There is an appeal on facebook from the RNLI for donations. Comments could be going better.
There is anger expressed at:
a) The RNLI are helping illegal migrants.
b) The Head of the RNLI charity receives almost £200k per year. A spokeswoman for RNLI said that such a salary is in line with other charities. (I wonder how much she gets paid?).
c) Volunteers who risk their lives get nothing.
We really do need a shake-up of charities. Is our BBC available to comment? Everybody at the BBC is paid via a forced, charitable process.
I am so chuffed that the heads of these so called charity organisations are getting publicity and light shone upon their obscene remuneration. How can any “charity” justify these ridiculous salaries. It is totally wrong and insulting to the gullible public who hand over the cash. I have long suspected that cretins were cashing in on the “giving” society but this is just bloody atrocious.
Any light being shone on the charity industry is welcome . The charity commission is not fit for purpose in overseeing a huge industry – and the institutions which can claim the tax privileges which charity status awards are not properly regulated .
This presents a threat to national security through the exploitation of charity law by Muslim cover organisations . Nothing will change .
As for the RNLI – it’s a shame the organisation can’t be charged with facilitating illegal entry to the UK on a massive scale .
Fedup, as you will see the lefty media are trying to cover this with the usual crap about right wing blah blah blah. The truth is that the rescue organisations have been captured by the ridiculous woke cretins.
These people are either criminals or the victims of criminals there is no other way to state it, so it should be entirely within the auspices of the border agency, the police and certainly not the RNLI useful fools.
Milliband is getting half a mill in the US, for ‘work’ in a charity. He went there in a huff, when his stupid brother ‘won’ the labour party thing, .
I am still so angry that I still can’t find the most biting piece of evidence I’ve ever seen, which exposes the big charities as a bloated, hugely personally enriched crowd of charlatans, who take political control in every walk of life, and squirm their way in on false premises, showing sick kids and dead cats.
If there was to be a cap on maximum charity salaries of let’s say 30 thousand quid you would see these public spirited angels leaving the sector in droves. We are quite simply being done over by these cash vampires.
Almost all national charities have joined the Woke as have our institutions and politicians. We are run by Wokists. Even if by some miracle a solid right of centre pro British, pro traditional values party were to emerge and we voted it into office with a very large majority it would struggle to impose its policies on the country. The civil service, judiciary via the subversive mechanism of judicial review, the police , local councils and of course the MSM led by the BBC, would simply refuse to implement policies that they didn’t agree with. Brexit was a near run thing and it isn’t over yet.
In short I don’t think that democracy works any longer . The long march by the left has yielded the results they intended . The non Woke must be mobilised and fight back. Refusing to pay the License Fee is the practical first step.
Doublethinker The charity commission is not fit for purpose in overseeing a huge industry – and the institutions which can claim the tax privileges which charity status awards are not properly regulated .
In bold is appropriate. Its likely too that many charities fund orgs that are upto no good..
Is it ordinary folk ? Or organisations that can splash cash about ?
Charities and pressure groups can fund each other – circulating the money .
The Post Office funds Dr Banardoes . That`s taxpayers money been distributed via a nalgo to a charity .
An old work colleague was from a Dr Banadoes-his parents were both killed in WW2, I felt so lucky that my parents both survived. They are a worthwhile concern, otherwise what would or where would parentless children then go for security and shelter? Anyway had no idea that the Post Office funded Dr Banardoes.
This certainly wasn’t aimed at Dr Barnados, just the PO.
There’s a village further into Kent, where they developed the first ever purpose-built home back a century or so! A lovely chum was a nurse there, before it closed down. The PO also get the perks of a private hospital a few miles away.
Friend of mine worked as a volunteer for the RNLI years ago. Even then he was advising me not to give donations to them. Said that they were ‘raking it in’, mainly because one of their main activities was claiming the salvage rights for the boats they rescued. Not just the high profile ships caught in the stormy seas, but the thousands of amateur sailors in their yachts and little boats. It would be interesting to know whether the ‘supportive ventures’ with the licensed people smugglers sending dinghies across the Channel generate revenue for them.
Such a shame for that innocent lady.
Can you for one second imagine if it had been a white British criminal gang (If indeed they still exist) that had murdered an innocent Muslim women you can be damm sure it would have been headline news.
So no suprise regarding the ethnicity of the perpetrators. However they showed Jackal type cunning by using a Silver Toyota Aventis. Police did state that they were looking for Males of Pakistani origin who drove a Silver Aventis and they narrowed it down to 16,876 suspects in Bradford
She and her family came to Britain from the Lebanon for the usual “better life” nine years ago. I rather doubt any of them are planning to go back, thought they did bury her in the old country.
It's a shame a thought to the families of the victim of this barbarity It is a 19-year-old Muslim girl shot dead at the door of a Supermarket in Blackburn (UK)Aya Hachem was a law student and a volunteer with The Children's Society. Another racist attack .
— Ibrahim Béem Kane (@TiguiIbrahimKN) May 18, 2020
Congratulations on a brilliant BBC career. Big gap left behind. I remember @ruskin147 as a dynamic young producer at BBC Lime Grove Studios in the mid 80s when I was a BBC trainee. The years roll by, and then they race by… not sure what happens after that.
Are the BBC quietly shedding their more expensive staff because their ransom from the UK public is shrinking? Maybe they think they can employ at least 5 Student dimwits for the same salary each employee they despose. of.
An emotional Alice Dearing hopes becoming the first black woman to represent #TeamGB in an Olympic swimming event makes a difference. #bbcolympics#Tokyo2020
There is not enough diversity in the winning of medals for the
UK in these Olympics. At least in presentation at the BBC. Why
are they not showing the ethnic competitors from the UK
winning their medals. What is June Sarpong doing to justify
her salary ? When are we going to see the UK team taking penalties?
Yes, This American gymnast is a woman and Black, got all the limelight while the gold and silver winners were ignored. Shameful.
And the concentration on womens sports all the time is beginning to grate. I enjoy competitions, but this blatant propaganda makes me churlish enough to support the idea that all sports should be gender neutral. Specially so as there is lots of money at stake.
Too, why are the main BBC commentators female or privileged, or both. How can any woman comment at a professional level in a sport she is physically unable to practice at a decent level, leave alone compete – like men’s gymnastics.
All charities are now the holy grail for clever educated grasping people who have sussed that there is a lot of cash slushing around and have managed to get a nice large slice into their own pocket by becoming token managers. I know this is the case from personal experience with at least two charities. These people who get to the top are there just for the money so I would guess the RNLI are no bloody different.
Very sad -really – that charities built on a good humanitarian view – turn into self interested businesses employing more and more people ( managers ) to raise money .
And of course you land up with charities fighting each other for money from the same ( generous public ) pot .
So be careful and selective if you donate money to a charity – because a lot of the time you will be paying the wage bill – not for the purpose the charity purports to serve .
And never to a street collector who works on commission ( not the Royal British Legion of course ).
I give to one charity and my church in a tax efficient way …
How about a law that no-one working for a charity could earn more than twice the average wage? That would be over £50k, which should be enough for anyone who genuinely wanted to work for a good cause. Having chief execs getting paid 50% more than the prime minister is just taking the mickey.
There some charities, very few, that are staffed by volunteers. These charities are of course scrutinised with all manner of accusations levelled at the volunteers.
Corruption from top to bottom- whether government, education, universities, armed forces, NHS, is endemic.
This is inherent in a multicultural society, where no allegiance is to any concept like honesty or fairness, but only to the cultural segment one belongs to. This can be lethal where life and death decisions are made on a regular basis .
I am beginning to suspect the BBC have a survival plan. It is basically to get rid of expensive and well-known experienced reporting staff as they no longer need truth and replace with gob-shite yoof c word ( edited by mod )
And I bet they are all clueless socialist graduates in pointless subjects or have ruch mummsies and daddies, all on low salaries because they respect the BBC so much.
This is a sign of a failing organisation when weak bosses surround themselves with weak people who won’t complain. Hitler did it in his bunker.
Lets hope the far-Left BBC meets the same fate as their socialist comrades from back then.
The BBC survival plan is to switch from the licence tax to general taxation – if that happens this site can close down .
However – the government is facing real serious harm as rates increase – even a bit so will need to cut public expenditure – so £3 billion – or more on the BBC is a long shot – although it would give an opportunity for a government to impose more control …
It’d be a perfect way to ‘privatise’ the BBC, and make them charge by subscription, like normal commercial services do!
I think we’d see several hundred bbc autocue-readers scrabbling around for new jobs, and the way would be clear for alternatives like GBNews!
What I don’t like is that Timmeh is just dragging his feet at every turn, not making any decisions, not changing anything, and just letting the elite dross all over him.
Why can’t they get someone with balls to do the job, not a bloody politician?
Fedup2The BBC survival plan is to switch from the licence tax to general taxation – if that happens this site can close down .
