Nice to see the Magyar footy team making a stand again ridiculous kneeling by the engerland millionaires – together with a crowd booing so loud that the ITV woke commentator couldnt avoid it .
God bless Hungary .
Unfortunate that the referee showed his bias by kneeling as well .
The likes of Gareth Southgate equates booing the kneeling with racism – but he is a thick footballer so to be expected – whereas the kneeling signifies support for something else – a Marxist corrupt organisation ….with Hungary’s history you could understand the sensitivity . good for the Magyars …..
..and another example of the woke element of the UK trying to impose its’ so called woke beliefs on those of another country – that hasn’t gone well recently ….
This is the reason Twatter pees me off. People who have nothing better to do but feel the need to ‘share’ their bloody lives on social media. Sometimes the world even 20 years ago seemed a better place, no Twatter, not everyone had a mobile, and we still had Friends Reunited lol !
BBC1, 10.35pm Alan Yentob interviews Bernardine Evaristo
… Guardianlands’s favourite author
Her book was an exploration of the lives of 12 characters, predominantly black women and non-binary people
and she’s black and from London.
Or you can watch the 9pm BBC4 film
“A young Caribbean woman embarks on a cruise to England” meets a white Englishman on board.. and they get married and live happily ever after.
I have an anderson shelter in my garden. Just needs cleaning out and would do, just as it did for the generation of people who slept in anderson shelters during the war, which we won.
Not good enough eh.
I see a growing number of people convinced Biden is owned by China, and referring to him as ‘Xiden’.
I made the suggestion very early that the Afghan withdrawal was massively beneficial for China, and that ‘Xiden’ had effectively destroyed Americas credibility asa wrld power.
Others are suggesting the US is being deliberately destroyed, and they are fearful of unknown actors controlling this behind the scenes.
It is a terrifying picture, but worse because of that, regardless of whether it’s true or not eventually people will not tolerate the state of affairs and will rise up, culminating potentially in civil war.
One of the many lies the BBC have been repeating – or quoting others as saying – is that the Taliban have no ambitions beyond Afghanistan.
Think again, BBC:
“When you do jihad all doors open,” a Taliban commander added, unable to stop smiling. “Our lesson is that we defeated America with our faith and our guns and we hope now that Bagram can be a base for jihad for all Muslims.”
Well done, Biden, you just gave them a state-of-the-art base for worldwide terrorism.
And an almost unlimited supply of the latest military equipment so that if we are forced to go back in, a lot of our soldiers will die.
The good thing about an AK47 is that you can’t hit a barn door at 50 paces. But you can keep trying all day without it jamming. The latest assault rifles with night-vision is an entirely different kettle of fish.
What REALLY bugs me about the BBC (and the Left in general) here is that they don’t really care one bit about what happens to normal people. They only care about that tiny percentage who they can use as victims and thus demontrate their superior compassion and morality to everyone else. They are shallow people – which also explains their greed around money we saw so much of for Brexit. It was the root of all their arguments.
Bbbc news at 10 just told me that child sex abuse is a real problem in the Anglican, catholic, Jehovah’s Witness and orthodox Jewish communities. Who knew!?
Excellent titbit from GB News presenter Alastair Stewart…….
“if some GPs spent less time on TV and radio shows, they might see more patients. I can understand the merit of an occasional appearance on a news bulletin, but some GPs are virtually members of the presenting teams on daytime TV and radio shows. It drives me bonkers”.
Some on here have made the same observation. I would add newspaper columns to that as well.
Tucker Carlson disappears completely from my YouTube subscribed channels – not that he’s ever on the BBC or referenced by them – but always a sure sign that he’s trod on some toes…
Google seem to have limited detail specific date window search results from a querry – it’s what I’m seeing at the moment.
Tomo – thank you for making the effort to put this and other tucker Carlson pieces up . Watching them – you can understand why the woke would want to cancel him .
You can also understand why vermin like the politician he described would not go on fox despite being a ‘republican ‘ in name only .
I cannot think what Any US veteran watching him would think – or what he might say about what has happened …..
Graham and his RINO ilk clinging to power at any price (and one has to assume enriching themselves) is quite a spectacle really – Graham has been more perceptive, deceptive and artful than most of the RINO crew – he is quite the master of the tuned soundbite which he’s no intention of acting on.
Vermin indeed.
Guess Who
I watch those school board meetings and then compare to what I see here and wonder … there’s one primary school locally where the teachers are obviously at the loonier end of Guardian readership who’ve been dressing their (5 to 10 year old) kids up and parading them around town with placards decrying climate change – they manage to get regular media coverage of the fight against slavery and worker’s rights etc. etc. -> primary school kids…..
My Mathematics teacher used to begin every class with “What do we know?”.
Equations were written on the BLACKBOARD, with lower case letters for the unknowns.
The equations were then solved.
My Mathematics teacher had a PHD and was overqualified to teach yokels.
So, what do we know?
We know that most professional sportsorganisms have, at best, the IQ of a Portia spider.
We know that Portia spider’s accomplish this intellectual equity with one millionth of the glial cells available
to the running, jumping, spitting, sportsorganisms [IQ c70].
We know that being a proud, patriotic country, like the Hungary of today, is certain to outrage the Commie staff
employed, and overpaid, by the World’s Least Trusted Broadcaster.
We know that Hungary built a fence to prevent its “enrichment” by barbarians from the Pre-Cambrian.
We know that Lithuania has told the CCP to f*** off, and is also building a fence.
We know that the Greeks, having been economically ruined by the EU, are also planning similar exclusions for the Portia spider intellectual equivalents from the pre Big Bang Dromedary shaggers.
We know that the anti European EU has severely rebuked Patriotic actions.
We know that, having been rejected by the indigenous European voters, the Commie EU imported millions of the pre-eminent Pre-Cambrians, with a 1500 year history of White Queen impersonation, AKA “believing six impossible things before breakfast”.
We know that the racist Pre-Cambrians gang raped millions of white, female, European children.
We know that the Euro Commies were so outraged by these adventitious, unpredictable, unexpected, mass rapes, that they buried the news.
I am putting away my Spengler and looking forward to “The Resurgence Of The West”.
Time to make some omelettes.
The Left have lowered the definition of ‘racial abuse’ right down to where just putting a monkey emjoi at the end of a message is classed as racial abuse. Not particularly pleasant but I wouldn’t put it anywhere near ‘abuse’.
Once they have the bar lowered to virtually nothing, it means they can use the term almost freely and not have to give any details whatsoever. It covers it from one extreme to the other and their intention is to make you assume it’s somewhere near the middle.
Just one of the many dirty methods the BBC use to push their agenda. Only the end result matters : not how you get there.
Yes, the BBC reported that the racist Hungarian fans threw paper cups! Wow, scary.
Sky Sports News last evening also showed the paper cups as an example of the thuggish behavior of the home fans and with a censorious voice-over.
Sky Sports News clearly never attended a football match here during the 1970s.
No booing allowed at football, it seems.
BBC ‘blacks don’t sell drugs and murder people’ propaganda at it’s absolute best (or worst) (I think).
The story here is a known black drug dealer convicted of shooting a white guy. Now I’m not saying he is guilty : the whole story is a mess of the dregs of society (I researched it seperately on google because I can’t face what BBC says this early in a morning).
So I braced myself and decided I would watch it until the first mournful piano sound started. It started 1 second in. But it was just a ‘plink’ to get you in the mood. It started in earnest 23 seconds later. Off.
The bit I saw was utterly and completely designed to show his innocence. So I checked the three people credited with making it. All work for the BBC and not one of them is white.
And Sharpe did not get off because he was found innocent : they managed to discredit the witnesses and find ways court procedure were not properly followed. Then a Judge decided a retrial would not be possible because eye witnesses etc are not around any more.
If anyone has the stomach to watch it, let me know if the BBC accurately report why he was released – or they paint a man who is without question innocent with the intent to suggest black people convicted of drug dealing and murder are good really.
It seems the BBC have decided not to report anything except good news about Biden during this crisis.
