2023- the national union of panic buyers is to join up with the national union of road blockers after failing to reach agreement with the national association of anger management …
The timing and regularity of these logs being rolled under Boris is at best highly suspicious. I firmly believe that it is a determined plot and that we are being lied to and manipulated by powerful anti-brexit, anti-conservative shady groups, not excluding the NHS, Police, Home office, civil service etc… and all with the help of the BBC!
I would have thought there was enough smoke and mirrors now to call for a full government inquiry when the dust settles.
Oops – chief suspect in killing of london woman last week is … an albanian delivery driver …. Source Daily Mail … not charged … yet …
Do the girls want to control men or borders … ?
Claudia Webbe: MP made threat to send nudes of woman, court hears.
Michelle Merritt and threatened her with acid
An MP threatened to send naked pictures of a woman to her family because she was jealous of her friendship with her partner, a court has heard.
Claudia Webbe, 56, also allegedly used a misogynistic insult against Michelle Merritt and threatened her with acid.
Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard Ms Webbe, who is an independent MP for Leicester East after being suspended by the Labour Party, was in a relationship with Lester Thomas at the time.
She denies one charge of harassment.
The threats were made during 16 phone calls between 1 September 2018 and 26 April last year, the court heard.
“The reason for the harassment would appear to be the fact that Michelle Merritt was friends with Lester Thomas and this was an issue for the defendant Claudia Webbe,” prosecutor Susannah Stevens said.
She said Ms Webbe made a string of short silent phone calls from a withheld number to Ms Merritt, who told the court she had known Mr Thomas for more than 15 years and was “good friends” with him, having previously dated.
‘Should be acid’
Ms Merritt, giving evidence from behind a screen, said: “There was a pattern that whenever I had even met with Lester Thomas, if we had gone out for a drink or something, there would be a phone call.
“When you are being called and no-one answers, it’s unnerving, especially as a woman who lives alone.”
The court heard the harassment “escalated” on Mother’s Day, 31 March 2019, when the MP asked Ms Merritt about her relationship with Mr Thomas.
Ms Merritt said Ms Webbe told her she was “Lester’s girlfriend” and then “really started shouting, ‘Why are you contacting Lester?'”
“She was very, very angry at me. It was loud,” Ms Merritt added.
The 59-year-old said Ms Webbe used a misogynistic insult, adding Ms Merritt “should be acid”.
“She confirmed she knew where I lived and would send pictures and videos to my daughters,” Ms Merritt said.
Ms Webbe – who entered the Commons in December 2019 and worked as a councillor in Islington between 2010 and 2018 – denies making any such threats.
Ms Merritt told the court she called police, saying: “I have been threatened by a public figure with acid over the phone.”
Ms Webbe was warned by officers in April 2019, but magistrates heard claims she continued to make further calls to the complainant – who recorded one after ringing her back on 25 April last year.
In the call, played in court, Ms Webbe is heard repeatedly telling Ms Merritt to “get out of my relationship”, adding “I have seen all of your naked pictures. I will show them all of your pictures”.
Paul Hynes QC, representing Ms Webbe, suggested his client contacted Ms Merritt to tell her she and Mr Thomas should not be breaking Covid-19 lockdown regulations together from the end of March.
However, the complainant said Ms Webbe did not ask her about breaking lockdown rules.
Mr Hynes said: “You have conducted a little campaign against Ms Webbe, haven’t you, because for whatever reason you didn’t like the fact she was in a relationship with Lester Thomas?”
Weirdly, the BBC no less report another triumph for the public sector.
On the instructions of North Yorkshire council, a road contractor has just painted ‘School Keep Clear’ and Zig Zag markings outside a school, according to the contract he has with the council.
Slight problem. The school closed in 2003 and is now converted into housing. Residents have lost their parking spaces.
No doubt the roads committee will be meeting to remedy the situation at some point in the next several months, if the green eco fanatics do not get to them first and accuse the council of ‘promoting car use’ if they do anything sensible.
Did you know that petrol has an expiry date, I didn’t.
There’s a post on Facebook which says that because of covid a lot less petrol was sold over the last year and a half and that this ‘shortage’ has been manufactured to get the petrol that has been held in stock used up before it expires.
I looked it up and depending on how it’s stored it can degrade within a few months.
The Facebook poster said the suppliers are shifting this petrol onto the users rather than having to dispose of it.
This seems far fetched but if you follow the money it makes some sense.
If I find the Facebook comment I’ll copy it onto here.
You can make your own minds up but in these times when men have a cervix who’s to say what’s right, Humpty Dumpty?
According to the RAC, petrol generally has a shelf life of around six months if it is stored properly. That means in a tightly sealed container at 20 degrees. At higher temperatures it degrades more quickly, for instance at 30 degrees it will last for just three months.6 hours ago
Isn’t it amazing that for nearly 9 months after Brexit the petrol stations have been re-filled with no observable issues, and ditto the supermarkets except for a few products now and then.
So….have all the lorry drivers suddenly disappeared?
Where have they suddenly gone?
It sounds like a case of ‘Independent of Brexit’ and not ‘because of Brexit’ to me.
Which of course is definitely NOT the message the BBC want to give us.
Petrol companies get their legs over gullible Beeboids, tell them anything, Beeboids make one phone-call to a more gullible politician, politician panics, tells Beeb to agree to tell the nation that there’s a ‘shortage’, petrol companies get rid of excess stock (from the covids), job done!
A shadow labour minister has resigned . The letter to Starmer is brutal in its denounciation . So the BBC accepts another stadow labour minister .
The brief of the Labour shadow minister was
1 – I haven’t read the letter
2 – call the resigned one a nice chap
3 – be a nice chap – be chummy
4 – say sir Starmer is a nice chap
5 – be surprised at the resignation because he was on board and was also a nice chap
Who really cares – but it gives a good sense of how the BBC treats its favourite socialist party …. Popcorn …
New idea for a BBC daytime series -‘ get that petrol’
2 teams with cars nearly out of petrol have to find a petrol tanker and follow it to a petrol station – then queue jump to fill up before the end of the show …and survive ..
Easy to see how JO’bsworth was too thick even for the bbc.
'The people angry with Insulate Britain must be absolutely furious with all the drivers that have gone out to buy petrol that they don't really need and blocked roads!' @mrjamesobhttps://t.co/unyaxEPV6f
One would need a special talent to determine which drivers in a queue were seeking to buy petrol that they didn’t need.
But then O’Brien has claimed many, many times to be able to see into the hearts and minds of others, that he so casually labels lovingly with his words of hate.
I can’t find the picture but in the 6pm news Jeremy al Bowen was in Kabul and it appeared that he has gone native wearing pyjamas and a long Tolleybon nightie
He said that while people have the right to write books others disagree with, companies should not profit from “extreme hate content” and making offensive books available to buy gave them “dangerous” legitimacy.
Calling on the retailers to remove the titles from their sites, Hope Not Hate was joined by MPs including Labour’s Ruth Smeeth, who said that extremist, hate-filled books had no place on the booksellers’ websites.
Shakur Pinnock e-scooter death: ‘His sacrifices will save a lot of people’
Shakur Pinnock e-scooter death: ‘His sacrifices will save a lot of people’
Shakur Pinnock and his girlfriend Chante Hoosang were involved in a fatal collision while riding an e-scooter together in June 2021.
Shakur died from his injuries after six days on a life support machine, and Chante sustained life-changing injuries.
Chante and Shakur’s families spoke to BBC home affairs correspondent June Kelly about the impact of losing a loved one, and their thoughts on the rising trend of e-scooter use.
“But Fida has now deleted his Facebook account and is on a list of people who will be granted asylum abroad by Western countries.
Speaking to the BBC, he claimed that after the Taliban gained control of Kabul, he was told by relatives that he was in danger for playing a detrimental role in the Taliban’s war against “occupiers”.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-58710194
Apparently Fed he’s “from Eastbourne, East Sussex”. An ” Eastbourne man” according to most of the main news outlets that my search engine points me towards when I stick in his most un-East Sussex sounding name. Only suspected of being “originally from Eastern Europe” one outlet suggests.
The bBbc? He’s just “a man” to them of course.
“Eastbourne man” my arse, stop effin’ insulting our intelligence.
He’s an Albanian EX- Dominos Pizza delivery driver, note the ex, of no value to our society whatsoever, another pos from a Muslim-majority crime-ridden shithole, here only to leach off us.
