The modern world we know is a consequence of men mastering the power of nature. All the rest, including Physics, follows from that.
The photographs we see in magazines and TV ads are mainly of Black women – The media operate on the principle that the more a failure a racial group (blacks) or cultural type (Islam), is in education, and what follows from it, the more the media will compensate by showing that community is overwhelmingly successful.
The corrolary is that the more successful a community is it will be shown to be ignorant. If it is extremely successful, say in education, it will be made to vanish as if it didnt exist.
Auster’s Laws.
The worse any designated minority or alien group behaves in a liberal society, the bigger become the lies of Political Correctness in covering up for that group. …
That last point leads us to the first corollary of Auster’s First Law of Majority/Minority Relations in Liberal Society: The more egregiously any non-Western or non-white group behaves, the more evil whites are made to appear for noticing and drawing rational conclusions about that group’s bad behavior.
The First Law and its corollary are intrinsic to liberalism. Once the equality of all human groups is accepted as a given, any facts that make a minority or foreign group seem worse than the majority native group must be either covered up or blamed on the majority.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2002 01:16 AM
When we refer to the media (MSM), in Britain, it is the BBC. It dominates the scene in Britain like no other anywhere in the world.
And yet, with the sustained power of words, sites like these have reduced the BBC to a specialist site.
We have won. The BBC is now reliant on the license fee not for its survival ( this it has for strategic political reasons), but to show the government that it has a reason to survive as a national broadcaster. In this it has failed. Everyone I speak to, holds the BBC in contempt.
Which leaves the BBC at the mercy of political winds. No longer can it show the government that it is held in affection by the public.
I think that golden couple of minutes of labour party conference racism was documented on the previous thread .
If their Party was blind to race the hands which were raised would be called irrespective of race – yet The labour hierachy wanted a more ‘ acceptable’ mix of colours … which to me .. makes it racist .
At the foot of the Standard’s report it says:
“Carrie Johnson, Martin Freeman, Monroe Bergdorf (sic), Tess Daly and Vernon Kay were among the stars spotted inside.”
It’s actually Munroe Bergdorf (I looked it up), the black trans model sacked by L’Oreal in 2017 for her racist Facebook post (“. . .white people. . . their race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth” [Bergdorf’s mother is white]).
Along with the PM’s flake missus, professional misery Freeman and craptastic couple Daly & Kay, there’s a party you were glad you were never invited to.
“Really, 007!”
“…professional misery Freeman and craptastic couple Daly & Kay, there’s a party you were glad you were never invited to. ”
Best quote I’ve laughed at for ages !!
Lots of comments about Bond ‘being of its time’ re diversity and feminism. Ok, we’re not back in the 60’s, but hells bells, when there’s a bloke like Bond about I want to be dragged by the hair back to his lair to do unspeakable things ! Sod all this ‘women have power’ crap, most of us want a man who can take charge in a situation, but sometimes all we get is someone who can just about manage to change a lightbulb.
Thanks BRISSLES, although I didn’t actually realise I was being funny!
“. . .when there’s a bloke like Bond about I want to be dragged by the hair back to his lair to do unspeakable things !”
As DeNiro says in the film Heat, “There’s a flipside to that. . .” And that flipside is Valerie Leon in Revenge of the Pink Panther!
Along with the PM’s flake missus, professional misery Freeman and craptastic couple Daly & Kay, there’s a party you were glad you were never invited to.
Its Auster’s laws again. The more a group fails, the more the MSM and the BBC will compensate by showing it is overwhelmingly successful. It is shock to see a White man in a TV ad. The ads are dominated by Black women and girls, and the occasional White woman.
Popular music on Radio (BBC in the main), is now dominated by Black sounding music.
What this policy shows is the patronising nature of the ruling elite towards the Black and Islamic community. They wont believe it of themselves but they are condescending and Racist.
I’m sick, tired and angry because of so many untrue and biased things spewing from the BBC in so many bloody ways….. but I’m tired so will off to bed and leave it until tomorrow to get back to the fray!
I salute all of you who endure watching the BBC. I’m afraid that I ran out of the courage to do so several years ago. I am sure that I feel feel better for not watching it. Without your willingness to sacrifice your health this site wouldn’t work. I can’t post about their programmes because I never watch them and so I am confined to posting about their attitudes, political stance , funding etc . Or to post on topics not directly related to the BBC but on the political constituencies they use their publically funded platform to propagandise on behalf of. Very often my posts are replies to those who still force themselves to watch or listen to the foul corporation. You keep me and many others in touch with the dangerous rubbish that spews forth from Broadcasting House whilst I keep the BBC at arms length, I thank you for it.
We’re in the same boat here DT, i.e. never watching the BBC unless it’s really necessary, like an issue with our dear Queen, and even then we’ll go online for a better, unbiased and more comprehensive version of events. We’ll see how they deal with the P.Andrew business, but there again, a much better coverage will be available elsewhere!
I do, however, often listen to the R5’Cardiff-head-teacher-statue-live’, news if I wake up, and while having to cope with gibbering football commentators (earphones out for those few minutes), I can get some sort of idea of what some of the main issues are.
It seems Saint Keir seems to have a red carpet out already, despite the rain, (squelch squelch), and is expected to ‘announce’ policies which will save the world, but then we all expect to hear that don’t we! He’ll get an easy ride from the usual autocue-readers…
Do you remember the days when seeing the BBC logo at the start was a sign of a quality program ?. And the Radio-2 news actually told us about what immigrants & Muslims terrorists got up to.
How times have changed. It’s the opposite now. It means you are about to receive a very carefully contructed dose of woke social conditioning.
Yes I remember those times but they were long ago. I simply never thought anything other then the BBC was an honest unbiased reporter of news until the start of the Lady T years and the Falklands war. Then through the rest of the 80’s and my 30’s I began to have increasing doubts and by the end of that decade I was converted into a BBC sceptic and over the past decades my scepticism has grown into loathing .I regard them as an enemy of my country, which they have done so much to change and which is on the way to becoming a third world shit hole.
John C
The reverse is true. Islam is the religion of peace. Never mind the continuous massacres of Christians in Africa. Its just Muslims misinterpret the peaceful message of Islam. Even the learned scholars of Islam get it wrong. BBC knows better.
Too, the rapes of White girls must have stopped since plod was forced to look at a mass gang rape criminality in England. It seems all quiet on that front.
Some years back the the security services were telling us that thousands of potential Jihadis were on their books. That’s who they knew off.
Now it seems they have all become Anglican Muslims.
The BBC was an outstanding and innovative broadcaster in the 70s. Yes Minister, Monty Python, Not the nine o’clock news etc. Nature, Science and Horizon. All outstanding.
Double, I watch or listen to so little BBC these days. I sometimes have a 5 minute trip in the car whilst Today is on or watch the end of Countryfile for the weather which is no longer aimed at farmers and growers. But the odd 5 minutes is enough both for my b.p. and my sanity. It is rare (or never) that within 5 minutes there will not be a pro-black, pro-Islam, anti-man, pro climate change, pro vegan etc etc. item. I then switch over or off. I hence post less but come here for my sanity. And Fedup, how you keep your sanity whilst monitoring us for good behaviour, I don’t know. But grateful thanks.
Thank you – I often have doubts about what we are trying to do – and how long it will take to defeat the enemy .but then I think ‘what else can I do to end the BBC .answer – not much .
Fortunately for us the BBC has moved from sometimes clever bias to an insulting woke propaganda machine for its’ approved areas . Even the less attentive notice it now.
It is rapidly losing any remaining respect – and becoming a joke which more are more people are in on .
As for this – and our friends ‘ site(s) – I wish more people were aware ….even Risking the troll..
The BBC will continue to get its funding as its too useful a trusted global influence. So the BBC will continue on its path, whatever it chooses.
But if the government sees a real potential threat to the UK, the BBC will be forced to tow the line. Its past “wokeness” will be pedalled as evidence of its fairness. Therein lies its great usefulness.
I see no need to worry of the BBC anymore. Most people in the UK simply disregard it. Victory has thus been achieved. Sites such these can take credit for that.
I just wont pay for the license. No real pain as the rest of the broadcast stuff is rubbish.
One can watch TV on the internet as long as it is not Live.
Rob Bell on My5 is presenting a series on the building of Lighthouses. Excellent stuff.
Before this he had a series on iconic bridges.
Now Bridges are the first structures that were built for the general good. It is here that man first encounters the limits Nature imposes. To cross those limits man had to understand Nature.
One can safely say that modern engineering, and all the follows from it, Physics for instance, emanate from that.
I take a few minutes each morning to look at (monitor) the bbc news website, which I regard as blatant propagandising a good percentage of the time. I regard it as an activist page masquerading as impartial news.
But it often leaves me depressed so might have to stop that.
I still regard myself as old fashioned left, but I abhor their underhand agendas. Its wrong.
That’s the trend these days. The BBC ratings have plummeted since they went woke so now they start off normally to get you watching then bring the agenda programming in later when you are much more likely to keep watching.
I noticed it recently on ‘Time’ with Sean Bean. The woke programming didn’t come in until the last episode and by that time, even I watched it (whilst complaining loudly to the wife all the way through).
There is. It is good education that teaches and enforces scepticism. Its the lack of this educational requirement that allows malignant viruses like AGW and Climate Change to flourish.
Teach and encourage scepticism and these virusus will vanish like the morning fog.
