Channel5 now
Heriot is in a 1930’s vet surgery and a black woman has just walked in with her dog.
It’s Cleo Sylvestre playing Anne Chapman
who was white in the original series.
I wonder (no, seriously) just how many black people there were in Yorkshire in the early 20th Century, and I wonder where they lived and what they did for a living?
These things genuinely interest me, in a “well, that’s interesting” kind of way, and not for any woke reason. It used to be interesting to read about such history on the BBC website, years ago, before it all became tediously PC, and fact and fiction started to blur into one.
I honestly expect there were a few black and mixed race people working and living in places like Hull and some of the big industrial towns at the time. They would have almost certainly been seen as complete oddities (much like a white person in a non-colonial African city at the time).
The population of Yorkshire in the 1930s was perhaps 4 million, so if there were say 16 black people in Yorkshire in total, that’s 16 in 4 million, or 1 in 250,000. What are the odds of bumping into one? What about in a remote village in the Dales?
I reckon most people living in villages and smaller towns probably went their entire lives without ever seeing a real black person (which would explain why they had ‘racist’ notions about them, wouldn’t it?). The closest they ever came to one in the ’30s must have been photos in books, film reels of ‘colonial parts’ in the cinema, imported jazz music, cartoon caricatures, ‘golly’ dolls, ‘black and white minstrels’… that sort of thing? If they did see a real one, I bet most would have stood and stared. Don’t see that in BBC ‘period dramas’ do you?
“Underlying Health Condition” is the name of new disability pressure group announced by Jack Thorne’s at his MacTaggart Lecture
topic is “TV has failed disabled people. Utterly and totally.”
The Harry Potter and the Cursed Child playwright, who is working with actress Genevieve Barr and producer Katie Player, fears the industry has gone backwards on diversity due to Covid and is calling for a “dedicated fund”. “Making these changes will cost and after a pandemic they can’t simply be passed onto the studios,” he warned.
I don’t have a problem with black people in advertisements or TV programs as long as it is proportional to the setting.
But I do have a huge problem with the hypocrites who accused everyone else of racism when blacks didn’t get enough awards or parts. Remember #oscarssowhite being big news ?.
The reason I became an engineer is because I tend to see the root of a problem directly without being distracted by emotion or what other people say. What I have seen here is a lot of shallow, greedy people who play every trick they can for entirely selfish reasons. Actors are the most shallow and greedy of them all. This particular set have used the race card, but any actor will use any card they can. #metoo is another example of a movement founded in greed. It only started when people discovered Weinstein was making payoffs.
Then mix in your typical Lefty : a shallow, greedy character who is convinced they are intellectually superior to everyone else. They are too shallow to realise what they are. They then jump on this false ‘racism’ cause to virtue-signal to everyone else and appease their own ego that they are indeed as superior as they think they are. Twitter is an excellent place to see these people who are ‘too stupid to realise they are stupid’.
I fully support equality and people being treated on their own merits. I judge anyone and everyone how I find them. People get no special favours from me because of their skin colour. But what is happening with the BBC, BLM and the rest is outright racism.
I feel sorry for the black people in the middle of all this trying to stand up for real equality.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
I can’t be so fair-minded. I am filled with rage when the screen fills with black faces, and I am being told how I am supposed to think about my mother country.
Let me just reassure everyone. I was in an M&S food store and the shelves were full. Tonight’s 10pm BBC1 news going on about lack of fuel deliveries. They went to a garage that was short of petrol but after several minutes telling us how dreadful everything is, they had at least the grace to admit that a garage two miles away had fuel. So the story was that a garage had run out of fuel. Of course it is the fault of Brexit said Faisal Islam. He also said the drivers were taking their holidays. Mr D pointed out they would not have been overworked during lockdowns when nobody was going anywhere.
The ongoing shortage of HGV drivers has led to some petrol stations being closed, with Tesco are warning that it could cause Christmas panic-buying too. @TomSwarbrick1 asks: how do you expect these shortages to affect you?
I just watched the Sky Australia documentary “what happened in Wuhan”, and I learned the virus leaked from the Wuhan Lab Around July / August 2019, much earlier than was ever official admitted and certainly by the UK Communist sympathising BMA who appear to be sticking rigidly to the CCP line about when the virus first appeared, which is provably a lie.
A lot of the evidence has come from intelligence which cannot be declassified, but the Covid 19 virus itself does not occur naturally but the closest one is RaTG13 found in bats believed found in the cave cleared by the workers who became sick and died, but it is spliced with a virus found in pangolins, and although it would be theoretically possible for the two to combine the two viruses cannot infect the other species and therefore cannot naturally come together.
There is a third modification, the furin cleavage site which makes the virus particularly effective at infecting humans.
The possibility of this occuring naturally is therefore close to zero.
What is perhaps worse is the way scientists the media and scientific publications came together to prevent any publication of papers which told the truth about the origins of the virus. They did this partly because of vested interests of people like Peter Daszak who I have written on here previously, Fauci and others, also out of their hatred of Donald Trump and support for the Democrats.
Basically the Socialists were quite prepared to allow millions of people to die simply because of the hate for Donald Trump.
We now know that Covid 19 was the product of the Socialist regime in China. Allowed to spread because of Socialist fears of the truth getting out, the WHO controlled by Socialists failed to do the thing it was created to do, and Socialists in the West aided and abetted the spread of the virus, sometimes deliberately and sometimes out of fear.
Nothing in this world has killed as many people as Socialism has we can now add the numbers who have died from covid to that list and we should be correcting people who say someone died from covid, they actually died from Socialism.
The bio warfare was covered in the documentary and the intelligence shows the leak was almost certainly accidental, for a number of reasons.
It’s far too close to the source i.e. the lab where it was made. The first people to be infected worked at the lab and the first city to be infected was Wuhan. If it had been deliberate it would have been expected to have been released away from China where the detection and evidence as to the source would have been much more difficult.
Having said all that, if a country had dropped a nuclear device over a foreign city, it would not be acceptable for them to claim it was an accident even if all the evidence supported the fact that it was.
The worst part of all to come out of this is the corruption of science which has become politicised and addicted to government grant money which now makes most scientists Socialist, and they were prepared to lie cheat and defend the indefensible in order to promote that agenda, regardless of the people who died as a direct consequence.
How quickly will this story be dropped if the guy charged turns out to be BAME ?.
Maybe even quicker than Sasha Johnson. But not as quick as the Muslim woman burned to death in the street – because they knew those men were BAME straight away. That horrific murder just got one short article.
Is Sasha still alive ?. What happened to those who shot her ?. It should very suprising considering the outrage and headlines before they knew the shooters were black. But it isn’t because we all know the BBC is racist.
This article tells me absolutely nothing about
the case. I had to use google to discover:
The dissident New IRA claimed responsibility after McKee’s death and apologized, saying the shooters were aiming at police officers during the riot in April 2019.
For every article which suits the agenda, like George Floyd, they have a paragraph at the end giving their selected wording for the case context. Why not this one ?.
Just what is going on with the BBC protecting terrorists these days ?. The only people they call terrorists now are the Far-Right. And they are the only ones not actually terrorists because they don’t have a political cause.
The BBC think the terrorists are the ones instigating the demonstrations in Melbourne, which they don’t report on. Miss Information Spring has it all in hand.
