People always point out R4Sunday does its best to exclude most actual religious news
and goes for woke virtue signalling stuff instead
@BBCr4Sunday Church crawls, Religious toys, Jewish Fringe Festival
A look at the religious and ethical issues of the week with Emily Buchanan
– Amidst the growing calls for the restitution of treasures looted from Africa during the colonial era, there sits in the British Museum a contested collection of Sacred Plaques known as Tabots.
Campaigners argue that there is no legal impediment to them being restored to their homeland.
Father Abate Gobena, a serving Priest and member of the Parish Council at St. Mary’s Ethiopian Orthodox Church in London, explains why these Tabots are so precious to Ethiopians.
– BOOK PLUG : Author Peter Stanford takes us on ‘church crawl’ across the UK with his latest book ‘If These Stones Could Talk, The History Of Christianity In Britain and Ireland Through Twenty Buildings’.
– Is a cuddly Deity the best way to help children understand faith and culture? In the run up to Diwali, soft toys of Deities like Ganesha are on offer at Hindu gatherings. Now the range is expanding to include all major faiths as our Reporter Vishva Samani explains.
– ‘Tsitsit’ is a pun on the Hebrew word for ritual fringes and it’s also the title of a Jewish themed Fringe Festival of comedy, theatre and music, currently on tour around the country.
Emily speaks to Alastair Falk and Rachel Creeger, the only Orthodox Jewish woman on the British comedy circuit
– Nalini Sivasthasan looks into the renewed calls to make some Mosques more inclusive spaces for Muslim Women.
Presenter Emily Buchanan speaks to the Imam and Scholar, Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra.
Has the Muslim Council of Britain made any statement yet ?
A condemnation of this act of violence by a mis-guided follower of the ‘religion of peace’ might be in order at the very least ?
Perhaps the BBC might send a reporter to doorstep someone outside a mosque to get an opinion confirming their displeasure at this person damaging the reputation of their
community ?
@Jazznick1 look it’s not good to make grand claims like “tumbleweed”
without doing a simple check on twitter
that shows they MCB tweeted at 4:24pm Friday
they tweeted 7 times in all
In the real world 2+2=4
but libmob have a habit of taking UNCERTAINTY and assuming a narrative so getting 2+2=5
.. This is shown in their Climate Alarmist cultist beliefs.
The libmob system is gearing up to Monday’s BBC1 play about Climategate,
a BBC rewriting of historical reality.
Times TV Picks are completely smitten
.. as ever my asterisks highlight their spin
BBC1, 8.30pm The Trick This excellent film tells the real story of the climate scientist Phil Jones, whose life was upended in 2009 when *his* computers were *hacked*,
leading him to be denounced for fabricating evidence about global warming.
*He did no such thing**
Jason Watkins’s spellbinding performance captures the intensity of an experience that rendered Jones so traumatised he could barely speak.
The superb Victoria Hamilton as Jones’s wife, Ruth, and Jerome Flynn as the PR man Neil Wallis. who helped Jones to defend himself, head an Impressive supporting cast in a show that is deeply human and gripping.
* “hacked” “his* : someone published an entire database of emails
It is not a proven HACK, it could be from a whistleblower
Someone with access to the university’s email server would not heed to access *his* Jones personal computers in any case.
** Jones did seem to fudge data, the BBC/Times are firmly asserting he didn’t
@TimesArts also tweeted
It is hard to think of an actor working today with more range — and perhaps energy — than @Jason__Watkins,
writes @BenDowell in @timesarts
Jason Watkins: ‘Climate-change sceptics? I hope it does rub them up the wrong way‘
another tweet “Talked to Jason Watkins about playing Professor Phil Jones in #thetrick a new drama about the Climategate crisis
He talks about accessing the grief of losing a child and studying his subjects to get to deeper emotional truths about them.
It’s fascinating.”
why call it “the Climategate crisis” ?
that reads as if the author is accustomed to always putting the word crisis in front of climate.
Well done BBC. In their latest news bulletin they managed to dedicate 11 minutes to the killing of David Amess and not once mention the word Islam or Islamic. Even their guest interviewees – one was some sort of expert on terrorism – avoided the taboo ‘I’ word. Presumably they were either pre-briefed, edited, or simply self-censored.
