Nothing happens in August . The swamp goes on holiday . The BBC leaves the kids in charge . But then there was Afghanistan. Will the BBC question the decision of the American ‘President ‘to pull The West out in the run up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11? You probably know the answer .Biden has held office for 207 days .
Start the week 16 August 2021
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BBC1 1 pm news.
Coverage of the chaos at Kabul airport as thousands try and get on planes out of Afghanistan.
We also hear that there is a moral obligation for the US to evacuate Afghan special forces.
So…errr…..why did these people not actually fight the Taliban, a few hundred of whom seem to have take over Kabul without a shot being fired?
And why is the BBC so determined not to mention the glaringly obvious – the gutless capitulation of the country to the Taliban by its own citizens?
Some of them are fighting the Taleban, but I wonder if the BBC wants to keep that quiet to preserve Bidens lies. Biden is blaming the Afghan forces and not all of them were as craven cowardly as Boris the bottler, however if it does transpire that a fight is being undertaken Bidens excuses evaporate like the morning mist.
T, you need to realise that western concepts of loyalty and commitment do not work, are unknown, in Afghanistan. They never have existed there. You cannot apply ‘My word is my bond’ to an Afghan. Loyalties are very flexible there.
EWAN YORES Watch #1 – another Monday, another scare, and it’s all because of Brexit.
Yeah. Right. My inner Norfolk Sceptic is fighting to emerge. Prices are going up. People are paying £7,000 for a pair of trainers. (A previous item on the programme.) People are having to pay £720 for Concert and Festival tickets. (Another previous item on the programme.) Phew! There are people with loadsamoney out there. They cannot all be Beeboids, can they?
Ewan Yores suggests we are about to be hit by massive food inflation in the UK because of Brexit. Again. A vox pop is engaged in, cannot remember location, but most of the contributors unhelpfully think prices are about the same and they are not having to spend more on their weekly shop. Some are cutting back for reasons unknown.
An expert is brought on. Sorry cannot remember the name or where he was from. Appeared to know his stuff. Nicola Beckford asks “Have prices, including food, gone up?” Reply is no, last month they fell slightly. “When do you think prices will go up?” Indications are not clear, maybe after Christmas is the unhelpful reply. Doh! Poor old Nicola, caretaking on Ewan Yores and she cannot get a Brexit scare off the starting blocks and up and running.
Surely there’s some beeboid, with an ounce of agricultural knowledge, who can understand that the weather this year for growing things has been atrocious! So if their beloved climate change is the culprit as they assume, what the f*** has Brexit got to do with it?
Both ways beeb – forget it, you really don’t have a clue.
2021 grain harvest looks fantastic from here.
Anyway summer finished on Friday and it’s been coat weather since then.
Tad chilly down here, Stew, too. Bitingly cold west, norwesterly wind. Am back wearing three layers indoors and did wonder about popping the GCH on …. just to keep the system alive and running.
Yep, Scrobie, tomorrow or later in the week they will be producing the scare story about a potato shortage – which is down to the weather.
Tomatoes are all suffering from Late Blight too, so that’s stuffed the passata brigade… Spuds get that nasty too, but the way to alleviate it is to cut down the foliage and pray that it didn’t go underground!
Of course, if you use the forbidden Bordeaux Mixture (banned by the sodding EU for some ridiculous green theory), you get a fair chance of beating that particular nasty!
So I do! And soluble aspirin.
Thanks to Brexit, we should all use the stuff, and if you can’t buy it online then you can make your own…
The Archers : It’s the fete; the special guest is the actual bossy YouTube council woman Jackie Weaver.
The scriptwriters in awe of her have written a scene where she smashes the Ambridge anti-scarecrow, anti-occult protesters with her superb knowledge of the law.
Pass the sick bucket.
Drama starts “With Populism in the ascendant, how can The Establishment fight back? Hugh Dennis stars as a failing actor”
… Seems he now ended up as the actual PrimeMininster
after in desperation he attended an audition where he first signed a confidentiality contract and was then made to wear an earpiece and speak out lines they told him.
FFS populism isn’t in control the minority elites are.
Actually listened all through.
The analysis from Sopes, Lurch, etc will be interesting.
The online rags are all screaming about mr buyden’s total and utter failure – even the leftie Yank ones like NYT and WAPO.
