“Eight-storey UK flag for Cardiff scrapped over £180k price tag” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58678821
Nothing wrong with the flags , its the bureaucratic Welsh Assembly Government and its waste of money is where the problem lies. It has achieved nothing since its inception other than wastte money. Scrap the gravy train in Cardiff. Eg https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58689536
Believe it or not, I am a patriotic taffman.
Multiple tiers of government must lead inevitably to disputes as the lowest tier tries to justify its continued existence.
All good comes from the parish council, all bad from the town council. If the town council appears to do good it is because of pressure from the parish council – and so on.
Scale it up and we see the same with the national assemblies.
One exception to this rule is the EU. Here the top level government, managed to keep mostly hidden so that all bad came from national governments and all good from ‘Europe’, whatever that was. The bad, of course, also came from ‘Europe’, but ‘Europe’ made sure we didn’t know that!
Saturday TV
Global Warming Concert
7pm-9:20pm Strictly : which has been endless promoted in BBC news shows FFS
oh has the same-sex couple
9:20pm more Global Warming Concert
10:15 Gary Lineker
On my break in work listening to Talk Radio. Nothing but a Woke presenter on now, all about Bisexuals and Homosexuals . Off switch.
Is there no escape from this wokeness?
Covid graph is pretty flat
.. https://twitter.com/LawrenceGilder/status/1441783234149355524
It’s kind of weird that deaths stick at 135 per day
Each of those people should have been properly protected from Covid even if they were with cancer and only had 3 month expected life .
I guess a high number caught the infection in hospital
or practically died of old age but just happened to be WITH Covid at the time.
Bring back Grammar Schools .
In that system kids, poor or rich, were taught at the pace that they could handle standard of lessons they were being taught.
Viewing stats “GrahamNorton chat show launched on BBC1 with just under 2m viewers. ”
.. that still means about 97% of UK population did NOT watch
.. and yet Norton is BBC’s highest paid star
– 800K were watching the Channel4 sex show
ITV 9pm #Manhunt starring #MartinClunes a series high of 4.2m
6% of UK population
Whereas the other night BBC SilentWitness in key 9pm slot, got 3.6million
Also BBC1 drama #Vigil starring got 6.1million viewers ..9% of UK population
The relaunched Never mind the Buzzcocks got 200K viewers
cos it’s on SkyMax
Looking at those numbers Marianna is doing OK today, 95,000 views
It’s not actually her ..it’s Alex Belfield talking about her
It’s not that exciting either .. just 2 mins : https://youtu.be/N2WSBtewkdU
Belfield is doing quite well
Most GBnews viewers will watch on Live TV or on Live YouTube so don’t subscribe. So Belfield has more Youtube subscribers than they do
Farage can get typically 40-50K YouTube viewers for his best daily segment, much more if his item attracts US viewers.
Belfield can get 150K viewers and often 50K typically 25K
Via Belfield : “West Yorkshire Police officer Koysar Ahmed sacked after raining down punches on disabled Bradford man and using CS spray”
Still Ahmed’s picture is not published by the media.
I suspect a GBH prosecution is on the way, but don’t see why a photo cannot be published.
Irony alert
We have high gas prices in the UK, cos government is trying to save us from *WARMING* temperatures
so has rushed into Mickey Mouse energy sources like wind/solar
If ever there was a time, Stew, for Al Gore, Prince Charles, George Monbiot, Greenpeace, WWF, David Attenborough, Prince Harry, UN IPCC, UK HMG CCC and all the others, to come good on their promise of some Global Warming it will be next winter!
Good to see Laura K getting flak for flying over to the US to ‘interview’ Bozza about ‘domestic’ issues!
I thought the BBC were supposed to have autocue readers already persuing lavish lifestyles over there, so why send her on vast expenses paid for by hard-working citizens and pensioners?
Have you tried writing to the African Union? Surely their 55 members must be crying out for whhite talent for their advertising industry?
Also, as immigration, or ‘migration’ as the trendy call it, is an unalloyed good and Africa is always in need of help, I am sure they would welcome you with open arms, perhaps even sending you your own rubber boat?
I know this guy in Nigeria who could sort it for you, he just needs your banking details so you won’t miss out on your first salary/benefit payment.
I only ever pick up the Waitrose freebie mag when they have normal British white citizens on the front page, otherwise they can forget it!
This week’s had normal citizens so I took it home, only for Senora O’Blene to explode when she exclaimed that there was a chunk of rubbish about VEGAN non-food inside!
I was mortified, and she’s only just started to converse with me again after all that time…
It is now looking like an EX BBC reporter now working for the road haulage association was behind the leaks about the state of fuel stocks in the UK.
There was a statement that fuel stocks on forecourts was about 70% of normal levels, however that is alleged to have been leaked by an Ex BBC employee Rod McKenzie.
“Extremists” use 36 local stations, 9 national radio stations, 4 BBC TV stations, 8 BBC owned commercial TV stations, 400 Twitter accounts, UK biggest website
.. to spread hate and division
Views from the leftyverse
Dorset : 2 socialists happily discuss being present at a “show trial”* for local school children
where they asked the local MP to go on trial for his ancestors owning slaves
And when he didn’t respond paid an actor to play his part
* Yes inadvertently after about 30 mins one of the speakers did accidentally refer to it as a “show trial”
And 2 mins later they said of the 6 verdicts , 2 were judged as “not proven”, but that means he was guilty anyway
Blurb : ” Tom talks to Jason about the event at Bridport Town Hall on 14th September 2021 when school pupils from came together to put on a mock trial of the South Dorset MP Richard Drax.
The event lasting a day covered the due process of a trial from beginning to end with the function of enabling the young people to understand the process and the challenges of defending, prosecuting and determining a judgement.
The presiding judge was Clive Stafford-Smith.*
The charges were
#1Benefitting from immoral earnings gained from the slave trade
#2 discriminatory behaviour towards his constituents
There were 3 juries of children, so 6 verdicts in all.”
* Stafford-Smith is a lefty human rights lawyer working in America not Britain
“Perhaps @CliveSSmith’s next mock trial should be of the Prophet Muhammad who owned, captured, traded and had sex with slaves.
