Parliament returns. How will the BBC cover the political reaction to the killing of one of their colleagues ? Or the threat to the safety of everyone by failing to control who gets into the UK ?
Start the Week 18 October 2021
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We talk about renewable energy and the green agenda on here occasionally don’t we, although usually in a different tone than the Bbbc. I wonder if Harridan will touch this one? He hasn’t yet. Probably won’t.
Crookedstone Solar Farm in County Antrim, operated by Lightsource BP, note the BP, on roughly the same latitude as Newcastle-upon-Tyne, is to close after 4 years. 4 years? There’s not much ‘sustainable’ about that.
Who would have thought that a solar farm closer to Rejkavik than Rome might run into difficulties? I’m sure that the lack of ‘solar’ is not the only reason why this has proved unsuccessful but a dull, wet and cold field close to the North Atlantic hardly seems the most obvious place for such a venture to succeed. So now locals have the opportunity to purchase some cheap second-hand solar panels. But why would they?
Our friend Paul wrote about this place around the time it was opened, 2017.
‘Crooked’stone? I’m saying nothing. Nor it seems are the Bbbc.
Rich – are you serious ? They put a solar farm in the UK ? Was a joke or a tax right off ?
Fed, we’ve got several down in Kent. Mind you, both sides of the Thames Estuary (incl. the new City-to-be, Southend) are known to be among the driest – not necessarily sunniest – parts of the UK. The farmers who lease their fields make a fortune and, if they are sheep farmers, can still graze the fields among the PVC arrays. The Beeb have a favourite go to guy to comment on ‘green stuff’ and ‘renewables’; if I recall correctly, he’s a farmer and now a multi-millionaire. Just can’t remember his name but if he sends me a cheque for half a mill, I’ll remember it soon enough to send him a ‘thank you’ letter.
The airport claimed they were saving £100k p.a. but the 2017 article shows that public i.e. ‘you and me’, subsidies dwarfed that.
Even if it had saved £100k p.a. with no subsidies it would have taken 50 years to pay back the capital cost. Not much hope of that now it’s closed.
If BP are involved, than they can afford to squander so much on something that doesn’t work.
Funny that maybe it’s because they make stuff for cars’ and lorries’ tanks etc.
Wonder what it was all about…
Naaaah, can’t be arzed!
In one way hilarious, in other disturbing, in another inevitable.
On Toady, Rick Knobson was introduced by Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein as ‘going round Leigh on Sea’ in the aftermath of the David Amess murder.
It turned out to be a 2 minute 1 story item..
Guess what the single story was?
Four Muslims had driven from London and wanted to put some flowers in the church.
Isn’t that amazing? Well, no, of course.
The BBC. The world’s finest impartial pro Muslim anti British broadcaster.
If you’re an ethnic minority and doing something decent the BBC will be sure to find you.
I attend The Cenotaph every Remembrance Day. Whitehall is a twenty minute bus ride from one of largest Caribbean communities in Blighty. It’s famous for it.
How many people of West Indian origin do I see at this poignant annual commemoration? Hardly any. Amongst the many thousands, a handful at most…
A few years ago I found myself standing next to an older Caribbean gentleman…and the BBC cameraman also found us. Astonishing!
It’s the only time I’ve ever appeared on the telly.
Well…other than that time on Crimewatch…
It must be the same BBC Cameraman that covers football matches.
“Four Muslims had driven from London and wanted to put some flowers in the church.”
And I wonder who put them up to that……………….
Probably teams stationed around the capital with engines ready to scramble, picking up bbc crew en route.
Our BBC have dropped the subject of a Tory MP’s murder within three days. Not mentioned at all among the numerous features on their News website.
There is a cute feature on Thunberg dancing. so that makes it all alright 🙁
For our BBC, Tories deserve it and Islam must never be blamed.
Labour’s Jo Cox however…
Today watch
Nice bit of BBC hate . Mishal ( mishap ) interviewing some minor Tory energy minister about green crap … but then goes on about nut nut breaking some covid rule in Christmas 2020 … and it went on and on and on ….
I care less about nut nut – but what is this campaign meant to achieve ? Is it aimed at ramping up approved hate . ?
I always try to get into the narrative the BBC follows – but on this one I have no idea …
It will be interesting to follow the swamp hate campaign as the murder of sir David Amess is buried after he is…
Must be time for a Cummings hate fest again .
Speaking of Husain Hate, has she updated her chart of acceptable slaughter on either side of her perverse notion of balance?
It is interesting the tech that gets the nod, dinner and full plod cover, and who.
BBC full platform propaganda campaigns running.
Shire Radio
How do you heat your home?
Homeowners in England and Wales will be offered subsidies of £5,000 from next April to help them to replace old gas boilers with low carbon heat pumps.
The grants are part of the government’s £3.9bn plan to reduce carbon emissions from heating homes and other buildings.
State propaganda is not like it used to be.
No wonder they want to ban any seeing through it.
Wonder how they’re going to arrange for this on our all-electric storage heaters here at ‘The Turrets’?
Aaaah, I see, we’re already paying a 50% hike on juice-from-the-wires, so that’s alright then.
Must order some more wood again* – we usually burn three loads a year on an open fire, and of course, smokeless fuel costs much more now as we still follow the ridiculous EU ‘rules’.
