Parliament is recalled today to talk about ……. The failure of the US/UK in Afghanistan . An opportunity for the BBC to push its agenda of increased numbers of foreigners coming to the UK as well as spending more on overseas giveaways . It’s not bias – it is BBC social policy – paid for by legal extortion .
Midweek Thread 18 August 2021
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So it’s going to be 20000 Afghan migrants for the UK. Are these migrants going to abandon thier medieval culture and traditions and adapt to the culture and traditions of the country offering them freedom from oppression and tyranny? You bet they ain’t. They will continue as if they where still in Afghanistan the only difference will be is that they will live in unaccustomed luxury not having to, or be expected to contribute to the country that offers them sanctuary, freedom, prosperity and safety.
At least they will have lots of people like them to help them to settle in.
More important. They will have ready access to ignorant Infidels for Jihad, and thus entry to paradise for them and 72 other relatives. The supply of clueless unarmed Infidels in Afghanistan is strictly limited. Which is an important consideration for getting to paradise.
Win win. The trouble is that politicians and their advisors are wilfully ignorant.
Women, children and religious minorities will be prioritised in a new UK resettlement scheme for 20,000 Afghan refugees, Boris Johnson will announce
What religious minorities? All of them have either been killed or driven out.
All we are getting out of this is a shorter time period to an Islamic Britain. a shorter time period to an Islamic Britain..
So true. 20,000 now – is that couples or young single men ? because we’re looking at a breeding rate of at least 3 per mating, plus those that are already here, and Islam will be the overriding religion before the end of this century. Though our current bunch of politicians will be dismissing this bigger picture in their rush to give them house room.
The ones in danger from the Taliban I expect. Which will be all men. And their families if they have them. And all their relatives eventually.
Countries that have recently or will have soon depopulated:
Hong Kong
would it not be more sensible to send Afghans to these countries?
Absolutely. If the UK really thinks it has to spend taxpayers money on this, it should transport them to one of your list along with some pocket money to get them on their feet.
But I suspect the Afghans don’t want to go there.
No houses and benefits.
My preference would be to send them to islamic paradises like Iran, Iraq, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, where they would integrate so much better.
Its not realised that for Islam, an expanding Muslim population is not just ready fuel for Jihad but is also an export commodity. Therefore exporting Muslim populations to an Islamic country is pointless and wasteful of Muslim numbers.
Muslim populations will be sent to Infidel (Christians) countries if possible. From the list above, one can scratch virtually all of them. Hong Kong, Burma etc are out, as these two do not appreciate the blessings of a Muslim population. Both are very dangerous for Muslims.
That leaves the West. Plenty of money in Benefits and a clueless and deliberately misguided population.
Right now all those Pakistanis who were pretending to be Syrians have become Afghans.
Its known ( Churchill’s “Frontier Wars”, or John Masters “Bugles and a Tiger”), that even trusted interpreters would be passing information to Afghan fighters. Most of the trusted interpreters now were in it for the money, and the near certainty, that they and their extended family will be American soon. Then they can carry on the Demographic Jihad or worse, as mandated by Islam.
Paratroopers told ‘prepare for face-to-face combat’ in tense Afghanistan rescue mission
Britain is actually sending the SAS and paras to go to Kabul to rescue people, including American civilians. Confront the Taleban if necessary.
Meanwhile the US 82nd is nowhere to be seen.
It’s far worse than this because the bottler has said they don’t even need a passport and officials not to ask too many questions, meaning the whole Islamic world from that region will be able to walk into Britain with an open door policy.
No entry for persecuted Christians, remember. Our resident moslems wouldn’t like it.
There aren’t any Christians or Buddhists in Afghanistan to make any difference. There are a few Sikhs and Hindus. But I’m sure PM Modi will make arrangements for them.
The BBC big headline today, second bullet point:
‘Uncertain times ahead for Afghan women’
And just below:
Kabul hotel : Taliban guards, no women
Further down:
‘Women won’t be silenced by the Taliban’
And finally an author forced to apologise because she wore a burka.
No mention at all of the men who are being murdered in cold blood for their part helping the West. Their future is not uncertain.
It seems that in the land of the woke far-Left, men are now worthless. Except when their colour allows them to be used as weapons against white ones.
Oh – and except when it involves actually doing anything useful in the world like all the hard work.
I wonder what percentage of the wokerati are women.
Or ‘women with dicks’… to misquote Mz Greer?
I’ll bet the majority of them feel more comfortable in groups of women than they do in groups of men.
Life for women in the 90s under the Taliban was like living in prison, and they are correct to consider their plight..
But you are right that a responsible broadcaster should consider everyone.
Please don’t let the woke turn you against all women, and don’t assume all women are woke.
But women in general have kept silent while woke women ran the anti-male show in public and the law.
What is obvious from the Afghan debacle, is that freedom for women cannot exist unless men are there to protect them.
Churchill, “We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.”
All those strong martial women who can take on men is just Hollywood.
Freedom for women cannot exist unless men are there to protect them. Look what is happening to women in Afghanistan or any Muslim country.
Even here. If the situation changes and men assert themselves, no need for violence, most women will submit.
20,000, who will then be entitled to import their spouses, parents, grandparents, other children, other spouses etc… … so, let’s say 80 or 90,000, e.g. the population of Bath, or is that a bit conservative?
They’ll all move to London, or other large cities, displacing a similar number of Britons who will then move to small, rural towns, turning them into much larger, and no longer rural towns…
If there’s one thing I AM sick of hearing its the old chestnut “Britain has always had a proud record of offering sanctuary to those seeking safe refuge”. This was fine a 100 plus years ago when we had a few rag tag and bobtails pitch up from the odd revolution going on in Europe, and we all lived a shorter life, but its certainly not feasible now when we’re bursting at the seams. Where the hell are they going to put 20,000 plus bodies ? in tents in a field like Glastonbury ???
Brissles, only a few days ago those very same people were telling us what a racist, bigoted country we are too!
100% agree BigBrother-it is incomprehensible that the government are allowing such a number of people we knowing virtually nothing about-what plagues or diseases they might be carrying, none or very few will speak English, which means interpreters at vast cost, so the Home Secretary says, housing will be provided, at whose expense? Ours- will these people be checked for terrorists? No of course not but we can be sure there will be terroists elements amnogst them. As has been said before, arrangements should hev been made to accom those feeling into countries that are co-religionsts-Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey et al-not to countries whose culture is a million miles away from Islam. It really does beggar belief that we and no doubt other European countries are accepting these Afgahans, and where a few have settled already, waves of crimes are being committed by them. Its all just unbelievable, yet there it is.
should say fleeing not feeling.
