Start the week 16 August 2021

Nothing happens in August . The swamp goes on holiday . The BBC leaves the kids in charge . But then there was Afghanistan. Will the BBC question the decision of the American ‘President ‘to pull The West out in the run up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11? You probably know the answer .Biden has held office for 207 days .

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414 Responses to Start the week 16 August 2021

  1. Guest Who says:

    Ooo…. Awards time!


  2. AsISeeIt says:

    Those men from that peculiar mountainous little country
    Huey And The News

    The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper complains – somewhat incongrously – this morning about an apparent sudden lack of diversity in television scheduling in another country: ‘Women disappear from Afghan TV overnight, plus no music or soaps

    I’m guessing that’s the least of their worries. Our own licence payers may be leaving the BBC in droves but the scenes of angry mass cancellations don’t quite match the image of hundreds of men chasing a US transport aircraft down the runway that illustates the fall of Kabul on many of our frontpages today.

    By the way, I thought it was the women who were supposed to be the desperately frightened ones? ‘Women fear Taliban reprisals‘ (Daily Mirror) – maybe Afghan females are sensible enough to realise you can’t hitch a ride on the outside of a jet plane? ‘Tragedy: Stowaway (circled) falls‘ – the giveaway Metro caption there as they publish a graphic pic other media shy away from. The BBC, by the way, promoting that Metro frontpage to top spot in their online newspaper line up.

    The Daily Mail, as they often do, make crass editorial remarks: ‘The War on Terror has ended as it began on 9/11: Bodies falling from the sky and America humiliated‘ – where to begin?

    Islamic Terrorism didn’t start on 9/11. Ask an Israeli. Isamlic Terrorism hasn’t ended with the fall of Afghanistan – it may well open a new chapter. Those bodies falling from the Twin Towers were innocent people going about their daily lives, not third world dunderheads caught up in mass hysteria. It’s not so much America that’s been humiliated – we know if the will had been there US forces could have prevented this – it is Biden and his administration that is humiliated. Apart from all that the Mail gets it about right: ‘Biden: It’s Afghan’s own fault‘ – which is fair comment and proves the old adage – the scope of which I’m expanding in honour of Sleepy Old Joe – out of the mouths of babes… and the senile.

    What we would seem to be witnessing is the final repudiation of the western notion of the Arab Spring. If the islamic populace wanted and were ready for democracy and western liberalism then the Taliban couldn’t have enjoyed a walk over.

    From the ‘i’ newspaper’s protests about Afghan television – giving female presenters a telly ban (apologies – it was there, I saw it, I couldn’t resist… ) to the BBC’s doubts about the incoming hardline islamist regime’s economic policies: ‘What next for Afghanistan’s economy?‘ – we await with interest the mullahs’ first budgetary proposals and possible subsidies to the opium poppy industry.

    Closer to home the Express has: ‘Huw’s news‘ – this is BBC news frontman Huw Edwards, Huey The News, insn’t it? (If you’ll excuse the Welsh vernacular) ‘Huw’s admission came during a special interview on BBC’s Radio Cymru – a Welsh-speaking radio station based in Cardiff‘ – of course it did. Whatever. His: ‘…future as host of the BBC News at Ten looks to be in doubt as the long-serving newsreader has hinted he could step down soon

    …the journalist has now revealed the late shows have become “taxing” on the star. And while he still “enjoys” the role, Huw hinted fans may not be seeing him for too much longer as the face of the news‘ – fans? I thought he was a journalist? Should journos have fans?

    The nightly news business, after 20 years, that can be taxing.” – speak to your accountant and financial advisors, Huw. ‘£500K Huw’s a big baby‘ (Daily Star)

    While he may still be enjoying his time fronting the show, Huw did go on to explain how the BBC has irked him in recent years‘ (Express) – here we go…

    Huw was critical of the network’s “clumsy” handling of its staff’s salary who earn over £150,000 a year. Following cutbacks at the network, Huw took a pay cut last year from his £470,000 salary to £430,000‘ – oh the humanity!

    I don’t expect anyone to feel sorry for me. But if you do get a huge pay cut, it’s certainly going to affect you, your psychology, and your attitude towards the work… Especially if you see co-workers getting large pay rises and you don’t quite understand why.” – careful now, Huw.

    Huw also opened up on how his own children had no idea how much he earned‘ – they do say the Welsh are “close”.