* Our supplier is a good chum, and told me that his sales are up from 30 loads a week to 50 a week already this year! Good for him, he works his socks off, and of course is a private small business.
Scrob, I think we’re back to that Orwellian ‘2+2=5, because Big Brother says it does’ logic again, cf. ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.
Heat pumps are just another means of employing the Carnot cycle to shift heat energy from one place to another. Examples you’ll be familiar with are: fridges, freezers, and air conditioning units.
Very simply, if you compress a fluid (gas/liquid) it must give up stored energy as heat to its surroundings (compressors get hot), and can be forced from a gas into a liquid form. If you then allow that fluid (in liquid form) to expand again, it sucks in surrounding energy, thus having a cooling effect (bottles of compressed air get cold when the air is released), and becomes gaseous again.
Combine these two processes into a cycle, using a fluid with favourable properties (e.g. CFCs!) sealed within copper piping, and a pump to compress and shift it around and you have the workings of a fridge, a freezer, an air conditioning unit, or a heat pump system. You can use it to heat one location and/or cool another, although you’d probably want to distribute the heat from one around a house using a sealed hot water system of: storage tanks, pipes and radiators (and another electrically powered pump).
It’s a very energy demanding process, which is why your fridge-freezer gobbles so much electricity and the fuel in your car seems to vaporise when you turn the aircon on, often relies on not very nice fluids (the most efficient CFCs are now banned due to ozone layer depletion, but those which have replaced them aren’t great either), and is usually noisy due to the amount of compressing/pumping involved.
Traditionally, it’s not been viewed as a cost effective means of heating, as that can be achieved more efficiently by burning (combusting) things containing carbon: wood, charcoal, coal, petrol, aviation fuel, gas, old tyres, household rubbish, dead bodies etc… or by nuclear reaction.
Heat Pumps require lots of electricity to work, but their operation doesn’t generate CO2 like combustion does…unless the electricity is generated by combustion of course (as most currently is globally) in which case they’re not ‘green’ at all and are less efficient than simple combustion, which is (via extracted natural gas piped to our homes) how most houses are currently heated in the UK, and is actually a very clean, efficient, and reliable process (although it must be admitted, eventually natural reserves of gas will run out).
If I had to be honest, I don’t think heat pumps will be anything more than a brief, passing phase in the long history of different methods people have used to heat their homes. My prediction (which could very well be wrong), is that an alternative to burning carbon based fuels will be along at some point, quite possibly hydrogen, which will be piped to homes, and burnt in a little ‘boiler’ to heat water, or burnt in a ‘cooker’ to cook food, much as natural gas is currently (and if we aren’t so stupid as to rip it all out, could use pretty much the same infrastructure at minimal cost/disturbance to transition).
So, recently no baby in Britain has been given the name Nigel…
I wonder just how many have been given some variation of the name “Mohammed”?
No one seems to be asking that…
Fantastic news – the welsh government set up an ‘ independent’ committee to examine the constitutional position of wales …
… yes ! Welsh independence ! Great – have scotland go indy as well and we get English independence – base it in Birmingham. Super
So no more BBC – it can be split and sold off . Job done
Be a shame to lose the Welsh but I would be quite happy for Scotland to go it alone.
Give it a few years and they will be the ‘poor neighbour’ and hate us even more. I will enjoy to see that because it’s what they deserve for voting the racist Krankie in.
I’ve never been overly keen on the Scots since I had the misfortune to work with a complete and utter a-hole Scotsman (and yes, he was an ardent SNP man).
However, I do have to admit I have also met some lovely Scots people, my impression is that Queen Krankie is as divisive there as the incompetent Drakeford is in Taffland? The majority of Welshies absolutely loathe the man, but he seems to have a small, but very vocal minority of followers who keep him in power and thinking he has the ‘support of Wales’.
It’s a bizarre situation.
I hardly know any SNP adherents, but they repeatedly get voted in here again and again regardless of performance. Usually early 20’s never worked a job, complete unknowns parachuted in.
Must be Biden voting systems.
“WALES is a net drain on the economy, with it receiving more than £9bn in expenditure than the Government raises in taxation.”
Admittedly 2006/2007 but I’ll wager the margin has risen since that time.
These brainless lefties bent on destroying the UK know no bounds. Indications are that the majority of the Welsh do not want independence from England but, the leftie overriding principle of change and destruction will not doubt gain some converts.
I heard the item on TOADY but as expected, I did not hear mention of the left’s hated word: ‘Referendum’.
The absolute and blatant double standards of the BBC never fail to amaze me.
‘Fabindia: Right-wing groups target clothing giant over ad’
I have NEVER seen the BBC indentify ‘Left-wing groups’ for the myriad of ‘targetting’ they do at people they do not agree with.
But the best line is at the end:
‘The brand faced a backlash on social media but it didn’t stop there. The trolling soon spread to physical threats and the names of some of the company’s employees were circulated online.’
The Left do this ALL the time. But I never saw the BBC call it ‘trolling’.
I often wonder if they do it consciously and deliberately or they are so wrapped up in their own middle-class metropolitan bubble of group-think that they don’t realise what extreme hypocrites they actually are.
