521 mid week posts at the time of writing.
Good job everyone.
Moving on…
The BBC have spent all day focussing on how many billions are needed for an array of woke special interest groups. They are giving the magic money tree extra compost.
Apparently billions are needed to tackle the huge waiting lists at our Nationalised Health Service.
But the BBC do not follow the logic.
Exactly how will all this money help?
There isn’t as far as I know a load of hospital consultants, nurses, and surgeons on the dole waiting for new NHS jobs.
And a surgeon needs 7-10 years to train and no amount of money can bring them on stream at a moment’s notice.
So how are waiting lists to be reduced?
Overtime for consultants?
Pay per operation at weekends?
If we are going to make the rich richer in the NHS and use taxpayer’s billions to line the pockets of consultants then please have the guts to spell it out. We may accept it but let’s call it for what it is.
Don’t panic there’s plenty of Surgeon’s coming over the Channel on a daily basis with thousands more recently flown here , they are already fully qualified in the use of knives. Isn’t our Government wonderful …we intelligent people obviously don’t realise it !
ITV local news “An anti-extremism group has protested to the Attorney General about the light sentence given to a man convicted of possessing Far Right material”
It was perfunctory, only mentioing the name “Hop Not Hate at the end.
I guess they were just reading out an edited version of the HnH press release.
The BBC just did the same item in a longer form
We were treated to an unusual reporter* reading the press release with a photo of Lincoln in the background.
* “NUJ rep” in his bio
8pm BBC Four : The Proms
… so no BBC agenda pushing there
“Ghanaian-American musician Moses Sumney makes his Proms debut with conductor Jules Buckley and the”
Note the BBC presenter says “Ghana our beloved country”
Clara Amfo interviews Moses Sumney ahead of his Proms debut with conductor @Julesbuckley and the @BBCSO
They perform new orchestral arrangements of tracks from his first two albums. Watch the concert on BBC Four tonight from 8pm.
The awful Auckland attacks, fortunately as far as I know, no fatalities so far. That didn’t stop TOADY with Mishal and Nick coming up with a false equivalent of the Christchurch, was it, shootings at a Mosque a couple of years ago by an Australian ‘lone wolf’.
On TWatO it was emphasising the quick response of the police to an attack by a lone wolf.
What might have been a better ‘non-false or true equivalent’ to the Mosque shootings, as the man responsible for the Auckland shop attack was from Sri Lanka, would have been the horrible Easter Church massacre on that island of Sri Lanka in 2019 or 2018. Of course, that was Muslims killing Christians, so maybe the BBC were reluctant to do that as it would not show their favoured religion in a good light?
I keep hearing people on the BBC talking about fay-talities. When did that pronunciation come in? (Coe-vert,vunnerable and RE-search are others.) They used to be trained to get things right.
As per the”EXPERTS- EXPERTS- EXPERTS -EXPERTS?? with Left Wing sympathies of course AND Boris Government advice I slung my pandemic muzzle in the waste bin on 19/07/21 where, in my opinion, is and always has been it’s natural home.
Oh dear! another cock-up up at the BBC towers central. They admit to it apparently.. Ex-BBC undercover reporter gives statement to French police on alleged sexual assault
The Telegraph. Reports; The BBC’s reputation for authoritative journalism took a severe knock yesterday when the corporation admitted that its star undercover reporter, Donal MacIntyre, had misrepresented the Elite model agency in an exposé of the fashion industry.
(Quoting more from the liberal luvvies fan club) it gets worse.
But, 18 months after the programme was broadcast, and at the end of a lengthy legal tussle in which a producer was accused of trying to pressure an Elite employee into giving information about his bosses, the BBC has been forced to concede that its portrayal was unfair.
Both parties steadfastly refused to say whether the settlement involved damages or Elite’s costs, but the Guardian understands from legal sources that the BBC is making a substantial payout to the agency, which claims to have won all 12 lawsuits instigated around the world as a result of the MacIntyre programme.
For the BBC, the climbdown is a serious embarrassment. After previously insisting that it would fight the action vigorously, it capitulated late on Sunday night. With the approval of the director general, Greg Dyke, its legal team signed a deal with Elite which resulted in a joint statement and the end of the action.