He shouldn’t be here at all, under any circumstances, but because our politicians and their posing pals are so pathetically weak, an innocent girl, well-respected and contributing positively to the society in which she lived, is now dead. And because there are so many more like him now roaming this country our wives and our sisters and our daughters no longer feel safe to walk many of our streets, day or night.
And it feels that wasteful and senseless murders like this are just going to happen more and more and more and there’s nothing that we can really do about it.
I don’t think it makes any difference who the Home Secretary is.
I live in the town in which I was born in Northern Ireland. I have known people who have been murdered and those who have lost murdered loved ones, I have had friends lose parents, targeted by terrorists because of the career they chose, and have a close friend who lost a couple of limbs and two colleagues when the patrol car he was in was blown to bits. Every day our local news showed the aftermath of bombs and the names and faces of innocent victims. As children and as teenagers I and most of the rest of my generation here thought nothing of it. We were obviously to a large extent desensitized to it all, it was just the way things were. Instinctively we knew where we could and couldn’t go, and what and what not to say. And to who. We knew everyone, where they lived, what their family backgrounds were and what church they belonged to. As long as we knew where we were and who we were with, despite the madness around us, we felt safe. We were able to keep ourselves safe.
And now, nearing fifty and with three teenage daughters, I believe that I did actually feel safer then than I do now. I knew what the unwritten rules were then, that not to follow them could be fatal, I knew who could and who couldn’t be trusted. Not anymore.
Immigration from Eastern Europe has changed my hometown completely in a little over ten years, and not for the better. I fear this damage cannot be made good. It has, implausible and ridiculous as it may sound, made it a more dangerous place. Obvious groups of ill-mannered and vocal young men crowd together in their ethnic groups in the parks and main shopping areas and feral children skip school to shoplift and run through traffic. Levels of petty crime, burglary, anti-social behaviour, car crime and motoring offences, domestic violence and sexual assault have all shot up, and alcohol related crime and violence is through the roof. Rural crimes like sheep-stealing have become big business. Sex trafficking and child exploitation amongst certain communities is now an issue, as is prostitution. The types of crimes and social issues that we thought we had evolved through as a society now appear commonplace.
I believe that my daughters would have been safer growing up here during “the Troubles” than they are growing up here now. That sounds crazy I know but I honestly think they would of been. Who is Home Secretary won’t change that.
Sounds like you have got the Roma living amongst you. They are, as Thick Angie would say, “scum”.
They come to the UK because they get short shrift from the police in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia et al. If they step out of line there they get a dose of PC Stick. Over here, the Common Purpose police chiefs treat them with kid gloves. They cannot believe their luck. If they had any sense they would behave decently in a country which treats them decently, but that would take a level of intelligence they do not possess.
What does Insulate Britain propose to insulate Britain with?
Some suggestions, thermal blocks made from pulverised fuel ash, (need to burn coal), vapour check-polyurethane, (need to smelt aluminium and process oil), glass fibre, (need to dig up sand, heat it up and spin it out), rockwool, need to quarry rock, smash it up and spin it out or wool, (need to farm masses of methane-belching sheep, shave and spin. Seems to be a lot of energy needed before the savings kick in.
Another suggestion: People could live in warmer countries, not cold places like the UK – Depopulate now!
“Labour conference: Comrade Bercow makes debut” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58713152
That headline says it all !
How many Tories are secretly like him ? , What say you readers and posters ?
“Covid: Welsh NHS warns waiting list backlog could take years to clear” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58698189
“Years” !
All thanks to the Welsh Assembly and the bureaucratic health trusts.
Time to get rid of both.
Almost as if … the camera operator saw the banner and took the opportunity?
NOW – New York to deploy National Guard to fill expected staff shortages as unvaccinated nurses and hospital workers will be fired effective tonight.pic.twitter.com/NIYAIPbccQ
Tomo – haha – do you think the average yank would notice that small piece of protest ? ( which thankfully doesn’t breach the site censorship rule – listening to the Toady programme today we are exposed to 2 presenters who both fill that description..
I’ve worked a lot with Americans (over 40 years) and feel safe saying that they aren’t that different from us. It’s one of the major wins for the lefties, portraying the yanks as persistently and irretrievably stupid and cultivating the sneer.
We, on the other hand – are omniscient and never make mistakes 🙂 – we are though… somewhat better at covering up….
I really resent the descent of R4 into identity politics, victimhood porn and general Guardian-like ideological swamp. I glanced at my car radio yesterday and noticed the tuning buttons covered with dust. (Podcasts via Bluetooth now … but I miss the unexpected eclectic and honest pieces that used to be part of the recipe)
The C word is too coarse for many delicate American ears…
A subversive sign language rendition of the scene would’ve been the icing on the cake.
An American friend told me the other day that the FAA have actually imposed a no-fly zone around the Haitians under the Texas bridge to stop the media taking aerial pictures.
Still no reports on the BBC about Biden’s approval rating. They should have reported it when it went below 50% and again when the disapproval overtook the approval. But they chose not to.
The modern day Nazis are upon us. Just imagine what the Left would do if they could get away with anything they wanted. They are full of hate.
Well what a surprise. They have charged a man with the murder of Sabina Nessa but it’s not even the headline article. Just a sub article destined to quickly slip into regions.
This is everything they tell us about the arrest:
‘Koci Selamaj, 36, was arrested in Eastbourne, East Sussex, on Sunday.’
No mention that he is Eastern European.
They will be very disappointed that he is an immigrant and not an English whitey after their initial excitement from the CCTV footage that he might be.
Unfortunately, like a lot of seaside towns, there is an annual February surge of half-star hoteliers, cafe owners etc., driving up to London and the North, to recruit cheap labour for the summer. These ’employed’ unhopefuls get put up in a myriad of cheap flats and houses around behind the glittering seafronts, told to work all hours for peanuts, then told to bu**er off at the end of the season.
(** = gg).
ps, This post applies also to Rich’s comment above, I’ve totally mucked up my posting technique already today…
The surname of the accused is associated with Albania.
Strictly speaking, Albania is Southern Europe rather than Eastern Europe, it borders Greece and is across the Adriatic from Italy (just 45 miles at narrowest point).
I wonder if he got here via an independent cross channel service?
– we aren’t likely to find that out – are we?
iirc quite a few Albanians cross in small ships rather than rubber boats. We’ve had a few Albanian gang related incidents locally, notably a large underground dope farm where local cops waited until they knew there weren’t any Albanians around before pouncing….
1. They do not want to report anything negative about the consequences of migration. Remember: there are no downsides to mass migration, these are just Vulnerable People ™ and those who have Come Here To Do The Jobs That Britons Won’t Do ™.
2. Liberals have a policy of low expectation when it comes to foreign people. Liberal racism works on the principle that coloured people are little more than children, who are only capable of criminal and deviant behaviour and have to be pandered to ‘because they don’t know any better’.
3. BBC editors don’t want to say anthing that might jeopardise they own supply of magic white powder:
The unfortunate murder of Sabina Nessa has dominated the news pages of the BBC over the last week with outcrys from various women’s groups condeming males as misogynist.
Now that the identity of the accused is known there appears to be a tailing off of interest in the case.
No prizes for guessing why this must be.
The dream of a White Male English murderer has been ripped from the BBC and the special interest groups who will now drop the story as if it hadn’t ever happened.
No questions will be asked as to how this person happened to be living in the UK.
Sabina Nessa you no longer serve the needs of the anti White English Male obsessed BBC , so rest in peace young lady and at least your name will not be used to further support the hatred for one section of our diverse society supported and endorsed by the for left and funded by the BBC.
What it shows is that these people don’t care one bit about the person who died.
The odd thing is that I think these people actually do believe they DID care. And now their motive for caring is gone, they will move on to the next one without a shred of remorse or shame.
We are living in grim times. Over the last fortnight we have had very discouraging election results. Firstly Justin Trudeau won the Canadian election. The populist party didn’t win a seat. The we get the result from the German general election where the AfD dropped from third placed party to fifth! In the two state elections things were not any better. Berlin saw the AfD lose twelve seats, while in Meclkenburg-Vorpommern it managed to just retain it’s second ranking but lost four seats. In Upper Austria the FPO (Freedom Party) in the regional parliament barely managed to hang on to it’s second place losing seven seats.
Where oh where did that momentum go? Remember back in 2016 and thereabouts?
Here’s some nostalgia for you. We had such hopes.
