Panorama investigates the Pandora Papers, one of the biggest offshore leaks in history, revealing the financial secrets of some of the most powerful people on the planet.
. . . .
Pandora Papers: Blairs saved £312,000 stamp duty in property deal
Coca Cola doesn’t have a plastic problem
We buy the cola and then we put the bottle in the correct bin
The people who have the problem are the 1-5% who are louts and just dump the bottles anywhere
Glass bottles are no magic solution
the louts still throw glass bottles around today
Tonight’s Panorama is done with NGO Break Free From Plastics
The R4 preview gave the impression it’s a hitjob against Coca Cola
They go on about Samoa ..FFS it’s only got 200,000 people
The clips seem like an advert for the NGO, scary background music etc,
They seem to be campaigning for bottle deposit schemes
To me that is dumb cos that will hit the 95% of people that already put the bottle in the right bin
and the 5% that don’t will probably still not bother.
Is that NGO a front ? Most early tweets are from Greenpeace Asia
but on Sept 13th 2016 the hashtags #breakfreefromplastic and #breakfreefromplastics first appeared
with a video saying it came an NGO meeting in the Philippines
… Many of their tweets are them wanting a 100% ban on plastic
I am strangely pleased that Coca Cola are about to be unpersonned. Apart from the fact that they have become a behemoth through selling basically fizzy sugar water they were the Company who practically invented hippy “wokeness” – remember their we want the world to sing in joyful harmony TV ad bollox?
Not so funny when it bites back is it Coke?
And why stop there? Let’s include all the US coffee barons with their cups and lids, plus all the fast food burger and chicken joints sending piles of boxes and packaging out to litter the streets…
I think there might just be a “yoof” backlash if that were to come to pass though!
I get incredibly peed off with plastic containers sliding about in my fridge ! bacon/mince/cheese/ cooked chicken/ et al all come in flat plastic coverings, and they are a bitch to stack on the fridge shelves. I curse daily when they slide out onto the floor. Tomatoes I put in small bowls, but there has to be another method of packaging to combat this. My mum never had a fridge – it was a cold pantry, so daily purchased cold meats/cheese etc was put on a plate with another plate to cover. Milk was stood in a bucket of cold water in the summer. How I yearn for a cold pantry.
Briss, as an undergrad I survived for a while without a fridge, ‘luckily'(?) there was no real heating where I lived, and I discovered milk would usually last for several days on the windowsill near a cracked window, especially in the winter months.
I wouldn’t like to go back to that, but having discovered the ease of using a ‘push along’ lawnmower (recently purchased on a recommendation to replace an old petrol mower, and well worth every penny), I’m certainly open to trying out some more ‘low tech’ solutions that don’t rely on (overpriced) electricity, petrol, or gas. People have always been ingenious, and I’m sure there are many low tech alternatives that can work just as well as many of our modern ‘conveniences’.
BBC my ‘gamechanger’ is also a mower – battery driven. Previously it was windows open with extension leads fed through first to the front garden, then the back and trying to cut the grass while negotiating trailing wires. Now from wheeling out of the garage to finishing the job – so eeeeeeasy, it takes around 20 mins as opposed to around an hour.
And agree about the re-chargeable mower, it folds away beautifully, and is so light! Half an hour for the grass here, but I do outside on the verge as well!
Indeed my grandparents had a large larder with a marble shelf, all foods were kept that way, even though they had an old 1930’s styled fridge-pity they don’t build for a pantry these days. When I got married in 1970, my wife and I bought a small fridge and a year later bought a washing machine for £99.00-it was such a boon for us both especially with a little lad-it was years later that we acquired a dish washer-of course things have changed, the younger generation want everything right away, whereas we had to save up for such items as no doubt you did. Our Granddaughter and her fiance have just bought a lovely house, but my goodness what a price-a little under half a million! Fortunately they both earn well, and by god they will need to, paying that mortgage would make your eyes water! It’s all just crazy-everything is now levelled at the highest common denominator in terms of income-not as it used to be, to ensure most could eat and cover general expences. Earming £2500.00 pa when I got married was considered good money-now many would need that sum per month to survive-all gone mad.
digg, Samoa has been mentioned today in relation to Coca Cola. I don’t think it is that specific country but one of the islands in the South Pacific has a population that are very rich. Cannot remember how rich – possibly/probably richest of all the S. Pacific islands. How did that come about? Apparently, during WW2, Americans were stationed there and they consumed vast quantities of Coca Cola in the traditional green glass, waisted, bottles and just tipped them overboard.
These bottles are, apparently, much prized by collectors and sell for silly money. An island population of around a hundred or so are theoretical millionaires or close to it, because there are millions of Coca Cola bottles alongside a reef in their island home.
The News at One leads with the UN saying Afghanistan is heading for catastrophe with millions facing starvation. International aid has dried up. Cue images of babies in hospital. Stories of children being sold. Even the BBC team were asked if they would like to buy a child.
I am being emotionally manipulated to put pressure on my government to send funds to a terrorist regime in Afghanistan. This is not what I want in a news service.
Business presenter Ben Thompson goes back to his home town Burnley where he was born and brought up. Cue affecting music.
A reporter’s biographical details are irrelevant and music does not belong in any news report. This is not a news report. (There is no actual news in it.) It’s propaganda. It’s a plea for more government funds to be poured into the town. Another attempt at manipulating me emotionally.
“It’s now universally accepted that the press is parti pris (a preconceived view; a bias).” {youtube} – Christopher Hitchens circa1993
“Yes, it is true that Conrad Black once threatened to buy the Spectator, of London, because he objected to an article I had written in it. And I laughed for quite a long time, until he did buy the Spector. ” {Christopher Hitchens – youtube – @0:39}
The BBC show staggering levels of bias In their piece on Trump’s new media company.
The overall impression of the article is that all is well with Big Tech, who are not at all biased, and that any measures they took against Trump (such as banning him) were justified.
The truth, of course, is that Big Tech were viciously partisan in their treatment of Trump from day one of his presidency (even before, during the election campaign) and are blatantly biased against conservative voices, and in favour of the liberal / left / Democrats.
Many conservative social media outlets I follow are shadow-banned, demonitized, censored, occasionally shut down or otherwise harassed in one way or another. Anyone with an ounce of integrity knows this.
The BBC’s own bias is such that they are blinded to media bias, considering it normal.
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Sofie Hagen: ‘There’s a huge societal shift we need in terms of how we treat fat people’
According to Sofie Hagen, fat people don’t have the luxury of not making an effort with their clothes.
The activist and comedian says that society dictates that people who are overweight have to look like they are trying.
8am news :
– “Female runners face abuse”
– The local Police and Crime Commissioner has asked for research to be done into the abuse of women and girls and you can come forward
Dr Jessica Taylor is from Victim Focus
clip “every woman has been harassed/touched “
So the Item is PR for this campaign and That is the woman is the boss of the company commissioned to do the “research” ..seems she’s made her mind up already.
… That partisan approach fails to capture that plenty of men have been harassed/touched usually by men
and it was not funny to the men sexually abused.
Some men have had worse treatment than some women ever had.
#4 “Two school pupils have done a sustainable transport project and won places at COP26
You too can Pledge To Change see our website”
…that’s the BBC acting as POLITICAL activists not being impartial.
“plenty of men have been harassed/touched usually by men”
When I was 16 I had a work placement at a local factory, some of the older women there were disgusting, I had my buttocks squeezed, my balls groped, my jeans pulled down to see what I was wearing underneath, and lots of lewd comments/suggestions (most of which I didn’t understand at the time).
I later heard it was a regular with the teenaged male placement students, it wasn’t ‘fun’, it was utterly terrifying. Am sure that was ‘different’ though, me being a boy and them women?
It’s a myth that women don’t behave like that cf. male strippers, number of women teachers who ‘seduce’ underage boys etc…
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
A BBC correction note added at the BOTTOM of a May5th story 3 weeks later
Correction 25 May 2021: An earlier version of this article said that five people had died *in the violence* during the Capitol Hill riots on 6 January
and this has been amended to make clear that four people died, in different circumstances.
In fact the page changed the wording
“Mr Trump … accused of encouraging encouraging the violence IN which 5 people lost their lives.”
very subtly .. but to a meaning quite different
“Mr Trump … accused of encouraging encouraging the violence DURING which 4 people lost their lives.”
There is quite a difference in someone dying in violence, from violence
and some people having strokes etc during the time violence was going on somewhere else.
BBC … Children in Need goes to charities that are based in Somalia.
RNLI … money goes to pay for Islamic swimwear.
DFID … money goes to stop FGM as FGM goes un-prosecuted in the UK.
” river is a mess with algal blooms from chicken farm runoff.”
Is it algae ? Is it from chicken farm runoff ?
The rivers in Lincolnshire do have a lot of stuff that looks like algae
but it in fact is a non-toxic weed
… duck weed I think, which is not harmful to nature but impedes boats etc.
It grows in particular years in any century when the weather and tidal flow are right.
In some other areas they have Azolla weed as well and that is harmful
Especially given local media is either BBC shire radio or papers with BBc local democracy activists embedded.
Here is the latest post…
How could you pledge to change?
In the run up to COP26, we’re looking at how we can change our life to help the environment.
Here’s some ideas… find out more at
It is a collection of trivial nonsense.
However did give the producer a chance to give her mate the stressy peroxide vegan cafe owner a plug.
Seems the whole thing is being ramped up more as MPs of not redness voted to give all cholera.
🌱 Let’s build a greener future 🌱 #TheRegenerators aims to help inspire young people to live more sustainably and find ways to support our changing climate 💚
Three-child policy (Chinese: 三孩政策), whereby a couple can have three children, is a family planning policy in the People’s Republic of China. The policy was announced on 31 May 2021 at a meeting of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), chaired by CCP General Secretary, Xi Jinping, on population aging.
And after all that, we went into growing our own vegetables, playing sport, drinking less beer but enjoying a few glasses of wine, stopped smoking and taking drugs, started a family, and bought a house with money we worked for.
I can’t even bother to think what kids today will turn out like, but that’s their problem, they just don’t see it coming! They’ll also be paying huge amounts to provide pensions for successive socialist failures, and their benefits will rely on them being treated like slaves eventually – a subject they seem oddly enough, to cherish!
Of course, the BBC won’t be around, it’ll just be a soviet instruction manual sent to the terminals in their sky-high flats.
Duckweed (also a number of species) are mostly UK natives, but like the Azollas they are floating plants that can grow explosively if the conditions (nutrient content in the water) are right.
I have problems with Duckweed in my garden ponds most years, both Duckweeds and Azollas can grow thick enough to reduce light to aquatic plants, and completely choke waterways.
Best cure for Duckweed is ducks (who love eating it, hence the name), but hard frosts also kill it off, and it fluctuates massively year on year.