Dont forget chain migration. The actual numbers will ruin into the millions and continue to future generations after, as the will settled go back to Afghanistan to bring back spouses. That is why whole villages in Pakistan are empty. They are all here. So they will get their spouses from nearby villages.
And so it continues.
will these people be checked for terrorists? No of course not but we can be sure there will be terrorists elements amongst them.
Even if not, the next generation will continue the Jihad as mandated by the Koran. Its not that we need proof. We have it.
If you require a neat summation of the batshit mental extremes currently operating at the outer regions of the hard Left, read this:
Take your time. Read it thoroughly, to the end, even when the urge to punch your own skull repeatedly in hysteric frustration becomes too much to bear. Then realise, this is the wider end of a thin wedge that predates the lunatic fringe trying to shoehorn gender studies education into Afghan society, or programs encouraging young sheepherders to explore their identity in the name of intersectionality.
We are talking about a minority so spoilt, so cosseted, so bored, so desperate for attention and lacking in fundamental honesty, they reject the idea other people exist in ways that they themselves do not. Abandoned to their own devices, and with no rigorous challenge to their autonomy, they have been engulfed by a megalomania not seen since the days of Hitler and his accomplices.
The identitarian Left is now a circus of the insane, where a whole new language exists for gender akin to the classification of genus in species and thus attempts the impossible: that any person may randomly define their identity within a particular moment, yet demand the acceptance of that definition unequivocally and without question. Forget trans rights, this is a particular type of hell even the most cynical of us never saw coming. Nothing will ever be complex or controlling enough for these madmen and women, which suggests an obvious double standard: we criticise the Taliban for their ‘medieval ‘ attitudes, yet are we not now encumbered in the West by societal demands which are even more absurd and dangerous?
Critical mass is approaching. I trust everybody is ready for the tipping point, if we haven’t already experienced it this week…
My younger, extreme left relatives grew up playing Warhammer and the like, inventing complex rules based on the ‘immutable characteristics’ of their expensive lumps of white metal and plastic.
It now sounds a lot like what you describe.
Is Games Workshop responsible for the end of civilisation as we knew it? It is certainly responsible for a lot of people now nearing their forties, having achieved nothing, living in fantasy worlds.
My youngish, well middle aged actually, relatives think of themselves as typical uk voters and as such think immigration has n the whole been good, that CO2 will fry their children within fifty years and that Trump was the devil incarnate. Basically forty years of BBC propaganda and the educational systems has comprehensively brain washed them.
Last week end we managed to have a discussion re the Green Agenda, I know from past experience that any mention , even only a faintly positive one, of Trump or negative view of mass immigration brings any discussion to an angry end within seconds.
They didn’t know how much it would cost the country to go green or who would pay for it . When I suggested at least fifty thousand a family over the next ten years they refused to believe it and were horrified when I said that eventually it would have to be paid by ordinary people just like them one way or another. They , being typically middle class lefties , don’t really think much about costs .
When asked if they thought that it was worth spending so much money when China , India et al were producing ever more CO2 and already produced about 70 times what the UK did, they sulked for a bit and then went off to get more to drink. They didn’t come back.
It really does seem that even the middle aged have lost the power of common sense and thought.
I’m glad India and China are producing CO2. CO2 is a beneficial trace gas that increases vegetation and agriculture without increasing acreage. Do everything to produce CO2. Its good for mankind.
Plants produce Oxygen to breathe and power for us and primary source of energy – gas and oil. Hopefully coal will be back soon.
Recall that Climate change fraud, aka known as AGW and AG Freeze, are the products of Lefty thinking. The thinking that led to slaughter of hundreds of millions in the last century.
So basically it’s a Star Trek flag ?
That flag is clearly connected with Durham University.
Then realise, this is the wider end of a thin wedge that predates the lunatic fringe trying to shoehorn gender studies education into Afghan society, or programs encouraging young sheepherders to explore their identity in the name of intersectionality.
Its coming out that the American Left has been forcing gender equality and transition on Afghans, particularly women What we have now is that Afghans, men and women, want no part of this bat shit left American scheize. They have revolted and would rather have the Taleban they know and is islamic.
Re: the above
Click the permalink for the full technicolour fairytale.
From Trump’s ‘permantly taken down’ (according to the BBC who you can trust) blog:
‘What took place yesterday in Afghanistan made our withdrawal from Vietnam look like child’s play. Perhaps in World history, there has never been a withdrawal operation that has been handled so disastrously. A President who has been illegitimately elected has brought great shame, in many ways, to our Country!’
A statement like this from the previous democratically elected President would be a prominent headline if the BBC were impartial.
These are some of the things they reported Obamas saying about Trump:
Obama criticises Hispanic voters who picked Trump
Michelle Obama: Trump is ‘wrong president’ for US
Obama blasts Trump’s ‘reality show’ presidency
Obama criticises Trump administration’s virus response
Stop whining, Obama tells Donald Trump
Trump presidency: Obama says he may comment as citizen
These are just the top results from a quick search.
I struggle to understand how people can claim the BBC is not biased. Particularly politicians. It’s a complete lie and I suspect everyone knows it.
The world is run by liars and hypocrites. Always has been and always will be.
You would think that the pictures from Afghanistan or Haiti over the past few days would help Western woke warriors keep things in perspective wouldn’t you? Maybe count themselves lucky, maybe help them to appreciate fully the liberties and freedoms they can enjoy?
No chance. Not here. Not now.
Channel 4 have apologised “for any offence caused” because a contestant on Countdown was given 7 points for coming up with the word “poofter” in a word round. It’s in the dictionary, 7 letters, 7 points. Seems pretty straightforward and inoffensive doesn’t it?
Well it’s not. Apparently this “drew controversy on social media”. Seriously, who the f#£& finds this offensive?
Richard Osman for one. A comedian, apparently, not just a quiz show sidekick and straight Stephen Fry-lite, who says it shouldn’t have been aired. He works for the bBbc, so his being offended for others matters. And so it seems does the really-offended Scott Bryan, the “poofter” who first complained about it. What are the odds on that? Or course I’m obviously not calling him a poofter, but apparently homophobes used to call him that all the time when he was growing up. Now that’s real persecution and hardship right there, being called a pansy in the playground, having your feelings hurt by a few bullies who teased you because of your sexuality, it’s right up there with being beheaded or pushed off a building. He’s obviously scarred for life whereas in Afghanistan at the minute thousands are actually scared for their lives.
