The country has long offered migrants and asylum seekers financial incentives to leave its shores, and until 28 February 2018 it’s prepared to pay out extra.
Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.
Critics say Angela Merkel’s government is trying to bribe its way out of a tricky situation, but supporters say the scheme will help sad, exhausted migrants who just want to go home.
Germany is by no means first to this approach. So where else has done it – and is it morally wrong?
This is not completely true, decisions are made by the Home Office quite quickly what takes the time and the money is the greedy weasels and judges who in over 80% of cases decide the Home Office made the correct decision in the first place.
There’s an easy solution. Cut out the greedy weasels like we used to and rely on the Home Office getting it right. If someone wants to appeal to the law, let them fund it themselves.
If we cannot cut out the greedy weasels then the UK should consider leaving the asylum treaty which is clearly being abused.
There is another issue which they aren’t talking about though, and that is countries which refuse to take their nationals back such as Israel and Iraq. These countries should be charged the cost of supporting their nationals in the UK.
And then there is the length of time some of them take preparing paperwork to allow them to re-enter their own country. This can add even more time to the process.
BBC More Or Less
#1 Yet again debunking a BBC ‘s own wacky claim
“yeh 129 billion single-use face masks are used every day around the world”
Nope you nutters , that is 17 per/day per person
BBC admitted they meant “per month” not per day
Even so that is wrong cos the source had taken an estimate for a particular circumstance in Italy and extrapolated.
#2 If benefit is cut by £20 is that two hours work like a tory says or 9 hours per week like Labour say ?
Basically benefit has a taped scale cut off
so if you earn £1 more the government keeps 63p
or £6.30 from £10
so for some people if they earn £10 more they only keep £3.70
so after £54 they’ve got 320 taken home
So that could be 5.5 hours at £10/hour
but some people earn more (some less if young etc,)
and a few cases are exempt from the cut off rule
so it could be just 2 hours
and some people earn more that £10/hour
#3 Do women have a lot more periods than in history ?
Basically if women get pregnant a lot they have less periods cos they stop until the end of breast feeding.
So today’s women have more periods.
But poor diet and medicines can reduce the number of periods etc.
That false BBC claim
That Wales page still hasn’t been corrected.
Even though the page has open comments
and people had pointed out that its fake news.
😷 About 129 billion single-use face masks are used every day around the world – with 55 million in the UK
He really should lobby wasserface ex-HuffPo to let him MC Labour conferences.
A lot in that PMQs of recent politics and politics to come
-chastened Raab -focus from opposition on cost of living -a Conservative Party which is finding itself buffeted and uncertain about intervention/what the line should be (see Times leader today on Heath like approach)
How on earth do you decide who and what to believe these days? We know that truth is suppressed by the MSM .
For instance it is indisputable thatthe Covid virus was genetically engineered in Wuhan and did not infect humans directly from bats. Covid has already killed millions world wide directly and indirectly and cost trillions of pounds , so this is one of the biggest stories for decades, yet the MSM knowingly lies about it and many so called scientists help them by lying through their teeth.
We know that much of the hype about the impact and cause of climate change is very likely exaggerated and that the costs of the proposals to combat it are unsupportable but the MSM suppresses this and again many so called scientists , but by no means all, help them to do it.
We know that Islamisation of the West is a real danger but again the MSM suppresses the truth and attacks anyone who tries to tell it.
These are three critical issues which will shape the current century but the MSM denies and suppresses the truth on all of them. And if they do this on these three issues we can be certain that they are doing it on many others. The conclusion is clear don’t believe a word the MSM say and very sadly don’t believe the scientists either!
More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had been Lysenko’s mentor, but later denounced him, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.
Other countries of the Eastern Bloc including the People’s Republic of Poland, the Republic of Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic accepted Lysenkoism as the official “new biology”, to varying degrees, as did the People’s Republic of China for some years.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest ! When the drug reps visited and brought in loads of food, you’d get killed in the rush by nurses and the like fighting to get to the stuff. You’d think they hadn’t eaten for a month the way they carried on. Most wore uniforms that fit where they touched, – obese is a polite word – FAT is what they are.
MI5 is aware of more than 43,000 people who pose a potential terrorist threat to the UK, according to a government report — almost twice the number of terror suspects previously disclosed.
After the 2017 attacks at London Bridge and Manchester Arena, it was revealed that MI5 had about 23,000 current and historic suspects on its radar.
The country has long offered migrants and asylum seekers financial incentives to leave its shores, and until 28 February 2018 it’s prepared to pay out extra.
Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.
Critics say Angela Merkel’s government is trying to bribe its way out of a tricky situation, but supporters say the scheme will help sad, exhausted migrants who just want to go home.
Germany is by no means first to this approach. So where else has done it – and is it morally wrong?
Senior Implementation Manager Workforce Equality and Inclusion
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Apply on NHS Jobs
1 day ago
a yearFull–time
NHS England and Improvement London is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce – a place where we can all be ourselves, succeed and belong as set out in the London Workforce Race Strategy.
On Pointless, BBC1 at 1715, there is a round featuring the 100 Greatest Black Britons.
Disregarding the fact that the category is so thin that Stormzy was an acceptable answer, can you imagine how the roof would fall in if there was a 100 Greatest White Britons feature on the BBC?
Which of course there won’t be
Featuring such contemporary ‘musicians’ as….errr……Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, IK Brunel, Will Shakespeare, Churchill, and many other unknowns.
Local ITV news today’s national item injected into the prog.
We already had a local item promoting vaccines
even though “our area has above average vaccination rate”
Up to half of 18-35 year olds seeking cosmetic surgery say they want to look more like their digitally-altered-selves in photo filters on phone apps. One doctor tells me it's causing body dysmorphia in many of his patients. Catch my report across the @itv regional news at 6 …
Well, well, well. Anyone heard this ? it was tucked away in a corner of my D/Express.
“The English Touring Opera Company has sacked 14 WHITE musicians. The reason given is that it wishes to ‘prioritise increased diversity in line with firm guidance from the Arts Council”
Bristles, according to GBNews these orchestra players were freelance but had been booked as and when required. They have been told they are no longer required.
In music for example, the BBC just loves female composers. There’s weren’t many in times gone by so the BBC has to commission some new music by women and most is awful.
I want the best person for any job not a person chosen by the colour of their skin.
The also had a Green item
“It’s part of drives to reduce exposure to vehicle emissions
The roads around several primary schools in Barnsley have been temporarily closed off as part of a drive to encourage families to swap cars for walking or cycling.