Algaes are a very diverse group of primitive and simple lifeforms, and range from the completely harmless and non-toxic, through to some highly toxic forms (which tend to grow in extreme conditions). They tend to thrive where there are a lot of ‘excess’ nutrients in the water that aren’t getting consumed by ‘higher’ plants, e.g. rushes, yellow flag, canadian pondweed etc…
The only ‘bad algae’ which you’re likely to encounter in British waterways (especially ponds and lakes – it tends to prefer static, or slow moving water) are the Cyanobacteria (‘Blue-green Algae’) which are actually a form of photosynthetic bacteria (rather than an algae), and particularly toxic to other lifeforms. They particularly thrive in sluggish, low oxygen conditions, such as where there is heavy pollution, often from farm run off, or sewage.
Top 19 Most Polluted Rivers in the World in 2020
Ganges River.
Citarum River.
Yellow River.
Sarno River.
Buringanga River.
Marilao River.
Mississippi River.
Jordan River.
The Nile is up there too, the Indus, and the Mekong.
Anywhere with lots of heavy industry/population, little or no sewage treatment, and a lax attitude to waste disposal, so basically, any of the rivers of Africa or Asia…
Are we being spun by @BorisJohnson? As it's revealed that he failed in pledge to get $100bn climate finance for poorer nations, he says plastic recycling doesn't work and jokes that animals should eat us. Diversionary or what? @TanyaMSteele@rburgessbbc@davidshukmanbbc
roger harrabin
BBC Energy&Environment Analyst. Follows risk, transport, cities. Hon Fellow, Cath’s Cambs; Assoc Fellow, Wolfson, Cambs & Green, Oxon. Hon PhD. Own views.
Joined September 2011
436 Following
Stew you are right. Yesterday, in round figures, new infections 40,000. Today, 36,500. I have only been keeping a record for just over two months but before and during that period infections have climbed and fallen and fallen and climbed whether masks were compulsory and people were working from home or not.
I learned from Marianna’s article the other day how the BBC use their own troll accounts to try and draw out other trolls so they can use what they write as evidence of how bad everyone they don’t like is.
That’s exactly what maxi is. It explains why he is keeping such meticulous records of everything everybody says here. He wants us to get abusive so the comments can be used by the BBC. I am very aware of how he carefully complies with BBC guidelines to avoid any backlash if he is found out.
Unfortunately for him, nobody descends into the kind of language he is hoping for. We just pull his hypocrisy and selectivity to pieces. The only abuse he gets is for being a forum troll and they can’t use that on Panorama.
It’s Monday night.
Which means University Challenge on bBBC2.
Hands up those who expect a disproportionately high number of questions about BAME and female writers/ poets/ actors/ producers?
Which are only there to make the numbers up, about people who are otherwise unexceptional, and to which no teams know the answers.
Have you noticed how they target questions at minorities too? So Asian questions for Asian contestants, US for Americans, Indian etc…how racist!! They might have lived here all their lives and know lots about the Uk but little about their ancestral land.
The COVID pandemic is one of the most consequential and life-altering events of the last several decades. Only the most anti-intellectual, stunted cretins would concoct reasons why it would be better not to learn everything we can about its origins and whether US officials lied.
Prof Allyson Pollock, Clinical Professor of Public Health, University of Newcastle, said:
“The snap vote, taken yesterday in the House of Commons (and in the absence of a needs assessment and proper debate) which enables imposition of mandatory vaccination of care workers is unethical, needless and disproportionate and undermines human rights. It is the start of a slippery slope to impose other requriements and to extend compulsory vaccination to other groups. It overturns 120 years of vaccination legislation and policy which has been built on trust, medical confidentiality and informed consent.
“Scotland and Wales are correct not to follow suit.
ROW SPREADS Two more teachers ‘suspended’ at school where class shown cartoons of Prophet Mohammed as ‘they knew of lesson plan’
Abe Hawken
15:40, 1 Apr 2021Updated: 16:26, 1 Apr 2021
Just heard on the BBC News that there are 8,230 people in hospital with Covid. I checked, there are 1200 hospitals. That’s fewer that 7 Covid patients per hospital. Are they really snowed under with this “pandemic”. Something for the BBC to investigate – oh how we laughed!
While visiting Senora O’Blene in hospital, there’s a distinct scarcity of the usual fat suspects, sitting waiting to be ill, or get a certificate to stop having to work.
It appears that only really sick people are there, and the visitors are queuing up and dealt with in an orderly and well-organised way!
The staff can now get on with their real jobs which is tending the sick, not the layabouts and stupid.
My wife is getting superb treatment, because she really needs it!
Given the amount of public funds being hosed on it one might’ve expected them to do a bit better on the mascot front – looks like it might’ve scuttled out from under one of the piles of rubbish supposedly adorning Glasgow streets at the moment – it does look like it’s been hauled out + dusted off from the council basement and given a new costume? see replies to tweet)
Lovely pile of school satchels, with go-faster lightning stripes so they can be seen in the dark, after they all stagger back to their limos to travel the Zil lanes to luxury.
Will Barry bring his armoured car and several heavies? In fact, how many heavies are expected? Do they speak English?
And is Ms Sturgeon going to welcome these useful idiots, or is an English student – er – a Mr Horribin, going to do it via his own meedja company then via the bbc.
There’s going to be so much fun on this site when they all start gabbling away, I really can’t wait, as there’s sod all of interest on the BBC etc.!
Fed, can we have a ‘Cop26Balls’ post – maybe separate, like Private Eye used to do with Coleman balls?
Irish Quandary: Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed?
No one seems curious about the prevalence of the disease in an almost fully vaccinated population.
Ahead of the crucial #COP26 conference, @mariannaspring explores how new forms of climate denial are undermining the fight to save the planet. The first episode is here
I was on @GMB talking about investigating online hate for Panorama – and how social media promotes anti-women content to trolls. I'll be speaking to MPs about it tomorrow.
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen will give evidence today alleging they put profit over safety.
I am beginning to think she is one of those bots from the Austin Powers films. She has the same expressionless face in most of the photos I have seen. She also has the same slightly angled head position.
“Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey−fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean−mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”
6pm BBC1 news had a long item about mental health and how badly the medical services were doing. There was a vicar from The Church on The Street who was a saint, hugging the psychotic. One young man had been released from a mental health unit without a bed to go to. He ended up in a room where another man had what I assume was equipment for crack. The young man ended up walking the streets all night. He had said he just wanted a chance of a normal life. We could have wept.
Whilst we cannot look after our sick but it seems if you come to this country via a dinghy then you get housed in a new flat within the hour of reporting to a police station. I was told this from someone working for the police.
Of course the dinghy people are humans too, but surely our first priority should be our own people in need.
But the BBC thinks we should care for all the world’s poor as long as the BBC’s own employees can pretend to be self employed and evade tax.
Including an ‘analysis’ by Marianna Spring at the end no less !!!. I’m afraid that I have concluded that Marianna is a naive and stupid, over enthuastic lackey who can’t believe she got that job – and will do anything she is told to keep it.
Her ‘special report’ yesterday for her Panorama program read like a 6th form project. Did anyone watch it ?. Was it as utterly one-sided and cringeworthy as it sounded ?.
Odd how the BBC and their ‘expert’ (who looks like a scary-movie halloween mask in her pic) don’t go anywhere near the biggest culprit of all for spreading division and hate : twatter.
This is nothing but a free, BBC-tax-payer funded advertisement specifically because she is black.
You racist whiteys need educating that this problem ‘can impact your relationship with your hair’. Is there no end to the racial injustice ?.
The bit which really caught my attention though was at the end:
“I would have loved a young me to be taught by a black woman, ” said Youma.
I personally don’t care if she thinks that – but if a white person expressed the same sentiments, the BBC and their disgusting agenda-based double standards would brand them as racists.
The ‘Related’ articles on the right-hand side of that page is a list of items which would be branded completely racist if you changed ‘black’ to ‘white’.
Some would argue that an afro comb counts as one of the greatest achievements to come out of Africa, which was held back by slavery, institutional racism, colonialism and lack of role models on BBC television and banking advertisements. It should form the centrepiece of future Black Hysteria Months.
Coming soon in the next few millenia: Invention of the wheel. Irrigation. Writing systems. Roads. Codified laws.
Sometime after ‘the bonfire of Quangos’, ‘getting Brexit done’ , ‘securing our borders’ , ‘learning lessons’, all set aside so that we can ‘build back better’ with 20 million Africans spread around the UK.
I rarely use social media these days because it is a cess-pit of scumbags who just want to be nasty at other people.
But I do check it regularly as one of my ‘news’ sources to balance with everywhere else I look at.
What I notice is that facebook tends to be ‘proper’ social media (ie normal people sharing their lives) and is more real-life right wing whereas twitter tends to be very left wing and is dominated by people obsessed with racism or the like.
So it comes as no surpise to me whatsoever that the BBC are trying to go after facebook. I also notice how they are using the word ‘hate’ everywhere now. It has become their ‘go to’ label of choice. Marianna used it 25 times in her schoolgirl essay the other day about forum trolls.
Interesting updates from members of your family who you would otherwise not see, some extremely funny posts by friends you haven’t seen in years and a few extremely bitter and nasty old duffers if you go off-piste read anything not from your friends.
This film looks like it should be called ‘Woke as Hell’ by the trailer, but maybe it’s not. The IMDB comments are very clearly dishonest but most new films are at first these days. I will check again when it’s been out a month. If it’s 80% 1/10 and 20% 10/10, you know it’s a 1/10.
But that is not what bothers me about this. Imagine if we took an important period of Black history (though I struggle to think of one) and remade it with an all-white cast. Then proudly announced it as ‘all-white’. What kind of stink would these same, shameless hypocrites lauding this film kick up ?.
What I really wonder is if they are conscious of what they are.
Is it that they are so immersed in woke groupthink now that they don’t even realise or are they so shallow and greedy that they know it’s the only way to stay in their career and will pimp themselves without shame to get the money ?.
If it wasn’t for my wife and daughters, who seem to watch the same programmes regurgitated again and again, their titles being the only difference between so many of them, I’d have done the same. Both Netflix and Amazon just seem to churn out the same crap all the time, plot-by-numbers mummy-porn ‘thrillers’ and multi-racial blended-family ‘quirky’ teenage tripe, nearly always with a female lead and some sort of paranormal nonsense thrown in.
I spend more time searching through them for something to watch than I do actually watching anything on either channel, in fact I can’t remember the last time I watched anything on them, and nobody in our house is remotely interested in any of the countless other ‘platforms’ all doing the same thing.
As for programmes like the Black western, I’m far more racially aware now than I ever was, and to be honest, not in the way I think I’m supposed to be. One look at the advertising trailer or the cast is all it takes now for me to give it a miss and there seems to be more and more of it.
I always wonder why if so many people have to see themselves ‘represented’ on-screen and will only watch programmes geared towards them along the lines of race or gender or sexuality, and are encouraged and ‘celebrated’ in this, then why the hell should it be any different for me?
A crap film / drama / whatever – remains that . There seems to be a thing that if they throw coloured actors into something bad it will become ‘good ‘..