Have a quick look at his bio and the first few pictures. Says it all. He’s a sad soyboy-stereotype straight, or not, out of media studies cliched casting, a perfect example of and poster-boy for how utterly pathetic, detached and irrelevant the frivolous bBbc and their ilk have become.
The truly disgusting thing about Afghanistan is that the woke are ignoring the torture and murder of the men and focussing on the women who can’t go out shopping on their own any more.
And for the other stuff, I bet it’s not the gay people who are offended. It’s the warriors whose lives are completely empty without the attention they can get on twatter.
And as for Richard Osman, a rule of thumb for me is that anyone who reminds you of your history teacher is far-Left and lives in an imaginary world full of people like them.
Hard to believe this was broadcast only 20 years ago, and on our beloved BBC as well…
It always amazes me how selective the twatter hypocrites are about who they want to cancel.
I suppose it doesn’t matter to them who it is : it’s the group hate and that shallow, nasty self-satisfaction at destroying someones life when they succeed they crave.
I have heard a rumour that the Herman Munster lookalike Richard Osman has written some sort of book. However, I cannot be certain as he never mentions it on any of the many BBC shows he is invited on. Quite right too, there is no advertising on the BBC is there?
The Paul Watson of old has returned! Watch it while its still up.
I wondered who would be the first to respond to the shocking announcement about welcoming thousands more economic migrants and terrorists.
I was hoping Raab would be a patriotic alternative to Boris.
How wrong I was
Superb! What good will it do? We are treated with contempt.
The real consequence is still to come, as we lose our once Christian nation to Islam.
This is what will happen when and as we lose our faith in God and turn our face from Him.
Raab is the son (2nd generation) of immigrants / refugees.
Britain’s important policies are not run by ministers or even the PM but by an unelected person at no. 10.
Aye. But let’s not forget who said what back in the day.
Nobody seems bothered about torture and murder any more.
Is that the Andrew Neil whose Spectator allows muslims to spread their deception about the true nature of islam?
Simpo chips in with… an uneasy feeling.
It’s called The Left and the man they made President Johnny boy. Not that people like you will ever admit it.
It wasn’t like that at all just a few short months ago.
I was just thinking, this is bad enough with grandpa Joe in charge – but can anyone even begin to imagine what a situation like this would be like with Harris in charge ?.
This is the reality of choosing the vice president simply because she is a coloured woman. I wonder if it is dawning on the people who voted for them yet.
I predict support for their government is about to implode.
Can’t grandpa be impeached as being unfit to hold office ?. I hope they can do that before he is removed by the puppeteers.
I too get the feeling that it is beginning to dawn on the MSM, the BBC, the commentariat, even John Simpson, even the dead and non-existent Democrats who swung the election for Biden, that their man is weak, feeble, incompetent and a threat to the security of the western world.
Al-Qaeda have their safe haven again from which to launch their worldwide campaign of terror. The woke establishment is now imagining a fearful future and beginning to trace the blame for the next 9/11 back not just to Joe Biden – but to themselves. Their collective efforts ousted Trump, the strongest leader we have had in decades, and installed a pathetic leftist buffoon. This reality is beginning to seep into their consciousness. Jihadi threats of the Pope being beheaded live on TV, feminists being stoned to death, women forced to wear burqas and denied education, poofters being thrown off high buildings, Sharia Law everywhere – these things are slightly less unimaginable than they once were to the wokerati.
Our enemies are strengthened and emboldened. They see their vision of world domination as a realistic possibility now. I agree with them. They are murderous bastards but they are also stronger than us – they are hard men, religious fanatics, indefatigable fighters who actually want to die on the battlefield. We haven’t got soldiers like that. Our armies are increasingly made up of women, transgenders and wimps who worry about being white. Unless Trump or someone like him returns, I see only one ultimate winner.
There is a bit of me which thinks the Biden people assessed what would happen if they pulled out in terms of American voters – not really caring about the effect on other countries –
The assumption being that US voters don’t give a damn as long as their boys are not in ‘harms ‘ way ;….
And let ‘the next guy ‘ deal with the consequences .
But I reckon a lot of countries who might have been supportive of American adventures in the future now might be more than reluctant … and who can blame them …
So if there is another 9/11 – with a bunch of Saudi jihadists doing the same again to america – there might not be the support that might expect ..dumb .
Yes, I can understand the American desire for isolationism. But, whether they like it or not, what happens in the rest of the world sooner or later affects them. They can’t hide their heads in the sand. In my view, they needed to stay in Afghanistan for as long as it takes. All that was required was the continuing support role that they had been doing. It wasn’t costing American lives and it kept the Taliban and Al-Qaeda down. The Romans kept a military presence on Hadrian’s Wall for three hundred years because that was what it took to maintain peace in their province of Britannia.
Impeaching Joe is one of the many ways in which he can be made to leave the way open for President Kamala.
America was founded by people who broke their oath to God and country (England) and waged war on it.
So no a surprise that they have always broken their oath. That is why native Americans trusted England’s promises then America’s.
You are right.
This incident is serious enough to destroy any confidence that Trump built up in Asia and Australasia, could rely on the USA.
It cant. America has always broken its oath. Best is for Japan, Korea, SE Asia, Australia and India to form a strategic defence alliance.
Its important that America is excluded as it has a tendency to cut and run. Its a weak link.
How many Conservative MPs will have the courage to stand up to Boris in parliament today?
Cometh the hour, cometh the BBC selected gob.
Why do we care what he thinks ?.
They represent precisely 1.69% of the total government. Nobody wants what they are selling.
I think the BBC have a hard time accepting that.
Getty on break?
No, no, they are just following the AP and BBC guidelines for photos to illustrate edu-kashun:
1st choice – Use photos of coloured females, preferably wearing headscarves or with frizzy, fly away hair.
2rd choice – Use photos of coloured males, preferably black but token South Asians acceptable. In such situations, the catchline should explain that they all want to be architects, doctors, or architectural doctors.
3rd choice – Use photos of White females, preferably hugging and smiling to subliminally indicate sistahood.
Above all, no photographs of White males are permitted. These are to be reserved for illustrating stories about knife crime in London.
No – the article now has a Getty picture of 4 girls celebrating ‘all clear’ tests.
It’s just been opened for comment too. Though I won’t bother : they always delete mine as ‘off topic’.
Might be worth checking with Springster and getting ‘analysis’ from Sopes?
Women in Britain need to be afraid , very afraid. We have a weak prime minister and a weak police force .
