Trump speaks out against the US wimmin Olympic soccer team –
“If our soccer team, headed by a radical group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn’t woke, they would have won the Gold Medal instead of the Bronze. Woke means you lose, everything that is woke goes bad, and our soccer team certainly has. There were, however, a few Patriots standing. Unfortunately, they need more than that respecting our Country and National Anthem. They should replace the wokesters with Patriots and start winning again. The woman with the purple hair played terribly and spends too much time thinking about Radical Left politics and not doing her job!”
Dover I am guessing that the true president will get the ‘blame ‘if Yoo Ess A doesn’t come first in the medal table – but I did enjoy the criticism through tat the 4×4 relay baton dropping outfit as a ‘shambles ‘ by one of their former greats …
Our BBC have disgraced themselves with regard to their treatment of Trump v Biden. Our BBC have displayed institutional prejudice and should be condemned.
“Yeah, wow… this is kind of embarrassing, but there’s literally no interesting news to report on today,” said Cuomo to millions of adoring hospital waiting rooms across the country. “If there was anything going on, like the Governor of my state—who also happens to be my brother—being outed as a pervy weirdo who preys on women like a greasy Italian skeezball stereotype, I would totally report on that. But there’s nothing like that at all going on.”
BBC response … we did not cover an important march in the centre of London just around the corner from our London offices …. but the BBC did cover international Press Freedom Day …
Thank you for contacting us (BBC) regarding our recent news coverage.
We understand that you feel there has been insufficient coverage of the ‘Day for Freedom’ march that took place in London on Sunday 6th May.
Many marches and protests take place in cities around the UK and we do not cover them all. Instead, we consider each protest on a case by case basis and take into consideration the wider context of the story at hand.
Inevitably there may be disagreements about the level of prominence we give to stories. Please note that we did provide coverage of World Press Freedom day which took place on Thursday 3rd May, please see below for our latest coverage:
Complaint Summary: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018
Full Complaint: On the 06may2018 BBC failed to report and continue to fail reporting on the ‘Day for Freedom (of speech)’ March. Outside your premises in London you have a statue of George Orwell who you should listen to …. “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Day of Freedom March 06may2018): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell “The omission (Day of Freedom March 06may2018) is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear (Day of Freedom March 06may2018).” – George Orwell BRITISH – freedom to speak and discuss awkward matters is a British principle, but the BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. BROADCASTING – to report on important matters of freedom, but BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. CORPORATION – to act like a company, not a Government backed department who are paid £3.5bn under threat of prison and pay people like Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans who did report on ‘Day of Freedom’ march. Compare these two search results … Google returns many results (lacking BBC entries): BBC omits results: BBC Nick Robinson Twitter 07nov2017 …‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ Dear BBC … please produce a programme that explains how I gain the FREEDOM to NOT pay the BBC TV TAX and those who do not want to report on what is happening in BRITAIN.
It would be interesting for their fact checking tart to list the marches the BBC do not report ( if you see what I mean ) and what criteria do they apply for non reporting – apart from causes for which their editorial employees do not approve . …
Also – not having watched the bbc for sometime – do their ‘on the spot ‘ reporters still wet themselves when it is a March with which the BBC approves ? I used to find it sick making …
Not on Al Beeb yet but has Bo Jo morphed into Jeremy Corbyn?
The Tories were voted in because it was believed that they would take back control of our borders.
British lives come first and the present government does not appear to care .
Why are the French Navy, the British Border Farce, and the charity funded RNLI ferrying the illegals into the country and not taking them back to France, the place they left – a ‘safe country’?
Our Government should be held to account for the terrorism, the crime and the resultant British lives lost resulting from this population replacement. What is very worrying is what Al Beeb is censoring from us ?
Boris may not care about his job but I would guess his underlings do. Tory constituents should have a word with your MPs.
Jeremy Corbyn ‘Should Be Honest’ About Covid Jab, Starmer Aide Says
“If you’ve had the jab you should say, and if he hasn’t then he needs to sort of be honest I suppose about that,” Sharon Hodgson tells HuffPost UK.
Marky – if I recall the number calculated to arrive in year one – by the Home Office – was 64000 . I think it was quoted at a select committee – but no one could cite the origin or the rationale for the number – 100s of thousands turned up -as we know – putting a strain on social services , housing , health and under cutting the jobs of British people ( see HGV drivers ) …
How 500 third world tribes arriving each day are going to be dealt with I really don’t know .
I think we had sick ‘fun ‘here calculating that every 250 was a hotel full – 2 hotels every day ? Forget it .
The french are waging war on us because of Brexit – and there needs to be reprisals …
Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was rescued from Libyan civil war by Royal Navy
Three years before the attack, Salman Abedi was evacuated from Tripoli as the security situation in the country deteriorated.#
Migrants in taxpayer-funded hotels not having quarantine enforced
Asylum seekers tell The Telegraph they are allowed to leave their hotels and go shopping, all while supposedly confined to rooms
Blunkett said: “We have got to change the behaviour and the culture of the incoming community, the Roma community, because there’s going to be an explosion otherwise. We all know that.”
The Met Police’s acting chief witnessed the murder of PC Keith Palmer in Westminster from a locked car, an inquest has heard.
Sir Craig Mackey said it was his instinct to get out of the car when he saw Khalid Masood attack, but he stayed because he had no protective equipment.
Maybe, however, it was certainly his JOB to get out of the car and assist a fellow police officer in trouble, and to protect members of the public by attempting to deal with an armed and dangerous fanatic – ‘protective equipment’ or no ‘protective equipment’.
PC Keith Palmer understood that and was tragically killed trying to do his duty.
Instead, this ‘hero’ locked the door and cowered in his car?! He was a Police Officer, and he cowered in safety whilst one of his colleagues was brutally murdered nearby?! Why is he still in a job?!!
Poor PC Keith Palmer could still be alive if this ‘hero’ had helped him instead of hiding.
Having just read the article, it gets worse, there were three of them locked in the car, watching their colleague get stabbed to death, this ‘hero’ and two equally heroic PCs!
There seems to be a degree of correlation between those modest, private souls who avoid the spotlight and the amount they pay their people to send stuff to the cubicle dwellers in the bbc gardens.
Next, Meghan Nobody launches a something initiative…
Clever trolling by pro-vaccine activists ?
They get a news story about the Pfizer boss not being fully vaccinated
… then add in the reality that he was 3 days later
So caught out the anti-vaxxers who rushed to tweet the first part.
Update: The CEO of Pfizer announced on social media that he got his second vaccination shot on March 10.
I’d hate to spread alarm and despondency among our athletes but it does seem there’s a risk of pulled hamstrings, strained tendons and adverse reaction times – causing false starts – as a result of ‘taking the knee’.
He’s right. Jihadists should not be allowed back to our country. They should remain where they committed murder, rape, torture, kidnap & be dealt with there. No exceptions.
I see the BBC are promoting the covid vaccine for 16 and 17 year olds with lies.
In both an earlier news website article and Alex Cox on The One Show they mention “1000 18 to 35 year olds are in hospital”.
Very misleading even by BBC standards for these reasons:
1. 18 to 35 year olds is a big age range and not representitive of 16-17 years age range,
2. The 1000 in hospital could be for whatever reason
3. It is not stated if the 1000 in hospital are unvaxxed or double vaxxed.
Even after all these years the BBC still like to abuse kids and will lie to do it.