Those Muslims in the UK titled Sayyid are direct descendants of the Prophet”
Tweet which quotes the Sira verses https://www.twitter.com/JamesLadbroke/status/1440996375999746053
Oh GROW UP Vine ! Christ, if I found that my late husband was publishing puerile (family) events to the world, I would have slapped his wrists, sent him to bed with no dinner, then I would have left him. I want to live with a man, not a bloody phone obsessed teenager.
The Observer finds a rare phenomenon – foreigners that don’t want to come to Britain: ‘European drivers “will not want to come to UK”‘
Which is odd, since the world and wife seem to be queueing up to get here.
Whatever the facts of the matter bear in mind the Observer is still sore at us leaving the EU and is more than happy to trumpet anyone telling a story that attacks the immigration policy of the present government – as lax as it may be in reality.
There’s a whiff of some over-manning over there at the Guardian-on-Sunday as Jon Henley (Paris), Michael Savage and James Tapper team up to articulate (pun containerised there was intended): ‘Haulage chiefs have warned… The government’s emergency programme to issue temporary visas to thousands of lorry drivers is far too little to resolve Britain’s supply chain crisis‘ – what precisely is a haulage chief when he’s at home… or based in Paris, as we discern from the bylines?
My expectation of journalistic credibility plummets when I see such a vague attribution of such a stridently stated opinion.
Here we go, paragraph three of the Observer report… ‘Marco Digiola head of the European Road Haulers Association‘ – which association, I’m assuming, is more than somewhat beholden to Brussels for the rules and regulations that determine its drivers’ bread and butter, bagettes and croissants.
Our Marco is eventually quoted reminding the Observer: ‘“There is a driver shortage across Europe”‘ – which admission has come a long way down the road from the opening bold sign post that foreign HGV drivers might have some sort of sudden aversion to driving on the left-hand side of the road.
Let’s stick with the Observer and take a quick shuftie at their take on Labour Party woes. Frontpage we have a pic of Sir Keir and his deputy Angie Rayner at conference in Brighton – or as I like call them in minor tribute to the Spice Girl footballer marriage – Posh and Bint. The cold fish and the fish wife.
Two’s company for this article as our friend Michael Savage – late of the Euro truckers story – double teams with Toby Helm to give us: ‘Bid to stem damage after defeat on rules‘ – squabbling over the rules for electing the next Labour leader smacks of a greedy family arguing over the scant preceeds of the will even before Starmer’s pauper’s funeral.
The Old Labour Mirror loyally bangs the socialist drum: ‘Keir: I will tax private schools to help poorer kids‘ – you’re out of touch pal… as even the lower middle classes are minded to scrimp and save so as to hire tutors out of school hours to coach their kids where State schools and their teacher unions have failed them.
The Sunday People, perhaps in the realisation that there is no credible leftist party opposition that hasn’t fallen to the whims and obsessions of the globalist elites, promotes a footballer as their alternative popular tribune of the plebs: ‘Rashford: Axe £20 benefit cut now’
And if I were a betting man, I’d wager Boris will indeed acquiesce to the appeals of the Manchester United player’s Twitter account – without even calling for a VAR check – and Rishi will just have to take up the slack with another stealth tax.
Plans to offer 5,000 three-month visas for foreign HGV drivers are “insufficient” and the “equivalent of throwing a thimble of water on a bonfire” to address supply issues in the lead up to Christmas, business groups have saidhttps://t.co/S6EKV5KaNL
That’s a dry goods container (as in used normally for long distance shipping ) driven by a British registered Mercedes (built in Germany ) truck driven by a Pole .
Those are fruit and veg shelves in the adjoining photo. Supermarket managers endeavour to stock only what they need for a day to around 3 p.m. or so. Nibor will correct me if I’m wrong but that does not appear to be a refrigerated truck. Are ITV going the way of the BBC with a poor choice of photo?
It used to be a ‘disciplinary event’ if a manager of one well-known supermarket a) did not order sufficient bananas to stock his or her normal customer demand to 3 p.m., and, b) had lots of bananas over ripening on the shelves at 5 p.m.. Get the fruit’n’veg stocking wrong too often, especially on bananas (a big profit item) and it could be a sacking offence.
Sky going full bbc on the quotes… never go full bbc on the quotes.
Panicked motorists are causing lengthy queues at petrol stations for a third day – as an industry expert predicted the "catastrophic situation" is going to get worse before it improves https://t.co/LsqaSr7biz
Im thinking of setting up a ‘ panic buying ‘ company where you can hire me to go sit with the like minded panic buyer community – better that driving the HGV ..
Pug- please dont use this website to rubbish the fragrant ms Rayner . She is our last hope for getting a proper Right Wing Government which does Right Wing things .
I only wish id seen her speech/ rant – ‘and anover fing ‘ – really is the best the Labour Party has got …. 🥸
( mind you – i sneered that comrade corbyn could never be labour party leader …)
Unusually listened to a bit of ‘Any Questions’ yesterday.
Back in the day this was superior to QT but now it appears to be on a par. The panel and audience all scented the blood of the Tory minister.
Then it dawned on me. The title is wrong.
It is not ‘ANY Questions’.
It is ‘ONLY SELECTED Questions’.
The selection being that of the BBC to cause maximum embarrassment to the government. With three lefties on the panel and a highly unforgiving audience the set up was palpable.
True, the government is useless but the BBC are supposed to be impartial. Aren’t they?
The BBC are in a tizz. SirKeer wants to tax private schools.
Blimey. How will the BBC luvvies fund their kids’ ejukayshun?
No matter. In the unquestioning BBC coverage highlighting the billions of tax that will be raised to pay for extras for ‘poor children’ the calculations do not mention that a proportion of parents who can only just about afford to send their kids to private school will no longer be able to afford to do so. So they will revert to the state sector at an extra cost to taxpayers of £6000 per pupil per annum. Oops. The extra tax has just disappeared.
It’s pure politics of envy, soak the ‘rich’ stuff.
Still, once the utility companies are all nationalised, we’ll all be so much better off.
“parents who can only just about afford to send their kids to private school will no longer be able to afford to do so”
Perhaps that’s the idea – to keep the oiks away from ‘their’ private schools. In the old days it was the aristocracy keeping the middle class away. Nowadays it would be the overpaid elite (middle class lefties) keeping the nasty plebs away – after all, their parents might have voted to leave the EU or be Tory voters. Naturally this only applies to aspirational indigenous people, since no doubt BAME scholarships would be awarded.