The BBC ratings have plummeted since they went woke so now they start off normally to get you watching then bring the agenda programming in later when you are much more likely to keep watching.
Exactly. We have won. And they have had to admit it.
‘Testimony by Gen Mark Milley and Gen Frank McKenzie to Congress seemed to contradict President Joe Biden, who said he did not recall any such advice.’
There’s your real story BBC. Unfit to be President. You should be questioning his mental capacity instead of sweeping it under the carpet and telling us the only problem was that it ‘gave Republicans ammunition to accuse the president of lying’.
What a shame for the free world that you choose to ignore it. Again. What calamity will he cause next ?. That blood will also be on your hands.
The BBC colluded with Big Tech and MSM in destroying the Trump presidency by harping on the lies, hoax and fraud of Russia collusion.
Donald Trump gone.
So here we are post The Great War on Terror – NATO has been defeated by the forces of the Taleban and the Mujahideen. Islam is victorious. NATO defeated with its army fleeing the field of battle, leaving $100bn in weaponry.
This is a momentous defeat of Western arms. This will have implications as we fight the 1000 year war, with a rejuvenated Mujahideen, confident that Allah is on their side. And who can blame them considering that NATO is peerless in arms.
The BBC have a lovely collection of ‘Full story’ articles for us today. These are stories of extra interest which deserve front page-billing for more than a day or two.
Lets see what we have:
‘The testimony that convicted R. Kelly’ – #metoo + coloured male
‘Why India can’t live without coal’ – picture of Indian woman
‘Why are so many single women trying love coaching?’ (picture of black woman) – about a male black ‘love coach’ IN KENYA.
‘The making of Billie Eilish’s Bond theme’ – Amercian female singer (who a lot of people think is actually a man).
‘The #metoo icon China is trying to silence’ – picture of Chinese woman.
‘In rural Afghanistan, a family welcomes Taliban rule’
Now I may be wrong, but surely the ‘BRITISH broadcasting corporation’ paid for by the BRITISH people deserve at least some in-depth articles about topics which are actually interesting in the context of their lives ?. Not 100% woke BS like this.
And giving like-minded showbusiness friends jobs to suckle at the taxpayers teat and spread the money around.
I remember Jonathan Ross on Radio-2 : he had his personal friends on every other week (David Tennant and Martin Freeman were two of the most ‘popular’).
The awful BBC don’t ever believe that Great Britain has every right to do what it wants in its own waters, they think we should let other countries sprawl all over us, like they like us getting thousands of foreigners here, who will leech our hard-working tax-payers for benefits, while our pensioners have to go cold each winter to pay for these incomers.
The BBC just loves putting it’s TV taxpayers down to suit their own biased, woke and disgraceful attitude to our country.
But no mention of the naval ‘Rutting’ going on in the South China Sea; No mention of the Chinese pending invasion of Taiwan and now what is daily incursions (further) into their airspace; No mention of French rioting………….. It goes on, meanwhile, as you say, our “Worlds Most Trusted” Broadcaster sees fit to delve into a “Love Coach” in Kenya………….
Priorities all skewed.
The Claudia Webbe trial has been adjourned to Oct 2013 so the judge can write his report
The court has heard recording and evidence of extraordinary threats
#1 to throw acid of her boyfriend’s new partner
# to distribute naked pictures of her to children
If there was similar evidence against a righty political figure
would they have been charged with just “harassment” ?
I’ve noticed that recent articles allude Brexit without actually saying it is the cause – such as ‘Due in part to Brexit and other causes’. But the other causes are not mentioned and Brexit has been planted.
The BBC are experts at keeping it just below the level where it is bad enough for someone to be called on to take action.
Same way gypsies know EXACTLY what they can get away with and what they are entitled to under the law. As do the illegal immigrants crossing the channel : as soon as they land they are now demanding their entitlements.
Have I missed the BBC interviewing Caroline Lucas of the Green Party and Extinction Rebellion about the shortage of HGV drivers and its effects on the economy and way of life of our population ?
How can you persuade young people to join an industry that the BBC , Guardian and many many others think should not exist ?
For as long as I`ve been in the industry there has been there`s been a meme that trucks are a polluting , dangerous anti social nuisance that should be stopped from travelling .
Well now many of those lorries are stationary , not on the roads . Not delivering .
Where`s the jubilation from the usual critics ?
What has Greta to say about this ?
Greta does appear mildly Autistic. I let her be. She is being exploited by her carers.
The real culprit is socialism/communism, and its followers. They change their guise ( now they are woke or extinctions rebels), but the goal is the same- destroy free enterprise and market capitalism, and replace with top down rule.
Absolutely : using Greta like this is child abuse.
For those prepared to look between the lines, we can see just how nasty and low the socialists really are behind their facade of moral superiority. I can see similarities with all the worst socialist leaders in history in them. If they ever managed to get absolute power again, history would repeat itself.
Just look at the supression they are getting away with already with Biden.
So that you readers here know more than the BBC I would like to point out that gaining an ADR certificate (the legality to transport dangerous goods , various modules etc) did not allow one to drive petroleum tankers straight away .
The haulage companies (like Hoyer ) that distributed fuel to the forecourts made a new driver have in house training which meant at least he would go three weeks with an experienced driver before he delivered by himself .
Maybe that will be shelved for the foreign drivers if ever they come here for fuel deliveries
Kind of reminds when the BBC was telling us nurses and doctors were fleeing Britain #duetobrexit…but looking at the figures and actually more were coming than going…the numbers actually increased.
And yet NHS is pathetic compared to France. Nursing care in NHS hospitals is atrocious to say the least. Nursing care in the NHS can be termed “Benign neglect” at best.
The same Auster’s laws apply to the NHS too. The more of a failure the NHS is, the more the media and government will praise it as an outstanding success.
All this does is make nurses and doctors even more arrogant and self-righteous then they already are, giving justification for more pay demands.
Which morphs into this for the actual article:
Capital Gazette shooting: ‘No one could ever kill this paper’
Now nobody ever seems to say the main-page headline so it seems odd that the BBC chose to reword it. I’m not sure why – maybe just a subtle twist to program us that their news = truth. And it’s true, you cannot kill truth. But the BBC sure can hide it with misinformation or omission.
Anyway, as I read the article I rushed out and bet my house the killer was white. We got lots of personal background information on his motive and descriptions of his character.
Sure enough he is a 100% average white guy. Perfect target for the BBC.
So I looked for the most recent terrorist conviction report I could find. This one from 2019 where 22 foreigners were murdered came near the top of my search:
Holey Artisan cafe: Bangladesh Islamists sentenced to death for 2016 attack
This article is very, very different. The whole things is reports of people saying what happened. We get nothing at all about the men, their backgrounds and their motivations.
This is how the BBC work. They do not actually lie, but how much they tell us depends very much on who or what they are talking about. Withholding information to prevent the full truth being known is no different from outright lies – but all the facts for the checkers are true.
‘They were the trailblazers of women’s rights in Afghanistan. They were the staunch defenders of the law, seeking justice for their country’s most marginalised. ‘
Written by someone called ‘Claire Press’ whose twitter is a general mish-mash of women’s rights, BLM and all the other anti-white, anti-male woke agenda.
I am pretty sure this woman has never been anywhere near Afghanistan, never mind knowing any of these women judges.
It’s a third world, extremely corrupt country. Women are just as corrupt as men when they get the chance. I see it here in Thailand all the time. I am 100% certain none of them were ‘staunch defenders of the law’.
The BBC shouldn’t let clueless misandrists like Claire write anything.
I thought that t hey had been banned because the CO2 emitted is both uncontrollable and immense compared with the hypothetical emission’s of a country.
And just like that the BBC like the Royals Again …
“Daniel Craig’s last film as James Bond has royal premiere
Daniel Craig’s last film as James Bond has royal premiere
Daniel Craig has joined his co-stars on the red carpet for his final outing as James Bond.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined the cast at the world premiere, which was held at the Royal Albert Hall in London.”
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
Those people insist on showing us ‘total cases’ which is an absolutely pointless statistic except to scaremonger people with big numbers. It can only possibly get worse and worse. I’ve noticed it’s those whose jobs depend on COVID who do it most.
All that matters is the daily rates of infection and deaths so people can compare apples with apples each day.
And then there’s the BBC. Its ‘star’ broadcasters are each paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, and some, such as Gary Lineker, receive in excess of £1million a year. The Beeb defends such wages on the grounds that it is competing with the private sector. Quite how that justifies giving ex-TV presenter June Sarpong £250,000 a year to be director of creative diversity is unclear.
From the very little I receive of R4, it seems that following the headline, we are passed over to a named ‘local’ reporter to add detail to the particular story. Each and everyone of these ‘local’s’ has a foreign name. Is there a no more ‘local’ Locals?
International newsrooms that report on Africa are often full of white journalists, such as me. But just how white or how ethnically diverse are they? To get a better idea, we sent a survey to 47 international media outlets that cover Africa and spoke to some of the Black reporters they employ.
This conversation isn’t new. Foreign journalists have frequently been accused of racism or mischaracterising the countries they report on – whether justifiably or to deflect attention. We wanted to provide a quick snapshot of diversity in our industry today, to spark debate rather than provide any definitive answers.
I’ve got a headache – the BBC gave it to me. I listened to David Lammy playing the game with Robinson . Robinson read out some of Lammy s tweets – which upset him so he got super’chummy’.
I think when a politician goes ‘chummy ’ ’ they are really cheesed off .