Change of subject. An example of how the BBC can write the truth out of history was shown today when the BBC repeated the well established myth yet again – that on this day Alexander Fleming discovered the penicillin mould by accident. In fact it was a German Jew Ernst Chain and an Australian Dr Howard Florey who discovered penicillin . But the British establishment at the time attributed it to Alexander Fleming an Oxford graduate and one of “theirs”and this lie has become a fact . I haven’t heard or seen it challenged for many years now.
Completely agree. The flame of true democracy still burns in Eastern Europe, they know its true value after Nazis and communism. In the West we no longer appreciate the huge benefits we have derived from capitalism tempered by liberal democracy, nor do we understand how vulnerable such a way of organising society is and the need for it to be defended from enemies both internal and external.
I’m afraid people have been seduced by bread and circuses and by the time they wake up it will be too late to wrest back the levers of control or to resist the march of our enemies.
THIS POST was supposed to be a reply to Yasser above.
You write as though you assume the elections were fair – that votes were made properly and counted honestly . The US has shown that it can be fiddled quite easily – courtesy of like minded MSM and fixed IT systems – with a bit of help from foreign enemies if needed …
It will be interesting if a non approved party ever wins an election again – discounting those few countries with non approved governments ( eg Hungary ) ..
Justin and chums have been pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into a constipated media in Canada that *utterly misrepresents* what is happening and fawns nauseatingly over literally anything that the Liberal Party does
I wondered about this so I used the wonders of the Internet to listen/watch streams of major radio stations and some TV.
– if one survived on that diet of “news” and commentary, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t recognise what the People’s Party were saying.
Even if Nadine wants to emasculate the BBC she willbe opposed by all the civil servants in her department. It will be an uphill struggle. We will know if she is trying to deliver because briefings and leaks will start to appear trying to undermine her.
The 25th instalment premieres tonight as Daniel Craig reprises the role for the final time.
Executive producer, Barbara Broccoli, has said Bond will always be a man, but would you rather see a woman as the iconic spy? pic.twitter.com/Xn3a94O0ox
Guest Who.
DanielCraig should declare he is a wimmin for an hour or so, cervix and all.
Then, they will have their wimmin Bond.
He can then revert to being normal.
This now only leaves us to have a black Muslim ‘Mo Bond’ and most of the current wokey boxes will be ticked.
Women called James. . . American model and actress Jaime King, who for some reason went by the name James King in her early film roles, such as Pearl Harbor.
Clearly an actual woman, and easier on the eye than ugly old Daniel Craig.
The daughter of a dead Labour Party leader doesn’t sound happy today . She conducted a very aggressive interview with the chair of the parliamentary transport committee of the ‘fuel panic ‘ .
She was quick to blame Brexit but unfortunately whoever researched said red Tory MP failed to mention he was a remainer traitor and admitted such .
Also – he had the numbers for the shortage of drivers in EU countries which screwed her .
Then she said ‘but they are not having a fuel crisis ‘ – ‘yes – says MP – but they are not talking about it ‘ – which is as near to criticism of the BBC that you get these days ….
…I’m still trying to guess what ‘shortage’ the BBC is going to concoct or incite next ….fireworks? Poppy sellers ? Something Christmassy ? … they do like ‘things rotting in the field ‘because of Brexit …
Some news outlets on twitter report that a former speaker of the commons swamp has joined the Labour Party and turned up at a ‘ fringe group ‘ and signed autographs ( presumably for a fee )
Obviously said un named speaker thinks he can get his peerage by lobbying the Labour Greats
And – of course – the Lords is infested with hundreds of remainer traitors who have not died off yet .,,
The ‘mystery ‘ being that the MSM is keeping quiet on this … bias by omission
Just read the sycophantic tripe they have written. They treat him like a repentent sinner begging forgiveness and delight in repeating any anti-Tory slurs he throws out.
And they finish it with:
‘And in a speech littered with references to his “comrades”, welcomed with a warm reception, he seemed to have achieved his repentance.’
This vile man is a snake. He will be right at home with his new friends. Anyone who can switch parties so easily is a liar and a cad.
The twitter feed of the the writer confirms she is a left-wing activist.
John, please excuse this straight copy from elswhere, but I cut my finger cutting up an onion just now, so cannn’t retyopee ot…p
“They could give him something like a ‘Peerage-Lite’, which is a sort of cardboard cut-out ‘lordship’ model, specially made by those firms that offer ‘Mint’ rubbish on the back of the cheaper rags!
Sally could have an old pendant – oh, she already gets one…”.
Hopefully the nearest this slimeball will get will be a square foot of Scotland (at his own expense).
His overall unpleasantness reminds me of John Prescott. Who said he would not accept a peerage – until he did. His wife is an unpleasant, snobby piece of work. Apparently she was in a local supermarket and it had queues at the checkouts so she went up to a member of staff and said ‘Do you know who I am …’.
TOADY Watch #1 – Meet Andy McDonald, Secretary of State for Resigning & Silly Statements in the next Labour Government
He’s the new HERO of the Labour movement because he wants the Police to be more visible on the streets of the UK to bring an end to anti-social behaviour. Oh and he resigned from Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet after Sucker broke his leadership contest ‘pledges’, not least over minimum wage.
If the Police are not visible enough with their bulky stab-proof vests with bodycams, bulging pepper sprays and radios or when wearing hi-viz jackets, I assume the new Labour Lefty Hero will spend Police budgets on changing their uniforms to a rainbow colour. He proposes spending just over a quarter of a million pounds on making Police more visible on the streets of the UK.
Nick Robinson scoffs at this small sum because it is less than his annual salary.
Fed, I think maybe McDonald will spend lots of taxpayer money to have more ‘targets’ for the Police which they will then avoid walking the beat in order to (on overtime, naturally) fill in bits of paper to send to the Home Office reporting that they have failed to meet expectations – again – and will need yet more money from the taxpayer.
Pardon my synicism but …. I think I know the way of the (Labour) world.
On reflection, I think Andy McDonald new Labour Lefty Hero said he would spend £280,000,000 on more and more visible Police on the streets of the UK.
Nick Robinson still scoffed at this sum because he knew it was smaller than the amount paid to Chief Constables in their salaries and also less than the total pay and remuneration package of top BBC presenters like himself and the BBC Board’s executives.
No more pizza for me, thanks, I have to watch my waistline
After our politicians and media have so predictably already trotted out one familiar tired old cure-all trope: ‘Army called up to tackle UK’s fuel crisis‘ (‘i’) (I thought the military already did that job for us in Iraq? – but I digress) – so now we get another tedious media go-to trope: ‘Priority at pumps for key workers in plan to ease crisis‘ (Telegraph)
This is where the majority of the UK population find out we just aren’t considered “key” enough.
Or, as we learned in lockdown, we form a mass of second class apparent non-key workers who fall ouside of the public sector and are regarded as somewhat dispensible: ‘Let all key workers fill up first‘ – the Mirror casting the net, or if you will, opening that red silk rope outside the exclusive club, as wide as they dare with the phrase “all key workers”. We get a further definition of this elite group from the Mirror: ‘Calls to give critical staff priority‘ – makes sense, I guess, critical one imagines has a similar linguistic root as the word crisis.
Of course we all know who these key workers are and it’s certainly not the bloke in the little kiosk by the station who also does shoe repairs: ‘Fuel buying frenzy puts health services at risk, doctors warn‘ (FT) – health services plural? Come on FT, let’s call a spade a spade, and eventually, quoting the doctors union the BMA we invoke the Holy Name of the Deity: ‘“As pumps run dry there is a real risk that NHS staff won’t be able to do their jobs”‘ – Watch this space – teachers unions tomorrow on why State schools will have to close unless Miss gets priority to fill up her Mini.
I should have thought absolute priority at the pumps ought to go the HGV drivers. Perhaps the Daily Star also noticed which group of workers are more key than we imagined? ‘Truckers “treated like lepers”‘ – dare we play the mental game of general strike and think about which group of workers we might really miss first?
The Star today further cautions us that all the adulation and reverence and 8 o’clock claps and priority given to jump the queue in supermarkets and discounts at shops and dictatorial powers of public health officials – that all may just have gone to their heads: ‘In slightly troubling medical news, boffins claim we’re all at risk of diabetes if we can’t fit into the same size trousers we could aged 21‘
Don’t worry, the likelihood of a promise of a home visit or even random call to come into the surgery to actually see in person your GP for some Cinderella-like test fitting into a pair of your old vintage flared jeans is all still a pretty remote pipe dream.