I see his approval rating has plummeted to 43% – and being Lefties, you can be sure 40% of those would approve even if he went on youtube murdering children – and not a sniff of anything wrong across their entire site now.
These people really are the most shameful double-standard hypocrites. Those who support them simply as a Left vs Right principle and especially those who spend their lives trolling forums for it (like maxi) really are ethically-barren dregs of society.
Going by the way he writes his comments to BBC standards, the access he has to the BBC archive and the fact he digs up things people posted from months or years ago, I would say it is beyond reasonable doubt that he works for the BBC in some sort of social-media cyber-warfare role. Of course he won’t use the same name because a search could give it away.
If he does that, it is also certain he will have a presence on any forum where the BBC may be criticised. Facebook and Twitter for sure .
He has to follow BBC posting guidelines just in case it gets out that he works for them. This is the biggest giveaway of all.
There was a big nuisance who used to post on Conservative Woman, whose posts were often followed by one from Piku, saying “Oh, how I do so agree” or some such. So that nuisance may have been Maxincony!
Taffman – they go quiet when the woke heroes screw something up – so there are long periods of quiet – see Biden on Afgee of now Arden importing / harbouring Muslim terrorists …. …
Knife man in goes on rampage in NZ shot dead.
Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
I would expect more to come here now because of our slack Border Force and border control.
Taffman – one of arden’s imports – a Shri Lankan Muslim terrorist who was under surveillance and shot dead carrying out the attack …. the BBC toady mentioned his ‘religion ‘ in passing ….
it’s a shame a country as nice as NZ got polluted by those people …. methinks there may be reprisals ….
I was surprised Toady didn’t moan that the Islamic terrorist was shot dead instead of becoming a ‘living victim ‘…
The Adhern of thinking is a blight in politics now.
Can’t wait for Claudia Webbe to stage a Rambo 23 3/4 rescue mission of trannies in Hungary, only to invade Pakistan due to a navigational error in her massive Hind.
His post mortum ‘mental issues ‘ diagnosis can’t be long delayed along with the promise of the NZ government to crack down on anyone who it can accuse of even thinking about a backlash let alone saying anything in that vein.
Our Heroes are back on our newspaper frontpages again today – no, I don’t mean our NHS heroes or our Afghan interpreter heroes. These heroes appear alongside Celebrations, Quality Street and Cadbury’s Roses… £3.50 a tub, that’s Clubcard price from Tescos, as advertised on the frontpage of the Sun.
Meanwhile the Daily Express wears its social concern on its sleeve: ‘Diabetes is NOW scurge of the young‘ – We are presented with a close up pic of young hands in a crowd clutching burger and fries and can’t help noting that scrap of red tartan cloth (Royal Stewart?) A sly reference to Scotland’s poor public health record and reminder perhaps of the Bay City Rollers.
Also on the Express’s social concern frontpage we have a sort of charity advertisement (the cynical might term it a corporate virtue signal): ‘Being clean isn’t a privilge – it’s a basic human right‘ – well, well, that’s a new one on me.
Is anyone keeping track of all these new human rights? It’s as though Moses delivered the Lord’s ten commandments to the Israelites but kept popping back up the mount every so often, when the mood took him, to bring back new ones.
This is Boots our high street chemist inventing something to emmulate Food Banks which they dub: ‘The Hygiene Bank‘ – they suggest we donate tooth brushes, soaps etc – I guess a Drug Bank would have presented obvious practical medical difficulties and no doubt confusion in the minds of some eager younger consumers.
Of course this new initiative requires a slogan and a call to action: ‘Help us end hygiene poverty‘
Ah, poverty, another concept like human rights which has become somewhat bent of shape these days through over use. I passed a cheap furniture outlet the other day aimed at recycling unwanted items for the benefit of those on benefits – a worthy enough cause – their slogan, inevitably, was “help end furniture poverty” – I’m guessing access to a comfy sofa will soon be claimed to be a human right.
Our middle aged Swedish pop heroes ABBA appear on most press frontpages, the Telegraph’s pic being perhaps the least appealing: ‘…posed in motion capture suits that will allow them to appear as their younger selves in a stage tour‘ – imagine four ageing slightly paunchy comic book super heroes, each clad in a peculiar cross between skateboard gear, with sown on ping pong balls, and the costumes from that old movie Rollerball.
‘Mamma Mia! Abba to release first album in 40 years‘ (Daily Express)
Other than those daft get ups they look pretty well for their age. The Times goes to the trouble of naming them – frankly, if you don’t already know them (and perhaps have a favourite) then I really doubt you’ll be that interested when they: ‘…perform as avatars‘
So we leave our four middle aged Swedish millionaires to their fan service virtual tour. Where’s the diversity, our younger pop fans may ask?
BBC Sport: ‘Hungary v England: Visiting players racially abused‘ – but what was the score in the football match, we wonder? Don’t tell us the far right Hungarian government made our boys do the Heil Hitler salute pre kick off?
‘The tone was set at kick-off when England’s players were booed loudly as they took a knee to protest against racism‘ – Oh, so it was our lot who insisted on performing overtly political and racially divisive gestures at the start of the game.
So what did the racialist Hungarians do that was any different from regular English club fans who tire of these millionaire virtue signallers taking the knee?
‘The first half was otherwise uneventful on and off the field – but in the second half, Sterling was pelted with paper cups and bottles when he opened the scoring for England, while a flare was thrown on to the pitch after Harry Maguire put the visitors 3-0 ahead.‘
Harry Maguire is as white as sheet, mind you, and the crowd throwing stuff on the pitch is fairly commonplace in foreign football stadia the world over. Come on BBC, you’re stretching this a bit.
‘Gareth Southgate had ice thrown at him by fans during his post-match interview with BBC Radio 5 Live. He said: “I’ve heard reports of racism, which I hadn’t heard during the game”‘ – you just keep banging that drum, Gareth, and the BBC will back you all the way, son, win lose or draw.
A ‘suppression order ‘ has been issued in NZ to prevent details of the now thankfully dead Shri lankan islamic terrorist being identified .
No doubt the ‘suppression order ‘ will feature here pretty soon – although it’s applied informally – such as reports on Islamic racist paedo rape gangs operating in British towns
‘as they took a knee to protest against racism‘
Taking the knee is a gesture of solidarity for BLM. They know that full well. If they were serious, they would devise a politically neutral gesture no tlinked to BLM.
But then they would be the subject of abuse by the BLM fascists and would be called racists. So the cowardly hypocrites won’t do it.
This is an excellent example of the wedge BLM has deliberately driven through society – with the full support of the BBC.
“Is anyone keeping track of all these new human rights? It’s as though Moses delivered the Lord’s ten commandments to the Israelites but kept popping back up the mount every so often, when the mood took him, to bring back new ones.”
A process described in the Old Testament (Numbers) and simplified by Mo when he only needed to ‘dream’ to obtain a new sexual right for himself.
The old ‘rights’ generally required others not to do things to the individual, the new ‘rights’ tend to require others to do things for the individual. (See positive versus negative rights)
I know they are relying on us to push the profile on a ‘no such thing as bad pr’ basis, but after a few weeks’ spike morbid curiosity even the most dedicated BEeb troll would rather cut their wrists and ratings do register even with OFCOm and dcms.
Free Speech Matters
Apr 30, 2020
“I want you white people in the audience to do something for me – I want you to go home and kill your racist Brexit-voting parents.”
It is a a MYSTERY why Nish Kumar is the favourite comedian at the BBC!!!
"I want you white people in the audience to do something for me – I want you to go home and kill your racist Brexit-voting parents." It is a a MYSTERY why Nish Kumar is the favourite comedian at the BBC!!!
People demonstrated FOR BREXIT by going on Farage’s walk to London
They were then pestered by a giant video billboard truck from Led By Donkeys
which is a Greenpeace front group.
I was wondering which ‘victim ‘ the mad NZ PM would visit ? – I’m guessing she’d show solidarity with the family of the Islamic family and pop down to the mosque ….