Re kids Vaccine:
I learn (Telegraph Letters) page made me think at the time (I bet the BBC would endorse that (for all the wrong reasons). I read this letter as I though it important to remind my own children, to be skeptic of government ‘claims’.
In brief: The mirical cure ‘Vaccine” – kids consider this:
1. It has ’emergency’ licence ONLY – and still in clinical ‘trials’ until 2023. It has had ‘side affects’, which are not widely reported in an ’emergency situation’.
2. There is currently no long term data and more adverse reactions have been reported in the short time of its existence, (more than than any other vaccines recorded).
3. If COVID is the greater risk as a result of your age (or medical condition) then it makes absolute sense to take the vaccine..
When you are young and healthy the risk is as insignificant as bad as seasonal flu.
4. Being Vaccinated does not mean you won’t get the virus’ or pass another type of virus onto others. The benefits (if any) is minimal if your in normal health.
The point is young people and children do not need this vaccine!!!
So why is the BBC recommending it?
Because whatever the BBC recommend for children usually turns out to be bad for your health at any age of consent.
Anyone heard anything from the comedian Andrew Lawrence recently. It seems like the cancellation lunatics have been busy burying him and his career. Pity, one of the funniest blokes out there in a World that has forgotten how to smile.
Bournemouth beach closed after ‘large animal’ spotted in sea
Could it be an extremely large rubber dinghy having been mistaken for a shark?
Or a PR exercise to promote the RNLI after their latest fiasco, or even Climate Change ?
BBCtwo switch on bingo
“Firefighter Kelly (female) calls her wife and twin daughters ”
Now : The firecrew in the fire engine including the driver are all wearing paper useless masks as they go to an incident OUTSIDE in a park.
The leader also masked in her fire chief car.
.. People heard someone shout help from beside a lakeside cafe.
..the lake is covered in ice.
Darn I missed the bit at th start when they all eating “Mo’s curry”
The female Fire Chief for London Fire Brigade suffered stress from the Grenfell fire. Not because she was there, but from watching it at home on her TV.
BBC's report on @PaulEmbery winning his tribunal has 101 words on Paul's reaction and 293 – nearly triple – on the FBU's unrepentant reaction, almost as if they thought the wrong side won.
Guido commenter
“Common Purpose control the senior management of all our institutions.
And Common Purpose are vehemently pro EU.
Just watch the BBC to see their dogma pushed unremittingly.
So it is obvious that a lot of public sector workers were punished for wanting our freedom.”
Oops Guardian having to show the Blackburn third world mugshots who killed a promising Muslim (tick ) female ( tick ) law student ( tick ) in a traditional ‘drive bye shooting ‘ so favoured by vulnerable minorities – but – hey – it’s cultural and vibrant ,, cue Lammy
I got the message after 10 minutes
But what it highlights is the value of journalists
Which I suggest is not a lot now
If the approved speach isn’t used then google will kill it
Yet when the next journo is accosted / hurt /killed
They’ll be shouting about the freedom of the press
Sky Australia has jusr proved there is no freedom
Makes journos step of of that superiority
And get the treatment ordinary punters get …
Treason was abolished by Tony Blair and his government. They thought it ‘out-moded’, and clearly it interfered with the great EU plan of forced european co-operation treaties. Lisbon for example. The BBC cannot be prosecuted – even when guilty, found guilty and admit guilt. They have no concept of ‘guilt’. They have no understanding of ‘wrong’.
With regard to various comments in this thread. I stopped giving to what are effectively ‘big business ‘ charities many years ago. Only local charities now benefit. As for the flood of illegals, I’m afraid that our borders will never be secure, brexit or not. The horror of the Indian incident will change nothing, just cringe at the ‘sponsor a child’ ads regarding fgm abroad. Brought to you by the middle class advertising industry happily blind-eyeing the same thing happening here. Welcome to religious intolerance worthy of the dark ages. Welcome to the ethics of the third world. Welcome to a white indigenous population that is continually vilified and hated by the media and Government. Welcome to Britain.
The BBC missed a scoop: Biden drove around the White House lawn all on his own like a big boy.
The tame press actually applauded!
But the comments are merciless:
– Next: Mr Biden ties his own shoelaces to tumultuous applause.
– He drove in circles like his brain.
– He’s capable America, he can make all left turns.
– My favorite part is his fake jog.
– Biden, the only human who walks faster than he jogs.
– I guess the only requirement to be president is being able to drive around in a circle like a kid learning to drive. No need for a Cognitive test! C’mon Man!
I’ll tell you something with 100% certainty : there will a doctor in that group of people and a special ambulance parked out of sight.
This is all so embarassing for the USA. How pathetic are those sycophants who applauded ?. They remind me of those applauding Charlie Sheen for every joke about Trump – no matter how bad.
Sometimes I feel like I have left planet Earth and arrived in some weird alternative universe.
There’s a special ‘laugh’ which these people do whenever in the company of self-imposed ‘elite’, pompous politicians and other ‘don’t-you-know-who-i-ams’!
It’s a sort of ‘grunt’, like someone on fifty Capstan Full Strength, and emitted low down in the throat with a ‘huuuurgh’ ‘huuuurgh’ to finish of with.
Like our Queen always smelling new paint everywhere she goes, the people like mr biden never actually hear anyone really laughing, it’s the sycophants’ way of trying to sound interested!
His death at the hands of the police revealed the extent of institutional racism.
The media defamation of Mark Duggan based on false police information demonstrates why Black Lives Matter is so necessary – Ten years on and nothing has changed
You’ll find that black lives only matter if their lives have been taken by white people.
That’s why we constantly get reminded about Mark Duggen and the sainted Stephen Lawrence.
There must be literally thousands of young black men killed by other young black men since the murder of Lawrence. These murders are treated just like statistics.
There’s never any “in depth” coverage by the BBC, there are very few demo’s and no riots.
And you know what…of all these murdered young men?
I couldn’t name one of them…
At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
Council leader Roger Stone said he would step down with immediate effect.
Mr Stone, who has been the leader since 2003, said: “I believe it is only right that as leader I take responsibility for the historic failings described so clearly.”
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
If Mark Duggan hadn’t been a violent criminal who had just gone out to obtain an illegal pistol, then he might be alive today. But the fact is that if the Met hadn’t killed him, one of his fellow black gangstas probably would have. He chose a lifestyle with a very high risk of violent death.
‘Energy prices rise again for millions of households’
Where? Nigeria? South Africa? Jamaica?
No, despite the obligatory Getty Images photo, it’s actually the UK, as the cost of faux Green policies has to be paid for.
And all the increases mentioned are around £150.00 a year, nearly the same as the cost of the TV tax, which is squandered on useless diversity failure, vegan lesbian studies, and pictures of sick on their cookery page.
“A-levels: Bumper year for top grades predicted”
“Grade Inflation”?
One problem for the profs and dons at the ‘yoonies’ to sort out. Their rush to get ‘bums on seats’ has come back to bite them on the backside.
Congratulations to @DailyMailUK with help from @GreenJennyJones doing their best to undermine UK’s Presidency of #COP26. The COP process requires consensus between nearly 200 countries, which cannot be achieved through a few Zoom calls. via @MailOnline
Let’s face it – the cop thing has already been signed off – most countries will sign and ignore – fools like the UK will impoverish its ‘ citizens with increased nonsense ‘green’ taxes to cut economic activity ….
Burn those ( expensive ) hydrocarbons …
Everything that can be said about the BBC’S obsession with
diversity and virtue signalling can be seen on their internet
leader page feature on energy prices.