    And then there was this: ‘Huw Edwards among BBC luvvies in revolt over new social media guidelines. The BBC’s Tim Davie has issued new social media guidance to staff banning them from “virtue signalling” and using emojis that ‘can – accidentally, or deliberately – undercut an otherwise impartial post‘ (Daily Star October 2020)

    And this: ‘The veteran News at 10 host took to Twitter to explain one member of the public took offence to him wearing a mask. BBC News reader Huw Edwards was confronted by an ‘angry man’ while riding the London Tube after he was seen wearing a face mask, days before England’s Covid guidelines change again. Rather than being angry about the fact Huw was wearing a mask, it seems the individual in question was not happy about the design. Huw penned: [On Twitter] “Turns out he was offended by the Welsh theme… Anyway. “I’m still going to wear a mask on public transport and indoor spaces — to protect others and show respect for NHS staff. Diolch.“‘ (Daily Star July 2021)

    I do wonder if Tim Davie had Huw’s none-too-subtle red dragon flag waving virtue-signalling in mind when he demanded BBC staff leave their political views on the coat rack when they come into work?


  3. Guest Who says:

    Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi exempted presumably? Again.

    Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen in 2012, has told the BBC “countries need to open their borders to Afghan refugees”.


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch
    Let’s talk about hydrogen . Let’s talk about anything apart from Afgee – any word from UK politicians ? No . Ex military ? No .
    They’ve got the hapless foreign Secretary in their 8 10 am slot but I can predict how that will pan out .

    The only thing the red tories will care about is who is the next pm after nut nut – now at least it won’t be Raaaab .


    • Guest Who says:

      Seems Hindenburg Humanity Juice has hit a few snags.

      Not least to get a fuel that burns to nothing but water you need to use a lot of ways that stray into carbon offset territory to do so. Beyond only being affordable to subsidised Boris Beemers for the Kensal Green (Tx, Rod) set.

      Like Leccy cars, only with rustier exhausts.


      • StewGreen says:

        Yesterday The local activist embedded as BBC-local-environmental-reporter
        was making out that
        #1 The Hull planned hydrogen factory has got Carbon Capture working
        .. (it’s not even started and economic CCS all over the world has been a pipedream all over the world )

        #2 The Green-hydrogen from Windpower is soon to happen
        FFS it’s extortionately expensive , that’s why it’s not done.

        BTW the Hindenburg is a red herring
        It was the aluminium body … cos that is a fantastic fuel once you get the temperature.
        Hydrogen itself dissipates so quickly once the container is leaking.


  5. Fedup2 says:

    They gave Raab to Meeeshaaallll – he sounds crushed and heading for the door . He won’t be fired of course . Just hope he had a nice holiday . If Labour want a target for tomorrow – playing the Westminster game – it his him . They won’t succeed of course because nando will just rant with the rest of the girls …
    I reckon some of the girl MPs will call on the UK to use military force to support wimmin and freedom in Afgee . Oops – just tried that – and failed in about 1 week .

    I was hoping meeshalll would ask the important question for Raab – did he have a nice holiday ?


    By the way the ‘great parliamentary occasion ‘(yawn ) will just be Andrew plebgate Mitchell demanding the government spend more borrowed taxpayer cash on overseas nonsense ….


    • Guest Who says:

      Wonder if the fragrant Ms. Husain is drawing up one of her famous comparisons charts.

      One could be the BBC volume and coverage of stuff with Israel… votes, women’s rights, gays…. Vs. the new occupiers in Afghanistan.

      I see they are also wheeling out Malala, who is nicely ensconced not over there any more, advocating bringing over there over here.

      But not in her ‘hood, obvs.

      Next, Greta, on… what now?


    • Sluff says:

      How refreshing it would be if the government went on the attack.
      Why aren’t Nando, Harperson, and les girls in the sisterhood campaigning for wimmin’s rights in the streets in, say, Dubai or Kabul or Doha?

      The failure is entirely with the gutless, spineless, bottleless Afghan army, police, and security who just waved the Taliban in to the Afghan cities unopposed. End of. No apologies required.


  6. Guest Who says:

    Seems chipper, all things considered.


  7. Guest Who says:

    BS rallies the faithful. Not Rod, I’m guessing.


    • JohnC says:

      The vile narcissists like Maitlis at the BBC will have wet panties thinking about news awards.
      They just need to find some suffering women and children first.


  8. Sluff says:

    Listening to Toady this morning.
    The editorial was this.

    That, despite our foreign office ‘heroes’ being first on the plane out of Kabul, leaving to the MoD and paras not only security but all the ID paperwork checks for any Afghans who have a legitimate asylum claim in the UK……we somehow have to identify and prioritise 35, yes 35, students who have been awarded some education scholarships.

    If ever there was an example of the BBC living in cloud cuckoo land, this is it.


  9. Thoughtful says:

    Now we have the bottler offering even more open borders to any Muslim who wants to settle here, and they don’t even need a passport !

