PM’s plan to blitz crime‘
Do tell? ‘Named police officer for every victim as Boris tackles “rage and powerlessness” when life is invaded‘
I’m none too sure how that will work in practice. Just note the Express bottom lefthand corner heading: ‘Covid debt to last 20 years‘
The larger and gobbier than life persona of Piers Morgan dominates the cover of the Mail on Sunday where he is keen to share: ‘I got Covid at Euros and the jab may have saved my life‘ – what is it with our political and media elite that – despite lockdown rules – they keep catching covid?
Anyway from Piers Morgan, a major tool of the media push for vax – he of the fake news photos of British soldiers torturing Iraqis – to big props to the Sunday paper cartoonists. Yet again one has to remark that their lampooning three inch sketches express far more than an acre of editorial.
Matt in the Telegraph aims his satirical pencil at the on-going curtailment of holiday travel. He has a British couple of sunseekers laden with suitcases remark: ‘We’re going abroad. We believe that foreign lockdowns broaden the mind‘
Whilst Newman in the Times focuses on the subject of primary importance to us hereabouts. The BBC Complaints office is pictured with a desk piled high with a mountain of papers and a BBC employee who throws up his arms in exclaimation: ‘Wow! It’s a new Olympic record!‘
I think the ‘named plod ‘ and email address will do much to concentrate plod minds in terms of accountability .- so they will find ways of hiding behind ‘data protection ‘.
I have experienced this official ‘wall ‘ in terms of their NHS where there is no accountability. . The medical mafia avoids giving out e Mail addresses or sending emails – like the current plague .
This practice is done to avoid accountability through an audit trail and any following complaints procedure .
So they prefer easily avoidable phone messaging systems or just not replying . You suffer whilst their NHS gets another pay rise …
I haven’t been following the Lions rugby tour but out of interest looked at the BBC page to get the score. Much to my surprise – not – the main photo was two BAMEs in action with the caption “England’s Maro Itoje and Courtney Lawes were influential as the Lions came from behind to win the first Test against South Africa”, yet, when I read on the match report never mentioned them. Obviously the sub/picture editor was following BBC guidelines with reference to BAME promotion.
It took me ages to find out in much of the other press as well, Popeye!
I suppose because rugby is played mainly by straight blokes, and against a mainly white opposition, it doesn’t figure high in the BBC’s priorities.
Had it been a wimmin’s game, they’d be all over the place!
Also, with the games being played in South Africa, they have a problem in W1A because that particular country isn’t actually doing very well in international politics, and has a rather worrying lack of lauranorder…
I heard some rugby player moaning about head injuries causing long term mental issues . Does any one in their right mind think that hitting their head against another person or ball is going to be A Good Thing ?
Fed, just to let you know that headers are not part of rugby. They are not a lot of use and anyway anybody who tries heading the pointed end of a rugby ball coming at speed must be brain damaged to begin with.
On another subject I’ve just read in the Express that in order to get some of the money back from the EU the UK government has agreed to fly the EU flag from councils across the UK. If true Sturgeon, Soubry, and worse, the BBC, will be ecstatic!
Yasser – thanks – I guess rugby types use their head for something else . Listening to some wimp rugby player moaning about the sport he played voluntarily was a bit much .
I can’t see the EU flag thing being true – except maybe for the Peoples Republic of Benefits aka Scotland ..
To be honest, Fed and Yasser, I don’t enjoy watching rugby any more.
The laws are far too complicated for normal people, and while some players get a good wedge, the amateur sport may still live on, but frankly, I can’t be arsed to risk my licence going over to watch!
Naturally, I want The Lions to win, as SA are a nasty lot on the field, but as for headers, it’s not actually that, it’s the neck and lower back if you played where I did in the front row. That would concern me nowadays.
I tripped in a hole on Lewes RFC’s pitch in 1970, and hurt a sort of zongular ligament in my knee.
Everyone laughed as I did a big somersault and bit the dust, then the captain (bastard) told me to go and get on with it and stop making a fuss, and I just had to grin and bear it…
But we had it tough in those days! I’m sorry you stopped though, the beer was always much better in club pavilions!
Popeye, in fairness to the BBC (not a phrase I ever thought I’d write) the two players pictured were outstanding yesterday and extremely influential in the win – the fact that they’re not mentioned in the report is down to poor journalism – on this occasion they deserve to be highlighted.
I’m surprised no mention of them in the match report as they were both superb. I thought all 5 English players in the starting XV played well “And gentlemen in England, now a-bed, shall think themselves accursed they were not there”
With the Olympics being on it reminds me of the time I was wandering through the Olympic village in London in 2012 and I saw a man carrying a long metal object.I asked him ‘are you pole vaulter?’ He replied ‘nein I’m German! But how did you know my name was Walter?’
Sarpong (part time) earns £1,700 per day; Davie (full time) earns £1,650 a day.
Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith said: ‘How can anyone be worth paying £267,000 for working three days a week?
Tory MP Tom Hunt said: ‘This is an outrageous salary which dwarfs what the Prime Minister gets. I just cannot see how £267,000 for a three-day week can be justified.’
It’s only taxpayer’s money, they think they ‘earn’ it, whereas normal privately earning citizens have to go through hoops to get anything like that obscene amount just for ‘covering’ victims.
Andrew Lawrence highlights BBC bias, particularly in relation to their latest appointments to BBC News.
Now that he’s been de-platformed and cancelled all over the place for daring to make a mild joke about black footballers, let’s give him a platform here.
On Buisness News on Radio 4 the other day the BBC said US companies were doing badly giving Unilever as example whose shares had gone down dramatically. The real reason was nothing to do with a “general trend” that the BBC promoted. It was because Unilever own the ice cream brand Ben and Jerry’s who chose to boycott Judea and Samaria. Jewish groups have publicised this and pro Israel individuals all over the world have reacted to this anti Semitic act by boycotting Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and bringing the price of Unilever shares down.
I’ve been watching the Corporate self-flagellation thing for some time now. As a result I have finished with all Unilever products, particularly the smug Ben and Jerry’s along with a number of others including Coca Cola, Disney, Adidas, Burger King, Fed-Ex, Harry’s, IKEA, Levi’s, McDonalds, Pepsi Co., Pringles, Reebok, Starbucks, Tesco, Uber, Warner Bros, There are many more but these are the ones who I have traded with in the past and am no longer willing to do so.
It wasn’t accidental. The paint thinner aspect is true but the fire was started deliberately by somebody setting light to the curtains next to where the nail varnish was spilt – allegedly this was done because the party was getting overcrowded and out of control and the person responsible thought this ‘prank’ might panic a few people into leaving.
Thanks for the video – a challenging 13 minutes . For anyone who has studied that period – it is ‘fun’ to spot the parallels with our current situation .
However – the national socialist drive was about achieving a German empire similar to the British one – on the way they saw the need to strengthen Germany and make it more coherent .
I don’t see the parallel because each country is dealing with the Chinese virus in its own way .
Drawing parallels between the euthanasia of the Reich with Care Homes in the UK ? No – I don’t accept that .