Today, 22 September, and tomorrow, ..”
There’s never been any barriers. I’ve spent plenty of time walking the South Downs, Cumbria, Hampshire etc. in my life and seen many non-whites using the space. Never witnessed any racism, discrimination or exclusion. By anybody. Just ordinary people going about their lawful, Earthly business and enjoying the fresh air, as is their right.
The problem is all inside the tiny, brainwashed minds of a minority of hypocrites and genuine racists.
BBC local news.. Hull climate murals are on the screen
the item is question is whether such supported street art is encouraging graffiti vandalism
.. they switched to shots of masses of walls with rough tagging etc.
Then PRasNews item for Hull soup kitchen feeding 30/day
Shocking news from Channel 4 News – a mention of the ultimate taboo – the state of the false president .
In a piece by Gary Gibbon in America with nut nut – he showed the end of the press conference between nut nut and sleepy Joe —-
The American press tried to ask their president open questions ( again ) only to be herded out of the White House ( again ) and
Gary Gibbon mentioned there are questions about the US presidents’ “ powers “
So – the language of the MSM is to question ‘powers ‘ – not yet to the ‘mental health ‘ or the obvious Dementia …..
After all this time – the truth is so slowly coming out . There might even be a question about the theft of the US election one day ….
Starkey “About 300,000 black slaves were kidnapped to America.
Yet about 20million black slaves were kidnapped to Constantinople
Difference is that no descendants of the 20million survive.
.. the males were castrated etc.’
Nice to see HMS Starkey finally on GBNews – I recall a discussion on this site before GBNews started of the ‘banned list ‘ maybe getting exposure again .
As usual – by the sound of it HMS Starkey saying the unsayable – and a bit of a history syllabus which won’t be seen by the kids – remember kids Whitee bad ….
It’s like America are getting bolder in pushing for freedom … if only the UK would stand tall.
The @UN Human Rights Council attracts & welcomes many of the worst human rights violators in the world. #UNGA {twitter 21sep2017}
David Starkey should be on UN Council … in my opinion …
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are. (Western World)” – David Starkey @ 0:28
“Religion has got no privilege whatever.” – David Starkey @ 1:28
“… most of you are political junkies (panel members on Question Time). Most of the country isn’t.” – David Starkey @ 2:35
Current Membership of the Human Rights Council, 1 January – 31 December 2017
Albania , Bangladesh , Bolivia (Plurinational State of) , Botswana , Congo , El Salvador , Ghana , India , Indonesia , Latvia , Netherlands , Nigeria , Paraguay , Portugal , Qatar , Belgium , Burundi , Côte ‘voire , Ecuador , Ethiopia , Georgia , Germany , Kenya , Kyrgyzstan , Mongolia , Panama , Philippines , Republic of Korea , Slovenia , Switzerland ,Togo , United Arab Emirates , Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) , Brazil , China , Croatia , Cuba , Egypt , Hungary , Iraq , Japan , Rwanda , Saudi Arabia , South Africa , Tunisia , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , United States of America
“Covid: Which countries are vaccinating children and why?”
Indeed why vaccinate kids ?
Is someone making a lot of money from this ? I smell a rat !
Just asking .
I’ve just seen David Starkey on Brazier/GB News and he was excellent.
I could listen to him all night.
One of the things (facts) he mentioned was regarding slavery.
Did you know that there were 300,000 slaves taken to the Americas from Africa and their descendants are generally doing well but there were 20 million slaves taken from Africa to the Middle East/Arabs and there are no descendants as the men were all castrated and any babies were killed at birth.
Just as the British part in ending slavery and the 30 thousand sailors who lost their lives stopping it has also been hushed up.
The back journalist Keith Richburg, after experiencing the horrors of life in Africa for a few years, wrote an article in which he expressed his gratitude that his ancestors had been taken to America as slaves.
Naturally, liberals in America and UK swooned in horror.
The Beeb are really pushing Blades – giving him so much work lately – just like Bake Off Nadia. I refuse to watch anything with him in it. Even Repair Shop could be well handled by Will Kirk or any of the other genuine talents on there, but perhaps Will is too articulate for the Beeb bunch, and like the wozz dat den and wotsit for ? delivery.
At the end of their meeting the PM invited questions from the press.
This produced a pandemonium of shouted questions and, once again, highlighted the Chief Imbecile’s inability to respond to unscripted questions from the press, who were unceremoniously shouted down and ushered out by his minders.
Whether intended or not, it put Sleepy Joe in a bad light, and he will no doubt retaliate by putting the UK even further back in the queue for a trade deal.
The BBC choose to ignore the whole fiasco, keeping up the pretence that Sleepy Joe is compos mentis, when he manifestly is not.
Douglas Murray investigates the above phenomenon in The Strange Death of Europe.
It’s also known as The Great Replacement.
Wikipedia patronisingly dismisses it as a far-right conspiracy theory. Perhaps a beeboid wrote the article.
“The Great Replacement (French: Grand Remplacement), also known as the replacement theory, is a white nationalist conspiracy theory which states that, with the complicity or cooperation of “replacist” elites, the white French population—as well as white European populations at large—is being demographically and culturally replaced with non-European peoples—specifically Arab, Berber, South Asian and sub-Saharan Muslim populations—through mass migration, demographic growth and a European drop in the birth rate. This theory is popular among anti-migrant far-right movements in the West.”
“Hello again! Like me fellow frogs have probably noticed that the water in the saucepan is getting warmer. Now I have nothing against warm water, indeed I have often been in ‘hot water’ with YouTube, hah! hah!”
Typical comment: “For crying out loud Simon, the bas**rds are trying to boil us alive, wake up!”
Something about the need for wimmin on the street to be ‘protected ‘ ( from men ) in London because of another recent murder
Tenants who can’t pay their rent being evicted ( the Gordon bucannan Funeral director ) doing his act
The campaign to not cut universal credit benefit in a weeks ‘time
Winter fuel benefit increase
The BBC is hammering the increase in fuel prices – I hope the first cut people will make is to pay the TV tax £157 is a good amount to spend on fuel rather than the BBC …..
“Boris Johnson: Humanity is reaching a turning point on climate change”
Will Al Beeb still push its “Green Agenda” as it watches Great Britain go to the wall ?
How long will the Conservatives leave Kermit the Frog in charge of the country before they go to the wall? We are in dire need of a new political party.
