Parliament is recalled today to talk about ……. The failure of the US/UK in Afghanistan . An opportunity for the BBC to push its agenda of increased numbers of foreigners coming to the UK as well as spending more on overseas giveaways . It’s not bias – it is BBC social policy – paid for by legal extortion .
Midweek Thread 18 August 2021
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Laura, Beff and Cathy been practising as the New Andrews Sistas?
Seems ironic that raaaabbb went to crete for his hols
If i recall the only reason the british surrendered it to the germans in WW2 was that the british commander was quicker at throwing the towel in than the german one .
A battle which focused on the airport
Unbelievable lack of judgement by raab – rishi must be hiding and laughing his bits off
Exactly! British commander neglected to defend the airport, despite being warned of German paras by Ultra.
However, the Germans lost a shed load of transport aircraft due to anti aircraft fire.
Knock on effect was that the German air supply to Stalingrad was vastly reduced.
The rest is history….
God I HATE the moronic practice by journos of yelling out a question that will never be answered, to a politician. I would just love it if the politician would come face to face and say “if I was going to …..(whatever)….. then the last person I would tell is you, until you learn some manners”.
lol, Keunessberg does it a lot.
Proving your point.
6pm news and Clive Marie reports in the headlines that Raab is refusing to resign. Obviously, when the BBC bod shouted the question as Mr Raab was walking into No 10, Mr Raab should have walked up to the microphone and said, ‘I hadn’t thought of resigning, but now you have suggested it I will tender my resignation immediately ‘. On the other hand Mr Raab could have walked up to the microphone and said, ‘what a bloody stupid question and are you going to resign because of your total inability to ask a sensible question?’
R2 “A woman has escaped to Turkey saying no woman can live under the Taliban, her words are spoken by her SISTER”
… Hmm Radio2 , it sounded like “sister” was used in the loosest sense.
Apparently the BBC does not have a monopoly on stupidity.
Yesterday, General Nick Carter opined that the Taliban were just “country boys” who “lived by a code of honour”.
Ah, them good ol’ boys drinkin’ whiskey and rye…
He forgot to mention that the code of honour in question dates back to medieval times in a particularly primitive and savage part of the world, and condones or promotes beheading, mutilation, stoning, sex slavery, forced marriage, child brides, homophobia, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, forced conversion, wife beating, worldwide conquest and violent jihad… to name but a few quaint country practices.
Don’t believe me? Have a little browse here, for chapter and verse of that ‘code of honour’:
Daily Mail article:
If I remember correctly, didn’t John Denver get a lot of stick for stock piling oil/petrol at his property during the oil crisis in the 70’s ?
Just thinking.
20 years after the Taliban were defeated the Afghans accept them as rulers without any significant resistance.
Imagine if the UK leaders had accepted Germany’s leadership over Europe just 20 years after the defeat of the German army.
Ridiculous innit? er ridculous?
TWatO Watch #1 – penultimate item first
Professor Tim Lang is obviously a Remain voter. I think Jonny Dymond said he was from the University of Belfast but it was hard to hear over the noise of a boiling kettle. Jonny did not ask whether the Prof voted Remain in the 2016 EU Referendum but I think we can safely assume that.
Prof Laing is obviously a very bitter Remainer. Obviously a KFC chicken and Nandos chicken addict as well. In the spirit of journalistic enquiry Jonny or someone at the BBC could have asked whether the UK CEOs of Nandos and KFC also voted remain. Are they just ‘bigging’ up a small supply problem just to enable an anti-Brexit point to be aired on the BBC and pressure be put on Priti Patel, Home Secretary, to let lots of low paid workers come to the UK to pluck chickens?
No mention on the BBC of the 1,551,000 million people without jobs in the UK.
I wonder why?
I have a job offer for people on the site.
You will have to work this job 24/7 52 weeks of the year, there is no time off for hoildays or weekends either.
You are allowed to sleep buty you will be constantly on call and may be wakened several times a night often.
You will be required to live away from your family and home often for extended periods. Your life will be under constant scrutiny with any misdemenours made immediately public across not just the British media, but often world wide as well. Not only your life, but your family and friends as well.
You will be at constant risk of violence which could be lethal security officers may be sent to protect yourself and your family.
You may be allowed to take a holiday but it will always be a working holiday where we are in constant touch with you and may require you to return from holiday any time we require you.
There is no job security you can be sacked at a moments notice, and for all of this we are prepared to pay you …………..
£12.50 an hour !
That is the disgracefully low pay Dominc Raab is receiving as foreign secretary so when you say he should resign or be sacked for taking what most people are able to enjoy in peace and security just remember he could earn more emptying the bins !
Put like Thoughtful, (£71,000 pa) then those who are interrogating him on the media and earning twice/three times that amount should be the ones hanging their heads in shame !
Thoughtful – AKA Mrs Raab – could I suggest your husband resigns and maybe give the job to someone a bit more dedicated ?