The amazing situation is that this not even the default family photo,
for the diversity mad BBC and the advertising industry.
Numero Uno is the mixed race family. Second is the black
family and the Caucasian family come nowhere now in
a country which has a demographic 85% of the
Maybe he can bring something uniquely BBC to a younger audience?
Lesbian kisses & gay characters on CBBC, now 'age appropriate pornography'….. seriously, what is it with your organisation & sexualising kids?
Our national broadcaster is oft accused of liberal metropolitanism and an over emphasis on the globalist view, matched with distain for local English traditions and cultural legacy.
Well, there’s a folky feel to this bit of good news, among all the usual flotsam and jetsam of daily backwash from the Beeb online: ‘Weston shanty festival benefits from Covid call-off‘
“It’s an ill wind…” as old timey sea salts might have said.
‘The organisers of a town’s first-ever sea shanty festival hope to benefit from the genre’s new-found popularity. The team behind the Weston-super-Mare Shanty and Folk Festival planned to hold the event in 2020, but were scuppered by the pandemic. But the delay has been a help rather than a hindrance, as sea shanties became hugely popular in lockdown‘
I do like the use of the term scuppered
I can just see them all now, a sea of beards zooming in online, chanting a shanty and banging on the back of their guitars to keep time.
Well, shiver me timbers! Strap me to the yard arm and keel haul me over the barnacles!
Which – with a none too subtle nod to the brave seafaring migrant taxi drivers of our RNLI and Border Force, toiling hard to haul in their daily catch of fellow future Uberdrivers by the inflatable bucket load – may I respectfully present my 2021 take on the classic ditty Wellerman (Sea Shanty) – original lyric “trad” as they say.
Apologies to trad
The Benefits man
There once was a dinghy that put to sea
The name of the ship was the Priti Pee
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down
Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh)
Soon may the Benefits man come
To bring us cigarettes, SkyTV and rum
One day, when the Tories are done
We’ll take our leave and go
She’d not been two minutes from shore
When down on her a right the Borderforce bore
The captain called all hands and swore
He’d take that dinghy in tow (huh)
Soon may the Benefits man come
To bring us cigarettes, SkyTV and rum
One day, when the Tories are done
We’ll take our leave and go
One could go on but this is in danger of turning into The Old Grey Whistle Test at the Cambridge Folk Festival circa 1974.
‘Human tide. Migrants crossing the Channel near Dover. Nearly 1,000 have arrived in two days – a record 482 on Wednesday and a further 475 yesterday‘ – and a surly-looking lot of sub-Saharan land lubbers they look, pictured on the frontpage of the Times – much to the government’s embarrassment.
The formerly patriotic Times has a snapshot, whilst the habitually resigned to defeat Telegraph’s headline takes the wide angle view of the disaster: ‘Migrant arrivals hit 10,000 as French say they can’t stem the tide‘
Churchill once said: “the Battle of France is over… the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilisation” – is that putting it too strongly?
And what of the “few” our RNLI and Border Force sailors? Is this their “finest hour”?
This a National Emergency.
Parliament should be recalled . The safety of the people of Great Britain should override any international ‘laws’ and ‘rights.
The present woke government has turned its back on defending the security of our borders.
‘I soon discovered that unless you have a car, are good with computers, can teach immigrants English, speak fluent LGBT and are sensitive to racial bias and gender inequalities, you’re unqualified for a lot of high-calibre charity work’
I don’t have any faith in them at all but if you consider the amount of money they cost us (as well as other things such as freedom, our country etc) the least we can do is make sure the bastards are in ‘the office’.
“I am the first to admit it is not easy to get clear figures from the Home Office about immigration, but there was a committee which looked at it and said that if we went on as we are then by the end of the century there would be four million people of the new Commonwealth or Pakistan here. Now, that is an awful lot and I think it means that people are really rather afraid that this country might be rather swamped by people with a different culture and, you know, the British character has done so much for democracy, for law and done so much throughout the world that if there is any fear that it might be swamped people are going to react and be rather hostile to those coming in”
“So, if you want good race relations, you have got to allay peoples’ fears on numbers. Now, the key to this was not what Keith Speed said just a couple of weeks ago. It really was what Willie Whitelaw said at the Conservative Party Conference in Brighton, where he said we must hold out the clear prospect of an end to immigration because at the moment it is about between 45,000 and 50,000 people coming in a year. Now, I was brought up in a small town, 25,000. That would be two new towns a year and that is quite a lot. So, we do have to hold out the prospect of an end to immigration except, of course, for compassionate cases. Therefore, we have got to look at the numbers who have a right to come in. ”
I know somebody who’ll volubly describe their “Long Covid” but when asked if they’ve had an episode of actual coronavirus >>> “nah, but I’ve got long covid”
As with placebos and psychosomatic illnesses – we have to acknowledge that there are hypochondriacs and malingerers out there….
Can you feel it ? The food or fuel ritual Moan – as prices go up toady asked a typical citizen – a mum with 5 kids – what effect will it have ?
The mum replied – I guess I will sell a couple of the kids
Robinson said ‘ so why did you have 5 in the first place if you can’t afford them ?’
Mum says ‘ what do I care – I will get the likes of Fedup2 to pay for them ‘
Robinson said “ so you’ve asked fedup2 is he is happy to pay for your kids ?
Mum says ‘ no -I m too busy claiming welfare – and I’m pregnant again ‘ ….
The above exchange May only be a figment of my right wing personal responsibility addled head .
“The above exchange may only be a figment of my right wing personal responsibility addled head”
Not at all. I saw that interview. Robinson asked her the names of the children and she replied “Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine and Jermaine”.
Robinson was clearly taken back and said “Well, if they all have the same name, how do you differentiate between them when talking to them?”
She replied “Oh, I use their father’s surnames as they’re all different”.
Subsequently, by way of follow-up, the BBC put her in touch with a supermarket who want a ‘typical family’ for their TV advertising.
Whatever happened to Bo Jo’s “Build Back Better”, Levelling Up” and “All in This Together”?…………
My advice to pensioners is scrap paying your telly tax and use the money you saved to pay the gas bill.
The tax payers can fund the extra burden of the ‘Ten Thousand criminals’ ‘carbon footprints’ that have landed on our beaches.
Let’s go on holiday – what about Mexico ? Yeah great . But now it’s on the red list – and the hotel cost on return has been ramped from £ 1750 to £2300 ….
It’s not illegal to go on holiday – just very highly priced . ….
THE BBC’s charity Children In Need has been accused of paying “excessive” wages on the eve of its annual fundraising drive.
Accounts for the charity – which will host its annual telethon next month on BBC channels to raise money for disadvantaged children – reveal employees were paid an average of £42,000 last year.
Marky- I’m lucky enough to have a second flop somewhere sunny but I’m back to blighty next week . A 10 day quarantine is one thing – but a hotel bill ? Ugh –
Last year I did home quarantine x3 and thought it was fair to do it – even though the R rate of my nice place was half that of home in londonistan .
It will be ‘interesting ‘ coming back next week ….but luckily not through Heathrow ….
The latest accounts for Children 1st, for example, showed that it spent £6.96m on wages for its 201 employees, an average of £34,600 per employee, while Barnardos spent £165m on its 8270 staff across the UK, an average of just £20,000 per worker.
@Marky True, but they are two very different types of organisation
Children In Need is a a fundraising *business*
Its employees raise money and distribute it.