Ever since high profile figures in this country started to advocate for the recognition of sharia here (I have no idea why they did) I have had concerns for myself and also for muslim women here who I believe deserve the same protection under British law as me.
So the leader and founder of the Taliban has left QATAR to
become the head of state in Afghanistan. He seems a moderate
kind of bloke. Maybe there was a misunderstanding when he
was numero uno last time? Terrorist training camps? Girls over 12
not being allowed to go to school? Gays being thrown from roof tops? Limbs being hacked off in the name of the religion of peace?Stonings to death? All misunderstood ? So his mentor the Qataris, who are they? Oh yes the World Cup
is taking place there next year. But as long as the BBC can show
our noble footballers for a few weeks can forget about buying
their next Lambourgini and going down on their knees in
subservience to the BLM then everything’s ok. The 4000 from
the Indian sub continent who have died building the stadiums?
Well ,all lives matter, but some matter more than others. Yes BBC
what a wonderful country you will be showing the World Cup
from. BIG BROTHER at the diversity department must be in
The BME leads with the exciting news of how welcome ‘we’ are, with an image of two women and children on a runway, left behind by the 600 lads who… mostly… got in the plane.
By Nafeesa Shan
UK to welcome 20,000 Afghan refugees
Story detail
Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul – subsequently claiming victory after the government collapsed – foreign countries have been scrambling to evacuate their nationals and those Afghans who supported US-led forces over 20 years. The UK is one of those countries and the government has now promised to resettle up to 20,000 Afghan refugees. Women, girls and others in need will be given priority in the plan, which will allow 5,000 eligible refugees to set up home in the UK in the first year. “We owe a debt of gratitude to all those who have worked with us to make Afghanistan a better place,” says Prime Minister Boris Johnson, announcing the Afghan Citizens’ Resettlement Scheme ahead of Parliament being recalled later. Though welcomed, Labour’s shadow home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds says “this proposal does not meet the scale of the challenge”.
The government’s pledge comes as the Taliban’s top political leaders landed back in Afghanistan from Qatar where many were in exile, and after the group gave their first news conference on Tuesday. Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid did most of the talking as reporters asked a wide range of questions. The Taliban say “no harm will be done” to all those who worked for foreign powers and women’s rights will be respected “within the framework of Islamic law”. However, women face uncertainty, with one who worked for the Afghan government saying she didn’t see her future in Afghanistan as being safe. And one man – who has applied to relocate – says he has received “some warnings” from the Taliban. Meanwhile, British-Afghans who have previously fled the country have revealed their devastation and guilt about the current situation. Ministers acknowledge the practicalities of getting people out of Afghanistan will be considerably more complicated because of the extent of Taliban control, says our political correspondent, Nick Eardley. And government insiders don’t know the extent to which the new regime will allow people to flee, he adds. To keep up to date with this story follow our live page.
Some ‘mostly peaceful’ warnings alluded to, and I might add my own.
These prioritised moppets are coming from Bedrock-on-Sodom, a scorched dump, to sunny Britain.
Why? There is nothing here with which they are familiar or can identify with.
Inevitably they will stick together. They will get more miserable and frustrated, and given the unlikelihood of integration will react poorly. The only people here who will find this tolerable will be the politico-media weasels comfortably nowhere near where they get dumped, feeling virtuous. Gary will chew some dope with the lads. Lily will get her brood to have a tea party with a full crew beaming on.
And then they will vanish, leaving cold, wet, educationally distinct individuals to breed and fester until something breaks.
At which point the BBC’s entire cubicle gardens will start worrying about how several tens of millions are not making way for the invasive species imposed in its midst.
What happened out there was a cluster FUBAR. Importing it here seems less than smart to assuage political guilt and calm ideological media criticism.
In fairness – 20000 afgees is only 2 months of English Channel arrivals – maybe they can all get together – they’d be half the size of the British Army ….
BBC Radio 4
In 2015, Adam Curtis made a TV documentary called Bitter Lake. It’s a different and more emotional way of depicting what happened in the last four decades in Afghanistan.
It’s on BBC iPlayer
A different and more emotional way of depicting things adequately summarises ‘news’ today.
Not a good one.
Patel knows what the bbc wants.
And… yes…. emotion!
BBC News
“Everybody got very emotional… most of us began to cry a lot.”
Hassina Syed, a business owner who managed to escape from Afghansitan as the Taliban took over, describes the atmosphere on board the rescue planes full of people fleeing the country.
BBC Newsnight
If it blubs, it’s subbed…
2 comments to that interview:
1. I don’t want our policies being decided by touchy-feely-weepy politicians interviewed by touchy-feely-weepy journalists. I want hard-headed, clear-eyed politicians who do what’s best for the nation.
2. Priti gave the wrong answer to Kay Burley when asked ‘are we doing the right thing pulling out our troops following the United States?’. Correct answer: we had absolutely no choice whatsoever once they decided to leave.
But then you wouldn’t expect weepy girlies to understand military matters.
‘I want hard-headed, clear-eyed politicians who do what’s best for the nation.’
At the risk of triggering a few people……Thatcher.
Hide the peeled onion.
Sometimes BBC staff do us a great favour . This time it is an autocue reader called ‘huw Edwards ‘who is also a professional Welshman .
The DT – Alison Pierson does a full job on Huw – who has spoke about his distress of taking a pay cut from £500 000 a year to £400 000 a year at the BBC .
Clearly he has been hard done by and our thoughts are with him – but not the kind of thoughts he’d like much .
I did a quick check on mr edwards extra curricular activities . He sells himself for public appearances for between £11000 and £15000 a go – a fee this grammar school educated chap would have got without appearing on the state broadcaster – right ?
The number above is sourced from a price guide put out by an agency which puts Huw as a 4 star on a scale of 6 …
Has Gary Lineker started a GoFundMe for the poor mite?
Toady this morning was less of a news programme and more of a magic money tree activity.
Here are some of the ‘good causes’ the BBC editors think taxpayers should fund.
1. I think I heard a figure of £570 million more for sixth formers in schools and colleges.
2. Not enough research spending is taking place on behalf of ME sufferers
3. Ex serving Gurkhas should receive UK level pensions when they go back to live in Nepal
…..and the big one
4. Resettlement of 20,000 random Afghans into the UK. But wait? Any advance on this? Apparently the Labour Party want 35,000.
Not covered by the cretinous BBC. Where will all the money come from?
Expect another long list of BBC good causes tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And the……….
