Politicians have entreated each other to be ‘kind’ in the aftermath of the murder of one of their own. They seem to think that has something to do with Islamic terrorism . Judging by their past behaviour and that of BBC journalists we can guess how much will change ..
Midweek Thread 20 October 2021
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Yes the Sadiq Khan “passed away” line has been mentioned here before.
The context is he put out multiple statements with different wordings.
One said “horrific killing” … https://twitter.com/SadiqKhan/status/1449335077503213568
There is video also
Lost his life – how careless can you be?
Why are the media pushing for BIG NATIONWIDE lockdown again ?
We know that Covid isn’t all over the place, all the time.
My region did have numbers way higher than the national average
but they have fallen back down by 50% now
seemingly they were waves in particular schools.
So why should quite remote corners of the country suffer unnecessary restrictions.
Stew, your spot on there. Every reporter it seems from whatever station only asks why are we not being locked up or worse. It’s as though the gov has programmed the reporters to ask the questions the government wants to hear. There is never any questions about natural immunity or of the cycle will ever end
“It’s as though the gov has programmed the reporters…”
And almost as though the gov has written what goes in the papers.
Sometimes the BBC reveals its bias in the smallest things that takes seconds.
Today the inflation rate has reduced from 3.2% to 3.1%.
A small change admittedly but a small decrease.
Earlier today on Radio 4 the headline for this piece of information was ‘inflation stays above 3% for the second month in a row’.
You can just imagine the editorial meeting, ‘Blimey, inflation is down, that was unexpected. How can we spin this negatively?’
to be fair the target is 2% so it is still 150% north of where it should be. INflation could be a serious issue in the next few months/years
9pm BBC2 now : 90 minutes of Trump bashing about January 6th
I wonder if it is a BBC rewriting of history or an existing PBS one ?
Oh It’s the existing HBO one.. oh actually BBC joint production.
HBO’s ‘#FourHoursattheCapitol’ Is a Powerful, Flawed Documentary: TV Review http://dlvr.it/S9yh4q
San Francisco Chronicle
Review: HBO’s ‘Four Hours at the Capitol is a weak take on a terrible day https://trib.al/lDjY6Wn via
a rote re-assembly of mostly familiar footage
(I guess the doco is not anti-Trump enough for those lefty reviewers)
The BBC have put out some promo stories
“Capitol riots officer: The moment the mob took me”
The director seems to have a fairly lefty bio
“Rise of the Murdoch Dynasty. Fires that foretold Grenfell. Manchester: The night of the bomb. War Child. Jihadis Next Door”
I wonder if they will include footage of the informal prayer meeting held in the Senate that day, a frequent feature of far-right insurrections.
The BBC ain’t interested in Ashlee Babbit and her murderer Lt Michael Byrd
“She posed a threat to the House of Representatives
yes she was unarmed”
Mr. Whitlock is absolutely right.
The pistol Byrd used is designed to be definitely lethal out to 50m – the range was less than 3m iirc… it was an execution.
It is “what-iffery” -but- I wonder what’d have happened if Byrd’s bullet had impacted one of the 2 cops just behind Babbitt? – there’s plenty of ballistic energy left at that range.
I also wonder what the cops present, particularly the two next to Babbitt actually think about Byrd? ….
Some of Lt Byrd’s claims here
The Times TV preview is the normal DISHONEST sneery metroliberal tone
‘the protesters stormed the building after being’ “whipped up into a frenzy by the soon to be President Trump”
Just a heads up to the meeting of the World Economic Forum in Dubai on 11 – 12th November, after their success with the ‘Great Reset’ (you will own nothing you will be happy) they are quite unbelievably calling this one “The great narrative” especially given the conotations a narrative has wtih regards to fake news.
I’m quite sure there will be pretty much a news blackout about the meeting itself, but the decisions made there will be promulgated all over the news.
When did the British culture of self deprecation, become British-SELF-LOATING that we get from the MSM ?
like this 9pm Sky-History prog
True if you don’t count defeats for example by Holland and the American Colonies as was, both also Protestant nations at the time coincidentally.
@SQuared-Eyed The British lost lots of wars over the Millennia
Al Murray is sneering pretending we believe we won every one
of course we didn’t
The American War Of Indepence being the obvious biggie
On MSM you are never more than 4 hours away from a WhiteManBad narrative
🟤 9pm TODAY on @Film4
BlacKkKlansman directed by #SpikeLee
9pm 🟤 BBC4 Enslaved with Samuel L Jackson
10pm 🟤 Stephen: The Murder That Changed a Nation 3/3
Whilst watching the paint dry on Channel 4 this afternoon (I was dog sitting for a friend), I saw a trailer for yet another bloody building and extending show. Guess what, the property developer was definitely not white. He said his name was Tinie Tempah ( I checked and that is his name), he was a rapper and now he’s a property developer. FFS! They get everywhere don’t they.
They put out a trailer
He seems to have a posh voice
I wonder if he comes from a posh family
He’s a Catholic, went to Catholic school where he lived in Plumstead.