Anyway I listened and my head started buzzing . Then the buzzing got louder when Robinson started talking about ‘trans’.
Lammy got upset – I don’t know what ‘trans’ is but I guess it’s very important because it’s all the BBC talks about .
After Lammy my head hurt so I managed to get to the offswich as they started talking about some coloured female welsh teacher who got a statue for being those 4 things.
I made mistake of turning the radio back on only to hear some deranged teenager doing her Joan of Arc act followed by the screech of a rich dodgy ex president of woke Ireland going on about ‘green ‘.
Off switch .
Starmer is auditioning for PM today as – sadly – the scummy Labour conference ends . Barrister turns lefty politician pretending to have a heart . That’s never happened before eh?
When last offered a slot at a traditional Scots folk music festival I ran a mile.
As Keir Starmer’s leadership of the Labour Party staggers inevitably, forensically, toward his end game: ‘Burnham allies gauge support for future leadership bid‘ (‘i’) – despite the optimism from the looking glass world of the Daily Mirror: ‘Keir Starmer to set out plan to win next election‘ – so the BBC is more than happy to provide a Plan B of sorts gifting a platform to anyone ready and willing to blame Boris for just about anything: ‘Covid grief: ‘We didn’t want the prime minister’s condolences’ Hannah Brady lost both her dad and grandmother to Covid-19 in 2020‘
The state of play, as I understand it presently, is the blame lies with either Mother Nature and the bat community or alternatively with some underpaid Wuhan lab assistant who pinched experimentally demised animal carcasses, the subjects of dodgy viral testing, and flogged them down the local wet market to supliment their income.
Our Hannah is a campaigner for an inquiry, which other than studiously avoiding any investigation at all of China’s role in all this, will provide cushy employment for our quango class of lawyers and bureaucrats. Some may envisage it delivering compensation and/or some hope something (anything) politically helpful might turn up.
Seems the Mirror’s great grey hope Sir Keir wants to recruit: ‘Thousands of new teachers‘ in ‘My schools revolution‘ – seems to me the economy actually requires the likes of HGV drivers – you know, Sir Keir, the sort of grubby-handed practical chaps who once frequented transport cafes and who used to vote Labour. But I guess Labour’s votes come more from the rainbow-adorned primary school staff rooms these days.
The Guardian too is prone to telling fairy stories: ‘Starmer says government is “lost in the woods” as he rejects Corbyn era‘ – and once upon a time at a General Election, that may come sooner than generally expected, the Tories are just waiting around the corner of that Red Wall to chop off your head Little Red Riding Sir Keir – with their great big Brexit axe.
And all the primary school teachers and all the trans issues that can’t decide on a bed that fits them just right won’t be enough to save you.
More from the BBC: ‘Scots traditional singer was “offered gig help in return for sex”‘ – to which one is inclined to hum “there’s no business like show business, like no business I know…”
‘Her experience is not unusual in the folk and traditional music community, according to The Bit Collective‘ – that’s somewhat of a surprise… one had imagined a lot of ginger beards, real ale, kilts, tabourines and bad breath.
‘She said: “One man from a really well-known band came up to me and said if we’re good friends and you do good things what good friends do, then I could maybe look at getting you a slot at a festival‘ – I’ll resist any play on the phrase slot at a feastival and assume this wasn’t simply banter and just wonder instead whether at any stage in her life this woman might ever bargain with a chap – albeit perhaps within a loving relationship – for a bit jewelry, promise of a holiday, or a meal at a fancy restuarant? One doubts the fella involved would run to the attentive ear of the cops or the BBC and accuse her of abuse.
“What we’re seeing is an environment where sexism is ok,” she said. “We’re not getting a huge number of people coming forward saying they have been raped… but what we’re really seeing is that sort of disrespect and discrimination at a fairly low and constant level that is really affecting a lot of women and gender minorities.” – in other words, fairly normal, sometimes a bit suggestive, relations between men and women – apart from that gender minorities comment at the end there which is inserted for diversity reasons – as the randy bishop once said to the Coldstream guardsman.
What hope then for a guy like James Bond in a world that wants to pretend that sex doesn’t ever happen unless there’s a legally-binding consent contract signed beforehand with a seven day regret and cancellation guarantee for the party of the female first part on pain of arrest and shame inflicted on the male party of the second part on the say so of the female party of the first and primary school part? Calling Sir Keir QC to unravel that one. I’m damned if I can find a loophole let alone a festival slot.
Island I couldn’t figure that chart out -what are the Starmer odds?
I think the BBC wants Angie or Andy as the true leader of the red party – I support Angie – Angie for me. If Angie thinks the Tories are scum god knows what she’d call me …
Anyway – I think the MSM will be more interested in Angie than kier – with Angie watching the speech wondering where to insert the knife …
I’m not a punter – just noticed the oddschecker site yesterday.
I assume the odds are for those other than Starmer.
My point was I suspect he has powerful chums, which is why he was placed as ‘leader,’ and therefore he may stay in place unless he gets a better offer.
The co-founders of this group of bereaved families appear to have links to Unite. One of them, Jo Goodman, whose ex-Guardian editor father was undergoing cancer treatment when he died “of Covid”, is an ex-Student Union leader and Labour activist, the other, Matt Fowler, is behind the Covid Wall Memorial and also has close links with Labour. They are both supported in their campaign by Unite and also by Led by Donkeys, the left-wing champagne-socialist agitators and smug f##k##s. Both Matt Fowler and Hannah Brady, who “didn’t want the prime minister’s condolences”, addressed a fringe meeting on this campaign at the recent Labour conference.(Note the bBbcs’ use of lower case in the “prime minister”.) Both their deceased fathers were Unite members.
It is sad that these people lost their lives but this campaign is obviously as motivated by politics as it is by grief, it is blatantly being exploited by the likes of McCluskey, and it cannot be taken at face value because it has been so politicised from the start. The lack of any real information on this group from the bBbc just highlights yet again how useless and how reluctant to tell the whole story they are if it doesn’t suit their agenda.
Keir Starmer shows all the signs of being a Liberal Democrat rather than a Labour supporter. He wants to please everyone, but everyone does not want his pleasure.
I see the Sabina Nessa story has disappeared completely from the front page of the BBC news site.
I can only imagine how annoyed they were when they found out the man being charged was an Albanian immigrant.
Sorry Sabina : just like Sasha Johnson, your fate was just a tool to be used for the BBC and feminist activists hatred of white English males. They don’t give two sh1ts that you are dead.
Yup : slipped quickly into ‘regions’ as do all the other non-agenda items.
The story has changed from #metoo into one of violent Albanian immigrants. No more protests and vigils will be organised by the handful of misandrist hypocrites behind it all.
I see all the reviewers are giving ‘No time to die’ 5 stars (according to the BBC anyway).
Of course they are. They don’t get invited to the next premier if they don’t. They live in the same bizarre, unaccountable little bubble as the BBC luvvies where the truth is whatever they decide they want it to be.
I wonder if it is any good. I like a decent Bond film.
Most of the line is owned by the Chinese-dominated railway group, but under the murky terms of the deal, the Laotian government is ultimately responsible for the railway’s debt. The imbalanced deal has led international creditors to downgrade Laos’ credit rating to “junk” status.
In September 2020, on the brink of bankruptcy, Laos sold a major asset to China, handing over part of its energy grid for $600m in order to seek debt relief from Chinese creditors. And this is all before the railway has even begun operations.
9:30am R4 15 min lecture
Woman who has written a book that says, that there should be MORE refugees
She argues that people stay in their own countries too much.
She cites her own family a Czech Jewish family that suffered at the hands of the Nazis.
… That’s a bit of a cherrypicked example.
She herself left Czechoslovakia cos of communism, by bribing the bank clerk.
Thus got money to take a holiday in Germany. But once there that wasn’t the desired destination
her dram was England, so that was her focus. … 3.5 years later communism collappsed ..her husband went back ..and she stayed.
Just looking at Google Earth and the countries largest container ports, every single one of them has a railway running directly into the docks and has thet potential to be used to carry containerised frieght to centres where it could be offloaded.
However the investment has never been made in the rail network to do so, and Britains rail infrastructure cannot carry containers through tunnels and bridges (possibly cuttings too).
So while idiotic Boris fiddles while the country burns with half baked (if even half) ideas like HS2 and a Royal Yacht costing £250 million the country falls apart.
“The port of London lays claim to some of the best rail, road and sea links to the rest of the UK. ”
And that in a nutshell is the reason why. London is OK so the rest of the UK is OK !
Palming off bbc political opinion via a letter to the Times under ‘we’.
Yes, that's crossed my mind too. We've had quite enough charisma, thank you! And quite enough of what a letter to the @thetimes this week described as the 'chaotic optimism' of Boris Johnson.
Labour would grant the wishes of senior civil servants and “seek a new foreign policy partnership” with the EU. EU offers only one such partnership – a structured foreign and security (ie defence) deal on EU terms, eg the May Govt’s proposed deal. Currently rejected by ministers.
Femi Oluwole is a British political activist and co-founder of the pro-European Union advocacy group Our Future Our Choice. He has appeared as an activist and commentator on British television. He has written for The Independent, The Guardian and The Metro. Wikipedia
Born: March 1990 (age 31 years), Darlington
Education: Yarm School
Employer: Our Future Our Choice
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Full day attendance (5 days per week) with Nursery Grant £1,930 £579 Fees are for hours above the 15 hours per week provided by Early Years Funding. Grant is claimed on behalf of parents by the School.