Freedom in the UK has gone with or without covid – site like this one – where I hope people say what they want – could go in a moment without covid as an excuse
Similar with the use of the goebells play book by the BBC to engineer a non British country suitably approved by multicultural globalists . That might be being accelerated by covid but is happening anyway as red tories look away .
Dissent in Blighty – no approved dissent – is being crushed with or without covid .
Referring to the road to the gas chambers is also dangerous because there is one school of thought that says there was no long term ‘plan’ to exterminate using camps but they evolved through a sort of ‘chance ‘ which was grasped by Himler when he saw that early extermination programmes in secret worked .
The narrator points out his reading of the current situation but does not offer a remedy – is he proposing the use of violence ?
BH on Radio4 at 9am had three wokes doing the reviews of the newspapers = another chance for the BBC to get their point of view across without saying it direct .
They all agreed that people shouldn’t go to jail and then sneered at Brexit .
While there are moonbats about – I reckon that most people turned up to show their dissatisfaction with the handling of the epidemic and the consequences government officials aren’t prepared to presently acknowledge and the assorted power grabs that are absolutely in play.
I’m quite curious about how the events are organised and who pays the assorted cost for travel, admin and the ‘scoority etc. that is part of a large public gathering that isn’t banned…
Maybe a good start in trying to answer this question BBC is to take a long cold look at the effect of the influx of thousands of undocumented arrivals in the UK on the Kent beaches. Coming from God knows where and importing God knows what virus strains.
The Tories are operating an “open door policy”.
Did you vote for this ? Was it in Boris’s pre-election manifesto ?
They will all be ‘in’ by the time Priti does something about it . By then it will be too late.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan – and medics across the UK – are condemning comments about executing NHS workers made by former nurse Kate Shemirani at yesterday’s protest.
She’s become a leader of the UK’s conspiracy community – and I interviewed her son.
The BBC go full on Communist.
In a feature which would have delighted Pol Pot in Cambodia, the BBC glorifies a collectivist farm near the Malverns.
Twenty families have ‘come together’ in a ‘community’ to plough the land, feed the chickens etc etc. The women wear dungarees. ‘Everything here we share’.
Quite how it is all paid for is not clear. Perhaps private capital is needed to buy a house in the first place.
Not of course mentioned by the BBC.
That’s Labour’s shadow environment secretary
.. His thoughts are NOT with today’s flood victims
otherwise he wouldn’t have had the virtue-signalling bit about “Climate Emergency”
Lowering CO2 today makes zero difference to weather next week or even next year.
Not the Biased Bloated Corporation, but the Open University.I saw their latest advert about an hour ago. Black bloke extolling the values of the OU. Black woman overjoyed at getting an OU law degree. Wonder where she’s going to get a job?
I dont think we should cower from criticising the BBC reporting on a politician talking about not cowering from the chinese virus .
BBC bitterly disappointed by declining cases – plenty of silent experts not turning up on the BBC to recite the failure of the NHS to do its ‘ job – plus 3%
However the impact of freedom day is next Friday – then the gloom will return together with morbid ‘experts ‘
Why is the impact next Friday ?
If places were suddenly more dangerous on last Monday .. People would have caught covid on that day .. The infection come on in two days
And with many people having frequent work tests, Wednesday’s test figure would have been the first rise.. and then every day more and more
Stew – I think they are assuming that infected – ill people – will start presenting from next Friday as a result of reduced precautions .
As a non expert – I believe they are wrong . I’m assuming the weather in the UK has been good over that period leading to more outside life and thence more ventilation and less risk of infection .
It will be interesting to see the figures next week as well as the response to them – assuming ( bigly ) that the numbers are not perverted to meet the project fear narrative .
As an aside – is anyone in London reading this ? Is it flooded ? I understand NE is a bit wet …
the chubby Dimbleby was on promoting his future of food report.
Discussion about the food & need to eat less meat/be more plant based.
Plant based foods prod 70% less greenhouse gases per kg of prod comp to meat.
Any meat we eat needs to have less impact on environment etc.
Ferguson has been discredited and proved wrong on so many occasions you have to ask just why he’s still a BBC go-to expert…
…and then you say, but what about Alastair Campbell and Roger Harrabin, and Polly Toynbee and George Monbiot and Greta and Nicola Sturgeon and Afua Hirsch and Owen Jones and Zoe Williams..and…
Isn’t the presentation of the Olympics on the BBC a joy
to watch ? I don’t know what gives me more pleasure.
The family adverts on ITV and Sky. Where when I see one of
these adverts I want to go on line or rush to a shop and
buy a product. Or the home page of Barclays internet banking.
Which makes me proud to have been a Barclays
client for 56 years. The choice between the three is very hard to pick the most appealing one.
Apologies this is long and not the bBC (which wouldn’t be interested anyway).
While the country has been diverted with other matters, the Foreign Office have been busy little bees. On 30 June the UK signed a Joint Declaration with Germany pledging closer future cooperation on foreign and security policy. Sounds innocent enough you say? But I smell a rat. This initiative has the likes of arch-Remainer/Rejoiner Angus Lapsley written all over it.
(Coincidentally Merkel paid her visit to BoJo on 1 July.)
Veterans for Britain have put up a survey addressing all the topics contained in the Declaration and asking a series of questions to gauge public opinion.
VfB’s questions are:
Should the current UK Government make a commitment to Germany that the UK believes in the concept of a common set of ‘European values’?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany, outside of the UK’s NATO obligations, to a concept of ‘European strategic unity’?
Should the UK Government endorse the German Government’s current view that Germany’s bilateral relationships should reflect a commitment primarily towards the EU institutions?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany that the two countries will act jointly to address the human rights dimensions of artificial intelligence, considering that German policy in this area is now set at EU level?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to ‘join forces’ with Germany over Covid19 and future global health crises, considering that German policy in this area is now set an EU level?
Should the UK Government make a commitment individually with Germany to jointly coordinate and lead efforts to tackle ecology-related effects on peace and security, separate to NATO and other agreements?
Should the UK Government seek to ‘coordinate its action with Germany’ in order to mount a joint response to crisis prevention including through a new ‘UK-Germany Stabilisation Partnership’? Especially considering that German policy in this area is set at EU level.
Should the current UK Government commit to ‘cooperating as closely as possible with Germany’ on all United Nations Security Council decisions (considering Germany is subject to EU terms in this) or should UK allow these decisions to be on UK terms, decided by UK democratic means?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany to create ‘high level of coordination in all matters of foreign policy’ via a regular, nine-layered fixed dialogue – considering that German foreign policy is set at an EU level?”
Should the current UK Government commit to ‘cooperating as closely as possible with Germany’ on all United Nations Security Council decisions (considering Germany is subject to EU terms in this) or should UK allow these decisions to be on UK terms, decided by UK democratic means?
Should the current UK Government make a pledge to Germany that the UK will support a permanent seat for Germany at the United Nations Security Council?
Should the current UK Government pledge to Germany that the UK endorses the EU as a defence policy authority for its member states and to support this EU role in its liaison with NATO?
Should the UK Government commit to establish and expand cooperation with Germany on projects which fall under the auspices of EU defence policy authority such as the Pesco project known as Military Mobility?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany to work jointly on matters of:
– arms control
– arms exports
– non-proliferation
– biological weapons control
…or should UK action in these areas be on UK terms and self-generated via UK democratic means?