Whitey already has George Clarke and Kevin McCloud. No fair.
This is an embarrassingly gauche choice of presenter. Grand Designs previously used Damion Burrows for their House of the Year shows, a genuine architect from a successful agency. Someone with some chops. Mr Tempah is clearly making a run at television now that his pop career has dried up and this is the vehicle. Utterly pointless.
I can’t help but suspect that the new COVID restriction scares being threatened are another try by the same dark forces after the fuel/lorry driver shrill and the no Christmas goods screams failed to damage the Government and Country.
There are a LOT of people who really want the country to suffer and burn because of Brexit.
The BBC included.
One of the things I learned since the referendum was announced was how shallow, greedy and nasty the Left are. I never paid too much attention before and I was shocked at how childish and unpleasant they got. They really are like spiteful 12 year olds who just got spanked and now lash out at anything.
The other thing which really surprised me was how they never got called out for it. That’s when I realised just how deep the infestation of these people in the MSM has become. Trump merely confirmed it.
🟢 10pm BBC4 another Climate Change prog
“Restoring the Earth: The Age of Nature
Global warming is changing our planet faster than ever before, but we’re also increasing our understanding of nature to help us manage it.“
very interesting call on LBC this evening:
– caller had asked public health england for proof/evidence that covid-19 was transmissibale between humans. PHE replied that they had none
– said that studies made during spanish flu pandemic showed that the flu was not passed this way
– said that Scurvy had been misdiagnosed for 200 years and when the link to vitamin deficiency was made it was immediately solved
– said that Govt. view of covid was ‘in silico’ i.e. numbers had been punched in to a computer program and numbers had been spat out – there was no actual real evidence or scientific basis
Iain dale dismissed him as a crackpot, i suppose he has to (due to ofcom?) but the guy claimed to be a physics scientist and spoke very convincingly
I consider myself very open-minded (but far short of a crackpot) and it was a certainly an interesting line of questioning about the overall covid theory and narrative
Listeners calling him bonkers … https://twitter.com/maanke65/status/1450926100519993348
LBC has no Facebook or YouTube livestream
ah there is a catchup
He was Kevin in Croydon at 9:23pm you can fast forward the slider
“I taught maths and physics all my life”
The LBC caller Kevin was trying to introduce new hypotheses to explain covid. There is nothing wrong with that, cos he pays tax so he entitled to have a say in how its spent, so Iain Dale shouldn’t have shouted him down.
Kevin said “I taught maths and physics for many years” so what ? The authority of the messenger has no weight in an argument, it’s the evidence he presents.
He claimed that Covid could be to do with electromagnetic radiation
His evidence was “you see these corona viruses got their name long ago from the way outbreaks would correspond with the corona on the sun”
.. Is that true ?
Nope, “First described in detail in the 1960s, the coronavirus gets its name from a distinctive corona or ‘crown’ of sugary-proteins that projects from the envelope surrounding the particle.”
Dale may scoff, but his own thinking seemed flawed ‘experts can’t all be wrong’
Experts can have flawed thinking as they used to have on the cause of ulcers, when they all believed it was stress (it’s a bacteria)
and before that on scurvy ..when they thought it was an infection (as Kevin explained)
My question to Public Heath England would be “Have all PHE decisions been based on Government MINDSPACE brainwashing techniques rather than on evidence based science decisions. And “Is that why Boris and PHE are ignoring the evidence based group called the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD) https://bird-group.org/protocols/
The British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD) was founded by a team led by Dr Theresa Lawrie. To date, there have been over 60 clinical trials and 31 randomised clinical trials done on 25,000 patients by 549 scientists on Ivermectin use in Covid-19 infections. They firmly endorse the universal use of the drug. But major pharmaceutical companies want to exploit Covid-19 by making big profits by selling vaccines to every country. But should we sacrifice millions of lives in order to make profits for these companies. Sadly, this is happening and could mean that Boris could end up in jail for mass murder. Most Health Authorities around the world and WHO itself chose to dismiss or stay indifferent to the sustained efficacy of Ivermectin. Exeptions for use in the third world and India have brought spectacular results.
Also Boris, the Tories and the British mainstream media have apparently chosen to treat Ivermectin with deafening silence despite a letter sent by Dr Lawrie to Boris. If patients can recover quickly with a tablet that can be taken at home, we can end lockdowns, open up business and tourism, and run colleges and schools without waiting until the whole world is vaccinated.
As with climate change, it is patently obvious that the MSM, including even GB News, the Daily Mail and the Telegraph are ignoring evidence based scientists, on the advice of media censors like David Halpern and Bob Ward. There is no diversity of scientific opinion and certainly no diversity of reporting. Reporters these days just run errands for establishment compliant editors, writing any garbage fed to them by Greenpeace or the Government.
Honest intelligent medics. Not what the CDC or SAGE want to hear https://twitter.com/Motivation724/status/1450192271178076161?s=20
or PHE I suspect – as they still likely hold a grudge over being ejected from NHS premises largely at the urging of the clinicians – for being a useless bunch of PITAs
Apparently PHE has changed its name – something with “security” in it, and is being linked up with other institutions, including the police, to enable them to give us a better service, of course.