Putting aside that this was a ‘mostly peaceful’ stabbing attack, a signficant factor is that the attacker was reported as having been under surveillance since 2016. Let’s rephrase this in plain language: he was a known extremist yet the NZ authorities did nothing for five years. In other words, he was effectively ‘licensed to kill’ by them.
Any cop who questioned the wisdom of allowing this animal to roam loose would have been hauled before the court of Holy Jacinda and ordered to beg forgiveness.. So the only thing they can do is look the other way.
it is a stupid creeping liberal guilt sickness that has infected Canada, New Zealand and Australia to some degree and it s building right here!
I fear that many more innocent lives are about to be lost all-round.
I hope that it results in a French Revolution style uprising against these cretins in due course.
What bothers me about this is that we had a similar thing here a while back. The guy was shot dead within seconds.
Just how many hundreds or thousands of full time police are we paying to follow individuals like this who we released onto the streets just so we can pretend there isn’t a problem and so people like the BBC don’t use them a ‘victims’ because we locked them up ?.
I still remember the terrorist in London where the BBC blurred out his face so we couldn’t tell he was a Muslim. It wasn’t blurred out in the newspapers.
Perhaps if the likes of MI5 think that way, they would be following the most likely of the Islamists until they attacked their prey and then ending their days, ‘on site’ so to speak. No prison or lengthy court cases or non-existent ‘deportations’, just a delayed and risky (for the public) execution by plan. I would like to think so but planning is not a speciality of any Government Department.
A mostly peaceful shopping trip went sadly wrong when a man, who was testing the sharpness of a knife for peeling apples, slipped and accidently injured 6 passersby. Police and Health and Safety are looking at bringing criminal charges against the shopping mall for not mopping up a liquid spillage, which the government believes to be the cause of this sad event, culminating in security forces murdering an innocent knife shopper. “I am appalled at the actions of these killers, and I can assure you a full inquiry will take place to exonerate the poor man, and bring his killers before the courts” sneered Loopy Lu, “if the people slightly injured in this event had adhered to the 2 meter rule and worn face masks, this could easily have been avoided, nobody else can be blamed. I will be asking for new tougher measures to prevent this type of accident, maybe a 10 meter rule is needed.” Large cheers were heard from attending journalists, who at least had a proper Covid story to report, if nothing else.
In other news, Abba have done some more music.
He had been under round-the-clock monitoring and heavy surveillance due to concerns about his ideology. He was known to multiple agencies, and was also on a terror watchlist.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
As this report shows,
the CCP desires the PLA to become a practical instrument of its statecraft with an active role in
advancing the PRC’s foreign policy, particularly with respect to the PRC’s increasingly global interests
and its aims to revise aspects of the international order.
The New Zealand Isis inspired attack didn’t get a mention on my local radio stations
They did mention New York flood deaths and are currently banging on about Abba
Twitter news says
‘Violent extremist’ shot dead by New Zealand police after knife attack at Auckland supermarket
At least six people have been injured after “a violent extremist undertook a terrorist attack on innocent New Zealanders” at a supermarket in Auckland,
Jacinda Ardern said. The man was shot and killed by members of a police Special Tactics Group within 60 seconds of the attack beginning, Ardern said.
She described the man as an “Isis-inspired known threat” who was under constant police surveillance.
I see the ISIS bit is at the end rather than in the title.
The Prime Minister said he was being monitored so closely that “at the point that he visited the supermarket, he was being watched and followed.”
“If we had reached a threshold for him to be in prison, he would have been in prison,” she said.
Seems the suppression orders are not new but quite old.
“32-year-old Sri Lankan” so born in 88 or 89 I guess
“was watched 24/7 since 2016. He arrived in New Zealand in 2011”
Jacinda Ardern warns against backlash against the Muslim community following the terror attack, emphasising the only person to blame is the extremist – calling him a lone wolf.
“That is who is culpable, that is who is responsible.”
“It was carried out by an individual, not a faith, not a culture, not an ethnicity, but an individual person who is gripped by an ideology that is not supported here by anyone.”
More info on S-man S was considered a threat to public safety after twice buying large hunting knives and possessing Islamic State videos.
He had only recently been released from prison and was under constant surveillance from police, including an armed tactical team, and national security agencies.
10am TalkRadio news lead with the NZ attack
played the shooting video
and Jacinda saying “carried out by an IDIVIDUAL gripped by an ideology that is not supported by any COMMUNITY”
… Hmm I think there has been hindrance in the past by entire communities refusing to speak up about such radicals.
1) How predictable that Saint Jacinda’s first priority is to defend the murderous faith that exhorts its followers to kill infidels.
2) Will there be a worldwide hue and cry as there was for the Christchurch mosque shooter?
3) After Biden’s Afghan debacle, it was predicted that muslim terrorists everywhere would be emboldened, inspired and energised. Is this the first of many to come?
4) The story is making the news because it’s a ‘First World’ country. But let’s not forget that the Religion of Murder and Butchery is at it relentlessly, every hour of every day, all over the world, mostly in poorer Third World countries where it never gets reported by the likes of the racist BBC who don’t care about brown or black victims (especially if they’re Christian).
In the last 30 days there were 143 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 1086 people were killed and 814 injured.
St. Jaq likley polling her small bubble to decide whether or not to take a knee to the prophet outside the perp’s mosque and then demand the rozzers are banged up.
So BBC East Yorkshire which local news have you SELECTED to highlight ?
Someone in Driffield has put up a mural as a tribute to shop staff who worked through the pandemic
Driffield Town Council said the artwork depicted well-known personalities who worked at independent businesses.
I count 15 faces
#1 Disabilities doesn’t count, cos many disabilities are not visible
#2 How many non-white people should there be ?
2 in a 100 if the shopworkers are 98% white
5 in a 100 if the shopworkers are 95% white
That is 0.75 in 15, so 1 would be over-representation
The BBC lead the charge in the culture wars. They’re obsessed. Stop paying your licence fee and stop funding their attempts at division.
‘How is this legal?’ BBC bans white people from applying for Springwatch & One Show job
THE BBC has found itself at the centre of a discrimination storm after banning white people from applying for a production management role, as one furious critic musing “imagine the riots if it had been the other way round.”
PUBLISHED: 12:03, Sun, Jun 20, 2021 | UPDATED: 13:42, Sun, Jun 20, 2021
2.7% of 15 people … is 0.4 people
Someone has got a chart saying the town itself only has 171 non-whites out of its population of 12,909
and that is 1.3% …
I don’t know the year of his source ..seems to be Daily Mail
As an aside I see Baroness Fox of Buckley is attracting the attention of Twitter with hundreds of “likes” (ca 30% on some items…) disappearing from her tweets
What exactly is a ‘fashion sex assault’?… no, seriously, it doesn’t make any sense.
As for the lady(? can’t be too sure with the BBC)’s physiog, I have to admit I was a bit surprised she was described as a ‘fashion model’ in the report (yes, I tried to read it, I really wanted to know what a ‘fashion sex assault’ was).
The article makes it sound as if she was going undercover for a BBC expose when the alleged ‘fashion sex assault’, allegedly happened… allegedly.
It did strike me that she must have stood out among the other models, but maybe she was posing as a ‘hand’ model, or something? She must have gorgeous hands.
Looks like BBC guilt
#1 They should mention it’s not recent, but 23 years ago
ie historic
#2 but did not go to the police.
“I was directed not to at the time, because it would have cut short the investigation. At that time, we were working very intensively undercover. I was working 20 hour days
#3 After the documentary aired in November 1999, Elite Models sued the BBC alleging misrepresentation.
They reached a confidential settlement which included the BBC not airing the documentary ever again. The BBC also told Lisa that the settlement agreement prevented it providing footage to her.
#4 The statute of limitations has well expired but she argues it’s invalid cos she was prevented from reporting it.
#5 Anne-Claire says she has so far spoken with 31 women who have detailed similar accusations against Gerald Marie.
Personally I think we should be sympathetic to women complaining of sexual assault
and not go down some rabbit hole of insulting their appearance.
Yes I know in some cases complainant lie
that’s why we don’t use the word victim before a conviction.