The BBC’s predicament may yet worsen: there will now be a hearing to decide whether the case of Feisal Ali, a BBC producer who allegedly “put the frighteners” on an Elite worker, should go to the director of public prosecutions.
The Guardian.
And I never thought I would use The Guardian as being worth quoting from. I take it back.
Maybe the Guardian has changed, after all (?)
It’s incredible that those in the Fashion industry state it was ‘rigged’ by the BBC!
Surely not! How did that happen? … of course it has happened once, (or two dozen times) before, but this is the BBC we are talking about. The moralistic, progressive and well funded – if not infallible creator of the Biden universe (aka Blair in disguise). Left wing prop-and-gander club.
Fashion Scandal: Agency `exposed’ on TV say BBC film was rigged
THE ACCUSERS have become the accused. And, in what has become a grubby saga of sex, lies and videotape, all involved were being hit in the crossfire of frenzied mudslinging last night…
Mr MacIntyre, the reporter behind the programme MacIntyre Undercover, has yet to join the recriminations. But the BBC was forced to step into the fray and counter accusations that its programme was less than rigorously produced.
In fact, everyone involved is sinking into the mire, including a coterie of models who have defended the apparently indefensible and called for Mr Moreau and Mr Marie to be cleared of any wrongdoing.
The Black Proms on BBC Four right now. Two black presenters and now some totally awful black singer. I wonder what the skin colour of the post show discussion will be?
TOADY Watch #2
. . . . . . . . . . . } BBC: we are worried about paying more tax so let’s attack HMG
TWatO Watch #2
Both programmes went heavy on the potential tax increases to pay for the NHS backlog (caused by the NHS) and Social Care for the Elderly. I seem to recall that if you are on a high income, National Insurance payments are now progressive. I also recall that Beeboids can no longer shuffle off their income into a private company and pay lower Corporation Tax rates instead of Income Tax in three bands and National Insurance thanks to HMRC getting heavy with the likes of Lineker and the Montacutie. Could be wrong on that, am so out of date. 🙂
Needless to say, the BBC used ‘young people’ ie. those up to, but not yet 68(!) years of age(!!) as cover. “It would be unfair to penalise the young to pay for elderly care.” That statement conjures up a vision of poor Millennials (GenerationY) slaving away at their desks or from their kitchens and being taxed to the hilt. Was it intended to?
I wonder …
The BBC ignore the fact that everyone in work pays for the NHS until they are 68 years of age, and the NHS may treat anyone from new-borns up to the age of deceased Captain Tom and beyond. And drivers pay for road surfaces and pedestrians and cyclists can access them for free. The BBC seemed, especially on TOADY, to be pushing Jeremy Hunt’s (leadership rival to the PM and Chair of the House Select Committee on Health) suggestion of a specific hypothesised tax called ‘the Social Care Premium’ to be levied by Rishi Sunak instead.
Maybe the Beeboids hope that their Private Health Care provisions might be exempted from that specific tax?
The tax increase is being floated at 1 to 2 % increase . I recall that someone here explained that being an independent production company doesn’t shelter the BBC individual from NICs in the way I thought .
So I wondered if anyone knowledgable on the subject could say what the effect of a – say – 2% increase would be on someone on PAYE or self employed or employed by a Production Company …..
…..certainly shows a lack of imagination on behalf of the red tories …. And therefore something that could have been done years ago ..
If they do it there might be a bit less clapping next time and less enthusiasm for bloated pay awards for our heroes ….
As we old gits know from life’s experience nothing comes for nothing. There is a price to be paid for everything, either in terms of cash or in personal effort and some of us have only the latter choice.
I am lucky.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
521 mid week posts at the time of writing.
Good job everyone.
Moving on…
The BBC have spent all day focussing on how many billions are needed for an array of woke special interest groups. They are giving the magic money tree extra compost.
Apparently billions are needed to tackle the huge waiting lists at our Nationalised Health Service.
But the BBC do not follow the logic.
Exactly how will all this money help?
There isn’t as far as I know a load of hospital consultants, nurses, and surgeons on the dole waiting for new NHS jobs.
