I am surprised to see the vitriol being written on social media
about Gareth Southgate. As a manager most of us working in
football know that tactically he is at best second rate. But
I don’t believe anyone else could coach England to prostrate
themselves so well . when going down on one knee before
the matches. And remember he is beloved by the BBC for this
achievement . The media partners of the BLM organization could
not wish for anybody better than Gareth Southgate. The
football is secondary.
As an appendage . As England are never going to win
a major footballing trophy under Gareth Southgate’s
stewardship. Do you think it would be a good idea
if Southgate asked the Olympic organizing committee
if Synchronized Prostrating could become an Olympic
I think that a UK team . And of course it would have to
include some “inclusive” prostrators from Scotland, Wales
and N Ireland. They would have a great chance of winning the gold! I wonder what other country would send teams?
The BBC would really make this into their default games event.
A plethora of presenters, reporters, cameramen could cover
the “sport” from every angle. It would be similar for the viewer as watching the Monty Pythons Olympics for the
100 metres for those with weak bladders ! Yes and of course
the judges who give the points would all have to come from
the BLM organization. The BBC would be in a perpetual orgasmic
state! The crazy thing being . Unlike the Monty Python . The BBC
would want us to take it seriously.
Stew, as I head for cover, I’ve been a long time reader of the D/Mail, but in recent months I’ve wondered if everyday is April Fools when reading some of the items in their pages.
I’m at a loss as to what paper to buy, the red tops are just comics for the illiterate, the D/Express is 4 pages of news and 16 pages of adverts and puzzles, and I tend to battle the broadsheets in trying to hold them.
The Racing Post. Completely free of news. A bit pricey now and nowhere as good as the old Sporting Life. That had pieces by proper writers who were given the freedom to write about anything that took their fancy. Clement Freud had a spot every week as did others of note.
It was always referred to as simply ‘The Life’ and was well recommended to start any young man on the road to perdition and poverty.The editors always seemed to like writers with good style who could actually write so that smoothed the path somewhat.
“Climate change: ‘Adapt or die’ warning from Environment Agency”
“Hundreds of people could die in floods in the UK”
“Earlier this year in Germany, dozens of people died in floods.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-58883234
Why do more die in the UK than die in Germany ?
Does anyone believe this “could” guff any more?
Great Britain will be destroyed by the ‘Green Giant’ and his present wife.
The Covid story is that hundreds die of Covid every week
… so is “Hundreds of people *could* die in floods in the UK” in a weird one-off event, that frightening ?
Sadly not, Moggie, if it was we could invest in ‘geothermal energy’ and the heating bills would be considerably less (plus we’d get some kind of kudos in the eyes of the Church of the Green Sisterhood).
On the otherhand, looking at La Palma, perhaps we’re the lucky ones…
I knew some one at secondhand who put her house on the market just before an earthquake destroyed part of the village. Luckily some one did still buy it: he was a seismologist.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58876089 the bbc link to the damning report about govs response to covid. They have a stock photo telling us how thankful we should be to the NHS. ok so let me thank them for the following: Stopping people getting to see their GP and missing crucial diagnoses.
Cancelling thousands of operatons and causing excesive deaths. stopping families seeing their loved ones on their death beds. reducing capacity so people cant get a bed. Paying for woke diversity officers which could instead be spent on nurses or doctors.
I could go on but you get my point. The NHS is not fit for purpose but anyone that criticises the NHS is an outcast. whatever we spend on it, it will never be enough, its a bottomless pit and needs a complete reorganisation.
This linked article also tells us how bad boris was basically in that they didnt lock us down sooner. there is not even a question from the bbc so called reporters asking if we actually should have locked up healthy people at all… for a virus with a survivability rate in excess of 99%. they just slag of the government and put across that the only response was more lockdowns and done sooner.
If the BBC wanted to question lock downs or restrictions they could find many thousands of scientists and scholars who have that view but the only people they ever interviewed were all for locking healthy people down.
At least there were plenty of places in the world that didnt make their people prisoners in their own homes and its these places that will highlight the harm that lockdowns caused.
There is no way to organise it. Direct health insurance is the only way forward, but as the Americans have shown, it’s yet another white elephant that invites greed and corruption like everything else.
I’m still staggered they position it as ‘free healthcare for all’ when the workers prop it up with their NI contributions. It’s about as free as a blow-job from a stripper.
“Brexit: Lord Frost proposes ‘entirely new’ NI protocol” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-58881855
Trigger article 16 – now!
We are out of the EU now. We owe them nothing !
If the EU want border checks in Ireland let them do it , not us .
Over to you ‘EU Army’………………….
Totally agree but the BBC will do their damnedest to talk down the UK and big up the EU and it’s failed policy’s. Sadly they have brainwashed so many in our country that a big chunk of the population believe everything the BBC tells them. The sooner the BBC is defunded the better
That Suzanne Moore article ends
\\It was C.S. Lewis who said
“One of the most cowardly things ordinary people can do is to shut their eyes to facts”.
If cowards think they have a free run, we all need to open our eyes, stand our ground and insist that *feelings* are not facts, however uncomfortable that fact may be.
She’s *projecting* ; the Guardian-Master-Race dictate our lives
THEIR FEELINGS like GreenDream, Climate Alarmism, wokism are dominant, over real world facts.
eg the first line of the article says
“Chris Packham’s car was blown up by masked men”
..emm not it wasn’t ..it was a seemingly stolen one was set on fire near his house.
‘Suzanne Moore is what I think people used to label a harridan?’
Harridan: A vile ‘old woman’ with a spiteful, nagging manner, she certainly is, and fittingly enough, Roger Harrabin is another, in fact the BBC is full of them.
Packham is making a mountain out of a molehill, in my opinion, but he’s always been something of a drama queen, and would no doubt blame it on his Asperger’s.
Yes. It was all over the BBC web-site for a couple of days. You can probably find a link on here or you can do battle with the BBC’s search engine on their web-site. It was not clear that the car was stolen, btw: that was Chris Packham’s claim that it was terror related. It could have been an innocent break-down incident but that would mean Chris Packham could not have claimed his feathers were still smoothied (pun entirely deliberate – go on, laugh, make my day) and not at all ruffled by the incident.
I, meanwhile, have a bad feeling about this, Han Solo fashion.
One tweet said that the FRONT gate pictured looks different to the FRONT gate
that was used in the story that said Packham had dead animals hung over his gate
Chris Packham has his wooden Gate Destroyed,
Joyriders leaving probably a stolen Landrover ablaze,
Then owns the narrative because he`s an environmentalist so must be targeted.
3 times a year around here this happens
#1 gypsy types steal a car/van drive it to remote place get the part they want and set fire to it.
or #2 a vehicle is used in a crime, then it is driven down a lane/farm track and set fire to, to conceal evidence.
Do you recognise the person driving the vehicle? (pfff) – that’s the best CCTV ?? A guesstimate here is that that published photo is a cropped item…. (credit: Chris Packham)
If that Land Rover is newer than 8 years old then it had Land Rover telematics (TCU) installed and would leave a “snail trail” recorded in Solihull.
Packham’s a bit too quick on the draw for my liking with the attribution….
Given all the rather self serving torrent of BS spilling out of Packham I doubt I’m the only person wondering if it’s a Jussi Smollett moment…
Did I see initial reports that it was Packham’s car that’d been burned ? – why yes I think I did …. I wonder how the gits got that impression?
Another BBC masterclass in vague ‘whatifery’ and scaremongering.
It has a very amusing ‘scientific’ graph clearly aimed at gullible idiots showing catastrophe for ‘Future with intensive fossil fuels’, global temperatures coming down for ‘Future based on sustainability’ and other unspecified ‘Different possible scenarios’ inbetween.
Written by David Shukman who starts his twitter feed with ‘I’m the BBC’s science editor’.
And all his many tweets are about climate change. Nothing else. I have a feeling David was chosen by the BBC for his far-Left activist activities and knows nothing about any other science.
BBC Framing Today – the narrative suddenly changes – has the BBC been telling Porkies?
You know that pig farmers on hundreds of UK farms have been culling thousands of their pigs? The BBC said so. The UK print media said so. It was all due to Brexit, said the BBC. If the newspaper was pro or anti-Brexit varied the print media response. Well, guess what?
According to Anna Hill this morning it was only a few farms and they only slaughtered “hundreds of pigs”. I wonder if the farmers on those farms were Remain voters? The BBC, of course, would not be honest enough to tell us that.
BBC in a happy place with shortages of HGV drivers at Felixstowe which’ Threatens Christmas . ‘
Sometimes the BBC returns to its ‘ core programming’ – you know – the one which attends to the needs of indigenous British people who have jobs , believe in the Judeo – Christian God – does not trouble people perverted sex – and is mildly pro Britain – …
… anyway – the BBC is fixated – fixated – on shortages at Christmas . But hang on – every one is gonna be poor by Christmas because of the nasty government – so we won’t be able to afford to buy the stuff we can’t get hold of ? Right ?
Maybe the assumption that stuff is always gonna be there being challenged might make people more appreciative …but of course that’s me misreading human kind .