Sometimes i dont like to be right . But a few hours ago in this thread i predicted that the islamic terrorist attack in NZ would disappear from BBC radio news by noon .
It has .
Instead there is tedious stuff about some olympics thing and the PM of the dirty japs stepping down .
Instead of defunding non – important bits of the NHS to fund social care the red tories are to increase taxes – between 1 and 2% on NIC …. Comrade corbyn would approve …
Its taken this long for red tories to do something?
Thought of the day for Jacinda. If the knifeman in the supermarket was an “individual” wasn’t the white guy at the mosque shooting also just an “individual”?
Good news about Isabel. It is reported that Brillo is leaving owing to disagreement with the boss who wants a bit more of a rightward lean . Brillo has always been soft , very soft , on immigration and the channel is certainly less welcoming of the medievalists than he is. If that is one of the reasons he is leaving he won’t be missed.
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
28 July 2020, received £1,203.28 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 August 2020)
30 September 2020, received £6,000.57 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 14 October 2020)
20 January 2021, received £1,471.64 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 February 2021)
10 March 2021, received £742.60 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2021)
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
“They suggested a local ruffian be included simply cos he is black”
He got a BEM recently
but in2006
” Boxer Curtis Woodhouse has been sentenced to 120 hours of community service for injuring a police officer.
The court heard the officer’s shoulder was injured so badly he was unable to work for several weeks.”
Also 22 JUL, 2002 “ordered to do 120 hours community service for brawling in an Indian restaurant after a row over the bill.”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – No. 10 Downing Street missing someone very important Another leak designed to make life difficult for a Conservative Government. The PM really needs to call in the head of the Civil Service and give him a carpeting – a dressing down. This is unacceptable. Oh, the PM needs to bring back Dominic Cummings – if Cummings is willing – and give him his old job back to reform the Civil Service.
I thought I’d post this here, but probably re-post it on the Weekend thread when it appears.
It’s a crowd of total F***wit Democrat ‘intelectuals’ who cannot grasp the enormity of what they are being told by Jordan Peterson, the sole voice of reason amongst them.
They laugh and they sneer and they are entranced by how clever they think they are, but they are in so many ways some of the thickest people I’ve seen on TV, unable to consider implications of their actions, the future or indeed anything outside their own scope of beliefs.
Stew : Already spotted that one .. See 1230 on previous page for discussion ! .. But yes, that was the worst example of a BBC video I have seen in a while !
As ever always ask “is this news or is it PR ?”
Is your local BBC news team are deliberately inserting GreenBlob PR stories almost every day in the lead up to COP26 ?
Friday morning local news “11,000 solar panels are to be placed at the Castle Hill Hospital”
(that’s Cottingham, Hull)
“The panels will provide one third of the hospital’s power” (That is spin)
“It’s possible cos of a £12.4m GOVERNMENT grant” … that’s your tax money not magic money
And if the solar power was any good it wouldn’t need a grant , it would be self funding.
BTW that’s about £1,000 per panel plus £1.4m for the wiring and regulators etc., so seems expensive to me
But the big thing is this is NOT new new
In fact the BBCnews solar list page had the story on May 24th
And there were earlier stories in March
So I make this the third bite of the PR cherry.
“And if the solar power was any good it wouldn’t need a grant”
I’ve often wondered why companies perceived as ‘green’ such as Tesla don’t install Solar panels on the roof of their cars, after all they are often sold in sunshine states where solar power is plentiful and predictable, yet it cannot provide any realistic power levels to even trickle charge an electric car.
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diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Nice to see the Magyar footy team making a stand again ridiculous kneeling by the engerland millionaires – together with a crowd booing so loud that the ITV woke commentator couldnt avoid it .
God bless Hungary .
Unfortunate that the referee showed his bias by kneeling as well .
England footballers goad partisan crowd by supporting Marxist organisation?
ITV commentator “Fans booing will be barred. They are going to be busy tomorrow”.
“Fans booing will be barred…”
Jesus H Christ, what sort of totalitarian nightmare world are we living in?
Football fans always boo, that’s what we do.
There’s a very dangerous, far-left conformity creeping into all aspects of public life. It’s intolerant and it’s sinister.
I haven’t attended a match this season, but if I witness any of this “taking the bloody knee” malarkey, I’ll certainly be booing.
Mind you, I’m a Fulham supporter
There’s usually quite a lot to boo…
Someone said on R5’dying’ that ‘football’ is Great Britain’s biggest export!
Is this actually true, and can someone explain why please?
It was the BBC of course, so is likely to be untrue, but as I don’t ever follow the kneeling sort of charades every weekend, I really don’t know!
The likes of Gareth Southgate equates booing the kneeling with racism – but he is a thick footballer so to be expected – whereas the kneeling signifies support for something else – a Marxist corrupt organisation ….with Hungary’s history you could understand the sensitivity . good for the Magyars …..
..and another example of the woke element of the UK trying to impose its’ so called woke beliefs on those of another country – that hasn’t gone well recently ….
Not much happening Stateside currently.
So Sopes is flogging his book, and…
Saving the planet by flying around and around it.
This is the reason Twatter pees me off. People who have nothing better to do but feel the need to ‘share’ their bloody lives on social media. Sometimes the world even 20 years ago seemed a better place, no Twatter, not everyone had a mobile, and we still had Friends Reunited lol !
Maybe he thinks that if he goes fast enough he can turn back time?
Aw shaddup Sopes, that’s a sign of normal weather, nothing to do with ‘climate change’ or all that other twaddle you types spout.
And why aren’t you working in the US to get to the story which the world is after – Biden’s abject failure to do anything right?
She doesn’t look like me, but I am not complaining.
BBC1, 10.35pm Alan Yentob interviews Bernardine Evaristo
… Guardianlands’s favourite author
Her book was an exploration of the lives of 12 characters, predominantly black women and non-binary people
and she’s black and from London.
Or you can watch the 9pm BBC4 film
“A young Caribbean woman embarks on a cruise to England” meets a white Englishman on board.. and they get married and live happily ever after.
We tried to give it a chance. Good cast but awful writing. They were doing their best with what they had on the page. Just dull.
Must be flush.
I have an anderson shelter in my garden. Just needs cleaning out and would do, just as it did for the generation of people who slept in anderson shelters during the war, which we won.
Not good enough eh.
I see a growing number of people convinced Biden is owned by China, and referring to him as ‘Xiden’.
I made the suggestion very early that the Afghan withdrawal was massively beneficial for China, and that ‘Xiden’ had effectively destroyed Americas credibility asa wrld power.
Others are suggesting the US is being deliberately destroyed, and they are fearful of unknown actors controlling this behind the scenes.
It is a terrifying picture, but worse because of that, regardless of whether it’s true or not eventually people will not tolerate the state of affairs and will rise up, culminating potentially in civil war.
Thoughtful, as for soubriquets I prefer China Joe. Poor bloke is looking increasingly fragile and if he gets dropped ….. ouch!
Biden of Kabul.
Bagram Biden…
Joltin’ Joe has left and gone away…
“…they are fearful of unknown actors controlling this behind the scenes.”
The fear is that it is Bill Gates.
B.G. “Have you tried Ctrl-Alt-Del?”
The World: “Yes, nothing happened.”
B.G.: “Try turning EVERYTHING off.”
One of the many lies the BBC have been repeating – or quoting others as saying – is that the Taliban have no ambitions beyond Afghanistan.
Think again, BBC:
“When you do jihad all doors open,” a Taliban commander added, unable to stop smiling. “Our lesson is that we defeated America with our faith and our guns and we hope now that Bagram can be a base for jihad for all Muslims.”
Well done, Biden, you just gave them a state-of-the-art base for worldwide terrorism.
vlad, Bagram to Beslan, how far?
Or Manchester, Paris, Nice, New York…
And an almost unlimited supply of the latest military equipment so that if we are forced to go back in, a lot of our soldiers will die.
The good thing about an AK47 is that you can’t hit a barn door at 50 paces. But you can keep trying all day without it jamming. The latest assault rifles with night-vision is an entirely different kettle of fish.