I’ve been watching ‘the wire ‘ again- the majority of the actors are coloured – good and bad are not divided by race – nor are the story lines contrived to make white bad all the time – which has become a British habit .
Personally – my tv has given up . I’m not in UK and it is difficult to get a replacement where I am , I really don’t care ….
Agreed – The Wire ran from 2002 to 2008, although many people did not see it until the 2010s.
Another programme which seems to ‘naturally’ reflect race is the american version of the Office. This ran from 2005 to 2013.
Brooklyn 99 – is a bit of a crap programme – but has a generally believable set up in terms of race. This one started in 2013. However, from wikipedia:
“In June 2020, Terry Crews, who plays Seargent Terry Jeffords, stated in an interview with Access Daily that four planned episodes for Season 8 had been aborted following the George Floyd protests, as Floyd’s murder prompted the producers to reassess the direction of the season’s storyline.”
In my view the period between 2013 and 2020 represents the period in which tv/films/books etc. became subject to “interference” and the plonking of black people in to shows where they wouldn’t otherwise fit.
One of my favourite programmes when i was a lad was Red Dwarf, in the late 80s, early 90s. Written by two white men – for the first three seasons, 2/3rds of the main cast were non-white (danny john-jules & craig charles). These were presented as ‘cool’ characters pretty much, whereas the white man (chris barrie) was an insufferable pratt. Even when robert llewellyn joined i the fourth season it was still a 50/50 split in the main cast, and his character was basically that of a cleaning robot.
Of all the many many hours i have watched this show, i have not for one second thought about the race of the actors, the race of the characters, and whether or not “i am being represented”. I just loved the show.
If the show had been made today – i would simply not watch it. a) if it was made by the bbc, and i would assume that the choice of actors was in the name of woke tick-boxing, and would refuse to watch it b) on principle and c) because no doubt it would signifies that it would be complete crap
It’s like watching Denzel Washington in anything. There has been the occasional turkey, like the completely unnecessary Magnificient Seven remake, but in the main his colour never seems to matter. It may be relevant to the story but it never jars, it is never all the character is about or what identifies him. The Equalizer reboots with him starring are good action movies, an improvement on the original in my opinion, and them changing the title character from being white to being black makes no real difference to the integrity of the role at all.
However changing the character in the series remake from being a white man to being a black woman does make a difference, for the worse and for lots of reasons. One of the main reasons being that while Denzel Washington is a bloody good actor, wether black or white, Queen Latifah is not, regardless of colour, and everyone knows that her being cast is forced and contrived, shallow virtue-signalling that is all about ticking those boxes, three of them in her case. Unfortunately it seems that this is the root that the studios and streaming services have decided to go down, but I can’t see how making the majority of programmes more Latifah than Denzel can be at all sustainable, although maybe that’s not a such bad thing.
That would actually be very appropriate, considering that ‘Roots’, by Alex Haley, was plagiarised from a novel called ‘The African’ by Harold Courlander, a White American.
Courlander and Haley settled the case out of court for $650,000 and a statement that “Alex Haley acknowledges and regrets that various materials from The African by Harold Courlander found their way into his book, Roots.”
That’s interesting never knew about that at the time….obviously MSM kept quiet about the truth then and it would be even worse now . As an aside I remember Ainsley Harriet on “Who Do You Think You Are” and the look on his face when told of his Ancestry …..some were Wh…Wh..White …there just managed say that !
I like the choice of words: “found their way” indeed. What, all by themselves?
It has been known for years that “Roots” is a load of rubbish which Alex Haley made up. At least some Africans make a living out of it, conning black Americans who come over there to find their ancestors.
Unfortunately these types of black interest productions are increasingly about the black community kidding itself, as it will tune in out of principle rather than a genuine interest in the subject matter. Judas and the Black Messiah is an exception and would be instructive for those black folks who knew little of Fred Hampton (his murder was rather overshadowed by that of someone called Martin Luther King). Any launchpad to an exploration of a period in history is positive, but I sincerely doubt this production is going to inspire legions of black teenagers to go out and start researching 19th century Americana.
The director is also embarrassing himself with his apologist stance. Traditional Westerns were made with a largely white cast to appeal to the majority white demographic of cinema goers in the United States. If Jeymes Samuel genuinely believes there is no black or white cinema then why use an all black cast? Answer: to appeal specifically to the black demographic he wants to educate about black cowboys, who he states have been underrepresented.
Yet more muddled, stumbling confusion and double-standards. The hallmarks of the woke set. Textbook.
There may be some light at the end of the tunnel so far as
” inclusivity” is concerned in advertising. Barclays Bank have
just changed their main page on their internet banking
with a CAUCASIAN lady featured. There is no mention of
Gay Pride or Black History month. Is it possible that their
profiling has changed ? Even if it’s only for a couple of weeks.
I suppose the litmus test will be is if they ever feature a stale
pale male again. Will other advertisers take note? Will the BBC?
Or will Barclays be cancelled?
BBC disappointed that no racial element involved in the handling of missing persons x2 of a pair of coloured sistas killed by one of their own .
Instead the met must be pleased to have just been found to be incompetent as usual in dealing with a missing person inquiry – with an apology from the commissioner- who must – by now – have produced an ‘ apology rubber stamp ‘.
Our justin had that barry gardiner – the local labour MP on to slag plod off . Such events are so common now that they barely register …
Having fast tracked senior coloured plod will solve all that of course … and a female disabled coloured commissioner must be due in …
Yes, the sistas were dead long before the police were notified. The police were over run that shift with inner city strife due to the BBC encouraged importation of crime.
Why is it front page on the BBC? Because – another chance to bash the hated Met.
Sometimes I wake up and imagine I’m that bloke Suggs who sang Baggy Trousers and Our House back in the 1980s… I’m living in Madness.
The BBC has noticed the problem: ‘There were nearly 400,000 mental health referrals in June – 25% more than in June 2019 – according to NHS England figures‘ – presumably that 400,000 is the June 2021 figure. No figures for June 2020?
The BBC note it, but I would contend they are contributing to it, with headlines like this: ‘Eco-friendly sex: What is it and how does it impact on climate change?‘
Now I’ve raised the issue, so to speak, I can hardly leave your curiosity unsatisfied…
‘”For some, being eco-friendly sexually means selecting lubes, toys, bed sheets and condoms that have less impact on the planet,” explains Dr Adenike Akinsemolu, an environmental sustainability scientist from Nigeria‘ – One wonders whether the good doctor also had some magic powder to give away and perhaps a large inheritance to share with the BBC, when she emailed them out of the blue from Nigeria grabbing their attention about sustainable sex – and requesting their full bank details?
Sir Keir Starmer QC MP on Good Morning Britain recently painted for us a picture of life in our future socialist uplands, a life which his own family is already living: “We have a sort of mini test centre at home. My wife does it three times a week and my boy has to do it to go to school, twice a week” – the Labour leader there leaving us somewhat unclear as to whether his lad was only attending school two days a week or was taking his covid tests twice weekly so as to be allowed to go to school.
Medicalised state control – free at the point of waking up in the morning. A people’s paranoia – from the cradle to the grave.
Much more of this and I’ll gladly apply for work as a short term extra on the set of Alec Baldwin’s next Western.
Oh dear, here we go, more evidence we’re living in cloud cuckoo land: ‘Boris Johnson fields questions from the Children’s Press Conference in Downing Street yesterday‘ (FT) – I remember it was children’s TV show Play School that would take us through either the arched, round or square window for a story. Now Boris invites us to join him and his hippy new main squeeze way out beyond the Overton Window of sensible conservatism. And precisely what sensible question, other than what some adult has primed them to ask, will the kids come up with?
“Waffle burble waffle burble, yes the little girl in the green dress, you have your hand up, what’s your question, dear? ”
“Please sir, why do you look like a scary polar bear?”
“We’re doing all we can to save the polar bears”
“Sir, Boris, Sir, can I go to the toilet now?”
“Well, I’d like to answer as Socrates would have proposed… But I’ll have to say you may only go in a sustainable way, or so Carrie and the BBC inform me”
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror in the spirit of a kinder less personally abusive politics brings us: ‘The filth and the fury. On the front line of Tories’ war on our rivers and seas‘ – and there we were thinking the Tories were just the scum on the surface of the water.
‘Greenhouse gas levels are higher than ever despite lockdown‘ (The Times) – I take this as being a vaguely optimistic headline – one always enjoys a journalistic despite – at least they can’t justify lockdowns as good for stopping the climate change.
Even our Lockdown bondage super enthusiasic ‘i’ newspaper this morning has learned to qualify their phrasing about supposed covid consequences having disrupted children’s education as being rather more factually: ‘…Covid lockdown‘ consequences.
The symbol of the poppy should not be hijacked by attention seeking presenters on the BBC.
The greatest generation sacrificed their lives for us and, instead of honouring them, some BBC ‘talent’ make it all about themselves. #LestWeForget#DefundTheBBC
Nice bit of bbc bias language management
Thought for the day
The today programme regularly has a Muslim propaganda speaker on – they used to introduce her as a ‘ Muslim reader ‘.
Today she is a ‘reader in religious studies ‘ and proceeded to spout pro Muslim propaganda about Spain and Portugal … which spent ages kicking the moors out …
Although the Turks did succeed in capturing St. Elmo, allowing Piyale to anchor his fleet in Marsamxett, the siege of Fort St. Elmo had cost the Turks at least 6,000 men, including half of their Janissaries.[30]
Mustafa had the bodies of the knights decapitated and their bodies floated across the bay on mock crucifixes. In response, de Valette beheaded all his Turkish prisoners, loaded their heads into his cannons, and fired them into the Turkish camp.[citation needed]
🔴 More than five million public sector workers are set for a salary rise next year as Rishi Sunak announces the end of the pay freeze triggered by the Covid pandemic.
Doctors, soldiers, policemen and teachers will all benefit
MPs’ annual salaries
Annual changes in MPs’ pay are linked to changes in average earnings in the public sector using Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures.
Date Annual salary
April 2020 £81,932
April 2019 £79,468
April 2018 £77,379
April 2017 £76,011
April 2016 £74,962
May 2015 £74,000
April 2014 £67,060
April 2013 £66,396
April 2012 £65,738
April 2011 £65,738
April 2010 £65,738
And then there was the expenses – and family ‘employees ‘ …. And other jobs and a code written by them …..and the second home swapping …. And not knowing what corruption looks like …
Good heavens is that all they get these days! must be hard going to make end meet I would imagine. Most would be delighted to earn half that amount-how it be justified is just beyond me.
It’s not much is it? When you consider the Chief exec of almost every town in Britain is earning North of £250K pa and gets to go home to their families at night, plus doesn’t have the spotlight of the media on them on their families, where none of them have been murdered, and they won’t be at risk of losing their jobs every 4 years or so.