This despite the fact that the police have already declared it a probable act of islamist terrorism, so the beeb don’t even have the excuse that it’s an ongoing investigation about which it would be wrong to speculate.
I wonder what the political affiliation Venn diagram looks like?
When similar stuff happens around here (mostly Bristol) it’s the usual mindless tribal urban lefties egged on by a few SWP types.
There’s a notable absence of keffiyehs
Around here there’s this:
“They were searched and subsequently arrested, having personal property including mobile phones seized, for offences that were subsequently noted as not actually existing.
“They were subsequently further arrested, detained for 13.5 hours and then released on bail,
And its just the same here. Many blame this government for all the illegals flooding in but I suspect that try as they might they can’t get past the liberal civil service who are supposed to implement government policy but actually only do so if they agree with it. Further I believe that civil servants actually deliberately screw things up for governments they don’t support , eg the DVLA must have foreseen the HGV shortage but didn’t take action to prevent it but actually made it worse.
Brexit of course is a brilliant example of the liberal globalist 5 th column at work.
ITV local news that might not make it onto TV A man from Bradford has been jailed for his part in the kidnap and blackmail of a teenager.
A 14 year old boy was approached by a man outside a takeaway on Leeds Road in Bradford and bundled into a car before his family were blackmailed for money to release him.
Mohammed Khubaib, 22 was the first of several other suspects.
Another case “23rd August
Men jailed for subjecting kidnapped boy to ‘terrifying ordeal’
4 Muslim named men again
Another case charged last week 15th Oct
Kian Tordoff murder : Two men and boy, 16, appear at Bradford Crown Court charged with teen’s murder
Arbaz Khan and Aizaz Khan, from Bradford, and a 16-year-old boy appeared via video link
If you decided to put Climate Cultist stuff on one channel called Desperate and Bonkers
..there’d be plenty of progs
Sunday 6pm BBC2
Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline
Ade travels through the stunning water world of Bangladesh’s Ganges delta, before heading into the remote Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan.
Ade discovers how Bhutan isn’t just carbon neutral, it’s carbon negative. (Green dream fake thinking)
BBC1 8:00pm – 9:00pm The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet
From Alexandra Palace in London, Dermot O’Leary and Clara Amfo host a star-studded event at which Prince William will hand out the first Earthshot Prize awards.
Five inspiring projects that are tackling urgent environmental challenges will receive £1 million each.
Performing guests include Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Yemi Alade, KSI and Shawn Mendes.
if achieved by 2030, will improve life for generations to come. Five £1 million prizes will be awarded each year for the next ten years.
9pm Channel4 has 90 minutes about stopping trash
where people will dress up in their own daily rubbish
Stupid idea cos the biggest waste is people buying crap they don’t need ..rather than the packaging
which can all be burnt safely to fuel incinerators anyway.
Woke heaven – lots of promises to be made and broken – except by mug nations like the UK . Please can there be power cuts during the spectacle ? …and someone to calculate the cost of this world jolly ?
There’s also enough material to have a Racebaity channel
I wonder if the BBC will making future series about brave people resisting Muslim terrorists just las they talk about groups resisting “fascist attackers” in the 1950s ?
9pm BBC1 Ridley Road
The fascists plan a deadly attack… can anything be done to stop them? @BBCOne's gripping and suspenseful drama #RidleyRoad continues at 9pm tonight. Don't miss it!
Today Jewish people do fear harm, but the biggest proportion seems to come from people like the Labour Party conspiracy theorists and well as imported anti-semitism from Muslim countries
“Ridley Road” presents fascism as an ever-present feature in British life. And it heavily implies it is happening today with Brexit. You half expect Oswald Mosley to appear and shout ‘Get fascism done!’. This is risible, says Tim Black
ITV 10:45pm REPEAT from 2018 : “Out of Their Skin” – A special two-part documentary presented by @IanWright0
examines the pioneering role black footballers have played in changing the game and what still needs to be done.