What REALLY bugs me about the BBC (and the Left in general) here is that they don’t really care one bit about what happens to normal people. They only care about that tiny percentage who they can use as victims and thus demontrate their superior compassion and morality to everyone else. They are shallow people – which also explains their greed around money we saw so much of for Brexit. It was the root of all their arguments.
Bbbc news at 10 just told me that child sex abuse is a real problem in the Anglican, catholic, Jehovah’s Witness and orthodox Jewish communities. Who knew!?
Haven’t they left somebody out?
Excellent titbit from GB News presenter Alastair Stewart…….
“if some GPs spent less time on TV and radio shows, they might see more patients. I can understand the merit of an occasional appearance on a news bulletin, but some GPs are virtually members of the presenting teams on daytime TV and radio shows. It drives me bonkers”.
Some on here have made the same observation. I would add newspaper columns to that as well.
“And now over to Dr. Sarah Jarvis…
… expert on all things medical, even though she is only a part-time, part-time GP”.
Tucker Carlson disappears completely from my YouTube subscribed channels – not that he’s ever on the BBC or referenced by them – but always a sure sign that he’s trod on some toes…
Google seem to have limited detail specific date window search results from a querry – it’s what I’m seeing at the moment.
Tomo – thank you for making the effort to put this and other tucker Carlson pieces up . Watching them – you can understand why the woke would want to cancel him .
You can also understand why vermin like the politician he described would not go on fox despite being a ‘republican ‘ in name only .
I cannot think what Any US veteran watching him would think – or what he might say about what has happened …..
Bongino running footage of US parents and school boards is also ‘educational’.
Graham and his RINO ilk clinging to power at any price (and one has to assume enriching themselves) is quite a spectacle really – Graham has been more perceptive, deceptive and artful than most of the RINO crew – he is quite the master of the tuned soundbite which he’s no intention of acting on.
Vermin indeed.
Guess Who
I watch those school board meetings and then compare to what I see here and wonder … there’s one primary school locally where the teachers are obviously at the loonier end of Guardian readership who’ve been dressing their (5 to 10 year old) kids up and parading them around town with placards decrying climate change – they manage to get regular media coverage of the fight against slavery and worker’s rights etc. etc. -> primary school kids…..
“Hungary v England: Visiting players racially abused at Puskas Arena”
My Mathematics teacher used to begin every class with “What do we know?”.
Equations were written on the BLACKBOARD, with lower case letters for the unknowns.
The equations were then solved.
My Mathematics teacher had a PHD and was overqualified to teach yokels.
So, what do we know?
We know that most professional sportsorganisms have, at best, the IQ of a Portia spider.
We know that Portia spider’s accomplish this intellectual equity with one millionth of the glial cells available
to the running, jumping, spitting, sportsorganisms [IQ c70].
We know that being a proud, patriotic country, like the Hungary of today, is certain to outrage the Commie staff
employed, and overpaid, by the World’s Least Trusted Broadcaster.
We know that Hungary built a fence to prevent its “enrichment” by barbarians from the Pre-Cambrian.
We know that Lithuania has told the CCP to f*** off, and is also building a fence.
We know that the Greeks, having been economically ruined by the EU, are also planning similar exclusions for the Portia spider intellectual equivalents from the pre Big Bang Dromedary shaggers.
We know that the anti European EU has severely rebuked Patriotic actions.
We know that, having been rejected by the indigenous European voters, the Commie EU imported millions of the pre-eminent Pre-Cambrians, with a 1500 year history of White Queen impersonation, AKA “believing six impossible things before breakfast”.
We know that the racist Pre-Cambrians gang raped millions of white, female, European children.
We know that the Euro Commies were so outraged by these adventitious, unpredictable, unexpected, mass rapes, that they buried the news.
I am putting away my Spengler and looking forward to “The Resurgence Of The West”.
Time to make some omelettes.
The Left have lowered the definition of ‘racial abuse’ right down to where just putting a monkey emjoi at the end of a message is classed as racial abuse. Not particularly pleasant but I wouldn’t put it anywhere near ‘abuse’.
Once they have the bar lowered to virtually nothing, it means they can use the term almost freely and not have to give any details whatsoever. It covers it from one extreme to the other and their intention is to make you assume it’s somewhere near the middle.
Just one of the many dirty methods the BBC use to push their agenda. Only the end result matters : not how you get there.
Yes, the BBC reported that the racist Hungarian fans threw paper cups! Wow, scary.
Sky Sports News last evening also showed the paper cups as an example of the thuggish behavior of the home fans and with a censorious voice-over.
Sky Sports News clearly never attended a football match here during the 1970s.
No booing allowed at football, it seems.
Dontae Sharpe: ‘My 26-year fight to prove my innocence’
BBC ‘blacks don’t sell drugs and murder people’ propaganda at it’s absolute best (or worst) (I think).
The story here is a known black drug dealer convicted of shooting a white guy. Now I’m not saying he is guilty : the whole story is a mess of the dregs of society (I researched it seperately on google because I can’t face what BBC says this early in a morning).
So I braced myself and decided I would watch it until the first mournful piano sound started. It started 1 second in. But it was just a ‘plink’ to get you in the mood. It started in earnest 23 seconds later. Off.
The bit I saw was utterly and completely designed to show his innocence. So I checked the three people credited with making it. All work for the BBC and not one of them is white.
And Sharpe did not get off because he was found innocent : they managed to discredit the witnesses and find ways court procedure were not properly followed. Then a Judge decided a retrial would not be possible because eye witnesses etc are not around any more.
If anyone has the stomach to watch it, let me know if the BBC accurately report why he was released – or they paint a man who is without question innocent with the intent to suggest black people convicted of drug dealing and murder are good really.
This is the unbiased BBC you can trust. Not.
It seems the BBC have decided not to report anything except good news about Biden during this crisis.
I see his approval rating has plummeted to 43% – and being Lefties, you can be sure 40% of those would approve even if he went on youtube murdering children – and not a sniff of anything wrong across their entire site now.
These people really are the most shameful double-standard hypocrites. Those who support them simply as a Left vs Right principle and especially those who spend their lives trolling forums for it (like maxi) really are ethically-barren dregs of society.
Does maxincony troll other forums ? I haven’t seen him here lately, or come to think of it his chum Piku?
Going by the way he writes his comments to BBC standards, the access he has to the BBC archive and the fact he digs up things people posted from months or years ago, I would say it is beyond reasonable doubt that he works for the BBC in some sort of social-media cyber-warfare role. Of course he won’t use the same name because a search could give it away.
If he does that, it is also certain he will have a presence on any forum where the BBC may be criticised. Facebook and Twitter for sure .
He has to follow BBC posting guidelines just in case it gets out that he works for them. This is the biggest giveaway of all.
They could be one of their “Fact checkers”? Perhaps someone could pose Al Beeb with a FOI request to find out if they have such a “Department”?
There was a big nuisance who used to post on Conservative Woman, whose posts were often followed by one from Piku, saying “Oh, how I do so agree” or some such. So that nuisance may have been Maxincony!
Taffman – they go quiet when the woke heroes screw something up – so there are long periods of quiet – see Biden on Afgee of now Arden importing / harbouring Muslim terrorists …. …
“Islamic State ‘Beatles’ member pleads guilty over US hostage deaths”
What justice will they receive?
“Afghanistan Panjshir: Fighting intensifies over holdout Afghan valley”
Well , it ain’t over yet . IMHO its only just begun.
The Taliban are armed to the teeth thanks to Joe.
This fight can only have one result. Lots and lots of dead people who aren’t Taliban.
“Climate change: Arctic warming linked to colder winters”
It’s not “warming” then ? This is a new one for me .
Knife man in goes on rampage in NZ shot dead.
Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
I would expect more to come here now because of our slack Border Force and border control.
Taffman – one of arden’s imports – a Shri Lankan Muslim terrorist who was under surveillance and shot dead carrying out the attack …. the BBC toady mentioned his ‘religion ‘ in passing ….
it’s a shame a country as nice as NZ got polluted by those people …. methinks there may be reprisals ….