In 10 minutes Farage speaks more truth and common sense on all the major issues than you’ll hear on the Beeb in a year.
Biden, Boris, the shambolic press conference, the EU, N.I, Theresa May, the trade deal, Trump, the Special Relationship, Brexit, O’Barmy, AUKUS and more.
Maybe by 2024 we’ll have Trump in the White House, Farage in Downing Street, and a new Golden Age on the horizon…
Unfortunately at the end Mr Farage ignored the fact that the US voting system is totally corrupt with the assistance of the lefty MSM so mr trump has no chance .
Farage typifies a certain, sensible, level headed, no-nonsense sort of person you can find in any town, or city up and down this land, usually quietly getting on with running the local businesses.
The country would be a better place if they were the sorts we elected to lead, rather than the pretentious, attention seeking fops and play-acting toddlers you actually see in the HoC.
Another damning indictment of the imbecilic Imbecile in the White House.
Ted Cruz explains how, under Trump, the US managed to stop the Russians building the Nordstream 2 pipeline.
Then, as soon as the Imbecile took office, Putin recognised his weakness and resumed construction.
Nordstream will guarantee huge revenues to Russia in perpetuity, which it will use for its malign purposes against the West. Nordstream will also weaken Europe by giving Russia immense leverage over the continent.
It’s also very bad news for Ukraine.
Maybe. But let’s approach it from a different perspective. Russian gas deliveries to Europe currently go through Ukraine, a country that Russia has difficulties with, which is why they started constructing Nordstream 2 after that little episode in Crimea. NS 2 avoids that route and carries the gas straight to Germany, which is the main market for it. The US are putting pressure on Germany and the EU to block it, partly as they want to deny revenues to Russia and keep money flowing into Ukraine. Now, let’s speculate as to whether any important American family has had business links to the energy market in Ukraine. Oh yes, there’s that Hunter Biden – wonder if he’s related to anyone?
Take a look at the chart of gas prices on the BBC’s website today (link below). The price per mmBtu is between $24-$28 in most world markets. In the US, the price is only $5. Partly that’s because the US have embraced fracking and have local supplies, but the suspicion is that the markets are being manipulated to give American companies a huge advantage over their international competitors.
In the longer term, the aim of the globalists is to create artificial shortages in energy, transport, food and medicine. The purpose of this is to maximise prices and profits, according to standard ‘supply and demand’ economics. The excuse being rolled out is global warming (sic), and the chorus for this has hardly even begun. The intention is that this will define just about every aspect of human life. The constant reporting of ‘shortages in everything’ in the British media is preparatory for this.
So, maybe another fine mess from Biden, or more likely he’s simply acting out the script that other actors have prepared for him.
Now would have been a good time for the impartial and unbiased BBC to mention the very credible accusations against Luther King including the one where he walked in on a friend raping a woman and encouraged him to do it.
But they didn’t. Because it’s against their agenda of ‘black man good, white man bad’.
Salons report new allergic reactions to hair dye
Hairdressers in parts of the UK are reporting clients having new allergic reactions, like rashes and burns, to hair dye after contracting coronavirus.
Scientists at Imperial College London are now researching how the disease could be reprogramming our immune system, similar to other illnesses.
The trade body that represents hairdressers and beauticians is warning professionals to carry out additional patch tests to avoid facing legal action.
Belfield points out that 7pm last night BBC 3 made a big point of publishing a brand new episode of DragRaceUK as they try to cultivate a cult audience
Belfield says the problem is the prog has an attitude of vile nastiness so is a million miles from the charm of old drag like Danny La Rue or other past stars.
So whilst righties get banned from YouTube for not being PC, weird drag acts are given a platform by the BBC to be vile and say things like “bitch, bitch , bitch”
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
Not my cup of tea, but then, that’s the problem, not a lot (actually nothing) on the BBC is any more. Not just me either, looking at the numbers cancelling their TV licence, and listening to what people are saying. I would say the BBC are just crawling further and further up their own fundamental, but that might not be appropriate, all things considered.
Toady – every day is vintage -here are just a couple of lefty propaganda items from today
1 coloured woman with enormous chip being interviewed by Robinson over the safety of wimmin in London . Coloured woman bitches that coloured victims get less coverage than whitee ones .
Even Robinson has to say – ‘hang on – some one has been arrested and you are on national radio. – so wtf?’
Lucky Robinson didn’t mention how coloured dead men get no coverage at all ( eg 2 separate street killings 2 hours apart a couple of days ago )
Next – bela Roos and polish border guards doing a double act making life hard for 3rd worlders trying to get into Europe . Maybe they could help out in the channel …
7am local news
Item #4 was letting anti-oil protesters put their case
re the Council’s planning permission meeting about Raitlin’s oilfield next Monday.
Switched to Radio4 where Climate-Cult Televangelist Rog Harrabon was preaching a sermon
“the construction industry is unholy
.. Carbon sinners don’t realise building kitchen extensions create CO2”
Ironic that the BBC seems to do a massive amount of demolition and construction.
Steering clear of socialism, fast food and planning future holidays in Britain.
All in conclusion to another sideways review of today’s news…
The BBC tackles: ‘Covid: How can missing five million be persuaded to have the jab?‘
I’m already half expecting the Monty Python team to run on set declaring “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!”
Apparently discussion around this illness has departed the realms of science and medicine and become instead: ‘The Covid debate‘ which is odd since all our political parties have remained pretty much in agreement – give or take a little Captain Hindsight grumbling from the opposition benches – at all stages of our government’s evolving policies.
Herd immunity used to be a thing but it seems having now protected both the NHS and the elderly (in that order of priority), we’re going for something closer to total vaccination. Dare one term it a totalitarian approach?
‘a… group is of real concern among scientists and politicians – the five million or so adults yet to have a first dose‘ (BBC)
Whiskas the cat food brand were content for 8 out of 10 owners to say their cats preferred it. But the government is fretting about the unvaxed: ‘five million people aged 16 and over in England (11%)‘
Speaking of the elderly: ‘Many happy returns as record number hit 100. More people turned 100 years old in 2020 than in any other year in British history, figures show‘ (Telegraph) – despite covid?
‘So how do you convince someone to have the vaccine?‘ (BBC)
Did you know government experts reckon we all have a ‘Trigger‘?
And I’m not refering to us all having a mate down the pub who’s a bit slow on the uptake – that was Del and Rodney Trotters’ pal Trigger.
‘Identifying a person’s “trigger” motivation is seen as a highly effective way of tackling vaccine scepticism or indifference.‘ (BBC)
Suddenly I feel that rather than bothering to properly examinine the virus in their Petri dish the experts instead have us plebs under their microscope
Why might we be sceptical or indifferent?
What’s in the news today? ‘Brave face. Linda Evangelista has described how she was “premanently deformed” five years ago by a procedure that claimed to treat “fat bulges”… she became a recluse and is now suing Zeltiq the company responsible‘ – of course there’s no possible equivalence here with the covid jabs. There’s no way anyone is going to be adversely affected and end up in court claiming damages: ‘Coronavirus vaccine: Pfizer given protection from legal action by UK government. The UK government has granted pharmaceutical giant Pfizer a legal indemnity protecting it from being sued‘ (Independent December 2020)
There’s no way the so-called experts give us any mixed messaging – they’re all singing from the same hymn sheet – on this one at least.