Good luck old man, you really have f****d it up now!
Interesting that Project Veritas has pointed out that in the photograph of Biden alone at a desk in a so called Zoom meeting at Camp David the clocks are reading standard time and not daylight saving Summer time, prompting the question as to whether this is in fact a library photo from sometime in March?
Believe nothing you hear, and only half you see…
Old Goat.
Just like my daddy told me.
Personally I’d send an Enola Gay Mk2 over to Afghanistan and give it the Hiroshima treatment, because no amount of diplomatic talking / sitting back and waiting / or appeasement will make the slightest bit of difference. These people live in the 5th Century, and those shown with the guns and rifles seem to have an IQ of zero so being trigger happer will shoot their own breath, – they have to be annihilated or there will be more 9/11s happening in the future.
(Thank you friends, for all the good wishes last week. Had MRI yesterday so its good progression, and then a double whammy of having an op to remove a cancerous lesion – stitches out tomorrow . Getting old – or rather being old is sh…t !! )
Saudi wouldn’t like that, and seeing as China looks like moving in there it will be as interesting to watch them deal with the Taleban in the way they deal with their Uighur counterparts by de-islamising them.
Best wishes, BRISSLES.
“Old age ain’t no place for sissies!” – Bette Davis
Good for you, Brissles – get better soon, then back to best!
Yes brissles – be well soonest x
Hope it works out Bris.
There is speculation that Biden is ill or dead because he has not spoken during this crisis …( the speculation – by the way – was started by me ). Fact check time
Watching BBC news – america and its ‘ false president dont get much of a mention at all ..,. Must be tricky for the BBC to look at their boy
The problem with GB News is that they’re constrained by their own mission statement. They really just want to be a right-leaning news and opinion channel but of course they couldn’t openly declare that, not least because of Ofcom. So they came up with the fig leaf that they want to represent all the regions, not just metropolitan London.
A necessary ruse, perhaps, but it condemns them to endless reports on boring local news that wouldn’t even make it to a local radio station.
End result: in times of great historical import you might see a girlie in Yorkshire discussing whether kids should spend more time playing outdoors (Answer: yes, providing its not Rotherham) or, just now, another girlie in a field somewhere in Warwickshire with 2 camels behind her, discussing the latest craze for camel milk (it’s a thing, apparently).
On the BBC News: UN Secretary-General regretting “severe restrictions of human rights for women and girls” in Afghanistan. That will be the strict interpretation of the Koran then, as practised in Saudi Arabia. Do they still chair the UN Human Rights Commission?
“Severe restrictions of human rights for women and girls in Afghanistan”?? Not our problem and none of our business. I would not waste a single British soldier’s life trying to change it.
When will we ever learn? Leave these people alone and let them sort out their own cultural shortcomings even if it takes a thousand years.
History debunked ‘It looks like only Asians are terrorists, so there is a campaign to find white people they can label terrorists’
That is superb!
Neil Basu. Common purpose, left-wing, overpromoted box ticker.
Trump isn’t on Twitter but the Taliban are
Joe Biden often brags that he was Barack Obama’s foreign affairs consigliere during their eight years together in the White House.
I don’t endorse the contents – but at the moment … some context is useful.
Of course Biden was involved way before President Trump started to try and sort out the mess left by Obama!
No need to ask the BBC, just any soldier who was out there.
In fact, better not even listen to the BBC as you’ll get the usual non-story.
‘Don’t Underestimate Joe’s Ability To F**k Things Up.’
B H Obama.
One thing he did get right.
Well Taliban spokesmen accounts are allowed
but they don’t get blue ticks
There’s #1 In Arabic : Zabihullah Mujahid :
#2 In English : his tweets are full of reassurances
Yet he tweeted the Taliban wouldn’t enter the city
and that was broken
“Twitter banned Donald Trump for expressing support for rioters who stormed the US Capitol. Twitter permitted the Taliban official spokesman to live-tweet Mujahideen terror, the acquisition of arms, storming the Afghanistan capital, and the occupation of the presidential palace,”
No surprise with the BBC’s facile reportage regarding the horror of Afghanistan. They do love a terrorist, even better if it’s an Islamic one. And, of course, paving the way for Europe to become a sharia state and for the insufferable BBC to become it’s mouthpiece. As for the absence of comment from Women’s groups, I’ve never believed in this ‘sisterhood ‘ myth and never will.
