Sunday is the 76th Anniversary of victory over Japan . It would be nice to think it will be properly commemorated – but somehow the BBC will be interested in other things …
Well- the black face fella was precisely why I always bought Uncle Ben’s rice. Now that I can see that this company are no more than a bunch of racist white hating pigs they can shove their rice where the sun don’t shine – and I hope it hurts.
Seems more like an excuse to kep the brand’s name in the news, (and on this site for a good couple of months now).
Go back enough years and you will find that we have been here before as ‘Uncle Ben’ went from worker to owner around the same time that the Sikh on the Camp Coffee label went from standing manservant to seated fellow officer.
I buy generic rice and coffee, neither of which seem to need the near-mandatory black African and his blonde ‘catch’ to promote sales (yet).
“Channel migrant crossings reach record high as man dies”
What exactly does the “Clandestine Channel Threat Commander” Dan O’Mahoney actually get paid to do?
But Lisa Doyle, director of advocacy and engagement at the Refugee Council, said: “The government must change its approach.
Instead of seeking to punish or push away people seeking safety because of the type of journey they have made to the UK, they must create and commit to safe routes.”
She said: “While there is war, persecution and violence, people will be forced to take dangerous journeys to seek safety.”
That’s France that is “war, persecution and violence”
The complete failure of the HO/government to fulfil their stated and statutory roles is now common knowledge. Therefore a ‘clandestine’ operation of a different nature is now justified and necessary whereby ex and serving army and navy personnel take over and secure the ever-expanding ‘facilities’ along the coastline and protect our borders by land and sea. In short to do the job the HO should be doing by turning all illegals and invaders back. Only a relatively small but committed and disciplined force would be needed. I suspect there would be no shortage of volunteers for the mission. If only there was a leader.
Covid stats still flat
neither rising out of control, nor declining
Summer and vax should give a downward effect,
opening up should add an upward effect
88 people die/day .. that’s would be about 32K/year
UK population is 67m 1/1000th is 67,000
So 1/2000th of population is about 33K
So over 1 /year 0.05% of UK population is dying of covid
Or every time 350 people get Covid one of them dies
“Or every time 350 people get Covid one of them dies”
Dies of it or with it ?
My usual message to Al Beeb and SAGE ……….
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Slightly off topic but thanks to the advice from this site… months after cancelling my tv licence, I got my first real warning letter… mrs town laughed when it came through – threatening us that we could expect a visit and be fined up to £1000 for watching live tv 😂😂😂 I’d like to see the scumbags trying to get into my house – I’ll give them a friendly welsh thanks but no thanks response. There’s nothing but shite on live tv anyway, so I’ll stick to flix and prime thank you (although lots of “pride” and black this and that crap on there along with a heavy helping of woke 🙄)
Sri Lankan teenager builds solar-powered tuk-tuk from scraps
Another BBC propaganda piece heavy on agenda and remarkably light on facts.
I suspect that thing will take about 15 hours to charge enough for 5 minutes driving.
A scant four frontpages reproduced by the BBC online newspaper line up this morning – someone’s falling down on the job.
In terms of the value of the news conveyed by this mere quad of titles I’m unconvinced the reproduction of more wouldn’t simply result in diminishing returns.
I’m reminded of that verbose wordsmith Will Self – once the darling of the literary new wave but having taken the BBC shilling and matured into a Question Time reliable, legalise it, I’ll advertise it, lefty – those two developments obviously being interlinked, he became somewhat of a bore.
He once contested the sense of the popular phrase – among travel news broadcasters – sheer weight of traffic. Oughtn’t the resultant delays be properly blamed on mere weight of traffic, contested Self? There’s something to think about.
‘Force gun owners to face online hate trawl’ – says former Met chief Lord Stevens as reported in the Telegraph. While they’re at it why not get the cops to go fishing in everyone’s social media activity? Afterall if it might be claimed it saves one life let’s become Communist China right here and now.
Self gets brownie points for once describing Vic Reeves as a ‘chilly torrent of drivel’, a superb put-down that can be applied to dozens of talking heads at the BBC and across wider media/journalism.
Doesn’t fool me, I’d recognise her anywhere. Why she thinks that every article she writes has to be accompanied by a picture of her gurning fizzog is beyond me. I’d sooner have a picture relevant to the subject. Don’t become the story, love.
Romesh Ranganathan’s midlife crisis
Life and style
GB News likes to think it’s challenging the consensus. But what if it is the consensus?
As an agitator, it has to take a combative stance on everything
Twitter bio of the woman that tweeted that photo of herself
“Head of Communications for BBC World Service.
BTW her last retweet was an outrage tweet against ITV’s Eamon Holmes, how dare he make a joke about his guests hair she’s a Woman Of Colour.
…. Actually the video shows her laughing along as if they know each other very well
She doesn’t need people being outraged on her behalf
She’s about the only one as the gutless spineless and presumably quietly supportive male Afghans hand over to the Taliban without a shot being fired. A lifetime of subservience, rape, and brutality await their womenfolk.
And no-one seems to give a toss. Especially among LeftMob feminist groups.
Stand by for a massive resistance to the Taliban from angry wimmin who will defend their sisters. There must be millions of them, all fired up in anger expressed by media feminists. They are probably organizing already in training camps ready to defeat the Taliban males.. er. but first they need approval from the left.
On BBC1 Sunday 0818. And the BBC are doing their usual dripping sentimentality routine.
In the aftermath of the dreadful killings in Plymouth there is yet again a virtue-spiral. Who can go most overboard to show concern for the ‘people of Plymouth’. Let the bidding commence.
The local MP is on. There is a ‘crisis in mental health’ and he wonders what is being done to prevent a ‘lifetime of trauma’.
The ‘community needs help and support right mow’
When will this sentimental crap ever end.
I’ll tell you about a lifetime of trauma. Just go and look at the names of the fallen on the memorial on top of the Ho.
Just spent a great several minutes following a thread on an RV forum started by a woman with hairy armpits railing at fellow VW T5 wild campers for how they dispose of their grey water.
Someone points out it’s a 2 litre German diesel and I may need to go back to catch up later.
These PRtrickery fascists rule over us
Imposing their dogma on us
whilst they live like kings.
I’ll have a bacon sandwich for breakfast; eating more meat is one way to get back at them.
To be fair the Leeds DJ did push back a bit.
#1 He said “Why should I put my trust in the same politicians that told me to buy a diesel car and now say I shouldn’t own it ?”
#2 The vox pop contained skeptical voices
“Man does affect the environment, but Climate Change always happens across the millennia, it doesn’t stay the same”
Over the years I’ve interacted with BBC local radio – the idea that they haven’t been cued up by a third party is simply impossible – who has previous in this regard?