    What he says is that he is offering asylum to any Afghan citizen and they can gain entry to the UK without needing a passport, which means the world and his wife are going to be claiming to be from Afghanistan regardless of where they actually came from and how will anyone be able to tell if they have no proof?

    Someone has to stop this left wing lunatic – he’s probably more destructive than Corbyn would have been – there isn’t much difference lets face it, and this comes after his offer to relocate 7.5 million Hong Kongers to Britain.
    He makes Edward Heath seem positively competent by comparison!

    Former Conservative immigration minister Damian Green called on the Government to take in any Afghan with a legitimate claim.
    ‘We should take anyone who can make a case.’

    Chairman of the Commons defence committee Tobias Ellwood said the numbers accepted by Britain should run ‘at least’ into tens of thousands.


    • JohnC says:

      Why on Earth don’t we sponsor them to go to another Muslim country ffs.


    • africamike says:

      Thoughtful, perhaps I am a terrible cynic, but it seems to me that anyone who enters Afghanistan with a military objective knows full well: 1) that they can never ‘win’, and 2) that at some point they will have to leave. So whilst I am very proud of our military, I can’t support the argument that pulling out means that ‘it was all for nothing’. We knew that 20 years ago. In my view the only reason that the UK was there was because the US was there, and they need allies to make their military ventures more respectable. And the only reason the US was there (after they got Bin Laden) was to give the US military industrial complex a reason to keep making bombs and missiles and what not. The media is all over the human tragedy of it all, and make no mistake, it is a horrible tragedy for many, many Afghans. But FFS, what did anyone expect?

      The refugee issue you raise is equally predictable, and our beloved media, led by the BBC is is already going into heartstring pulling overdrive to prepare us all for the inevitable. I predict a revolt against this spineless Government at the next opportunity.


  10. Dover Sentry says:

    From GF:

    “Civil wars are complicated things and should be avoided by outsiders.”
    ” Animosities are historic and ingrained and no amount of bleeding heart elite liberal talk in London and Washington is going to change hearts and minds on the ground in Afghanistan. They simply do not understand the Afghan people and neither do the Afghans understand their woke obsessions with transvestites and diversity”

    Also applies to our BBC.


  11. Guest Who says:

    At least they got replies, from ‘many people’.

    Maybe some young.


    • StewGreen says:

      So the campaigning group masquerading as BBC Young Reporter training scheme
      * put out a tweet TODAY
      * that links not to a new NewsRound NEWS story but a page dated 20 January 2020
      It does have a note saying it was updated today in some unspecified way
      * 2020 can’t be the original date of the page, cos the now closed comment section’s first comment is from 17 Oct 2018


  12. JohnC says:

    The BBC doing their best to help Biden:

    Joe got a bit nasty and blamed the Afghan government for giving up. What a shame he apparently had no idea they would do so. I could have told him if he’d asked.

    What’s most interesting is the number of edits they made. The speech was purely for this topic so no need to edit it down. In fact ethically they should have shown it in it’s entirety – not their own selected highlights.

    Of course we all know why they probably did it. To stop Joe looking like a senile idiot.

    Of course the BBC bring Trump into it with the vague incinuation it’s all his fault. It would have been the perfect place to quote Trumps reaction to the disaster to give it some perspective. But they didn’t because the BBC have cancelled him. And the agenda is more important than anything else.


    • G says:

      John, interesting:

      Tells it all: Robert Aitkin & Rod Liddle bantering about their favourite subject – Our Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster.

      Pity Aitkin did not pursue his question about the BBC being in an international cartel with Silicon Valley to suppress any alternative views. I don’t think Liddle avoided the question though, he simply passed it by. Note Liddle does not think there were any shenanigans in the 2020 US election………..
      Another universe.


      • JohnC says:

        Just watched the first 5 mins : very interesting and exactly as I imagined it. I’ll watch the rest in the morning when I have time.

        What strikes me now is that the BBC clearly think they have the weight of political influence and the support of the big social media companies to shift their Left-Wing agenda into plain sight. They are confident nobody can stop them so don’t need to hide it.
        And driven in no small part by spite after Brexit and Trump.


    • StewGreen says:

      They are on to edit stage 11 now
      At edit 5 they changed the title
      from : Biden defends US withdrawal from Afghanistan
      to : Biden defends US ‘messy’ withdrawal from Afghanistan


      • JohnC says:

        That website is fascinating so watch each edit by the BBC and ponder for a moment why they did it.
        Some are clearly fine tuning the agenda content and seem to have no reason for them other than that.
        Is this available for all article on the BBC ?.


        • StewGreen says:

          Some articles don’t show up there maybe sometime the BBC html in some pages blocks webcrawlers.