I don’t think that Gurkha bloke his doing his people many favours . Time to dump them and recruit more British kids to fight meaningless wars 3000 mile away because America wants it …
At least some Yanks are going to put up some resistance to Afghan resettlement in their country
A good point to be made is that the calls are that are for open borders from the left are not because they care about the migrants but because the want to destroy the fabric of western countries.
I wonder if anybody in the UK will stand against the latest disgusting betrayal of Britain?
I have lost all faith in Johnson, Patel, and Raab.
BBC News
In the group’s first news conference since taking control of Afghanistan, a spokesman gave no details of what these freedoms would include.
So, just a typical ‘news’ conference, then.
An interesting discussion about the BBC by two people who should know:
“Former BBC journalist Robin Aitken (author of “Can We Trust the BBC?”) interviews Rod Liddle, his former boss on BBC Radio 4’s “Today” programme, about BBC bias and the left’s gradual takeover of the national broadcaster — once a conservative institution — over several decades.
In a wide-ranging discussion covering their experiences at the institution, the gradual erosion of BBC impartiality and the decline of trust in the organisation, Rod Liddle and Robin Aitken also consider whether reform is desirable and achievable or whether the institution should be scrapped completely.”
(My personal opinion on that last question: the rotten institution should be smashed to bits and bulldozed into the ground for all the harm it’s done to our nation.)
Six degrees of shami chakrabati – and interesting concept – that every institution links to her ….
TOADY Watch #1 – no mention of the unemployment figures on the BBC
I wonder why? First half-hour of TOADY: the News and first look at the newspapers: UK to take 20,000 refugees fleeing the nice cuddly Taliban in Afghanistan. The Labour leader says “The UK isn’t doing enough.” Then on to a news item about job vacancies and someone with a vested interest in getting some free advertising on the station that doesn’t do advertising: M/s Deeley of the Deeley Group involved in construction.
There has been a shortage of construction workers for about a quarter of a century. Not mentioned by M/s Deeley. There’s a surprise! The Governments of the Day (ie. Labour, then Coalition, then Conservative) have all attempted to do something about this with, arguably, the Conservatives having done the most in their recent attempts at apprenticeships and a re-arrangement of education – in the face of opposition – to incorporate ‘T’ levels.
Under Labour, unemployment stuck resolutely at 1.3million despite “the longest ever period of sustained growth in the UK economy.”. That may have been down to the relatively high inflation that Labour ran from 1997-2010. You can have employment or you can have inflation but you cannot have both at the same time. Or so I was taught by an economics teacher and by experience.
The Coalition Government had a good record of creating jobs while the UK population increased, mostly via immigration, but still unemployment ran at more than 1m, if my memory serves me well.
The Conservative Government had the best record on job creation and reducing unemployment until the Pandemic hit. Again, if my memory works OK, the unemployment numbers went over 2m briefly last year before collapsing back to under that figure, somewhere between 1.6m and 2m. I must go visit the ONS web-site. I wonder if the BBC have checked with them?
“There has been a shortage of construction workers for about a quarter of a century.”
Now, to be, more than enough – provided you don’t mind them building with mud and other such ‘natural’ ingredients…………
Next problem: No Sun to dry the mud.
The government’s unemployment /employment figures game is a joke.
A Millions or two ‘disabled ‘ not counted as unemployed.
Also a huge number of peope working only a few hours a week, claiming fat top up benefit credits payments, but are somehow counted under working.
Eg a small new butchers, near me in North Yorkshire is opening, advertising for 3 assistants, 16 hours each.
Basically one job split into three.
They’ll earn maybe £140 a week and being low paid qualify for government assistance in order to live.
Guess that’s the whole idea: make the workers dependent on the government and pathetically grateful..
Vacancy figures pulled from thin air.
BBC love them looking so high, as it creats a fake need for ever more immigrants.
Shortage of construction workers..?
Well some trades, not all, and it’s also regional.
And there’s certainly no shortage of labourers.
Eddy, I checked the NHS site and those vacancy figures are accurate. I would hope that the ONS is trustworthy. Hope. Hope.
Is “construction” what we used to call “building”?
And is “new build” the same as “newly built”?
Several years ago the Cameron government, under pressure from the wokes and snowflakes, agreed to resettle 20,000 people from Syria.
All of a sudden, without debate, without any analysis, this has become the de facto accepted level of ‘refugees’ into this country.
The government is apparently going to accept this number of Afghans.
Why? This smacks of a weak government anticipating a flood of woke,snowflake, pressure groups demands to ‘help vulnerable Afghans’. It is thus absolutely pathetic. But already the Labour Party has climbed on to the virtue-signalling bandwagon. 20,000 is too low. It should be 35,000.
Any advance? Do I hear 50,000? 100,000?
Who in government has got the guts to say ‘beyond the interpreters and others who provided the UK with direct help, our resettlement level will be zero? That we owe them absolutely nothing. And we are going to prioritise UK taxpayers and existing UK communities. We are not going to dump hundreds of non-English speaking Afghans randomly on unsuspecting local communities’.
Just imagine the Far Left demos in London if Boris said that. He won’t of course.
The overseas budget could be used to pay for them!
Slash it completely, as we’re spending it on immigrants all over the place, in GB anyway!
Of course, the citizens who actually provide the money by taxataion are expected to get ‘enriched’, but they’re (we’re) actually getting ‘enfleeced’, and paying for it all twice. The usual methods for cop-outs by feeble governments.
20,000 is just under the population level of a town the size of Hayward’s Heath. I’m guessing very few of these migrants will end up there.
Get ready London, more friends are on their way.
No problem. Once the 20,000, all young men, bring in their 4 wives and 12 children each, followed closely by another 50 ‘close’ relatives, that number will soon rise.
The veil comes off in Scotland as the veils most definitely stay on Afghanistan in this Commonwealth edition
This morning the Guardian complains on behalf of: ‘The women forced out of work because of the menopause‘ – well, at least this isn’t the fault of the Taliban: ‘Taliban spokesman claims that women will have rights but only “within our Islamic laws”‘ (‘i’) – nothing to worry about there then – he said sarcastically.
By the way, these days shouldn’t the menopause be renamed the people-o-pause? I’m reminded of Canadian PM and former black and white minstrel fanboy Justin Trudeau, who famously corrected a young woman who referred to mankind in a question and answer session with the gentle (we like to say passive aggressive) put down: “We like to say ‘peoplekind’, not necessarily ‘mankind’, because it’s more inclusive.”