I wonder if the office of the “BBC’s environment analyst” is involved in any way?
39 Pontiac Dream •
Vine made a big deal of this caller lying to his call screener but what chance would he have of giving an alternate view had he not? The BBC only want callers who agree with them. They should invite more Johns onto their radio and TV. The wider public need to hear ALL views.
No surprise that John was cut off. Vine was out of his depth.
At least when on his bike he is on surer gr…..oof.
One good thing about GBN, especially Farage, is that they ALWAYS have on people who they, perhaps, disagree with, allow them to make their points uninterrupted then discuss with them why they think they are wrong. I’d love to think that the BBC would act in a similar civilised manner but I doubt it. Not that I’d know anyway; after 30 years of blindly listening to Radio 4 I haven’t had it on for over 10 years now. Scrap the licence.
To ask the caller if they are a virologist or a scientist as a cheap way to dismiss any opinion the caller has but then the BBC will happily have mentally ill school drop out Greta Thunberg on as a climate expert.
A contact of mine in the BBC explained how they did things when he worked there:
Let’s suppose the topic is immigration. Firstly, the speakers will be carefully curated: a Labour MP, an immigration activist, a migrant with a hard luck story and, for balance, a dripping wet Tory who has the same basic views as the others.
After the heads have spoken, they take the calls, which have been pre-screened. There might be perhaps 100 in favour of greater restrictions on immigration, but only 10 in favour of more immigration, drawn from the ranks of ‘the usual suspects’. In the interests of ‘impartiality’, the producer decides to take 5 calls from each side. Then a researcher pops up and says something like “that caller… wasn’t he a candidate for the BNP about 10 years ago? Or at least someone with a similar name?”. The producer decides she can’t take the risk and deselects that caller. When they take the calls, they decide that they are over-running so decide to drop the final caller, who is opposed to immigration. So the audience gets to hear 5 pro-immigration voices and 3 anti-immigration ones.
A programme later on refers to the earlier call-in one: “The government is proposing tighter controls on immigration. However, a majority of callers to the BBC expressed their concerns and re-iterated the benefits of increased immigration…”
And they were the techniques used by the BBC ‘in the good old days’…
I would add that they also try and get ‘heavyweight’ leftoids/ government opposes versus ‘lightweight’ government spokespeople.
Thus on Any Questions last week the panel included Lisa Nandy, and Anna Soubry (bonkers but confident) against some junior government minister I’ve never heard of before.
Sluff, I listened to that. Eddie Hughes MP, if my memory serves me well – I haven’t checked – is a minister in the Communities Dept. He did quite well. Lemn Sissay was good and injected some humour and commonsense, both of which seem to be lacking from Nandy and Soubry.
Do I recall correctly that Hughes got booed a couple of times? And that Chris Mason did nothing about that nor trotted out the usual BBC lie that the audience are self-selecting?
Got the ring of truth about it – and presumably the same technique used for ALL other issues . The BBC is so clumsy – or perhaps smug in its’ outlook – that it thinks people don’t realise what they are doing –
The increased non payment of Licences – falling audience numbers and increased activity on sites like this one testify to the intelligence of viewers and listeners ….
I suspect they are using centralised newsreaders instead of a local one.
9am The one doing Hull picked local stories, but suddenly dropped in a South Yorkshire story
This can have beneficial effects however.
They have taken to combining London news with South East news. So occasionally we get stories about white people other than as racists/ colonialists/ oppressors of BAME ‘victims’ but as just ordinary folk out in the towns and shires.
It’s a breath of fresh air and such a contrast with the usual metropolitan leftoid BBC race-baiting agenda.
I am finding the media coverage of the advance of the Taleban very amusing and I will encourage you to join me in a small act of rebellion.
Amidst all the left wing angst, wimmins rights etc etc criticism of the Taleban is ‘interesting’ because thoughout all of the descriptions of barbarism and medeval horror, not once will the vast majority of articles mention Islam Muslims, nor of course any criticisms of it.
Your job is simply to point this out in the comments section, and when they are handwringing about what can be done, point out their utter failure to deal with the similar issues here in Britain and if they can’t sort that then how on Earth do they expect to deal with it thousands of miles away when they can’t even admit what is causing the problem!
As the endless BBC/media drone about sustainability, climate change, diversity etc trundles on apace, the real problem – exponential population growth – is quietly forgotten. The tripling of the planet’s population over the past 60 years is the real story, but of course, it doesn’t fit the agenda does it? Where is the main source of that growth? Exactly. I rest my case.
Exactly so, JitG. In my Physics classes, amazing how I get them replaying in my head in the face of this Global Warming & Climate Change propaganda, we spent a lot of time considering radiation. That included heat radiation. The human body radiates a lot of heat. Large human bodies radiate even more heat. What other problem occupies our media’s time? Yup, human size.
A friend who works for the NHS is a bit challenged in the slenderness department, a small/medium/large understatement on my part. I sat next seat but one to this friend in a summer church service. It was like sitting next to a radiator going full blast.
The BBC News channel is spinning the Taliban advance on Kabul by mentioning multiple times that the Taliban have issued a statement saying “we don’t want innocent Afghans to die. Anyone who worked for the government will be forgiven”.
BBC are sick. They haven’t mentioned any statements from the Afghan government for balance.
I just wandered off searching to find out how lopsided the BBC reporting of the Taliban is and found this story about Danish Siddiqui:
Danish Siddiqui: Indian photojournalist killed in Afghanistan
This is what the BBC wrote:
Pulitzer Prize-winning Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui has been killed in Afghanistan, said the country’s ambassador in Delhi.
The 41-year-old, who was chief photographer for Reuters news agency in India, was on assignment when he died.
The BBC think they are a global political benchmark and they play politics all the time. In this case, they want good relations with the Taliban because they know they will soon run the country. And being friends with the Taliban means they are friends with all their supporters over here.
In other circumstances – ie when it suits them – they are in uproar if a journalist is even injured. Never mind tortured and murdered.
The BBC are totally out of control now. They urgently need to be put in their place. It says a lot about them when we routinely have to use news from other countries to get the truth.
On the other hand an invitation to China to enforce communism in Afghanistan might be worth a look. A million or two from the Chinese Red Army might do the trick
Strange that the show picked out White evangelicals
..but when the item started they played a clip of Sopel’s piece against one particular unhinged white pastor
A quarter of White Evangelicals in the US dont want to take the Covid vaccine @sarahposner tells Emily why. Join us in half an hour….
Sopel has made a special effort to put his church piece on YouTube ..4 mins
.. Note how he wears his mask talking to the anti-vaccine pastor
Then he switched to the extremely overweight mother of a black young man that just died of Covid
and Sopel is not wearing a mask whilst he interviews her
Mr Safety does a piece whilst he is driving
note how he keeps looking away from the road, to look at the camera.