My heart bleeds for the millionaire ex-footballer Ian Wright. How awful for him to have to live with all his money in such a wicked racist country. If only he was allowed to have a passport so he could leave.
11:30 Late film
Young Ahmed (Le jeune Ahmed)
“A Belgian teenager hatches a plot to kill his teacher after embracing an extremist interpretation of the Quran.”
“Shallow treatment of radicalisation that takes an easy, non-commital way out with its ending”
We are absolutely not short of policemen. Look how crowds of them magically appear in baseball caps when the wrong kind of people assemble in the streets.
Strange isn’t it ? Politicians seem to think Islamic terrorists think and behave by rules . Yet they will always look for the weakest link – and many not care about dying when carrying out their plan .
One of the unspoken questions here is whether this is the start of a campaign to attack politicians ? Or a ‘one off ‘…
The choice of killing Sir David Amess in a place quite a distance from where this vermin lived suggests a bigger plan doesn’t it ?
If one thing could come out of this tragedy – it would be control of the border and who is in the UK ….
Seems the NYT serves insights on the U.K. to its audience via the BBC in some sort of exchange programme possibly engineered by Sopes.
The police searched for answers on Sunday about what might have motivated a 25-year-old British man of Somali heritage, the suspect in the brutal slaying of a Conservative Party lawmaker during a meeting with his constituents.
Although some form of border filtering/rejection would be welcome this particular ‘perp’ has been here for 25 years.
He hasn’t just arrived as a “teenager” in a dinghy. He was born here and got brainwashed.
How many others are already here being primed, either on-line or by ‘clerics’ who choose NOT to have the MCB speak for them ?
There seem to be plenty of them about, they seem to get headlines and photo’s in the MSM but that’s all OK because ‘freedom of speech’.
To those ‘being turned’, however, this is an endorsement of whatever they are planning in their radicalised brains.
BBC4 7pm Historic Proms : th BAME orchestra
“joined by Sheku Kanneh-Mason.
They look back on a Prom that made history in 2017 when Chineke! became the first British majority BME symphony orchestra ever to take to the Proms stage.”
9:30pm Broadcasters Lenny Henry and Suzy Klein celebrate black classical composers and musicians across the centuries whose stories and music have been forgotten in a 90-minute special.
Some people seem to prefer streaming services over the BBC, I can’t say I’m tempted.
Just Some Guy dismantles Amazon’s in- production “Lord of the Rings” (it isn’t even what it says it is) and Lenny Henry’s claim to be a black Hobbit.
@TrickCyclist are black hobbits wrong ?
When we do pantomimes Aladdin
or Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
are we not British people playing a traditional Arab part ?
Is Shakespeare not appropriated from earlier foreign sources ?
Surely that’s our normal point , that everything is Cultural Appropriation
so libmob are wrong to say Cultural Appropriation is bad.
So we can hardly complain that someone takes Tolkien & recasts it with their BAME mates.
Like if you did Tolkien or Shakespeare in a Nigerian school all the actors would be black.. it’s the characters that count not their skin colours.
It’s not a case of cultural appropriation, it’s a case of a production company taking what is commonly called an “I.P.” and either misunderstanding or deliberately misusing it.
(“I.P.” stands for Intellectual Property – I know that has a wider meaning but in this context it means a self-contained fiction with its own rules. Star Trek and Star Wars are examples. They may look very similar but they are not interchangeable. Star Trek is Science Fiction and largely obeys the laws of science, breaking them only when necessary to advance the story [e.g. warp drives and matter transporters – as Isaac Asimov said, when it broke the laws of science, Star Trek did so intelligently]. Star Wars, on the other hand, is Space Fantasy. It combines influences from different genres – Westerns, Samurai films, WWII movies – with a dose of mysticism in an outer space setting. Despite being a fantasy Star Wars, like the world of Tolkien, has its own internal logic; you can’t just write anything.
This is why recent versions of both “I.P.”s – the Star Wars “sequel trilogy,” the Star Trek “Kelvin timeline” and Star Trek: Discovery – have upset fans so badly. Because of incompetence or greed on the part of their makers, they are not faithful to the established lore of either “I.P.” – for reasons that have nothing to do with race.)