I fear for the future of Colin Brazier on GBNews – last night he did a 6 minute piece on the truth about Islam and the motivation for killings .
As well as the way the MSM deflects from questions about Islam into a stand response to Islamic killings – candles – vip visits – flowers – tears ….
Please someone link it here – it’s on twitter ….
I said I fear for Colin brazier because from a personal and professional point of view this practicing catholic just put himself on offer – by Muslims or OFCOM of both
Maybe Mishal is considering a quiet ‘troublesome colleague’ word with a few others of hers now over at OFCOM.
Hopefully no others via the cubicle gardens.
Nigel Farage and DanWootton also did similar pieces last night calling out the murder of Amess for what it was and not for hurty words by MPs to each other or other tripe they try to feed us.
Well done GB News for all 3 telling it how it is.
Shame on the rest of the msm.
As I wrote earlier – what will it take for the msm to tell the truth ? Will it take huge mass killing to do it ? 22 at Manchester wasn’t enough …. Or since …. Even if the next victim is BBC staff I think they’d still deflect for ‘community cohesion ‘…
I don’t know what’s worse, COP26 or Covid-19?
The Times asks us the burning question of the day: ‘Who is the greenest royal?‘
The answer is not exactly rocket science – Prince William has stuck his brass neck out in front recently in that race with his hippy-dippy old dad and his hen-pecked dopey brother.
There was a time we knowingly laughed along with Monty Python at their Upper Class Twit Of The Year competition. Now we’re supposed to take these peoples’ opinions seriously?
Meanwhile there’s lots to worry about in the news today.
‘Climate delegations find bed drought in Glasgow… COP26 attendees already navigating Covid-19 travel curbs are finding their biggest hurdle is securing a bed in Glasgow. Airbnb has a modest flat for £36,400 for the fortnight as landlords cash in‘ (Financial Times) – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry? Eco warriors discovering the power of the free market there. My financial tip would be to buy that flat outight. Anyway, are these people not on expenses?
Ask any old entertainers, Glasgow is a tough gig…
BBC: ‘Heat pump grants worth £5,000 to help replace gas boilers… Greenpeace UK’s climate campaigner, Caroline Jones, said the government needed to provide more money...’
Cue guest appearance for the Glasgow-based Daily Record: ‘How a generation of stars bombed in Glasgow’s notorious comics graveyard… particularly English ones‘ – good luck, Boris.
Vaguely apropos I’m reminded that we tend to recall some tragedies and memory hole others. One Friday night in the run up to Christmas 2013 in a central Glasgow pub – there were terrible scenes of injury, blood, multiple casualities and screaming… then a police helicopter crashed through the roof.
Publicly we have a twin track response to the alleged murder of an MP by a supposed islamist.
Firstly: ‘PM faces calls for “David’s Law” to halt online abuse‘ (Guardian) ‘…to crackdown on social media abuse of public figures and end online anonymity‘ – but what about the non-virtual real life world? Do we ever envisage police snatch squads wading into leftist demos to arrest protesters brandishing “Tory Scum” placards?
So, may I still abuse public figures – if I do it under my given name – like James Gillray, George Cruikshank and Thomas Rowlandson were once free to do?
Secondly: ‘In honour of Sir David’s long-running campaign, Southend becomes… A city born of grief, love and respect‘ (Daily Express); ‘City status for Southend in honour of MP’s long campaign’ (Telegraph) – proving it may not be by the merits of your campaign that you achieve your goal but whether your MP gets topped.
‘MPs vow to meet public face to face‘ (‘i’) – frankly, they’ve no chance of getting our NHS GPs to provide face to face service at their surgery consultations ever again if our MPs whimp out on that one.
That’s the response for public consumption.
As the Daily Mail pictures: ‘Ali Harbi Ali leaving for MP’s surgery‘ – looking somewhat nerdy as spoilt rich kid jihadists tend to do – so our establishment frets about Ali’s visit to Number Ten: ‘Questions have been raised over Nimco Ali’s visit to Downing Street last Christmas‘ (Telegraph) – is this by any chance former Somali political aide Harbi Ali Kullane’s daughter? And has she likewise been binge watching: ‘Hate cleric rants still poisoning minds on the web‘ (Daily Mirror) ? Mind you, Donald Trump is banned from Twitter – and under his real name.
Calm down dear, as Michael Winner, of Death Wish fame, once reassured his audience in his insurance adverts.
This was no security breach allowing a radicalised islamist to be welcomed into the PM’s official residence. This Ms Ali is a government adviser and friend of Carrie Johnson: ‘Number 10 insisted she was part of a childcare bubble and no rules had been broken‘ (Telegraph) – you see, we’re still relitigating Lockdown – the gift that keeps giving.
Come Hell or highwater: ‘Climate change projection shows Buckingham Palace and other world sites surrounded by water‘ (Sky News) – I’ll worry when they show the Eiffel Tower submerged. There’s no let up on the Covid front: ‘Children to get jabs at walk-in centres‘ (‘i’); ‘New Covid cases close to 50,000 in a single day‘ (Guardian); ‘Campaign to push for bigger uptake of boosters‘ (Times)
And finally, for a touch of light relief we instinctively turn to the Dail Star: ‘In the last 18 months we’ve run out of bog rolls, truckers, CO2 and petrol.. and now we’ve run out of NIGELS.. and Gordons, Carols and Jonathans are next… with parents no longer naming their lads Nigel. Soon we really will run out of them‘ – fear not, apparently there’s no end of Alis on the horizon.