Jack in the Green
Yes, it does not look as if an International Wimmin’s Brigade will be formed, akin to the anti Franco brigade of the thirties. This ought to have been their moment.
Nuanced timing by OPEC …. they just turned down the Biden crew plea to pump extra oil.
Wonder if that’ll show up in any unlikely Q&A after Biden’s purported 3:45pm EST appearance in the USofA….
Why would Biden to beg from Opec ?
He has a big new pipeline from Canada
and new fracking to come
Oh hang on he cancelled them both
Just after 4pm, BBC News did one of their little insert pieces on ”who are the Taliban?”, and once again they didn’t make one single mention of the taboo word Islamic, thereby giving the impression it’s a political organisation that arose to fight the Soviets and later the Americans.
That is a complete misreading and misrepresentation of the Taliban who are, first and foremost, a fanatical fundamentalist Islamic group dedicated to impose Islamic law in Afghanistan and beyond. If you leave Islamic supremacism out off the picture, you understand nothing about their aims, their motivation, their fanaticism – much less how to deal with them.
I don’t think you can have a fanatical islamic force any more than you can have a serious rapist or dedicated murderer. The word is muslim or moslem. That says enough for me to know the sort of savages the civilised world faces. Any extra description is unnecessary. That’s why the BBC go out of their way to allow any mention (See”grooming gangs” for further clarification).
I stand corrected.
Kabul Airport:
I suspect that the crowds trying to get on the aircraft have the same motives as those who try to get aboard lorries at Calais.
Just economic migrants.
Mostly not raping and beheading currently.
I think she’s suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, just grateful they’re not raping or beheading her – hey, they’re not THAT bad.
I also think she’s slightly ‘excited’ to be surrounded by all those virile bearded men, with just a frisson of psychopathic killer about them. Boy, will she have stories to tell back at the CNN office.
Incidentally, contrast the recent US military recruitment campaign featuring confused, woke, gay/lesbian/trans girlies wondering what sex they are, with the Taliban fighters who have no uncertainty whatsoever about their gender. No wonder they’re winning.
BBC reports that they are digging up Biden – sticking some medicines in him and getting him to read from the autocue .
I’ve had advanced sight of his comments – it starts –
“ my fellow …. Er …. My er my fellows ….. “
The BBC spin was that the Biden White House was encouraged by an opinion poll which said 70 % of Americans out of Afgee …..
… but I bet they didn’t ask them if they wanted to see the Fall of Saigon Part 2 . America s enemies must be peeing their pant laughing ….
What after Afgee I wonder ?
I am awaiting Andrew Lawrence’s take on Biden’s speech. It will be a classic.
eg. I’m Biden, No I am not, I’m Joe Diesoon…Come on man…
The blessed doctor Fauci runs interference for Pfizer
I bet he’s got an eye on a Nobel prize.
ITV local news just ran a trailer
“Tomorrow morning on GMB ..Dr Fauci”
And Radio4 ran it’s fawning profile of him, multiple times over the weekend
Yes, mostly peaceful sums it up. The bBBC probably more concerned about the dangers of tuk-tuk pollution and carbon emissions to the people in Kabul.
BTW lots of people die every day from African governments and insurgents
but the TV cameras are rarely pointed that way.
‘Since records began’ in beebworld is younger than my kids.
ITV local news : Getting more women into construction work
Clearly a national syndicated item
and probably organised by a PR campaign.
Of course there are no similar campaigns to get males into nursing or publishing
Biden has shown the World how puny the woke US has now become.
Emboldened I expect the Islamists to now surge ahead to expand Sharia law across the Middle East, Asia and then into onwards the West.
Many lives are going to be lost across the globe now because of Biden’s and his administration’s combination of stupidity and cowardice.
“The road to Paris and London lies via the towns of Afghanistan…”
Leon Trotsky, 1919
Despite the world blaming Biden for the mess in Afghanistan, the hopelessly inept cowardly useless incompetent Tories are standing by the US President and defencing him!
A party now so far to the left that even Labour is further to the right than they are!
Contributors and readers of this site might be interested in a book called Submission by Michel Houellebecq. First published in 2015, it became a best seller in France, Germany and Italy. The novel imagines a situation where an Islamist Party wins the 2022 French Presidential election using the support of the Socialist Party.