Our local church has some grafitti from the black plague
Our local gp practice seems to have noticed and is following the advice, this disease they are so frightened of stops them from even answering a telephone now
they have, effectively, stopped working
funny though that they forget the advice when they leave the place and want to enter a supermarket or petrol station
Russian inmate who leaked torture videos alleges death threats
Another Panorama style BBC report where a desired conclusion is inferred in any way they can. This story is simply bizarre if it’s meant to be serious news.
We quickly get the lead-line out of the way:
‘In 2013, Mr Savelyev was convicted of a drug-related offence and sentenced to nine years in prison.’. We won’t cast any further doubt on his character.
They tell us how he started copying the videos but don’t tell us how. Do inmates get issued with memory sticks in Russia ?. And I don’t know the insides of a Russian prison, but do they all wear army camouflage gear ?. Looked more like a conflict zone.
Then – as if it proves everything beyond doubt – we have a big picture of a still from the video with the explanation:
‘One video appears to show an naked man being held by a guard.’.
Where are pictures of the guy being beaten with a hose ?. Or laid on the floor in a pool of blood ?.
This story proves absolutely nothing to me. He’s a drug dealer in a prison for drug dealers and I can imagine prison guards don’t giev them a lot of respect.
But what I immediately think of about this is how the shcoking accusations by Tommy Robinson that the guards locked him in a room full of Muslim criminals to get beaten up was never reported by the BBC. Because HE didn’t fit their agenda.
How many other similar events do the BBC choose not to report ?.
If you want to see why Western society is close to the end of it’s lifespan, look no further than this:
Netflix employees protest ‘transphobic’ Dave Chappelle comedy show
What did he say which was so outrageous ?.
“gender is a fact” and that LGBT people are “too sensitive”.
They do it because they know the likes of the BBC – with their massive over-representation of LGBTQWERTYUIOP++ in their staff – will put it on the front page.
End of an era. The left rejoice as they ‘own’ all the major media news channels (most of them are of the left). But its NOT sustainable (using an abused word), even to the uneducated. They will all be poor and destitute.
But as long as BIDEN is in the white house it can only get worse..
‘Biden Admin Dubs Biological Male ‘First-Ever Female Four-Star Admiral’ of USPHS. President Biden’s administration named Rachel Levine, a transgender-identifying biological male, the “first-ever female four-star admiral” of the U.S. Public Health Services Commissioned Corps’.. Read more
There seems to be a policy of erasing ‘women’ as a sex. The word being mixed up with ‘subjective’ and altering the language and banning reference to biology.
This has to be political agenda. Perhaps reducing the world population birth rate by (95%) in the process as part of ‘climate change’. A climate of fear of reproduction in the UK was reported only this week. At the same time women are molested and contested by ‘men’ posing as a woman. UK jails for example, but also Biden ‘top man’ is cause for concern, as this is certainly the ‘future’ of sterility and ‘consent’ to be anything you like, including a cracked tea-pot.
If You Can’t Tell a Man From a Woman, You’re Not a Health Official, You’re a Health Threat, by Joy Pullmann. “Not only did Joe Biden appoint a man who claims he’s a woman, and whose poor public health decisions led to thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, as assistant secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Biden has now made that man a four-star admiral and proclaimed we should all cheer at his administration appointing the ‘first’ ‘female’ ‘four-star officer.’ I repeat, this is not a joke.”
Read more.
So end of the world or ‘climate change’?
Who benefits from all this confusion?
Why is it that the same people are pro abortion, read the guardian (or listen to BBC), consider themselves ‘non binary’, and Marxist, works for the BBC, or Labour party as activists, hate ‘Conservatives’ and call anyone who thinks different a ‘scum’.
And they want us to SAVE the planet!
Are they not entirely mad and cannot be trusted with children or fireworks? Unfortunately Conservative ‘trendies’ including our own PM is not immune from the ‘green agenda’ which is entirely false.
The green agenda is UN Agenda 21. Its no secret, as western nations signed up for it, as long as they never talked about it. The aim is 95% population control.
There is no end in sight, if we believe in it. Even former eco warriors can see that nothing will change environmentally, if anything it will get worse as the political Marxists have taken control. Effectively one party states usually collapse financially from the inside, just like Gordon Brown’s UK government.
No money left to spend. But they made the climate change agenda we are still living through. It can only end badly.
That first category also usually opposes foxhunting and wants to return to the EU.
My question to Public Heath England would be “Have all PHE decisions been based on Government MINDSPACE brainwashing techniques rather than on evidence based science decisions. And “Is that why Boris and PHE are ignoring the evidence based group called the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD) https://bird-group.org/protocols/
The British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD) was founded by a team led by Dr Theresa Lawrie. To date, there have been over 60 clinical trials and 31 randomised clinical trials done on 25,000 patients by 549 scientists on Ivermectin use in Covid-19 infections. They firmly endorse the universal use of the drug. But major pharmaceutical companies want to exploit Covid-19 by making big profits by selling vaccines to every country. But should we sacrifice millions of lives in order to make profits for these companies. Sadly, this is happening and could mean that Boris could end up in jail for crimes against humanity (see Below). Most Health Authorities around the world and WHO itself chose to dismiss or stay indifferent to the sustained efficacy of Ivermectin. Exeptions for use in the third world and India have brought spectacular results.