The Guardian happily quotes Labour peer Lord Dubs: ‘If the Canadians can take 20,000 Afghan refugees, why are we only taking 20,000 over five years?‘ – in answer to which one is tempted to reply Canada is a very large, still sparsely populated country, which happily voted back in their achingly PC PM who made no secret of his immigrant friendly stance – he was just a tad cagy about the precise number of times he had blacked-up for a lark – whereas here in this small island of Britain, where we already enjoy up to 500-dinghy-born migrants welcomed in per day, we actually voted in Boris who promised to take back control of our borders. Perhaps that’s why, Lord Dubs?
And on the subject of gendered nomenclature, I can’t help but note the: ‘Taliban’s PR man emerges from the shadows‘ (Times) – is dubbed Zabihulla Mujahid, and is indeed a spokesman and not a chair. The Taliban prefer to sit cross-legged on the floor. AK-47s and RPGs stacked in the corner.
Speaking of small island nations, I doubt another Commonwealth cousin will be pulling its weight, Afghan immigrant-wise, any time soon: ‘New Zealand in national lockdown after single Covid case‘ (Guardian) – things are so bad down there that we here in the UK have already had to take in thousands of displaced Hobbits, Awks and Elves: ‘Lord of the Rings television series is moving to the UK‘ (CBBC Newsround); a gown up media outlet tells us why: ‘It is thought to have been driven by New Zealand’s tight Covid lockdown restrictions, which are set to continue into at least next year. Many members of the cast are British but have already spent about two years in New Zealand, rarely able to see their families‘ (Times) – gosh, two years locked down in New Zealand… let’s hope they can successfully reintegrate into modern Britain, that’s quite a culture shock they’ll have to deal with.
The FT highlights the financial downside of Kiwi covid absolutist isolationism: ‘Single covid case hits New Zealand dollar‘
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper tends to follow the BBC and sister source the Guardian’s style of rather pedagogic reporting. That’s pedagogic meaning they are always trying to teach their audience something and that word is absolutely nothing to do with that other word beginning with a ‘p’ used to descibe the habits of certain 1970s disc jockeys. Anyway, that latter predilection is as old as the hills, as Lesley-Ann Jones in the Times today reminds us as she tackles: ‘Bob Dylan and the sordid 60s‘ – once the lawyers start getting archaeological with these cases you’ll eventually find the ancient Greeks were up to some funny business. I digress. And I digress again – to warn you that you have to be careful with unfamiliar words. I once worked at a genealogical research organisation and women would regularly phone in the mistaken belief we were eager to discus such things as their menopause – and worse.
Where were we? Ah, the ‘i’ and their pedagogy. Among the no less than six bullet points on the frontpage set out there like a lesson on what to think about the Taliban this morning we have this gem: ‘Journalists covering change of regime are warned: “The media should not work against us”‘ – just like our very own government and its clamp down over media criticism of lockdowns and vaccinations. He said, potentially stirring the hornets nest.
By the way, on vaccinations, how come there’s so many different versions apparently doing exactly the same job? ‘A new Covid-19 vaccine developed by the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline and a German partner has produced good results in initial laboratory tests‘ (Times) – seems every big pharma corporation wants a piece of the action. Seems our entire attitude to vaccination has altered lately. It used to be, with proper old-fashioned jabs, it was a simple case of one prick and you were good to go. They were sold (as it were) on the case for self-preservation. Take the jab and you won’t get the lurgy. End of. Now it is two and a booster, or a coctail of two different ones, and anyway you’re still not safe. The selling point shifting to an appeal not so much to your sense of self-preservation but to your respect and care for others. It just seems a bit fishy, that’s all.
It’s not that one wants to go full on conspiracy theorist – it’s just that governments keep prompting one toward becoming one.
‘SNP unveils “dangerous” plans to retain pandemic powers… removing the March 2022 expiry date on a host of extraordinary powers’ (Telegraph) – SNP unveils… which certainly won’t be what Afghan women will be doing any time soon.
Someone needs to ask those on the left why they are so concerned about wimmins rights in Afghanistan, as the Taleban have said unequivocally that they will protect wimmins rights within a framework of Sharia law.
This is a glaring opportunity for any mischevious interviewer because its a trap of the lefts own making. To say that there is an issue with Sharia and Wimmins rights is to admit Islam itself is mysogenistic and that is Islamofauxbia.
To deny it is to the risk being called sexist mysogenist etc etc.
There is no win situation in this for the left, which ever way they go they lose, and that is why the question is not being asked.
‘There is no win situation in this for the left, which ever way they go they lose, and that is why the question is not being asked.’
In other words, normal BBC practice.
Guess the win for the left is that islam helps breakdown our normal society.
The ‘plan’ is that the Muslims come in as a sub-contractor, ‘smash’ Western Civilisation then, when the job is done, the left say, “Thanks guys, great job! Can we have the keys back now please?”
And the Muslims say, “Stop filming please! Hah, hah! We’ve been in this business 1400 years, you lot just 140! Now get on the ground and stretch your knecks out!”
I wonder what the afgee debacle will trigger ? Now that we know america will cut and run in any circumstances- and make its allies look dumb – what else will it do when challenged ?
We may now be living in even more dangerous times than before last week .
Fed, it doesn’t take an IQ of 100+ to work out that an Islamic world anxious to make payback for the supposed sins of the West will take the refugee situation and use it to infiltrate some ‘sleepers’ into the UK. Apparently, Trudeau has said that Canada will take 20,000 Afghan refugees. I hope they are vetted well. Although the border between the US and Canada is not as porous as that, say, between France and the UK it is still possible to evade the checks, unless you are a white, Canadian of British origin. (A constant source of complaint for some of my relatives.)
They could always go to Mexico, then walk across into the US!
Scrobie, and then fly in to Heathrow. Simples.
Harking back to Stewie of M&S flogging tat in the ‘business section’.
I read this post and thought it was one of those light, throwaway stories – then looked at the bbc webshite and it is on the front page !!!!!!!!!!
Even though the story is 14 hours old at the time of writing.
OMG, the world is going to end.
Typical bbc s***-stirring but at the same time it shows just how desperate they are to undermine at every opportunity.
Plenty of peppers growing in my greenhouse, and they can’t have them, as I don’t like junk food.
Just classic BBC really. When Labour was found guilty of antisemitism it was on the main page under the politics section for a few hours before it was brushed under the carpet and never actually brought up since.
Personally though I could not care for Nandos. I have never even been to one
Nandos is not that common I’d have to go 23 miles to the only one in the whole of Lincolnshire or 20 miles and a £3 bridge toll to Hull
Sir Nick going to get… emotional?