There’s never a shortage of politicians and the people who actually do the work . Perhaps the head of th intelligence service and the defence staff can go off to the Lords as well .
He won’t be sacked because the PM was off on a jolly as well …I guess you and he are back on the beach in Crete by now …
£150,000 divided by 365 days, divided by 24 hours, is equivalent to £17.12 per hour.
You really caught out Thoughtful there!
Hu Edwards, £400k p.a.? 160 hours p.a.?
£2,500 per hour, accountability nil.
Nice work for some!
“£12.50 an hour !”
Don’t be silly, ‘Thoughtful’. Rab’s House of Commons Salary is £150,000 per year, plus expenses and a free multi-million pound flat in the centre of Westminster.
If that isn’t enough to make him do his job properly, then nothing is.
Good post, Thoughtful. You will have to repeat it on a daily basis. Will leave you to cut and paste accordingly. After all, if cut and paste is good enough for the BBC, it is good enough for us.
TWatO Watch #2 – back to the
beginningfutureWhat about the Covid? The BBC are exercised by the thought of increasing infections. The had placed all their faith in facemasks and social distancing and vaccines and still infections went up. The rules are relaxed and the infections go down. Oh dear. Now they are increasing again. What does that teach you about dealing with a Covid-19 virus, BBC?
Another Prof is interviewed. I really didn’t catch his name because Jonny did not thank him at the end of his contribution and garbled his name at the start. This Prof is interviewed about a study to be conducted in three groups of schools in Bradford (I think) next school term. Ten schools will be fitted with filtered air cleaners, ten schools will be fitted with UV air cleaners and there will be ten schools that take no special measures in order to act as a control group.
This Prof was happy to blame the public for their ‘risky behaviour’ since 19 July in recently driving up Covid-19 infections. Except they didn’t go up at first but fell after 19 July. It is only in the last three weeks that infections have been climbing across the country. The Prof wasn’t fully signed up to the Global Warming and Climate Change agenda of the BBC and did mention poor weather in winter. He could and should have mentioned the poor weather this summer. And spring. And last winter. And last autumn.
He was keen, this Prof, to examine the evidence: but he overlooked the evidence we already have. Compulsory facemasks until 19 July: infections increased in the two to three months before. Vaccinations available increasingly during 2021: increasing infection along with all the jabs. Conclusion must be facemasks don’t work and vaccines don’t work except for some lucky people who respond well to them.
“NHS Wales: Waiting times hit record levels”
All thanks to the Welsh Asshembles and their associate NHS Trusts .
Never mind say the Asshambles , lets do this instead …………..
“Families in Wales urged to plant more trees”
Despite the mess in the Middle East some so called ‘citizens’ of the UK are calling for this …………….
“What is Sharia law? What does it mean for women in Afghanistan?”
It’s a fact that Muslim’s in the UK are told not to go to the police : they are told to use a Sharia scholar to settle things instead. We have had Sharia law here for a long time – but the Left choose to ignore it.
The BBC even wrote an article on it:
Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims
There was a campaign 4 years ago to try to force the BBC to reveal the truth about Sharia law in the UK, but they haven’t been anywhere near the topic for 10 years. Anything which is negative in any way to BAME has been censored out since then as the agenda ramped up.
All reasons why you absolutely cannot trust the BBC. Lies by omission with the deliberate intent to mislead are how the snakes do it.
BBC Online News:
“Taliban Step Up Hunt For Collaborators – UN Report”
So much for a ‘peaceful take over’.
If you want to know why the Taliban managed to ‘take over’ those enclaves of Afghanistan occupied by the US and her allies so quickly, this video of a UK tutor ‘educating Afghan women’ tells you all you need to know, it’s only short, but pay particular attention around the 27-32 sec mark.
Come on – please say that is a spoof – surely they didn’t try conceptual art on a bunch of third world peasants ?
But paid out of the ‘aid ‘ budget ?
BBC’s Ru Paul Drag Race Programme dresses up tea boys for Afghan Generals?
Could you not have lied ?
So our military are back there to rescue ‘gender studies ‘ teachers stuck in some afgee back water?
Leave them to it .
They’re thinking: “This is Western civilisation? Come back Taliban, all is forgiven.”
Was the gormless teacher sponsored by the BBC by any chance?
“The BBC of course wants you to think this is not the real Islam…but…it is.”
The Taliban is a Deobandi Islamist religious-political movement (wiki). The Deobandis are the largest Islamic group in the UK according to the bBC (here). In 2014 around 45 per cent of Britain’s mosques were Deobandi (here).
Explains a lot.
ah well.
Sadiq Khan’s Islamic Capitol?
TWatO Watch #3 – everyone back to the bus (and the train)
What about the Covid? The BBC are exercised by the thought of increasing car use as a means of avoiding people and avoiding their germs. All that Global Warming CO2 you naughty bad people! Risky behaviour and bad behaviour all in one TWatO. Amazing, the Editorial Team for TWatO are really on a roll. Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you helped scare everyone rigid over Covid-19?