Also Boris, the Tories and the British mainstream media have apparently chosen to treat Ivermectin with deafening silence despite a letter sent by Dr Lawrie to Boris. If patients can recover quickly with a tablet that can be taken at home, we can end lockdowns, open up business and tourism, and run colleges and schools without waiting until the whole world is vaccinated.
As with climate change, it is patently obvious that the MSM, including even GB News, the Daily Mail and the Telegraph are ignoring evidence based scientists, on the advice of media censors like David Halpern and Bob Ward. There is no diversity of scientific opinion and certainly no diversity of reporting. Reporters these days just run errands for establishment compliant editors, writing any garbage fed to them by Greenpeace or the Government.
The Rome declaration signed by Dr Lawrie, has over 12,000 medical signatories attesting that the handling of the pandemic amounts to crimes against humanity for denying the best medical treatment and continuing to advocate for harmful vaccines.
The media narrative of perpetual fear is falling apart. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark have ended all COVID restrictions and are doing much better than the US, UK, and Israel, three countries that continue to vaccinate into the pandemic. Mexico, Guatemala, Indonesia, almost all of Africa, and parts of India have low vaccination rates and are doing much better than the US, something attributed to their managing the pandemic by using Ivermectin.
Also, Project Salus shows that vaccinated people are having worse outcomes week by week of the type consistent with Antibody Dependent Enhancement. This occurs when the vaccine antibodies actually accelerate the infection leading to worsening COVID-19 infection outcomes. Antibody Dependent Enhancement has occurred previously with trials of other coronavirus vaccines in animals. https://www.afinalwarning.com/559002.html.
This would explain why 70% of Covid deaths since February in the UK have been in the vaccinated.
I’m sure happy that following research, I directly bought 100 x 12mg Ivermectin tabs from India a few months ago. Just as a precaution. Conveying that fact to BIRD, a reply confirmed I used the same Pharmaceutical Company as they acknowledged.
These people are insane:
All the time importing 300,000 people that hate us every year, building houses on flood plains and developing the technology to breed unicorns.
Sticking sharp objects into folk is never good.
The BBC has a new selective outrage.
From the look of it Covid is over at least. Springster can get on her feet again.
There’s news.
And then there is bbc #questionasaheadline comedy
The “is it enough?” thing very simply illustrates that the appetite for control from the eco-zealots will NEVER be satiated.
The (eco)mentalists are obsessed with power over others to the exclusion of any rational debate – if people submit they’ll pull more and more impositions out their arses.
In 20 years of challenging environmentalists, the number of eco-people I’ve seen change their minds on eco-matters is in single digits – and those that have reviewed their position and asked questions are routinely mobbed and insulted by the faithful.
Most Greens seem to have MH issues.
Nothing very green about that photograph.
Sometimes i feel guilty listening to the BBC – paricularly anything to do with the news .
Do you think they realise how negative they are ? Item after item of negative fear. No wonder mental disorder is going up . There is no positive- everything is done as negative .
For instance – UK and NZ do a trade deal . Bad news for welsh farmers . No . The price of lamb is awful so more NZ lamb will enlarge the market . I will eat more lamb
I could list the other negatives – project fear – stuff but wont .
Wonder if any bbc types feel anything carefully sifting press releases for maximum grief.
Here is a woman in a mask pictured as doctors say something about disease transmission.
Meanwhile, a few posts up… ‘make some noooooise!’.
Sky is the worst.
Graun has a manic wimmin warning.
WaPo still getting news via Sopes.
Is most gun crime carried out using licensed guns, or don’t the police even know?
If The BBC needs sneer, and sneer is all they need, Emily is first port of call.
And as ports go…. Felixstowe does not compare.
Since when have teachers decided Covid mask wearing policy?
Parent’s Evening tonight demands only one parent and that teacher and parent must be masked throughout their time in the school.
Any dissent would be met with – Don’t you want children to be safe? – It would be best you don’t attend if you don’t want children to be safe –
Gawd, I hate that Lefty word ‘safe’.
Any specifications on gender?
The booking form could run to several pages.
Parent’s Evening tonight demands only one parent
it has always been that way in the more vibrant areas of London
“London had the highest proportion of lone parent families in the UK in 2019
In 2019, 14.9% of the families in the UK were lone parent families (2.9 million). Over the last 10 years this number has not changed significantly, but between 1999 and 2019 there has been a statistically significant increase of 14.5%.
Lone parent mothers remained the most common type of lone parents in 2019, accounting for 86% of this family type. However, from 1999 to 2019 the number of lone parent fathers has grown by 22%, while the number of lone parent mothers also increased but at a slower rate (13.4%). These increases are both statistically significant (Figure 3).