Every so often uncritical, credulous ideological holding to account in Planet BBC Ark throws up such dilemmas.
But Pols need votes.
Beeboids don’t.
Pols need to bear hypocrisy in mind.
Beeboids don’t.
Both are handed enough public money so consequences don’t matter anyway.
Slick will buy off Fick Ange a bit, and she will consign junior to compy hell to help Mum’s ambitions, or she’ll shrug off Abbott style. Which worked soooo well.
And Jeremy Vine Inc. will just create another directorship.
Just been listening to the BBC radio 6 news telling me that visas for lorry drivers from the EU won’t work because the EU has much better working conditions than we do.
No mention at all that they have their own shortage.
Zephir- Black is now the default position of the TV media as
well as the advertising business as well. The BBC has gone
a step further in their religious output. By making
Islam their default religion.
We saw this on the news this morning on a feature on religious
beliefs when pride of place was given to the religion of peace.
I don’t know if they realised it but they had a Christian
Evangelist on decrying the figures that less Christian
worshippers were going to church. His outpouring of his
beliefs began to fluster the presenter. And her irritation led her
to dismiss him somewhat abruptly.
As an appendage we already know who the
default dancing couple are on “Strictly”.
The “boys” were in a class of their own. Well done
BIG BROTHER from the diversity department.
H.E.Bates would turn in his grave at all this nonsense!
Pop Larkin had an eye for the great British gals, not some foreigner – although he did like Mlle Dupont’s black lace petticoat when she walked upstairs, and thought it was ‘perfick’…
I think I’ve mentioned before on here, that in the orchard filled lanes of rural Kent in the 50’s a person of colour would be as rare as hens teeth ! Programme Makers – “there just weren’t any !!!!!”
It’s been estimated that by 1962 there were no more than a quarter million black residents in the entire UK, against a total of a little over 53 million. That’s roughly about 0.4% of the population.
Possibly even rarer than hens teeth, unless one resides in the upside-down revisionist world of UK media and rural England was awash with virile young black men wearing open-fronted cotton shirts and swigging from tankards of scrumpy.
“The BBC came under fire last night for ignoring the fact that the HGV driver shortage has affected countries throughout the world.
Around 400,000 drivers are needed across mainland Europe, including shortfalls of 40,000 in Germany.
In America, there is a shortfall of around 63,000 while China needs about four million extra drivers, according to the International Road Transport Union.”
IDS said: ‘The BBC insists on making this about Brexit and pretending that this is a problem confined to the UK.
‘This is a Covid issue affecting not just the whole of Europe but the world. I don’t understand why they are doing this* but it is deeply misleading and the kind of reporting that leads to panic buying, as we have seen.’
I guess my MP (IDS) got his HGV ticket during his military service – I admit I was in an outfit once where I briefly had the opportunity to get a full HGV but didn’t go for it . I wish I had ….Fedup2s Haulage and Logistics would be king of the road …
MSM -I wonder if OFCOM might examine their reporting from the angle of a thread to national security by false reporting shortages to a population already on edge from the Chinese Virus – one for the new Culture Secretary ?
“I have to admit I didn’t know Iain Duncan Smith trained as a HGV driver!:”.
I wonder if that was pre or post 1970/71 when the HGV Licence came into being. Pre: only needed a car licence and be > 21 years old. Existing HGV drivers had an exemption from any test but had to evidence Log Sheets for over a continuous 6 month period. Judging by IDS’ age, he probably fell into the pre category.
Right Angle, as the BBC keep banging on about Global Warming and Climate ‘this that and the other’ and blaming cars, motorbikes, vans and more recently trucks and taxis (but strangely not buses or trains) for causing it by using oil based fuels, it is no wonder that HGV drivers are leaving the profession in droves. The ICE (internal combustion engine) is on Death Row and without a good lawyer. There’s no way that artics and 3.5 tonners can be ‘electrified’ and shift the amount of goods over the distances that they do now.
Neil Hamilton @NeilUKIP The #UK is teetering on the edge of a #Brexit reversal by the back door, all because our government & big businesses are addicted to cheap labour instead of investing in #British skills.
ti, he is right. Every time the BBC mention a truck driver shortage, or any job shortage, the unemployment figures (1,500,000 approx. at present) should also be mentioned.
The government are meant to ask 40 questions to illegal immigrants to find out as much information as possible. Due to the sheer numbers arriving, they've only been asking 4.
Poland has a population of 38 million .
(It doesn’t need to hide it’s real population statistics as it doesn’t have an invasion/ bogus asylum / massaged numbers problem like Britain has ) .
It’s economy isn’t as well developed as ours .
So why with half our population does it have a lorry driver shortage of 130 000 when ours is 90 000 to 100 000 ?
Well the answer is that the Powers That Be in other countries value jobs , whereas our PTB only value careers , such as finance , law and computing . And overemphasis on the arts .
So the Polish governments realised they could solve their unemployment and make money for Poland by drivers moving to other countries like Britain , and also have a strong international haulage market earning revenue by carting anyone’s loads to anywhere in the EU and beyond .
Whereas our senior civil servants destroyed our international haulage sector . Another reason amongst many for our driver shortage .
Successive socialist governments have failed this country when they neglected its railway infrastructure and failed to provide adequate rail freight capacity.
HS2 is an uneeded vanity project which isn’t even fast and saves next to nothing in time travelling to Manchester. We should have made sure containers could be carried on our railways, which cannot carry them because the tunnels and bridges are too small.
I am told it is cheaper to freight from Europe into Hull (and other East coast ports, and then truck across the pennines to Liverpool than it is to sail around the UK!
Rail could free up hundreds if not thousands of drivers and be more fuel efficient too.
All our ports could have been linked to major centres where it could have been taken the short distance by lorry to specific destinations. Of course this has in no small extent already happened in London with a new freight terminal and direct connection into the city.
As we all know, if it happens in London then the whole country is just as well served !
Is that the hs2 which gets you to a station 20 minutes from the centre of Birmingham 20 Minutes quicker than a train that gets you to the centre of Birmingham station?
One of the arguments for HS2 is that it will move passenger traffic from the over-loaded West Coast Main Line and free-up slots for freight and new direct passenger services that connect to the WCML.