I want it . I want it now . I want it cheap . Give me .
Star Trek star Shatner gets set to boldly go… into space
After simulating years in space playing Captain James T Kirk in the Star Trek films and TV series, Hollywood actor William Shatner will finally make the actual journey. He’s part of the crew on board a spacecraft developed by Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, and although he won’t reach warp speed he will experience weightlessness as he climbs to a maximum altitude just above 60 miles (100km). He should see the curvature of the Earth after Blue Origin blasts off from the Texas desert later. “I want to see the Earth. I want to see what we need to do to save Earth. I want to have a perspective that hasn’t been shown to me before,” Shatner says.
Maybe Heels Up Harris can sidekick along in Gwen deMarco fashion to boldly gurn in the first inter racial, human/alien doing the nasty?
Carbon will be offset. Apparently. If possibly a smidge more than XR torching their restraining orders to an adoring if irony bereft media.
I Seldom get laugh out loud entertainment out of BBC political interviews . But our Justin interviewed Milliband junior over climate change ( yawn ) – milliband sounded quite emotional .
. Maybe it was when our Justin mentioned that overnight the dirty Chinese have announced they are to build a lot more coal powered stations . I thought ‘bravo ‘ – china – look after your people – give them power and improving living standards .
Meanwhile the likes of our Justin and Milliband junior thrash about as we freeze in the dark for want of the cheaper gas beneath our own land …
But those two smugs will feel warmed by our sacrifice .
The BBC is upset by footy crowd violence – seems that plod decided to start a fight because a few Hungarians said nasty things to a coloured steward .
Once upon a time plod used the mantra of not intervening at the time to prevent disorder – but this time they got their batons out and tried to go for it . I understand the footy types fought back – which must be an unsettling experience for thug plod .
Maybe if there was 75 % wimmin in the police ( which the BBC and the wimmin campaigners want ) such distasteful incidents would not happen ….
At least the woke football millionaires didn’t win…
I gave up bothering about the England football team years ago. I have no idea who the players are, nor their fixtures nor wether they win or lose. I do know they are all confirmed knee takers and that their manager is a Woke Pratt and that the FA is corporate supporter of BLM.
But none of the above will stop them going to the Qatar World Cup despite the Qatari regime being one of the most racist on earth. Why won’t they make a truly resounding anti racist gesture and refuse to take part? Because supporting BLM and bashing old whitey is fashionable and profitable for all concerned, telling the truth about modern salvery isn’t either fashionable or profitable.
It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box. All through the critical years many left-wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but always anti-British.
Double – I think some ‘social justice ‘ and an ‘end to all discrimination ‘ – as they parrot – depends on whether the piper ( qatar ) is calling the tune using off shore trust accounts to holding companies which the UK taxman won’t be hearing about –
– that’s nearer to ‘social justice ‘ to your average thick footy kicker ….. such as dr – the lord – rashford …
The Environment Agency is a non-departmental public body, sponsored (whatever that means?) by the UK government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Now you might think some of these publicly-funded semi-autonomous, advisory, single issue (one track mind?) bureaucracies could do with a bit of reining in (pun intended, as you’ll see) – but as Francis Urquhart, as played by Ian Richardson in the TV adaptation of the political drama House of Cards, would say suggestively and rather knowingly (dare I say SAGEly?): I couldn’t possibly comment…
Seems, given their way, the Environment Agency would have us build a massive national umbrella, because like the naive Chicken Little in that children’s fable they think the sky is falling in because they’ve seen the moon reflected in a puddle – or some such.
By the way, note the different emphasis given in these two headlines:
The Times: ‘Environment chief warns of catastrophic flooding threat‘
It gets worse…
BBC: ‘Climate change: “Adapt or die” warning from Environment Agency‘
“We’re all doomed, I tell ee, doomed” – as Private Fraser, the platoon grumbler in Dad’s Army would reliably warn at every difficult turn of events. No matter. I’m sure there’s a solution and if not my giant umbrella idea… then perhaps something involving the expansion of the departmental empire: “Your money or your life” – was supposedly the catchphrase of our legendary highwaymen and footpads.
Having absorbed the weather forecast – I’ll just repeat – it is going to be hot (because climate change) and very wet (take to the hills).
Harry de Quetteville in the Telegraph presents a timely caution: ‘Blinded by Groupthink why it keeps happening‘
Speaking of writers with French names… Now for some literature to hopefully calm us down.
The ‘i’ newspaper suggests some of: ‘The best books to buy‘
It’s a toss up between a former favourite of mine John le Carré who some years ago disappointingly decided to come in from the cold and tinker with woke and Keisha the Sket by Jade LB.
That later title apparently “accidentally decolonised literature”
So I suppose I’m stuck with the last gasp le Carré
“He was the greatest English novelist of his generation, yet just before his death he became an Irish citizen of the EU” – gushes Fintan O’Toole in the heavily politicised Guardian review.
“Why is he so boldly declaring his allegiance to another nation?”
I don’t know… inheritance tax planning?
Alison Pearson in the Telegraph comments on Irish author Sally Rooney who appears to have passed by le Carré as he picked up his Irish passport when she (metaphorically) swapped hers for one for Palestine (I doubt she’d want to go and live there). Our Alison is a little kinder than I was yesterday refering to her: ‘juvenile view of the world is a worrying moment for our culture‘
Juvenile indeed. Senility suggests itself looking at the elderly le Carré clownishly wrapping himself in the Irish tricolour. My reaction to Rooney’s refusing a Hebrew language edition of her book was to call her anti-semitic.
Not for me the easy excuse of juvenile naivety from Rooney: ‘Coleen: Why I’ve forgiven Wayne for cheating‘ (Daily Express) – I can’t resist an easy segue.
The Guardian enjoyed the MP’s covid inquiry so much they want another one: ‘Start full inquiry early…‘ – and of course they find someone to mouth their editorial impatience: ‘…say Covid bereaved‘
Headline writers may never have heard of this but I’m informed that some while ago there was a move to something termed the Just In Time Supply Chain. It saved a few bob but depended on no major disruptions – such as Lockdowns.
FT: ‘Pile of trouble. Ships rerouted as port fills up‘
Oddly enough, I note at one local retailer there’s already several shelves of baubauls, tinsel and all kinds of China-manufactured Xmas tatt. Stuff they didn’t shift last year?
Seems to me there are those who really do want to ban Christmas.
At the risk of metropolitanism I notice our miserablist woke Leftist Mayor Khan has already banned New Year celebrations: ‘London’s New Year fireworks cancelled for a second year‘ (BBC)
In the Leftist world of permanent multiple crises of course our leaders can’t ever take a holiday.
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror pictures an at his ease Boris at his easil painting a picture – perhaps he’s taking this Winston Churchill pose just a little too seriously: ‘So where’s the PM? He’s playing with his paint set‘
Well, what’s a boy to do? ‘Lego goes woke‘ (Daily Star)
The Daily Star will always out-tabloid the tabloid Mirror: ‘How could he be so artless?‘ and ‘What a load of Pollocks‘
As for David Cornwell – perhaps the clue of his true loyalty to blighty is found in the name he uses ‘le carre ‘ …. and getting a paddy passport isn’t difficult if you have an Irish great granny –
And a paddy passport means to faster Q in arrivals to get to your French second or third or fourth home …. And of course his kids can now get ReichEU passports ….
Le Carre’s books were excellent upto Smiley’s People but afterwards went rapidly downhill. Much of his later stuff is mediocre at best as he began to think of himself as a top notch novelist rather than as a espionage thriller write.
As for Khan, commenting on the black history tube map I posted elsewhere he says….
“Londons history is Black history!”
Apparently London did not exist before about 1952, all those white dandies in tights etc. are just a figment of our imagination as was Jack the Ripper and any Royal before QE2 etc etc!
Woman told she needs a hip replacement – 4 year wait . I was surprised that the ‘consultant ‘ who told her didn’t add the sentence ‘ but I can do it next week if you go private ‘ ….
.. I have witnessed such an interaction and it is the culture of the £ medical £ mafia £ ….
The BBC doesn’t go near such corruption because of its belief in the NHS as the True Religion …
Will a NHS Diversity Manager be able to help? Move you up the queue?
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
From first diagnosis, I had to wait 14years for the first replacement. “Too young” they pleaded. The woman explained the social depravations without mentioning the physical: some days not being able to get into any position to relieve the pain – day or night. Permanent throbbing et al. She clearly doesn’t understand.
‘Disgraceful’ NHS Santa advert slammed by Denise Welch as parents predict children will be terrified
Denise Welch is among the many people who have criticised the NHS advert featuring an unconscious Santa being rushed into hospital
Not directly the BBC – but I’ve been browsing the commons early report on the Chinese virus response in Blighty . I fear it is tainted because Jeremy hunt was in charge of one of the 2 drafting committees and he should be treated as a suspect in this and not a judge – he was health sec for 9 nine years ….