Figure 3: The number of lone parent fathers has grown at a faster rate than lone parent mothers between 1999 and 2019
QT got Ashley Banjo, Femi, Di and Lammy on tonight?
Today is Trafalgar Day.
By way of stark contrast, yesterday the ‘Leader of the Opposition’ referenced Hope not Hate twice in the Commons. Nobody in the House bothered to tell him that this mini terror group is not a credible source.
The previous day, and cut from the same self-serving establishment cloth, the diplomat who left military secrets strewn behind a bus-stop in Kent was tweeting about credibility in defence.
cary on hoping whilst people are getting stabbed, bombed, heads cut off and gang raped
The attack took place shortly before 14:20 in Wellington Street, and near its junction with John Wilson Street, part of the South Circular Road (A205) in Woolwich, near the perimeter of the Royal Artillery Barracks where Rigby was stationed.[9] Rigby had arrived at Woolwich Arsenal station at 14:10 and was walking down Wellington Street towards the Barracks.[29][30]
While Rigby was crossing the road to get to a shop, two men, who were later identified as Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, drove a Vauxhall Tigra at him at 30 to 40 miles per hour (48 to 64 km/h), knocking him to the ground.[31][32] They attacked Rigby with knives and a cleaver, and attempted to behead him.[9][11][33]
Immediately after the attack, several passers-by stood over Rigby’s body to protect him from further injury.[32] Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, a cub scout leader from Cornwall,[34] disembarked from a passing bus with the intention of rendering first aid, after she saw what she thought was a road accident. On discovering that the victim was dead she engaged one of the assailants in conversation. The man said he was responsible for killing the man on the ground – a British soldier who the attacker claimed had “killed Muslims in Iraq and in Afghanistan”.[35][36] She asked one of the men to hand over his weapons, but he refused.[37]
In a video shot by a bystander, Adebolajo said:
The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers. And this British soldier is one…. By Allah, we swear by the almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone. So what if we want to live by the Sharia in Muslim lands? Why does that mean you must follow us and chase us and call us extremists and kill us?…when you drop a bomb do you think it hits one person? Or rather your bomb wipes out a whole family? …Through many passages in the Koran we must fight them as they fight us…I apologise that women had to witness this today but in our lands women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your governments, they don’t care about you. You think David Cameron is gonna get caught in the street when we start busting our guns? Do you think politicians are going to die? No, it’s going to be the average guy, like you and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back…leave our lands and you will live in peace.
They had an elected govt in Afghanistan but:
The Hamid Karzai presidency, NATO takeover, and Taliban resurgence
In March 2005 Karzai announced that legislative elections would be held later that year. Although al-Qaeda and Taliban elements had threatened to disrupt the elections, they took place on September 18, 2005—the first time in more than 30 years that such elections were held—and in December the newly elected National Assembly convened its first session. Ongoing violence throughout 2005 increased steeply at year’s end and worsened considerably the following year as instability and warfare spread. Attacks and violent exchanges between the U.S.-led coalition and the Taliban forces became more frequent, particularly in the eastern and southern provinces, and casualties increased. In July 2006, North
“leave our lands”,
I assume her was referring to
” Wellington Street, and near its junction with John Wilson Street, part of the South Circular Road (A205) in Woolwich”
Sectioned, more like.
He has previous form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WLY0ZeKtm4
Credible journalist? I don’t think so.
This thread is so BBC.
Never go so BBC.
Can’t wait for the ‘analysis’ from Sopes Mk. 2
Maybe someone could ask Springster how many FOIs the BBC reject, and then get accused of hate crimes by lads hoping to get lucky at the Xmas bash?
I sincerely hope it wasn’t the same as the BP one. That was around $200,000,000. Done just in time for the financial crash of 2008.
They wouldn’t do that, surely. Nutters with unlimited budgets don’t exist in the BBC.
Years back, an art College friend landed a junior design position at a top London Tottenham Court Road design “unit” as they were all called at the time.
They presented him with the job of “updating” their clients logo. The client being a Global Drinks company who will remain nameless, just think tonic water!
Every time he presented his work to the seniors they sent him back to have another go.
He worked on the same task for around 2 months.
Eventually they presented one of his first efforts to the client which was accepted.
A senior told him eventually that they needed to justify the 6 figure design fee which was why they couldn’t present if too quick!
It’s a London game and probably agreed beforehand over a latte in the West End.
The media working to focus our minds
And we conclude – If they have to keep emphasising it – it probably ain’t true.
With crushing inevitability we read this morning: ‘Get booster jab and wear mask to save Christmas, urges Javid‘ – the ‘i’ newspaper is the title that unashamedly, straight-faced, prints that cringeworthy official message as their banner headline – without so much as a hint of ironic editorial observation or commentary in their subheaders… other than to quote Tony Blair: ‘Ministers should set new target of 500,000 booster shots a day to avoid fourth lockdown and focus minds‘
One’s mind duly focused, one surveys the press and finds scant evidence of that old saw: Freedom of the Press. More like unanimity of thought and message.