More like Humpty-Dumpty Johnson. However he will fall at the next election!
He has become a clone of both the mad Prince of Wales and Eat my Attenborough.
Most people have had a bellyfull of the twisted Climate half truths being peddled by Marxist professors that he is now hanging onto the coat tails of.
The end-game is that highly paid intellectuals will live in large houses with multiple charging points and the great unwashed will have their personal transport forcibly removed to put them on crowded buses or shank’s pony. It is the key part if the plan for the climate lobby and COVID has proved that they can now enforce it and get away with it. “For the greater good” no-less!
Saoirse Ronan says that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are “like Kim and Kanye?”
Apple TV has a new version, “The Tragedy of Macbeth,” starring Denzel Washington, who certainly has something in common with Kanye!
American rapper Kanye West has been making headlines recently as he mounts a campaign to be elected president of the United States.
We’ve seen a series of chaotic and emotional public outbursts, including during his first presidential campaign appearance, as well as a string of incoherent tweets which he subsequently retracted.
Glorious. Especially the lead couple doing the forbidden dfs.
💃The BBC will not require its professional dancers to have Covid vaccinations despite the Prime Minister declaring that they “should get the jab”
Revealing how pro vaccination tub thumping the BBC have been to everyone else but suddenly go meek when it threatens their bread and butter pile of puffery nonsense – strictly come prancing!
It was Lewis Carroll’s nursery rhyme character Humpty Dumpty who told Alice: “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean” and he said it in rather a scornful tone, mind you.
So it is that the BBC this morning tells us: ‘Boris Johnson says world leaders must take responsibility for climate destruction’
Have Putin, Bolsonaro, Xi Jinping and Modi, in addition to their other varied transgressions against western liberalism, destroyed the world’s climate?
Or are they the present Arsenal back four – I gave up on following football, what with VAR and taking the knee?
Imagine a world with no climate? Is that easy, if you try? John and Yoko might have found it a doddle with sufficient chemical psychedelic stimulents, but I’m struggling.
Lewis Carroll’s characters derrived much of their logic-bending eccentricity and ludicrous antics from his observation of fellow dons at Oxford University.
And so it is that even today it is from within those sort of rarified portals (albeit we’re given to understand mostly originating in Southern California) that are the seed bed from which comes the push for pointless language-bending in the real world: ‘”Batsman” clean bowled by equality push’ (The Times) ‘Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), the custodian of the laws of cricket, has said that “batter” should be used to refer to men and women at the wicket’
And what, one wonders, will my cod and chips and Scots Mars Bars come fried in?
Personally, I don’t see the need. Batsman, Batwoman… it worked for DC Comics.
Where does this end? When we’re all at sea? At sea we have the helmsman. What’s the future of that word? Helmer? Come to think of it we should be OK there until the 2200s, when Star Trek was set, with Mr Sulu holding the post of helmsman on the Star Ship Enterprise.
"It's going to be a difficult winter for many on low incomes"
Dame Clare Moriarty, of Citizens Advice, says people will lose energy deals when they are transferred to new suppliers and so could face higher bills
On the subject of bbc reporting going anywhere but relevance, here’s Springster’s latest…
Extremely important work here by Marianna and the rest of the team at the Disinfo unit. I often hear from Arab female colleague how bad it can get online..
As an ‘Oxbridge’ ex-senior civil servant, who helped implement the policies that got us into this mess, it is nice that she was able to become chief executive of Citizens Advice.
Sadly she is too old and too white to be a BBC photo babe, so she hasn’t quite got it all.
This briefing provides an overview of the UK’s foreign-born population. In 2019, people born outside the UK made up an estimated 14% of the UK’s population, or 9.5 million people. … London has the largest number of migrants among all regions of the UK, 3,317,000 – or 35% of the UK’s total foreign-born population.6 Nov 2020
Rog headed to the M25 with Caroline Lucas to go full Alinsky yet?
Extraordinary speech by @borisjohnson to UN – odd but powerful. See PBS YouTube. But he's still lagging on lagging with less than 25pc of CO2 policies in place overall and @RishiSunak said to be still blocking cash. And no, it's not easy to be green.
He could always nick Jon Don’s canoe and row there.
The challenges of covering one of the biggest stories of our age: China. This was an eye opener for me – the latest edition of #JOURNO
He says that the online Chinese are ‘Alt-Right’ because they are strongly ‘anti-Political Correctness’.
Perhaps the Chinese still possess what used to be called ‘common sense’, i.e. strong men do the tough jobs, including protecting women, who give birth and bring up children and know that fossil fuels are energy-dense, storeable and moveable, unlike solar and wind power?
I was proud to lead the UK to be the first major economy to legislate for #netzero. But legislation alone won’t reverse the decline in our natural environment
I’m now joining
as their Chair – to help business achieve these ambitions & champion the green revolution
I was proud to lead the UK to be the first major economy to legislate for #netzero. But legislation alone won't reverse the decline in our natural environment
1. These people were attempting to illegally gain entrance to another country, they weren’t officially invited to the country, apparently they weren’t wanted by the majority of the population there, and they didn’t have any legal right to enter that country. That technically makes it an ‘invasion’ I believe?
2. Those scenes are indeed reminiscent of those of an earlier era, with white men on horseback rounding up black slaves, but that doesn’t mean they depict the same thing. For a start, the black slaves were brought to the US (against their will), and the ‘cowboys’ pictured were attempting to stop them escaping. The (also black) Haitians came to the US of their own accord, and the ‘cowboys’ were attempting to remove them and send them back to their home. Almost complete opposites. I also think it’s reasonable to assume the US authorities politely asked them to go home first, and decided to round them up and deport them only as a last resort?
3. Those Haitians on the runway in Haiti are all dressed in matching, brand new white t-shirts and shorts, which were presumably given to them by the US authorities that were repatriating them. They aren’t ‘scrabbling to get back on the plane’ in the video clip, they’re collecting these new clothes – that’s obvious if you watch. They don’t actually appear upset, or annoyed, which is what the reporter claims, there is no actual photographic, or video evidence of that. Even if they were upset, or annoyed, it doesn’t make the repatriation wrong, does it? I’m upset and annoyed when my bills go up, but other than me, who cares, and will it change anything?
4. The vast majority of people everywhere in the world (including, I’m sure in Haiti) would do exactly the same if a mass of people attempted to illegally enter their country. Of course, in many countries they would round them up and give them a good beating to put them off trying again, or even just shoot them and pile them in a mass grave. The US is doing what most would, just in a rather more civilised and decent fashion and is surely to be lauded for their restraint and humanity?