Barnado’s is an organisation with a division that has frontline charity workers doing charity well as a smaller fundraisng division.
Good fundraising staff are like premier league footballers
If a guy bring in £2m in donations, he might be worth £1m in Salary.
I think CiN has extra hidden funding , in the way they get to use a lot of BBC facilities for free .. facilities the licence payer pays for.
On the news this morning I’m hearing household fuel bills will be going up by at least £139 a year.
Council tax will rise by the maximum plus any extra add ons.
Over 75’s will have to pay the tv licence.
Petrol has gone up by over 30% in a year.
That takes care of the 8% pension rise (if it is actually awarded)
Of course, then there’s the normal stuff such as food.
The vast majority of pensioners are on the old, second class pension of around £128 pw if you’ve paid in for 50 years.
Any savings are getting virtually no interest.
Pensioners would grab the rise that the poorest paid nurses are being offered because 3% of their pay is a lot more than 8% of one the lowest pensions in the civilised world.
That’s if 8% is awarded and they don’t find a reason to change the triple lock.
I think I read on here that it was normal for over 70’s to be DNR’d when going in to hospital last year.
Apologies for being a stuck record
but there is no magic pot of money pensioners paid into, ready for cash to be paid back out.
That money was spent on the day you paid in
When the government pays pensioner this week, it does that largely by borrowing money.
BTW many pensioners get other free benefits
eg it’s unbelievable that pensioners in London get to ride on free buses and trains, when in most of the country there are no practical trains, and in many areas no buses either. So provincials tax money subsidises London pensioners at the same time as they pay for their own petrol.)
A lot of this is not about Wokism or anything to do with making the world a better place. Its about a small group using their “virtue” and guilt as a human shield to earn huge amounts of money. How else would an arts graduate who is good at talking but not that bright earn £200K a year. A friend of mines mother used to work for a high profile charity as an accountant and said after seeing who “removed” huge amounts of money from the accounts, refused to contribute to any charity afterwoods.
It’ a common charity PR trick
That you find the plight of one victim and tell that story to get people emotionally involved
… That’ brainwashing isn’t it ?
Ha this response ha 72 Likes I say my parents have been fooled by news outlets like the BBC.
Shut them down.
Another : ‘My parents won’t do as I want so censor the internet’.
Projection is a lbmob characteristic.
When the BBC shout “look over there, those people are a bunch of irrationals who push conspiracy theories”
I think it pretty much sums up the bBC
eg their endless chanting of #OrangeManBad and the way they said the virus couldn’t be a lab leak cos OrangeMan suggested it.
Sure there are people who have some irrational beliefs about vaccines, but they pay their taxes
so are entitled to have their concerns addressed one by one, not just be written off.
Neither side should be just waved through.
An interview with Lord Sumption about civil liberties contained statistics which were not challenged at the time.
He said that ‘the virus has not killed over 100,000 people’ and that a large number have died with Covid but not of it.
In England and Wales more than 120,000 death certificates have recorded Covid-19 as an underlying cause of death according to figures collated by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Lord Sumption said that for older people, ‘at the age which they had reached, they would probably have died within a year’ anyway.
Life expectancy before the pandemic for an 80 year old was 9 years for a man and 10 years for a woman.
Lord Sumption said that ‘it’s a matter of hundreds and not thousands’ of deaths of people who were not in highly vulnerable groups with serious comorbidities on their death certificate.
By the end of March 2021 the ONS says almost 16,000 deaths in England & Wales had been caused by Covid in cases where there were no other underlying conditions recorded on the death certificate.
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
Perhaps Blair’s open door policy was not such a good idea after all? Bournemouth is not safe for women under the age of 30. This happens a lot these days
My local paper have featured it a couple of times although have turned off comments for some reason. They also do this whenever they have an article on the yearly appearance of caravans that turn up in random places. Namely public fields
Is Covid being used as an excuse to stop cheap travel?
From red list chaos to expensive tests and complicated rules, these new restrictions are unlikely to end when the pandemic does, writes Ross Clark
Interesting how long it takes the MSM to catch up with these ideas, as with the lab leak ‘conspiracy theory’ for Covid. It must be getting so difficult for Mariana to fight against this tide of disinformation! Like wading through treacle.
– got rid of Trump
– made the Brexit separation more difficult
– stopped mass CO2 releasing travel
– caused mass fear and division in society
– did not stop mass illegal immigration
Convenient? Sometimes it’s hard not to believe conspiracy theories.
Stay at home – don’t spread it .. wash your hands …
“Almost 80,000 Olympic officials, journalists and support staff will descend on Tokyo in July, according to media reports in Japan, as organisers press ahead with plans to hold the Games despite overwhelming public opposition in the host country.”
“The world’s longest burning fires: China’s unseen story
Coal extraction remains a higher priority than putting out China’s huge underground coal fires”
They are monstrous, centuries-old infernos that issue thick billows of ash and smoke, and generate sinkholes that consume roads and homes without warning.
Yet in spite of the dangers they pose, underground coal fires are some of the least known environmental disasters. China, the world’s largest miner and consumer of coal, has consistently downplayed the fires in its coalfields, considered the most severe on earth.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Trump speaks out against the US wimmin Olympic soccer team –
“If our soccer team, headed by a radical group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn’t woke, they would have won the Gold Medal instead of the Bronze. Woke means you lose, everything that is woke goes bad, and our soccer team certainly has. There were, however, a few Patriots standing. Unfortunately, they need more than that respecting our Country and National Anthem. They should replace the wokesters with Patriots and start winning again. The woman with the purple hair played terribly and spends too much time thinking about Radical Left politics and not doing her job!”
– our BBC are fizzing with hate and indignation.
Dover I am guessing that the true president will get the ‘blame ‘if Yoo Ess A doesn’t come first in the medal table – but I did enjoy the criticism through tat the 4×4 relay baton dropping outfit as a ‘shambles ‘ by one of their former greats …
Did the drop the baton ?
Our BBC have disgraced themselves with regard to their treatment of Trump v Biden. Our BBC have displayed institutional prejudice and should be condemned.
Golly, even Sopes knows this is a lost cause.
Luckily Lurch is still on Trump. Well, someone in his team and a typo… good one, Anthony.
“Yeah, wow… this is kind of embarrassing, but there’s literally no interesting news to report on today,” said Cuomo to millions of adoring hospital waiting rooms across the country. “If there was anything going on, like the Governor of my state—who also happens to be my brother—being outed as a pervy weirdo who preys on women like a greasy Italian skeezball stereotype, I would totally report on that. But there’s nothing like that at all going on.”
The irony of Springster liking this is so perfect.
BBC response … we did not cover an important march in the centre of London just around the corner from our London offices …. but the BBC did cover international Press Freedom Day …
Thank you for contacting us (BBC) regarding our recent news coverage.
We understand that you feel there has been insufficient coverage of the ‘Day for Freedom’ march that took place in London on Sunday 6th May.
Many marches and protests take place in cities around the UK and we do not cover them all. Instead, we consider each protest on a case by case basis and take into consideration the wider context of the story at hand.
Inevitably there may be disagreements about the level of prominence we give to stories. Please note that we did provide coverage of World Press Freedom day which took place on Thursday 3rd May, please see below for our latest coverage:
Thanks again for contacting us.
Kind regards BBC Complaints Team
. . . .