Still they can always make that up by visits to the Middle East putting a Mosque on every corner quietly introducing Sharia law by not objecting and everyone will say how fantastic and mutli cultural this is, and how wonderful that countries like Saudi and Qatar will make up our MPs salaries because we the people won’t pay them much more than a lower level manager in a large company.
London Underground drivers are earning more than MPs now for goodness sake in 2019 over 140 earned over £80K
BBC #tellitoftenenough with added ‘quotes’ and “quotes”.
"Either we get it right now, or we will lose the opportunity of protecting the world from disaster" Lord Deben, chairman of the UK's independent Committee on Climate Change tells @bbcnickrobinson the Prime Minister is 'worried' about the success of COP26
Three-child policy (Chinese: 三孩政策), whereby a couple can have three children, is a family planning policy in the People’s Republic of China. The policy was announced on 31 May 2021 at a meeting of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), chaired by CCP General Secretary, Xi Jinping, on population aging.
“Getting it right” would be by ignoring the fake climate emergency nonsense (and also the now endemic Covid rubbish) completely, and getting on with our lives, unmolested by leftie stupidity.
Thankfully, I have sired no children who will have to live through the continuing Era of Insanity that I shall be shortly (and thankfully) leaving.
One for Katya and Jane to run by Springster given her expertise on… everything.
‘Germany says its judges can overrule the ECJ – and thus pick and choose which judgements it is bound by (i.e. the opposite of the rule of law) and Poland says the same.’
For the European Union to work, its law must be supreme. All member states have courts, but those courts submit to the EU’s own court, the European Court of Justice (the ECJ). The UK knew and accepted this. By the time the Lisbon Treaty was signed, everybody knew this. That is why Poland and Germany are both legally wrong to have denied that EU law is supreme and declared that their national courts have the final say. Legally speaking, both have done a unilateral declaration of independence: taken back control. An important article examining the crisis has laid this bare. While it’s quite technical (the EU’s power lies in these boring-but-powerful rules) it’s worth understanding the depth of what is now an EU rule of law crisis.
The government’s building tsar Nicholas Boys Smith has told Rishi Sunak to finally back major housing reforms after data showed it could raise over £9 billion for the Treasury – and build 130,000 new homes a year.
. . . .
Up to three million Hong Kong residents are to be offered the chance to settle in the UK and ultimately apply for citizenship, Boris Johnson has said.
The PM said Hong Kong’s freedoms were being violated by a new security law and those affected would be offered a “route” out of the former UK colony.
About 350,000 UK passport holders, and 2.6 million others eligible, will be able to come to the UK for five years.
Avon and Somerset Police… very much part of the New Woke Agenda (remember a statue and a harbour and policemen smiling and waving the iconoclasts on?)
Would bet the individuals booking the church and doing the beating were of the… err… nomadic community, it sounds like their style, and Plod always back off quick when they’re involved (out of a crippling combination of wokeness and fear).
Without it, viewers might assume the movie is an imaginary tale, one of several cases of Hollywood re-casting historical periods and events with more ethnic minority characters than there were in reality.
Except in this case, the opposite is true. A large number of cowboys were black, and yet traditionally the film industry has cast white men in the leading parts of Westerns, with black actors generally in deferential roles.
I don’t get it with him. There’s ‘The Wire’ fair enough, but was ‘Luther’ really any use? I don’t know as I didn’t watch it and neither did anyone else I know but he seems to have been living on the reputation of those two for a while now.
I know he’s a Bbbc favourite but he’s probably only recognisable to many as the face of Sky, where, admittedly, he does play a stereotypical ‘cool black London dude’ pretty well. Not sure that actually persuades all that many to sign-up with Sky though.
Rich, agree with all you’ve said, and of course the never ending rumour of the James Bond role, which to most would be an anathema, and would Eon Productions risk a fall in box office receipts.
Idris for Bond? That’s old news. According to ‘polls’, the groundswell of public opinion is now firmly in the favour of robotic Bridgerton eye-candy Regé-Jean Page. Interestingly, Page is shortly to star in a reboot of The Saint – are they guiding him towards Bond via the same route as Roger Moore? The parallels are obvious and obviously rather tedious, like everything else these back-slapping juveniles turn their hand to.
Regardless, after this latest instalment I’ll never watch a new Bond film again. What would be the point?
I’m well in the habit of dismissing any films presented by Netflix et al. in which there is a glut/disproportionate number of black faces. There is a fine balance which I inevitably find, between normality (i.e. proportions per the demographic %) and blatant propaganda. Even the current ‘Bond’ will be assessed on this basis.
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players.
Red poppies symbolise Remembrance Day when we remember the fallen in the last 2 World wars. Pushing white poppies is a blatant attempt to ride on its back for political intent and to rubbish the meaning of the red poppy.
I say to the grimy white poppy pushers….. I’ve no objection to white poppy wearing but choose your own bloody day instead of putting two fingers up to the brave men and women who fought for your freedom. See how many you “sell” then!
The 2nd Battle of Passchendaele began at 0540 today in 1917 & concluded on 10 November. More than 60,000 British, Canadian, Australian, French and Belgian casualties were sustained during the fighting. Nine VCS were won by British & Empire forces.
I have an idea how to ramp up pressure on the BBC:
– a charity is set up
– instead of paying your TV licence, you pay the same amount (or as much as you want) to the charity each month
– in the event that you receive a fine for non-payment of TV licence, the charity will pay your fine for you
– this could be accelerated by a lump sum injection from a rich anti-bbc celebrity (Aaron Banks?)
– once it reached critical mass it would lead to a media storm, placing pressure on the bbc and its finances, and the govt.
– if it reached its objective and the bbc was no more, the donors could be paid back what was left, or given to a worthy cause (e.g. children in need)
Just an idea – i have no time or money to follow through with it
I do wonder if all arriving bigwigs will have a required photo-op at the door of their jets on arrival?
Given Boris’s invocation of Kermit the Frog from the lectern of the United Nations it’d be only fitting if Bonnie the mascot (or a clone) followed him everywhere for the next two weeks?
others have noticed
Am I a bad person for wanting to see Joe Biden posing with Bonnie at the door of Air Farce One?
Bonnie, the bobble hat wearing COP 26 mascot, was created with a £1,600 taxpayer-funded makeover, @HarryYorke1 reports.
Is anyone else on her highly suspicious of all those politicians including Boris spouting about reaching net zero by 2050 etc. etc.
A. They know they will not be around to carry the can if it doesn’t work out.
B. If they explained just how they intended to do it. e.g. no private cars, energy and gas power switched off all night nation-wide between 6pm and 9am. No foreign travel at all. Rail fares to be trebled, no street lighting, buses to have open top decks and standing only with no heating. Food to be rationed with stamp books like after the war. Amazon to only deliver on Mondays, ….. how long would their careers last?
I am of the opinion that they think they have already explained all that, in various roundabout ways, and their drift has been absorbed (and ignored) by the general public, who are still blissfully slumbering in their self-induced ignorance, thinking that nothing untoward is going to happen. Shock awakening on the near horizon.
Is a lesbian transphobic if she does not want to have sex with trans women? Some lesbians say they are increasingly being pressured and coerced into accepting trans women as partners – then shunned and even threatened for speaking out. Several have spoken to the BBC, along with trans women who are concerned about the issue too.
Gavin McEwan Local democracy reporter appears to like ‘Tory Boy’ quotes
1 comment, 26 likes. About average.
I am not impressed but am sure context is key, and will be absent in MSM coverage.
Meanwhile Marianna will need to not see this.
@BorisJohnson may well remember when you tried to 'spin' to the gullible, and was forced to make make a correction, then forced to correct your 'correction'.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
COP26 – BBC Drop the Pandora Papers.
Panorama investigates the Pandora Papers, one of the biggest offshore leaks in history, revealing the financial secrets of some of the most powerful people on the planet.
. . . .
Pandora Papers: Blairs saved £312,000 stamp duty in property deal
“How can Coca-Cola solve its plastic problem?”
Supply it in glass bottles.
Coca Cola doesn’t have a plastic problem
We buy the cola and then we put the bottle in the correct bin
The people who have the problem are the 1-5% who are louts and just dump the bottles anywhere
Glass bottles are no magic solution
the louts still throw glass bottles around today
Tonight’s Panorama is done with NGO Break Free From Plastics
The R4 preview gave the impression it’s a hitjob against Coca Cola
They go on about Samoa ..FFS it’s only got 200,000 people
The clips seem like an advert for the NGO, scary background music etc,
They seem to be campaigning for bottle deposit schemes
To me that is dumb cos that will hit the 95% of people that already put the bottle in the right bin
and the 5% that don’t will probably still not bother.
Is that NGO a front ? Most early tweets are from Greenpeace Asia
but on Sept 13th 2016 the hashtags #breakfreefromplastic and #breakfreefromplastics first appeared
with a video saying it came an NGO meeting in the Philippines
… Many of their tweets are them wanting a 100% ban on plastic
Glass is not eco cos high production cost
and the waste and CO2 in transporting its heavy weight
and pub fights and glassings
I am strangely pleased that Coca Cola are about to be unpersonned. Apart from the fact that they have become a behemoth through selling basically fizzy sugar water they were the Company who practically invented hippy “wokeness” – remember their we want the world to sing in joyful harmony TV ad bollox?
Not so funny when it bites back is it Coke?
And why stop there? Let’s include all the US coffee barons with their cups and lids, plus all the fast food burger and chicken joints sending piles of boxes and packaging out to litter the streets…
I think there might just be a “yoof” backlash if that were to come to pass though!
I get incredibly peed off with plastic containers sliding about in my fridge ! bacon/mince/cheese/ cooked chicken/ et al all come in flat plastic coverings, and they are a bitch to stack on the fridge shelves. I curse daily when they slide out onto the floor. Tomatoes I put in small bowls, but there has to be another method of packaging to combat this. My mum never had a fridge – it was a cold pantry, so daily purchased cold meats/cheese etc was put on a plate with another plate to cover. Milk was stood in a bucket of cold water in the summer. How I yearn for a cold pantry.
Briss, as an undergrad I survived for a while without a fridge, ‘luckily'(?) there was no real heating where I lived, and I discovered milk would usually last for several days on the windowsill near a cracked window, especially in the winter months.
I wouldn’t like to go back to that, but having discovered the ease of using a ‘push along’ lawnmower (recently purchased on a recommendation to replace an old petrol mower, and well worth every penny), I’m certainly open to trying out some more ‘low tech’ solutions that don’t rely on (overpriced) electricity, petrol, or gas. People have always been ingenious, and I’m sure there are many low tech alternatives that can work just as well as many of our modern ‘conveniences’.
BBC my ‘gamechanger’ is also a mower – battery driven. Previously it was windows open with extension leads fed through first to the front garden, then the back and trying to cut the grass while negotiating trailing wires. Now from wheeling out of the garage to finishing the job – so eeeeeeasy, it takes around 20 mins as opposed to around an hour.
Brissles, daughter swears by these for the fridge…
And agree about the re-chargeable mower, it folds away beautifully, and is so light! Half an hour for the grass here, but I do outside on the verge as well!