Released on the day of the Charlie Hebdo murders, it, not surprisingly, attracted a lot of attention.
It’s well worth a read and gives an interesting insight into the technicalities of French elections and the mindset of French academia.
There is a good article on Wikipedia about the book and reaction to it.
Jack in the Green
I’ll second that. Worth a read.
You sure it’s fiction?
Quite agree, it is a wonderful book. It does rather concentrate on the more civilized aspect of the moslem takeover – university professors and so on, which perhaps is how things are in France. I don’t think we have many of the civilized kind in this country.
We will be overtaken by Muslims far far sooner than climate change.
Indeed, Afghanistan shows you don’t need huge armies to seize power, just fanatical ideologues on one side and cowards on the other.
We have plenty of both.
I wonder what military technology the yanks ( ie s called Afgee army ) have left behind which could be used in western cities …..
plus a fifth column
Halifax – may well have happened already ….
C4 enjoying itself with Afgee 40 minutes of blame – with a guest appearance from Milliband senior – who – if I recall – was partly responsible for joining the UK to the US misadventure for personal gain …
MSM is using events to distract from the idiot false president and nut nut – although no chat between Biden and his poodle – nut nut ….
And of course – c4 wants more Afgee ‘refugee s’ to land on blighty shores ….
Yes, C4 who had that grotesque animation of their logo carrying immigrants to shore.
Another ‘unbiased’ public broadcaster.
What is easily forgotten is that there are hundreds of thousands
of folk ,if not over a million who would like to see the kind
of sharia law we will now see once again in Afghanistan introduced
into the UK. And in around four or so generations because of
birth rate . The demographics of the UK will allow them to achieve
their wishes. But in the meantime they can still practice
some of the “habits” of their brothers in Asia in their denigration
and worse of the fair sex. Knowing that little will be done, or
said by main stream media , fronted by the BBC. to stop them.
BBC Four LGBQT drama night until 12:15am
9pm-9:30pm BBC4 short Lesbian drama :Time and Again
about 2 women in a residential care home
9:30-11pm “When Peter Wildeblood fell in love with Edward McNally in 1952, homosexuality was a crime in Britain. Their love affair would have devastating consequences for each of them.”
Biden fallen asleep? , he’s late as usual ..
I tried to listen but the old fool makes me physically sick.
Got as far as “it was all Trump’s fault. He was wrong to want to pull out, but I was somehow right to want to pull out,, even though I made a complete cock-up of it.”
Did I miss much?
The man is a total fucking cock and a walking disaster and the lefties in the US will swallow this bollocks until it is too late and they are in deep shit.
Bring back John Wayne!!!
A couple of hundred F15’s targeted on the medieval bastards trying to take over would change the story but it will take a president with balls to order that.
These animals cannot be talked to they need eliminating.
I don’t know about John Wayne. In the film Trumbo (a blacklisted scriptwriter in the age of McCarthyism), there is an excellent exchange of insults between Wayne & Trumbo which ends with Trumbo saying……….
(right in Wayne’s face)
“If you’re gonna talk about World
War Two like you personally won it,
let’s be clear where you were
stationed — on a film set,
shooting blanks, wearing makeup and
if you’re going to hit me, I’d like
to take my glasses off.”
Priceless !!
Love it brissles!
20 minutes of rambling . Funny mindset . The Biden people seem to think there is resistance to getting out of Afgee – there isn’t , the criticism is the manner of the departure – using the Vietnam playbook as a guide .
From a style point of view – whoever wrote the autocue made it long and unstructured – he sounded like a drunk just saying lines . God only knows what the US military makes of it with their thousands dead …
He just stumbled reading the autocue
He’s continuing in an automatic mode off the cuff like Trump does.
They probably spent the last few days rehearsing him to read their script, and he still gets it wrong.
Has this twat really got his finger on the nuclear button!
Starts after 46 minutes
TWatO Watch #1 – Montacutie still on holiday
We have to endure Jonny Dymond for another day or week even. Perhaps the Montacutie has been abroad and is having to isolate on return to the UK. Jonny Dymond is much more fluid that usual; perhaps the rise of the Taliban has energised him.
He drags on Sopel to comment on Beijing Biden’s foreign policy disaster. Poor old Jon is quite bitter about ‘his boy’ in the WH.