In extremis we turn to our true frontline hero – who has bravely toiled on throughout the pandemic – Matt in the Telegraph – has his comic domestic plebian couple exclaim: “Threats of new restrictions and ban on indoor gatherings. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”
I feel the urge to go to my front doorstep this evening at eight and tap a pencil against a sketch pad in his honour – weather permitting.
As the government plays trillion Squid Games attempting to Green our already self-flagellated economy, our BBC invites us to participate oncemore in that bloody auto-da-fé contest that is Eurovision: ‘Dua Lipa’s team will choose UK’s entry for 2022… No UK entrant has made the top 10 since Jade Ewen in 2009‘
One ought to challenge the BBC with that old adage: the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Finding ourselves in the near vicinity of the arena of light entertainment: ‘Tilly’s outrage at “chubby” jibe by radio DJ. Strictly star hits at presenter‘ (Daily Mirror) – there’s one of those state of the nation and condition of our culture stories that tells itself without the need for any prior knowledge of the characters involved. The BBC ponderously expands in any case: ‘Strictly star Tilly Ramsay hits out after LBC radio host calls her chubby‘
Rest In Peace: here lies buried under this sod any sense of critical subjective – or even objective – commentary of certain protected characteristics. It fell asleep peacefully and supposedly left us in a better place.
‘Queen told to rest on doctors’ orders‘ (Daily Express) – but will anyone ever again dare tell the king he has no clothes?
In women’s news in The Times (that’s the feature headlined against a pink background) the national obsession with the hypodermic spreads like a pandemic virus: ‘Spiked. Why young women are at risk‘
Linked to this feature is our frontpage totty shot: ‘Sarah Buckle, 19, said she was spiked with a needle on a night out in Nottingham last month…‘ – that’s one hell of a put down for some young chap’s libido – he ought to complain like our Tilly on Strictly. I jest, of course.
‘Police suggest officers could be deployed to nightclubs after a spate of similar reports‘ – overtime and a chance for a bit of a rave… volunteering constables please form an orderly queue. The duty sergeant will pick you up in the rainbow van at the end of the shift outside the club at six am. Please remember the difference between your taser and the laser disco lights.
‘…spate of similiar reports…‘ – I wonder… I’m reminded of a joke told by the formerly most lugubrious man in Britain, Sir Clement Freud (Friend of the BBC Will Self more recently took over that unenviable mantle) as Freud told it a chap who, on a night out, over indulged to such an extent on the grape and the grain that he was sick all over himself excused his behaviour to his disgruntled wife by telling her the tall story that some other chap had perpetrated the vomiting on him… I’ll spare you the further digression of the punchline – it is out there, if you want it. Suffice to say the claim someone must have spiked my drink is about the oldest trick in the book.
Further hollow unsubstantiated claims in the press: ‘News provider of the year‘ – boasts the Financial Times; ‘Britain’s best quality newspaper‘ – contests the Telegraph; ‘Newspaper of the year + journalism you can trust‘ – contends the ‘i’ and finally; ‘The heart of Britain‘ – is the sentimentalised claim of the Daily Mirror. If they have to keep emphasising it – it probably ain’t true.
It’s like Cool hand Luke being told “get your mind right boy”
“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate”
‘…spate of similiar reports…‘ – I wonder… I’m reminded of a joke told by the formerly most lugubrious man in Britain, Sir Clement Freud (Friend of the BBC Will Self more recently took over that unenviable mantle) as Freud told it a chap who, on a night out, over indulged to such an extent on the grape and the grain that he was sick all over himself excused his behaviour to his disgruntled wife by telling her the tall story that some other chap had perpetrated the vomiting on him… I’ll spare you the further digression of the punchline – it is out there, if you want it. Suffice to say the claim someone must have spiked my drink is about the oldest trick in the book.”
Reminds me:
Bob came home drunk one night, slid into bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumber. He awoke before the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter said, ‘You died in your sleep, Bob….’ Bob was stunned. ‘I’m dead? No, I can’t be! I’ve got too much to live for. Send me back!’ St.. Peter said, ‘I’m sorry, but there’s only one way you can go back, and that is as a chicken.’ Bob was devastated, but begged St. Peter to send him to a farm near his home…. The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking, and pecking the ground. A rooster strolled past. ‘So, you’re the new hen, huh? How’s your first day here?’
‘Not bad,’ replied Bob the hen, ‘but I have this strange feeling inside. Like I’m gonna explode!’
‘You’re ovulating,’ explained the rooster. Don’t tell me you’ve never laid an egg before? ‘
‘Never,’ said Bob.
‘Well, just relax and let it happen,’ says the rooster. ‘It’s no big deal.’
Bob did, and a few uncomfortable seconds later, out popped an egg
Bob was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood. He soon laid another egg — his joy was overwhelming.
As he was about to lay his third egg, he felt a smack on the back of his head, and heard his wife yell…..