I have stated for a while that defunding the BBC will lead to funding from general taxation, as the BBC is too influential and powerful propaganda arm for any government to destroy. If that happens, any criticism of the BBC will be fruitless.
If I was PM, I would never allow the BBC to be destroyed just for philosophic reasons. It would be short sighted. The BBC is a weaponised news and influence organisation second to none. At times, more important sometimes then the armed forces.
What is likely to happen is that as society moves on, the present culture of the BBC will change. Or government forces the BBC to change for the “good of the nation” in war or something similar..
What a glorious outcome for the BBC that having spent so much time reviling the people in this country who actually pay the license tax that they find the public they endear, the young and woke are totally uninterested in their puke. I am delighted!
Vauhxx Booker: Black man condemns charges over alleged race attack
And so rests the case for the defence.
Now the BBC will present the case for the prosecution.
Oh, they didn’t. Just a long list of people like his lawyer calling everyone racists.
Isn’t it amazing how the videos we get which are supposed to prove to us that all black people are innocent always seem to miss out the most vital piece of evidence – ie what actually happened to cause the rest of it ?.
You always know when it’s a BBC anti-white racist agenda item when you read the words ‘black man’ anywhere in the article. It’s always left out when they did something bad.
Apparently Booker is a well known local troublemaker
by fellow black peole, not just white.
Here’s a Youtube from a ex black police guy last year
He said “Some things just aren’t adding up”
… ‘6 of HIS FRIENDS were videoing yet all I find is no N-word, noose ,etc.
just once someone seems to say “Nappy Head”
People say it looks like a setup cos it’s just all short clips
Yep that is a rule should pay not attention to short video clips
but rather long un-edited footage
‘The guy had just been kicked out his local BLM for troublemaking’ and he’s banned from lots of local places for troublemaking
‘It’s not believable that when he has 6 friends with him, 3 people were trying to lynch him.
Wage bracket followed by number of employees paid that amount
£60,000–£69,999 43
£70,000–£79,999 24
£80,000–£89,999 5
£90,000–£99,999 3
£100,000–£109,999 1
£110,000–£119,999 1
£160,000–£169,999 1
Total 88
Paul Boissier fulfilled the role of chief executive
from 1 January to 15 May, retiring on 30 June, whilst Mark
Dowie joined on 1 May. Mark Dowie receives an annual salary
of £160,000. He does not receive any additional allowances,
nor a company car or car allowance. He has chosen not to
receive RNLI employer’s pension contributions, but he has
chosen to have the employee benefit of salary life assurance
cover at one times’ salary.
84 (2018: 62) employees who received emoluments in
excess of £60,000 (including severance pay) are members
of defined contribution schemes and received employer
contributions of £821,102 (2018: £630,738).
Every RNLI request for charitable contributions should now have those wage facts added for all to see. You can bet that the wages of these parasites is a priority from donations. Salaries over equipment!
I bet the lifeboat crews genuinely welcome this exposure of the parasites.
That is disgusting. Just because the actual lifeboat crews are volunteers, people think that the RNLI itself must be run by volunteers. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is clear that the in upper echelons of these megacharities they think they should be paid as much as board members of a FTSE company.
“An estimated 235,000 people drown worldwide every year. It is a staggering number, yet this global problem isn’t receiving the serious attention it needs.”
Barbie of Oxford Covid vaccine designer Dame Sarah Gilbert created
‘Barbie maker Mattel has created a doll of the scientist who designed the Oxford coronavirus vaccine, Prof Dame Sarah Gilbert.’
‘Her vaccine – the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab – is now the most widely used around the world’
I have many issues with the Oxford vaccine team and their serious incompetence at every stage of their ‘finest hour’ which they had been funded to prepare for for years but this is simply outrageous. What about all the others who worked on the vaccine ?. According to the BBC, she did it all single-handedly. I would love to know what her actual contribution was as opposed to being the manager.
And the other special Barbie dolls we are informed about:
Hijab wearing Barbie in 2017 to honour the first American fencer to wear an Islamic headscarf. HONOUR ?????.
A black one for Rosa Parks.
A Maori doll after an NZ journalist.
Black 200m runner Dina Asher-Smith.
And just one white-male doll is included : David Bowie. Who was gay.
This is a classic unashamed, unrestricted 100% typical BBC agenda piece.
I wish the BBC would credit the names of whoever writes this rubbish so I can see what kind of activist they are on twitter. Because they ALWAYS are.
They always said before the vaccine was rolled out that a women would take the credit. In all probability its a 54 year old bloke single that subscribes to “British Waterways Monthly” and lives in his mums old house.
If it’s anything like the big software teams I have worked in, you have one or two ‘key members’ in each small team who hold the ‘doing’ of the job together. They were often contractors.
Their team leaders are more or less just responsible for reporting what the team get up to and pass down priorities with little technical involvement. Their job is maintaining charts and knowing what’s going on to report to the senior managers who have a strategic view and don’t understand any of the details.
If it all starts going wrong, they are in their element managing recovery plans and the like.
A quote from a very senior BAe manager I will never forget is ‘A project which is 18 months late needs more management’. Not better engineers.
I have scar tissue from taking over a project which was out of control . Fortunately – because I was really clever at the time – I solved the problems . No gratitude from the organisation of course – because I made it look bad ….
I was 1 of 3 hardware/software integration engineers who would spend all day working out why it didn’t work then go back to the main team where about 5 team leaders would quiz me what needed to be done then disappear to spread the current status around all the other managers.
When I got back to the main office, everyone would be chatting and drinking tea. Used to drive me mad – but as a contractor, I just kept quiet and took the money.
John C : BAe manager I will never forget is ‘A project which is 18 months late needs more management’. Not better engineers.
And when they do that, they end up paying huge penalties for not coming even close to the terms of the contract. For the manager, it is cheaper to pay the legal penalties.
lol, the BBC will wet their panties if they see that.
I did see this at the bottom:
‘If white supremacists have their way that won’t happen. Black people scare the crap out of them and gender fluidity scares them more. So expect their disinformation effort to continue in mass-production.’
I see this kind of left-wing fanatical statement in many places now including CNN and Washington Post recently.
These people are absolutely choc full of hate and spite and they don’t even see it.
Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire
Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire
Meet the young mathematician who helped design the Spitfire, the iconic aircraft that took part in the Battle of Britain, which started 80 years ago today.
‘The Schoolgirl who Helped Win a War’ will be broadcast on the BBC News Channel at 13.30, 17.30 and 20.30 on Saturday and 10.30 and 16.30 on Sunday. It will also be available on BBC iPlayer.
“Covid in Scotland: Most restrictions to end from 9 August”
Thanks to the COVID vaccine. That’s the vaccine that the UK acquired by being independent from the EU. An EU that ‘Crankie’ and the SNP wants to rejoin .
Some NHS staff embarrassed themselves with silly dance routines on TikTok during lockdown whilst attempting to convince us the hospitals were almost overwhelmed. They got some deserved flak for that.
So what, we wonder, of the men from the ministry? Our civil servants, what have they been up to? Have they been busy slaving away pushing their pencils down to a stub on our behalf?
‘After Sunak’s plea for workers to get back in the office, it’s revealed that only a quarter of staff at one Whitehall department are at their desks‘ (‘i‘)
Meanwhile: ‘Civil servant in bus stop drop was set to be ambassador‘ (Times) – let me translate: this was the chap, Angus Lapsley by name – lapse by nature – who left sensitive defence documents at a bus stop – like an elderly aunt might leave her knitting needles in your favourite armchair at Christmas – ouch! Sorry, I’m still suffering mild PTSD.
You’ll be pleased to know: ‘He is back at the Foreign Office after an investigation found “no evidence of espionage”‘ – any evidence of early onset dementia, then?
Are we really to understand that our top civil servants are still tucking a briefcase stuffed with secret documents under their arm, planning to do further perusal after their supper of bangers and mash with the missus, nodding a cheery nighty-night to the porter on their way out of the ministry at 5:31pm to wait for the number eleven red bus… like its still 1942?
Our Angus’s lapse hasn’t gone completely without consequence: ‘Lapsely was in line to be British ambassador to NATO. Government sources said the appointment was now unlikely, but that there was a chance for him to be “rehabilitated”‘
Cue compulsory attendance at Amnesiacs Anonymous – if he can remember whether the group meet on Tuesday or is it Wendesday evenings? “Hi, I’m.. er… Angus… I’m a recovering amnesiac, since… er…?”
Questions remain in this reader’s mind. How come the secret papers, some of which were marked “Secret UK Eyes Only“: ‘were handed to the BBC‘? By whom and for what reason?
We’re familiar with the designation: “For your eyes only” – Roger Moore 1981; and even “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” – George Lazenby 1969. But “Secret UK Eyes Only” – what’s all that about?
Is the implication that we have big secrets, from even our closest NATO allies? I’m rather pleased about that.
