I always considered myself to be reasonably intelligent, well informed and educated, but I am doubting myself now, as there appears to be several globally known pop stars and actors who I’ve never heard of, except when they appear in Court accused of sexual misconduct ! This multi millionaire R Kelly – who he ? but he seems to be America’s answer to Jimmy Saville, and there was another one earlier this year ( I Googled half his name as I couldn’t remember him) – Noel Clarke – yet the media are all over themselves at the ‘breaking’ news.
If anybody is still interested in the Arizona audit I post this video by Dr Steve Turley.
I never felt that Arizona was the right place to go looking for election fraud. It was a state which could easily have fallen to the democrats without any illegal activity and the Trump/Guiliani team decided not to pursue their case there. Instead they concentrated on the more blatant shenanigans in the four states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.
The msm is dismissive of the findings of the Arizona audit. Nobody from the other side have come out strongly in support of it except Dr Turley. Now much as I like the bloke I do find him over-optimistic at times. What do others think of his assessment?
It was clever of them to simply state 50,000 votes were dodgy without saying who they were for. By simply highlighting them for investigation, they are forcing someone else say the vote was corrupt in favour of Biden.
It’s really shown the mainstream media up for what they are. They are all saying it just confirms Biden won without mentioning that 50,000 of the votes are dubious, Of course he still ‘won’ because the dodgy votes are included in the result.
Whatever happens, this is an important news story and the BBC have not covered it at all. What gives these arrogant stuffed shirts who are funded by the public the right to censor out news from us when they don’t like it ?.
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
I know that a Google search is fixed by Google and hence highly unreliable but I haven’t been able o find anything even on Fox which remotely echoes what Turley or Trump are claiming. Can anyone point me to an alternate source which confirms the above? I had hoped that Fox would provide that source. Of course Fox can have been got at or they are scared that if the truth of a rigged election was confirmed there really would be a risk of civil unrest and the Republican Party doesn’t want that.
Don’t forget it is exactly the same here if not even worse as Fiona Onasanya was fraudulently elected, and one of the usual suspects, a Pakistani Muslim vote fraudster was convicted and given a actual real prison sentence for that.
Yet still the election result was allowed to stand and Onasanya was later removed after a criminal conviction against her.
There were strong rumours that the voter fraud led to the current Labour MP being elected, but of course little was done to investigater that.
At least the Americans do value their democracy and they don’t live in a one party state where elections don’t really mean very much.
Three media OTs from my morning in box that illustrate the why I simply watch and laugh…
Editors slam abuse of local journalists covering fuel and food crises
Regional editors have defended their journalists against criticisms of the way they have covered fuel and food crises amid a spate of abuse against local reporters on social media.
Editors do like the term ‘slam’. Now they like using it about themselves.
And using it against ‘criticisms’ of coverage that is ideologically, unprofessionally pathetic is quite special.
All our BBC local democracy droids have done nothing but stir this up.
Sky News has appointed Alice Udale-Smith as specialist science and tech producer. Alice, previously planning producer at Sky News, will also be covering climate change in addition to science and tech stories
Alice likely a or blonde?
Previous experience at the BBC, ITN, The Times, Global
I initially studied Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Material Science before specialising in the History and Philosophy of Science in my third year.
So, started well but went to where the money was.
And, for dark fun…
Suicide Bombers Take Part in West Bank Ceremony
Suicide bombers from al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades make an appearance at a ceremony in the West Bank Friday night.
The post Suicide Bombers Take Part in West Bank Ceremony first appeared on FDD’s Long War Journal.
Thanks for your comments Fed.
I know the good doctor isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, I get that.
However. in these censorious times we have to appreciate what sources we can find.
The US Marine commander who went viral for speaking out against what was happening in Afghanistan resigned on 11 September. On Monday (27 September) he was arrested and sent to the brig.
As the BBC love in with Labour continues at their party conference, let’s think about next week.
It’s the Tory party conference so what clever wheeze can the BBC come up with?
Next Monday, BBC 2 at 9 pm, during the Tory conference, it’s…. ‘Blair and Brown – the New Labour revolution’. Part 1 of……5 !!!!
That’s the BBC. Keeping Labour front of mind whenever possible.