Should the UK Government make a pledge to Germany that the UK regards the work of the OSCE as ‘vital’, including its work in arms control and security building? Or should the UK’s endorsements be on its own terms and case-by-case.
Should the UK Government commit individually with Germany to develop ‘joint approaches to international governance, deterrence and maintaining open societies’?
Should the current UK Government endorse increased links between NATO and the EU’s structures and institutions on defence and security policy – and make a commitment to Germany that it will do so?
Should the UK Government make an agreement with Germany to conduct joint foreign policy action against Russia (considering Germany is bound by EU policy) and do so via a UK-Germany agreement which does not mention Germany’s gas pipeline deals with Russia?
Should the UK Government agree to ‘common actions’ with Germany in regard to institutional strength and societal resilience against Chinese influence, considering that Germany’s policies in this area are set by the EU, or should these UK actions be on UK terms?
Should the current UK Government make a pledge to Germany that the UK endorses ‘stronger European engagement in Asia’?
Should the current UK Government make an agreement with Germany to conduct ‘joint diplomacy, shared initiatives and joint lobbying’ on matters related to ecology or should cooperation be on its merits on a case-by-case basis?
Should the UK Government make an agreement with Germany to strive for ‘common approaches’ on 11 key geographic regions around the world, considering that Germany’s policy is set at EU level? Or should UK approaches be on UK terms with case-by case cooperation on its merits?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany to create ‘high level of coordination in all matters of foreign policy’ via a regular, nine-layered fixed dialogue – considering that German foreign policy is set at an EU level?
Should the current UK Government endorse two German Government-funded forums as the ‘key platforms’ for feedback about the UK-German foreign policy relationship?
I obviously know nothing about anything, so if anyone here knows anyone adept at foreign policy please ask them to fill out the survey at @VeteransBritain (assuming they have a twitter account).
It does sound like the FO are ‘at it’ with their chums in the EU again and trying to keep us tied in.
Island – in real life the British Army is at about 80k if I recall ?
It’s heart warming’ coming up with nice joint protocols about this and that – but if vlad turns the gas supply off – who is going to do anything about it ?
Blighty hasn’t even got a defence force able to sink a few dinghies each day yet alone take on more substantial threats .
I wonder if they could re run the falklands with the same outcome now ? Or would the health and safety environmental gender impact say ‘no ‘ ?
I break my non cut and paste DT rule again – the olympics – enjoy
BBC One was facing mounting anger over its Olympics coverage on Sunday after missing live coverage of Britain’s first two medal-winners.
Viewers were left incandescent by the corporation posting online about Chelsie Giles winning judo bronze before their delayed broadcast of the fight on BBC One had finished. Instead it was shown live on the red button.
The semi-final victory that guaranteed Bradly Sinden a silver in Taekwondo was also delayed for home audiences on BBC One. Viewers were similarly annoyed that the BBC ‘spoiled’ the result for those watching by posting the result on social media before the TV coverage had ended.
Historically-low opening ceremony viewing figures have added to the BBC’s woes in Tokyo, with just 2.3million watching Friday afternoon’s controversy-dogged curtain-raiser.
To put that into context, the Rio ceremony in 2016, which did not start back home until after midnight, drew a peak of 3.8 million. Both those ceremonies were dwarfed by the 26.9m watching Danny Boyle’s 2012 London extravaganza. The Athens games in 2004, meanwhile, drew 8.68m.
The biggest worry for BBC executives is the frustration of viewers who have been unable to watch their favourite sports due to the Olympics’ new pan-European deal with Discovery.
The BBC had controversially lost automatic hosting rights in 2015 after the International Olympic Committee allowed American giant Discovery to table a £920million offer which blew rivals out of the water.
Under Government ‘Crown Jewel’ broadcasting arrangements, the Olympics is guaranteed for free-to-air – but the BBC was only able to secure two live events at a time under the terms of a sub-licensing agreement.
With broadcast bosses now having to gamble on is most likely to secure gold, there was no live BBC One coverage as Giles, who was not among the frontrunners, claimed Great Britain’s first bronze by defeating Switzerland’s Fabienne Kocher in the women’s -52kg judo.
Amid dozens of comments beneath a BBC tweet about Giles’ bronze, one wrote: “It would have been useful if you at least flashed it up on screen that it was on the red button live. First medal and you missed it.”
Another added: “Thanks for spoiling that given its on your main channel NOW….”, while others said: “This match has literally just started and I already know the result… why is there such a delay in the broadcast versus your updates???? Ps CONGRATS Chelsie.”
“It was on live on Eurosport,” spotted one viewer, “but for some reason BBC decide to show it delayed on BBC One?”
It was the second successive day that the coverage had frustrated viewers. Dan Walker, a main host, had been forced to defend coverage after tennis, rowing and gymnastics fans woke up to find their sports were not being shown live on traditional free-to-air.
Viewers immediately complained in their droves after the road race was prioritised for extended periods, with tennis fans expressing concerns that they may be waiting until Thursday for their sport to be shown at all.ENDS A BIT LATER
The BBC promises live coverage of the bottle opening contest where there is stiff opposition from Australia , Poland and other nations founded on booze ….is darts an Olympic sport ?
The BBC have joined CNN and the Washington Post in their baseless criticisms of the audit. To this end they interview solely Democrat reps and no one else. How can this be an independent unbiased report when only one side gets to put their side? It’s like them presenting a story by only interviewing Jeremy Corbyn.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
“Three men arrested after woman dies from severe burns”
Greater Manchester . Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
Yes LBC was first at 6:17pm then most media followed ..BBC at 6:45pm
It happened on Friday 24 hours ago so maybe the police held back news.
Twitter suggesting the incident involves men of “honour and peace”
The label on the BBC photo is wrong. It says “East Road”
Message to Al Beeb, our Home Secretary and the Tory Government.
On number of occasions in the past, successive governments have called in our HM Armed Forces to aid with emergencies, eg the ‘firemen’s strike’ and more recently, setting up the ‘Nightingale’ hospitals.
Great Britain is experiencing excessively large amounts of Illegal Migrants landing on our shores and overwhelming our Border Farce in record numbers.
Its now time you called for emergency measures to be put in place to stop this imminent invasion. Our armed forces should now be called in to aid the The Border Farce to defend our borders. Stop wasting millions of our tax payers pounds on the French who are all but aiding and abetting this ‘invasion’. Give that funding to ‘our boys’ who will benefit from the experience of guarding our borders and will do a far, far better job.
Also take a close look at the greedy lawyers who are reaping benefits and riches defending bogus asylum claims before we all have “Lessons to be Learned”, and very expensive lessons to be learned at that.
Stopping them once will stop them for good. Then message will get back to the perpetrators.
“Lessons to learned”, yes from Australia !
How long before the ‘Rejoiners’ weaponise the ‘Covid ping fiasco’ and the mass invasion from France to get us to Rejoin the EU ?
I have already heard some ‘radio traffic’ on that subject.