By the way, our civil service seem to revel in a long drawn out internal inquiry or two – any news yet on who selfishly sold the CCTV footage of Matt Hancock to the papers, rather than save it for the staff Christmas party blooper reel? And as for Angus Lapsely’s lapse (sorry I’m on an aptronym – name fits characteristics – kick lately) well: ‘A full review of the incident has not yet concluded‘
What, we can look forward in the distant future to even more inconsequential, unelightening revelations?
Do let us know, won’t you? Maybe when you all get back in the office… some time next year?
Lapsley has been criticised by leave campaigners for failing to remain impartial during the Brexit negotiations & for pushing for closer integration into EU organisations.
Questions are being raised over why he remains in his job & no police investigation launched (see Darroch).
Harrabin is stale and formulaic – I suspect he’s more active behind the scenes than out front – after all – he has previous in the organised subversion department = “28 Gate”
I regularly read web pieces with other folk getting the byline and spot slabs of Harrabinisms plonked in the middle – ‘ees a busy boy is Roger.
With a bit of luck now that this character has been named in the press his career is over …but reading the ( guardian ) piece there seemed an element of ‘he is one of us – nice chap – went to school with his brother ) about it .
But the security breach was massive and I don’t understand why he isn’t ‘gripping the rail’. It also encourages more junior staff to be sloppy as well because they won’t be punished -right ?
Btw – the nature of the stuff he had wasn’t useless information about the latest useless tank costing £ billions – it was about ‘live ‘stuff including the frankly stupid idea of the Roysl Navy sailing in the South China Sea – and not the English Channel .
My channel idea is to buy a clapped out aircraft carrier – plonk it in the channel – Chuck every illegal invader on it and then sail off to a camp on the Falklands ….where they can be ‘processed ‘…
What's the best way to warn teenagers about BBC content ? Should the entire institution be burnt to the ground ? What do you think ? Do you think at all ?
The BBC invited me onto Newsnight last night. They told me they were interested in my views and did not want to fit me into a script. I agreed. They then told me what I had to talk about which was something I had not expressed a view on! Why do that? I declined.
A BBC wokesperson responds:
“It is sometimes falsely claimed that the BBC does not give equal prominence to all viewpoints and that, for example, conservative voices do not receive sufficient airtime on programmes such as Newnight. This is categorically untrue. For instance, on August 3rd the Conservative MP John Redwood was due to appear on Newsnight but, having agreed to do so, suddenly withdrew at short notice.”
(stock answer taken from BBC In-house guide: ‘Standard Responses for Deflecting Criticism and List of Useful Contacts from the Labour Party, Extinction Rebellion, Black Lives Matter and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Illustrated with photos from Getty Images, Volume 43, Page 312’)
The Sopes Birthday Bash ‘analysis’ will be awesome.
As Obama prepares his lavish birthday party for 400 guests at his $12 million weekend estate during a pandemic and eviction crisis, his aides urge the public to donate to his unprecedentedly sprawling emperor-like "library" that will be outside the normal record-keeping rules.
If you play the film ‘Jaws’ backwards, you start with an angry shark, who eventually gives limbs, heads etc’, back to ordinary people, and lives on his own in a nice calm sea with just one female swimmer as company!
For the doubters, old England still exists.
Mind you, it takes some finding…
Later today I’ll be sitting in the splendid cloistered gardens at Westminster Abbey, enjoying the blissful drones of a traditional British brass band.
They’ll play some old favourites from My Fair Lady, The Dam Busters (don’t mention the dog) and to a man and a woman we’ll all stand for the national anthem.
Can you imagine anything more English?
A beautiful summer’s day, free from the constant and antagonistic woke propaganda pumped out by our despicable media.
Literally a breath of fresh air…
Blimey, if I’m feeling particularly indulgent I might even treat myself to a slice or three of lemon drizzle cake.
I hope u are not paying to get in … and the cafe was very very expensive the last time I was there – but it’s far far better than St Paul’s – which has the atmosphere of a bus station . … Westminster Cathedral is ok – the trouble is thy have lots of masses ….
If you cross Victoria Street, go up Storey’s Gate, turn left into Old Queen St., go to the end, and on the corner with Queen Anne’s Gate is ‘The Two Chairman’!
Had you been there in 1969, I’d have bought you a pint…
I have a recollection that Martha Kearney did time in Afghanistan as a BBC correspondent many years ago. Could be wrong on that. Anyway she is taking an interesting interest in the place and trying to stoke up another fear for the people of the UK: if the Taliban take control of Afghanistan then they may use it as a base from which to attack the UK. There is no fear of that BBC, we have plenty of people here in the UK who could do us harm.
Tony Blair sound-alike General Sir Nick Carter was the interviewee in the main 8.10 a.m. slot. He was on a better telephone line this morning and he didn’t use so many Blairite phrases as the last time I heard him.
General Nick – yes, the Chief of the Defence Staff! – as well as Lyse Doucett and Martha, too, demonstrated an immense gullibility in that they all thought that Afghans, especially women, shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar’ and waving Afghan flags demonstrated their support for the Afghan Government and democracy and freedom. I’ve never been to Afghanistan but even I know that those same people will quickly pick up and wave a Taliban flag and shout ‘Allahu Akhbar’ when a Taliban knife is against their throat or the Taliban are in charge of their district.
Needless to say, when challenged even by the Bee Lady, General Sir Nick Carter used a Blairite phrase: “We need to learn lessons from this.”. ‘This’ being the UK’s involvement – despite the lessons of 18th and 19th century history – in a stupid and unnecessary 21st century conflict.
Women sailors win gold.
Two GB boxers secure bronzes.
Heptathlon continues, GB currently in third place.
In the 10k swim, British black swimmer gets 19th place.
Later on, we can watch 13 y o Sky Brown in the skateboarding (spoiler alert, this event was finished hours ago, stop pretending it is live) and Equestrian individual events.
Illegal immigrants have just arrived at Dover. I'm not down the docks today, I'm spending the day at home editing some footage for a video I'm working on. @Traxxtra & @UK_UNIFICATION have it covered at the docks.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
You wont get the ( funded by fear of prosecution) bBC applauding Boris for being smart enough to dodge the trap laid before him by parish councillor Krankie.
You can rest assured bBC Scotland would have been out in force following orders from Krankie to witness Boris,s humiliation in front of a “rent a mob” comprising Nat Loonies and Irish republicans”
And ScotPlod would have been told….no need for big numbers stay put!
They are too busy anyway, trying to find rangers supporters who indulged recently in ” vile anti Irish/catholic bigotry following ” Rangers recent prevention of Celtic 10 in a row.
Only problem is there is no actual evidence of this so called anti Irish/catholic bigotry. Nowt…Nada…Zilch!
But that didnt stop Krankie proclaiming this …..and still no apology.
So much so that Police Scotland are denying FOI requests for production of evidence under the guise of not in the public interest!
What Boris could have done was to have asked her “husband” the SNP Chief Executive ( dont laugh) to provide an update on the missing £600k which some say is closer to £1m.
This could have been by Zoom with Mr Murrell in a private room with no access to operatives feeding him his answers….and no magpies ( as reported at Salmond trial) to divert his attention.
Murky business……….time to deploy some dark arts in amongst this MongFest up here.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Dante’s Divine Comedy ‘offensive and should be banned’
It is a world-renowned work of literature and one of the foundation stones of the Italian language, but Dante’s Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, homophobic, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic.
The classic work should be removed from school curricula, according to Gherush 92, a human rights organisation which acts as a consultant to UN bodies on racism and discrimination.
Dante’s epic is “offensive and discriminatory” and has no place in a modern classroom, said Valentina Sereni, the group’s president.
Divided into three parts – Hell, Purgatory and Heaven – the poem consists of 100 cantos, of which half a dozen were marked out for particular criticism by the group.
It represents Islam as a heresy and Mohammed as a schismatic and refers to Jews as greedy, scheming moneylenders and traitors, Miss Sereni told the Adnkronos news agency.”The Prophet Mohammed was subjected to a horrific punishment – his body was split from end to end so that his entrails dangled out, an image that offends Islamic culture,” she said.
They are not permitted in any circumstances. They are haram.” The draconian ruling by Sheikh Manea stems from Islam’s shunning of idolatry, which some interpret as never using pictures or objects that depict humans, animals or living creatures in general.9 Oct 2019
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as “other” races.
What I have never had adequately explained to me by any woke left winger is why ‘diversity’ is necessary or desirable in a European country. Are African and Asian countries striving for ‘diversity’?
19 men arrested for child offence offences ranging from 2000 to 2005 . No mention of the nature of the ‘men ‘ nor the ‘victim(s) ‘.
But I bet one of the many reasons the paki paedo rape gangs prey on white kids is that if they did their own race they’d be dead …
I doubt the syndication (edited with a smidge of rebranding) would be that much – and anyway, the reaction to maybe a link or two from @afneil would really nettle all the correct people.