The Times purports to care for our physical health: ‘How to stay fit after you’ve hit 40‘ but in fact targets our mental anxieties: ‘Long Covid? Don’t ignore the symptoms‘
A feature somewhat at odds with: ‘Commuting is good for your mind – and waistline‘ (Times)
The BBC tells us: ‘Sabina Nessa: Man charged with teacher’s murder‘ – and our sensitive cat whiskers begin to twitch as we sense something may be amiss in the BBC report. Man charged… tell us something we don’t know. We read on beyond the headline and discover: ‘Koci Selamaj, 36, was arrested in Eastbourne, East Sussex, on Sunday‘ – that will be one of the Sussex Selamajs. Allegedly.
The Daily Mail tells us he’s a pizza delivery man by trade. So he’s not a key worker. Whereas I reckon as a primary school teacher she would have qualified as key. Although the Mail’s pic of her looks more like some 15-year-old social media influencer than a teacher. The juxtaposition of her soft focus heavily made up pouting pic beside his bullet-headed rather swathy mug shot has me calling the Mail’s presentation salacious. I tend to side with the feminists on this issue of media purience. Although they will focus simply on the BBC headline “man”. Eventually we’ll find out if there’s any lax immigration rules angle.
The Daily Mirror has a royal scandal exclusive: ‘I’ll testify against Andrew’s pizza alibi‘ – and for those conspiracy theorists who notice there’s pizzas everywhere and insist the media hide their plots in plain sight just to rub our noses in their evil control of the messaging, Google reassures us ““Pizzagate” is a debunked conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. It has been extensively discredited”
Nothing to worry about there then.
The Guardian presents us with a classic front page. There’s the Brexit bashing headline: ‘Brexit to blame for UK’s fuel crisis, says frontrunner to succeed Merkel‘ – never mind rule from Brussels, the Gruan would presumably have our laws made from Berlin. ‘“Olaf Scholz is right… We are now facing up to the reality of Brexit” Anna Soubry. Former Tory business minister‘ and bitter hasbeen.
And then in the Guardian following the Brexit doom and gloom it’s suddenly all rainbows and unicorns with Labour: ‘Green shoots. Labour vows £28bn a year to tackle climate crisis‘ meanwhile there’s a bit of a kerfuffle in Labour ranks over a proposed: ‘£15-an-hour minimum wage‘ – by the time Labour get a turn in power inflation will make £15 look like chicken feed, you’ll be tipping the pizza delivery boy a £20 and as for £28bn government spending that’s already a mere Boris bagatelle.
‘A diplomat’s disgrace and a Whitehall cover-up’ –The Brexit-Watch team updates readers on the strange case of the MoD that doesn't seem concerned about top secret files being left at a Kent bus stop so the BBC can then publish the contents… https://t.co/QwfIUplDdJ
Rather than being prosecuted Lapsley was just quietly moved back to the Foreign Office. To this day, the MOD and Foreign Office carry on the same farcical cover-up plan and are yet to admit publicly that Lapsley was the person responsible or even explain their actions.
Lapsley has now resumed his commentary on twitter. … the most troubling part of his twitter output is the number of times he endorses messages about UK participation in EU military integration schemes, which he has done with retweets, comments and ‘likes’.
As Lapsley himself knows all too well, participation in these EU schemes such as EU Permanent Structured Cooperation and the European Defence Fund, requires the alignment and even surrender of UK political policy powers to those of the EU.
Seeing that bl***dy great mosque being planned for a motorway junction up North, made me wonder why you never read of RC or CofE ‘superchurches’ do you!
Scrobie, I remember when the Toronto Blessing was on the go back in the 1990s, that Holy Trinity Brompton and its clergy used to be occasionally found on the front page of the Times, Telegraph or Guardian.
Musing on the thought of the good Canon Winkett and St James Piccadilly reminded me that in ‘the good old days’ ie. pre-Pandemic, when I would occasionally walk past that church when in central London, it always reminded me of the Lord Jesus Christ – in that, at least, St James was fulfilling part of its task! – and His visits to the Temple in Jerusalem, two visits in particular are brought to mind. 😉
Fed, that was Winky Lucitt, Vicar/Rector of St James Piccadilly. That’s the place where Mammon nestles up closely to God. 😉 Some friends used to go to her church. Bit surprising as they are evangelicals or from an evangelical background.
There was a 3 panel debate on GB News last night about whether Brexit was to blame for the HGV driver shortage.
Dan Wooton pointed out that the other European Countries were also short of HGV drivers.
One of the remoaners said that if you compare the populations of Germany or France to ours then they have fewer HGV driver shortages (even though they need more drivers than us)
Nobody mentioned that Poland has half our population and twice as many HGV driver vacancies.
https://www.gov.uk/guidance/driving-dangerous-goods-and-special-loads Moving dangerous goods by road is governed by international regulations and is strictly policed. Most European countries are signed up to ADR. Each country that complies with ADR implements specific safety measures through its own national legislation.
ADR ensures that any dangerous goods transported by road can cross international borders freely if the goods, vehicles and drivers comply with its rules.
ADR has been in force since 1968 and is administered by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). It’s updated every 2 years to take account of technological advances.
"It would be lovely if we didn't have to have protests like this… but if we don't do anything about climate change we'll all be affected"@Cruella1 is supporting Insulate Britain's protests which have blocked the M25 multiple times.@DawnNeesom | @theJeremyVine | #JeremyVinepic.twitter.com/bcLsMA8gRf
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
2023- the national union of panic buyers is to join up with the national union of road blockers after failing to reach agreement with the national association of anger management …
The timing and regularity of these logs being rolled under Boris is at best highly suspicious. I firmly believe that it is a determined plot and that we are being lied to and manipulated by powerful anti-brexit, anti-conservative shady groups, not excluding the NHS, Police, Home office, civil service etc… and all with the help of the BBC!
I would have thought there was enough smoke and mirrors now to call for a full government inquiry when the dust settles.
Oops – chief suspect in killing of london woman last week is … an albanian delivery driver …. Source Daily Mail … not charged … yet …
Do the girls want to control men or borders … ?
That’s the sound of the story being dropped. Like Sasha Johnson and the Muslim woman burned to death in the street.
Rank hypocrisy by all the white English male haters involved. Again. This is what the Left really is. They absolutely disgust me.
The Sun says “Albanian national”
The CPS tweet says Eastbourne
and they have switched off replies
So a few people QuoteTweeted them, as a way of calling them out
…. https://www.twitter.com/CPSUK/status/1442568504390078464
Inspiration for Thick Ange?
Claudia Webbe: MP made threat to send nudes of woman, court hears.
Michelle Merritt and threatened her with acid
An MP threatened to send naked pictures of a woman to her family because she was jealous of her friendship with her partner, a court has heard.
Claudia Webbe, 56, also allegedly used a misogynistic insult against Michelle Merritt and threatened her with acid.
Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard Ms Webbe, who is an independent MP for Leicester East after being suspended by the Labour Party, was in a relationship with Lester Thomas at the time.
She denies one charge of harassment.
The threats were made during 16 phone calls between 1 September 2018 and 26 April last year, the court heard.
“The reason for the harassment would appear to be the fact that Michelle Merritt was friends with Lester Thomas and this was an issue for the defendant Claudia Webbe,” prosecutor Susannah Stevens said.
She said Ms Webbe made a string of short silent phone calls from a withheld number to Ms Merritt, who told the court she had known Mr Thomas for more than 15 years and was “good friends” with him, having previously dated.
‘Should be acid’
Ms Merritt, giving evidence from behind a screen, said: “There was a pattern that whenever I had even met with Lester Thomas, if we had gone out for a drink or something, there would be a phone call.
“When you are being called and no-one answers, it’s unnerving, especially as a woman who lives alone.”
The court heard the harassment “escalated” on Mother’s Day, 31 March 2019, when the MP asked Ms Merritt about her relationship with Mr Thomas.
Ms Merritt said Ms Webbe told her she was “Lester’s girlfriend” and then “really started shouting, ‘Why are you contacting Lester?'”
“She was very, very angry at me. It was loud,” Ms Merritt added.
The 59-year-old said Ms Webbe used a misogynistic insult, adding Ms Merritt “should be acid”.
“She confirmed she knew where I lived and would send pictures and videos to my daughters,” Ms Merritt said.
Ms Webbe – who entered the Commons in December 2019 and worked as a councillor in Islington between 2010 and 2018 – denies making any such threats.
Ms Merritt told the court she called police, saying: “I have been threatened by a public figure with acid over the phone.”
Ms Webbe was warned by officers in April 2019, but magistrates heard claims she continued to make further calls to the complainant – who recorded one after ringing her back on 25 April last year.