A Nigerian school production (or a Nigerian TV series) with an all-black cast, of a Tolkien story would be fine.
John Sturges’s The Magnificent Seven is a remake of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. Kurosawa himself adapted Macbeth as Throne of Blood. All fine and dandy. However, having cowboys appear in feudal Japan or Samurai warriors turning up in medieval Scotland would definitely not be fine and dandy.
Inserting a tribe of black Hobbits into Tolkien’s world isn’t fine and dandy either, it violates the history he carefully created, and history is what Tolkien’s creation is about – “true or feigned.”
Channel4 late film : Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this is a powerful and gripping young-adult novel about one girl’s struggle for justice after her unarmed best friend gets shot by a police officer.
The ITV drama’s tonight at 8pm and 9pm seem to have black characters shoehorned in. (The Larkins and Angela Black)
A bit late posting today, I was at a conker knockout (no elf and safety, old facts having a laugh and a beer) anyway I noted two things today that got on my tit ends (excuse me Brissles)
1 Radio 4 news 1200. I was informed that the super mosque in Mecca was now fully open again, like I really care.
2 BBC front of camera staff are rejoicing that their hair stylists are back and glad that they no longer have to do their own styling. How many licence fees are used for this and should they be paying tax on this perk?
Just watched 5 minutes of BBC1 Earthshot. Appears to be a woke, pro BAME, climate change pushing, corporate free advertising on BBC. Nothing new there then!
As noted and expected, the BBC are pushing the climate catastrophe again ahead of COPT as whitewash (as all previous claims were wrong). No doubt (as commented above the BBC will cover this as IF it were (and is) The global Olympics.
Any past failures by the BBC will be denied as ‘non believers’, racists, bigots and blasphemers of all previous attempts by the BBC to rack up the odds in favor of lefty global paper shifters and corporate magnates (SOROS and Co.) printing the new CO2 currency as ‘Dollar bills’. When started – inflation will ‘take-off’ as the CO2 beast will forever demand more money (producing ZERO benefit). Even as, we know its all false.. Its a false religion, and has no science* base.
* true science does not use ‘one-way’ arguments (false submissions) unless its politically motivated.
– we also know HOW and WHY the BBC are motivated. De-funding is urgent!
We have to brace ourselves for extreme green propaganda – beyond the current level – in the run up to the jolly green show on 31 October … best avoided … new thread ..
Just a reminder when the technology goes wrong on GB News, that they are not alone. 6pm BBC1 NEWS on Monday, top left of the picture said ‘live’. The young woman in Southend was adjusting her mike, fiddling with her coat etc but her lips were not moving. However we could hear the start of the piece, not once, but twice. Eventually her lips started moving and we heard it for a third time. It was live according to the note on screen, so how could I hear it twice before she even started speaking?.
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
People always point out R4Sunday does its best to exclude most actual religious news
and goes for woke virtue signalling stuff instead
@BBCr4Sunday Church crawls, Religious toys, Jewish Fringe Festival
A look at the religious and ethical issues of the week with Emily Buchanan
– Amidst the growing calls for the restitution of treasures looted from Africa during the colonial era, there sits in the British Museum a contested collection of Sacred Plaques known as Tabots.
Campaigners argue that there is no legal impediment to them being restored to their homeland.
Father Abate Gobena, a serving Priest and member of the Parish Council at St. Mary’s Ethiopian Orthodox Church in London, explains why these Tabots are so precious to Ethiopians.
– BOOK PLUG : Author Peter Stanford takes us on ‘church crawl’ across the UK with his latest book ‘If These Stones Could Talk, The History Of Christianity In Britain and Ireland Through Twenty Buildings’.
– Is a cuddly Deity the best way to help children understand faith and culture? In the run up to Diwali, soft toys of Deities like Ganesha are on offer at Hindu gatherings. Now the range is expanding to include all major faiths as our Reporter Vishva Samani explains.
– ‘Tsitsit’ is a pun on the Hebrew word for ritual fringes and it’s also the title of a Jewish themed Fringe Festival of comedy, theatre and music, currently on tour around the country.