Journalism Researcher in Climate for BBC
retweeting Ed_Miliband , official Labour Party tweet that makes out hydrogen steel is economically viable
It really isn’t. AFAIK Sweden has a SUBSIDISED research project
She was supposed to have been told as a child that the barriers to her becoming a head teacher were “insurmountable”. This story struck me as false. Why? Any teacher who used a big word like “insurmountable” to a child must have recognised that the child was above average intelligence and smart enough to understand its meaning. If the word was used, it must have bèen in the context of recognising and respecting that the child was bright and talented. I would bet that Betty Campbell also got a lot of encouragement from this very same teacher, as well as from numerous other sources. But all that is ignored in favour of the story of the one discouraging word. After all, we need to maintain the absurd media narrative of racist Britain and the superhuman blacks who overcome all the obstacles.
I still don’t know what exactly she did that deserves a gigantic statue. It sounds like something Saddam would have erected to himself.
What a terrible waste of our tax money on this Islamic supporter.
The UK has agreed to take 20,000 Afgahans over a period of time-Why? What possible improvement can these people bring to our Society? Before that question is answered let me enlighten you with the following:-
The body of a 20-year-old Syrian woman, “Rokstan M.,” was unearthed from a shallow grave in the small Saxon town of Dessau 2015. Her father and brothers stabbed her to death on her mother’s orders, after she was gang-raped by three men. The rape left her “unclean” and the mother allegedly demanded the killing to restore the family’s honor. German police are seeking the father and brothers. That by itself is not newsworthy. What is newsworthy is that this affair did not appear in any of Germany’s major daily newspapers or websites. The tabloid Bild-Zeitung ran the story, along with the regional press, while the arbiters of enlightened opinion buried it.
The case of Rokstan M. is heart-rending. She had found work in Germany as a translator for the government, but she knew her family would track her down and kill her. “I am awaiting death. But I am too young to die,” she had written on a social media profile. Her story deserves a line or two in the quality press. But it’s one of many that German leaders want to ignore.
No political leaders, apart from those in ex-communist central European countries will admit to the stark fact that Islamic terror comes directly from Islamic scriptures; is commanded by Islamic scripture. Islam is intransigently opposed to Western liberal democracy, so is Western liberal democracy intransigently opposed to Islam. Let’s get one thing perfectly clear here: Islam is a violent supremacist political ideology established by the warlord Mohammed in the seventh century, which spread across the globe via violence and terror. And millions of its fanatical followers are now in our country. So my question to this Government is-Do we really need to encourage those who follow the teachings of Islam to enter this nation to bring their political ideology and its evil further amongst us. British people from 1939-45 stood up and fought against Hitler’s Naziism, let the Afgahans stand up and fight for thier freedom against the Taliban’s insurgence. The power of Islam reaches far into Europe now-we have I think 4 cabinet ministers who are Muslim.
No doubt part of the UK Pension reduction next year will be going to support those coming in by dinghy / plane / back of lorry.
Thanks tough ‘Conservative’ Government.
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
. . .
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith? I might be wrong – but could not find a sentence saying ‘Vote for me because I believe in Allah’.
Also odd that BBC new BFF John McCommie is being quoted on being held to promises, knowing full well some will be chased down and some politely given a pass.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
The account of the murdering plod is not easy reading – and reinforces my belief in the need for a death penalty option in homicides .
But on the up side – perhaps the monster will off himself in prison or someone will do it for him ….
The way the media has gone to town over it smacks to me of a desperate attempt to cover up the fact the illegal Albanian murdered another young woman a few days ago.
We all unfortunately know the story of this one, and don’t require it to be rehashed for us, today is just sentencing and yes it was horrible and it was a complete betrayal but it won’t be the same when an illegal is brought for sentencing will it.
Attitudes towards the death penalty determine how civilised a society it. And one which does not put a noose around the neck of a duly convicted, brutal murderer or put a bullet in the back of his or her head is not in the least civilised. Funny how liberals shy away from this, yet are happy to sanction the murder of 200,000 unborn children each year.
No, @DavidLammy a cervix is the neck of the *uterus*.
A penis can't enter it. Sperm travels up it to fertilise an egg. It usually remains relatively closed (to stop foetuses falling out) but expands and opens when a woman is ready to give birth after 9 months of gestation.
Maaaaaate… don’t ask questions you might not like the answer to.
How do we know which people or organisations to trust?@BBCNews' Media Editor Amol Rajan shares his journalistic advice to help you consider what sources you can rely on.
One of the first rules of life, learnt perhaps the hard way, ‘Never trust a foreigner’. Middle Eastern the worst for reasons only too well understood here. It’s a cultural thing……………..
Three quarters of doctors struck off. All foreign.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I’ve had this Labour Party conference on while having me dinner.
After every 5 words Der Starmer says he gets a minutes standing ovation from the ecstatic comrades.
If he told them it was a quarter past one he would have gotten a full rousing applause, it doesn’t matter what he says, every few words brings the house down.
Stalin would have been envious of this stage managed pile of misguided idiots like a huge clapping seal colony.
If you get a standing ovation for absolutely anything you come out with it renders it worthless.
So many brainwashed performing comrades.
I listened to the 1 hour 35 minutes – which I reckon was like those Stalinist speeches – although he was regularly heckled .
No humour – no self deprecation – no charisma – no mention of spending plans ( more taxes coming ) –
BBC 5 ran the whole thing and at the end cut away without the usual comment or explanation – as though it never happened – which for me I never happened ….
“And we will chase down every penny to ensure that people working people, paying their taxes always get value for money.
As Rachel said on Monday all spending will be scrutinised by an Office for Value for Money. There will be no promises we can’t keep or commitments we can’t pay for.”
EG I had it on in the background as ‘noise’, but yes it was so noticeable that after two sentences it was applause applause, then there were the deliberate pauses in readiness for applause. I turned it off after 15 minutes. (yes I waited THAT long)
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
You’d like to think that your Poll Tax was being paid for a proper police force, not a lazy bunch of wokers, intent on sitting in cars and doing b****r all, except hound proper coppers…
The BBC will love this story, it beats researching the real problem.
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
ScrobleneMar 9, 19:43 Weekend 8th March 2025 BBC Licence Tax becoming part of the Poll Tax? Why should I pay for the pensions of the awful far-left…
tomoMar 9, 19:33 Weekend 8th March 2025
tomoMar 9, 19:26 Weekend 8th March 2025 Operation Toxic Dagger is not an officially recognized military operation but rather refers to Exercise Toxic Dagger, a significant training…
Richard PinderMar 9, 19:17 Weekend 8th March 2025 Since Trump said he wants ‘Peace’, the British people have been under a massive warmongering anti-Russian psyop by the same…
KikuchiyoMar 9, 19:12 Weekend 8th March 2025 US President Donald Trump has said he is “strongly considering large-scale sanctions” and tariffs on Russia until a ceasefire and…
AlthepalerpMar 9, 19:06 Weekend 8th March 2025 Questions the MSM will not ask: “Prime Minister, the US has stated they have stopped sharing intelligence with Ukraine, does…
Aren’t the people that sit in the hall at Labour party conferences delegates?
It is surely possible that the old white man with his hand up is representing lots of people that don’t look like him.
Too many white questions
The modern world we know is a consequence of men mastering the power of nature. All the rest, including Physics, follows from that.
The photographs we see in magazines and TV ads are mainly of Black women – The media operate on the principle that the more a failure a racial group (blacks) or cultural type (Islam), is in education, and what follows from it, the more the media will compensate by showing that community is overwhelmingly successful.
The corrolary is that the more successful a community is it will be shown to be ignorant. If it is extremely successful, say in education, it will be made to vanish as if it didnt exist.
Auster’s Laws.
The worse any designated minority or alien group behaves in a liberal society, the bigger become the lies of Political Correctness in covering up for that group. …
That last point leads us to the first corollary of Auster’s First Law of Majority/Minority Relations in Liberal Society: The more egregiously any non-Western or non-white group behaves, the more evil whites are made to appear for noticing and drawing rational conclusions about that group’s bad behavior.
The First Law and its corollary are intrinsic to liberalism. Once the equality of all human groups is accepted as a given, any facts that make a minority or foreign group seem worse than the majority native group must be either covered up or blamed on the majority.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2002 01:16 AM
Clarifying Auster’s Laws of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society
Wow ! I’m riding shotgun 🙂
Beryllium shot – bris?
Me ?
I am ‘tail gunner’.
We’ve all been outgunned by some bandit called NCBBC 🙁
Using words. Only words.
When we refer to the media (MSM), in Britain, it is the BBC. It dominates the scene in Britain like no other anywhere in the world.
And yet, with the sustained power of words, sites like these have reduced the BBC to a specialist site.
We have won. The BBC is now reliant on the license fee not for its survival ( this it has for strategic political reasons), but to show the government that it has a reason to survive as a national broadcaster. In this it has failed. Everyone I speak to, holds the BBC in contempt.
Which leaves the BBC at the mercy of political winds. No longer can it show the government that it is held in affection by the public.
I think that golden couple of minutes of labour party conference racism was documented on the previous thread .
If their Party was blind to race the hands which were raised would be called irrespective of race – yet The labour hierachy wanted a more ‘ acceptable’ mix of colours … which to me .. makes it racist .
Funny that .