‘Paracetamol warning for pregnant women, Pregnant women should try not to take paracetamol because it increases the risk of the child developing health problems in later life, experts say‘ (Telegraph)
BBC: ‘Covid-19 vaccination offered to pregnant women in Norwich‘ – no jokes about Norfolk folk please… How do you tell if a clock is from Norfolk? It’s hands have an extra finger. I hear a cue like Norfolk and I’m sorry but I’m triggered.
So what’s with our ‘triggers’?
BBC: ‘“This can be a wide range of things,” says cognitive psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky, from Bristol University’
Here we go…
‘Research suggests reminding people of the common good – protecting a grandparent or parent – helps them realise “they have a social responsibility – and they may be more willing”. “Some can’t be bothered – but if it’s around the corner and you give them a free hotdog, like in Germany, then that can be really successful.”
Amelia says her trigger would be not being able to go on holiday without having had a vaccine.‘
So if you do happen to be vax-avoidance minded – you might be inclined to steer clear of socialism, fast food and plan in future to take all your holidays in Britain.
Imagine… you are Sopes and the only seat you could snag for the book tour is in economy.
The plane is full bar an empty one next to yours. Perfect!
Then, just as the doors are set to close you look out the window and a forklift with the CNN LGBTXYZ Editor and xe’s
Emotionally Far Gone Gloucester Old Spot draws up…
Tom Harwood tweeted recently that 47% of black people had either had or not had the jab that is near enough half. That means that the virus is probably circulating most in black communities increasing the risk of changing. Had it not been for the delta variant we might have returned to normality sooner.
The other group of people refusing the jab are carers and NHS workers. If you in hospital for something else and catch covid from a member of staff, it might not do much for your prognosis, or if old and infirm sitting in an overheated small room, catching the bug from a care worker might not do you much good.
it never ceases to amaza me how much focus and attention the guardian gives a new iphone. Apple is an enormous capitalist white company which makes products in poorer countries to sell in rich countries. A million miles away from socialist or communist sympathiser left-wing ideas which make up 90% of the paper. And it IS unnecessary to buy a shiny new one every year – nothing to do with climate change – it’s just dumb.
The composite fibreglass in blades is “the most difficult, and the most expensive part” of turbines to recycle, Mr Kragelund says. And there’s more of it.
Migrants freezing to death on Belarus-Poland border
Migrants freezing to death on Belarus-Poland border
The BBC has obtained first-hand accounts from migrants who say they’ve been illegally deported from the European Union by Polish border troops.
The EU has accused the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko of using migrants as a weapon, while Poland has banned aid workers and journalists from its border zone.
Since the Gender Recognition Act (2004) came into force, 4,910 trans people have been issued a Gender Recognition Certificate. 12% of trans respondents to the National LGBT survey who had started or completed their transition had successfully obtained one, and 7% of those who knew about them but did not have or had not applied for one said they would not be interested in obtaining one.
Less than 5,000 people in the past 17 years. The figures for sex reassignment are even more vanishingly small. The ‘trans debate’ isn’t even a debate, it’s a pointless irrelevance.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
“The NHS in England spends £59,000 a day on translating documents and providing interpreters, according to a health think tank. A Freedom of Information request by 2020 Health showed the total bill topped £23m last year – an increase of 17% since 2007, it said.6 Feb 2012”
"#Newsnight was the first TV programme to highlight this in the summer… the government could have acted then."
As BP closes sites due to a lack of lorry drivers, the Road Haulage Association's Rod McKenzie says issues are down to Brexit, the pandemic and a historic shortage
Shortages ? blame the MSM and social media. No point in telling the public ‘don’t panic’ – ‘shop as normal’ – ‘don’t fill up when not necessary’. Because the opposite will happen, we all know that. Those that do shop normally will be outweighed by those that load up the trolleys.
During the War everyone formed orderly queues when a few bananas and oranges were in the shops, but can you imagine the real chaos that would have happened if Adam Bolton, Ben Brown et al were whipping up the hysteria about Hitler gradually heading towards the Channel.
Americas self destructive Jews look like they are going to be richley rewarded for supporting the Socialist (Nazi) Democrats as Bidens party has withdrawn $1 billion of funding for the Iron Dome anti Iranian missile defence system.
This is not in any way an offensive weapon, purely a defensive one which has saved hundreds if not thousands of Jewish lives from Iranian funded and sometime made rockets and drones.
However what’s a few thousand Jewish lives as long as you can go down the synagogue in California and preach your social virtues to other stupid Jews who will perhaps only realise what is going on when they’ve been rounded up into cattle trucks.
These things never ever start with a big bang, they always start small and snowball from there, it is clear that even with events as cataclysmic as the holocaust, some Jews have not only failed to learn the lessons, but appear determined to repeat them !
I have been doing my GBN catch up and on Farage last night he talked pints with Alex Deane who was a the chief of staff to Cameron before he became PM , I am unsure if he has any influence within the Tory party any longer. But the interesting thing is that he said in his view the BBC should be dismantled not reformed because it was beyond being reformable. He added that he thought the present government was more strongly anti BBC than any previous one and could well clip its wings although it was unlikely to go the whole hog and abolish the foul corporation.
Whilst I favour the abolition followed by obliteration of the BBC I would settle for it being forced to become a subscription only service.
Does the TINO Government have the guts to take on the BBC ? I doubt it but the hopes never completely die!
R4 now item on students being enticed into money laundering through their account.
#1 The Police guy explained how he himself posed as a money launderer looking for such students. He put up posters around the campus inviting students to come to his stall in the Student Union
#2 They played a clip of a “student” who fell for it : Patrick a PhD
… Yeh but Patrick sounds like he just stepped off the boat from Africa.
BBC “Nearly a third said they’d be happy to transfer money for someone else.”
Belfield has a video about “refugees” being housed in the huge Grand Hotel in Scarborough ..
It seems the top 2 floors are given over to them
but their kids are running around breaking the lifts & disturbing the lobby.
OK the government’s policy is to accept them and house them in hotels, and that they are supposed to be in some kind of quarantine, cos of Covid.
It’s hardly surprising a seaside hotel would accept such government contracts.
But what is surprising is that they would mix quarantining migrants with British holidaymakers.
The guy said the migrants had security guards with them, to make sure they didn’t leave the hotel.
Surely it would not be difficult to set up those 2 floors as isolated ?
By say setting up one lift to only stop at those floors and a separate entrance say in the basement or at the back.
2021 – Insulate Britain were back again this morning, this time blocking access to the Port of Dover ferry terminal. Luckily, Kent police were on the scene within 20 minutes. One way to make yourselves even more unpopular? Disrupt Britain’s main ferry terminal amid national food shortages…
Moderate Islamists of the UK such as Savid Javid and Sadiq Khan to read from the Koran to prove this is not so …
“In our Sharia it’s clear, for those who have sex and are unmarried, whether it’s a girl or a boy, the punishment is 100 lashes in public,” Badruddin said. “But for anyone who’s married, they have to be stoned to death… For those who steal: if it’s proved, then his hand should be cut off.”
Afghanistan – “In our Sharia it’s clear, for those who have sex and are unmarried, whether it’s a girl or a boy, the punishment is 100 lashes in public,” Badruddin said. “But for anyone who’s married, they have to be stoned to death… For those who steal: if it’s proved, then his hand should be cut off.”