Thoughtful, containers can be carried and are on UK trains. I’ve seen them pass through Finsbury Park! Think you mean they cannot be double stacked. I agree that HS2 is a stupid and wasteful vanity project. It will not provide what the rail industry wanted because it cannot carry a significant amount of freight, even at night when the HS locos are not running, due to the lack of intervening stations. If the PM and Transport Sec. insisted it became a 125 speed line it would still be no good.
It is the wrong design in the wrong place for the wrong price.
The enemy newspaper – guardian – carries a piece about the failing false president . It seems his ‘approval ratings ‘ have fallen through the floor .
It refers to ‘sleepy Joe ‘ but doesn’t go near his mental state or the way he is never allowed near the media .
Isn’t it fascinating that the evil MSM can avoid the truth so easily .
Seems the democrats will get a kicking in coming elections – according to the MSM – however it discounts the habitual voting fraud ….once you pull off a presidential vote fraud the next will be easy peasy ….
We could never have appreciated just how far the mainstream media will go for their left-wing agenda without Brexit and Trump.
They have bared their arses in fits of spite and hate. The world is fractured between Right and Left like never before. This is how civil wars start. And the Left do not have right on their side. This is all down to them.
Hitler and Stalin will be smiling. Human nature does not change.
Operation So Creating Unsustainable Media for BEeb Heroine Fick Ange is well underway.
"Will you nationalise the big six energy companies?" #Marr asked Keir Starmer
“No,” he said
But common ownership of rail, mail, energy and water was one of his 10 pledges when he stood for Labour leader in 2020 https://t.co/EAy9a6W0k5 #BBCRealityCheck
Alison Lowe PCC on grooming gangs
She insists you can’t talk about them, without talking about all the rapes by white people
She uses the trick of MISPRESENTATION
‘you can’t say ALL rapes are by one group”
..That is a straw man to attack.. no one is really saying that.
And she herself says “I was raped by a white man as a child” .. sad if true of course
“I didn’t tell anyone about my childhood rape until I was 45 ”
She was appointed by Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
“Why was she grinning?
I can tell you now if it were gangs of white men grooming, raping, abusing and trafficking black girls for decades, she’d be demanding a thorough investigation into the police handling of it.”
Those of you in the last stages of digesting Sunday lunch, relaxing in a favourite chair, cat on lap and Netflix on box will be elated to learn that Tim Davie has just had his salary pushed closer to his previous £600k with a £75k increase after his first year in the job.
Much like Linaker, he took the earlier cut because he will always put principles before avarice.
“Fuel supply: Visas won’t solve petrol supply issues – retailers”
“Freight industry group Logistics UK estimates that the UK needs about 90,000 HGV drivers – with existing shortages made worse by the pandemic, tax changes, Brexit, an ageing workforce, and low wages and poor working conditions.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58698998
Key Words : “low wages and poor working conditions.”!
Note also how they squeeze in the word “Brexit”, despite the fact that Brexit has nowt to do with it.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
“Eight-storey UK flag for Cardiff scrapped over £180k price tag”
Nothing wrong with the flags , its the bureaucratic Welsh Assembly Government and its waste of money is where the problem lies. It has achieved nothing since its inception other than wastte money. Scrap the gravy train in Cardiff. Eg https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58689536
Believe it or not, I am a patriotic taffman.
Multiple tiers of government must lead inevitably to disputes as the lowest tier tries to justify its continued existence.
All good comes from the parish council, all bad from the town council. If the town council appears to do good it is because of pressure from the parish council – and so on.
Scale it up and we see the same with the national assemblies.
One exception to this rule is the EU. Here the top level government, managed to keep mostly hidden so that all bad came from national governments and all good from ‘Europe’, whatever that was. The bad, of course, also came from ‘Europe’, but ‘Europe’ made sure we didn’t know that!
Saturday TV
Global Warming Concert
7pm-9:20pm Strictly : which has been endless promoted in BBC news shows FFS
oh has the same-sex couple
9:20pm more Global Warming Concert
10:15 Gary Lineker
BBC2 had 90 mins of the Chelsea Flower Show
On my break in work listening to Talk Radio. Nothing but a Woke presenter on now, all about Bisexuals and Homosexuals . Off switch.
Is there no escape from this wokeness?
Covid graph is pretty flat
.. https://twitter.com/LawrenceGilder/status/1441783234149355524
It’s kind of weird that deaths stick at 135 per day
Each of those people should have been properly protected from Covid even if they were with cancer and only had 3 month expected life .
I guess a high number caught the infection in hospital
or practically died of old age but just happened to be WITH Covid at the time.
“Labour conference: Tax private schools to help poorer children, says Starmer”
Another own goal by Labour in fact, ‘back of the net’.
taffman, private school looks at projected accounts if Labour win GE.
Labour win GE.
Private school closes in one year’s time, notifies parents.
Local Education Authority has to find places for children from closed private schools.
Media carry details of crisis over lack of school places.
Labour Chancellor in year 2 Budget has to find emergency funding to keep State schools operating, blows all of £1.7bn savings and more.
Parents wonder why Labour have not improved things for disadvantaged children and decide not to vote Labour in future.
Bring back Grammar Schools .
In that system kids, poor or rich, were taught at the pace that they could handle standard of lessons they were being taught.
Viewing stats “GrahamNorton chat show launched on BBC1 with just under 2m viewers. ”
.. that still means about 97% of UK population did NOT watch
.. and yet Norton is BBC’s highest paid star
– 800K were watching the Channel4 sex show
ITV 9pm #Manhunt starring #MartinClunes a series high of 4.2m
6% of UK population
Whereas the other night BBC SilentWitness in key 9pm slot, got 3.6million
Also BBC1 drama #Vigil starring got 6.1million viewers ..9% of UK population
The relaunched Never mind the Buzzcocks got 200K viewers
cos it’s on SkyMax
Looking at those numbers Marianna is doing OK today, 95,000 views
It’s not actually her ..it’s Alex Belfield talking about her
It’s not that exciting either .. just 2 mins : https://youtu.be/N2WSBtewkdU
Belfield is doing quite well
Most GBnews viewers will watch on Live TV or on Live YouTube so don’t subscribe. So Belfield has more Youtube subscribers than they do
Farage can get typically 40-50K YouTube viewers for his best daily segment, much more if his item attracts US viewers.