Anyway – it got me thinking . Have any other nations produced similar reports ? What are their findings ? I don’t know the answer – but I missed any reference to the response of other nations – better or worse …
But it seems strange to focus so tightly on the failings here …
Despite all the apparent Governmental disorder there was clearly a rudimentary plan in place. One part of that plan was to clear out many of the ‘low hanging fruit’ OAP’s as possible before the public realised what was going on. ‘A wonderful opportunity’. To this goal, there existed, from day one, the individuals ability to do the best they could themselves to combat the chinese virus pre (and post) vaccine. A, ‘fighting chance’. Silence from the Government, local GP’s and importantly the NHS of the importance of upping the level consumed of Vit D, Zinc, Vit C. Silence. Let’s all join in on a round of clapping for all of them.
Sadly I view the reports industry as a waste of time . Huge effort is put into gathering evidence and views – publication – press release – 24 hour news cycle and then bin it .
There exceptions such as those lefty reports which fit MSM approved thought – such as Lawrence – but who can remember many more ?
The next virus will be different – maybe it is a proper flu – killing far quicker or maybe slower – and maybe no vaccine . By the time that turns up experience of dealing with outbreaks will be gone …
( unless – of course – we are talking about winter 2021/ 2/3… ) … as for something like out ability to deal with a radiation incident – pretend it can’t happen …
As for a ‘plan ‘ even the extermination of as many old people as possible ‘- I don’t think so … I think it’s giving them credit . They are not that clever to be so evil .
Those deaths were caused by managers box ticking – clearing their responsibility with no thought of the consequence – with no one wishing to blow the whistle for fear or promotion £ chances …..
( if their job description / performance measures didn’t mention keeping people alive – why should they? )… they’d still get their bonus -I have worked with people who approach their job like this ).
Jeremy Hunt makes ‘terrible’ gaffe about his wife in China
This article is more than 3 years old
British foreign secretary refers to his Chinese wife as Japanese during debut visit to Beijing
My reply has always been along the lines of “why do you think I ever stopped?”
I would sooner be identified, however inaccurately, as a wife-beater than a woke, left-wing, BLM supporting, Remainer twat or, in fact, any one of those.
I should add that my racist, white privilege also extends to not being the recipient of a shank, wielded by a black, for whatever reason. Oh wait, maybe it’s because I’m not black?
When I left art college up North I landed my first job in a swanky Holborn ad agency. Despite the fact that my work was well received I was hauled up in front of the senior creative one morning to be asked if I thought I was in the “right place” and informed that the agency could do without my services as I didn’t fit in with the “style” of the majority of the agencies staff who were mainly Southern/London and what can only be described as pretty “elite”.
He even mentioned some “good” Birmingham or Leeds agencies I might approach.
It was obvious that they felt a bit on “uncomfortable” with my Lancashire accent etc.
As an aside, one of my tasks was to run down several times a day to feed the parking meter where he parked his Rolls-Royce.
He actually did me a big favour as I then went freelance and built a very successful business!
So was this micro regional-racism? But then again, there were no “surveys” to help then!
I did a stint at Stafford College of Art Garry doing fine art and sculpture, then on to Birmingham to continue with fine art, then back to Stafford to do Graphic Design and Typography which then was all about magic markers and specking designs for typesetting and block making. Then along came Letraset rub down lettering, then computer layout as I moved into the world of work! I bought the very first Apple Mac sold in Leicestershire complete with Photoshop 1 and Quark Xpress 1 when I opened my own design practice too! It had a 20mb hard disk and 1mb of ram, black and white scanner and printer and the whole shebang cost me £17,000…..
I did a placement at a Birmingham ad agency where the senior creative announced he and his wife had just adopted a baby. A week or so later someone asked him how it was going with the new child and he replied “Oh we took it back, it was putting on too much weight and looking a bit fat!”…..
Bloody hell. I taught BTEC GRaphics at Wakefield, Stockport and Rochdale. We had some of the first Apple set ups at Wakefield. MIT lecturers came to tell us all about the digitization and linking of everything.
I remember reading that Harry Mount as a junior was sometimes given task of standing next to his superior’s computer so that he kept the sunlight off the screen.
Eric Weinstein says we are committing “national suicide”. But even that understates it: Most forms of suicide are either painless or a moment of agony. Today’s stampede to stupid is consigning the world’s superpower to a convulsive, protracted and blood-soaked death quite beyond conventional imperial “decline”.
I will never be invited to MIT, or even to Kathleen Stock’s University of Sussex. This is a battle within the left – between the Woke and the wishy-washy. I take it as read that even the death of your own profession by the thought-policing of creative expression and intellectual inquiry can’t overcome your social distaste for “the right”. But surely at some point a sense of self-preservation will kick in. Or is that now as passé as Playboy cover girls?
No the BBC but not a millions miles away. The Guardian jumps to the defence of the bonkers wokes in the National Trust in the face of opposition from the new Restore Trust outfit.
The NT have decided that the best form of defence is to launch personal attacks on Restore Trust members using the usual left-wing smear tactics using some of their favoured metro-liberal news gobbies.
That’s when you know for sure that the NT have no real defence or argument.
I am toying with the idea of turning up at NT properties with a spaycan of paint , could use any colour, and spraying over some of the messaging that I find offensive. Surely a lesser crime than statue topplers, Churchill daubers, road blockers etc, but I think I may get into more trouble than the rest of the criminals combined.
Anyone else notice that the left-wing MSM including the BBC have suddenly developed a profound love and respect for the Martian-lookalike Dominic Cummins, despite the fact that they tried heaven and Earth to bury him no so long back and would lovingly have thrown him into the Thames tied to an anchor.
BBC R2 News just said that William Shatner at 90 “will be the oldest person to go into orbit.” Nope.
I take it that little story didn’t pass across a “science” desk. If Bezos had the resources to send nonagenarian actors into orbit that might be truly impressive.
Trick, poor choice of words on the part of the BBC. I think William Shatner’s little trip will make John Glenn’s mission in the 1960s seem rather lengthy.
Exactly, the Blue Origin rocket is a publicity triumph for Bezos considering it can only do what NASA’s Mercury-Redstone rockets did sixty years ago, albeit with four passengers rather than one.
(Ham, a chimpanzee, Alan Shepard and Virgil “Gus” Grissom all flew on these initial Redstone sub-orbital missions)
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC’s desperation around this issue is plain to see
” Casualty, Coronation Street, Doctors, EastEnders, Emmerdale, Holby City and Hollyoaks have each filmed scenes, or have references, to cover different aspects of climate change and, in a soap first, five of the soaps will also be referencing each other as each drama will also give a nod to another. Viewers will see some of Britain’s best loved characters pop up in another soap as they discuss, or see the moments, that have been debated in another show in a bid to raise awareness of climate change. ”
The propaganda becomes ever more desperate as evidence mounts to the contrary with a simple equation that public have grasped long ago: no wind + no sunshine = no electricity.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
As mentioned earlier Madelaine Grant on GB News last night delivered a knockout blow to the bBC.
This was delivered in a very measured, professional fashion which made it more compelling.
in particular;
*she highlighted that young people didnt watch the bBC
*Amongst the young their primary source of news is YouTube
* the bBC were insulting the rest of us with left wing liberal bias
*worse still they couldn’t see this as they exist in a groupthink bubble
*that there is a growing rebellion against the Licence Fee which will grow and make it even less viable in the future
Over to you Ms Dorries, it might be an idea that you get Ms Grant on an assignment to assist in the objective of cancelling the Licence Fee mechanism.
Your Black History Heroes
We’re very excited here in the CBeebies House because October is Black History Month and we are going to be celebrating our black history heroes.
Who is your black history hero? They could be from any walk of life including a leader, a musician, a scientist, an artist, a business person, a doctor, a sporting hero etc… They could even be a family member or a friend.
We would love you to send us a photo of your child and tell us who their black history hero is and why.
Follow our guidelines for the best chance of seeing your child on the CBeebies website or in the CBeebies House.
Damn she is such a role model – and she is probably classed as a ‘clever ‘one .
But she is well paid to go on BBC programmes and spout such rubbish so maybe not so dumb ….
Jeremy Corbyn has defended the shadow home secretary after she appeared to suggest that the 10,000 new police officers Labour has pledged if it gained power at the General Election would be paid £30 per year.
Speaking after the interview, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he was “not embarrassed in the slightest”.
In a stumbling explanation of how Labour would fund the 10,000 extra police officers, Diane Abbott put the bill at £300,000, before suggesting it would cost £80 million per year – meaning the officers would earn £8,000 per year.
John Carne on why officially cancelling you licence is better than just not paying it
“180,000 cancellers have been counted in the last year”
… https://youtu.be/mOqrnKW3mrE
BBC is reciting the mantra that higher inflation is going to bring higher interest rates – a few months ago they were talking 2024 – now they are suggesting 2 months time .
Richi s big challenge in the coming budget is to head that off because even a quarter point rise will truly bring on the tears ….
I’ve already boycotted a few firms who threatened their customers with not wanting their custom if the BLM mantra was not adhered to – Yorkshire Gold Tea is one of those.
NOW my occasional supermarket has gone one further ! Black History Month inspired food !!