I’ve read in several places that Tucker has enough wedge in the bank anyway to just walk away and amuse himself doing something else – I don’t think he’s much of a golfer though…
I can easily imagine him being tickled by the idea of resurrecting “Letter from America” – not the least being the effect that it’d have on the BBC crew 🙂
Given that Alistair Cooke saw himself primarily as a a reporter – I can imagine that he might have approved of a sort-of inversion of “Letter from America”
– let’s face it – the BBC’s present US coverage is pitifully poor.
Tucker’s antipathy towards corrupt US financial establishment elite was iirc also something that got Cooke into some choppy waters.
– 2869 “letters” over nearly 60 years –
I think I heard the last one (and a load before that)
Oh yeah – don’t forget that the NYT’s Walter Duranty was another Lancashireman …
Very interesting 11minutes – the very fact that the Chinese buy newspaper reporters as well as take down their stuff from the internet makes the wuhan human source of the Chinese virus more likely .
But we will never know ..
Here is a job for the fabulously talented bBBC (now senior) disinformation specialist. Will she thoroughly investigate the seemingly fantastic disinformation put out by SAGE regarding the doom laden projections relating to Freedom day.
“The JCVI have not recommended vaccinating under-16s without underlying health conditions but will keep its position under review based on the latest data.
Van Tam says he doesn’t want to ‘rule in or rule out’ jabs for those aged 12-15…
4:30pm Media Show : With ITN boss woman
Since Amol no longer presents .. Clive Myrie is presenting
.. is that tick boxing ?
For all talk of diversity : It’s incredible that only one source ITN
supplies all news to ITV, Channel4 and channel 5
Then most commercial radio like LBC get their news from SkyNews
BBC blurb
“. Some older demographics are attracted to more partisan, opinionated platforms, such as GB News.
(I though the MSM line is that no one watches GBnews )
And politicians have openly disparaged the so-called “mainstream media.”
How can ITV’s News at Ten and Channel 4 News win audiences back – and regain our trust?
She was boss at NBC and she just claimed NBC is “impartial”
Now “Do you think you should have called Donald Trump out earlier”
She also claimed that ITV had done incredible work exposing the “Capitol rioters”
ITN has such a huge pension deficit that all profits go to fund it.
Indoctrination get them young …..he’s no more a Professor than my old Aunt Fanny ! , He lives near to some of my Family in the New Forest and he’s that popular ‘ someone ‘ nailed a few Crows to his gate , He wants the free roaming of Livestock banned and control of vermin stopped…Commoners rights going back Centuries obviously means nothing in his little world !
I missed the Packham ‘Wish List’ item on TOADY this morning. In fact I missed much of TOADY apart from the big interview @ 8.10 a m. and the first twelve minutes or so from 6 a.m..
What was the planet-saving suggestion for today from the plank globe-trotter and CO2 emitter?
Wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham wins four-year battle to stop plans to build 5,200 homes on acres of ancient woodland near his home
Controversial plans were earmarked near Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, Hampshire
Eastleigh Borough Council says it will remove the scheme from its Local Plan
Mr Packham was a fundamental part of the campaign against ‘eco-vandalism’
Packham is a cheb end but I’m with him on this one. Fair Oak was my childhood home and I was local to the area until I was in my mid-twenties – going back there since, some of the developments of green spaces I used to know have made my blood boil. It’s a semi-rural area and the relentless influx of people that has ruined London (where I now reside) isn’t welcome.
The BBC are running a HYS on the issue of giving 16 and 17 year olds the covid vaccine. As at the time of writing, this is the top story on the BBC webshite.
Actually I’m lying a little. The BBC WERE running a HYS.
They started it at about 1642 and closed it after 44 posts at about 1648.
What has happened? Who is on the naughty step? And why?
And now over to Olympic Sailing.
And it’s a tense time as to who is going to win Olympic gold in this very close contest.
The competing teams in the final are from Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe, Libya, Sudan, and Eritrea. And what a tight contest this is as they steer hither and thither across the waves, looking for calm water and a little southerly wind.
And now as they come to the finish line, it’s Sudan who……….get picked up first by the UK Border Farce and given free transport, board, lodging, and hotel accommodation.
A great win for the Sudanese team in this pulsating economic chancers gold medal decider.
I wouldn’t scream at the presenter
Often they are thinking about the next thing. and not taking in for the caller said, so just quickly move onto the next thing.
Guess it would be the production team’s job to pay attention to what is actually going out
and issue quick corrections.
You are not allowed to stop paying by law … ha ha ha …
Jimmy Savile report: The five senior BBC employees who knew about sexual predators but did not act
Dame Janet Smith’s report highlighted five individuals who ‘could have done something about Savile and Stuart Hall’
In total 117 witnesses to her inquiry who had worked at the BBC said they were aware of rumours about Savile’s sexual conduct. But she defended her finding that “I have found no evidence that the BBC as a corporate body was aware of Savile’s conduct”, saying “this is not a whitewash”.
Savile’s Radio 1 producer. Dame Janet found that he not only knew about the presenter’s proclivities for sex with teenage girls but, on at least one occasion, was willing to act as a provider of a young woman for Savile.
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
There is an appeal on facebook from the RNLI for donations. Comments could be going better.
There is anger expressed at:
a) The RNLI are helping illegal migrants.
b) The Head of the RNLI charity receives almost £200k per year. A spokeswoman for RNLI said that such a salary is in line with other charities. (I wonder how much she gets paid?).
c) Volunteers who risk their lives get nothing.
We really do need a shake-up of charities. Is our BBC available to comment? Everybody at the BBC is paid via a forced, charitable process.
I am so chuffed that the heads of these so called charity organisations are getting publicity and light shone upon their obscene remuneration. How can any “charity” justify these ridiculous salaries. It is totally wrong and insulting to the gullible public who hand over the cash. I have long suspected that cretins were cashing in on the “giving” society but this is just bloody atrocious.
Any light being shone on the charity industry is welcome . The charity commission is not fit for purpose in overseeing a huge industry – and the institutions which can claim the tax privileges which charity status awards are not properly regulated .
This presents a threat to national security through the exploitation of charity law by Muslim cover organisations . Nothing will change .
As for the RNLI – it’s a shame the organisation can’t be charged with facilitating illegal entry to the UK on a massive scale .
Fedup, as you will see the lefty media are trying to cover this with the usual crap about right wing blah blah blah. The truth is that the rescue organisations have been captured by the ridiculous woke cretins.
These people are either criminals or the victims of criminals there is no other way to state it, so it should be entirely within the auspices of the border agency, the police and certainly not the RNLI useful fools.
Milliband is getting half a mill in the US, for ‘work’ in a charity. He went there in a huff, when his stupid brother ‘won’ the labour party thing, .
I am still so angry that I still can’t find the most biting piece of evidence I’ve ever seen, which exposes the big charities as a bloated, hugely personally enriched crowd of charlatans, who take political control in every walk of life, and squirm their way in on false premises, showing sick kids and dead cats.
If there was to be a cap on maximum charity salaries of let’s say 30 thousand quid you would see these public spirited angels leaving the sector in droves. We are quite simply being done over by these cash vampires.
Almost all national charities have joined the Woke as have our institutions and politicians. We are run by Wokists. Even if by some miracle a solid right of centre pro British, pro traditional values party were to emerge and we voted it into office with a very large majority it would struggle to impose its policies on the country. The civil service, judiciary via the subversive mechanism of judicial review, the police , local councils and of course the MSM led by the BBC, would simply refuse to implement policies that they didn’t agree with. Brexit was a near run thing and it isn’t over yet.
In short I don’t think that democracy works any longer . The long march by the left has yielded the results they intended . The non Woke must be mobilised and fight back. Refusing to pay the License Fee is the practical first step.
Entryism is an Alinsky trick
…ie the hijacking of established organisations by a few activists from within.
The charity commission is not fit for purpose in overseeing a huge industry – and the institutions which can claim the tax privileges which charity status awards are not properly regulated .
In bold is appropriate. Its likely too that many charities fund orgs that are upto no good..
Who is now funding the RNLI ?
Is it ordinary folk ? Or organisations that can splash cash about ?
Charities and pressure groups can fund each other – circulating the money .
The Post Office funds Dr Banardoes . That`s taxpayers money been distributed via a nalgo to a charity .
And the Post Office are continually whingeing about how they can’t do their jobs properly, so will have to cut services!
Funny how all the private delivery companies have kept going all through the covids, but the PO still flops around and moans at every turn.
An old work colleague was from a Dr Banadoes-his parents were both killed in WW2, I felt so lucky that my parents both survived. They are a worthwhile concern, otherwise what would or where would parentless children then go for security and shelter? Anyway had no idea that the Post Office funded Dr Banardoes.
This certainly wasn’t aimed at Dr Barnados, just the PO.
There’s a village further into Kent, where they developed the first ever purpose-built home back a century or so! A lovely chum was a nurse there, before it closed down. The PO also get the perks of a private hospital a few miles away.
And I didn’t know the PO funded them either!