Clever publicity pictures of the James Bond premier – does anyone actually notice the white girl Lea Sedoux ?
lol – that picture would have been slammed as racist if the women were swapped.
We live in an age of massive double standards. It all stems from social media giving stupid people a voice as loud as intelligent people.
To my mind, intelligent people have nothing to do with (anti)social media.
At the foot of the Standard’s report it says:
“Carrie Johnson, Martin Freeman, Monroe Bergdorf (sic), Tess Daly and Vernon Kay were among the stars spotted inside.”
It’s actually Munroe Bergdorf (I looked it up), the black trans model sacked by L’Oreal in 2017 for her racist Facebook post (“. . .white people. . . their race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth” [Bergdorf’s mother is white]).
Along with the PM’s flake missus, professional misery Freeman and craptastic couple Daly & Kay, there’s a party you were glad you were never invited to.
“Really, 007!”
“…professional misery Freeman and craptastic couple Daly & Kay, there’s a party you were glad you were never invited to. ”
Best quote I’ve laughed at for ages !!
Lots of comments about Bond ‘being of its time’ re diversity and feminism. Ok, we’re not back in the 60’s, but hells bells, when there’s a bloke like Bond about I want to be dragged by the hair back to his lair to do unspeakable things ! Sod all this ‘women have power’ crap, most of us want a man who can take charge in a situation, but sometimes all we get is someone who can just about manage to change a lightbulb.
Thanks BRISSLES, although I didn’t actually realise I was being funny!
“. . .when there’s a bloke like Bond about I want to be dragged by the hair back to his lair to do unspeakable things !”
As DeNiro says in the film Heat, “There’s a flipside to that. . .” And that flipside is Valerie Leon in Revenge of the Pink Panther!
She was magnificent.
They are, aren’t they!
The two of them.
Along with the PM’s flake missus, professional misery Freeman and craptastic couple Daly & Kay, there’s a party you were glad you were never invited to.
Its Auster’s laws again. The more a group fails, the more the MSM and the BBC will compensate by showing it is overwhelmingly successful. It is shock to see a White man in a TV ad. The ads are dominated by Black women and girls, and the occasional White woman.
Popular music on Radio (BBC in the main), is now dominated by Black sounding music.
What this policy shows is the patronising nature of the ruling elite towards the Black and Islamic community. They wont believe it of themselves but they are condescending and Racist.
I’m sick, tired and angry because of so many untrue and biased things spewing from the BBC in so many bloody ways….. but I’m tired so will off to bed and leave it until tomorrow to get back to the fray!
I salute all of you who endure watching the BBC. I’m afraid that I ran out of the courage to do so several years ago. I am sure that I feel feel better for not watching it. Without your willingness to sacrifice your health this site wouldn’t work. I can’t post about their programmes because I never watch them and so I am confined to posting about their attitudes, political stance , funding etc . Or to post on topics not directly related to the BBC but on the political constituencies they use their publically funded platform to propagandise on behalf of. Very often my posts are replies to those who still force themselves to watch or listen to the foul corporation. You keep me and many others in touch with the dangerous rubbish that spews forth from Broadcasting House whilst I keep the BBC at arms length, I thank you for it.
We’re in the same boat here DT, i.e. never watching the BBC unless it’s really necessary, like an issue with our dear Queen, and even then we’ll go online for a better, unbiased and more comprehensive version of events. We’ll see how they deal with the P.Andrew business, but there again, a much better coverage will be available elsewhere!
I do, however, often listen to the R5’Cardiff-head-teacher-statue-live’, news if I wake up, and while having to cope with gibbering football commentators (earphones out for those few minutes), I can get some sort of idea of what some of the main issues are.
It seems Saint Keir seems to have a red carpet out already, despite the rain, (squelch squelch), and is expected to ‘announce’ policies which will save the world, but then we all expect to hear that don’t we! He’ll get an easy ride from the usual autocue-readers…
Do you remember the days when seeing the BBC logo at the start was a sign of a quality program ?. And the Radio-2 news actually told us about what immigrants & Muslims terrorists got up to.
How times have changed. It’s the opposite now. It means you are about to receive a very carefully contructed dose of woke social conditioning.
Yes I remember those times but they were long ago. I simply never thought anything other then the BBC was an honest unbiased reporter of news until the start of the Lady T years and the Falklands war. Then through the rest of the 80’s and my 30’s I began to have increasing doubts and by the end of that decade I was converted into a BBC sceptic and over the past decades my scepticism has grown into loathing .I regard them as an enemy of my country, which they have done so much to change and which is on the way to becoming a third world shit hole.
Along with Channel 4, the BBC appears to well on it way to ‘Banish British Culture’.
John C
The reverse is true. Islam is the religion of peace. Never mind the continuous massacres of Christians in Africa. Its just Muslims misinterpret the peaceful message of Islam. Even the learned scholars of Islam get it wrong. BBC knows better.
Too, the rapes of White girls must have stopped since plod was forced to look at a mass gang rape criminality in England. It seems all quiet on that front.
Some years back the the security services were telling us that thousands of potential Jihadis were on their books. That’s who they knew off.
Now it seems they have all become Anglican Muslims.
The BBC was an outstanding and innovative broadcaster in the 70s. Yes Minister, Monty Python, Not the nine o’clock news etc. Nature, Science and Horizon. All outstanding.
Now, just dross.
Double, I watch or listen to so little BBC these days. I sometimes have a 5 minute trip in the car whilst Today is on or watch the end of Countryfile for the weather which is no longer aimed at farmers and growers. But the odd 5 minutes is enough both for my b.p. and my sanity. It is rare (or never) that within 5 minutes there will not be a pro-black, pro-Islam, anti-man, pro climate change, pro vegan etc etc. item. I then switch over or off. I hence post less but come here for my sanity. And Fedup, how you keep your sanity whilst monitoring us for good behaviour, I don’t know. But grateful thanks.
Thank you – I often have doubts about what we are trying to do – and how long it will take to defeat the enemy .but then I think ‘what else can I do to end the BBC .answer – not much .
Fortunately for us the BBC has moved from sometimes clever bias to an insulting woke propaganda machine for its’ approved areas . Even the less attentive notice it now.
It is rapidly losing any remaining respect – and becoming a joke which more are more people are in on .
As for this – and our friends ‘ site(s) – I wish more people were aware ….even Risking the troll..
Even Leftoid loons can see the truth eventually.
The BBC will continue to get its funding as its too useful a trusted global influence. So the BBC will continue on its path, whatever it chooses.
But if the government sees a real potential threat to the UK, the BBC will be forced to tow the line. Its past “wokeness” will be pedalled as evidence of its fairness. Therein lies its great usefulness.
I see no need to worry of the BBC anymore. Most people in the UK simply disregard it. Victory has thus been achieved. Sites such these can take credit for that.
I just wont pay for the license. No real pain as the rest of the broadcast stuff is rubbish.
I have been told by my GP that I have to keep my BP in check.
Stopping payment of the BBC tax and watching TV is what I have done in response.
It is working well.
One can watch TV on the internet as long as it is not Live.
Rob Bell on My5 is presenting a series on the building of Lighthouses. Excellent stuff.
Before this he had a series on iconic bridges.
Now Bridges are the first structures that were built for the general good. It is here that man first encounters the limits Nature imposes. To cross those limits man had to understand Nature.
One can safely say that modern engineering, and all the follows from it, Physics for instance, emanate from that.
I take a few minutes each morning to look at (monitor) the bbc news website, which I regard as blatant propagandising a good percentage of the time. I regard it as an activist page masquerading as impartial news.
But it often leaves me depressed so might have to stop that.
I still regard myself as old fashioned left, but I abhor their underhand agendas. Its wrong.
Tuesday night’s strangely the schedule was not a wall of wokeness
.. I guess there was still enough about, inside some programmes.
That’s the trend these days. The BBC ratings have plummeted since they went woke so now they start off normally to get you watching then bring the agenda programming in later when you are much more likely to keep watching.
I noticed it recently on ‘Time’ with Sean Bean. The woke programming didn’t come in until the last episode and by that time, even I watched it (whilst complaining loudly to the wife all the way through).
John C
Go Woke Go Broke.
I wish there was a vaccine against Wokeness.
There is. It is good education that teaches and enforces scepticism. Its the lack of this educational requirement that allows malignant viruses like AGW and Climate Change to flourish.
Teach and encourage scepticism and these virusus will vanish like the morning fog.
The BBC ratings have plummeted since they went woke so now they start off normally to get you watching then bring the agenda programming in later when you are much more likely to keep watching.
Exactly. We have won. And they have had to admit it.
Failing at the radio mic
#1 Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary Nick Thomas Symonds unsure how much the minimum wage is when pressed by Nick Ferrari on LBC
#2 Labour’s Rachel Reeves unable to say if it is wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’.
#3 Insulate Britain’s Fiona Atkinson vs JHB
as protesters defy court order to block the M25 again.
Julia: “If you claim your concern is people living in cold homes, why are you not in favour of cheap reliable energy?”
6m 50s Fiona: “You’re a climate change denier”
Afghanistan: Biden advised to keep 2,500 troops – generals
‘Testimony by Gen Mark Milley and Gen Frank McKenzie to Congress seemed to contradict President Joe Biden, who said he did not recall any such advice.’
There’s your real story BBC. Unfit to be President. You should be questioning his mental capacity instead of sweeping it under the carpet and telling us the only problem was that it ‘gave Republicans ammunition to accuse the president of lying’.