Belfield can get 150K viewers and often 50K typically 25K
Via Belfield : “West Yorkshire Police officer Koysar Ahmed sacked after raining down punches on disabled Bradford man and using CS spray”
Still Ahmed’s picture is not published by the media.
I suspect a GBH prosecution is on the way, but don’t see why a photo cannot be published.
The newspaper report sas the guy was alone in his garage sat on his car when the officer attacked him.
Somalia: Seven killed in suicide attack near presidential palace
As I keep reminding everybody, there is now no such thing on the BBC as a terrorist attack involving Muslim’s. We will not see one reported again.
This one – terrorism by any definition of the word you can find – was by ‘an extreme Islamist group’. The word terror is not used.
The BBC think they are there to define what is news to push their own politicial agenda, not just to report it.
Irony alert
We have high gas prices in the UK, cos government is trying to save us from *WARMING* temperatures
so has rushed into Mickey Mouse energy sources like wind/solar
Guardian : “Long, *COLD* winter ahead for Britain could keep gas prices soaring to record levels”
If ever there was a time, Stew, for Al Gore, Prince Charles, George Monbiot, Greenpeace, WWF, David Attenborough, Prince Harry, UN IPCC, UK HMG CCC and all the others, to come good on their promise of some Global Warming it will be next winter!
Good to see Laura K getting flak for flying over to the US to ‘interview’ Bozza about ‘domestic’ issues!
I thought the BBC were supposed to have autocue readers already persuing lavish lifestyles over there, so why send her on vast expenses paid for by hard-working citizens and pensioners?
Comments not going very well for the beached-whale BBC…
(Has Sopes got back from his extended holiday yet? Couldn’t he have done it? Isn’t there a bloke called Zoncher or such like)?
Keep up!
BBC North America closed down in January when America re-joined the world and went back to being normal.
Thanks Jim – it was early and I’d been awake for ages wondering what to do…
Maybe theyve got a ‘ thing ‘ going – imagine her knocking out nut nut version 7 ( or are there more johnson minor s? )
You can never tell these days, Fed!
One man’s bonk is another lawyer’s case, as P.Andrew is finding out…
I know I can change my sex. But does anybody know if one
can change ones colour? I want to become a model in the
advertising business.
Remember those black rights activists that turned not to be actually black ?
but rather whites faking it.
Have you tried writing to the African Union? Surely their 55 members must be crying out for whhite talent for their advertising industry?
Also, as immigration, or ‘migration’ as the trendy call it, is an unalloyed good and Africa is always in need of help, I am sure they would welcome you with open arms, perhaps even sending you your own rubber boat?
I know this guy in Nigeria who could sort it for you, he just needs your banking details so you won’t miss out on your first salary/benefit payment.
I only ever pick up the Waitrose freebie mag when they have normal British white citizens on the front page, otherwise they can forget it!
This week’s had normal citizens so I took it home, only for Senora O’Blene to explode when she exclaimed that there was a chunk of rubbish about VEGAN non-food inside!
I was mortified, and she’s only just started to converse with me again after all that time…
AFAIK the petrol crisis , is only that BP don’t have enough drivers.
Other brands didn’t make such a declaration.
In July BP had a shortage too
due to some drivers isolating etc.
I see some people saying transport bosses are desperate to get cheap EU drivers, (who are easy to fire) so that they don’t have to train their own.
It is now looking like an EX BBC reporter now working for the road haulage association was behind the leaks about the state of fuel stocks in the UK.
There was a statement that fuel stocks on forecourts was about 70% of normal levels, however that is alleged to have been leaked by an Ex BBC employee Rod McKenzie.
Rod McKenzie spreading the fear on bBC Breakfast last week.
Marianna in a skimpy gold bikini next?
Extremists are using mainstream video games and gaming chat platforms to spread hate, the BBC has found.
Extremists using video-game chats to spread hate
The BBC seems to prefer to use its specialist editorial, and ex staff like Rod McKenzie
“Extremists” use 36 local stations, 9 national radio stations, 4 BBC TV stations, 8 BBC owned commercial TV stations, 400 Twitter accounts, UK biggest website
.. to spread hate and division
Views from the leftyverse
Dorset : 2 socialists happily discuss being present at a “show trial”* for local school children
where they asked the local MP to go on trial for his ancestors owning slaves
And when he didn’t respond paid an actor to play his part
* Yes inadvertently after about 30 mins one of the speakers did accidentally refer to it as a “show trial”
And 2 mins later they said of the 6 verdicts , 2 were judged as “not proven”, but that means he was guilty anyway
Blurb : ” Tom talks to Jason about the event at Bridport Town Hall on 14th September 2021 when school pupils from came together to put on a mock trial of the South Dorset MP Richard Drax.
The event lasting a day covered the due process of a trial from beginning to end with the function of enabling the young people to understand the process and the challenges of defending, prosecuting and determining a judgement.
The presiding judge was Clive Stafford-Smith.*
The charges were
#1Benefitting from immoral earnings gained from the slave trade
#2 discriminatory behaviour towards his constituents
There were 3 juries of children, so 6 verdicts in all.”
* Stafford-Smith is a lefty human rights lawyer working in America not Britain
“Perhaps @CliveSSmith’s next mock trial should be of the Prophet Muhammad who owned, captured, traded and had sex with slaves.
Those Muslims in the UK titled Sayyid are direct descendants of the Prophet”
Tweet which quotes the Sira verses https://www.twitter.com/JamesLadbroke/status/1440996375999746053
Oh GROW UP Vine ! Christ, if I found that my late husband was publishing puerile (family) events to the world, I would have slapped his wrists, sent him to bed with no dinner, then I would have left him. I want to live with a man, not a bloody phone obsessed teenager.
The Observer finds a rare phenomenon – foreigners that don’t want to come to Britain: ‘European drivers “will not want to come to UK”‘
Which is odd, since the world and wife seem to be queueing up to get here.
Whatever the facts of the matter bear in mind the Observer is still sore at us leaving the EU and is more than happy to trumpet anyone telling a story that attacks the immigration policy of the present government – as lax as it may be in reality.