I was surprised Toady didn’t moan that the Islamic terrorist was shot dead instead of becoming a ‘living victim ‘…
Ardern: “It was carried out by an individual, not a faith.”
I wonder how many of these attacks this stupid apologist liberal would need by all these different people of the same faith to spot the common factor.
The Adhern of thinking is a blight in politics now.
Can’t wait for Claudia Webbe to stage a Rambo 23 3/4 rescue mission of trannies in Hungary, only to invade Pakistan due to a navigational error in her massive Hind.
Ends… less well.
His post mortum ‘mental issues ‘ diagnosis can’t be long delayed along with the promise of the NZ government to crack down on anyone who it can accuse of even thinking about a backlash let alone saying anything in that vein.
In sympathy with the victims Ardern will be wearing a baseball cap when visiting them.
The real victim was of course the person who did it.
BBC ‘ what do we know about the attacker’ … we don’t seem to know or want to mention his religion.. Funny that
By the way – by the 0730 news the Islamic attack in NZ is down the news running order at number 4. By lunchtime it will be gone ….
Our Heroes are back on our newspaper frontpages again today – no, I don’t mean our NHS heroes or our Afghan interpreter heroes. These heroes appear alongside Celebrations, Quality Street and Cadbury’s Roses… £3.50 a tub, that’s Clubcard price from Tescos, as advertised on the frontpage of the Sun.
Meanwhile the Daily Express wears its social concern on its sleeve: ‘Diabetes is NOW scurge of the young‘ – We are presented with a close up pic of young hands in a crowd clutching burger and fries and can’t help noting that scrap of red tartan cloth (Royal Stewart?) A sly reference to Scotland’s poor public health record and reminder perhaps of the Bay City Rollers.
Also on the Express’s social concern frontpage we have a sort of charity advertisement (the cynical might term it a corporate virtue signal): ‘Being clean isn’t a privilge – it’s a basic human right‘ – well, well, that’s a new one on me.
Is anyone keeping track of all these new human rights? It’s as though Moses delivered the Lord’s ten commandments to the Israelites but kept popping back up the mount every so often, when the mood took him, to bring back new ones.
This is Boots our high street chemist inventing something to emmulate Food Banks which they dub: ‘The Hygiene Bank‘ – they suggest we donate tooth brushes, soaps etc – I guess a Drug Bank would have presented obvious practical medical difficulties and no doubt confusion in the minds of some eager younger consumers.
Of course this new initiative requires a slogan and a call to action: ‘Help us end hygiene poverty‘
Ah, poverty, another concept like human rights which has become somewhat bent of shape these days through over use. I passed a cheap furniture outlet the other day aimed at recycling unwanted items for the benefit of those on benefits – a worthy enough cause – their slogan, inevitably, was “help end furniture poverty” – I’m guessing access to a comfy sofa will soon be claimed to be a human right.
Our middle aged Swedish pop heroes ABBA appear on most press frontpages, the Telegraph’s pic being perhaps the least appealing: ‘…posed in motion capture suits that will allow them to appear as their younger selves in a stage tour‘ – imagine four ageing slightly paunchy comic book super heroes, each clad in a peculiar cross between skateboard gear, with sown on ping pong balls, and the costumes from that old movie Rollerball.
‘Mamma Mia! Abba to release first album in 40 years‘ (Daily Express)
Other than those daft get ups they look pretty well for their age. The Times goes to the trouble of naming them – frankly, if you don’t already know them (and perhaps have a favourite) then I really doubt you’ll be that interested when they: ‘…perform as avatars‘
So we leave our four middle aged Swedish millionaires to their fan service virtual tour. Where’s the diversity, our younger pop fans may ask?
BBC Sport: ‘Hungary v England: Visiting players racially abused‘ – but what was the score in the football match, we wonder? Don’t tell us the far right Hungarian government made our boys do the Heil Hitler salute pre kick off?
‘The tone was set at kick-off when England’s players were booed loudly as they took a knee to protest against racism‘ – Oh, so it was our lot who insisted on performing overtly political and racially divisive gestures at the start of the game.
So what did the racialist Hungarians do that was any different from regular English club fans who tire of these millionaire virtue signallers taking the knee?
‘The first half was otherwise uneventful on and off the field – but in the second half, Sterling was pelted with paper cups and bottles when he opened the scoring for England, while a flare was thrown on to the pitch after Harry Maguire put the visitors 3-0 ahead.‘
Harry Maguire is as white as sheet, mind you, and the crowd throwing stuff on the pitch is fairly commonplace in foreign football stadia the world over. Come on BBC, you’re stretching this a bit.
‘Gareth Southgate had ice thrown at him by fans during his post-match interview with BBC Radio 5 Live. He said: “I’ve heard reports of racism, which I hadn’t heard during the game”‘ – you just keep banging that drum, Gareth, and the BBC will back you all the way, son, win lose or draw.
A ‘suppression order ‘ has been issued in NZ to prevent details of the now thankfully dead Shri lankan islamic terrorist being identified .
No doubt the ‘suppression order ‘ will feature here pretty soon – although it’s applied informally – such as reports on Islamic racist paedo rape gangs operating in British towns
Truth hurts ….
At least he had an audience.
‘as they took a knee to protest against racism‘
Taking the knee is a gesture of solidarity for BLM. They know that full well. If they were serious, they would devise a politically neutral gesture no tlinked to BLM.
But then they would be the subject of abuse by the BLM fascists and would be called racists. So the cowardly hypocrites won’t do it.
This is an excellent example of the wedge BLM has deliberately driven through society – with the full support of the BBC.
Poppy bad.
Kneeling for George Floyd and BLM good.
“Is anyone keeping track of all these new human rights? It’s as though Moses delivered the Lord’s ten commandments to the Israelites but kept popping back up the mount every so often, when the mood took him, to bring back new ones.”
A process described in the Old Testament (Numbers) and simplified by Mo when he only needed to ‘dream’ to obtain a new sexual right for himself.
The old ‘rights’ generally required others not to do things to the individual, the new ‘rights’ tend to require others to do things for the individual. (See positive versus negative rights)
Meanwhile Lewis Goodhall has at last got out the politicised trawl he was pushing.
Anyway… thanks to the way the bbc is funded, they can bring back ideological bias in so many other ways…
I know they are relying on us to push the profile on a ‘no such thing as bad pr’ basis, but after a few weeks’ spike morbid curiosity even the most dedicated BEeb troll would rather cut their wrists and ratings do register even with OFCOm and dcms.
Maybe this character can get a job on Taliban TV ….?
BBC are looking at him, some Sri Lankan guy in NZ and Jo Brand for a Top Gear special ‘Three Go Checkpointing in a Humvee Full of C4’.
Set to be a ratings blast.
Humour, star power, cars and… social messaging.
Apparently. One of them not currently attending rehearsals. Maybe he mentioned slopes in hearing of a crew member of Eastasianness?
He has already, the UK version, the BBC.
Free Speech Matters
Apr 30, 2020
“I want you white people in the audience to do something for me – I want you to go home and kill your racist Brexit-voting parents.”
It is a a MYSTERY why Nish Kumar is the favourite comedian at the BBC!!!
Is that not one of those red Tory freedom of speech crimes -?
Speaking of #prasnews, see how it works yet?
Asian Network clearly high on the list. Nihal will be seeing a spike in viewers.
Also Ceebeebies and Newsspankthemonkey
But those tuning in via radio may need a good WiFi signal.
The neck collar is not complete without the lead attached………
Who pays for the boob tour?
People demonstrated FOR BREXIT by going on Farage’s walk to London
They were then pestered by a giant video billboard truck from Led By Donkeys
which is a Greenpeace front group.
Always thought they were selfish publicity seeking twerps, this affirms it!
“State media policies can vary”
Other than the Asian Network this would be carnage at W1A.
The real title is China bans gayness – but they went for pay! HA HA HA HA!