And a surgeon needs 7-10 years to train and no amount of money can bring them on stream at a moment’s notice.
So how are waiting lists to be reduced?
Overtime for consultants?
Pay per operation at weekends?
If we are going to make the rich richer in the NHS and use taxpayer’s billions to line the pockets of consultants then please have the guts to spell it out. We may accept it but let’s call it for what it is.
Don’t panic there’s plenty of Surgeon’s coming over the Channel on a daily basis with thousands more recently flown here , they are already fully qualified in the use of knives. Isn’t our Government wonderful …we intelligent people obviously don’t realise it !
ITV local news “An anti-extremism group has protested to the Attorney General about the light sentence given to a man convicted of possessing Far Right material”
It was perfunctory, only mentioing the name “Hop Not Hate at the end.
I guess they were just reading out an edited version of the HnH press release.
The BBC just did the same item in a longer form
We were treated to an unusual reporter* reading the press release with a photo of Lincoln in the background.
* “NUJ rep” in his bio
8pm BBC Four : The Proms
… so no BBC agenda pushing there
“Ghanaian-American musician Moses Sumney makes his Proms debut with conductor Jules Buckley and the”
Note the BBC presenter says “Ghana our beloved country”
Rog reckons he)# in with a shot at BS.
9pm R4 The omnibus edition of this weeks Climate lectures from Tom Heap.
BBC news mentions laws against dognapping and interviews dog owners.
But Google for information about the dog thieves and travellers appear frequently.
Travellers are a protected species and the BBC won’t go there.
BBC Newsbeat
“I’m not an influencer any more and people can see that, it’s become a lot more than that”
We’ve been speaking to ex-Love Islander Molly Mae Hague since she was announced as the Creative Director of PrettyLittleThing.
Translation: overpaid cubicle garden dwellers of yoof at W1A get a #prasnews release from their ‘sources’. Copy and paste.
From the comments, which indeed could be going better, reaching almost none of their imagined target.
TOADY Watch #1
. . . . . . . . . . . } BBC: let’s create a false equivalent
TWatO Watch #1
The awful Auckland attacks, fortunately as far as I know, no fatalities so far. That didn’t stop TOADY with Mishal and Nick coming up with a false equivalent of the Christchurch, was it, shootings at a Mosque a couple of years ago by an Australian ‘lone wolf’.
On TWatO it was emphasising the quick response of the police to an attack by a lone wolf.
What might have been a better ‘non-false or true equivalent’ to the Mosque shootings, as the man responsible for the Auckland shop attack was from Sri Lanka, would have been the horrible Easter Church massacre on that island of Sri Lanka in 2019 or 2018. Of course, that was Muslims killing Christians, so maybe the BBC were reluctant to do that as it would not show their favoured religion in a good light?
I keep hearing people on the BBC talking about fay-talities. When did that pronunciation come in? (Coe-vert,vunnerable and RE-search are others.) They used to be trained to get things right.
Drama-tists, Piano-ist, Lev-rage etc.
DT reporting that Andrew Neill is quitting GBNews .
Anything on Al Beeb about Bo Jo extending Covid Rules to next March ?
As per the”EXPERTS- EXPERTS- EXPERTS -EXPERTS?? with Left Wing sympathies of course AND Boris Government advice I slung my pandemic muzzle in the waste bin on 19/07/21 where, in my opinion, is and always has been it’s natural home.
Oh dear! another cock-up up at the BBC towers central. They admit to it apparently..
Ex-BBC undercover reporter gives statement to French police on alleged sexual assault
The Telegraph. Reports;
The BBC’s reputation for authoritative journalism took a severe knock yesterday when the corporation admitted that its star undercover reporter, Donal MacIntyre, had misrepresented the Elite model agency in an exposé of the fashion industry.
(Quoting more from the liberal luvvies fan club) it gets worse.
But, 18 months after the programme was broadcast, and at the end of a lengthy legal tussle in which a producer was accused of trying to pressure an Elite employee into giving information about his bosses, the BBC has been forced to concede that its portrayal was unfair.