Indeed my grandparents had a large larder with a marble shelf, all foods were kept that way, even though they had an old 1930’s styled fridge-pity they don’t build for a pantry these days. When I got married in 1970, my wife and I bought a small fridge and a year later bought a washing machine for £99.00-it was such a boon for us both especially with a little lad-it was years later that we acquired a dish washer-of course things have changed, the younger generation want everything right away, whereas we had to save up for such items as no doubt you did. Our Granddaughter and her fiance have just bought a lovely house, but my goodness what a price-a little under half a million! Fortunately they both earn well, and by god they will need to, paying that mortgage would make your eyes water! It’s all just crazy-everything is now levelled at the highest common denominator in terms of income-not as it used to be, to ensure most could eat and cover general expences. Earming £2500.00 pa when I got married was considered good money-now many would need that sum per month to survive-all gone mad.
digg, Samoa has been mentioned today in relation to Coca Cola. I don’t think it is that specific country but one of the islands in the South Pacific has a population that are very rich. Cannot remember how rich – possibly/probably richest of all the S. Pacific islands. How did that come about? Apparently, during WW2, Americans were stationed there and they consumed vast quantities of Coca Cola in the traditional green glass, waisted, bottles and just tipped them overboard.
These bottles are, apparently, much prized by collectors and sell for silly money. An island population of around a hundred or so are theoretical millionaires or close to it, because there are millions of Coca Cola bottles alongside a reef in their island home.
The News at One leads with the UN saying Afghanistan is heading for catastrophe with millions facing starvation. International aid has dried up. Cue images of babies in hospital. Stories of children being sold. Even the BBC team were asked if they would like to buy a child.
I am being emotionally manipulated to put pressure on my government to send funds to a terrorist regime in Afghanistan. This is not what I want in a news service.
Business presenter Ben Thompson goes back to his home town Burnley where he was born and brought up. Cue affecting music.
A reporter’s biographical details are irrelevant and music does not belong in any news report. This is not a news report. (There is no actual news in it.) It’s propaganda. It’s a plea for more government funds to be poured into the town. Another attempt at manipulating me emotionally.
“It’s now universally accepted that the press is parti pris (a preconceived view; a bias).” {youtube} – Christopher Hitchens circa1993
“Yes, it is true that Conrad Black once threatened to buy the Spectator, of London, because he objected to an article I had written in it. And I laughed for quite a long time, until he did buy the Spector. ” {Christopher Hitchens – youtube – @0:39}
Joe Biden and his rich, corrupt coterie should personally pay for any aid to Afghanistan, having themselves caused the crisis.
The BBC show staggering levels of bias In their piece on Trump’s new media company.
The overall impression of the article is that all is well with Big Tech, who are not at all biased, and that any measures they took against Trump (such as banning him) were justified.
The truth, of course, is that Big Tech were viciously partisan in their treatment of Trump from day one of his presidency (even before, during the election campaign) and are blatantly biased against conservative voices, and in favour of the liberal / left / Democrats.
Many conservative social media outlets I follow are shadow-banned, demonitized, censored, occasionally shut down or otherwise harassed in one way or another. Anyone with an ounce of integrity knows this.
The BBC’s own bias is such that they are blinded to media bias, considering it normal.
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
But Mr Trump was banned from Twitter and suspended from Facebook after his supporters stormed the US Capitol.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
Sofie Hagen: ‘There’s a huge societal shift we need in terms of how we treat fat people’
According to Sofie Hagen, fat people don’t have the luxury of not making an effort with their clothes.
The activist and comedian says that society dictates that people who are overweight have to look like they are trying.
8am news :
– “Female runners face abuse”
– The local Police and Crime Commissioner has asked for research to be done into the abuse of women and girls and you can come forward
Dr Jessica Taylor is from Victim Focus
clip “every woman has been harassed/touched “
So the Item is PR for this campaign and That is the woman is the boss of the company commissioned to do the “research” ..seems she’s made her mind up already.
… That partisan approach fails to capture that plenty of men have been harassed/touched usually by men
and it was not funny to the men sexually abused.
Some men have had worse treatment than some women ever had.
#4 “Two school pupils have done a sustainable transport project and won places at COP26
You too can Pledge To Change see our website”
…that’s the BBC acting as POLITICAL activists not being impartial.
“plenty of men have been harassed/touched usually by men”
When I was 16 I had a work placement at a local factory, some of the older women there were disgusting, I had my buttocks squeezed, my balls groped, my jeans pulled down to see what I was wearing underneath, and lots of lewd comments/suggestions (most of which I didn’t understand at the time).
I later heard it was a regular with the teenaged male placement students, it wasn’t ‘fun’, it was utterly terrifying. Am sure that was ‘different’ though, me being a boy and them women?
It’s a myth that women don’t behave like that cf. male strippers, number of women teachers who ‘seduce’ underage boys etc…
A third of the visitors to Pornhub annually are female. I wonder what they’re watching?
THE BBC – as it always was and will be ..
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
A BBC correction note added at the BOTTOM of a May5th story 3 weeks later
In fact the page changed the wording
“Mr Trump … accused of encouraging encouraging the violence IN which 5 people lost their lives.”
very subtly .. but to a meaning quite different
“Mr Trump … accused of encouraging encouraging the violence DURING which 4 people lost their lives.”
There is quite a difference in someone dying in violence, from violence
and some people having strokes etc during the time violence was going on somewhere else.
Every time they shovel dirt, they sink deeper into the hole for me! the BBC regard lying as justified if it supports their direction of travel.
BBC … Children in Need goes to charities that are based in Somalia.
RNLI … money goes to pay for Islamic swimwear.
DFID … money goes to stop FGM as FGM goes un-prosecuted in the UK.
All 800 Lords and 650 MPs to get jab or lose jobs?
This is ‘the best of BBC’s political coverage’. Apparently.
Our shire river is a mess with algal blooms from chicken farm runoff.
So there are issues. But The BBC running stuff like this just knocks me offside.
” river is a mess with algal blooms from chicken farm runoff.”
Is it algae ? Is it from chicken farm runoff ?
The rivers in Lincolnshire do have a lot of stuff that looks like algae
but it in fact is a non-toxic weed
… duck weed I think, which is not harmful to nature but impedes boats etc.
It grows in particular years in any century when the weather and tidal flow are right.
In some other areas they have Azolla weed as well and that is harmful
That is the claim from all local media. But yes, worth checking.
The Graun pick up was suitably epic.
Especially given local media is either BBC shire radio or papers with BBc local democracy activists embedded.
Here is the latest post…
How could you pledge to change?
In the run up to COP26, we’re looking at how we can change our life to help the environment.
Here’s some ideas… find out more at
It is a collection of trivial nonsense.
However did give the producer a chance to give her mate the stressy peroxide vegan cafe owner a plug.
Seems the whole thing is being ramped up more as MPs of not redness voted to give all cholera.
Get ‘em young.
And wearing all the right ‘gear’, by the looks of it.
Three-child policy (Chinese: 三孩政策), whereby a couple can have three children, is a family planning policy in the People’s Republic of China. The policy was announced on 31 May 2021 at a meeting of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), chaired by CCP General Secretary, Xi Jinping, on population aging.
God it must be so miserable being ‘young’ today. They’re either moaning, pontificating or sniffing.
Whereas my generation were laughing, fornicating and drinking.
And after all that, we went into growing our own vegetables, playing sport, drinking less beer but enjoying a few glasses of wine, stopped smoking and taking drugs, started a family, and bought a house with money we worked for.
I can’t even bother to think what kids today will turn out like, but that’s their problem, they just don’t see it coming! They’ll also be paying huge amounts to provide pensions for successive socialist failures, and their benefits will rely on them being treated like slaves eventually – a subject they seem oddly enough, to cherish!
Of course, the BBC won’t be around, it’ll just be a soviet instruction manual sent to the terminals in their sky-high flats.
The Azollas include some invasive, introduced species of floating plants:
Duckweed (also a number of species) are mostly UK natives, but like the Azollas they are floating plants that can grow explosively if the conditions (nutrient content in the water) are right.
I have problems with Duckweed in my garden ponds most years, both Duckweeds and Azollas can grow thick enough to reduce light to aquatic plants, and completely choke waterways.
Best cure for Duckweed is ducks (who love eating it, hence the name), but hard frosts also kill it off, and it fluctuates massively year on year.
Algaes are a very diverse group of primitive and simple lifeforms, and range from the completely harmless and non-toxic, through to some highly toxic forms (which tend to grow in extreme conditions). They tend to thrive where there are a lot of ‘excess’ nutrients in the water that aren’t getting consumed by ‘higher’ plants, e.g. rushes, yellow flag, canadian pondweed etc…
The only ‘bad algae’ which you’re likely to encounter in British waterways (especially ponds and lakes – it tends to prefer static, or slow moving water) are the Cyanobacteria (‘Blue-green Algae’) which are actually a form of photosynthetic bacteria (rather than an algae), and particularly toxic to other lifeforms. They particularly thrive in sluggish, low oxygen conditions, such as where there is heavy pollution, often from farm run off, or sewage.
My point is, I think you’re probably both right, but talking about different things.
Top 19 Most Polluted Rivers in the World in 2020
Ganges River.
Citarum River.
Yellow River.
Sarno River.
Buringanga River.
Marilao River.
Mississippi River.
Jordan River.
MM that’s only 8!
The Nile is up there too, the Indus, and the Mekong.
Anywhere with lots of heavy industry/population, little or no sewage treatment, and a lax attitude to waste disposal, so basically, any of the rivers of Africa or Asia…
Is Rog a juvenile activist twat or what?
He undermines any value holding folk to account trying to get an XR biddy to answer his calls in this fashion.
roger harrabin
BBC Energy&Environment Analyst. Follows risk, transport, cities. Hon Fellow, Cath’s Cambs; Assoc Fellow, Wolfson, Cambs & Green, Oxon. Hon PhD. Own views.
Joined September 2011
436 Following
Qualifications: English BA… earned scientific qualifications nil.
Work experience: Reporter… scientific or technical nil.
HONOURARY PhD in ‘Science’ from CRANFIELD.
Says it all really.
I see Bloomberg saying “UK Covid cases are SOARING”
That is not how the graph looks
Tractor production is up comrade.
Looks like rich areas are worse affected than poor
@doomberg are likely annoying Bloomberg – and that is good.
Stew you are right. Yesterday, in round figures, new infections 40,000. Today, 36,500. I have only been keeping a record for just over two months but before and during that period infections have climbed and fallen and fallen and climbed whether masks were compulsory and people were working from home or not.
Don’t know if you’ve seen this or if it’s already been posted.
Re, the above video from Rich : Please ‘fact check’ that one for us will you, if you dare ?
Of course he won’t.
I learned from Marianna’s article the other day how the BBC use their own troll accounts to try and draw out other trolls so they can use what they write as evidence of how bad everyone they don’t like is.