The BBC report on a mad knife attack with a “man” stabbing people in a Supermarket in NZ in an possibly isis motivated attack.
Loopy Lucinda has subsequently claimed that it was an attack by an individual NOT a faith. Apparently a Sri Lanken national.
What will it take to drop the scales from these peoples eyes?
They just can’t stop themselves from virtue signalling even at the cost of human lives.
I was wondering which ‘victim ‘ the mad NZ PM would visit ? – I’m guessing she’d show solidarity with the family of the Islamic family and pop down to the mosque ….
Putting aside that this was a ‘mostly peaceful’ stabbing attack, a signficant factor is that the attacker was reported as having been under surveillance since 2016. Let’s rephrase this in plain language: he was a known extremist yet the NZ authorities did nothing for five years. In other words, he was effectively ‘licensed to kill’ by them.
Any cop who questioned the wisdom of allowing this animal to roam loose would have been hauled before the court of Holy Jacinda and ordered to beg forgiveness.. So the only thing they can do is look the other way.
it is a stupid creeping liberal guilt sickness that has infected Canada, New Zealand and Australia to some degree and it s building right here!
I fear that many more innocent lives are about to be lost all-round.
I hope that it results in a French Revolution style uprising against these cretins in due course.
Friday prayers?
No HIjab or Burka worn by Boris to say sorry?
A terrorist attack carried out by an extremist not a Terrorist.
What bothers me about this is that we had a similar thing here a while back. The guy was shot dead within seconds.
Just how many hundreds or thousands of full time police are we paying to follow individuals like this who we released onto the streets just so we can pretend there isn’t a problem and so people like the BBC don’t use them a ‘victims’ because we locked them up ?.
I still remember the terrorist in London where the BBC blurred out his face so we couldn’t tell he was a Muslim. It wasn’t blurred out in the newspapers.
Terrorism in the UK: number of suspects tops 40,000 after MI5 rechecks its list
Obviously White Supremacists form the majority……………
Perhaps if the likes of MI5 think that way, they would be following the most likely of the Islamists until they attacked their prey and then ending their days, ‘on site’ so to speak. No prison or lengthy court cases or non-existent ‘deportations’, just a delayed and risky (for the public) execution by plan. I would like to think so but planning is not a speciality of any Government Department.
A mostly peaceful shopping trip went sadly wrong when a man, who was testing the sharpness of a knife for peeling apples, slipped and accidently injured 6 passersby. Police and Health and Safety are looking at bringing criminal charges against the shopping mall for not mopping up a liquid spillage, which the government believes to be the cause of this sad event, culminating in security forces murdering an innocent knife shopper. “I am appalled at the actions of these killers, and I can assure you a full inquiry will take place to exonerate the poor man, and bring his killers before the courts” sneered Loopy Lu, “if the people slightly injured in this event had adhered to the 2 meter rule and worn face masks, this could easily have been avoided, nobody else can be blamed. I will be asking for new tougher measures to prevent this type of accident, maybe a 10 meter rule is needed.” Large cheers were heard from attending journalists, who at least had a proper Covid story to report, if nothing else.
In other news, Abba have done some more music.
He had been under round-the-clock monitoring and heavy surveillance due to concerns about his ideology. He was known to multiple agencies, and was also on a terror watchlist.
Terrorism in the UK: number of suspects tops 40,000 after MI5 rechecks its list
Terror watch lists: Can you keep tabs on every suspect?
By Ruth Alexander
BBC News
Published2 June 2013
About us (UK Home Office)
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
As this report shows,
the CCP desires the PLA to become a practical instrument of its statecraft with an active role in
advancing the PRC’s foreign policy, particularly with respect to the PRC’s increasingly global interests
and its aims to revise aspects of the international order.
Chinese firm buys pub where David Cameron and Xi Jinping enjoyed a pint
This article is more than 4 years old
The Plough at Cadsden, a 16th-century Buckinghamshire inn, has become a hotspot for Chinese tourists since president’s state visit in 2015
Perhaps a reminder of the Yangtze affair is in order when in 1949 the PLA shore batteries opened fire without warning on HMS Amethyst.
The British Labour party was not the scummy bunch they are now, and showed patriotism and support to the armed services and the plight of the crew.
The New Zealand Isis inspired attack didn’t get a mention on my local radio stations
They did mention New York flood deaths and are currently banging on about Abba
Twitter news says
I see the ISIS bit is at the end rather than in the title.
The Prime Minister said he was being monitored so closely that “at the point that he visited the supermarket, he was being watched and followed.”
“If we had reached a threshold for him to be in prison, he would have been in prison,” she said.
Seems the suppression orders are not new but quite old.
“32-year-old Sri Lankan” so born in 88 or 89 I guess
“was watched 24/7 since 2016. He arrived in New Zealand in 2011”
Jacinda Ardern warns against backlash against the Muslim community following the terror attack, emphasising the only person to blame is the extremist – calling him a lone wolf.
“That is who is culpable, that is who is responsible.”
“It was carried out by an individual, not a faith, not a culture, not an ethnicity, but an individual person who is gripped by an ideology that is not supported here by anyone.”
Commenter says
“can’t blame the faith
… unlike that Mosque shooter, where we could blame an entire race…”
More info on S-man
S was considered a threat to public safety after twice buying large hunting knives and possessing Islamic State videos.
He had only recently been released from prison and was under constant surveillance from police, including an armed tactical team, and national security agencies.
Last year, the Crown had sought to prosecute S under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002, but a High Court judge ruled that preparing a terrorist attack was not in itself an offence under the legislation.
10am TalkRadio news lead with the NZ attack
played the shooting video
and Jacinda saying “carried out by an IDIVIDUAL gripped by an ideology that is not supported by any COMMUNITY”
… Hmm I think there has been hindrance in the past by entire communities refusing to speak up about such radicals.
I’m willing to bet there is huge support for the brave warriors earning their fast-track ticket to their 72 virgins.
And a huge complicity of silence.
It seems we have 40,000 + ‘lone wolves’ here as well although nobody appears to see the one thing they all have in common.
What a right load of rubbish we have in charge.
NZ attack.
1) How predictable that Saint Jacinda’s first priority is to defend the murderous faith that exhorts its followers to kill infidels.
2) Will there be a worldwide hue and cry as there was for the Christchurch mosque shooter?
3) After Biden’s Afghan debacle, it was predicted that muslim terrorists everywhere would be emboldened, inspired and energised. Is this the first of many to come?
4) The story is making the news because it’s a ‘First World’ country. But let’s not forget that the Religion of Murder and Butchery is at it relentlessly, every hour of every day, all over the world, mostly in poorer Third World countries where it never gets reported by the likes of the racist BBC who don’t care about brown or black victims (especially if they’re Christian).
In the last 30 days there were 143 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 1086 people were killed and 814 injured.
St. Jaq likley polling her small bubble to decide whether or not to take a knee to the prophet outside the perp’s mosque and then demand the rozzers are banged up.
BBC report March 2019. Saint Jacinda Ardern of no name…
Told reporters that suspects arrested had “extremist views that have absolutely no place in New Zealand and, in fact, no place in the world”.
Published15 March 2019SectionBBC News Asia.
Obviously this latest teeerorist has a place..
So BBC East Yorkshire which local news have you SELECTED to highlight ?
Someone in Driffield has put up a mural as a tribute to shop staff who worked through the pandemic
Driffield Town Council said the artwork depicted well-known personalities who worked at independent businesses.
However, some residents took to social media to point out it failed to represent anyone with disabilities or from ethnic minority backgrounds.
I count 15 faces
#1 Disabilities doesn’t count, cos many disabilities are not visible
#2 How many non-white people should there be ?
2 in a 100 if the shopworkers are 98% white
5 in a 100 if the shopworkers are 95% white
That is 0.75 in 15, so 1 would be over-representation
“divided” is when say 30 or 50% say the mural is not OK
If complainers only represent 5 or 10% of the local population ..then that is not “divided”
‘How is this legal?’ BBC bans white people from applying for Springwatch & One Show job
THE BBC has found itself at the centre of a discrimination storm after banning white people from applying for a production management role, as one furious critic musing “imagine the riots if it had been the other way round.”