The BBC have become aware, thanks to a nudge from the Guardian’s front page and the Guardian In-House Editorial Team at W1A that excessively high rail fares may increase even more excessively next January. Old Age Pensioners will need all of that £750 per week/month/year that the i (the well-known Guardian insert) claims would have been theirs (had HMG kept the inflation ‘Triple Lock’ going) just to able to afford a UK holiday by train.
The BBC are worried that if everyone jumps into cars the Global Warming will increase. That might mean people could stay at home and enjoy the sunshine in their back garden or at the local park. I sensed a great desire on the part of Jonny Dymond to ask whether train fares should be subsidised by the Government. They are already. HMG is trying to not subsidise them at all.
“Let the market decide.”
Everyone jumping into their cars won’t stop the sun continuing in its current quiet mode. I suspect that shortly, we’ll be needing all the CO2 that we can produce. Not that it’ll make a scrap of difference, the next solar “minimum” is coming, and it’ll get colder. Perhaps we can call it the Boris Minimum, and it will be remembered in history by all who survive.
What ho, OG! I suggested this in a post on TCW but someone else put up a chart that suggests the sun is getting active again. Currently shining here. Must get out for a dose of Vitamin D while it lasts. Hope all is well with you and the family in France.
“Did ‘gender studies’ lose Afghanistan?”
” According to U.S. government reports, $787 million was spent on gender programs in Afghanistan.”
” Under the US’s guidance, Afghanistan’s 2004 constitution set a 27 per cent quota for women in the lower house — higher than the actual figure in America! ”
” Do-gooders established a “National Masculinity Alliance”, so a few hundred Afghan men could talk about their “gender roles” and “examine male attitudes that are harmful to women.”
“The army set a goal of 10 percent female participation, which might make sense in a Marvel movie, but didn’t to devout Muslims.”
Woke-Harm. Devastating. Out of touch. Useless.
While the BBC’s Paul Wood praises Biden and the Taliban Mark 2 who are so ‘sophisticated’ and conciliatory, the narrative of the new cuddly Taliban seems to be already unravelling: “Taliban step up hunt for collaborators – UN report”.
I wonder if our Taliban-friendly Paul has ever heard of Taqiya – lying for the advancement of Jihad?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see this on Al Beeb:
Taliban will be allowed to STAY on Twitter, while Trump is banned.
If so, then anyone criticising the Taliban’s islamism will be banned
Precisely David Wood’s point. He and others have been banned for daring to expose islamic persecution and violence.
ITBB has a link via CAB to a Tucker with a lady called Lara Logan.
Worth a few minutes.
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
BBC: What is Sharia law? What does it mean for women in Afghanistan?
Published 4 hours ago
(UK Government lead by Islamist Sajid Javid to) devise training to help
journalists have a better understanding of Islam. We aim to deliver these outputs by 2020.
{Action Against Hate The UK Government’s plan for tackling hate crime –‘two years on’ page13}
Click to access Hate_crime_refresh_2018_FINAL_WEB.PDF
ISLAMIC rules ( promted by javid,khan,khan,ahmed,salaria) are incompatible with British laws (promted by Welby) which have developed over 500 years and sharia law should never become part of the British legal system, the (Justin Welby) Archbishop of Canterbury has declared. { 24feb2018}
NHS Struggling.
No Houses.
Young have no homes.
Army vets on the streets.
Schools too full.
UK to welcome 20,000 vulnerable Afghans amid Taliban takeover
More green unicorn poo from the BBC.
“US Lab Stands On Threshold Of Key Nuclear Fusion Goal“
Quote… Harnessing fusion, the process that powers the Sun, could provide a limitless, clean energy source
Reality…. (last quote from the long unconvincing scientific article)
“Turning this concept into a renewable source of electrical energy is likely to be a long process and will involve overcoming substantial technical challenges, such as being able to re-create this experiment several times a second to produce a steady source of power,” said Prof Chittenden.“
Hate Crime?
Real Housewives of ISIS (Parody)
ITV local news : coincidence 5year old Afghan boy dies in Sheffield
The family entered UK , they were given asylum
we put them up in a 4 star hotel
Now the child fell from a five storey window to his death.
Actually that is strange, cos such hotels always have anti-suicide windows.
If they open, they open at the top with a small gap.
It’s not like you can sit on the window sill and fall out.
Due to climate change?
That’s right global warming caused it to get hot
so the adult opened the window and held the child up to get cool.
There will be a queue of lawyers outside the door talking about compensation packages and percentages. They’ll be set for life. I’m not casting aspersions about these particular individuals, but I imagine that pulling a kid off the streets in Kabul, dragging him over to Blighty and whanging him out of a window would sound to some of these third worlders like a perfectly legitimate way of making more money than they can dream of. It will be interesting to see if a trend emerges here, it doesn’t have to be a hotel; a passing car, train, bus, even a mobility scooter would probably suffice. And a limitless supply of compo professionals on tap.
“Actually that is strange, cos such hotels always have anti-suicide windows.