Oh, doesn’t it make you weep. A bit of a crisis and here we go again, endless sob stories from those who need carers, having to check on mum and dad, etc etc. Yet no-one interviewed seems to decry those who are filling up sodding milk bottles or boot fulls of jerry cans. We haven’t progressed an iota have we, human nature is still fu…..k everyone else, its me first.
Remember the orderly queues at water stands in 1976 when we had to fill all available containers for water ? can you imagine that now ? pushing and shoving, fighting between foreigners (as shown on cctv and phones). Humans ? nah, give me dogs anytime.
It seems that our society is beginning to see and feel the effects of large scale immigration of people from countries where it is dog eat dog, survival of the fittest. So many who have made Britain their home in the past twenty years or so contribute nothing positive to our general society at all. They take what they can, by hook or by crook, and give nothing back, and behave as they see fit. Look at even simple things like the queues for the Boxing Day Sales, look at the illegal housing in large parts of London, the litter and waste problems in many of our inner cities and large towns, look at the high levels of benefit and financial fraud amongst certain communities. There is a total disregard for the wider community or for society in general. There is no need for this behaviour, it’s simply all so many of them know.
So many living here now just have an outlook on life that is incompatible with that needed to maintain a cohesive and successful society and they are never challenged on this, they are allowed to carry on as they would in the greedy and corrupt cesspits that they have left, seemingly determined to replicate those hellholes here. Their attitude, their arrogance and their obvious contempt for the traditionally compassionate and charitable British way of life has unfortunately also been embraced by many already here who have always been against our shared values anyway. It also seems now that a lot of our younger generation seem to think that you have to be like this to get ahead, no doubt heavily influenced by the behaviour and attitudes they see unchallenged around them. Why should they respect the law and authority, why should they stay honest, when their neighbours and classmates seem to be able to do whatever the hell they like?
Everyone can see the effect that immigration is having on schools, housing and hospitals but the adverse effect on our culture and our standards of common decency are also becoming more and more obvious.
Rich, you are spot on with all your observations. When I remember those tv pictures of queues for the water standpipes in ’76 it was mainly middle aged ladies with their buckets – not a BAME in sight. Yet all those interviewed in cars at petrol stations in the last couple of days particularly in the London region have all been non-white.
Its not just BAME’s though, those from Eastern Europe ie Albania et al who are contributing to the denigration of this country. I see it was an Albanian Pizza delivery man who has been arrested for the murder of that young teacher recently. It won’t be Escape From New York in a few decades time, it will be Escape From the UK !!
If you worked in an office where the boss took a couple of boxes of ballpoint pens ‘because the kids are back to school’ how long would it be before everyone was taking a box or three?
With the best will in the world no foreigner could move to Europe or the UK and become European or British in their lifetime. What with the internet and mobile phones the foreigner can remain connected to ‘home’ indefinitely.
They might have the paperwork but will never adopt the culture.
I fear you are right. Somebody here can correct my ailing memory but wasn’t there a groundwater drought in England around 2006?
If I’m right that was when substitute supplies in bottles and tapped tanks were provided. On the telly news, Pakis showed up in 4x4s to swipe the bottles to sell on, and it was reported that brainless yobbos pissed in the tanks.
God help us now.
Brissles et al, I think we are in the middle of an undeclared Civil War. On one side it is a democratically elected Government with a distracted & disorganised Brexiteer PM, then there is the other side.
And on the other side, in the Red Corner, is Her Majesty’s loyal-ish Opposition who are having a declared Civil War in their own ranks + the Civil Service + much of the State Sector + much of the MSM led by the BBC. The BBC realised how much trouble they could cause the Government of the day back in the days of Brexit and this was reinforced by their coverage of a so-called ‘PPE Shortage’ – which did not actually exist – at the start of the Pandemic and UK Lockdown 1. The BBC are now exacting revenge for Conservatives beating ‘New’ Labour, offering the Brexit Referendum, clinging on as HMG in 2017, and then winning a stonking great majority in 2019 followed by a Brexit of sorts.
The gloves are off. It’s a bare-knuckle fight for control of the UK and its people and there are not many on the Conservatives’ side.
I look at the way many, many people are *still* behaving in UK retail spaces and in the town centres and it’s difficult not to think of Jim Jones and “Kool Aid”
Tucker accurately describes how COVID hysteria led to a cultural psychosis which molded into a functional religion that provided extensional meaning to its followers.
BBC is asking for key workers and essential workers to have priority over petrol pumps.
Of course this means local govt, NHS etc.