Anti Gay Marriage? Barriers at Christmas Markets?
…. nope …
Angela Merkel: What will Germans miss about the chancellor?
Angela Merkel: What will Germans miss about the chancellor?
Germans are preparing to say “auf wiedersehen” to Angela Merkel, whose 16 years as chancellor will come to an end after the parliamentary elections this Sunday.
BBC Europe editor Katya Adler has been in her role since 2014, but began reporting on Mrs Merkel long before then.
How does she feel about saying goodbye to a woman who loomed so large in global politics – through the migrant crisis, the Eurozone crisis and the Covid pandemic?
What will Germans miss about Mrs Merkel and what hopes do they have for their next government after the elections?
Katya sets off on a road trip around Germany to find out.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Who voted for these policies? ……………
Food shortages at the same time as 18 thousand people invading the country waiting to be fed.
Housing shortages while illegals are being housed in 4 Star Hotels.
Road Blocks while the police aid and abet .
Kids being forced to be vaccinated .
Black lives matter , more than the rest.
An unfettered woke agenda in the media while our own heritage is being allowed to be trashed.
Personally, I think the nonsense has gone too far. Its irreversible on its downward trajectory. We all reap what we sow. Perhaps the public should experience what is coming and live with it as that’s what they aided and abetted with their complacency.
We have and still do witness a massive consistent effort to disrupt and defeat, “The West”. And it has worked. Game, set and match. Whoever and whatever is behind this success demands accolade: How to defeat millions with just a well placed handful making a lot of noise and to exploit the rules and laws of their enemy. Or create/influence organisations to change laws (Stonewall).
Notice how the blacks and asians have ensconced themselves into positions of power or influence. Surreptitiously, quite openly. People vote(d) for them. Then, they set about closing the door behind themselves: Calls of “racism” etc, at the drop of a hat to shut up opponents simply to insulate themselves (Lammy/Abbot).
If I’m not mistaken, any tardy fightback in the war, (for that’s what it is) needs a leader to emerge and fall behind. An emblem if you will. In the US its called ‘Trumpism’. But I suspect even he, if honest, would openly admit find it will be impossible to turn things round. It is now too ingrained for generations. Here in the UK? ……………….
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK is back, back, back again and making herstory
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK is back, back, back again and making herstory
Racers, start your engines. We’re saying “hello, hello, hello” to a new cast of queens as season three of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK hits the runway on Thursday.
The British version of RuPaul’s smash hit show, which won the Emmy for outstanding reality competition programme on Sunday, launched in 2019.
The third UK series makes herstory with the international franchise’s first cis woman drag queen, Victoria Scone.
BBC News sashayed on to the pink carpet to find out what else fans can look forward to.
UK viewers can watch from 19:00 BST on Thursday 23 September on BBC Three iPlayer.
Producer: Sophie Van Brugen
Published8 hours agoSectionBBC NewsSubsectionEntertainment & Arts
\\A climate summit of world leaders in 40 days’ time will be the “turning point for humanity”, PM Boris Johnson has said in a speech to the United Nations.//
Something tells me that “world leaders” are not listening and are not going to listen.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Really? I bet contributors to this site could clear the backlog within a year.
Terrorism in the UK: number of suspects tops 40,000 after MI5 rechecks its list
Dipesh Gadher
Sunday April 12 2020
Germany is betting that the answer is yes.
The country has long offered migrants and asylum seekers financial incentives to leave its shores, and until 28 February 2018 it’s prepared to pay out extra.
Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.
Critics say Angela Merkel’s government is trying to bribe its way out of a tricky situation, but supporters say the scheme will help sad, exhausted migrants who just want to go home.
Germany is by no means first to this approach. So where else has done it – and is it morally wrong?
People should use the proper names for government departments
– The Illegal Immigration & Modern Slavery Facilitation Service
– The Crime Facilitation Service
This is not completely true, decisions are made by the Home Office quite quickly what takes the time and the money is the greedy weasels and judges who in over 80% of cases decide the Home Office made the correct decision in the first place.
There’s an easy solution. Cut out the greedy weasels like we used to and rely on the Home Office getting it right. If someone wants to appeal to the law, let them fund it themselves.
If we cannot cut out the greedy weasels then the UK should consider leaving the asylum treaty which is clearly being abused.
There is another issue which they aren’t talking about though, and that is countries which refuse to take their nationals back such as Israel and Iraq. These countries should be charged the cost of supporting their nationals in the UK.
And then there is the length of time some of them take preparing paperwork to allow them to re-enter their own country. This can add even more time to the process.
Morbidly fat people at death’s door get a premium/bonus rate?
BBC More Or Less
#1 Yet again debunking a BBC ‘s own wacky claim
“yeh 129 billion single-use face masks are used every day around the world”
Nope you nutters , that is 17 per/day per person
BBC admitted they meant “per month” not per day
Even so that is wrong cos the source had taken an estimate for a particular circumstance in Italy and extrapolated.
#2 If benefit is cut by £20 is that two hours work like a tory says or 9 hours per week like Labour say ?
Basically benefit has a taped scale cut off
so if you earn £1 more the government keeps 63p
or £6.30 from £10
so for some people if they earn £10 more they only keep £3.70
so after £54 they’ve got 320 taken home
So that could be 5.5 hours at £10/hour
but some people earn more (some less if young etc,)
and a few cases are exempt from the cut off rule
so it could be just 2 hours
and some people earn more that £10/hour
#3 Do women have a lot more periods than in history ?
Basically if women get pregnant a lot they have less periods cos they stop until the end of breast feeding.
So today’s women have more periods.
But poor diet and medicines can reduce the number of periods etc.
That false BBC claim
That Wales page still hasn’t been corrected.
Even though the page has open comments
and people had pointed out that its fake news.
He really should lobby wasserface ex-HuffPo to let him MC Labour conferences.
There is of course BS too.
How on earth do you decide who and what to believe these days? We know that truth is suppressed by the MSM .
For instance it is indisputable thatthe Covid virus was genetically engineered in Wuhan and did not infect humans directly from bats. Covid has already killed millions world wide directly and indirectly and cost trillions of pounds , so this is one of the biggest stories for decades, yet the MSM knowingly lies about it and many so called scientists help them by lying through their teeth.