I suppose we will be getting lots of parents panic naming their sons Nigel now.
AISI, I note that several newspapers are staffed by journos and subbies that cannot be bothered to check a Wiki. They make the mistake of stating that the late Sir David Amess was born in Southend. In fact he was a Londoner, from Plaistow, and can out-humble Sir Keir Starmer in humble origins.
It is quite clear that almost all ‘news’ media are staffed by overpaid children who these days are hardly able to get out of bed much less to an office, and even less from such an office to check anything.
They rely solely on press releases or gossip inside their bubble, best viewed on an iHypnotoad.
GB News.
Dan Wootton speaking with Imam Ajmal Masroor and Dr Rakib Ehsan.
Imam – it is a misuse of terminology to say Islamic terrorist or Islamic hate preacher. The use of the prefix ‘Islam’ means that the person is ‘good’ and ‘law abiding’.
Rakib – usually sound on this topic, but here pandering to the Imam, says he always refers to them as ‘Islamist.’
Dan asks Imam what would he call them? Imam says they are just terrorists or nutters.
At around 6:00 “… the cause isn’t Islam … Islam did not tell them to become extremists or terrorists. Islam told them not to”
Both guests agree than the majority of ‘British Muslims’ are jolly good eggs and are just as concerned about ‘extremism’ as everyone else. All the Muslims in Southend paid tribute to Sir David Amess.
Things get more heated from 8:01 when Dan points to the thousands of radicalised individuals/potential radicals and extremists on the watch lists. The Imam says there are 85,000 potential paedophiles lurking in our midst (see where he going here?).
Well Mr Imam, since you brought up the subject of paedophiles, the phrase ‘grooming gangs’ is also a misuse of terminology. I suggest we call them Islamic rapists, or Islamist rapists, or Rape Jihadis.
BBC’s favourite Greta yet again.
Her lack of any qualifications is well known but did you know she also cannot sing?
Great stuff as usual, AsIseeit – thank you!
I suppose the ‘Alisons’ of this world will also come in for a bit of banter, which is a shame, because I rather like the name!
And the ‘Mo’ ladies I know and like, won’t be that pleased either!
Trump links to this on his blog and I have to say I agree with him:
Why didn’t the Abraham Accords win the Nobel Peace Prize?
Not BBC but absolutely right. Particularly as Obama won it just for being black.
Another institution corrupt with political bias and now rendered worthless except to like-minded hypocrites.
An interesting article about ‘far-right’ Eric Zemmour. Yes, ALL folk who don’t tick the full set of boxes of far-left criteria for subscribing to all things PC, are automatically excluded from a place on the Beeb’s self-created moral high-ground are branded ‘far-right’. Any position right of centre left, automatically commands pejoratives. While I can’t agree with Eric about French jews being ‘protected by the WW2 French state (what state?), he has much to say about the threats to France from what I call ‘cultural cuckoos’, that really sounds spot on.
Barley, I think the Vichy State in France protected French Jews during WW2. They were carefully guided onto trains, guarded whilst on the trains, all the way to concentration camps in Germany and present-day Poland and elsewhere.
Get them young.
BBC’s Newsround has appointed Kirstie O’Mahony as a journalist on a part-time basis. Kirstie is also an assistant producer for BBC Bitesize, in charge of producing educational digital articles aimed towards teen and young adult audiences. Areas she writes about are broad, but include climate change and the environment, digital culture, and health and wellbeing.
So, nothing normal kids opt for. ‘Part time’ journalism at the bbc meaning surfing selected threads from home even less than Springster.
When Femi* met Alex**
*Vile green room denizen
**BBC person of mental issues currently
Colin Powell, American Secretary of State, no doubt will get a mention in February 2022 when Americans endure ‘Black History’ Month.
Poor Femi.
The smell of burning tofu in the bbc lower floor canteens must be wafting around by now.
They ran an idiot Nut Nut #prasnews punt and now… Mucus makes more sense?
A heat pump without electricity just won’t work either, where will Caroline get the extra electricity from?
Insulation needs a lot of energy to make it too, where will that come from?
I guess we could use sheep’s wool – oh no, sheep are banned now too.
Jim, heat pumps need a lot of metal, far more than a gas boiler judging by the photos on the BBC web-site today. Looking at the pic I reckon they require four times as much CO2 to manufacture.
Can Caroline be locked in an airtight Big Brother house?
Apologies if already covered but rather unusually two cheers for Channel 4 Despatches.
Last night ( horror of horrors) they had a critical look at the NHS. It was rather brief and repetitive but the messages were clear. On any objective analysis the NHS
1. Has poor outcomes on many international comparisons and is lousy at early diagnosis
2. Covers up errors, doesn’t learn from them, but spends billions on legal fees and payouts.
3. Mainly exists to protect itself rather than patients. (during the pandemic the mantra was ‘save the NHS’ . It was not ‘save the patients’)
4. Has one and one way only of doing things. Other countries have different and better, but not more expensive, ways.
In other words, absolutely typical for a nationalised industry!