If they open, they open at the top with a small gap.”
Wrong. Concerns about this hotel’s windows had been raised before:
You can see why here:
But true to form, your immediate reaction is to blame the parents:
“…so the adult opened the window and held the child up to get cool.”
Having to like your own posts, again, maxi? Oh, where’s that apology that you owe me and have never delivered.
Maxi it’s always possible that despite H&S laws the window wasn’t compliant or somehow safety mechanisms had been fiddled.
” immediate reaction was to blame ” untrue,
That is Maxi’s usual misrepresentation trick, my immediate reaction was to post about H&S laws
then MarkyMark made a frivolous reply, and I speculated frivously back
We can’t blame anyone until full facts are in.
It could be Kati Hopkins broke into the room and threw the child out of the window, for all I know.
Now Maxi does this thing where he sends you down the rabbit hole of having to open a link page and read it
Instead of explaining the post in the actual post.
For the first link he does partially explain
but didn’t say that someone raised concerns 2 years ago about windows opening too much , so we don’t know the situation was in that room this week
For the second link he didn’t explain that the TripAdvisor photo shows windows which open in a way that hinge is in the middle and the air gap at the bottom.
but we don’t know how high in the room these windows are inside the room
Such a window would be child proof if the window ledge was higher than a child can pull himself.
And if I then go through the internal photos
The window ledge appears to be the same height as the top of the very top of the chair back ie 1m
So a child could only reach if someone had moved a chair and he had first climbed on that.
A tweeter said
Not trying to cast aspersions here at all but I played 2 nights At Sheffield city hall & stayed with the wife at this hotel in 2017. Windows are secured so it needs some explanation as to how a 5 year old can find himself outside one of them. God Bless
Another tweeter said he had stayed t an unspecified Sheffield hotel where windows open too much.
Gosh, you are a piece of work!
Even so, even in Kabul, why would the Taliban be giving cordial interviews to non-burqaed babes? Why aren’t they getting back helter-skelter to the good old days of head-chopping and child sex-slaves and crushing homosexuals under walls constructed specifically for that purpose?
Short answer: They’re not as stupid as we are.
What’s the big takeaway from Sunday? That a bunch of psycho decapitators are back in the saddle in Hoogivsastan? Or that “a pitiful, helpless giant” (in Nixon’s famous phrase) is on its back having lost a war even more stupidly than it lost all the other wars?
You don’t have to be a graduate of some Ivy League madrassah to figure that one out. Yesterday I quoted the Taliban presser:
Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid says ‘We have defeated a great power.’
Why step on that message by taking the cat o’ nine tails to uncovered women?
Mr Mujahid grasps the key point:
America lost. All the rest is details.
We are playing Strong Horse/Weak Horse, as articulated by Osama bin Laden twenty years ago, and as quoted shortly thereafter in the front of America Alone:
When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.
Mark Steyn
The Fall of Kabul …and of America
August 18, 2021
BBC London are gleefully reporting that all the councils in London are falling over themselves to outbid each other for as many Afghan ‘refugees’ as possible,
Are these the same councils who go bust, have no money to sort out cladding on blocks of flats, have lousy pot-hole infested roads, no school places, poor housing, insufficient housing, long waiting lists for council houses, are closing libraries, fail to maintain parks?
The BBC as usual have nothing to say.
Still, the Afghans will no doubt be delighted with the provision of all those cycle lanes…….
I do hope Camden Council move a few thousand in next door to Starmer’s Kentish Town des res.
Boris will let them baby sit his kids …
Do you notice that no MSM have got hold of Bush or Blair – the two fools responsible for the whole thing ?
Money in the bank already, Fed!
No need to worry…
Teflon b*******s
BBC local news started with an emotional blackmail item
daughter of Afghanistan refugee living in Lincoln
“therse poor women who will be forced to live under the Taliban”
FFS 10-15% of people in the world live under mad regimes
like the mullahs in Iran, The Assad family in Syria
, In Libya, in 15 African countries etc.
Then the father comes on
“look how I suffered this chipped tooth jumping the train from France to Britain”
Oh brave of him to escape the war zone that is France.
“FFS 10-15% of people in the world live under mad regimes”
Fallacy of relative privation:
Maxi misrepresentation is your hobby
#1 I did not say what you claim I said
#2 Postlng links instead of explaining right here what you mean is also bollox
What I mean is
what I said is not what you claimed it is
Some people in many countries suffer a worse life than many people under the Taliban in Afghanistan
That is not false equivalence
Biden now appears to have completely lost touch with reality after telling the media no one is dying in Kabul airport despite 12 confirmed deaths and cannot recall whether he was told to retain 2500 troops there.
I’m begining to wonder whether the media who supported this disaster of a President did so knowing the worldwide crisis he would generate so they had ready made easy flow of news stories, especially given Obamas “dont F it up Joe” comment.
On the other hand could the media and big tech really have been that stupid as to push this guy for President over the incumbent Donald Trump.