UK – “In response to its obligation, the UK Parliament passed the Gender Recognition Act 2004, which effectively granted full legal recognition for binary transgender people. Since 4 April 2005, as per the Gender Recognition Act 2004, it is possible for transgender people to change their legal gender in the UK.”
I just kind of get the idea that there could be some sort of compromise between the two systems. Perhaps one where we turn a blind eye to non-conventional activities that don’t harm other people, and certainly don’t glorify, encourage or promote them in any way. Just a thought.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
“In our Sharia it’s clear, for those who have sex and are unmarried, whether it’s a girl or a boy, the punishment is 100 lashes in public,” Badruddin said. “But for anyone who’s married, they have to be stoned to death… For those who steal: if it’s proved, then his hand should be cut off.”
I see the insulate lot are at it around Dover now.
A couple of days ago I suggested spraying them with a muck spreader to get them to move.
Nothing the government is doing is having much effect and the Courts are just releasing them to return to the sit downs.
Maybe if they used my idea it would put them off because I would think they wouldn’t be too keen to go out playing on the motorways if they ended up being covered in shite.
The past was dead, the future was unimaginable. What certainty had he that a single human creature now living was on his side? And what way of knowing that the dominion of the Party would not endure for ever? Like an answer, the three slogans on the white face of the Ministry of Truth came back to him:
Island – thank you putting those 13 minutes up – it is both informative and depressing that the same propaganda techniques are used in the US as the UK.
The point about the autocue readers being shameless for spouting lies is well made …
he scheme is open to all faiths, except the Jewish community, who have experienced hate crime and/or feel that that they are vulnerable to hate crime at their place of worship. The application must be made on behalf of your places of worship and/or associated faith community centre, and your site must be in either England or Wales. Below are some examples of those eligible to apply for the funding, but this is not an exhaustive list:
associated faith community centres (we define this as a community centre run by a place of worship or near a place of worship that is faith based, and where regular worship takes place)
Security equipment
You can apply for funding to cover the costs of up to three security measures from the list below.
The security equipment being covered by this funding scheme includes:
CCTV (fixed cameras, not pan-tilt cameras)
fencing and/or railings (no more than 2.1m high)
manually operated pedestrian and vehicle gates
door hardening, locks and mail box / mail bag
reinforcing single glazed windows (with anti-shatter film or bars/grilles only)
intruder alarms including integrated smoke/heat detection
door entry access control (fob or keypad)
video intercom systems
lighting (building mounted)
The scheme only covers protective security measures and cannot be used to fund:
general building improvements
standard security upgrades
measures to tackle anti-social behaviour, lead theft, or other criminality unconnected with hate crime
security personnel/guarding
measures which have already been provided by third party installers
“The scheme is open to all faiths, except the Jewish community, who have experienced hate crime and/or feel that that they are vulnerable to hate crime at their place of worship.”
The scheme is open to all faiths, apart from the Jewish community. The Jewish community are not eligible for funding from this scheme as a separate commitment was made to fund security measures at Jewish community sites through a grant administered by the Community Security Trust.
The BBC headquarters in London has got a new resident: he’s tall, bronze and likes a smoke. A statue of novelist George Orwell now adorns the exterior of New Broadcasting House, a few minutes from where Orwell worked as a radio producer during World War Two. But what was the author of Nineteen Eighty-Four doing in the BBC? And did he like it?
For decades, its staff have delighted in the suggestion Orwell took his notion of absolute hell from two years spent at the BBC.
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Channel5 now
Heriot is in a 1930’s vet surgery and a black woman has just walked in with her dog.
It’s Cleo Sylvestre playing Anne Chapman
who was white in the original series.
Female Bonds.
Yorkshire lasses of color in 30’s England.
Meanwhile the author of a not unentertaining Ladies’ Detective agency actually located and cast in the relevant setting was a white male.
I wonder (no, seriously) just how many black people there were in Yorkshire in the early 20th Century, and I wonder where they lived and what they did for a living?
These things genuinely interest me, in a “well, that’s interesting” kind of way, and not for any woke reason. It used to be interesting to read about such history on the BBC website, years ago, before it all became tediously PC, and fact and fiction started to blur into one.
I honestly expect there were a few black and mixed race people working and living in places like Hull and some of the big industrial towns at the time. They would have almost certainly been seen as complete oddities (much like a white person in a non-colonial African city at the time).
The population of Yorkshire in the 1930s was perhaps 4 million, so if there were say 16 black people in Yorkshire in total, that’s 16 in 4 million, or 1 in 250,000. What are the odds of bumping into one? What about in a remote village in the Dales?
I reckon most people living in villages and smaller towns probably went their entire lives without ever seeing a real black person (which would explain why they had ‘racist’ notions about them, wouldn’t it?). The closest they ever came to one in the ’30s must have been photos in books, film reels of ‘colonial parts’ in the cinema, imported jazz music, cartoon caricatures, ‘golly’ dolls, ‘black and white minstrels’… that sort of thing? If they did see a real one, I bet most would have stood and stared. Don’t see that in BBC ‘period dramas’ do you?
Careful, Lurch.
Maybe the direction is more a reflection of media failure to cover for him?
That’s enough media for tonight.
“Underlying Health Condition” is the name of new disability pressure group announced by Jack Thorne’s at his MacTaggart Lecture
topic is “TV has failed disabled people. Utterly and totally.”
The Harry Potter and the Cursed Child playwright, who is working with actress Genevieve Barr and producer Katie Player, fears the industry has gone backwards on diversity due to Covid and is calling for a “dedicated fund”. “Making these changes will cost and after a pandemic they can’t simply be passed onto the studios,” he warned.
Tx. That was not immediately clear in that Broadcast ‘News’ story.
Dog’s Trust Advert
.. all black family, of course
.. Stephen Fry type voiceover
John Lewi advert opens with a black baby
Tiffany jewellery advert : Black man, BAME woman
I don’t have a problem with black people in advertisements or TV programs as long as it is proportional to the setting.
But I do have a huge problem with the hypocrites who accused everyone else of racism when blacks didn’t get enough awards or parts. Remember #oscarssowhite being big news ?.
The reason I became an engineer is because I tend to see the root of a problem directly without being distracted by emotion or what other people say. What I have seen here is a lot of shallow, greedy people who play every trick they can for entirely selfish reasons. Actors are the most shallow and greedy of them all. This particular set have used the race card, but any actor will use any card they can. #metoo is another example of a movement founded in greed. It only started when people discovered Weinstein was making payoffs.
Then mix in your typical Lefty : a shallow, greedy character who is convinced they are intellectually superior to everyone else. They are too shallow to realise what they are. They then jump on this false ‘racism’ cause to virtue-signal to everyone else and appease their own ego that they are indeed as superior as they think they are. Twitter is an excellent place to see these people who are ‘too stupid to realise they are stupid’.
I fully support equality and people being treated on their own merits. I judge anyone and everyone how I find them. People get no special favours from me because of their skin colour. But what is happening with the BBC, BLM and the rest is outright racism.
I feel sorry for the black people in the middle of all this trying to stand up for real equality.
Steve Nolan has a higher pitched voice than I imagined.