  13. Guest Who says:

    Wait until Simpo’s manservant hoists him out the bath.


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC Americast ‘analysis’ will be fascinating.


      • Guest Who says:

        BBC News*.

        *Outrage may vary.

        “It causes pain, it was a very bad experience for us.”

        Towyn: Sikh education call after man handcuffed over


        • Guest Who says:

          So a newly embraced group of Afghani Sikh converts are headed over Westminster Bridge a few weeks hence…

          You are everyone from Cress to Mishal to Dom…

          Pull a Vaz and greet, or leg it?


  14. Guest Who says:


    Not, as such, stinging’.


    • StewGreen says:

      Mike kicked off with
      “pretty terrible for @SkyNews to be relying on former sports reporter @marthakelner ”
      Beth has 3 times the followers as Mike has
      so gets 20% more Likes
      (only 0.3% of her followers Liked those tweets)

      BTW Martha is daughter of Martin Kelner, who’s been doing Belfield stuff 20 years before Belfied did, as he fell out with the BBC in about 2000

      She started at Talksport where her father has worked
      her uncle Martin’s brother Simon , started as a sports reporter
      He was editor of the Independent for many years.

      Peter Kellner the Newsnight guy who went on to head YouGov polling has a different spelling.


  15. BRISSLES says:

    God Almighty, I’m resorting to the shopping channel after listening to the news channels wheel out everyone with an ‘opinion’ . Everyone is an expert on what we should and shouldn’t do. Tobias Elwood, Ian Blackford et al, in top form as per usual.

    Realistically local councils have aired their fears as to their capability of taking on further great influxes of refugees – already coping with those washed up on our beaches, yet Elwood describes this as making excuses !!!! Jeez we’re reliving the summer of 2016 when millions invaded Europe and its the same rhetoric from Westminster.


    • Guest Who says:

      Credit the lass… she has captured footage that makes every single western pol, NGO, charity, gob and most media look the utter credulous, complicit fools they are.

      Unless it’s a spoof. If so… good satire.


    • JimS says:

      The prime minister, Sadiq Khan, (PHB), announced that as from today face coverings will be mandatory, for women.

      The BBC defence correspondent said, “It is difficult to understand how fast it happened, one minute the Royal Standard was flying over Buckingham Palace, the next minute the Taliban were walking down The Mall, while police officers stood by or ‘took the knee’.

      We have learned that Boris Johnson and his cabinet left by helicopter for Hungary in the early hours of the morning.

      Allahu Akbar!”


  16. Tabs says:

    I hardly ever switch on the TV during the daytime but I did just now and I see the BBC News channel is being simultaneously broadcast until 13:00 on:
    BBC 2
    BBC News
    BBC Parliament

    I guess just £5b a year and just 22,000 staff means you have fill 50% of the BBC channels with the same crap. Or is it because there is no desire to produce new programs when your salary is guaranteed whether you do anything or not?


    • Banania says:

      It is like a pipe organ with extensions and not many stops, or a bike with 24 gears, lots of which are the same.


  17. Eddy Booth says:

    UK job vacancies at record high as wages tick up
    “The number of vacancies hit 953,000 in the three months to July, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.”

    Of course the bbc never question how they calculate the vacancy figures.
    Best guess is each job gets counted numerous times from different job websites.
    The article admits, in the small print, the wages rise is from people who were getting 80 % furlough going back to full wages.
    Pathetic propgandising


  18. tomo says:

    COVID testing is a rip-off The BBC tells us

    For some reason I cannot comment on BBC stories (“Sorry, there was a problem” seems a bit “Guardianesque”)

    That said – there is an elephant in the room. The NHS conduct “free” PCR tests which are turned around overnight (my experience is that the results reliably show up via text message pre 10 am next day)

    The NHS flatly refuses to issue tracking QR codes that are airport / travel worthy.

    Not difficult to see there’s something wildly out of kilter there……

    I’d happily bung the NHS £56 for a test (the price of commercial PCR tests at Larnaca airport)


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tomo – I’m currently in PCR test world . I might write the story here as a record as much as anything else .


      • tomo says:

        UK PCR test (local) £158
        Larnaca Airport PCR test £56

        The nearby NHS “free” testing station in a car park next to the council offices is sparsely attended and is acquiring a noticeable film of green algae. 5 staff, two portacabins, marquee, scoority fences, generator, tower light and 1000L diesel tank. They get quite shirty if you ask for a QR code.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Tomo – ok you got me – this is a tale of current international travel – its not the BBC so you can look away .

          I left UK at the end of May . Fortunately i didnt need a test to enter an ‘amber ‘ country – but was ready to pay the £100 boots were charging at that time .