In the call, played in court, Ms Webbe is heard repeatedly telling Ms Merritt to “get out of my relationship”, adding “I have seen all of your naked pictures. I will show them all of your pictures”.
Paul Hynes QC, representing Ms Webbe, suggested his client contacted Ms Merritt to tell her she and Mr Thomas should not be breaking Covid-19 lockdown regulations together from the end of March.
However, the complainant said Ms Webbe did not ask her about breaking lockdown rules.
Mr Hynes said: “You have conducted a little campaign against Ms Webbe, haven’t you, because for whatever reason you didn’t like the fact she was in a relationship with Lester Thomas?”
“You are incorrect,” Ms Merritt said.
The trial continues.
Weirdly, the BBC no less report another triumph for the public sector.
On the instructions of North Yorkshire council, a road contractor has just painted ‘School Keep Clear’ and Zig Zag markings outside a school, according to the contract he has with the council.
Slight problem. The school closed in 2003 and is now converted into housing. Residents have lost their parking spaces.
No doubt the roads committee will be meeting to remedy the situation at some point in the next several months, if the green eco fanatics do not get to them first and accuse the council of ‘promoting car use’ if they do anything sensible.
You really cannot make it up.
Did you know that petrol has an expiry date, I didn’t.
There’s a post on Facebook which says that because of covid a lot less petrol was sold over the last year and a half and that this ‘shortage’ has been manufactured to get the petrol that has been held in stock used up before it expires.
I looked it up and depending on how it’s stored it can degrade within a few months.
The Facebook poster said the suppliers are shifting this petrol onto the users rather than having to dispose of it.
This seems far fetched but if you follow the money it makes some sense.
If I find the Facebook comment I’ll copy it onto here.
You can make your own minds up but in these times when men have a cervix who’s to say what’s right, Humpty Dumpty?
Owning a Cervix is what lots of undecided car-buyers crave!
Does what it says on ‘the box’…
You mean a cervix isnt a type of cat ?
According to the RAC, petrol generally has a shelf life of around six months if it is stored properly. That means in a tightly sealed container at 20 degrees. At higher temperatures it degrades more quickly, for instance at 30 degrees it will last for just three months.6 hours ago
Isn’t it amazing that for nearly 9 months after Brexit the petrol stations have been re-filled with no observable issues, and ditto the supermarkets except for a few products now and then.
So….have all the lorry drivers suddenly disappeared?
Where have they suddenly gone?
It sounds like a case of ‘Independent of Brexit’ and not ‘because of Brexit’ to me.
Which of course is definitely NOT the message the BBC want to give us.
Petrol companies get their legs over gullible Beeboids, tell them anything, Beeboids make one phone-call to a more gullible politician, politician panics, tells Beeb to agree to tell the nation that there’s a ‘shortage’, petrol companies get rid of excess stock (from the covids), job done!
Toenails, Laura and Emily given the Royal Box?
Hannah’s sister?
He would highly prized within the prison system.
Yes even more so without the 2 front teeth I understand ….
… wonder if Hannah needs a boyfriend …
I was thinking about buying some of those trousers, they fit someone with an underused lower half (at 74yrs, so what…)!
BBC swamp nonsense
A shadow labour minister has resigned . The letter to Starmer is brutal in its denounciation . So the BBC accepts another stadow labour minister .
The brief of the Labour shadow minister was
1 – I haven’t read the letter
2 – call the resigned one a nice chap
3 – be a nice chap – be chummy
4 – say sir Starmer is a nice chap
5 – be surprised at the resignation because he was on board and was also a nice chap
Who really cares – but it gives a good sense of how the BBC treats its favourite socialist party …. Popcorn …
Oh no, the scary Black London bloke is back announcing what’s on next, ya nah wot I meen!
New idea for a BBC daytime series -‘ get that petrol’
2 teams with cars nearly out of petrol have to find a petrol tanker and follow it to a petrol station – then queue jump to fill up before the end of the show …and survive ..
Easy to see how JO’bsworth was too thick even for the bbc.
One would need a special talent to determine which drivers in a queue were seeking to buy petrol that they didn’t need.
But then O’Brien has claimed many, many times to be able to see into the hearts and minds of others, that he so casually labels lovingly with his words of hate.
I can’t find the picture but in the 6pm news Jeremy al Bowen was in Kabul and it appeared that he has gone native wearing pyjamas and a long Tolleybon nightie
When in New ROme!
Afghanistan: Social media users delete profiles over fear of attack
By Khudai Noor Nasar
BBC, Islamabad
Published2 hours ago
One day someone, beyond ITBB and here, is going to actually get a multi hundred thousand pound bbc executive to explain how this happens.
Then, when they can’t, won’t and expect that will suffice, fire them.
He said that while people have the right to write books others disagree with, companies should not profit from “extreme hate content” and making offensive books available to buy gave them “dangerous” legitimacy.
Calling on the retailers to remove the titles from their sites, Hope Not Hate was joined by MPs including Labour’s Ruth Smeeth, who said that extremist, hate-filled books had no place on the booksellers’ websites.
So who decides which books we arent allowed to read, isnt this 1984?
‘1984’, ‘Fahrenheit 451’, or a little bit of both?
Am sure we’ll see book burnings before this insanity is over.
‘Hope Not Hate’ is such an Orwellian name, isn’t it? Reminds me of the ‘Ministry of Love’.
The only time I ever indulged in panic buying was when the landlord shouted “Last orders, gentlemen please”
Ha ha ha !
And then you realised you only had two fags left, the machine was but and the shops were shut!
Ha ha -I hate that – then you have to drink in the dark …
Bloody Hell, I just read that and jumped out of my seat.
Dangerous at my age…
Shakur Pinnock e-scooter death: ‘His sacrifices will save a lot of people’
Shakur Pinnock e-scooter death: ‘His sacrifices will save a lot of people’
Shakur Pinnock and his girlfriend Chante Hoosang were involved in a fatal collision while riding an e-scooter together in June 2021.
Shakur died from his injuries after six days on a life support machine, and Chante sustained life-changing injuries.
Chante and Shakur’s families spoke to BBC home affairs correspondent June Kelly about the impact of losing a loved one, and their thoughts on the rising trend of e-scooter use.
Darwin would smile …
20K more afghans on the way ….
“But Fida has now deleted his Facebook account and is on a list of people who will be granted asylum abroad by Western countries.
Speaking to the BBC, he claimed that after the Taliban gained control of Kabul, he was told by relatives that he was in danger for playing a detrimental role in the Taliban’s war against “occupiers”.”
A local man has been charged with the murder of the primary teacher –
He is Koci Selamaj.
Apparently Fed he’s “from Eastbourne, East Sussex”. An ” Eastbourne man” according to most of the main news outlets that my search engine points me towards when I stick in his most un-East Sussex sounding name. Only suspected of being “originally from Eastern Europe” one outlet suggests.
The bBbc? He’s just “a man” to them of course.
“Eastbourne man” my arse, stop effin’ insulting our intelligence.
He’s an Albanian EX- Dominos Pizza delivery driver, note the ex, of no value to our society whatsoever, another pos from a Muslim-majority crime-ridden shithole, here only to leach off us.
He shouldn’t be here at all, under any circumstances, but because our politicians and their posing pals are so pathetically weak, an innocent girl, well-respected and contributing positively to the society in which she lived, is now dead. And because there are so many more like him now roaming this country our wives and our sisters and our daughters no longer feel safe to walk many of our streets, day or night.
And it feels that wasteful and senseless murders like this are just going to happen more and more and more and there’s nothing that we can really do about it.
Rich – plod must be relieved he wasn’t another one of their own …
Sorry, Rich, I’ve commented further down as I was working my way upwards for some stupid reason…
When is our Home Secretary going to put the safety and lives of the people of Great Britain first ?
Its time she went.
I don’t think it makes any difference who the Home Secretary is.
I live in the town in which I was born in Northern Ireland. I have known people who have been murdered and those who have lost murdered loved ones, I have had friends lose parents, targeted by terrorists because of the career they chose, and have a close friend who lost a couple of limbs and two colleagues when the patrol car he was in was blown to bits. Every day our local news showed the aftermath of bombs and the names and faces of innocent victims. As children and as teenagers I and most of the rest of my generation here thought nothing of it. We were obviously to a large extent desensitized to it all, it was just the way things were. Instinctively we knew where we could and couldn’t go, and what and what not to say. And to who. We knew everyone, where they lived, what their family backgrounds were and what church they belonged to. As long as we knew where we were and who we were with, despite the madness around us, we felt safe. We were able to keep ourselves safe.