As ever the Sopel item is PR against Trump.
Declaration – I have a licence for shotguns – I also declare that I am male – so my view here may be ‘tainted ‘…
I heard that an ex chief of the metrolpolitan police wants them to ‘vet ‘ all the internet activity of people applying for licences . This is an excellent idea – which should be used for other licences . For instance – driving licences – to prevent Islamic terrorists driving vans and cars at not believers again .
And perhaps anyone who wants a TV licence to have their internet activity examined to make sure they do not ‘spread hate ‘ in their opinions . …..and incite people to violence ….
The Application for a F/A Certificate differs between Shotguns and the rest. Its in the terminology. For a ‘Firearm’ in the distinct category, you have to be vetted for the ‘right’ to be approved for same. In the Shotgun category, the roles are reversed: You have a right and the system must argue if they disagree with that ‘right’.
Bizarre, but that’s the way it is.
At one stage I had a section 1 licence – and was ‘depressed ‘ to hear journos not knowing the difference between the two licence types .
I guess the next attack on possession of firearms of any type is to put the burden of proof for having shotguns onto the applicant – or evidence of formal training in the use of guns . I had mine …
The comment by Stevens ? The ex met chief shows how stupid senior types can be – maybe he is just ga ga after too much cheap liquor in the House of Lords ….
It seems the Americans are re running the ‘fall of Saigon ‘in Kabul – The false president must be very pleased ….
They’ll be playing ‘white Christmas ‘ – cutting down trees in the embassy grounds for the helicopters to land – and getting tedious stories from ‘war correspondents ‘ – meanwhile the Russians will be laughing their bits off …
Our Home Secretary better get her act together with her Defence of the Realm. I foresee acts of mainland terrorism ahead because our so called ‘government’ has already left the door open to thousands of security risks.
We need a new common sense government because British lives are at risk.
Well ‘some say’, that Bo Jo thinking of recalling parliament ? Perhaps he is reshuffling his cabinet again ?
Something is up.
Nowt on Al Beeb yet perhaps they will get the ‘heads up’ from here ?
No recall of parliament – to do what ? Blair tagged onto an American enterprise for browning points which cost nearly 500 service lives plus continuous suffering for others …
Just waiting for an ex royal ‘veteran ‘ in LA to say something else appropriately stupid ….
Taffman – seems you are right on the recall – Wednesday – more expense claims for switching on the computer – with plenty of Wet Red Tories grandstanding and out emoting each other …
Andrew Mitchell leading the way with Lisa Nando’s blubbing from the other side – with an added chorus of ex military saying ‘something must be done ‘….
I bet the false president of the US won’t even get a mention – yet alone the blame …
(Seriously, it might turn out that it came from Fauci’s sub-contracted research, signed off during the Trump reign, so the Doc gets let off and the Donald gets the blame!)
That’s already being touted by Democrat /lefty trolls around the place. What they fail to say though is that Fauci did it and very deliberately didn’t tell anybody at The White House…..
The Chinese will muddy the rice wine enough to make it impossible to definitely show their guilt . Anyone responsible or a potential witness will be dead by now – and the bribes paid to WHO types and others to make stuff disappear will ensure we never know – add to that the possibility of the Americans funding research – kills it .
That would sort it – Successive governments have always treated the Gurkahs badly despite them showing nothing but loyalty to us. Same as the Afghan translators who have also regularly put their lives on the line for our squaddies – yet the government does its best to turn their backs on them even now.
Yet someone from some African or middle east s##thole with a dubious past and of military age who comes here and claims “asylum” gets the red carpet treatment.
I have come to the conclusion that these people are imported by our globalist dominated government to not only to cause chaos but as a potential army of occupation when the the globalist finally decide to show the sheeple their full hand.
I dont think we have many years of civilisation left in the West – I suspect these unpleasant and ungrateful invaders will be used to create havoc until we plead with the same crooks who have created this whole mess to “save us”
I suspect this is why so little action has been taken by the government and why the BBC have always given these B stards favourable treatment no matter how any people are stabbed or raped in the name of “peace”
It is so we can all get a real feel for the “peace” we will get if we dont co-operate.
Another thing that “would sort” it would be for Great Britain to have a strong leader. I would have no doubt that most of the people would be behind him/her.
In reality we are being invaded on a daily basis by collusion. Lifeboats and Border Farce bring the invaders in to the UK .
None are taken back from whence they come – the safe haven of France. All this while the indigenous people of Great Britain are being suppressed under Covid Rules.
Lifeboat Taxi Service
Recently sent Email to them ” Are you now doing Free Boat Trips from France ? ” They eventually replied :
” The RNLI is not expected to be part of the wider Immigration or Border Protection Policies of the many jurisdictions we operate in . This is the responsibility of the Government . Questions about Border Controls Immigration and the legality of right to remain are Questions for the Government. They are not matters for the RNLI. If you do have any questions regarding Government Policies in respect of Immigration then please do contact the Home Office direct .I would like to thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and have logged your email as a Formal Complaint .
Yours Sincerely
Megan Manneh
(She / Her ) Events Manager
Wonder how much she takes out of the Donations to come up with this Cr-p !
Please send your thoughts on a Postcard to Priti Useless Patel and Boris !
Emmanuel Goldstein
A brilliant idea! The Gurkhas did a first class job of border control in Hong Kong. Although we do have the excellent Royal Marine Commandos .
But be prepared to hear maxincony and the Human Rights mob screaming and shouting in defence of the invaders with total disregard of the ‘rights’ of the people of Great Britain.
Twitter is running a 1 minute 49 second excerpt of the false president explaining – 36 days ago – that Afgee won’t fall to the taliban because there are only 75000 of them against a highly trained highly equipped 300 000 Afgee Army ….
I’m guessing we won’t be seeing this on the BBC anytime soon.
Maybe some of those in this country who thinks it’s their
gods will for them to abuse girls will leave us to go to their seventh
heaven in Afghanistan . Please don’t blame Biden.
He doesn’t even know which day of the week it is.
Me too GWF – but my interest is the way the BBC gives the false president an easy time with regard to the planning . ( or non planning )
I’m watching BBC news – the adults are all on holiday so it’s just a series of foreign BBC journos ‘interviewing ‘ each other ….
… wonder if the Taliban / IS / Muslim terrorists will line up a ‘special ‘ for the 20th anniversary of 9/11?
Biden will be in the bunker …
#LetUsPray for Afghanistan, so that the clamour of weapons might cease and solutions can be found at the table of dialogue. Only thus can the battered population of that country return to their own homes and live in peace.
