Last night we watched David Olusaga presenting the history of a house in Leeds. He probably did it ages ago, even years, but we watched it on streaming. I think David Starkey was kind when he said Mr Olusaga was no historian but I think described him as a researcher.
The programme was all over the place in its desperate attempt to link evil wealth to the house. They highlighted events in the owners lives from either years before they moved into the house or years later. He kept digging up women professors who were only too willing to decide that if something bad befell an employee from some time in the owners life, it was the owners fault. For example one poor man was killed in an accident at a factory with no suggestion that the equipment was in bad repair and owner not on the premises at the time. It was the owners fault according to David. In addition the owner didn’t help the widow, said without evidence. Some years later the owner moved to Kent and then the US, which was evidence of his guilt.
The programme was dreadful. But it satisfied the socialist agenda of the BBC and had the added benefit of a black presenter who abhors the evils of the white country in which he lives (his mum was white but that doesn’t seem to count).
It’s a family thing, but we just enjoy identifying how rubbish the analysis is, and how stupid Mr Olusaga shows himself to be and as Mr Starkey said, ‘Mr Olusaga is no historian ‘.
….(his mum was white but that doesn’t seem to count).
I’ve noticed this anomaly on several occasions. Mixed races flying the flag for their black heritage – ok if that’s their bag, but I’ve often wondered how the white mums feel, seeing their offspring ‘choosing’ one side over another.
Halle Berry, Alesha Dixon, Lewis Hamilton to name 3, Scary Spice Mel B didn’t speak to her mother for years,
and Alicia Keys the American singer/songwriter really summed it up……
“The New York native was born to an African-American father and a white Italian-Irish mother.
Speaking about her mixed heritage in 2001 and why she identifies herself as black, she said: “My mixed-race background made me a broad person, able to relate to different cultures. But any woman of colour, even a mixed colour, is seen as black in America. So that’s how I regard myself.”
Obviously none of the above ever shopped in IKEA or Sainsburys as they are all White mums Black dads whereas the majority of shoppers in IKEA and Sainsburys to name but a few woke advertisers are predominantly White male Black female couples.
Hats off to you Deborah for watching this dross. I am sure that you only subject yourself to this blatant propaganda so as to be able to report back to those of us who don’t have the strength to force ourselves to watch it.
Olusaga is a professional race baiter and sham academic who ought to get out of his own way. He represents a sadly significant chunk of the black community who maintain an enormous chip on their collective shoulder regarding slavery – when (if) they stop living in the past and step into the modern world they might earn more respect. As it stands, tolerance is all we can offer.
One only has to regard the children’s version of his tome, ‘Black and British’: it is a bleak portrayal of every negative racial aspect from recent history he can dredge up. Pure poison for young minds at the early stages of their engagement with our culture, an absolutely despicable work of toxicity which was inexplicably rewarded with top honours in its genre at this year’s British Book Awards.
However, we should not expect better from hateful people completely lacking in pride and self-worth. They are seemingly beyond our help, yet I would still pay to see a genuine thinker and polemicist like John McWhorter sit Olusaga down and intellectually eviscerate him for public consumption. It may or may not do him good. We can only hope.
GB News are now providing regular news bulletins.
This means there’s no longer any excuse to watch the BBC news / propaganda, other than to monitor the woke lefty bias and report on it here.
GB news has the delightful Rebecca Hutson on sometimes. I cannot forget her screech ‘that the world is literally burning’ re climate change. I hope she doesn’t appear too much during COP26.
What I find interesting is that all the Woke folk who appear on the GBN chat panels , whether they be full on looneys or mildly Woke liberals, is that their arguments are so often exposed as ill informed rubbish by other contributors. On the BBC, because they are seldom challenged and if they are on the ropes they can be sure that their multitude of liberal pals will ride to the rescue, they can propagandise without scrutiny.
Dover Sentry
Good for you. Missionary work will be required after this lot of PMs, presidents, princes, politicians and autistic savants, screw the Western economies the likes of Brunel etal took a century to build. Never fear though, Pres Biden and the rest will build a bigger and better economy.
Is ‘building a better etc.’… the same as the ‘Bilderberg’ jaunt?
All these quaint little groups of publicly-funded fat-cats, telling normal citizens how to go about their business! When Lady Lump-Nugee whinged about ‘white van man’, she hadn’t ever considered that these guys and gals are doing a hundred times more for this country than she ever will in her fat life on benefits in the HOC.
These great citizens are out there at all hours, mending boilers, building decent places to live in, always there for an emergency, yet all she ever did was show that fat, ugly, slitty-eyed physog to the camera and spout hatred for proper working people!
Just about sums up Kersterms bunch, utterly useless in opposition, which is where they’ll be for eternity.
The BBC sadly have to drag her in through the double doors to plonk her down in front of Rick Nobson, or some other harridan, and give her twenty minutes of bile-time.
Actually, is there any time after eternity? I don’t watch Doctor What or similar…
To stop Climate Change they will require the power that King Canute demonstrated he did not have.
Still, the COPs are going to reduce CO2. Its unlikely they will , but in the process they will damage Western industrial economies that will cause hunger. And if by some miracle they did reduce CO2, it will lead to the de-greening of the planet, reduced crops on a world wide scale, and thus large scale hunger.
‘And if by some miracle they did reduce CO2, it will lead to the de-greening of the planet, reduced crops on a world wide scale, and thus large scale hunger’.
Hunger you say, you have stolen my future!
I see Greta’s been tucking into the ecofriendly, Costa Rican avocado salad, deep fried in vegan, sundried palm oil, with sugar roasted, soya sprinkles at COPOUT26.
It’s as if the Mona Lisa and Jabba the Hutt had a demented lovechild.
Most of that is imported in big diesel-gorging boats Big, so hopefully, she’ll be smacking her lips over Dover Sole, Kent ham, spuds from East Anglia and real beer from Shepherd Neame!
Not sure what they eat in her place, I’ll leave that some sleb chef which I can then avoid on the awful BBBBC.
An important listen ahead of #COP26: @mariannaspring interview with Prof. Michael Mann indicating climate disinformation is alive and kicking around three D words: deflection, division & doomism:
After the climate has warmed up, nature has taken it’s course yet again and the consequences cause global cooling, I wonder what the spin will be to prevent the next ice age coming upon us.
‘Light a fire, save the world’ ?.
Whatever it is, you can be sure the politicians will manage to create another huge business around to syphon off the tax money.
I wonder if any of them are aware of this:
Seems like the Earth is not far off the coolest it has ever been. What makes them think they can stop it getting warmer ?.
John C: What makes them think they can stop it getting warmer ?.
Faith. Faith in the magic money tree known as the Tax Payer. I wouldn’t call politicians charlatans but gullible, as they think they can retain their seat.
The charlatans are the lefties. But they too have Faith. Faith that no matter how many times Socialism/communism has given rise to mass starvation and deaths, this time round they will arrive at Utopia.
Prof. Michael Mann ..
He with the hockey stick graph which showed Global warming extinction no matter what the raw data showed.
One of the great aspects of science publication before “Climate Change” and AGW corrupted it was that if one was found lying or manipulating data, one was banned from publication in all journals. For life.
Climate Change and AGW with unlimited financial tax payer subsidy has corrupted science for political ends. It seems The Vatican, our present Western governments, the guardians of the Holy Writ, have won for the present. So M Mann, far from being cast out, has been promoted.
I have a tip to future-proof your currency in the world of woke:
After the Q, keep your finger on the keyboard as you slide across to the + like this:
That way you have a fighting chance to include future mandatory letters without getting abuse from the woke mob for offending someone because you didn’t know.
It’s actually even more futile than that because they aren’t being pressured into sex in a fake news headline – they are being pressured into saying that they would if they were with a partner who was trans.
I find it quite funny to see people who have been the most aggressive and hostile against society now having to face the same hate they directed at everyone else in society.
Readers should be aware however that both trans theory and critical race theory are not what they appear to be. They are constructs of the rump of the Frankfurt school of Marxism, still in position in US Universities. They are designed to fracture society and destroy it. They have nothing to do with the people they appear to be promoting, they are just the fulcrum point for the level of destruction.
Of course CRT is nothing but Marxism. They never change. Its the well off that think that having plenty and more then enough to eat, they need something else to make their lives worth living. The Hollywood and Chelsea wealthy are type are typical.