          I knew i would need a test coming back to england – so researched it before leaving the UK . Many in country test sites were booked out weeks ahead .

          In the end the local airport test site was the cheapest at £50. So i booked a month ahead . 2 days before returning i drove the 30 miles to the airport – got it done and had a negative result the following day .

          Now before returning from an amber country you have to book a ‘ day 2’ test at minimum . So i parted with £50 to randox .

          Randox promptly sent the box to my UK home knowing i wasnt there for another 2 weeks . So the sample box was left outside my home

          I took the test. However usin randox you have to take the sample to a drop box . The nearest one to me was 10 miles away – big distance in London .

          So i dropped the box off . It went to Northern ireland . The following day i got an inconclusive’ test result . So quarantine for 10 days or take another test ….

          Now- try finding out what you have to do in such circumstances .. not easy …

          Anyway – on saturday i went to a local NHS centre – explained what ive written here .

          In the end – after debate – they gave me a PCR home test kit . This was completed and sent in the post yesterday .,the result is due today .

          The country i came from has a lower R than london . But somehow i am supposed to be under house arrest ? Or not – as despite plenty of research i really dont know .
          Naturally this was all in the condition of documented double jab a minimum of 14 days before travel .

          Fun isnt it ?
          This isnt a moan -by the way – its just the way things are…


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      A contact of mine works in medical testing. He tells me that they pay £5 per PCR test, all in. This seems plausible – I once worked for a US-based company that charged the NHS around £40 for a HPV test that cost $1 to produce.



    • StewGreen says:

      PCR thing seems daft
      #1 NHS PCR tests are free, cos they benefit public safety
      Maybe the taxpayer cost works out at £40 mainly covering the infrastrucre

      #2 Non-symptomatic Holidaymakers are not supposed to use the NHS test, cos that would eat NHS budget
      You’d need to fund three times the number of test sites etc.

      But many workers have systematic weekly NHS PCR tests
      why are they expected to have a private test on the same day ?
      Surely the NHS should just sell them an additional test certificate for say £20
      I’d say an at home test is less reliable
      than a test done by an experienced person in the work place


      • Fedup2 says:

        Stew – I can be a little more – disclosing – in relation to my experience …. When I went to the local empty test centre – I was told to leave my mobile at home if I went out because I’d be tracked …

        On the upside – I posted the test box on Monday morning and got a negative test result Tuesday afternoon .

        But this was a test done for day 2 free from the NHS after I’d paid £50 for the required test .

        Personally I think these mandatory tests should be free from the NHS instead of a tarnished red Tory government using it to make profits for its friends .


  19. Fedup2 says:

    Seems the Mail has done a bit of investigative journalism and discovered that the UK Foreign Secretary – apparently someone called ‘Dominic Raaab’ – got a flight back from his holiday in Crete – and arrived at Gatwick at 0140 Monday .

    Presumably he got his pre flight PCR test on Saturday ( £100) and got the result on Sunday enabling him to fly . Then the Gatwick express into Victoria –

    Meanwhile during his happy travels a whole country became an Islamic republic and the US False President said nothing ….
    don’t get me wrong – I don’t give a damn about Afgee – but I don’t want it to be used as an excuse for more foreigners here bringing their ways with them ….

    Raab s admission that ‘no one saw this coming ‘ should be his political epitaph – I also think it is a lie .

    By the way – iAfgee on the Chinese virus Red list ….


  20. Guest Who says:

    Guess what…

    Also starring Springster as First Specialist Gwen Demarco.

    “Computer… make stuff up”.


    • Guest Who says:

      Back to ‘teams’ now.


      • Guest Who says:

        ‘Mostly men’.

        There’s a thing. Bet that caught Dom by surprise too.

        Didn’t Sleepy also blame pressure. trump?

        Oddly The BBC has steered clear of ‘checking’ that.


        • Ian Rushlow says:

          Well, most of them look like men, but we can’t be sure that they don’t identify as women and children. We do know from past reporting by the BBC that over 110% of migrants are actually women and children.


          • BRISSLES says:

            I bet the American Joe Public are wondering which State that lot are going to land up in !


        • Banania says:

          Women and children first?


    • tomo says:

      re: That Climategate drama

      That “they” feel the need to rake this over and re-factor says more about what they’re up to than the actual content of the drama….

      A dramatized biopic of Konstantin Lysenko next? – maybe by Ken Loach?