VJ Day becomes VA Day – victory in Afgee – for the Taliban – over the infidel and their helpers . But don’t worry – nothing will change – ladies will be able to do what they want – freedom to worship and speech will be defended …
In Afghanistan it is the Muslims forcing women to cover up and shut up.
In Britain it is the usual White middle class middle aged women forcing other White people to cover up and shut up about Muslim paedophile rape gangs.
Which one is worse?
In all the hours of BBC verbiage on Afghanistan, there are 2 words that barely got a mention: Islam and Biden.
The only times I heard Creepy Joe’s name spoken was by 2 separate American interviewees who PRAISED the dotard for his ‘honesty’ in recognising the hopelessness of the situation there and pulling out the troops.
Yes, according to them the humiliating retreat with uncalculable repercussions for Afghanistan, the region and the whole world, was an act of bravery and honesty by the fake president.
Naturally this jaw-dropping lie went unchallenged by the BBC interviewers.
They must have searched high and low to find anyone willing to defend the old crook’s act of surrender and betrayal.
“Taliban spokesman tells BBC; there will be no revenge.”
“Suhail Shaheen called the presenter live on air. “We assure the people in Afghanistan, particularly in the city of Kabul, that their properties, their lives are safe – there will be no revenge on anyone,” he told her.”
“We are the servants of the people and of this country.”
Is that the same spokesman who said women will have their rights, girls will be entitled to an education, there’ll be freedom of press, free elections, no amputations for thieves and freedom of religion?
The same Taliban that promised not to shoot 20+ Afghan special forces who had run out of ammo if they surrendered and promptly slaughtered them. It’s OK because the beeb have spoken to them.
The same beeb that supported the Mujahedeen when they were fighting the Soviets (probably after watching a Rambo film about the subject to get some perspective).
The same beeb that supported the “rebels” in Libya.
Funny how anything they idolise eventually turns to crap.
I see the utterly ghastly Nancy Pelosi (3rd in “command”) has weighed in.
Is Taiwan now toast? – the crowing in ChiCom media is going to be loud over the next few days – I doubt the Iranians will be holding back either… That said, Afghanistan has seemed a lost cause for some years now – the rapidity of the collapse isn’t a surprise, Switzerland will likely do well out of it.
The President is to be commended for the clarity of purpose of his statement on Afghanistan and his action. The Taliban must know the world is watching its actions. We are concerned about reports regarding the Taliban’s brutal treatment of all Afghans, especially women and girls.
Almost everything in this statement is wrong. The president is to be condemned, not "commended". The Taliban don't care if the world is watching. "Concern" won't stop beheadings.#afghanistan
Al Beeb thinks we are responsible for the security of world .
Al Beeb thinks we are responsible for the health of the world.
Al Beeb blames GB for everything.
Al Beeb hates the concept of Great Britain.
Al Beeb should be scrapped. It would be if we had a leader .
“No one wants Afghanistan to become ‘breeding ground for terror’ – PM”
If he continues to leave our borders leak like a sieve some parts of Great Britain will become a “breeding ground for terror”.
Rejoice you have what you are prepared to pay for!
I talk to many people about this and they say they would rather have Krusty the Klown running the country so long as they don’t have to pay them and as such you cannot expect a Rolls Royce when you are only prepared to pay the cost of a knackered old mini!
“It seems incredible that the Afghan army – 180,000 strong – with a decade of NATO training and billions in equipment and infrastructure can fall in a matter of days to a bunch of zealots in pickup trucks”
Top US diplomat evacuated to Kabul airport
“The top US diplomat in Afghanistan, Chargé d’Affaires Ross Wilson, has fled the embassy.
He has been relocated to Kabul airport, according to a US official.
The US flag which flew over the embassy has also been taken to the airport and will be removed from the country.”
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Uncle Ben’s Rice just announced they were changing their name and packaging to get rid of the old black face fella and rename to:
Yes they actually spent ad money to tell us this….
In which case why not go the whole hog and just call it “Rice”?
The world has gone frigging absolutely friggin bonkers!
I won’t be buying any “Ben’s” woke stuff in future.
I hope they crash and burn.
Next Black Magic chocolates will be “Chocolates”…. Mmmm
Well- the black face fella was precisely why I always bought Uncle Ben’s rice. Now that I can see that this company are no more than a bunch of racist white hating pigs they can shove their rice where the sun don’t shine – and I hope it hurts.
Seems more like an excuse to kep the brand’s name in the news, (and on this site for a good couple of months now).
Go back enough years and you will find that we have been here before as ‘Uncle Ben’ went from worker to owner around the same time that the Sikh on the Camp Coffee label went from standing manservant to seated fellow officer.
I buy generic rice and coffee, neither of which seem to need the near-mandatory black African and his blonde ‘catch’ to promote sales (yet).
“Channel migrant crossings reach record high as man dies”
What exactly does the “Clandestine Channel Threat Commander” Dan O’Mahoney actually get paid to do?
But Lisa Doyle, director of advocacy and engagement at the Refugee Council, said: “The government must change its approach.
Instead of seeking to punish or push away people seeking safety because of the type of journey they have made to the UK, they must create and commit to safe routes.”
She said: “While there is war, persecution and violence, people will be forced to take dangerous journeys to seek safety.”
That’s France that is “war, persecution and violence”
The BBC Bacha Bazi Chief Editor is on a hiring spree.
The complete failure of the HO/government to fulfil their stated and statutory roles is now common knowledge. Therefore a ‘clandestine’ operation of a different nature is now justified and necessary whereby ex and serving army and navy personnel take over and secure the ever-expanding ‘facilities’ along the coastline and protect our borders by land and sea. In short to do the job the HO should be doing by turning all illegals and invaders back. Only a relatively small but committed and disciplined force would be needed. I suspect there would be no shortage of volunteers for the mission. If only there was a leader.
Taff, it would appear that he doesn’t seem to do a lot. There’s no clandestine channel threat, they are doing it openly.
Covid stats still flat
neither rising out of control, nor declining
Summer and vax should give a downward effect,
opening up should add an upward effect
about 0.3% of population get Covid every week, that’s 7.5% over half a year
88 people die/day .. that’s would be about 32K/year
UK population is 67m 1/1000th is 67,000
So 1/2000th of population is about 33K
So over 1 /year 0.05% of UK population is dying of covid
Or every time 350 people get Covid one of them dies
“Or every time 350 people get Covid one of them dies”
Dies of it or with it ?
My usual message to Al Beeb and SAGE ……….
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Slightly off topic but thanks to the advice from this site… months after cancelling my tv licence, I got my first real warning letter… mrs town laughed when it came through – threatening us that we could expect a visit and be fined up to £1000 for watching live tv 😂😂😂 I’d like to see the scumbags trying to get into my house – I’ll give them a friendly welsh thanks but no thanks response. There’s nothing but shite on live tv anyway, so I’ll stick to flix and prime thank you (although lots of “pride” and black this and that crap on there along with a heavy helping of woke 🙄)
Death to the vile BBC.