Our BBC Online News:
“The young imam using Instagram to change opinions”
“One of Britain’s youngest imams is using social media to show that a religious leader can be someone who “knows how to have a laugh, has got a bit of banter and can wear colourful socks”.”
What is the point of this BBC feature? What is the message? How much did it cost? What will it achieve?
Good cop, bad cop routine.
Until we all convert…
In my experience they are usually polite and friendly.
Until they have a reason not to be. Then they get very nasty.
Not worth the time of day . Glad there was no pay rise. Go woke go broke .
Not feeling an Islamic Mr Tumble tbf
Been waiting all day for that huge great patch of blue with the Batman POW! ZAP! flashes on the BBC’s weather map, to give me a good drenching. Not happened yet.
Channel 5 tonight 3 hours of Meghan Markle
as it’s her 40th birthday.
Two large crisis our country faces .
A) Depleted shelves at shops due to logistic problems
B) A pandemic.
How does increasing the population by illegal immigration help us with that , BBC .?
Entirely usual BBC story. The comments are interesting as they unfold.
“Man arrested after car hits group of people on Blackpool North Pier”
“A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a car hit a group of people on Blackpool’s promenade.”
What’s going on ?
Like Al Beeb, the Tories are haemorrhaging supporters. Take note The Conservative Party MPs. Ignore at your peril …………
Given the revelation from Australia that bottom burps can spread the dread I’m wondering when the incisive professionals of BBC News will be regaling us with the latest in gas tight underwear to defeat the virus and tips for appropriately tensioning the elastic for a perfect seal without inadvertently triggering an emergency amputation.
The Daily Mirror (where farting’s a house specialty) has the story
We need a Beeboid to do something like this…
BBC’s ‘Must See’ today:
‘Meet Nigerias hipster herders’
Nigerian Muslim cattle herders wearing bright colours.
Meanwhile the horrific story of the Muslim woman being burned alive by 3 Muslim men in Manchester has dropped off the UK page already. It was only a couple of paragraphs anyway. But the ridiculous story of the 11 year old who got a train to London is still up there.
This shows just what complete hypocrites the BBC and the Left are. She interferes with the agenda so they have buried it.
BBC you disgust me beyond words. As do your shameless hypocrite trolls like maxi.
Look – Alex agreees with me :-).
Can’t this bloke spend out a little and buy a new tripod?
Just talking to someone last night who runs various businesses and the topic somehow drifted to the police being given conviction targets for rape accusations.
He told me that anyone who reports a rape and the suspect is convicted now automatically gets a £16,000 payout. He knows of a case personally where a girl accused someone, he was found guilty and she got the money.
However she and her friends didn’t think he would go to prison but he was sentenced to 7 years. Her friends could not accept the guilt for this and told the police the accusation was fake and he was released.
As I said, I only know this from what he said – but he had absolutely no reason to lie.
If true, it confirms why so many are dropped when they have to open up all their social media accounts – which the BBC quoted as being an unacceptable invasion of privacy.
Welcome to a world run by the woke and feminists with the BBC entirely complicit.
Did the reward money have to be given back?
Afghanistan curfew imposed as Taliban militants advance
‘The militant group is estimated to have captured up to half of all territory.’
‘Some US intelligence analysts fear the Taliban could seize control of the country within six months’
Yet Joe Biden, President said only 3 weeks ago:
‘He also denied that a Taliban takeover is “inevitable,” saying that the Taliban force of approximately 75,000 fighters is no match for the 300,000 Afghan security forces.’
And given a free-pass for this most blatant of lies. The BBC don’t reference that at all. It would have been first paragraph if it were Trump. After he said it, they would have been searching for any story to throw it back in his face.
It seems that since the fake President took office, the world has taken a very sharp turn for the worse. It’s borderline madness : this is how seismic events in history start.
Anna Holligan speaks for the nation.
BBC News
What can we learn from the Netherlands about building a nation of cyclists?
Well, Jez Vile. Nice day.
Meanwhile…. not in London.
Don’t see Nolan piling up behind to check on mask status.
Vile and Springster should team up.
Babes and Bikes… the agony of the long distance cherry picker.
@GW that photo “Meanwhile…. not in London.
Don’t see Nolan piling up behind to check on mask status.”
Appears to be 2 cyclists powering up one of Britain’s steepest hills
Box Hill, on the south western tip of London
Is that BBC Netherlands reporter Anna Hooligan a green activist ?
Yesterday I quoted her tweet it ended
“Wasn’t easiest week, these stories* so important to share*”
I then replied to her tweet quoting the 3 main non-climate drivers of the disaster and cited the NoTrickZone article.
Within minutes she deleted her tweet
and put up a new tweet without that ‘call to action’ last line
Why would she do that ? If not to tone down her obvious activism ?
Shaz seizing his moment whilst Springster basks in post promotion glory.
Once Springster gets back post-promo, she can move up from feet… to legs!
Shaz and the Hack with the Rack know that Mums know…
I don’t recall ever seeing it said that children won’t get ill.
Just that they won’t die.
And he hasn’t.
The BBC making their own agenda-based news again instead of just reporting it.
Less interested in the YouTubers than some actual firm details of that “mysterious marketing agency”.
Greta Get Your Gun?
She will need a daring hat.
The biggest challenge is how to stop the Left utterly destroying Western civilisation and sending us all back to the stone age.
Like Saddo has managed already in London?
Wait until the Celebration of the Blue Tarps spreads again beyond back garden ovines to any not on message.
BBC offers 13 reasons…. 13… why this is ‘news’.
Tommy, who played male character Ryan Shaver on the TV show, confirmed on Instagram her pronouns are now “she/her”.
Came third in the pole vaulting apparently.
Another day – so what can we ban today ?
How about going to footy without a double jab ? Yeah that’s a good one ?
How is the ping ban going ?
Yeah that’s really good as well – we ve managed to screw the country with a world beating ping.
Elsewhere – plucky knee taking Olympic competitors already on their way home to a queue at Heathrow .
Will someone badged at british get a medal ( who cares ? ) already a golden girl has been beaten by someone from the ‘refugee team ‘…. So the dinghy racers stand no chance …..
BBC must be praying for a dyke to win something – tick those boxes .
Re the Freedom rallies, we know they attract some nutters, but the point is that alternative views are not readily available, difficult to source for the general public, and are in fact banned.
In my opinion Dr Vernon Coleman talks a lot of sense. Perhaps the bBC should directly address some of his points rather than relying on articles written by ‘digital investigators.’
Dr Vernon Coleman: Covid Jab – Deliberately unprofessional and reckless
Heart warming to see plod in riot gear earning their overtime in parliament square on Saturday – their victims were white of course – so on firm ground as far as complaints are concerned .
Footage on Twitter ….
Guest – I think it is a charity appeal to support destitute lawyers who are suffering during the pandemic because they are having to trouser less that £100 k per year . ….
Never a shortage of lawyers , journos , trolls , politicians, ‘community activists ‘, actors – is there a theme ?
It’s Radio4 and she’s in The Archers so is well known
She’s ” presenting @Hopeforjustice @BBCRadio4 appeal to help protect children from #ModernSlavery in #Ethiopia.”