9pm-11pm Channel 4 have a doco about children whose fathers died in 911
I wonder if the timing is deliberate
10:35pm BBC1 .. Ladhood : a BBC3 prog that features almost only white people
9pm Talking Picture a 1960s film about a factory which has a load of West Indian workers
will the nasty whities oppose one of them being made into a foreman ?
The black people strangely speak with drama-school New York accents
Message to Russia… if there was ever a time to capture the hearts of the West, this is it. Go in to Afghanistan and kick arse big time and show wilty jelly belly Joe how to do it.
No way: they’re enjoying themselves too much watching Uncle Sam get his ass kicked. It’ll be China next, going in for the minerals. But they’ll do it properly, with bribery and corruption, and suddenly the Taliban won’t mind the Uighur genocide, just like the rest of the muslim world.
A harmless cartoon provokes worldwide riots, but genocide of the brothers? Who cares?
Current UK crime news
Hull court today : June 2018 Hull council placed a 65 yo convicted sex pervert in a carehome
managers accepted him even though informed of his past
Then he was caught raping a dementia patient.
Panorama was about social media scams
Viewer comments
#1 Tonight’s presenter must have ticked the diversity box & not the best for the job box..
#2 We know the BBC is diverse beyond common sense.
But the presenter tonight is irritating & been promoted beyond his abilities..
Exactly Stew. He was incoherent. I thought there was a sound problem with my TV.
I also cannot fail to notice that big gob Johnson is keeping his head down over this, just another wilting violet.
Gone way down in my estimation.
Where have all our strong people gone?
Afghanistan : I dunno
I do know that other cultures don’t play be our rules
And that you can’t understand something some place until you experience it.
And that archair commentators are almost always wrong .
I did expect that the Afghan govt would be able to defend Kabul
but it is not a walled city, so any guerrilla army can walk into parts .
The nature of the country that every place has infiltrators and weakpoints .. ie people in every town who will hand the Taliban the keys if their relatives in the village are threatened.
How can one defend against an enemy that don’t play by any rules .
How can the good kids in playground stand up to the bad gang , if that gang is willing to kill anyone who crosses it ?
I guess there must be parallels
Countries where people are oppressed by a cult-like side and a democratic government would be better.. but where western governments have left them to it.
North Korea, maybe some African countries where oligarch families have control,
Syria is a little bit similar
South America and Korea all came out of oppressive military regimes
Venezuela and Cuba are still a bit oppressive
Russia did succeed in invading Eastern Ukraine, but large sections of the local population are ethnic Russians who approved.
And it would be difficult for the US to stabilise a country if Russia/china /Pakistan are all funding the bad guys etc.
Gadaffi is a parallel
When he was in power we traded with him and he oppressed his people
Now the country is in factions .. we are worse off as we can’t sell them stuff and we get “refugees and some terrorists
So, Dominic Raab et al are ‘shocked and surprised ‘ by the speed of the Afghanistan collapse. That’s what comes of being briefed by half-wits from the Foreign Office and our so called security services. The ordinary bloke in the street knew exactly what would happen from day one. What a ship of incompetent fools. What’s worse is that these are the people who are serving us up to the mullahs on a plate.
There’s so much BS about this whole thing by the MSM trying to scoop headlines but avoid blaming Biden, it’s a complete farce.
One minute we are being told the Taliban won with just AK47’s, The next we are being told the Americans at the airport were panicking because the Taliban now have 155mm heavy artillery.
The fact now is that the Taliban have millions – if not billions – of dollars worth of the latest American weapons.
The entire blame for that is on Biden and the incompetent staff he appointed. A controlled withdrawal would have allowed the equipment to be taken out as the Taliban advanced. The true scope of this disaster for the free world is being hugely understated.
Biden should resign immediately. Instead he is being built up as the defiant leader.
Things are moving fast….
Well, the Taliban DO have a sterling reputation for advancing women’s rights …
What’s the over/under on the appointee’s lifespan?
The BBC tells me that the taliban have walked into Kabul and now women are wearing burkas again.
I get in the car drive, around the corner and walking towards me are two women wearing burkas. I didn’t realise that the taliban were now walking into the UK, perhaps because the BBC have missed that bit of news?