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
The big mistake those fellas made was engaging with this foolishness.
I can’t be so fair-minded. I am filled with rage when the screen fills with black faces, and I am being told how I am supposed to think about my mother country.
Brylcreem, the gals’ll all pursue ya,
They’ll love to run their fingers through your hair.
Let me just reassure everyone. I was in an M&S food store and the shelves were full. Tonight’s 10pm BBC1 news going on about lack of fuel deliveries. They went to a garage that was short of petrol but after several minutes telling us how dreadful everything is, they had at least the grace to admit that a garage two miles away had fuel. So the story was that a garage had run out of fuel. Of course it is the fault of Brexit said Faisal Islam. He also said the drivers were taking their holidays. Mr D pointed out they would not have been overworked during lockdowns when nobody was going anywhere.
Meanwhile, the media…
‘@TomSwarbrick1 asks: how do you expect these shortages to affect you?’
I don’t.
I just watched the Sky Australia documentary “what happened in Wuhan”, and I learned the virus leaked from the Wuhan Lab Around July / August 2019, much earlier than was ever official admitted and certainly by the UK Communist sympathising BMA who appear to be sticking rigidly to the CCP line about when the virus first appeared, which is provably a lie.
A lot of the evidence has come from intelligence which cannot be declassified, but the Covid 19 virus itself does not occur naturally but the closest one is RaTG13 found in bats believed found in the cave cleared by the workers who became sick and died, but it is spliced with a virus found in pangolins, and although it would be theoretically possible for the two to combine the two viruses cannot infect the other species and therefore cannot naturally come together.
There is a third modification, the furin cleavage site which makes the virus particularly effective at infecting humans.
The possibility of this occuring naturally is therefore close to zero.
What is perhaps worse is the way scientists the media and scientific publications came together to prevent any publication of papers which told the truth about the origins of the virus. They did this partly because of vested interests of people like Peter Daszak who I have written on here previously, Fauci and others, also out of their hatred of Donald Trump and support for the Democrats.
Basically the Socialists were quite prepared to allow millions of people to die simply because of the hate for Donald Trump.
We now know that Covid 19 was the product of the Socialist regime in China. Allowed to spread because of Socialist fears of the truth getting out, the WHO controlled by Socialists failed to do the thing it was created to do, and Socialists in the West aided and abetted the spread of the virus, sometimes deliberately and sometimes out of fear.
Nothing in this world has killed as many people as Socialism has we can now add the numbers who have died from covid to that list and we should be correcting people who say someone died from covid, they actually died from Socialism.
The bio warfare was covered in the documentary and the intelligence shows the leak was almost certainly accidental, for a number of reasons.
It’s far too close to the source i.e. the lab where it was made. The first people to be infected worked at the lab and the first city to be infected was Wuhan. If it had been deliberate it would have been expected to have been released away from China where the detection and evidence as to the source would have been much more difficult.
Having said all that, if a country had dropped a nuclear device over a foreign city, it would not be acceptable for them to claim it was an accident even if all the evidence supported the fact that it was.
The worst part of all to come out of this is the corruption of science which has become politicised and addicted to government grant money which now makes most scientists Socialist, and they were prepared to lie cheat and defend the indefensible in order to promote that agenda, regardless of the people who died as a direct consequence.
Unless…. That is what they wanted you to think!
Sabina Nessa: Murder arrest as police issue CCTV appeal
How quickly will this story be dropped if the guy charged turns out to be BAME ?.
Maybe even quicker than Sasha Johnson. But not as quick as the Muslim woman burned to death in the street – because they knew those men were BAME straight away. That horrific murder just got one short article.
Is Sasha still alive ?. What happened to those who shot her ?. It should very suprising considering the outrage and headlines before they knew the shooters were black. But it isn’t because we all know the BBC is racist.
Lyra McKee: Two men charged with rioting and throwing petrol bombs
This article tells me absolutely nothing about
the case. I had to use google to discover:
The dissident New IRA claimed responsibility after McKee’s death and apologized, saying the shooters were aiming at police officers during the riot in April 2019.
For every article which suits the agenda, like George Floyd, they have a paragraph at the end giving their selected wording for the case context. Why not this one ?.
Just what is going on with the BBC protecting terrorists these days ?. The only people they call terrorists now are the Far-Right. And they are the only ones not actually terrorists because they don’t have a political cause.
The BBC think the terrorists are the ones instigating the demonstrations in Melbourne, which they don’t report on. Miss Information Spring has it all in hand.
Is the woodpile in the background deliberate given the topic ?.
Why? Is there a gentleman from the hot countries there?
In 10 minutes Farage speaks more truth and common sense on all the major issues than you’ll hear on the Beeb in a year.
Biden, Boris, the shambolic press conference, the EU, N.I, Theresa May, the trade deal, Trump, the Special Relationship, Brexit, O’Barmy, AUKUS and more.
Maybe by 2024 we’ll have Trump in the White House, Farage in Downing Street, and a new Golden Age on the horizon…
Not a chance for Farage. The ‘tolerant Left’ and the MSM absolutely and utterly hate him for Brexit.
His badge of honour is that the BBC have cancelled him. They will not report anything he does at at all unless it’s a chance to put him down.
The sheer arrogance of the publicly funded BBC for presuming they have the right to do that makes my blood boil.
Interesting piece .
Unfortunately at the end Mr Farage ignored the fact that the US voting system is totally corrupt with the assistance of the lefty MSM so mr trump has no chance .
Farage typifies a certain, sensible, level headed, no-nonsense sort of person you can find in any town, or city up and down this land, usually quietly getting on with running the local businesses.
The country would be a better place if they were the sorts we elected to lead, rather than the pretentious, attention seeking fops and play-acting toddlers you actually see in the HoC.
Another damning indictment of the imbecilic Imbecile in the White House.
Ted Cruz explains how, under Trump, the US managed to stop the Russians building the Nordstream 2 pipeline.
Then, as soon as the Imbecile took office, Putin recognised his weakness and resumed construction.
Nordstream will guarantee huge revenues to Russia in perpetuity, which it will use for its malign purposes against the West. Nordstream will also weaken Europe by giving Russia immense leverage over the continent.
It’s also very bad news for Ukraine.
Another fine mess, Biden.
Are the BBC reporting the story?
Maybe. But let’s approach it from a different perspective. Russian gas deliveries to Europe currently go through Ukraine, a country that Russia has difficulties with, which is why they started constructing Nordstream 2 after that little episode in Crimea. NS 2 avoids that route and carries the gas straight to Germany, which is the main market for it. The US are putting pressure on Germany and the EU to block it, partly as they want to deny revenues to Russia and keep money flowing into Ukraine. Now, let’s speculate as to whether any important American family has had business links to the energy market in Ukraine. Oh yes, there’s that Hunter Biden – wonder if he’s related to anyone?
Take a look at the chart of gas prices on the BBC’s website today (link below). The price per mmBtu is between $24-$28 in most world markets. In the US, the price is only $5. Partly that’s because the US have embraced fracking and have local supplies, but the suspicion is that the markets are being manipulated to give American companies a huge advantage over their international competitors.