The American MSM are an appendage of the Democrat Party – who literally put words in the media’s mouths. The scale of it is something that I can see many do not want to face up to…
When the leaks from the Hilary Clinton campaign happened I read a lot of leaked stuff that I had trouble processing, the manipulation being just so blatant. Eric Schmidt in particular went almost entirely under the radar though he was utterly in the bag with Hilary.
What’s noticeable now is that operational security is tighter – pay attention… notice: no Podesta, Brasile, Wasserman Schultz etc. – or other nabobs getting regular name checks. The DNC are still pulling the strings but getting near nil credit for it…. Prominent DNC helpers must be getting back slaps behind the scenes – but they learned that doesn’t play well with like actual voters (like they matter…?)
Poor c4 news – desperately trying to
Avoid blaming Biden – theyll try anything not to mention him . It uses ‘ america ‘ where it should be about Bidens failure as well as this sad dementing man trying to justify himself in those rare public appearances .
I used to like watching The Proms but this year I haven’t bothered much. Thought I take a look at tonight’s Prom and the pre show presenter has a black guest and a gay guest wearing pink shows.
I switched over to GB News yet again.
I present to you that paragon of broadcasting, al beeb
[url=]image hosting[/url]
Shocking given the state of things that Biden still has a 49.1% approval rating which means in spite of everything falling apart, virtually half of Americans believe it’s a good thing !
When even CNN WaPo and NYT are calling Biden out Americans don’t appear capable of believing the truth any more!
The US is as finished as the UK is.
If you believe those ratings – can I interest you in a slightly used bridge?
With the infiltration of the Communists into the US ‘System’ now, what can anyone expect? Clearly the extent of that >49% are Communist sympathisers all hoping and working diligently toward the destruction of the US.
Not long/far to go now chaps……..
But when it is all over, the money from Beijing will suddenly dry up – Job done!
Andrew Neil speaking out loud and clear on the Afghanistan debacle.
One shouldn’t laugh but Huffington Post has “Promising football player killed in US plane’s landing gear” as a headline.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC hasn’t got something similar on its web site.
“Give me your Engineers, your Doctors, Your huddled Footballers yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore”.
Do you think that NGO’s and unions only get their agendas inserted into news programmes.
BTW I think sometimes that charity pushes dodgy science
cos that works better for their funding
rather than being truthful
If I were Scunthorpe council and the UK government said we’ll give you £100K to look after 2 refugee families
surely I would say its’s better to give the money to an Indonesian Muslim town cos they could look after 20 refugee families with the same money
Que no ?
Indeed. Though one might imagine the good folk of such towns will join Qatar, Saudi etc in reckoning they can’t afford to train a bunch of Bali bombers all at once.
And while the temperature may be more in the zone, 95% humidity in complement might see the pong under those wooly hats see some noses turn up.
Here’s another option for spending the £100K:
£10K to fly 2 refugee families to Indonesia.
£10K to the Indonesian Muslim town to look after them.
£20K towards improving security in the Channel to stop any more illegals arriving.
£20K towards deporting illegals already in this country.
£20K towards improving the council housing stock for the benefit of British people.
£20K towards looking after our servicemen injured in the Afghan jamboree.
I asked my brother – who sits on the Council of a large town near me, whether they were prepared and ready to take in several Afghan families. His reply ? “we have 4,500 on our housing waiting list for social housing, but if we are insisted upon to take them, then we’ll commandeer private renting and invoice central government for reimbursement”. He did indicate that the general consensus amongst other nearby councils is they ain’t happy !! at all. Which rather flies in the face of what the media tell us.
Rather than reimbursement from central government – which we pay for through taxes – they should send the bills to Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Raytheon and General Dynamics. Of the estimated $1 trillion spent in Afghanistan during the past 20 years, a considerable chunk has gone to these and other ‘defence’ companies, some of whom have increased their earnings tenfold during this period.
The nightstalker has crawled from under its rock again.
Meanwhile the US Magic Money Tree needs to grow at an exponential rate.
Do you work in the US “public sector”?
Good news.
Uncle Joe says you can stay at home and still be paid while that nasty virus is tackled by our Chinese
friends in Wuhan.
Uncle Joe says you do not need to pay the nasty capitalist landlords any rent.
Uncle Joe has cancelled $5.8 billion outstanding student debt for the disabled.
Not reported yet by the BBC, no doubt there will be demands that UK does the same.
No Child Left Behind Act has been replaced by ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act.
Why not introduce a GTADABA?
(Give Them A Diploma At Birth Act).
Uncle Joe says anyone from anywhere in the Solar System is welcome to come to the USA.
No need to adopt any US standards of behaviour or obey any US laws, laws are racist.
The current US private sector population will work themselves into the ground to pay for your indolent
The crooked cretin Biden is still approved of by 40%+ according to the latest polls.
Intelligence tests for voting rights are required now.
If you import the third world you will become the third world.
How many thousand illegals have been deported by the Home Office to make room for the genuine refugees?
The Home Office’s first duty is to protect
the people of this country.