What is not realised is that the margin of safety from well off to starvation in the West is quite large. But in Africa and and many parts of Asia and Latin America, that margin is very slim. Its not the effect of CO2, which is likely to be nil, but any downturn in Western economies, due policies on Climate Change, will be enough to make the poor go hungry and children look emaciated.
Just look at this article. It’s a direct and blatant coordinated attack on the Tories by Labour and the BBC.
We saw the totally fake picture of the Labour MP’s (amazingly all women) huddled together for the camera wearing their masks and then the wide shot of the Tories not wearing masks.
Now we have another article – and the MP’s are not even required to wear them. But the BBC have decided to open a ‘HYS’ on the topic !.
Of course all the comments are by the BBC’s left-wing audience – eager to use this chance to slag the government down as much as possible.
Top comment with 800 votes to 65 is ‘One rule for them and one rule for us’. Are masks suddenly mandatory again ?.
I look at the bbc news website and it is mostly that which makes me visit this site.
It is so often clearly being used for propaganda in a way I think they can’t do on the main news. (I’m not opposed to the climate reporting, for me it’s the clear attempts to undermine brexit just because they don’t want it, and some other issues.)
For me it’s that and the use of comedy panel shows fir their agendas that are a misuse of public money.
The BBC incredible morphing headline strikes again:
Main Page: US White Supremecy faces a legal reckoning
Article: Charlottesville: Why are the ‘Unite the Right’ organisers on trial?
One for the audience, one for the fact checkers.
It seems they are not just going after the guy who killed a black person in his car, they are going after the entire group of people associated with him who did nothing wrong except be right-wing.
Just like the Capitol riots.
Whenever I read this kind of article, I remember the BLM protests where all their violence, murder and looting went unreported by these same people. They weren’t just ignored : they were actively avoided. As the BBC cropping the picture of of the black guy with the plank attacking the police proved beyond any doubt.
THAT is what I have a big, big problem with.
I have no problem with the nutters who did real crimes going jail, but the rest of it is nothing less than ideological political persecution of their enemies by the hard-Left (BBC absolutely included). They are the modern Nazis. It’s no surprise because their mental motivation (based on hate) is the same : people haven’t changed, only society has. We all know how that ended – and this is on track to end in whatever the modern equivalent will be.
Just listening to Ken Bruce from a couple of weeks ago with increasingly regular gritted teeth and I have to say I’m absolutely sick of hearing the BBC describing some new feature or program using the word ‘iconic’.
This time it’s Blankety Blank with Bradley Walsh. Every time I hear the word ‘Iconic’ now, I automatically think ‘Clinging to something popular from the past due to BBC being bereft of new creative talent’. Because all their people – like Marianna – are hired to fit the agenda of the ideological war they are waging.
Since when was it the role of the BBC to spend our money policing social media anyway ?.
Edit: Let it run too far and got Vile plugging his show. The big topic to talk about ? – a woman needing to visit her husband who is very sick in hospital but couldn’t get there because of the fuel crisis. But she got incredible help from the BBC listeners.
I call another fake from Vile.
‘Iconic’ has joined forces with ‘classic ‘ as overused and now vacuous descriptions . I fear that we have been infected with the American hyperbole virus – it’s the greatest virus since the last one …
Best not to listen too carefully to the dross .
Lastly – the ‘so ‘ disease is now endemic with all sorts starting sentences with an added ‘so’….
This is useful because any one who comes on and starts with ‘so’ might not be worth listening to ….
There are new ones- ‘community ‘ -as in ‘the mass murderer community ‘ or ‘led ‘ as in ‘care – led recovery ‘ which was a bit of language ‘porn’ I heard used this morning . ‘Porn ‘ has migrated from being ‘porn ‘ to anything which can have the word ‘porn ‘ added to it ….
I get the distinct impression that Ken does most of his show through increasingly regular gritted teeth these days, good man that he is. Walk away Ken! Go somewhere else. Then I’ll start listening to you again.
With due apologies to nonsense poet Lewis Carroll, one does tend to hunt for the Snark, when reviewing our daily press headlines – seems this morning we’re all fast turning into obsessive Jabberwockies: ‘“Vaccinate pregnant women as priority”‘ – demands the Guardian; ‘A US government panel has voted to recommend the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine should to be given to children aged five to 11‘ – America sneezes, and the rest of the world, eh…? with their odd admixture of numerals and fully spelt numbers there from the BBC in their headline; ‘Israel Is Preparing for Possible Fourth Covid Vaccine Dose‘ (Bloomberg, 12 September)
It has been akin to extracting teeth, but Freedom of Information Requests to Public Health officials in the US is beginning to establish two facts – both previously ardently dismissed in the corporate media as conspiracy.
Firstly, it is becoming clear that Anthony Fauci – the US big daddy to our Professor-cattle cull-Ferguson and our old time music hall comedy double act Whitty & Vallance, plus a little bit of wham bam Van-Tam – had sent his dodgy gain-of-function viral research off-shore to Wuhan and when challenged he – sort of – lied about it…
‘The slippery semantics of Anthony Fauci… absolutist answer on gain-of-function research from May has proven to be false‘ (Spectator US)
Gain-of-function – think lab scientists dressed like extras in a scene from an old time James Bond villain’s secret base under a volcano, playing around with artificially created super bugs.
Off-shore – remember US chemical corporation Union Carbide which had a bit of a deadly leak at their plant in Bhopal India back in 1984 and, for those with a particularly good memory, how the Left at the time were up in arms about it.
Secondly, despite the all too abundent black marker pen redactions to FOIA requests, a picture is gradually emerging of a cover up perpetrated by public health officials early in the pandemic outbreak. Seems the experts guessed right away that the virus was man-made, pretty much their own handiwork, carelessly released by their own clumsy Chinese coolies busy doing the dirty work.
‘In the early days of the growing coronavirus outbreak that would soon become a pandemic, an elite group of international scientists gathered on a conference call to discuss a shocking possibility: The virus looked like it might have been engineered in a laboratory. “I remember it very well,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert at the National Institutes of Health, said in an interview… [this] call appears to have played a key role in shaping views of scientists who contributed to shutting down talk of whether a lab leak caused COVID.'(USA Today)
So… now I’m wondering whether I can take the word of experts who present to us: ‘“A thundering wake up call”: world faces 2.7C temperature rise, says UN‘ (Guardian)
Speaking of thundering, the former Thunderer, now more of a Thunberg, regrets: ‘Queen cancels trip to climate conference‘ (The Times) – I’d say they’ve let you off lightly there, ma’am, I doubt you’ll be missing much of any merit.
I read that they have insisted all the delegates use electric cars for the cameras but have also set up diesel powered generators for them as there aren’t enough charge points.
That sums up the entire charade perfectly for me. The whole thing is just a very expensive publicity farce by politicians having a jolly at the tax payers expense.
BBC as fixated on the Queen as the COP thing . The only reason I can think of for the 95 year old lady to stay in that position is because she knows what her idiot son will do when he gets the top job .
With a bit of luck the whole COP thing will be a disaster at all levels and the rest of the year can be spent playing the blame game ….
Scroblene – I try to figure out the current mindset in the western world . We are driven to consume – usually just above what we can afford.
But then a new Puritanism comes along telling us to stop consuming – get recycling – because of an environmental theory .
This Puritanism is an absolute . People like me – who agree with saving rivers but do not see the value in reducing carbon burning – have no voice -apart from obscure websites like this one – which is carefully ‘curated ‘ by the occasional troll on behalf of those monitoring ‘community cohesion ‘ looking for anything which could be ‘extremist ‘ .
There are other strands of the Puritanism – their NHS – and of course an evil religion – neither of which can be criticised without consequences …
It’s all about percentages. To keep the margins on an even keel…..things have to go up by more than the initial extra cost….or over time….profit is whittled away.
If wealthy tall sour faced American actress says we must do it – then so be it . On the upside we might hear less from a thick coloured footballer who plays for a failing club ..
I believe Theron is a naturalised American who retains her South African citizenship.
(Does that make her African-American?)
A couple of gossipy facts about her:
When she was a child in SA, her mum shot her dad dead in self defence.
She has two adopted black daughters (a Hollywood actress with adopted children, how unusual); one of them is transgender.
‘When the Daily Mail asked Theron about her daughter, she responded, “Yes, I thought she was a boy, too, until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy!'”‘
Who gives a flying f*ck what an actress thinks ?. Before movies made them rich and suddenly they got lots of greedy Lefty friends, they were generally considered as low as prostitutes.