There’s a whiff of some over-manning over there at the Guardian-on-Sunday as Jon Henley (Paris), Michael Savage and James Tapper team up to articulate (pun containerised there was intended): ‘Haulage chiefs have warned… The government’s emergency programme to issue temporary visas to thousands of lorry drivers is far too little to resolve Britain’s supply chain crisis‘ – what precisely is a haulage chief when he’s at home… or based in Paris, as we discern from the bylines?
My expectation of journalistic credibility plummets when I see such a vague attribution of such a stridently stated opinion.
Here we go, paragraph three of the Observer report… ‘Marco Digiola head of the European Road Haulers Association‘ – which association, I’m assuming, is more than somewhat beholden to Brussels for the rules and regulations that determine its drivers’ bread and butter, bagettes and croissants.
Our Marco is eventually quoted reminding the Observer: ‘“There is a driver shortage across Europe”‘ – which admission has come a long way down the road from the opening bold sign post that foreign HGV drivers might have some sort of sudden aversion to driving on the left-hand side of the road.
Let’s stick with the Observer and take a quick shuftie at their take on Labour Party woes. Frontpage we have a pic of Sir Keir and his deputy Angie Rayner at conference in Brighton – or as I like call them in minor tribute to the Spice Girl footballer marriage – Posh and Bint. The cold fish and the fish wife.
Two’s company for this article as our friend Michael Savage – late of the Euro truckers story – double teams with Toby Helm to give us: ‘Bid to stem damage after defeat on rules‘ – squabbling over the rules for electing the next Labour leader smacks of a greedy family arguing over the scant preceeds of the will even before Starmer’s pauper’s funeral.
The Old Labour Mirror loyally bangs the socialist drum: ‘Keir: I will tax private schools to help poorer kids‘ – you’re out of touch pal… as even the lower middle classes are minded to scrimp and save so as to hire tutors out of school hours to coach their kids where State schools and their teacher unions have failed them.
The Sunday People, perhaps in the realisation that there is no credible leftist party opposition that hasn’t fallen to the whims and obsessions of the globalist elites, promotes a footballer as their alternative popular tribune of the plebs: ‘Rashford: Axe £20 benefit cut now’
And if I were a betting man, I’d wager Boris will indeed acquiesce to the appeals of the Manchester United player’s Twitter account – without even calling for a VAR check – and Rishi will just have to take up the slack with another stealth tax.
Don’t forget… ‘business groups’.
Getty missing a trick here.
Usually it is a stunned blonde (not Springster or BS) in a backpack reeling at the sight of a chiller section bereft of quinoa.
Thinking the all purpose Afro babe in a lab coat thinking deep thoughts in the breaded chicken section of Harrods?
That’s a dry goods container (as in used normally for long distance shipping ) driven by a British registered Mercedes (built in Germany ) truck driven by a Pole .
Those are fruit and veg shelves in the adjoining photo. Supermarket managers endeavour to stock only what they need for a day to around 3 p.m. or so. Nibor will correct me if I’m wrong but that does not appear to be a refrigerated truck. Are ITV going the way of the BBC with a poor choice of photo?
It used to be a ‘disciplinary event’ if a manager of one well-known supermarket a) did not order sufficient bananas to stock his or her normal customer demand to 3 p.m., and, b) had lots of bananas over ripening on the shelves at 5 p.m.. Get the fruit’n’veg stocking wrong too often, especially on bananas (a big profit item) and it could be a sacking offence.
Sky going full bbc on the quotes… never go full bbc on the quotes.
‘Catastrophe’ or, worse, “catastrophe”.
Im thinking of setting up a ‘ panic buying ‘ company where you can hire me to go sit with the like minded panic buyer community – better that driving the HGV ..
In places like Birmingham it is getting to be quite common to see single shop units turning into ‘Academies’.
Will Sir Keir tax these, or would that upset our new masters?
How veery deer she.
Panic in BBC Left Hand, Lefter Hand?
Shouldn’t vulnerable children with disabilities be taken into care?
You do really wonder what the parents (single parent(?) do when they subject such a tot to the general meedja, and expect it to make a case!
Only lefties think it’s ‘good’, but I don’t seem to recall Diane Abbott letting her son out to do anything useful!
Funny place to be, innit, thicks on the box, Beeb thinking it’s interesting, nobody giving a toss…
Greta as well.
Pug- please dont use this website to rubbish the fragrant ms Rayner . She is our last hope for getting a proper Right Wing Government which does Right Wing things .
I only wish id seen her speech/ rant – ‘and anover fing ‘ – really is the best the Labour Party has got …. 🥸
( mind you – i sneered that comrade corbyn could never be labour party leader …)
BBC sharing Perfect Swerve PR with Labour?
There is a distinct correlation between use of the word ‘demand’ and the attention it generates in media vs. result it gets with those who matter.
Think the EU.
Wow – money for ‘likes’ – i must uptick my own comments- im gonna be rich .
‘Liked’ by Richard Fediani.
But then he would.
Bet his boss likes the new paycheque too.
Based on all the…. Er…. um… success he has driven?
Polly Toynbee?! Oh dear.
I thought she was still in Tuscany!
Shows how wrong you can be!!
Sold it after the on air filleting on QT, I think, by that Mail chap. The money of course, now…
Unusually listened to a bit of ‘Any Questions’ yesterday.
Back in the day this was superior to QT but now it appears to be on a par. The panel and audience all scented the blood of the Tory minister.
Then it dawned on me. The title is wrong.
It is not ‘ANY Questions’.
It is ‘ONLY SELECTED Questions’.
The selection being that of the BBC to cause maximum embarrassment to the government. With three lefties on the panel and a highly unforgiving audience the set up was palpable.
True, the government is useless but the BBC are supposed to be impartial. Aren’t they?
Seems it is to be amalgamated with the struggling Paddy QOS reboot.
It’s going to be called ‘When Did You Last Beat Your Wife?’
Hosted by Stan Collymore and an as yet unnamed, or even investigated, Labour MP.
The BBC are in a tizz. SirKeer wants to tax private schools.
Blimey. How will the BBC luvvies fund their kids’ ejukayshun?
No matter. In the unquestioning BBC coverage highlighting the billions of tax that will be raised to pay for extras for ‘poor children’ the calculations do not mention that a proportion of parents who can only just about afford to send their kids to private school will no longer be able to afford to do so. So they will revert to the state sector at an extra cost to taxpayers of £6000 per pupil per annum. Oops. The extra tax has just disappeared.