Keep up the good work guys 👍🏻
This guy’s YouTube channel has videos of most of these threatening letters :
Empty threats ..
Defund the BBC !
Who even opens a TV Licensing letter in 2021?
Straight to the bin with it.
Well done on the TV licence – I can beat you – I picked up 4 envelopes from TVL on my return to Blighty after 80 days away .
BBC to pay £1.5 Million of licence fee payers money to charities nominated by Charles William and Harry!!
Speechless !
Sri Lankan teenager builds solar-powered tuk-tuk from scraps
Another BBC propaganda piece heavy on agenda and remarkably light on facts.
I suspect that thing will take about 15 hours to charge enough for 5 minutes driving.
Was the bbc not also breathless about the East Asian farmer who invented a wind powered car powered by its movement though air?
– says the aircraft can run for several hours …
– but another BBC report says “A 90-minute rapid charge of the plane’s battery can provide around an hour of flight”
A scant four frontpages reproduced by the BBC online newspaper line up this morning – someone’s falling down on the job.
In terms of the value of the news conveyed by this mere quad of titles I’m unconvinced the reproduction of more wouldn’t simply result in diminishing returns.
I’m reminded of that verbose wordsmith Will Self – once the darling of the literary new wave but having taken the BBC shilling and matured into a Question Time reliable, legalise it, I’ll advertise it, lefty – those two developments obviously being interlinked, he became somewhat of a bore.
He once contested the sense of the popular phrase – among travel news broadcasters – sheer weight of traffic. Oughtn’t the resultant delays be properly blamed on mere weight of traffic, contested Self? There’s something to think about.
‘Force gun owners to face online hate trawl’ – says former Met chief Lord Stevens as reported in the Telegraph. While they’re at it why not get the cops to go fishing in everyone’s social media activity? Afterall if it might be claimed it saves one life let’s become Communist China right here and now.
You missed ‘lugubrious’ in your description of the idiot Self.
You also said he “became” somewhat of a bore.
Self gets brownie points for once describing Vic Reeves as a ‘chilly torrent of drivel’, a superb put-down that can be applied to dozens of talking heads at the BBC and across wider media/journalism.
Piku trying to impress Springster?
Doesn’t fool me, I’d recognise her anywhere. Why she thinks that every article she writes has to be accompanied by a picture of her gurning fizzog is beyond me. I’d sooner have a picture relevant to the subject. Don’t become the story, love.
One for Wendy’s ‘unit’?
Stick to being the difficult second Nish, dude.
Romesh Ranganathan’s midlife crisis
Life and style
GB News likes to think it’s challenging the consensus. But what if it is the consensus?
As an agitator, it has to take a combative stance on everything
Shared thanks to Springster. And Wendy’s other droid.
Twitter bio of the woman that tweeted that photo of herself
“Head of Communications for BBC World Service.
BTW her last retweet was an outrage tweet against ITV’s Eamon Holmes, how dare he make a joke about his guests hair she’s a Woman Of Colour.
…. Actually the video shows her laughing along as if they know each other very well
She doesn’t need people being outraged on her behalf
Sadly BBC news support is seldom as helpful as it might seem.
The female Afghan journalist who won’t give in to the Taliban.
She’s about the only one as the gutless spineless and presumably quietly supportive male Afghans hand over to the Taliban without a shot being fired. A lifetime of subservience, rape, and brutality await their womenfolk.
And no-one seems to give a toss. Especially among LeftMob feminist groups.
Stand by for a massive resistance to the Taliban from angry wimmin who will defend their sisters. There must be millions of them, all fired up in anger expressed by media feminists. They are probably organizing already in training camps ready to defeat the Taliban males.. er. but first they need approval from the left.
On BBC1 Sunday 0818. And the BBC are doing their usual dripping sentimentality routine.
In the aftermath of the dreadful killings in Plymouth there is yet again a virtue-spiral. Who can go most overboard to show concern for the ‘people of Plymouth’. Let the bidding commence.
The local MP is on. There is a ‘crisis in mental health’ and he wonders what is being done to prevent a ‘lifetime of trauma’.
The ‘community needs help and support right mow’
When will this sentimental crap ever end.
I’ll tell you about a lifetime of trauma. Just go and look at the names of the fallen on the memorial on top of the Ho.
A Global Warming evangelist preacher
is on 17 #BiasedBBC stations today
pushing her religion down our throats
Her Twitter profile pic is her with a giraffe in an African setting
She probably cycled there
Incels going after giraffes next?
17 bBC propaganda platforms in the holding pattern.
Just spent a great several minutes following a thread on an RV forum started by a woman with hairy armpits railing at fellow VW T5 wild campers for how they dispose of their grey water.
Someone points out it’s a 2 litre German diesel and I may need to go back to catch up later.
Guest, I hope they use the grey water to wash off the squashed flies on the front of their RVs.
These PRtrickery fascists rule over us
Imposing their dogma on us
whilst they live like kings.
I’ll have a bacon sandwich for breakfast; eating more meat is one way to get back at them.
To be fair the Leeds DJ did push back a bit.
#1 He said “Why should I put my trust in the same politicians that told me to buy a diesel car and now say I shouldn’t own it ?”
#2 The vox pop contained skeptical voices
“Man does affect the environment, but Climate Change always happens across the millennia, it doesn’t stay the same”
17 BBC local radio stations in one hit?
that’s coincidence ?
Over the years I’ve interacted with BBC local radio – the idea that they haven’t been cued up by a third party is simply impossible – who has previous in this regard?
I wonder if the office of the “BBC’s environment analyst” is involved in any way?
And that special iPhone contact list.
The problem with filters. The people filtering.
39 Pontiac Dream •
Vine made a big deal of this caller lying to his call screener but what chance would he have of giving an alternate view had he not? The BBC only want callers who agree with them. They should invite more Johns onto their radio and TV. The wider public need to hear ALL views.
No surprise that John was cut off. Vine was out of his depth.
At least when on his bike he is on surer gr…..oof.
One good thing about GBN, especially Farage, is that they ALWAYS have on people who they, perhaps, disagree with, allow them to make their points uninterrupted then discuss with them why they think they are wrong. I’d love to think that the BBC would act in a similar civilised manner but I doubt it. Not that I’d know anyway; after 30 years of blindly listening to Radio 4 I haven’t had it on for over 10 years now. Scrap the licence.
Vine boils my wee listening to that!
To ask the caller if they are a virologist or a scientist as a cheap way to dismiss any opinion the caller has but then the BBC will happily have mentally ill school drop out Greta Thunberg on as a climate expert.