I guess the army produces generals like ‘sir nick’ every generation – by the sound of him he’d have done well 1914 – 1918 merrily miscalculating the ability of the ‘opposition ‘ by sending boys over to catch machine gun bullets on a regular basis .
Discredited .
They knew the machine guns worked
They just calculated you could win a battle ( usually
just a field) If you had 100,000 men and they only had 50,000, by charging forwards,
so by the end of the day you’d be left with 50k the enemy zero and the field yours.
Untill the same thing happened in reverse the next day…
Listening to this idiot pontificating and delivering His Master’s Voice, I was reminded of the change in allegiance from 1984:
‘In a particularly rousing speech against their enemy, the speaker was handed a slip of paper, and in mid-sentence, without pause, without change in content or tone, he changed the name of the enemy he was speaking against to Eastasia. Eurasia was now their dearest friends. Those holding banners denouncing their enemy were suddenly embarrassed to discover they had unaccountably written the wrong name, and quickly trampled and destroyed them.
This change meant work for Winston in the Ministry of Truth:
Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. A large part of the political literature of five years was now completely obsolete. Reports and records of all kinds, newspapers, books, pamphlets, films, sound-tracks, photographs–all had to be rectified at lightning speed. Although no directive was ever issued, it was known that the chiefs of the Department intended that within one week no reference to the war with Eurasia, or the alliance with Eastasia, should remain in existence anywhere.’
Once again, we see that ‘1984’ is not just a warning – it’s being used as a blueprint.
The BBC will be calling for large numbers of ‘refugees’ to be settled in UK. (Or rather they’ll be doing that sneaky BBC thing of giving air-time to those calling for it.)
It shouldn’t need saying but it does: half the world live under unpleasant regimes of one sort or another, usually islamic or communist. And large numbers of others live in poverty. We can not and should not accept them here. As the American speaker in the Fox interview above says, it is hugely expensive to re-settle migrants and refugees, not to mention the ideological motive of the Left to change our nation and ‘rub our noses’ in diversity.
I don’t know why, Vlad, the ‘refugees’ won’t ever pay their TV tax – we will, whether we like it or not.
If they want to get stuck in and open corner shops like Idi Amin’s refugees did, then fine, but as I don’t care for the sort of grub they chuck around, they’ll not get much from the Scrobs household…
Our diversity stops at Italian wines, Senora O’Blene’s excellent currys, and Belgian beer!
“The pension “triple lock” guarantee long championed by the Conservative Government is set to be watered down next year in a move that will save the Treasury billions of pounds.”
Well something has to pay for the mess the country is in.
Boris to Biden …………………. “Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into.”
‘Human Traffickers Offer to Help Britain.’
The International Human Trafficking Organisation – IHTO – has offered to help the British government in its plan to welcome Afghan refugees to the UK. A spokesman said: “We have a common goal in ensuring as many people as possible are transported to Britain. Our motivations are different – we simply want to make money whereas globalist politicans seek to undermine their nation states by changing the demographics – but that does not mean we cannot work together. Ultimately we are both engaged in criminal enterprises, it’s just that we are more open about it.”
A government spokesman, speaking to the BBC on conditions of strict anonymity, said “It is time for a bold initiative and to speak to these people. We have only committed to welcoming 20,000 refugees and there will be enormous difficulties in getting them out of Afghanistan. However, these so-called traffickers have a proven track record and complete control over the supply chain, all the way from Kabul to the Kent coast, albeit with a bit of help from the French authorities, the Royal Navy and the RNLI at this end. It should be possible to significantly boost the numbers from the proposed 20,000 to maybe ten times as many. This will greatly increase diversity, plus the majority of the refugees are women and children who want to become doctors and engineers”.
Ian, are you sure that’s not from The BabylonBee?
The BBC have a solution to every problem:
1. Problem: Housing shortage in Britain. Solution: add to the problem by bringing in more people.
2. Problem: Record waiting lists for NHS treatment. Solution: add to the problem by bringing in more people.
3. Problem: Global warming caused (solely) by Britain producing too much pollution. Solution: add to the problem by bringing in more people.
4. Problem: Over-crowded classrooms and not enough schools. Solution: add to the problem by bringing in more people.
5. Problem: Rising violence against women and girls. Solution: add to the problem by bringing in more people (as long as they are young men from backward countries with a culture of mysogyny).
They will feel quite at home already as they will be able to see many people wearing Burkas wandering about our cities .
In fact, the burqa is relatively rare on these shores. You may be confusing it with the more common niqab, which is a veil worn across the face as an addition to the hijab. The burqa is an entire bodily covering with only a mesh screen across the eyes to allow the wearer to see.
Sick of it all
You should have gone to Specsavers.
For starters, take a walk around London.
The niqab is sick enough.
Two basic needs: housing and food
BBC’s response to severe housing shortage?
Bizarrely to Ignore it and pretend there’s food poverty instead, even though food is super cheap.
No empty shelves in my local Tesco today and I doubt that there will be tomorrow either
‘5. Problem: Rising violence against women and girls. Solution: add to the problem by bringing in more people (as long as they are young men from backward countries with a culture of mysogyny).’
Funny how the fake feminists seem to forget about the last part when they are out protesting for the latest cause.
I have, as per usual, gone on to alternative web sites to find out what is really going on away from MSM and have been truly alarmed to find that most sites have had their comments ‘turned off ‘. Fox News especially . The ‘establishment ‘ really do not want any criticism of Biden and Praise of Trump !
all MSM is a joke these days. There is no integrity in journalism. In fact there are no longer journalists just social media influencers and activists
Has Al Beeb forgotten about the Northen Alliance ?…………….
“Anti-Taliban Politician Says He’s Now the Acting President of Afghanistan: ‘The War is Not Over’ ”
Twitter banned Trump’s account.
The head of the Taliban has an active Twitter account.
Go figure…
Babylonbee doing a parody about it:
“Trump Sneaks Back On Twitter By Disguising Self As Taliban Spokesperson”
Trump has been allowed back on Twitter after disguising himself as one Donhammed Trumpistan, a newly hired spokesperson for the Taliban.
As Trump had previously been banned from the service, then allowed back on after disguising himself as a spokesperson for the Chinese Communist Party, then banned again once he couldn’t help himself and started claiming the election was stolen again, this is simply his latest ploy to get back on social media.
“Allah be praised. Allah is pretty great, maybe the best ever. Everyone says so,” ‘Trumpistan’ wrote on Twitter as his first post.