TOADY Watch #1 – and the main person for attack this morning is Dominic Raab, the Foreign Secretary
The BBC are quite open about this. They are on the attack and out to get Raab with the help of the Labour Party and the Civil Service briefing newspapers and the broadcast media.
This stinks.
It is undemocratic.
It is deceitful.
It is really strange that the BBC, really keen to get Tony Blair on to Radio Flaw to comment on anything and everything – vaccines, international trade, Brexit, Global health – have completely ignored the person who got the UK, against all commonsense, against all the warnings of history, into the mess that is Afghanistan today.
Why not call the person really responsible to account on air, BBC?
Get Tony Blair on to the radio. Get Tony Blair sacked from his present job. You are going after the wrong man.
Good idea, Snuffy, but who in the awful BBC will be good enough to catch the sleazy, gurning, nasty little ex-pm?
Any beeboid will just roll over, so the meeting would be pointless…
Just as an aside, the beeboids are all conveniently forgetting that it was Barry Bama who started all the rot on Afgee, President Trump tried to actually do something, mr buydun of 13 Acacia Gardens f****d it all up.
Last sentence …. I think there’s another TOADY Watch coming.
Scrobie, the guy who really started the mess in Afghanistan was George Dubbya. He threw away an immense amount of public sympathy and goodwill toward America following the attacks on 11th September 2001 by going for the ‘nuclear option’ of military action. Instead of seeking justice for the victims and going after the person responsible through legal means – and getting the international community help in that – he decided to take a course of action that has just created more victims and still does today.
Blair was stupid and unthinking enough to go along with it. Do I recall correctly that Tony Blair was regularly described as ‘Bush’s Poodle’ thereafter?
Thanks Snuffy; the only reason I heard that about Barry Obeameup, was from a proper soldier on the wireless the other night, so normally I believe citizens when they’ve done a lot more than the average leftie beeboid!
I guess then that as Bush was the problem even before Barry cocked it up, and therefore Blair was part of the whole bloody mess as well. Makes sense…
Certainly the main ‘story’ in the Moaning Emole, which I will not reprint, given it is replete with classic bbc weasels like ‘reportedly’ and anonymous quotes.
Raab had promise but is as valuable to me as Boris now, but being on holiday when Biden’s stunt collapses whilst the BBC’s fave President was on holiday too seems a very obvious bbc shout from the press pack.
When is Sopes resigning?
Oh, and it seems the Taliban are only carrying out a ‘manhunt’.
They promised.
If I was PM, I would be going after the F&CO Civil Servants who have obviously been briefing the media. Unfortunately, the ‘person’ in No.10 has been emasculated and will now only do what Princess Nut Nuts allows him to do.
Bring back Dominic Cummings for a ‘root and branch reform’ of the Civil Service, I say.
Not a proper drag queen
It was the US President who dragged us out of Afghanistan
Are you confused by modern attitudes to gender and sexuality? Sometimes feel as though you need some experts, such as Stonewall, to advise you on the latest developments in LGBTQplus… or whatever? The government certainly did. Well, here’s the latest from the BBC online news: ‘The 12 queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK season three have been revealed, and they include the show’s first female queen – Victoria Scone‘
Not her assigned at birth given name, I’m guessing?
Those of a nostalgic bent may recall a BBC Radio 4 comedy show titled “I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again” – featuring the likes of Tim Brooke-Taylor, the middle-of-the-road, conservatively blue suited one from The Goodies – with his oft-revealed union jack underpants. Not the short, bearded, just escaped from a commune hippy, that was Bill Oddy, or the mad scientist Graeme Garden with his six-foot-high flashing light speaking computer – who you just know would nowadays be working for SAGE.
Maybe those whacky off-the-wall former Cambridge Footlights are still there at the BBC – only now rather than performing their humorous anarchic antics like riding three seat bicyles chasing giant GPO Tower-toppling kittens for the delight of audiences, they are now the commissioning editors and producers over there at the BBC – with their miss-timed, fall flat, died out there lefty comedy.
So I say again: I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again… ‘…the show’s first female queen…The 27-year-old from Cardiff is known as an ‘AFAB’ (assigned female at birth) queen and says she’s constantly faced criticism for not being a “proper drag queen“‘
In answer to which, all I can think to comment is: “I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue” – the title of the spin-off show the BBC billed as “the antidote to panel games”
What must the Taliban think of us here in the west?
Oh, and in case you were interested and wanted to learn more about chaps who like to dress as ladies – not forgetting the odd lady who likes to dress as a… lady: ‘Drag Race UK queens on battles with Brexit and Covid‘ (BBC) – you could have knocked me down with a feather boa.
Have you tried in vain to get through on the telephone to speak to a human at a government department lately?
Seems the rot goes right to the top: ‘Raab “refused to take calls” during fall of Afghanistan‘ (Guardian) – to be fair many of our private service industries are just as bad.