Not a BBC image. Or story.
NHS workers were too busy tik tokking dances to collect the brass. Should the government not make the 3% pay rise dependent on collecting all monies owed to the NHS. To include all the NHS services used by the sub continental medical community using the NHS as a private practice. Mrs Voter worked for the NHS in a non medical capacity at a large hospital in a fishing town on the Humber, not Grimsby. In her specialist ward, the consultants would bring their private patients in to recover, and free up private beds to make more money.
Not BBC – but the Royal Family
I’m trying to work out what sort of thought process the Harry Windsor one went through to announce a ‘four book deal’ – to be published after the death of his grandmother .
If you put the ‘royal ‘ bit aside and just place it in context of any family – how could anyone – anyone – announce / do such a thing .
The Harry character must have some really serious mental problems . Thank God he has a loving devoted wife …
Am I the only one who can’t really see where that money to Harry is coming from….
He seems dim enough to be being manipulated – and not just by her….?
Just when you thought that he couldn’t get any worse, he does this disgraceful thing.
Why don’t they all just chuck him out for good, and leave us all in peace!
Senora O’Blene screamed at yesterday’s Mail, which had countless acres of print on the little sod.
I wonder how it “leaked”
I’ve seen absolute shameless, toxic invention in the Daily Mail – more so under Geordie Grieg – I have never been an unalloyed fan but increasingly I feel the need to take a shower after reading the stuff they squeeze out on occasion.
Luckily, it’s ‘free’ at Waitrose after a tenner-spend, and we always need something to line the bin with, so I often get it.
But this week’s version was just appalling.
It’s bad enoughseeing rubbish about the ‘limpics, but those mingy/whingy faces are enough to make me spill my G and T!
I heard an American commentator say that Harry’s PR team were trying to position him , wait for it, ‘as a thought leader’. Surely even in America they cannot imagine Harry as a thought leader. But I suppose with Senile Joe as President anything is possible.
Double – he really will have to avoid underpasses ….
Personally if a member of my family had done half what that little sh..t had done, then ‘forgiveness’ would be swapped for f….. off and don’t darken our door again!
Many commentators and columnists have bleated about Harry and William having ‘their heads banged together’ – er, eh why ? what’s that poor sod William done ? His brother is letting hand grenades off yet somehow William is complicit ?
Everyone knows that Harry is not the sharpest knife in the box, but once his revelations/memoirs/truths have all been committed to print, what else is there ? A book on ornamental statues in the royal gardens ???? he can’t forever live on how he lost his Mum at an early age, or telling everyone to be kind to each other, even the yanks will get bored at some point. No its best that her Maj put them and us out of our misery and just take the bloody titles away from them.
To confirm, ‘thought leader’ is the most Orwellian thing I’ve heard this week, although it is still only Monday so there’s plenty of time for the Pigs to come up with something even more sinister/absurd.
Luckily more than BS but not Zoe… the horror.
Wimmin struggling to cope.
When Harry met Bertie
Apathy, swirling uncertainty and widespread anxiety – for which gift snippet of near poetic purple prose one must congratulate the Observer this Sunday. Read on…
We notice rather less Olympics frontpage coverage this morning, perhaps the press are realising we’re not that interested? The Observer persists however, of course celebrating Team GB’s women footballers – well, they’ll be more than used to playing their games inside the eerie echoing atmosphere of empty stadiums.
What is with the left and these fabulously expensive supranational events that leave local taxpayers picking up the bill for years afterward?
The Observer could hardly be more fawning: ‘After a year of apathy, swirling uncertainty and widespread anxiety about Covid, the Japanese public appeared to suddenly catch Olympic fever yesterday as the games exploded into life on the opening day of competition‘
This apparent mass fever (dodgy analogy these days, do we not think?) manifested itself by way of TV audience figures – presumably the Japanese were keen, if nothing else, to see how their money had been spent. I felt that way about the London Olympics curtain raising show… Danny Boyle.
Meanwhile the BBC as broadcaster has a vested interest and insists we tune in for no less than: ‘Top 10 days for Team GB at the Olympics‘ – so that’s most of it then.
However, the Telegraph quoted our star British swimmer admitting the obvious: ‘“It doesn’t feel like an Olympics”, says Adam Peaty after breaststroke heat victory‘
Observer: ‘Peaty admitted that he wished that spectators had been in the aquatics centre‘
Perhaps our athletes should get used to it, take some coaching from our lady footballers who regularly challenge the philosophical thought experiment that if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Alternatively Team GB might visualise themselves starring in an epsidode of Black Mirror, that dystopian sci-fi television series created by Charlie Brooker. In this one all mass gatherings at sporting or entertainment events are sternly discouraged by the ruling authorities. Afterall the UK government is already leaning in this direction: ‘All mass events with more than 20,000 spectators set to require full vaccination by October 1‘ (Telegraph)
We note with interest this headline in the Telegraph presumably focus grouped to show the Tories in a caring animal-loving light: ‘Patel to phase out animal tests‘ – well, let’s face it, if big pharma can now unilaterally circumvent safety rules and, with government backing, launch their experimental drugs directly on us human guinea pigs, then why bother anymore with the lab rats?
Anna Pasternak, the great niece of the author of Doctor Zhivago, mischievously links our very own Prince of Woke Harry with his abdicated great-great uncle* Edward VIII nicknamed Berie, in a Telegraph feature: ‘What Harry can learn from Duke of Windsor’s memoirs‘ – As I recall Edward met with and rather admired Hitler before we all realised his downside – whereas Harry, nicknamed plank, tried on the uniform for fun.
* I’ll have to confirm that precise relationship with a Windsor family tree and a bit of genealogy – and perhaps one of those DNA kits – if Harry were willing – he said mischievously.
The Tory PR focus groups – unlike our civil servants – have evidently been working overtime. As anyone who has tried to phone a government department and then read the frontpage of the Sunday Express will note ruefully: ‘PM’s plan to blitz crime‘
Do tell? ‘Named police officer for every victim as Boris tackles “rage and powerlessness” when life is invaded‘
I’m none too sure how that will work in practice. Just note the Express bottom lefthand corner heading: ‘Covid debt to last 20 years‘
The larger and gobbier than life persona of Piers Morgan dominates the cover of the Mail on Sunday where he is keen to share: ‘I got Covid at Euros and the jab may have saved my life‘ – what is it with our political and media elite that – despite lockdown rules – they keep catching covid?
Anyway from Piers Morgan, a major tool of the media push for vax – he of the fake news photos of British soldiers torturing Iraqis – to big props to the Sunday paper cartoonists. Yet again one has to remark that their lampooning three inch sketches express far more than an acre of editorial.
Matt in the Telegraph aims his satirical pencil at the on-going curtailment of holiday travel. He has a British couple of sunseekers laden with suitcases remark: ‘We’re going abroad. We believe that foreign lockdowns broaden the mind‘
Whilst Newman in the Times focuses on the subject of primary importance to us hereabouts. The BBC Complaints office is pictured with a desk piled high with a mountain of papers and a BBC employee who throws up his arms in exclaimation: ‘Wow! It’s a new Olympic record!‘
I think the ‘named plod ‘ and email address will do much to concentrate plod minds in terms of accountability .- so they will find ways of hiding behind ‘data protection ‘.