Would the BBC dare to be so critical? Or is it too busy showing documentaries about how marvellous it all is?
Stuff – I’m an advocate of reform – if not selling it off – but did c4 come up with any alternatives .
( yes I know it’s academic in the same way the BBC hides behind the emotional ‘aunty ‘ lie )
Just further to this on the NHS – to his credit – when Jeremy Hunt was Health sec he tried to remedy the constant mistakes and defensive nature of the NHS .
They even had a list of the ways in which the NHS kills people each and every year .
Obviously the medical mafia stopped any improvement- as we know – the sainted medics dont make mistake – clap now …
BBC Online News:
“Little Amal: War Horse creators’ refugee puppet lands in the UK”
“Little Amal – who stands 3.5m high – will arrive at Folkestone, Kent as part of an initiative to raise awareness of the problems faced by young migrants.”
“The project, called The Walk, is from the team that reproduced Calais refugee camp The Jungle on stage.”
“David Lan, a producer, said it had been “challenging” but “amazing”.
“In Folkestone, Little Amal will appear on the beach to the sound of bells chiming, before moving on to a disused railway where local choirs and singers will perform a new work by Anil Sebastian of London Contemporary Voices.”
Our BBC – totally out of tune with the population outside of north London.
Is she coming over on a dinghy
The only period when the NHS was ‘marvellous’ was back in the Hattie Jacques day, when nurses learned on the job, the buildings smelled of disinfectant, all medics wore Persil white coats, operating scrubs stayed in the theatres, visitors wore their ‘Sunday best’, and the Hospital Administrator had a small team of clerks and accountants to manage the finances.
As it stands, the institution needs dismantling, it cannot cope with continued years of mismanagement, and population explosion, but I fear it will be the same in 50 years time.
Police investigations into allegations of child abuse against a former MP were marred by “a series of failings”, a report has found.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) said Leicestershire Police officers “shut down” investigations into Lord Janner “without pursuing all inquiries”.
It also criticised Leicestershire County Council’s “sorry record of failures” over abuse.
The former MP died in December 2015
For some reason the BBC fail to mention the political party Janner represented in the Commons & Lords for many years
Edit Now updated by BBC to include Labour in picture caption & text below the fold
I wonder if the minister for stronge statements will publish this report – or sit on it like other paedo reports – and what discipline measures were taken against the dodgy plod detectives …
ClimateGate …
I didn’t realise that Phil Jones had top dollar rock n roll PR company playing him like a fiddle… Not bad for a bumbling provincial academic….
Twitter is blocking an assortment of @Climateaudit posts on Jones + PR machinery
Some Twatter accounts can see them others not…. with a direct link…
Tweets by ClimateAudit
Good work tomo.
Just like the ‘I’ word, ‘CC’ cannot be challenged either these days.
All critical scientific review is ‘cancelled’ or the scientist ‘black-balled’ to such an extent they become un-employable for fear that the employing institution will lose government funding. He becomes a ‘denier’ to be officially ignored.
Small wonder emeritus professors seem to make critical responses rather than those still working.
In the same way anyone critical of Islam is ‘islamaphobic’
and is also to be officially ‘cancelled’.
Climate Fraud is allowed as it’s cause is just (apparently) !!
Just like Al Gore’s on-stage ‘graph manipulation’ with the cherry-picker ‘stunt’ where warming was exaggerated by stretching the vertical scale and the timeframe compressed to make the Co2 increase that came 800 years AFTER the MWP impossible to see.
This wasn’t an oversight, it was a ‘con’, but allowable under the new ‘rules’.
‘World Government’ is on the way – you WILL comply.
Teachers at my son’s Junior school are now all wearing masks in class.
The Lefty-Virus is spreading. It creates an uncontrollable urge to wear a mask and inflicts a sensation of smugness, solidarity and reassurance to the young snowflake wearer….
Ah-Ha moment with David Amess
see here:
Tomo -MY IPHONE SHOWS THAT LINK AS FORBIDDEN – perhaps there is a virus attached ?
Here, 1 android and 1 laptop block the link, a desktop sees it. Depends if you’ve a direct link to a tweet or the thread as well…
There is a virus and it’s called Jack
or … if you’re referring to the Turbulent Times link – who’s your iPhone on contract with?
– let me guess EE?
– they have an appetite for blocking and a list they’ve been handed by the goons at Hermitage Barracks.
Landline ISP recently seen blocking like that – PostOffice Internet….
Oh, and FYI – the last time I tried, using a VPN to circumvent the EE blocking killed the 4G data connection.
Apologies if this has been posted before
Sir David Amess did NOT “pass away”, he was brutally murdered, stabbed 17 times. But then again Sadiq, I’d expect nothing different from your ilk.
[url=]online photo hosting[/url]
GB News is beginning to interrogate this whole Islam question.
It should have been a job for the bBC but they seem to favour a non investigative approach.
The question of integration came up but it led quite quickly to a position that this religion( in its extremities) cannot be integrated into British/western values.
So where to go with this. The French are clearly sharing their problem with us either intentionally or otherwise.
The question may well evolve into decisions whereby extreme
adaptations of this religion results in accommodating those concerned outwith the UK.
The so called watch-list may provide content for the first passengers: manifest.