How about the non essential. Diversity officers, equalities leaders, human rights lawyers. That list will get rather long.
Who would you call non essential.
Why not have NHS petrol stations – or separate estates for NHS workers – or separate roads to drive on for them .
Perhaps give each of those 1.7 million plus hired agency staff – an identity card to get discounts – perhaps put a symbol on it – a hammer and a knife – and colour it red ….?
Non-essential ? that would be me then, one of the over 70 pensioners who are a total inconvenience to everyone. We have the temerity to want bus passes, we want free tv licences, we want the triple lock pensions, we are bed blockers in hospital, and we live too long in care homes.
What’s betting there will be a lack of oxygen soon, so it will be “sorry you’ll have to snuff it, we can’t afford to give oxygen to the over 70’s “
Brissles, my dear old thing (cricket season finishes today and poor old Lancashire have had a shellacking) I noted the progression of gases deemed harmful to the planet a while back on another w-site. It neatly fits a poem that someone wrote about what the Left does.
First, they came for CO2 and I said and did nothing.
Then they came for methane and I said and did nothing.
Next they came for nitrogen dioxide and I said and did nothing.
Thanks, Brissles. Lancashire are my other team. Or were they first before Middlesex? Er. Can’t remember. Touch of the old age memory. Eeek! I remember Ken Higgs though.
Email from LinkedIn inviting me to complete my “Self-ID” in order to help make LinkedIn a fair and more diverse platform….
“You’re helping us continue to:
• Identify, measure and mitigate unfair bias
• Share the right jobs and connections more equitably
• Improve equal access to opportunity
This insane drive to wokery and virtue signalling is everywhere. While I was in the local supermarket buying a trolley’s worth of toilet paper at the weekend, noticed a couple of promotional displays for Kipling’s cake mixes – one had a black male with their young son in the kitchen baking a cake, the second had a south asian male with their young daughter doing likewise. I can just about imagine the first scenario – but the second!! More likely to use the kitchen table for a spot of DIY FGM.
“Congratulations! Richard Branson and Alan Sugar have been auto-removed from your network, Ngo Nhway and Tchmbo Zhckwe have been added. Your profile page has been auto-intersectionalised with yucky colours. Your pronouns have been auto-converted to ze and zer”
Ngo Nhway and Tchmbo Zhckwe Who ???? its bad enough we’re having to endure unpronounceable names for the now abundance of non white outside reporters on the news channels, without having to do it on here 🙂
So many drugs are taken at Glastonbury that the ecology of the water courses in the area – the wildlife – are adversely affected … time to close it down ……
Credit where credit is due. The UK government must have have found the equivalent of the Sage committee’s Whitty, Valance and Van Tam to advise them on Supply chains.
“We can no longer let the people in power decide what hope is. Hope is not passive. Hope is not blah blah blah. Hope is telling the truth. Hope is taking action” My speech at #Youth4Climate#PreCOP26 in Milan. pic.twitter.com/BA62GpST2O
Greta Thunberg says world leaders have spoken "words that sound great but have led to no action" on climate change, dismissing their green-financing pledges as all "blah blah blah".https://t.co/bCEetUYWEUpic.twitter.com/szgJPkzihW
6pm news the BBC1 news reluctantly admitting that fuel supply is getting better. They showed queues in Telford and carefully worded the voice over to says, ‘there were queues like this in Telford over the past few days’. Make of that what you will.
I needed the supermarket today and passed 2 garages, one Shell and one BP. Neither had queues but one or two people at the pumps.
I drove by because I have a 3/4 full tank. I will panic buy when it gets to half, like I normally do.
Simon Jack during his chat with Sophie Rayworth is beginning to wind up panic buying of fuel at Xmas.
A friend has just texted and has arrived home (in Kent) from her journey from Worksop down the A1, to say that there are only queues as Service station garages, but all other garages with fuel are clear !!!!
Stew, Ruth Rogers is married to the architect Richard Rogers. She was the chef at River Cafe. Not sure of her politics but my socialist sister and her even further left husband have eaten there several times. It iwas expensive.
@BBCRadio4 The petrol “crisis” is down to you irresponsibly devoting 20 minutes of prime drive-time radio at 5 pm on Thursday last week to a few BP stations having delayed deliveries on Evan Davies program. You fomented the panic. And now you’re following it up by blaming Brexit.