In the longer term, the aim of the globalists is to create artificial shortages in energy, transport, food and medicine. The purpose of this is to maximise prices and profits, according to standard ‘supply and demand’ economics. The excuse being rolled out is global warming (sic), and the chorus for this has hardly even begun. The intention is that this will define just about every aspect of human life. The constant reporting of ‘shortages in everything’ in the British media is preparatory for this.
So, maybe another fine mess from Biden, or more likely he’s simply acting out the script that other actors have prepared for him.
Look at that shot at the start of the clip, it’s practically a caricature!
Look at the faces: one smirking, conniving, the face of a fox, and the other, the gormless, vacuous face of a drooling idiot.
I’d like to think whoever is pulling Biden’s strings has a bit more going on upstairs, but I’m not convinced.
R Kelly’s lawyer has compared him to civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr in the closing argument of the singer’s sex-trafficking trial.
Now would have been a good time for the impartial and unbiased BBC to mention the very credible accusations against Luther King including the one where he walked in on a friend raping a woman and encouraged him to do it.
But they didn’t. Because it’s against their agenda of ‘black man good, white man bad’.
Perhaps the ‘Reality check team’ could look into it ?.
There is rock solid evidence that Saint MLK used and abused prostitutes – preferably white, as well as cheating on his wife in multiple affairs.
The BBC wouldn’t consider investigating the story in a million years.
Hairdressers have reported clients having new allergic reactions, like rashes and burns, to hair dye after contracting coronavirus.
Hope bbc make up are well stocked with foundation.
Salons report new allergic reactions to hair dye
Salons report new allergic reactions to hair dye
Hairdressers in parts of the UK are reporting clients having new allergic reactions, like rashes and burns, to hair dye after contracting coronavirus.
Scientists at Imperial College London are now researching how the disease could be reprogramming our immune system, similar to other illnesses.
The trade body that represents hairdressers and beauticians is warning professionals to carry out additional patch tests to avoid facing legal action.
Sure it’s not the vaccine reprogramming immune systems?
That sounds far more plausible.
It does TRev, but far more inconvenient too, so probably best overlooked.
Listen to this: a nurse describing what is happening to her after the injections. She is calm and balanced, but must be terrified. The manufacturers of the vaccine are not offering any help to understand the after-effects.
BBC DragRace = Disgrace
Belfield points out that 7pm last night BBC 3 made a big point of publishing a brand new episode of DragRaceUK as they try to cultivate a cult audience
Belfield says the problem is the prog has an attitude of vile nastiness so is a million miles from the charm of old drag like Danny La Rue or other past stars.
So whilst righties get banned from YouTube for not being PC, weird drag acts are given a platform by the BBC to be vile and say things like “bitch, bitch , bitch”
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
Not my cup of tea, but then, that’s the problem, not a lot (actually nothing) on the BBC is any more. Not just me either, looking at the numbers cancelling their TV licence, and listening to what people are saying. I would say the BBC are just crawling further and further up their own fundamental, but that might not be appropriate, all things considered.
Toady – every day is vintage -here are just a couple of lefty propaganda items from today
1 coloured woman with enormous chip being interviewed by Robinson over the safety of wimmin in London . Coloured woman bitches that coloured victims get less coverage than whitee ones .
Even Robinson has to say – ‘hang on – some one has been arrested and you are on national radio. – so wtf?’
Lucky Robinson didn’t mention how coloured dead men get no coverage at all ( eg 2 separate street killings 2 hours apart a couple of days ago )
Next – bela Roos and polish border guards doing a double act making life hard for 3rd worlders trying to get into Europe . Maybe they could help out in the channel …
7am local news
Item #4 was letting anti-oil protesters put their case
re the Council’s planning permission meeting about Raitlin’s oilfield next Monday.
Switched to Radio4 where Climate-Cult Televangelist Rog Harrabon was preaching a sermon
“the construction industry is unholy
.. Carbon sinners don’t realise building kitchen extensions create CO2”
Ironic that the BBC seems to do a massive amount of demolition and construction.
Steering clear of socialism, fast food and planning future holidays in Britain.
All in conclusion to another sideways review of today’s news…
The BBC tackles: ‘Covid: How can missing five million be persuaded to have the jab?‘
I’m already half expecting the Monty Python team to run on set declaring “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!”
Apparently discussion around this illness has departed the realms of science and medicine and become instead: ‘The Covid debate‘ which is odd since all our political parties have remained pretty much in agreement – give or take a little Captain Hindsight grumbling from the opposition benches – at all stages of our government’s evolving policies.
Herd immunity used to be a thing but it seems having now protected both the NHS and the elderly (in that order of priority), we’re going for something closer to total vaccination. Dare one term it a totalitarian approach?
‘a… group is of real concern among scientists and politicians – the five million or so adults yet to have a first dose‘ (BBC)
Whiskas the cat food brand were content for 8 out of 10 owners to say their cats preferred it. But the government is fretting about the unvaxed: ‘five million people aged 16 and over in England (11%)‘
Speaking of the elderly: ‘Many happy returns as record number hit 100. More people turned 100 years old in 2020 than in any other year in British history, figures show‘ (Telegraph) – despite covid?
‘So how do you convince someone to have the vaccine?‘ (BBC)
Did you know government experts reckon we all have a ‘Trigger‘?
And I’m not refering to us all having a mate down the pub who’s a bit slow on the uptake – that was Del and Rodney Trotters’ pal Trigger.
‘Identifying a person’s “trigger” motivation is seen as a highly effective way of tackling vaccine scepticism or indifference.‘ (BBC)
Suddenly I feel that rather than bothering to properly examinine the virus in their Petri dish the experts instead have us plebs under their microscope
Why might we be sceptical or indifferent?
What’s in the news today? ‘Brave face. Linda Evangelista has described how she was “premanently deformed” five years ago by a procedure that claimed to treat “fat bulges”… she became a recluse and is now suing Zeltiq the company responsible‘ – of course there’s no possible equivalence here with the covid jabs. There’s no way anyone is going to be adversely affected and end up in court claiming damages: ‘Coronavirus vaccine: Pfizer given protection from legal action by UK government. The UK government has granted pharmaceutical giant Pfizer a legal indemnity protecting it from being sued‘ (Independent December 2020)
There’s no way the so-called experts give us any mixed messaging – they’re all singing from the same hymn sheet – on this one at least.
‘Paracetamol warning for pregnant women, Pregnant women should try not to take paracetamol because it increases the risk of the child developing health problems in later life, experts say‘ (Telegraph)
BBC: ‘Covid-19 vaccination offered to pregnant women in Norwich‘ – no jokes about Norfolk folk please… How do you tell if a clock is from Norfolk? It’s hands have an extra finger. I hear a cue like Norfolk and I’m sorry but I’m triggered.
So what’s with our ‘triggers’?
BBC: ‘“This can be a wide range of things,” says cognitive psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky, from Bristol University’
Here we go…
‘Research suggests reminding people of the common good – protecting a grandparent or parent – helps them realise “they have a social responsibility – and they may be more willing”. “Some can’t be bothered – but if it’s around the corner and you give them a free hotdog, like in Germany, then that can be really successful.”
Amelia says her trigger would be not being able to go on holiday without having had a vaccine.‘
So if you do happen to be vax-avoidance minded – you might be inclined to steer clear of socialism, fast food and plan in future to take all your holidays in Britain.
Triggering… TRIGGERING.
You want triggered?