    • StewGreen says:

      PR released for the 90 min BBC Climategate drama, no date
      First-look images released for BBC One’s new conspiracy thriller The Trick – coming this Autumn”
      ” the story of world-renowned Professor Philip Jones, Director of Climate Research at the University of East Anglia, who back in 2009 found himself at the eye of an international media storm, and the victim of *cyberterrorism* “
      (actually unknown whistleblowers, not known if insider or hacker)


  21. gb123 says:

    Fedup2: Some other ‘no one saw this coming ‘ moments in British History:

    AD 43 : Romans Turn up on the Kent coast . Seems like Kent is a popular place for ‘no one saw this coming ‘ moments, even today.

    AD: 1667: Dutch turn up uninvited and cause a bit of bother at the naval dockyards in Chatham .

    AD: 1915: Germans un-sportingly fly over the UK dropping bombs when we were not ready.

    AD:2021 BBC fail to see demos in London on their doorstep and other major world events not fitting the corporate agenda.

    Seems our “elites and betters” miss quite a lot of things.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ironically one of the freeview stations is re running the ‘world at war ‘ again .. yesterday it had the one where the Japanese rolled up the Americans and British is the Far East in about 3 weeks – including the 130 000 garrison at Singapore –

      This – of course- could never happen ….right

      The Iranians and pakis must be laughing their bits off …


  22. vlad says:

    Various commentators on the Biden Broadcasting Corporation have remarked that Biden looked ‘angry’ or ‘bitter’ during his mendacious speech.

    At first I thought that was just Sleepy Joe trying to look tough and decisive like the John Wayne movies of his youth. (He’s such a ham actor – remember “I’d beat the hell out of him, behind the gym”? The man couldn’t beat a carpet.)

    Or perhaps it was just his old-man petulance slipping out from behind his cuddly Uncle Joe mask. (Uncle Joe Stalin, more like.)

    But then it dawned on me in a blinding revelation like Archimedes in his bathtub: Yes, the old fool really was angry; but not at the Taliban, nor even at Trump (onto whom he tried to shuffle the blame in a bit of illogical sophistry). No – he’s furious with the Afghan army for screwing up the Biden Plan.
    You see, the Biden Plan was never for the Afghan forces to defeat the Taliban, or even hold them to a stalemate long enough for civilised democracy to take root.

    No, the Biden Plan was for the Afghan army to hold up the Taliban forces just long enough for the US military and civilians to pull out in an orderly way with a degree of decorum. Heck, maybe even have a military brass band on the tarmac of Kabul airport, and definitely a military band on the White House lawn, with “welcome home” banners and a Presidential speech (short, for his dementia). He could have stood on the balcony looking all presidential, maybe even done one of his bogus military salutes to look like a real President who won fair and square. (Incidentally, he was never called up due to being unfit for service, the weakling.)

    To sum up, Plan Biden was for the Afghan forces to fight for just a few months. To offer up their lives – and perhaps be butchered, maimed or tortured by the muslim savages on the other side – to save Biden’s skinny white ass and his white-privileged legacy. He could have been “the President who brought the boys back home.”

    Bad luck, Mr President, it seems the Afghans weren’t willing to die so you could look good in a phot shoot.

    Now he’s just a pathetic figure of ridicule, that even the compliant media are struggling to shill for.

    No wonder he’s angry.


    • Fedup2 says:

      You can add to that – his fingerprints were also on the US withdrawal from south vietnam where their army was meant to stop the NVA….


  23. G.W.F. says:

    It will be a bit of a bugger if someone starts shooting

    Andrew Neil
    Taliban now rings Kabul airport, controlling access. US told its nationals and allies at weekend to shelter in place. How it now gets them from their current locations across the city to the airport through the Taliban ring is, as yet, unexplained. Big problem for PM Johnson too.


  24. Dover Sentry says:

    Our politicians have been totally blindsided. The Taliban planned this and knew the consequences. They have been many moves ahead.

    Consequences? Hostages.


  25. tomo says:

    This could easilybe about the BBC


  26. Guest Who says:

    OT , but had to share, from The Fail…. 🥸

    “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle break silence on Afghanistan to say they are ‘speechless’”



    • gb123 says:

      If the they are speechless how come they are saying something? More Mr & Mrs Markle attention seeking.


  27. Halifax says:

    On holiday near Rhyl.
    Its raining and someone has suggested we go watching wresting in Prestatyn tonight. Just as I thought it couldn’t get any worse I ended up watching BBC News at One, well at least I’ve learned that:

    1. The Designer Talaban aren’t that bad.
    2. Answer seems to be invite more migrants.
    3. Bob Dylan (white hetro male) is guilty.
    4.There are 900,000 vacancies in the UK on the job front…….however ….etc etc.