At least next time it will be a fairer scrap with US ordnance being used by both sides … I wonder how the taliban airforce helicopter training is coming along ?
“MSPs will have a further vote on the matter on Wednesday after the Conservatives tabled a motion calling for the plans to be dropped.
All opposition parties voted against the scheme when MSPs previously considered it earlier in September, but the scheme was approved by MSPs from the SNP-Green partnership government.”
An offbeat observation of the refugee experience. On a fictional remote Scottish island, a group of new arrivals await the results of their asylum claims. Among them is Omar, a young Syrian musician burdened by the weight of his grandfather’s oud, which he has carried all the way from his homeland.
Orlando Magic’s Jonathan Isaac says he isn’t getting the covid vaccine because he has natural immunity and data shows he isn’t at risk at all from covid. Well said: pic.twitter.com/AJmvlNRyff
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Nothing, AFAIK? There isn’t one at the mo.
taffland is a small nation, not much we can do to change the politics of Great Britain.
What do you suggest ?
“Greta Thunberg mocks world leaders’ words at Youth4Climate” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-58726531
So that’s where Bo Jo gets his “Build Back Better” from.
When is she sailing out to China ?
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1898839867473219940?s=61 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
R. Kelly found guilty in sex trafficking trial
Never heard of him.

But don’t care for the arty, colourfully bright, trivial illustration they’ve used.
But then it is the tabloid level BBC
Tricky one for the BBC -no doubt as a successful wealthy talented coloured American male he was a ‘role model ‘ at some stage .
But sexual violence against coloured American wimmin followers trumps the ‘icon ‘ and he goes onto the ‘unapproved ‘ list ….
I wonder who he is ? Wonder what the ‘R’ stands for ? ( actually I care less )
I always considered myself to be reasonably intelligent, well informed and educated, but I am doubting myself now, as there appears to be several globally known pop stars and actors who I’ve never heard of, except when they appear in Court accused of sexual misconduct ! This multi millionaire R Kelly – who he ? but he seems to be America’s answer to Jimmy Saville, and there was another one earlier this year ( I Googled half his name as I couldn’t remember him) – Noel Clarke – yet the media are all over themselves at the ‘breaking’ news.
Maybe they’re trying to make the rapist look less black, with a jumble of colours?
New up and coming artist.
If anybody is still interested in the Arizona audit I post this video by Dr Steve Turley.
I never felt that Arizona was the right place to go looking for election fraud. It was a state which could easily have fallen to the democrats without any illegal activity and the Trump/Guiliani team decided not to pursue their case there. Instead they concentrated on the more blatant shenanigans in the four states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.
The msm is dismissive of the findings of the Arizona audit. Nobody from the other side have come out strongly in support of it except Dr Turley. Now much as I like the bloke I do find him over-optimistic at times. What do others think of his assessment?
It was clever of them to simply state 50,000 votes were dodgy without saying who they were for. By simply highlighting them for investigation, they are forcing someone else say the vote was corrupt in favour of Biden.
It’s really shown the mainstream media up for what they are. They are all saying it just confirms Biden won without mentioning that 50,000 of the votes are dubious, Of course he still ‘won’ because the dodgy votes are included in the result.
Whatever happens, this is an important news story and the BBC have not covered it at all. What gives these arrogant stuffed shirts who are funded by the public the right to censor out news from us when they don’t like it ?.
Stalin would be proud.
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Kind regards,
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
I know that a Google search is fixed by Google and hence highly unreliable but I haven’t been able o find anything even on Fox which remotely echoes what Turley or Trump are claiming. Can anyone point me to an alternate source which confirms the above? I had hoped that Fox would provide that source. Of course Fox can have been got at or they are scared that if the truth of a rigged election was confirmed there really would be a risk of civil unrest and the Republican Party doesn’t want that.
So Biden wins Arizona by 10 000 votes but the auditors find
50 000 dodgy votes …and nothing will come of it and the MSM will suppress it .
Free and fair elections eh ?
Thanks for the video but he gave me a headache … if you know what I mean …
Don’t forget it is exactly the same here if not even worse as Fiona Onasanya was fraudulently elected, and one of the usual suspects, a Pakistani Muslim vote fraudster was convicted and given a actual real prison sentence for that.
Yet still the election result was allowed to stand and Onasanya was later removed after a criminal conviction against her.