RNLI is mainly funded by legacies
and maybe ship insurance
they had close to a billion in the bank
Friend of mine worked as a volunteer for the RNLI years ago. Even then he was advising me not to give donations to them. Said that they were ‘raking it in’, mainly because one of their main activities was claiming the salvage rights for the boats they rescued. Not just the high profile ships caught in the stormy seas, but the thousands of amateur sailors in their yachts and little boats. It would be interesting to know whether the ‘supportive ventures’ with the licensed people smugglers sending dinghies across the Channel generate revenue for them.
What happens to all the inflatables that we see by the hundreds lying on beaches? Are they sold on and if so who gets the revenue?
I am sure there are many Albanian and Pakistani businessmen who would make them a good offer for the dinghies.
I wonder if any of the RNLI’s rich bosses are ex-Lifeboat crews?
More like Oxford PPE graduates I should think.
……….and in another fine example of the benefits of multiculturalism….
Seven men have been found guilty of murdering a student who was shot dead in a feud between two tyre firm owners.
The guilty seem to show a remarkable lack of diversity.
Not that the BBC would comment. Or notice.
Such a shame for that innocent lady.
Can you for one second imagine if it had been a white British criminal gang (If indeed they still exist) that had murdered an innocent Muslim women you can be damm sure it would have been headline news.
So no suprise regarding the ethnicity of the perpetrators. However they showed Jackal type cunning by using a Silver Toyota Aventis. Police did state that they were looking for Males of Pakistani origin who drove a Silver Aventis and they narrowed it down to 16,876 suspects in Bradford
I hope the young lady RIP.
She and her family came to Britain from the Lebanon for the usual “better life” nine years ago. I rather doubt any of them are planning to go back, thought they did bury her in the old country.
@Sluff you can dig up tweets by libmob saying the killing proved Britain is racist
What went wrong?
Sorely missed.
Are the BBC quietly shedding their more expensive staff because their ransom from the UK public is shrinking? Maybe they think they can employ at least 5 Student dimwits for the same salary each employee they despose. of.
Hope so.
Perhaps they could shred Fiona Bruce who must a multi-millionaire.
Also will follow the party line. The question remains – which party and from where?
Move on to where Rory, you have been none-personed my friend.!
Another one who has turned the BBC into a Far Left propaganda machine – any bets on what will replace him ?
Isn’t it a bit like the school bully saying sorry to the kids he abused?
He has Parkinsons, so maybe his condition is getting worse .
Is Rory CJ going to be doing his Tesla promotion work from inside their main office now ?
Third world business practices from the Cult that keeps on giving – mainly corpses.
“Seven men guilty of drive-by shooting murder”
A dispute between two rival tyre shops, apparently.
That the BBC hides in Regions.
Another day – another bunch of third world mugshots . There’s another one floating around today of a multicultural ‘county lines ‘ gang of thicko s …
Execute the lot, no mucking about-show the world we mean business- that we maybe a comapssionate nation, but there comes a time…….
Religion of Peace site documents some of it.
Well, well.
It appears that rather a lot of people have noticed the BBC ridiculous obsession with an American gymnast who hasn’t even been competing.
CCBGB barely covers it, and how it gladdens the heart.
Enjoy these comments. While they let you.
lol, lots of ‘Removed comment’s on there.
BBC Sports Related News
“I don’t have anything to hide any more.”
Go on… guess.
The tranny weightlifter?
They are a very expensive joke.
Call that #CCBGB?
Now, this…. is CCBGB.
Don’t care what colour she maybe, she represents GB and that should be enough, no need to tell us what colour she might be. I’m white by the way.
There is not enough diversity in the winning of medals for the
UK in these Olympics. At least in presentation at the BBC. Why
are they not showing the ethnic competitors from the UK
winning their medals. What is June Sarpong doing to justify
her salary ? When are we going to see the UK team taking penalties?
‘I’m white by the way.’
Shame on you.
Re Biles. Here’s one of the BBC comments on their Have Your Say. It has almost 400 upticks:
“There are now 4 pictures of Biles in the leading stories of the Olympic page.”
“You’re completely obsessed with her BBC. Merely pointing out a fact.”
Pity the HYS checking website is still dead
Yes, This American gymnast is a woman and Black, got all the limelight while the gold and silver winners were ignored. Shameful.
And the concentration on womens sports all the time is beginning to grate. I enjoy competitions, but this blatant propaganda makes me churlish enough to support the idea that all sports should be gender neutral. Specially so as there is lots of money at stake.
Too, why are the main BBC commentators female or privileged, or both. How can any woman comment at a professional level in a sport she is physically unable to practice at a decent level, leave alone compete – like men’s gymnastics.
PS : Watching TV at a friends place.
All charities are now the holy grail for clever educated grasping people who have sussed that there is a lot of cash slushing around and have managed to get a nice large slice into their own pocket by becoming token managers. I know this is the case from personal experience with at least two charities. These people who get to the top are there just for the money so I would guess the RNLI are no bloody different.
Very sad -really – that charities built on a good humanitarian view – turn into self interested businesses employing more and more people ( managers ) to raise money .
And of course you land up with charities fighting each other for money from the same ( generous public ) pot .
So be careful and selective if you donate money to a charity – because a lot of the time you will be paying the wage bill – not for the purpose the charity purports to serve .
And never to a street collector who works on commission ( not the Royal British Legion of course ).
I give to one charity and my church in a tax efficient way …
Exactly, Fed!
How about a law that no-one working for a charity could earn more than twice the average wage? That would be over £50k, which should be enough for anyone who genuinely wanted to work for a good cause. Having chief execs getting paid 50% more than the prime minister is just taking the mickey.
There some charities, very few, that are staffed by volunteers. These charities are of course scrutinised with all manner of accusations levelled at the volunteers.
Corruption from top to bottom- whether government, education, universities, armed forces, NHS, is endemic.
This is inherent in a multicultural society, where no allegiance is to any concept like honesty or fairness, but only to the cultural segment one belongs to. This can be lethal where life and death decisions are made on a regular basis .
I am beginning to suspect the BBC have a survival plan. It is basically to get rid of expensive and well-known experienced reporting staff as they no longer need truth and replace with gob-shite yoof c word ( edited by mod )
And I bet they are all clueless socialist graduates in pointless subjects or have ruch mummsies and daddies, all on low salaries because they respect the BBC so much.
This is a sign of a failing organisation when weak bosses surround themselves with weak people who won’t complain. Hitler did it in his bunker.
Lets hope the far-Left BBC meets the same fate as their socialist comrades from back then.
For God’s sake it easy enough to avoid using the C-word in the first place
so the @Fed doesn’t have to do the work of editing it.
The BBC survival plan is to switch from the licence tax to general taxation – if that happens this site can close down .
However – the government is facing real serious harm as rates increase – even a bit so will need to cut public expenditure – so £3 billion – or more on the BBC is a long shot – although it would give an opportunity for a government to impose more control …
It’d be a perfect way to ‘privatise’ the BBC, and make them charge by subscription, like normal commercial services do!
I think we’d see several hundred bbc autocue-readers scrabbling around for new jobs, and the way would be clear for alternatives like GBNews!
What I don’t like is that Timmeh is just dragging his feet at every turn, not making any decisions, not changing anything, and just letting the elite dross all over him.
Why can’t they get someone with balls to do the job, not a bloody politician?
BBC look after the Bees and save the world! Inshallah!
Fedup2The BBC survival plan is to switch from the licence tax to general taxation – if that happens this site can close down .
I have stated for a while that defunding the BBC will lead to funding from general taxation, as the BBC is too influential and powerful propaganda arm for any government to destroy. If that happens, any criticism of the BBC will be fruitless.
If I was PM, I would never allow the BBC to be destroyed just for philosophic reasons. It would be short sighted. The BBC is a weaponised news and influence organisation second to none. At times, more important sometimes then the armed forces.
What is likely to happen is that as society moves on, the present culture of the BBC will change. Or government forces the BBC to change for the “good of the nation” in war or something similar..
What a glorious outcome for the BBC that having spent so much time reviling the people in this country who actually pay the license tax that they find the public they endear, the young and woke are totally uninterested in their puke. I am delighted!
So change they have to.
PM Boris Johnson, by his benign neglect and deaf ear to BBC cries, might just be doing the right thing.
Vauhxx Booker: Black man condemns charges over alleged race attack
And so rests the case for the defence.
Now the BBC will present the case for the prosecution.
Oh, they didn’t. Just a long list of people like his lawyer calling everyone racists.
Isn’t it amazing how the videos we get which are supposed to prove to us that all black people are innocent always seem to miss out the most vital piece of evidence – ie what actually happened to cause the rest of it ?.
You always know when it’s a BBC anti-white racist agenda item when you read the words ‘black man’ anywhere in the article. It’s always left out when they did something bad.
Apparently Booker is a well known local troublemaker
by fellow black peole, not just white.