Emily speaks to Alastair Falk and Rachel Creeger, the only Orthodox Jewish woman on the British comedy circuit
– Nalini Sivasthasan looks into the renewed calls to make some Mosques more inclusive spaces for Muslim Women.
Presenter Emily Buchanan speaks to the Imam and Scholar, Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra.
Well what are the rules ?

Has the Muslim Council of Britain made any statement yet ?
A condemnation of this act of violence by a mis-guided follower of the ‘religion of peace’ might be in order at the very least ?
Perhaps the BBC might send a reporter to doorstep someone outside a mosque to get an opinion confirming their displeasure at this person damaging the reputation of their
community ?
If i recall they put out a statement on the day of the killing – before details began to come out ..,
The southend moques have made statements too – presumably in the hope they will not be torched …
All fine – but not particularly pointed up by the pro-islam MSM when you would have thought it was a good idea for them to do so.
All I seem to be picking up is Choudary suggesting Amess was pro-Israel (so perhaps had what was coming).
Not a good look.
No one, as far as I can see, from the MCB have contradicted Choudary so we can only assume they support his opinion.
PR is not their strong point so we all have to take it as we find it.
@Jazznick1 look it’s not good to make grand claims like “tumbleweed”
without doing a simple check on twitter
that shows they MCB tweeted at 4:24pm Friday
they tweeted 7 times in all
And have just added new statement
BTW MCB aren’t an official body like the Church of England
they are a self appointed body
and do not speak for all British Muslims.
Fair enough – as I’m not a twitter user I try to rely on news reporting from a fair and balanced MSM – this is, however, mostly impossible these days.
Pity their comments have not made it out into the wider world
where it would be more effective.
It’s surprising that the BBC haven’t picked this up and used it in ‘mitigation’.
“MCB … do not speak for all British Muslims.”
If they did speak for them all, what would they say?
Convert or die ?
In the real world 2+2=4
but libmob have a habit of taking UNCERTAINTY and assuming a narrative so getting 2+2=5
.. This is shown in their Climate Alarmist cultist beliefs.
The libmob system is gearing up to Monday’s BBC1 play about Climategate,
a BBC rewriting of historical reality.
Times TV Picks are completely smitten
.. as ever my asterisks highlight their spin
BBC1, 8.30pm The Trick
This excellent film tells the real story of the climate scientist Phil Jones, whose life was upended in 2009 when *his* computers were *hacked*,
leading him to be denounced for fabricating evidence about global warming.
*He did no such thing**
Jason Watkins’s spellbinding performance captures the intensity of an experience that rendered Jones so traumatised he could barely speak.
The superb Victoria Hamilton as Jones’s wife, Ruth, and Jerome Flynn as the PR man Neil Wallis. who helped Jones to defend himself, head an Impressive supporting cast in a show that is deeply human and gripping.
* “hacked” “his* : someone published an entire database of emails
It is not a proven HACK, it could be from a whistleblower
Someone with access to the university’s email server would not heed to access *his* Jones personal computers in any case.
** Jones did seem to fudge data, the BBC/Times are firmly asserting he didn’t
@TimesArts also tweeted
It is hard to think of an actor working today with more range — and perhaps energy — than @Jason__Watkins,
writes @BenDowell in @timesarts
Jason Watkins: ‘Climate-change sceptics? I hope it does rub them up the wrong way‘
another tweet
“Talked to Jason Watkins about playing Professor Phil Jones in #thetrick a new drama about the Climategate crisis
He talks about accessing the grief of losing a child and studying his subjects to get to deeper emotional truths about them.
It’s fascinating.”
why call it “the Climategate crisis” ?
that reads as if the author is accustomed to always putting the word crisis in front of climate.
Anybody have a broadcast TV recorder and can grab a copy of the “The Trick” and upload the MP4?
Well done BBC. In their latest news bulletin they managed to dedicate 11 minutes to the killing of David Amess and not once mention the word Islam or Islamic. Even their guest interviewees – one was some sort of expert on terrorism – avoided the taboo ‘I’ word. Presumably they were either pre-briefed, edited, or simply self-censored.