That’s exactly what maxi is. It explains why he is keeping such meticulous records of everything everybody says here. He wants us to get abusive so the comments can be used by the BBC. I am very aware of how he carefully complies with BBC guidelines to avoid any backlash if he is found out.
Unfortunately for him, nobody descends into the kind of language he is hoping for. We just pull his hypocrisy and selectivity to pieces. The only abuse he gets is for being a forum troll and they can’t use that on Panorama.
It’s Monday night.
Which means University Challenge on bBBC2.
Hands up those who expect a disproportionately high number of questions about BAME and female writers/ poets/ actors/ producers?
Which are only there to make the numbers up, about people who are otherwise unexceptional, and to which no teams know the answers.
Women gave birth to all men so are great!
Exactly how I see UC now.
Is nowhere free of this lefty woke pc contamination.
Have you noticed how they target questions at minorities too? So Asian questions for Asian contestants, US for Americans, Indian etc…how racist!! They might have lived here all their lives and know lots about the Uk but little about their ancestral land.
Frida Kahlo is a good guess for art questions
Prof Allyson Pollock, Clinical Professor of Public Health, University of Newcastle, said:
“The snap vote, taken yesterday in the House of Commons (and in the absence of a needs assessment and proper debate) which enables imposition of mandatory vaccination of care workers is unethical, needless and disproportionate and undermines human rights. It is the start of a slippery slope to impose other requriements and to extend compulsory vaccination to other groups. It overturns 120 years of vaccination legislation and policy which has been built on trust, medical confidentiality and informed consent.
“Scotland and Wales are correct not to follow suit.
“Our editorial”
The Matrix is the perfect metaphor for the BBC.
Feed the masses second rate entertainment to keep them fast asleep to the ongoing gaslighting. And throw in plenty of political indoctrination.
BBC subbing glory.
I presume he is going there.
I assume by ChasAir, so this is a #prasnews jaunt that does not apply in other areas of BBC excitement.
Will that berk getting huffy that he was not given Madge’s full biopsy be going too?
Why leave the UK?
ROW SPREADS Two more teachers ‘suspended’ at school where class shown cartoons of Prophet Mohammed as ‘they knew of lesson plan’
Abe Hawken
15:40, 1 Apr 2021Updated: 16:26, 1 Apr 2021
Well worth a watch after the earlier lively discussion:
See also
Carl and Harry discuss the Alec Baldwin shooting, how the climate protesters have returned with a vengeance, and (from 40:40) how the vaccine mandates aren’t working as expected.
Tory supporters would do well to watch the above video.
Why are the BBC bashing us all with the plight of the Afghans, they should be taking this up with Biden shouldn’t they?
🟢 7:35pm Panorama against Coca Colas plastic bottles
🟢 8pm ITV My beautiful GREEN Home
️🌈 10:35pm Drag Race
🌹 10pm New series of Frankie Boyle
✊🏿 11:45pm ITV Ashley Banjo : Britain in Black and White
Just heard on the BBC News that there are 8,230 people in hospital with Covid. I checked, there are 1200 hospitals. That’s fewer that 7 Covid patients per hospital. Are they really snowed under with this “pandemic”. Something for the BBC to investigate – oh how we laughed!
Too right, Popeye!
While visiting Senora O’Blene in hospital, there’s a distinct scarcity of the usual fat suspects, sitting waiting to be ill, or get a certificate to stop having to work.
It appears that only really sick people are there, and the visitors are queuing up and dealt with in an orderly and well-organised way!
The staff can now get on with their real jobs which is tending the sick, not the layabouts and stupid.
My wife is getting superb treatment, because she really needs it!
COP26 …
Given the amount of public funds being hosed on it one might’ve expected them to do a bit better on the mascot front – looks like it might’ve scuttled out from under one of the piles of rubbish supposedly adorning Glasgow streets at the moment – it does look like it’s been hauled out + dusted off from the council basement and given a new costume? see replies to tweet)
Rab C Nesbit is MIA – more’s the pity
If there has to be a covid super spreader event…
The all important question is, does that mascot have a cervix?
The footy mascot appears to have received some gender reassignment work – difficult to say if it’s included detailed additional taxidermy.
A seal with bingo wings……amazing
I didn’t realise it was a seal. I thought it was a trans Roland Rat.
Lovely pile of school satchels, with go-faster lightning stripes so they can be seen in the dark, after they all stagger back to their limos to travel the Zil lanes to luxury.
Will Barry bring his armoured car and several heavies? In fact, how many heavies are expected? Do they speak English?
And is Ms Sturgeon going to welcome these useful idiots, or is an English student – er – a Mr Horribin, going to do it via his own meedja company then via the bbc.
There’s going to be so much fun on this site when they all start gabbling away, I really can’t wait, as there’s sod all of interest on the BBC etc.!
Fed, can we have a ‘Cop26Balls’ post – maybe separate, like Private Eye used to do with Coleman balls?
Great to see Mark Steyn as a guest on Brazier (GB News)
We also get Meghan Kelly on with Dan Wooton.
Two excellent guests.
We get David Starkey and several others on GBN that don’t get onto the rest of the msm.
Wouldn’t it be something if, like Meghan Kelly, we could get Tucker Carlson on for a 15 minute guest slot.
Katie Hopkins would be another good one to get on as well as Candace Owens.
I’ve noticed that on many of the 3 panel guest shows we get 2 proper lefties such as Becca Hutsen and Benjamin Butterworth so there is balance.
By the way, Mark Steyn is standing in for Nigel on Thursday (if I heard it correctly) and he is a regular guest on Tucker Carlson.
Yes it was. And good that he had time to speak properly. Yes, those other people would be good. Steyn slots on Tucker are usually great value.
And why not Tommy Robinson?
No buses in town today.
Apparently Amazon pays better than First Bus so their drivers have done a runner.
Irish Quandary: Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed?
No one seems curious about the prevalence of the disease in an almost fully vaccinated population.
I’m sure the BBC will be curious, just kidding
8hrs on, Springster sets the world afire.
Branching out.
Dear me. Witch finder general.
Good agent, mind.
The world as Springster sees it and gets no end of opportunities to ram HER views down our throats.
An enthusiastic schoolgirl who can’t believe she got that job and will do anything at all to keep it.
Completely oblivious to why she actually got it.
Her qualifications as a dummy at least seem total.
With a gibbering delivery that makes listening a trial.
The title engineering and promotion that has seen her career progress is doubtless FOI exempted.
Actual experienced reporters, of any gender, who risk more than words, must love her constant showboating.
I am beginning to think she is one of those bots from the Austin Powers films. She has the same expressionless face in most of the photos I have seen. She also has the same slightly angled head position.
“Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey−fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean−mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”
― George Orwell, 1984
6pm BBC1 news had a long item about mental health and how badly the medical services were doing. There was a vicar from The Church on The Street who was a saint, hugging the psychotic. One young man had been released from a mental health unit without a bed to go to. He ended up in a room where another man had what I assume was equipment for crack. The young man ended up walking the streets all night. He had said he just wanted a chance of a normal life. We could have wept.
Whilst we cannot look after our sick but it seems if you come to this country via a dinghy then you get housed in a new flat within the hour of reporting to a police station. I was told this from someone working for the police.
Of course the dinghy people are humans too, but surely our first priority should be our own people in need.
But the BBC thinks we should care for all the world’s poor as long as the BBC’s own employees can pretend to be self employed and evade tax.
We are apparently ready and waiting with 5000 homes for “at risk” Afghans though so this poor bleeds goes even further down the queue I guess!
You could say that every single person in Afghanistan is “at risk” from the barbaric creatures who now run the place couldn’t you?
Frances Haugen says Facebook is ‘making hate worse’
Including an ‘analysis’ by Marianna Spring at the end no less !!!. I’m afraid that I have concluded that Marianna is a naive and stupid, over enthuastic lackey who can’t believe she got that job – and will do anything she is told to keep it.
Her ‘special report’ yesterday for her Panorama program read like a 6th form project. Did anyone watch it ?. Was it as utterly one-sided and cringeworthy as it sounded ?.
Odd how the BBC and their ‘expert’ (who looks like a scary-movie halloween mask in her pic) don’t go anywhere near the biggest culprit of all for spreading division and hate : twatter.
Stuck for an Xmas gift for that someone who has everything ?.
Look no further : the BBC have the answer:
Engineer’s new afro comb inspired by young girl’s tears
This is nothing but a free, BBC-tax-payer funded advertisement specifically because she is black.
You racist whiteys need educating that this problem ‘can impact your relationship with your hair’. Is there no end to the racial injustice ?.
The bit which really caught my attention though was at the end:
“I would have loved a young me to be taught by a black woman, ” said Youma.
I personally don’t care if she thinks that – but if a white person expressed the same sentiments, the BBC and their disgusting agenda-based double standards would brand them as racists.
The ‘Related’ articles on the right-hand side of that page is a list of items which would be branded completely racist if you changed ‘black’ to ‘white’.
Some would argue that an afro comb counts as one of the greatest achievements to come out of Africa, which was held back by slavery, institutional racism, colonialism and lack of role models on BBC television and banking advertisements. It should form the centrepiece of future Black Hysteria Months.
Coming soon in the next few millenia: Invention of the wheel. Irrigation. Writing systems. Roads. Codified laws.
lol it would be great if the BBC had a ‘Black hysteria month’ followed by a ‘Ram it down your throat’ Pride month.
Question : When is Nadine Dorries ‘getting to work’ on the BBC ?
Answers – anyone ?
Sometime after ‘the bonfire of Quangos’, ‘getting Brexit done’ , ‘securing our borders’ , ‘learning lessons’, all set aside so that we can ‘build back better’ with 20 million Africans spread around the UK.
Perhaps she will get Al Beeb to cover this ……………?
‘Facebook earns $9bn despite whistleblower scandal’
I rarely use social media these days because it is a cess-pit of scumbags who just want to be nasty at other people.
But I do check it regularly as one of my ‘news’ sources to balance with everywhere else I look at.
What I notice is that facebook tends to be ‘proper’ social media (ie normal people sharing their lives) and is more real-life right wing whereas twitter tends to be very left wing and is dominated by people obsessed with racism or the like.
So it comes as no surpise to me whatsoever that the BBC are trying to go after facebook. I also notice how they are using the word ‘hate’ everywhere now. It has become their ‘go to’ label of choice. Marianna used it 25 times in her schoolgirl essay the other day about forum trolls.
It is said that nobody under 40 uses facebook anymore. Hence our BBC targeting it.
Never used Facebook – did I miss anything ?
Interesting updates from members of your family who you would otherwise not see, some extremely funny posts by friends you haven’t seen in years and a few extremely bitter and nasty old duffers if you go off-piste read anything not from your friends.
The Harder They Fall: ‘Raising hell’ in Netflix’s all-black Western
This film looks like it should be called ‘Woke as Hell’ by the trailer, but maybe it’s not. The IMDB comments are very clearly dishonest but most new films are at first these days. I will check again when it’s been out a month. If it’s 80% 1/10 and 20% 10/10, you know it’s a 1/10.