Here’s a Youtube from a ex black police guy last year
He said “Some things just aren’t adding up”
… ‘6 of HIS FRIENDS were videoing yet all I find is no N-word, noose ,etc.
just once someone seems to say “Nappy Head”
People say it looks like a setup cos it’s just all short clips
Yep that is a rule should pay not attention to short video clips
but rather long un-edited footage
‘The guy had just been kicked out his local BLM for troublemaking’ and he’s banned from lots of local places for troublemaking
‘It’s not believable that when he has 6 friends with him, 3 people were trying to lynch him.
From Charity Commission
Last available accounts for 2019.
Wages and salaries 73 million total.
Wage bracket followed by number of employees paid that amount
£60,000–£69,999 43
£70,000–£79,999 24
£80,000–£89,999 5
£90,000–£99,999 3
£100,000–£109,999 1
£110,000–£119,999 1
£160,000–£169,999 1
Total 88
Paul Boissier fulfilled the role of chief executive
from 1 January to 15 May, retiring on 30 June, whilst Mark
Dowie joined on 1 May. Mark Dowie receives an annual salary
of £160,000. He does not receive any additional allowances,
nor a company car or car allowance. He has chosen not to
receive RNLI employer’s pension contributions, but he has
chosen to have the employee benefit of salary life assurance
cover at one times’ salary.
84 (2018: 62) employees who received emoluments in
excess of £60,000 (including severance pay) are members
of defined contribution schemes and received employer
contributions of £821,102 (2018: £630,738).
Thanks harry142857,
Every RNLI request for charitable contributions should now have those wage facts added for all to see. You can bet that the wages of these parasites is a priority from donations. Salaries over equipment!
I bet the lifeboat crews genuinely welcome this exposure of the parasites.
That is disgusting. Just because the actual lifeboat crews are volunteers, people think that the RNLI itself must be run by volunteers. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is clear that the in upper echelons of these megacharities they think they should be paid as much as board members of a FTSE company.
“An estimated 235,000 people drown worldwide every year. It is a staggering number, yet this global problem isn’t receiving the serious attention it needs.”
Correction £100,000-£109,999 Seven employees
Five employees.
Barbie of Oxford Covid vaccine designer Dame Sarah Gilbert created
‘Barbie maker Mattel has created a doll of the scientist who designed the Oxford coronavirus vaccine, Prof Dame Sarah Gilbert.’
‘Her vaccine – the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab – is now the most widely used around the world’
I have many issues with the Oxford vaccine team and their serious incompetence at every stage of their ‘finest hour’ which they had been funded to prepare for for years but this is simply outrageous. What about all the others who worked on the vaccine ?. According to the BBC, she did it all single-handedly. I would love to know what her actual contribution was as opposed to being the manager.
And the other special Barbie dolls we are informed about:
Hijab wearing Barbie in 2017 to honour the first American fencer to wear an Islamic headscarf. HONOUR ?????.
A black one for Rosa Parks.
A Maori doll after an NZ journalist.
Black 200m runner Dina Asher-Smith.
And just one white-male doll is included : David Bowie. Who was gay.
This is a classic unashamed, unrestricted 100% typical BBC agenda piece.
I wish the BBC would credit the names of whoever writes this rubbish so I can see what kind of activist they are on twitter. Because they ALWAYS are.
They always said before the vaccine was rolled out that a women would take the credit. In all probability its a 54 year old bloke single that subscribes to “British Waterways Monthly” and lives in his mums old house.
If it’s anything like the big software teams I have worked in, you have one or two ‘key members’ in each small team who hold the ‘doing’ of the job together. They were often contractors.
Their team leaders are more or less just responsible for reporting what the team get up to and pass down priorities with little technical involvement. Their job is maintaining charts and knowing what’s going on to report to the senior managers who have a strategic view and don’t understand any of the details.
If it all starts going wrong, they are in their element managing recovery plans and the like.
A quote from a very senior BAe manager I will never forget is ‘A project which is 18 months late needs more management’. Not better engineers.
I have scar tissue from taking over a project which was out of control . Fortunately – because I was really clever at the time – I solved the problems . No gratitude from the organisation of course – because I made it look bad ….
I was 1 of 3 hardware/software integration engineers who would spend all day working out why it didn’t work then go back to the main team where about 5 team leaders would quiz me what needed to be done then disappear to spread the current status around all the other managers.
When I got back to the main office, everyone would be chatting and drinking tea. Used to drive me mad – but as a contractor, I just kept quiet and took the money.
Night Shift Manager
John C : BAe manager I will never forget is ‘A project which is 18 months late needs more management’. Not better engineers.
And when they do that, they end up paying huge penalties for not coming even close to the terms of the contract. For the manager, it is cheaper to pay the legal penalties.
You missed this, I take it?
lol, the BBC will wet their panties if they see that.
I did see this at the bottom:
‘If white supremacists have their way that won’t happen. Black people scare the crap out of them and gender fluidity scares them more. So expect their disinformation effort to continue in mass-production.’
I see this kind of left-wing fanatical statement in many places now including CNN and Washington Post recently.
These people are absolutely choc full of hate and spite and they don’t even see it.
Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire
Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire
Meet the young mathematician who helped design the Spitfire, the iconic aircraft that took part in the Battle of Britain, which started 80 years ago today.
‘The Schoolgirl who Helped Win a War’ will be broadcast on the BBC News Channel at 13.30, 17.30 and 20.30 on Saturday and 10.30 and 16.30 on Sunday. It will also be available on BBC iPlayer.
Is there an injection-giving Ken?
“Covid in Scotland: Most restrictions to end from 9 August”
Thanks to the COVID vaccine. That’s the vaccine that the UK acquired by being independent from the EU. An EU that ‘Crankie’ and the SNP wants to rejoin .
Just a reminder how shallow the pond is.
Twat meets even twatter from twitter.
Some NHS staff embarrassed themselves with silly dance routines on TikTok during lockdown whilst attempting to convince us the hospitals were almost overwhelmed. They got some deserved flak for that.
So what, we wonder, of the men from the ministry? Our civil servants, what have they been up to? Have they been busy slaving away pushing their pencils down to a stub on our behalf?
‘After Sunak’s plea for workers to get back in the office, it’s revealed that only a quarter of staff at one Whitehall department are at their desks‘ (‘i‘)
Meanwhile: ‘Civil servant in bus stop drop was set to be ambassador‘ (Times) – let me translate: this was the chap, Angus Lapsley by name – lapse by nature – who left sensitive defence documents at a bus stop – like an elderly aunt might leave her knitting needles in your favourite armchair at Christmas – ouch! Sorry, I’m still suffering mild PTSD.
You’ll be pleased to know: ‘He is back at the Foreign Office after an investigation found “no evidence of espionage”‘ – any evidence of early onset dementia, then?
Are we really to understand that our top civil servants are still tucking a briefcase stuffed with secret documents under their arm, planning to do further perusal after their supper of bangers and mash with the missus, nodding a cheery nighty-night to the porter on their way out of the ministry at 5:31pm to wait for the number eleven red bus… like its still 1942?
Our Angus’s lapse hasn’t gone completely without consequence: ‘Lapsely was in line to be British ambassador to NATO. Government sources said the appointment was now unlikely, but that there was a chance for him to be “rehabilitated”‘
Cue compulsory attendance at Amnesiacs Anonymous – if he can remember whether the group meet on Tuesday or is it Wendesday evenings? “Hi, I’m.. er… Angus… I’m a recovering amnesiac, since… er…?”
Questions remain in this reader’s mind. How come the secret papers, some of which were marked “Secret UK Eyes Only“: ‘were handed to the BBC‘? By whom and for what reason?
We’re familiar with the designation: “For your eyes only” – Roger Moore 1981; and even “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” – George Lazenby 1969. But “Secret UK Eyes Only” – what’s all that about?
Is the implication that we have big secrets, from even our closest NATO allies? I’m rather pleased about that.
By the way, our civil service seem to revel in a long drawn out internal inquiry or two – any news yet on who selfishly sold the CCTV footage of Matt Hancock to the papers, rather than save it for the staff Christmas party blooper reel? And as for Angus Lapsely’s lapse (sorry I’m on an aptronym – name fits characteristics – kick lately) well: ‘A full review of the incident has not yet concluded‘
What, we can look forward in the distant future to even more inconsequential, unelightening revelations?
Do let us know, won’t you? Maybe when you all get back in the office… some time next year?
Veterans for Britain have long had their eye on Lapsley.
VfB have retweeted
When is this clown ‘moving on’?
Harrabin: a man who does not know the difference between weather and climate and, of course, has a degree in…….. English.
Harrabin is stale and formulaic – I suspect he’s more active behind the scenes than out front – after all – he has previous in the organised subversion department = “28 Gate”
I regularly read web pieces with other folk getting the byline and spot slabs of Harrabinisms plonked in the middle – ‘ees a busy boy is Roger.
With a bit of luck now that this character has been named in the press his career is over …but reading the ( guardian ) piece there seemed an element of ‘he is one of us – nice chap – went to school with his brother ) about it .