And now, nearing fifty and with three teenage daughters, I believe that I did actually feel safer then than I do now. I knew what the unwritten rules were then, that not to follow them could be fatal, I knew who could and who couldn’t be trusted. Not anymore.
Immigration from Eastern Europe has changed my hometown completely in a little over ten years, and not for the better. I fear this damage cannot be made good. It has, implausible and ridiculous as it may sound, made it a more dangerous place. Obvious groups of ill-mannered and vocal young men crowd together in their ethnic groups in the parks and main shopping areas and feral children skip school to shoplift and run through traffic. Levels of petty crime, burglary, anti-social behaviour, car crime and motoring offences, domestic violence and sexual assault have all shot up, and alcohol related crime and violence is through the roof. Rural crimes like sheep-stealing have become big business. Sex trafficking and child exploitation amongst certain communities is now an issue, as is prostitution. The types of crimes and social issues that we thought we had evolved through as a society now appear commonplace.
I believe that my daughters would have been safer growing up here during “the Troubles” than they are growing up here now. That sounds crazy I know but I honestly think they would of been. Who is Home Secretary won’t change that.
Sounds like you have got the Roma living amongst you. They are, as Thick Angie would say, “scum”.
They come to the UK because they get short shrift from the police in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia et al. If they step out of line there they get a dose of PC Stick. Over here, the Common Purpose police chiefs treat them with kid gloves. They cannot believe their luck. If they had any sense they would behave decently in a country which treats them decently, but that would take a level of intelligence they do not possess.
Meanwhile lady nugee suggests that the deputy leader of the labour party was drunk when she described the tories as ‘scum’.
Well thats okay then .
So, she’s not only a hard left, rabble rousing lout…
She’s also a piss-head.
And they wonder why they can’t get elected.
A question not being asked:
What does Insulate Britain propose to insulate Britain with?
Some suggestions, thermal blocks made from pulverised fuel ash, (need to burn coal), vapour check-polyurethane, (need to smelt aluminium and process oil), glass fibre, (need to dig up sand, heat it up and spin it out), rockwool, need to quarry rock, smash it up and spin it out or wool, (need to farm masses of methane-belching sheep, shave and spin. Seems to be a lot of energy needed before the savings kick in.
Another suggestion: People could live in warmer countries, not cold places like the UK – Depopulate now!
“Labour conference: Comrade Bercow makes debut”
That headline says it all !
How many Tories are secretly like him ? , What say you readers and posters ?
Is that treason and do they still hang for treason?
“Labour conference: Party should be inspired by Wales – Drakeford”
We taffmen voted for Brexit !
He has forgotten that.
“Covid: Welsh NHS warns waiting list backlog could take years to clear”
“Years” !
All thanks to the Welsh Assembly and the bureaucratic health trusts.
Time to get rid of both.
Almost as if … the camera operator saw the banner and took the opportunity?
Tomo – haha – do you think the average yank would notice that small piece of protest ? ( which thankfully doesn’t breach the site censorship rule – listening to the Toady programme today we are exposed to 2 presenters who both fill that description..
I’ve worked a lot with Americans (over 40 years) and feel safe saying that they aren’t that different from us. It’s one of the major wins for the lefties, portraying the yanks as persistently and irretrievably stupid and cultivating the sneer.
We, on the other hand – are omniscient and never make mistakes 🙂 – we are though… somewhat better at covering up….
I really resent the descent of R4 into identity politics, victimhood porn and general Guardian-like ideological swamp. I glanced at my car radio yesterday and noticed the tuning buttons covered with dust. (Podcasts via Bluetooth now … but I miss the unexpected eclectic and honest pieces that used to be part of the recipe)
The C word is too coarse for many delicate American ears…
A subversive sign language rendition of the scene would’ve been the icing on the cake.
‘Because of Brexit’ shipping delays may cancel Christmas!
Oh, my mistake, Long Beach,California, can’t be true now Sleepy Joe has re-joined the World!
Remember the Democ-rats and their supporters at the BBC boo-hoo-hooing about the ‘kids in cages’ on the southern border under Trump?
Well, Ted Cruz reminds us that a) Saint O’Barmy built the cages and b) there are more kids in cages now than ever there were under Trump.
The Dems and the BBC strangely silent on the issue.
An American friend told me the other day that the FAA have actually imposed a no-fly zone around the Haitians under the Texas bridge to stop the media taking aerial pictures.
Still no reports on the BBC about Biden’s approval rating. They should have reported it when it went below 50% and again when the disapproval overtook the approval. But they chose not to.
The modern day Nazis are upon us. Just imagine what the Left would do if they could get away with anything they wanted. They are full of hate.
Well what a surprise. They have charged a man with the murder of Sabina Nessa but it’s not even the headline article. Just a sub article destined to quickly slip into regions.
This is everything they tell us about the arrest:
‘Koci Selamaj, 36, was arrested in Eastbourne, East Sussex, on Sunday.’
No mention that he is Eastern European.
They will be very disappointed that he is an immigrant and not an English whitey after their initial excitement from the CCTV footage that he might be.
Unfortunately, like a lot of seaside towns, there is an annual February surge of half-star hoteliers, cafe owners etc., driving up to London and the North, to recruit cheap labour for the summer. These ’employed’ unhopefuls get put up in a myriad of cheap flats and houses around behind the glittering seafronts, told to work all hours for peanuts, then told to bu**er off at the end of the season.
(** = gg).
ps, This post applies also to Rich’s comment above, I’ve totally mucked up my posting technique already today…
The surname of the accused is associated with Albania.
Strictly speaking, Albania is Southern Europe rather than Eastern Europe, it borders Greece and is across the Adriatic from Italy (just 45 miles at narrowest point).
We can compromise on ‘Southeastern Europe’ as stated in Wikipedia which is usually reliable except for articles involving politics.
Entirely predictable … most here know that.
I wonder if he got here via an independent cross channel service?
– we aren’t likely to find that out – are we?
iirc quite a few Albanians cross in small ships rather than rubber boats. We’ve had a few Albanian gang related incidents locally, notably a large underground dope farm where local cops waited until they knew there weren’t any Albanians around before pouncing….
Once it involves BAME or immigrants, BBC reporting reverts to the basic facts of what happened. Nothing previous to the event is mentioned.
Unlike any far-right looneys – we get any relevant information they can find right back to their schooldays.
Three factors for the BBC:
1. They do not want to report anything negative about the consequences of migration. Remember: there are no downsides to mass migration, these are just Vulnerable People ™ and those who have Come Here To Do The Jobs That Britons Won’t Do ™.
2. Liberals have a policy of low expectation when it comes to foreign people. Liberal racism works on the principle that coloured people are little more than children, who are only capable of criminal and deviant behaviour and have to be pandered to ‘because they don’t know any better’.
3. BBC editors don’t want to say anthing that might jeopardise they own supply of magic white powder:
The unfortunate murder of Sabina Nessa has dominated the news pages of the BBC over the last week with outcrys from various women’s groups condeming males as misogynist.
Now that the identity of the accused is known there appears to be a tailing off of interest in the case.
No prizes for guessing why this must be.
The dream of a White Male English murderer has been ripped from the BBC and the special interest groups who will now drop the story as if it hadn’t ever happened.
No questions will be asked as to how this person happened to be living in the UK.
Sabina Nessa you no longer serve the needs of the anti White English Male obsessed BBC , so rest in peace young lady and at least your name will not be used to further support the hatred for one section of our diverse society supported and endorsed by the for left and funded by the BBC.
RIP Sabina Nessa
What it shows is that these people don’t care one bit about the person who died.
The odd thing is that I think these people actually do believe they DID care. And now their motive for caring is gone, they will move on to the next one without a shred of remorse or shame.
We are living in grim times. Over the last fortnight we have had very discouraging election results. Firstly Justin Trudeau won the Canadian election. The populist party didn’t win a seat. The we get the result from the German general election where the AfD dropped from third placed party to fifth! In the two state elections things were not any better. Berlin saw the AfD lose twelve seats, while in Meclkenburg-Vorpommern it managed to just retain it’s second ranking but lost four seats. In Upper Austria the FPO (Freedom Party) in the regional parliament barely managed to hang on to it’s second place losing seven seats.
Where oh where did that momentum go? Remember back in 2016 and thereabouts?
Here’s some nostalgia for you. We had such hopes.