With a feeling of staggering disbelief, I see the BBC and much of the MSM are actually defending Biden.
Here’s the BBC headline:
‘Biden defiant following Taliban return to power’
Here’s what they should have written:
‘Biden humiliated following Taliban return to power’
How many Afghan soldiers and innocent civilians have been tortured and murdered due to this mans totally incompetent handling of the situation ?.
The Left really don’t care one bit about how many people die. Neither did Stalin, neither did Hitler and neither did Pol Pot. The agenda is everything to these ideologically driven scumbags.
It puts the storm they created over illegal immigrant children being separated from their mothers and falsely blaming Trump firmly into perspective.
The worrying thing now is what happens if the puppeteers remove Biden and put Harris in. Nobody likes her – not even her own party.
I think the resident trolls will be keeping quiet for a while … I heard a Toady presenter Justin Webb describing the false presidents’ comment . He must have been listening to a different set of words to me .
Biden going on about the need to leave Afgee but largely ignoring his failure to plan for it is largely ignored by our Justin .
The MSM will be desperate – desperate -to move on from Afgee and what happens next – maybe it will come after the waste of air that will be their parliament on Wednesday .
Labour will be a bit screwed because all an red Tory has to do is say ‘Tony Blair ‘…who is unusually silent …
Trump put this on his blog (which the BBC in their usual trustworthy way told us had been taken down permanantly):
‘It’s not that we left Afghanistan. It’s the grossly incompetent way we left!’
Normally such a comment from the last President would be headline news. But the unbiased BBC who you can definitely trust decided they would cancel him (just like they have to GB news without any justification whatsoever) and not report anything he does.
I’m still not sure why a publically funded news outfit – whose charter states they must be unbiased – think they have any right at all to decide not to report things they don’t like.
The trolls like maxi simply ignore the topic and snipe with any side-issues other tit-bits they can come up with. Then, when they are presented with something they can’t argue against, they just stop posting.
Which is why they are worthless human beings. They are a net negative on the world.
The news is that thousands of Afghans will now be going to the UK, this is on top of all the all the others floating across the channel across the channel.
From what I can gather it is the decision of Remainer MP Ben Wallace.
Did the Conservative government consult with the people on this? NO?! Why on Earth not? (joke)
I am beginning to despair about the UK. I wouldn’t feel so bad if there was some opposition to this but there seems to be none.
I hate to say it but I think the only realistic hope for Britain and the West in general is if the military launch a coup in either in the USA or France.
The west has allowed itself to rot to a simply ridiculous level and rather like Graham Chapmans Monty Python army officer it is time to step in and say “Stop this, stop this! It’s all getting rather silly”
It’s odd that I’m quoting a BBC programme to illustrate my point as that institution has done more to destroy civilization in recent years than anything I can think of, except Islam.
Perhaps it is wrong to use the loaded term ‘rape’ when migrants are involved in so-called sexual assaults, as it could be seen as stigmatising to the men, who are the real victims here. The more neutral term ‘unilateral sexual consent’ would be much preferable and avoid outrage from those who are unfamiliar with the cultural norms of other societies. West Yorkshire Police and CPS please take note.
The fact these people have not lived under the cloud of white privilege and cultural racism makes a complete joke of the excuses the Left make for the behaviour of black people.
Tucker on fire
Tomo – thank you for putting up that 12 minutes of GOLD . tucker is that rare thing – a diversity of thought . No wonder the woke hate him so much . And no wonder Fox News is suppressed in the UK .
Mr Carson refers to the gender studies curricula at the university of Kabul – I guess the subjects being offered are about to change . All those American woke wimmin – of various multi genders – will be screaming like banshees – and be able to do absolutely nothing about it ….
Buffoons held to account by…..
Guest who – thank you for that post – I wondered what the swamp dwellers’ response to that magnificent broadside was –
Interesting comparison – nazis at Dunkirk versus taliban in Afgee ….
TC is wonderful. Have we anybody of that calibre in our news media?
BBC Question As A Headline News
Thank heavens we have a strong border.
BBC has bad walls.
And good walls.
Can’t wait for the Lily and BBC crew special from the Calais RIB sales market (men and cash only).
Don’t bother to listen to D. Miliband at 5.19 on the beeboid’s ‘live’ page.
Over five minutes of saying absolutely nothing!