I have no idea what an online influencer is, but Sky has them pegged to 1%
The survey found 54% don't trust journalists to be truthful on climate change, and 71% said they don't trust online influencers
The number of lies this man has told makes any opinion he voices no longer credible.
When even the founder of Greenpeace is calling you out as a liar you know you’ve crossed the line of believability.
But Attenborough is telling lies the elites want to hear and so he is given a platform to promulgate falsehood.
Sad times we live in.
There was a time, maybe as recently as 15 years ago when Attenborough was someone I looked up to immensely, having spent my childhood enrapt by his nature documentaries.
Now I can’t watch any of those same documentaries without thinking about what he has become and being forced to turn them off, or leave the room.
Kids between the ages of 18 up to the immature age of 30 who don’t like to work at a proper job, but get paid by companies to promote their products while sat in front of a camera. My jaw dropped when a documentary showed one ‘influencer’ who travels around the world for free, and stays in top hotels just to promote holidays to his ‘followers’ .
They’ve either got their heads screwed on, or my generation failed big time somewhere along the way, because this lot seem to be coining it in.
Greta Thunberg has invited Glasgow workers who plan on striking during #cop26, such as railway staff, council cleaners and refuse workers, to join her on a protest march. "#Climate justice also means social #justice and that we leave no one behind."
Rumours are suggesting that Balwin might be charged with manslaughter over the death of his camera woman.
It’s a significant thing charges are even being considered, as New Mexico the state where the death occured has some very different laws to the UK and even the USA, including one called “excusable Homicide”.
This means it is more difficult to make a manslaughter case stick. The law says that it’s not a crime to kill someone “by accident or misfortune, in doing any lawful act, by lawful means, with usual and ordinary caution and without any unlawful intent.”
The clause here is usual and ordinary caution and if Baldwin failed to excercise that then he would not be protected by this law.
There are several issues in the shooting which indicate this. He was handed what he was told was a ‘cold gun’, but he failed to check it which many other of the actors on set did. The gun itself was an antique revolver with a single action, meaning that the hammer had to be pulled back and locked, a deliberate act requiring a degree of force and intent. He is then alleged to have pointed the gun at the camera and pulled the trigger, violating the first rule of gun safety – always treat a gun as if it was loaded even if you know it’s empty. It also violates the heath and safety rules for blanks as there isn’t supposed to be anyone within 20 feet of the shooter, so even if Baldwin claims he thought the gun was loaded with blanks it isn’t a defence because he still shouldn’t have discharged it.
Thoughtful – that is all for a court to address . If he swerves a court case that will really show how deeply the American state has been corrupted by the left ,
Personally I reckon the nearest he will get to justice is the T-shirt ‘ guns don’t kill people – Alec Baldwin kills people ‘.
– not campaigning for paying MPs more today thoughtful ?
It’s different in New Mexico because of this excusable homicide law which will make prosecution difficult, I’m not sure it will show anything about the American state.
New Mexico is something of s swing state anyway, and although currently Democrat it could easily go Republican.
I am as always concerned about the pay being right for the job. In my opinion as you know MPs pay is far too low. There are also far too many of them. Having the lowest pay for politicians in the Western world is not a state to be proud of, it just breed bribery and corrpution oddly enough something you say you are against in the first sentence.
You said yesterday that corruption was a good thing, and that if other people wished to make up MPs pay with money for them to push for what they wanted you were quite OK with that.
Personally I’m not OK with that I want to see MPs work solely for the people of the UK and not large multinationals unions of foreign governments, and I thought that should have been a no brainer !
It’s a clear case of a negligent discharge minimum. And if it’s not manslaughter because of that, I have no idea what is.
It’s a test case for how far to the Left and how corrupt the American legal system is now. I don’t care one bit what happens to Baldwin : as far as I’m concerned, it’s Karma. His character and chance finally met up.
instead of injunctions to stop the protestors going on the road, just exempt the drivers from any road traffic accident legislation if it involves:
– a member of the group; and
– the car is travelling at less than 5mph
you might want to increase from 5 a bit. May be 10. Or 25. Perhaps 75.
I’m planning to start a company selling emergency equipment . First product will be Farleys ‘ Sprayosick ‘ a handy can to keep in the car for emergency driving situations and road blockages , designed to remove
all Crusty Protesters and Slimy Residue !
Discounts for quantity purchases will be available and
If it becomes successful then there will be a special version for BBC license Gestapo !
Sunak to spend billions more on the NHS. "It's not enough!!!!". Sunak to raise minimum wage and scrap public sector pay freeze. "It's not enough!!!". And repeat…
Does anyone actually know what the point of even having her on is? Who was it who decided of all the people in this country someone thought that Ash Sarkar would be a brilliant face to have in our media?
Look at the graph for Japan. It follows the same trend / curve as a similar graph for India. The ‘House of Cards’ is slowly falling all around the world against the WHO et al who are all in the pocket of big Pharma.
The media? “It’s a mystery”. Say no more with your echoes of the elite.
MPs are not employed by the Commons authorities and cannot be forced to wear masks.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
I have nt come across mr steyn before but I wondered if he offers any remedy to his observations – or whether we are just doomed to national self destruction from without and within…
Sadly Mark Steyn often quotes from articles that he wrote ten or more years ago. That just goes to prove what a good observer and analyst he is but that no politician is listening.
My own observation is that when I was a child Islam was talked about the same way as we might have talked about Buddhism, something exotic and far away.
Now it is never out of the news. Our politicians insist there is something called Moderate Islam, a sect unknown to Muslims. There is however fundamental Islam that believes it has a right and duty to take over the whole world by whatever means.
They might be only a small percentage, let’s say one in ten thousand. That’s one hundred in a million, two hundred in two million and so on. Each new import, each new-born ‘British’ Muslim adds their fraction to the risk, which is only going one way.
I suspect that for most of the native Britons the ‘acceptable’ risk level has long been exceeded yet our politicians don’t or won’t listen. Even when one of their own is directly affected they just deflect, insisting that ‘other brands of terrorism are available’.
On GB News yesterday (Dewbs) one of the two lefties on her panel mentioned that Germany only had a third of the Chinese flu cases that we had.
The one ‘right’ person mentioned that we test more but left it at that.
We test about a million a day and our case percentage is something like 4.5% positive at 45,000 cases.
Germany tests 100,000 per day so, a third of ‘our’ 45,000 is 15,000 which means they have a positive rate of 15% and that is three or four times ours.
Why don’t they say these things.
Same as with population.
To have the same population density as England, Germany would need to double its population and France would need to treble its population.
When they talk about how many ‘asylum seekers/economic refugees’ we take in they don’t mention this.
France could take in 100 million refugees and still be less densely populated than England.
Our side are either too polite or too timid to mention these things yet they need to be common knowledge because the lefties are getting away with telling lies and fake news with very little opposition apart from some on GB News.
Three migrants are missing, feared dead, after an attempted Channel crossing.
Three migrants are missing, feared dead, after an attempted Channel crossing.
Former UK Border Force Head Tony Smith: "It's a tragedy. It emphasises how dangerous this crossing is. People will continue to drown until we find a solution to this problem"@Iromg |
Perhaps a solution could involve minimising the risk of drowning in the Channel by shooting them on the French beaches or even on the dinghies crossing the Med.
22 Lost in Manchester …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
1400+ raped over 16 years in 1 town ….
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
30 Iranians cross the border and are allowed free entry ….
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
30 year old men are pretending to be child refugees and sit in a class full of children …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
The “solution” is staring this fool in the face. They are trying to access the UK illegally so should be returned to the point in Europe where they embarked and have their inflatable confiscated and destroyed.
I think this would stop the whole farce dead in a week as it would hit the traffickers who enable this trade immediately.
The ‘Fact Checkers’ are going to wet their pants trying to disprove every single claim in this report.
‘Disprove’ in their context is usually quoting an election official denying it.
Will anything come of it ?. It seems entirely possible these days for such matters to be simply ignored by everyone who it doesn’t suit. I’m quite sure the BBC have read it and I’m quite sure they won’t report anything, no matter how clear cut it might be.
I see the stupid old duffers at Insulate Britain (Part of ER) are at it again.
As it appears they are an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion I believe there is a solution to this.
Ordinary punters and businesses using the affected roads should be able to record the delay effects and its real costs to them on a Government website showing routes /delays / times etc.