We know that much of the hype about the impact and cause of climate change is very likely exaggerated and that the costs of the proposals to combat it are unsupportable but the MSM suppresses this and again many so called scientists , but by no means all, help them to do it.
We know that Islamisation of the West is a real danger but again the MSM suppresses the truth and attacks anyone who tries to tell it.
These are three critical issues which will shape the current century but the MSM denies and suppresses the truth on all of them. And if they do this on these three issues we can be certain that they are doing it on many others. The conclusion is clear don’t believe a word the MSM say and very sadly don’t believe the scientists either!
Relax – we have learnt from history …..
More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had been Lysenko’s mentor, but later denounced him, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.
Other countries of the Eastern Bloc including the People’s Republic of Poland, the Republic of Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic accepted Lysenkoism as the official “new biology”, to varying degrees, as did the People’s Republic of China for some years.
Speech is not free – to ensure if is free can cost you your job.
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” { aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
One in four NHS nurses are obese, study reveals
Obesity rates among nurses and care workers higher than people in non-health and care related jobs
Alex Matthews-King
Health Correspondent
Tuesday 05 December 2017
Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest ! When the drug reps visited and brought in loads of food, you’d get killed in the rush by nurses and the like fighting to get to the stuff. You’d think they hadn’t eaten for a month the way they carried on. Most wore uniforms that fit where they touched, – obese is a polite word – FAT is what they are.
MI5 is aware of more than 43,000 people who pose a potential terrorist threat to the UK, according to a government report — almost twice the number of terror suspects previously disclosed.
After the 2017 attacks at London Bridge and Manchester Arena, it was revealed that MI5 had about 23,000 current and historic suspects on its radar.
. . . .
With more than 43,000 officers and staff, the Met is the UK’s largest police service and has 25% of the total police budget for England and Wales.
Cops and terror experts warn of a far right threat
Germany is betting that the answer is yes.
The country has long offered migrants and asylum seekers financial incentives to leave its shores, and until 28 February 2018 it’s prepared to pay out extra.
Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.
Critics say Angela Merkel’s government is trying to bribe its way out of a tricky situation, but supporters say the scheme will help sad, exhausted migrants who just want to go home.
Germany is by no means first to this approach. So where else has done it – and is it morally wrong?
Senior Implementation Manager Workforce Equality and Inclusion
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Apply on NHS Jobs
1 day ago
a yearFull–time
NHS England and Improvement London is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce – a place where we can all be ourselves, succeed and belong as set out in the London Workforce Race Strategy.
You mean…….they are going to seek to employ white people??????
Russell Brand was all over the BBC – getting cash left right and centre.
Prepare to be WOKE(D) up …
Netflix has bought the rights to Roald Dahl’s classic children’s books from the author’s family.
The deal means the streaming giant will own creations like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG.
Netflix will control what happens to them in publishing as well as TV and film – and receive the royalties.
Am I alone in my intense dislike of Roal Dahl and his works?
No you’re not alone, can’t stand him.
Why are there never any arrests for Leicester slavery ?
Many residents of Leicester have been asking that for 50 years or more.
Racism time at the BBC.
On Pointless, BBC1 at 1715, there is a round featuring the 100 Greatest Black Britons.
Disregarding the fact that the category is so thin that Stormzy was an acceptable answer, can you imagine how the roof would fall in if there was a 100 Greatest White Britons feature on the BBC?
Which of course there won’t be
Featuring such contemporary ‘musicians’ as….errr……Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, IK Brunel, Will Shakespeare, Churchill, and many other unknowns.
To be fair Humza Yousaf would go ballistic…
“Number One, whhite, Number Two, whhite,.. Number One Hundred, whhite!”
On the other hand June Sarpong might see her salary as being £2,670 ‘compensation’ for each person that offends her on the list!
“…a round featuring the 100 Greatest Black Britons.”
Pointless, eh?
Hey Beeb, this is what principled, ethical, conviction journalism sounds like. You should try it some time.
Yes, to be left widowed with 6 children as young as he is, then all credit to him for jumping ship at Sky and following his conscience.
That was at 250k views – bet it’s 300k now..
Local ITV news today’s national item injected into the prog.
We already had a local item promoting vaccines
even though “our area has above average vaccination rate”
Well, well, well. Anyone heard this ? it was tucked away in a corner of my D/Express.
“The English Touring Opera Company has sacked 14 WHITE musicians. The reason given is that it wishes to ‘prioritise increased diversity in line with firm guidance from the Arts Council”
Never mind the quality, look at the colour!
I had. But it has only just sunk in how this is even possibly legal.
The BBC excluding a race from new hires is bad enough, but to sack those in role to make way for another seems…. too unique.
Yes Simon Webb covered it last week.
Bristles, according to GBNews these orchestra players were freelance but had been booked as and when required. They have been told they are no longer required.
In music for example, the BBC just loves female composers. There’s weren’t many in times gone by so the BBC has to commission some new music by women and most is awful.
I want the best person for any job not a person chosen by the colour of their skin.
Kashmiri Ramblers is the top on ITV local news now
Only yesterday or Monday the item was the black women’s walking group.
The also had a Green item
“It’s part of drives to reduce exposure to vehicle emissions
The roads around several primary schools in Barnsley have been temporarily closed off as part of a drive to encourage families to swap cars for walking or cycling.
Today, 22 September, and tomorrow, ..”
‘Encourage’?…..don’t they really mean….make?!
Nothing is stopping them …
There’s never been any barriers. I’ve spent plenty of time walking the South Downs, Cumbria, Hampshire etc. in my life and seen many non-whites using the space. Never witnessed any racism, discrimination or exclusion. By anybody. Just ordinary people going about their lawful, Earthly business and enjoying the fresh air, as is their right.
The problem is all inside the tiny, brainwashed minds of a minority of hypocrites and genuine racists.
The last section of this is about diversity in the countryside. Very funny.
So its up to us whiteys to invite Bames for walks, I dont know any.
BBC Full Flow PRasNews
The cyclists said they wanted to raise awareness of the “artificial barriers” that “prevent refugees from getting on with their lives”.
Cyclists spell ‘refugees welcome’ across south of England using GPS
‘Raising awareness’ likely depends on one of that Jon Snow traumatising collection of white wokesters having a direct line to the bbc news desk.
BBC local news.. Hull climate murals are on the screen
the item is question is whether such supported street art is encouraging graffiti vandalism
.. they switched to shots of masses of walls with rough tagging etc.