    After that walking in the drizzle through Rhyl suddenly doesn’t seem that bad.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Halifax, I’m really glad that you have recovered from your Covid enough to go on holiday. That is really good news. I hope the sun will shine for you and bring some more recovery to your bones.

      Have a good break.


  28. s.trubble says:


    I remember a SUN piece many moons ago comparing the various coastal holiday towns…. Rhyl was deemed the ” randiest” ergo the headline” Randy Rhyl”

    simpler times!!


  29. Halifax says:

    The drizzle is definitely affecting my libido.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I had a libido once – very difficult to start in damp weather – I used to carry jump leads just in case and park it on a hill facing downward .


      • Up2snuff says:

        Yes, it was the poor quality copper in the HT lead for the Talbot Libido. A mechanics advice, “Allo Allo what ‘ave we ‘ere?”, was to replace it on an annual basis.


  30. vlad says:

    Yesterday CNN (which is similarly biased to the BBC, minus the extortion tax) grandly announced in reverential terms that President Biden was “closely monitoring the situation in Afghanistan”.

    Phew, the great military leader is in control, all is well.

    Then they cut to the clip below. If you look closely you can just about see the great Commander-In-Chief in the right hand corner, closely monitoring.

    It used to be called watching telly.

    I think even CNN realised how pathetic the Dear Leader looked, and quickly cut away.

    Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go and closely monitor the cricket.



    • gb123 says:

      I can’t remember where I saw it, but someone Photoshoped the TV and replaced the Zoom call with a picture of the Teletubbies. Far more appropriate.
      Come to think of it the Teletubbies would be better advisors than his current ones.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Do you think he looks at those flags and wonders what they are for ?


  31. taffman says:

    “Afghanistan: UK’s Kabul evacuation operating at full pace – commander”
    As there are calls for Great Britain to take refugees there is a problem. The Home Office has allowed so many illegal faux asylum seekers , mainly men of fighting age, to invade our coast and fill up all the 4 Star hotels .

    This Tory government is a mess. In fact they they have the nerve to call themselves Conservatives. We the ordinary people of Great Britain have , once again to bear the burden.


    • Londoner says:

      Taffman, It’s been very obvious on the BBC News website for days now, that they are working them selves up to one of their campaigns. They are determined to pressure us into taking Afghan refugees, as if we haven’t populated the country with untold numbers of Islamic fighting men already. No doubt our Tory government will endeavour to out-liberal the liberals in their response.

      The UK and most of Europe’s days as a free continent are numbered. Sharia law and ‘convert or die’ won’t be long in coming.


    • Banania says:

      Will there ever come a time when we get to have a say in deciding these things?


  32. Up2snuff says:

    If you want an example of BBC dishonesty, you could do worse than

    TWatO Watch #1 – Yes, there are lots of unfilled jobs, but what is the unemployment figure?

    Jonny Dymond does not tell us.

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Yes, there are lots of unfilled jobs, but what is the unemployment figure?

    The BBC are very coy, diverting readers of this article to the three month rolling figure to June, which apparently is down to 4.7%. But from what to this figure? And how many thousands does it reduce unemployment by? UK unemployment was over 1.6 million not so long ago. The BBC are not saying.

    I wonder why?

    The claimant count July to August only fell by just under 8,000.

    Why the subterfuge? I sense the BBC has a narrative on this. Would it be anything to do with Brexit?

    I wonder . . . …..


  33. Guest Who says:

    If seeking a credible person who knows what the Taliban ‘understands’, some bbc bird in a bbc studio is hardly a great start.


    • vlad says:

      She asks: What does it mean “they will work within the Islamic framework?”

      At last the question stupid liberals don’t ask, or refuse to understand.

      It means they will do all the barbaric things Islam mandates!!

      Sharia, beheadings, underage female war ‘brides’, sex slaves, mutilations, violent intolerance of other religions, worldwide jihad, etc etc.



    • Guest Who says:

      See, all good.


  34. Sluff says:

    Been out today and on return notice the BBC headlining with a photo of hundreds of Afghans feeing on a US transport plane.

    Let’s look more closely.
    Almost all of them are young and male.
    I think that tells you quite a lot.
    No guts, no bottle and leave their families and womenfolk to their fate.
    Do we really want such people in the West?


    • BRISSLES says:

      I wonder if Pixie Balls and Lineker will step up offering a room. If there are ‘tens of thousands’ coming here it doesn’t bear thinking about. That’s the size of another town for God’s sake ! More housing wanted, a further drain on the health services – more of ’em standing on inner city street corners. I think that about sums it up. If they’re too gutless to stand and fight why the hell should we have to suffer for it ?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Brissles, my dear old thing – well it is still the cricket season even if the BBC only care about the footie – how are you? Hope your pain has lessened and/or is manageable. Any news on help from the NHS?