Imagine… you are Sopes and the only seat you could snag for the book tour is in economy.
The plane is full bar an empty one next to yours. Perfect!
Then, just as the doors are set to close you look out the window and a forklift with the CNN LGBTXYZ Editor and xe’s
Emotionally Far Gone Gloucester Old Spot draws up…
Not enough free gin in the entire duty free…
Tom Harwood tweeted recently that 47% of black people had either had or not had the jab that is near enough half. That means that the virus is probably circulating most in black communities increasing the risk of changing. Had it not been for the delta variant we might have returned to normality sooner.
The other group of people refusing the jab are carers and NHS workers. If you in hospital for something else and catch covid from a member of staff, it might not do much for your prognosis, or if old and infirm sitting in an overheated small room, catching the bug from a care worker might not do you much good.
0 church attacks in Saudi.
0 churches in Saudi.
It looks like a fortress. Each new mosque is a symbol of conquest in the ongoing Jihad for world domination.
They’re doing quite well, too.
The tiny mosque on the Outer Hebrides serving 60 Muslims
Community hails UK’s northernmost mosque, which was completed with crowd-funding project led by charitable Yorkshireman.
Oh joy!
I suspect many jihadi-producing mosques are at least partly funded by UK tax payers in one form or another.
Places of Worship (POW): protective security funding scheme
Apply for funding for security measures to protect against hate crime.
A symbol of conquest, exactly!
Boris at the UN was Greta Thunberg in trousers
This is your leader’s monumental keynote speech at the UN, his full speech was worse
It’s time to seiously face up and smell the coffee he’s gone, Boris is far worse than Biden
Johnson’s keynote UN Kermit the Frog speech,
They are stunned into silence while Boris panics knowing COP26 will be a massive failure
Without the awesome grasp of basic science.
Even for the Graun this is impressive.
Meanwhile BBC Shires was screaming about the upcoming fuel shortage last night all over social media.
Then screaming about the queues at petrol stations today.
Next up…
Seems Rog is a top engineer too.
Who knew?
Also the Graun. Have they thought this through?
Paul Mason will need counselling.
it never ceases to amaza me how much focus and attention the guardian gives a new iphone. Apple is an enormous capitalist white company which makes products in poorer countries to sell in rich countries. A million miles away from socialist or communist sympathiser left-wing ideas which make up 90% of the paper. And it IS unnecessary to buy a shiny new one every year – nothing to do with climate change – it’s just dumb.
What happens to all the old wind turbines?
By Padraig Belton
Technology of Business reporter
Published7 February 2020
The composite fibreglass in blades is “the most difficult, and the most expensive part” of turbines to recycle, Mr Kragelund says. And there’s more of it.
Do old wind turbines go to care homes called ‘dun blowin ‘ – with a lot of ‘calm ‘ rooms?
Migrants freezing to death on Belarus-Poland border
Migrants freezing to death on Belarus-Poland border
The BBC has obtained first-hand accounts from migrants who say they’ve been illegally deported from the European Union by Polish border troops.
The EU has accused the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko of using migrants as a weapon, while Poland has banned aid workers and journalists from its border zone.
Madness is contagious, and mass hysteria seems quite easy to induce, particularly in populations which have lost all commonsense.
Forget Covid, Cyber Warfare, Terrorism, Nukes etc… China, Russia, Iran, North Korea… there are even easier ways to destroy a country.
Contagious madness is breaking out round some petrol stations as I write. And BBC interviewers are stirring up the hysteria.
How many people have changed their legal gender?
Since the Gender Recognition Act (2004) came into force, 4,910 trans people have been issued a Gender Recognition Certificate. 12% of trans respondents to the National LGBT survey who had started or completed their transition had successfully obtained one, and 7% of those who knew about them but did not have or had not applied for one said they would not be interested in obtaining one.
Less than 5,000 people in the past 17 years. The figures for sex reassignment are even more vanishingly small. The ‘trans debate’ isn’t even a debate, it’s a pointless irrelevance.
Do we get a reduction in the BBC TV Tax from BritBox sales – as those who paid the TV Tax invested in the content?
£5.99 /month after a 7 day free trial
“Increasing activity levels would require more cash (FOR NHS) for new equipment and more staff, however.”
– – – – –
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
– – – – –
NHS suffering worst ever staff and cash crisis, figures show
“Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)”
Another member of NHS staff to help out in the Government’s policy of reducing the NHS to Third World status.
What colour are you?
£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
The NHS was short of 41,722 nurses – 11.8% of the entire nursing workforce. That is the highest number yet and a big rise on the 35,794 vacancies seen at the end of March.
Diversity (in Languages) is our Strength.
“The NHS in England spends £59,000 a day on translating documents and providing interpreters, according to a health think tank. A Freedom of Information request by 2020 Health showed the total bill topped £23m last year – an increase of 17% since 2007, it said.6 Feb 2012”
Then Lewis is going full Mystic BS.
Newsnight was also first to try and ruin McAlpine, so there is that.
Seems a broadcaster is thinking of actually looking into providing news?
Shortages ? blame the MSM and social media. No point in telling the public ‘don’t panic’ – ‘shop as normal’ – ‘don’t fill up when not necessary’. Because the opposite will happen, we all know that. Those that do shop normally will be outweighed by those that load up the trolleys.
During the War everyone formed orderly queues when a few bananas and oranges were in the shops, but can you imagine the real chaos that would have happened if Adam Bolton, Ben Brown et al were whipping up the hysteria about Hitler gradually heading towards the Channel.
Yes – the MSMs love of Project Fear-
1 Brexit
2 Chinese virus
3 Shortages
Americas self destructive Jews look like they are going to be richley rewarded for supporting the Socialist (Nazi) Democrats as Bidens party has withdrawn $1 billion of funding for the Iron Dome anti Iranian missile defence system.
This is not in any way an offensive weapon, purely a defensive one which has saved hundreds if not thousands of Jewish lives from Iranian funded and sometime made rockets and drones.
However what’s a few thousand Jewish lives as long as you can go down the synagogue in California and preach your social virtues to other stupid Jews who will perhaps only realise what is going on when they’ve been rounded up into cattle trucks.
These things never ever start with a big bang, they always start small and snowball from there, it is clear that even with events as cataclysmic as the holocaust, some Jews have not only failed to learn the lessons, but appear determined to repeat them !
Not difficult to imagine the influence of Susan Rice and therefore BHO in that…
I have been doing my GBN catch up and on Farage last night he talked pints with Alex Deane who was a the chief of staff to Cameron before he became PM , I am unsure if he has any influence within the Tory party any longer. But the interesting thing is that he said in his view the BBC should be dismantled not reformed because it was beyond being reformable. He added that he thought the present government was more strongly anti BBC than any previous one and could well clip its wings although it was unlikely to go the whole hog and abolish the foul corporation.
Whilst I favour the abolition followed by obliteration of the BBC I would settle for it being forced to become a subscription only service.
Does the TINO Government have the guts to take on the BBC ? I doubt it but the hopes never completely die!
R4 now item on students being enticed into money laundering through their account.
#1 The Police guy explained how he himself posed as a money launderer looking for such students. He put up posters around the campus inviting students to come to his stall in the Student Union
#2 They played a clip of a “student” who fell for it : Patrick a PhD
… Yeh but Patrick sounds like he just stepped off the boat from Africa.