It’s pure politics of envy, soak the ‘rich’ stuff.
Still, once the utility companies are all nationalised, we’ll all be so much better off.
“parents who can only just about afford to send their kids to private school will no longer be able to afford to do so”
Perhaps that’s the idea – to keep the oiks away from ‘their’ private schools. In the old days it was the aristocracy keeping the middle class away. Nowadays it would be the overpaid elite (middle class lefties) keeping the nasty plebs away – after all, their parents might have voted to leave the EU or be Tory voters. Naturally this only applies to aspirational indigenous people, since no doubt BAME scholarships would be awarded.
Every so often uncritical, credulous ideological holding to account in Planet BBC Ark throws up such dilemmas.
But Pols need votes.
Beeboids don’t.
Pols need to bear hypocrisy in mind.
Beeboids don’t.
Both are handed enough public money so consequences don’t matter anyway.
Slick will buy off Fick Ange a bit, and she will consign junior to compy hell to help Mum’s ambitions, or she’ll shrug off Abbott style. Which worked soooo well.
And Jeremy Vine Inc. will just create another directorship.
Must confess, I initially misread that ‘brumpolice’.
Still, BBC Midlands output sorted all week. Certain areas exempted.
All for 2% of the population.
Or 11% if you are in a BBC office.
Which means the BBC are heterophobic, sexist and racist when it comes to employing staff. Why is it never pointed out ?.
Just been listening to the BBC radio 6 news telling me that visas for lorry drivers from the EU won’t work because the EU has much better working conditions than we do.
No mention at all that they have their own shortage.
Drip drip.
Boycott the Bates:
Darling Buds of May remake has gone black for no good reason I can see… hope it dies a deserved death
Zephir- Black is now the default position of the TV media as
well as the advertising business as well. The BBC has gone
a step further in their religious output. By making
Islam their default religion.
We saw this on the news this morning on a feature on religious
beliefs when pride of place was given to the religion of peace.
I don’t know if they realised it but they had a Christian
Evangelist on decrying the figures that less Christian
worshippers were going to church. His outpouring of his
beliefs began to fluster the presenter. And her irritation led her
to dismiss him somewhat abruptly.
As an appendage we already know who the
default dancing couple are on “Strictly”.
The “boys” were in a class of their own. Well done
BIG BROTHER from the diversity department.
Watch the eighties version instead with David Jason on ITV, weekdays at 17.50. Fairly good, but not perfick.
H.E.Bates would turn in his grave at all this nonsense!
Pop Larkin had an eye for the great British gals, not some foreigner – although he did like Mlle Dupont’s black lace petticoat when she walked upstairs, and thought it was ‘perfick’…
(Scrobs – LIE DOWN NOW)!
I think I’ve mentioned before on here, that in the orchard filled lanes of rural Kent in the 50’s a person of colour would be as rare as hens teeth ! Programme Makers – “there just weren’t any !!!!!”
It’s been estimated that by 1962 there were no more than a quarter million black residents in the entire UK, against a total of a little over 53 million. That’s roughly about 0.4% of the population.
Possibly even rarer than hens teeth, unless one resides in the upside-down revisionist world of UK media and rural England was awash with virile young black men wearing open-fronted cotton shirts and swigging from tankards of scrumpy.
I have to admit I didn’t know Iain Duncan Smith trained as a HGV driver!:
“The BBC came under fire last night for ignoring the fact that the HGV driver shortage has affected countries throughout the world.
Around 400,000 drivers are needed across mainland Europe, including shortfalls of 40,000 in Germany.
In America, there is a shortfall of around 63,000 while China needs about four million extra drivers, according to the International Road Transport Union.”
IDS said: ‘The BBC insists on making this about Brexit and pretending that this is a problem confined to the UK.
‘This is a Covid issue affecting not just the whole of Europe but the world. I don’t understand why they are doing this* but it is deeply misleading and the kind of reporting that leads to panic buying, as we have seen.’
*That is the biased BBC for you!
I guess my MP (IDS) got his HGV ticket during his military service – I admit I was in an outfit once where I briefly had the opportunity to get a full HGV but didn’t go for it . I wish I had ….Fedup2s Haulage and Logistics would be king of the road …
MSM -I wonder if OFCOM might examine their reporting from the angle of a thread to national security by false reporting shortages to a population already on edge from the Chinese Virus – one for the new Culture Secretary ?
That will be 6 million of the 3 million we were led to believe we’re here.
“I have to admit I didn’t know Iain Duncan Smith trained as a HGV driver!:”.
I wonder if that was pre or post 1970/71 when the HGV Licence came into being. Pre: only needed a car licence and be > 21 years old. Existing HGV drivers had an exemption from any test but had to evidence Log Sheets for over a continuous 6 month period. Judging by IDS’ age, he probably fell into the pre category.
Right Angle, as the BBC keep banging on about Global Warming and Climate ‘this that and the other’ and blaming cars, motorbikes, vans and more recently trucks and taxis (but strangely not buses or trains) for causing it by using oil based fuels, it is no wonder that HGV drivers are leaving the profession in droves. The ICE (internal combustion engine) is on Death Row and without a good lawyer. There’s no way that artics and 3.5 tonners can be ‘electrified’ and shift the amount of goods over the distances that they do now.
Neil Hamilton @NeilUKIP
The #UK is teetering on the edge of a #Brexit reversal by the back door, all because our government & big businesses are addicted to cheap labour instead of investing in #British skills.
ti, he is right. Every time the BBC mention a truck driver shortage, or any job shortage, the unemployment figures (1,500,000 approx. at present) should also be mentioned.
Poland has a population of 38 million .
(It doesn’t need to hide it’s real population statistics as it doesn’t have an invasion/ bogus asylum / massaged numbers problem like Britain has ) .
It’s economy isn’t as well developed as ours .
So why with half our population does it have a lorry driver shortage of 130 000 when ours is 90 000 to 100 000 ?
Well the answer is that the Powers That Be in other countries value jobs , whereas our PTB only value careers , such as finance , law and computing . And overemphasis on the arts .
So the Polish governments realised they could solve their unemployment and make money for Poland by drivers moving to other countries like Britain , and also have a strong international haulage market earning revenue by carting anyone’s loads to anywhere in the EU and beyond .
Whereas our senior civil servants destroyed our international haulage sector . Another reason amongst many for our driver shortage .