This despite the fact that the police have already declared it a probable act of islamist terrorism, so the beeb don’t even have the excuse that it’s an ongoing investigation about which it would be wrong to speculate.
‘No mention, to receive the fee’……………
Saturday BBC news “There was an ant-modern slavery demo in Hull today”
… yes a crowd where 1 face was non-white
I wonder what the political affiliation Venn diagram looks like?
When similar stuff happens around here (mostly Bristol) it’s the usual mindless tribal urban lefties egged on by a few SWP types.
There’s a notable absence of keffiyehs
Around here there’s this:
Badger cull protesters wrongfully arrested in 2018 get compo
It would’ve been nice if the compo came out of the Chief Constable’s bonus?
ITV local news Jo Cox’s husband: death of Sir David Amess MP ‘brings everything back’
The husband of murdered Batley and Spen MP Jo Cox says the fatal stabbing of another MP “brings everything back.”
It is bringing everything back to us too; the BBC will make sure of that.
And its just the same here. Many blame this government for all the illegals flooding in but I suspect that try as they might they can’t get past the liberal civil service who are supposed to implement government policy but actually only do so if they agree with it. Further I believe that civil servants actually deliberately screw things up for governments they don’t support , eg the DVLA must have foreseen the HGV shortage but didn’t take action to prevent it but actually made it worse.
Brexit of course is a brilliant example of the liberal globalist 5 th column at work.
ITV local news that might not make it onto TV
A man from Bradford has been jailed for his part in the kidnap and blackmail of a teenager.
A 14 year old boy was approached by a man outside a takeaway on Leeds Road in Bradford and bundled into a car before his family were blackmailed for money to release him.
Mohammed Khubaib, 22 was the first of several other suspects.
Another case “23rd August
Men jailed for subjecting kidnapped boy to ‘terrifying ordeal’
4 Muslim named men again
Another case charged last week 15th Oct
Kian Tordoff murder : Two men and boy, 16, appear at Bradford Crown Court charged with teen’s murder
Arbaz Khan and Aizaz Khan, from Bradford, and a 16-year-old boy appeared via video link
5:10pm Countryfile has been scheduled 2 hours earlier than normal
and is full of repeat segments
If you decided to put Climate Cultist stuff on one channel called Desperate and Bonkers
..there’d be plenty of progs
Sunday 6pm BBC2
Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline
Ade travels through the stunning water world of Bangladesh’s Ganges delta, before heading into the remote Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan.
Ade discovers how Bhutan isn’t just carbon neutral, it’s carbon negative. (Green dream fake thinking)
BBC1 8:00pm – 9:00pm The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet
From Alexandra Palace in London, Dermot O’Leary and Clara Amfo host a star-studded event at which Prince William will hand out the first Earthshot Prize awards.
Five inspiring projects that are tackling urgent environmental challenges will receive £1 million each.
Performing guests include Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Yemi Alade, KSI and Shawn Mendes.
if achieved by 2030, will improve life for generations to come. Five £1 million prizes will be awarded each year for the next ten years.
9pm Channel4 has 90 minutes about stopping trash
where people will dress up in their own daily rubbish
Stupid idea cos the biggest waste is people buying crap they don’t need ..rather than the packaging
which can all be burnt safely to fuel incinerators anyway.
Here’s a piece from the BBC detailing what they’ve got lined up in the way of COP26 coverage
Woke heaven – lots of promises to be made and broken – except by mug nations like the UK . Please can there be power cuts during the spectacle ? …and someone to calculate the cost of this world jolly ?
There’s also enough material to have a Racebaity channel
I wonder if the BBC will making future series about brave people resisting Muslim terrorists just las they talk about groups resisting “fascist attackers” in the 1950s ?
9pm BBC1 Ridley Road
Today Jewish people do fear harm, but the biggest proportion seems to come from people like the Labour Party conspiracy theorists and well as imported anti-semitism from Muslim countries
ITV 10:45pm REPEAT from 2018 : “Out of Their Skin” – A special two-part documentary presented by @IanWright0
examines the pioneering role black footballers have played in changing the game and what still needs to be done.