This supposed ministerial scandal seems a bit lame. We know the UK was just the US poodle in the Afghan mission. The buck stops with Biden. If the Taliban have humiliatingly pulled down the trousers of the west then they have revealed stars and stripes underpants.
To our old favourite the FT’s Datawatch feature: ‘On the edge‘ – and on this cliff hanger we’ll close: ‘% who believe that human action has caused “tipping points” in nature‘ – a question which if asked of me I’d tend to reply “I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue” – to which the canvaser would no doubt respond: “I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again”
To cut a long story short this question seems to me to be a rather snide side-step way of asking outright, do you believe in anthropogenic climate change? But perhaps that forthright question would not have elicited the answer they were after?
Coincidence? I think not…
“Disney Launches World Princess Week
Event aimed at inspiring fans around the globe to be courageous and kind.”
Meghan tooling up?
Well lessons will be learnt – and the lesson from Afgee is that if you want to take over a country wait until August – when you do your coup no one will be about – they’ll all be on holiday in Crete .
As is said – could it be made up .?
If the Raab had any honour he’d be gone by now – along with the chief of the defence chap who isn’t sure thar the taliban are The ‘enemy ‘.
Maybe they are the ‘war community ‘ or some other woke lie .
I just wish the taliban would shut the country down and invite the remains of the western military to leave. …
And – of course – if you carry out a coup in America – you can carry out a coup anywhere ….
Andrew Neil – last night – said that he thought in many ways Afgee was worse than Vietnam ( I think that’s what he said ) – I don’t think so –
What legitimacy have we going to a third world Muslim country and trying to make it something else .
The countering terrorism excuse no longer works as our enemies are here in the UK …and there’s no need to carry out bigplanned attacks like 9/11 to get a reaction ( see Manchester arena where fear of racism trumped security )
We could perhaps make friends with the Taliban and send back all their Illegal ‘ French ‘ countrymen and women Taxied across the Channel….or are we being turned into the ‘ Island of Afghanistan ‘ ably assisted by the so called Conservative Government ?
What’s behind the rising gun violence in the US?
My instinctive thought was that the title should be ‘WHO is behind the rising gun violence …’
But of course we then realise the title has been chosen because it is a BBC agenda piece.
I tried to watch it to see if they ever mention the enormous elephant in the room, but when I heard some academic say ‘The stark rise in gun violence has disproportionately affected the neighbourhoods that experience the worst consequences of structural racism’ I couldn’t stand any more.
The BBC at it’s best. Only the most shameless of hypocrites can say the act of picking up a gun and shooting someone dead with it is not their fault. It takes a brain wired in a certain way to do that.
I am sure that the Daily Telegraph knowingly went along with the MSM ‘get rid of Trump ‘ plan from 2016 onwards. Perhaps it is therefore significant that there have been several articles in the paper over the past few days which aren’t just critical of Biden, there have been plenty of those in recent months, but claim that Trump wouldn’t have made such a mess of withdrawing from Afghanistan.
Has the editor finally understood what he did when he helped, albeit in only a very small way, the US MSM to do when they connived with the Democrats to remove Trump from office? Does he finally understand when so many sensible people regarded Trump as the necessary antidote to Wokism? Has he belatedly grasped how dangerous Wokism actually is?
I hope the answer to all the questions is yes but I fear it’s much more likely to be no and that the present anti Biden stance is just to help get rid of him and put the even more Woke Harris in his place.
Seems ‘Fact Check’ at least is prepared to stray…
French Ambassador did not leave Kabul, contrary to Peston tweet
Springster staying on narrative.
Plus, of course, feet.
Her book will be a must zzzzzzzz.
I would love to on what basis she feels able to determine what qualifies as disinformation apart from anything that goes against the bBBC line.
Given the proud track record of various ‘Hunan Rights’ lawyers, pressure groups, and Far Left supporters in investigating British soldiers for alleged irregularities on the battlefield and in peacekeeping…….
May we expect those same people and groups to be jetting off to Afghanistan to investigate the Taliban and ‘bring them to account’?
Or might the lack of Legal Aid out there act as a barrier to such ‘altruistic’ action ?
Next up on BBC What is News vs. not News
“Even if the Taliban accepts a woman in the government, in school, they will never accept gay or LGBT people. They will kill all of them on the spot.”
Seems Sleepy may have let down a few others.
Grayson off with a BBC RuPaul team to get the insights of Rachel Levine at this tricky time for the admin and its boosters?
Looks like the MSN game plan is to avoid any comment about their false president and use raab as a useful distraction . The weekend news theme is get Raab by Monday …..
It seems Biden is saying nato could have stayed in Afgee when the Americans left . Obviously the demented old man has forgotten we got involved in Afgee because of the USA –
Which appears busy trying to destroy any relation with its allies – special – or otherwise.
And on that ‘special relationship ‘ – I don’t think the jury is out on that ridiculous fiction any more ….
I’ve said many, many times that the Left are by nature shallow, greedy, humourless creatures who get nasty and spiteful very quickly when things don’t go how they want.
Biden is demonstrating it to us in the most ugly and public way I could have imagined.