The Gov should then be able to commence a series of class actions against both them and ER directly (which has big funds supplied by SOROS et. al.) to recover all damages which are then to be repaid to all affected. Lets say an average of £30 – £50 an hour for everyone delayed?
In event of non-payment, individual offenders property could be seized and sold off.
Since we already know that XR have paid people who are organisers one has to wonder if the same applies to Insulation Extinction?
If so – then the easiest route to court imho is via conspiracy to defraud. Lay the charges (with evidence) at a magistrates court – d/t the sentencing tariff – if there is a case to answer the matter is escalated automatically to Crown Court.
What are the demographics of these areas though? Just student towns? Or something else that the BBC won’t mention? Perhaps they should come to Bournemouth we have our own area that has women being followed and pestered. The ‘curry mile’ we call it
Budget day and all the public sector will be rubbing their hands at the anticipated handout.
I think the only fair wage increase is to give everyone the same amount as the majority of pensioners, those on the second class system getting £137 per week.
All those in the public sector should get the £4 or £5 per week increase, the same that the pensioners are expected to pay the council tax increases, petrol increases, heating and domestic utilities increases, food price increases, all the inflation increases because of the current much higher than the ‘official’ figures try to tell us it is and just about everything else going up.
Not the savings interest of course. This remains almost nonexistent as the b of e refuse to raise the interest rate from virtually 0 meaning no return on any income if pensioners have saved. If they do get a return it’s taxed and the tax threshold has not moved up from £1250.
I can’t understand why more is not being made of the second class pensioners getting about £40 per week less than those born after 1951
Are they cheaper to feed or keep warm than the younger pensioners?
There should be one pension rate for all pensioners and not this £40 difference.
Still, my pension rise this year should cover the council tax rise.
TalkRadio used to have a great advantage in that all the progs were put on YouTube thus you could check stuff later
.. and at double speed
Now they have stopped uploading progs
and their general Livefeed has the rewind mode switched off.
You can still rewind the current prog
but in the old days you could rewind right into the breakfast show etc.
TOADY Watch #1 – shocking to hear just how bad it is
Global Warming? Climate Change? No.
How indoctrinated Primary School children are with this whole AGW/CC thing. And gullible, too.
At least one of my classmates at Primary School, I like to think had I not been quick enough to spot it, would have pointed out to the Australian so-called ‘climate scientist’ 1. that his flying to thirteen (yes, 13) of these COP ‘summits’ had added more CO2 to the atmosphere than car driving for thirteen years, and, 2. for all the talk and travel of COP Summits, absolutely nothing – zero – had been achieved judging by the news this week: more CO2 than ever before and impossible to avoid 2.7 (note the point seven) degrees of warming on the Centigrade scale.
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. { – john gatto – jan1990}
relates to Westerners: Guilty of Reading the News { 27sep2017}
I think if kids electronic stuff had flat batteries because of power cuts they wouldnt be so enthusiastic for reducing carbon burning ..
Also – no heating might concentrate minds ..
Are the rooms in which COPOUT26 is being held heated?
I think it should all be held outdoors, in the bracing Glaswegian weather… that would focus the minds of delegates and would reduce the CO2 footprint of the event too.
– the big tent certainly is heated – about a week back there was a bank of giant propane (or diesel) blown air space heaters on the end of the building. Somebody could usefully take a few mobile phone pics…
HGV workshops have a device , basically a hose that clamps on the the vehicles exhaust and thus send the gases away from the areas used by humans , often out into the air .
Every car , van , truck , bus and coach should have one to deal with these people .
Apparently the double-jabbed Sucker who was conned into leading Labour has caught Covid. Now there’s a thing! His place in responding to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Budget will be in his stead from Rachel Reeves ex-BoE Shadow. Also absent from this occasion is the BBC’s Economics Editor but then he never bothers to turn up for work much anyway. Why do the BBC pay him?
However, Sarah Montague points out that facemasks are back on the Government benches in the crowded House of Commons. Snidey, that.
If this can be believed, that will be via his ‘mini test centre’ at home, which AsISeeIt mentioned yesterday “We have a sort of mini test centre at home. My wife does it three times a week and my boy has to do it to go to school, twice a week” – the Labour leader there leaving us somewhat unclear as to whether his lad was only attending school two days a week or was taking his covid tests twice weekly so as to be allowed to go to school.
My interpretaion is he wants to avoid displaying his economic ignorance, and/or he wants to show to us plebs how well he fares having been double-jabbed (if that’s true as well). Personally I believe nothing he says.
DoughboyFeb 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th February 2025 Love, love it, lefties all in a turmoil over Trump taking over Gaza, but you got to hand it to…
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:06 Midweek 5th February 2025 I think it absolutely should be about getting rid of foreign aid, which is the biggest scam ever invented.
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th February 2025 The Britain which existed in 1947 is dead and buried.
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:03 Midweek 5th February 2025 Those jottings on a post-it were some sort of therapy advised by a head shrinker. Avoid them at all costs!
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:01 Midweek 5th February 2025 Digg: The masons are not what they were. Our local lodge has closed down and been demolished for flats.
ZephirFeb 5, 18:00 Midweek 5th February 2025 Nigel Farage lashed out at the ‘cowardice of the political class’ today as Labour agreed to postpone local elections for…
Last night we watched David Olusaga presenting the history of a house in Leeds. He probably did it ages ago, even years, but we watched it on streaming. I think David Starkey was kind when he said Mr Olusaga was no historian but I think described him as a researcher.
The programme was all over the place in its desperate attempt to link evil wealth to the house. They highlighted events in the owners lives from either years before they moved into the house or years later. He kept digging up women professors who were only too willing to decide that if something bad befell an employee from some time in the owners life, it was the owners fault. For example one poor man was killed in an accident at a factory with no suggestion that the equipment was in bad repair and owner not on the premises at the time. It was the owners fault according to David. In addition the owner didn’t help the widow, said without evidence. Some years later the owner moved to Kent and then the US, which was evidence of his guilt.
The programme was dreadful. But it satisfied the socialist agenda of the BBC and had the added benefit of a black presenter who abhors the evils of the white country in which he lives (his mum was white but that doesn’t seem to count).
From your succinct description, its clear you have great fortitude to put up with nonsense to the end.
It’s a family thing, but we just enjoy identifying how rubbish the analysis is, and how stupid Mr Olusaga shows himself to be and as Mr Starkey said, ‘Mr Olusaga is no historian ‘.
….(his mum was white but that doesn’t seem to count).
I’ve noticed this anomaly on several occasions. Mixed races flying the flag for their black heritage – ok if that’s their bag, but I’ve often wondered how the white mums feel, seeing their offspring ‘choosing’ one side over another.
Halle Berry, Alesha Dixon, Lewis Hamilton to name 3, Scary Spice Mel B didn’t speak to her mother for years,
and Alicia Keys the American singer/songwriter really summed it up……
“The New York native was born to an African-American father and a white Italian-Irish mother.
Speaking about her mixed heritage in 2001 and why she identifies herself as black, she said: “My mixed-race background made me a broad person, able to relate to different cultures. But any woman of colour, even a mixed colour, is seen as black in America. So that’s how I regard myself.”
Obviously none of the above ever shopped in IKEA or Sainsburys as they are all White mums Black dads whereas the majority of shoppers in IKEA and Sainsburys to name but a few woke advertisers are predominantly White male Black female couples.
Hats off to you Deborah for watching this dross. I am sure that you only subject yourself to this blatant propaganda so as to be able to report back to those of us who don’t have the strength to force ourselves to watch it.
Yes I agree – the amount of BBC output worthy of attention is so so small – often repeats which slip through the woke filture.
Certainly not worth paying for .
Olusaga is a professional race baiter and sham academic who ought to get out of his own way. He represents a sadly significant chunk of the black community who maintain an enormous chip on their collective shoulder regarding slavery – when (if) they stop living in the past and step into the modern world they might earn more respect. As it stands, tolerance is all we can offer.
One only has to regard the children’s version of his tome, ‘Black and British’: it is a bleak portrayal of every negative racial aspect from recent history he can dredge up. Pure poison for young minds at the early stages of their engagement with our culture, an absolutely despicable work of toxicity which was inexplicably rewarded with top honours in its genre at this year’s British Book Awards.