Successive socialist governments have failed this country when they neglected its railway infrastructure and failed to provide adequate rail freight capacity.
HS2 is an uneeded vanity project which isn’t even fast and saves next to nothing in time travelling to Manchester. We should have made sure containers could be carried on our railways, which cannot carry them because the tunnels and bridges are too small.
I am told it is cheaper to freight from Europe into Hull (and other East coast ports, and then truck across the pennines to Liverpool than it is to sail around the UK!
Rail could free up hundreds if not thousands of drivers and be more fuel efficient too.
All our ports could have been linked to major centres where it could have been taken the short distance by lorry to specific destinations. Of course this has in no small extent already happened in London with a new freight terminal and direct connection into the city.
As we all know, if it happens in London then the whole country is just as well served !
Is that the hs2 which gets you to a station 20 minutes from the centre of Birmingham 20 Minutes quicker than a train that gets you to the centre of Birmingham station?
Containers not being carried by train in the UK?
One of the arguments for HS2 is that it will move passenger traffic from the over-loaded West Coast Main Line and free-up slots for freight and new direct passenger services that connect to the WCML.
Thoughtful, containers can be carried and are on UK trains. I’ve seen them pass through Finsbury Park! Think you mean they cannot be double stacked. I agree that HS2 is a stupid and wasteful vanity project. It will not provide what the rail industry wanted because it cannot carry a significant amount of freight, even at night when the HS locos are not running, due to the lack of intervening stations. If the PM and Transport Sec. insisted it became a 125 speed line it would still be no good.
It is the wrong design in the wrong place for the wrong price.
I wonder if Springster is a girl of the people or more BBC destined for glory in backstory?
Destined for Asda when the gravy train ends I suspect.
All those breakdowns, poor Andrew Neil must be sobbing
During all these GB News technical faults during their start up who was in charge?
Wasn’t Andrew Neil chairman or top dog there.
It’s a lot better now.
Coincidence I suppose.
The enemy newspaper – guardian – carries a piece about the failing false president . It seems his ‘approval ratings ‘ have fallen through the floor .
It refers to ‘sleepy Joe ‘ but doesn’t go near his mental state or the way he is never allowed near the media .
Isn’t it fascinating that the evil MSM can avoid the truth so easily .
Seems the democrats will get a kicking in coming elections – according to the MSM – however it discounts the habitual voting fraud ….once you pull off a presidential vote fraud the next will be easy peasy ….
We could never have appreciated just how far the mainstream media will go for their left-wing agenda without Brexit and Trump.
They have bared their arses in fits of spite and hate. The world is fractured between Right and Left like never before. This is how civil wars start. And the Left do not have right on their side. This is all down to them.
Hitler and Stalin will be smiling. Human nature does not change.
Nobody hates like the Left. It comes with being shallow and greedy.
Don’t forget – we have more in common that separates us – or – actually – that’s not the case ….
Just seen the news about fick Ange…
So normal citizens are ‘scum’ now are they Ange?
Let’s hope the BBC publicise your stupidity.
Bet they won’t.
(Why is she called ‘crayons’? I thought such items were used by normal children to draw pictures, not ‘politicians’)?
Rog goes dark.
Beeb and Graun do like their steam shady.
and two skeptical replies
Harra is the #ClimateJester
Operation So Creating Unsustainable Media for BEeb Heroine Fick Ange is well underway.
Looks younger than I imagined.
iStock Photo
Labels : “Black man at home reading the mail stock photo
UK, Mail, Reading, Letter – Document, Men”
other keywords : Black Ethnicity Photos
More from with same guy. same series
Bloody scary hairstyle – imagine that looking at you above the crib !
Unlikely to be seen again if there is a crib involved. Onto the next… and the pattern continues.
Only wiv Ange and Jess hitting the catwalks…
“Can sustainable fashion turn the red carpet green?”
Yes. If you throw up all over it due to an adverse reaction to woke-ness.
Alison Lowe PCC on grooming gangs
She insists you can’t talk about them, without talking about all the rapes by white people
She uses the trick of MISPRESENTATION
‘you can’t say ALL rapes are by one group”
..That is a straw man to attack.. no one is really saying that.
And she herself says “I was raped by a white man as a child” .. sad if true of course
“I didn’t tell anyone about my childhood rape until I was 45 ”
She was appointed by Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire
“Why was she grinning?
I can tell you now if it were gangs of white men grooming, raping, abusing and trafficking black girls for decades, she’d be demanding a thorough investigation into the police handling of it.”
Truck drivers , sense against nonsense
Anyone can dump anything on anyone currently just by sending #prasnews to the bbc cubicle gardens.
Great Christmas present for Turkeys.
Why do I get a sneaky feeling that Bo Jo is gradually working to get us back in the EU?
Those of you in the last stages of digesting Sunday lunch, relaxing in a favourite chair, cat on lap and Netflix on box will be elated to learn that Tim Davie has just had his salary pushed closer to his previous £600k with a £75k increase after his first year in the job.
Much like Linaker, he took the earlier cut because he will always put principles before avarice.
Based, presumably, on his awesome record of success based on secret FOI exempted BBC metrics?
Tonight’s TV
The TV bizarrely picks a BBC2 movie on at 1:20am in the morning
Why ? … cos it’s all about Barack Obama meeting Michelle
Odd in what way?
They are all they have left.
Sleepy, Megharry, Dancin Justin, Jacinda, Slick, Fick Ange, anyone in the EU… all making the current shambles look less awful.
How long until ‘Motorscooter Diaries’ about a young radical and his dusky squeeze behind the Iron Curtain back in the day?
“Fuel supply: Visas won’t solve petrol supply issues – retailers”
“Freight industry group Logistics UK estimates that the UK needs about 90,000 HGV drivers – with existing shortages made worse by the pandemic, tax changes, Brexit, an ageing workforce, and low wages and poor working conditions.”
Key Words : “low wages and poor working conditions.”!
Note also how they squeeze in the word “Brexit”, despite the fact that Brexit has nowt to do with it.
“Angela Merkel: What will Germans miss about the chancellor?”
Answer in a nutshell – mass immigration of the EU?
“Labour conference: Angela Rayner stands by calling Boris Johnson ‘scum’ ”
Yet another own goal by Labour.