‘BOB, WAKE UP !……. You’ve shit the bed again
Direct global orders via one of the UK’s greatest traitors dutifully applied by the faithful.
Or, as is more commonly referred to now, the ‘news’.
Sopes’ main source… reportedly…
BBC flown Ben Hunte over yet to join Lord Clegg in an Americast special so BS can top up her tan?
The lowdown on your future.
Trump to launch new social media platform TRUTH Social
Has all the usual lame cliches the BBC retards trot out:
“his supporters stormed the US Capitol.
his posts criticised as insulting, inflammatory or peddling outright falsehoods.
baseless claims of electoral fraud.
too risky to allow him to continue to use their sites.
Donald Trump clearly wants his megaphone back.”
Then crowing how Trump won’t break the big techs monopoly.
“He wants to create a platform that rivals Twitter or Facebook, but that simply won’t happen.
Any outrage industry merchants out there having a slow flounce day might want to connect the dots between wimmin of predominant no color apparently being poked with sharp objects and news of more rozzers of color.
The Getty photo Ed’s head may have exploded.
In the twisted corporate mind of the bbc there is one and only one type to blame for the woes of the world:
White British men, or more specifically tax paying white men who should be bled dry to pay for everything, the very people they despise with a passion that verges upon racism of the most insidious kind
the white van men who spend their spare time cutting down rainforests in the Amazon, harpooning whales and setting snares for tigers and when they get a week off arranging child labour, some slavery and human trafficking whilst setting fire to some churches
When you remember that white van men are the sort that run market stalls and other small businesses, you wonder why the condescenti dislike them so much. Is it because, generally speaking, they won’t be buggered about? White van man, the Football Lads, and a few states in the USA are going to be our salvation.
Today programme ( can’t call it toady any more – that boring )
Anyway – listening to Robinson – I don’t get the enthusiasm for more lock down stuff – desperate . Do they want that to be a picture of failure ? They paint that picture anyway .
The medical mafia truly rule the air . If their union – the BMA calls on this or that the BBC dutifully do not challenge or find dissent from their self interested views.
If there is more money – the BMA is there . To me plumbers and doctors share the same status – if there is money in it they’ll do it – otherwise the golf course or work life or work /death in the case of a lot of dodgy hapless medical mafia .
By the way – Happy Trafalgar day – are they campaigning to take nelsons ‘ column down yet replace it with a mentally challenged Norwegian teenager… ? Or a coloured thick ball kicker ?
Its OK he was disabled, should buy him some time
That is the funniest come back I have seen in ages Zephir!
Zephir – brilliant – perhaps rebrand Horatio from a slaver ( by default ) to a champion of the disabled . Get the half prince and the coloured gold digger on the case
Or actually- best not .
Myself, I am looking forward to the BLM bunch trying to topple it, should be a sight to behold
With no nets below it will be a perfect display of Darwinism in action, pigeon shit is a great lubricant
John Noakes managed to get up there once on Blue Peter
Not a hard hat, luminous jacket or a harness in sight
“Get down John”
Now Valerie Singleton on the ladder with the camera following her up…
Get down Zephir
It wasn’t all that long ago that Ken Livingston wanted Horatio replaced by Mandela.
I suppose now it might be Stephen Lawrence, Marcus Rashford or bloody George Floyd.
FFS, don’t let’s give them any more ideas…
Some celebration ‘ commemoration of the formation of NI – the queen advised ‘not to travel’ and the president of the republic not turning up ….
Trouble is never far away is it .
I wanna see the EU try to build a border ….
The NHS has a “
duck houseChelsea FC Season Ticket moment”?Keep clappin!
“build a wall….
Comparisons between Trump and Obama on immigration usually focus on deportations of unauthorized immigrants living in the US. Trump has been rapidly expanding enforcement, but the numbers are still comparable to Obama’s first term. (Obama holds the record for deporting more immigrants than any president, with more than 2 million deportations over eight years — though he scaled back enforcement in the last two years of his administration.)
With any luck, the 2 million deportations will be exceeded in a shorter period when DJT hits the White House again.
News you won’t be seeing on the BBC or any other UK biased media. It concerns the Durham investigation into the lies told by the deep state over President Donald Trumps falsified links with Russia at the election, and the cover up of the real links crooked Hilary had.
The Democrats are weaponising the state in the most disgraceful way imaginable going after their political opponents and allowing their friends to not suffer the legal consequences of their actions.
In this case senior FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was “un-fired” despite the legal finding that he perjured himself on three seperate occasions on behalf of the democrat party.
“fully restoring his FBI pension and removing all records from his FBI personnel file that indicate he was fired for cause. ”
This is the deep state revealed, the sickness in the American state where unelected public officials believe it to be perfectly OK to use their positions to further their political beliefs, and are prepared to do almost anything in pursuit of that, with the democrat party there to protect their interests if and when they are caught.
It’s shocking stuff and part of an ongoing investigation which really merits coverage in the UK media yet won’t get any because it’s against the narrative.
Media Monkey Spank has another from the BBC/Graun/FT/Economist nexus of weevils.