It beats my previous best of Pelosi’s face shaking with bitternes and hatred as she spoke about Trump’s State of the Union address.
The question now is what happens if they instruct Biden to resign and make Harris President.
Why are the laughing ?
TOADY Watch #2 – ah, little by little the truth slips out – even on the BBC
Mishal is out to get Dominic Raab sacked as Foreign Secretary. It will be interesting to see if the BBC keep this thing going for as long as the Damian Green thing, three years ago was it? Any way, back to Mishal and her attempt to oust Raab just before TOADY goes off air. It is in the last half-hour after the 8.30 Sport, and another item (which I may come back to) if you want to listen on BBC Noises a.k.a. ‘Sounds’ a.k.a. Radio iPlayer.
Mishal enlists the help of Tobias Ellwood MP (Con) ← (yes it is, he is a bit of lefty toadie flying under a false flag). Mr Ellwood, surprisingly as an ex-military man, is not a lot of help to Mishal in her mission. In fact at one point, he lets slip the unfortunate fact that there was no prior communication from the Biden White House about the sudden abandonment of Bagram Air Base by the American Forces. What? No telephone call from Beijing Biden? Maybe the US President should resign?
One can only imagine the toes curling in agony at the BBC over this reminder of an inconvenient truth.
JRM was on ‘Talking Pints’ with Lord Farage on GB News a couple of days ago (JRM brews his own cider from his own apples. He and Nigel were quaffing same together in the studio. So un-BBC 🙂 )
Anyway, JRM made it clear that the Government had had no warning from Biden and he went off on his own with the withdrawal. JRM said that the US does this sort of thing, being a super power. They did this with Grenada.
This is very interesting:
Algeria: The forest fires that led to an artist’s lynching
Not because of the story but because the BBC write:
He was falsely suspected of having started fires, and locals tortured and burned him. They don’t mention that those locals were Muslim’s who have a habit of doing this kind of thing, but that’s only to be expected.
But how on Earth can the BBC possible know that he was falsely accused ?. This is not a suggestion, it is an assertion which requires irrefutable evidence to make. Yet they provide none.
Whereas they proclaimed Trumps claims to be false after a brief period of describing those as ‘without providing any evidence’. Which itself is not true : he did provide evidence for his suspicions.
It’s the most blatant and shameless hypocrisy I can imagine. They got away with it for Trump and now it’s a perfectly acceptable trick to use for the agenda – in this case another sympathy vote for . From the BBC ‘who you can trust’.
They also add:
‘According to BBC Monitoring, neither officials nor the country’s main media outlets have mentioned climate change as a cause of the fires’
How does climate change cause a fire ?.
And who the f*ck are ‘BBC monitoring’ ?. Are they some kind of far-left secret police ?.
TOADY Watch #3 – “Sorry, luv, immigrations off. Anyway we’re full, no more tables.”
Some bizarre interviews on TOADY this morning. Made me slip into Peter Sellers-mode for a re-hash of ‘Balham – Gateway to the South’. Back to TOADY. After the 8.30 a.m. sport there were two items, one of which involved a web-site that I had never heard of (Snuffy leads a sheltered existence and is about to increase it by upping the PC porn protection to maximum) which if I remember correctly is called Fans Only or maybe Only Fans. Seems to me something that might catch unsuspecting footie or sports fans unawares.
Anyway, back to TOADY. Guess who they interview for this item? Wrong! Ha hah! It wasn’t an American woman. But it was an immigrant, an Australasian-sounding woman who is a sex worker and is unhappy about the increasing restrictions imposed by this web-site called Fans Only or Only Fans. The BBC are quite happy to provide free advertising for what I would call a porn site and for a sex worker. Speaks volumes about the BBC.
Then there’s an item about ‘The15’. The 15% of the world population that are estimated to be handicapped in some way. The Bee Lady, I think, interviews an athlete and member of ‘The15’. Guess what? Yes, Woman. American? No. Almost. Canadian. Sorry, cannot remember a name but she used to represent Canada as the Bee Lady and her contributor are honest enough to tell the listener but since she had her unfortunate accident and consequent amputation, this lady now is part of Team GB for the ParaOlympics, starting soon.
For all those anxious to fill up the UK with Afghans, there is no room, the UK is already full to bursting, especially with American Professors with squeaky voices.
I think she said her name was ‘candy ‘ … I’m told that she is very good … takes nectar points and everything ….
Like you they were just talking foreign as far as I was concerned but I did feel a bit sorry for ‘vulnerable ‘ members of the ‘ sex community ‘ –
See I’m now going to speak in ‘woke ‘ – everything is ‘vulnerable ‘ and everything is a ‘community ‘ ….which sort of sanitises spongers and the immoral or amoral – of any type ..
Maybe I’ve committed a ‘hate crime ‘ and report myself to
‘Mostly mums nets’ – which may well be a place occupied by certain members of the ‘sex community ‘….?
It’s Friday – which means it’s time for another coup …