There were strong rumours that the voter fraud led to the current Labour MP being elected, but of course little was done to investigater that.
At least the Americans do value their democracy and they don’t live in a one party state where elections don’t really mean very much.
A Canaan Banana Republic.
Three media OTs from my morning in box that illustrate the why I simply watch and laugh…
Editors slam abuse of local journalists covering fuel and food crises
Regional editors have defended their journalists against criticisms of the way they have covered fuel and food crises amid a spate of abuse against local reporters on social media.
Editors do like the term ‘slam’. Now they like using it about themselves.
And using it against ‘criticisms’ of coverage that is ideologically, unprofessionally pathetic is quite special.
All our BBC local democracy droids have done nothing but stir this up.
Sky News has appointed Alice Udale-Smith as specialist science and tech producer. Alice, previously planning producer at Sky News, will also be covering climate change in addition to science and tech stories
Alice likely a or blonde?
Previous experience at the BBC, ITN, The Times, Global
I initially studied Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Material Science before specialising in the History and Philosophy of Science in my third year.
So, started well but went to where the money was.
And, for dark fun…
Suicide Bombers Take Part in West Bank Ceremony
Suicide bombers from al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades make an appearance at a ceremony in the West Bank Friday night.
The post Suicide Bombers Take Part in West Bank Ceremony first appeared on FDD’s Long War Journal.
Their WTC Display team do a fly past?
Thanks for your comments Fed.
I know the good doctor isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, I get that.
However. in these censorious times we have to appreciate what sources we can find.
The race-baiting BBC now has a whole section on their webshite titled: Race in America.
Here’s the link, if you can bear it:
Another 1966 world cup player has died – Roger Hunt RIP.
The US Marine commander who went viral for speaking out against what was happening in Afghanistan resigned on 11 September. On Monday (27 September) he was arrested and sent to the brig.
As the BBC love in with Labour continues at their party conference, let’s think about next week.
It’s the Tory party conference so what clever wheeze can the BBC come up with?
Next Monday, BBC 2 at 9 pm, during the Tory conference, it’s…. ‘Blair and Brown – the New Labour revolution’. Part 1 of……5 !!!!
That’s the BBC. Keeping Labour front of mind whenever possible.
Oh, doesn’t it make you weep. A bit of a crisis and here we go again, endless sob stories from those who need carers, having to check on mum and dad, etc etc. Yet no-one interviewed seems to decry those who are filling up sodding milk bottles or boot fulls of jerry cans. We haven’t progressed an iota have we, human nature is still fu…..k everyone else, its me first.
Remember the orderly queues at water stands in 1976 when we had to fill all available containers for water ? can you imagine that now ? pushing and shoving, fighting between foreigners (as shown on cctv and phones). Humans ? nah, give me dogs anytime.
It seems that our society is beginning to see and feel the effects of large scale immigration of people from countries where it is dog eat dog, survival of the fittest. So many who have made Britain their home in the past twenty years or so contribute nothing positive to our general society at all. They take what they can, by hook or by crook, and give nothing back, and behave as they see fit. Look at even simple things like the queues for the Boxing Day Sales, look at the illegal housing in large parts of London, the litter and waste problems in many of our inner cities and large towns, look at the high levels of benefit and financial fraud amongst certain communities. There is a total disregard for the wider community or for society in general. There is no need for this behaviour, it’s simply all so many of them know.
So many living here now just have an outlook on life that is incompatible with that needed to maintain a cohesive and successful society and they are never challenged on this, they are allowed to carry on as they would in the greedy and corrupt cesspits that they have left, seemingly determined to replicate those hellholes here. Their attitude, their arrogance and their obvious contempt for the traditionally compassionate and charitable British way of life has unfortunately also been embraced by many already here who have always been against our shared values anyway. It also seems now that a lot of our younger generation seem to think that you have to be like this to get ahead, no doubt heavily influenced by the behaviour and attitudes they see unchallenged around them. Why should they respect the law and authority, why should they stay honest, when their neighbours and classmates seem to be able to do whatever the hell they like?
Everyone can see the effect that immigration is having on schools, housing and hospitals but the adverse effect on our culture and our standards of common decency are also becoming more and more obvious.
Rich, you are spot on with all your observations. When I remember those tv pictures of queues for the water standpipes in ’76 it was mainly middle aged ladies with their buckets – not a BAME in sight. Yet all those interviewed in cars at petrol stations in the last couple of days particularly in the London region have all been non-white.