The one who claims she can actually see CO2 rising from rubbish dumps.
But we never mention that ….
A contact of mine in the BBC explained how they did things when he worked there:
Let’s suppose the topic is immigration. Firstly, the speakers will be carefully curated: a Labour MP, an immigration activist, a migrant with a hard luck story and, for balance, a dripping wet Tory who has the same basic views as the others.
After the heads have spoken, they take the calls, which have been pre-screened. There might be perhaps 100 in favour of greater restrictions on immigration, but only 10 in favour of more immigration, drawn from the ranks of ‘the usual suspects’. In the interests of ‘impartiality’, the producer decides to take 5 calls from each side. Then a researcher pops up and says something like “that caller… wasn’t he a candidate for the BNP about 10 years ago? Or at least someone with a similar name?”. The producer decides she can’t take the risk and deselects that caller. When they take the calls, they decide that they are over-running so decide to drop the final caller, who is opposed to immigration. So the audience gets to hear 5 pro-immigration voices and 3 anti-immigration ones.
A programme later on refers to the earlier call-in one: “The government is proposing tighter controls on immigration. However, a majority of callers to the BBC expressed their concerns and re-iterated the benefits of increased immigration…”
And they were the techniques used by the BBC ‘in the good old days’…
I would add that they also try and get ‘heavyweight’ leftoids/ government opposes versus ‘lightweight’ government spokespeople.
Thus on Any Questions last week the panel included Lisa Nandy, and Anna Soubry (bonkers but confident) against some junior government minister I’ve never heard of before.
Sluff, I listened to that. Eddie Hughes MP, if my memory serves me well – I haven’t checked – is a minister in the Communities Dept. He did quite well. Lemn Sissay was good and injected some humour and commonsense, both of which seem to be lacking from Nandy and Soubry.
Do I recall correctly that Hughes got booed a couple of times? And that Chris Mason did nothing about that nor trotted out the usual BBC lie that the audience are self-selecting?
Got the ring of truth about it – and presumably the same technique used for ALL other issues . The BBC is so clumsy – or perhaps smug in its’ outlook – that it thinks people don’t realise what they are doing –
The increased non payment of Licences – falling audience numbers and increased activity on sites like this one testify to the intelligence of viewers and listeners ….
9am local news … It’s the weekend and they haven’t collected any Lincolnshire news
Item #1 “A Nottinghamshire man”
Item #2 “A Leicestershire man”
Item #5 “A Derbyshire church”
The Nottinghamshire guy has been convicted of raping a boy
a lot of detail
Of course Raping gangs were not reported in the same detail.
I suspect they are using centralised newsreaders instead of a local one.
9am The one doing Hull picked local stories, but suddenly dropped in a South Yorkshire story
This can have beneficial effects however.
They have taken to combining London news with South East news. So occasionally we get stories about white people other than as racists/ colonialists/ oppressors of BAME ‘victims’ but as just ordinary folk out in the towns and shires.
It’s a breath of fresh air and such a contrast with the usual metropolitan leftoid BBC race-baiting agenda.
I am finding the media coverage of the advance of the Taleban very amusing and I will encourage you to join me in a small act of rebellion.
Amidst all the left wing angst, wimmins rights etc etc criticism of the Taleban is ‘interesting’ because thoughout all of the descriptions of barbarism and medeval horror, not once will the vast majority of articles mention Islam Muslims, nor of course any criticisms of it.
Your job is simply to point this out in the comments section, and when they are handwringing about what can be done, point out their utter failure to deal with the similar issues here in Britain and if they can’t sort that then how on Earth do they expect to deal with it thousands of miles away when they can’t even admit what is causing the problem!
As the endless BBC/media drone about sustainability, climate change, diversity etc trundles on apace, the real problem – exponential population growth – is quietly forgotten. The tripling of the planet’s population over the past 60 years is the real story, but of course, it doesn’t fit the agenda does it? Where is the main source of that growth? Exactly. I rest my case.
Exactly so, JitG. In my Physics classes, amazing how I get them replaying in my head in the face of this Global Warming & Climate Change propaganda, we spent a lot of time considering radiation. That included heat radiation. The human body radiates a lot of heat. Large human bodies radiate even more heat. What other problem occupies our media’s time? Yup, human size.
A friend who works for the NHS is a bit challenged in the slenderness department, a small/medium/large understatement on my part. I sat next seat but one to this friend in a summer church service. It was like sitting next to a radiator going full blast.
Folk on here my find this article: from a scientist advisor to the Obama administration, interesting on the subject of the settle science – so loved by the BBC – of Global Warming and Climate Change:
Damn Hu-white people flying; eco-friendly brown people using RIBs.
(It can’t be coincidental how the BBC selects skin colours to push a story).
The BBC News channel is spinning the Taliban advance on Kabul by mentioning multiple times that the Taliban have issued a statement saying “we don’t want innocent Afghans to die. Anyone who worked for the government will be forgiven”.
BBC are sick. They haven’t mentioned any statements from the Afghan government for balance.
The BBC (and no doubt General Sir Nick Carter) are apparently ignorant of the concept of Taqiyya and Kitman.
I just wandered off searching to find out how lopsided the BBC reporting of the Taliban is and found this story about Danish Siddiqui:
Danish Siddiqui: Indian photojournalist killed in Afghanistan
This is what the BBC wrote:
Pulitzer Prize-winning Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui has been killed in Afghanistan, said the country’s ambassador in Delhi.
The 41-year-old, who was chief photographer for Reuters news agency in India, was on assignment when he died.
And this is what they didn’t report:
Medical report of Danish Siddiqui’s body confirms brutal torture and mutilation by Taliban: Report
The BBC think they are a global political benchmark and they play politics all the time. In this case, they want good relations with the Taliban because they know they will soon run the country. And being friends with the Taliban means they are friends with all their supporters over here.
In other circumstances – ie when it suits them – they are in uproar if a journalist is even injured. Never mind tortured and murdered.
The BBC are totally out of control now. They urgently need to be put in their place. It says a lot about them when we routinely have to use news from other countries to get the truth.
Would that be ‘our’ BBC, you know, “The Most Trusted Broadcaster”
Gatestone don’t think so……………
The, ‘Most Trusted’s” activities:
A write up of the Jeremy Vile incident with the phone in …
There’s already this link and a discussion above posted at 8:30am
Who gets to cough up the £750,000 for Al Beeb’s Bashir fiasco ?
Now that the Taliban are back in power will they move to rescue the rescue the Ughirs?
On the other hand an invitation to China to enforce communism in Afghanistan might be worth a look. A million or two from the Chinese Red Army might do the trick
The Chinese are paying the Taliban controllers back in Islamabad enough to damp that down.