My heart bleeds for the millionaire ex-footballer Ian Wright. How awful for him to have to live with all his money in such a wicked racist country. If only he was allowed to have a passport so he could leave.
That’s not all. There’s BBC 4 as all
11:30 Late film
Young Ahmed (Le jeune Ahmed)
“A Belgian teenager hatches a plot to kill his teacher after embracing an extremist interpretation of the Quran.”
“Shallow treatment of radicalisation that takes an easy, non-commital way out with its ending”
Blimey Stew, how did that get into the schedules in the first place !!!??
We must deplete our police numbers by protecting every MP’s surgery.
London is covered in concrete bollards and barriers.
Travel is hamstrung by extra layers of security.
Shouldn’t we be looking at the cause?
We are absolutely not short of policemen. Look how crowds of them magically appear in baseball caps when the wrong kind of people assemble in the streets.
Strange isn’t it ? Politicians seem to think Islamic terrorists think and behave by rules . Yet they will always look for the weakest link – and many not care about dying when carrying out their plan .
One of the unspoken questions here is whether this is the start of a campaign to attack politicians ? Or a ‘one off ‘…
The choice of killing Sir David Amess in a place quite a distance from where this vermin lived suggests a bigger plan doesn’t it ?
If one thing could come out of this tragedy – it would be control of the border and who is in the UK ….
Seems the NYT serves insights on the U.K. to its audience via the BBC in some sort of exchange programme possibly engineered by Sopes.
From the comments it seems the Yanks are no more convinced than we are here.
No wonder he mainly sticks to pictures of trees.
Looks like the mystery deepens further.
“The six year old boy is is said to be in critical condition after wounds on his neck.”
This isn’t drug related.
It is religion related.
Terrorists need surprise and complacency to be successful. There are plenty of other ‘soft’ targets out there.
Although some form of border filtering/rejection would be welcome this particular ‘perp’ has been here for 25 years.
He hasn’t just arrived as a “teenager” in a dinghy. He was born here and got brainwashed.
How many others are already here being primed, either on-line or by ‘clerics’ who choose NOT to have the MCB speak for them ?
There seem to be plenty of them about, they seem to get headlines and photo’s in the MSM but that’s all OK because ‘freedom of speech’.
To those ‘being turned’, however, this is an endorsement of whatever they are planning in their radicalised brains.
It’s called Kahn, as in I Khan do anything I like, honky.
(In response to Dover Sentry’s Post at 5.57 above)
BBC4 7pm Historic Proms : th BAME orchestra
“joined by Sheku Kanneh-Mason.
They look back on a Prom that made history in 2017 when Chineke! became the first British majority BME symphony orchestra ever to take to the Proms stage.”
9:30pm Broadcasters Lenny Henry and Suzy Klein celebrate black classical composers and musicians across the centuries whose stories and music have been forgotten in a 90-minute special.
Was BBC4’s black night enough for the BBC ?
No at 7:10pm as I rushed to get away the BBC1 Climate Royalty show I switched to the BBC-Red-Button
what I got was a 1920’s gospel song rewritten as a BLM Protest song by The Specials as part of a BBC6music show.–white-1927.aspx
The prog is a 30 minute set of songs which is repeated
9pm BBC2 “the hilarious Roisin Conaty and Guz Khan join Romesh in the studio.”
Some people seem to prefer streaming services over the BBC, I can’t say I’m tempted.
Just Some Guy dismantles Amazon’s in- production “Lord of the Rings” (it isn’t even what it says it is) and Lenny Henry’s claim to be a black Hobbit.
@TrickCyclist are black hobbits wrong ?
When we do pantomimes Aladdin
or Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
are we not British people playing a traditional Arab part ?
Is Shakespeare not appropriated from earlier foreign sources ?
Surely that’s our normal point , that everything is Cultural Appropriation
so libmob are wrong to say Cultural Appropriation is bad.
So we can hardly complain that someone takes Tolkien & recasts it with their BAME mates.
Like if you did Tolkien or Shakespeare in a Nigerian school all the actors would be black.. it’s the characters that count not their skin colours.
It’s not a case of cultural appropriation, it’s a case of a production company taking what is commonly called an “I.P.” and either misunderstanding or deliberately misusing it.