Then PRasNews item for Hull soup kitchen feeding 30/day
Shocking news from Channel 4 News – a mention of the ultimate taboo – the state of the false president .
In a piece by Gary Gibbon in America with nut nut – he showed the end of the press conference between nut nut and sleepy Joe —-
The American press tried to ask their president open questions ( again ) only to be herded out of the White House ( again ) and
Gary Gibbon mentioned there are questions about the US presidents’ “ powers “
So – the language of the MSM is to question ‘powers ‘ – not yet to the ‘mental health ‘ or the obvious Dementia …..
After all this time – the truth is so slowly coming out . There might even be a question about the theft of the US election one day ….
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
David Starkey is on GBnews
“Olusoga is NOT a historian he is TV researcher”
Nick Cave ‘Cancel Culture is the opposite of mercy’
Starkey “About 300,000 black slaves were kidnapped to America.
Yet about 20million black slaves were kidnapped to Constantinople
Difference is that no descendants of the 20million survive.
.. the males were castrated etc.’
Nice to see HMS Starkey finally on GBNews – I recall a discussion on this site before GBNews started of the ‘banned list ‘ maybe getting exposure again .
As usual – by the sound of it HMS Starkey saying the unsayable – and a bit of a history syllabus which won’t be seen by the kids – remember kids Whitee bad ….
It’s like America are getting bolder in pushing for freedom … if only the UK would stand tall.
The @UN Human Rights Council attracts & welcomes many of the worst human rights violators in the world. #UNGA {twitter 21sep2017}
David Starkey should be on UN Council … in my opinion …
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are. (Western World)” – David Starkey @ 0:28
“Religion has got no privilege whatever.” – David Starkey @ 1:28
“… most of you are political junkies (panel members on Question Time). Most of the country isn’t.” – David Starkey @ 2:35
Current Membership of the Human Rights Council, 1 January – 31 December 2017
Albania , Bangladesh , Bolivia (Plurinational State of) , Botswana , Congo , El Salvador , Ghana , India , Indonesia , Latvia , Netherlands , Nigeria , Paraguay , Portugal , Qatar , Belgium , Burundi , Côte ‘voire , Ecuador , Ethiopia , Georgia , Germany , Kenya , Kyrgyzstan , Mongolia , Panama , Philippines , Republic of Korea , Slovenia , Switzerland ,Togo , United Arab Emirates , Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) , Brazil , China , Croatia , Cuba , Egypt , Hungary , Iraq , Japan , Rwanda , Saudi Arabia , South Africa , Tunisia , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , United States of America
This is exactly what GB News should be doing, and what will make it indispensable: giving space to people who have been cast out. Tommy Robinson next?
Brilliant. Did he mention Dan Snow…..
“Covid: Which countries are vaccinating children and why?”
Indeed why vaccinate kids ?
Is someone making a lot of money from this ? I smell a rat !
Just asking .
I’ve just seen David Starkey on Brazier/GB News and he was excellent.
I could listen to him all night.
One of the things (facts) he mentioned was regarding slavery.
Did you know that there were 300,000 slaves taken to the Americas from Africa and their descendants are generally doing well but there were 20 million slaves taken from Africa to the Middle East/Arabs and there are no descendants as the men were all castrated and any babies were killed at birth.
Just as the British part in ending slavery and the 30 thousand sailors who lost their lives stopping it has also been hushed up.
Colin brazier did a nice piece about the difference between GBNews and the BBC – it was retweeted by Lord Farage …
The back journalist Keith Richburg, after experiencing the horrors of life in Africa for a few years, wrote an article in which he expressed his gratitude that his ancestors had been taken to America as slaves.
Naturally, liberals in America and UK swooned in horror.
Liam Norton clip from yesterday “Insulate Britain is about TRUTH”
FFS mate like the way you hide that your own home is not insulated
…posh neighbourhood as well.
9pm BBC2 Jay Blades Yorkshire : designing something for the office of the Hull Military Veterans’ Village project … *fair enough*
#2 Edgar and Elizabeth who fostered many many children.
#3 something for Qasim who got Bradford City fans to hand out food during lockdown
Blimey….I’ll never get back on Telly! Does he actually make stuff himself?
The Beeb are really pushing Blades – giving him so much work lately – just like Bake Off Nadia. I refuse to watch anything with him in it. Even Repair Shop could be well handled by Will Kirk or any of the other genuine talents on there, but perhaps Will is too articulate for the Beeb bunch, and like the wozz dat den and wotsit for ? delivery.
9pm BBC1 Prince Philip documentary originally conceived to mark the Duke of Edinburgh’s 100th birthday,
10pm Channel4 das titillation pretending to be a documentary about sex
… As usual
9pm Portillo doing his Cornwall walk
“Joe Biden plays down chances of UK-US trade deal”
Nice photograph of two Jo’s .
Jo Soap and Jo Doe.
People who already had Covid told to get the vaccine in order to inflate the success rate of the vaccine by embedding natural immunity into the data?
BTW full Liam Norton full 18 min clip
The credulous blustering blonde buffoon
Time for humanity to grow up on climate
I can only respond with a suggestion alluding to reproduction + travel.
Who wrote that speech? – Carrie and her mates and Harrabin as guest editor?
Did Boris pull a fast one over Biden?
At the end of their meeting the PM invited questions from the press.
This produced a pandemonium of shouted questions and, once again, highlighted the Chief Imbecile’s inability to respond to unscripted questions from the press, who were unceremoniously shouted down and ushered out by his minders.
Whether intended or not, it put Sleepy Joe in a bad light, and he will no doubt retaliate by putting the UK even further back in the queue for a trade deal.
The BBC choose to ignore the whole fiasco, keeping up the pretence that Sleepy Joe is compos mentis, when he manifestly is not.
“History Debunked” on YouTube.
The only oasis of truth and fact in the desert of truth and fact. A ‘Shining Beacon’.
I imagine that most here welcome his channel and as I, visit daily.
Douglas Murray investigates the above phenomenon in The Strange Death of Europe.
It’s also known as The Great Replacement.
Wikipedia patronisingly dismisses it as a far-right conspiracy theory. Perhaps a beeboid wrote the article.
“The Great Replacement (French: Grand Remplacement), also known as the replacement theory, is a white nationalist conspiracy theory which states that, with the complicity or cooperation of “replacist” elites, the white French population—as well as white European populations at large—is being demographically and culturally replaced with non-European peoples—specifically Arab, Berber, South Asian and sub-Saharan Muslim populations—through mass migration, demographic growth and a European drop in the birth rate. This theory is popular among anti-migrant far-right movements in the West.”