What a shame for the free world that you choose to ignore it. Again. What calamity will he cause next ?. That blood will also be on your hands.
The BBC colluded with Big Tech and MSM in destroying the Trump presidency by harping on the lies, hoax and fraud of Russia collusion.
Donald Trump gone.
So here we are post The Great War on Terror – NATO has been defeated by the forces of the Taleban and the Mujahideen. Islam is victorious. NATO defeated with its army fleeing the field of battle, leaving $100bn in weaponry.
This is a momentous defeat of Western arms. This will have implications as we fight the 1000 year war, with a rejuvenated Mujahideen, confident that Allah is on their side. And who can blame them considering that NATO is peerless in arms.
Joe doesn’t remember it because he wasn’t told – Susan Rice dealt with it and Joe is handled by Ron Klain ( the bent politician expert)
The pair of them should be spit roasted.
I see Nancy Pelosi saying that she’s working to Obama’s plan – on video.
They don’t care, they feel invulnerable and are gathering loyal retainers.
I don’t think this is going end well.
The BBC have a lovely collection of ‘Full story’ articles for us today. These are stories of extra interest which deserve front page-billing for more than a day or two.
Lets see what we have:
‘The testimony that convicted R. Kelly’ – #metoo + coloured male
‘Why India can’t live without coal’ – picture of Indian woman
‘Why are so many single women trying love coaching?’ (picture of black woman) – about a male black ‘love coach’ IN KENYA.
‘The making of Billie Eilish’s Bond theme’ – Amercian female singer (who a lot of people think is actually a man).
‘The #metoo icon China is trying to silence’ – picture of Chinese woman.
‘In rural Afghanistan, a family welcomes Taliban rule’
Now I may be wrong, but surely the ‘BRITISH broadcasting corporation’ paid for by the BRITISH people deserve at least some in-depth articles about topics which are actually interesting in the context of their lives ?. Not 100% woke BS like this.
BBC TV progs are mainly for making BBC types feel good about themselves. Narcissism.
And giving like-minded showbusiness friends jobs to suckle at the taxpayers teat and spread the money around.
I remember Jonathan Ross on Radio-2 : he had his personal friends on every other week (David Tennant and Martin Freeman were two of the most ‘popular’).
Seems the British BC is worried about the French sensibilities.
The awful BBC don’t ever believe that Great Britain has every right to do what it wants in its own waters, they think we should let other countries sprawl all over us, like they like us getting thousands of foreigners here, who will leech our hard-working tax-payers for benefits, while our pensioners have to go cold each winter to pay for these incomers.
The BBC just loves putting it’s TV taxpayers down to suit their own biased, woke and disgraceful attitude to our country.
But no mention of the naval ‘Rutting’ going on in the South China Sea; No mention of the Chinese pending invasion of Taiwan and now what is daily incursions (further) into their airspace; No mention of French rioting………….. It goes on, meanwhile, as you say, our “Worlds Most Trusted” Broadcaster sees fit to delve into a “Love Coach” in Kenya………….
Priorities all skewed.
The Claudia Webbe trial has been adjourned to Oct 2013 so the judge can write his report
The court has heard recording and evidence of extraordinary threats
#1 to throw acid of her boyfriend’s new partner
# to distribute naked pictures of her to children
If there was similar evidence against a righty political figure
would they have been charged with just “harassment” ?
What is it about Leicester? First the despicable Vaz, now this woman!
Surely the population of that once great city deserves better?
But I suppose her being an ex-Islington ‘councillor’ says a lot …
Leicester used to be an English city, now it is an Asian one. That is why they vote for these people.
I’ve noticed that recent articles allude Brexit without actually saying it is the cause – such as ‘Due in part to Brexit and other causes’. But the other causes are not mentioned and Brexit has been planted.
Standard BBC dirty trickery.
We have this anti Brexit propaganda and the recent wage hikes at Al Beeb. Where has Nadia Dorries gone?
The BBC are experts at keeping it just below the level where it is bad enough for someone to be called on to take action.
Same way gypsies know EXACTLY what they can get away with and what they are entitled to under the law. As do the illegal immigrants crossing the channel : as soon as they land they are now demanding their entitlements.
Brexit 5% Other 95%
Have I missed the BBC interviewing Caroline Lucas of the Green Party and Extinction Rebellion about the shortage of HGV drivers and its effects on the economy and way of life of our population ?
How can you persuade young people to join an industry that the BBC , Guardian and many many others think should not exist ?
For as long as I`ve been in the industry there has been there`s been a meme that trucks are a polluting , dangerous anti social nuisance that should be stopped from travelling .
Well now many of those lorries are stationary , not on the roads . Not delivering .
Where`s the jubilation from the usual critics ?
What has Greta to say about this ?
‘blah blah blah’
I wonder how many adults in the entire world have ever sought the advice of a 14 year old when faced with a problem.
It only happens in fairy stories and the rank hypocrisy of the Left.
Greta does appear mildly Autistic. I let her be. She is being exploited by her carers.
The real culprit is socialism/communism, and its followers. They change their guise ( now they are woke or extinctions rebels), but the goal is the same- destroy free enterprise and market capitalism, and replace with top down rule.
The essence is to remove freedom of choice.
Absolutely : using Greta like this is child abuse.
For those prepared to look between the lines, we can see just how nasty and low the socialists really are behind their facade of moral superiority. I can see similarities with all the worst socialist leaders in history in them. If they ever managed to get absolute power again, history would repeat itself.
Just look at the supression they are getting away with already with Biden.
Compare her with Emma Radacanu……
So that you readers here know more than the BBC I would like to point out that gaining an ADR certificate (the legality to transport dangerous goods , various modules etc) did not allow one to drive petroleum tankers straight away .
The haulage companies (like Hoyer ) that distributed fuel to the forecourts made a new driver have in house training which meant at least he would go three weeks with an experienced driver before he delivered by himself .
Maybe that will be shelved for the foreign drivers if ever they come here for fuel deliveries
Kind of reminds when the BBC was telling us nurses and doctors were fleeing Britain #duetobrexit…but looking at the figures and actually more were coming than going…the numbers actually increased.
And yet NHS is pathetic compared to France. Nursing care in NHS hospitals is atrocious to say the least. Nursing care in the NHS can be termed “Benign neglect” at best.
The same Auster’s laws apply to the NHS too. The more of a failure the NHS is, the more the media and government will praise it as an outstanding success.
All this does is make nurses and doctors even more arrogant and self-righteous then they already are, giving justification for more pay demands.
Saw this and thought I’d do a ‘BBC’ check on it:
Main headline:
‘Newsroom attack survivors : you cannot kill truth’
Which morphs into this for the actual article:
Capital Gazette shooting: ‘No one could ever kill this paper’
Now nobody ever seems to say the main-page headline so it seems odd that the BBC chose to reword it. I’m not sure why – maybe just a subtle twist to program us that their news = truth. And it’s true, you cannot kill truth. But the BBC sure can hide it with misinformation or omission.
Anyway, as I read the article I rushed out and bet my house the killer was white. We got lots of personal background information on his motive and descriptions of his character.
Sure enough he is a 100% average white guy. Perfect target for the BBC.
So I looked for the most recent terrorist conviction report I could find. This one from 2019 where 22 foreigners were murdered came near the top of my search:
Holey Artisan cafe: Bangladesh Islamists sentenced to death for 2016 attack
This article is very, very different. The whole things is reports of people saying what happened. We get nothing at all about the men, their backgrounds and their motivations.
This is how the BBC work. They do not actually lie, but how much they tell us depends very much on who or what they are talking about. Withholding information to prevent the full truth being known is no different from outright lies – but all the facts for the checkers are true.
cometh the time, cometh the birthing person
Al Beeb “UK risks French anger over fishing permits” ………
What are the facts – Are they our fish ?
Sorry… you first! But we seem both to have noticed a very bbc way of ‘reporting’.
Meanwhile Vile ramps it up elsewhere.
Female Afghan judges hunted by the murderers they convicted
‘They were the trailblazers of women’s rights in Afghanistan. They were the staunch defenders of the law, seeking justice for their country’s most marginalised. ‘
Written by someone called ‘Claire Press’ whose twitter is a general mish-mash of women’s rights, BLM and all the other anti-white, anti-male woke agenda.
I am pretty sure this woman has never been anywhere near Afghanistan, never mind knowing any of these women judges.
It’s a third world, extremely corrupt country. Women are just as corrupt as men when they get the chance. I see it here in Thailand all the time. I am 100% certain none of them were ‘staunch defenders of the law’.
The BBC shouldn’t let clueless misandrists like Claire write anything.
Female law – not male law.
Absolutely – where you are found guilty simply because they think you deserve it.
Time to tax volcanoes to stop them hurting the world. …. any country with a volcanoe must be taxed ….
I thought that t hey had been banned because the CO2 emitted is both uncontrollable and immense compared with the hypothetical emission’s of a country.
And just like that the BBC like the Royals Again …
“Daniel Craig’s last film as James Bond has royal premiere
Daniel Craig’s last film as James Bond has royal premiere
Daniel Craig has joined his co-stars on the red carpet for his final outing as James Bond.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined the cast at the world premiere, which was held at the Royal Albert Hall in London.”
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
Coronavirus Cases:
Those people insist on showing us ‘total cases’ which is an absolutely pointless statistic except to scaremonger people with big numbers. It can only possibly get worse and worse. I’ve noticed it’s those whose jobs depend on COVID who do it most.