But that is not what bothers me about this. Imagine if we took an important period of Black history (though I struggle to think of one) and remade it with an all-white cast. Then proudly announced it as ‘all-white’. What kind of stink would these same, shameless hypocrites lauding this film kick up ?.
What I really wonder is if they are conscious of what they are.
Is it that they are so immersed in woke groupthink now that they don’t even realise or are they so shallow and greedy that they know it’s the only way to stay in their career and will pimp themselves without shame to get the money ?.
I signed up for netflix and lasted about 4 months as it rapidly went dumb woke . I dont miss it …
If it wasn’t for my wife and daughters, who seem to watch the same programmes regurgitated again and again, their titles being the only difference between so many of them, I’d have done the same. Both Netflix and Amazon just seem to churn out the same crap all the time, plot-by-numbers mummy-porn ‘thrillers’ and multi-racial blended-family ‘quirky’ teenage tripe, nearly always with a female lead and some sort of paranormal nonsense thrown in.
I spend more time searching through them for something to watch than I do actually watching anything on either channel, in fact I can’t remember the last time I watched anything on them, and nobody in our house is remotely interested in any of the countless other ‘platforms’ all doing the same thing.
As for programmes like the Black western, I’m far more racially aware now than I ever was, and to be honest, not in the way I think I’m supposed to be. One look at the advertising trailer or the cast is all it takes now for me to give it a miss and there seems to be more and more of it.
I always wonder why if so many people have to see themselves ‘represented’ on-screen and will only watch programmes geared towards them along the lines of race or gender or sexuality, and are encouraged and ‘celebrated’ in this, then why the hell should it be any different for me?
A crap film / drama / whatever – remains that . There seems to be a thing that if they throw coloured actors into something bad it will become ‘good ‘..
I’ve been watching ‘the wire ‘ again- the majority of the actors are coloured – good and bad are not divided by race – nor are the story lines contrived to make white bad all the time – which has become a British habit .
Personally – my tv has given up . I’m not in UK and it is difficult to get a replacement where I am , I really don’t care ….
Agreed – The Wire ran from 2002 to 2008, although many people did not see it until the 2010s.
Another programme which seems to ‘naturally’ reflect race is the american version of the Office. This ran from 2005 to 2013.
Brooklyn 99 – is a bit of a crap programme – but has a generally believable set up in terms of race. This one started in 2013. However, from wikipedia:
“In June 2020, Terry Crews, who plays Seargent Terry Jeffords, stated in an interview with Access Daily that four planned episodes for Season 8 had been aborted following the George Floyd protests, as Floyd’s murder prompted the producers to reassess the direction of the season’s storyline.”
In my view the period between 2013 and 2020 represents the period in which tv/films/books etc. became subject to “interference” and the plonking of black people in to shows where they wouldn’t otherwise fit.
And now in 2021, its all just complete garbage.
One of my favourite programmes when i was a lad was Red Dwarf, in the late 80s, early 90s. Written by two white men – for the first three seasons, 2/3rds of the main cast were non-white (danny john-jules & craig charles). These were presented as ‘cool’ characters pretty much, whereas the white man (chris barrie) was an insufferable pratt. Even when robert llewellyn joined i the fourth season it was still a 50/50 split in the main cast, and his character was basically that of a cleaning robot.
Of all the many many hours i have watched this show, i have not for one second thought about the race of the actors, the race of the characters, and whether or not “i am being represented”. I just loved the show.
If the show had been made today – i would simply not watch it. a) if it was made by the bbc, and i would assume that the choice of actors was in the name of woke tick-boxing, and would refuse to watch it b) on principle and c) because no doubt it would signifies that it would be complete crap
They just don’t make them like they used to…
It’s like watching Denzel Washington in anything. There has been the occasional turkey, like the completely unnecessary Magnificient Seven remake, but in the main his colour never seems to matter. It may be relevant to the story but it never jars, it is never all the character is about or what identifies him. The Equalizer reboots with him starring are good action movies, an improvement on the original in my opinion, and them changing the title character from being white to being black makes no real difference to the integrity of the role at all.
However changing the character in the series remake from being a white man to being a black woman does make a difference, for the worse and for lots of reasons. One of the main reasons being that while Denzel Washington is a bloody good actor, wether black or white, Queen Latifah is not, regardless of colour, and everyone knows that her being cast is forced and contrived, shallow virtue-signalling that is all about ticking those boxes, three of them in her case. Unfortunately it seems that this is the root that the studios and streaming services have decided to go down, but I can’t see how making the majority of programmes more Latifah than Denzel can be at all sustainable, although maybe that’s not a such bad thing.
Nelson Mandela played by Brad Pitt?
I would like to see a remake of the series ‘ Roots ‘ with a full White cast and be on the BBC !
That would actually be very appropriate, considering that ‘Roots’, by Alex Haley, was plagiarised from a novel called ‘The African’ by Harold Courlander, a White American.
Courlander and Haley settled the case out of court for $650,000 and a statement that “Alex Haley acknowledges and regrets that various materials from The African by Harold Courlander found their way into his book, Roots.”
That’s interesting never knew about that at the time….obviously MSM kept quiet about the truth then and it would be even worse now . As an aside I remember Ainsley Harriet on “Who Do You Think You Are” and the look on his face when told of his Ancestry …..some were Wh…Wh..White …there just managed say that !
I like the choice of words: “found their way” indeed. What, all by themselves?
It has been known for years that “Roots” is a load of rubbish which Alex Haley made up. At least some Africans make a living out of it, conning black Americans who come over there to find their ancestors.
Unfortunately these types of black interest productions are increasingly about the black community kidding itself, as it will tune in out of principle rather than a genuine interest in the subject matter. Judas and the Black Messiah is an exception and would be instructive for those black folks who knew little of Fred Hampton (his murder was rather overshadowed by that of someone called Martin Luther King). Any launchpad to an exploration of a period in history is positive, but I sincerely doubt this production is going to inspire legions of black teenagers to go out and start researching 19th century Americana.
The director is also embarrassing himself with his apologist stance. Traditional Westerns were made with a largely white cast to appeal to the majority white demographic of cinema goers in the United States. If Jeymes Samuel genuinely believes there is no black or white cinema then why use an all black cast? Answer: to appeal specifically to the black demographic he wants to educate about black cowboys, who he states have been underrepresented.
Yet more muddled, stumbling confusion and double-standards. The hallmarks of the woke set. Textbook.
There may be some light at the end of the tunnel so far as
” inclusivity” is concerned in advertising. Barclays Bank have
just changed their main page on their internet banking
with a CAUCASIAN lady featured. There is no mention of
Gay Pride or Black History month. Is it possible that their
profiling has changed ? Even if it’s only for a couple of weeks.
I suppose the litmus test will be is if they ever feature a stale
pale male again. Will other advertisers take note? Will the BBC?
Or will Barclays be cancelled?
Today watch
BBC disappointed that no racial element involved in the handling of missing persons x2 of a pair of coloured sistas killed by one of their own .
Instead the met must be pleased to have just been found to be incompetent as usual in dealing with a missing person inquiry – with an apology from the commissioner- who must – by now – have produced an ‘ apology rubber stamp ‘.
Our justin had that barry gardiner – the local labour MP on to slag plod off . Such events are so common now that they barely register …
Having fast tracked senior coloured plod will solve all that of course … and a female disabled coloured commissioner must be due in …
Yes, the sistas were dead long before the police were notified. The police were over run that shift with inner city strife due to the BBC encouraged importation of crime.
Why is it front page on the BBC? Because – another chance to bash the hated Met.
Rotten Politics on COP26
Sometimes I wake up and imagine I’m that bloke Suggs who sang Baggy Trousers and Our House back in the 1980s… I’m living in Madness.
The BBC has noticed the problem: ‘There were nearly 400,000 mental health referrals in June – 25% more than in June 2019 – according to NHS England figures‘ – presumably that 400,000 is the June 2021 figure. No figures for June 2020?
The BBC note it, but I would contend they are contributing to it, with headlines like this: ‘Eco-friendly sex: What is it and how does it impact on climate change?‘
Now I’ve raised the issue, so to speak, I can hardly leave your curiosity unsatisfied…
‘”For some, being eco-friendly sexually means selecting lubes, toys, bed sheets and condoms that have less impact on the planet,” explains Dr Adenike Akinsemolu, an environmental sustainability scientist from Nigeria‘ – One wonders whether the good doctor also had some magic powder to give away and perhaps a large inheritance to share with the BBC, when she emailed them out of the blue from Nigeria grabbing their attention about sustainable sex – and requesting their full bank details?
Sir Keir Starmer QC MP on Good Morning Britain recently painted for us a picture of life in our future socialist uplands, a life which his own family is already living: “We have a sort of mini test centre at home. My wife does it three times a week and my boy has to do it to go to school, twice a week” – the Labour leader there leaving us somewhat unclear as to whether his lad was only attending school two days a week or was taking his covid tests twice weekly so as to be allowed to go to school.
Medicalised state control – free at the point of waking up in the morning. A people’s paranoia – from the cradle to the grave.
Much more of this and I’ll gladly apply for work as a short term extra on the set of Alec Baldwin’s next Western.
Oh dear, here we go, more evidence we’re living in cloud cuckoo land: ‘Boris Johnson fields questions from the Children’s Press Conference in Downing Street yesterday‘ (FT) – I remember it was children’s TV show Play School that would take us through either the arched, round or square window for a story. Now Boris invites us to join him and his hippy new main squeeze way out beyond the Overton Window of sensible conservatism. And precisely what sensible question, other than what some adult has primed them to ask, will the kids come up with?
“Waffle burble waffle burble, yes the little girl in the green dress, you have your hand up, what’s your question, dear? ”
“Please sir, why do you look like a scary polar bear?”
“We’re doing all we can to save the polar bears”
“Sir, Boris, Sir, can I go to the toilet now?”
“Well, I’d like to answer as Socrates would have proposed… But I’ll have to say you may only go in a sustainable way, or so Carrie and the BBC inform me”
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror in the spirit of a kinder less personally abusive politics brings us: ‘The filth and the fury. On the front line of Tories’ war on our rivers and seas‘ – and there we were thinking the Tories were just the scum on the surface of the water.
‘Greenhouse gas levels are higher than ever despite lockdown‘ (The Times) – I take this as being a vaguely optimistic headline – one always enjoys a journalistic despite – at least they can’t justify lockdowns as good for stopping the climate change.
Even our Lockdown bondage super enthusiasic ‘i’ newspaper this morning has learned to qualify their phrasing about supposed covid consequences having disrupted children’s education as being rather more factually: ‘…Covid lockdown‘ consequences.
When is Nadine going to do something about the BBC? Will she start by wearing a White Poppy?
Are there any Conservatives left in the government?
That’s good : analogous with the white feather. And the poor dears will not even realise.