However, we should not expect better from hateful people completely lacking in pride and self-worth. They are seemingly beyond our help, yet I would still pay to see a genuine thinker and polemicist like John McWhorter sit Olusaga down and intellectually eviscerate him for public consumption. It may or may not do him good. We can only hope.
GB News are now providing regular news bulletins.
This means there’s no longer any excuse to watch the BBC news / propaganda, other than to monitor the woke lefty bias and report on it here.
GB news has the delightful Rebecca Hutson on sometimes. I cannot forget her screech ‘that the world is literally burning’ re climate change. I hope she doesn’t appear too much during COP26.
What I find interesting is that all the Woke folk who appear on the GBN chat panels , whether they be full on looneys or mildly Woke liberals, is that their arguments are so often exposed as ill informed rubbish by other contributors. On the BBC, because they are seldom challenged and if they are on the ropes they can be sure that their multitude of liberal pals will ride to the rescue, they can propagandise without scrutiny.
I was due to speak at COP26 in Glasgow but I’ve had to send my apologies. I’ll be doing vital Missionary Work in Aberdeen over that period.
Dover Sentry
Good for you. Missionary work will be required after this lot of PMs, presidents, princes, politicians and autistic savants, screw the Western economies the likes of Brunel etal took a century to build. Never fear though, Pres Biden and the rest will build a bigger and better economy.
Is ‘building a better etc.’… the same as the ‘Bilderberg’ jaunt?
All these quaint little groups of publicly-funded fat-cats, telling normal citizens how to go about their business! When Lady Lump-Nugee whinged about ‘white van man’, she hadn’t ever considered that these guys and gals are doing a hundred times more for this country than she ever will in her fat life on benefits in the HOC.
These great citizens are out there at all hours, mending boilers, building decent places to live in, always there for an emergency, yet all she ever did was show that fat, ugly, slitty-eyed physog to the camera and spout hatred for proper working people!
Just about sums up Kersterms bunch, utterly useless in opposition, which is where they’ll be for eternity.
The BBC sadly have to drag her in through the double doors to plonk her down in front of Rick Nobson, or some other harridan, and give her twenty minutes of bile-time.
Actually, is there any time after eternity? I don’t watch Doctor What or similar…
To stop Climate Change they will require the power that King Canute demonstrated he did not have.
Still, the COPs are going to reduce CO2. Its unlikely they will , but in the process they will damage Western industrial economies that will cause hunger. And if by some miracle they did reduce CO2, it will lead to the de-greening of the planet, reduced crops on a world wide scale, and thus large scale hunger.
‘And if by some miracle they did reduce CO2, it will lead to the de-greening of the planet, reduced crops on a world wide scale, and thus large scale hunger’.
Hunger you say, you have stolen my future!
I see Greta’s been tucking into the ecofriendly, Costa Rican avocado salad, deep fried in vegan, sundried palm oil, with sugar roasted, soya sprinkles at COPOUT26.
It’s as if the Mona Lisa and Jabba the Hutt had a demented lovechild.
Most of that is imported in big diesel-gorging boats Big, so hopefully, she’ll be smacking her lips over Dover Sole, Kent ham, spuds from East Anglia and real beer from Shepherd Neame!
Not sure what they eat in her place, I’ll leave that some sleb chef which I can then avoid on the awful BBBBC.
Springster is informed by Mike Mann.
I wonder what Mark Steyn thinks of that?
After the climate has warmed up, nature has taken it’s course yet again and the consequences cause global cooling, I wonder what the spin will be to prevent the next ice age coming upon us.
‘Light a fire, save the world’ ?.
Whatever it is, you can be sure the politicians will manage to create another huge business around to syphon off the tax money.
I wonder if any of them are aware of this:
Seems like the Earth is not far off the coolest it has ever been. What makes them think they can stop it getting warmer ?.
John C: What makes them think they can stop it getting warmer ?.
Faith. Faith in the magic money tree known as the Tax Payer. I wouldn’t call politicians charlatans but gullible, as they think they can retain their seat.
The charlatans are the lefties. But they too have Faith. Faith that no matter how many times Socialism/communism has given rise to mass starvation and deaths, this time round they will arrive at Utopia.
Climate disinformation most certainly alive and kicking.
A lot of it with the intention of getting a slice of the funding. No scientists will ever say the problem is not as big as they are making out.
I have dealings with professors in the past : getting funding for their department is their no.1 priority.
Prof. Michael Mann ..
He with the hockey stick graph which showed Global warming extinction no matter what the raw data showed.
One of the great aspects of science publication before “Climate Change” and AGW corrupted it was that if one was found lying or manipulating data, one was banned from publication in all journals. For life.
Climate Change and AGW with unlimited financial tax payer subsidy has corrupted science for political ends. It seems The Vatican, our present Western governments, the guardians of the Holy Writ, have won for the present. So M Mann, far from being cast out, has been promoted.
Just curious: French politicians traditionally talk of French men and French women where US Presidents would talk about ‘Americans’.
If alphabet people (LGBQ etc. Fedup2) start to call the shots in France will they need new terms?
I have a tip to future-proof your currency in the world of woke:
After the Q, keep your finger on the keyboard as you slide across to the + like this:
That way you have a fighting chance to include future mandatory letters without getting abuse from the woke mob for offending someone because you didn’t know.
The 2021 version of “How many angels can dance on a pinhead?”
‘We’re being pressured into sex by some trans women’
Lesbians are being ‘pressured into sex’ by trans persons with penises, ‘cos they tell them otherwise they’re ‘transphobes’.
Do you know how much I care? Really? No honestly… really?
It’s actually even more futile than that because they aren’t being pressured into sex in a fake news headline – they are being pressured into saying that they would if they were with a partner who was trans.
I find it quite funny to see people who have been the most aggressive and hostile against society now having to face the same hate they directed at everyone else in society.
Readers should be aware however that both trans theory and critical race theory are not what they appear to be. They are constructs of the rump of the Frankfurt school of Marxism, still in position in US Universities. They are designed to fracture society and destroy it. They have nothing to do with the people they appear to be promoting, they are just the fulcrum point for the level of destruction.
Of course CRT is nothing but Marxism. They never change. Its the well off that think that having plenty and more then enough to eat, they need something else to make their lives worth living. The Hollywood and Chelsea wealthy are type are typical.
What is not realised is that the margin of safety from well off to starvation in the West is quite large. But in Africa and and many parts of Asia and Latin America, that margin is very slim. Its not the effect of CO2, which is likely to be nil, but any downturn in Western economies, due policies on Climate Change, will be enough to make the poor go hungry and children look emaciated.
Gay Times is very angry at the BBC article that suggests some men who have transitioned to become women then try to have sex with lesbian women.
GBNews discussion
Covid: Masks mandatory for everyone in the Commons – except MPs
Just look at this article. It’s a direct and blatant coordinated attack on the Tories by Labour and the BBC.
We saw the totally fake picture of the Labour MP’s (amazingly all women) huddled together for the camera wearing their masks and then the wide shot of the Tories not wearing masks.
Now we have another article – and the MP’s are not even required to wear them. But the BBC have decided to open a ‘HYS’ on the topic !.
Of course all the comments are by the BBC’s left-wing audience – eager to use this chance to slag the government down as much as possible.
Top comment with 800 votes to 65 is ‘One rule for them and one rule for us’. Are masks suddenly mandatory again ?.
I look at the bbc news website and it is mostly that which makes me visit this site.
It is so often clearly being used for propaganda in a way I think they can’t do on the main news. (I’m not opposed to the climate reporting, for me it’s the clear attempts to undermine brexit just because they don’t want it, and some other issues.)
For me it’s that and the use of comedy panel shows fir their agendas that are a misuse of public money.
The BBC incredible morphing headline strikes again:
Main Page: US White Supremecy faces a legal reckoning
Article: Charlottesville: Why are the ‘Unite the Right’ organisers on trial?
One for the audience, one for the fact checkers.
It seems they are not just going after the guy who killed a black person in his car, they are going after the entire group of people associated with him who did nothing wrong except be right-wing.
Just like the Capitol riots.
Whenever I read this kind of article, I remember the BLM protests where all their violence, murder and looting went unreported by these same people. They weren’t just ignored : they were actively avoided. As the BBC cropping the picture of of the black guy with the plank attacking the police proved beyond any doubt.
THAT is what I have a big, big problem with.