Strange that the show picked out White evangelicals
..but when the item started they played a clip of Sopel’s piece against one particular unhinged white pastor
Sopel has made a special effort to put his church piece on YouTube ..4 mins
.. Note how he wears his mask talking to the anti-vaccine pastor
Then he switched to the extremely overweight mother of a black young man that just died of Covid
and Sopel is not wearing a mask whilst he interviews her
Mr Safety does a piece whilst he is driving
note how he keeps looking away from the road, to look at the camera.
As ever the Sopel item is PR against Trump.
Sopel says the guy
was “Young fit healthy 22 yo”
Hmm he looks pretty chubby in the original photo used on the GofundMe page,
That image now scrubbed
BTW @mgisholtMinard is Sopel’s producer
It’s a standard lefty trope – I remember when they were doing it in the Reagan years….
I suppose they need some comforting familiar distraction blanket via sneering – to block out Ken Loach and the imploding UK Labour Party
Declaration – I have a licence for shotguns – I also declare that I am male – so my view here may be ‘tainted ‘…
I heard that an ex chief of the metrolpolitan police wants them to ‘vet ‘ all the internet activity of people applying for licences . This is an excellent idea – which should be used for other licences . For instance – driving licences – to prevent Islamic terrorists driving vans and cars at not believers again .
And perhaps anyone who wants a TV licence to have their internet activity examined to make sure they do not ‘spread hate ‘ in their opinions . …..and incite people to violence ….
… meanwhile … in the real world …
The Application for a F/A Certificate differs between Shotguns and the rest. Its in the terminology. For a ‘Firearm’ in the distinct category, you have to be vetted for the ‘right’ to be approved for same. In the Shotgun category, the roles are reversed: You have a right and the system must argue if they disagree with that ‘right’.
Bizarre, but that’s the way it is.
At one stage I had a section 1 licence – and was ‘depressed ‘ to hear journos not knowing the difference between the two licence types .
I guess the next attack on possession of firearms of any type is to put the burden of proof for having shotguns onto the applicant – or evidence of formal training in the use of guns . I had mine …
The comment by Stevens ? The ex met chief shows how stupid senior types can be – maybe he is just ga ga after too much cheap liquor in the House of Lords ….
It seems the Americans are re running the ‘fall of Saigon ‘in Kabul – The false president must be very pleased ….
They’ll be playing ‘white Christmas ‘ – cutting down trees in the embassy grounds for the helicopters to land – and getting tedious stories from ‘war correspondents ‘ – meanwhile the Russians will be laughing their bits off …
= More illegals heading this way.
Our Home Secretary better get her act together with her Defence of the Realm. I foresee acts of mainland terrorism ahead because our so called ‘government’ has already left the door open to thousands of security risks.
We need a new common sense government because British lives are at risk.
I’m really sorry – but are you claiming that there is a Home Secretary? – I can’t see any evidence of one ….
Well ‘some say’, that Bo Jo thinking of recalling parliament ? Perhaps he is reshuffling his cabinet again ?
Something is up.
Nowt on Al Beeb yet perhaps they will get the ‘heads up’ from here ?
No recall of parliament – to do what ? Blair tagged onto an American enterprise for browning points which cost nearly 500 service lives plus continuous suffering for others …
Just waiting for an ex royal ‘veteran ‘ in LA to say something else appropriately stupid ….
That’s 500 wasted lives.
Taffman – seems you are right on the recall – Wednesday – more expense claims for switching on the computer – with plenty of Wet Red Tories grandstanding and out emoting each other …
Andrew Mitchell leading the way with Lisa Nando’s blubbing from the other side – with an added chorus of ex military saying ‘something must be done ‘….
I bet the false president of the US won’t even get a mention – yet alone the blame …
The Home Office seems to have historically plowed Sir Humphrey et al’s preferred furrow regardless of who the titular head of the department iis….
“Humpback whale spotted off Pembrokeshire coast”
Whales off Wales ?
Its nothing new .
A local wag has suggested it could have been a rubber dinghy being mistaken for a whale ?
Will Al Beeb ever reveal where the Covid virus came from.
It will have to come out with it, ‘dragged kicking and screaming’, eventually .
Donald Trump wasn’t it?
(Seriously, it might turn out that it came from Fauci’s sub-contracted research, signed off during the Trump reign, so the Doc gets let off and the Donald gets the blame!)
That’s already being touted by Democrat /lefty trolls around the place. What they fail to say though is that Fauci did it and very deliberately didn’t tell anybody at The White House…..
The Chinese will muddy the rice wine enough to make it impossible to definitely show their guilt . Anyone responsible or a potential witness will be dead by now – and the bribes paid to WHO types and others to make stuff disappear will ensure we never know – add to that the possibility of the Americans funding research – kills it .
Could we put the Gurkhas on the Channel migrant routes to stop them.
The £millions saved could be used to give them a better pension.
I’m sure they would do a better job of stopping the hordes coming over.
That would sort it – Successive governments have always treated the Gurkahs badly despite them showing nothing but loyalty to us. Same as the Afghan translators who have also regularly put their lives on the line for our squaddies – yet the government does its best to turn their backs on them even now.
Yet someone from some African or middle east s##thole with a dubious past and of military age who comes here and claims “asylum” gets the red carpet treatment.
I have come to the conclusion that these people are imported by our globalist dominated government to not only to cause chaos but as a potential army of occupation when the the globalist finally decide to show the sheeple their full hand.
I dont think we have many years of civilisation left in the West – I suspect these unpleasant and ungrateful invaders will be used to create havoc until we plead with the same crooks who have created this whole mess to “save us”
I suspect this is why so little action has been taken by the government and why the BBC have always given these B stards favourable treatment no matter how any people are stabbed or raped in the name of “peace”
It is so we can all get a real feel for the “peace” we will get if we dont co-operate.
Another thing that “would sort” it would be for Great Britain to have a strong leader. I would have no doubt that most of the people would be behind him/her.
In reality we are being invaded on a daily basis by collusion. Lifeboats and Border Farce bring the invaders in to the UK .
None are taken back from whence they come – the safe haven of France. All this while the indigenous people of Great Britain are being suppressed under Covid Rules.
Lifeboat Taxi Service
Recently sent Email to them ” Are you now doing Free Boat Trips from France ? ” They eventually replied :
” The RNLI is not expected to be part of the wider Immigration or Border Protection Policies of the many jurisdictions we operate in . This is the responsibility of the Government . Questions about Border Controls Immigration and the legality of right to remain are Questions for the Government. They are not matters for the RNLI. If you do have any questions regarding Government Policies in respect of Immigration then please do contact the Home Office direct .I would like to thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and have logged your email as a Formal Complaint .