Complaint Summary: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018
Full Complaint: On the 06may2018 BBC failed to report and continue to fail reporting on the ‘Day for Freedom (of speech)’ March. Outside your premises in London you have a statue of George Orwell who you should listen to …. “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Day of Freedom March 06may2018): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell “The omission (Day of Freedom March 06may2018) is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear (Day of Freedom March 06may2018).” – George Orwell BRITISH – freedom to speak and discuss awkward matters is a British principle, but the BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. BROADCASTING – to report on important matters of freedom, but BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. CORPORATION – to act like a company, not a Government backed department who are paid £3.5bn under threat of prison and pay people like Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans who did report on ‘Day of Freedom’ march. Compare these two search results … Google returns many results (lacking BBC entries): BBC omits results: BBC Nick Robinson Twitter 07nov2017 …‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ Dear BBC … please produce a programme that explains how I gain the FREEDOM to NOT pay the BBC TV TAX and those who do not want to report on what is happening in BRITAIN.
It would be interesting for their fact checking tart to list the marches the BBC do not report ( if you see what I mean ) and what criteria do they apply for non reporting – apart from causes for which their editorial employees do not approve . …
Also – not having watched the bbc for sometime – do their ‘on the spot ‘ reporters still wet themselves when it is a March with which the BBC approves ? I used to find it sick making …
Not on Al Beeb yet but has Bo Jo morphed into Jeremy Corbyn?
The Tories were voted in because it was believed that they would take back control of our borders.
British lives come first and the present government does not appear to care .
Why are the French Navy, the British Border Farce, and the charity funded RNLI ferrying the illegals into the country and not taking them back to France, the place they left – a ‘safe country’?
Our Government should be held to account for the terrorism, the crime and the resultant British lives lost resulting from this population replacement. What is very worrying is what Al Beeb is censoring from us ?
Boris may not care about his job but I would guess his underlings do. Tory constituents should have a word with your MPs.
Jeremy Corbyn ‘Should Be Honest’ About Covid Jab, Starmer Aide Says
“If you’ve had the jab you should say, and if he hasn’t then he needs to sort of be honest I suppose about that,” Sharon Hodgson tells HuffPost UK.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
I was in Peterborough recently … I think most of them might just be there?
Marky – if I recall the number calculated to arrive in year one – by the Home Office – was 64000 . I think it was quoted at a select committee – but no one could cite the origin or the rationale for the number – 100s of thousands turned up -as we know – putting a strain on social services , housing , health and under cutting the jobs of British people ( see HGV drivers ) …
How 500 third world tribes arriving each day are going to be dealt with I really don’t know .
I think we had sick ‘fun ‘here calculating that every 250 was a hotel full – 2 hotels every day ? Forget it .
The french are waging war on us because of Brexit – and there needs to be reprisals …
“Migrant crossings: Record 482 cross English Channel in one day”
Thanks to Our Government.
Are there no COVID restrictions for them ?
Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was rescued from Libyan civil war by Royal Navy
Three years before the attack, Salman Abedi was evacuated from Tripoli as the security situation in the country deteriorated.#
Migrants in taxpayer-funded hotels not having quarantine enforced
Asylum seekers tell The Telegraph they are allowed to leave their hotels and go shopping, all while supposedly confined to rooms
Blunkett said: “We have got to change the behaviour and the culture of the incoming community, the Roma community, because there’s going to be an explosion otherwise. We all know that.”
Blunkett and Straw – what a double act … but priti follows on ..
“Streatham attack: ‘Missed opportunity’ to stop terrorist, inquest told”
Expect more missed opportunities by our Government and Border Farce.
Missed – but 650 MPs do not suffer …
“Westminster attack: Met boss ‘locked car door’ during attack
Published8 October 2018”
The Met Police’s acting chief witnessed the murder of PC Keith Palmer in Westminster from a locked car, an inquest has heard.
Sir Craig Mackey said it was his instinct to get out of the car when he saw Khalid Masood attack, but he stayed because he had no protective equipment.
What a nancy boy, sat in his car with the door locked…
No doubt waiting for the risk assessment team to roll up.
It was his ‘instinct’ to get out of the car?
Maybe, however, it was certainly his JOB to get out of the car and assist a fellow police officer in trouble, and to protect members of the public by attempting to deal with an armed and dangerous fanatic – ‘protective equipment’ or no ‘protective equipment’.
PC Keith Palmer understood that and was tragically killed trying to do his duty.
Instead, this ‘hero’ locked the door and cowered in his car?! He was a Police Officer, and he cowered in safety whilst one of his colleagues was brutally murdered nearby?! Why is he still in a job?!!
Poor PC Keith Palmer could still be alive if this ‘hero’ had helped him instead of hiding.
Having just read the article, it gets worse, there were three of them locked in the car, watching their colleague get stabbed to death, this ‘hero’ and two equally heroic PCs!
Quinn doesn’t like living in the spotlight. Yet as a professional athlete, it often comes with the territory.
Man chooses career that has no spotlight – ha ha ha ha ha.
Then all men should compete against women to end transphobia.
There seems to be a degree of correlation between those modest, private souls who avoid the spotlight and the amount they pay their people to send stuff to the cubicle dwellers in the bbc gardens.
Next, Meghan Nobody launches a something initiative…
Clever trolling by pro-vaccine activists ?
They get a news story about the Pfizer boss not being fully vaccinated
… then add in the reality that he was 3 days later
So caught out the anti-vaxxers who rushed to tweet the first part.
I’d hate to spread alarm and despondency among our athletes but it does seem there’s a risk of pulled hamstrings, strained tendons and adverse reaction times – causing false starts – as a result of ‘taking the knee’.
Other sports seem unaffected.
No exceptions.
I see the BBC are promoting the covid vaccine for 16 and 17 year olds with lies.
In both an earlier news website article and Alex Cox on The One Show they mention “1000 18 to 35 year olds are in hospital”.
Very misleading even by BBC standards for these reasons:
1. 18 to 35 year olds is a big age range and not representitive of 16-17 years age range,
2. The 1000 in hospital could be for whatever reason
3. It is not stated if the 1000 in hospital are unvaxxed or double vaxxed.
Even after all these years the BBC still like to abuse kids and will lie to do it.
Re kids Vaccine:
I learn (Telegraph Letters) page made me think at the time (I bet the BBC would endorse that (for all the wrong reasons). I read this letter as I though it important to remind my own children, to be skeptic of government ‘claims’.
In brief: The mirical cure ‘Vaccine” – kids consider this:
1. It has ’emergency’ licence ONLY – and still in clinical ‘trials’ until 2023. It has had ‘side affects’, which are not widely reported in an ’emergency situation’.
2. There is currently no long term data and more adverse reactions have been reported in the short time of its existence, (more than than any other vaccines recorded).
3. If COVID is the greater risk as a result of your age (or medical condition) then it makes absolute sense to take the vaccine..
When you are young and healthy the risk is as insignificant as bad as seasonal flu.
4. Being Vaccinated does not mean you won’t get the virus’ or pass another type of virus onto others. The benefits (if any) is minimal if your in normal health.
The point is young people and children do not need this vaccine!!!
So why is the BBC recommending it?
Because whatever the BBC recommend for children usually turns out to be bad for your health at any age of consent.
Anyone heard anything from the comedian Andrew Lawrence recently. It seems like the cancellation lunatics have been busy burying him and his career. Pity, one of the funniest blokes out there in a World that has forgotten how to smile.
He is popping up on my Facebook feed with new videos
Here’s one – usual language warning.