Change of subject. An example of how the BBC can write the truth out of history was shown today when the BBC repeated the well established myth yet again – that on this day Alexander Fleming discovered the penicillin mould by accident. In fact it was a German Jew Ernst Chain and an Australian Dr Howard Florey who discovered penicillin . But the British establishment at the time attributed it to Alexander Fleming an Oxford graduate and one of “theirs”and this lie has become a fact . I haven’t heard or seen it challenged for many years now.
Completely agree. The flame of true democracy still burns in Eastern Europe, they know its true value after Nazis and communism. In the West we no longer appreciate the huge benefits we have derived from capitalism tempered by liberal democracy, nor do we understand how vulnerable such a way of organising society is and the need for it to be defended from enemies both internal and external.
I’m afraid people have been seduced by bread and circuses and by the time they wake up it will be too late to wrest back the levers of control or to resist the march of our enemies.
THIS POST was supposed to be a reply to Yasser above.
You write as though you assume the elections were fair – that votes were made properly and counted honestly . The US has shown that it can be fiddled quite easily – courtesy of like minded MSM and fixed IT systems – with a bit of help from foreign enemies if needed …
It will be interesting if a non approved party ever wins an election again – discounting those few countries with non approved governments ( eg Hungary ) ..
Justin and chums have been pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into a constipated media in Canada that *utterly misrepresents* what is happening and fawns nauseatingly over literally anything that the Liberal Party does
I wondered about this so I used the wonders of the Internet to listen/watch streams of major radio stations and some TV.
– if one survived on that diet of “news” and commentary, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t recognise what the People’s Party were saying.
They got away with the theft of the US presidential election. They will never lose another election.
As opposed to the unifying EU patriot that is Gina?
When is Nadine Dorries going to get in to action ?
How long has Bo Jo got ?
Even if Nadine wants to emasculate the BBC she willbe opposed by all the civil servants in her department. It will be an uphill struggle. We will know if she is trying to deliver because briefings and leaks will start to appear trying to undermine her.
Does Vile, Krusty, BS, Toenails, or indeed any Beeboid, have a brain?
Answers that question.
How many women called James do you know?
Except from that bearded lady part O’Brien.
On the subject of down there… a bbc obsession…
BBC Radio 4
Jennifer Saunders on the power of talking about the menopause.
Woman’s Hour on BBC Sounds.
Trying sodding stopping them.
“London-born actor Lashana Lynch” – but we are all from Africa?
Guest Who.
DanielCraig should declare he is a wimmin for an hour or so, cervix and all.
Then, they will have their wimmin Bond.
He can then revert to being normal.
This now only leaves us to have a black Muslim ‘Mo Bond’ and most of the current wokey boxes will be ticked.
Women called James. . . American model and actress Jaime King, who for some reason went by the name James King in her early film roles, such as Pearl Harbor.
Clearly an actual woman, and easier on the eye than ugly old Daniel Craig.
The daughter of a dead Labour Party leader doesn’t sound happy today . She conducted a very aggressive interview with the chair of the parliamentary transport committee of the ‘fuel panic ‘ .
She was quick to blame Brexit but unfortunately whoever researched said red Tory MP failed to mention he was a remainer traitor and admitted such .
Also – he had the numbers for the shortage of drivers in EU countries which screwed her .
Then she said ‘but they are not having a fuel crisis ‘ – ‘yes – says MP – but they are not talking about it ‘ – which is as near to criticism of the BBC that you get these days ….
…I’m still trying to guess what ‘shortage’ the BBC is going to concoct or incite next ….fireworks? Poppy sellers ? Something Christmassy ? … they do like ‘things rotting in the field ‘because of Brexit …
Cunning stunts from the Cervix party Beeboid spokescervix.
I always liked the scene when John Wayne chucked the annoying little scrote into the Thames. Just a shame that he could swim.
Lots of blondes on the BBC at the mo.
Luckily, Labour knows how to address this.
The Delusion Party and its #tellitoftenenough broadcaster in perfick harmony.
The peroxide with this one strong is.
Only those with an Afro can vote!
Yes – the Party of the Coloured people – thankfully hopeless.
What, exactly, is a ‘move away’?
He headed to the Labour conference too.
Timmeh! set to be made a Labour Lord on top of the pay hike?
There is desperate.
Then there is Vile desperate.
Daniel Craig to play Nelson Mandela in the new woke programme.
Man with no worries finds a day job….
Earthshot Prize: Prince William will host a new series all about the environment
27 Sep 202127 September 2021Last updated at 09:08
Male suicide rate hits two-decade high in England and Wales
Rate of 16.9 deaths per 100,000 in 2019 was highest since 2000, ONS data shows
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The ONS said men accounted for about three-quarters of suicide deaths registered in 2019, 4,303 compared with 1,388 women.
Sad news – BBC trying to get the numbers up .
Rog trying to get lucky in a threesome with Naga and Huw?
Could this be any less pure advocacy.
Not least given what the Welsh say vs. what they manage makes a Labour manifesto claim look likely to last a conference.
Aspire to be like Mark Drakeford and chums?
The BBC love Cardiff almost as much as Saltford….
I wonder if the BBC are covered by Wale’s language rules where a company / organisation can be fined £5000 for not using Welsh?
Not. Going. Away. Timmeh!
Respect DG authoritay!
All that money and the scruffy bastard can’t afford a tie.
Labour Party Conference
Some news outlets on twitter report that a former speaker of the commons swamp has joined the Labour Party and turned up at a ‘ fringe group ‘ and signed autographs ( presumably for a fee )
Obviously said un named speaker thinks he can get his peerage by lobbying the Labour Greats
And – of course – the Lords is infested with hundreds of remainer traitors who have not died off yet .,,
The ‘mystery ‘ being that the MSM is keeping quiet on this … bias by omission
I knew they would have but checked to see if the BBC covered it.
Just read the sycophantic tripe they have written. They treat him like a repentent sinner begging forgiveness and delight in repeating any anti-Tory slurs he throws out.
And they finish it with:
‘And in a speech littered with references to his “comrades”, welcomed with a warm reception, he seemed to have achieved his repentance.’
This vile man is a snake. He will be right at home with his new friends. Anyone who can switch parties so easily is a liar and a cad.
The twitter feed of the the writer confirms she is a left-wing activist.
Thanks – they buried it deep . For such a favourite of remainer traitors i thought hed get top billing …
John, please excuse this straight copy from elswhere, but I cut my finger cutting up an onion just now, so cannn’t retyopee ot…p
“They could give him something like a ‘Peerage-Lite’, which is a sort of cardboard cut-out ‘lordship’ model, specially made by those firms that offer ‘Mint’ rubbish on the back of the cheaper rags!
Sally could have an old pendant – oh, she already gets one…”.
Hopefully the nearest this slimeball will get will be a square foot of Scotland (at his own expense).
His overall unpleasantness reminds me of John Prescott. Who said he would not accept a peerage – until he did. His wife is an unpleasant, snobby piece of work. Apparently she was in a local supermarket and it had queues at the checkouts so she went up to a member of staff and said ‘Do you know who I am …’.
TOADY Watch #1 – Meet Andy McDonald, Secretary of State for Resigning & Silly Statements in the next Labour Government
He’s the new HERO of the Labour movement because he wants the Police to be more visible on the streets of the UK to bring an end to anti-social behaviour. Oh and he resigned from Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet after Sucker broke his leadership contest ‘pledges’, not least over minimum wage.
If the Police are not visible enough with their bulky stab-proof vests with bodycams, bulging pepper sprays and radios or when wearing hi-viz jackets, I assume the new Labour Lefty Hero will spend Police budgets on changing their uniforms to a rainbow colour. He proposes spending just over a quarter of a million pounds on making Police more visible on the streets of the UK.
Nick Robinson scoffs at this small sum because it is less than his annual salary.
Strange i snt it ? Once upon a time the idea of more plod would be an automatic ‘ great ‘ . But now ?
The thought of more carefully selected wokes on every street corner checking for approved thinking doesnt seem so attractive .
Your call is important to us – heres your hate non crime reference number …
….. no thanks
Police are the enemy.
The turning point for me was when they took the knee in front of BLM.
Whoever was behind that should have been sacked immediately to maintain the confidence of the public.
Fed, I think maybe McDonald will spend lots of taxpayer money to have more ‘targets’ for the Police which they will then avoid walking the beat in order to (on overtime, naturally) fill in bits of paper to send to the Home Office reporting that they have failed to meet expectations – again – and will need yet more money from the taxpayer.