PUBLISHED: 12:03, Sun, Jun 20, 2021 | UPDATED: 13:42, Sun, Jun 20, 2021
Driffield was 2.7% non-white in 2011
2.7% of 15 people … is 0.4 people
Someone has got a chart saying the town itself only has 171 non-whites out of its population of 12,909
and that is 1.3% …
I don’t know the year of his source ..seems to be Daily Mail
His source of Driffield town stats is ONS 2011 data base
Driffield is a white town. Is there something wrong with that?
As an aside I see Baroness Fox of Buckley is attracting the attention of Twitter with hundreds of “likes” (ca 30% on some items…) disappearing from her tweets
Emma Thompson not available presumably.
Seems the role of Kriss’ mum still on hold until a suitable candidate is cleared.
In the interest of diversity and colour-blindness, shouldn’t the part go to a white actress?
Stephen to be played by a white actor in the name of equality,
Uh oh.
June, Dawn and Dave en route to Timmeh!’s office to bawl him out?
Not Dave?
Nothing to do with Beatles …. Music is Haram!
Ex BBC allegations are the best allegations.
Wow one hell of a conk on that one, size of pinocchio, no suprise she worked for the BBC !
“Who are you calling Big Nose?”
“You must come from Conk City.”
What exactly is a ‘fashion sex assault’?… no, seriously, it doesn’t make any sense.
As for the lady(? can’t be too sure with the BBC)’s physiog, I have to admit I was a bit surprised she was described as a ‘fashion model’ in the report (yes, I tried to read it, I really wanted to know what a ‘fashion sex assault’ was).
The article makes it sound as if she was going undercover for a BBC expose when the alleged ‘fashion sex assault’, allegedly happened… allegedly.
It did strike me that she must have stood out among the other models, but maybe she was posing as a ‘hand’ model, or something? She must have gorgeous hands.
BBC, some men and women wear clothes that assault the eyes of other men and women.
Looks like BBC guilt
#1 They should mention it’s not recent, but 23 years ago
ie historic
#2 but did not go to the police.
“I was directed not to at the time, because it would have cut short the investigation. At that time, we were working very intensively undercover. I was working 20 hour days
#3 After the documentary aired in November 1999, Elite Models sued the BBC alleging misrepresentation.
They reached a confidential settlement which included the BBC not airing the documentary ever again. The BBC also told Lisa that the settlement agreement prevented it providing footage to her.
#4 The statute of limitations has well expired but she argues it’s invalid cos she was prevented from reporting it.
#5 Anne-Claire says she has so far spoken with 31 women who have detailed similar accusations against Gerald Marie.
Personally I think we should be sympathetic to women complaining of sexual assault
and not go down some rabbit hole of insulting their appearance.
Yes I know in some cases complainant lie
that’s why we don’t use the word victim before a conviction.
..there is a 2minute video from an Australia doco in May
She says he “jumped me .. straddling me I could feel his erection”
It seems they were clothed.
Full 50 mins ..
It shows Donal McIntyre recently confronting Gerald Marie ..and getting blocked.
Sometimes i dont like to be right . But a few hours ago in this thread i predicted that the islamic terrorist attack in NZ would disappear from BBC radio news by noon .
It has .
Instead there is tedious stuff about some olympics thing and the PM of the dirty japs stepping down .
Surprised there wasnt a feaure on red squirrels …
It’s still top left of the BBC News page
Stew – yes – an interesting divergence of priority – I guess they assess that less people are going to see the website than hear the news …..
Instead of defunding non – important bits of the NHS to fund social care the red tories are to increase taxes – between 1 and 2% on NIC …. Comrade corbyn would approve …
Its taken this long for red tories to do something?
Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
£61,861–£70,959 a year
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Apply on NHS Jobs
Apply on Totaljobs
7 days ago
£61,861–£70,959 a year
Thought of the day for Jacinda. If the knifeman in the supermarket was an “individual” wasn’t the white guy at the mosque shooting also just an “individual”?
Terrorist threat comes from yer far right, says the BBC’s print outlet
The lovely Isabel Oakeshott is joining GB News.
Schwingg! Certainly made the springster go up the handicap a bit. It says on wikipedia that she is 47. Certainly looks good on it.
P.S. G_d bless Hungary.
Good news about Isabel. It is reported that Brillo is leaving owing to disagreement with the boss who wants a bit more of a rightward lean . Brillo has always been soft , very soft , on immigration and the channel is certainly less welcoming of the medievalists than he is. If that is one of the reasons he is leaving he won’t be missed.
Now that is good news.
Boris raises taxes – it does not matter to him …
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
28 July 2020, received £1,203.28 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 August 2020)
30 September 2020, received £6,000.57 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 14 October 2020)
20 January 2021, received £1,471.64 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 February 2021)
10 March 2021, received £742.60 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2021)
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
Afghanistan: Leaked document warns of refugee funding shortfall
By Ione Wells
Political correspondent
Published1 hour ago
Driffield : Simon Webb has put a new video
“They suggested a local ruffian be included simply cos he is black”
He got a BEM recently
but in2006
” Boxer Curtis Woodhouse has been sentenced to 120 hours of community service for injuring a police officer.
The court heard the officer’s shoulder was injured so badly he was unable to work for several weeks.”
Also 22 JUL, 2002 “ordered to do 120 hours community service for brawling in an Indian restaurant after a row over the bill.”
His book says the taxman had him declared bankrupt after he refused to pay the tax demand.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – No. 10 Downing Street missing someone very important Another leak designed to make life difficult for a Conservative Government. The PM really needs to call in the head of the Civil Service and give him a carpeting – a dressing down. This is unacceptable. Oh, the PM needs to bring back Dominic Cummings – if Cummings is willing – and give him his old job back to reform the Civil Service.
I thought I’d post this here, but probably re-post it on the Weekend thread when it appears.
It’s a crowd of total F***wit Democrat ‘intelectuals’ who cannot grasp the enormity of what they are being told by Jordan Peterson, the sole voice of reason amongst them.
They laugh and they sneer and they are entranced by how clever they think they are, but they are in so many ways some of the thickest people I’ve seen on TV, unable to consider implications of their actions, the future or indeed anything outside their own scope of beliefs.
An old clip but worth watching again now:
More Simon Webb “BBC more awful than usual”
Stew : Already spotted that one .. See 1230 on previous page for discussion ! .. But yes, that was the worst example of a BBC video I have seen in a while !
Breaking Afghanistan is to introduce a TV tax of £160
which is to given to the Taliban propaganda department
in order to push their own morals and agendas on the population.
The Kabul – Public Investigation – Taliban unit * will be knocking on doors to investigate residents who have not paid this tax.
* Ka-PI-Ta for short
As ever always ask “is this news or is it PR ?”
Is your local BBC news team are deliberately inserting GreenBlob PR stories almost every day in the lead up to COP26 ?
Friday morning local news
“11,000 solar panels are to be placed at the Castle Hill Hospital”
(that’s Cottingham, Hull)
“The panels will provide one third of the hospital’s power” (That is spin)
“It’s possible cos of a £12.4m GOVERNMENT grant” … that’s your tax money not magic money
And if the solar power was any good it wouldn’t need a grant , it would be self funding.
BTW that’s about £1,000 per panel plus £1.4m for the wiring and regulators etc., so seems expensive to me
But the big thing is this is NOT new new
In fact the BBCnews solar list page had the story on May 24th
And there were earlier stories in March
So I make this the third bite of the PR cherry.
Here’s the local BBC reporter reporting the same story back in May
If I Google the list of pages starts with news stories from May and stories in March
eg 10 MAR 2021 :
“And if the solar power was any good it wouldn’t need a grant”
I’ve often wondered why companies perceived as ‘green’ such as Tesla don’t install Solar panels on the roof of their cars, after all they are often sold in sunshine states where solar power is plentiful and predictable, yet it cannot provide any realistic power levels to even trickle charge an electric car.