I was musing on what would happen if someone came up with conclusive proof thar man made global warming does not exist and any climate change in generated by natural cycles
Then blow me down – there is a quote from David Belamy – whom the nice BBC killed off for dissenting – saying much the same thing ….
Cutting hydrocarbon use to do the legs of enemy islamic arabs is one thing – but for a non existant problem ?
Bellamy was a great communicator and an environmentalist in the best sense of the word.
However, as he was not extreme enough, but still had a popular following, he had to be silenced as he would dilute the new narrative in the new ’28gate’ future.
As far as ‘someone coming up with proof’ is concerned it is for the Climate ‘establishment’ to prove mankind’s puny contribution to the massive natural one is dangerous and unprecedented. They are using a natural cycle as cover for political change, financial advantage and elite control over everyone on the planet.
Making up scary climate documentary porn for the BBC may impress the kiddies (as it’s meant to do) but it proves nothing; other than the repetition of lies over and over again gains acceptance without question, through brainwashing.
Anyone pointing out lies and errors is called a denier and cancelled. Hence we only get one side of this dispute everywhere, not just on the BBC.
My concern, over 35 years of following this subject, is that those we SHOULD be able to trust in the scientific community have lied, cheated and manipulated so much to gain the acceptance of their hypothesis that it cannot possibly be true.
If their ‘proof’ is derived from deception for political, economic or even sincere, almost religious, belief reasons that is NOT proof of their proposed theory, it’s just enforced wishful groupthink.
Sorry about the rant – I’ll get me coat.
That is not a rant . The new religion of ‘ human climate change ‘ really is a re run of those arguments about the earth being the centre of the universe- and any astronomical observations contrary to that must be ‘ devils ‘ work ‘
Im not a scientist but as a lay person i see that the supercomputers cant do an accurate weather forecast a week – month – year – decade out but somehow can predict earth warning in 20-50 years time .
Little Amal: War Horse creators’ refugee puppet lands in the UK
Giant Islamic ‘refugee child’ puppet arrives… no agenda there at all.
“Thousands of local people have walked with her through their town or village. Only in one place was any hostility encountered – Kalambaka, in northern Greece.
The village council said it did not want to welcome a “Muslim doll from Syria”.”
The rotters, still she’ll receive a better welcome in the capital of New Wokistan, I’m sure.
“Artistic Director Amir Nizar Zuabi said the London visit was “a new adventure”.
“This is a bittersweet moment of encountering a city she’s heard a lot about, but also a coming of age as she celebrates her first birthday away from her parents.””
… I read something recently about ‘unaccompanied minors’ among the dinghy boat invaders, and how they and their next of kin automatically qualified for resident status… or something.
Jude, eh? Nothing like a thespian to help boost a little Amal.
what could possibly go wrong
funny how they are all self proclaimed br ish innit but still able to disappear at will to the hell holes they belong in
I wonder if his mum is still receiving £500 per week in benefits, or whatever it was. I’m sure Maxi or Picu will let me know.
Funny that they didn’t choose to make a puppet of a young fighting fit male refugee with trendy clothes and taking a selfie with his mobile phone. Could have called him muscular Mohammed.
Not real news; Ch4 propaganda with their fave lefty Tourette’s victim.
Jon Snow goes Mystic Meg
Has he bought an electric DeLorean and let his hair grow wild?
– or is it a a set of cheap Chinese “crystal balls” ??
Are John Snows news stories ever real?
What …pointlessness
No. But then this is the bbc.
What is funny is they have been wrong footed by usually reliable boosters pointing out all that is greenwash about this, leaving the three green editors of the swampocalypse to try and distance themselves from what went through bbc ‘news’ vetting like a dose of salts this morning.
Seems most of the BBC is cashing in their AirMiles.
Oh, dear Jon (or ‘another beauty’ as we fondly remember you), we do so hope you make it to Oz and spend a long time there.
Maybe you can watch Sky Aus News while you’re there, and find out what’s really going on in the world.
Don’t come back,
Ps. Thanks for helping to put The Imbecile in power with your biased reporting, and bringing the US and the world that much closer to the edge.
Surprising he doesnt want to cover the demise of the false president …
… wonder what job theyll give him ? Maybe the 2am 6am weekend news reading …
Good riddance!
Did it really take 7 years to read three books?
BBC urges are never anything but BBC.
They were so receptive last time.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – funny, I thought, I thought funny …..
Suddenly all the shortages of this that and t’other have gone away!
Thanks to Brexit. 🙂
Dear BBC,
If all the sacrifice we are forced to make re climate change, changes nothing, then what?
BBC response.
Dear Mr Sentry,
Thank you for your enquiry which we take very seriously, honest.
In the event of Climate Changes not materialising as expected we would take the matter up with those who made the predictions, however, as they are likely to be dead (or seriously minted) by then and not give a shi* it is unlikely that any apology will be forthcoming from them or their vastly rich families who currently run the planet and are really busy right now.
Please remember that Climate Temperatures can go down as well as up and your financial stake is at risk if you believe a word of anything stated by the BBC. (or World Broadcasting Control Authority) as it is now known.
Due to the frivolous nature of you query your licence fee will increase by 10% next year.
So there.
Please click on either of the two ‘smiley faces’ at the foot of this response to signal that you are happy with my reply.