I think he is going soft -,only one c word and 6 effs … but he makes a point never to be aired on the BBC ….
Bournemouth beach closed after ‘large animal’ spotted in sea
Could it be an extremely large rubber dinghy having been mistaken for a shark?
Or a PR exercise to promote the RNLI after their latest fiasco, or even Climate Change ?
Maybe border farce could make dinghies looking like sharks -or hire the amity? Shark to help clear the channel ?
Wheneve a whale is reported in the Thames, etc, the writers are constantly calling it “the animal”, just in case we didn’t know it was one.
BBCtwo switch on bingo
“Firefighter Kelly (female) calls her wife and twin daughters ”
Now : The firecrew in the fire engine including the driver are all wearing paper useless masks as they go to an incident OUTSIDE in a park.
The leader also masked in her fire chief car.
.. People heard someone shout help from beside a lakeside cafe.
..the lake is covered in ice.
Darn I missed the bit at th start when they all eating “Mo’s curry”
The female Fire Chief for London Fire Brigade suffered stress from the Grenfell fire. Not because she was there, but from watching it at home on her TV.
She is now gone.
Nice pension though …
She wasn’t there carrying people down ladders, then.
Remember the guy sacked from the fire brigades union for giving a pro-brexit speech
Eventually Paul Embery has won
And the BBC article ?
Paul Embry often appears on GB News and Lord Farage doesn’t always agree with him but can be seen to respect him.
GB News is our only hope of media objectivity among the bitter media bias personified by our BBC.
O to be some one whom Farage can be seen to respect!
Guido commenter
“Common Purpose control the senior management of all our institutions.
And Common Purpose are vehemently pro EU.
Just watch the BBC to see their dogma pushed unremittingly.
So it is obvious that a lot of public sector workers were punished for wanting our freedom.”
BBC medal Olympic table
Oops Guardian having to show the Blackburn third world mugshots who killed a promising Muslim (tick ) female ( tick ) law student ( tick ) in a traditional ‘drive bye shooting ‘ so favoured by vulnerable minorities – but – hey – it’s cultural and vibrant ,, cue Lammy
SkyNewsAust is back on Youtube
Here’s the opening statement : a tough 34mins against Cancel Culture
I got the message after 10 minutes
But what it highlights is the value of journalists
Which I suggest is not a lot now
If the approved speach isn’t used then google will kill it
Yet when the next journo is accosted / hurt /killed
They’ll be shouting about the freedom of the press
Sky Australia has jusr proved there is no freedom
Makes journos step of of that superiority
And get the treatment ordinary punters get …
Never a shortage of approved journos …
Good old Sky Aus.
They get banned but then manage to turn it into a powerful statement for freedom of speech.
Al Beeb
Does the law of Treason still exist? Because we are being betrayed .
Treason was abolished by Tony Blair and his government. They thought it ‘out-moded’, and clearly it interfered with the great EU plan of forced european co-operation treaties. Lisbon for example. The BBC cannot be prosecuted – even when guilty, found guilty and admit guilt. They have no concept of ‘guilt’. They have no understanding of ‘wrong’.
Thank you .
‘out-moded’, its not out-moded now.
Never, in the history of Great Britain is it more relevant than now as we are being invaded.
With regard to various comments in this thread. I stopped giving to what are effectively ‘big business ‘ charities many years ago. Only local charities now benefit. As for the flood of illegals, I’m afraid that our borders will never be secure, brexit or not. The horror of the Indian incident will change nothing, just cringe at the ‘sponsor a child’ ads regarding fgm abroad. Brought to you by the middle class advertising industry happily blind-eyeing the same thing happening here. Welcome to religious intolerance worthy of the dark ages. Welcome to the ethics of the third world. Welcome to a white indigenous population that is continually vilified and hated by the media and Government. Welcome to Britain.
The BBC missed a scoop: Biden drove around the White House lawn all on his own like a big boy.
The tame press actually applauded!
But the comments are merciless:
– Next: Mr Biden ties his own shoelaces to tumultuous applause.
– He drove in circles like his brain.
– He’s capable America, he can make all left turns.
– My favorite part is his fake jog.
– Biden, the only human who walks faster than he jogs.
– I guess the only requirement to be president is being able to drive around in a circle like a kid learning to drive. No need for a Cognitive test! C’mon Man!
Is that a nurse in blue, hiding behind the tree at 3:29?
Did he leave his jacket behind on the back seat of the jeep?
I’ll tell you something with 100% certainty : there will a doctor in that group of people and a special ambulance parked out of sight.
This is all so embarassing for the USA. How pathetic are those sycophants who applauded ?. They remind me of those applauding Charlie Sheen for every joke about Trump – no matter how bad.
Sometimes I feel like I have left planet Earth and arrived in some weird alternative universe.
There’s a special ‘laugh’ which these people do whenever in the company of self-imposed ‘elite’, pompous politicians and other ‘don’t-you-know-who-i-ams’!
It’s a sort of ‘grunt’, like someone on fifty Capstan Full Strength, and emitted low down in the throat with a ‘huuuurgh’ ‘huuuurgh’ to finish of with.
Like our Queen always smelling new paint everywhere she goes, the people like mr biden never actually hear anyone really laughing, it’s the sycophants’ way of trying to sound interested!
“Like our Queen”
I object.
Here is one for Bo Jo and Al Beeb…………. Allowing thousands of criminal invaders into our country is increasing our carbon footprint.
Mark Eaton ‘analysing’ this would be funny.
If Black Lives Matter , why are so many blacks being stabbed to death
by other blacks ?
You’ll find that black lives only matter if their lives have been taken by white people.
That’s why we constantly get reminded about Mark Duggen and the sainted Stephen Lawrence.
There must be literally thousands of young black men killed by other young black men since the murder of Lawrence. These murders are treated just like statistics.
There’s never any “in depth” coverage by the BBC, there are very few demo’s and no riots.
And you know what…of all these murdered young men?
I couldn’t name one of them…
At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
Council leader Roger Stone said he would step down with immediate effect.
Mr Stone, who has been the leader since 2003, said: “I believe it is only right that as leader I take responsibility for the historic failings described so clearly.”
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Yes, but they were white lives. No one has said they matter.
If Mark Duggan hadn’t been a violent criminal who had just gone out to obtain an illegal pistol, then he might be alive today. But the fact is that if the Met hadn’t killed him, one of his fellow black gangstas probably would have. He chose a lifestyle with a very high risk of violent death.
‘Energy prices rise again for millions of households’
Where? Nigeria? South Africa? Jamaica?
No, despite the obligatory Getty Images photo, it’s actually the UK, as the cost of faux Green policies has to be paid for.
And all the increases mentioned are around £150.00 a year, nearly the same as the cost of the TV tax, which is squandered on useless diversity failure, vegan lesbian studies, and pictures of sick on their cookery page.
Not a single mention of the impact of the costs of funding green energy in the whole bbc article !
“A-levels: Bumper year for top grades predicted”
“Grade Inflation”?
One problem for the profs and dons at the ‘yoonies’ to sort out. Their rush to get ‘bums on seats’ has come back to bite them on the backside.
Bob and Justin and Matt and Roger and….
Let’s face it – the cop thing has already been signed off – most countries will sign and ignore – fools like the UK will impoverish its ‘ citizens with increased nonsense ‘green’ taxes to cut economic activity ….
Burn those ( expensive ) hydrocarbons …
Invade China – save the climate.