All that matters is the daily rates of infection and deaths so people can compare apples with apples each day.
Put Alexa in motion – Astro can follow you with entertainment or find you to deliver calls, messages, timers, alarms, or reminders.
(remove xx to go to link)
Apologies if already posted.
An easy read summary about the bloated salaries of “public-sector elites” who despise the British nation state, while materially benefitting from it more than anyone else.
And then there’s the BBC. Its ‘star’ broadcasters are each paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, and some, such as Gary Lineker, receive in excess of £1million a year. The Beeb defends such wages on the grounds that it is competing with the private sector. Quite how that justifies giving ex-TV presenter June Sarpong £250,000 a year to be director of creative diversity is unclear.
It should be ‘creative equality’. ‘Diversity’ is a racist term which ALWAYS means promotion of non-white over white.
From the very little I receive of R4, it seems that following the headline, we are passed over to a named ‘local’ reporter to add detail to the particular story. Each and everyone of these ‘local’s’ has a foreign name. Is there a no more ‘local’ Locals?
International newsrooms that report on Africa are often full of white journalists, such as me. But just how white or how ethnically diverse are they? To get a better idea, we sent a survey to 47 international media outlets that cover Africa and spoke to some of the Black reporters they employ.
This conversation isn’t new. Foreign journalists have frequently been accused of racism or mischaracterising the countries they report on – whether justifiably or to deflect attention. We wanted to provide a quick snapshot of diversity in our industry today, to spark debate rather than provide any definitive answers.
I’ve got a headache – the BBC gave it to me. I listened to David Lammy playing the game with Robinson . Robinson read out some of Lammy s tweets – which upset him so he got super’chummy’.
I think when a politician goes ‘chummy ’ ’ they are really cheesed off .
Anyway I listened and my head started buzzing . Then the buzzing got louder when Robinson started talking about ‘trans’.
Lammy got upset – I don’t know what ‘trans’ is but I guess it’s very important because it’s all the BBC talks about .
After Lammy my head hurt so I managed to get to the offswich as they started talking about some coloured female welsh teacher who got a statue for being those 4 things.
I made mistake of turning the radio back on only to hear some deranged teenager doing her Joan of Arc act followed by the screech of a rich dodgy ex president of woke Ireland going on about ‘green ‘.
Off switch .
Starmer is auditioning for PM today as – sadly – the scummy Labour conference ends . Barrister turns lefty politician pretending to have a heart . That’s never happened before eh?
When last offered a slot at a traditional Scots folk music festival I ran a mile.
As Keir Starmer’s leadership of the Labour Party staggers inevitably, forensically, toward his end game: ‘Burnham allies gauge support for future leadership bid‘ (‘i’) – despite the optimism from the looking glass world of the Daily Mirror: ‘Keir Starmer to set out plan to win next election‘ – so the BBC is more than happy to provide a Plan B of sorts gifting a platform to anyone ready and willing to blame Boris for just about anything: ‘Covid grief: ‘We didn’t want the prime minister’s condolences’ Hannah Brady lost both her dad and grandmother to Covid-19 in 2020‘
The state of play, as I understand it presently, is the blame lies with either Mother Nature and the bat community or alternatively with some underpaid Wuhan lab assistant who pinched experimentally demised animal carcasses, the subjects of dodgy viral testing, and flogged them down the local wet market to supliment their income.
Our Hannah is a campaigner for an inquiry, which other than studiously avoiding any investigation at all of China’s role in all this, will provide cushy employment for our quango class of lawyers and bureaucrats. Some may envisage it delivering compensation and/or some hope something (anything) politically helpful might turn up.
Seems the Mirror’s great grey hope Sir Keir wants to recruit: ‘Thousands of new teachers‘ in ‘My schools revolution‘ – seems to me the economy actually requires the likes of HGV drivers – you know, Sir Keir, the sort of grubby-handed practical chaps who once frequented transport cafes and who used to vote Labour. But I guess Labour’s votes come more from the rainbow-adorned primary school staff rooms these days.
The Guardian too is prone to telling fairy stories: ‘Starmer says government is “lost in the woods” as he rejects Corbyn era‘ – and once upon a time at a General Election, that may come sooner than generally expected, the Tories are just waiting around the corner of that Red Wall to chop off your head Little Red Riding Sir Keir – with their great big Brexit axe.
And all the primary school teachers and all the trans issues that can’t decide on a bed that fits them just right won’t be enough to save you.
More from the BBC: ‘Scots traditional singer was “offered gig help in return for sex”‘ – to which one is inclined to hum “there’s no business like show business, like no business I know…”
‘Her experience is not unusual in the folk and traditional music community, according to The Bit Collective‘ – that’s somewhat of a surprise… one had imagined a lot of ginger beards, real ale, kilts, tabourines and bad breath.
‘She said: “One man from a really well-known band came up to me and said if we’re good friends and you do good things what good friends do, then I could maybe look at getting you a slot at a festival‘ – I’ll resist any play on the phrase slot at a feastival and assume this wasn’t simply banter and just wonder instead whether at any stage in her life this woman might ever bargain with a chap – albeit perhaps within a loving relationship – for a bit jewelry, promise of a holiday, or a meal at a fancy restuarant? One doubts the fella involved would run to the attentive ear of the cops or the BBC and accuse her of abuse.
“What we’re seeing is an environment where sexism is ok,” she said. “We’re not getting a huge number of people coming forward saying they have been raped… but what we’re really seeing is that sort of disrespect and discrimination at a fairly low and constant level that is really affecting a lot of women and gender minorities.” – in other words, fairly normal, sometimes a bit suggestive, relations between men and women – apart from that gender minorities comment at the end there which is inserted for diversity reasons – as the randy bishop once said to the Coldstream guardsman.
What hope then for a guy like James Bond in a world that wants to pretend that sex doesn’t ever happen unless there’s a legally-binding consent contract signed beforehand with a seven day regret and cancellation guarantee for the party of the female first part on pain of arrest and shame inflicted on the male party of the second part on the say so of the female party of the first and primary school part? Calling Sir Keir QC to unravel that one. I’m damned if I can find a loophole let alone a festival slot.
Although Starmer probably has the most evil and wealthy international backers.
Island I couldn’t figure that chart out -what are the Starmer odds?
I think the BBC wants Angie or Andy as the true leader of the red party – I support Angie – Angie for me. If Angie thinks the Tories are scum god knows what she’d call me …
Anyway – I think the MSM will be more interested in Angie than kier – with Angie watching the speech wondering where to insert the knife …
I’m not a punter – just noticed the oddschecker site yesterday.
I assume the odds are for those other than Starmer.
My point was I suspect he has powerful chums, which is why he was placed as ‘leader,’ and therefore he may stay in place unless he gets a better offer.
I genuinely feel for those like Hannah Brady who have lost loved ones during this pandemic.
So does Big Len it seems.
The co-founders of this group of bereaved families appear to have links to Unite. One of them, Jo Goodman, whose ex-Guardian editor father was undergoing cancer treatment when he died “of Covid”, is an ex-Student Union leader and Labour activist, the other, Matt Fowler, is behind the Covid Wall Memorial and also has close links with Labour. They are both supported in their campaign by Unite and also by Led by Donkeys, the left-wing champagne-socialist agitators and smug f##k##s. Both Matt Fowler and Hannah Brady, who “didn’t want the prime minister’s condolences”, addressed a fringe meeting on this campaign at the recent Labour conference.(Note the bBbcs’ use of lower case in the “prime minister”.) Both their deceased fathers were Unite members.
It is sad that these people lost their lives but this campaign is obviously as motivated by politics as it is by grief, it is blatantly being exploited by the likes of McCluskey, and it cannot be taken at face value because it has been so politicised from the start. The lack of any real information on this group from the bBbc just highlights yet again how useless and how reluctant to tell the whole story they are if it doesn’t suit their agenda.
Keir Starmer shows all the signs of being a Liberal Democrat rather than a Labour supporter. He wants to please everyone, but everyone does not want his pleasure.
Pan Sexual – Voter Pan Sexual.
I see the Sabina Nessa story has disappeared completely from the front page of the BBC news site.
I can only imagine how annoyed they were when they found out the man being charged was an Albanian immigrant.
Sorry Sabina : just like Sasha Johnson, your fate was just a tool to be used for the BBC and feminist activists hatred of white English males. They don’t give two sh1ts that you are dead.
Wearing a grey jumper and grey tracksuit bottoms, Mr Selamaj appeared in the dock with an Albanian interpreter.
Koci Selamaj, 36, appeared at Willesden Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday.
He was arrested at a property on Terminus Road, Eastbourne, on Sunday.
Yup : slipped quickly into ‘regions’ as do all the other non-agenda items.
The story has changed from #metoo into one of violent Albanian immigrants. No more protests and vigils will be organised by the handful of misandrist hypocrites behind it all.
Especially when said Albanian asks for the direction of Mecca
Slowly BBC work it out …
China: Big spender or loan shark?
By Celia Hatton
BBC News
Published4 hours ago
UK was still giving money to China as a developing country ….
China: Big spender or loan shark?
I see all the reviewers are giving ‘No time to die’ 5 stars (according to the BBC anyway).
Of course they are. They don’t get invited to the next premier if they don’t. They live in the same bizarre, unaccountable little bubble as the BBC luvvies where the truth is whatever they decide they want it to be.