I have experienced this official ‘wall ‘ in terms of their NHS where there is no accountability. . The medical mafia avoids giving out e Mail addresses or sending emails – like the current plague .
This practice is done to avoid accountability through an audit trail and any following complaints procedure .
So they prefer easily avoidable phone messaging systems or just not replying . You suffer whilst their NHS gets another pay rise …
I do fear gangsters targeting the “named officiers”
..and officers leaving the police cos of such fear.
Not sure you need to worry about The Met – prominent gangsters lead a magically charmed life inside the M25.
Stew – methinks they are busy with their kidult Facebook pages…..
What is with the left and these fabulously expensive supranational events that leave local taxpayers picking up the bill for years afterward?
I mean the Olympics not Covid
Or do I mean the next upcoming Global Warming fest?
I haven’t been following the Lions rugby tour but out of interest looked at the BBC page to get the score. Much to my surprise – not – the main photo was two BAMEs in action with the caption “England’s Maro Itoje and Courtney Lawes were influential as the Lions came from behind to win the first Test against South Africa”, yet, when I read on the match report never mentioned them. Obviously the sub/picture editor was following BBC guidelines with reference to BAME promotion.
It took me ages to find out in much of the other press as well, Popeye!
I suppose because rugby is played mainly by straight blokes, and against a mainly white opposition, it doesn’t figure high in the BBC’s priorities.
Had it been a wimmin’s game, they’d be all over the place!
Also, with the games being played in South Africa, they have a problem in W1A because that particular country isn’t actually doing very well in international politics, and has a rather worrying lack of lauranorder…
I heard some rugby player moaning about head injuries causing long term mental issues . Does any one in their right mind think that hitting their head against another person or ball is going to be A Good Thing ?
Fed, just to let you know that headers are not part of rugby. They are not a lot of use and anyway anybody who tries heading the pointed end of a rugby ball coming at speed must be brain damaged to begin with.
On another subject I’ve just read in the Express that in order to get some of the money back from the EU the UK government has agreed to fly the EU flag from councils across the UK. If true Sturgeon, Soubry, and worse, the BBC, will be ecstatic!
Happy groveling. That’s all I can say.
Yasser – thanks – I guess rugby types use their head for something else . Listening to some wimp rugby player moaning about the sport he played voluntarily was a bit much .
I can’t see the EU flag thing being true – except maybe for the Peoples Republic of Benefits aka Scotland ..
To be honest, Fed and Yasser, I don’t enjoy watching rugby any more.
The laws are far too complicated for normal people, and while some players get a good wedge, the amateur sport may still live on, but frankly, I can’t be arsed to risk my licence going over to watch!
Naturally, I want The Lions to win, as SA are a nasty lot on the field, but as for headers, it’s not actually that, it’s the neck and lower back if you played where I did in the front row. That would concern me nowadays.
Scrob – I tried to play it as a kid but got kicked in the teeth and retired from the sport….
Fed, I fully understand!
I tripped in a hole on Lewes RFC’s pitch in 1970, and hurt a sort of zongular ligament in my knee.
Everyone laughed as I did a big somersault and bit the dust, then the captain (bastard) told me to go and get on with it and stop making a fuss, and I just had to grin and bear it…
But we had it tough in those days! I’m sorry you stopped though, the beer was always much better in club pavilions!
Popeye, in fairness to the BBC (not a phrase I ever thought I’d write) the two players pictured were outstanding yesterday and extremely influential in the win – the fact that they’re not mentioned in the report is down to poor journalism – on this occasion they deserve to be highlighted.
Agreed! They’re both great players!
I’m surprised no mention of them in the match report as they were both superb. I thought all 5 English players in the starting XV played well “And gentlemen in England, now a-bed, shall think themselves accursed they were not there”
With the Olympics being on it reminds me of the time I was wandering through the Olympic village in London in 2012 and I saw a man carrying a long metal object.I asked him ‘are you pole vaulter?’ He replied ‘nein I’m German! But how did you know my name was Walter?’
Nodding 😎too hot for a coat to get ?
Sarpong (part time) earns £1,700 per day; Davie (full time) earns £1,650 a day.
Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith said: ‘How can anyone be worth paying £267,000 for working three days a week?
Tory MP Tom Hunt said: ‘This is an outrageous salary which dwarfs what the Prime Minister gets. I just cannot see how £267,000 for a three-day week can be justified.’
Perhaps it’s Protection Money ?
Sarpong is paid £267K, and in return BLM is kept off the BBC’s back
Please don’t use the word ‘earns’ – you bring it into disrepute …
It’s only taxpayer’s money, they think they ‘earn’ it, whereas normal privately earning citizens have to go through hoops to get anything like that obscene amount just for ‘covering’ victims.
Andrew Lawrence highlights BBC bias, particularly in relation to their latest appointments to BBC News.
Now that he’s been de-platformed and cancelled all over the place for daring to make a mild joke about black footballers, let’s give him a platform here.
Vlad -I bet the BBC droids sit in their HQ having a good chuckle at him and making sure he will never appear in one of its diverse programmes …
On Buisness News on Radio 4 the other day the BBC said US companies were doing badly giving Unilever as example whose shares had gone down dramatically. The real reason was nothing to do with a “general trend” that the BBC promoted. It was because Unilever own the ice cream brand Ben and Jerry’s who chose to boycott Judea and Samaria. Jewish groups have publicised this and pro Israel individuals all over the world have reacted to this anti Semitic act by boycotting Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and bringing the price of Unilever shares down.
I’ve been watching the Corporate self-flagellation thing for some time now. As a result I have finished with all Unilever products, particularly the smug Ben and Jerry’s along with a number of others including Coca Cola, Disney, Adidas, Burger King, Fed-Ex, Harry’s, IKEA, Levi’s, McDonalds, Pepsi Co., Pringles, Reebok, Starbucks, Tesco, Uber, Warner Bros, There are many more but these are the ones who I have traded with in the past and am no longer willing to do so.
Another excellent video from Simon Webb, this time highlighting BBC misleading anti white pro black propaganda.
‘ BBC documentary uprising distorts history’
Anyone know if someone is reposting Webb videos on Rumble etc.
On YouTube you have to be quick
cos the YouTube censors often delete his videos.
It wasn’t accidental. The paint thinner aspect is true but the fire was started deliberately by somebody setting light to the curtains next to where the nail varnish was spilt – allegedly this was done because the party was getting overcrowded and out of control and the person responsible thought this ‘prank’ might panic a few people into leaving.
This video is excellent, too, though not Webby, or BBC:
Thanks for the video – a challenging 13 minutes . For anyone who has studied that period – it is ‘fun’ to spot the parallels with our current situation .
However – the national socialist drive was about achieving a German empire similar to the British one – on the way they saw the need to strengthen Germany and make it more coherent .
I don’t see the parallel because each country is dealing with the Chinese virus in its own way .
Drawing parallels between the euthanasia of the Reich with Care Homes in the UK ? No – I don’t accept that .