BBC issues apology to Douglas Murray
Lefty types love to denigrate Murray.
The Guardian described Strange Death as “gentrified xenophobia”.
So drôle, dahling, ha ha.
‘History Debunked’ in brief:
“Hello again! Like me fellow frogs have probably noticed that the water in the saucepan is getting warmer. Now I have nothing against warm water, indeed I have often been in ‘hot water’ with YouTube, hah! hah!”
Typical comment: “For crying out loud Simon, the bas**rds are trying to boil us alive, wake up!”
Toady watch
A full on day of lefty stuff –
Something about the need for wimmin on the street to be ‘protected ‘ ( from men ) in London because of another recent murder
Tenants who can’t pay their rent being evicted ( the Gordon bucannan Funeral director ) doing his act
The campaign to not cut universal credit benefit in a weeks ‘time
Winter fuel benefit increase
The BBC is hammering the increase in fuel prices – I hope the first cut people will make is to pay the TV tax £157 is a good amount to spend on fuel rather than the BBC …..
“Boris Johnson: Humanity is reaching a turning point on climate change”
Will Al Beeb still push its “Green Agenda” as it watches Great Britain go to the wall ?
How long will the Conservatives leave Kermit the Frog in charge of the country before they go to the wall? We are in dire need of a new political party.
More like Humpty-Dumpty Johnson. However he will fall at the next election!
He has become a clone of both the mad Prince of Wales and Eat my Attenborough.
Most people have had a bellyfull of the twisted Climate half truths being peddled by Marxist professors that he is now hanging onto the coat tails of.
The end-game is that highly paid intellectuals will live in large houses with multiple charging points and the great unwashed will have their personal transport forcibly removed to put them on crowded buses or shank’s pony. It is the key part if the plan for the climate lobby and COVID has proved that they can now enforce it and get away with it. “For the greater good” no-less!
“Humanity is reaching a turning point on climate change” – China implement a 3 child policy! HA HA HA!
The future is for those who turn up (c) Mark Steyn
Yes, Steyn has been spot on for years.
Inspired. How could a bbc cubicle garden dweller resist?
Isn’t it strange that the word ‘reality’ doesn’t include the meaning ‘get a life’…
Saoirse Ronan says that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are “like Kim and Kanye?”
Apple TV has a new version, “The Tragedy of Macbeth,” starring Denzel Washington, who certainly has something in common with Kanye!
American rapper Kanye West has been making headlines recently as he mounts a campaign to be elected president of the United States.
We’ve seen a series of chaotic and emotional public outbursts, including during his first presidential campaign appearance, as well as a string of incoherent tweets which he subsequently retracted.
He sounds a bit over-qualified.
Generally – do you notice a theme of ‘ shortages in this country – namely
Gas storage
CO2 production
HGV drivers
I m sure there are more . Of course the normal fob off is that it is a global problem .
But blighty is better than the rest of the globe – or should be ….
If it gets as cold as we expect this winter, I can think of just one more ‘shortage’ around my personal vicinity…
Winter in ‘getting colder’ shocker.
Who knew?
Shortage of truth.
Glorious. Especially the lead couple doing the forbidden dfs.
Revealing how pro vaccination tub thumping the BBC have been to everyone else but suddenly go meek when it threatens their bread and butter pile of puffery nonsense – strictly come prancing!
Two faced or what?
Boris said “I will not bully and lecture people … ” then went on to bully and lecture them!
Leader of the free world who locked all his citizens up whilst Wuhan had pool parties.
It was Lewis Carroll’s nursery rhyme character Humpty Dumpty who told Alice: “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean” and he said it in rather a scornful tone, mind you.
So it is that the BBC this morning tells us: ‘Boris Johnson says world leaders must take responsibility for climate destruction’
Have Putin, Bolsonaro, Xi Jinping and Modi, in addition to their other varied transgressions against western liberalism, destroyed the world’s climate?
Or are they the present Arsenal back four – I gave up on following football, what with VAR and taking the knee?
Imagine a world with no climate? Is that easy, if you try? John and Yoko might have found it a doddle with sufficient chemical psychedelic stimulents, but I’m struggling.
Lewis Carroll’s characters derrived much of their logic-bending eccentricity and ludicrous antics from his observation of fellow dons at Oxford University.
And so it is that even today it is from within those sort of rarified portals (albeit we’re given to understand mostly originating in Southern California) that are the seed bed from which comes the push for pointless language-bending in the real world: ‘”Batsman” clean bowled by equality push’ (The Times) ‘Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), the custodian of the laws of cricket, has said that “batter” should be used to refer to men and women at the wicket’
And what, one wonders, will my cod and chips and Scots Mars Bars come fried in?
Personally, I don’t see the need. Batsman, Batwoman… it worked for DC Comics.
Where does this end? When we’re all at sea? At sea we have the helmsman. What’s the future of that word? Helmer? Come to think of it we should be OK there until the 2200s, when Star Trek was set, with Mr Sulu holding the post of helmsman on the Star Ship Enterprise.
That Clare, or a BBC Getty photo fit?
It’s time to move to a warmer country for winter then perhaps Nigeria ?……but wait Nigeria has moved here ….what to do….what to do ! !
There are posts emerging of the Utopia created under Texas motorways by all the Haitian engineers, doctors and TV anchors.
No baths obvious in the photos yet though.
Still, Kamala still anywhere but there as Sleepy either hiding them around the country or flying them back.
Sopes is on it.
Well, what suits.
On the subject of bbc reporting going anywhere but relevance, here’s Springster’s latest…
Women to get their own safe space internet?
Due to Brexit?
As an ‘Oxbridge’ ex-senior civil servant, who helped implement the policies that got us into this mess, it is nice that she was able to become chief executive of Citizens Advice.
Sadly she is too old and too white to be a BBC photo babe, so she hasn’t quite got it all.
Clare Moriarty appointed Citizens Advice Chief Executive
#bbcquote headlines are super dooper.
Along with photo editorial.
Next week: ‘Not enough white chicks squirting out Bairns fears’.
This briefing provides an overview of the UK’s foreign-born population. In 2019, people born outside the UK made up an estimated 14% of the UK’s population, or 9.5 million people. … London has the largest number of migrants among all regions of the UK, 3,317,000 – or 35% of the UK’s total foreign-born population.6 Nov 2020
Rog headed to the M25 with Caroline Lucas to go full Alinsky yet?