Totally, unashamably, pathetically fawning, politically subjectively, faux-earnestly bugger all.
Not bad work for mill a year.
Labour will be cut n’pasting ready for PMQs tomorrow.
I disagree – I like to be reminded of the greasy slimy self serving miliband . I was going to write – he could have been PM – but then thought ‘and what difference would there have been from the rubbish we have now ‘?
Like it, Fed!
His face when his brother won the vote was a picture! Good thing it all happened that way too.
BBC Moaning Emole has Nafeesa taking over from Jen.
By Nafeesa Shan
Biden defiant following Taliban’s return
Story detail
“There was never a good time to withdraw US forces,” says President Joe Biden who, despite the criticism, continues to defend the decision to pull out of Afghanistan. Not long after the withdrawal was announced in April, the Taliban started seizing territory before making rapid advances, culminating in them taking control of Kabul – the last major city to hold out against the group. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled and the government collapsed. The Taliban – ousted by US forces in 2001 – have since declared victory and people are trying to flee, although the city seems quiet and subdued. So far, more than 60 countries have issued a joint statement urging the Taliban to let people leave. The UK, which has sent 900 troops to help evacuate British nationals and eligible Afghan nationals, is set to announce a new resettlement scheme for Afghan refugees and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to call for a co-ordinated global response to the crisis.
Mr Biden admits the withdrawal – after 20 years – has been “messy”, but the Taliban gains “reinforce that ending US military involvement in Afghanistan now was the right decision”. He says: “American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves.” However, the situation has been met with intense political backlash. Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says it’s an “unmitigated disaster”, and he fears the decision will “leave a stain on the reputation of the United States”. But Mr Biden says the US mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to have been about nation-building. “I will not mislead the American people by claiming that just a little more time in Afghanistan will make all the difference.” To keep up to date with the story, follow our live page.
Let’s see what Frank sez… sorry… ‘analyses’…
Taliban return raises fears of Afghan haven for terror
In remote, pine-clad valleys of Afghanistan’s Kunar province and in online jihadist chat forums there is jubilation at what al-Qaeda supporters see as “a historic victory” by the Taliban. The humiliating departure of the very forces that temporarily expelled both the Taliban and al-Qaeda 20 years ago has come as a massive morale boost to anti-Western jihadists all over the world.
The potential hiding places for them now opening up in the country’s ungoverned spaces are a tempting prize, especially for Islamic State group militants looking to find a new base after the defeat of their self-declared caliphate in Iraq and Syria. Western generals and politicians are warning that the return of al-Qaeda to Afghanistan, in strength, is “inevitable”.
Read full analysis >
Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent
Plus they seem to have got new kit, Frank, thanks to Ole Defiance Back in Camp Davo.
This time I have to sit on the side of Biden, as the USA along with other Allies, trained and supported thousands of Afghan’s in building an army, at formidable costs to all yet what defence did these supposed newly trained Afgahan troops put up against the Taliban-very little at most, won’t say running away, shall we say retreating. The Afgahan people should all have ranged themselves against their enemy just as we did in the UK during WW2 1939-45. History has shown that these people who follow the teachings of Isam are easily persuaded easily conquered, defeatism runs in their blood. Their supposed leader/President, runs away with a helicopter full of cash, What sort of example is he? However Europe must not open its doors to those Afgahan fleeing, there are a number co-religious countries quite able to accom all, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Takmanistan and other Stans near. The UK is most definitely over populated with such people-the white indigenous Brits are losing their majority rapidly. John Sopel’s report on last nights 10 pm News was just terrible-obviously following his master the BBC who are falling over themselves to show how caring they are, what hypocrites.
Just don’t let come into the UK-must keep our doors shut-our Prime Minister/Cabinet must take a firm hold and ensure everywhere that the UK will take no Muslim migrants, no matter who and what they are. The UK is dying and to save it will need some very strong resistance against the continued unrequested invasion.
I am so fed up with the Rhetoric about women and girls in Afghanistan…what boys and men being killed is okay. Who do you think is behind Bottling Boris’s sudden Women an girls refugee plan? Developed on his back no doubt.
When will western politicians and the media wake up…we cant and shouldn’t try to change other cultures…I worked in Libya and learned quickly not to believe a word I was told. Politicians on the West are weak and our enemies know that…