(“I.P.” stands for Intellectual Property – I know that has a wider meaning but in this context it means a self-contained fiction with its own rules. Star Trek and Star Wars are examples. They may look very similar but they are not interchangeable. Star Trek is Science Fiction and largely obeys the laws of science, breaking them only when necessary to advance the story [e.g. warp drives and matter transporters – as Isaac Asimov said, when it broke the laws of science, Star Trek did so intelligently]. Star Wars, on the other hand, is Space Fantasy. It combines influences from different genres – Westerns, Samurai films, WWII movies – with a dose of mysticism in an outer space setting. Despite being a fantasy Star Wars, like the world of Tolkien, has its own internal logic; you can’t just write anything.
This is why recent versions of both “I.P.”s – the Star Wars “sequel trilogy,” the Star Trek “Kelvin timeline” and Star Trek: Discovery – have upset fans so badly. Because of incompetence or greed on the part of their makers, they are not faithful to the established lore of either “I.P.” – for reasons that have nothing to do with race.)
A Nigerian school production (or a Nigerian TV series) with an all-black cast, of a Tolkien story would be fine.
John Sturges’s The Magnificent Seven is a remake of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. Kurosawa himself adapted Macbeth as Throne of Blood. All fine and dandy. However, having cowboys appear in feudal Japan or Samurai warriors turning up in medieval Scotland would definitely not be fine and dandy.
Inserting a tribe of black Hobbits into Tolkien’s world isn’t fine and dandy either, it violates the history he carefully created, and history is what Tolkien’s creation is about – “true or feigned.”
I have a simpler way of deciding: if I feel “got at”, by the way it is cast or where is set, then I switch off.
Channel4 late film : Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this is a powerful and gripping young-adult novel about one girl’s struggle for justice after her unarmed best friend gets shot by a police officer.
The ITV drama’s tonight at 8pm and 9pm seem to have black characters shoehorned in. (The Larkins and Angela Black)
A bit late posting today, I was at a conker knockout (no elf and safety, old facts having a laugh and a beer) anyway I noted two things today that got on my tit ends (excuse me Brissles)
1 Radio 4 news 1200. I was informed that the super mosque in Mecca was now fully open again, like I really care.
2 BBC front of camera staff are rejoicing that their hair stylists are back and glad that they no longer have to do their own styling. How many licence fees are used for this and should they be paying tax on this perk?
Just watched 5 minutes of BBC1 Earthshot. Appears to be a woke, pro BAME, climate change pushing, corporate free advertising on BBC. Nothing new there then!
As noted and expected, the BBC are pushing the climate catastrophe again ahead of COPT as whitewash (as all previous claims were wrong). No doubt (as commented above the BBC will cover this as IF it were (and is) The global Olympics.
Any past failures by the BBC will be denied as ‘non believers’, racists, bigots and blasphemers of all previous attempts by the BBC to rack up the odds in favor of lefty global paper shifters and corporate magnates (SOROS and Co.) printing the new CO2 currency as ‘Dollar bills’. When started – inflation will ‘take-off’ as the CO2 beast will forever demand more money (producing ZERO benefit). Even as, we know its all false.. Its a false religion, and has no science* base.
* true science does not use ‘one-way’ arguments (false submissions) unless its politically motivated.
– we also know HOW and WHY the BBC are motivated. De-funding is urgent!
BBC Climate forecasting is full of failures.
“If it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong.”
– Richard Fenymann
We have to brace ourselves for extreme green propaganda – beyond the current level – in the run up to the jolly green show on 31 October … best avoided … new thread ..
yes – new thread needed for the Royals to tell us “common folk” how to save the planet – I’m all ears !!!!
Just a reminder when the technology goes wrong on GB News, that they are not alone. 6pm BBC1 NEWS on Monday, top left of the picture said ‘live’. The young woman in Southend was adjusting her mike, fiddling with her coat etc but her lips were not moving. However we could hear the start of the piece, not once, but twice. Eventually her lips started moving and we heard it for a third time. It was live according to the note on screen, so how could I hear it twice before she even started speaking?.