But the security breach was massive and I don’t understand why he isn’t ‘gripping the rail’. It also encourages more junior staff to be sloppy as well because they won’t be punished -right ?
Btw – the nature of the stuff he had wasn’t useless information about the latest useless tank costing £ billions – it was about ‘live ‘stuff including the frankly stupid idea of the Roysl Navy sailing in the South China Sea – and not the English Channel .
My channel idea is to buy a clapped out aircraft carrier – plonk it in the channel – Chuck every illegal invader on it and then sail off to a camp on the Falklands ….where they can be ‘processed ‘…
Or possibly Ascension Island.
How about Krakatoa?
Forget it, they know more about Porn already than we shall ever know. Such is the high technological world we all now live in and with.
It is certainly thanks to mine that I am grateful for my morning cup of filtered Joe.
Pure BBC.
A BBC wokesperson responds:
“It is sometimes falsely claimed that the BBC does not give equal prominence to all viewpoints and that, for example, conservative voices do not receive sufficient airtime on programmes such as Newnight. This is categorically untrue. For instance, on August 3rd the Conservative MP John Redwood was due to appear on Newsnight but, having agreed to do so, suddenly withdrew at short notice.”
(stock answer taken from BBC In-house guide: ‘Standard Responses for Deflecting Criticism and List of Useful Contacts from the Labour Party, Extinction Rebellion, Black Lives Matter and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Illustrated with photos from Getty Images, Volume 43, Page 312’)
The Sopes Birthday Bash ‘analysis’ will be awesome.
Assuming he’s invited for… ‘services rendered’.
Ah, Sopes has been activated.
These mostly peaceful protestors were where again, how?
Obama Presidential Center

Marky, no concerns about Global Warming and Climate Change, then, judging by the wild use of electricity by President ‘Green Democrat’ Obama.
Lewis Hamilton drives in reverse to undo his years as an F1 Driver.
Ha ha ha, MM!
If you play the film ‘Jaws’ backwards, you start with an angry shark, who eventually gives limbs, heads etc’, back to ordinary people, and lives on his own in a nice calm sea with just one female swimmer as company!
Apparently the Bloated Biased Corporation is going to show “Roots” backwards so that it has a happy ending.
For the doubters, old England still exists.
Mind you, it takes some finding…
Later today I’ll be sitting in the splendid cloistered gardens at Westminster Abbey, enjoying the blissful drones of a traditional British brass band.
They’ll play some old favourites from My Fair Lady, The Dam Busters (don’t mention the dog) and to a man and a woman we’ll all stand for the national anthem.
Can you imagine anything more English?
A beautiful summer’s day, free from the constant and antagonistic woke propaganda pumped out by our despicable media.
Literally a breath of fresh air…
Blimey, if I’m feeling particularly indulgent I might even treat myself to a slice or three of lemon drizzle cake.
I hope u are not paying to get in … and the cafe was very very expensive the last time I was there – but it’s far far better than St Paul’s – which has the atmosphere of a bus station . … Westminster Cathedral is ok – the trouble is thy have lots of masses ….
No, the good news is this is a freebie! Also, after the performance, I often have a ramble through the abbey…without paying!
How good is that?!
I’m told if you can climb up to the top the view is worth it – it’s normally not open to the public ….
If you cross Victoria Street, go up Storey’s Gate, turn left into Old Queen St., go to the end, and on the corner with Queen Anne’s Gate is ‘The Two Chairman’!
Had you been there in 1969, I’d have bought you a pint…
TOADY Watch #1 – The Bee Lady’s current obsession
I have a recollection that Martha Kearney did time in Afghanistan as a BBC correspondent many years ago. Could be wrong on that. Anyway she is taking an interesting interest in the place and trying to stoke up another fear for the people of the UK: if the Taliban take control of Afghanistan then they may use it as a base from which to attack the UK. There is no fear of that BBC, we have plenty of people here in the UK who could do us harm.
Tony Blair sound-alike General Sir Nick Carter was the interviewee in the main 8.10 a.m. slot. He was on a better telephone line this morning and he didn’t use so many Blairite phrases as the last time I heard him.
General Nick – yes, the Chief of the Defence Staff! – as well as Lyse Doucett and Martha, too, demonstrated an immense gullibility in that they all thought that Afghans, especially women, shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar’ and waving Afghan flags demonstrated their support for the Afghan Government and democracy and freedom. I’ve never been to Afghanistan but even I know that those same people will quickly pick up and wave a Taliban flag and shout ‘Allahu Akhbar’ when a Taliban knife is against their throat or the Taliban are in charge of their district.
Needless to say, when challenged even by the Bee Lady, General Sir Nick Carter used a Blairite phrase: “We need to learn lessons from this.”. ‘This’ being the UK’s involvement – despite the lessons of 18th and 19th century history – in a stupid and unnecessary 21st century conflict.
At least this time the taliban won’t be hanging vhs tapes from trees – as well as people …. North Vietnamese play book
Olympic headlines from BBC.
Women sailors win gold.
Two GB boxers secure bronzes.
Heptathlon continues, GB currently in third place.
In the 10k swim, British black swimmer gets 19th place.
Later on, we can watch 13 y o Sky Brown in the skateboarding (spoiler alert, this event was finished hours ago, stop pretending it is live) and Equestrian individual events.
Timber shortage due to ‘unprecedented’ post-lockdown demand
The whole article is tagged “Climate change” – tick!
In the first photo the BBC managed to crowbar a black architecture student into the article – tick!
In the 3rd paragraph climate change is stated as fact – tick!
Then to pad the article out a bit more they mention climate change again 3 more times – tick!
And why not have another photograph of the fantasic black architecture student – tick!
The words “post lockdown” only appear in the title and the first paragraph. After that it becomes the usual BBC activism.
It’s bugger all to do with climate change, it’s just the Yanks busting in, waving cash around and buying up every scrap going!
Sleepy Joe wouldn’t understand, he’s too thick, but my friendly timber merchant bloody well does!
What people have to realise is that wood doesn’t grow on trees, according to the BBC.
Today’s first intake have arrived.
Approximately 283 yesterday.
About us (UK Home Office)
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
Rachid Ramda was extradited to France after a 20 year fight by his defence solicitors. The same solicitors who defend the IRA.
BBC Online News:
“Covid cases and hospital admissions down – is it over?”
“It is important to remember that despite the warnings government modellers had always suggested this scenario was possible.”
So, government scientists got it wrong. But they also predicted the possible opposite? So, they are now also right!
Brilliant double-think from our BBC. Brilliant! Back both teams and you’ll always be a winner! 🙂
You wont get the ( funded by fear of prosecution) bBC applauding Boris for being smart enough to dodge the trap laid before him by parish councillor Krankie.
You can rest assured bBC Scotland would have been out in force following orders from Krankie to witness Boris,s humiliation in front of a “rent a mob” comprising Nat Loonies and Irish republicans”
And ScotPlod would have been told….no need for big numbers stay put!
They are too busy anyway, trying to find rangers supporters who indulged recently in ” vile anti Irish/catholic bigotry following ” Rangers recent prevention of Celtic 10 in a row.
Only problem is there is no actual evidence of this so called anti Irish/catholic bigotry. Nowt…Nada…Zilch!
But that didnt stop Krankie proclaiming this …..and still no apology.
So much so that Police Scotland are denying FOI requests for production of evidence under the guise of not in the public interest!
What Boris could have done was to have asked her “husband” the SNP Chief Executive ( dont laugh) to provide an update on the missing £600k which some say is closer to £1m.
This could have been by Zoom with Mr Murrell in a private room with no access to operatives feeding him his answers….and no magpies ( as reported at Salmond trial) to divert his attention.
Murky business……….time to deploy some dark arts in amongst this MongFest up here.
Meghan is 40 today. I’m disappointed that they haven’t cleared the schedules for tributes.
Birthdays are ageist. fact.
Every little helps …
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Dante’s Divine Comedy ‘offensive and should be banned’
It is a world-renowned work of literature and one of the foundation stones of the Italian language, but Dante’s Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, homophobic, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic.
The classic work should be removed from school curricula, according to Gherush 92, a human rights organisation which acts as a consultant to UN bodies on racism and discrimination.
Dante’s epic is “offensive and discriminatory” and has no place in a modern classroom, said Valentina Sereni, the group’s president.
Divided into three parts – Hell, Purgatory and Heaven – the poem consists of 100 cantos, of which half a dozen were marked out for particular criticism by the group.
It represents Islam as a heresy and Mohammed as a schismatic and refers to Jews as greedy, scheming moneylenders and traitors, Miss Sereni told the Adnkronos news agency.”The Prophet Mohammed was subjected to a horrific punishment – his body was split from end to end so that his entrails dangled out, an image that offends Islamic culture,” she said.
Why hear a headscarf to view a picture?
“A Chat with Doris Behrens-Abouseif
Fiona heads to East London in an attempt to prove they have a real Gerome on their easel.