Fire up that project fear
‘The Gulf Stream is stopping ‘ we are all going to die in a new ice age . – sez experts – it’s all our fault for using power .
Meanwhile – let’s put up the price of electricity and gas ….
Everything that can be said about the BBC’S obsession with
diversity and virtue signalling can be seen on their internet
leader page feature on energy prices.
The amazing situation is that this not even the default family photo,
for the diversity mad BBC and the advertising industry.
Numero Uno is the mixed race family. Second is the black
family and the Caucasian family come nowhere now in
a country which has a demographic 85% of the
How’s the Pound doing against the Euro?
If you check with Al Beeb news , not much .
BBC Radio 4
Why aren’t women speaking up? Mary Ann Sieghart takes us on a global journey to find out why women are being side-lined in public debate.
It is awful. Not a peep from any woman anywh….
Bit of a rush round W1A to check behind sofas and in underground car park nooks for any early models ‘lost’ pre Xmas?
Cannot. Wait. Whoever xe is and xe’s predilections are.
Maybe he can bring something uniquely BBC to a younger audience?
Aisha was 6 when she shared a teddy bear “where did he touch you” story with Mohammed.
Our national broadcaster is oft accused of liberal metropolitanism and an over emphasis on the globalist view, matched with distain for local English traditions and cultural legacy.
Well, there’s a folky feel to this bit of good news, among all the usual flotsam and jetsam of daily backwash from the Beeb online: ‘Weston shanty festival benefits from Covid call-off‘
“It’s an ill wind…” as old timey sea salts might have said.
‘The organisers of a town’s first-ever sea shanty festival hope to benefit from the genre’s new-found popularity. The team behind the Weston-super-Mare Shanty and Folk Festival planned to hold the event in 2020, but were scuppered by the pandemic. But the delay has been a help rather than a hindrance, as sea shanties became hugely popular in lockdown‘
I do like the use of the term scuppered
I can just see them all now, a sea of beards zooming in online, chanting a shanty and banging on the back of their guitars to keep time.
Well, shiver me timbers! Strap me to the yard arm and keel haul me over the barnacles!
Which – with a none too subtle nod to the brave seafaring migrant taxi drivers of our RNLI and Border Force, toiling hard to haul in their daily catch of fellow future Uberdrivers by the inflatable bucket load – may I respectfully present my 2021 take on the classic ditty Wellerman (Sea Shanty) – original lyric “trad” as they say.
Apologies to trad
The Benefits man
There once was a dinghy that put to sea
The name of the ship was the Priti Pee
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down
Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh)
Soon may the Benefits man come
To bring us cigarettes, SkyTV and rum
One day, when the Tories are done
We’ll take our leave and go
She’d not been two minutes from shore
When down on her a right the Borderforce bore
The captain called all hands and swore
He’d take that dinghy in tow (huh)
Soon may the Benefits man come
To bring us cigarettes, SkyTV and rum
One day, when the Tories are done
We’ll take our leave and go
One could go on but this is in danger of turning into The Old Grey Whistle Test at the Cambridge Folk Festival circa 1974.
‘Human tide. Migrants crossing the Channel near Dover. Nearly 1,000 have arrived in two days – a record 482 on Wednesday and a further 475 yesterday‘ – and a surly-looking lot of sub-Saharan land lubbers they look, pictured on the frontpage of the Times – much to the government’s embarrassment.
The formerly patriotic Times has a snapshot, whilst the habitually resigned to defeat Telegraph’s headline takes the wide angle view of the disaster: ‘Migrant arrivals hit 10,000 as French say they can’t stem the tide‘
Churchill once said: “the Battle of France is over… the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilisation” – is that putting it too strongly?
And what of the “few” our RNLI and Border Force sailors? Is this their “finest hour”?
“they (France) can’t stem the tide” – so France is a broken state and should be invaded?
This a National Emergency.
Parliament should be recalled . The safety of the people of Great Britain should override any international ‘laws’ and ‘rights.
The present woke government has turned its back on defending the security of our borders.
‘I soon discovered that unless you have a car, are good with computers, can teach immigrants English, speak fluent LGBT and are sensitive to racial bias and gender inequalities, you’re unqualified for a lot of high-calibre charity work’
✍️ Cosmo Landesman
Taffman – why recall Parliament ? You have faith in that lot ?
I don’t have any faith in them at all but if you consider the amount of money they cost us (as well as other things such as freedom, our country etc) the least we can do is make sure the bastards are in ‘the office’.
This is Thatcher to Kohl, unreported remarks:
“I am the first to admit it is not easy to get clear figures from the Home Office about immigration, but there was a committee which looked at it and said that if we went on as we are then by the end of the century there would be four million people of the new Commonwealth or Pakistan here. Now, that is an awful lot and I think it means that people are really rather afraid that this country might be rather swamped by people with a different culture and, you know, the British character has done so much for democracy, for law and done so much throughout the world that if there is any fear that it might be swamped people are going to react and be rather hostile to those coming in”
“So, if you want good race relations, you have got to allay peoples’ fears on numbers. Now, the key to this was not what Keith Speed said just a couple of weeks ago. It really was what Willie Whitelaw said at the Conservative Party Conference in Brighton, where he said we must hold out the clear prospect of an end to immigration because at the moment it is about between 45,000 and 50,000 people coming in a year. Now, I was brought up in a small town, 25,000. That would be two new towns a year and that is quite a lot. So, we do have to hold out the prospect of an end to immigration except, of course, for compassionate cases. Therefore, we have got to look at the numbers who have a right to come in. ”
All that was just a few decades ago.
“…as French say they can’t stem the tide.”
Curious journalistic use of “as”.
BBC News
Are some chronic illness influencers faking it on social media?
One for BBC…. disconnects irony meter… Trending.
I know somebody who’ll volubly describe their “Long Covid” but when asked if they’ve had an episode of actual coronavirus >>> “nah, but I’ve got long covid”
As with placebos and psychosomatic illnesses – we have to acknowledge that there are hypochondriacs and malingerers out there….
That’s life
As with racism, the imaginary version of the disease is even worse than the real thing.
Can you feel it ? The food or fuel ritual Moan – as prices go up toady asked a typical citizen – a mum with 5 kids – what effect will it have ?
The mum replied – I guess I will sell a couple of the kids
Robinson said ‘ so why did you have 5 in the first place if you can’t afford them ?’
Mum says ‘ what do I care – I will get the likes of Fedup2 to pay for them ‘
Robinson said “ so you’ve asked fedup2 is he is happy to pay for your kids ?
Mum says ‘ no -I m too busy claiming welfare – and I’m pregnant again ‘ ….
The above exchange May only be a figment of my right wing personal responsibility addled head .
The direction that our demographics are heading in we might be grateful for British ladies who contribute in this way!
“The above exchange may only be a figment of my right wing personal responsibility addled head”
Not at all. I saw that interview. Robinson asked her the names of the children and she replied “Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine and Jermaine”.
Robinson was clearly taken back and said “Well, if they all have the same name, how do you differentiate between them when talking to them?”
She replied “Oh, I use their father’s surnames as they’re all different”.
Subsequently, by way of follow-up, the BBC put her in touch with a supermarket who want a ‘typical family’ for their TV advertising.
Whatever happened to Bo Jo’s “Build Back Better”, Levelling Up” and “All in This Together”?…………
My advice to pensioners is scrap paying your telly tax and use the money you saved to pay the gas bill.