Could he be any more obvious?
He could always nick Jon Don’s canoe and row there.
Being Chinese is great.
Being British is racist.
He says that the online Chinese are ‘Alt-Right’ because they are strongly ‘anti-Political Correctness’.
Perhaps the Chinese still possess what used to be called ‘common sense’, i.e. strong men do the tough jobs, including protecting women, who give birth and bring up children and know that fossil fuels are energy-dense, storeable and moveable, unlike solar and wind power?
China promotes education drive to make boys more ‘manly’
By Kerry Allen
BBC Monitoring
Published4 February
“What must be of key concern to us is the message this sends around the world to those who would do the West harm”
My contribution on the situation in Afghanistan, its future and implications for the world:
I was proud to lead the UK to be the first major economy to legislate for #netzero. But legislation alone won’t reverse the decline in our natural environment
I’m now joining
as their Chair – to help business achieve these ambitions & champion the green revolution
BBC webshite full on (and I mean FULL ON) outrage over the Haitian immigrants being rounded up and repatriated by the US.
Angry scenes at Haiti airport as deported migrants arrive
Grim echoes of history in images of Haitians at US-Mexico border
A number of points come to mind:
1. These people were attempting to illegally gain entrance to another country, they weren’t officially invited to the country, apparently they weren’t wanted by the majority of the population there, and they didn’t have any legal right to enter that country. That technically makes it an ‘invasion’ I believe?
2. Those scenes are indeed reminiscent of those of an earlier era, with white men on horseback rounding up black slaves, but that doesn’t mean they depict the same thing. For a start, the black slaves were brought to the US (against their will), and the ‘cowboys’ pictured were attempting to stop them escaping. The (also black) Haitians came to the US of their own accord, and the ‘cowboys’ were attempting to remove them and send them back to their home. Almost complete opposites. I also think it’s reasonable to assume the US authorities politely asked them to go home first, and decided to round them up and deport them only as a last resort?
3. Those Haitians on the runway in Haiti are all dressed in matching, brand new white t-shirts and shorts, which were presumably given to them by the US authorities that were repatriating them. They aren’t ‘scrabbling to get back on the plane’ in the video clip, they’re collecting these new clothes – that’s obvious if you watch. They don’t actually appear upset, or annoyed, which is what the reporter claims, there is no actual photographic, or video evidence of that. Even if they were upset, or annoyed, it doesn’t make the repatriation wrong, does it? I’m upset and annoyed when my bills go up, but other than me, who cares, and will it change anything?
4. The vast majority of people everywhere in the world (including, I’m sure in Haiti) would do exactly the same if a mass of people attempted to illegally enter their country. Of course, in many countries they would round them up and give them a good beating to put them off trying again, or even just shoot them and pile them in a mass grave. The US is doing what most would, just in a rather more civilised and decent fashion and is surely to be lauded for their restraint and humanity?
Haitian rape gangs could be the new Afghani rape gangs. It’s all the rage now, dear.
Anti Gay Marriage? Barriers at Christmas Markets?
…. nope …
Angela Merkel: What will Germans miss about the chancellor?
Angela Merkel: What will Germans miss about the chancellor?
Germans are preparing to say “auf wiedersehen” to Angela Merkel, whose 16 years as chancellor will come to an end after the parliamentary elections this Sunday.
BBC Europe editor Katya Adler has been in her role since 2014, but began reporting on Mrs Merkel long before then.
How does she feel about saying goodbye to a woman who loomed so large in global politics – through the migrant crisis, the Eurozone crisis and the Covid pandemic?
What will Germans miss about Mrs Merkel and what hopes do they have for their next government after the elections?
Katya sets off on a road trip around Germany to find out.
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
“Energy firms’ collapse hits 1.5 million customers”
All because The Green Muppets are running the country .
Who voted for these policies? ……………
Food shortages at the same time as 18 thousand people invading the country waiting to be fed.
Housing shortages while illegals are being housed in 4 Star Hotels.
Road Blocks while the police aid and abet .
Kids being forced to be vaccinated .
Black lives matter , more than the rest.
An unfettered woke agenda in the media while our own heritage is being allowed to be trashed.
Time for a change , time for a new government?
Clap harder, faster, longer.
Personally, I think the nonsense has gone too far. Its irreversible on its downward trajectory. We all reap what we sow. Perhaps the public should experience what is coming and live with it as that’s what they aided and abetted with their complacency.
We have and still do witness a massive consistent effort to disrupt and defeat, “The West”. And it has worked. Game, set and match. Whoever and whatever is behind this success demands accolade: How to defeat millions with just a well placed handful making a lot of noise and to exploit the rules and laws of their enemy. Or create/influence organisations to change laws (Stonewall).
Notice how the blacks and asians have ensconced themselves into positions of power or influence. Surreptitiously, quite openly. People vote(d) for them. Then, they set about closing the door behind themselves: Calls of “racism” etc, at the drop of a hat to shut up opponents simply to insulate themselves (Lammy/Abbot).
If I’m not mistaken, any tardy fightback in the war, (for that’s what it is) needs a leader to emerge and fall behind. An emblem if you will. In the US its called ‘Trumpism’. But I suspect even he, if honest, would openly admit find it will be impossible to turn things round. It is now too ingrained for generations. Here in the UK? ……………….
Say no more.
My Dad (WW2 Veteran) always said this country would be destroyed by those within.
Not one shot was fired – just 104 genders released into the minds of the mad.
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK is back, back, back again and making herstory
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK is back, back, back again and making herstory
Racers, start your engines. We’re saying “hello, hello, hello” to a new cast of queens as season three of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK hits the runway on Thursday.
The British version of RuPaul’s smash hit show, which won the Emmy for outstanding reality competition programme on Sunday, launched in 2019.
The third UK series makes herstory with the international franchise’s first cis woman drag queen, Victoria Scone.
BBC News sashayed on to the pink carpet to find out what else fans can look forward to.
UK viewers can watch from 19:00 BST on Thursday 23 September on BBC Three iPlayer.
Producer: Sophie Van Brugen
Published8 hours agoSectionBBC NewsSubsectionEntertainment & Arts
\\A climate summit of world leaders in 40 days’ time will be the “turning point for humanity”, PM Boris Johnson has said in a speech to the United Nations.//
Something tells me that “world leaders” are not listening and are not going to listen.