Yours Sincerely
Megan Manneh
(She / Her ) Events Manager
Wonder how much she takes out of the Donations to come up with this Cr-p !
Please send your thoughts on a Postcard to Priti Useless Patel and Boris !
Problem = Reaction = Solution
Emmanuel Goldstein
A brilliant idea! The Gurkhas did a first class job of border control in Hong Kong. Although we do have the excellent Royal Marine Commandos .
But be prepared to hear maxincony and the Human Rights mob screaming and shouting in defence of the invaders with total disregard of the ‘rights’ of the people of Great Britain.
Twitter is running a 1 minute 49 second excerpt of the false president explaining – 36 days ago – that Afgee won’t fall to the taliban because there are only 75000 of them against a highly trained highly equipped 300 000 Afgee Army ….
I’m guessing we won’t be seeing this on the BBC anytime soon.
You know things are getting bad when even the Guardian is prepared to criticise Biden !
Thoughtful no comments allowed on that piece . Lefty silence …
I’m with Joe on this. Leave the buggers to deal with it themselves.
Maybe some of those in this country who thinks it’s their
gods will for them to abuse girls will leave us to go to their seventh
heaven in Afghanistan . Please don’t blame Biden.
He doesn’t even know which day of the week it is.
Me too GWF – but my interest is the way the BBC gives the false president an easy time with regard to the planning . ( or non planning )
I’m watching BBC news – the adults are all on holiday so it’s just a series of foreign BBC journos ‘interviewing ‘ each other ….
… wonder if the Taliban / IS / Muslim terrorists will line up a ‘special ‘ for the 20th anniversary of 9/11?
Biden will be in the bunker …
For the record here is the verbatim account of Biden talking about the withdrawal a month ago 8th July:
Miss Kabul, cue the helicopter
Surely Sopes was at the next table?
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up”
– Barack Obama
Apparently Simpo has blamed Trump.
Is it true that Pontiff is going to COP26?
VJ Day becomes VA Day – victory in Afgee – for the Taliban – over the infidel and their helpers . But don’t worry – nothing will change – ladies will be able to do what they want – freedom to worship and speech will be defended …
An interesting comment seen elsewhere.
In Afghanistan it is the Muslims forcing women to cover up and shut up.
In Britain it is the usual White middle class middle aged women forcing other White people to cover up and shut up about Muslim paedophile rape gangs.
Which one is worse?
In all the hours of BBC verbiage on Afghanistan, there are 2 words that barely got a mention: Islam and Biden.
The only times I heard Creepy Joe’s name spoken was by 2 separate American interviewees who PRAISED the dotard for his ‘honesty’ in recognising the hopelessness of the situation there and pulling out the troops.
Yes, according to them the humiliating retreat with uncalculable repercussions for Afghanistan, the region and the whole world, was an act of bravery and honesty by the fake president.
Naturally this jaw-dropping lie went unchallenged by the BBC interviewers.
They must have searched high and low to find anyone willing to defend the old crook’s act of surrender and betrayal.
Meanwhile, Mick and Stevie are going their own way with BBC second hand news.
To be fair, he looks better wet.
Anyhoo, BBC Tres Amigos assigned him the ‘Asian’ monsoon beat?
He’d look even better 3 feet under.
BBC Online News:
“Taliban spokesman tells BBC; there will be no revenge.”
“Suhail Shaheen called the presenter live on air. “We assure the people in Afghanistan, particularly in the city of Kabul, that their properties, their lives are safe – there will be no revenge on anyone,” he told her.”
“We are the servants of the people and of this country.”
That’s ok, then. Let’s all book a holiday there right now.
Is that the same spokesman who said women will have their rights, girls will be entitled to an education, there’ll be freedom of press, free elections, no amputations for thieves and freedom of religion?
Did he add ‘when pigs fly’?
“Afghanistan: Boris Johnson to hold emergency Cobra meeting and recall Parliament to discuss Taliban”
If Parliament is recalled lets hope that the Tory MPs voice their concerns also about the invasion happening on our south coast ?
Has Al Beeb mentioned the above news yet ?
The same Taliban that promised not to shoot 20+ Afghan special forces who had run out of ammo if they surrendered and promptly slaughtered them. It’s OK because the beeb have spoken to them.
The same beeb that supported the Mujahedeen when they were fighting the Soviets (probably after watching a Rambo film about the subject to get some perspective).
The same beeb that supported the “rebels” in Libya.
Funny how anything they idolise eventually turns to crap.
BBC like sending Nadiya to garner recipe tips.
Where is Biden?
Where is Harris?
Where is Blinken?
I see the utterly ghastly Nancy Pelosi (3rd in “command”) has weighed in.
Is Taiwan now toast? – the crowing in ChiCom media is going to be loud over the next few days – I doubt the Iranians will be holding back either… That said, Afghanistan has seemed a lost cause for some years now – the rapidity of the collapse isn’t a surprise, Switzerland will likely do well out of it.
‘The President is to be commended for the clarity of purpose of his statement on Afghanistan and his action.’
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
No further comment needed.
Col has offered a handy effort, mind…
I’m hearing a lot on the BBC about WE betrayed Afghanistan, WE let them down, etc.
We? How about ‘Biden’?
Al Beeb thinks we are responsible for the security of world .
Al Beeb thinks we are responsible for the health of the world.
Al Beeb blames GB for everything.
Al Beeb hates the concept of Great Britain.
Al Beeb should be scrapped. It would be if we had a leader .
IMHO Al Beeb are beginning to realise that they backed the wrong horse when they choose Biden.
“No one wants Afghanistan to become ‘breeding ground for terror’ – PM”
If he continues to leave our borders leak like a sieve some parts of Great Britain will become a “breeding ground for terror”.
It does not help the leadership currently in place is so laughably stupid.
Rejoice you have what you are prepared to pay for!
I talk to many people about this and they say they would rather have Krusty the Klown running the country so long as they don’t have to pay them and as such you cannot expect a Rolls Royce when you are only prepared to pay the cost of a knackered old mini!
Not from our BBC:
“It seems incredible that the Afghan army – 180,000 strong – with a decade of NATO training and billions in equipment and infrastructure can fall in a matter of days to a bunch of zealots in pickup trucks”
Banksy’s people know media people.
If anybody else did what Banksy does, they’d be arrested for Criminal Damage.
But this law has a special exclusion for Lefty artists.
And so the BBC shifts…
Top US diplomat evacuated to Kabul airport
“The top US diplomat in Afghanistan, Chargé d’Affaires Ross Wilson, has fled the embassy.
He has been relocated to Kabul airport, according to a US official.
The US flag which flew over the embassy has also been taken to the airport and will be removed from the country.”
Guess they’ll take their gay flag too