Its not just BAME’s though, those from Eastern Europe ie Albania et al who are contributing to the denigration of this country. I see it was an Albanian Pizza delivery man who has been arrested for the murder of that young teacher recently. It won’t be Escape From New York in a few decades time, it will be Escape From the UK !!
Cultures are very fragile things.
If you worked in an office where the boss took a couple of boxes of ballpoint pens ‘because the kids are back to school’ how long would it be before everyone was taking a box or three?
With the best will in the world no foreigner could move to Europe or the UK and become European or British in their lifetime. What with the internet and mobile phones the foreigner can remain connected to ‘home’ indefinitely.
They might have the paperwork but will never adopt the culture.
I fear you are right. Somebody here can correct my ailing memory but wasn’t there a groundwater drought in England around 2006?
If I’m right that was when substitute supplies in bottles and tapped tanks were provided. On the telly news, Pakis showed up in 4x4s to swipe the bottles to sell on, and it was reported that brainless yobbos pissed in the tanks.
God help us now.
Brissles et al, I think we are in the middle of an undeclared Civil War. On one side it is a democratically elected Government with a distracted & disorganised Brexiteer PM, then there is the other side.
And on the other side, in the Red Corner, is Her Majesty’s loyal-ish Opposition who are having a declared Civil War in their own ranks + the Civil Service + much of the State Sector + much of the MSM led by the BBC. The BBC realised how much trouble they could cause the Government of the day back in the days of Brexit and this was reinforced by their coverage of a so-called ‘PPE Shortage’ – which did not actually exist – at the start of the Pandemic and UK Lockdown 1. The BBC are now exacting revenge for Conservatives beating ‘New’ Labour, offering the Brexit Referendum, clinging on as HMG in 2017, and then winning a stonking great majority in 2019 followed by a Brexit of sorts.
The gloves are off. It’s a bare-knuckle fight for control of the UK and its people and there are not many on the Conservatives’ side.
I look at the way many, many people are *still* behaving in UK retail spaces and in the town centres and it’s difficult not to think of Jim Jones and “Kool Aid”
BBC is asking for key workers and essential workers to have priority over petrol pumps.
Of course this means local govt, NHS etc.
How about the non essential. Diversity officers, equalities leaders, human rights lawyers. That list will get rather long.
Who would you call non essential.
Hello AnneG
Why not have NHS petrol stations – or separate estates for NHS workers – or separate roads to drive on for them .
Perhaps give each of those 1.7 million plus hired agency staff – an identity card to get discounts – perhaps put a symbol on it – a hammer and a knife – and colour it red ….?
I bet the bBbc wouldn’t have had lorry drivers down as essential. Seems they are though.
They’ll never fit all those ZiL limousines in the staff car park.
Non-essential ? that would be me then, one of the over 70 pensioners who are a total inconvenience to everyone. We have the temerity to want bus passes, we want free tv licences, we want the triple lock pensions, we are bed blockers in hospital, and we live too long in care homes.
What’s betting there will be a lack of oxygen soon, so it will be “sorry you’ll have to snuff it, we can’t afford to give oxygen to the over 70’s “
Brissles, my dear old thing (cricket season finishes today and poor old Lancashire have had a shellacking) I noted the progression of gases deemed harmful to the planet a while back on another w-site. It neatly fits a poem that someone wrote about what the Left does.
First, they came for CO2 and I said and did nothing.
Then they came for methane and I said and did nothing.
Next they came for nitrogen dioxide and I said and did nothing.
Finally they came for oxygen.
Gaaaaaasp. Clunk. (body hits floor or ground)
Up2 mon dieu, mon dieu my deepest sympathies.
The poem completely encapsulates my observations.
Thanks, Brissles. Lancashire are my other team. Or were they first before Middlesex? Er. Can’t remember. Touch of the old age memory. Eeek! I remember Ken Higgs though.
Bercow attends the Labour Party Conference.
”The ex-Commons Speaker is attending the event after joining the party in June.
He asked a crowd if he was permitted to call them “comrades” – leading to surprised, but friendly, laughter over his use of the left wing term.
And he asked the audience to forgive him for his Tory beginnings, hoping they believed in “the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act”.
I guess he hopes Sir Cervix will get him a peerage
The man is a slug!