I have no problem with the nutters who did real crimes going jail, but the rest of it is nothing less than ideological political persecution of their enemies by the hard-Left (BBC absolutely included). They are the modern Nazis. It’s no surprise because their mental motivation (based on hate) is the same : people haven’t changed, only society has. We all know how that ended – and this is on track to end in whatever the modern equivalent will be.
The BBC can’t even be bothered to sub-edit their cut ‘n paste from CNN:
But then they probably think ‘to plow’ is something that the ‘extreme far-right’ do exclusivly!
It’s either lifted from there or The Guardian these days.
Two cheeks of the same arse with the BBC right in the middle.
Shouldn’t that be…..ploughed?! Morons.
Imagine if you can for one minute the uproar this story would cause if the races were reversed in this tragedy
Nothing on the BBC. Its surely BBC editorial policy not to report Black on Black or Black on White murders……..disgusting.
Just listening to Ken Bruce from a couple of weeks ago with increasingly regular gritted teeth and I have to say I’m absolutely sick of hearing the BBC describing some new feature or program using the word ‘iconic’.
This time it’s Blankety Blank with Bradley Walsh. Every time I hear the word ‘Iconic’ now, I automatically think ‘Clinging to something popular from the past due to BBC being bereft of new creative talent’. Because all their people – like Marianna – are hired to fit the agenda of the ideological war they are waging.
Since when was it the role of the BBC to spend our money policing social media anyway ?.
Edit: Let it run too far and got Vile plugging his show. The big topic to talk about ? – a woman needing to visit her husband who is very sick in hospital but couldn’t get there because of the fuel crisis. But she got incredible help from the BBC listeners.
I call another fake from Vile.
‘Iconic’ has joined forces with ‘classic ‘ as overused and now vacuous descriptions . I fear that we have been infected with the American hyperbole virus – it’s the greatest virus since the last one …
Best not to listen too carefully to the dross .
Lastly – the ‘so ‘ disease is now endemic with all sorts starting sentences with an added ‘so’….
This is useful because any one who comes on and starts with ‘so’ might not be worth listening to ….
There are new ones- ‘community ‘ -as in ‘the mass murderer community ‘ or ‘led ‘ as in ‘care – led recovery ‘ which was a bit of language ‘porn’ I heard used this morning . ‘Porn ‘ has migrated from being ‘porn ‘ to anything which can have the word ‘porn ‘ added to it ….
And ‘gate’ as in ‘Climate gate’…
Don’t get me started on “Legendary”. If Watergate happened today would it be “Watergate gate”?
Worldwide condemnation
Across the political spectrum
Across the political divide
I get the distinct impression that Ken does most of his show through increasingly regular gritted teeth these days, good man that he is. Walk away Ken! Go somewhere else. Then I’ll start listening to you again.
With due apologies to nonsense poet Lewis Carroll, one does tend to hunt for the Snark, when reviewing our daily press headlines – seems this morning we’re all fast turning into obsessive Jabberwockies: ‘“Vaccinate pregnant women as priority”‘ – demands the Guardian; ‘A US government panel has voted to recommend the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine should to be given to children aged five to 11‘ – America sneezes, and the rest of the world, eh…? with their odd admixture of numerals and fully spelt numbers there from the BBC in their headline; ‘Israel Is Preparing for Possible Fourth Covid Vaccine Dose‘ (Bloomberg, 12 September)
It has been akin to extracting teeth, but Freedom of Information Requests to Public Health officials in the US is beginning to establish two facts – both previously ardently dismissed in the corporate media as conspiracy.
Firstly, it is becoming clear that Anthony Fauci – the US big daddy to our Professor-cattle cull-Ferguson and our old time music hall comedy double act Whitty & Vallance, plus a little bit of wham bam Van-Tam – had sent his dodgy gain-of-function viral research off-shore to Wuhan and when challenged he – sort of – lied about it…
‘The slippery semantics of Anthony Fauci… absolutist answer on gain-of-function research from May has proven to be false‘ (Spectator US)
Gain-of-function – think lab scientists dressed like extras in a scene from an old time James Bond villain’s secret base under a volcano, playing around with artificially created super bugs.
Off-shore – remember US chemical corporation Union Carbide which had a bit of a deadly leak at their plant in Bhopal India back in 1984 and, for those with a particularly good memory, how the Left at the time were up in arms about it.
Secondly, despite the all too abundent black marker pen redactions to FOIA requests, a picture is gradually emerging of a cover up perpetrated by public health officials early in the pandemic outbreak. Seems the experts guessed right away that the virus was man-made, pretty much their own handiwork, carelessly released by their own clumsy Chinese coolies busy doing the dirty work.
‘In the early days of the growing coronavirus outbreak that would soon become a pandemic, an elite group of international scientists gathered on a conference call to discuss a shocking possibility: The virus looked like it might have been engineered in a laboratory. “I remember it very well,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert at the National Institutes of Health, said in an interview… [this] call appears to have played a key role in shaping views of scientists who contributed to shutting down talk of whether a lab leak caused COVID.'(USA Today)
So… now I’m wondering whether I can take the word of experts who present to us: ‘“A thundering wake up call”: world faces 2.7C temperature rise, says UN‘ (Guardian)
Speaking of thundering, the former Thunderer, now more of a Thunberg, regrets: ‘Queen cancels trip to climate conference‘ (The Times) – I’d say they’ve let you off lightly there, ma’am, I doubt you’ll be missing much of any merit.
I read that they have insisted all the delegates use electric cars for the cameras but have also set up diesel powered generators for them as there aren’t enough charge points.
That sums up the entire charade perfectly for me. The whole thing is just a very expensive publicity farce by politicians having a jolly at the tax payers expense.
All those armoured cars, especially those Hummers with three-inch glass used by the Yanks, will use quite a lot more than the average Leaf!
Well, they can’t have any of my electricity, because I’m using it, they’ll have to buy their own.
Today programme
BBC as fixated on the Queen as the COP thing . The only reason I can think of for the 95 year old lady to stay in that position is because she knows what her idiot son will do when he gets the top job .
With a bit of luck the whole COP thing will be a disaster at all levels and the rest of the year can be spent playing the blame game ….
D’you know Fed, I read your last few words as ‘paying for the blame game’!
Same thing I suppose…
Scroblene – I try to figure out the current mindset in the western world . We are driven to consume – usually just above what we can afford.
But then a new Puritanism comes along telling us to stop consuming – get recycling – because of an environmental theory .
This Puritanism is an absolute . People like me – who agree with saving rivers but do not see the value in reducing carbon burning – have no voice -apart from obscure websites like this one – which is carefully ‘curated ‘ by the occasional troll on behalf of those monitoring ‘community cohesion ‘ looking for anything which could be ‘extremist ‘ .
There are other strands of the Puritanism – their NHS – and of course an evil religion – neither of which can be criticised without consequences …
A London one, I am guessing?
So it will go up by 59p an hour. Does that mean they only expect to sell 2 pints per member of staff per hour ?.
It’s all about percentages. To keep the margins on an even keel…..things have to go up by more than the initial extra cost….or over time….profit is whittled away.
They are all headed there.
Except the ones who matter.
I wonder how many people the BBC are sending (on full expenses and carbon emissions).
I bet it’s in the dozens if not hundreds.
Seems luvvies of peroxide pr agencies are working miracles for their clients with the bbc.
If wealthy tall sour faced American actress says we must do it – then so be it . On the upside we might hear less from a thick coloured footballer who plays for a failing club ..
I believe Theron is a naturalised American who retains her South African citizenship.
(Does that make her African-American?)
A couple of gossipy facts about her:
When she was a child in SA, her mum shot her dad dead in self defence.
She has two adopted black daughters (a Hollywood actress with adopted children, how unusual); one of them is transgender.
‘When the Daily Mail asked Theron about her daughter, she responded, “Yes, I thought she was a boy, too, until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy!'”‘
Who gives a flying f*ck what an actress thinks ?. Before movies made them rich and suddenly they got lots of greedy Lefty friends, they were generally considered as low as prostitutes.
Imagine if Barry’s caravan of SUVs was blocked on the M8 by mostly white folks?
I have no idea what an online influencer is, but Sky has them pegged to 1%
Rog should ‘report’ this.
Springster should check it.
Both should then be checked by those who actually know the topic.
“Many people are confused”
No – i am not confused about climate change at all – it’s horseshit – thanks
Sir Boaty, online, influencing.