Christ, when will it ever end ? These companies and ad agencies don’t realise they are actually fuelling feelings of racism where there was none before. Its like telling your teenage daughter not to go out with an unsuitable boy, and she does it all the more – to spite you.
“At Waitrose, we know we have more to do – but we’re determined to become Britain’s most inclusive business. And that’s why we’re so proud to celebrate Black History Month”
I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.…I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream that…one day right there in Alabama, little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
And this from personal knowledge from a Company that pays a lot of it’s staff minimum wage, takes away their annual bonus, enforces anti-social hours. and pays it’s chief executive £990,000 a year, around fifty or sixty times the wage of its average employee, now that really is inclusive and diverse.
Once you’ve spent any significant time around black folks (as I have), you’ll realise that nobody talks about being black more than black people. They’re obsessed with it.
Seeing the upcoming BBC surge of climate bandwagon propaganda via soaps etc. shows they have not taken the hint over hyper-hyped causes v interested viewers.
Just as the torrent of “inclusive” content has reached the point where most viewers are sick of it, they now seem to be intent on doing the same with the Climate fandango.
Good luck with the viewing figures Beeb! I can almost hear the groans of exasperation from every normal household viewing as I type.
It’s about time they returned to making watchable content instead of 3rd form informational crap.
With you on this Brissles. I do likewise. Companies who pander to this woke nonsense no longer receive my custom. I am attempting to compile a list of such. To save me the bother does anyone already have such a list so I know who boycott in future.
You can add the Coo-op and in particular the Co-op Bank who have announced that they don’t want to do business with any Company in the fossil fuel industry, this despite the fact that the Co-op was built on the backs of working people who relied on the fossil fuel industry to provide jobs in manufacturing, steel, motors, etc. etc. But this was mainly in the North so they don’t really count as citizens of the Brave New World I guess! So it’s two fingers up to the working class who made the Company what they are today thanks in large part to the success and endeavours of the fossil fuel industry.
Absolutely Digg. Both my grandfathers were miners in S Yorkshire, and almost everyone in the community shopped at the “Co-op” for everything – from clothing to furniture, and the Co-op bread and milk van would do deliveries. Mum would shop at the Co-op butchers, and I even remember her ‘number’ – 18057 – how’s that for a memory from over 60 years ago. But I struggle to remember my car reg no. parked outside my house. Lol !
I’m afraid Brissles the uni-leaving grudge-bearing younger Co-op management would not understand that in a thousand years. For them it’s now only about waving the politically correct banner. Most of my male forbears in Lancashire were miners AND Co-op regulars. You could say that the Co-op itself was built on coal in fact. It’s reminiscent of the successful young uni graduate from a working class family feeling embarrassed by their parents lowly position and wanting to distance themselves from their own roots by pretending to be elitist. And by the way, my mums Co-op number was 9605!
At that time my mum shopped in the Co-op store round the corner or the Co-op butcher next door, had bread delivered by the Co-op, had milk delivered by the Co-op AND had COAL delivered by the Co-op!
But all that was when the Co-op saw itself as a retailer and not a sub-branch of Extinction Rebellion!
ps Lenny Bruce used to tell a wonderful monologue about relaxing coloured people at a party. Fried chicken and watermelon anyone. Probably banned now but may be available on youtube.
“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
The NASUWT uses the term Black in a political and inclusive sense to describe those who self-identify as African, Caribbean and Asian identities and those with a common and direct history of racism, racist oppression and diminished opportunities in today’s society. https://www.nasuwt.org.uk/advice/equalities/under-represented-groups/black-teachers.html
15 …. too young to understand ISIS as a terrorist group.
12 …. old enough to understand the vaccine and it’s implications.
10 … old enough to be a director of Jeremy Vine’s company to off load tax.
In the 30 years to 2021, three million fewer properties were built than in the previous 30. The population, however, has increased by more than nine million. The BBC has travelled the country to meet people whose stories are snapshots of the UK’s housing crisis – and Steve’s, in Middlesbrough, is one of regret.1 Oct 2021
. . . .
Boris Johnson Pledges to Admit 3 Million From Hong Kong to U.K.
The promise, in reaction to a new security law China is trying to impose on the semiautonomous city, a former British colony, would sharply raise the stakes in a developing standoff.
The cop thing looks like it’s gonna hopefully be a nothing – apart from mug western countries trying to impress a 17 girl with mental issues by putting up carbon taxes
I think in the next couple of weeks we will hear a bit of ‘down playing ‘ by the host and his crew . …..
R4 Media Show : Rollingstone promoting their new UK print version
“It’s got Ash Sarkar, Paul Mason”
.. The other panel member is the Guardian media editor ..Jess Brammar’s husband
I just saw this example of a story
‘Eric Clapton’s a vaccine skeptic , lets monster him’
Rolling Stone special report: Inside Eric Clapton’s baffling vaccine skepticism and shocking history of racist statements https://t.co/5FxgwHhdnC
Lines in the prog “Look over their at the UK Independent, the Saudis have bought it and kept it the same in the UK, but have then crated a lot of Independent brands for the Middle east which push Saudi propaganda”
…em projection ..see how Rolling stone is being used to push Guardianland agendas
I’m pretty sure these lefty media types have only got involved with RollingStone to give them access to “Yoof” like all good Marxists they need to capture the young to inflate their skewed doctrine and target the “enemy”.
Rolling Stone was a great rock magazine. Now sadly as woke as possible. Stopped getting it as now its stories have gone the Time route. Utterly pathetic publication now.
Rolling Stone magazine hasn’t been ahead of the curve since Hunter Thompson was writing for them. It’s just another dinosaur that will go extinct given a long enough timeline, like Playboy and the pouting homosexual they’re proudly displaying on their cover as somehow being edgy. He isn’t.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea… https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1897800687565861081
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe https://dailysceptic.org/2025/03/08/five-years-on-the-uk-refuses-to-learn-the-lessons-of-the-covid-catastrophe/ The US has changed direction…
Weird. Just read a post from the previous thread where there was an apology, quoted by the bbc. Then…
Here’s that BBCnews tweet where they quote Boris saying “Sorry” for Covid deaths
… https://twitter.com/BBCNews/status/1354117879969554433
Right now 11pm GBnews Madeline Grant asks “Is the BBC heading for extinction ?”
You can wind back the livefeed for upto 12 hours
… https://youtu.be/YpJttX6PCL8
“Is the BBC heading for extinction ?”
Yes, but not quickly enough.
I am surprised to see the vitriol being written on social media
about Gareth Southgate. As a manager most of us working in
football know that tactically he is at best second rate. But
I don’t believe anyone else could coach England to prostrate
themselves so well . when going down on one knee before
the matches. And remember he is beloved by the BBC for this
achievement . The media partners of the BLM organization could
not wish for anybody better than Gareth Southgate. The
football is secondary.
As an appendage . As England are never going to win
a major footballing trophy under Gareth Southgate’s
stewardship. Do you think it would be a good idea
if Southgate asked the Olympic organizing committee
if Synchronized Prostrating could become an Olympic
I think that a UK team . And of course it would have to
include some “inclusive” prostrators from Scotland, Wales
and N Ireland. They would have a great chance of winning the gold! I wonder what other country would send teams?
The BBC would really make this into their default games event.
A plethora of presenters, reporters, cameramen could cover
the “sport” from every angle. It would be similar for the viewer as watching the Monty Pythons Olympics for the
100 metres for those with weak bladders ! Yes and of course
the judges who give the points would all have to come from
the BLM organization. The BBC would be in a perpetual orgasmic
state! The crazy thing being . Unlike the Monty Python . The BBC
would want us to take it seriously.
Everday is April Fools ?
Al this big soap operas have got to together to dp secial Climate Change CAMPAIGNING cross over stories during COP 26
Stew, as I head for cover, I’ve been a long time reader of the D/Mail, but in recent months I’ve wondered if everyday is April Fools when reading some of the items in their pages.
I’m at a loss as to what paper to buy, the red tops are just comics for the illiterate, the D/Express is 4 pages of news and 16 pages of adverts and puzzles, and I tend to battle the broadsheets in trying to hold them.
Can anyone recommend one from the rest ?
There isn’t one. The internet is now the place for the news, UK Column being my first choice.
The Racing Post. Completely free of news. A bit pricey now and nowhere as good as the old Sporting Life. That had pieces by proper writers who were given the freedom to write about anything that took their fancy. Clement Freud had a spot every week as did others of note.
It was always referred to as simply ‘The Life’ and was well recommended to start any young man on the road to perdition and poverty.The editors always seemed to like writers with good style who could actually write so that smoothed the path somewhat.
“Climate change: ‘Adapt or die’ warning from Environment Agency”
“Hundreds of people could die in floods in the UK”
“Earlier this year in Germany, dozens of people died in floods.”
Why do more die in the UK than die in Germany ?
Does anyone believe this “could” guff any more?
Great Britain will be destroyed by the ‘Green Giant’ and his present wife.
The Covid story is that hundreds die of Covid every week
… so is “Hundreds of people *could* die in floods in the UK” in a weird one-off event, that frightening ?