Freedom in the UK has gone with or without covid – site like this one – where I hope people say what they want – could go in a moment without covid as an excuse
Similar with the use of the goebells play book by the BBC to engineer a non British country suitably approved by multicultural globalists . That might be being accelerated by covid but is happening anyway as red tories look away .
Dissent in Blighty – no approved dissent – is being crushed with or without covid .
Referring to the road to the gas chambers is also dangerous because there is one school of thought that says there was no long term ‘plan’ to exterminate using camps but they evolved through a sort of ‘chance ‘ which was grasped by Himler when he saw that early extermination programmes in secret worked .
The narrator points out his reading of the current situation but does not offer a remedy – is he proposing the use of violence ?
Or what ?
5/10 – could do better – see me .
BH on Radio4 at 9am had three wokes doing the reviews of the newspapers = another chance for the BBC to get their point of view across without saying it direct .
They all agreed that people shouldn’t go to jail and then sneered at Brexit .
Originality ; 0 Predictable; 10
Ladling out from the smear tub willy-nilly on the BBC website today.
While there are moonbats about – I reckon that most people turned up to show their dissatisfaction with the handling of the epidemic and the consequences government officials aren’t prepared to presently acknowledge and the assorted power grabs that are absolutely in play.
I’m quite curious about how the events are organised and who pays the assorted cost for travel, admin and the ‘scoority etc. that is part of a large public gathering that isn’t banned…
The BBC are asking:
Covid: Is UK now a breeding ground for new variants?
Maybe a good start in trying to answer this question BBC is to take a long cold look at the effect of the influx of thousands of undocumented arrivals in the UK on the Kent beaches. Coming from God knows where and importing God knows what virus strains.
I won’t hold my breath!
“Scientists have warned that the UK has created the perfect conditions by relaxing restrictions”
The invasion of the mutant viruses.
The Tories are operating an “open door policy”.
Did you vote for this ? Was it in Boris’s pre-election manifesto ?
They will all be ‘in’ by the time Priti does something about it . By then it will be too late.
Priti? Do something? In what dimension could this possibly happen?
Only if white and blonde. Apparently.
Good job Springster is at her retreat, composing.
Don’t cross the BBC. They have ways.
Our BBC Online News:
“Coronavirus infections continue to fall in UK”
“The UK recorded 29,173 new cases on Sunday – down from 48,161 logged a week earlier on 18 July.”
Our BBC are disappointed. Very disappointed…
Ha! 🙂
The BBC go full on Communist.
In a feature which would have delighted Pol Pot in Cambodia, the BBC glorifies a collectivist farm near the Malverns.
Twenty families have ‘come together’ in a ‘community’ to plough the land, feed the chickens etc etc. The women wear dungarees. ‘Everything here we share’.
Quite how it is all paid for is not clear. Perhaps private capital is needed to buy a house in the first place.
Not of course mentioned by the BBC.
Any day now, the animals will be taking over……..
They never ask the question “are you fully sustainable or do you rely partly on benefits”
If I were employed by the BBC, I would need a very thick skin.
That’s Labour’s shadow environment secretary
.. His thoughts are NOT with today’s flood victims
otherwise he wouldn’t have had the virtue-signalling bit about “Climate Emergency”
Lowering CO2 today makes zero difference to weather next week or even next year.
Not the Biased Bloated Corporation, but the Open University.I saw their latest advert about an hour ago. Black bloke extolling the values of the OU. Black woman overjoyed at getting an OU law degree. Wonder where she’s going to get a job?
I dont think we should cower from criticising the BBC reporting on a politician talking about not cowering from the chinese virus .
BBC bitterly disappointed by declining cases – plenty of silent experts not turning up on the BBC to recite the failure of the NHS to do its ‘ job – plus 3%
However the impact of freedom day is next Friday – then the gloom will return together with morbid ‘experts ‘
Why is the impact next Friday ?
If places were suddenly more dangerous on last Monday .. People would have caught covid on that day .. The infection come on in two days
And with many people having frequent work tests, Wednesday’s test figure would have been the first rise.. and then every day more and more
Stew – I think they are assuming that infected – ill people – will start presenting from next Friday as a result of reduced precautions .
As a non expert – I believe they are wrong . I’m assuming the weather in the UK has been good over that period leading to more outside life and thence more ventilation and less risk of infection .
It will be interesting to see the figures next week as well as the response to them – assuming ( bigly ) that the numbers are not perverted to meet the project fear narrative .
As an aside – is anyone in London reading this ? Is it flooded ? I understand NE is a bit wet …
Countryfile full of metroliberal agenda pushing
ends ..then into the trailer for Steve McQueen’s #WhiteyManBad series of 5 dramas
the chubby Dimbleby was on promoting his future of food report.
Discussion about the food & need to eat less meat/be more plant based.
Plant based foods prod 70% less greenhouse gases per kg of prod comp to meat.
Any meat we eat needs to have less impact on environment etc.
Covid Scientist and BBC favourite, Neil Ferguson, was adamant we’d hit 100k cases a day. He expected us to hit 200k a day.
“The UK recorded 29,173 new cases on Sunday – down from 48,161 logged a week earlier on 18 July.”
How the BBC high and mighty are fallen!
Ferguson has been discredited and proved wrong on so many occasions you have to ask just why he’s still a BBC go-to expert…
…and then you say, but what about Alastair Campbell and Roger Harrabin, and Polly Toynbee and George Monbiot and Greta and Nicola Sturgeon and Afua Hirsch and Owen Jones and Zoe Williams..and…
It reports the world how it wants it to be, rather than how it actually is.
Isn’t the presentation of the Olympics on the BBC a joy
to watch ? I don’t know what gives me more pleasure.
The family adverts on ITV and Sky. Where when I see one of
these adverts I want to go on line or rush to a shop and
buy a product. Or the home page of Barclays internet banking.
Which makes me proud to have been a Barclays
client for 56 years. The choice between the three is very hard to pick the most appealing one.
Are there viewing figures for the olympics – what are they like ? I guess family and friends of players will watch but otherwise who gives a…?
Apologies this is long and not the bBC (which wouldn’t be interested anyway).
While the country has been diverted with other matters, the Foreign Office have been busy little bees. On 30 June the UK signed a Joint Declaration with Germany pledging closer future cooperation on foreign and security policy. Sounds innocent enough you say? But I smell a rat. This initiative has the likes of arch-Remainer/Rejoiner Angus Lapsley written all over it.
(Coincidentally Merkel paid her visit to BoJo on 1 July.)
Veterans for Britain have put up a survey addressing all the topics contained in the Declaration and asking a series of questions to gauge public opinion.
VfB’s questions are:
Should the current UK Government make a commitment to Germany that the UK believes in the concept of a common set of ‘European values’?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany, outside of the UK’s NATO obligations, to a concept of ‘European strategic unity’?
Should the UK Government endorse the German Government’s current view that Germany’s bilateral relationships should reflect a commitment primarily towards the EU institutions?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany that the two countries will act jointly to address the human rights dimensions of artificial intelligence, considering that German policy in this area is now set at EU level?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to ‘join forces’ with Germany over Covid19 and future global health crises, considering that German policy in this area is now set an EU level?