Please don’t insult slugs on this site 🤣
Email from LinkedIn inviting me to complete my “Self-ID” in order to help make LinkedIn a fair and more diverse platform….
“You’re helping us continue to:
• Identify, measure and mitigate unfair bias
• Share the right jobs and connections more equitably
• Improve equal access to opportunity
That’s my business woke police!
LinkedIn…. Gone!
Wait until you see this wokery.
The first video advert.
What you want to see???
Black businesswoman
‘More money GIVEN to black people running businesses’
Disabled guy
Moaning that he doesn’t get promoted
Some homosexual.
I want to express myself.
What a load of bilge.
This insane drive to wokery and virtue signalling is everywhere. While I was in the local supermarket buying a trolley’s worth of toilet paper at the weekend, noticed a couple of promotional displays for Kipling’s cake mixes – one had a black male with their young son in the kitchen baking a cake, the second had a south asian male with their young daughter doing likewise. I can just about imagine the first scenario – but the second!! More likely to use the kitchen table for a spot of DIY FGM.
‘Kipling’ as a brand name surely can’t last much longer.
“Congratulations! Richard Branson and Alan Sugar have been auto-removed from your network, Ngo Nhway and Tchmbo Zhckwe have been added. Your profile page has been auto-intersectionalised with yucky colours. Your pronouns have been auto-converted to ze and zer”
Ngo Nhway and Tchmbo Zhckwe Who ???? its bad enough we’re having to endure unpronounceable names for the now abundance of non white outside reporters on the news channels, without having to do it on here 🙂
digg, looks like they LukdOut!
So many drugs are taken at Glastonbury that the ecology of the water courses in the area – the wildlife – are adversely affected … time to close it down ……
Suggest Extinction Rebellion blockade the roads leading to the Glasto Festival
Only EVs on site
No fossil fuel (of any kind) on site
No plastics
Credit where credit is due. The UK government must have have found the equivalent of the Sage committee’s Whitty, Valance and Van Tam to advise them on Supply chains.
There was a collective intake of sport journalist breath when the man casually dropped some taboo ideas in there 🙂
Good for him – and quite the best delivery I’ve seen / heard on the topic.
Foghorn forgets they are no longer the arbiters of truth.
Shouldn’t ask a question you won’t like the answer to.
Vile goes ‘we’.
This ‘we’…. They mean them, really.
Sky goes with…
Or put Mishal on editorial with quotes she likes.
“I like the Taliban because they respect Islam. Women like me are not like women in Kabul.”
In rural Afghanistan, a family welcomes Taliban rule
JezBo likes things clean.
Tile floors make washing the blood away easier.
The team worked long and hard on that script…
Meanwhile … back in Sweden….
BBC are essential workers.
Essentially parasites.
“The BBC” were one of the first groups to get travel exemptions
The newly announced Petrol Rota –
Weekend – NHS staff
Monday -emergency workers
Tuesday – delivery workers
Wednesday – shop staff
Thursday – swamp
Friday – priority workers –
Any other days not listed – taxpayers ….
Clapping of petrol station front line staff begins Thursday 7pm …
Rog is more ‘you’. Using your money.
Move to a warm country like Africa? Maybe ….
Then there’s finding a spokes body who trots out a sound bite that suits.
THe poorest people’s home
tend to be owned by wealthy landlords
or by public housing bodies
… why should my tax money to be used to subsidise things for them ?
“The BBC” were one of the first groups to get virus travel exemptions – they had their own category iirc.
CLAP HARDER? £3.4m £3.4m £3.4m £3.4m £3.4m
NHS Highland says it expects to pay £3.4m in settlements to current and former staff who have complained of bullying.
Whistleblowers exposed a “culture of bullying” at NHS Highland in 2018.
Bet BS would have him on in a heartbeat to talk about cervixity.
Jez, Owen… everything is solved by the one word… ‘solidarity’!
Good job Ferrari is no longer appearing on the defunct The Pledge (Sky) – he’d never fit into his suit !!!
You should never rubber neck at the scene of a car crash ( interview ) – sad end to a minor political career for that divot .
Here’s a nurse who probably won’t be needing to fill up her nice Mercedes with petrol for a while!
Courtesy of the tax payer
6pm news the BBC1 news reluctantly admitting that fuel supply is getting better. They showed queues in Telford and carefully worded the voice over to says, ‘there were queues like this in Telford over the past few days’. Make of that what you will.