By “could” the BBC probably means “if they try very hard”.
‘Adapt or die’? A little melodramatic, don’t you think?
I’m not worried, my home’s on the top of a hill.
The Environment Agency should start dredging the rivers then , just like they use to before the EU started to interfere with our countryside.
And there are less hill farmers keeping galleys and streams clear.
“my home’s on the top of a hill”
You sure it’s not a volcano?
“You sure it’s not a volcano?”
Sadly not, Moggie, if it was we could invest in ‘geothermal energy’ and the heating bills would be considerably less (plus we’d get some kind of kudos in the eyes of the Church of the Green Sisterhood).
On the otherhand, looking at La Palma, perhaps we’re the lucky ones…
I knew some one at secondhand who put her house on the market just before an earthquake destroyed part of the village. Luckily some one did still buy it: he was a seismologist.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58876089 the bbc link to the damning report about govs response to covid. They have a stock photo telling us how thankful we should be to the NHS. ok so let me thank them for the following: Stopping people getting to see their GP and missing crucial diagnoses.
Cancelling thousands of operatons and causing excesive deaths. stopping families seeing their loved ones on their death beds. reducing capacity so people cant get a bed. Paying for woke diversity officers which could instead be spent on nurses or doctors.
I could go on but you get my point. The NHS is not fit for purpose but anyone that criticises the NHS is an outcast. whatever we spend on it, it will never be enough, its a bottomless pit and needs a complete reorganisation.
This linked article also tells us how bad boris was basically in that they didnt lock us down sooner. there is not even a question from the bbc so called reporters asking if we actually should have locked up healthy people at all… for a virus with a survivability rate in excess of 99%. they just slag of the government and put across that the only response was more lockdowns and done sooner.
If the BBC wanted to question lock downs or restrictions they could find many thousands of scientists and scholars who have that view but the only people they ever interviewed were all for locking healthy people down.
At least there were plenty of places in the world that didnt make their people prisoners in their own homes and its these places that will highlight the harm that lockdowns caused.
There is no way to organise it. Direct health insurance is the only way forward, but as the Americans have shown, it’s yet another white elephant that invites greed and corruption like everything else.
I’m still staggered they position it as ‘free healthcare for all’ when the workers prop it up with their NI contributions. It’s about as free as a blow-job from a stripper.
“Brexit: Lord Frost proposes ‘entirely new’ NI protocol”
Trigger article 16 – now!
We are out of the EU now. We owe them nothing !
If the EU want border checks in Ireland let them do it , not us .
Over to you ‘EU Army’………………….
Totally agree but the BBC will do their damnedest to talk down the UK and big up the EU and it’s failed policy’s. Sadly they have brainwashed so many in our country that a big chunk of the population believe everything the BBC tells them. The sooner the BBC is defunded the better
It’s up to Nadine.
That Suzanne Moore article ends
\\It was C.S. Lewis who said
“One of the most cowardly things ordinary people can do is to shut their eyes to facts”.
If cowards think they have a free run, we all need to open our eyes, stand our ground
and insist that *feelings* are not facts, however uncomfortable that fact may be.
She’s *projecting* ; the Guardian-Master-Race dictate our lives
THEIR FEELINGS like GreenDream, Climate Alarmism, wokism are dominant, over real world facts.
eg the first line of the article says
“Chris Packham’s car was blown up by masked men”
..emm not it wasn’t ..it was a seemingly stolen one was set on fire near his house.
Stewgreen – got a link for the Packham stolen car thing ?
Suzanne Moore is what I think people used to label a harridan?
‘Suzanne Moore is what I think people used to label a harridan?’
Harridan: A vile ‘old woman’ with a spiteful, nagging manner, she certainly is, and fittingly enough, Roger Harrabin is another, in fact the BBC is full of them.
Packham is making a mountain out of a molehill, in my opinion, but he’s always been something of a drama queen, and would no doubt blame it on his Asperger’s.
Yes. It was all over the BBC web-site for a couple of days. You can probably find a link on here or you can do battle with the BBC’s search engine on their web-site. It was not clear that the car was stolen, btw: that was Chris Packham’s claim that it was terror related. It could have been an innocent break-down incident but that would mean Chris Packham could not have claimed his feathers were still smoothied (pun entirely deliberate – go on, laugh, make my day) and not at all ruffled by the incident.
I, meanwhile, have a bad feeling about this, Han Solo fashion.
tomo, here you go: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-58861252
One tweet said that the FRONT gate pictured looks different to the FRONT gate
that was used in the story that said Packham had dead animals hung over his gate
a bigger pic show it is clearly a newer Landrover ..
parked 10 feet away from the gate, and doesn’ look to have been moved since the fire. https://twitter.com/HampshireLive/status/1447123143118704644
I saw tweets like this one
Chris Packham has his wooden Gate Destroyed,
Joyriders leaving probably a stolen Landrover ablaze,
Then owns the narrative because he`s an environmentalist so must be targeted.
3 times a year around here this happens
#1 gypsy types steal a car/van drive it to remote place get the part they want and set fire to it.
or #2 a vehicle is used in a crime, then it is driven down a lane/farm track and set fire to, to conceal evidence.
Other CCTV image appears to show flame touching the gates
It’s weird how news stories say the gate was surprised, but show it entirely intact after the fire.
.. https://twitter.com/LadyLornaLake/status/1447509737147404290
Do you recognise the person driving the vehicle? (pfff) – that’s the best CCTV ?? A guesstimate here is that that published photo is a cropped item…. (credit: Chris Packham)
If that Land Rover is newer than 8 years old then it had Land Rover telematics (TCU) installed and would leave a “snail trail” recorded in Solihull.
Packham’s a bit too quick on the draw for my liking with the attribution….
Given all the rather self serving torrent of BS spilling out of Packham I doubt I’m the only person wondering if it’s a Jussi Smollett moment…
Did I see initial reports that it was Packham’s car that’d been burned ? – why yes I think I did …. I wonder how the gits got that impression?
He should count himself lucky there weren’t three bodies in it with their brains blown out.
Gamekeepers hang up dead animals. Perhaps Packham does a bit of gamekeeping as a service to country sports.
Tucker Carlson
A “must watch” imho
It’s the start of a revolt.
The Dems are pushing their luck – big time.
Climate change: ‘Adapt or die’ warning from Environment Agency
Another BBC masterclass in vague ‘whatifery’ and scaremongering.
It has a very amusing ‘scientific’ graph clearly aimed at gullible idiots showing catastrophe for ‘Future with intensive fossil fuels’, global temperatures coming down for ‘Future based on sustainability’ and other unspecified ‘Different possible scenarios’ inbetween.
Written by David Shukman who starts his twitter feed with ‘I’m the BBC’s science editor’.
And all his many tweets are about climate change. Nothing else. I have a feeling David was chosen by the BBC for his far-Left activist activities and knows nothing about any other science.
The EA?
BBC Framing Today – the narrative suddenly changes – has the BBC been telling Porkies?
You know that pig farmers on hundreds of UK farms have been culling thousands of their pigs? The BBC said so. The UK print media said so. It was all due to Brexit, said the BBC. If the newspaper was pro or anti-Brexit varied the print media response. Well, guess what?
According to Anna Hill this morning it was only a few farms and they only slaughtered “hundreds of pigs”. I wonder if the farmers on those farms were Remain voters? The BBC, of course, would not be honest enough to tell us that.
You know you can trust the BBC – not.
And… yes… The BBC veers into its comfort zones… ancient history and ‘the right’ in defence of Sopes’ table mate.
BBC Today Programme –
BBC in a happy place with shortages of HGV drivers at Felixstowe which’ Threatens Christmas . ‘
Sometimes the BBC returns to its ‘ core programming’ – you know – the one which attends to the needs of indigenous British people who have jobs , believe in the Judeo – Christian God – does not trouble people perverted sex – and is mildly pro Britain – …
… anyway – the BBC is fixated – fixated – on shortages at Christmas . But hang on – every one is gonna be poor by Christmas because of the nasty government – so we won’t be able to afford to buy the stuff we can’t get hold of ? Right ?
Maybe the assumption that stuff is always gonna be there being challenged might make people more appreciative …but of course that’s me misreading human kind .
I want it . I want it now . I want it cheap . Give me .
And the Moaning Emole…
Star Trek star Shatner gets set to boldly go… into space
After simulating years in space playing Captain James T Kirk in the Star Trek films and TV series, Hollywood actor William Shatner will finally make the actual journey. He’s part of the crew on board a spacecraft developed by Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, and although he won’t reach warp speed he will experience weightlessness as he climbs to a maximum altitude just above 60 miles (100km). He should see the curvature of the Earth after Blue Origin blasts off from the Texas desert later. “I want to see the Earth. I want to see what we need to do to save Earth. I want to have a perspective that hasn’t been shown to me before,” Shatner says.
Maybe Heels Up Harris can sidekick along in Gwen deMarco fashion to boldly gurn in the first inter racial, human/alien doing the nasty?