Both parties steadfastly refused to say whether the settlement involved damages or Elite’s costs, but the Guardian understands from legal sources that the BBC is making a substantial payout to the agency, which claims to have won all 12 lawsuits instigated around the world as a result of the MacIntyre programme.
For the BBC, the climbdown is a serious embarrassment. After previously insisting that it would fight the action vigorously, it capitulated late on Sunday night. With the approval of the director general, Greg Dyke, its legal team signed a deal with Elite which resulted in a joint statement and the end of the action.
The BBC’s predicament may yet worsen: there will now be a hearing to decide whether the case of Feisal Ali, a BBC producer who allegedly “put the frighteners” on an Elite worker, should go to the director of public prosecutions.
The Guardian.
And I never thought I would use The Guardian as being worth quoting from. I take it back.
Maybe the Guardian has changed, after all (?)
It’s incredible that those in the Fashion industry state it was ‘rigged’ by the BBC!
Surely not! How did that happen? … of course it has happened once, (or two dozen times) before, but this is the BBC we are talking about. The moralistic, progressive and well funded – if not infallible creator of the Biden universe (aka Blair in disguise). Left wing prop-and-gander club.
Fashion Scandal: Agency `exposed’ on TV say BBC film was rigged
THE ACCUSERS have become the accused. And, in what has become a grubby saga of sex, lies and videotape, all involved were being hit in the crossfire of frenzied mudslinging last night…
Mr MacIntyre, the reporter behind the programme MacIntyre Undercover, has yet to join the recriminations. But the BBC was forced to step into the fray and counter accusations that its programme was less than rigorously produced.
In fact, everyone involved is sinking into the mire, including a coterie of models who have defended the apparently indefensible and called for Mr Moreau and Mr Marie to be cleared of any wrongdoing.
The Independent.
The Black Proms on BBC Four right now. Two black presenters and now some totally awful black singer. I wonder what the skin colour of the post show discussion will be?
TOADY Watch #2
. . . . . . . . . . . } BBC: we are worried about paying more tax so let’s attack HMG
TWatO Watch #2
Both programmes went heavy on the potential tax increases to pay for the NHS backlog (caused by the NHS) and Social Care for the Elderly. I seem to recall that if you are on a high income, National Insurance payments are now progressive. I also recall that Beeboids can no longer shuffle off their income into a private company and pay lower Corporation Tax rates instead of Income Tax in three bands and National Insurance thanks to HMRC getting heavy with the likes of Lineker and the Montacutie. Could be wrong on that, am so out of date. 🙂
Needless to say, the BBC used ‘young people’ ie. those up to, but not yet 68(!) years of age(!!) as cover. “It would be unfair to penalise the young to pay for elderly care.” That statement conjures up a vision of poor Millennials (GenerationY) slaving away at their desks or from their kitchens and being taxed to the hilt. Was it intended to?
I wonder …
The BBC ignore the fact that everyone in work pays for the NHS until they are 68 years of age, and the NHS may treat anyone from new-borns up to the age of deceased Captain Tom and beyond. And drivers pay for road surfaces and pedestrians and cyclists can access them for free. The BBC seemed, especially on TOADY, to be pushing Jeremy Hunt’s (leadership rival to the PM and Chair of the House Select Committee on Health) suggestion of a specific hypothesised tax called ‘the Social Care Premium’ to be levied by Rishi Sunak instead.
Maybe the Beeboids hope that their Private Health Care provisions might be exempted from that specific tax?
The tax increase is being floated at 1 to 2 % increase . I recall that someone here explained that being an independent production company doesn’t shelter the BBC individual from NICs in the way I thought .
So I wondered if anyone knowledgable on the subject could say what the effect of a – say – 2% increase would be on someone on PAYE or self employed or employed by a Production Company …..
…..certainly shows a lack of imagination on behalf of the red tories …. And therefore something that could have been done years ago ..
If they do it there might be a bit less clapping next time and less enthusiasm for bloated pay awards for our heroes ….
As we old gits know from life’s experience nothing comes for nothing. There is a price to be paid for everything, either in terms of cash or in personal effort and some of us have only the latter choice.
I am lucky.
Time for the Weekend Thread . Thanks for the contributions . Busy times – as usual …