      • digg says:

        Done deal I’m afraid Brissles, no doubt we will be commenting on their nasty crimes in the UK in short time. And Boris will be looking the other way with his other face.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Sluff, re the US transport plane picture.

      It’s like one of those pictures you get every day in the Daily Mail.
      Find the bee in the flowers or find the shell in amongst the fish.
      So it’s, find the female in amongst the mostly peaceful men.


    • digg says:



  35. Philip_2 says:

    A TOP TALENT*countdown from the ‘hot hits’ of 20/21. Courtsey of the BBC soundclip (audio)
    [audio src="" /]
    Listen whilst you read this from Alan Freeman (deceased) but fondly remembered.

    * the mind boggles who are the worst talent in the BBC. There is a lot of competition for dreary dross. Its this the best they’ve got ‘in-house’?

    Image: (Not showing)



  36. taffman says:

    Of late I have been listening to GB News instead of Al Beeb . Its a breath of fresh air now that we can tune in to a non woke broadcaster. There is hope that it may displace Al Beeb as our national broadcaster in the near future.


  37. Foscari says:

    Actually the BBC looks like the perfect media partner for the
    Talliban as they are with the BLM organization. Anything
    to do with women’s rights can be swept under the carpet.
    The fact that the Taliban are Islamists, trumps every other
    consideration so far as BIG BROTHER at the diversity department
    at the BBC is concerned. And big brother controls every aspect
    of BBC output.


  38. vlad says:

    The BBC seems to think the Taliban will have to tone down their barbarity a bit to get Western aid and investment.

    Maybe so, or can they manage without the West? Already Russia and China have declared they’ll work with the Taliban, and those two countries are not the least bit bothered by such quaint notions as human rights, women’s rights etc. No doubt many other countries will follow, rich muslim states for a start.


  39. taffman says:

    “Greater Manchester Police chief scraps ‘tosh’ Citizens’ Contract”
    Could this be the beginning of the end of Wokisim?
    Perhaps it will inspire our so called Tory PM will scarp the Tosh Al Beeb?


  40. Northern Voter says:

    Not to worry, this years charity prog in November will be Afghans in need.


  41. Dover Sentry says:

    The situation in Afghanistan is going to get worse before it gets even worse than that.

    This will become the new ISIS.

    If ‘militants’ here want to go to Afghanistan, will the French allow them to land in rubber boats on way there?


  42. digg says:

    I sense the BBC have decided to gradually and sneakily endorse the filth world animals who have filled the vacuum in Afghanistan.

    Suddenly human right especially women’s rights are not a factor. All that matters is that the Taliban now need to be seen as an anti USA movement so are to be celebrated.

    They are beneath contempt!


  43. digg says:

    I sense the BBC are now settling into their happy place re the Taliban.

    Suddenly human rights and in particular women’s rights are insignificant compared to the need to hate the West.

    The Taliban are now to be regarded as poster boys in the fight against the imperial white West.

    I expect much more BBC info in how they are “stabilising” the region now.

    To the BBC, the dark ages of absolute brutal male repression on the Country is more than palatable by “our national broadcaster”.

    They are parasites!


    • Fedup2 says:

      If the taliban are ok then there’s no need to export thousands of Afgees to Blighty is there?


  44. digg says:

    This Site seems to be blocking my posts, have we been taken over by Facebook?


  45. digg says:

    Maybe not but I am getting very strange things happening when I post….

    Could be my browser but very random stuff, logging me out or a mentioning duplicate posts which disappear then reappear.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Absolutely no idea what your problem is – or whether there is trouble with the site – seems ok to me today …


      • digg says:

        Hi Fedup, it was a bizarre few minutes but seems to have settled down now. I promise I wasn’t hallucinating!


  46. digg says:

    There is NO other way to look at this than a PR release by the BBC on behalf of and in support of the Taliban.


  47. theisland says:


    • JimS says:

      “We have our way of life and they have theirs.”

      No, we had our way of life but we are now rapidly taking on theirs.


  48. digg says:

    Is there no end to this bizarre female (BBC activist) quest to prove men are absolute shits?

    I now see that the latest raft of adverts from are suggesting you can find all those woke women in your past who fought against horrible male misogyny.

    It is nothing more than a pantomime and would be funny if these companies were not in it for the money.


  49. Guest Who says:

    The U.K. media.


    • Fedup2 says:

      What a great story – even including the word ‘ reportedly ‘ – maybe Spielberg can make another awful film out of it with a dog called ‘Joey’ being rescued from the taliban and being reunited with its owner – Tom Hanks ( obviously ) …