RE climate change “follow the science”….
The Indians on a remote reservation in Oklahoma asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild.
Since he was a chief in modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets. When he looked at the sky, he couldn’t tell what the winter was going to be like.
Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect firewood to be prepared.
But, being a practical leader, after several days, he got an idea. He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked, ‘Is the coming winter going to be cold?’
‘It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold,’ the meteorologist at the weather service responded.
So the chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more firewood in order to be prepared.
A week later, he called the National Weather Service again. ‘Does it still look like it is going to be a very cold winter?’
‘Yes,’ the man at National Weather Service again replied, ‘it’s going to be a very cold winter.’
The chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of firewood they could find.
Two weeks later, the chief called the National Weather Service again. ‘Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?’
‘Absolutely,’ the man replied. ‘It’s looking more and more like it is going to be one of the coldest winters we’ve ever seen.’
‘How can you be so sure?’ the chief asked.
The weatherman replied, ‘The Indians are collecting a shitload of firewood
How Prevent became ‘political correctness’ battleground: Anti-terror strategy’s resources have been diverted to tackling far-right extremism since Jo Cox murder – accounting for 43% of most serious cases compared to 30% for Islamism
Suspected right-wing extremists made up 43% of cases seen as most serious
Compared to 30% of alleged Islamism extremism, data from last year showed
Critics said Prevent was ‘losing sight’ of where the greatest threat comes from
PREVENT was created out of desperation out of the once secret CONTEST CT strategy ..Everyone knew it wasn’t a sure fire solution but if it turned just a few brainwashed Muslim kids away from the cause it would be judged a success…
Obviously on that score it is hard to doubt the Muslim terrorist cheer leaders have there own stuff to counter ‘prevent ‘….
“Boris Johnson defends UK switching to green power by 2035”
How many of you Tory voters or supporters voted for the above ?
We voted for someone with drive and enthusiasm over hind-sighted blandness with offensive red baggage.
What we got was the ‘Jolly Green Giant’ and his wife !
We all deserve better than this !
How long before the riots start ?
Therein lies the problem, the silent majority remain that
If there are power cuts there will be riots – also if they can’t get the iPhone 13/14 there will be riots … however – I see a weakness in the rioters ‘ ‘plan ‘ – if they riot about shortages in shops – why riot if there are only tins of quality street left without those soft toffee hazelnut ones …?
( stew will correct me and tell me that confection is in ‘roses ‘😎)
In the supermarket today was checking the difference between Roses and Quality Street (no shortage of either funnily enough veritable mountains of them as the one day Xmas feast turns into a three month dive into type 2 early onset diabetes )
If I want to buy 50 % rock hard toffee that will drag ones fillings out and hard chewy fudge then “Quality Street” is the way to go, qualiity in my experience requires the product to conform to requirements, they call them chocolates not toffee, Roses on the other hand has chocolates as described on the tin with still some inedible content but a lot fewer
Thanks for your assessment – being a person beyond filings and now at ‘implant ‘ stage – i scoff at your warnings about confectionary and sneer at claim to the inedibility of the last sweeties after all the nice ones have gone – so there .
Further – I do recall a ‘heaven ‘ when you could select your own favourite roses / quality street chockies and by them by the pound / oz … ( or did I dream that ? …)
Beware of dreams:
Bob came home drunk one night, slid into bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumber. He awoke before the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter said, ‘You died in your sleep, Bob….’ Bob was stunned. ‘I’m dead? No, I can’t be! I’ve got too much to live for. Send me back!’ St.. Peter said, ‘I’m sorry, but there’s only one way you can go back, and that is as a chicken.’ Bob was devastated, but begged St. Peter to send him to a farm near his home…. The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking, and pecking the ground. A rooster strolled past. ‘So, you’re the new hen, huh? How’s your first day here?’
‘Not bad,’ replied Bob the hen, ‘but I have this strange feeling inside. Like I’m gonna explode!’
‘You’re ovulating,’ explained the rooster. Don’t tell me you’ve never laid an egg before? ‘
‘Never,’ said Bob.
‘Well, just relax and let it happen,’ says the rooster. ‘It’s no big deal.’
Bob did, and a few uncomfortable seconds later, out popped an egg!
Bob was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood. He soon laid another egg — his joy was overwhelming.
As he was about to lay his third egg, he felt a smack on the back of his head, and heard his wife yell…..
‘BOB, wake up……. You’ve shit the bed
That was the old Woolworth’s pick n mix – no you were not dreaming.
You could get a bag of hot roasted/salted peanuts too !
“Climate change: Is the UK on track to meet its targets?”
More importantly is China, India or the US meeting their targets , any targets ?
Just had a wander around our local supermarket, yes there are apparent “shortages” but they entirely comprise the cheaper items, funny that, one could almost become conspiracy minded
99.9% of shelves around here have always been pretty normal
.. just odd things like you have to shop around to find your brand of bottled water etc.
Nothing above minor inconvenience.
I tried once to save the planet and join the sustainability mob and grow my own food but couldn’t for the life of me find where to get bacon seeds.
If you agree with the following …………
Abolish the BBC Licence Fee.
Abolish the House of Lords.
Support Voting Reform.
End Mass Immigration.