The tax payers can fund the extra burden of the ‘Ten Thousand criminals’ ‘carbon footprints’ that have landed on our beaches.
Let’s go on holiday – what about Mexico ? Yeah great . But now it’s on the red list – and the hotel cost on return has been ramped from £ 1750 to £2300 ….
It’s not illegal to go on holiday – just very highly priced . ….
Piers Morgan can afford it – and Elton John – and Rita who broke covid rules 3 times.
THE BBC’s charity Children In Need has been accused of paying “excessive” wages on the eve of its annual fundraising drive.
Accounts for the charity – which will host its annual telethon next month on BBC channels to raise money for disadvantaged children – reveal employees were paid an average of £42,000 last year.
The average salary across the UK is an estimated £27,000.
Marky- I’m lucky enough to have a second flop somewhere sunny but I’m back to blighty next week . A 10 day quarantine is one thing – but a hotel bill ? Ugh –
Last year I did home quarantine x3 and thought it was fair to do it – even though the R rate of my nice place was half that of home in londonistan .
It will be ‘interesting ‘ coming back next week ….but luckily not through Heathrow ….
The latest accounts for Children 1st, for example, showed that it spent £6.96m on wages for its 201 employees, an average of £34,600 per employee, while Barnardos spent £165m on its 8270 staff across the UK, an average of just £20,000 per worker.
@Marky True, but they are two very different types of organisation
Children In Need is a a fundraising *business*
Its employees raise money and distribute it.
Barnado’s is an organisation with a division that has frontline charity workers doing charity well as a smaller fundraisng division.
Good fundraising staff are like premier league footballers
If a guy bring in £2m in donations, he might be worth £1m in Salary.
I think CiN has extra hidden funding , in the way they get to use a lot of BBC facilities for free .. facilities the licence payer pays for.
On the news this morning I’m hearing household fuel bills will be going up by at least £139 a year.
Council tax will rise by the maximum plus any extra add ons.
Over 75’s will have to pay the tv licence.
Petrol has gone up by over 30% in a year.
That takes care of the 8% pension rise (if it is actually awarded)
Of course, then there’s the normal stuff such as food.
The vast majority of pensioners are on the old, second class pension of around £128 pw if you’ve paid in for 50 years.
Any savings are getting virtually no interest.
Pensioners would grab the rise that the poorest paid nurses are being offered because 3% of their pay is a lot more than 8% of one the lowest pensions in the civilised world.
That’s if 8% is awarded and they don’t find a reason to change the triple lock.
I think I read on here that it was normal for over 70’s to be DNR’d when going in to hospital last year.
Enjoy your retirements in the UK.
Apologies for being a stuck record
but there is no magic pot of money pensioners paid into, ready for cash to be paid back out.
That money was spent on the day you paid in
When the government pays pensioner this week, it does that largely by borrowing money.
BTW many pensioners get other free benefits
eg it’s unbelievable that pensioners in London get to ride on free buses and trains, when in most of the country there are no practical trains, and in many areas no buses either. So provincials tax money subsidises London pensioners at the same time as they pay for their own petrol.)
A lot of this is not about Wokism or anything to do with making the world a better place. Its about a small group using their “virtue” and guilt as a human shield to earn huge amounts of money. How else would an arts graduate who is good at talking but not that bright earn £200K a year. A friend of mines mother used to work for a high profile charity as an accountant and said after seeing who “removed” huge amounts of money from the accounts, refused to contribute to any charity afterwoods.
Cue award winning senior rack…
So… Adam, 23, got in touch with Marianna, 24, colleagues and this was the result?
It’ a common charity PR trick
That you find the plight of one victim and tell that story to get people emotionally involved
… That’ brainwashing isn’t it ?
Ha this response ha 72 Likes
I say my parents have been fooled by news outlets like the BBC.
Shut them down.
Another : ‘My parents won’t do as I want so censor the internet’.
Projection is a lbmob characteristic.
When the BBC shout “look over there, those people are a bunch of irrationals who push conspiracy theories”
I think it pretty much sums up the bBC
eg their endless chanting of #OrangeManBad and the way they said the virus couldn’t be a lab leak cos OrangeMan suggested it.
Sure there are people who have some irrational beliefs about vaccines, but they pay their taxes
so are entitled to have their concerns addressed one by one, not just be written off.
Neither side should be just waved through.
BBC Radio 4, 20 July 2021
An interview with Lord Sumption about civil liberties contained statistics which were not challenged at the time.
He said that ‘the virus has not killed over 100,000 people’ and that a large number have died with Covid but not of it.
In England and Wales more than 120,000 death certificates have recorded Covid-19 as an underlying cause of death according to figures collated by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Lord Sumption said that for older people, ‘at the age which they had reached, they would probably have died within a year’ anyway.
Life expectancy before the pandemic for an 80 year old was 9 years for a man and 10 years for a woman.
Lord Sumption said that ‘it’s a matter of hundreds and not thousands’ of deaths of people who were not in highly vulnerable groups with serious comorbidities on their death certificate.
By the end of March 2021 the ONS says almost 16,000 deaths in England & Wales had been caused by Covid in cases where there were no other underlying conditions recorded on the death certificate.
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
Sometimes the BBC headline gets it spot on, even if
unintentionally :-
“pride in London cancelled for second year”
Doesn’t surprise me.
I am surprised that they covered this.
‘Bournemouth beach rape: E-fit image released after girl attacked’
Perhaps Blair’s open door policy was not such a good idea after all? Bournemouth is not safe for women under the age of 30. This happens a lot these days
That is the event on July 21, when most newspaper reports described the perp as of Pakistani descent
Link “Something went wrong. Try reloading.”
@Marky The link certainly opens here
Maybe that righty commentator David Atherton has blocked you
My local paper have featured it a couple of times although have turned off comments for some reason. They also do this whenever they have an article on the yearly appearance of caravans that turn up in random places. Namely public fields
Send the Caravans to Priti Patel’s backgarden.
They tend to be seen in everyone’s back gardens
Article in today’s DT:
Is Covid being used as an excuse to stop cheap travel?
From red list chaos to expensive tests and complicated rules, these new restrictions are unlikely to end when the pandemic does, writes Ross Clark
Interesting how long it takes the MSM to catch up with these ideas, as with the lab leak ‘conspiracy theory’ for Covid. It must be getting so difficult for Mariana to fight against this tide of disinformation! Like wading through treacle.
– got rid of Trump
– made the Brexit separation more difficult
– stopped mass CO2 releasing travel
– caused mass fear and division in society
– did not stop mass illegal immigration
Convenient? Sometimes it’s hard not to believe conspiracy theories.
BBC reporters fly to Tokyo. Ha Ha Ha Ha ….
Stay at home – don’t spread it .. wash your hands …
“Almost 80,000 Olympic officials, journalists and support staff will descend on Tokyo in July, according to media reports in Japan, as organisers press ahead with plans to hold the Games despite overwhelming public opposition in the host country.”
Global Warning? China does its best …
“The world’s longest burning fires: China’s unseen story
Coal extraction remains a higher priority than putting out China’s huge underground coal fires”
They are monstrous, centuries-old infernos that issue thick billows of ash and smoke, and generate sinkholes that consume roads and homes without warning.
Yet in spite of the dangers they pose, underground coal fires are some of the least known environmental disasters. China, the world’s largest miner and consumer of coal, has consistently downplayed the fires in its coalfields, considered the most severe on earth.