The number of lies this man has told makes any opinion he voices no longer credible.
When even the founder of Greenpeace is calling you out as a liar you know you’ve crossed the line of believability.
But Attenborough is telling lies the elites want to hear and so he is given a platform to promulgate falsehood.
Sad times we live in.
There was a time, maybe as recently as 15 years ago when Attenborough was someone I looked up to immensely, having spent my childhood enrapt by his nature documentaries.
Now I can’t watch any of those same documentaries without thinking about what he has become and being forced to turn them off, or leave the room.
When William Happer changes his mind on CO2 and Global Warming, I will.
“I have no idea what an online influencer is….”
Kids between the ages of 18 up to the immature age of 30 who don’t like to work at a proper job, but get paid by companies to promote their products while sat in front of a camera. My jaw dropped when a documentary showed one ‘influencer’ who travels around the world for free, and stays in top hotels just to promote holidays to his ‘followers’ .
They’ve either got their heads screwed on, or my generation failed big time somewhere along the way, because this lot seem to be coining it in.
Mo Jong McIl defects?
Rumours are suggesting that Balwin might be charged with manslaughter over the death of his camera woman.
It’s a significant thing charges are even being considered, as New Mexico the state where the death occured has some very different laws to the UK and even the USA, including one called “excusable Homicide”.
This means it is more difficult to make a manslaughter case stick. The law says that it’s not a crime to kill someone “by accident or misfortune, in doing any lawful act, by lawful means, with usual and ordinary caution and without any unlawful intent.”
The clause here is usual and ordinary caution and if Baldwin failed to excercise that then he would not be protected by this law.
There are several issues in the shooting which indicate this. He was handed what he was told was a ‘cold gun’, but he failed to check it which many other of the actors on set did. The gun itself was an antique revolver with a single action, meaning that the hammer had to be pulled back and locked, a deliberate act requiring a degree of force and intent. He is then alleged to have pointed the gun at the camera and pulled the trigger, violating the first rule of gun safety – always treat a gun as if it was loaded even if you know it’s empty. It also violates the heath and safety rules for blanks as there isn’t supposed to be anyone within 20 feet of the shooter, so even if Baldwin claims he thought the gun was loaded with blanks it isn’t a defence because he still shouldn’t have discharged it.
Thoughtful – that is all for a court to address . If he swerves a court case that will really show how deeply the American state has been corrupted by the left ,
Personally I reckon the nearest he will get to justice is the T-shirt ‘ guns don’t kill people – Alec Baldwin kills people ‘.
– not campaigning for paying MPs more today thoughtful ?
It’s different in New Mexico because of this excusable homicide law which will make prosecution difficult, I’m not sure it will show anything about the American state.
New Mexico is something of s swing state anyway, and although currently Democrat it could easily go Republican.
I am as always concerned about the pay being right for the job. In my opinion as you know MPs pay is far too low. There are also far too many of them. Having the lowest pay for politicians in the Western world is not a state to be proud of, it just breed bribery and corrpution oddly enough something you say you are against in the first sentence.
You said yesterday that corruption was a good thing, and that if other people wished to make up MPs pay with money for them to push for what they wanted you were quite OK with that.
Personally I’m not OK with that I want to see MPs work solely for the people of the UK and not large multinationals unions of foreign governments, and I thought that should have been a no brainer !
It’s a clear case of a negligent discharge minimum. And if it’s not manslaughter because of that, I have no idea what is.
It’s a test case for how far to the Left and how corrupt the American legal system is now. I don’t care one bit what happens to Baldwin : as far as I’m concerned, it’s Karma. His character and chance finally met up.
Wow – if you think politicians would ever work ‘wholely for the people ‘ you really are a lost case and I won’t engage with you anymore .
I’ve never seen such a fan of politicians – they must love you .
As if by magic…
My only regret is that he wasn’t rehearsing for a scene playing Russian roulette.
idea to stop insulate britain:
instead of injunctions to stop the protestors going on the road, just exempt the drivers from any road traffic accident legislation if it involves:
– a member of the group; and
– the car is travelling at less than 5mph
you might want to increase from 5 a bit. May be 10. Or 25. Perhaps 75.
I’m planning to start a company selling emergency equipment . First product will be Farleys ‘ Sprayosick ‘ a handy can to keep in the car for emergency driving situations and road blockages , designed to remove
all Crusty Protesters and Slimy Residue !
Discounts for quantity purchases will be available and
If it becomes successful then there will be a special version for BBC license Gestapo !
Also BBC: Labour says.
Wait until Labour Says on this one…
“Wetherspoons was also recently affected by a shortage of some beer brands, caused by driver shortages due to a combination of Covid and Brexit.”
This was all proved to be lies long ago, but our BBC continue to repeat the lies about Brexit.
Lots of speaking for us all today.
And a fair bit of hypocrisy.
Excuse the Franglais but given Champion, Femi, Owen etc are all too prioritised screen gobs this needs highlighting…
Does anyone actually know what the point of even having her on is? Who was it who decided of all the people in this country someone thought that Ash Sarkar would be a brilliant face to have in our media?
I suspect for The BBC production staff the clue is in her now dropped accolade as a champion.
I wonder how many ‘boyfriends’ she has at the BBC?
The BBC have found a musical campaigner, not Lord Billy of Devon Towers.
“What’s that Fergie, divert the money from our NHS… or Glaswegian Dolls….?”
Ivermectin for Covid in Japan?
Look at the graph for Japan. It follows the same trend / curve as a similar graph for India. The ‘House of Cards’ is slowly falling all around the world against the WHO et al who are all in the pocket of big Pharma.
The media? “It’s a mystery”. Say no more with your echoes of the elite.
Not Scottish Parliament corridors, Jez…
Or BBC champagne strewn ones.
Women creates news about news for news after not finding any news.
The GBNEWS interview with Mark Stein – 15 minutes- is worth a view . Condenses a number of issues …it’s on Twitter .
Mark Steyn speaks to Colin Brazier about the European and American political establishments
The ‘bent’ European Court of Human Rights.
A small victory but a victory nonetheless. Hate Soros………..
Were it not for the internet, how else would we have been made aware of this, ‘important’ news?
BBC a bulwark against pandemic of fake news, Tony Hall to argue
This article is more than 1 year old
Outgoing director general to say corporation can persuade UK public to take up vaccine
Covid: Masks mandatory for everyone in the Commons – except MPs
29 minutes ago
MPs are not employed by the Commons authorities and cannot be forced to wear masks.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
The ‘bul’ bit, maybe.
ITBB has quoted G on this. To repeat:
Mark Steyn speaks to Colin Brazier about the European and American political establishments
I have nt come across mr steyn before but I wondered if he offers any remedy to his observations – or whether we are just doomed to national self destruction from without and within…
He used to write for Telegraph and Spectator 20 years ago…..writes and broadcasts in the US now. Best analytical mind going.
Sadly Mark Steyn often quotes from articles that he wrote ten or more years ago. That just goes to prove what a good observer and analyst he is but that no politician is listening.
My own observation is that when I was a child Islam was talked about the same way as we might have talked about Buddhism, something exotic and far away.
Now it is never out of the news. Our politicians insist there is something called Moderate Islam, a sect unknown to Muslims. There is however fundamental Islam that believes it has a right and duty to take over the whole world by whatever means.
They might be only a small percentage, let’s say one in ten thousand. That’s one hundred in a million, two hundred in two million and so on. Each new import, each new-born ‘British’ Muslim adds their fraction to the risk, which is only going one way.
I suspect that for most of the native Britons the ‘acceptable’ risk level has long been exceeded yet our politicians don’t or won’t listen. Even when one of their own is directly affected they just deflect, insisting that ‘other brands of terrorism are available’.
Yes he does – read history – borders are good – reduce Islamic sway – become less dependent on countries who want to destroy you.
BBC Online News. Front Page
“Josh Cavallo: ‘I’m a footballer and I’m gay,’ says Australian player”
So, in a land 12,000 miles away, a sportsperson says he is gay.
Do we need to know that, BBC?
We don’t all live in a London bubble.
Philip Schofield’s wife – “I’m not gay but was trapped in a homosexual relationship for 27 years by a thoughtless man.”
zelyonka sales likely spiking
On GB News yesterday (Dewbs) one of the two lefties on her panel mentioned that Germany only had a third of the Chinese flu cases that we had.
The one ‘right’ person mentioned that we test more but left it at that.