Take Our Waters Back.
Support Free Speech .
Scrap Most Foreign Aid .
Scrap HS2: Back Hyperloop.
Save Britain.
Click here……………..
Taffman – I see who the boss of UKIP is – again …..
But do you agree with the policies?
Start with……… “Abolish the BBC Licence Fee.”
And, do you disagree with any ?
Taffman – no I do not agree with that policy – it should be shorted to
‘ abolish the BBC ‘…
Its the nearest to that, is it not ?
And what about the rest?
It’s ok but still not right enough for me ….
For instance
Withdraw from refugee treaties
Gradual cuts of benefits – can never be better off on welfare
Give the Scot’s a refendum but have a proper independence if so votes ( no more English subsidies )
Rebuild a non woke military
End overseas aid
Cut down the non op NHS
Cap public sector pay
Increase basic rate income tax threshold
Treat the French as they treat us
Stop calling the EU ‘friends ‘
Protect key infrastructure and resources
Rebuild energy resilience – nuclear – fracking – generating
For starters Taffman
If you want to make this country wealthy cancel public sector pensions, there is a case to be made of police and firemen who run after people and run up ladders being a little unfit at 50 but all the deskworkers get the same benefit and as for the council workers who have made a career of doing nothing, telling the world why they cannot help and making a career out of being risk averse to the point of paralysis, then get retired off on their big pensions and taken on next Monday as consultants …….I have seen this done a few times
ITV local news
#1 police failures in the case of a murdered woman.
#2 hospital removed woman’s bladder and lied about it
🟢 #3 Humber capture projects
FFS this idea is PERPETUAL MOTION machine stuff
yet the telly presenters all cooed as if it was real existing technology.
Everyone in the world has been trying to get it to work at a level of putting less energy in than you get out, but so far no one has achieved it.
🟢 #4 Coal Authority say coal mines can be used as giant ground source heat pumps
And we can capture the heat from the hot underground workings using water and bring it to the surface
“Cleaner Greener” mentioned 15 times.
It’s always been possible to do this geothermal BUT BUT the energy loss in the process means corps have never put their own money in
There are risks of putting workers in danger etc.
#2 The hospital told the woman
“We only intended to give you a hysterectomy
but in the process it was found this was impossible without removing your bladder”
So she got on with her bladderless life.
Then in the legal process she found that the hospital had lied and that the people who had done the operation did not have the required experts with them at the time, so had botched the operation.
I suppose in the old days such a complex pregnancy would have killed the mother
so the NHS did say her life.
but lying about the botch up is unforgivable.
It does beg the question, since when does being an MSM journalist, especially bbc, require being an ill- read, semi educated at best, thick as pigsh@t idiot on massive salaries, expense accounts and pensions, avoiding tax wherever they can whilst promoting massive government spending (from taxes) and the tenets of socialism at every opportunity.
The takeaway I get from everyone of them is sheer selfishness that would put a capitalist to shame as it is also tainted with complete and utter hypocrisy
Probably still wondering what the round thing was he was handed, no doubt being contacted by bbc recruiters as we speak
Is he also head of the afgee navy ? Did the yanks leave a few land based submarines behind ..?
Very strong market for dinghies in France at the moment …
mmm I thought it was flat.
Inflation …
Twitter scripters are out in force today. This has magically decrementing counters and appears / disappears depending on the OS client and account credentials…. could I suppose be a tech SNAFU – but it’s been going on all day and only on accounts that could be viewed as “contentious”
Assuming it shows up, this tweet has a new addition to me.
Wonder if the BBC will pick up on the OECD ? Statement that the retirement age should be raised by 3 years …. I think the policy was drafted by someone due to retire now …
… would I be unkind to wonder if it is a propaganda drive in the run up to the coming budget to raise the UK retirement age again … easy way of saving money – especially if the NHS is busily driving down life expectancy by stopping people seeing GP s as well as neglecting or infecting any victim who land up in a hospital bed …
Listening to Parliament yesterday on Radio Al Beeb, the MPs talked about everything but The Elephant In The Room.
Taffman – I was sitting on a nice beach and listened to it all … obviously it was a sort of public wake so the word ‘Islam ‘ and ‘terrorist ‘ was never mentioned.
Being ‘not nice ‘ I was waiting for a comment from our Angie as deputy leader of the Labour Party but she wasn’t present to call any one on the government benches ‘Tory scum ‘…
.. somebody put a nice picture of the commons yesterday with an added elephant in the room …
I fully realise that this is the Biasedbbc site, but I thought I would point out how silly this world has become. Today’s Express, ” 3 contestants sue the Miss France beauty pageant for basing their selection on looks”. Ffs read the label!
Ha ha ha ha ….
Are there pictures of the 3 plaintiffs so we can judge … I grant a moderator dispensation ….
Cost of public sector pensions eclipses national debt: Total bill for gold-plated retirement funds stands at a whopping £2.4 TRILLION, study suggests
Retirement packages for state workers has left the country with a £2.4trillion bill, a study suggests – and the national debt is already at £2.2trillion
These costs will have to be met by future taxpayers in order to honour the substantial pension deals still on offer to public sector workers
The real annual cost to the taxpayer of providing the pensions has doubled in the past five years to hit a staggering £95million