John Micklethwait CBE
Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg
John Micklethwait is editor-in-chief of Bloomberg. Responsible for its editorial content across all global platforms, he leads its news, television and research services – with 2,700 staff across 120 global news bureaux in over 70 countries. Beginning his career as a banker at Chase Manhattan in London, he switched to journalism in 1987, joining The Economist as financial correspondent, ultimately becoming editor-in-chief in 2006, and joined Bloomberg 9 years later. In this in-depth interview, John shares why he sees audio content as integral to their future growth, following the success of their recent podcasts; discusses how they use “restless energy” to compete against digital-only startups for scoops and stories; and sets out his prediction on how the global economy will recover from Covid-19 – and why the pandemic has “exposed the weakness of the West.”
I may be in a minority and apols to Dellers, but I have no time or attention span to waste on podcasts.
Especially from old white men in media on how the West is bad
The BBC are pouring cold water over Trump’s announced Media group.
Well, they would, wouldn’t they? Conservative media and social media are breaking out all over the place, threatening the BBC’s cosy little hegemony over how we should think.
Be afraid, BBC, be very afraid.
Below is a more enthusiastic response from the ever-exuberant Salty Cracker.
MPs of the various brands navel gaze after the death of one of their own.
They blame ‘ hate ‘ which is an extended form of dissenf . People with common sense instinctively know when they are being ‘had’ .
For instance the last election – which flushed all manner of anti democratic traitors away.
However – at least then there was what i think the swamp call a ‘ binary’ choice – EU or No EU
Now we are faced with a unified swamp knowingly failing to ensure people have enough affordable power in the name of the swamp green religion .
Voters have no choice any more – so the public attitude to MPs is going to harden even more
And if economic reality – rising interest rates and commodities bite next year – on top of the frankly incompetent nut nut cabinet then even darker times are ahead.
Yes – i know it is doom and gloom but thats how i see it – covid or not
We need Farage, Tice and Fox to apply some pressure at the next general election
Zephir,s fudge recipe….couple of drops of vanilla essence?
R4 8.10 slot….first I,ve listened for months…no change….some hapless Minister being hectored by Touretts with the question…what about plan B….must have been 10-15 times…
You know…..when will one of them stop this character in his tracks and pose “ask me that one more time, and it will be your last question in your public sector bBC career!
the Bashir Affair………………..
Have to say was astonished at the MET Police decision not to pursue a criminal investigation into this charlatan…
Compare and contrast the duplicity of the Police over the Sir Cliff affair compared to this Bashir decision.
These are the kind of bafffling , double standards that lead decent folk to ask……what exactly is going on here?
Personal view it is poor leadership from the top….woolly political correctnessetc etc.
Certainly hope the private prosecution proceeds….with Hall et al in the docks under proper questioning.
The Spectator has followed the lead of the Telegraph in preventing its readers from commenting on articles which it thinks may elecit views which are not in accord with the ‘correct ‘ establishment line. The latest example is a piece by Douglas Murray in which he lambasts the the MSM and politicians for their studious avoidance of calling out Islamic extremism in connection with the murder of David Amess. No comments are allowed but plenty of readers have posted their views on this craven example of muzzling the public under other articles in the magazine.
I suppose we could take the view that at least D Murray was given a platform but why are the likes of the Telegraph and Spectator so frightened of the views of their readers?
Sure ?
sometimes Spectator articles are visible without you logging in
in such cases you don’t see the comments.
But you do if you log in.
Is that the shadow of brillo acting as censor again ? Maybe he has a job as a consultant with some £ Arab outfit …
They are all giving in! Who is going to be left?
@Doublethinker : actually the 96 comments are here
Yahoo have gone the same way-no use in presenting news items if the readers cannot make a comment.
When YOU do it’s a hack
When the BBC do it, it’s a leak, apparently:
“COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report”
“A huge leak of documents seen by BBC News shows how countries are trying to change a crucial scientific report on how to tackle climate change.
The leak reveals Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels.
It also shows some wealthy nations are questioning paying more to poorer states to move to greener technologies.
(Wow that’s not predictable ../sarc)
This “lobbying” raises questions for the COP26 climate summit in November.
The leak reveals countries pushing back on UN recommendations for action and comes just days before they will be asked at the summit to make significant commitments to slow down climate change and keep global warming to 1.5 degrees.
The leaked documents consist of more than 32,000 submissions made by governments, companies and other interested parties to the team of scientists compiling a UN report designed to bring together the best scientific evidence on how to tackle climate change.”
Activists using “leaks” to #Blackmail
Surely the ‘leak’ provides an excellent excuse for those countries not to involve themselves in the Scottish jolly – ?
After all – if the UN cant be trusted to maintain confidentiality why bother with it ?
@Fedup2 good point
People have started on transcribing the Climategate drama
If you go to prison for not paying your bbbc tv licence you can watch tv without a licence in prison.
Almost as if they were taking vexatious prosecution tips from Geoffrey ‘it’s in the national interest’ Cox.