BBC “Nearly a third said they’d be happy to transfer money for someone else.”
In the Lagos office complex I used in the mid 00s – there was a small call centre staffed by “students”
Disssent about the Biden cabal’s antics is growing – not that you’d know it from the arse licking creeps at Broadcasting House.
Tulsi Gabbard, fresh back from a deployment to Africa
Huffington Post say that Insulate Britain has blockaded Dover.
For one moment I thought they were doing something useful and insulating Britain from invasion!
Belfield has a video about “refugees” being housed in the huge Grand Hotel in Scarborough ..
It seems the top 2 floors are given over to them
but their kids are running around breaking the lifts & disturbing the lobby.
OK the government’s policy is to accept them and house them in hotels, and that they are supposed to be in some kind of quarantine, cos of Covid.
It’s hardly surprising a seaside hotel would accept such government contracts.
But what is surprising is that they would mix quarantining migrants with British holidaymakers.
The guy said the migrants had security guards with them, to make sure they didn’t leave the hotel.
Surely it would not be difficult to set up those 2 floors as isolated ?
By say setting up one lift to only stop at those floors and a separate entrance say in the basement or at the back.
There’s a lucrative gig in touring the country looking for accomodation – in S. Wales I heard that Home Office contractors are trousering £600 / day.
2021 – Insulate Britain were back again this morning, this time blocking access to the Port of Dover ferry terminal. Luckily, Kent police were on the scene within 20 minutes. One way to make yourselves even more unpopular? Disrupt Britain’s main ferry terminal amid national food shortages…
I cannot see how the Insulate lot can make it any more difficult than the buffoons organising the forms and bull required to make the crossing
BBC in a nutshell.
Wife left first thing to go North.
Just chatted with her.
“Yes, there were a few queues…. but all moving. No biggie”.
If they can’t find a crisis, Timmeh’s fearmongers simply drive one up.
The BBC’s go to political gobs in a nutshell…
Rogo, Justo and Matty chimed in yet?
Biden to comment? Boris to wear a Burka?
Afghanistan: Executions will return, says senior Taliban official
Published1 hour ago
Moderate Islamists of the UK such as Savid Javid and Sadiq Khan to read from the Koran to prove this is not so …
“In our Sharia it’s clear, for those who have sex and are unmarried, whether it’s a girl or a boy, the punishment is 100 lashes in public,” Badruddin said. “But for anyone who’s married, they have to be stoned to death… For those who steal: if it’s proved, then his hand should be cut off.”
Afghanistan – “In our Sharia it’s clear, for those who have sex and are unmarried, whether it’s a girl or a boy, the punishment is 100 lashes in public,” Badruddin said. “But for anyone who’s married, they have to be stoned to death… For those who steal: if it’s proved, then his hand should be cut off.”
UK – “In response to its obligation, the UK Parliament passed the Gender Recognition Act 2004, which effectively granted full legal recognition for binary transgender people. Since 4 April 2005, as per the Gender Recognition Act 2004, it is possible for transgender people to change their legal gender in the UK.”
I just kind of get the idea that there could be some sort of compromise between the two systems. Perhaps one where we turn a blind eye to non-conventional activities that don’t harm other people, and certainly don’t glorify, encourage or promote them in any way. Just a thought.
Hmm “man hits doctor, but doesn’t kill him”
probably happens every day in the UK
Afghanistan: Executions will return, says senior Taliban official
‘extreme punishments such as executions and amputations will resume in Afghanistan.’
Oh dear BBC. Kind of put’s your ‘why are there no women in the government’ headlines into perspective.
You utter cretins. You live in your own bubble of make-believe. And you are causing untold damage for everyone else along the way.
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
Published4 August 2019
– – – –
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
David Starkey (on Dan Wooton,GB News) told us that 300,000 went across the Atlantic compared to 20 million who went to the Arabs.
2021 BBC
“In our Sharia it’s clear, for those who have sex and are unmarried, whether it’s a girl or a boy, the punishment is 100 lashes in public,” Badruddin said. “But for anyone who’s married, they have to be stoned to death… For those who steal: if it’s proved, then his hand should be cut off.”
2018 UK GOV
Independent report
Applying sharia law in England and Wales: independent review
Independent review by Professor Mona Siddiqui and a review panel of experts into the application of sharia law in England and Wales by sharia councils.
I see the insulate lot are at it around Dover now.
A couple of days ago I suggested spraying them with a muck spreader to get them to move.
Nothing the government is doing is having much effect and the Courts are just releasing them to return to the sit downs.
Maybe if they used my idea it would put them off because I would think they wouldn’t be too keen to go out playing on the motorways if they ended up being covered in shite.
Send them to CHina …. most polluted place in the world.
Clearly the powers that be agree with one protest but not the other.
Tucker: What really happened on Jan 6
How the media uses history as a tool to distort the truth.
The past was dead, the future was unimaginable. What certainty had he that a single human creature now living was on his side? And what way of knowing that the dominion of the Party would not endure for ever? Like an answer, the three slogans on the white face of the Ministry of Truth came back to him:
Island – thank you putting those 13 minutes up – it is both informative and depressing that the same propaganda techniques are used in the US as the UK.
The point about the autocue readers being shameless for spouting lies is well made …
he scheme is open to all faiths, except the Jewish community, who have experienced hate crime and/or feel that that they are vulnerable to hate crime at their place of worship. The application must be made on behalf of your places of worship and/or associated faith community centre, and your site must be in either England or Wales. Below are some examples of those eligible to apply for the funding, but this is not an exhaustive list:
associated faith community centres (we define this as a community centre run by a place of worship or near a place of worship that is faith based, and where regular worship takes place)
Security equipment
You can apply for funding to cover the costs of up to three security measures from the list below.
The security equipment being covered by this funding scheme includes:
CCTV (fixed cameras, not pan-tilt cameras)
fencing and/or railings (no more than 2.1m high)
manually operated pedestrian and vehicle gates
door hardening, locks and mail box / mail bag
reinforcing single glazed windows (with anti-shatter film or bars/grilles only)
intruder alarms including integrated smoke/heat detection
door entry access control (fob or keypad)
video intercom systems
lighting (building mounted)
The scheme only covers protective security measures and cannot be used to fund:
general building improvements
standard security upgrades
measures to tackle anti-social behaviour, lead theft, or other criminality unconnected with hate crime
security personnel/guarding
measures which have already been provided by third party installers
“The scheme is open to all faiths, except the Jewish community, who have experienced hate crime and/or feel that that they are vulnerable to hate crime at their place of worship.”
The scheme is open to all faiths, apart from the Jewish community. The Jewish community are not eligible for funding from this scheme as a separate commitment was made to fund security measures at Jewish community sites through a grant administered by the Community Security Trust.
The BBC headquarters in London has got a new resident: he’s tall, bronze and likes a smoke. A statue of novelist George Orwell now adorns the exterior of New Broadcasting House, a few minutes from where Orwell worked as a radio producer during World War Two. But what was the author of Nineteen Eighty-Four doing in the BBC? And did he like it?
For decades, its staff have delighted in the suggestion Orwell took his notion of absolute hell from two years spent at the BBC.
The BBC have a new resident…
…and Biased BBC has got an old story, dating from 2017.
This is just Maxi fodder.