Carbon will be offset. Apparently. If possibly a smidge more than XR torching their restraining orders to an adoring if irony bereft media.
Not much ( any ) coverage of the Harris in the US hiring child actors for some video thing about space – veep comedy lives ..
I Seldom get laugh out loud entertainment out of BBC political interviews . But our Justin interviewed Milliband junior over climate change ( yawn ) – milliband sounded quite emotional .
. Maybe it was when our Justin mentioned that overnight the dirty Chinese have announced they are to build a lot more coal powered stations . I thought ‘bravo ‘ – china – look after your people – give them power and improving living standards .
Meanwhile the likes of our Justin and Milliband junior thrash about as we freeze in the dark for want of the cheaper gas beneath our own land …
But those two smugs will feel warmed by our sacrifice .
Burn that carbon …
He flies back to USA to stay in his non-insulated apartment.
The BBC is upset by footy crowd violence – seems that plod decided to start a fight because a few Hungarians said nasty things to a coloured steward .
Once upon a time plod used the mantra of not intervening at the time to prevent disorder – but this time they got their batons out and tried to go for it . I understand the footy types fought back – which must be an unsettling experience for thug plod .
Maybe if there was 75 % wimmin in the police ( which the BBC and the wimmin campaigners want ) such distasteful incidents would not happen ….
At least the woke football millionaires didn’t win…
I gave up bothering about the England football team years ago. I have no idea who the players are, nor their fixtures nor wether they win or lose. I do know they are all confirmed knee takers and that their manager is a Woke Pratt and that the FA is corporate supporter of BLM.
But none of the above will stop them going to the Qatar World Cup despite the Qatari regime being one of the most racist on earth. Why won’t they make a truly resounding anti racist gesture and refuse to take part? Because supporting BLM and bashing old whitey is fashionable and profitable for all concerned, telling the truth about modern salvery isn’t either fashionable or profitable.
Adverts on billboards were from Chinese who have reeducation camps and slaves! Yeah! Take the knee – ignore who pays you.
“that their manager is a Woke Pratt ” –
thank you for my chuckle of the day. Lol !
Nail on the head Doublethinker, bravo!
It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box. All through the critical years many left-wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but always anti-British.
Double – I think some ‘social justice ‘ and an ‘end to all discrimination ‘ – as they parrot – depends on whether the piper ( qatar ) is calling the tune using off shore trust accounts to holding companies which the UK taxman won’t be hearing about –
– that’s nearer to ‘social justice ‘ to your average thick footy kicker ….. such as dr – the lord – rashford …
Plod definitely bit off more than they could chew. Those boys looked like some very serious operators. Careful what you wish for.
The Environment Agency is a non-departmental public body, sponsored (whatever that means?) by the UK government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Now you might think some of these publicly-funded semi-autonomous, advisory, single issue (one track mind?) bureaucracies could do with a bit of reining in (pun intended, as you’ll see) – but as Francis Urquhart, as played by Ian Richardson in the TV adaptation of the political drama House of Cards, would say suggestively and rather knowingly (dare I say SAGEly?): I couldn’t possibly comment…
Seems, given their way, the Environment Agency would have us build a massive national umbrella, because like the naive Chicken Little in that children’s fable they think the sky is falling in because they’ve seen the moon reflected in a puddle – or some such.
By the way, note the different emphasis given in these two headlines:
The Times: ‘Environment chief warns of catastrophic flooding threat‘
It gets worse…
BBC: ‘Climate change: “Adapt or die” warning from Environment Agency‘
“We’re all doomed, I tell ee, doomed” – as Private Fraser, the platoon grumbler in Dad’s Army would reliably warn at every difficult turn of events. No matter. I’m sure there’s a solution and if not my giant umbrella idea… then perhaps something involving the expansion of the departmental empire: “Your money or your life” – was supposedly the catchphrase of our legendary highwaymen and footpads.
Having absorbed the weather forecast – I’ll just repeat – it is going to be hot (because climate change) and very wet (take to the hills).
Harry de Quetteville in the Telegraph presents a timely caution: ‘Blinded by Groupthink why it keeps happening‘
Speaking of writers with French names… Now for some literature to hopefully calm us down.
The ‘i’ newspaper suggests some of: ‘The best books to buy‘
It’s a toss up between a former favourite of mine John le Carré who some years ago disappointingly decided to come in from the cold and tinker with woke and Keisha the Sket by Jade LB.
That later title apparently “accidentally decolonised literature”
So I suppose I’m stuck with the last gasp le Carré
“He was the greatest English novelist of his generation, yet just before his death he became an Irish citizen of the EU” – gushes Fintan O’Toole in the heavily politicised Guardian review.
“Why is he so boldly declaring his allegiance to another nation?”
I don’t know… inheritance tax planning?
Alison Pearson in the Telegraph comments on Irish author Sally Rooney who appears to have passed by le Carré as he picked up his Irish passport when she (metaphorically) swapped hers for one for Palestine (I doubt she’d want to go and live there). Our Alison is a little kinder than I was yesterday refering to her: ‘juvenile view of the world is a worrying moment for our culture‘
Juvenile indeed. Senility suggests itself looking at the elderly le Carré clownishly wrapping himself in the Irish tricolour. My reaction to Rooney’s refusing a Hebrew language edition of her book was to call her anti-semitic.
Not for me the easy excuse of juvenile naivety from Rooney: ‘Coleen: Why I’ve forgiven Wayne for cheating‘ (Daily Express) – I can’t resist an easy segue.
The Guardian enjoyed the MP’s covid inquiry so much they want another one: ‘Start full inquiry early…‘ – and of course they find someone to mouth their editorial impatience: ‘…say Covid bereaved‘
Headline writers may never have heard of this but I’m informed that some while ago there was a move to something termed the Just In Time Supply Chain. It saved a few bob but depended on no major disruptions – such as Lockdowns.
FT: ‘Pile of trouble. Ships rerouted as port fills up‘
Oddly enough, I note at one local retailer there’s already several shelves of baubauls, tinsel and all kinds of China-manufactured Xmas tatt. Stuff they didn’t shift last year?
Seems to me there are those who really do want to ban Christmas.
At the risk of metropolitanism I notice our miserablist woke Leftist Mayor Khan has already banned New Year celebrations: ‘London’s New Year fireworks cancelled for a second year‘ (BBC)
In the Leftist world of permanent multiple crises of course our leaders can’t ever take a holiday.
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror pictures an at his ease Boris at his easil painting a picture – perhaps he’s taking this Winston Churchill pose just a little too seriously: ‘So where’s the PM? He’s playing with his paint set‘
Well, what’s a boy to do? ‘Lego goes woke‘ (Daily Star)
The Daily Star will always out-tabloid the tabloid Mirror: ‘How could he be so artless?‘ and ‘What a load of Pollocks‘
As for David Cornwell – perhaps the clue of his true loyalty to blighty is found in the name he uses ‘le carre ‘ …. and getting a paddy passport isn’t difficult if you have an Irish great granny –
And a paddy passport means to faster Q in arrivals to get to your French second or third or fourth home …. And of course his kids can now get ReichEU passports ….
Le Carre’s books were excellent upto Smiley’s People but afterwards went rapidly downhill. Much of his later stuff is mediocre at best as he began to think of himself as a top notch novelist rather than as a espionage thriller write.
AISI, I loved the way you easily slipped from one Roone with a view to another.
Do I really have to visit the cloakroom?
As for Khan, commenting on the black history tube map I posted elsewhere he says….
“Londons history is Black history!”
Apparently London did not exist before about 1952, all those white dandies in tights etc. are just a figment of our imagination as was Jack the Ripper and any Royal before QE2 etc etc!
Today programme
Welsh ‘health service ‘
Woman told she needs a hip replacement – 4 year wait . I was surprised that the ‘consultant ‘ who told her didn’t add the sentence ‘ but I can do it next week if you go private ‘ ….
.. I have witnessed such an interaction and it is the culture of the £ medical £ mafia £ ….
The BBC doesn’t go near such corruption because of its belief in the NHS as the True Religion …
Will a NHS Diversity Manager be able to help? Move you up the queue?
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
Wow – only £44 K ? How can anyone live on £44k ? – look MPs are brassic at £84 k plus bribes and expenses …
( btw I dream of £44k …)
From first diagnosis, I had to wait 14years for the first replacement. “Too young” they pleaded. The woman explained the social depravations without mentioning the physical: some days not being able to get into any position to relieve the pain – day or night. Permanent throbbing et al. She clearly doesn’t understand.
Clap harder?!
Is this teeing up a Marianna special?
‘Disgraceful’ NHS Santa advert slammed by Denise Welch as parents predict children will be terrified
Denise Welch is among the many people who have criticised the NHS advert featuring an unconscious Santa being rushed into hospital
BySimon DukeTV & Showbiz Editor
13:28, 12 DEC 2020
Is it a ‘non white’ Santa ? if not then that IS disgraceful !
Not directly the BBC – but I’ve been browsing the commons early report on the Chinese virus response in Blighty . I fear it is tainted because Jeremy hunt was in charge of one of the 2 drafting committees and he should be treated as a suspect in this and not a judge – he was health sec for 9 nine years ….