I wonder if it is any good. I like a decent Bond film.
China is on it’s way to the West – ready or not.
Most of the line is owned by the Chinese-dominated railway group, but under the murky terms of the deal, the Laotian government is ultimately responsible for the railway’s debt. The imbalanced deal has led international creditors to downgrade Laos’ credit rating to “junk” status.
In September 2020, on the brink of bankruptcy, Laos sold a major asset to China, handing over part of its energy grid for $600m in order to seek debt relief from Chinese creditors. And this is all before the railway has even begun operations.
9:30am R4 15 min lecture
Woman who has written a book that says, that there should be MORE refugees
She argues that people stay in their own countries too much.
She cites her own family a Czech Jewish family that suffered at the hands of the Nazis.
… That’s a bit of a cherrypicked example.
She herself left Czechoslovakia cos of communism, by bribing the bank clerk.
Thus got money to take a holiday in Germany. But once there that wasn’t the desired destination
her dram was England, so that was her focus. … 3.5 years later communism collappsed ..her husband went back ..and she stayed.
Just looking at Google Earth and the countries largest container ports, every single one of them has a railway running directly into the docks and has thet potential to be used to carry containerised frieght to centres where it could be offloaded.
However the investment has never been made in the rail network to do so, and Britains rail infrastructure cannot carry containers through tunnels and bridges (possibly cuttings too).
So while idiotic Boris fiddles while the country burns with half baked (if even half) ideas like HS2 and a Royal Yacht costing £250 million the country falls apart.
“The port of London lays claim to some of the best rail, road and sea links to the rest of the UK. ”
And that in a nutshell is the reason why. London is OK so the rest of the UK is OK !
Network Rail to increase loading gauge on Doncaster – Immingham Line
Time for Rog. They nicked one of his propaganda images?
BBC Radio4 listener complains
More or Less
Palming off bbc political opinion via a letter to the Times under ‘we’.
Only YouGov but …
In a nutshell
She says Europe not EU?!
Not sure what Vile’s fave ‘expert’ thinks he’s conveying here.
Femi Oluwole is a British political activist and co-founder of the pro-European Union advocacy group Our Future Our Choice. He has appeared as an activist and commentator on British television. He has written for The Independent, The Guardian and The Metro. Wikipedia

Born: March 1990 (age 31 years), Darlington
Education: Yarm School
Employer: Our Future Our Choice
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So he doesn’t ACTUALLY work then ?
Femi went to Yarm School.
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Journalism Researcher in Climate for BBC
retweeting Ed_Miliband , official Labour Party tweet that makes out hydrogen steel is economically viable
It really isn’t. AFAIK Sweden has a SUBSIDISED research project
The item on Today about Betty Campbell:
She was supposed to have been told as a child that the barriers to her becoming a head teacher were “insurmountable”. This story struck me as false. Why? Any teacher who used a big word like “insurmountable” to a child must have recognised that the child was above average intelligence and smart enough to understand its meaning. If the word was used, it must have bèen in the context of recognising and respecting that the child was bright and talented. I would bet that Betty Campbell also got a lot of encouragement from this very same teacher, as well as from numerous other sources. But all that is ignored in favour of the story of the one discouraging word. After all, we need to maintain the absurd media narrative of racist Britain and the superhuman blacks who overcome all the obstacles.
I still don’t know what exactly she did that deserves a gigantic statue. It sounds like something Saddam would have erected to himself.
1hr30 ..
Labour Conference voted overwhelmingly to step up solidarity with the Palestinian people.
This motion must be respected – #SpeakUpForPalestine
“Sadiq Khan: I need 24-hour security because of my skin colour and the god I worship”
A lot of us could use 24 hour security because of the god you worship pal.
What a terrible waste of our tax money on this Islamic supporter.
The UK has agreed to take 20,000 Afgahans over a period of time-Why? What possible improvement can these people bring to our Society? Before that question is answered let me enlighten you with the following:-
The body of a 20-year-old Syrian woman, “Rokstan M.,” was unearthed from a shallow grave in the small Saxon town of Dessau 2015. Her father and brothers stabbed her to death on her mother’s orders, after she was gang-raped by three men. The rape left her “unclean” and the mother allegedly demanded the killing to restore the family’s honor. German police are seeking the father and brothers. That by itself is not newsworthy. What is newsworthy is that this affair did not appear in any of Germany’s major daily newspapers or websites. The tabloid Bild-Zeitung ran the story, along with the regional press, while the arbiters of enlightened opinion buried it.
The case of Rokstan M. is heart-rending. She had found work in Germany as a translator for the government, but she knew her family would track her down and kill her. “I am awaiting death. But I am too young to die,” she had written on a social media profile. Her story deserves a line or two in the quality press. But it’s one of many that German leaders want to ignore.
No political leaders, apart from those in ex-communist central European countries will admit to the stark fact that Islamic terror comes directly from Islamic scriptures; is commanded by Islamic scripture. Islam is intransigently opposed to Western liberal democracy, so is Western liberal democracy intransigently opposed to Islam. Let’s get one thing perfectly clear here: Islam is a violent supremacist political ideology established by the warlord Mohammed in the seventh century, which spread across the globe via violence and terror. And millions of its fanatical followers are now in our country. So my question to this Government is-Do we really need to encourage those who follow the teachings of Islam to enter this nation to bring their political ideology and its evil further amongst us. British people from 1939-45 stood up and fought against Hitler’s Naziism, let the Afgahans stand up and fight for thier freedom against the Taliban’s insurgence. The power of Islam reaches far into Europe now-we have I think 4 cabinet ministers who are Muslim.
Welcome all …

No doubt part of the UK Pension reduction next year will be going to support those coming in by dinghy / plane / back of lorry.
Thanks tough ‘Conservative’ Government.
Batley teacher suspended after showing Charlie Hebdo image can return
This article is more than 4 months old
Investigation finds teacher ‘genuinely believed’ Prophet Muhammad picture had educational purpose
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
. . .
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith? I might be wrong – but could not find a sentence saying ‘Vote for me because I believe in Allah’.
Also odd that BBC new BFF John McCommie is being quoted on being held to promises, knowing full well some will be chased down and some politely given a pass.
Does he say if he is Sunni or Shiite.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
The account of the murdering plod is not easy reading – and reinforces my belief in the need for a death penalty option in homicides .
But on the up side – perhaps the monster will off himself in prison or someone will do it for him ….
The way the media has gone to town over it smacks to me of a desperate attempt to cover up the fact the illegal Albanian murdered another young woman a few days ago.
We all unfortunately know the story of this one, and don’t require it to be rehashed for us, today is just sentencing and yes it was horrible and it was a complete betrayal but it won’t be the same when an illegal is brought for sentencing will it.
Attitudes towards the death penalty determine how civilised a society it. And one which does not put a noose around the neck of a duly convicted, brutal murderer or put a bullet in the back of his or her head is not in the least civilised. Funny how liberals shy away from this, yet are happy to sanction the murder of 200,000 unborn children each year.
BBC ‘quote’ News
“He got elected, by the sounds of it, on a false prospectus.”
Former shadow chancellor John McDonnell says Keir Starmer should re-apply for his job as Labour leader.
BBC Newsnight
This likely a question now scrubbed from the all David and Clive Mastermind Xmas special.
Maaaaaate… don’t ask questions you might not like the answer to.
Even if it is silence.
One of the first rules of life, learnt perhaps the hard way, ‘Never trust a foreigner’. Middle Eastern the worst for reasons only too well understood here. It’s a cultural thing……………..
Three quarters of doctors struck off. All foreign.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I’ve had this Labour Party conference on while having me dinner.
After every 5 words Der Starmer says he gets a minutes standing ovation from the ecstatic comrades.
If he told them it was a quarter past one he would have gotten a full rousing applause, it doesn’t matter what he says, every few words brings the house down.
Stalin would have been envious of this stage managed pile of misguided idiots like a huge clapping seal colony.
If you get a standing ovation for absolutely anything you come out with it renders it worthless.
So many brainwashed performing comrades.
I listened to the 1 hour 35 minutes – which I reckon was like those Stalinist speeches – although he was regularly heckled .
No humour – no self deprecation – no charisma – no mention of spending plans ( more taxes coming ) –
BBC 5 ran the whole thing and at the end cut away without the usual comment or explanation – as though it never happened – which for me I never happened ….
“And we will chase down every penny to ensure that people working people, paying their taxes always get value for money.
As Rachel said on Monday all spending will be scrutinised by an Office for Value for Money. There will be no promises we can’t keep or commitments we can’t pay for.”
EG I had it on in the background as ‘noise’, but yes it was so noticeable that after two sentences it was applause applause, then there were the deliberate pauses in readiness for applause. I turned it off after 15 minutes. (yes I waited THAT long)
Mostly for what is left out.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Waving a rainbow flag is ok.
Saying women have a penis.
A police officer has been sacked for posting offensive comments on Facebook about George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter protests and LGBT movement.
PC Lee Scott faced six allegations of gross misconduct, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said.
These included posting an image of Mr Floyd, a black man killed by a white police officer in the US, that had been used by far right groups.
Northumbria Police said the officer’s actions were “completely unacceptable”.
You’d like to think that your Poll Tax was being paid for a proper police force, not a lazy bunch of wokers, intent on sitting in cars and doing b****r all, except hound proper coppers…
The BBC will love this story, it beats researching the real problem.
(****= ugge)…