Should the UK Government make a commitment individually with Germany to jointly coordinate and lead efforts to tackle ecology-related effects on peace and security, separate to NATO and other agreements?
Should the UK Government seek to ‘coordinate its action with Germany’ in order to mount a joint response to crisis prevention including through a new ‘UK-Germany Stabilisation Partnership’? Especially considering that German policy in this area is set at EU level.
Should the current UK Government commit to ‘cooperating as closely as possible with Germany’ on all United Nations Security Council decisions (considering Germany is subject to EU terms in this) or should UK allow these decisions to be on UK terms, decided by UK democratic means?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany to create ‘high level of coordination in all matters of foreign policy’ via a regular, nine-layered fixed dialogue – considering that German foreign policy is set at an EU level?”
Should the current UK Government commit to ‘cooperating as closely as possible with Germany’ on all United Nations Security Council decisions (considering Germany is subject to EU terms in this) or should UK allow these decisions to be on UK terms, decided by UK democratic means?
Should the current UK Government make a pledge to Germany that the UK will support a permanent seat for Germany at the United Nations Security Council?
Should the current UK Government pledge to Germany that the UK endorses the EU as a defence policy authority for its member states and to support this EU role in its liaison with NATO?
Should the UK Government commit to establish and expand cooperation with Germany on projects which fall under the auspices of EU defence policy authority such as the Pesco project known as Military Mobility?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany to work jointly on matters of:
– arms control
– arms exports
– non-proliferation
– biological weapons control
…or should UK action in these areas be on UK terms and self-generated via UK democratic means?
Should the UK Government make a pledge to Germany that the UK regards the work of the OSCE as ‘vital’, including its work in arms control and security building? Or should the UK’s endorsements be on its own terms and case-by-case.
Should the UK Government commit individually with Germany to develop ‘joint approaches to international governance, deterrence and maintaining open societies’?
Should the current UK Government endorse increased links between NATO and the EU’s structures and institutions on defence and security policy – and make a commitment to Germany that it will do so?
Should the UK Government make an agreement with Germany to conduct joint foreign policy action against Russia (considering Germany is bound by EU policy) and do so via a UK-Germany agreement which does not mention Germany’s gas pipeline deals with Russia?
Should the UK Government agree to ‘common actions’ with Germany in regard to institutional strength and societal resilience against Chinese influence, considering that Germany’s policies in this area are set by the EU, or should these UK actions be on UK terms?
Should the current UK Government make a pledge to Germany that the UK endorses ‘stronger European engagement in Asia’?
Should the current UK Government make an agreement with Germany to conduct ‘joint diplomacy, shared initiatives and joint lobbying’ on matters related to ecology or should cooperation be on its merits on a case-by-case basis?
Should the UK Government make an agreement with Germany to strive for ‘common approaches’ on 11 key geographic regions around the world, considering that Germany’s policy is set at EU level? Or should UK approaches be on UK terms with case-by case cooperation on its merits?
Should the UK Government make a commitment to Germany to create ‘high level of coordination in all matters of foreign policy’ via a regular, nine-layered fixed dialogue – considering that German foreign policy is set at an EU level?
Should the current UK Government endorse two German Government-funded forums as the ‘key platforms’ for feedback about the UK-German foreign policy relationship?
I obviously know nothing about anything, so if anyone here knows anyone adept at foreign policy please ask them to fill out the survey at @VeteransBritain (assuming they have a twitter account).
It does sound like the FO are ‘at it’ with their chums in the EU again and trying to keep us tied in.
Island – in real life the British Army is at about 80k if I recall ?
It’s heart warming’ coming up with nice joint protocols about this and that – but if vlad turns the gas supply off – who is going to do anything about it ?
Blighty hasn’t even got a defence force able to sink a few dinghies each day yet alone take on more substantial threats .
I wonder if they could re run the falklands with the same outcome now ? Or would the health and safety environmental gender impact say ‘no ‘ ?
I break my non cut and paste DT rule again – the olympics – enjoy
BBC One was facing mounting anger over its Olympics coverage on Sunday after missing live coverage of Britain’s first two medal-winners.
Viewers were left incandescent by the corporation posting online about Chelsie Giles winning judo bronze before their delayed broadcast of the fight on BBC One had finished. Instead it was shown live on the red button.
The semi-final victory that guaranteed Bradly Sinden a silver in Taekwondo was also delayed for home audiences on BBC One. Viewers were similarly annoyed that the BBC ‘spoiled’ the result for those watching by posting the result on social media before the TV coverage had ended.
Historically-low opening ceremony viewing figures have added to the BBC’s woes in Tokyo, with just 2.3million watching Friday afternoon’s controversy-dogged curtain-raiser.
To put that into context, the Rio ceremony in 2016, which did not start back home until after midnight, drew a peak of 3.8 million. Both those ceremonies were dwarfed by the 26.9m watching Danny Boyle’s 2012 London extravaganza. The Athens games in 2004, meanwhile, drew 8.68m.
The biggest worry for BBC executives is the frustration of viewers who have been unable to watch their favourite sports due to the Olympics’ new pan-European deal with Discovery.
The BBC had controversially lost automatic hosting rights in 2015 after the International Olympic Committee allowed American giant Discovery to table a £920million offer which blew rivals out of the water.
Under Government ‘Crown Jewel’ broadcasting arrangements, the Olympics is guaranteed for free-to-air – but the BBC was only able to secure two live events at a time under the terms of a sub-licensing agreement.
With broadcast bosses now having to gamble on is most likely to secure gold, there was no live BBC One coverage as Giles, who was not among the frontrunners, claimed Great Britain’s first bronze by defeating Switzerland’s Fabienne Kocher in the women’s -52kg judo.
Amid dozens of comments beneath a BBC tweet about Giles’ bronze, one wrote: “It would have been useful if you at least flashed it up on screen that it was on the red button live. First medal and you missed it.”
Another added: “Thanks for spoiling that given its on your main channel NOW….”, while others said: “This match has literally just started and I already know the result… why is there such a delay in the broadcast versus your updates???? Ps CONGRATS Chelsie.”
“It was on live on Eurosport,” spotted one viewer, “but for some reason BBC decide to show it delayed on BBC One?”
It was the second successive day that the coverage had frustrated viewers. Dan Walker, a main host, had been forced to defend coverage after tennis, rowing and gymnastics fans woke up to find their sports were not being shown live on traditional free-to-air.
Viewers immediately complained in their droves after the road race was prioritised for extended periods, with tennis fans expressing concerns that they may be waiting until Thursday for their sport to be shown at all.ENDS A BIT LATER
The BBC promises live coverage of the bottle opening contest where there is stiff opposition from Australia , Poland and other nations founded on booze ….is darts an Olympic sport ?
Time for the new thread – which I might leave running until next weekend . Always lively isn’t it ?
Last week I posted a piece about how the left and the media in general would react over the Maricopa audit in Arizona.
The BBC have joined CNN and the Washington Post in their baseless criticisms of the audit. To this end they interview solely Democrat reps and no one else. How can this be an independent unbiased report when only one side gets to put their side? It’s like them presenting a story by only interviewing Jeremy Corbyn.