Release date:02 August 2021”
They are not permitted in any circumstances. They are haram.” The draconian ruling by Sheikh Manea stems from Islam’s shunning of idolatry, which some interpret as never using pictures or objects that depict humans, animals or living creatures in general.9 Oct 2019
2016 … you shall not be judge by the colour of your rainbow flag …
The BBC has defended offering traineeships to ethnic minorities after a national newspaper accused the corporation of being “anti-white”.
The Sun quoted a job hunter who was turned down from a junior scriptwriting role because it was only available to people from “ethnic minorities”.
In a statement, the BBC said The Sun’s headline was “irresponsible”.
It added as there is a lack of diversity in the industry, the trainee scheme was “the right thing to do”.
– there are a lack of white people on BBC Online News images. There is a pictorial bias against white people and particularly white males.
– is this racist?
Don’t expect our BBC to investigate.
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as “other” races.
What I have never had adequately explained to me by any woke left winger is why ‘diversity’ is necessary or desirable in a European country. Are African and Asian countries striving for ‘diversity’?
Saudi – 0 churches – 0 attacks on churches.
End of Lockdown predictions:
“Have 1,200 Experts Ever Been Proved Wrong So Quickly?”
Our BBC remain silent and sulky…
19 men arrested for child offence offences ranging from 2000 to 2005 . No mention of the nature of the ‘men ‘ nor the ‘victim(s) ‘.
But I bet one of the many reasons the paki paedo rape gangs prey on white kids is that if they did their own race they’d be dead …
The coverage of the sh1t Governor Cuomo on CNN by of all people a certain Mr. Toobin almost cost me a keyboard earlier.
However – that’s trivial compared to what Tucker has just dredged up…
He needs a slot on GBNews – call it ‘letter from America’
‘cor… that’d have ’em clucking in the hen house!
– and sniffing and harrumphing …. – if the old title were to be resurrected.
Bring it on!
Captain Neil should make it so.
GBnews couldn’t afford Tucker
I doubt the syndication (edited with a smidge of rebranding) would be that much – and anyway, the reaction to maybe a link or two from @afneil would really nettle all the correct people.
I’ve read in several places that Tucker has enough wedge in the bank anyway to just walk away and amuse himself doing something else – I don’t think he’s much of a golfer though…
I can easily imagine him being tickled by the idea of resurrecting “Letter from America” – not the least being the effect that it’d have on the BBC crew 🙂
Given that Alistair Cooke saw himself primarily as a a reporter – I can imagine that he might have approved of a sort-of inversion of “Letter from America”
– let’s face it – the BBC’s present US coverage is pitifully poor.
Tucker’s antipathy towards corrupt US financial establishment elite was iirc also something that got Cooke into some choppy waters.
– 2869 “letters” over nearly 60 years –
I think I heard the last one (and a load before that)
Oh yeah – don’t forget that the NYT’s Walter Duranty was another Lancashireman …
Can we have Candace Owens as well?
Very interesting 11minutes – the very fact that the Chinese buy newspaper reporters as well as take down their stuff from the internet makes the wuhan human source of the Chinese virus more likely .
But we will never know ..
Here is a job for the fabulously talented bBBC (now senior) disinformation specialist. Will she thoroughly investigate the seemingly fantastic disinformation put out by SAGE regarding the doom laden projections relating to Freedom day.
Speaking of the RNLI, I visited Caister- on-Sea in Norfolk recently.
They have a lifeboat station there. Above the entrance door in large letters it says, ‘Caister Men Never Turn Back’.
Says it all for me.
“The JCVI have not recommended vaccinating under-16s without underlying health conditions but will keep its position under review based on the latest data.
Van Tam says he doesn’t want to ‘rule in or rule out’ jabs for those aged 12-15…
4:30pm Media Show : With ITN boss woman
Since Amol no longer presents .. Clive Myrie is presenting
.. is that tick boxing ?
For all talk of diversity : It’s incredible that only one source ITN
supplies all news to ITV, Channel4 and channel 5
Then most commercial radio like LBC get their news from SkyNews
BBC blurb
“. Some older demographics are attracted to more partisan, opinionated platforms, such as GB News.
(I though the MSM line is that no one watches GBnews )
And politicians have openly disparaged the so-called “mainstream media.”
How can ITV’s News at Ten and Channel 4 News win audiences back – and regain our trust?
She was boss at NBC and she just claimed NBC is “impartial”
Now “Do you think you should have called Donald Trump out earlier”
She also claimed that ITV had done incredible work exposing the “Capitol rioters”
ITN has such a huge pension deficit that all profits go to fund it.
Switch to BBC news TV
and for all the talk of diversity ..Clive Myrie is also presenting. there
BBC Local news
“Chris Packham tells Lincoln children, it’s up to them to fic Climate Change”
audio clip and everything
.. No mention of Bradford
It was a Summerwatch event …surely that is the BBC ?
The PR .. I suspect he is an “honourary” professor same as his doctorates are
Indoctrination get them young …..he’s no more a Professor than my old Aunt Fanny ! , He lives near to some of my Family in the New Forest and he’s that popular ‘ someone ‘ nailed a few Crows to his gate , He wants the free roaming of Livestock banned and control of vermin stopped…Commoners rights going back Centuries obviously means nothing in his little world !
I missed the Packham ‘Wish List’ item on TOADY this morning. In fact I missed much of TOADY apart from the big interview @ 8.10 a m. and the first twelve minutes or so from 6 a.m..
What was the planet-saving suggestion for today from the plank globe-trotter and CO2 emitter?
Including China?
Wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham wins four-year battle to stop plans to build 5,200 homes on acres of ancient woodland near his home
Controversial plans were earmarked near Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, Hampshire
Eastleigh Borough Council says it will remove the scheme from its Local Plan
Mr Packham was a fundamental part of the campaign against ‘eco-vandalism’
Packham is a cheb end but I’m with him on this one. Fair Oak was my childhood home and I was local to the area until I was in my mid-twenties – going back there since, some of the developments of green spaces I used to know have made my blood boil. It’s a semi-rural area and the relentless influx of people that has ruined London (where I now reside) isn’t welcome.
It’s predictable that he’ll be on the BBC local TV news as well
… they just trailed it.
first item#PRasNews “police association says police are being assaulted more” ..”10% more in our area”
The BBC are running a HYS on the issue of giving 16 and 17 year olds the covid vaccine. As at the time of writing, this is the top story on the BBC webshite.
Actually I’m lying a little. The BBC WERE running a HYS.
They started it at about 1642 and closed it after 44 posts at about 1648.
What has happened? Who is on the naughty step? And why?
ITV local news “Oh a thirty year old has been 125 days in hospital withf Covid in Doncaster”
… now it’s coverage of the Rugby League cup problems
“bad for disabled sport”
Now fast fashion.. rented clothing ..Green PR again
story …
And now over to Olympic Sailing.
And it’s a tense time as to who is going to win Olympic gold in this very close contest.
The competing teams in the final are from Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe, Libya, Sudan, and Eritrea. And what a tight contest this is as they steer hither and thither across the waves, looking for calm water and a little southerly wind.
And now as they come to the finish line, it’s Sudan who……….get picked up first by the UK Border Farce and given free transport, board, lodging, and hotel accommodation.
A great win for the Sudanese team in this pulsating economic chancers gold medal decider.
Covid: Jabs for 16 and 17-year-olds to start within weeks
By Francesca Gillett
BBC News
Published52 minutes agocomments
On whether to roll out jabs to over-12s, he said the JCVI will review the data but it is a decision they “prefer not to make at this point”.
TalkSport apology
presenters allow “He’s a #Jew, he’s not gonna let him go for nothing” comment about club owner Daniel Levy to go unchallenged
Caller: But Levy’s a Jew, he’s not gonna let him go for nothing, is he?
Full details on the MP’s statement
BTW Our local TV seems to frequently have similar comments about Yorkshiremen being tigh… And everyone just laughsm
BBC to apologise for calling Brexit supporters racists?
I wouldn’t scream at the presenter
Often they are thinking about the next thing. and not taking in for the caller said, so just quickly move onto the next thing.
Guess it would be the production team’s job to pay attention to what is actually going out
and issue quick corrections.
You are not allowed to stop paying by law … ha ha ha …
Jimmy Savile report: The five senior BBC employees who knew about sexual predators but did not act
Dame Janet Smith’s report highlighted five individuals who ‘could have done something about Savile and Stuart Hall’
Ian Burrell
Media Editor
Thursday 25 February 2016 22:34
In total 117 witnesses to her inquiry who had worked at the BBC said they were aware of rumours about Savile’s sexual conduct. But she defended her finding that “I have found no evidence that the BBC as a corporate body was aware of Savile’s conduct”, saying “this is not a whitewash”.
Savile producer Ted Beston ‘relieved’ as police drop action
Published14 May 2013
Ted Beston
Savile’s Radio 1 producer. Dame Janet found that he not only knew about the presenter’s proclivities for sex with teenage girls but, on at least one occasion, was willing to act as a provider of a young woman for Savile.