Anyway – it got me thinking . Have any other nations produced similar reports ? What are their findings ? I don’t know the answer – but I missed any reference to the response of other nations – better or worse …
But it seems strange to focus so tightly on the failings here …
Despite all the apparent Governmental disorder there was clearly a rudimentary plan in place. One part of that plan was to clear out many of the ‘low hanging fruit’ OAP’s as possible before the public realised what was going on. ‘A wonderful opportunity’. To this goal, there existed, from day one, the individuals ability to do the best they could themselves to combat the chinese virus pre (and post) vaccine. A, ‘fighting chance’. Silence from the Government, local GP’s and importantly the NHS of the importance of upping the level consumed of Vit D, Zinc, Vit C. Silence. Let’s all join in on a round of clapping for all of them.
Sadly I view the reports industry as a waste of time . Huge effort is put into gathering evidence and views – publication – press release – 24 hour news cycle and then bin it .
There exceptions such as those lefty reports which fit MSM approved thought – such as Lawrence – but who can remember many more ?
The next virus will be different – maybe it is a proper flu – killing far quicker or maybe slower – and maybe no vaccine . By the time that turns up experience of dealing with outbreaks will be gone …
( unless – of course – we are talking about winter 2021/ 2/3… ) … as for something like out ability to deal with a radiation incident – pretend it can’t happen …
As for a ‘plan ‘ even the extermination of as many old people as possible ‘- I don’t think so … I think it’s giving them credit . They are not that clever to be so evil .
Those deaths were caused by managers box ticking – clearing their responsibility with no thought of the consequence – with no one wishing to blow the whistle for fear or promotion £ chances …..
( if their job description / performance measures didn’t mention keeping people alive – why should they? )… they’d still get their bonus -I have worked with people who approach their job like this ).
“They are not that clever to be so evil.”
Agreed, but perhaps those from whom they ‘take advice’ are.
We have over 50 million people with their immune system compromised due to an experimental injection.
So now flu returns after a seasons absence.
How coincidental.
Maybe the experimental jab despite three doses, simply doesn’t work?
Jeremy Hunt makes ‘terrible’ gaffe about his wife in China
This article is more than 3 years old
British foreign secretary refers to his Chinese wife as Japanese during debut visit to Beijing
So climate doom and “Net Zero” across all the telly channel soaps.
I wonder if Mister Harrabin had a hand in that?
BBC announces a weird tube map made especially to celebrate black people who influenced London for black history month.
Anyone else recognise any names? I scored 0.
Over to you Orwell….
‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’
And, as Day follows night….
In Africa? RWanda?
A survey along the lines of “When did you stop beating your wife?”…
My reply has always been along the lines of “why do you think I ever stopped?”
I would sooner be identified, however inaccurately, as a wife-beater than a woke, left-wing, BLM supporting, Remainer twat or, in fact, any one of those.
I should add that my racist, white privilege also extends to not being the recipient of a shank, wielded by a black, for whatever reason. Oh wait, maybe it’s because I’m not black?
When I left art college up North I landed my first job in a swanky Holborn ad agency. Despite the fact that my work was well received I was hauled up in front of the senior creative one morning to be asked if I thought I was in the “right place” and informed that the agency could do without my services as I didn’t fit in with the “style” of the majority of the agencies staff who were mainly Southern/London and what can only be described as pretty “elite”.
He even mentioned some “good” Birmingham or Leeds agencies I might approach.
It was obvious that they felt a bit on “uncomfortable” with my Lancashire accent etc.
As an aside, one of my tasks was to run down several times a day to feed the parking meter where he parked his Rolls-Royce.
He actually did me a big favour as I then went freelance and built a very successful business!
So was this micro regional-racism? But then again, there were no “surveys” to help then!
Which college were you at. I found the same with my accent.
I did a stint at Stafford College of Art Garry doing fine art and sculpture, then on to Birmingham to continue with fine art, then back to Stafford to do Graphic Design and Typography which then was all about magic markers and specking designs for typesetting and block making. Then along came Letraset rub down lettering, then computer layout as I moved into the world of work! I bought the very first Apple Mac sold in Leicestershire complete with Photoshop 1 and Quark Xpress 1 when I opened my own design practice too! It had a 20mb hard disk and 1mb of ram, black and white scanner and printer and the whole shebang cost me £17,000…..
I did a placement at a Birmingham ad agency where the senior creative announced he and his wife had just adopted a baby. A week or so later someone asked him how it was going with the new child and he replied “Oh we took it back, it was putting on too much weight and looking a bit fat!”…..
Bloody hell. I taught BTEC GRaphics at Wakefield, Stockport and Rochdale. We had some of the first Apple set ups at Wakefield. MIT lecturers came to tell us all about the digitization and linking of everything.
I remember reading that Harry Mount as a junior was sometimes given task of standing next to his superior’s computer so that he kept the sunlight off the screen.
things not on the BBC
i’s confident the batteries are OK
Don’t worry they will have portable diesel generators to charge them up again!
Eric Weinstein says we are committing “national suicide”. But even that understates it: Most forms of suicide are either painless or a moment of agony. Today’s stampede to stupid is consigning the world’s superpower to a convulsive, protracted and blood-soaked death quite beyond conventional imperial “decline”.
I will never be invited to MIT, or even to Kathleen Stock’s University of Sussex. This is a battle within the left – between the Woke and the wishy-washy. I take it as read that even the death of your own profession by the thought-policing of creative expression and intellectual inquiry can’t overcome your social distaste for “the right”. But surely at some point a sense of self-preservation will kick in. Or is that now as passé as Playboy cover girls?
Squid Game knocks Bridgerton off Netflix top spot
I’m sure a few tears will be shed, and counseling needed.
You could rally round the BIRD Group if so interested.
Over to you StewGreen
No the BBC but not a millions miles away. The Guardian jumps to the defence of the bonkers wokes in the National Trust in the face of opposition from the new Restore Trust outfit.
The NT have decided that the best form of defence is to launch personal attacks on Restore Trust members using the usual left-wing smear tactics using some of their favoured metro-liberal news gobbies.
That’s when you know for sure that the NT have no real defence or argument.
I am toying with the idea of turning up at NT properties with a spaycan of paint , could use any colour, and spraying over some of the messaging that I find offensive. Surely a lesser crime than statue topplers, Churchill daubers, road blockers etc, but I think I may get into more trouble than the rest of the criminals combined.
Anyone else notice that the left-wing MSM including the BBC have suddenly developed a profound love and respect for the Martian-lookalike Dominic Cummins, despite the fact that they tried heaven and Earth to bury him no so long back and would lovingly have thrown him into the Thames tied to an anchor.
Now why would that be I wonder?
Absolutely no self-respect the lot of them, just grudge, grudge, grudge.
BBC R2 News just said that William Shatner at 90 “will be the oldest person to go into orbit.” Nope.
I take it that little story didn’t pass across a “science” desk. If Bezos had the resources to send nonagenarian actors into orbit that might be truly impressive.
quote: it’s a Sub-Orbital flight.
Yes, he’ll become the oldest person to go above the Karman Line (100km), but nowhere near orbit
The #bbc tells me his flight will last 11 minutes.
(that is straight up, straight down, certainly not an orbit of the Earth)
The BBC has tweeted that story 9 times
one of those was in Spanish.
Trick, poor choice of words on the part of the BBC. I think William Shatner’s little trip will make John Glenn’s mission in the 1960s seem rather lengthy.
Exactly, the Blue Origin rocket is a publicity triumph for Bezos considering it can only do what NASA’s Mercury-Redstone rockets did sixty years ago, albeit with four passengers rather than one.
(Ham, a chimpanzee, Alan Shepard and Virgil “Gus” Grissom all flew on these initial Redstone sub-orbital missions)
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC’s desperation around this issue is plain to see
” Casualty, Coronation Street, Doctors, EastEnders, Emmerdale, Holby City and Hollyoaks have each filmed scenes, or have references, to cover different aspects of climate change and, in a soap first, five of the soaps will also be referencing each other as each drama will also give a nod to another. Viewers will see some of Britain’s best loved characters pop up in another soap as they discuss, or see the moments, that have been debated in another show in a bid to raise awareness of climate change. ”
The propaganda becomes ever more desperate as evidence mounts to the contrary with a simple equation that public have grasped long ago: no wind + no sunshine = no electricity.
Glad I don’t watch any of that brain rotting rubbish.
40 mins. Please watch.
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
As mentioned earlier Madelaine Grant on GB News last night delivered a knockout blow to the bBC.
This was delivered in a very measured, professional fashion which made it more compelling.
in particular;
*she highlighted that young people didnt watch the bBC
*Amongst the young their primary source of news is YouTube
* the bBC were insulting the rest of us with left wing liberal bias
*worse still they couldn’t see this as they exist in a groupthink bubble
*that there is a growing rebellion against the Licence Fee which will grow and make it even less viable in the future
Over to you Ms Dorries, it might be an idea that you get Ms Grant on an assignment to assist in the objective of cancelling the Licence Fee mechanism.