We test about a million a day and our case percentage is something like 4.5% positive at 45,000 cases.
Germany tests 100,000 per day so, a third of ‘our’ 45,000 is 15,000 which means they have a positive rate of 15% and that is three or four times ours.
Why don’t they say these things.
Same as with population.
To have the same population density as England, Germany would need to double its population and France would need to treble its population.
When they talk about how many ‘asylum seekers/economic refugees’ we take in they don’t mention this.
France could take in 100 million refugees and still be less densely populated than England.
Our side are either too polite or too timid to mention these things yet they need to be common knowledge because the lefties are getting away with telling lies and fake news with very little opposition apart from some on GB News.
Three migrants are missing, feared dead, after an attempted Channel crossing.
The solution most certainly is not giving them 4 star hotel rooms, three meals a day and a bit of spending money if they make it.
Perhaps a solution could involve minimising the risk of drowning in the Channel by shooting them on the French beaches or even on the dinghies crossing the Med.
Using something less lethal than Alex Baldwin’s weapon of choice to puncture the inflatables sounds a plan.
Intercepting them and taking back to France instead of bringing them here as they do now sounds better.
Won’t happen.
Our so-called, ‘Government’ has reached the stage where they repeat to themselves: “In for a penny, in for a pound”.
22 Lost in Manchester …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
1400+ raped over 16 years in 1 town ….
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
30 Iranians cross the border and are allowed free entry ….
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
30 year old men are pretending to be child refugees and sit in a class full of children …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
The “solution” is staring this fool in the face. They are trying to access the UK illegally so should be returned to the point in Europe where they embarked and have their inflatable confiscated and destroyed.
I think this would stop the whole farce dead in a week as it would hit the traffickers who enable this trade immediately.
ICYMI: CONFIRMED: Arizona Audit Report Validates Fraud—A Must Read!
The ‘Fact Checkers’ are going to wet their pants trying to disprove every single claim in this report.
‘Disprove’ in their context is usually quoting an election official denying it.
Will anything come of it ?. It seems entirely possible these days for such matters to be simply ignored by everyone who it doesn’t suit. I’m quite sure the BBC have read it and I’m quite sure they won’t report anything, no matter how clear cut it might be.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’.
I see the stupid old duffers at Insulate Britain (Part of ER) are at it again.
As it appears they are an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion I believe there is a solution to this.
Ordinary punters and businesses using the affected roads should be able to record the delay effects and its real costs to them on a Government website showing routes /delays / times etc.
The Gov should then be able to commence a series of class actions against both them and ER directly (which has big funds supplied by SOROS et. al.) to recover all damages which are then to be repaid to all affected. Lets say an average of £30 – £50 an hour for everyone delayed?
In event of non-payment, individual offenders property could be seized and sold off.
Since we already know that XR have paid people who are organisers one has to wonder if the same applies to Insulation Extinction?
If so – then the easiest route to court imho is via conspiracy to defraud. Lay the charges (with evidence) at a magistrates court – d/t the sentencing tariff – if there is a case to answer the matter is escalated automatically to Crown Court.
elsewhere :
Tulsi Gabbard
Digg – But where is the once stout yeomanry of England to remove the trash?
Oh I forgot: they’re too busy trying to decide what gender they are, or what letter of the ever increasing acronym of confusion LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA+
Worrying trend of spiking although nothing new:
What are the demographics of these areas though? Just student towns? Or something else that the BBC won’t mention? Perhaps they should come to Bournemouth we have our own area that has women being followed and pestered. The ‘curry mile’ we call it
Budget day and all the public sector will be rubbing their hands at the anticipated handout.
I think the only fair wage increase is to give everyone the same amount as the majority of pensioners, those on the second class system getting £137 per week.
All those in the public sector should get the £4 or £5 per week increase, the same that the pensioners are expected to pay the council tax increases, petrol increases, heating and domestic utilities increases, food price increases, all the inflation increases because of the current much higher than the ‘official’ figures try to tell us it is and just about everything else going up.
Not the savings interest of course. This remains almost nonexistent as the b of e refuse to raise the interest rate from virtually 0 meaning no return on any income if pensioners have saved. If they do get a return it’s taxed and the tax threshold has not moved up from £1250.
I can’t understand why more is not being made of the second class pensioners getting about £40 per week less than those born after 1951
Are they cheaper to feed or keep warm than the younger pensioners?
There should be one pension rate for all pensioners and not this £40 difference.
Still, my pension rise this year should cover the council tax rise.
I’m in the same boat as you EG and agree that there should be one rate for all pensioners.
TalkRadio used to have a great advantage in that all the progs were put on YouTube thus you could check stuff later
.. and at double speed
Now they have stopped uploading progs
and their general Livefeed has the rewind mode switched off.
You can still rewind the current prog
but in the old days you could rewind right into the breakfast show etc.
(Rewind still works on GBNews)
Their rules don’t apply to them, only to little people like us.
TOADY Watch #1 – shocking to hear just how bad it is
Global Warming? Climate Change? No.
How indoctrinated Primary School children are with this whole AGW/CC thing. And gullible, too.
At least one of my classmates at Primary School, I like to think had I not been quick enough to spot it, would have pointed out to the Australian so-called ‘climate scientist’ 1. that his flying to thirteen (yes, 13) of these COP ‘summits’ had added more CO2 to the atmosphere than car driving for thirteen years, and, 2. for all the talk and travel of COP Summits, absolutely nothing – zero – had been achieved judging by the news this week: more CO2 than ever before and impossible to avoid 2.7 (note the point seven) degrees of warming on the Centigrade scale.
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. { – john gatto – jan1990}
relates to Westerners: Guilty of Reading the News { 27sep2017}
I think if kids electronic stuff had flat batteries because of power cuts they wouldnt be so enthusiastic for reducing carbon burning ..
Also – no heating might concentrate minds ..
Are the rooms in which COPOUT26 is being held heated?
I think it should all be held outdoors, in the bracing Glaswegian weather… that would focus the minds of delegates and would reduce the CO2 footprint of the event too.
Looks like a political betting tip…
Has anybody seen *one* reference on the BBC to Biden’s mushed brain?
Harris is self evidently an irredeemably dim bulb, so empty / shallow as to be incapable of even faking it…
The path of least resistance.
re: Heating at COP26
– the big tent certainly is heated – about a week back there was a bank of giant propane (or diesel) blown air space heaters on the end of the building. Somebody could usefully take a few mobile phone pics…
BigBro, plenty of hot air available …
Ed milliband …
My solution to the Insulate Britain mob gluing their hands to the road.
If one hand . Tie up other hand and cover difficult to reach parts with copious amounts of itching powder. If two hands job is easier.
HGV workshops have a device , basically a hose that clamps on the the vehicles exhaust and thus send the gases away from the areas used by humans , often out into the air .
Every car , van , truck , bus and coach should have one to deal with these people .
The Home Office obviously instructed plod to go lightly on road vermin in the run up the green nonsense this weekend .
Plod instinctively goes against the motorist rather that road vermin and i fear it will continue after the green thing .
Sooner or later one will become a martyr ‘ road kill ‘ .. bet the BBC cant wait for the flowers and candles ..
TWatO Budget Watch #1 – MIAs or AWOLs?
Apparently the double-jabbed Sucker who was conned into leading Labour has caught Covid. Now there’s a thing! His place in responding to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Budget will be in his stead from Rachel Reeves ex-BoE Shadow. Also absent from this occasion is the BBC’s Economics Editor but then he never bothers to turn up for work much anyway. Why do the BBC pay him?
However, Sarah Montague points out that facemasks are back on the Government benches in the crowded House of Commons. Snidey, that.
If this can be believed, that will be via his ‘mini test centre’ at home, which AsISeeIt mentioned yesterday
“We have a sort of mini test centre at home. My wife does it three times a week and my boy has to do it to go to school, twice a week” – the Labour leader there leaving us somewhat unclear as to whether his lad was only attending school two days a week or was taking his covid tests twice weekly so as to be allowed to go to school.
My interpretaion is he wants to avoid displaying his economic ignorance, and/or he wants to show to us plebs how well he fares having been double-jabbed (if that’s true as well). Personally I believe nothing he says.
ti, according to the Montacutie winding up in the middle of Foghorn’s hooting, the LL has caught Covid. I demand a recount!
That picture is crying out for an intervention by Photoshop…
Rishi says he loves your money ….