I needed the supermarket today and passed 2 garages, one Shell and one BP. Neither had queues but one or two people at the pumps.
I drove by because I have a 3/4 full tank. I will panic buy when it gets to half, like I normally do.
Simon Jack during his chat with Sophie Rayworth is beginning to wind up panic buying of fuel at Xmas.
Unfortunately that sensibility hasn’t spread to Norfolk yet and we still have little around here
A friend has just texted and has arrived home (in Kent) from her journey from Worksop down the A1, to say that there are only queues as Service station garages, but all other garages with fuel are clear !!!!
Queues have been reported of BBC correspondents looking for queues ….
Switch on bingo 3:45pm Radio4
Banging on about storms getting stronger cos of “Climate Change”
Switch on bingo 4:45 pm Radio4
“He was gay, BLACK & n activist”
.. the prog was celebrating the life of James Baldwin
selected by Ruth Rogers a chef I’ve never heard of … probably a London Guardianland person.
Richard Bint was the expert
Ruth tells @MatthewParris3 she so wanted to be in America during Trump’s time that she stayed in London
Rich Blint mentions James Baldwin being arrested for stealing bed linen
but we don’t find out either way
programme ends with panel agreeing nothing has improved since 1960’s
BTW I just relogged in and suddenly my last 3 posts have the current time on, even though I posted them 1 hour ago.
Stew, Ruth Rogers is married to the architect Richard Rogers. She was the chef at River Cafe. Not sure of her politics but my socialist sister and her even further left husband have eaten there several times. It iwas expensive.
Is Ruth Rogers the River Cottage person, Stew?
Parag Khanna was on R4Today promoting his book
that says immigration is only good for the UK economy.
Listener opinions
“Afghanistan: Al-Qaeda could threaten US in a year – general”
‘Chickens coming home to roost’ coming to mind.
Or the West could invade again – but next time China will be on their side.
At least next time it will be a fairer scrap with US ordnance being used by both sides … I wonder how the taliban airforce helicopter training is coming along ?
“Delay to enforcement of Scottish vaccine passport scheme”
Something has changed her mind?
“MSPs will have a further vote on the matter on Wednesday after the Conservatives tabled a motion calling for the plans to be dropped.
All opposition parties voted against the scheme when MSPs previously considered it earlier in September, but the scheme was approved by MSPs from the SNP-Green partnership government.”
order-order adverts ….
An offbeat observation of the refugee experience. On a fictional remote Scottish island, a group of new arrivals await the results of their asylum claims. Among them is Omar, a young Syrian musician burdened by the weight of his grandfather’s oud, which he has carried all the way from his homeland.
End of the last Labour Party for the People and Few COnference ..
Biden’s been lying bout Afghanistan.
Who knew?
Me thinks The Brown Stuff is beginning to hit the fan?
When are the WH Press Corps going to start dropping Psaki questions about what Susan Rice and Ron Klain have to say about things?
That’ll get Psaki’s face twitching – she seems quite close to that ….
Wow – Tom cotton must be top of the Democrat target list – very impressive – presumably a former prosecutor …
“Tim Davie’s pay jumps to £525,000, almost three times more than the Prime Minister, amid broadcaster’s cost-cutting measures”
Al Beeb ‘robs from the poor to give to the rich.’
Poor = pensioners telly tax
Rich = Tim Davie & Al Beeb staff.
All this despite the fall in viewers.
Its about time you readers took a look at The Reform Party . The Tories are not Tories any more.
What’s happening in your local branch of Reform, Taffman?
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Nothing, AFAIK? There isn’t one at the mo.
taffland is a small nation, not much we can do to change the politics of Great Britain.
What do you suggest ?
Start one.
I’m tired of parties, I want a benevolent
General on a tank to take over no 10
Coloured boys killing coloured boys is not a narrative fit –
Daily Telegraph just sent me an email titled:
Eight things your supermarket might have secretly run out of…
If you’ve got any shares – sell ’em now.
Elsewhere – Nancy drops Barry Obamah right in it.
Thanks for all your comments – what crisis will the BBC create next ?
“what crisis will the BBC create next ?”
How about a lack of viewers and a lack of its funds ?
“Greta Thunberg mocks world leaders’ words at Youth4Climate”
So that’s where Bo Jo gets his “Build Back Better” from.
When is she sailing out to China ?