Your Black History Heroes
We’re very excited here in the CBeebies House because October is Black History Month and we are going to be celebrating our black history heroes.
Who is your black history hero? They could be from any walk of life including a leader, a musician, a scientist, an artist, a business person, a doctor, a sporting hero etc… They could even be a family member or a friend.
We would love you to send us a photo of your child and tell us who their black history hero is and why.
Follow our guidelines for the best chance of seeing your child on the CBeebies website or in the CBeebies House.
Black Britons who paved the way
Damn she is such a role model – and she is probably classed as a ‘clever ‘one .
But she is well paid to go on BBC programmes and spout such rubbish so maybe not so dumb ….
Jeremy Corbyn has defended the shadow home secretary after she appeared to suggest that the 10,000 new police officers Labour has pledged if it gained power at the General Election would be paid £30 per year.
Speaking after the interview, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he was “not embarrassed in the slightest”.
In a stumbling explanation of how Labour would fund the 10,000 extra police officers, Diane Abbott put the bill at £300,000, before suggesting it would cost £80 million per year – meaning the officers would earn £8,000 per year.
John Carne on why officially cancelling you licence is better than just not paying it
“180,000 cancellers have been counted in the last year”
… https://youtu.be/mOqrnKW3mrE
BBC is reciting the mantra that higher inflation is going to bring higher interest rates – a few months ago they were talking 2024 – now they are suggesting 2 months time .
Richi s big challenge in the coming budget is to head that off because even a quarter point rise will truly bring on the tears ….
As it should…..there are lots of bubbles that need popping.
Rishi plays with money that has no impact on himself.
I’ve already boycotted a few firms who threatened their customers with not wanting their custom if the BLM mantra was not adhered to – Yorkshire Gold Tea is one of those.
NOW my occasional supermarket has gone one further ! Black History Month inspired food !!
Christ, when will it ever end ? These companies and ad agencies don’t realise they are actually fuelling feelings of racism where there was none before. Its like telling your teenage daughter not to go out with an unsuitable boy, and she does it all the more – to spite you.
Their FB post
“At Waitrose, we know we have more to do – but we’re determined to become Britain’s most inclusive business. And that’s why we’re so proud to celebrate Black History Month”
I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.…I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream that…one day right there in Alabama, little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
And this from personal knowledge from a Company that pays a lot of it’s staff minimum wage, takes away their annual bonus, enforces anti-social hours. and pays it’s chief executive £990,000 a year, around fifty or sixty times the wage of its average employee, now that really is inclusive and diverse.
Once you’ve spent any significant time around black folks (as I have), you’ll realise that nobody talks about being black more than black people. They’re obsessed with it.
Seeing the upcoming BBC surge of climate bandwagon propaganda via soaps etc. shows they have not taken the hint over hyper-hyped causes v interested viewers.
Just as the torrent of “inclusive” content has reached the point where most viewers are sick of it, they now seem to be intent on doing the same with the Climate fandango.
Good luck with the viewing figures Beeb! I can almost hear the groans of exasperation from every normal household viewing as I type.
It’s about time they returned to making watchable content instead of 3rd form informational crap.
With you on this Brissles. I do likewise. Companies who pander to this woke nonsense no longer receive my custom. I am attempting to compile a list of such. To save me the bother does anyone already have such a list so I know who boycott in future.
Sorry brain wandering: “……such a list so I know who boycott in furniture”.
You can add the Coo-op and in particular the Co-op Bank who have announced that they don’t want to do business with any Company in the fossil fuel industry, this despite the fact that the Co-op was built on the backs of working people who relied on the fossil fuel industry to provide jobs in manufacturing, steel, motors, etc. etc. But this was mainly in the North so they don’t really count as citizens of the Brave New World I guess! So it’s two fingers up to the working class who made the Company what they are today thanks in large part to the success and endeavours of the fossil fuel industry.
Absolutely Digg. Both my grandfathers were miners in S Yorkshire, and almost everyone in the community shopped at the “Co-op” for everything – from clothing to furniture, and the Co-op bread and milk van would do deliveries. Mum would shop at the Co-op butchers, and I even remember her ‘number’ – 18057 – how’s that for a memory from over 60 years ago. But I struggle to remember my car reg no. parked outside my house. Lol !
Are you still getting her divvy?
I’m afraid Brissles the uni-leaving grudge-bearing younger Co-op management would not understand that in a thousand years. For them it’s now only about waving the politically correct banner. Most of my male forbears in Lancashire were miners AND Co-op regulars. You could say that the Co-op itself was built on coal in fact. It’s reminiscent of the successful young uni graduate from a working class family feeling embarrassed by their parents lowly position and wanting to distance themselves from their own roots by pretending to be elitist. And by the way, my mums Co-op number was 9605!
At that time my mum shopped in the Co-op store round the corner or the Co-op butcher next door, had bread delivered by the Co-op, had milk delivered by the Co-op AND had COAL delivered by the Co-op!
But all that was when the Co-op saw itself as a retailer and not a sub-branch of Extinction Rebellion!
Well said.
The Coop Bank going woke is a bit weird
cos the actual Coop bankrupted it
and it is now owned by a US hedgefund
They sent me a survey
as ever it was rigged
It presupposed you supported al the woke issues
there was no way of saying you didn’t.
ps Lenny Bruce used to tell a wonderful monologue about relaxing coloured people at a party. Fried chicken and watermelon anyone. Probably banned now but may be available on youtube.
Insulate Britain backlash
I wonder if buckets of water will be in order as it gets colder – is that ‘non violent protest ‘? – better than crushing them …
“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
The NASUWT uses the term Black in a political and inclusive sense to describe those who self-identify as African, Caribbean and Asian identities and those with a common and direct history of racism, racist oppression and diminished opportunities in today’s society.
In a BBC tweet about NORTHERN Ireland
BBCnews chose the emoji to be a Southern Ireland flag
… https://twitter.com/BBCNews/status/1447655380000067584
Guess the BBC kidults would need to look up ‘the troubles ‘ on wiki …
Vile tries to hide behind a question.
Why does the numptie think people would risk all and pay fixers to get here?
And that picture…
15 …. too young to understand ISIS as a terrorist group.
12 …. old enough to understand the vaccine and it’s implications.
10 … old enough to be a director of Jeremy Vine’s company to off load tax.
I guess the company address is a lawyers ‘ office ….
@GW there is a Guardianland rule “It’s OK when our side do it”
Is jezzer sucking the same lemon as kuensburg?
In the 30 years to 2021, three million fewer properties were built than in the previous 30. The population, however, has increased by more than nine million. The BBC has travelled the country to meet people whose stories are snapshots of the UK’s housing crisis – and Steve’s, in Middlesbrough, is one of regret.1 Oct 2021
. . . .
Boris Johnson Pledges to Admit 3 Million From Hong Kong to U.K.
The promise, in reaction to a new security law China is trying to impose on the semiautonomous city, a former British colony, would sharply raise the stakes in a developing standoff.
This was posted this morning and got zero input.
Been ‘refreshed’ somehow. Got a few more. Most seem to involve going places or playing hockey.
Always ends on fears.
UK History – evil empire.
Other History – just struggling against the world and killed their own kin, but not as bad as the UK.
The cop thing looks like it’s gonna hopefully be a nothing – apart from mug western countries trying to impress a 17 girl with mental issues by putting up carbon taxes
I think in the next couple of weeks we will hear a bit of ‘down playing ‘ by the host and his crew . …..
Burn that carbon ….
R4 Media Show : Rollingstone promoting their new UK print version
“It’s got Ash Sarkar, Paul Mason”
.. The other panel member is the Guardian media editor ..Jess Brammar’s husband
I just saw this example of a story
‘Eric Clapton’s a vaccine skeptic , lets monster him’
Lines in the prog “Look over their at the UK Independent, the Saudis have bought it and kept it the same in the UK, but have then crated a lot of Independent brands for the Middle east which push Saudi propaganda”
…em projection ..see how Rolling stone is being used to push Guardianland agendas
I’m pretty sure these lefty media types have only got involved with RollingStone to give them access to “Yoof” like all good Marxists they need to capture the young to inflate their skewed doctrine and target the “enemy”.
FFS the magazine is £6.95 an issue
Maybe Champion delivers it personally?
Unless the new young subscriber is well unlucky and gets Mason at the door.
Rolling Stone was a great rock magazine. Now sadly as woke as possible. Stopped getting it as now its stories have gone the Time route. Utterly pathetic publication now.
Rolling Stone magazine hasn’t been ahead of the curve since Hunter Thompson was writing for them. It’s just another dinosaur that will go extinct given a long enough timeline, like Playboy and the pouting homosexual they’re proudly displaying on their cover as somehow being edgy. He isn’t.
Tick tock, tick tock.
Dear god. It’s a pogrom.
7:30pm #BBCPanorama Afghanistan
“It’s been six weeks since US-led coalition forces withdrew.
How has life changed for Afghan people?”
9pm BBC4 Afua Hirsch’s slavery doco part2 ..repeat