Nice bit of bbc bias language management
Thought for the day
The today programme regularly has a Muslim propaganda speaker on – they used to introduce her as a ‘ Muslim reader ‘.
Today she is a ‘reader in religious studies ‘ and proceeded to spout pro Muslim propaganda about Spain and Portugal … which spent ages kicking the moors out …
Although the Turks did succeed in capturing St. Elmo, allowing Piyale to anchor his fleet in Marsamxett, the siege of Fort St. Elmo had cost the Turks at least 6,000 men, including half of their Janissaries.[30]
Mustafa had the bodies of the knights decapitated and their bodies floated across the bay on mock crucifixes. In response, de Valette beheaded all his Turkish prisoners, loaded their heads into his cannons, and fired them into the Turkish camp.[citation needed]
Leads the BBC Moaning Emole too.
BBC employees striking?
1% pay rise – 8% inflation.
But not the Pensioners apparently………….
MPs’ annual salaries
Annual changes in MPs’ pay are linked to changes in average earnings in the public sector using Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures.
Date Annual salary
April 2020 £81,932
April 2019 £79,468
April 2018 £77,379
April 2017 £76,011
April 2016 £74,962
May 2015 £74,000
April 2014 £67,060
April 2013 £66,396
April 2012 £65,738
April 2011 £65,738
April 2010 £65,738
And then there was the expenses – and family ‘employees ‘ …. And other jobs and a code written by them …..and the second home swapping …. And not knowing what corruption looks like …
( see owen paterson )
Good heavens is that all they get these days! must be hard going to make end meet I would imagine. Most would be delighted to earn half that amount-how it be justified is just beyond me.
It’s not much is it? When you consider the Chief exec of almost every town in Britain is earning North of £250K pa and gets to go home to their families at night, plus doesn’t have the spotlight of the media on them on their families, where none of them have been murdered, and they won’t be at risk of losing their jobs every 4 years or so.
Still they can always make that up by visits to the Middle East putting a Mosque on every corner quietly introducing Sharia law by not objecting and everyone will say how fantastic and mutli cultural this is, and how wonderful that countries like Saudi and Qatar will make up our MPs salaries because we the people won’t pay them much more than a lower level manager in a large company.
London Underground drivers are earning more than MPs now for goodness sake in 2019 over 140 earned over £80K
Wrong argument – cut the salary of the council CEOs .
And underground train drivers actually do something useful whereas politicians ? … no – cap their pay – they can then ramp up their backhanders ….
BBC #tellitoftenenough with added ‘quotes’ and “quotes”.
It is important solely to interest vested in almost anything bar the planet.
A perfect Toenails topic.
John selwyn gummer on the green gravy train again . Ex thatcherites like him and willetts would have the Great Lady spinning ….
Three-child policy (Chinese: 三孩政策), whereby a couple can have three children, is a family planning policy in the People’s Republic of China. The policy was announced on 31 May 2021 at a meeting of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), chaired by CCP General Secretary, Xi Jinping, on population aging.
“Getting it right” would be by ignoring the fake climate emergency nonsense (and also the now endemic Covid rubbish) completely, and getting on with our lives, unmolested by leftie stupidity.
Thankfully, I have sired no children who will have to live through the continuing Era of Insanity that I shall be shortly (and thankfully) leaving.
One for Katya and Jane to run by Springster given her expertise on… everything.
‘Germany says its judges can overrule the ECJ – and thus pick and choose which judgements it is bound by (i.e. the opposite of the rule of law) and Poland says the same.’
Read here 👉
Then everyone from Knob to BS can decide it is not newsworthy.
For the European Union to work, its law must be supreme. All member states have courts, but those courts submit to the EU’s own court, the European Court of Justice (the ECJ). The UK knew and accepted this. By the time the Lisbon Treaty was signed, everybody knew this. That is why Poland and Germany are both legally wrong to have denied that EU law is supreme and declared that their national courts have the final say. Legally speaking, both have done a unilateral declaration of independence: taken back control. An important article examining the crisis has laid this bare. While it’s quite technical (the EU’s power lies in these boring-but-powerful rules) it’s worth understanding the depth of what is now an EU rule of law crisis.
Yes – the ECJ is supreme and binds all national courts – without accountability – another good reason for not being in the Reich .
There is no way to water that down ….
But with more EU you get more freedom?
The government’s building tsar Nicholas Boys Smith has told Rishi Sunak to finally back major housing reforms after data showed it could raise over £9 billion for the Treasury – and build 130,000 new homes a year.
. . . .
Up to three million Hong Kong residents are to be offered the chance to settle in the UK and ultimately apply for citizenship, Boris Johnson has said.
The PM said Hong Kong’s freedoms were being violated by a new security law and those affected would be offered a “route” out of the former UK colony.
About 350,000 UK passport holders, and 2.6 million others eligible, will be able to come to the UK for five years.
Bristol priest loses faith in police after assault response
Avon and Somerset Police… very much part of the New Woke Agenda (remember a statue and a harbour and policemen smiling and waving the iconoclasts on?)
Would bet the individuals booking the church and doing the beating were of the… err… nomadic community, it sounds like their style, and Plod always back off quick when they’re involved (out of a crippling combination of wokeness and fear).
Without it, viewers might assume the movie is an imaginary tale, one of several cases of Hollywood re-casting historical periods and events with more ethnic minority characters than there were in reality.
Except in this case, the opposite is true. A large number of cowboys were black, and yet traditionally the film industry has cast white men in the leading parts of Westerns, with black actors generally in deferential roles.
The Harder They Fall: ‘Raising hell’ in Netflix’s all-black Western
And Idris Elba is in it. There’s a surprise.
I don’t get it with him. There’s ‘The Wire’ fair enough, but was ‘Luther’ really any use? I don’t know as I didn’t watch it and neither did anyone else I know but he seems to have been living on the reputation of those two for a while now.
I know he’s a Bbbc favourite but he’s probably only recognisable to many as the face of Sky, where, admittedly, he does play a stereotypical ‘cool black London dude’ pretty well. Not sure that actually persuades all that many to sign-up with Sky though.
Rich, agree with all you’ve said, and of course the never ending rumour of the James Bond role, which to most would be an anathema, and would Eon Productions risk a fall in box office receipts.
Idris for Bond? That’s old news. According to ‘polls’, the groundswell of public opinion is now firmly in the favour of robotic Bridgerton eye-candy Regé-Jean Page. Interestingly, Page is shortly to star in a reboot of The Saint – are they guiding him towards Bond via the same route as Roger Moore? The parallels are obvious and obviously rather tedious, like everything else these back-slapping juveniles turn their hand to.
Regardless, after this latest instalment I’ll never watch a new Bond film again. What would be the point?
I’m well in the habit of dismissing any films presented by Netflix et al. in which there is a glut/disproportionate number of black faces. There is a fine balance which I inevitably find, between normality (i.e. proportions per the demographic %) and blatant propaganda. Even the current ‘Bond’ will be assessed on this basis.
Equality in basketball?
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players.
Netflix has some foreign war movies we thought were pretty good.
Were going to try ‘The Green Knight’ but even as a fantasy it stretched credulity beyond the limit and the lead was awful.
Jake Gthingie in Prince of Persia was of course clear cultural bad stuff but they tried with the casting and make up and he was OK.
Yes, Netflix is not all its cracked up to be. A lot of rubbish.
NETFLIX is super woke I dont even watch it anymore, i prefer CARWOW on Youtube he makes me laugh.
Of course, there is always…
Luke Evans is a good actor and *looks the part although I had to look him up, he is however openly gay.
Im not inferring any attraction to him. Thank You.
BBC to allow presenters to wear white poppies.
Red poppies symbolise Remembrance Day when we remember the fallen in the last 2 World wars. Pushing white poppies is a blatant attempt to ride on its back for political intent and to rubbish the meaning of the red poppy.
I say to the grimy white poppy pushers….. I’ve no objection to white poppy wearing but choose your own bloody day instead of putting two fingers up to the brave men and women who fought for your freedom. See how many you “sell” then!
Black poppies?
Will this be the year that Santa will be cancelled because he’s the wrong colour ?
He was dressed green originally.
More than McSammy the Gorbals Slug has managed.
The bBC can stick their white poppies where the sun don’t shine.
I have an idea how to ramp up pressure on the BBC:
– a charity is set up
– instead of paying your TV licence, you pay the same amount (or as much as you want) to the charity each month
– in the event that you receive a fine for non-payment of TV licence, the charity will pay your fine for you
– this could be accelerated by a lump sum injection from a rich anti-bbc celebrity (Aaron Banks?)
– once it reached critical mass it would lead to a media storm, placing pressure on the bbc and its finances, and the govt.
– if it reached its objective and the bbc was no more, the donors could be paid back what was left, or given to a worthy cause (e.g. children in need)
Just an idea – i have no time or money to follow through with it
More Glasgow mascot stuff….
I do wonder if all arriving bigwigs will have a required photo-op at the door of their jets on arrival?
Given Boris’s invocation of Kermit the Frog from the lectern of the United Nations it’d be only fitting if Bonnie the mascot (or a clone) followed him everywhere for the next two weeks?
others have noticed
Am I a bad person for wanting to see Joe Biden posing with Bonnie at the door of Air Farce One?
Just bloody awful.
Is anyone else on her highly suspicious of all those politicians including Boris spouting about reaching net zero by 2050 etc. etc.
A. They know they will not be around to carry the can if it doesn’t work out.
B. If they explained just how they intended to do it. e.g. no private cars, energy and gas power switched off all night nation-wide between 6pm and 9am. No foreign travel at all. Rail fares to be trebled, no street lighting, buses to have open top decks and standing only with no heating. Food to be rationed with stamp books like after the war. Amazon to only deliver on Mondays, ….. how long would their careers last?
I am of the opinion that they think they have already explained all that, in various roundabout ways, and their drift has been absorbed (and ignored) by the general public, who are still blissfully slumbering in their self-induced ignorance, thinking that nothing untoward is going to happen. Shock awakening on the near horizon.
Sometimes the consequences of this nonsense becomes immediately real
For instance the £12.50 ulez thing in londonistan which the emir has bought in .
It will be a shock for many and i can only guess the amount of non compliance there will be .,.
The fine – i think – is £160 or £80 in the 14 days …..ouch ..
Is a lesbian transphobic if she does not want to have sex with trans women? Some lesbians say they are increasingly being pressured and coerced into accepting trans women as partners – then shunned and even threatened for speaking out. Several have spoken to the BBC, along with trans women who are concerned about the issue too.
So its basically down to who is putting what up whom and where.
To follow up on the Shire media coverage mentioned above.
Now they have picked up on the BBC lead on raw sewage.
Gavin McEwan Local democracy reporter appears to like ‘Tory Boy’ quotes
1 comment, 26 likes. About average.
I am not impressed but am sure context is key, and will be absent in MSM coverage.
Meanwhile Marianna will need to not see this.
Why are Insulate Britain people hideously white ?
Gluing their faces to the lines in the middle of the road?