Pardon my synicism but …. I think I know the way of the (Labour) world.
On reflection, I think Andy McDonald new Labour Lefty Hero said he would spend £280,000,000 on more and more visible Police on the streets of the UK.
Nick Robinson still scoffed at this sum because he knew it was smaller than the amount paid to Chief Constables in their salaries and also less than the total pay and remuneration package of top BBC presenters like himself and the BBC Board’s executives.
More key than we imagined
No more pizza for me, thanks, I have to watch my waistline
After our politicians and media have so predictably already trotted out one familiar tired old cure-all trope: ‘Army called up to tackle UK’s fuel crisis‘ (‘i’) (I thought the military already did that job for us in Iraq? – but I digress) – so now we get another tedious media go-to trope: ‘Priority at pumps for key workers in plan to ease crisis‘ (Telegraph)
This is where the majority of the UK population find out we just aren’t considered “key” enough.
Or, as we learned in lockdown, we form a mass of second class apparent non-key workers who fall ouside of the public sector and are regarded as somewhat dispensible: ‘Let all key workers fill up first‘ – the Mirror casting the net, or if you will, opening that red silk rope outside the exclusive club, as wide as they dare with the phrase “all key workers”. We get a further definition of this elite group from the Mirror: ‘Calls to give critical staff priority‘ – makes sense, I guess, critical one imagines has a similar linguistic root as the word crisis.
Of course we all know who these key workers are and it’s certainly not the bloke in the little kiosk by the station who also does shoe repairs: ‘Fuel buying frenzy puts health services at risk, doctors warn‘ (FT) – health services plural? Come on FT, let’s call a spade a spade, and eventually, quoting the doctors union the BMA we invoke the Holy Name of the Deity: ‘“As pumps run dry there is a real risk that NHS staff won’t be able to do their jobs”‘ – Watch this space – teachers unions tomorrow on why State schools will have to close unless Miss gets priority to fill up her Mini.
I should have thought absolute priority at the pumps ought to go the HGV drivers. Perhaps the Daily Star also noticed which group of workers are more key than we imagined? ‘Truckers “treated like lepers”‘ – dare we play the mental game of general strike and think about which group of workers we might really miss first?
The Star today further cautions us that all the adulation and reverence and 8 o’clock claps and priority given to jump the queue in supermarkets and discounts at shops and dictatorial powers of public health officials – that all may just have gone to their heads: ‘In slightly troubling medical news, boffins claim we’re all at risk of diabetes if we can’t fit into the same size trousers we could aged 21‘
Don’t worry, the likelihood of a promise of a home visit or even random call to come into the surgery to actually see in person your GP for some Cinderella-like test fitting into a pair of your old vintage flared jeans is all still a pretty remote pipe dream.
The Times purports to care for our physical health: ‘How to stay fit after you’ve hit 40‘ but in fact targets our mental anxieties: ‘Long Covid? Don’t ignore the symptoms‘
A feature somewhat at odds with: ‘Commuting is good for your mind – and waistline‘ (Times)
The BBC tells us: ‘Sabina Nessa: Man charged with teacher’s murder‘ – and our sensitive cat whiskers begin to twitch as we sense something may be amiss in the BBC report. Man charged… tell us something we don’t know. We read on beyond the headline and discover: ‘Koci Selamaj, 36, was arrested in Eastbourne, East Sussex, on Sunday‘ – that will be one of the Sussex Selamajs. Allegedly.
The Daily Mail tells us he’s a pizza delivery man by trade. So he’s not a key worker. Whereas I reckon as a primary school teacher she would have qualified as key. Although the Mail’s pic of her looks more like some 15-year-old social media influencer than a teacher. The juxtaposition of her soft focus heavily made up pouting pic beside his bullet-headed rather swathy mug shot has me calling the Mail’s presentation salacious. I tend to side with the feminists on this issue of media purience. Although they will focus simply on the BBC headline “man”. Eventually we’ll find out if there’s any lax immigration rules angle.
The Daily Mirror has a royal scandal exclusive: ‘I’ll testify against Andrew’s pizza alibi‘ – and for those conspiracy theorists who notice there’s pizzas everywhere and insist the media hide their plots in plain sight just to rub our noses in their evil control of the messaging, Google reassures us ““Pizzagate” is a debunked conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. It has been extensively discredited”
Nothing to worry about there then.
The Guardian presents us with a classic front page. There’s the Brexit bashing headline: ‘Brexit to blame for UK’s fuel crisis, says frontrunner to succeed Merkel‘ – never mind rule from Brussels, the Gruan would presumably have our laws made from Berlin. ‘“Olaf Scholz is right… We are now facing up to the reality of Brexit” Anna Soubry. Former Tory business minister‘ and bitter hasbeen.
And then in the Guardian following the Brexit doom and gloom it’s suddenly all rainbows and unicorns with Labour: ‘Green shoots. Labour vows £28bn a year to tackle climate crisis‘ meanwhile there’s a bit of a kerfuffle in Labour ranks over a proposed: ‘£15-an-hour minimum wage‘ – by the time Labour get a turn in power inflation will make £15 look like chicken feed, you’ll be tipping the pizza delivery boy a £20 and as for £28bn government spending that’s already a mere Boris bagatelle.
Key workers – 650 MPs!
Rather than being prosecuted Lapsley was just quietly moved back to the Foreign Office.
To this day, the MOD and Foreign Office carry on the same farcical cover-up plan and are yet to admit publicly that Lapsley was the person responsible or even explain their actions.
Lapsley has now resumed his commentary on twitter.
… the most troubling part of his twitter output is the number of times he endorses messages about UK participation in EU military integration schemes, which he has done with retweets, comments and ‘likes’.
As Lapsley himself knows all too well, participation in these EU schemes such as EU Permanent Structured Cooperation and the European Defence Fund, requires the alignment and even surrender of UK political policy powers to those of the EU.
Toady thought for the day
A female C of E vicar – a woman has been appoined head of the magic circle.
She specialises in green magic
More diversity
I was waiting for some mention of Christ – Jesus – christianity – but none of these words were used –
She mentioned ‘bible’ once – in derogatory terms of magic and the word ‘ god ‘ got a passing mention in her final sentence.
Obviously a BBC approved type – with not much time for the Lord …
Seeing that bl***dy great mosque being planned for a motorway junction up North, made me wonder why you never read of RC or CofE ‘superchurches’ do you!
Maybe this silly bint is one of the reasons?
This article is more than 3 years old
Outer Hebrides to get its first mosque after crowdsourcing campaign
Scrobie, I remember when the Toronto Blessing was on the go back in the 1990s, that Holy Trinity Brompton and its clergy used to be occasionally found on the front page of the Times, Telegraph or Guardian.
Musing on the thought of the good Canon Winkett and St James Piccadilly reminded me that in ‘the good old days’ ie. pre-Pandemic, when I would occasionally walk past that church when in central London, it always reminded me of the Lord Jesus Christ – in that, at least, St James was fulfilling part of its task! – and His visits to the Temple in Jerusalem, two visits in particular are brought to mind. 😉
Fed, that was Winky Lucitt, Vicar/Rector of St James Piccadilly. That’s the place where Mammon nestles up closely to God. 😉 Some friends used to go to her church. Bit surprising as they are evangelicals or from an evangelical background.
There was a 3 panel debate on GB News last night about whether Brexit was to blame for the HGV driver shortage.
Dan Wooton pointed out that the other European Countries were also short of HGV drivers.
One of the remoaners said that if you compare the populations of Germany or France to ours then they have fewer HGV driver shortages (even though they need more drivers than us)
Nobody mentioned that Poland has half our population and twice as many HGV driver vacancies.
Moving dangerous goods by road is governed by international regulations and is strictly policed. Most European countries are signed up to ADR. Each country that complies with ADR implements specific safety measures through its own national legislation.
ADR ensures that any dangerous goods transported by road can cross international borders freely if the goods, vehicles and drivers comply with its rules.
ADR has been in force since 1968 and is administered by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). It’s updated every 2 years to take account of technological advances.
Vile has ditched YAB, Femi and Ash for…
As a card-carrying hard-Lefty, you can be sure Vile will put on a different face if they block him from getting home on his bike.
They are all full of righteousness unless they themselves stand to lose something then they turn into nasty b@st@rds.
I have no issue with any political persuasion, so long as they walk the walk.
Champagne socialists, Championship Commies and BBC Finance Adviser Jugglers… no.
More Vile as we get it.
Even if not at all necessary.
Vile does like his expertise Champion level.
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.