“That Joe Biden is really screwing things up over here. What a sad, pathetic loser! Oh man, they’re making me do the prayer thing now. Why do I need to pray? Very humiliating! Not good!”
He also promised to “make Afghanistan great again” and wrote on his new Twitter account that “Afghanistan is back, baby!”
Jack Dorsey caught on to what Trump was doing pretty quickly, but wasn’t able to do anything about it. “This guy says he’s a Taliban spokesperson, and it would be wrong of us to silence someone of a different culture. Now, if he starts questioning whether our government and election practices are worth trusting, then we can ban him immediately. We’re keeping a close watch on this ‘Trumpistan’ person.”
At publishing time, Trump had asked his Taliban associates if they could “maybe consider not doing the full burqa thing on all these beautiful ladies.”
One thing you can be sure of one thing is that BBC will have
a good relationship with their latest media partner ,the Taliban.
The diversity department at the BBC must be an orgasmic state ,
because it would be hard to find a more “diverse” group of folk as the Taliban. They knock the spots in diversity off the murderous
drug gangs. The BLM organization which was before the BBC’S
number one media partner , don’t hold a candle in diversity when
it comes to diversity . These are historic days for the BBC !!
Taliban are missing a trick , they should proclaim the new caliphate will be net zero carbon , and each household obliged to have 4 recycling bins.
They’d have bbc eating out of thier hands even more
How long has Boris got ?
I think the next election is 2025.
Next election should be due no later than December 2024. There have been rumours that there will be an earlier election but I would take no notice of that.
What, 25 past 8 tonight? Can’t come soon enough.
David Wood points out that while Twitter bans people for criticising islamic violence, it allows those who actually commit islamic violence, like… the Taliban!!
You couldn’t make it up.
Wow- a full commons – HMS Blackford speaking for the world dishing out blame for what sermed hours and hours …
Obviously wants more money spent overseas and more aliens – badged as refugees – bought here.
more SNP voters for independence I think. Scotland is actually very white and if you ever ask why that is to any SNP loon they fail to give you an actual answer
I’ve not seen any microphones shoved into the faces of ‘the man on the street’, asking their opinion about the prospect of tens of thousands of Afghans coming here. Funny that.
Chatting to friends in recent days, the response has been the polar opposite of that lot in Westminster, the media and pious talking heads on the tele.
They’ve had a taste as to the anger at those coming across the Channel, so now we’re letting them in legally – without passports; lets see what the Daily Mail makes of that !
They won’t want to have any of their microphones around me. Mainly because the BBC themselves will be the first ones to get it with any rants that I have building up. That and they won’t like my suggestion of at least booting out people who should not be here.
Why does our BBC love the Taliban?
They ‘beat’ the Great Satan – America.
The Left/BBC have always hated America, especially their military. I suspect its a hangover from the ‘nam war and all those upset hippies/snowflakes.
The rights of wimmin beyond our shores don’t figure within our BBC’s narrow, prism view of the world.
I think it’s because they have built Muslim’s up as victims so much to use against the Right, they can’t just turn the tap off now and tell us all the terrible things they do because of their religion.
So we are in a peculiar limbo where they have to report the facts (for OFCOM and fact checkers) but also somehow weave in the sympathy by cherry picking topics where they aren’t at their worst.
Hence no mention of the large scale torture and murder going on. We will find out gradually in the distant future about the worst of it – where each story can die down before we are drip fed another.
Oh for a Victor Orban.
Today ‘our’ virtue signalling MPs will be getting up on their hind legs again to tell us we are going to get thousands more forced on us as they continue with their islamification of Britain.
It’s worked so well for tens of thousands of little girls getting gangbanged, raped and tortured in places such as Rotherham, Rochdale and Huddersfield.
It’s worked in our white minority capital where we now enjoy knife, gun and machete killings from our enrichers.
Just who do these MPs think they are, importing all the third world shite who are ruining our green and pleasant land.
Just who voted for these virtue signalling bastards.
Just watch them In Westminster, they will ALL be trying to out virtue signal each other and pleading for ever more Stone Age cruel ignorant people who will NEVER fit in with our way of life.
Diversity has never worked anywhere…..ever.
We don’t want it yet all the politicians do.
Like a few people here I will be keeping tabs on Afghanistan and the BBC’s reporting of it but as expected it is already one sided. Keir Starmer gets his platform and I see that Ian Blackford is on saying that Afghans are welcome in Scotland. More voters for their silly independence movement?
One curiosity is on the number of new refugees arriving and how they are meant to be ‘women and girls’ and you would expect the feminists to be delighted about how these vulnerable women have safety (not that feminists ever campaign against abuses against women in war torn countries) and yet they seem to be miffed that men are not being included. I wonder why? Always funny how they never seem to have a problem with foreign men coming into Britain despite the claims of increased sexual assault against British women (something else the feminists seem to keep quiet as well as the media)
Perhaps they actually benefit from more men coming in as it benefits them personally? They are not real feminists.
I see that they got the shaky Lisa Nandy on who seems like she is reading from a script held up by the the BBC to make her look like she is someone to be taken seriously.
The problem though is all down to Joe Biden who is proving to be an incompetent President but the BBC will of course not allow anyone to say that as they admire old sleepy Joe and no doubt anyone in the future who brings it up will be swiftly interrupted
I recall back in the 70,s my sister and I introduced our mun to TOTP.
Jimmy Savile was introducing the Crazy World of Arthur Brown….setting his napper on fire…..
She simply said ” Its a crazy old world”
WTF would she be thinking now?
And here’s a new word for the bBc especially its white elephant bBC Scotland division
Mc STITCHUP – an example
The Crown prosecution Service in conjunction with Police Scotland and the SNP have stated that the investigation into the missing SNP funds (est 600k – 1M) will be held in “private”
In other words the findings will remain secret.
To quote the bBC ,s favourite DJ
Howz About THAT Then?
Population density of England 434 per square km.
Population density of Canada 4 per square km.
If we are taking in 20,000 male interpreters then shouldn’t Canada be taking in over 2 million.
If anything happened in the UK that lead to lots of us going abroad to seek refugee status we would go to similar Countries such as Australia, NZ, USA and Canada as well as the European Countries. All places we would fit in.
Why don’t the various hordes currently piling in to the UK not go to similar countries to their own where they can carry on with their religion and ways of life.
We all know why, it’s rhetorical.
Australia, NZ, USA and Canada operate ‘racial diversity’ immigration policies now.
We are not welcome anymore.
Thats a shame I was going to move to one of those places had Labour won the election
Not much of Canada is habitable, which is why almost all the people live near to the southern border.